Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 12, 1895, Image 4
The Seventh Annual-- Opens T3TT n T Wednesday September 4, 1895 BURG Closes- Saturday EXPOSE October 19, 1895. r r lON. Unsurpassed Attractions GILMORE S WORLD RENOWNED BAND. Victor Herbert, Director. Will appear until Sept. 14 in popular Concerts Dail>, To b« followed by SIO,OOO Pleasure Railway, The Finest in the State—just completed. MAGNIFICENT ART GALLERY By formost American Artists. Display of MECHANICAL Agricultural and Dairy Machinery In Full Operation. SPECIAL EACH WEEK all R AI LROADS. Admirsion, 25c. „ Ch.ldren, 15c. • 'The PUce for the People, The Restaurant will be under the management of W. S. Porter, thoroughly first - .lass in every particular and popular prices charged. IN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and wi.i trr "oods that « have bought, we will make up our summer anu medium bright goods at prices much bcloiv their real value. Nosv i> the time lor yoj :o get a a ui:. or pair of trousers for less than yo cm buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect nt and satislactio» i.i each and every particular. This offer holds good until ist ol September. 101 Sonth Main Street, I C Vmincr The TAILOR and Butler Pd. 1 UUI DIAMONDS r xos - studs. WATCHES r ;KXTS ' fiOLD> L A DI K , cbahaiv JE WELRY } ° old EirKin<S Ko. |*n a XWT A IT" Te» S«l< C.HHtorH Butwr l>l»n«-« »nl{ E«-rytu . K I liV -1H 111/ £%.t\ Kj>( rn*t r»n n* . »ar»»l .0 . Or»c class -.10r^.. KODbtl 8303. 1874 as, K .->1 '» E. GRIEB, JEW ™ E Eg r So. 139, north Main St., B JTL£B,'.FA., R. GRIEB.^t+H DO VOU WANT AN IB? Sole sgent for B.lir Bros. & Co,, A MIHL *» IJ - Chase, Merrili and other high grade v/ 1 xdU • pianos. They are always in stock. W* mail* aod Mil Um Reasons why you should buy a piar.o f wHEH pn /*! r<\ ur organ of J- R Crich: H A Uvllttl U i # t. I handle l»igh grade iiistru- Anrar K«tahll«hnd IS7I. MRfnir WK Aiw4i>vTLStaW 3<l 1 buy d.reel from manufactun r„ Itv, Htrle and Untoh. aiul |>av HO coiJlllllssloll, tliereriV *a\- jnK lllt purchaser all middle profits. CftUUcae free. • . _ . fIKMHH BWi.n.nm.r» 1 do »ul have :iM > a K cnt: " Ft. nl|llo Urgflll vU> expensive luxury who rK>re you to Ft. Wajraa,ia4. death. Untler is full of thein at pris ent, and in order to compete with my prices naturally must sell inferior goods. A full line of small goods always in stock. • J. R. GRIE;B, iiß South Main Street, ... Butler, Pa. P.RRH id|| HAF- FEVER J 7i'M \J COLD-HEAD tmm Ely'* C'rtam JWm U not a liquid, muff or pmedtr. Applied into th* notlril* it it fititkly mhtarhtd. It cUantet ttu Jksad, aCUwy* inflammation, heals _ L |[#k tht *rrm. Bold by druoaifU nr unt by mail on receipt of price. Lll/t 3UC ELY BROWRS, 06 W v Stmt NEW YORK. 3UC Rob't. Lewin, WHOTRSALB WHISKEY MERCHANT AlU> IMI'ORTKH OK FIN* V/INKO AND LIQU«»Bf, Wst«r St.. (Opp'W'lH B. A, 0 Depot.) Piit!«bur(r. P». FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING JUDICAL AND FAMII.V UHE SI.OO per Qt., or 6 Qtn. for $"» 00 Pinch'* Golden VTeddin? Jongherty t«uc*euhi-inier, Lor|(e Gibson, Bridgeport, Ht. \ ecnen, Oferholt, sto. Thi* in tbs only bmise not in ths city.tbere .'„r« oar goods ste warranted pure. Gimklk ■eotrely packed nod boxed without extra ehsr»t«. (!. O. 1) snd msil orders receive rovipt sltention. Grnndfalher'* choice . {.sir old, $2.00 per nation. Try 01. W.L.DOUuLAS cuAr isTMt etsT. MmvLdt roßAKinc. CORDOVA NT, FRCNC H A C NAMtUIO C ALT. tW4.*3.V» Fihc CALF IKANMHOQ »3.4P POLICE,3 sotES. BOYS SCHOOLSHOEI BBjHrjp -ladies* » ■ROC/TOM7IJI9I. Ov«r 9no Million Pcoplr- w#r (he W. L. Douglas $4 Shoes AH our slioes are e<|ually satlifactory They give tbn brat value lor the money. They «i«>l cwltm shoes In itylc <ird lit. Tb»le wearing qualHle* arm unmirpttf*. The price• ere unllorin on »oi«. Prom 11 In S.I »»ved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by \LKXANDER A DOUTT, Whitbbtown MECANDLESS' HEAVECL T RE 1 h»v« s Uesvs Cure th»t wltl rnre >,m v usee of iu bnrsen 111 furt v itai k Oitert sccoroln* t" dirwin>n« sml it no«» Dot do what 1 claim to; .1, 1 I*l., refund tbeawo'nn' paid and no wil; u« ma'lp for ths treadneut. The r <iUi.» i.jf lentiiuviuiAU are ! fie pru .f of tb uicdic.nea power to <mrH: A. J MCGamdlkss, BnUer, I'a., ISU3. M s. A. J. MOCASIiLK-S: On t!.s2n<l <1 »v o l ' < |»ri|. IWI'J, I 110 m ir.f'Ticeu U> u*B your new cure for one nt a.y koroes thst bad ths heavee very bad, •ud uoutinned to ua« lbs medicine fo* abt at forty days snd the h.irse .lid not lb' if any signs of s return of tnem. It is nr. * a'lout a year siuoe I quit givin the iu "il'c'-.ne snd the horse hs* never sowet* aa 1 sigas of hnsvaa. aud 1 feel Htinfio i thi t he is proparly cured. W C. Ckiswbll, i>titler. Pn , ' April 3, IWI3. A J. ■!( (Jamolkss: l "-xlyoui Llcave Cure and fouu l It • •- w..r« it une<l accord 11 (T t» di eCUob". Yours truly, J. K VfclllLLl*. Couth Shore Wine Go. " Kist. Erie Co., Pa.^ Afanufacturcrs of Dinner, Family, Medicinal and Altar Wines. We would like to have you give our wines a trial and will .ship to you on re i eel pt of order one case of assorted wines containing One iJozen (Juart lU>ttles for ff>, as we are ready to open an account with you. After you have been satisfied as to the quality, you will have the ad vantage of ordering such wines as you may need. We guarantee our wines to be Abso lutely pure, and free from adulteration; ' 3 to ? years of age. Hojic you will favor us with a trial order, as we are certain ' you will be pleased with our wines. t We have 75 acres of choice wine grates and raise our own grajits for wine. 'I he S<,u'h Shore was founded in 1 564 and is the largest wine cellar in the state. We ship no wines under three years of age, as it requires that time to mature and make • perfect wine. Retpei t fully yours, SOUTH SHORE WINK CO., M. A. CALDWELL, Proprietor <]. ROSS RAYMOND, Oen'l Agent,) North Ivast. Erie Co., Ps. I> L.ULEELAND Optician, 125 S. Main, St. TARKIN BROS. i Green Goods Market, CEItTRE AVE. - - - Near R. R All kinds of Country Produc 1 w;.ys fjii handr—good and fresh Highest market price paid in cash fofCountry Produce. THE FISH Co. Butler, Pa. Original Low Priced Tailors am! Perfect Fitters. Pants to order. .$ 3.00 to SIO.OO Suits to order. .$15.00 to $50.00 Overcoats to order Prumj>. work ar.d fit guaranteed. Give u* a call. The Fish Tailoring Co,, 104 DIAMOND, Opp. North tide Court House, Butler, Pa j A good, healthy wholeaomeness will make even a homely face attractive. There are many reason* whv women should taka care to be healthy. One very strong reason is that beauty and Illness are very seldom found together. Illness—and especially the kind peculiar to women—makes the complexion bad, the eyes dull and sunken, the manner listless and the intellect dull. No woman in this condition can be at tractive to her friends. Personal ap pearance counts for much, but comfort amounts to even more. What's the good of living if one cannot enjoy anything ? If headaches and backaches and drag ging weariness and pain accompany even slight fatigue? If the system is "constantly subjected to a debilitating drain, where is the energy to come from to make enjoyment possible ? Personal comfort and a consideration for the feelings of others are two of the incentives to an effort to secure health. If the illness is in any way connected with the purely feminine organism (and the chances are ten to one that it is) Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure it. Dr. Pierce has used the " Prescription " in his practice for thirty years with un broken success. A large book written by him entitled "Woman and Her Dis eases" will be sent (securely sealed, in plain envelope) to those who will send this notice and ten cents to part pay postage, to World's Dispensary Medi cal Association', No. 66} Main Street. Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Bpeclflca are »rleiitMcally and carefully prepared Kemedlea, uied for yean In private practice and for over thirty yean by tbe people with enilre r-.cccsa. Every single bpeelflc a special euro for tje dlseaae named. „„ sFucinc roa rmic. I—Fever*, Congestion*, ImflammaUon*.. .'JS j Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic— >3] 3— Teething! Colic, Crying. Wakefnlnem .M 4— Diarrhea, of Children or AdulU .25 7—Caugbn, Colds, Bronchitis S3 8— Senralgla, Toothache, Faccache .33 9—Head aches, Blck Headache, Vertigo.. .23 10—Dyspepsia, Blllotwnr**. Constipation. .25 11_Suppressed or Painful Periods .. .23 111—'Whites, Too Proluae Period* 23 IS—Croup, laryngitis. Hoarseness 23 14—Halt It Ileum, Erysipelas, Eruption*.. .25 lt-Kheumatlsm, Kheumatlo Pslns 25 iff-Qlalaria, ChlU*, Fever and Ague .25 IB—Catarrh, Influenca, Cold In the Head. .23 2*-Wh«oplng Cough «23 27-Kldney Diseases .23 28—Jiervous Debility 1.00 80 -I'rlnary Weakness 23 34-Hore Throat, Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat .2 5 II n M DR. HUMPHREYS' GRIP OKC // specific for onir, CO , Put up In small bottlM of pleasant pellets, Ju*t fit your vest pocket. Sol* by Of "n rxslpl sf pries. Ds Hnrnm M»«inl..:Eol»r«»lA lu.wed, «ais«d rsss. Bt'BPBKKTS' ■KD.rO., 111*11* WUllssi SL, Sl* YSBS. SPECIFICS. mmm poll! S 1 Mlhs Delia Stevens, of Boston, Mass. ' 2E »r?un: I have always suffered from hereditary Scrofula for which I tried T~ isS various remedlee, and many reliable S physicians, but nono relieved mc After; laklnK 8 bottles of —■ 53 1 izrx; Ao! i I Sa't°ft saved 'tr.c from a life of untold nsrony, and shall: 55 take pleasure In * peaking only word*] £5 of praise for the wonderful njcdielne.) EJ ~g |ana lu recommending It to all. eti Blood 1119 A I*l ' 1 oUroQa J|'SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, § J ATLANTA. OA. DELICATE ■!■!■ BRA DFIELD'B FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS I\SUPERB TONIC and exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel all impurities. Health and strenQth are guaranteed to result trom its use. My wife was bedridden for eighteen month*, after using BBA I> FIELD'S KKMAI.K ItEUU LATOK for two month*. Is Retting well.— J M. JOHNSON, Malvern, Ark. BKADFIEI.D BEOI'LiTOR CO.. ATLANTA, OA. Bold by all Druggists at SI.OO psr botUa. LOOK AT THE PEG DEPOSE you liang op your hat, look at the label before you buy whiskey. We've got year* of reputation back of that laltel. The quality of Ol'l Export Whiskey abstains our claim* to tbn letter. Plscrlmlnatlng and fair minded folk* claim that It I* an article pure, amooth, palatable, and perfectly safe for all Medicinal, Hoclal or Family purposes. /•.i// Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mall and Express orders «hlpi>ed the same day as ro- Mlved, and we pay ehaigsa on *ll order* of 110.00 and oyer. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURQ. Pa. Compieti Price Lists of Winvf and Liquor* mailed WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulate* the appetite and pro duce* refreshing sleep GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSINS R MOTHERS. Checks waatlnfc dUeaaes. stops night sweat*, cures incipient consumption. O Increase* ntn>n(..h and flo*h. MAKES HED, RICH BLOOD, Promote* healthy lung tiaauo. "Will (rive the pnlo and puny tha Nrosy cheek* of youth. CURES ALL FEMALF. COMPLAIWTB. Mako* atrong ui' U and women of weakling*. SILMORE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Care all Wasting Diseases and their sequenoee, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. Thsy are neither styptic nor caustic. *nd have no cnajpilattnK effect on the content* of the atomaoh or it* lining. oonaequently do not hurt the teeth or cau&n conatrpation or diarrhoea, aa do the uaual form* of Iron. 10 days treatment. SOo. pamphlet free. If not kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. Dirro ™ PILES rILtO«WArNE'« • Assoumr cutis OINTMENT | BT HIM OMS M.l,l urr t Ik|«kh ll.hlnr Ml ••»-S'_-S; miu V.IJ. Hr—rmt.hU, I? **li T f l "" n " t.rm it.,l pratf./a, ■•■•k tfU-l klrfJ »«.! uleresl". b. .mli. ..., r"..'"*.' wkoimuim ,:i Urmflmm. stwrb. IS. s«.i 4, Z\, pacta MM*. fMfSia* tl^ thk citizen. Spider Farming. Although entomologists have often rais ed spiders for purposes of scientific obser vation and investigation, spider raising as a money making industry is something rather novel. One has only to go four miles from Philadelphia, on the old Lan cafter pike, says a Phila. paper, and ask for the farm of Pierre Grantaire to see what can be found nowhere else in this country,and abroad only in a little French Village in I tie I'eiiari.ui ul ot iLe Loire. Pierre Grantaire furnishes spiders at so much per hundred for distribution in tl e wine vaults of the merchants and the nouveaux riches. His trade is chiefly with the whole sale merchant. Tho is sble to stock a cellar with new, shining, fresh ly labeled bottles, and in three months see them veiled with filmy cobwebs, so that the effect ot 20 years of storage is secured at a small cost. The effect upon a customer can be imsgined, and is hardly to be measured in dollars ana cents. It is a trifling matter to cover the bins with dust, tut to oover them with cobwebs.spun from cork to cork, ano that drape the neck like delicate lace the seal of years of slow mellowing, that is a different matter. The walls ol Mr Grantaire's spider house are covered with wire squares from six inches to a foot across, and behind these screens tne walls are covered with rough planking. There are cracks between the I oarde apparently left with design, and their weatherbeaten surfaces are dotted witn knot holes and splintered crevices. Long table* running the length of the room are covered with small wire fraTies, wooden boxes and glass jars. All of these wires in 'he room are covered with patterns of lace drapery, in the geometrical outlines fashioned by the spider ariidt*. The tunlight stream ing through the door shows the room hung with curtains of elfin-woven lacework. It is not all kindf of spiders that make webs suitable for tbe purpose of the wine merchant, and those selected by Mr. Graintaire are species that weave fi»e large ones of lines and circles. They are the only webs that look artistic in the wine cellar or on the bottles. The spider" that weave these are principally the Epeira vulgaris and Nephils plamipes. When Mr. Grantaire has an order from a wine merchant, he places the spiders in i-mall paper boxes, a pair in a box, and ships them in a crate with many holes for tbe impress of air. Tbe price asked, ten dollars a hundred, well repays the m ine merchant, who, at the expenditnre of forty 01 fifty dollars, may sell his stock lor a thousand or more dollars above what he could have obtained lor it before the spiders dressed his bottles in the robes of long ago. Mr. Granlaire has on hand at a time, 10,000 spiders, old and young, ihe eggs of some of which, the choicest, be obtained from France. Wbeu the mother spider wishes to lay her eggs, she makes a small web in a br>>ail crack, then she lays say fifty eggs, ahich she covers with a soft silk cocoon. In two weeks (or longer in winter) the «ggs begin to batch, an operation that lakes ouo or two days. Tbe eggs crack .11 in fl-kes. and the young spiders h-tve * struggle to emerge Theu they begin grow, and in » week look like spiders ibei often moult and -bed their skiu like snake*. The brood has to ho separated at a tender age, elsu the nieuiht-rs ot Ihe fiHiilj would r • cb other uuiil oo ly one is left. The Siberian Railroad. Tbe Trans Baikal section of the Siberian Railway is now completed. The original plans fo- this line were abandoned, owing to the lact that they would have necessi tated the ca. rying of the line to an eleva tion of 3,(KM) feet above the sea, through arid districts where but few settlers could make a livelihood. A more nouthern route has now been adopted, which, though consinerably longer, will run by four of tbe principal rivers, through regions rich in salt, soda, silver, copper, iron, lead and gold, and in which many mines have been opened. Some 750 miles of the .Siberian Railway are open for traffic, viz., (Jbelabinsk to Omsk in the west, 500, miles; and Vladivostok to Grafsksja in the East, 250 miles. Thus Omsk is placed in direct communication with Moscow and St. Petersburg. Of the total length ol 6,000 mili;* from St. Petersburg to Vladiv ostock, about 3,700 milas have still to be completed. —Thieves are using a contrivance look ing like an ordinary walking stick, but which is mi arranged that by pressing a spring at the handle the ferrule will spread apart and form a sort of spring clip thai ajil lake hold ol anything that is wiltr.u tiii.ch. The tiling is called "the continen tal lifting stick." --'J ne weak and tired organs of tne ut h « iu.i up oj lluiiu'* sareayariiia. «»« ft Dit'OtJ 'MlilC —The home ol Mr. Charles A. I>aua, editor of the New York Hun, is a palace. Uis office ia a workshop, and contains only a desk, two chairs, a small table a.id a rug. Ifii commences work at six in the morning and seldom leaves until five. Kutumansui cured in a day—"liystic • lor rheumatism and neuralgia, radic • j cures lu 1 io 3 days. Its acuon upoe lie system t s remarkable and mysterious n iemove* at once tne cause and ihe dis .•a o i.uuioui »tely disappears. Tne fir •oise gre»u.) ucuetits 7j cts. Sold by J s d u .gist, Butler. Large quantities of American carriage ■mod are exported annually, and this trade is steadily increasing. We send to France, England, Russia, Germany, South A tried, Australia and elsewhere, and our exports to these countries Include spokes, rims, hubs, completed wheels, shafts and other parts, nud carriago lumber. Our mills here are located in various parti of the country in proximity to the forests whence the supplies of wood are obtaiued. English Spavin Liniment remove* a ' l.ard, soft or calloused lumps and bleaa niieji Irom b.irses, blood spavin*, curb* splint*, aweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprain* »il swollen throats, coughs, «tc " havs ♦SO by use of one bottle. Warranted the uosi wonderful iilemish Care ever known ''old by J. C. Kediuk, druggist Butler Pi —George I,aw, whose name is again to the fn nt in the breach of promise unit brought against him by iliss M»ck, used to a great chum of Jue Coburn. At Sara toga ha was in tbe habit of buying dia mond pins galore and giving them to his friends In one day at Saratoga he spent *IO,OOO In diamond pins, which he give ' away. Re has long been one of the sport- 1 iug men around N. Y. i Dr. Agnew'* Cure tor the Heart gir* peifect relief in nil camoh of Organic «• sympathetic ll»»' him-aie in :i0 minntM ■ml speedily «flecU a cure. It in n !«** remedy l >r Palpitation, Hbortneaa o. -.lreiitb, Smothering Spell*, I'ain iu I<ef Ide nml nil nyiuptonm of a I>in<>a*ed Heart 'no do»e convinee*. Bo|d by City fbar TIBOJ'. —Commenting on the amount which a spider actually consume 1 during 24 hour*, Sir J. Lubbock nay*: "At a similar rate of c inßiimptioo, a m.iu, weighing IHO pound* will require a whole tat fleer for breakfast, a uteer and five itheep fur dinner, and for ■upper two bullock*, eight *heep and lour hog*, and juHt before retiring nearly four I barrel* of Ireib liab.'' I Bacteria in Eggs. It has been reserved for Dr McClintock. of the University of Michigan, to point out that not even that dainty adjunct to the breakfast ta'j —the egg-w free from the ravages of the ''ubiquitous microbe.' Hitherto this article has been consumed in happy ignorance but the resnlt of Dr, Sic- Cliutock's investigation will be to serious ly interfere with the pe .<-e of mind of many. In an evil moment the doctor took np the task of ascertaining whether eggs were infected with bacteria, and if go, whether before they were laid or not. A healthy laying hea was obtained, and after repeated washings in a sublimate solution, she was placed in a sterilized cage. Tha hen laid regularly every other day, and the eggs were obtained as soon as possible after being laid and some ol them wrapped in sterilised cotton and placed in an incubator. All these eggr became decomposed and swarmed with bacteria. Other eggs taken from the hen as soon as laid were broken and cultures uiadd from their contents. Some of thest culture tubes developed; others remained -aerile. Someday- alter the hen was kill ed, and with due precautions, culture lubes were inoculated from various por tions of thu oviduct. Mo.,t of the/c lulus developed. The evidence here seouia to point to the fact that the egg wa> inoculated during its passage down the oviduct before the shell «as formed. It does not, of course, follow that all eggs contain microbes, nor does it follow that even where bacteria are presen' they are in any way harmful. Il is a matter of common knowledge that eggs kept excluded from the air will almost indefinitely. It is, moreover, difficult to understand bow the experimen ter succeeded in completely sterilizing his hen and her c»ge, and. it he succeeded in that temporarily, in keeping her sti-rile The feathers of the bird, especially when shut up, would offer the more favorable medium for propagating bacteria, and it ■8 quite possible that hence came th< microbes. But, after all is sa <l, what we want to know is the utility of information of this kind? If I)r McClintock had boil ed iiis • »:gs, and after that found in then the germs of some specific disease, such »- typhoid or diphtheria, they might be can*.* for trouble; but, if there are any bacteria which will survive a few minutes in a fil ing pan along with a rasher of bacon, *«• would feel inclined to ask the Mictiigai. professor to proceed with his inves iga tions. He—Here, darling, I've bought y< u » pet monkey. She —Oh, you dear boy. How like you. —There should be no doubt about it. This country is < n the eve of a tremend ous wave of business prosperity. Ne* York's soundest and most conservative merchants say so, and they onght to know. —William Ludlam White, of Jamaica, N. V., who will be 10 years of age in Oct. is sis feet three inches tall and neigli* 202 pounds. —To find out w helher there is auy tlum ■ in cake? or bread, beat a knife and thrust i it into the cake or loaf If 'here is hi • alnm it wil 1 parlially cover the knifu L'elitj in Six Hour.*. Dislressii g Kinney and B1 ride: dis ease* relieved in fix lu.urs by tne ".v. » ! Great South Aiiieiuan Kidney ( ure." This new remedy is a great surprise ou n. - count of lie exceeding promptness in r. • lieVing palll lu the bladder, kidney, Im i and every pail ol the unnary pai*-|ie-i in male or leinale. It relieves retention •! water and paiu lu pasting it almost iin medially, If you want quick relief and euro this is jour remedy. Hold ny J. C itedick druggist Bailer Pa. "There seems to be something wrong with this language of ours," says the philosopher. "For instance, it amounts to the same thing to say. His cake is daugh, or his goose is cooked. —Pumpkin pies are ripe. —The oder of the tuberose maki* its persence felt. Goes without sajiug—A Jeaf mate sprinter. —The festive moth is anxiously aweitiug the storing away of summer clothes. —Tbe chap who writes humoious para (raps for a living finds that it's no j >ke. —The West Highland Railway Company of London, has found it necessary to hang "grouse protectors" ou many of their tele graph wires. These protectors consist ol several sheet'' of lin, which rattle together, and warn tbe birds of danger. Before this institution hundreds of birds were killt d by striking tbe wires. —With the death of James Buuu tl e noble race ol Shir.necock inditns ends Tbe old man died with his fact? to the sun, which as he diet' rose over tbe Shiiiunot k bills on Long Island, the ancient home o his once poweiful race. —Spain declares the Cubans do not So said Naoolcon in the Russian cam paign. The Russians let the cold weather do tho lighting for them, and the C'uluiu are well satisfiod with the work of the yellow fever. —L. J McCormick, tho millionair< manufacturer, is critically ill at his home in Chicago. Amoig tho treasures of the Austrian Crown are some religious relics that would mark the fortune ot a church. They in clude a null from the Crom, a fragment of the Cross itself, a piece of wood Irom the manger at Bethebein, fragments of the apron worn by tbe Virgin, and a tooth of John the Baptist. Bluffkins wrote a very bad hand gen erally, but in writing hurriedly, making an appointment with a friend, he excelled even himself, lie had left the letter lying for half an hour, and on g.iing to address the envelope he happened to glance as his epistle. Soa'cely a word could he dis cipher, but, calmly inclosing it, he said to himself: "After all, what does it matterT It'* Hawkins has to read it, not I." Why Not Tiy tl.e Ne# and Better Wa_» Of doing your shopping' Instead c doming to >h« store, make the store come to you. /es, and the best and bigt* •«' store in the country at thai: namely, Kan!- maun Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop them - ost.il nud you will get their spring aud jammer Catalogue gratis, enabling ymi to order by mail anything you may wish, nno aviug as much money as c ly people do THE KEELEY CURE Is a special boon to business men who, having drifted unconsciously Into the drink luiblt ami awaken to find the disease of alcoholism fastened upon litem, rendering them until to managi-af fair* riiiulrltiK a clear brain. A four wceka course or treatment at the , PITTSBURG KiIELEY INSTITUTE. No. iW> Fifth Avenue, re«tores to them all their powers, mental and physical, destroy* the abnormal appetite, and ruatorea them to the condition they were In be fore they Indulged in stimulants. Tills lias Im-. h •lonein more than ir-00 cane* treated here, and among them mime of your own neighbors, to whom we i-an refer with confidence a* to the absolute *nfcty and efflcleiicr of tho Keeiejr (lire. Tho fullest and roost searching investigation I* nvlted. Be ml for pamphlet giving full Informa ♦'ou. V/ PCfclrhnf r*> T»«U«U Dlam.n.l Br.n (. ENNYROYAL PILLS -4-v «rijl»>lMJO.l r Unnlnr A •*#«, «.■»" f. llau« m li JTy f-S\ [>iu (l i i r..f "ii »••(•' • ffv >K W 4K. oik". 'win- ▼ | / i— i >!<■•'• At l>m«|le«, oi 14r \ v B "K2U7 r«r I.—ii-"." i« IT Mall. |»,(HMI T..ii«.»t...1. N.m> RATTLE AX THE LARGEST PIECE IwOCjII "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES " " GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ' SAPOLIO W. F. Hartzell. Frank Kemper. The Adriance Rinder <4. I—*' % A %%%\ Is the lightest draft, the simplest ronstru «!, lit 1 asi< l■ > ;ate<l, and the must durable of any binder oil tile market. It v\ 'I not up-.it on the steepest hills, It will cut win. call others fail. It will handle as long or as short grain as any other hindr,. it will do In-iter work in tangled than any hinder in r > . This binder is sold «>>i its merits. If it fails to do as al>ove mentioned, we <l<> not ask you to bnv it. All machines and vehicles sold by us arc guaranteed t > be .i. lcpresented. Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to tin se|>a>'.itor. can be got from us. Vehicle.-, in various styles ami ]> i U irne -. fo nil kinds of use. Fly nets and Covers, Ousters, Koi> . M>s. &<". In short, anything belonging to a team outfit k ' 'I lie best wagon on the market is sold hv us. We guarantee it tojany thing sold in this county. Call and us HARTZELL & KEMPER, THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall wc use? THE ANSWER If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, aud your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. om«ri Most, Lookt Best, Wean Lonqett, Moat [conomicul, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and BRUSHisr - **■ ' stays with u* COLORS IN OIL, * HOUSE & COACH V4ftNISHCS t \s» . - « J. C. REDICK, ioo N. Main St. Are You Using NATURE'S COMPOUND? By all means do HO. It is on doubted ly ono of the besi remedies on the market to regulate the Lirer, Stomach and Kidneys, Purifies the blood, an excellent tonic Tones the uteri) aud is purely vegetable. Sold by Druggists Price sl. six for $5. Persons to Travel.-:--:- WANTKI).— Several faithful gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. Position permanent if suited; also increase. State referent, and cnciose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. I lll 1 , NA I'KJNAL, 310-317-318 Omaha Wdjr, OHU'AOO. Chautauqua Nursery Company. - OFFER— Liberal Teims To Agents, Big Indtu-BinentH to Cu-tumor*. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. Now Specialties Seed Potato*!, Ao. Men Wanted. !a Every Town, Btcndy \V< rk. Pny Weekly Ad>) reus, //. /J. nil J.I A MS, Su\v, Portland, A'. V, ! AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL ! Conwult the Olil linkable" DR.LOBB .fill n. *T. f I'll 11.A., VA. Thirty year* c .litlnoorm dh«'HM<-n of men ami wooirn N«» matter from what « or ii'iw lout; ntamHn||. I w 111 uunranfe* a our® IT: I'llUff t loth lIOUIIU Hook Alia mailed tllKJu STEEL ROOFING and SBDINC. (Htmnxlorpli'* I'nti'fit.) Lightning, Fire and Storm Proof. Hriu\ for I Tlir Prnn Iron If onfltia mid C'orrM t Mtjiiotf l|f Vlllilltf I'll. I Ltd.), I'll I 111 • | I'll., o' 'trk'tm. I Hole .Hlra L,. O- WICK DBA UKH 111 Hoiijih and Worked Lumbe; or \U KIMIH Do jrs, Sash, Blinds, Moulding* Shingles »n«l L:<»h Always In Stock. 1 IVJK HAIR AND PLASTER. OlP< „ opposite I'. .t W. nnpiit j r;r;Ti,n*t Every Woman X Sometime* rrctls n rell -1 able monthly regulating n J Dledicinc. A'\ ( " Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Am prompt, und certain In remilt. The »enn* llr. r' *l>> ri'-rcr <!l«*i'|M»int H«*nt &tif«hoNb tl.uu. A'uul Aledi< »ueCX> . C4e> viand, Ut i Y'):.i CAIN HND.SSS, •in mn-ii tiln rl mi >*''Mll 111 1 REMINGTON. BROS. f *lll uuutu (wf wirtiuduf Jw«M 1 '»» .»M-.S| D> j p ApE » S («» M, in S Street. ( ( Stiect. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come sec our spring Millinery. EVEN IF You Do NT WANT V 1 ' 1 I • ''■ ' display i.s ',u ahead ot ;iil previous yeats in Style ui'u bc-ajly, and l.\e prices are much lower. The largest stock. t!.e pattern?, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. '* a " s Mourning Goods a Specialty. Special Fall Announcement For the Season of 1895. /mszTg Ba eui purpese *.o sell low, our purpose to sell much, cur to sell now -that's the secret We it from a'.! I.*s—"You're doing a phenomenal business." It's not acci dent. We're tin-,. : uie wants of the people i>y putting prices down awl keeping tlieni'U>\v:i. It t.i.% s conrage, but brings business. We offer for your selection ill.- ia.l i•:tv <•; '.a , ••:. mo,-.. ekgunt .-lock of dress goods, ladies', children's and M'.sao wraps ew. >. > ag.it to B.r.'.er. It is only necessary to mention that they are the celebrated Rt>tlic;r..u garments, the only perfect titting wrap ever shown in But ler. I.adies in bygone days had to go to Pittsburg to get a genuine Rothchild w rap, hut for the p.t»t two years we iiave the exclusive sale of Rothchild wraps in Butler. The ptfV.se gene a'.'.v know what that name means. Perfect fitting, latest designs, Ix st qua' .IV, at prices that will compete with any garment shown in the tow uof Butier. < >ur Mi. . aery Dejwrtment will still be under the able supervision of Mrs. Lou M Ritter. Tlr.s assures our patrons that we are in position now, as heretolore. to give them cho: e siy'.es. new styles, exclusive styles, at our wellknown p pillar prices. Ostrich leathers have been advancing right along. We bought our winter stock of ostrich feathers early in June, before the advance; also our velvets. This is to l>e a - -'->n for <w.nch feathers and velvet. We can save vou bv our lu.V.\ . '.v purcli 25 per cent oil the dollar oil all millinery goods. For dress yooo.s I w.-h sp won' ! p runt our telling you of the visions of beauty, style and elegance tii.it or.: dre-» goods department is brim full of Beautiful Boucle cloths in hack and colors. 1 all crepons, cievanettes, heavy serges, fine serges, Henriettas and new 1.:'.. novelty dre>s goods, choice designs in novelty dress patterns. Our stock of l>'...ni. -is, flannels, yarns, haps, hosiery, underwear, notions, triimiings and doilies;■ was n -vcr >o c cnnlcie or prices -o reasonable. S.'e our exhibit at Butler fa ; r. Call at the popular store of Mrs, Jennie E. ZimmermaN Oppi site Uoiel L-iwrv. Successor to Ritter <& K l«t .a Bring your friends along. \ 1 Wbis-kiea Vetring tbe name of :=; HAX KLEIN Have been recognized as bfing ttlnolu tdv pure, riea and me'low p ti»l hftv 'g Those qualities th:r inik« n ou-e wnitskv an ess-en l itf.l for the si k room, and th>* faniiiv »> : iteboa:d. Wl\y is Tikis'? Beriut-Pf* le ei'erc ->'s vf-ntt* ou-e in b'* pn-rbaa»> d : reo*, from "he ii'* ti. er. Hi. i Ihr V d'e p it- «d ill I tin i*overiiuie'»t iMtlded w »f|»b'>ii-»** U11«1 ♦' rb - OWII -I'|ici-v : - O'J vv •* rHIII 111 ll'lti "'lev s e II v Mil) \HK ABStll.Un LV KRKE !•' K0 VI AI I. I VII' I" RI IKS Tile 1* - 11.1 vn-K v 1 1 i tie world ho S ver Vs.'!- I'u l l' It >r } I 0 ii'"' 'u i|U I hit! lie - •• I; t ■ 11 :ii H•. v M -.l' h' 5, PO «!-«r fu Iq i t I.•it ri- k !'. \»■ « sl,llO ue !' ij 1 . (lUI Ki mi. .1:11 :• t v«»'ii • > ii 00 pi-.' ga lou. I'o*r 11111 lite, $:! .i<> per c*' mi. .A Dehor Rv»», 00 pe- gulloa. Our Mock '-f w uc* me itli of tiieru purest, uud bdrii. K. iui (1 "ill per ga!. upwnrile. ii man MM Disti'led direct Iro.p t■}»• grapes. A household neeeusity at $2.00 per gallon. Don't Forget Tiiat we |iay ell express charges on orders of $. r t,oo and upwards—no charges lor boxing and shipping. Send ' r cav.logue anil p:ico list to. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquor Dealer; 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. 53 Good LooKs Count. vou turn out for a drive you want your carriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'll have no rear on that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy. Fredonia Vehicles are the best 011 the market in every way. If you'll jxamine them at your dealers you'll agree with this statement. Made by FRED MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMIb IXTURES, lIOSK, WATER FILTERS. HATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is at W.II .O'Brien & Boii'm 1 07 Kast .Teilorson Btreet. New York Weekly Tribune, L AND + Butler Citizen * ONK YKAR + SI.SO. Address All Orders to THE CITIZEN.