THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1«95. New Advertisements. Fisher's Dye Works. Kuff & Son's prixes. Colbert A Dale s underwear. Music scholars wanted. Excursions. •Tors—All advertisers intending to makt inges in their ads. should notify us of »ir iunation to do so, not later than f, 11 morning. A lin uistrators and Executors of estater a sji irj t 1 air receipt books at the CIT XKS u 8 i* XOTlCE—Hereafter the price of the 'JITIZES will be SI.OO if paid in advance, vua $1.25 if not so paid. CITIZK.I and Veekly Tribune $1.50 in advance. \MAL AND (iExNEKAL. —Our local wool buyers are paying 13 and 18 cents. —Tne frost of Tuesiay flight cooked the tomatoes. —LMt axuaruoa to Nugwt Wednesday October 16. —J. M. Meharg, of Penn twp. had 750 bushels of oats, this year, from 10 acres. —The gas meter's play-day is over and now it begins to settle down to steady woik. —Tobacco kills microbes. Hence, there is no danger of kissing a man who smokes. Girls, pose this in your hats. —Mr. it. Fisher of the Builer Dye Works near tho <>ntre Ave. bridge invites your patronage, and as Be does good work he deserves it. —The ladies of the Pleasant Valley church of Cherry twp, will give a "Plate Social" in the church, next Saturday even ing. —llead Stein «fc Son's new locals regard ing their blankets, underwear, dress goods etc. They always keep the best, and sell it at reasonable prices. —Report of Butler Public Library lor the month of September: Number oi adult books taken out, 1,231; juvenile books, 532. Total, 1,763. —Last Thursday evening, a dreamer, awakened by the six-o'clock bells, ran out and rang the nearest fire-bell, thus setting the wnole town ia commotion. —Voters iv 10 aave n >t yet piid or county tax within two years should re member that Oct. 5 (next Saturday) is the last day for the payment of the tax to in sure a vote at the coming election. —Dixon & Co. sold their gas well on the Win. Dixon in Penn twp., Wednesday, to the Forest Oil Co, for $6,000. The well has a rock pressure of 480 pounds, and the lease includes 70 acres. —Our grocers arc paving 22 for butter, 15 for eggs, ' or potatoes and turnips, 50 for beet.t an 1 oarrols, 35 to 40 for apples 25 a doz. bunches for celery, 35 to 40 for spring chickens, 50 onions, 1 ct. a pd for cabbage. —Two car loads of grapes] arrived in to*D, Monday, and half a car load, Tues day. baskets of Concords from Cbaiiltii qna Co, N Y. sold at 0 baskets for tl. 'J h<- emoller baskets containing the •while as d r»d grapes con;e from Erie Co. —'Jas. Sherman's new store and bakery on OTITIC AT< . is new in full running oidir. He las a i.eatly furnished ice cream and oyster rcom back of the store room. and his new and complete oven will bake 1000 loaves a day. —A large nnmber of tickets have been gold for the Y. M. C. A. concert to bo giv en in the TJ. P. Church on Friday evening October 4th. The following artists will take past: Miss Cora Daugherty soloist, Edward C. Melvin violinist, Herman Mel *«r violoncellist, Charles N. Boyd piano ist. —Tae leader of Berg's team slipped aud fell at the Lowry House crossing baturday afternoon, and the other horse fell upon him. Almost every day a horse or team falls upon oar paved streets. Drive care fully on tbe paved streets. —At tbe meeting of the sth. and 6th. Heavy Artillery in Pittsburg laßt Thurs day, R. H. Long wan re-elected President of the 6th , and among the members of the executive committee are Greer Mc- Candless, Geo. Ralston, Wm. Watson, W. B. Evans, and B. F. Crowe of this county. —From high scientific authority comes the statement that any person wearing a pair of rubbers and standiog free from con tact