TAKkI _ S And accept the prestest opportunity ever offered to bar your Footwear at old prices. You will thank u for calling your attention to the pri ces when you see the goods. At $1 .">O, $2 00 and $3 00, Ladies' Tan Kid Lacc Shoe 1 -- Needle and Op ra Toe, neatly trim, •d with Diamond Cut Tip, Popular shades of tan, width from A to 1.. 1 A* "sc, SI.OO. $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies Fine Button Shoes Paten Tip. At 60c, 75c. $1 00 and $1 25, Ladies FineOxtords in Tan and Black. At $1 00, $1.25 and $1 50, Ladies' White Kid Opera SlippTf 1 strap Sandals and Canvas Oxford* At 85c. SI.OO, $1 25 and $1.50, Misses Fine Sfces Tan and B lck Opera and Square toes. Best ti"«n and Shoes ever offered i j 4U/W M/INNR the money. ■ B. C, Huselton, -# Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. . c . . Opposite Hotel Lou-ry 102 N. Main Street, IN order to make room for rhe immense slock of !->'i ar.d « tr.r goods that we have bought, we v ill make up our summer a: medium weight goods at prices much below their re ii 'Hiue is the time for you to get a suit, br pair ol trousers , or i. ,s J...n can buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a pcnect fit and sati*lu. in each and every particular. This offer holds good until i - ol September. 101 ttr™ I 'J- S. Young,' wSI DIAMONDS JHUNOS. ESKIMOS. WATCHES \ amUOLD * l^S'hilvs«. LA IRS- VIUXjA JEWELRY } GOld IM " 3 ' E ' r KiQa ' J ' R « lira. .-I. :s !vc. SILVERWARE} Ev " r - ; u BODGE*? BROS. 1874 } KNIVKS - FO " KS - spo^n.KruTE. E. GRIEB, jEffELEU. Ko. 139, ftorth Mixn St., B JTLEU, PA., ~ R. GRIEB.-H+ v > ftfty ft 1)0 YOU WANT AN Sole for B-hr 1: ' . & Co., 05 Ft. Wayne, Ind. ent,>ui(l in order to compete with my prices natfirally must sell infei full line of small goods always in stock. J. R. GRIEB, 118 South Main Street, - Butler, la. ■ i 1 - - - J ' " V,\\£s CtwoiMttv p % THE O^ 1 1 f" WCOLD-Hfc Ely 1 ' Cream Balm U not a liquid, unvff vr pnrd- A,-i •- t•*. t-\ < ■ *t> l > _ quickly abtorbtd. Itelainn thi li&id, a, : ft ftt/k Iht mrret. by drvagixta «r Dent .'itt n --no:, ■ 3 >.J ' DUO fcLY BRQTPER*. 06 W*"«n Street NEW YORK, d »iL* Rob't. Lewin, WHOLESALE WHISKEY MERCHANT AN I) IMPORTER OF Finb Winks AND LIQUOHS, 136 Water St.. (Opposite B. &0. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. PINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY LSE SI.OO ptr Qt., or <> <JtB. tor s"> 00• Finch's Golden Wedding, Dougherty, | Guckenheimer, Lorge Gibson, Bridgeport, lit. Vernon, Ovcrbnlt, eto. Thi i- the only hou*e not rectifying in the city,there for® our goods are warranted pure. Goods packed and boxed without extra obar;'e, C. O. D and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choi :r ear old, $2.00 per f-a'lon. Try us. WEAR HAMHERSLOUGH BRO'S 11 < i I t Vet, tailc-irce CLOTHING For sale by prominent dealers all over the State. None genuinc without Hammerslough Bro's lab'l. The swellest best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask your clothier for them t\ ES EXJ HIM ED FREE OF CHARGE 8. L Kirkpatrick, Optician md Jeweler lu » ourt I •!• I. I'll., gr .|U4(« La l orl liar olrgttal Ustitute. ".HOES FOR THE COUNTRY. CITY and VILLAGE; Shoes for, ali; We have them It's & good shoe . ;hat fits Perfectly, Looks Handsome and wears well DO YOUWEARSHOES? Then bay from us and s*ve mcr.'.'y Any size and width you want here. A large assortment to choose from Satisfaction guaranteed. Mauulac •ures are asking 25 per cent advane on shoes We fbull make no advanct' j ' hile our present Stock lasts. 30,000,00 Of Fine Fooiwea- To be sold at Old Prices. At 'JO;, $1 00, $1.25 and SI.SC, Mtn's Fine Shoes, Congress « oafs, Tip or Plain Pointed or Fu Toes. At $1 40, $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00, Men's Tan Shoes Razor, Needle an Chicago lasts, Beat Shadee;w;dtbs to E , At 75c $1 00 and $1.25. Men's Working Shoes, strong and At 75c, SI.OO. 11,25 and $l5O Boys and Youths Shoes in 1 and Black; all new shapes. The.- are beauties Ail shades of Tan i Lace and Button S»i >e Sizes 9, to 11, 85c to $1 00. Sma W iz. j s 50c, 75c and $1 00. I f SUITIvJSUITStSUITS ~i CD [All Wool Pants to order.. ( s.ixj t-< All Wool Suits to order... 15 c* , J]> ■—r Duck Alpaca &c., suits... ei.s'\ 1 ityciele Suits ,to old. r... 9 j Bloomers Knee \ ■an: 3 *4 In Mackintosht- to order.... 