The Seventh Annual-- Opens Wednesday September 4, 1895 BURG Closes- Saturday UXROSI" October 19, 1895. | TION. Unsurpassed Attractions OILMORE S WORLD BENOWNBD BAND Victor Herbert, Director, Will appear until Sept. 14 in popular Concerts Daily, To be followed by PONTERNO S NINTH REGIMENT BisND, of Brooklyn, and C ° H INNIB FAM O aB NEW YORK BAND. SIO,OOO Pleasure Railway, Tiie Finest in the State—just completed. MAGNIFICENT ART GALLERY. By formost American Artists. IrVi'av of MECHANIC A IJ INVENTIONS. 1 * " Never equalieti in the b'.story of Expositions. A grlcultura! and Dairy Machinery In Full Operation. SPECIAL ALL RAILROADS. Admirsion, 25c. Children, 15c. •'The Place for the Peop'e," The Restaurant will be under the-lianaKement-of W. S. Porter, thoroughly first-class in every particular and popular pr:ces charged. IN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fa'l and w:.v tcr goods that we have bought, we will make up our summit ami medium weight goods at prices much below their real \a ue. Nov. is the time for you to get a suit, or pair of trousers for less than >ou can buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect lit and satisfaction in c«ich and every particular. This offer holds good until Ist ot September. 101 South Main Street, I C VminO" Tb9TAILO n ßand Butler, Pa. 1 uents Furoisiier. DIAMONDS ! RINGS, EAR.RINGS. (JCAKFjF j NS , BXIJD 3. WATCHES \ OKST9 ' °° LD - LADIES' CHAH-AIN JEWELRY } (jo.d Pins. Ear Kinji. Bracelet*. Etc. ■ w TT V 7* 0 XWT A *0 T *» Butler »'i 1J Ever) in If I!|X% W Anfaf ttiat can be tiuu-1 ia » first clan# «tor<». BODGE!* BROS. 1874 } KNIV KS. KOKK3. IpLK (, L iTE E. GRIEB, JEW T E H L E EK . Ho. 139. North Main St, fi JTLEB.'PA.. ♦l**-#J. R. GRlEß.*t+*+ 00 VOU WANT AN , Sole .-gent for Bros. & Co,, A. _ flf'iyrt** B. Chase. Merrill and other high graile vi Kdll • pianos. They are always in stock. -J 1 mU U> V R" i-.oni why you should buy aplano ororganofj. R. Grieb: grade ■HBH Xatabltobed I*7l. *d- I buy direct from manufacture;* an.t nay uu commission, thereby »a\- cm at an hon4t prfci >ug the purchaser all middle profits. e»nl»tm fraa. . JRBHH ft Van. A.i,. /I. Ml. I do not have any agents, an VigUltA expensive luxury who bore you to -5 W- Wajr»*, la*. death. Butler is fuli of them at pres eut, and in order to compete with my prices naturally must sell inferior goods. A full line of small goods always in stock. J. R. GRIEB, n9 South Main Street, ... Butler, Pa R>L-TPIRR« ISA war- fever I /?! SJ COLD-HEAD tmM frean. Balm it not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into th* nostrils it it _ quickly absorbed. It cUanses the head, allay t inflammation, heals _ _ Cltfi the sore*. Hold by drug gist* or sent by snail on receipt of price. C(|A DUC ELY BROTHERS 56 Wwi Street NEW YORK. DUC Rob't. Lewin, WHOIHALI WHISKEY MERCHANT A.ID IMPOITCP '» W I * AND uIQUOBF, 13<l Water St., (Oppos'te B. 4 0 Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING rOK JUDICAL AND FAMILY USE SI.OO per Qt., or 6 Qt«. tor $5.00 Pinch's Golden Wedding )ougherty Gackenheimer, Lorge Gibson, flridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Ovarbolt, eto. Tbi« is the oily boose not rectifying in the oity.there fore our g<-»ds are warranted pare. Goods keonre'y packed and boxed without extra aharge, 0. O. D. and mail orders receive rompt attention. Grandfather's choice • fear old, $2.00 par gallon. Try as. W. L. pOUCLAS S3 SHOEn"r«» CORDOVAN, nKWCM * CMAJKUIO CALT 1(4.'3.v Fiu CAI/ILKAMAI« POLICE,3 SOLES. m "11 1 WORK!H6*E N ' S W -DrruAriMe. BOYS SCMOCLSKOEX LABIE3- VBOCKTOICMAtS. Over One MWIIor. P—pU w mmr tht W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the heat valve fee the snsn. They eqnui custom Shoe* la style end lit. Th«lr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The pncee are millwsi,— ea sole. Pram ft to SJ saved aver ether Bakes. U your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ALEXANDER A DOUTT. WOITIBTOW*. McCANPLESS" HEAVE CURE 1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any vxe of heave* in horses in forty days, •evd according to directions, and if it does aot d« what I claim for it, 1 will refund the