THE QITIZE-N" THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1 7. 1495. New Advertisements. Biokel's cheap footwear. Millers talk about shoes. The Cultivator and Contry Gent lor 18- 96. Cistern and cement work. Excursions. tfoTi All advertisers intending to make tnges in their ads. should notify us of sir mtautiou to do so, sot later than eu'lay norning. Administrators and Executors of estates a tb eir receipt books at the CIT 11H oißoe NOTlCE—Hereafter the price of the CITIZU will be SI.OO if paid in advance, vnd $1.25 if not so paid. CITIZES and Veekly Tribune $1.50 in advanoe. LOCAL AND GENEBAL. —Plant a tree tomorrow » -Clergymen are busy tying nnptia knots. —Creased trousers are no longer fashion able. —The bicycle girl doesn't care whether her bloomers bag at the knees or not. —The big pumpkins you see around town were raised by Pierce Bros. —"Swinging on the gate" is now trans ferred to "sitting by the stove." —buor j drink keeps some people down in the woil I, and helps] other people to get ahead. —No mat'.er how s range it may seem, e good joke is only appreciated when it is cracked. —Plant fall advertisements now if you want to reap an early and good crop of customers. —The planing mill of J. & E. Dumbach in Evans City is now lighted by electricity of their own making. —Some men are so constituted that they can sit around all day and not feel the least bit exhausted at night.— Ex. Our Farmington correspondent notes the price of butter and eggs in bis town. That's a good idea. ID this case com parisons are useful. —Our boys were badly treated at Atlan ta. Tbey won second place in tbe hose race, and then bad their place taken from them for some trumped up reasons. —How about tbe label on your paper. If it don't look right to you step into the office, make a small deposit and we will aee that in a short time it is obanged. —lf yon want to give pleasure to the pretty woman, do not talk to her of her own beauty, but of the ugliness ol other women— Texas Siftinijs. —At the session of the Lawrence ceunty Teacher's Institute, held last week, reso lutions were passed favoring high schools in each township. —Tbe firm of Hartzell «i Kemper made a voluntary assignment for the benefit of their creditors laat week. Lew Cochran is the assignee. —A very safe plan for persons to follow is try ing to find what they want and where to get it at tbe most advantageous terms is to read tbe advertisements in the CITIZES. —We lately beard a new oure for catarrh. A friend tells ns that he mixes 7 parts of water with 1 part of aloobo) and snuffs it up his noso, and that it relieves him in a few days. —While yon are reading do not overlook the ads. TOD will find them interesting. There it always something new in the bus iness oolamos of the CITIZIX. Never a week bat what new ads. appear. —Tbe newspaper man learns not to ex pect any thanks tor the many pleasant thing* be may say about other people, but to gain nndying enmity If be mildly criti cises even their most glaring faalts. —Jos. R. Ziegler will be the auctioneer at the sale at Mrs. Catharine Dambangh's in Connoquenessing twp. on Wednesday next, at 10 a. m., and Jas.R.Kearns at that of Mat. Hinchberger in Jefferson twp, on Tnesday the 129 th. —Every farmer should have a good agri cultural paper as part ot his winter reading, and we can recommend the Cultirator and Country Gentleman. It is a high priced paper, $2.50 a year, bnt we oan club in with tbe CITIZB*, at $2.75 per year for both. —The Citiiens Gas Co. is drilling anoth er well on the John Cranmer. Clarence Doable had an odd experience taking a water tank np to it ihe other day. He got the tank up the hill all right, bnt when he damped it, it rolled down the bill, jumped • fence and road, and landed in a potato patch in the valley. —lt is now claimed that electricity beats enti-toxine in tbe treatment of diphtheria. Dr. J. W. Wass, of West Pullman, 111., make* that claim. He applies eleotricity to the throat, and alleges that the treat ment has been successful in a large number of virulent oases. —Three masked men ransacked tbe hooae of Wm. Riohardson, near Callery, a few night* ago. Mr. Riohardson lately re ceived some money from the Pension Dept. and these men oalled late at night, over powered him, looked for tbe money but did not find it, and then left hastily. —An Ohio man has di scovered a new method of increasing tbe prodootion of •mall o!l wells. With the aid of a pipe made for the purpose, be introduoes hydrochloric acid in large quantities into the rook. Tbe acid eat* into and dissolves the rock, tbe refuse i* then pnmped ont, And a pocket or oavern left, in which the oil can accumulate. —Mifflin Bt. ii now paved to New Castle St. It is a beautiful street, and it would pay some of the property owners along it and Jefferson street* to pave tto short pieces of street betwosn the two. The water pipe has been extended to the end of the paved street, and a plug put in, and the flat part of Duffrtown now has fire I protection. —From 250 to 300 Presbyterian Minis ters and elders of Pennsylvania are in town and >.be Synod opened in the Presbyterian •horch, this morning at 11, with an address by Rev. J. P. E. Knmler, moderator for the past year. This afternoon tbe moder ator for the coming year, will be elected, and as there are several well-known candi dates, the election will be interesting. —The Deputy Seo'y of Agriculture has fixed the date for the Fanner's Institute in Bntler for Maroh 4tb; Armstrong Co.March Bd; Beaver, 6tb; Lawrenoe, 9th; Meroer, 11th, and Venango 13th, Allegheny Co. Feb. 34th. A considerable redaction has been made in tbe amofcnt of money allow ed to each local manager below that of last year. This has been made necessary because of the reduced appropriation