The Seventh Annual-- Opens PITTS' Wednesday September 4, 1895 BURG Closes* Saturday EXPOSE October 19, 1895- TION- Unsurpassed Attractions GILMORE S WORLD RENOWNED HAND. Victor Herbert, Director, Will appear until Sep't. 14 in popular Concerts Dail>, To be followed by CONTERNO S NINTH REGIMENT BiND. Brooklyn, and INNES FAMOUS NEW YORK. BAND. SIO,OOO Pleasure Railway, The Finest in the State —just completed. MAGNIFICENT ART GALLERY. By formost American Artists., of MEOH ANICALJNyj»TIONS, su)ry Agricultural and Dairy Machinery In Full Operation. Admirsion, 25c. "The Place for the People, The Restaurant will be under the management of W. S. Porter, thoroughly irst-class in every particular and popular prices charged. IN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and win ter goods that we have bought, we will make up our summer and medium weight goods at prices much below their real \a ue !»the time for you to get a suit, or pair of trousers for lesst Jin buy rhem elsewhere. We guarantee a penect fit and 'stact o <n each and every particular. This offer holds good until is. ot September. ;(i • Young, W, DIAMONDS KINGS. EAR RINGS. gOARF j PraiIi ._ STOI>S . WATCHES I GEXT!i (IOLU ' L IiKNrS®SILV'KB, LADIES CUATI.AIN. JE WBLRY } GOld PIQ3 ' Ear KiUtf3 ' '"chains. Bracelets. Etc. wr m •wm Tea Sets. Castors. Butter nislies and* Every tnlm SILVERW ARC! tl£t ranbe found m a Hrst CUM store. BODGE"? BROS. 1874 } **"""■""SSPL. plate. E. GRIEB, jeweler. No. 139. North Main St., B JTLEB.JPA., Jtt FAIR. \ I Hands end aims are collided high niong 1 \ | nature's iliaiirs. Whin decked with rings I V and bracelets bright, these chaims possess V \ jftv l fcwLr ia a tTt atir might to fascinate the beholder. "jbe fir.cst jtwehy in this and other lines I -✓VI \ tJ to be fevrd at prices that defy competition. S* | rl \ I make a specialty of new and fine novel- ijjnf ties in silver and cut glass. W Prompt Attention Given to Watch Repairing, Etc. GRIEB, 18 South Main Street, - Butler, Fa /■»»•* HAY-FEVER ST Jt'A W Cold-head wmm Sly's Cream Palm is not a liquid, snuff or pmr,der. Applied into the nostrils it is _ quickly absorbed. It cleanses the head, allays inflammation, heals _ _ CfbJl the sores. Bold by dnignists or sent by mail on receipt ofprice. LIIA DUG ELY BROTHERS 56 Wvnn Street NEW YORK. JUtr Wc Want Your Trade and to get it, will gi?e yon the Best quality of good# at the Lowest Prices. Ab an additional inducement we offer you a special discount in the shape of our graud premium books, we give you your own selec tion when your purchases amount to the sum named in the attached tick et. We can afford to do thin, b«onu-»H we want to show you the benefit ot our new system, and extend to you advantages that will make ycu our permanent customer. Our Stock is Fresh and New. Visit us early and briug your Family and Friends All are euti tied to this new and special advan tage, and we want you specialy to see our splendid lot of fine Pictorial Book 3. by the world's famous authors and great artists—books that we are giv ing away to make every home happy Beautiful books, best goods, and '«d rock prices. ONE |T. H. Burton Sdothier and PRICE. * Furnisher 20 S Main St MTCASDLESS' IIEA V'E CUKE 1 have a Heave Cure that will cure *>y | ease of heaves in horses in forty Jay ß . ■ aed according to directions, and if it does ot do what I claim for it, 1 will rufund he amount paid and no charge* will he ade for the treatment. The following •stimonials are the strongest proof of th edio.nes power to cure: A. J. MCCanplkss, Butler, l'a., 1K93, Ma. A. J. McCandlbsh: On the 2nd day of April, 18U2, I com menced to use your new cure for one of torses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to nse the medicine to' ab< it forty days and the horse did not ih * any sigus of a return ot mem. li is no k about a year since I quit giviu mi ni «d\o\no and the horse has iiever »o»'m an r signs of heaves, and I feel stistje l (hi t he is properly cured. W C. Cbiswbll Butler, Pa., April 3, 18')3. A. J. MCCandlbus: I have used your Heave Cure and foon l t will do the work if used accordug to di ■>t>on». Yourv truly, I* V V.ui> •AOCNDORPH'S PATIMT SECTIONAU Steel Ceilings Side Wall Finish. For Church xjian.l P.ctfJcnor®. Catalogue, pnc«aand f*. on application to thetiole M*nnfa«*ure«, lilt PF.