amount pai>l and no charge* will be made for the treatment. The following tosti-nonialH are the strongest proof of th rneaic.nes power to enre: A. J ifOf'AHDLRNS. Bntler, Pa., 1803. Mr A. J. MCCAXDLKXH: On Lii«> 2ud day of April, ltWi, I ooin menced to use vour new cure for one ol *iy kyrses that bad the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for ab< it forty dayn and the h.irse did not lb * any signs of a retain of tnem. It i* nr. v about a year since I quit givin the m«d\c'.ue and the horne ho« never soww" at. • »ifn» ofuoaves, and I feel sti-tie I ?hi t be is properly cared. W C. CBISWKLL, Sutler. Pa., April 3, 1803. A. J. MOCAFOLHM: I h*»e n»«d your Hoavc Cnre and fonnl It wiil do hb work if ased accordng to di rMoii" Yours irnly, V.U 1 - U ILLIW. Qouth Shore Wine Go. Eist. Erie Co., Pa.**- Manufacturers of Dinner, Family, Medicinal and Altar Wines. We would like to have you give our wine* a trial and will ship to you on re ceipt of order one case of assorted wine# containing One Dozen Bottles for $6, as we are ready to open an account with you. After you have Keen satisfied as to the iiualitv. you will have the ad vantage "I ordering such wines a* you may need. We guarantee our wines to be Abso lutely pure, and free from adulteration; 3to 5 years of age. Hope you will favor us with a trial order, as we are certain you will be pleased with our wines. We have 75 acres of choice wine grapes and raise our own graj>es for wine. Ihe South Shore waa founded in 1564 and is the largest wine cellar in the sijle. We ship no wines under thice year* of age, as it requires that time to mature and malce a perfect wine. Respectfully yours, SOUTH SHORE WINK CO., M. A. CALDWELL, Proprietor. (J. ROSS RAYMOND, Gen'l Agent,) North East. Erie Co., Pa. D L. CLE ELAN I) Optician, 12.5 S. Main, St. PARKIN BROS. tGreen Goods Market, * CENTRE AYE. - - - Rear R. K All kinds of Country Produc 1 ways on hands—good and fresh Highest market price paid in eash for Country Produce. THE FISH Co. Butler, Pa. Original Low Priced Tailors and Perfect Fitters. Pants to order. .$ 3.00 to SIO.OO Suits to order.. $ 1 5.00 to $50.00 ! Overcoats to order j I'romp work ar.d fit guaranteed. Give us a call. The Fish Tailoring Co., 104 DIAMOND, Opp. North side Court House, Butler, P OREAT PHYSICAL STRENOTH fa not necessary to the -nioyment of per fect health, yet strong, healthy organ# and faculties give rise to the most de lightful sensations of existence. Exorcise, common sense and ordinary precaution and you need never be very ■ick. When you find your stomach troublesome, your bowels inactive, your nerves sensitive—look out! When your weight ia decreasing, when your energy la waning, when exertion seems impossi ble and sleep does not give rest—look out! . . , Serious illness has its beginning In neglected little things. Even dread con sumption comes on by degrees, and may begin with a very slight derangement. Taken in time, 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption can be cured. Taken in time, no disease need be really serious. The best safeguard against disease is an active, healthy liver. That means good blood and good blood means good solid healthy flesh. The germs of disease seek out the weak spots in the body. Don't have any weak spot#. If you have them now, clear tliem out tone them up, make them strong. Dr.' Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wril do it. It searches out all poisonous mutter and disease-germs of whatever character. It regulates the action of the organs of the whole body. It forces out impure matter, makes the blood rich and puts new life into every fiber. It makes good, firm, healthy flesh— doesn't make fat. It gives you flesh that you can work with—th« flesh that means health, but a reasonable plumpness is essential to the best bodily condition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover} is pleasant to take and you don't havo to take an ocean of It to get well either. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch. Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PII.ES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Bold br Drncriita.or Hot po«t-p»id on rsosiptof prtss. HLSrHKBTS' III). CO., 11l a lit lllllUaH., ll« Tor*. WITCH HAZEL OIL Inrrnnr ' could get reiief ß VKr PlIKr from a most horri-B ■ ULI Ullb ble blood disease, lg B /^= had spent hundreds a 8 of dollars TRYING various remedies j ■ and physicians, none of which did me I I any good. My finger nails came off, I Sand my hair came out, leaving meg I perfectly bald. I then went to 1 1 HOT SPRINGS j E Hoping to be cured by this celebrated a • treatment, but very soon became I ■ disgusted, and decided to TRYg ■ The effect was! truly wonderful. IE • ■fejßfejPfcjl commenced to re-1 cover after taking I a the first bottle, and by the time I hads B taken twelve bottles I was entirely cured— f fi cured by S. S, S. when the world-renowned a B Hot Springs had failed. S £ WM. S. LOOMIS, Shreveport. La. g B Our Book on the Dlseas* and Itn Treatment j • wallud free to nay addraas. % B'J W MlQllll I>1>» Mrs. Anna Gage, wife nf Ex- Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., saysi "I wan delivered Of TWINS less than 20 min t ntcs and with ® scarcely any pain IV 0W a ' ter us ' n g only C/ two bottles of FRIEND" DID NOT BTJYFER AFTERWARD. ry Sent br Express or mall, on receipt of price, ILM per bottle. Book "TO M0TIIKU8" Ballad free. BBADtTELD BEGHMTOB CO., ATLANTA, OA. -OLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. A White Crow Is very ran-, so U a perfectly Pure whiskey. How HIE you to know wb» 11 It Is really safe and pure? Tast- d<»a not always reveal the fact Tlie best way Is to buy a brawl Unit bus reached Its popularity M>lely by public approval. OurOlil EiportWhlr. key ha* been thoroughly tried In the cruelble of public Judg ment, and has come out bearing all the praises that usually (all to a meritorious article. It la absolutely pure, eight years old, smooth, and Just right far inedl. clnal, family or social use. Full Quarts, $1.00; Six Quarts, $5 00. Mail And exprea* order* shipped promptly, and wc? pay esproM rhnrgoft on all orders of CIO 00 and over. Jos. FLEMING dt. SON. *l2 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. OutoploUt l'rleo Mats of Wine* and Liquors mailed frws. WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep 6IVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSINO R MOTHERS. Check* wasting diseases, stops night sweats, cures incipiont consumption. O Increases strong .h and flosh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will give the palo and pun; the Nrosy cheeks of youtn. CUBES ALL FEJIALB COMPLAINTS. Makes strong m»n and woman of weaklings. GILMORE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Care all Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neithor styptic nor caustis and have no coagulating effect ou the contents of the stomach or its lining; consequently do not hurt the teeth or cau«e constipation or diarrhosa, as <lo the usual forms or Iron. 'O days treatment 60c, pamphlet free. If not kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. ■H ««r*a ft»V TV "# u»« T* tekz *•. " U)« akla el**r, whit* aad *•l4 \j 4r«fgl*u. Mr MBl by to all for 10 cU A4dr~« D«_ #WAte» A Sve, rMle4»l*A4e, r». Ask 4ruifHt imt THK citizen. Pomona. "Reader" wants to itnow the signifi cance of the word Pomona as used in con nection with the Grange. Moat any farm er bov could have told him. Pomona in classical mythology is the goddess of fruits and trees. She was a beautiiul hamadriad, or wood-nymph, but she loved the culti vated fields. She was beloved of all the Fawns and Satyrs, and Sylvanas the God ••f the forests, and the goat-footed Pan were all dead Btnck on her, but she would have nothing to do with them. Finally the comely Vertumnus, in the disguise of aa old woman, has an interview with the lovely Pomona and tells her the story of Iphis and Anaxarste, which touches her heart. Vertumnus then threw off his dis guise and appeared before her as a beauti ful youth. She returned his love and they were wed. Pomona was said to be very fond of apples, and her favorite beverage was hard cider. Grange meant originally a granery —a place tor storing grain and the now gen erally accepted meaning of the t«rm is au j association of farmers to advance the in terests ol agriculture. Pomona is quite poetical, and at the same time beautitully significant as applied to the Grange. What We Need. What the man of to-day needs most is not athletics in a gymnasium, hut plenty ot fresh air in his lungs. Instead of a quantity of violent exercise that leaves him weak for several hours afterward, he needs to laarn to breathe right, stand right, and sit r.ghi. The young man or young woman who starts on a career of training, and keeps it up year after year, just at the time whea the body has a great deal of its own natural work' to do and wants to do it, may make up his or her mind that beyond a showy and superficial development of muscle und strength, all this training, in after life, is going to count against them. —Annals ol Hygiene. Fast Locomotive. The Baldwin Locomotive Works are building a 19 by 26 inch passenger engine for tha C. B. <fc Q., to oa.ry 200 pounds steam pressure and have piston valves, and a trailing truck behind the drivers It will be a simple engino and is for the purpose ol hauliug a train .if six cars from Chicago to Galesburg, 163 miles, in three hours, or at an average speed of 54 3 miles per hour. The grate area is to be large and the locomotive will be very poweriul. This engine is the outcome of the compe tition between the Burlington and the. Northwestern in mail and fast passengei service. —"Any color so it's red." Look where you will and windows are filled with neck tibs. It seems as though man. recogniz ing the fact that in everything oise he must be prosaic, has set bis mind to work to devise ties of all shades aud descriptions. He has succeeded in bringing out some startling tffacls, to suy the least. And it .-.eems, too, as though he had written in fashion's book, 'Any color will do so that it is ied." There was a time when a red n ck'.ie was held to indicate insauity. or worte. Xuw the most sober pal jrlamilia* Contemplates its ai'opllo . without a pang. This has been announced so often, bow ever, that it luunt be becoming an old Story. The truth is that we, meaning fashion aud other oracles, will not bo e«m teut until every one has some bright bit of oil color at the neck. Then will come the revulsion,and the blacks lock will prob ably follow, but in the meantime men will have grown to look like something else than professional mourners. —A local bicycle enthusiast contributes the following: Don't dodge a bicycle rider. Posts, trees and telegraph poles do not dodge, and only beginners ever run into them. If you see a bike approaching aud begin dodging you contuse the rider. He don't know where you are going to land, and there is likely to )e a collision. It }ou are driving a vehicle and meet a bioycle, give tbe rider room to pass. He has as much right to the road as a two horse wagon, and if you crowd him off and be thereby breaks his wheel, you are liable for damageu. Dr. Agnew's Cure lor the Htsrt gi7 J oerfect relief in all cases of Organic o •sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutej and speedily elfeetx a cure. It is a peer ess remedy Palpitation, .Shortness o. -Jremh, Sui.<therit)g Spells, Pain in Lei ' ide aud all symptoms of a Diseased Heart •no doi-e convinces, bold by City Pilar mcy. —First Comptroller Howler has at la«t rendered bis decisiou in the sug:ir boutiiy oases, to the effect that as tnere is a c«>u trovetted question of law involved in theui, he returns the papers to the Secre tary of the Treasury to be submitted to thw Court of Claims lor a decision. He held lbut the sugar bounty law is uncon stitutional and refused lo pass the claims uud«r it. The claimants said thai the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of il was none of bis business; that he has no rigbt to revise acts of Congress; that it is his duty to obey them as he fiuds them. l£i.y|j:>li Spaviu Linluieut remove* a' hard, holt or calloused lump* mid lilu.u iieim Irtiuj horse*. UiiKttl spavins, curbs • JI.IL;-, swetuty, r.ugooue, stifles, sorala' ail s*nlleii tuioais, cougns, etc oaVtf s">t) lis* use ol iiti« bottle. Wairau'ed Ihe inn.! wuoileii'jl Dleui:»b Cure ever tuon hu.d t>v J■ 0. Keu.cs, uru»i)!i»t Builer !'A —"Have you observed," said a raor chaiu to a customer, "the handsome ad vertisement I have just bad painted ou a fenceT" "No," replied the customer, "but if you will (tend the fence to my house I will try and read the announce ment, i read the newspapers, and I hav'ut time to go around reading bill boards." And the merchant scratched bis head. Knrutnausm cured in it tiny—"Alystio cum for rtieumalmm suit neuialg:a, radic »!iy cure* in Ito 3 davit. It* action u|«ir iu» system i« remarkable and myi<leriou» 11 rrmovea at ouce liin can mi and Itio die ea-e imiij«cliHi«!_» disappears. Tile tir o |fre»tl) benefit*. lit cU. .Sold by J dru .gist. Kuller. —The present war existing between the big plug tobacco manufacturers in proving very interesting fo; the consumers, they being the only ones who are profiting by thin war. The manufacturer* are unques tionably lowing a great deal of money. Sew Jersey drupe Juice .Sent to Europe, Mr. Speer, of New Jersey. ban a reputa tion extending over the woj!d an being a reliable producer 01 Oporto Grape Juice and Port wine. 11 IH Oporto Juice and Port wine are ordered by fatnilieH in I>res den, London and Paris for their Hnperior medicinal virtue*, and blood making quality, owing to the iron contained in the noil in which the vines grow. —"Madam," he said, and his voice was harsh and rasping, "would yon please pull iu your puffed sleeves? I would like to get at least a glimpse of the eclipse." And then she went into executive session and confirmed bis nomination as a brute. —"Men are all ounceited things." This remark, born of great wisdom and long experience in life, came from a very pretty girl of sixteen, who, with three others— equally pretty—was sitting on the front steps viewing tho passing show. And the poor man who overheard it, sighed bitter ly and cursed the hour that he was born. —The greatest velocity attained by a whale when struck by a harpoon is nine miles an hour. A Very Poor Catch. "Mercy!'' cried the editor's wile, as she »rose in the morning to find two windows pried open and the lamp overturned in the middle! of the floor. "There was a burg lar in the house last night—a burglar. "Yes," said the editor with a yawn, "he struck us just betore daylight, but he was evidently a very poor man. I only got out of him. You'll find that in the bu reau drawer. The key's under my pillow. —Atlanta Con.-titutiou. Rites of Postage. For letters and all first class matter two cents per ounce; lor newspapers and monthly magazines one cent for four ounces; books and printed matter one cent for two ounces; merchandise one cent an ounce; letters for foreign countries, ex cept Canada and Mexico, five cents per half ounce; newspapers one cent for two ounces. —Civilization is advancing in Mexico. A prominent military officer who had kill ed a man in a duel was recently sent to jail for three years and orderod to pay the widow of his victim $4,500 a year (or eieh teen years. Even il the imprisonment should be remitted, a possible liue of SBO,- 000 is likely to cause future duelists to think twice before going out. —Seems Innny, bnt not a Philadelphia paper of to-day has any use for the word "hog" except in the live stock reports. There was a time, etc. —The voice of the ' frozen idea" boy has frost on its edges, and is no longer shrill, rasping and strident. —lt is stated that the dress to be worn by the Empress of Russia at the corona tion ceremony next year has just been ordered at Paris, aud is to be decorated in pearls and gold marvellously worked, at a cost ot 1,000,000 Irancs. —The name ol Lord Dunraveu's yctcb is pronounced Val ki-ree, with the accent on the second syllable. Il comes from the Icelandic Valkyr j*. more familiar in the German loim, Walkure. In the Norse mythology it means one of the virgin at tendants of Odin, who carry to Valhalla heroes slain n battle. —"I thought you said this bors9 yon sold me was an intelligent, reliable animal. "It is." "Why, it tries to get over the fence every time it sees a girl in bloomers." "Yes. Thai's what shows its intell - gence." —Hood's Sarsaparilla enres Snmmei weakness because it makes rich, pure blood. —Arresting a man lor chopping the household wood on Sunday in New Jersey will strengthen the position held by many that it '8 always best to leave these things lo the women. —One of the most picturesque figures io England is Lucy Lee, the now wealthy and celebrated who lives near Brighton. She has told the for'unes ol all the members ol the ro?al family and most of the nobility. She is remarkabl) intelligent, dresses neatly A. id lives in » houte (luring the win'.er season. She is G'J years old, and has eleven gmwn-np chil dren. A President or. Jirawly for Sickness The President of ihe Baltimore Medica 1 College, who ha* thoroughly tested Speer'i winrs and brandy, says: I am prepared to bear testimony t.o th • value of Speer's Climax liraidy as H pure and valuable arlioal in all eases of disease in which a reliitble stimulant is required I regard is superior to most French brand ies. Harvey L Byrd, M. D. and Presi dent and Professor of Obstetrics and Dis eases of Woman and Children, Ba'timore Medicul college. Lucifer matches were patented in 1834, while friction matches preceded them 13 years. The improved machinery by which matches are now made by the million, at a trilling cost, was the inven tion of comparatively recent years. —M. Chassepot, the inventor of the rifle of that name, whieh was kil'ed so many people, leads a very peaceful life at Nice, Be does not permit hunting on hi* premis es, and is an enthusiastic member of the Society for tbe Prevention of Cruelty to children. —Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, who has returned fr'm abroad, says that one peculiarity of foreign connties is that you do not have .to hide when y«,u want to take a drink. UelteJ i H Sue Hour*. —Distressing Kidney and Bl idder ilis east-it relit-vt-il in sis to.urs liv the "N»>« Grt-af South AHITHID K'dtiey Curtt." Tti •« tie* reiitei:v i< a g'eat surprise on ai cunt of its eicsrd ng p-omputers in rt lieV*n/ its II in 'ne hmliisr. t'diiev, bark and rvt-rv imit «.f:lie urnary i>*s« *e- : u u>4l•* o fem»!e It rt* irves retention i' K<'er and pain 'n pa-»it)g it a'uiost iui nied'a Iv. If von w ant ij'iick relief mid (fori* >r ->« < fiir rt-iiieti-. . Sold bv J. C. itedu-k d Bu.ler Pa. —Two 16-year-old girls, "Sis" ltaukin and Sadie Hull, had a rough and tumble Jight on Piue Knob mountain, Payette coun'y, Pa.,|in which the latter wes badly used up. ller mother made au information ngalnst the Rankin girl. Their quarrel arose over their rivalry for a yov'ng man. —A few mornings ago a hawk pounced down on a thrush in the garden of an Knglish correspondent. At tbe same moment a cat sprang upon tbe hawk and bore it off triumphantly with the thrush still in its talons. Both birds were after wards rescued uninjured. Hugh Pißher, a Uniontown resident, got sick of carrying "the darned thing" around in his leg any longer the other day, so ho dug out with his jackuife the bullet that had bothered him thirty-five years. Failure to demolish tbe Carnegie plate with a 12-inch gun has only inspired the ambition of the Ordnance Bureau to try again with a larger cannon. That armor will be shattered if there is a gun in the country big enough to do it. —There is a rumor that Lord Salisbury has informed the Turkish Minister in Lon don that the reforms must be oai ried out or Turkey would be dismembored. Per haps this rumor is well founded, as it ac cords with Lord Salisbury's decisive meth ods. There is cortainly need of decision. —lt is estimated 'hat a man (weighing 150 pounds, riding a bicycle at tbe rato of seven miles an hour, has a momentum of 1,500 pounds, leaving out of the account the weight of the wheel. This is sufficient to upset a pedestrian with terrible force. VM.y Not Try tl.c New and Better Waj Of doing your shopping? Instead o coming to the store, make the store como to you. /es, and the best and biggjs' store in the country at that: namely,Kau!- inaun Brothers, Pittsburg Drop them ' ostal and you will get their sprijg and otimmer Catalogue gratis, enabling you to order by mail anything you may wi*h, ana avin/as much money as city people do. PChl<-iir»(t i* « l.tiffii-'h I trail I. ENNYKOYAL PILLi -<J. - Original and Oj.ljr Cciiuittc. fiSfk '' * 'iv, —\ 1/ Mall. 141.0U0 r Smm* f«l4 tj iU U«l i lill>4» 1 The largest" piece of GO OP TOBACCO ever sold for lO CENTS 'WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ' SAPOLIO tf. F. Hartzell. Frank Kemper. The Adriance Rinder Is the lightest draft, the simplest constructed, the easiest operated, and the most durable of any binder on the market. It will not upset ou the steepest hills, It will cut where all others fail. It will handle as long or as short grain as anv other binder. It will do better work in tangled grain than any hinder in use. This binder is sold oil its merits. If it fails to do as above mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. All machines and vehicles sold by us are guaranteed to be as represented. Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to the separator, can be got from us. Vehicles in various styles and prices. Harness fo* all kinds of use. Fly nets and Covers, Dusters. Robes, Rlauk. ts, A hips, &c. In short, anything belonging to a team outfit is I: pt by us. wagon on the market is sold by us. We guarantee il sup ::<>r to %any thiug sold in this county. Call and see us HARTZELL S IKIPBWH- HI. it. »n.,r. \ THE QUESTION »s often asked, What Paint shall wc use? THE ANSWER I If you are looking lor covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Ctnrs Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measure. Our prices arc for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business tu stay and ■RUSHES.-- "■ ' With u* COLORS IN HOUSE 4. COACH VARNISHCSI C\ - - J. C. REDICK, tog'N. Main St. Are You Using NATURE'S COMPOUND? Bv all means do so. It is un doubiedlv one of the best remedies ou the market to regulate the Liver, Stomacb and Kidney*, Purifies the blood, au excellent touic Tone.* ihe svßieui and is purely vegetable. Sold by Pruggints. Price sl. six for $5. Persons to Travel.-:-:- WANTKI). Several faithful gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. Position permanent if suited; t >ls<> increase. State reference ,*itid enciose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. THE NATIONAL, 318-317-318 Omal A Bldg , CHICAOO. Chautauqua Nursery Company. - OFFER— Liberal Terras To Agents, I>ig Inducement* to Customer*. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. Now Specialties. Heed Potatona, Ac. Men Wanted. Ju Every Town, Steady Work. Pay Weekly Addres*. //. B. J l //./.JAMS, Scry, Portlaud\ N. Y. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL ■ ■■■■ consult Old lU.-1 labia DR.LOBB .lit# If. FIFTEENTH sT. f I'll 11. A., PA. Thirty yritm c nllniion* practice In the cur* of all sof men mid women No matter from what 4'ttiiHc or i«ow lonic "landing. I will (/tujranfe* a our*. IV2 I'mcH Cloth-liouuJ iiook and mailed I-JUiK. l.c. wick: bKALKK IN Rough and Worked Lumber or Aii*. KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Latb Always in Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Offlcu opposite P. A W. Depot, Btl TIi KB ' Every Woman jj Sometime* n.wds a rrli -1 able monthly regulating 0 ,<C medicine. /\V 'si Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Are prompt, safe and certain In ranult. The frenn* Bm Dr. rWli Mill <l—ppoinl s.-nt auyauor* •1.00. X'oai ModiCiUO iAj . tie* Vlaiid. O. THE KEELEY-GURE I.i a xjicclal boon to business men who. having drifted uucoiisciously into tlx- drink habit ami sunken (o find the disease of alcoholism fastened ii|*>n them. rendering thi-ni until to manage af falm requiring a clear brain. A four Weeks course of treatment at the > ~ MTTSBUkU KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. -1246 Fifth Avenue, restore* to them all their powers, menial and physical, destroys the abnormal appetite, and restores them to the condition they were In lie forc they indulged In stimulants. 'l'hls has liecn donelninoro than 1(100 cases treated here, and •■Ml| them some of your own neighbors, to whom we • sn refer with confidence us to the alnolnte srifely and efficiency of the Keoley ("un-. The fullest aiiil most searching Investigation Is II vltcd. bead for i*un<>lUct giving full hUoruiA fen. | i,, 2Ma s i D. T. PAPE'S.i Mlin s Street. ( ( Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF You DON'T WANT TO BUY. Our display is far ahead of all previous years in Style and beauty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s oX ?£ ,s Mourning Goods a Specialty. s 5"";1o' s Special Pall Announcement For the Season of 1895. Amazing Bargains, our purpose to sell low, our purpose to sell much, our purpose to sell now -that's the secret- We get it from all sides—"You're doing a phenomenal business." It'« not acci dent. We're meeting the wants of the people bv putting prices down and keeping them down. It takes courage, but brings business. We offer for your selection this fall one of the largest, most elegant stock of dress goods, ladies', children's and Misses' wraps ever brought to Butler. It is only necessary to mention that they are the celebrated Rothchila garments, the only perfect fitting wrap ever shown in But ler. Ladies in bygone days had to go to Pittsburg to get a genuine Kothchild wrap, but for the past two years we have the exclusive sale of Rothchild wraps in Butler. The public generally know what that name means. Perfect fitting, latest designs, best quality, at prices that will compete with any garment shown in the town of Butler. Our Millinery Department will still be under the able supervision of Mrs. Lou M. Ritier. This assures our patrons that we are iu position now, as heretofore, to give them choice styles, new styles, exclusive styles, at our wellknowu popular prices. Ostrich feathers have been advancing right along. We bought our winter stock of ostrich feathers early in June, before the advance; also our velvets. This is to l>e a season for ostrich feathers and velvet. We can save you by our luckv early purchase 25 per cent on the dollar on all millinery goods. For dress goods I wish space would permit our telling you of the visions of beauty, style and elegance that our dress goods department is brim full of Beautiful Boucle cloths in b'ack and colors. Fall crepous, crevanettes, heavy serges, fine serges, Henriettas and new Fall novelty drca» goods, choice designs iu novelty dress patterns. Our slock of biankels. flannels, yarns, haps, hosiery, uudcrwear, notions, trimuiiugs and domestics was never so complete or prices so reasonable. See our exhibit at Butler fair. Call at the popular store of Mrs, Jennie E. ZiilermaN Opposite Ho. tsl Lowry. Successor to Kit tor Ji RaU'.uu Bring your friends along. A GREAT MANY PEOPLE will visit the PITTSBURG EXPOSITION this month, and to each one of them we , extend a hearty invitation to call and inspect our EXPOSITION OF FINE Whiskeys, Wines and Liquors in their original packages—Champagnes from France; Wilis kies from Scotland and Ireland; Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rums and Cordials from foreign climes—all in their native purity. We carry the finest assortment of any house in the State at exceedingly low prices. THE SILVER AGE RYE WHISKEY " '* popularity—solely on its merits—and la endorse;! by physicians as the BEST STIMULANT IN THE WORLD, $l5O per full qt. ! FOR $5.00 we will send you—all charges paid—one quart of 1 1 Silver Age and 5 quarts of the famed Bear Creek Rye, or we will on application mail yoa our complete catalogue and you can aelect sti 00 worth of liquors, and we will ship them to yon, neatly boxed FOR MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquor Dealer; | 82 FEDERAL ST, Allegheny Pa. "3 A Summer Drive /-SimKkv'X lcaes a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less lux- V J urious, easy running and handsome than it might be. Fredonia Buggies .lave nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles vou can get -are as strong and secure as they're sigh ly. Ask and insist that you sec them at your dealer's. Made bv FREfcOWA I*FG. CO.. Younsstown, Ohio, The place to buy _ AM|< GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS.LAM < IX TURKS, lIJSK, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMt etc, is at w. II .O'Brien & Son'® 107 East Jefferson Street. New York Weekly Tribune, + AND + Butler Citizen * ONE YEAR ♦ $1.50. Addrss All Orders t THE CITIZEN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers