Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 03, 1895, Image 4
The ScVeniii Annual- Opens | m i r r-f Wednesday September 4, 1895 BURG Closes- Saturday IvXPOSI** o c t o b er iQ, 1895. TION- unsurpassed Attractions OILMORB 8 WORLD RENOWNED BAND, Victor Herbert. Director, Will appear until Sep't. 14 in popular Concerts Daily, To be followed by CONTERNO'S NINTH REGIMENT BaND of Brooklyn, and INNBB FAMOUS NEW YORK BAND. SIO,OOO Pleasure Railway, The Finest in the State—just completed. MAGNIFICENT ART GALLERY. By formo® American Artists. Disulav of MECHANICAL INVENTIONS, Never equalled in the history of Expositions. Agricultural and Dairy Machinery In Full Operation. SPECIAL DATS EACH JJAILROABS Admirsion, 25c. Children, 15c. "The Place for the People," The Restaurant will be under the management of W. S. Porter, thorough 1> jrst-class in every particular and popular prices charged. IN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and win ter "oods that we have bought, we will make up our summer an medium weight goods at prices much below their real value. !»the time for you to get a suit, or pair of trousers for less than you buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction fn each and every particular. This offer holds good until ist ot September. •.(1 t<iiiiiiiShut, I Vniino- Tb , e ™, Lo . Ral( L Filltr, Pi. • * UUIIg* Genls" Fornisher. DIAMONDS i-.-H.-HO, AKF>rra9 , BTUDS . WATCHES J G,OTB ' QOLD - LA U D a®i R , LADIKS' CUATLAIN. JEWELRY } Gold Plus. Ear Klnfs, Bracelets. Ktc. 0 TVT A W«1 Tea rteta. Oaators. Butter niahes andl Everytnlnt SIXaV JCaXV W AnUl that can be tout) 4 id a first class store.. BODGES BROS. 1874 } KNIVES, FORKS. SP<><^} pLE PLATB. E. GRIEB,.,™. Ho. 189. North Main St, B JTLER.PA., FAIR. \ \ | Hands and anns are counted high 'moug \" 1 nature's charms. When decked with rings 1 V V/ HIL and bracelets bright, these charms ifOftsess j m \ a greater might to fascinate the beholder. s"TI The finest iewelry in this and other lines to be founn at prices that defy competition. y4 \ EHr j make a specialty of new and fine novel- H ties in silver and cut glaas. Prompt Attention Given to Watch Repairing, Etc. J. R. GRIKB, 118 South Main Street, ... Butler, l a nrrH fed * HAY-FEVER ¥ /•'§ U Cold-head Wsm Rly't Ortmm Balm it not a lii/iM, inuf or povder. Applied into the nottriU it it _ muiektf absorbed. It elf ante* the head, alUtyt injlammation, healt _g* CfkA the toret. Bold by drtumttts trr tent by mail on receipt ofprire. E» fl A DUC ELY j6 Wv'bb Street NEW YORK, JUt? Rob't. Lewin, WBOLUALI WHISKEY MERCHANT AKP IVPOETIS "» Fldl W»U AND XjIQUORI, liMJ Watur St., (Oppose B. AO. Depot.) Pittsbnrjt, P». FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING FOB MIDICAL AMD FAMILY USB. SI.OO P«r yt, or 6 QUi. tor $5.00 Finch's Ooldcu Wedding Jooghsrty Quckenbeimrr, Ix>rge Gibson, Bridgeport, ML Ytmon, Overbolt, etc. This is the only house not rectifying in tbe oity,there fare oar jr'-nd* are warranted pare. Good* •ecurelj packed and boxed witboat extra •barge. C. 0. D and mail orders receive roropt attention. Grandfather '* choice > year old, $3.00 per ga'lon. Try n». W. L.DOUGLAS S3 SHOE rit ro» ""NO. CORDOVAN, nuwoiaoiAMtuxocAiz. mbg ~ B{4*3JVl Nt C.