\J IKO* fcMKIU * COR. CO., (LU.) rbiliit.. fr Al»u makers of k'irt and Plorou-FlDOf **elß<K>fiß«iu>lSJJlo«. Qoiith Shorn Wine Co. East. Erie Co., Pa.»«i- Manufacturers of Dinner, Family, Medicinal and Altar Wines. We would like to have you give our wines a trial and will ship to you on re ceipt of order one case of assorted wines containing One Dozen Quart Bottles for J6. as we are ready to open an account I with you. After you have been satisfied as to the qualitv. you will hate the ad vantage of ordering such wines as you may need. We guarantee our wines to lie Abso lutely pure, and free from adulteration; 3to 5 years of age. Hope you will favor us with a trial order, as we are certain you will be pleased with our wines. We have 75 acres of choice wine grapes and raise our own grapes for wine. Ihe South Shore was founded in 1864 and is the largest wine cellar in the state. We ship no wines under three years of age, as it requires that time to mature and make a perfect wine. Respectfully yours, SOUTH SHORE WINE CO., M. A. CALDWELL, Proprietor. (J. ROSS RAYMOND, Gen'l Agent,) North East. Erie Co., Pa. TIIE FISH Tailoring Co. Butler, Pa. Original Low l'riced Tailors and Perfect Fitters. Pants to order. .$ 3.00 to SIO.OO Suits to order ..$ 1 5.00 to $50.00 Overcoats to order $ 12.00 to $45.00 Promp work and fit guaranteed. Give us a call. The Fish Tailoring Co., 104 DIAMOND, Opp.North side Court House Butler Pa. Nft t d 7A L Fli L i 3 Origin*! ami Only 0««»»uine. » «ih. r. Hffnt* >'• / - At DruHivi, or iead 4c. V In stamp® f r j .artleuiara. t< •UmoaiaU *u«l V O " Relief for LmtUcm," »»by riturn 1 rr Mull. TcaimiooiaU Same paper. kruikalCo.,Mi»aUon fold fcy aii Local Druuitu. 1 aluula. t * a Oil r"<? ITCHING PlLc. RLLR^SWAYNE'S *J£SS7!L. OINTMEHT IJT Ml*T»i rr | frtt*ft«e ffrfctrtf *|M lUnfinf: m«.«t vort i»j to oc-r.tlnur f«»r wo and protr'i.l wbfrb i.n i»I" <1 rm' «•. ru' rerj St \l'. N'» Ho.inJt.hlrc „r.l .lins,. f." « r?-v*r»» • h# t&al. ,'jf ixic.-. Fr -radu/i»: :•>- a . •> b*.m. fbu* i.- «• * AFTER UL OTHERS FAIL "■ ■ ""■■Conmilt Uie Old Reliable " "" DR.LOBE 32» IS. ST., I'll I 1,A., PA. j Thirty yearn » ntlnuoua practice in the c ure of an I o> rr.t«n and So matter from whil i cau.*# or ldo4 rtsoAlpd. I will nuaronttm a ror« I riiiLT clA<k^Ma4 tYcra ve seen .mrl heard the loud voiced man at the f) big railway sta i tions, calling the ) j trains. He tells w ' ! ' ■ where each one is ™ ! JHHmCIBR I going and keeps J ' flyEfln£y people from taking they pay attentiou. f eei ' n K s are bodily fIT They announce the jpfl starting of all trains Mr n all trains of disease r " 333 tion, because con ■l! nRV sumption is a blood cause tlie blood impure beEre any disease can make much headway. The secret of health is to keep the blood pure and full of strength. When a man or woman loses flesh and vitality, there is something wrong in the blood. The start of it is likely to be in the stom ach or bowels, and if they are put in order the trouble gradually stops. Con sumption is a germ disease, but if the blood is good, and keeps the lungs strong and healthy, the germs cannot find a place to lodge and are cast off. If there's a w*ak spot, the germ will find it. Even after that, strong and pure blood will strengthen the lungs so that they can gradually rid themselves of the germs. It is by creating strength and purity that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures consumption and other diseases. It makes one gain flesh not flabby, oily fat, but sound, firm, useful, healthy flesh. Hundreds of patients have testi fied to its wonderfully beneficial effects in many diseases and especially in incip ient consumption. A large book of iooo full of these testi monials with portraits and autographs of the writers, can be had by sending 21 cents to co\er postage aud wrpping only. WORLD'S IARY MKDICAA ASSOCIATION, Butfalo, N. ¥• SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 300 Page Hook on Treatment of Animala and Chart Sent Free, cross < Fever*.Congou!ions,lnflammation A.A.'( Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.H.—Strain*, l.nmc nes*. Khcuiiiutiniii. C.C.—DiMemppr, NUNUI DUc-bargc-a. I>.l>. liol* or (irubii, Worm*. E.E.— ( oiiiiim, Heaven, l'neumonla. F.F.—Colie or C*ripe*. Bel I > nc he. G.G—-Miscarriage, liemorrliases. ll.ll.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases* 1.1.— Eruptive niseane*. Manse. • K.—l>iNea*eH of indention, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .60 Stable Case, with Specifies. Manual, Veterinary < "lire Oil and Meditator, £7.00 Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - • 1.00 Sold by DrurtUli: or s»nt prepaid anjwbcro »d In uj qnaniilj on rvfrlpl of price. mriKITS'IKD. CO.. A lis William St., Sew York. HUMPHREYS' F HOMEOPATHIC f% ff ÜBgPLIsPECIFIC N0.60 In use bO years. The only sweeespfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other causes. •1 per vial, or 6 vials anil lance vial powder, for $5. Sold by Drugriata, or «rnt p<j«tpaldon rrceij t of prtc*. HtJU'IIKLI.V IHO. (0., 11l A 111 William fcU, Sew York. \mm j B t cures Catarrh, even In > > ■ serious cases. To get? | immediate relief in Ca- < j tarrh, or a hard " cold in < ] the head," just put a bit \ I I Salva-cea. ? (TXADB-MARK) ) j the size of a pea, into < ) each nostril. j It's the quickest remedy \ I r I j Piles, Skin Diseases, Ulcere. Boils, Burns, Sora Threat, , Cruises, Earache, Chafir.'js, Ksadiahe, \ Sprains, Strains. ) Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents. j! \ At druggists, or by mail. j TUN B KAXD prTH Co., »»4 CANAL ST., N, Y. / Gentleman, r. scholar and a of gooil .vnlskey," Is often applied to "hale fellows, well met." Oi;r Old Kxport will muster under the most rigid test. It is guaranteed 8 years oid, free from *il fusel oils an.l adulterat'ons, Emooth, ahd a capital liquor for either social or medicinal uses. Full Quarts. $1.00; •">'> Quarts. $5.00. Mall ana Express orders shipped the same day as receiv ed, and we p iy charges 011 a. 1 orders of 510.00 and over. Jos. F : leminq & Son, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. •omplet 1 Price Lilt* ot Wine, and Liauors mailed tre* Farms for Sale. Va'uable Farm for Sale. A valuable farm, located 111 Donegal twp. and comprising al>out 175 acres, 120 of which are cleared and the rest covered with white-oak and chestnut timber; well watered and having two orchards with plenty of peaches and grapes; good build ings, consisting of a two-story, frame dwelling house, large barn, granery, spring-house, and all other necessary outbuildings; two miles from railroad station anil six miles from county seat; convenient to schools and churches, will be sold cheap, one half the purchase money to be paid down and the balance in two payments within two years. The farm is leased until April of 1897, but has no other encumbrances. For further particulars incuire at this office. Farm For Sale. Containing 20 acres of good land, witb rrcbitrd* of apple, peach, pear, aud cherr, .i#ex,grapeart>ornetc. A good 6-room houe ; ilh la-ire porches, nummcr bonne and 'pring at door, an excellent spring house ar.d several other outside building* This property is located in Franklin ownship, 2 miles from Mt. Chestnut and between it and Pro p*ct, and will be sold jr traded for town property. For lurther particulars inquire at thi offico. '.YES EXAMINED FREE OF CHAKGF R. I. Klrlpafr'ck, Optician and Jewele Court Hi U*e, liutlei, P*., i;rad uaie l.u Fort Harolotfical Institute. THK CITIZEN- An Old Horse's Memory. Eleven years ago a horse was purchased for the fire engine Portland No. 2. on Mnpjoy Hill. This horse was called Old Tom, and it helped draw the engine for six years and was then disposed of. It has been drawing an ash cart of late years, and the other day went by the engine hou.