5.51 C/ 2 Jj Hoys Suits to order 4-5' h i "T — . > V Dress Suits and rine < TROUSERINGS H A Specialty. ' ¥ r /t ■ • tj Give us a Ca!!. . > 2 THE FISH 'Jj j »Tj H Tailoring Co., I I )i:imond Street, Xorfi ~ S if A Court House, Hut ;_J d, j 1 _ i... ♦ SUITS+SUITS+SIfITS : ftouth Shore Wine Co. oNorth East. ElB Co., hM- Manufacturers of Dinner, Family, Medicinal and Altar Wines. \Ve would like to have yon give our wines a trial and will ship to you on re ceipt of order one case <>t assorted wines containing One Dozen (Juart Bottles for #6, as we are ready to O] i n an account with you. After you lut\ t lx;en satislied as to the quality, you will have the ad vantage of ordering such wines sis you may need. \Ve guarantee our win ; to be Aliso lutely pure, and free from aditlteration; 3to 5 years of age. Hope you will favor us with a trial order, a . wc are certain you will be plea- d with our wines. We have 75 acres of choice wine grapes and raise our own gra;i . for vyine. lhe South Shore was founded in and is the large-1 wine cellar in the state. We ship no wines under three years 01 age, as it requires that time to mature and make a perfect wine. Respectfully vours, SOUTH SHORE WlNh CO., M. A. CAI.HWKLI,, Proprietor. 1 (J. ROSS R.VVMOXD, Oen'l Agent,) >\orth Kast. Krie Co., I'.i. 1) L. CLEELAND Optician, l'Jj 6. JViaui 9 IStJ Healthy, happy children ar. those whose mothers hive U.n, and ar.-. 1 . be«t intent: acd -.von n in t.- ■ «••>• a will . fall short of he: duty to her children :f she is worried ard wcaic '. with weakness arid ! sicknesi. M-it all' irritable woir.t n are sick V men. M t all n;e. >ccboly, listless, j languid wonii :: are eick woßlc.i. l.\ery woman who w.'l take the trouble to i .ice, v. ill find thit at certain fixed peri is she is nerve- , cross, irritable and despondent Any irr Kulanty makes the condui- as worse. Even a well woman is less aaiab.e than us-.;ai at the se times. V lal cu.i oe expected from a sick woman? When every movement is a dreary <iraff, when the nt rvts are all on edjfi ... sym pathy with the particsUr ones a::e - when it seems that death were very inuea j preferable to living— sat can a woman do for her children then ? It is every won: n's duty to •v ' ,ai i. healthy. There is no reason why she should be otherwise if only :re wil. proper care of h • :lf a- i V.ercu s Favorite IV er, n . le nci:t This ce! h i beeni u lin the Invalid: H tel ard S-irgtcal I:.-»ti.ute at Buffalo, X. V., of which Dr. 1 : ree is Chief Consulting Phy. ician and epeei.-.lrst, for over 30 years. Thou ands of women have been cure by it .rul hundreds have written pratef::l 1 v-. . Some of th. se let., rs are embodied in a 16S r -e boot:. ..! I "Worn it: and Her Diseases," which will be sent sealed in a; ' n - 1 %r . (stamps;, by VVORI DIM i ns vRV • CAL ASSOCIATION, U>i flu-ia ouect, BaJalo. N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ev<_. been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' "W"itch. H?,SCI Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and alwavs fives satisfaction. It Cures PIT.I s or 1 1 F.MORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Bliad or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Ci._, ~s or Fissures and Fistulas Relief iiam diate— cure certain. It Cures lie RNS, Scalds and Ulcc Contraction from Bums. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures B'IILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, OLD Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Ilead. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Champed Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. by Druggists, or sent pon-paid on receiptc'prlco- II rum BITS' JIEO. CO., 111 A lis niWaa St., Sf» Yark. WITBH nm OIL 1 LULL 111 n grown > ? trying to cure me of this disease. !\ J visited H t Springs, and was treated / ( by the best rvJ.vil men, l ut" as not / /benefited. When all> S things had C..£?Lsßf * w * f ailed 1 > Jdetermiiied to try S. S. S., and in r ? four momks was entirely cured. '1 i:e / / terrible Eczema v. ,s gone, not a sign \ 5 of it left; my gene: d health built u' f s / and 1 have never had anv return of > i^asGHiLDHOOD / recommended ■ / V S. S. S. to * number of friends for skin dis- \ / eases, an J hav never \ t kn« .n a failure to / < cure. OI O. W. !RWIN P / r free to any address. SW'.Ff SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. ) TO iiiiiiro mm M WE fi REMEDY WHICH IHSUFES SAFETY TO LIFE it? MOTHER m CHJLO, "Mothers' Friend" ROS3 CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN, HORHOR AND RISK. "My m-ed only t'.vo bottles. Slie was easily and quickly relieved; is now doing sp! 'ntlidly.— J. S. JioßTOsr, Harlow, N. C. Sent by or mall, 011 receipt of price. SI.OO per bottle. Cock "TO MOTHERS" mailed free. BIUDFIEL?) Hrf.ULITOE CO., ATI,IMA, CA. E JiD BY ALL DECaaiSrS. io 1 i 01 Viu.- ' i Full Quz:: , . }; |.r"ni".t:; . « ; mi l ov» r. Jos. t~? <S Con. 412 MARKET ■ rJTTCCjr?, PA. | Complete I'xict LMa inu. i Ire . t*/- ' TT|f% W UU, [ 'jr IS aafvADia kfi . FOSuC* ■ Btim;\lAtea appetite aaJpro- X. -. • ■ • C.V'S VITAL STRENGTH TO MZSItiS o^S S Sb:f;-.uf % Increases strc; K.h and fleah. J 'IAKE3 V-'Zu, RICH BLOOD, |V| CtJSES A J.) . " OXPtmtß. -ii x-i. ;■•■■■ /I -:noaof | Pi{ ynusjp PflfQ fciUliOii .i;. ri i,;.j | i.uLO Care eii /astir,- Ci esses r.nd thofr sec,'.: .sea, nonfii'T iTic rn icnmnTtrxk! q . nui . JI., I io, vv .O JMr lluiii &C> ..... •>., -- pt . f: ,, and t et OB tho contents I II tv yi/IV: ORB & CO., CINCINNATI. O. Every Woman; ■./ - 7 /:! ' n ~ j T ' ' yb v i \ * IL/ ?. r,ODt4 **/ ra 6 u * 3tm ß f Dr. PEAL'S ! PE fROYAL PILLS,; I in Untn raeuU. Tho »enu- j " In*' i*r. i ni'ver .1 Sont aux+li&X!* %iX"X i?WV J f v**u*u, Uv - e THK CITIZ K^T. A Fjiini Larger Than a Sta:e. The largest ranch now running in full bias- in th* state of Wyoming i- lhat own ed I--. ex-Senator Warren. The climen- of this immenpe "far.u" are of i»uch mammoth proportions Liiat figures ou its tri a appear almost lubuluu- and hejoml belifl. li ■ dimen i >n- ,»re 73 hv 100 miles, and It I* Blocked With upward "I 200.000 animal of far i' us kiniln, including h' imj*. eat" sheep, goats. hogs and half Ineeil l>tjff.ii«). The ir«rrM2 it inventor} showfc ! it •100 bor • . 200.000 cattle ami over 150.090 cheep daily theex-s»*na tor'«i "t roa<! aeri-.-.'' Compared with the state oJ Hhode Inland, this gi«antic furin H a.- a lour horse bus to a bahy cab. The "tare mentioned is only o7 mi > « one .iv a 1 d the other. The farm is 73 by 100 miles. V ba>hlal country irl wt-nt into one • I our grocery store- the other day carr>- iig some lire chicken", The f wls hati i■:r feet tied to prevent their ect»[ie and the youiig woman p'aeed them on the counter. The clerk w tio waited on her s- Siitcd tor his polite maimers, but he is not always grammatical, and he umiimplv iu- ri : Are you sure they wi'l lay iheri I "Ua, in, sir," she siammertd, • they're all roosters." —A Minister who evidently labored hard to learn to riue the frolicsome wheel and 'tad b en * r*Ud in the a tempt, t' is talks of the atfair: "We hereby warn our (iii ers that tnese bladder wbe. 1 bicycles are devices of the demon of darkness. . :< y are eontrirani in to entrap tun leet i ihe ur wary, and ."kin the nose of tlie cent. 'i'Pey are fail of guile and de ceit. When yoa think you bave broken one to ride and have subii ied its wild an-J -atanic nature, behold it backeth you eif iu the ro.-.d atul tearoth a greate hole i;; ■ i ur pant-! I. iok not upon the bicycle when it bio wet h up i:s wneels. for at Ja-t it bocketh 1 ;<«> a broac' oa id hurtett liae U.under. Who has .-kini.ed leg>? NVt " -ill ripped '. .eeeht-' They tuat daily iong with a diai-' lical uicycle.'' —Said the girl on the front s;ep the oilier evening ' I've just been having !• ts -,.r fan ti afternoon " And the \ oang ■MB With the dock pantsou, asked: " Wdat were yon doing? ' "I have i-een cleaning a pair of part} .glove- with gasoline." ••Yi u ii:en iri - V''-" f»i-l the yoni i man. flicking an electrif light bug off tr.a step rniliut:. Lie had one or two sisters and M.ought he knu\v ,i he-ip. "So, I don't: I moan gasoline," insi-ted the girl, "the common ordinary kind yon get tor live cents a gallon and tl at the peanut men l urn at night on ilatk'-t street. You put the giove» on and dabble around in a • si:. lul just as if yon wi re washiag your iinuds and it t ikes the dirt right off I have a pair ot long white moueqaetaires that I've elvf.Eed three timec witJj gaso line, and I'm not through yet. It always makes my hands f»el funny, though, «hen 1 'in cleHnti g ti.em," And the young ainn went home and told his sitters. They now u>e gai uline. —ln tnr civil society we are goverued . certain law* Some things ought to be done because t; e general welfare demands it, and >-'ieie'y c unot bo held together u i:! f-- -■ they are de:e. For ins-ance, I avt no right to ano -;er man's pr perty, i.eirher.haye y.iu any light to invade his tarnily circle, nor have you any right to revenge yonrselr upon him by assault or ussa.- ination. When yf'i have made a breach of the law you cannot piead thai you never assumed any obligation to re -jiect if, and are therefore to bs held gailt- Je.-. You are a part of the whole, and the patt ha> h" iicht to do wliat will l - j ire the wtnde. You cannot be allowed iido "s \ou plea*e on the ground that no proa ise to oh.}' b|i ever pa>.-ed yonr lips. It is very reaaonub e that this should be so. While it is welt enough thai you should I e a man of the world, the phruse • i hs not include at v independence ot the • orld, or any privilege li stowed upon you to do a.« you pita. e, irrespective of the wvliure of others —kinghsh Spavin iiinfaieLt r -moves »;• hard, soft or calloused luuips and bleal i ics trom borses, blood -pavitis, curbs itfdinls, aweeuey, ringbone, srides, sprain* •I swollen tnioais, coughs, etc save i")U by use of one bottle. Warran'cd the iiost wonderful Blemish Cure ever known •jold by J. 0. UediuK, druggist Butter L'i —On his farm ai L dinnon,- 110., Cou gri --mail iiland has "i (X/ 0 Ben Davis appie tri -iu go id growth. i'Detr lruu sells . W.• .i s i < i-fie!, ,ii-l t0 ' Ire**- **u -ti ,1 ill liv>J.:-UfclS 111 good f 1-iOliS. —Oregon people are rsi ing a stroig p:' 'i agai..st the cm! 1 .ti.iuin i I ( • *. ■ I ••.(I ■ r) HI tiinl *— . . i u"j clohu t.iat :t will uij h'j ' •«) rsjittta • i'i tn ; St<«*e aua oto r oauuiug i,>Uu. - i'ti* ■ ; i . o! Oi.-g.m iuuiu r 11 ■ , i i Coi.imoi. river »w» * «.• . it i- jkm it i l. ; a,d Oraws nearly 60 to t• I u .r, Dr. Agu K'l, Cure for tn • i.uii giv' peiluct retioi in ail i a.-.<» ol Oigauic o r ~?y ; i., i iietH* .!• ti. Die a- iu Su uiiuuu* li jHjtidily t'd eta a cure, it is a peer remedy fir f'alpitut.on, Shortness o: :.cv h, .Smothering -je I*, Fain iu Let -idc aud ali s} mptoius oi a Diseased lieart, ae dose convinces. Sold by city Fhar ..ianj. —Many who have stayed at homa this mild summer have esjiyed more sold ... ri tuna many \ tio nave iv •j on a vacation. —X Cuicago man a'.d his brido arrived n "mi Francisco a week ag >ou bicycles, bavin, ridden the a'tiote distance bei, a eea the «'0 cities. —MI idea C.ty. Me. h, has j i-l organ z C a t'ru.-s band compos a raiuejy of %ouug 'ou .ii ot that pia e The women's brans liati" bobl y Brents to prevail to a consid erable extent in the West i-li 'dy in the Ohio Populist Con ••Mil'! n L-ed that the del*£4te« had had enough of Coxey. Where ipou Coxey . .If took the floor ;.ml gav • them more C'cxey. —The old ebb itt house, whi u is to be sold at auction, is th oldos. house ia Providence, and t only one left, standing alter the bin,', gof 'he ' >wn i»y the In dians iu 10,0 It v.i»s the town's tirst iau Notwitb. ' '.!* it gr. u • tis sound, wellpreseri -inu aa tat i .-su, g relic. —The treapu. department tives notice tbatcouDi .ic $1!) notes ot the tirst Na tioua! bank oi Detroit are hlloat. They o phot. • rep. oductions of the brown ba «. sol 1882 printed on two pieces ot itp r .■ istei toget ir, and siLk thread * p! jed between. —ill .1. og.rj ts UMUg a sensation b_, lie artay ■ t.. in .t ieli she is we, r I iiif/ on th« P ii". - appeared iu a p' ly at Itrta -ii li ! . i i wearing j-w -.s worth si-'o v As a precauii*ni, hei ill- -l; g • in a. uaarded every night by :» detective. —Jami *i. ins and Charley Jones, ol Hickman Kv., who married sisters, fell in love with At hio liilbert. In a jealous (jiiarrel over her th«y hacked and sial>bed each ' i er until exhausted Coins u itead and Jones will die. —Seventy } ears ago, Ur. Lewis Dates, of Chiogn, was born iu slavery. He is I'ISOIU ■ iy without education of any kind, invariably badly dressed aud poorly fed, it at the pres. Nt time he is the wealthiest i hired man in the city, lie is rated at neaiJy $300,000. —•A lv in teak ee miiii vadtd < ut into the iiver to drowu a cat, look cramps and was dl VMd blmselL And the Cikt came baci<. —A Saco. Me., girl was trying to ride a bicycle a ft w evenings since when she I st control of the machine and went 11} i g into a couvei ientlj near pond. Her .screams brought the desired help, aud she v. as fished ou with her feelings badly hurt. —A horrible story of tho death ol a [marl diver comes from Western Austra I:a. AVI he engaged pesrling in the Barrow 1 .. sn : a Jap.mere diver remained down !■ • gei t. in the usual lime. A second iliver who tl en descended found that his ■ui nle ! 1 been attacked aud killed by sharks. Mrs Potter Palmer, having declared her dissatisfaction with the new woman, a caretul investigation reveals the fact that the new woman is die lamiliar and 1->iig known watering place girl in search of a male escort. j —Tho balloon expedition to the North .vhicti will take place under tho a of tin King oi Sweeden in 1SIM), pr gtaaaiag Annkb, The balloon , «i.l be nil d on one of the i.-lauds nnrth aant ot S|n, iergon, aud weighed to float I a I out 000 feet hi;:b. It will carry tnree men and lour months' t.upply of provis -1 ions. i —A few days ago a man died in Wil limantic. Conn., aad the whole town turn ed out to his funeral. The stores were closed and the mills stopped, the church where the services were held was crowded to the doors to hear the elocjuent tribute of the preai her to the virtue of the .ead, and then a long procession at leaded the hearse to the giave, the dead man ha.i hern pron if,' ■ * : . il ** financial affi.rs of •he town, and the trusted c,is!ii»r of tae ; leading bank of the neighborhood and the adviser oi rcores ot men and women in •heir business Ufiirs. ind in all these ea j aeities his honesty was believed to be of the soundest, his int grity the most unim peachable and his word was as good as n:s bond. But »h*- i extdai after the funeral whin a new official was installed at he oank an.l a formal examination of its affairs began a condition of hing- was disclosed that created a seu-atii n iu the quiet little own At first a sir.all sum wAS found to be missing, and as the investigation pro il.-d t'n- nil! grew unt 11 it is now known that the dead ca-liier had converted at b-ast $200,000 ot tr;o bank's mouey to his o'.en u*'. - " 1 , that he had forged the signature ■ I nearly every man w hose name was g< >d <>a paper and thai luuos trusted to a. | - i.a! E.i ! i' and ler private inve-l --■ e i bed ken stolen bodil>. Then ihe town vmke up to the knowledge that the man whom they had trusted implicit/ v i tie living and honored when dead was nothing but a COHILIOU thief and rascal. —The fact that there are 40 .-pecn s of t: i si[uitces in his countrj is insigi. Scant when one is confronted wi h the att.-i - it uoi oat ' f iLeui. it is enough for the time being. i* • • r.. ! * • tot Insane • »iuui — W'l.i '- i it v, onion how ling abnatf A'tendant—She doesn't ike her strait •*l> >es she want it taken "Yes she wants one with puffed sleeves \ Ku -ss man and wife spent a for tune in suing each othir for divorce. Alti-r th *y hud got rid oi al their mouei they concluded to live f»i py together iu pov eity. This is a new demonstration of the hoory t 1 it tne way to get eny sati-iac iio . out of weslth is to spend it. —J. How ord lloore ii kuowi as the iha.ii, .on Pri ' .bill-in ora. >r ol the t ei! Stat, s He thinks it is as wicked U» >• t meat as :*• drink liquor. He believes n woman suffrage, declare* this country in the land of the boss and the hottie ol ihe sot, but hopes to change all that by a frequent delivery or his oration, "The Scourge of the Republic." --Commenting on the demagogic as sm-tion that in .New York the rich man • Sunday can get all the branc'v aud < riam ] fne he v -.vt i!e the poor man can lot get hi- beer, the Watertown Times s j?: ' Well, that will taiauce this i* up. If the rich man keeps on drinking c ampage they will become poor, audit t e poor slop drinking beer they will be come rich." —Qt- rge Lucas, of Henryville, Kv , recently paid a year's subscript ion to E u t r Daily, of the Jiff rsonville AVr.y. by (: •! rattic-nake. which tho editor values al iK>. —-Pilker—Dreadful abi.ut Bilker drown i* g, wasn't iif Ji'iker—Yes—a new woman swam out ■ • save bin : when t • saw who it hi threw np his hands with one wild despair ir.gcry went under. I'clteJ in .Six Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the ">ew (ii'eat South Atneriian Kidney Cure.' - This new remedy is a great surprise on uc ( unt of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, bae. a: d every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves ret# ntion <■' water and paia iu passing it almost im i.iehia'ly. If you waul quick relief a-ol cure this ia yonr remedy. Sold by J. C .iedick druggL'C Butler Pa. —Cornell is Yatiderbilt has a #27,000 rug in his new Newport villa It is stvrilir to think what a number of champagne suppurs that rug would buy, uut this Mr. V'auderhilt does not indulge in champagne suppers. —Olto Meal, 2 years old, ofßrownsburg, Ind., has an abnormal appetite. Recent ly, while under a physician's care, it was a i-i'Nait ed that he had swallowed sorer.>l 22 c .iiier cartridges, a lot ot beads aud a 0 . ,nty oi pas.- ii jutcrie. V* |.J :-iot *i ■ y the Near ana Better V/a Of • n:.g J ur shopidngf I.sleel v. . >mi»g to .le store, iiuku tho store oouii ...oil, /HS, and the I c -1. and trig) t . -lore in tin- cuutr. at thai; uaun-Iy,K .;i?- .. n i;ro , r... I iitsiiurg Drop iheui s i! .inn mi iviil ft th.*;r spri. z ai .. in in.-e >. . _i-gratis, ti. .ag} i i.. ■•ui r In ■ ~ing you ■ i > <\ i - . ;,i u oi ias much money as c. ; v people ,i . SPE'.IAL tMOTICfc:. Thit I will sell, unt:! :utjther notice, he following goods at the old price.-, regar. - F-s of the adv.iuce ot 20c per gallon tt,x by the eowriin-eiit: AA. pure rye, 2ytar.s V-'.OO per gallon; Tippecanoe, '.i years, 25; "'tl ('abinei, 4 .years, $2 50 per gai ioti; Bridg**port and Thompson's pure rye, t years 4'i 50 per gallon; Fiucli GoUii u Wedi! inir, Gibson's, Kobinson Co. Bour on, :4 50 per gallon; Hannixville, Dough ty, Mi nticello, 12 years, $5.50 per gallon alilomis wines, dn nnd sweet, from 75.• Cer gillon to $1.50; 12 distinct brum's; my wn imtiorration S'e *rj and Port wine, fin $2 5u to $350 per gallon; also tie finest Irisu ami Scotch whiskies at lov,e «rboles k | H rates. Call or send for special price lists at. A ANlh.k >h\\ 'r s f,.-I if. t. A I- f: V'. I'll. All i rde. - by mail promptly aiu nc'e.d. N'o extra charge for packing. Telenh m 4f». V"S DOITGIvS LAiil* .■ . ... .*:, • hi.. i■> - ft Crx. PEL' AVE. anc> FOOBTM BT. . . ' • PirTfaBUHOH, FA. AtlfCniisoi Dolie ile nin 1 Cori> . J ited Di- - re*) hi in/1 '.in \ V ' '-39 SUI'IiNTtAI. ai:d Sfl !'..VTIFIC JUed ss-S, tl** iratiou are treated nt this Di v wnh a ICIII'SJ- .-iirely attained. Dr. b . i.. ■ •'eeiut/ci of ttio ftoyal Coiti *c ">f Phy i Siirfieo.is, and is the i>t li M and most •». . i ''t Si-ueKLtH. in ihocity Spe.-'alat vi.,to\ rims Ilplii!lt\ ftrmi c*r"Biv :• i *■ ertlon,ind..si-rctii>nofyouth,etc.,cans , I:.. ■ I and mental do :iy,lrn-k of energy. 1 i. . ney.ete.; atsof. re.- OldHm-es,}• its, rtie.o'natl-in. and all dis'isesof the Skin, lo ti,J to'- , I'rin.'irv 1 'r;: oi set'-. CcnffillUltd) >1 : '.etlv co,ii>t. n'Oifice hours,to : i ! to ti F.'H.: Se.ml I ,'i t.) - 21. O.dv. ! : i. c" r or addle - I.\KK, C fl •V VI. A?. D ;V!lil*..l*i x'.'VliC Ucill THE KEELEY SURE Ts a special boon to business im-n who, liavinc • lriiti «i unconsciously into the drink habit and n waken to find HUM! ison -E of alcoholism fastened n;» u them, renderinsr them unfit to manage af l'iirs r <jnirinjf a eiear brain. A four wecka course of treatment at the PITTSBURG KEHLEY INSTITUTE, No. 4216 Fifth Avenue, restores to them all their powers, mental anrt L»hy :<M!, destroys the abnormal appetite, and r -stor thern to* the condition thev \v<*re in bo fjre they indulcod in stimulants. This has been in more than inoo « a>es treated h re, and ; *n them Mine of your own neighbors, to whom we « *n rt fer with confidence as to the j.b-olute safety ami efficiency of the Keeley <*ure. The fnllesi and un-t searching investigation is n vited. Send for i>ann»hlet giving full inlcnna «ion. W * ni .i» ■ • \*i .. 'l ~ -j. fi" •-!» - ■ . -. ijv ».y jr.*Vi*f,»» n T fcs: A KINS. yf-- \ '.iS COT' l> VA NT, t./ - F. f : C" vjwoa y., . : POLICE,3SOLES. WAR Ei $2 • WCi::;: -GM E ,j' s \ % -S J -EXTRA FINE* > • " . '2. I. 7 - BOVS SCHOCISIiOEi • t.ADiua* / - . n «-fte J 2.tl7JS • , • - ; -A. X W • Dt • • V LOCWi: I . *. re • •• s. O t G r.c MH!!ou Pa pie v. ir the W. L, Douglas All our .hoes are equally satisfactory They tf"vc n lc best \ ulue for the money. They equal custom "hoes In style ::nd fit. Their wear!nt* qualities are unsurpassed. The priccj ore uniform,—stampcu on sole. Prom $i t > saved over other inakeji. If your dealer cunr»t supply you we can. old by ALEXANDER & DOFTT, WHITESTOWV. liccs and lice Supplies For Sale. Such a.< Siscimns, Brood Frames, IlivuF, Fciuudulin*. s, B«c« Siu( keri>, etc. JAMES C. MURPHY, M*r««r Street. liuilur, P*. Or J. B. MDKPHIf, al S. U. Purvis Cu n-n — y V- N vteirJ iji mvmoi w *—-> j, • yp m 4 i O fO? '■ ;Jf t ] ?", .' ' jfcs L-» 3 f V v U H Ho One of those big pieces of Bottle Ax Plug"Tobacco Po vIO cents 'WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES w GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ' |5 &1238 lCi 3 _ ' • ';•• v.. r : VV:■ : v v -;f ".' •'. F . -//'*: • V*\ -• • ;• L - «■*-- • .V \/J • *' ' X '*jE3fc~ r ~ • - .-' ••• . . %'■!& ■ . V. -<v *■■ -. '■** *. \;x- '' $ fv*- r v ■*•?■■ . - '" ~ J W. F. Hartzell. Frank Kemper. Tphe Adriance Kinder Is the lightest <lraft, the simplest constructed, the ea«ie.<t operated, and the most durable of anv hinder on the market. It will not upset on the steepest hills. It will cut where all others fail. It will handle as long or *a->-hort grain ;us ar.y other liinder. It will do better work in tangled grain than anv tttfloeT ill use. This binder is sold on its merits. If it fail' to do us above mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. All machines anil vehicles sold by u- are guaranti ed to lie as represented. Machinerv for all farm use, from the plow to tin 1 -c-parator, can be got from us. Vehicles in various styles and prices. Harness for all kinds of use. l'lv nets and Covers, Dusters, R<>'■ s, blankets, Whips, &c. In a:' \ thing belonging to a team oulitt i- kept by us. The best vanoii on the market is sold by lis. We guarantee it lllpciiflf to thing sold in this cjunty. Call and see us HARTZELL &KEMPERgj^^^ ym £ QU EST! O N is oflcn asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Covers Most. Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and BRUSHES- _ W ' stays with us. COLORS IN OIL, HOUSE A. COACH VARNISHES T \. " J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St. Are You Using NATURE'S COMPOUND? By nil means do so. It is un doubtc-dly one of the be-" remedies or. the maiket to regulate the Lijrer, ch and Kidtiev , Pur fi- J d tite j blood, an excellent ttjuic. Tones tie ! sjistem aud iri purely v<-getable. Sold by Druggists. Price sl. six for $5. Persons to Travel.-:-:- WANTED. — Several faithful j gentlemen anil ladies to travel for ; established house. Position permanent if suited; i also increase. State reference! nnd enclose self-addressed stamp- j ed envelope. Till', VIIONAL, 1 31«-:«l7-:;iM O.ual !» !«!.!„• , Cinc \i..t. Ciiaulatitiua Nursery Company. - OKFEH— Liberal Terms To Agents, I.ig Inducements to Customers. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. Now Specialties Seed Potatoes, Ac. Men Wanted. ,'u Every Town, Steady VTork. Puy Addreyf, //. n. HILL JAMS, SI T'Y, Portland, N. V. I &FTR 2?. L OTSERS FAIL &2>U 3 Consult liie Old Udtel>l6 * I < BB N. FIF'-'KLNTII ST., Pill LA., VA. Thirty ycnm nl'.nuoiJ* practk'eln theeureof all i! . mof iwn and \vnm« ri No io;itt?r from what • .iu: <or »\v lon .; standing. I iv'i!t on irantec a cur®. 3 . t IvjUlld iiocdf <b«ul -ij uud mailed tUKIu STEEL ROOFING and SEDIKG. i.'' Ti-h's Patent.) id Sto>m Pico!. in [roaJtoolai §wl Oftta* ' y. i'lUj i Mi KB* £■ L ' ' %C'~ \ v \ Wi. ; f, 1.5 return ~ K - . h*. •. . ui! .Hqw.rt , n» L. c- wick; DEALER IX iij as iMeii Luiiibe; o OF AU KIUDS Do -is, Santa, Biinds, Mouldings, Shiiifeles and Lath Always in Slock. JU VIE. HAIR AND PLASTER. Olfico opposite P. A W. Depot, P.I TLKR p Biilre |TCH|NG P» :!^Smxtw* - QWTKHT *r tt.-Mnr «n4 • h'fix. if f >ri*i nnJ r»* trrrf*, u' *••'% ?- rtrj • . J » i •' •»( ill' il#l J u/.l s ' Mlin \D. T. PAPE'S.p 2 s Ma: " Stiect. ( ) Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come* W, .{>ring Millinery. EVIN IF YOU DON'T WANT *; <> BUY. O w is far ahead of all previous yeais in Style and lv.wity, i :•!«.•> are much lower. The largest stock, the »hi.i. : LIUI 'J Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s Sy r V s Mourning Goods a Specialty. 'l: ,s Special Fall Announcement For the Season of 1895, Amnz'ng Ka; gains, fur purpose to sell low, our purpose to sell much, our purpose to sell now -that's the secret. Wo it from all sido —"Voire ■ loi:ia phenomenal business." It's not acci iluit. We're ni v. : ;y the wants of th-. people by putting prices down and keeping them down. It takes c mr.ige, but brings business. We offer for your selection this Kill one < •x" the larg ■-■t, m >st eh gant stock of dress goods, ladies', children's and Mi- • . wraps ..cr br i-.ight t<> Butler. It is only n .'o .s iry to mention that they are the celebrated Rothchild garments, the only perfect tilting wrap ever shown in But ler. I.., dies in !>y :>n days had to go to Pittsburg to get a genuine Rothchild wrap, but for th ;< i-t tw ' years we haw the exclusive sale of Rothchild wraps in Butter. The • tbhc generally know what that n.mu m.-ans. Perfect fitting, latest designs. l«-t quality, at prices that will compete with any garment shown in the town of Butler. Our Millinery Department will still be under the able supervision of Mrs. Lou M. Ritter. This assures our patrons that we are in position now, as . heretofore, to give them choice styles, n .v styles, exclusive styles, at our wellknown j -pillar pric - Ostrich feathers have been advancing right along. We bought our \. inter si. ck of .>-Irieh feathers early in June, b fore tiie advance; also our velvets. Ti -I. i.> lie a-- .n f>r ..-irich leathers and velvet. We can save you by our liti'..y i arly p.: eh . 25 p r c-rm on the <ll'lar on all millinery goods. For dress I w:-h al l ]>. i :nil our telling you of the visions of beauty, style and 1 gance that our drv.- .-p trim -in is >rim full of B uitiful Boucle cloths in '< 'ack anil colors. l : .i'l orep /us, crevan. . s. heavy serges, fine serges, Henriettas . id new l-'all noveltj dress go, • Is, choice d< signs in novelty dress patterns. Our stock of blank i>. flannels, yarns, haps, hosiery, underwear, notions, trimmings and dom ■ -li'- \>. . never s. e 11. >: or prices so reasonable. See our exhibit at Butler fair. Call at the popular store of Mrs, Jennie E. ZimmermaN Oppo9it' Hotel Ljwry. Su cesejrto Ritter & Rilstou Bring your friends along. All Whiskies bearing the nisme cf :=! fIAX KLEIN !=: Have been recognized as being absolutely pu"e, rich and mellow and having thos' 1 qualities that ninke a pure whisky an essential for the eiek rooai, and the family sideboard. W l\y is Tlr^is? Becauees be exercises great care in his purchas9B direct from tha dis tiller. and they are placed in tne government bonded warehouses undtr his own supervision where thov remain until thev are fully matured and ARE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM ALL IMPURITIES. There i* no vrhisky in the world like Silver Age Pure Rye $ I.*SO per full qu*rt. Duquesne live aud Barhy M lit at SI.OO per full q'lart. P.earereek Rye at SI.OO per full qmrt. GuckenbeimtT 4 yuars old $:1.00 per gallon. Possum Rye, $2.50 per gallon. Anchor Bye, $2 00 per gallon. Our stock of wines are ali of them purest and best. From $1 50 per gul. upwards. I ILAGKBERBY BRANDY Distilled direct from the grapes. A household necessity at $2.00 per gallon. Don't Forget That we pay al! ex; res- charges oa orders of $;">.00 and upwards—no (•barges for boxing and shipping. Send for catalogue and prieo list to_ MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquor Dealer; 82 FEDERAL ST, Allegheny Pa. Good LooKs Count ( \ When _vou turn out for a drive you want your Vy„ carriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'll have no iear on that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy. Fredonia Vehicles are the best on the market in every way. If you'll examine them af your dealers you'll agree with this statement. Made by FRED MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMIi IXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is at W. H .O'Urien Sow'ss 1 OT .J eiiorson Htreot. New York Weekly Tribune, + AXI) Butler Citizen - ONE YEAR * $1.50. Address All Orders to THE CITIZEN.
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