\tf kKAMAROa JLRMILFF *&VPOUCE.3SOLES. OBV ■ LADIES * 0»« One MUlta* Pee yle wear tbe V). L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoca are equally satisfactory Thar rive tin beet valae far tbe momty. Thar a*aal cmrlam tboae ta ityle and fit. Their naitaf qualltlaa ara anaurpaaaad. tha prl-ca ara unifarai,— etanpod on tale. Ppmii | ■ u> I j aavad aver other aiakea. )wur dealer cannot (apply you we can. bold by ALEXANDER A DOUTT, WHITSSTOWN. MeCANDLESS'IIEAVECITRE 1 hare a Heave Cure that will core any ease of heave* in homes in forty days, osed according to directions, and if it does aot do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will be ■ade for tho treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of th medic.nes power to care: A. J. IICCAKULKSS, Batler, Pa., 1893. MI. A. J. MCCARDLBSR: On tbe 2nd day of April, 1892, I com menced to use your new oare for one of Ky koises that bad the heaves very bad, and oontinned to nse the medicine fo: ab< at forty days and the horse did not itv w any signs of a retnm of them. It if no v abont a year since I qnit givin the ■ «dto\ne and the horea has never soweA an f sirns of heaves, and I feel stisfie t du t he is properly cared. W C. CBISWCLL, Jitler, P*., April 3, 1883 A. J. MOCANDLMR: I hare nsed your Heare Cnre and founl 1 t wi't do «he work if nssd accordng to di etionv Your* truly, J. P.K C MILLIV. NEWTON BLACK. *tr? at Um- »aot OB Soath aide at Plata sart tftJkm. ' Couth Shore Wine Co. " East. Erie Co., Pa.#- Manufacturers of Dinner, Family, Medicinal and Altar Wines. We would like to have you give our wines a trial and will ship to you on re ceipt of order one case of assorted wines containing One Dozen Quart Bottles for *6, as we are ready to open ail account with you. After you have been satisfied as to the quality. you will have the ad vantage of ordering such wines as you may need. We guarantee our wines to be Abso lutely pure, and free from adulteration; 3to 5 years of age. Hope you will favor us with a trial order, as we are certain you will he pleased with our wines. We have 75 acres of choice wine grapes and raise our own grapes for wine. The South Shore was founded in 1864 and is the largest wine cellar in the state. We snip no wines under three years of age, as it requires that time to mature and tnake a pur feet wine, Respectfully yours, SOUTH SHORE WINK CO., M. A. CALDWELL, Proprietor. (J. ROSS RAYMOND, Oen'l Agent,) North East. Erie Co., Pa. THE FISH Tailoring Co. Butler, Pa. Original Low Priced Tailors and Perfect Fitters. Pants to order.. $ 3.00 to SIO.OO Suits to order ..$ 1 5.00 to $50.00 Overcoats to order j Prompt work and fit guaranteed. Give us a call. ' Tbe Fisb Tailoring Co., 104 DIAMOND, Opp. North side Court House Hutler Pa. Pthk 10-.l lllmw.K't llrnnf. EHNVKSJYAL FILU JT- , Original nnJ Only iirr.nlnr. A S. »«r« »!»•>• r-lnbta. iBLS I ft b il"Win ' W"»rvf la It. .1 """'"VCf "L. .M wi.ii i.!.i'» Taka \» £1,1.. olh.r. •uiitin- ▼ P7 - fff i«.,4 :»,«#«.•>■.» '•*"* 4«. I«• fl '"nilfc'r f»r <*<■<•". »r rtmrm 1 rr Wall 1 C,U(MI T »««< t*ld kr ill Looai I'ruuw**- rkliMA., 1 » Dill rc itching piLfei ■ I LtlO SWATHE'S trn. OINTMENT RTMPTOMH- MHstiini IMUJIM lt#fc!r* mrS litaffiaf -. M««t atalcbM wer't br •rraUfchr if allows/f >rut ard jf.KruJn, Wblta ffttn •! mnH «;/•»»(■% K-wmlo- T«rf lore. i l ILM-/I abMrk»(ti«Uui«r*. • lr«s»i*i'«rhr •insiiswit DR.LOBB 39* n. VIKrKBMTH HT., phII.A., FA. Thirty jraan < ntlnunua Draattna In lha curr afall dlarnaia o> uiva »ud wowvif Kg ui*iwr front vtiat rata* or luna I will umirarUtt a tura. uvib-uouua UevH sod atsUeS SPECIFICS Tts S3T3es, Cattle, Sheep, 2c£s, E:gz, , AND POOLTET. 500 Pafff Kook on Treatment of Animal* and C hart Kent Frre. CTUES i F«*Yer»,Content lone.loflammni ion A.A.t Spinal Jlrni ng itia, Milk Frver. H.K.—Mrainn, Lanimri*. Rheumatism. Dimemper, Nanal DiM-harges. I>. D.-Hoo or t>rubw, Wormn, F..E.-( ootfbn, lirnven, Pnrnmonla. F.F.—C olio or (tripe*. Bell) ache. (•.(«.-Mi»('arriarr. Hemorrhages. If.ll. I rinar) and Kidney I>i*ea*e«. i. I .--Km pi Ire I>i»enaea, Manse, .K.-DiteaAfaof Diireetion, i'aralyaia* j Single Bottle <orer 50 d<*es), - - .GO Nable Cane, w!th Specifics. ManuAL Veterinary Cure Oil axi.l Medicator, fit?.oo Jar Veterinary C ure Oil, - . 