by the Legislature, and partly by the ohango of plan whereby the department will fur nish three and possibly four institute work ers to each institute Iree of expense to tbe local manager. This aid is expected to much more than compensate for any loss occasioned by the rednoed amount of cash the loeal manager wi.'l receive and will tend to strengthen the work in important LKGAL NEWS. NOTES. The will of James G, Campbell of Butler, Tit probated and letters granted to Alf. Campbell; a'so will of Matthew Graham of Cranberry, and letters to Wm. M. and 0. P. Graham The verdiot in the case of the Farmers Oil Co. vB Phillips, tried last week, was for the plaintiffs. This was the third trial of the case, which has twice been appealed to the Supreme Court. The cases ot Russel et ai and Henry vs the Reibers, were continued, and that flushed the list. Clarence Caldwell M.D.had his state C3r tificate recorded, Tuesday. Jos. Mangel has brought suit vs Marks et al, and claims $2,000 damages Jos. Rocken»tein and Walker Martin were appointed appraisers of the goods of Hartzell A Kemper. Constable Brown arrested Wm. orri3 of Glade Mills, yesterday, on a charge of forgery. A recent Act of Assembly provides that the clerk of the Orphans'court shall receive 25 cents for taking the affidavit of each as sessor "already made or hereafter :o be made," 15 cents for tiling the return, and 30 cents for the "certificate and <-eal al ready furhisbed or hereafter to be furnish ed." There was previously no provision for such services. PROPBBTT TRANSFERS A B Crouch to Hannah Evans lot in But ler for 12,000. Mary Convery et al to Jos Keehling quit claim to 56 acres in Summit tor $145. J L Gamble to John Gamble lot in But ler for S4OO. Sarah Crow to Clark Shaffer lot in Adams for $l9O. J D Collins to J C Barr lot in Mars for SSOO. R C Yates to L R Frederick lot in Zelie nople tor S2OO'J. C A Abrams to B Rogers lot in Butler for $625. Mama&e L.censss, Thomas B. Shearer Kaylor Pa Martha Seybert Denver " Christopher Stewart Greer Sarah Haley Whitestown Jos Weisen stein.... Natrona Jennie Samuels... " J. F. Anderson Valencia Sadie 80wer5...... .... ......Glade Mills —A Brady twp farmer got sl6 a ton for timothy hay in Butler yesterday. —Butler enjoyed a traveling orchestra— a hand-organ on a cart—this week. —One of the most valuable residence properties on the Sout Side is for sale. For particulars inquire at this office. —Our groceis are paying 17 for eggs, 22 for butter, lc pound for cabbage; 30 for potatoes, 30 to 40 for apple.- 5 ; 1 65 for beans; 30 for turnips; 50 for onions, —An Oakland twp. man took sick in Butler some days ago. He went hone, and on Monday last was supposed to have died but while his lolks were "laying him out" he jumped up and chased tbem out of the room. Since the above was put in type we learn that tbe man made a real die of it thiit morning. —The effort made by somebody to poi son Rev. Davis is the first known attempt of that kind made in Butler for some time. He sent the poisoned pears to a Pitts burg chemist for analysis, but the chem ist sent word back that he required a remittance of S4O, in advance, and this Mr. Davis thought too much. CHURCH NOTES. The Reformed Synod finished its busi ness and adjourned Monday. Latrobe, Pa. was selected as .the place for the next meeting, and Oct. 7, 18W5, the time, The election on Sunday afternoon re sulted as follows: Trustees of Synod—Elder W. G. King. Directors of St. Paul's Orphan Home— Revs. R. C. Bowling, A. M. Schmidt, C. W. 8 urn in ey and Elder Dr. J. H. Twit myer. Trustees of Literary Institutions — Revs. D. E. Lady aud J. F. Snyder. Board of Beneficiary Education—Rev. H. D. Darbaker. Home Missions —Rev. Dr. Truxat. Sunday School Board—Rev. J. N. Naly. Publication Board —B. Wolff, Jr. Trustee of Theological Seminary—Wm. R. Barnhart. Visitors to Theological Seminary—Dr. C R. Dieffenbacher. In the Bates case the Synod unanimous ly unstained the action of Westmorland Clasis removing Mr. Bates from the Mini •try. There ara prospects of a union between the Synod and Council branches of the English Lutheran Chuch. At the recent meeting of the Pennsylvania General Council held at Easton, propositions pass ed between the two bodies looking to their coming together. The singing at the wedding of William Tilton and Flo Bancroft, in the Episcopal Church, Wednesday afternoon, was excel lent, and the sorvice neat and simple. Loui Kate Excursion via Pennsylvania Railroad. Wopsononock is situated on the top of the Allegheny, 2650 feet above tidewater The railroad north of Altoona ascends 1400 feet in the distance of eight miles afford ing a magnificent view of the country for miles around, now made more beautilul by the autumn-tinted foliage. The scene from Point Lookout is not equaled east of the Rocky Mountains. On Saturday, Oct. 26, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run an excursion to this delightful resort, for which round trip tickets will be sold at an exceedingly low rate A special train will be run on the schedule given below. Train Exo. leaves. Rata. Pittsburg ...........8:00 A. M. $3.00 Blairsville Int 10:00 " 1.85 Returning, leave Wopsononock at 5:00 P. M., arriving at Altoona ai 5:45 P. M , stopping lor supper; leave Altoona 8:20 P. M., making same Klops. Tickets will per mit of stop off at Altoona on return trip, and will be good for return passage until October 28, inclusive. Industrial Exposition at Pittsbunj."""Ex cursion Tickets via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the Industrial exposition at Pitts burg the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell, on September 27, October 10 and 16, excursion tickets to Pittsburg and return, at half fare, with price of ad mission to the Exposition added. These tickets will l»e good going on any regular train leaving stations at or before noon on the day of issue, and will be good for return passage until the fol lowing day inclusive. The 'ate from Butler including admis sion to the exposition, will be $1.50 for the round trip. SATISFACTORY BLANKETS. We give better goods for the money, or the same goods lor leas money. L. Stein & Son. Come and sek the Czarina rings at PAPE BUO'B. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothin s - anting in finish, tone or a' cor roc likeness. Sheetings, prints and ging hams. Make your purchases now. This advice if heeded iB like giving you money. L. STEIN A SON. There Is Nothing equal to Marvin's flour for making hot cakes. IFe display over 100 new and pretty pattern bats and boanets at Pl.M'B. FIXSON^L. Phillip Snyder of Clinton twp. is serious ly ill of rheumatism. J. R. Young of the Zelienople .Yeic s was in town. Tuesday. A. G. Williams aad wife are ia Biifili this week A. B. Gibson of Allegheny twp was in town, Tuesday. Mrs J. 0. Jackson of Fran&lin is visiting friends and relatives in this place. Mr. S. C. Niece of Sandy Like is visit ing his daughter. MM. J. N. Patterson. Charley Graham is building oa part of tbe Krug lot on East Cunningham St. John C Moore and wile, of Muddycreek twi, were in town, fu«sday R. Findiey Christy of Cnerry twp., is in tjwn today. Mr. Voris, of Monroe St. near the W. P. depot is down with typhoid. Jno. A. Shellatree and wife, of Slippery, reck twp. are in town today. John Varner of Donegal twp. and Jacob GlotsLer ol Karns were in town yesterday. N. C. Duffy of Petrolia is lying sick in York state. Clerk Criswell, and his daughter, attend ed the funeral of his brother's wile in Alle gheny Tuesday. George Rjthmeyer of Harrisville is helping Peter Scheack to build the *Valk er house. L. H. Pfeifer and James Covert of For ward twp., aud Fred Wute ot WiafielJ, were iu town. Monday. Jas. A. McMarlin, Jno. C. Martin, and Mrs. Morrison of Adams twp , aud Dr. Barr ot Mars were in town, Tuesday. Rev. Freshwater will go to Franklin; and Kev. Sboup ot Tionesto will take his place here. J. T Montgomery of Sonora and W. J. Fletcher oi Wnitestown were in town, yesterday. Mr. Daniel F. Negley of Jefferson twp. brought to our office a basket ot the larg est and be9t looking potatoes we have seen this year. J. S. Peters aud family of Callery at tended the late reunion of the Peters family at the old homestead at Queens town. Mrs. Amanda Cooper, widow of Zibu lon Cooper, dee'd, ot Worth twp., was in Butler, Monday for tue first time in her life. She has resided in this county for thirty-eight years. Floyd Moore, a son of Eli Moore, has lately recovered lrom scarlet fever; and Maud Moore, a daughter of Wm. S. from typhoid fever. A cmld of Cal. McClf monds is very sick. Prof. J. H. Apple, President of Womaus College, Frederick, Maryland, attended the meeting of Pittsburg Synod of the Ketormed Church which met in this place last week. While here he was the guest of his cousin, Mrs, A. M. Bor land of *,he South Side. The friends of Misses Nannie and Cap tola and Ms.ater Joe Sypuer, to the nam ber of about thirty were very pleasantly entertained at the residence of IJavid Sy pher of the West End, Tuesday evening. Danciug was enjoyed until near midnight when retreshaients were served,after which dancing aud music—vocal and instrument al—were engaged in till a late hour. PARK THEATRE. KILLARNEY AND THE RHIXE —SAT URDAY OCTOBER 19th Mr J. E. Tool and Miss larboe have a beautiful dialect me!o drama iu ' Killarney and the Rhine," as shown at the Standard yesterday. It is acceptable in every way, and whether it be viewed as a medium lor scenic embellishment, as a story or an ex position of the talent of the stars, it is completely satisfactory. Mr. Tool has a oorrect notion of German dialect comedy, and Miss Jarboe is an Irish colleen alter the Hibernian's own heart. Many spright ly songs and fetching dances embellish the plat, all of which are given in a whole souled sort of way that suit the trend of the bill. The oompauy has been selected with Bpecial reference to fitness, and the result is a performance that no spectator ever regrets having witnessed, The St Louis Star. UHCLKTOM'S CABI.V, TUISDAY OCT 22U. Stowe and Co's Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe will be here next Tuesday. It is the best Unole Tom traveling Ttiey car ry forty-two people, and three bands, and will give a street parade and concert Tues day noon. Charles P. Rtnford, Eliha R. Spencer and Nora O'Brien the triple star Shakes pearean Company a ill appear at the I'ark Theatre Oct. 24th It is expected that this engagement will prove an intellectual treat to all lovers ol Shakespearean dra mas. Mr. Hauford produced the play of Julius Caesar two years ago in a very sumptuous manner and received the high est praise for the production and the act ing which was of a very high standard 111 anaper Bnickhalter has selected for the appearance of the Company this season Sheridan Knowles "Virjfinius which will be presented with Mr. Hanlord as Virgin ins. Mr. Spencer as 'lcitius" and the part of "Virtfinius" which will be assumed by Miss O'Brien. New and aurperb sceu ery, magniiicient in its proportions will be in the presentation of the play, which is carried complete by the Company and a most perfect scenio production of the play is promised. All during the past Spring and Summer Mr. lianlord had artists and carpenters at work preparing for this tour, new and historically correct costumes at; well as scenery for each play ol their re pertoire which includes, Merchant of Venice. Othello, JuliuH Caesar, Romeo ai.d Juliet, Damon and Pythias, Virginius and the Uunchback. Thursday Oct. 24th. Park Theatre. Wanted. A first class pantaloon maker waotßajob. Address Box No. 710 Butler l*a. Ifyouwantto Have money walk around to Martincourt & Co's. and bay your robes and blankets. KEEP WA KM By wearing our underwear All grades for men, women and cnildren. Perlect in fit and finish. Small prices rule. L. STKIN SON. Their merit proves their worth. Morrison A Bros, cough syrup. Armstrong's little system pills. Natures Compound for the blood. 