with any ol ject in the room will neyer be struck by lightning. Now that the lightning season is about over, we hasten to lay this precaution belore those of our readers who havb beon spared. --Last Sunday we were too cold, while the previous Sunday we were to hot. Out in Colorado it was a change from summer to winter, wi'h 14 inches of snow at Gree ley, nearly eight inches in Denver and a blanket of snow over nearly the whole State. It was a record breaker for so ear ly in the season. —An Oil City merchant tailor was in Butler last week, with his samples, solicit ing orders. What success he had we do not know, but we do know that the poople of this town and county can do as well in both made-U-arder and ready made cloth ing in Butler as thfcy can do anywhere. We lately met a farmer living in the south ern edge of the coun f y, near tbe Allegheny Co. line, who said he could do better on clothing in Butler than in Pittsburg. —State Bupt. Scbaffer has appointed Friday, Out. 18, as autumn Arbor day. In referring to the origin of this custom Ue says that in rei-ponse to the first Arbor day proclamation in 1885, 50,000 trees were planted by teachers and pupils in Pennsylvania, and the annual recurrence of the event had led to the planting of of additional trees and to the better adornment of ihe grounds around tbe school and tbe home. We lately heard of a spring breaking out on a road in Worth tup.—a case some what similar to the Cherry twp. oaee of a year ag<>, when a strong spring started on the road passing through tbe Jno. Smith place and is running yet. Daring the pa invited Rev. l)r. Wm. Rupp of the Theo logical Seminary at Lancaster Pa. to preao'a 111j opaniog sermoa Dr will probably be elected the nr-xt presiding officer. There will be a business session of Synod each morning beginning at V o'clock, vari ous subjects in connection with c.Mirch work being taken into consideration. The evenings will be devoted to special services beginning at 7 30. Following is the programe: Thursday evening —Tne Sunday School —Address by Rev. Rufus W. Miller, General Sunday School Secretary. Friday evening—Foreign Missions—Ad dress by Rev. W. E. Hoy, Missionary in J {.pan. Saturday, 230 P. M. Preparatory servi es—Sermon by Rev. C. L. Alspach. Wil kinsburg Pa. Saturday night—"Origin of the Reform church"—Rev A. M. Schmidt. "Progress of theßeformed Chuich"—RJV. Dr. A. E Truxal. "The Reformed Church ia rela tion to other churches"—Rev. Dr. D. B. Lady. Sunday morning, 10 o'clock—Addresses to the Sunday School. Sunday at 11 o'clock Communion. Sermon by Rev Dr. J. S. Stahr, President of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster Pa. Sunday evening--Home Mis sions—Ad dress by Rev. Dr. D. S. Fouse, General Superintendent ot Home Af.s ioas. Tee Synod will closeits s-Hsioas M inday n:gt.t. The 120 delegates so far reported are ail assigned to their temporary houses. A special choir is preparing a musical treat, and the church will be hands imely deco rated with the historical Reformed colors and with flowers. A very pleasant and profitable meeting is anticipated. To all these meetings and services the puolic is cordially invited. Synod of Pennsylvania. The meeting of the Presbyterian Synod 1 of Pennsylvania will perhaps be the largest | and most important ecclesiastic assembly j ever held in Butler. It wiil meet Thurs- i day, October 17th, 1895. The commission ers for the Presbytery of Butler are, Min isters, J. R. Coulter, 1). 1>„ Crawford's Corners. Pa.; W. J. McConkey, D. D., Grove City, Pa.; R. L Alter, Xorth Hope, Pa.; M. 1). MeCieilaud, Prospect, Pa. Elders, John R. McJnnkir, Euclid, Pa.; James E. Miller. E.