1.00 SaU kyDmtkU; »r wat prfptM Uf*hT» *»d la aaf qaaallt; rwlpt or price. ■CBFHIUYS'XKD. (0.. 1• \ A 111 WlTlaa SC, UvTarL W HUMPHREYS' r^SBI EOMEOPA ' rmc n f7 MMLi SPECIFIC No.uO In uee jO joars. The only *nceeesful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over work or other caawi #1 por vial, or 5 rial a and iarjfe vial powder, for fS. Sold If Dru|r!«u. t »'ti p<«cpal4 oa rwtlpt el prlca. ■rpruaais-aki*. tu.iu a lit wuiiaa bu, *a*i«rt. Pit f! 11 itf\ '/ I\ n Earache is about as > '> painful an ache as ' ' anything that c |Salva-cea (trade-maxk) j { • > S has to deal with. But it ? / stops it immediately. Big > j pains—l i 111 e pain s—it > / stops all of them. ? \ Salva-cea is the quickest ' ' to relieve and cure Piias, Bails, ' Catarrh, Chafings, Sere Threat, Uloars, j ' Celds, Rheumatism, ■ Sore Muscles, Burns, j LTwo sizes, 25 and 50 cents. ) At druggists, or by mail. Co CANAL ST., N, Y. / | Ml Sores. ! 'Cures U| ; I the Serpent s A | Sting. CONTABIO'JS BLOOD POISON a s n S v s ;e^?£?1!: J benltng powers. It re-[ I idovet the poison and bullda up the system. \ 1 A valuabl* maUN »o U»e aod ita traatimot I I walUd frM. 1 | SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . Atlanta. Ga. || msimm << SUFFER UNTOLD MISERIES. fBRADFIELD'S FE/aaue S REGULATOR, | <5 ACTS AS A SPECIFIC | »Bj Arousing to Health/Action ail her Organs. >5 « It causes health to bloom, and >5 >5 joy to reign throughout the frame. V |... It Never Fails to Regulate ...| << "Mr wife liasl>e«*n under treatment of \\ ins pti>slclatia tnr«'« ytsam. without I»«*n«flt./J After us'iiir ttirr« hottlea of BKADFIKLO'iJy'J cc KKMALK HK(iULATOK aho can do ber own >2 //cookliiK. milkinif and wasblnir^V >J N. 8. BKV AN, Henderson, Ala. JJ c< BBADFIKLD RLCiI LITOH CO., Atlanta, (ia. S5 \\ Bold by dmffists at SI.OO psr bottls )) \ Woman Jumps At eonrliiKl'KlN A man llmpe TO ward .1 thrm The woman la ffinrraily rlglil. If your >,vlfe ttsks you to b*> u l. iUlc of Old KXINIRT WhlsUoy fir rainliy or medicinal purpi SES, Y.u ran MAUE up your 11.1 *1 It 18 tho U-3t,AOD tho In ] yet! OUTFIT to GET You louku uo 11.laU.ke In having It on HUND f r NEEDS. It is perfectly pure, piilntable, smooth urn! 8 yinnt old. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5.00. I&llttpd rxprr*«i nler-i Ahipprd prompdy, niiti w<» jmy <;xpre*« (»n all orders of clo 00 unil over. Jos. FLEMING cS SON. 412 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURG, PA COMPLETE Prteol.lsis <.f V/LNEA ami I.lquora milled WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stirai'lotoa the appetito and pro duces refreshing sleep GiVEI VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSINQ R MOTHERS. Cheeks waKtinK dlanasen. stops night swents, euros Incipient consumption. O Increases stren(,.h and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes hca'thy lung tissue. Will (five tho pnlo and puny the Nrosy oheoks ol' youth. CTOES AF.L FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong to-n r.nd women ot weaklings. BILMORE'S IRON TOUIG PILLS Care all Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor caustic and havn no coagulutinp efTect on tho contents of tbe stomach or ita lining consequently do not hurt tho teeth or cau&e constipntion or diarrhcaa. us do tho usual forma of Iron It) (lays treatment BOc. pamphlet Iroe. If not kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (><.iacn<l:>rMl<'« pßfrptil Lightning. Fire and Storm Proof. Srnd f.»r I ii#* Pi nn Iron Hooflnc nnd Torra c»:*•"»( ie j Hiiiiuff C •. < MdJ. Plillu.s I'*., p priwe j eH»le «fr». THE CITIZEN A Famale Lawyer in Pittsburg Nine youtg men and oneyoong lauy hav '.lg passed the requisite examination all were presented in turn to ths several courts of Allegheny Co, latily aLil sworn in. Miss Alice