1000 untrimmed hats,speudid shap O8 at PAPEB. More robes and blankets than you ever saw in one store in your life, at Martincourt & Co's. digestable and sweetest bread, then at Quaker bread; made by T A. MOUBIBON. ipr f For pure spring water ice. - I Leave your orders a' Itichey's liukery Daily Delivery. The finest lino of Mourning hats and bonnets in Butler at PACK'S. —Job work of all kind done at the CITHERN OrricK MITTENS. We sell the lamb knit mittens. Best fitting goods made and best to wear, 25c up. L STUN & SON. The Maccabees excursion to Toronto and Niagara Falls goes via an entirely New Route—the P., S. & L. E. R. K, to Conneaut Harbor, across the Lake Erie on the United States & Ontario Steam Navigation Co's new steamer "Shenango No. t" to Port Dover, thence via tile Grand Trunk Rv. to Toronto, returning via Niagara Falls and Buffalo. For par ticulars call on nearest P., S. & L. E. agent. The Easiest Thing in the world is to makj griddle a keß from Marvin's Pancake flour. A Brief Sensation. On Thursday evening last. Sheriff Camp bell received word from the Chief of.Police of Denver asking hiui to arrest ilrs. Annie Gaffron, a daughter of William Kennedy of Penu twp, now visiting or living with her father, on a charge ol murder. The Sheriff went down to Kennedy's lhat night told Mrs. Gaflron his errand, and she will ing accompanied him, her sister Mrs. Rob ins, also at home coming with her and sharing her cell that night. Next morning Mrs. Ghflron petitioned ' for a writ of habeas corpus. The ca.-e was j heard that afternoon, and as Mrs. Gafifou's Story was a reasonable one ai.d as no fu.- the, word W;is received from Denver, though it had been wired tor, sue Wi-s released That eveniug, however, word was n ct-iv ed that an officer was oh his way here wit it the proper papers; and SaturJay evening word was received to release Mrs. Gaffron. TQe trouble seems to have heen made by Mr. Robins. Some years ago Claia Ken nedy went to Denver on a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. Gaffron, and while there, married a man named Robins, and went'to Califor nia with him. She left h'm after the birth of her first child, claiming that he ill-treat ed her, and went to Denver and lived with her sister. Mr. Giffron was a well-to-do jeweier, of the city, and one night, some six rncnthi; ago, his bouse was entered by three masked mea, and be was shot. He died at the hospital two days after, Robins then wanted to live with the two women, they objected, he insisted, Mrs. Gaffron sold her store, and the two women came East to get rid o. him. Since they came back they have receiv ed several threatening letters from Robins; ; and this charge, which implicated Mrs. j Gaffron in the murder of ler hus'i-.nd, was probably hatched up by Robins, acd seems t» have fallen through there. The New County Map. A ne*" map and atlas of Butler county is beit g prepared by J. A. Heydrick and sons, of ibis town, which will be more elaborate and complete than any map heretofore published of the county. All the wells drilled in the county will be properly located, also farm lines, roads, streams etc. The atlas, in addition, will be on a scale of 4 inches to one mile, each twp., will be one page ot the book. One margin will show tne number of wells in the dif ferent sands, gas, oil, dry and drilling, also such other ti.cts as will be of use to the public. On the opposite margin will bea diagram of a well, nowiag the rel ative position of the sands and their thick ness in the twp., and will be given the depth at which the lower band rhould he found. Farmers should extend to the Messrs every assistance in their power so as to make the map aa complete «.s possible. They expect to have the the work com pleted within the next 90 days. The good standing aud long experience of Mr. J. A, Heydnck as a surveyor and engineer is a guarantee to the public that the map will be one it which me coautv will be proud. You Will Get Good Water by building a cistern. A good cistern is the cheapest and bent way of getting good drinking and cooking water. There is no better, and it is the easiest pumped. No body can take your water by drilling near you Providence furnishes yon the best water if you take care of it. Finish your house by cementing your cellar. Jas. A. McDowell, Bntler's only practical cement worker, 323 E. Jefferson St. BUTLER PA., OCT 16, 1895. T J whom it may concern: We take great pleasure in recommend ing Mr. J»s. A. McDo*ell as being a first class plasterer and cement workman. He has done the best of work for us and we have no hesitation whatever in recom mending him to any one who may need auytbing coming in bis line. You will find him sober, industrious aud honest all the way through. Yours Respectfully, S. G. PURVIS & Co. Mr J us. A. McDoWoll has built a cis tern for me which has given perfect satis faction iu erery way. And I can truth fully say the cistern furui«bes the most >ati»factory water that can be obtained in Butler. E. G ELLIOTT, Engineer Plate Glass Works. Don't Trust To Luck. You eannot afford to subscribe for a paper that you run a chance of being dis satisfied with. Therefore 1 say, don't trust to luck bat subscribe for the paper that is admitted by all to stand as a far ner's trade journal. The National Stockman and Farmer is authority • n all agricultural and