-e. Engineer Loring, who knew the horse well, since they came to that engine in the same year and were there together for six years, fell into conversa tion with the driver and told him that he hadn't a donlt that if the old horse was put in his old stall, and the gong was sounded, he would rush lor his place in front of the engine just as he used to do. The driver doubted this, and they agreed to try it. The old horse, now fifteen years old, was put in his old stall, where be had not been for five years. At the first sound of the gong he started for his old place under the harness in froat of the engine. He tried to go quickly, but made only a sorry exhibition of nimbleness com pared t» his former habit. —A Chicago woman who has long been an admirer of Mrs. Frances Hodgson Bur nett's books, was grievously disappointed when, after much manoeuvering, she met the authoress. Not only was Mrs Burnett overdressed, but she chatted irivolous'y about trivial things, so that her visitor went home with an idol shattered. —The really sensational feature of the uarrative of the Kite's trip to the North I ole country is the story that human bones were found near Cape Sabine. It may be possible that Holmes has been up that way. He has been so many places, if what the detectives tell is true. —"I wouldn't worry so mpch about that boy of yours at college."' said the friend of the family, "he's not a poker player." "I know he isn't," replied the father ruefully, "but from the size ot his expense accounts I'm alraid he thinks he is." —General Butler, oi South Carolina,sa} 8 that it was only his consideration for the Set. ator's brother which kept him lrem raying what he might have raid about ben Tillman. As it was he had only called mm "a coward, a liar and a thiet." Great is moderation! —Harry Brown, a comic opera siuger of Portland, Ore., who has been playing in hard luck, has just received a comfortable fi rtune from Mrs. Kellogg, who died re cently in Cleveland, O. Brown's funuy acts ou the stage a few years ago cured Airs. Kellogg'a young son of meloncholia. I'ure liramly. We call onr readers' attention to the following testimonial Ironi undoubted authoritj on the excellence aid purity of Speer's Climax Brandy. Mr. Speer:—l congratulate you on a recent ui sought testimonial as to the purity of jour brandy Lady Duflus Hardy, of London, England, an old ac quaintance of mine, on leriir.g from the not lie of brai dy we brought from Passaic, immediately arked me to get a like one for her, w'jich I did. The English aristo crats, you know male and lemale. are pretty good judges ol brandy.— I remain. Yours "rulj, Prentice Mul ford, Editor Graphic, —a chambermaid at the Imperial Hos pital has managed to scrape together $4,- 500 worth of money and jewelry during a short career there. -She is now in jail. It any Pittsburg guests mourn lost d iamonds and such this may be ago >d clew to fol low. l)r. Agnew's Cure tor the Heart gir J perfect reliet :u all cases ol Organic o" -sympalhetic Heat Disease in 30 minuted and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer 'ess remedy fjr Palpitation, Shortness o ireath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lei ide and all symptoms ol a Diseased Heart no dose convinces. Bold by City Phar uacy. A colored girl 9 years old is preach ing in South Carolina and is making a great sensation. Her sermons are said to be wonderful,and blacks and white? crowd to hear her. A great many converts have been made. She is known by her first name of Claretta. —lCuglisb Spavin Liniment removes a ' r.ard, soft or calloused lumps and h'e.n ishe.s Irom horses, blood spavins, curbs -plintH, sweeuey, ringbone, stifles, sprain- swollen throats, coughs, etc Save 150 by use of one bottle. Warranted the •nost wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold bv J C. Kedick. druggist Butter Pi —lt is said that 300,000 cubic feet of water pluuge 