F. Watson, a native of Pittsburg. was the person who has gained distinction as the first woman to enroll her name as a member of the bar of Allegheny county She is a graduate of aMichig-n law school and ha j been admitted to prac tice in that State. She has prelerred her native city as a professional field and the publice may expect to hear from her as a counselor and advocate. There was a good deal of stir among the members of the bar in atterdance at the coins when the formality of swearing in the first and only lady practitioner was observed. She was scanned with no litt'e curiosity, and there were those who tried to measure her mental qualities by the lines of a prepossessing faoe. By some she was no doubt regarded as a promising representative of the coming woman, of whom so much has been heard of late. The suggestion of making a robust and valiant di.-cipie of Blackstoce out of a woman caused th* old and experienced book-pounding jury pleaders to shi>ke their heads in doubt. There was no un kind words from the bench, unless the re mark of Judge Stowe, that he was guided by precedent in this case, could be con strued. "If the 6upremo oourt of the United States and of this state bad not decided this question I would not consent to any woman practicing law in th : s court, but if a woman wants to praclice law or ride a bicycle it in none of my business. —W. S. Stratton. the great mine owner, whose (income is $1,200,000 per year walked from Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek three years ago, in order to save the $4 railroad fare. He is a carpenter by trade, and is described as "a mo:est, small-sized man, with iron-gray hair and mustache, dressed in a plain business suit and wholly unconspicuous." y. Y. Board of Health on Wine I)r. Janes of the Xew York Board of Health says: "1 take great pleasure in testifying to the superior qualities of the Port Wine produced by Alfred Speer of Xew Jersey. Alter a prolonged trial I re commend it as a superior wine for the sick and debilitated." It is *ept in casks to a great age before bottling, and though higher in price is far superior and more reliable than other wines. —if oses Chamberlain, now living a Milton, Pa , enjoys the distinction of be ing a brother of a man who was killed in battle 118 years ago. Such a thing would seem impossible at Sirst thought, bnt it is a fact. Mr. Chamberlain is 83 years old, and was born 35 years alter the battle ol Germaulown (1777), in which his brother, aged 18, lost his life. The latter was the oldeit of 24 children, and Mr. Chamber lain is the youngest. Docs Your Husband or Son I hud If your husbanu or son ij addicted to the use of Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco, purchase of your druggmt a boitle of Hill's Chloride of Cold Tablet*. They are guaranteed to cure or money w ill be re luudeu. Tablets m..y b<s given secretly in tea or oollee and the free u>e of stiu-u lants allowed until voluntarily given up. Puce SI.OO pel package. It your uruu gist does nri keep tUem, neuil dnecl to the Ohio Chemical Y\ orks, Lima, O.iio Book of particulars and testimonials tree. Mr. Frederic* A. Cook, the Arctic ex plorer, will in a fe# days sail for the Ant arctic region, and remain in the south polar country for two or three years. He will be accompanied by a band of scien tists, and if Lis venture be a success, some extraordinary results can be looked for. Nothing Succeeds Like .Success. —The success of the Speer N. J. Wine Co. in producing an extra quality of Grape Brandy i s marvelous. They rely alone on the grape for body and flavor, and hence there is a wide and growing demand lor this Brandy which rivals the old brand* of Cognac. France. Nothing is finer or richer than Speer's Old Climax Brandy and his