stock topics. Eaoh de partment is complete with live articl 8 treated l.riefly. The leading topics <>f tho hour are discussed practically by practical writers Its market reports are made a special feature and acknowledged to be the best published for the general farmer and stock raiser. Most of the l>-adiui; market centers are represented, and are iu every way teliable and trustworthy. Many subecribe for this feature alone. Agri culture, horticulture, poultry, dairy, the apiary, live stock, and in fact all matters of interest to the general farmer and stock raiser, and pertaining to his business, and social life is discussed for the good of its readers from a practical and scientific standpoint. Sample copies may be had free hv addre*sini\77te National .Stockman And Farmer, Pittsburg Pa. I will bo pleased t> take your order to start from the date I receive it to Janurar7 1 1807, for one dollar. Subscribe now and get the most for your money. F W. WJTTBK, Carbon Black P. O Butler Co , Pa Come and see stylish hats and bon nets at PAI-B'M. KEW IN DESIGN. Nov' Ity dress poods at 25 cents up to finest. We save you money on these. L STEIN & SON. School hats at PAPI'S. Always use J. A Richey'a Cong'j Drops Tbey are the best. Hot ('akes For Breakfast are best made from Marvtn'B Pan cake flour. WANTED:—Lady and Gentle men solicitors for standard goods at home and in surrouuding towns. Commission or salary guaranteed. Call ou or address W B. Llerriott M' g' r, 334 £ State St , Sharon, Pa. Latest in trimmed and untrimmed hats flowers, feathers, ribbons ani novelties at PAPE'S VEBY STYLISH. Our new capes and jackets. See our $5 00 values iu cloth capes. L. RTTICIN h SON A G >od thing to have on hind this autumn weath er is Marvin's Pancake flour. DID YOU HEAR Your neighbors talk about the gieat values in our hosiery department. Come and see for yourself. L. STEIN & SON. Save a day's wages by buying robes and blankets at Martincourt Co's. Beautiful pat'.ern hats at PAPE'S. Cementing. If you need good water, build a cistern. Cistern water when well fitered is the best lor all purposes, especially cooking and drinking. If you have a bouse it is not finished uuless the cellar is cemented. Jas, A. McDowell, Butler's Only Practical Cement Worker, 323 Eat-t Jefferson St. OIL NOTES. BTTTERCCP — A company composed O Aaron Keiber, The". Vogeley, ill Eislei ! and others putchased the interest oi Miller ! Shakeley, Dodds, Fair and others in theii 86 ucres on the Shakley tor $20,000. The Citizens Gas Co. intends drillir {! it" gat-ser deeper. Eisler <fc Co's. So. lon the Samuel Wright is in the sand anil looking good On Monday Kellj <fc Go's. No 3 was 1,- 000 feet deep; Eisler A "Vs. No. 2 800 It; Dan Yoankins 4 Co. ,iOO feet; Fred Keiber A Oc. 1,230 Iset; Hallett Jt Co. 300 fret. : at,d the Leidecker well 85 feet in the 100 1 cot. PES* T« P —TK> liirV No. 1 near Renfrew, is d>>i:■ if 5 bbls No I iln ny hei .- wiil l;e completed ien W.,K 'l' e Voting croiner* No. 5. is hi itm -ii J sun li IKI up * i'ii .ii Mi ge i Co t.uve a rig up Ob 'tie George K-»l z The E.s'- ern Oii Co. have au. » rig over the u>(l Cooj er X" 5 BCTLKB TWP—'The Qovis Bros are drilling on the Keed Nesbit. J EKFKBsoIf —The Shufler well on the Ed Cochran is raid to be doiu*r 10 barrel.-; and the Dctnck well is a good ga»ser. BUFFALO—Phillips has located a well on the Br. Mowry, adjoining Silverville. MIDDLKM-X —Clark tc Co's well on the Buxton flowed througn the casing Sun day, and set file to the boiler hous.j, which burned. K'AEIKKK Twp— Ttie well on the Isaac ShakhyinS. E Corner of twp., drilled tij himself. is reported making 15 barrels a day from the third sand. The crew drilled 1,650 feet iu 16 1 2 day 3. Several wells are driiliug in that twp. FAIRVIKW Twp—A rig is up on the El mei McCollough, and one building on the widow Kamerer, near by. KAVLOK —The Kay lor field is producing about 425 bariels daily. The Que. n well made but 1; bbls. Monday. The new work at Kay lor is Miller <£ Co's. No. 2, William Uepler farm, is 400 feet deep Kigs have been completed for Miller <fc Co s No 4 V Miller taim; Mortimer & Co's No 2, F Mays farm; Kedd <£ Co's No 2. A Shearer farm; Showalter «fc Co's Nos 2 aid 3, L KajLr farm, and Byers <fc Co's No 1. A Shearer larui. Speaking of the Kajlor field the East Urudy lit i tew sa} s llje new lield presents a birtue ut activity thai is wonderlul to be hold. Teams are hauling timber, boilers, engines and tools in every direction. The sound of the hammer is heard on every side, pipe is being laid, tanks pat up and the liveliest acrivity prevails, wnile steam is flying about on the frosty air,and every one who wan sto work can secure em ployment at something. There was some talk in oil circles last we k regarding organization of the United Slates Oil Co., chartered under the lawn of Maine, with a capital stock of $230,100. C. I>. Greenlee, formerly of the Arm ol Forut Jfc Gieenlee, is the promoter and with him is associated about twenty Bos ton capitalists. The officers of tne new company art: Eu K Andrews, president; 0. 