150 feet downward over the Niagara escarpment every second, thus wasting 10,000,000 horse power of energy to the second. II Niagara were really "harnessed," so as to utilize this energy it would be sufficient to run more machin ery than there is in the world. Mr* Violet Haskell of Deer Isle, Me , who became well known some weeks ago by marry iuj; a negro musician while hav ing u living while husband, was found dead in the woods by the roadside last week. She had undoubtedly committed suicide, /'flu J iit Six /Jours —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "N «' Great South Kidney C*rs " This new remedy is a great surprise t n au count of ite exceeding promptness iu re lieving pain iu the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages iu male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im medially, If you want quick relief aud cure this is your remedy. Sold l>y J. 0. xiedick druggist Butler Pa. --Joseph Feld, of New Jersey, who celebrated his 103 d birthday last week, claims to have seen every President in augurated. This is the same man who remained a bachelor until he was 75 years ol»l, and then fell victim to the charms of a won an in her ear'y twenties. The Rev. Mr. Harps—What do you do, Brother Isaac, when your bronco bucks you off and then kicks yon into the hind wheel oi a passing wagon? Alkali Ike (grimly) Wal, I didn't hold no prater meetm', if anybody asks you. —Fall medicine is as important and beneficial as spring medicine. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. Malarial Bitters. Decatur, 111., Aug. 20, 1893. We consider that we have not only sav ed our lives but also our house and home by the use of Aunt Racbael's Peruvian Malarial Hitters. We have been sick with malarial fever the past two years and not able to work sufficient to pay the interest and taxes on our home and keep our family. We have used Aunt Rachsel's Peruvian Malarial Bitters two months and we are rejoiced to say that our health has oeen restored and we ore free lrom malar ial fevers and chills. W. J. Campbell and Mary Campbell wife. —A young woman who is described as strikingly pretty is suing a school board of Johnson county. Missouri, for libel, claiming damages because the board wrote that she could look nice, but was not com petent to teach school. —Lewis Bates, the rioh negro in Chi cago and reputed to be worth s3oo,ooo,laid the foundation of his fortune the night of the great fire, when he S6O. by car rying trunks in an express wagon. He was born in slavery and is seventy years old. —Speer's Old Port Grape Wine from bis Oporto Grape vineyard* at Paßsaie, X. J. his Socialite Claret, fin. 1881, and bis lug"ionn Bartrnndy stand unrivalled by any wines in tbe wor Id especially lor In valids. A Remedy Against eas . All persons who liave lived in a house which has become infested with fleas in summer will know how these creatures in habit the floor by preference, and how they will jump upon the legs and ankles of every one who passes near them. Tak ing advantage ot this fact, some years ago, when the lower floor of McGrow Hall of Cornell University was badly infested by fleas, which had come from animals tern porarily kept there in confinement,. Profes sor S. H. Gage invented the following in genious plan, lie had the negro janitor put on a pair of rubber boots, and then tied sheets ol fly paper, with the sticky side outward, around the legs of the boots. The janitor was then told to patrol the lower floor for several hours a day. The result was gratifying and rather surpris ing. The sheets oi flypaper soon became black with fleas and had to be changed at intervails, but b/ this means the building was almost completely rid of the pest, with a minimum of trouble to every one except to the janitor —Roquefort CQeese iJ made ol sheep's milk. —ln some parts of the country there are malicious persons who throw tacks in the roadway to annoy bicycle riders by per forating the pneumatic tires To mett this difficulty it has been proposed to at tach a magnet in front ot the forward wheel, with the object of picking up Ihe tacks as the machine rollE along. — rheum with its intense itching, hot skin, is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. —What "makes life dreary is waut of motive. —Gayety is often the reckless ripple over despair. —To find fault is eas) ;to do better may be difficult. —From the errors of others a wise man corrects his own. —Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound. —All that is hun an must retrograde it it do not advance. —Sell-possession is another name tor self-forg et fulness. --Ignorance is less removed from the truth than prejudice. An Easy Cure for Drunkenness. Drunkenness. Morphine and TobacQo may easily be cured by the use of Hill's Double Chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort is required ot the patient and stimu lants may be taken as usual until given up. Tablets may bj given in tea or ci flee without the patient's knowledge. A cure gu«r<inteed in every cai-e. For salt by all first-class druggists, or will be sent on receipt of $1;00. For full particulars address The Chio Chemical Works, Lima. Ohio. —God gives even bird its food, but he does not throw it into the nest. Man is nearsighted on the side where he thinks it would pay to sin. Obedience is not trul> performed by the body if the heart is dissatisfied. —All love has something of l-lindness in it, but the love lor money especially. —Whether happiness may come or not, one should try and prepare to do without it. —We have not learned how to rest un til we have learned how to live one day at a time. —No matter how bright the pleasures of sin may be, they are only pleasures for a season Riches do not hall so much exhilarate us with their possession as thty torment us with their loss. —On the William Sharp farm, Taylor county, Ky., there *as raised this season a stalk of corn 27i feet long. It had four teen ears of corn upon it, most of them well developed. Where the tassel usu ally grows two good ears of corn were found. 'Al.y Not Try tl.e New and Better W&• Of doing your shopping? Instead c coming to .he store, make llie store come to you. /es, and the best and store in the country at that: namely,Kau:- maun Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop them ■ oslalandyou will get their spring ami summer Catalogue gratis, enabling you io order by mail anything 3'ou may »isß, ano aving as much money as city people do What Nerve Berries have done for others -rl f *' :"*•"?*'/' arte Permanently Restored, soth day. A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resultingfrom early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry, etc. *on _ •, ft . „ Mtw lorgans. * 4 " >•? '* J - »..ll jlw, Ij'JJ A orexcesslve use of tobacco, opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, SI.OO per box, six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEBICJLCO. CINCINNATI. 0. DON'T EAT TOO MUCH. This warning is intended for persons using Nature's Com pound. It has such appetizing properties that you will want to eat between meals, and too much at meal time. EAT PLENTY But stop before you are quite satisfied. Nature's Compound is the true health assistant Purifies the blood, regulates the liver and digestive organs. Sold by Druggists, price sl. Six for $5. Every Woman 'Sn Sometimes neeilo a reli- T able monthly regulating ( .•&, medicine. /\ V. Dr - P EAL ' S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Arc prompt, safe and certain tn reault. The genu ine i Dr. pnal'a) never disappoint. Sent mjrwliera U.UO. i'uui ilcd.cuiß Ui. Ue\ fULCd. U. STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (Sncpndorvb 1 * Potent.) Lightning', Fire and Storm Proof. Send for Ttaf Pcnn Iron Rooflntßßd Corru caUiioffnt (QiMin Co. < Ltd.). Pblla«y Pa., ** prices. I bolt) iUir«. THE LARGEST PIECE CJ I -WHERE DIRT GATHERS. WASTE RULES r GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ' SAPOLIO TH E QU ESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE answer: If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. COters Most. Looks Best, Wears Longest. Most Economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time, We are in the business to stay and W ' r stays with us. COLORS IN OIU* HOUSE & COACH VARNISHES^ J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St. B. # B. Submitted. Autumn and Winter Dress '}oods and Suitings—foreign and American—that we candidly believe to he beyond any we've ever known in Dress Goods value. Styles and colorings of the American goods are perfect reproductions of the high-class and high-cost imported ones, and at prices that astonish the most con servative buyers. Come, or send for samples and see for yourself the great American achieve ments in dress fabrics as well as the artis tic and high-class foreign goods at prices never so low. All Wool Suitings. CHECKED MIXTURES, American made; greys, browns, etc, 32 inches wide—a most a vard ,22 cts. a yard. EXTRAORDINARY, 32 inch STORM SEKGH, Navy, only —correct shade, 10 cts. a yard. 36 inch CHAMELEON JACQUARD SUITINGS, newest and best Autumn shades and combina tions—perfect fac-similes of high class goods——36 inches wide, 35 cts. New two-toned I'ICOTK AK.MCKI: SITT INGS, beautifu', refined effects in choicest color mixtures—seven dif ferent styles —36 inches wide, 37 i-ic. Two lines BOUCI.K SUITINGS, solid colors and fancy mixtures—distinctively new in l>oth design and colors —full yard wide, 45 cts. a yard. 50 pieces 50-incli SUITINGS, 65 cts away beyond values usually offered —we want everybody to see, and everybody who sees we believe will buy. Large reassortments of fine DRESS GOODS SUITINGS and NOVELTIES, 50 cts. to $5.00 —Goods that have tone and character; and the large variety of choice Suitings—foreign, have a dis tinctive foreign look about them, at SI.OO and $1. 50, will win on their merits, and interest your pocket book. Bog«> &c Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. WHAT IRON -WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite aud pro duces refreshing sleep. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSING R MOTHERS. Chocks wasting diseases, stops nigbt sweats, cures incipient consumption. OTacreases strong „h and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will give the pnlo rnd puny tho Nroay cheeks of youth. CURES ALL FEJIALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong m'a und woiuca of weaklings. GILMORE'S IRON TOSIG PiLLS Care ell '.Vasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor caustic and have no coagulating effect cn the content 1 cf tlio stomach or its lining consequently do not hurt the teeth or cau.,o constip»t:cn jr uiorrhcea. ua «lo the usual firmt ot Iron ' Odaya treatment 60c. pamphlet free. 11 not kept by your druggist, au^re'js GILMORE &: CO., CINCINNATI. O. I For Mnlical «(• Family I sc. $1 23 per <jt. or C i/fo for •■?*> Finch's Golden Wedding, Dougherty, i Guckeuheimer. Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, : Ml. Vemon, Overbold. Our goods var ' ranted i'U r e. Grand Father's Choice, ! gnarranteed 3 years old, $l! per gal. 0. O. 1) ii'd mail orders receive prompt at tention ROBT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite !). & 0. k. K. Depot. THE KEELEY CURE Is n special l oon to l.r ::i r - mil) who. having drifted unconsck>usl] Into the drink hiWt nfl awaken to find the<ii.- .holism fastened up'n them, rendering tiiem unfit to manage af fairs requiring a clear brain. A four weeks course of treatment at the PITTSBURG KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 42*fi Fifth Avenue, restores to them all their powers, mental and physical, destroys the abnormal appetite, and restores them to the condition thev w ere in be fore they indulged in stimulants. This has been doneinmore than ItMO cases treated here, and among them some of your own neighbors, to whom we • »n refer with continence as to the absolute safety and efficiency of the Keeley Cure. The fullest and most searching investigation ii n vited. Send fur pemnhlet giving full informa tion. w _ Persons to Travel.-:—:- \VAN T E D. Several fait h fiu i gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. Position permanent if suited; also increase State reference .'ind enclose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. THE NATIONAL, 316-317-318 Omal a Bldg , Chicaoo. Cbautauqua Nursery Company. - OFFER— Liberal Terms To Agents, tig Inducements to Customers. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. New Specialties. Seed Potatoes, <fcc. Men Wanted. Ju Every Town, Steady Work. Pay Weekly Address. H. B. WILLIAMS, Stcy, Portland. N. Y. C. <J- WICK DBALES IK Housti and Worked Lumber OF AL~ SIKDI D 'ors, Sasb, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Al ways In Stock. '_ 1 M fv. HAIR AND PLASTL'R. Otßcti Oppofilrt P. <fc W. Pnpflt, P. LSK Pa. H. H. GOUCHEK. Attoroev .It-lnw. Offleo Ir. MircKl! taitldlo. liuiki- h> i iSE MILLINERY D. T. PAPE'S The Leading and Largest Millinery House in Butler County. Has just received the handsomest Pattern Hats, Bonnets and Children's Hats ever brought to Butler county. PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced. Mourning Goods a Specialty. • 122 S. Main St 122 S. Main St Is MILLINER!! As usual we ha\e the most complete line of Millinery in Butler at the lowest prices. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS I his line is also complete and contains many items you have not heretofore been able to get in Butler. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 1J? S. Main St. A GREAT MANY PEOPLE will visit the PITTSBURG \ EXPOSITION this month, and to each one of them we 1 extend a hearty invitation to call and inspect our EXPOSITION OF FINE ' Whiskeys, Wines and Liquors in their original packages—Champagnes from France; Whis , kies from Scotland and Ireland; Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rums and Cordials from foreign climes—all in their native puiity. We carry the finest assortment of any house in the State at exceedingly low prices THE SILVER AGE RYE WHISKEY is etill gaining ID popularity —solely on its merits—and is endorsed by physicians as the HE ST STIMULANT IN THE WORLD. $ I 50 per fall qfc. FOR $5.00 we will send you—all chargeb paid—one quart of I Silver Age ao'l 5 quarts of the fumed Bear Creek Rye, or we will on application mail you our complete catalogue and you can select st) 00 worth of liquors, and we will ship theui to you, neatly boxed FOR $5 OO Call or address MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquor Dealer; 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. Buy a Buggy 1 J that's reliable when you do buy one. Fred on la Buggies Lave r/en .hins: in (i: i" favor—beauty, stability, ease. You can fin' .his out bv '• <-.£ at 'em. Your dealer sells them Made x '' r r. ~ "-'oiinrstown. O. i"X V" * \ ' - ■ * . > y . . The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAM IXTURES, ii JSK, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is at W. II .O'lti-ien & Soil's 1 07 TCast Jetiorson Htreet. New York Weekly Tribune, + AND + Butler Citizen * ONE; YEAR + $1.50. . Addrss All Orders to THE CITIZEN. Do you DESIRE to make MONEY? OLR PLAN'S OF OPERATION ASSURE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. Make your money earn yon a monthly Mlary. SIO.OO and mire made daily uy onr new Systematic Plan of Operation on email in vestments in erain and stock speculation. All we a-k is to investigate onr new and original methods. Pa*' workings of plan and hi(fli-st references furnished. Our Booklet ••Points «f- Hints" how to make mojiev and other in r ormation sent FREE GILMORE CO.. Hankers and Brokers. Open Board of Trade bldg., Chicago, 11L Hotel KtitJer J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences for quests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as c«n be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use o ommercial men
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