O'd Port, five to fifteen years old. For table use their •jlarets, Sauternes, Burgundies aud P. J Sherry are unsurpassed. For the sick room, hospital and Sacramental purpose their Unlermeutea Grape Juice Is recom mended and used by both physicians and divines. Sold by druggists. —The Mora claim was paiil ou Satur day by Senor Dupuy do Lome, the Span ish Minister to Washington, handing to Acting Secretary of State Adeo a draft on the Spanish Finance Agent at London for $1,449,000 in gold. Mr. Ai'ee gave the minister a receipt for the draft. I'r. Agnew's * nre tor the Hurt giv l ceifec* rebel in all cases of Organic o sympathetic ilea' Disease ii> JO minute* ,jiid i-peed'l* effecio a cure. It is a peer >Sf remedy fit Palpitation, Shortness <• "res'b. Smothering Spell*, Pain n I.el '-Ide and all symptoms of a Diseased Heurt no dose convinces. Sold by l ily I'liar uacy. —Sau Francisco \s to have a building 310 feet high on a lot 70 by 75 feet, and New York a steel building fifteen stories high on a site only 50 by 75 feet. These are practically towers and should bo ar chitecturally classed as such. —English Bpavia Liniment removes n ' t.ard, soft or calloused lumps and ble.n ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs •plints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles. sprain all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful P.leinish Cure ever known "Sold by J- C. Redick, druggist Datler Pi —ln the einpiov of the United Status is a boad of experts whose duty it is to pre scribe the proper methods id spelling geographical names. Their las', report comprises corrections in the spelling of about 000 names. The report is binding upon every department ofthe Government. The great Chinese r ivir is to be spelled Yangtze and not YtngUe. Corea is to be spelt with a K, namely Korea; and its cn\ r ital is Chemulpho, instead of Chemulpo as of old. The change that will interest Americans most is the adoption of tbe Spi nisb spelling of Cuba's capital, which hereafter will be Uabana. Urupti and Hark llith rx fur Miliaria Every one known the value of the grape, »H a luscious and healthy fruit, Aunt Kachael's M alarial Bitters is the ultimate ot the Grape Juice; in its properties mild ly diuretic, .udoritic ami tonic. More than seven-eights id the pure Juice of the grape, simply made hitter by Peruvian Hark, Chamomile Flower*, Snake Hoot, etc., and will cure Malaria Fever if used ati directed. —The Northerner* are on the march to Atlanta, but this time they are bringing peace and good will and not the sword and destruction as thirty years ago. The pre sent mission is by tar the mors congenial FvlirJ in !iix lii/uri Kidney and Bl idder dis- relieved in six hours by the "N-w Great South American Kidney Cure " Tbi* new remedy is a great surpribo on ac count of ite exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, hack and every part of the urinary past.iges in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im medially. If yon want quick relief and cure this i« your remedy. Sold by J. 0. itedick druggist Butler Pa. ~ —lt is uot generally known'that size for size, a thread of spider silk is decidedly tougher than a bar of steel. An ordinary thread will uear a weight of three grains. This is just about {>o per oent. stronger than steel thread of the aawe tbicknca*. ftarry inti his Cigarettei The venerable and familiar moral tale of the bad little boy who off.red the circus elephant a chew of tobacco is far eurpass ed in ethical force by the new and strictly truthful story of eleven year-old Hairy Manning. oT Wa'.tham. Massachusetts, j Hairy has been learning to smoke cigaret- ' tes, and one afternoon about a fortnight ago he was sitting on a barrel behind Northrup's grocery practising, when he heard footsteps. Sot caring to smoke in j company, he politely dropped his lighted cigarette luto the bung hole of the barrel on which he sat. Tne statement is that when the moral elephant in the other story received the chew of tobacco he suiz ed Tommy the evil-doer, by the coat col lar and with the thumb and tijgjr of his trunk and threw bim harshly out through theroot of the eircus tent. The even' in llarrj s case was stili more precipitous aud surprising. The barrel he sat on had con tained naphtha, and rejected the lighted cigarette with an instantaueous burst of emotion which sundered its hoops and gave Harry all the symptoms experienced by the boy who stood on the burning deck whence all but he had fled. Happily Harry came down in the same township in which he went up, and was identified, aad is stili living with his parents, but another time he will drop his nose into an empty barrel before he drops his cigar ette into it. The narrative of his adven [ ture is.here cheerfully recorded as a warn ing to boys who smoke cigarettes, and for use in schools. —Nervousness is due to impure blood. Hood's Sarsapariila purifies the blood and ii the best nerve tonic. —The hi ps used in the making of bread and beer are the llowers of the plan' 110- tanically known as huoiulus lupulus. The flower by us other name is just as bitter and contains as much hlisting quality. —Now that the grape season has come, the lovers of that delicious and wholesome fruit will be pleased with an assurance fcrom a high source that seeds do not cause appendicitis. Dr Hunter Mctluire, the distinguished Virginia surgeon, says ahat in all the opperations he has performed for that complaint he has never seen a single grape, cherry or tomato seed; aud several other prominent surgeons bear similar testimony. —An order was received by the Lich tenthaler Pretzel Company, or Beading for a car-load of pretzels, to be shipped to the Atlanta Exposition. This is one ol the largest single orders ever received by the firm. .M.y Not Try the Ne# and Eetter VVa Of doing your üboppingt Instead c coming to ..to store, make the store com. to you. /es, and the best aud bigg.-s store in the country at that: namely,Ki.ui uiann Brothers, Plttsbuig. Drop the"; ostal and you will get their spring hui maimer Catalogue gratis, enabling jou t. order by mail anything you may wish, ant: avin? as much money as city people do tWriat i\'erve lierrie# have done forcthers Via da' ' p ana Permanently Restored, a " '" *. A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. iorirar.s. • ' • . ».«l oK-.-S . - SJr A _ orexcesslve use of tobacco, opium and liquor, which lead lo consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVF. BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, s'■:.oo per box, six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. PamjJhlet free. Address mail ordrrito AMERICAN M&DICIL CO. CINCINNATI, o.^ DON'T EAT TOO MUCH. This warning is intended for persons using Nature's Cotn poini't. It h—wwhappetizing properties that you will want to eat between meals, and !• "> much at meal time. EAT PLENTY But stop before you arc guile satisfied. Nature's Compound is the true health assistant. Purifies the blood, regulates the liver and digestive organs. {Sold by Druggists, price st. Six for $5. \Vc Want Vour Trade and to gnt it, will gi?e 7011 the Best quality of goods et the Lowest I'ricen. AH an additional iaducemeut we offer you a special discount in the nhape of our grand premium hooka, we give you your own selec tion when yonr purchases amount to the sum named iu the attached tiek et. We can afford to do this, because we want to show you the benefit ot our pew system, and extend to you advantages that will make ycu our permauent customer. Our