0. Greenlee vice president and genera! manager, and E A. Cur* secretary and uea-urer. Tne main office of the coin tnpauy will be located in Boston, with a branch in fiitsburg company will opura e in Marion, Doililridgo aud Weiizol counties, W. Va . having absorbed he intereM ol H. Por 't aud others, wftich iti cjudvs leases on 5,000 acres of territory and about 2i>o bbls. a day prodaotioa. Accilents. While Miss Sadie Todd and Mrs. Ella Pim of near Leasaresvillo were on their way to visit a Iriend near Glade Mills, last Thursday, their horse ran away, the bug gy was 'jpset, both ladies thrown oat, and Miss Todd's arm was broken. P. R. Bollinger had his leg broken at the (inkle by the falling of a tree while cutting timber, lately. John McCarty as one paper has it, ui John Buchanan as another prints it, was seriously burned at a well at Economy Tuesday evening. BLACK FABRICS. Crepona, Mohairs, Series aud Henriettas. Perfect in weave, popular in priue You ahould inspect them. L. CJTKIS & SON Holies and blankets cbeaper than anywhere else at MartincourtA CO'H MUSlC—Scholars wauted at 128 VV Wayne St. KOOM FOR KENT —An unfurnished loom suitable lor an office or men's lodging. Apply at office of Butler C'tizen. —BourdiagHouae Cards, with Ac*, of Assembly, 25 cents for haif-a-dozen, .or sale at CITIZEN office, —Take your children to Zuvor' for Pictures that will sui', you. Postoffice building. You pay for school books; but the best school-book for your children is your daily paper. Well printed, carefully aud intelligently edited, oi instructive contents, first aud fullest with the news and best in presenting it, the Pittsburg Dispatch fills th bill Czarina rinjjß just now at PAP Bao's. —Perfection in bread making ut a->t —•Quaker Bread —lf you are care ill of your health you will eut Quaker Bread. Mai'e by T A. MOUIT SON Stylish sailor hats, many colors at PA?*'B —OA LI, on your Druggist for Na •ures Compound Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Hear of Wick House, Butler, Pa The best of horses aud first class rigs always on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaranteed. Stable room for sixty-five horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers ami draft horses always ou hand and lor sale under a full guarantee; and horses biught upon proper noti fication bv stLANOK & N ACE. All kiuds ot live stuck bought and -old Telephone at Wick House PARKIN BROS. % Green Goods Market, * CENTRE AYE. - - • Hearß.R 2\U kinds of Country Produc lwavs 011 hands— good and fresh Highest market price paid in tasli for Country Produce. IX L. CLEELAND Optician, 123 S. Main, St. A Priendly Mus cal Cont et , f The II Brioso Voce Society will hold a r will hold a Piano Forte Contest in Butler in connection with a concert the last week ■ in November or the first in December. There will be two prizes offered, a gold ; m<d»l for professionals (persons teaching) 1 and a ciKer medal for amateurs (persons I 1 studying or not teaching.) Teachers un der instruction must enter professional class. The composition selected for pro fes iot.als is A. (flat) Bailade by Chopin, Peters' edition. The one for ama'eurt the A (flat) waltz by E. 0. Davis. A prolesMobal adjudicator and critic 1 will be secured lor t e occasion Tt.e I Se« iely cordially ii.vife-' all profe:--" 1 and amateur mnsifans to participate. ,\!i depiiinit to etit« r llie con'i -i are r>*qni-.o M t.«l Uleir lie- !•» Ihe MMfeUr A ■ !■' i. atW. II ff ßu' ler, on ..r Ij I-,..- N'»v. 1. 18i>5. No i.»il mii I l.c s«m p• : utter Nov. 10 Moric < >n tie olil.a uud Irom Secretary j 'I he I'l jctis a fiiendly conte.-t ol Cutler ■ Co in .-ieiatis, ibinkinir perhaps it win ; stimulate a greater interest and deeper I study of music among them. ( Bulltr C•- I papers please Copy.) LEGAL -ADVERTISEMENTS Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having been grauted to me iu the estate of Jonn M. Martin, deceased, late ot Forwaid twp, Butler Co. Pa , all person indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment and any having claims against said estate will present tCeci duly authenticat ed lor settlement to: GEOBGK E. HAT, ADU'K Brovku»dale, Butler Co. Pa. J. D. MCJCKKIS Alt' V. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of John K. Black, doe'd, late of Cherry i> p. BuJer Co., Pa , having been grant ed to ihe undersigned, all persons know nig themselves indebted to said estate will please uiike immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for set tlement to ALFKED BLACK, idm'r. Moniteau, P. 0-, Butler Co., Pa. G. W. FLIIECIKR. Att'y. Administrators Notice. Letters of admini.-tration on the estate of Richard Kelly dee'd. late of Venango '.wp., having been granted to the nnder sigmd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present 1 hem duly authenticated for settlement to THKODORE P. KKLLY. Eau Clair P. 0 Butler Co., Pa. j. M. PAINTER Atty. Executor's Notice- L- iter* testamentary in the estate o Mrs. Catharine Truvor, dee'd, late of Mid fllen- x twp, having beeu granted to ttie undersigned, all p*-rsous knowing ihem -elves indebted to said estate will please make payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN FERGUSON, Bakerstown, Pa. Administrator's Notice. In re, estate of Jacob B. Flick, late of Middlesex twp. Butler, Co, Pa dee'd. Whereas letters C. T. A. have been issued to me, the undersigned, by the Register of said Co., notice is hereb given to all parlies indebted to the es tate of said decedent to call and settle, and all persons having claims against the same will present them duly authenti cated for payment to MABY JANE FLICK, Flick Poatoflioe, Butler Co, Pa S. F. Bowser, ) . . A . L Ho wiser, \ ' Executor's Xotice. Notice is hereby given that letters tes tainentary on the estate of W. B. Alle late of Parker township, Butler county. Pa , deceased, have been granted to Thorn as II Allen, and all persons indebted t said Estate are requested to make promp payment., and those having claims agains the same, to present them duly authenti cated for settlement to THOMAS H. ALLB.V, Executor of W I) Allen deed., Glenora. Butler county, Pa F. 3. Bowser, Atty. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. Bv virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Buti 'rCo., Pa , to me directed, the undersign . d executrix of Rebecca Anderson deed, late of Prospect Boro, Butler Co., fa. will oiler at pub lic s le on the preuiLses In said boro, on, THURSDAY OCTOBER 31st, 1595, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day all the right title Interest and claim of the said Rebecca Ander son, at I lie time of her decease of In and to a certain two story house und lots situate In said Prospect Boro bounded as follows to win North by Cranberry ally, Kant bv lot No. 39, South by New Castle St., West by Perry St., fronting IS9)£ feet on New Castle St.. running back 103 feet to Cranberry Alley, belnu lots No, .17 and 3s Dunlap plan of lots of Prospect Boro. Pi K VI - OK SAI.K One third purchase money lu hand on con tinuation of sale. balance two thirds payable tn one year therefrom with lawful Interest, se cured by tnorttaue or Judgement lien. EMKLINK ANDERSON. Executrix of Rebecca Anderson deed. W. C, KINDLEV, Atty, Speaking About Shoes. ~ i / -hi ** —1 -r ft Why not speak of all kinds of foot wear. We are in that business and want -. a few words with you on that subject, j We may b- able to interest you, in fact, i we know we can. Leather has advanced fully 25 per cent, consequently footwear 4 has advarced also. Fortunately iny en- - tire stock of fall and winter goods were bought before the advance. lam in -i shape to offer you SIO,OOO Worth of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at less than old prices. Space forbids , me entering into details or to quote prices at length. Will name few prices to give you an idea of our many bargains. LOOK OVER THESE PRICES. Ladies calf button shoes, #i-i5- Ladies oil grain button shoes, #l.lO. Ladies oil grain lace shoes Ji .00. Ladies kid button shoes, 85c. v Ladies warm lived shoes, 75c. Metis fine shoes, congress or lace, ft.25- Mens fine wide toe bals, Mens good solid taps sole boots, $ 1.50. Mens good solid kip boots, #2.00, Mens good oil graip lioots, #2.50. Mens Jamestown boots, box toe, }3.00. CANDEE RUBBERS ARE THE BEST. Mens candee boots, J2.25. Metis candee boots, light, +2.25. Mens candee boots, high, *2.75. Mens candee boot, extra high, (i,oo. Boys candee boot, 11,75- Mens overs for felt boots, candee, $1.25. SEE OUR COMBINATION AT $2.00 a gents 4 stay felt boot with candee overs for *2.00, HOW TO GET A WATCH. From September Ist to December 2.lth, we will give one COUJKJII for each dollar spent at our store for l'ootweer. 'lhe boy or girl in llutlcr borough returning the most coupons by January 1 st, will receive a beautiful GOLD WATCH. The boy or girl in Butler county outside the borough of Butler, returning the most coupons by January Ist will also receive a beautiful GOLD WATCH. 0. E. MILLER, liutler Fa. A Su^irestion. iT IfVVW H4 i I tei ti i —j —l Did it ever occur to yoa mat tnere a e J mgr. and drugs—that drugs are like fV, t\- thiugelse—there are good, bad and indif ferent There is nothing else which is positively bad if it ls'ni j ,st • the best. Our policy has always been to ba\e r "h --ing but the best. When you want drugs come tons and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls or. It may not always be drugs yon wan -ither. We always have on hand a ful line of sick room requisites. G. IU, BOYD. Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA Weslirn "ernsylvania Division. Schedule in Effect May 20, 1895. South, —» Week Days. —— A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. V *. i ITI.EH r.eave6i> soo ii si 245 iuu axon bun;. Arrive (i M 8M 11 4S 311 52S rf'ltler.fc't .. " 727 K4S 1212 340 553 Butler Jo t... Leave 7so S4B Wl7 340 5d Natrona. ...Arrive 738 855 n2B 350 C. 02 Tarentum 7+3 I!U3 12 31 357 007 SprlUtfllale 752 912 12 4.4 407 i.'iarriuont 807 925 12 59 421 CL- Sharpsburg 815 931 107 428 6 3 AllegUeny city 828 944 124 440 045 A. M. A. M. r. M. r. M. r. M. 81SDAY TRAINS Leave Butler for Alle fclif ii) city ami principal Intermediate stailons 7:40 A. M„ 2:Jo and 5:oo f. M. North. ——Week L)»ys —■— . llegheny City.. Lv. 655 900 li 315 ""b i'o SUarpsburg 708 913 11 39 Clareiuont 919 1140 Spring-dale 930 11.19 .... 638 r.'ireuiuin 732 938 12 08 351 64s Natrona 737 943 12 13 355 6 5 Butler JCt Ar 745 950 12 23 404 To« Butler Jc't Lv 745 950 12 :M 415 7oS Saxonburg 810 10 15 12 r.9 440 725 rlurLut Ar. "35 lo 38 125 606 Tso A. M. A. M, P. M, P. M. V. M. SUNDAY TRAINS—Leave Allegheny t'lty for Bull rand principal Intermediate stations 7:30 A. M ~ 1235 anti7;,'o T. >£ Week Days For the E»*t Week Days, r m. a. ru. a m p. m. 245 625 Lv BUTLER. ..Ar 10 38 J2O 340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 3 ■ 404 745 Lv Butler Jc't Ar 940 12 31 410 749 Ar Preeport.. Lv 835 12 30 415 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 931 LJ 21 42d 804 '• Leecnhurg.. " 920 12 1J i4O 821 "Fauhon( Apollo" 905 115' 514 851 " .Saltshurg ." 837 11 3J 550 922 " Blairsvilie..." 805 11 00 000 930 "Blairsville la«'n"7 45 10 15 850 11 35 " Altoona "3 40 800 100 310 " H»rrishurg..."ll oo 310 430 623 " Philadelphia. '8 50 11 20 a. n- p m. p. m. p. ni. Through trains for the east leave Pitts burg (Union Station) as fo'lows; Atlantic Eipress, daily 3 10 A. M. Pennsylvania Limited " 715 " Day Express, " .....7 30 '• Main Line Kpress •* .....8 00 " Philadelphia Express " 430 P. J£. F-astern Express *' .....7 00 " Fast Line " .....8 10 " For detailed information, addre. s Thos. Fl. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, 110 v'Hth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. S. M. PKEVOaT, J. 11 WOOD, Ge-iera! Manager. Geli'l rassr, Agent. P. & W. R. R. Schedule In effjct May 12. 1595. (llutlcr time) The i»hort Line to Pittsburg. 