-.u Claire. Pa.; Thomas Elliott, Sarversville; J. D. Anderson, Manarg. All the Pesbyteries in the state will be represented, and some two huulrad min isters and elders will be here. Big Potatoes. Plummor Mifflin, of Xorth Washing.on raised 250 bushels of largj potatoes on one acre this year. A few of them can now be seen ia Loyal MsJunkia's office, on Jtfferion 3t. E K. R. Boyer of Lancaster twp, raised 450 of vary argo potatoes on one acre this year. Tney are the American Wonder variety. A sample b sket-fuil brought to t own by Mr. Boy or, MondavJ ranged fro.n S to 10 inches in length, it* largest one weigh, d 2 pounds and 6 ounces, and a dozen of them filled a half bnshel basket. But talk of yoir '. i/ p itato .M. Xear Lovoland, Co!., a Mr. Swjn raised one that is 2S inches long, 11 in* diameter, and is said to w.o'ch 80 pounds and 10 ounces, which is eqiivtlaat to the weight of 1J bushels of ordinary ;.otatoos. Ii is of the Mangie Murphy variety, excellent in quali ty and prolific in quantity. Town Council Proceedings. At the meeting of Council, Tuesday eve ning. $3,000 was voted to the Filbert Paving Co.. on the Mifllin St. contract The cost of the street will bo between 15-, 000 and 10, 000, of which the borough w'll pay one -third The petition for the opening of E. Pearl between Elm and Oak was referred to the Street Committee, This parr of ;&e street will pass through the Dougherty property, and we understand tiiat the heirs will claim no damages if the spring is not destroyed. An ordinance assessing the cost of the West Cunningham St. sewer at 49$ cents a foot was adopted. An ordinance requiring stone brick or cement pavements in ihe principal streets and side streets was voted down. Tbo Campbell Hose Co, was %'oted SBO. and given the privalege of tradu.g its old cart Tho request of the Filbert Paving Co. to assign was tabled, also ono for a build ing permit. A comm'ttee of five to consider the water question was aupointed by the chair man. in response to a resolution adopted to that effect. Tho proposition to purchase the Game well Fire alarm system was held over until the Finance Committee reports. The Co. wants $4,350 00 for their system, in paym-nts of SOOO a year and interest The Council refused to pay Broth oi Tucker for the now broom be purchased for his street sweeper. John Uurloy was granted a plumbers license, and bis bond in SSOO approved. jEqmfliM at Pittsburg. Ex crrsion Tickets via Pennsylvania Railroad For the Industrial exposition at Pitts burg the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell, on September 27, October 10 and 16, excursion tickets to Pittsburg and return, at half fare, with price of ad mission to the Exposition added. These tickets will be good going 011 any regular train leaving stations at or before noon 011 the day of issue, and,will l>e good for return passage until the fol lowing day inclusive. The rate from Butler including admis sion to the exposition, will be #1.50 for the round trip. Exposition Excursion via P. If Ry. On Wednesday of each week, Sept. 18 to October 10 inclusive, tne P. W. Ky. will sell Round Trip tickets to Allegheny, from all ticket stations, Glade Kun to Clarion inclusive, at sp»cial rales, includ - ing admission to the exposition. All tick ets good to return 3 days including date o! salo. Rate from Butler, 1,50. KEEP WARM By wearing our underwear All grades for men, women and cnildren. Perlect in fit and finish. Small prices rule. L. STEIN ehring of For ward twp , were in town, Tuesday. Postmaster Black of Hanisville died last Friday Mrs. Foringer of Franklin is the guest of Mr». Aaron Beighley. Mrs Erla Dav-uney of Detroit, Michigan is visitiog her Aunt Mra Isaac Meals and friends in Butler. J. D. Sherman i f Allegheny, formerly of Butler, took third pUce in the late race of the Aileghenv Cycle Club to Sewickly and r«*urn. 25 miles, and would have taken first bad be not in it with an ac cident. The time 1 honr, 28 minutes was remarkable. Eirnest Cronenwett took 2d place in same race. Henry Bauder of Muddy creek twp. and fi. B. McDonald of Portersvilla were iu town on business, yesterday. J J. Sutton Esq ol Evans City was in I town yesterday. His wife is in poor j j health. i Joseph Mangel and wife of Middlesex ; twp, will leave home next Mouday for a | lri|> across the continent. They will stop > i»t Grand Rapids and San Francisco. Their | daughter, Jennie Clark, lives iu Grand Rapids. Frank X. Cooper, of Slippery Rock i towtifbip. and Mies Marian McLaughlin, ot this place, were uniied in marriage at M iriiosville ''athoho church yesterday at 11:30 a 111. The bride is the accomplish ed daughter of \£rs. E. McLaughlin, of this place, and the groom is a prosperous young larmer of Slippery Rock township l'iie h.-tnpy couple lef , on the afternoon train for a bridal tour through the So utb crn States, and before they re'.urn, will v:»it the Vianta Exposition.— Signal OIL NOTES. KAVIoa — Mortimer & Co's. well on the May s, north of the Hepler, came in last Tour.-day, and was reported doing 12 bbls an h«mr Sunday, and 10 bbls. an hoar Tuesday. The Silo waiter well on the Kay lor reaohed the sand Monday and beg-in flow ing. It wai reported doing 100 barrels a day, Tuesday. Tne old Hepler well was doing 100 bbls. and the Redd it Co. well, a thousand foet west was reported a duster. IIKRMAS Phillips 5 Bock was making 12 barrels an hour Monday. Campbell M'irphy's 2 Root was estimated at 4 bbls. Root & Co's. 2 Bergbigler was in the sand and no oil. CALLKRY —Thomas CT Co.'s No. 1 Muller is showing for a fair well PKKN TWP —Perrine's well on the Win Dixon is good for 5 bbls., but is being drilled to the gas sane'. ADAMS TWP— The Coxey Oil Co. is baiiJing a rig on the Poter File Sarin west of the Blakley, and will test the territory between the Blakoley and the M »rs field. CLEARFIELD—A. good well was lately slrU'koa the Daniel Goldiager farm in Cieai field twp last week. BRADY —The Dunlap . Tickets good tor live (5) <3ay«. The Lodge of Veteran Le gion will be in session in Buffalo at this time. Special train will arrive at Buffalo at lli m. returning le»v-„ lt t 7 p. ni. Tick ets fii-od for r.'turp. ou any of the regular trains during the live (s>i:ays U>!li»wi»g. Foi full particulars see bills or cat on nearest P. S. A L E. agent. /t:it!cr Public School Excursion to Mle glteuy Saturday Oct. 5. The P. '• O .Monday Oct. 7 the P. & W. will run special train to Callery Jet. Leaving Butler at 5:20 a, 111. Connecting witii No. 6, reaching Pittsburg in for leaving train for Cincinnati via B. 6c O. Fare for the round trip 'sand Cha«. Hoyt's funny play, "A Texas Steer," I which will be presented sit the Park Thsa ; tre for one nistht on, Oc. 4'h. The New York Recorder .-ays: "The revival I ol A Texas Steer" at Hoyt's Theatre last evening, in despite the bad weather, till d j me house with an audience that would I have made any manager proud,and "stand | i:>g room only" was displayed shortly after I the first act beg n. The audience was very enthusiastic. Tim Murphy as ilave- . rick Brander, was, of course, the centre . ! 1 attraction, and the scene in his hotel t Nora O'Brien who stars jointly »itn Charles B. Han lord and Elihu R Spem e this season is a graduate of the Lor-tia Convent near Niagara Falls, where ?he graduated wi,h highest honors she will appear a* Virginia in Sheridan Knowls Virginius when the company appear at the Park Theatre, Butler —lt appear here soon. i LE'j AL ADVERTISEMENTS ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Butl?rCo . la., to me directed, tlie undersign e l i xeeutrix of Hebecca Anderson deed. late of Prospect Bnro. Butler (>., Ha., will offer at pub lie s le on the premises in said boro, on. THURSDAY OCTOBKB 31st. 1595, at ll o'clock a. m. of said day all the right title Interest :ind claim of the said Itebecca Ander iou, al I lie time of her decease of In and to a certain two story house and lots situate In said Prospect lioro bounded as follows to wit: Norih by Cranberry ally. East bv lot No. south by New Casife St., West by Perry. Si., fronting 111I 1 : feet on New Castle St. runnln.,- oack 10! feet to Cranberry Alley, being lots No. :i7 and :;s Dnnlap plan of lots of Prospect Boro. TKIOIS OF SAI.E One third purchase money in hand on con li'inati-m of sale, balance two tnlrda payab e in one year therefrom with lawful interest, se cured by mortuare or Judgement Hen. KM KLINE ANDERSON. Executrix of Itebecca Anderson deed. W. C. KINULKV. Atty, Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having been srran'ed to mo in the estate of Jona M. Marliu. deceased, lato of Forwaid twp, Butler C<>. Pa , hi! person indebted to said estate wi>l please make immediate pay ment and any baring claims against said estato ".v:il present them duly authenticat ed for- settlement to: GEOBOB E. HAY, ADM'R Brownsdale, Butler Co. Pa. J. D. MCJUXKIN Att'y. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the assignment of \V. J. Gilliland to J. M. Marshall, for the benefit of creditors; M's D.. Xo. 3, Sept. Term, 189;. Having l>een appointed by the Court of Butler county, Pa, an auditor in above case to make distribution of the money iu the hands of the assignee and to pass upon any exceptions that may be filed to his account now rendered, I hereby j;ivc notice to all parties interested that 1 will perform the duties of said appoint ment at my office in Butler, Pa., on Tues day, Oct. S, 1895, at 10 o'clock A. M, when and where they can attend if they see proper. JOHN II.XEGI.EV, Sept. 10, 1595. Auditor. Administrator's Wotiee. Letters of administration on the estate of John R. Black, doe'd, late of Cherry ivp.. Builer Co., P» , having been grant ed to tho undersigned, a.' 1 persons kuow ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for set tiement to ALFRED BLAOK, .4dm'.-. Moniteau, P. O , Butler Co., Pa. 0 W. FLSEGER, Att'y. Administrators Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of Richard Kelly dee'd. iate of Venango twp., having been granted to the under siguul, all persons kucwinj; themselves indebted to said e>tate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to THKODOEK P. KKLLV. Eau Clair P. O Butler Co., Pa. j. M. PAINTER Atty. Executor's Notice- Letters testamentary in the estate o Mrs. Catharine Truver, deo'd, lite of Mid dlesex twp, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make payment, anil any having claims agrtust the same will present them duly amhcnticated for settlement to Jous FERUUSOU, SX'R, Bakerstown, Pa. Administrator's Notice. • In re, estate of Jacob B. Flick, late of Middlesex twp. Butler, Co, Pa I'ec'd. Whereas letters C. T. A. have boen issued to me, the undersigned, by the Register of said Co., notiee is hereb given to all parties indebted to the es tate of said decedent to call and settle, and-all pert-ons having claims against the same will piesent them duly authenti cated for payment to MAST ABB FLICK, Flick Postoffice, Butler Co, Pa. S. F. Bowser, ) Atty'a A. L Bowser, ♦ J Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters tes tamentary on the estate of W. 1). Alle late of Parker township, Butler county, Pa , deceased, have been granted toThom as H Allen, and all persons indebted t said Estate are requested to make promp payment, and those having claims agains the same, to present the.u duly authenti cated for settlement to TUOJIAS H. ALLBN. Executor of W. D. Allen deed., Glenora. Butler county, Pa, c. F. Bowser, A tty. JOHN XV. Baowsi. C. A. ABRAMS. A BRA MS & BROWN, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance, HUHRLTON BUILDING, N'RAR CoraT Boras. BUTLER, PA Insurance Companv of North America. lo2dyear, Assets $9,503,000; BomeofXew Turk, Assetss9,loo,ooo; Hartford of Hart rd. Assets $8,045,000; Phfeaii ot Brook lyn. nnet« $5,500,000. New Y> rk Under Titer's Afency, . . ;' ~ KM'-in "" S • ill' U i ■ r :f! MMVM BEDS. IV r lull liif! ilrf «l A Suoftrestion. o nc e (T { you teat tnere are drug- and drugs—that drugs are tike every thing else—lucre are good, bad and indif lerent. There is nothing else which if positively bad if it ia'nt j.. . i the best Our policy has always been to have ut>ll> ;ng out the best. When you want drugs come to us and bi assured "1 fresh pure goods, and alwav.- what you ask for or your prescription calif or. It may not always be drugs yon wan -ither. We always have on hand a ful line of sick room requisites. G. INI. BOYD. Diamond Block. - Ki-tler, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA HSU Western "ernsylvama Division. Schedule in Effect May 20, IsUj. South, Week Days A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P M lI'TLE# I.eave 625 8 I/O It 25 245 5#6 .txuubur.r. Arrive 654 825 11 4s alt S duller Je t. . " 727 84* 12 12 340 503 Butler .10 t.. ..Leave 7 .*> Bjs i* 17 340 53 Natrona Arrive". 38 S5-> 12 2i> 330 t> 02 Xarentum 743 903 12 31 357 CO7 SprtDKdale 7 ;>2 912 12 44 407 .... I'lareWOUt SO7 925 12 59 421 ti2 ttliarpsburs sls Sot 107 42* 6 3 Aflejfdeny City Bas 944 124 44u o4f A. M A. *. P. M. P. M. P. it. SI SDAY TKAINS Leave Bailer lor Alle t,U» uj City au.l principal intermediate sta:;oLS 7:4uA. M„ t: K> and o'OO f. M. Norm. ~__~\Veek D.;ys —•— A. M. A. it. A. It. P. M. P. M. .HegheuyClty..Lv.#ss 9..) 112.? 315 slO SUarf.stmrt; 708 913 11 3» Olaxemont s1« litti Springdale 93.1 11 vj .... c ,vs I'arentum 7.12 939 12 <>s 3St (> 4> Natrona 737 943 12 13 355 t, 5 Butler Jc't Vr 7+5 9 . 12 2.5 104 7oi Uutler Jc't I.T 745 950 12 34 415 7 ays Tor the East Week Days, p. m. a. m. a m p. m. 245 625 Lv BUTLER. .. Ar 10 38 ]25 340 7"7 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 3' 404 745 Lv Butler Jo't Ar 940 12 3! 410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30 415 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 931 12 21 42d 804 " Leechburg.. " 920 12 12 446 821 "I'aulton(Apollo" 905 11 5 514 851 " Saltsbnrg "8 37 11 3J 550 922 " Blairsville..." 805 11 00 000 930 "BlairsviUo las'n"7 45 10 15 850 11 35 " Altooua "3 40 BLO 100 310 " Harrisburg..."ll o5 310 430 623 " Pailadelphia. •8 50 11 20 a. n\ p. in. p. m. p. ni. Through trains for the east leave Pitt»- bnrg (Union Station) as fo'lows:— Atlantic Express, daily 3 10 A. M. Pennsylvania Limited " ' 715 " Day Express, •' 730 " Main Liae Epress •' 800 " Philadelphia Express " 430 P. M. Eastern Express " 700 " Fast Line " 810 " For detailed information, address Thos. 1?. Watt, Agt. Western District, 110 Ji Ith Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. S. Y. I'HEYOST, " J. K. WOOD, i»ej'.Trtl Manager. Gen'l Pass.-, Agent. P. & W.R. R. Schedule iu effect May 12. 1595. (Hutler time) The short Line tj Pittsburg. DEPART SOUTH. FROM SOCTU ,Jsa m Allegheny Kx a m, Allegheny A J. 1.") a m AH'y £ Akron 0.00 a rn.Al x N Cast I 0.05 .1 in Allegheny Ac •.2.20 p m. Allegheny!; . .55 p m Allegheny Ex -,.05 p 111, AIK-gheuy Kx 330 pIU Chicago Kx. taopm.All yA: Akron 605 p ill All y & KU. Ex s.tx> p m. Allegheny Ex lU-.IAKT NORTH. [BOM KOHTH. 10.03 aIU & Brad. .05 am. Fox burg Ac 5.15 pui Clarion Ac '".su am, Clarl ju At 7.3r> p m Koxburg |5.2C pm, Kane Mall SCSI) \T TH \ INS. DIP4UT SOUTH. FROM SODTH. 3.15 a in. IVPurest Ac .0 00 a m,Allegheny Ac 11.45 a M, Allegheny EX IA>PM, Allegheny Ex '.Mpm, Chicago Ex 1 05 p in, Allegheny KA •05 pin, Allegheny A 7.30 pm. UeForest Ac Traiu arriving at at 5.05 p n leaves B & O de pot. Plttsbuig. at J :15 o'clock. Butler and Greenville Coach will leave Alle gheny nt 320 p. 111. daiiy except suiuav. Con necilng at WiUowgrove, arriving at Butler a' 5:05. Pullman Buffet .Sleeping Oars aud tlrst-clav. '»av Coaches run through between Hutler and Chicago dally. For through tickets to points in the West Norih west or Southwest apply to A. H. CROUCH, Agent i t Trains leave the B. a o. depot In Pittburg .or the East as follows. For Washington D'C.. Ualtimore. Philadel phia, , ia. m. Un 142 04s Krle 61 1 8 3 335 G 45 1 011 9 15 . Wallace Junct. 6 47 9 15 4 l> 6 20 1 04 9 II (ilrard G 50 9 I iZ 6 09 12 54j 8 59 Lock port 7 00 9 29 4 2,; 1: II I.' -if 851 .cianesvlhe. 7 08. 93s 4 , * 4": 110 22'ar.Conneaut lv.i ....1 740 3 10 10 1 7 40 lv ari ....|lo 221 6 13 v 5• s4» 545 ar.. .Albion lv' lij 94!4 37 543 is 33 8 31] .. ..' 7 23; 9 s;i 4 51 l 40 12 :i0 82*... sprlngboro 7 27, 9 50 4 55 5 ■>.) 12 24 8 80)..GonneautyiUe.. 7 31: 003 503 ""112 0' s 00j.,. Mea'v'le Jet... | s 00110 25 525 4 1 .( 7 12 v .conu't Lake..;.... 1 ... :12 25; 8 18 ar ar 8 16 to 50 5 39 45» .... 722 IV .Exp Park 10 1 455 15 8 08 ar ar 8 01 ! 4 20j c 45 9 351 4 >0 .. |l2 501 8 45: a ral 84311 25 010 N'o2 II 51 743 .. HartstoVn.. [NO I to t . JS 1 .... 11 4« 7 39 .. .Adamsvlilo.. 1044 5 4 4 623 11 30 7 1"... Greenville ... 6 30 II or fi 0^ ; 1 11 20 700 Shenaugo....' 0 40 11 20 «2° fi 00 10 x 6 45 ....Kredonfa... 70311»4 65" 5 II 10 43 625 Mercer 72'1* 0 1 70° 5301 0 » 6 10| Pardoe 73«12 2 7l* 1 1 10 20 GOO ... Grove City. ..'7 4 12 33 7 2* 5 Ot, 10 us 548 . . Harrisvllle.... \ 758 '2 45 7 3 4 SS| 10 81 B IQ[. . 4 0 sty ..js n. [' 7 10112 10.TT.. 545 ... 350 6 2»ill 15) .... 4 9 s,ii 5 351.V.. .Kels.ers I 8 10112 38' 7"9 4 19 9 42! 5 21 Euclid 8 221 1 12 8 fq 4 ll' 9 15j I 50|.... B'Jtler . ....I 8 50] 1 42| 8 3rj 21 720 Allegheny, P.«W n 01J 3 50! 15 a m I Pittsburg. B.tU. ;p. m p. in J. T. ItLAIK. General Manager. Greenville, pa W.G. SARGEANT G. P. A.. Meadvllle. Pa * GO TO W.E. R ALSTON'S For fine Watches, Diamonds and Optical Goodß of ail kinds. Examined Free /C.N of Cliarcc by. 11. R. FRENCH Graduate Opti dm, at No. 132 S Main street, Butler, Pa. M, A, BERKIMER, Funeral Director Ifl . Butler Pa. One Nickel Plated Watch give.i FREE aI;!i every sio. Sale. SCHAUL & NAST. , Kair Week * EVERYBODY within fifty miles: of* Butler will com** to our Grand Fair »%/>/-» Jr * Everybody who needs any Men's J, Boys CI.OTHIXG, will come in and see us and take home some of the special Bargains - We are offering.* 100 Men's all wool union casM.mere suits which we: In j| Frmuo-h ciirl |p»t season far i , e Come in 100 Boys suits ;• »• -• I,J b<- and see ' ,ore for $ 2 - $ 2 -5° ai •* <> | woolen sizes 6t014 \. i>. ,< e oft, US. your choice of any of t<.« -a . :i.: Scheiu.l & Na?.t, I .enc 1 in i\ Clot It ierw, 137 S. Mun St, tuf. r ? . The less we tell vou The More You'll Rememb SO WE'LL SIMPLY SAY: Don't buy any cloth' ' until you have seen as we iVf and \\ T I f save you mon anyth j ng »» in the Clothing i. Ask to see our $0 AA t: : i $4 A all wool VOiUU wol>; m)AU. ted suits. Douthett&Grah am Corner Main and Cunningham, Butlei T \ Schneideman's Old Stand. BHLOSB BHO Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters u !>rP. WHAT MAN! Goes to the tailor for an overcoat? The man who has never seen the good kind we have NOW in stock . iy !<>- sale. , THAT NEW OVERCOAT. We show here is a creation that merchant tailors would like {Hal. 1 Ik-_- overcoats are in Black or Blue Kersevs and we have them from |i<_ rt . JOHNNY FROST COATS. Big well made stout ulster, for big and little boys, in frieze, f .1 ;y c'levi. : ■ or fur beaver. Prices ah.. ■ ± V.:j low, t. REMEMBER We have the exclusive sale in Butler county of Men's, Boys' ?fc C -i ! r n's solutely water-proof clothing, if you examine this line you will surv y . ..i-civ-! •• as the prices are the same as for the non-water proof goods. BHLOSS BHO'3, 104 S. Main St.. - Bv, V,P» Sch ieiden an's Old Stand. |STILL ON DFX ! We are doing a larger busines than ever, as this is our busy se. • • ;-r *!. f '1 are pushing us a little, but still we are al.le to do more. Bring f: < <1 clothes ami have them made like new at the reliable BUTLER DYE WORKf, 216 Centre Ave., R. FISHER, Pi op r. tfmn GIVEN AWAY - - JJJI) - - ABSOLUTELY i REE To the lucky holder of the key which will open the iltto v. ' 1 our window. A key will be given v.ith every purchase ; oils t<• the amount of one dollar or more. better; % SHOES fiStnT Even at the low prices we here quote, the goods must be >-ec-i to b appreciated. Ladies' fine patent tip shoes at 85 . . Men's fine satin calf shoes at $1 js, Boys' "Iron Clad" school shoes at ' <>o - Misses' Dongola Pat. tip shoes at 75 . Children's " " " " •' co cs Infants' fine kid shoes at 25 cts Ladies' fine cloth gaiters at 50 ( .< Ladies' slippers at 30 < s Men's slippers at 40 c;.> See our "SERVICE" line of shoes for m.n, women and children They are WATER. PROOF. Just the thing for the country. A. RUFF & SON, 114 S. Main Street, BUTLER, - PENN'A. Valuable Farm for Sale. A valuable farm, located in Donegal tup. and comprising about 175 acres, 120 of which are cleared and the rest covered with white-oak and chestnut timber; well watered and having two orchards with plenty of peaches and grapes; good build ings, consisting of a two-story, frame dwelling house, barn, granery, spring-liouse, and all other necessary outbuildings; two miles from railroad station and six miles from county seat; convenient to schools and churches, will be sold cheap, one half the purchase money to be paid down and the balance in two payments within two years. The tarm is leased until April of ISO 7, but has no other encumbrances. For further particulars inouire at this office. Farm For Sale. Containing 20 acres of good land, with rrchard.s of apple, peacb, pear, and cherr, ; km, jrrape arbors eto. A good 6 room hous • iili large poruboft, summer house and -pring water at door, an excellent xpring houxe and several other outside building This property is located in Franklin t'Wiirthip, 1' mile* from lit. Chestnut and intween it aad Prospect, and will be gold >r traded for town property. For lurther particulars inquire at thi • ffioe. Liyery, Feed and Hale Stable, Hear of Wick He Buller, P.t The best of horsi H H i 6r»t *•'»•!* RIGD always on hanr »*JI 'or bin Best accommoda;i« i* in t-»wn I r permanent boardii g fid trans *it rade. Special cart 11 . both iiriv« era and draft boteet 00 Land nnd for sale under H full guarau ee; and horses bought 1 t> >i» proper noti fication by SKANOH A ACE All kinds ol live b o