Stock is Fresh and New. Visit us early and bring your Family and FrieDds- All are enti tled to this new and special advan tage, and wo want you specialy to see our splendid lot of Hne Pictorial Books by the world's famous authors and great artistH— books that we are giv ing away to make every home happy Beautiful books, best goods, and bed rock prices. ONE ST.. H. Barton JClothier and PRICE. £ Furnisher 20 - S Mi'n St A/fi Every Woman» 'Sy Sometimes needs a reli- | i able monthly rcgu'.iting 9 medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Arn prompt. snfii onrt rortnln In result. The lf°°' lo«'lir. t'eslsi never dlaappuiot. an7»u«'* U4U PmlH* Plug Tobacco A Great Bi g Piece for® 10 Cents -WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES/ * GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ' SAPOLIO HI MM*I : J.V"* W. F. Hartzell. Frank Kemper. The Adriance Rinder Is the lightest draft, the simplest constructed, the easiest operated, and the most durable of any binder on the market. It will not upset on the steepest hills. It will cut where all others fail. It will handle as long or as short grain as any other binder. It will do better work in tangled grain than any binder in use. This binder is sold on its merits. If it fails to do as above mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. All machines and vehicles sold by us are guaranteed to be as represented. Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to the separator, can l>e got from us. Vehicles in various styles and prices. Harness fo»" all kinds of ust-. Fly nets and Covers, Dusters. Robes, Bl.iiikets, A hips, etc. In short, anything belonging to a team outfit is kept by us. 1 lie l«rt wagon on the market is sold bv us. \\ e guarantee it superior to thing sold in this county. Call and see us HARTZELL & KEMPER, QU ESTION > s often asked, What Paint shall we use? "THE ANSWER I If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and ycur money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Cow* Most, Looks Beit, Wears Longest, Most economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and fevBVS«Sr» VARNISHES,. U - - J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St. Are You Using NATURE'S COMPOUND? Bv all means do 80. It is un doubtedly one of the beat remedies on the market to regulate the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, Purifies the blood, au excellent tonic. Tones the sv stem aud is purely vegetable. Sold by Druggists Price sl. six for $5. Persons to Travel.**! WANTED. — Several faithful gentlemen anil ladies to travel for J established house. Position permanent if suited; disc increase. State reference and enciose self-addressed stamp- j cd envelope. THE NA IIONAI-, UlO-317-318 Omal a Bldg . CHICAOO. Chautauqua Nursery Company. OFFER Liberal Terms To Agents, Eig Inducements to Customer*. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. jCcw (Specialties Hoed Potatoes, Men Wanted. .'ll Every Town, Steady Work Pay W—ikly Addtin, //. H/UJAAfS, Port laud, N. V. j CI:K KEYSTONE PRIDE. For Mt ilical .I s Family Cut. $1 J") per </t. or 6 'lin for ♦<">. Finch's Golden Wedding, Dougherty, Guokouheimer. Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, I Mi. Vernon, Overbold. Our (foods war j ranted pure. Grand Father'* Choice, i guaranteed 3 year* old, $3 per gal. C. 0. D. and mail order* receive prompt at- I tention. ROBT. LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, I.JG Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite H. & 0. k. K.Jtcpot. THE KEELEY CURE i Is n special boon to business men who, hnvliie drifted uiieotwloiely inr.. the .Irink hnliit and a .viiki ti to tl»(| the <ll < n •<» of ali' holism bitem.il up u them, rendering them unfit to manage af fairs requiring a clear brain. A four week* course of treatment at the PITTSBUKU KEELEY INSTITUTE, No, 12W Firth Avenue, restores to them all their power*, mental am! phyrical. destroys tho alinormal appetite, and ii-tores them to the condition thev wero In be fore t liny indulge! In stimulants. This has t»en • toneln more than tfiOO cases treatt'il here, arid tiin'-un thein some of your own neighbors, to I whom we ran refer with confidence us to tho ab«olutc safety nud efficiency of the Keelejr 'tire. The fullest HIUI inrxt *• un filmt Investigation i« -I\ t d. bend for |*"T Met giving full ialonua "o:i» " ' K FINPJffi ii y ..l BEOS. ■ I.,'.if »l low«*l '-•» Main S« p A p E > S i'« S - Street. ( ( Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see oar spring Millinery. F.VEN IK YOU DON'T VVANT "O BUY. OUI display is far ahead of all previous years in Style and beauty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the vhoiceft patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. «; r me. 5 Mourning Goods a Specialty. 1oc s SPECIAL DISPLAY OF j» * pATTERN *tt Thursday, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 26, 27 & 28- | M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to II? S. Main St. A GREAT MANY PEOPLE will visit the PITTSBURG EXPOSITION this month, and to each one of them we I extend a hearty invitation to call and inspect our EXPOSITION OF FINE Whiskeys, Wines and Liquors in their original packages — Champagnes from France; Whis kies from Scotland and Ireland; Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rums and Cordials from foreign climes — all in their nati/e pmity. We carry the finest assortment of any house in the State at exceedingly low prices. THE SILVER AGE RYE WHISKEY " lli " popularity — solely oa its merits—and is endorsed by physicians as the BEST STIMULANT IN THE WORLO, $1 50 per full qt. FOR $5 00 We wi " 860(1 y° u — al! char S eß paid— one quart of Silver Age aud 5 quarts of the famed Bear Creek Rye, or we will on application mail you our complete catalogue and you can select ST; 00 worth of liquors, and we will ship them to you, neatly boxed FOR 55.00. Call or address MAX KLEIN, | Wholesale Liquor Dealer; 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. A Summer Drive I 1' >cs a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less lux ) urious, easy running and handsome than it might be. Fredonia Buggies nave nothing hut good points. They're the handsomest vehicles von can get—are as strong and secure as they're sighiy. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Wade bv FRELONIA NFG. CO., Ohio, 0: ~A:^ The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMR IXTURES, H 35K, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is at W . II .O'Brien & Sou'h 1 07 Ka.st Jetierson Htreot. New York Weekly Tribune, + AND + Butler Citizen -> ONE; YEAR + $1.50. Addrss All Orders t THE CITIZEN. Do you OFSIRR lo make M< )NKVV OLB PLANS OK OPEKATIOK ASBUBE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. Make your money earn you a monthly palarv. ♦ 10.00 ami mire inaile daily oy onr aew Sj htfinatic Plan of Operation on niiall in veftmrnt* in grain and itock "peculation. All wo ark U tu investigate our now and original method*. Pa«t working* of i>lan and highfKt reforence* furnished. Our Booklet "Point* A Bint*" how to inako money and other information sent FKEE. 01 LUOKK A CO., Bankers and Broker*. Open Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, HI. | Hotel Butler J. 11. FAUBEL, I'rop'r. Tliis house has been thorough Iy renovated, iemodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modem conveniences fot guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Fa. Elegant sample room for use o ommercial men. I