11KPAKT SOUTH. | FROM SOUTH .2">a m Allegheny Ex ft.2sa m. Allegheny A' 1 I r, a ui All'y iC Akron 0.00 a m.AI k N Castl. u "ft >in Allegheny Ac ;2.20 p m. Allegheny!: 55 |i ill Alleglieuy Kx 5.05 pm. Allegheny Kx 350p in Cllleago Kx. -.30 p m.All'y & Akron li o:. p ni All'y s. KU. Kx s.uo p m. Allegheuy Ex UKFART NORTH. FROM NORTH. in o:, a m Kane & Brad, j or> am. Koxburg Ac 5.15 pui clarion Ac «.5o am, Clarion Ac 7.35 pin Koxburg ;s.j) pm. Kane Matt BPNII \T TRAINS. DF-IKT SOUTH. FROM SOUTH, sls am. HoF»rest Ac .0 Go am. Allegheny Ac 11.45 a in. Alleghenv KX 105 p in, Allegheny Ex •"'.50 p 111. Chicago Ex I M'l pm. Allegheny k* •o'ipni, Allegheny A' 7.30 p in, DeForest Ac Train arriving at at S.oo p in leaves 8 & O de pot. Plttsbuig. at 3 :I5 o'clock. Butler aud Ureenvlllecoach will leave Alle gheny at 330 p. in, dally exceptsundav. Con necting at Wulowgrove, arriving at liutler a'. 5:05. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car* and tlrst-cla»s '»iy coaches IUII through between Butler and Cllleago dally. For through tickets to points in the West Non Uncut or Southwest apply to A. B. CKOircH, Ageut »Trains leave the B. A O. depot In HUburg .or I he Kuftt as follows. Kor Washington D' V.. Baltimore, Philadel phia. ana New York. 7:30 aud uao p. m Cumberland. 8:40, 7 :30,a.m. 1 :10. 9:20 p. m. Con- U**lsvlll«. 6:10, 730. a. m. 1.10. 4.30, 4.45. 5.30, 9.20 ») m. Urilontown. 7.20 a. m . 1.10 , 4.30 . 5.30 p. m. Dsloniown. Morgantown and Fairmont, 7.30, a. 111. and 5.30 p. m. Mt,Pleasant ii.4o. 7.30 a. m. .10 aud 4.30 p in. Washington. Ha., 7.40 and to a. m., and 9.00,11.65 p. m. Wheel- PR, 7.40. and 9.30 a. m., and 4.00. 9.00. 11.55 p. .. Cincinnati, St, Ixiula, Columbus and New ark. 7.40 a. in., 9.10. i1.65p,m. I'or Chicago. 2.4" and 9.30 p. m. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ngton, Cincinnati and Chtcairo. P. S. & L.. E. R. R. Takes effect Monday, .tune 10 1 sa.j. Train* are run liy .4ti*ndard Ceutral rime (IKHh erldi in.) One ho ir slower thaa City rnn«. lioi.vo NORTH. (JOINO tt , »URH <o I MI 191 mtioMi R >~j~ H I n f ..n pui . 1..m.j Arr Lv'e a.m. a.m. Ip m ... | ■ 2. 1 001 Dunkirk... | 6 fto| 1 »i> I l a - ra ' I I I 110 1 42 94S Krle 6 1)8 3 335 r, V, 1 oil 9is Wallace Junct 647 »is 412 < a 1 04 9 11 (ilrard « SO 9 1- 4 I 5 6 119 12 Ml s 59 .... Lockport 7 00 9 2# 4 Ai « 0 112 4fl 851 .Otanesvllle. 7 OS: 9 881 4 . 14"! 110 22|ar.Conueaut lv.l 1 7 40i 3 l" 10 1 7 _** L ••••'"' S S 4:1 v - t44 845 ar.. .Albion, fv VII 94 37 5 I't 12 33 831 . 'Shadelaiid... 723 953 451 6 4l>; 12 30 8 2*. KprlngDoro. .. 7 27 »56 4 sft i 4312 24 s 'io .ooniie.iulvllle. 7:n *o 0.3 503 •<| 12 0| 8 00|... Mea'v'le Jet... a 001025 625 4 4 V | .1 7 Va. y .Count Lake | o 03;~4~4 li 25 8 IS ar ar 8 l«ho 50 5 39 4 «6| ... 722 iv . Kxp >lu 1 4ss 4 20 e 45 v, 9 35 4 20 .. 112 50 s 45|ar ai s 43111 2SI 610 No 2lisi 7 43.. . Qartstown~ No 1 ;io »aj •j 25 ll 30 7 i« ... Greenville... « 30111 0; « 0;* 6 1 11 211 700 Shenango « 40,11 20 «2 U 0010 5i i 6 45 ....Fredonla... 7 o;tJn 44 s? 544 10 4;i 625 Mercer 7 22:12 0 J 70 U ft .10 10 2« «10 Pardoe 7M12 2 7ij 1 ,10 20' 6uo ... drove City. .. 74" 12 33 7 2 s 00 10 us; 54S . Ilarrlsvllle.... 758 '2 45 7 3 '• s- 111 0 fi 10 . . Branchl«u. ... 8 06|'2 54 74 0 S(V 1... .18 14. liv .Branchloii ar> 7in: 12 10i .... 5 451 .... 8 (k> ar...Hllllard .lv 6 2illl I6| ... 4 ',31 9 s;>l 5 35J.V.. .Kels.ers I S lo|l2 581 7 » 4 J9| :l 42 5 211 Euclid 8 22 I I i 8 03 1 li'| 9 l.*.| I 4»|.... Biltli-r . ...| 8 501 I 42, 8 3_. a lti 7MI UMmSF! MWltl Mll M.... 15 i in PltteOurg. BAO. |p. in; p. in 1 . J. T p. I.A llt (.M I ral Manager. Greenville, r *. li sAKGKANT <4. I. A.. Mesdvllle P., I* J tJo aear ? i A S TJby \«r?>yiy4 Mdzc tspruuy \ > c* Viajfiu/j/cw s rp <rlyt f°3 f. ourri l g 4 Elflß. UX XxX#UgwU6#uOOUfl OO TO W. E. RALSTOXS For fiue Watchea, Diamonds and Optical Goods of all kinda. v Examined Free ■ ■ of Charge by. H - K - FRENCH Graduate Opt cis», at No. 132 S Main street, Butler, Fa. How to Obtain a Watch Fffie Trade $lO in Clothing at SCHAUL f f'S and get a nickel plated watch free t .liarge ONE OF THESE WAGONS Goes free of any charge with every Boy ' .it ~r Overcoat. Now come boys and pull for us L: • ' g.-i 1 wagon free. SchLatilft Nast, Lead in $1 Cloth ier», 137" *' u St. butler. Pa! The less wo tell you The More You'll ijemember. SO WE'LL SIMPLY SAY:— - Don't buy any clothing ui t 1 \ u have seen ours, as we /1 4XT and A\ FIT v -' >' ou money on anyth ing »* -L-Li-L' , ,; ie Clothing Line. Ask to see our QOAA and (IMA all wool \'3 vvors „ 4)1". ted suits. Douthett&G raham Corner Main and Cunni. Butler, Pa. Schneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSS iiROS. Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitt'- < u-d Hatters, Butler Pa- WHAT MAN! Goes to the tailor for an overcoat? The man who has never seen the good kind we have WOW in stock and ready for sale. THAT NEW OVERCOAT. We show here is a creation that mercha ' : t.iil. rs would like to equal. These overcoats are in Black or Blue Kerseys and them from #lO up. JOHNNY FROST COATS. Big well made stout ulster, for big and i ttl- '>.>ys, in frieze, fancy cheviots or fur beaver. Prices always the lowest. REMEMBER We have the exclusive sale in Butler co ■ > v ■: Men's, Boys' & Children's ab • solutely water-proof clothing, if you examine t >I i: you will surely be interested as the prices are the same as for the non-wate" >- > > good*. SHLOSS -HO'S, 104S.Main St.i - Butler, Fa. S chneiderr an's Old Stand. WHICH DO YOU WANT? AN IRON BED FOR t. ..J Not the cheap kind, but a neat jit 1 I enough article for any bedroom • &jj J] j V —A full line of the finer ones.— • $7.50. Or a Folding Bed for $lB. i Strong, durable and nicely finished Takes up little room and looks like a mantel when not in use, $lB. —Also a line of more elegant ones.— Perhaps it is a Bec'^^^§^^B We have a White Maple Suit at ' Should you want something finer w . have them in all the popular woods. Campbell & Templeton. THE HOME FURNISHERS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers