Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 29, 1895, Image 2

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E>Ur*4 at rMUIH at Better «» 2i <la««att.r
WILLIIB C. IMLIt. frtltsfctr
The city was already fall of strangers,
Monday, soma wearing Quay badges and
other* those of the Combine. During the
day ax Senator Cooper and Judge Miller
of Mercer visited GOT.
Ed compromise, but were told that he had
nothing to compromise. Judge Mi Her told
the Governor that he could not afford to
take part in the contest. To this the Gov
replied that if Judge Miller could afford
to leave the bench in Mercer county to
Uke part in it he was unable to we
why he should not. Chairman Gilkeson
refused to attend the meeting of part of
the State Committee, and Cooper presid
ed at it and the Committee made up a
roll tnat had but six names on it, that
were not on Chairman Gilkeson s roll
five of these being of Philadelphia men
The Onay men denied any intention
bolting the contention. There were ru
mors of gangs of ruffians being employed
in Philadelphia to go to Harnsburg.
Tuesday was a hot day both physically
and politically. Both sides put forth
their best efforts to hold their own dele
gate* and pull some from the other side,
and the doubtful delegates had a distres
sing time of it. ...
Rumors of a forceful occupation of the
Opera House, caused Chairman Gilkeson
to put guards in it, who were provisioned
for the night. The town was full of re
puted attempts to bribe delegates
After midnight committees of three
from caucuses held by either side, met
•nan endeavor to make an agreement up
on the preliminary points of difference
and avoid disorder and possible not in
the convention. This was in pursuance
of an arrangement made by C. L.
on the one side and Judge S. H. Miller,
of Mercer, on the other. Before either
caucus met, Mr. Magee suggested that
in order to insure against threatened
trouble, give no excuse for either side to
cay it had been beaten by unfair methods
and avoid the party scandal of either a,
riot or a bolt, all persons should be ex
cluded from the convention except dele
gates, contestants and representatives of
the press.
Accordingly after the caucuses adjourn
ed sub-committee of the State committee,
composed of Thomas V. Cooper, Judge
Miller and Lieut. Gov. Walter Lyon
came to meet a similar committee of the
Hastings people, composed of Senator
William Funn, George S. Graham, of
Philadelphia and ex-Congressman Yard
ley, of Bucks. They brought as their
basis of settlement and agreement to the
suggestion to exclude all but delegates,
contestants and newspaper men, with the
further condition that they would recog
nize the right of the Gilkeson delegate to
a seat from the Fifth Philadelphia dis
trict, and that the four contesting and
four regular delegates from the First
Philadelphia district, and the two dele
gates, one regular and one contested
from Wyoming, should be admitted to
the preliminary roll with half a vote
The doors of the convention hall were
opened at 9 o'clock, and by 10 the great
er part of the delegates were seated.
None but delegates, candidates and news
papermen were allowed to enter, though
a few others forced an jntrance. Chair
man Gilkeson called the convention to
order, and the compromise roll was call-,
ed by Assistant Secretary Rex. It was
not considered necessary to appoint a
committee on contested seats. Jack Rob
inson was elected Temporary Chairman.
By resolution offered by Senator Quay,
Gov. Hastings was made permanent
chairman of the convention. Quay and
Magee were Jnamed to escort the Gov
ernor to the chair. Magee was at work
with the Committee on Resolutions at
the time. The convention seemed de-
i frnr 'r l u* tain rtf called in
chorus by the delegates. In Magee's
absence Senator Win. Flinn assisted Quay
with the escort, and finally Magce hur
ried in response to the general call just
in time to help the Governor to the
stage. Goy. Hastings said:
I thank yon for tbirt great honor. I
will not make a speech, because it is too
warm. Recent events in the Republican
party in tbi« State prove that electric
storms clear the atmosphere. We will
reserve our oycloces for the debt creating,
prosperity-destroying, free trade Demo
cratic party.
The permanent organization was com
pleted by making Frank WiUing Leach,
secretary, and Supt. Roger D'Mara was
made Sergeant-at-Arms.
All the resolutions presented were re
ferred to th* Committee on Resolutions
without debate. Among the number was
a resolution offered by Quay, embodying
the reform ideas set forth in recent state
ments. This was added to the platform.
While the resolution committee was at
work in the rear of the building it was
decided to nominate the several State
Col. Henry Hall nominated Benjamin
J. Haywood, of Mercer county, as the
candidate for State Treasurer. The nom
ination was made by acclamation.
Senator Quay then placed in nomina
tion the six Superior court Judges named
for the new bench recently by Gov. Hast
ings, and they were also nominated by
acclamation. They are: Gen. James A.
Beaver, Charles E. Rice, E. N. Williard,
George B. Orlady, John J. Wickham and
Howard J. Reeder.
John B. Robinson who hail returned to
* seat in the body of the convention en
tertained the delegates while they waited
for the return of the committee on reso
lutions. Mr. Robinson said he did not
mean what he had said al>out Chairman
Gilkeson's management of the fund in
the last campaign. Since making the
charge against Gilkeson, Robinson said
he had been informed by reliable author
ity and by personal investigation that the
fund had been properly handled. Rob
inson probably made the explanation,
apology'and correction in view of the
fact that Senator Quay's platform abol
ishes campaign funds.
Congressman Stone presented a resolu
tion that the rules providing for the elec
tion of State chairman l>e suspended ami
that the convention shall elect as soon as
the report of the Committee on Resolu
tions lie disposed of. This was adopted,
and then Chairman Gilkeson said.
It i* perfectly evident to my mind'
after the vote whioh was taken, what the
result would be if a vote was taken upon
the auestion of State chairmanship. I
therefore, in the iaterest of party har
mony and for tha purpose of continuing
that spirit of peace that my friend, Sena
tor Cooper, alluded to. and with perfect
eoofidenca in surrendering the reins of
the management of the Republican party
to the hands of Col. Quay, withdrew as a
candidate for State chairman, and move
that Senator Matthew Stanley Quay be
•lected State chairman.
Senator Quay was then elected by ac
clamation. There were calls for a speech,
but he simply said: "I will endeavor in
the campaign now ensuing to make it a
campaign of merit."
The platform was then presented and
after iis adoption the convention adjourn
The Committee on Resolutions had no
trouble excepting over the money plank.
Kiter, of Philadelphia, offered as a sub
stitute a strong and direct declaration in
favor of sound money and against free
coinage, but it was voted down, the fig
ures standing 26 to 16. As the question
apjK Hre<l to IK: one that would not read
ily settle, a motion was made to adjourn
to the Senate chamber, where the com
mittee could discuss it in comfort. This
motion was lost by the same figures, Kit
er then offered the well-known sound
money plank adopted by the Union
League club, of Philadelphia. It was
also refused by a vote of 25 to 17. No
doubt existed any longer that the com
mittee had pre-determined to adopt the
platform wltl*out changing a dot on ati
i, or : oss on at. As nothing remained
except to report to the convention the
platform al.eady prearranged, the com
mittee repaired to the lower part of the
house where the convention was assem
bled and made its report.
Chairman Graham announced that a
report had been adopted by a large ma ;
ioritv against a protest of the minority. ]
which explanation, as he told Senator :
Penrose, who thought explanation un- j
necessary, he made to save the delay and .
annovan'ce of a minority report, I
Congressman Dalzell added that the |
gallery' was not a place wherein it was I
possible to properly consider a platform |
because of the noises below, and the
cramped condition. Riter, of Philadel
phia, was still of the opinion that the |
monev plank should be toned up, and he
offered again on the floor of the conven
tion the Union League money plank,
supporting it with a brief speech, in
which he expressed his opinion that the
Republican party should not hesitate to
espouse the cause of honest money.
Congressman Dalzell, of Allegheny, al
so championed the sound money plank.
He said he believed in money good at
par everywhere and that the sentiment 1..
support of the 16 to I doctrine in the
State, if counted up, would be found so
small as to amount to practically noth
ing His opinion was that the Reputih
cans of Pennsylvania should declare
against free silver on any terms," We
cannot afford to permit our loyalty to any
man," he said "to compromise us with
our consciences." ... , ,
Mr. Dalzell asserted that in this plan*,
which declares for a parity of the two
metals, thousands of Republicans west ot
the Mississippi river find what thej
lieve to be argument that the National
platform is a silver platform. He said
the Republican party should ta,ce a stand
against coinage at any ratio except sue 1
as should be fixed by an international
agreement. The honor of Pennsylvania,
he argued, was at stake, and the State
could not afford to have the announce
ment go out to the world that this great
Commonwealth had lost its head in the
free silver craze. .... i
Senator Quav arose in his place and
said he saw no' objection to the incor
poration of Riter's amendment in the
platform, if attached to the money plank,
and in less than no time the amendment
was a part of the platform, which was
originally built so a= to evade this impor
tant question, the same statesmen wno
had persistently voted against it when
presented in committee now voting unan
imously for it after thev got the tip. I hen
it occurred to a delegate from Luzerne
county that, while personal compliments
were not lacking in the platform. Gov.
Hastings and State Chairman Gilkeson
had been overlooked in the original draft,
and the convention suitably compliment
ed them.
The text of the money pldDk as amend
ed is as follows:
We accept unreservedly the determina
tion enunciated bv '.he Republican nation
al convention of 1392; that we demand the
ase ol both gold and silver for money,
with puch restrictions and under such pro
vision?, to be determined by legislation,
as will secure the maintenance of the
parity of the value of the two metals, so
that the purchasing and debt-paying pow
er of the dollar, whether of gold, silver or
paper, shall at all times be equal.
Faithful to the Republican party and
believing it to be the settled doctrine ol
the party that the honor of the nation
and the interests of its citizens requiie tfio
maintenance of a national currency, every
dollar of which, whether of gold, silver or
notes, shall be of a staple value and of
equal purchasing power, this convention
hereby declares its opposition to the debase
ment of the national currency by the ad_
mission of silver to free and unlimited
coinage at the arbitrary ratio of 16 to 1
The other planks favor protection, criti
cize the opposition, t . faT( ! r
better roads, indorse Stone s immi
gration bill, commend Hastings' admin
istration, etc.
The third annual re-union of this, very
numerous and widely known family, took
place on Thursday, August 22d, 189 a, in
the beautiful grove whioh belongs to Mr.
Matthew Sloan, one of the aged and moat
esteemed members of this family, and
which is situated on the public highway
leading fiom Six Point* in Allegheny twp.
to the very pleasantly located town of
Farmiogton in Venango twp. and about
equi-distant from tho»« two places. Oil
this occasion *e bad a pleasant interview
with the estimable wife of Matthew Sloan,
Mrs. Valla" Sloan, nee Welsh, who was
one of Butler's old time dunsels.
It is estimated ttat there were about
1000 people present, one-half of whom were
in some way, either by affinity or consan
guiniijj related to Lks.SivW twUi'- XJU
music at frequent intervals during the day;
aud a very pleasant and enjoyable time
was had by all present.
It having been announced that old Sol
had reached his meridian, all repaired, in
groups, to their own selected localities on
the green sward, and there, alter spread
ing thereon snow-white linen, the ladies -
God bless them—with deft and delicate
hands, loaded the same down to a safe an
chorage with the richest and most palata
ble viand* of the season.
Dinner dispatched, an organization was
effected, and speech-making, according to
the universal American custom, was in
dulged in. Appropriate addresses were
made by Rev. Torry of Parinington; Key.
Miller of Emlenton; Rev. J. R. Coulter of
Scrubgrass, et al
This family plant, like all others in this
occidental country, is an exotic. The pi
rent stem first found a congenial clime on
' the old Attloman farm, a mile irom Farm
' ington, and now owned by our honored
tellow citizen Amos Seaton, Esq. From
it sprang all this numerical strength ol
limb and of foliage. Andrew Sloan of near
Six PoiDts is the oldest surviving member
; of tha family. Having onoe, as Supervi
sor, been the means of conferring a luxury
upon the people of Allegheny township,
her tax payers are always glad to meet
and greet him. They would be proud to
confer on him any oflke of profit or trust
in the township, but he is too old to loug
er serve them.
We regret that we do not have space in
which to make rnori extended mention.
Mr. Matthew sloau was elected Pieoi
dent for the entuing year; aLid Mr. Elmer
Sloan, cashier of the Emlenton Naticnal
Bank, Secretary and Treasurer.
There is agreat deal ot sickness iu ocr
town now. There are two new cases of
typhoid fever. Our Post Master is very
aiok with it.
Mrs. Capt. Avers of Butler was the
guest of her father and other friends here
a few days, last week.
Miss Euima Hovis of Gibsonburg, Ohio
i< the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Layton.
Mr. Charles Weston and sister, Mm
Mary Lee, Mr. Clinton Coulter and Mis*.
Miss Lottie Guiler were callers at the
Central Hotel, Wednesday evening.
Mr Walker and wife, of York are the
guests ol their parents, Mr. and Mrs Ell
nck Mid Mr. and Mrs Walker.
Miss. Pisor, of North Washington is
visiting her sister, Mrs Humphrey.
A pie social will be given in Moons hall,
on Tuesday evening Sept. 3rd, for the
benefit of Mr. McUall who has jeen sick
for 6 weeks, and wife is now sick. Every
body please bring a pie and gents come
and buy them.
Mr.andMrs,Cha* Eakio,of Mechanicsville
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. McMillam.
Miss Blakly, our Milliner, goes to Cleve
land 0 . to the grand opening next week
and will on a lull line of tall] huts
next wf'jit, the other stylos will come
later, call.
Miss Sarah Cooper will leave for Alle
gheny, Saturday.
Miss Eunter and Miss Allan o Kenner
dell, visited Miaa Anna Brown over Sab
Mr. Win. Stuart Jr. of Philadelphia who
ba« been visiting his parents a few week",
returned to that city .Saturday.
Mrs. Judge Kerr who has been sick is
much better.
Misses Maud King and Mary White
will take in the Franklin centennial neit
Grand mother McOill fcy a mistep fell
down the cellar Thursday evening and
got hurt, but not serionaly.
Mr. David and Allie Henderson and
families went to the Henderson reunion
at Hendersonville last week, and report
a good time.
Mr. Ciowl of New Castle was the guest
of his sister and brother here, last week.
Mrs Williams of Erie who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs Growl, has re
turned home.
In Reference to Registration.
VTe wish to call attention to the fact
that September 5 is the very last day lor
registration and assessment in order to lie
qualified to vote at the November election.
The act of 1891, section 3, says: "After
the assessments have been completed on
the ruty .first day before tha * * Tues
day next following the first Monday ot
November ia each year the assewor .-ball
ma*e a return,'" etc., thereby plainly mak
ing September 5 the last day lor registra
tion and as-e»sment.
The duty ot the assessor of each district
is to b« at 'he polling place of his respec
tive district for the purpose of registering
ai d assessing voters on Wednesday and
Thursday. September 4 and S, from 10 A.
m. to 3 p. M. and from C to 9 P. M. of each
sn:d days.
If you are not certaia that you are reg:s
tered, examine the registry bo..* banging
uu the door of yoar polling place and it
your name ia not on the book notify your
"assessor of the fact on or before September
5 and see to it that you are a<-eased as well
as registered, since many votes are lost
every year because altaoigti registered
properly the voter failed to be asse.-.-rd. It
is possible to supply the omi.sioa to regis
ter, but nothing eat. cure the failure to be
assessed. Such omission is fatal.
The member of the County Committee
it. each district should see to it —it is a vi
ttl duty of his appointment —that not oac
vote is loi-t through neglect to register and
tenet's, in tbis w&y a committeeman ap
proves himself to his party ami no one
nh suld «ccept the burdensome position
who will not faithfully perform its duties.
The c inmitteeman can be a great aid to
t a Mse-sor in goitg over too registry
liet and seeiDg that not a single aauie is
ouimittea that should go on the list.
Tlu.g who wiil at the coining election
vote on age should have tbeir names
pliced on the registr} lift, thereby sav
ing time, delay and trouble on eirc'ion
dsy. Those who have voted heretofore
who wili be 22 years old on or befo.e elec
tion day should be registered nlid a •<*» :ed,
u hile those who expect to take out tbeir
fir.al naturalization papers tb..- yesr, in
order to vote must be registed and as-- ssed
While first naturalization papers can be
taken out at the Prothonotarj s office at
any time, second papers can only be ob
tained when court is in se j s on, and in
open court.
If any voters h&ye mi u : into a pre
cinct since las' election i» should 1 e seen
to that they are reg-tered and a-e-srd "<i
or before September 3 irliich is the last tiny
on which it can be done in order to entitle
to a vote.
If these directions are strictly followed
nianv votes which otherwise will be iost
wiil be -aved to the party *nd much time
and tronole will bu saied to the election
board and a quiet election with no jarring
»ill prove ho* it pays to attend lo the
preliminaiieo at the right time.
Surprise Party.
Something wonderfel occurred in Con
noquenessiag township on Tnursday,
August 2'Jnd Tho sun did not stand sti'l
or anything of that sort, bat it was even
more than wonderful. It was a wonder
fully pleasant time at the home i t Greer
MeCar.dless. The noon hours witnessed
the presence <>f ct iea-t t»o-handred
friends and neighbors ot Mr. Mc'Jandles;
and family;
"Sol on mischief bent.
But with good intent."
The welcome was royal, snd good cheer
flowed, not from bottle or bairel, iiut from
the soul. But in..." !1 " • c-.r': • lor
prominently prevailed a pien'.ilul portion
ot palatable provisions.
"In the carriage shed
It was all outspread,
By tables lined
All royally dined "
After all had been nerved the assem
blage was called to order, and Mr. Kobeit
Hays was elected chairman, and IV, 'J.
Fletcher, secretary. Short addresses were
ma-'e b}' A. G. Stewart, Jos. Graham.
Greer McCandless. Kev. McClelland and
others. At an early hour all wended their
way home, their hearts joining in the sen
timent expressed by the genial host thai
there might be many repetition! ol such
pleasant occasions, Dot merely at his home,
but aleo at the homes ot all his Iriends.
Died last Saturday at 920 A. M. Mrs.
Carolina Geohring wife of Edwin Geohring.
Funeral Monday at 10 o'clock interred at
Evans City cametery, services conducted
by Itev. Ottiog of Warren O, aged 31
Miss Jane Shannon was quite sick but
at this writing is better.
I)r J. L. Christy's baby was very tick
a::d is now much better.
~ AtfHWk "neetu
a rest.
Rev. Grimes, and wife are away for a
week or so.
A festival at M. E. church the evening
of the and 6of next month.
Fred Banihalt has the stone hauled for
his new house, this will be one of the
fiuest hou»>es m I'etersville. George
Single is doing the carpenter wcok. and
John .Nolizhime the alone work. N'ext
will be Con Xicklis' turn to build a now
house; What a town wants is lots of fine
buildings. Amber son R'sa is a. i build
ing a new house.
Amongst the visitors are Miss May and
Maud Emerick, from Du Bois, are visiting
at G. C. McCandless'. Miss Nellie Kua
seil, of Bruin is visiting Miss Lee McCand
Mr. Barry Campbell of Cleveland is
visiting Frank McCandless; Harry Woods
and wife from Beaver Falls visited in
Fetersville a few days.
The Marshall well on the Burr farm is
showing for a good well, and several more
will be started soon in the same locality.
A birthday party was given to S. S.
Crawford, last Saturday. About forty
gathered and told Mr. Crawforu that it
was his 37th birthday. Be was building
building a rig away from home and hull to
be called in. It was a surprise to hi in
The presents were not so many bat w>;re
tokens ol friendship. Two large tables
wore erected in the front yard aud filled
»ith the good things to eat and all felt
that it was good to be there.
James Currie moved over to Kildoo on
Walter Currie aud John Wolford were
at Butler on Saturday.
Miss Annie Stevenson, aud Lizzie
Parker were the guests of Miss V. Fogal
on Monday.
Miles Gold intends moving to Coaltown
In a few days.
Vfiss Luld and Pearl Wigton were the
guests of Mrs George Currie over Sabbath.
There will b» a Sunday picnic School
at Pipe Stem Grove on Saturday the 14tb
of October. Come everybody and have
a good time.
R. S. McCandless and Laurel D.iugherty
passed through town Monday.
C. S. Smith and Harvey Bockenbery
drove over to Euclid, Sunday evening.
Lawrence Gruver who has buen on the
sick list is improving slowly
A Sl li.s< KIIIKK.
T am desirous of correcting a statement
which appeared in the Gouiersol items of
last week. The Gouiersol correspondent
says that "ground hogs havti't been so
plsnty for years. Hugh Stevenson and
Rev. J. J. Wolford went on a "hog" ex
pedition not long since, but we believe
they didn't h.iv» much success its they had
no salt along." Bogs are not so plentiful
in this piecinct as to excite attention,
th r ough the medium of a periodical.
Secondly—that Bugli Stevenson and Rer.
J. J. Wolford wont on a "hog" expedition
is untrue as the event never transpired,
other than in onr worthy friend's mind.
—Thirdly—lt seems that our friend, the
GOUHTSOI correspondent is accustomed to
professional society but there is no excuse
for a lavish bestowal of such high titles
when speaking of me as I am not u minis
ter and do not profes to any professional
ability—Am just an ordinary civilian and
my fancy does not induce me to relish a
title so high as reverend, not that the
title is not virgini>tl enough for me but
that more regard should be attributed to |
the title. . J. J. W.
Is response .0 /nqairiei, State Superin
tendent SchaefFer has decided that a
tiacher of music, drawing and other
branches must hold a certificate from the
proper school authorities, covering, in ad
dition to thtse branches, which includes
orthography, reading, writing, geography,
Bngli.th grammar, ariUnnetio, history of
the Uuiled States, physiology aud hygiaae.
BROWS —At Franklin, Augu»t IS, 1395.
William Brown, father of W. W. Brown
of Eau Claire.
TOUXG —At Pittsburg. August 22. 1393,
E. E E. Yoang, formerly ci Butler ageu
34 years.
GOEH RlNG—Near ETJM City. PA , on
Saturday morninr August 24. ISJ.>, A!rr«.
Caroline, wife of Edward Goehring. aged
31 years and 3 months. Buried on Mon
day Augnst 20 at Evans City, Pa.
O'DOXXELL —At St. Francis Hospital,
Aug. 27, ISOS, Catharine L. O'Donnell,
aged 46 years.
She was buried at North Oakland, Wed
FORSYTHF.— At the home of his father
in-law. Simon P. Toung. in Summit
twp , Ang. 28, 1805, Robert Forsythe,
aged about 45 yearn.
MAHARG—At his home in Penn twp
August 22, 1895, James iiaharg, in his
S2d year.
He leaves a wife and eight children.
LINDSEY—At his home in Cherry twp.,
Aag. 13, 1895, Win. Lindsey.aged about
80 yeari.
McCOY—At his home in Pine twp.. Mer
cer Co . Aug. 19, 1895, Thomas McCoy,
aged 83 years.
Mr. McCoy's death occurred the day be
fore the ; eucion of the McCoy family on
his farm.
EXGLEIIART —At his home in Butler.
Aug. 2G, 1895, Jacob Englehurt, aged
40 years.
SHOUP—At his home in Evans City, Aug. 1
26. 1895, Albert Shonp, in his 26th
NUXINGER— AT his homo in Evans
City August 23, 1895, Fred Xuninger, in
his Soth year.
KLINE —At his home in Adams twp.
August 22, 1895, Jacob Kline, aged 82
XEESON*—In Pittsburg. August 24, 1895,
James Neeson of Clearfield twp., in hi*
74th year.
PHILLIPS —At the home of her daughter
Mrs. B. L. Hooks, in Pntler, Anguat 25.
1895, Mrs. Elsie Phillips in her .Gih
MILLER—At his home noar Parker Aug.
24, 1895, Hugh Miller, in bis 53d year.
He was a brother of Sam Miller of the
West End, Butler.
I WHITE—At his homo in Butler. Aneuft.
22, 1595, Kev. William White, in his
. 85th year.
The following biographical sketch ot
r the late Dr. William White is taken from
\ R. 0. Brown & Go's history of Butler Co:
"Kev. William White. D. D.., the hon
ored and respected rector of St. Peter's
Protestant Episoopa'. Church of Butler
for hall a century, was one of the pioneer
- ministers of his church in Pennsylvania.
, He was a native ol Stewart-town. Cou.ity
I Tyrone, Ireland, born March IS, 1811, and
1 wa-thus ia the 85th year of his age. He
- grew to nianh >od in his native land, came
to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 18.12, and
I entered the Western University, gradu
i ating trom that institution in 1834. In
; 1837 he graduated at, the General Theo
logical Seminary of New York, was or
dained a deacon by Bishop Onderdonk, in
Christ chnrcb, Philadelphia, the same vear
r and was sent tit take charge of the tree
1 port and Butler congregations. In 1838
- he was ordained a priest by the same bish
-1 op, and retrained in charge of both
churches mentioned until 1842, when he
gave up the Preeport charge and confined
his labors to Butler and vieijiity Dr..
White was married October 1. 1840, to
Mary liredin, 1 daughter of Jnmes Bredin,
- of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, to whom have
t been born six children, as follows: Annie;
Isabella; Thomas, an Episcopal minister
9 of East Albanv, re-v York; George ii ,
. attorney at law of Butler; James 8., d«j
1 ceased, and William, a consulting engi
r near of Pittsburg. For several years Or.
White combined with bis parochial duties
t those ot a teacher in the old Butler Acad
-3 emy, and many ol the leatiii g men of
Western Pennsylvania looked up to him
with pride as their preceptor. He con
tinued as pastor of the Butler congrega
tion until 1877, when the infirmities ol ad
vancing age induced him to lay down the
burden, although he still occasionally per
formed the offices of his sacred calling in
the adjoining counties ot Armstrong and
: Clarion, With the passing years this
work also had to be abandoned, and at the
ripe age oi 84 he confidently and patiently
awaited the call to his eternal reward.
Por nearly sixty years his name has been
closelv associated with the religious antl
educational life 01 Butler county, and
few ol its citizens had won to a greater^tl
gree t t , au this venerable
"'.Mllr-h whose rare usefulness through
~ Tut that perild is gladly acknowledged
bv all."
"The luneral services over the remains ol
1 Itev. White were held in the Episcopal
Church of this place, on Stturday last and
were conducted by the Itev lismeuway,
pre-cut pastor of the church.
Tribute was paid to bis memory and s r
ices by several mujisiers of the Episcopal
' Church fioni abroad, wbo were pre cut.
Kev. Thomas White, a so 1, now of Eaot
Albany, N. Y., an.t liev. John Graham,
a nephew, of Shamoken, Pa , but who was
boru and raised here, were present with
their families.
Obituary Of James Maharg.
After months of severe suffering, Mr.
Jame t Mahaig lell peacefully asleepmJe
sus, at his home in Perm twp, on Thurs
day, August 2*l at 10 P M. He was born
1 iu 1812, on the farm in Forward twp. now
1 owned by the heirs of the late Capt John
W. Martin, and when three years of go
removed with his father's family to the
, home in which he died. He was married
| in 1845 to Miss Catherine Brown, with
whom he enjoyed a happy married life ol
nearly (illy yearn, and who tenderly and
lai'htully cared for him and comforted
him during his last illness. IWelve child
ren blessod f .heir onion, lour of them pre
; ceeded their lather to tile home to which
be bas now g die, six daughter* and two
sous, >iz: Mrs. P.. W. Duuthett and Mrs.
P. Nicklas.s of I'etersvilie, Mrs. Wm. M.
Brown of Brownsdale. and Mrs J. It.
Douthett, Miss Maggie and Ida Maharg,
and Mr J. J. and J.N'. Maharg of M .harg,
Pa. still remain to oomlort meir mother's
declining 3 e irs. It is seldom that a com
rnanity is pri , liged to »o long enjoy the
company 01 a uiun, s:> uni.er.-ally lovej
aud resected, and thc;r esteem lor him
and ay.ii,. ittiy lor bis family wan evidenc
ed by tie. unusually large altunuauce at
the funeral services, it the family resi
dence oil S*-urda) August 24 at 2 P. M.
Conducted by Kev. VV.S. McNees ol Glade
Mills, l'a., ia.nted by Kev. N. L. Brown
ot Pittsburg, Pa., aker which his body
was laid to rest in the iitlie cemeler) at
Brownsdale. beside his dead children and
near the church iu which be had so long
loved to worship
In early lite, Mr Maharg united with
Dr. Niblock's congregation of Butler l'a
by profession ol laitli in Christ, and dur
ing his c< untclion with that organization
was Iriij'ietitly urged to become a mein
Iter o: Session, b it refused, aud when 1 lie
BroWNsdale U. P. Congregation was or
ganized, he aud his family became mem
bers, and at the earnest solicitation,
ol the members of the congregation, ho
with others was ordained a ruling Blder,
which office be filled with such humility
of heart aud honesty ol purpose, that mude
him a leader among his bretbern on all
questions that required eminent Chris
tian knowit Ige and judgment.
It was the writer's privilege to be as
sociated with the deceased, in the various
lines of church work aud c.lso in the close
itions of the common walks ol
life, aud I but voice the sentiment of ail
who have known him, when f say that be
Wa.- authority on all biblical ijue-itious a id
wus especially interested in the Sabbath
School, as a lnclor iu training the youth
for Christ, aud hi - daily WHIK and conver
sation was an evident reflection of the
light of the gospel of Christ which illumin
ated bis own soul, and his pure life will
continue to be a model worthy of
the imitation of all those
who were permitted to enjoy his society,
aud in contemplating the prints ol the
Spirit, "1. >ve, joy, peace, long suffering,
gentleness, goodness, taith, meekness
temperance,' as exemplified iu the life
and character of our deceased friend.
May his memory incite ns to exclaim.
"Let nie die the death ofthe righteous,
and let rny last end be like his!"
' Titti awful loss ot life and destruction of
property a drunken, incompetent person
may cause was horribly demonstrated in the
hotel catastrophe at Denver. Prom twenty ,
to twenty five lives were lost, many of
them burned to death in horrible agony,
and a hundred thousand dollars' worth ol
property was destroyed by the blowing up
of a boiler in charge of a drunken boy of
seventeen. It was only retributive justice
that the men who employed him, and sup
posedly know his habits, were also killed
and their property wrecked.
flick items.
There i* some talk of a Barber shop be
ing started in the Ticinity ot 1 lick.
Ed Knongh reports that he will try
spraying his crops next yeir if it is so dry
as this year, lie claims it eau be done Irom
a 200 barrel tank on a high point.
Hiratn Gillespie i on the sick list, he is
threatened with typhoid lever.
Bert Williams and wife spent last Sab
bith in Pittsburg.
Nelson McCall and wife were in Alle
gheny City, last week, spending a short
time with lriends.
The Fulton woll Ko. 3 is through the
100-loot. and there is a good show for oil
in the 100-foot. They are going to the
third sand.
Albert Rickey is talking of selling out
and moving off the farm. But we think
that he is going to move into the state of
Aubery Criner is making a croquet dia
mond which will be of great amusement
to the young folks.
Denny McCall and Sylvester Montgom
ery attended canipmeeting at Coopers
town on last Sunday evening.
Robert Parks, Cliff Criner and Will
Trimble are supposed to be the best wrest
lemen in the Cold oil lield. Will says he
can down them both. X A.
Miss Nettie Frazier is entertaining two
oi her former school mates from W . Sitn
bery. The Mistes Hall and Graham.
The English Lutheran church will give j
a supper and a necktie social, at Fhabes
Hotel, Wedresday evening, Sept. 11th.
Every one cordially iuviled.
A good sized delegation of Odd Fellow?
from this place attended the dedication ol
the 11 all at Evans City.
How about the Water Works and Town
Halif Are we to have them or not! Our
people i-hould italize the importance ol
these projects.
Prof. Frank Knoch left for State College
where he will cuntirue his studies until
Mr. Fletcher lost a fine horse la.-f week.
Mr. J. A. Mechlin? and Cfcas Uray ex
pect starting to Slipperyrock State Nor
mal School next Tuesday.
Cbas Emery who h«8 been in Eilwood
City this summer was wi'.h his friends over
J. M. Yard and family are going to
more to Centreville in the near iuture.
There was a social party held at the
home ol Orie Harper. Saturday evening,
in honor ol Miss Fruit of Fredonia, Pa.
The yocng folks of the town were invited
and enjoyed a pleasant evening.
9 j
&AKIH 15
Absolutely Pure.
A cream ol tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength. — Late*
United Stales Government' Food lienori
Gold Watches Free,
Millers New
Shoe Store.
How vou can get one.
From September ist to Decem
ber 2-,'h, we will give one COU]>OII
for each dollar s]R-nt at our stori
for footwear. Tile l>oy or in
Butler borough returning the most
coupons by January ist will receivi
a beautiful G()I,I) WATCH. Tin
boy or girl in Butler county out
side the borough of Butler return
ing tin most coupons by January
ist will also receive a beautiful
Do vou 100 lit a tine GOLh
If you do get to work and gath
er up these coupons. Send your
parents to Miller's. Send your
noigliljors to Miller's. Send your
friends to Miller's. Remember
every dollar gets a coupon and
every coupon helps you get a
Boots ami Shoes at all prices.
Hoots and shoes have advanced
from 10 to 25 per cent. Fortunate
ly all our goods were Itought be
fore the advance and will l>e sold
at old prices and in several cases
for less. Our stock of fall goods
is now complete embracing all the
advance styles in footwear. Our
stock of school shoes is complete
and no advance in prices.
Only One Week More
And then the sample Sale will l>e a
thing of the past. Vou will miss
it if you don't come in before it
closes. Read a few of the prices.
The balance of our Misses' and
Children's Oxfords go at 4octs
The balance of Boys' Ball Shoes
go at ; 45cts
Tne balance of Boys' Tennis
Shoes go at 35 c^-s
The balance of Boys' Fine Tan
Shoes go at 95 c ts
The balance of Misses' Tan
Shoes goat 75cts
The balance of Children's Tan
Shoes goat socts
The balance of Men's Dark
Tan Shoes go at fi.25
The balance of all Fine Tan
Shoes from 95cts
Vou can save money here. You
can have your picture enlarged.
You may get a GOL#D WATCH.
The New Shoe Store.
215 S. Main St.
1 have a 11 earn Cure that will euro any
cane of heaves in horses in forty days,
lined according to directions, and if it doe*
not do what I claim for it, I will refund
tin; amount paid and no charges will be
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of th
medic.nos power to cure:
Butler, Pa., 1893.
On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com
nienced to use your new cure for one of
j.y torses that had the heaves very bail
and continued to use the medicine for
ah' at forty days and the horse did not
sh< >v any signs of a return of tnem. It is
nr, k about a year since I quit givin the
in "d \cSnn and the horse has never sowed
an 1 signs of heaves, and I feel stisfie I
iht t he is properly cured.
Sutler. Pa., April 3, 1893.
I have used your Heave Cure and found
it will do the work if used accordng to di
ections. Yours truly,
J. R.McM iLLm.
Funeral Director,:
151. Mdin'St. - ButlsrPa. \
Br virtue of sundrv writs of \ en. Kx„ FL
F*.. Lev. F*.. Se. Issued out „f *.he Court cf
common Pleas of Butler eounty. Pa. and to 1
me directed, there will t>* excised to public
sale at the C«urt House, In the borough ol Hut
ler. on
( riday, the 30th day of August,
k n. at l o'clock P.M.. the followin; de ,
scribed property, to-wit:
EI) No sept T l>»s. J1) Mc.iunkin. atfy. ,
All the right, title Interest and claim of Mar- j
garet Foster and Benjamin Foster of. In and to
eight acres of laml. more or its-, situated In I
Butler twp..Butler Co..fa., bounded a* follows,
io v It: On the north by lands ot samuel A
I'earce, ea>t by lands of A brain M i andless
south by lands of Virginia McC and less, wes.
b\ road referred to In »I—-'t from SUa« Pearee
*nd Elizabeth Pearce. his wife, to Horace
Pearee. said deed bearing date 21st day of Nov;
lgTl. and recorded lu Deed Book M. page 341.
with a traine house,board stable uud other out
buildlng erected th«reon. Sewed and taken in
e vcution us thepropenv of Margaret Foster ;
and lienjamlu Footer at tiie suit ot Henry 1*
K 1) No 5. Sept T, 1805. W 11 I.ufak, att'y.
AU the riglil. title. Interest and claim of li II
Kerr of, in and to all that certain lot of land,
more or lexs, situate ilu tne village of Farm
ltigton. VenanfO twp,. Butler Co., Pa, bounded
,s follows, to-wlt: Ou the north by an alley,
east by land of L T Kerr, south by Mercer and
Lawrenoeburg pike, west by land ot J 11 Tebsy
or an alley, be.ng 40 by l«w feet, with one Iw»-
storv frame building erected thereon. Seizes
and'taken in execution as the property of II
U Kerr at the suit of S Swart * Co.
K1) No, SZ, Sept T. liiitt. WII Lusk, ati'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Ja
cob Roll of. in and ,"iT acres or land.more or less
situated in cranberry twp . Butler Co., Pa.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
lands ol John Smith, on the east, by lands of
John I' Koll. on the south by land* of Thomas
Crea and Benjamin llUlnian. and on the west
l-y lauds of John Baker and G Mllligan. with
ne two-story house, log barn, orchard and
o'her outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property ol Jacob
Koll at the suit of Mary NOBS.
EI) No 04, Sept T, ISO". Williams 4: Mitchell,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of Ezra
Stewart of. In and to all that certain piece.par
rel. tract and messuage of land situated in
Cherry tw p. Butler Co. Pa , bounded as follows
to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner at
a post; t heure by lands of David Stewart and
Wni M Sinra north 35, east, ai perches to a
post; thence by lands of said Wm M slilra and
h'-irs of JervUs Tinker south **• east 44 pe:ches
to a posi: thence l>y lands of B M and J C Stein
dorf south 3}* west 5)1 perches to a post; tilence
by lauds of David Stewart eorth 88" west 41
perches to the pla» e of beginning, containing
twentj-live ai res, n.ore or less, being the same
land and premises that were grunted and con
veyed unto Ezra Mewart by David Stewart by
deed dated tl ••• Kill day of April. Is-.'::, and re
<■< riled in 'he It. order s office, Butler Co.. Pa.
in Deed Book No l;; 5, page 4K. Seized and
l.tken in execution as the property of kzrtt
Mcwaitatthe suit ot Geo Bean, executor of
Mary A Bean, dee'd, now tor use of Maria liean
and Amelia Beau.
K D Nos 14 and 13. September T. i«#s. A. M
Chrlßtley, attorney.
AH the right, title. Interest and claim of
Tno- K Alien and Mrs V.ir;, T Alteh Of ill and
to all that i trialn lot ol laud, more or
Situat ' I 111 Hut ler bor, Bui'.or county. Pa.
bounded aa follows to wit: On the north by
•(tl allev, east by MUler heirs, (now Wm 11a/.
i-t' bouihhy Penn street, and west by prop
...n oi .1. K. Spang,(nou llali Could)coutalnbig
45 feet bj iso feet, with a good two story frame
dwel'iiij li i'iM- and otlinr outbuildings ere.ied
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as tlie
property of Tnos E Allen and .Mrs Mary T Alien
at l Le suit ol t.eorge »V Byeriy.
h i) N.I ..1, sept i, Williams & Mltcliel
All l'ie right, title, Interest and claim of Ellen
Davison, of. In and to 03 a res ol lard, more or
less slluate in Adams township, Butler county,
Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
the southwest corner, thence north 28.'s deg
west ti'J perches by lauas ol the heirs now or
r. rinerly ol Jos Johnston, thence souths? deg
east » percnes. thence north deg w est 2
perches thenee nor'h r »7 deg weei to a stone,
thence north t'i deg west 24 perches to a po-n
ami stone, thence west l!Tu perches to the place
or Ijeglnniug. havlnn a small boaid house
orchard, coal b-.uk aud other outbuildings
erected thereon. , ,
ALSO—OI, In and tQ eleven acres of land,
more or less, situate in Adams township. It'll ■
Vr county, l'a, bounded as follows, to Kit On
tin -north by hinds of George Marburgcr, east
by lands of .John Cashdollar, south by lauds of
William Joanston, and 011 the west by lands of
heirs of ,los lohnslou. with the appurtenances
1 hereon. Seized slid taken ill execution as the
Hit property of Ellen Davison at the suit of
William Boil, agent.
E D No* ana ic. September T. l-» 5. Balstoa
A Greer aud 11 11 Voucher, att ys.
*ll the right. title. Interest and claim of M II
Christ lev of. In and to fifty (SO) acres of land,
more ci less, situated In ( lay township, Butler
county. Pn. bounded its follows to wit: On tne
north bv that part of the .las 1* Chrlstley rami
devised'to hlmer K Chrlstley. 011 the south and
west bj iai.ils tormerly of Jacob Brown, now
Margaret ltrown. and on the oast by lands of
\1 tiler heirs, being thai part at the south end
ofthe farm devised in the last will and testa
ment of James I' Chrlstley to Slelvin 11 Christ
ley, being partly cleared, seized and taken In
execution as the property of M H Chrlst ley at
the still 0? S 11< hrlstley for use of Paul Keistec
antl.) 15 Snyder.
, EI) No 54, September T. 1595. Stephen Curn
nilngs. att'y.
All the right, title, luterest and Claim of Win
Polharnus, of In and to seventy acres of land,
mure or less, situate In I'enter township, Butler
county, Pa, bounded as follows to-wit: On the
north by lands of Henry Miller and Jacob
town, on the east oy lands of Bersllous lien
ninuer. "t al. 011 the south by lands ol Win Pol
harnus and Geo Dawson, on the west by laDds
of Joseph Coulter, havivg a two-story board
house, board stable, orchard and other out
buildings erected thereon. Seized and taken
( e hie. executors of the last will of Charles
Gerble, dee'd.
I. DNo 50, September T. tgeS. T C Carnpbe
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Thomas Donaghy of. In and to the undivided
on< half part of the following described par
eel. containing 14_' acres of laud, Hiore or less,
situated in ("lav township, Butler eouuty. Pa,
known as the Ilindman tract, bounded as fol
lows, to-wit: On the north by land of John
Bollneer and land of Perrv Wolford. east or
southeast by a public road, south by land o-
James Bredin. formerly .led Allen, anil west by
land of John Dohson's heirs; also of the coal.
Iron ore. limestone antl mineral cl..y In eighty
seven ticres, patt of same tract, the surface of
which has tiren sold to John W Hughes and
said coal and other minerals reserved; about
one half cleared; frame stable and cabin house
ert cicd 1 hereon.
iUO Of, lii and to all that undivided nne
lialf pt.rt of the followingdescribed parrel con
taining 1M acres ofland, mote or less, situate
la OMiijF towMblp, Butter eooatjr. l'a. bound
ed as follows, to-wlt: On the north by» the
Pittsburg, shenango A" I alee Krte railroad, east
by lands of Mahoning Yailev Coal antl Iron
company, formerly John Smith and others
south anil southwest by a public road, and
west I'.v road by lands < f Sankpy ami lauds
fort;.l rly ol Sarah J. Armstrong, of which land
at acres Is part, of the Black farm and the bal
urn e of the Grossman 01 Armstrong tract, to
gether with the coal and other m nerals under
105 acres of the Black nirrn, of which the
surface was heretofore conveyed t.> Kll 1) !l"ue.
Bounded norlh md west by a public loud, oulli
bv Jacob Wolford, nn<l emi by Mahoning
Valley Coal and 1 ron C-anpany; also the coal
at d 01 hi r minerals reserved in conveyance 10
George W Still ot llj acres. I.» perches, hound
ed north i>y J'hu If vision, east by a public
road, south by (ieorge W. Hockeaberry and
others, and west by Win Kelly, the easier/
part being of the Black farm and the wester
part what was know n as the John It Chamber
land, as more particularly described In said
deed to St It I. Mostly wooded land thereon.
Al.sti or. In and to all the undivided one
hiir part of Hie fo'lowlDg described parcel,
containing 1 ' acres ol land, more or less sltii
a ed In I'.rady and Worth townships, lituler,
county, l'a, bounded as follows, to wit: Being
the residue of a tract of 200 acres after 50 acres
ed the western side of said tract, sold to Mrs
Murphy, wife of OT Murphy, la deducted, said
200 acres descrlood &■ beginning at the north
western corner: then i*t north s<j 1-4 deg east
27.1 4 perches to a stone pile; thence south 1 l-j
ilcg 1.(7.8 perches to u post; thence south, sn 1 1
deg west. Im.i.S perches to a whlteoak; thence
north. 1-4 deg west, ns.s perches to the place
of beginning, saute land being same purchased
by John Smith from Isaac McNees and wife,
together with the coal and other minerals re
served in the conveyance to Mrs M It Murphy
of the 5o acres aforesaid, the above 150 acres
all woodland,
ALSO Of, In antl to all the undivided one
haif part of the following described parcel,con
taining 1.11 acres of land, more or less, situated
In Brady township. Butler county, l'a, bounded
aa follows to-wit,: On the norlh by lands of
heirs of Silas Coovert, east by same arid land
of Bredin and Donagby, south by land of E
Kunk et al, and west by laud of litomas Allen;
.'lO acres cleared: log house erected thereon.
A I,SO- of. In and to all Hie undivided one
half part of tne following described parcel, con
taining W acres of land, more or le«m. attnated
in Brad) township. Butler county. Pa, bound
ed as foil nvs, to wit; On the north by land of
acob Buhner, east by land of W Davis, souih
bv . and west by Isaic Double:
about 10 acres cleared.
AI.SO—Of, In and to all the undivided oiie
li all part of the following described parcel.
Containing :u acres of land, more or less, sltu
at <1 In Brady township. Butler county. Pa.
bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a gum
tree; thelice aouth as 1-4 deg east. (».."> perches
to a post; thence sou til. 2 deg west. SLL.3 perches
to a post; thence aouth, ssi-4 deg wes', mi-:
perches to a chestnut; theuce north, 2 in deg
west, 85.6 per lies to the place of beginning
log house, small orchard, 8 to 10 acres cleared.
El/ed and taken In execution as the proper! v
of Thomas Donaghy at the suit of Joseph 1,
Purvis, guardian, etc.
E.D No tiS, September T., lSfis. S F Bowser at t'y
All the right, title, interest, and claim ol s ft
Mccracken, of, In and to all that certain lot of
land, more or less, situated In the village or
Mlddlelown. Concord township. Butler county
Pa., bounded as followa, to-Wlt: On the noiih
by church street, rast by Concord Orange lot.
south by lot ol Miss Annie Thompson, and on
the west bv lot of (it ossuian or Jane Young,
with a two story frame house and other out
buildings cected thereon. Seized and taken
In execution as yie property of S K Mccracken
at the suit of John 11 Cumberland.
E1) No c;i, September T. ls;»5. Andrew (i
Williams, att'y.
All the right, title liitereat antl claim of
Mary K Harper,of. In and to all that certain
tract, pUec or parcel of laud.aituatsd In Wash
ington and Venango townships. Butler roiinty
Pa, bounded as follows to-wlt: On tin' nortfi
by landa of I tavld Hoover and Ulcer,
011 the east by lands of ( hrlsrian Daubena(Mck,
on the south by lands or widow Sarah Milliard,
and Oil the west h\ lands ol John Wade; con
taming seventy -live acres, more or less, saving,
reserving and excepting three acres Includ-d
In Ihe above description, sold by party ofthe
first part (~it of the norlheasi. corner of thm
piece to J I' llarper, with a log house, log barn,
partlyclear. <i and other outbuildings erected
ther'on, sel/ed and taken in execution as the
property or Mary E Harper at the suit or Alex
Mitchell now for use of Joaeph Thomas, sr.
EDNo 77 September T. ISM. II II Uoucher
att y.
All the right,, tit le. Inlereßtand claim of At;
Meals of. in and to all that certain tract, piece
r parcel or land situated in Concord township, ,
Butler county. Pa, bounded aa follows, to wit:
Beginning al a post at the southwest corner;
th-uce by lands formerly of Klehard Allen and I
- II Chrlsly, now ot turner nnd Christy , north, 1
2 deg west. i»«1.6 perches to a stone; thence bj <
same, north, Jo deg east, . perches to a stone;
I hence Io I.He Is , r saniue! Kiissell. north, »o •
deg eaot, o'j perches to a stone; thence by land .
of John Cumberland acl lif'.rs of Robert Camp
l>ell. south, S deg. east, ."fjo parches to a stone
thence by land of William Thompson. south.
h* (Kg west, lot pen hr. to the place ol i>egtn-
D lug. containing ■ < " l acres and 46 p-.-rches, being
the »uine piece ot laud conrejetf by Win. denn
et ux loAH Meals and Samuel Meals by dee»l
bearing date April 37, 1&-... and recordediu deed
Bo k it, page J7, with a good two-fltory brick
dwelling house, bjnk barn, other outbuildings
and orchard thereon. Seized and taken In ex
ecution a» the property ot A <i Meals at the
suit ot Zeno M&rkeL
K DNoTti. septemoer T. l*>". A E Relber
All the right. title. tntereiH and claim of Ada
J Spang, dee d. of. In and to all that certain
lot or niece of jrrouud, more >»r less, situated In
I'.uiler boro. BuMer county la. bunded as
loliows. to wit: Beginning at the corner of
Henry Dickey heirs' lot on Fvnn street In said
borough; thence east along sa'M street feet
to lot tormerly owned by Franklin Fisher
then.-e north i»>> f«-et to an alley; thence *> st
along said alley 45 fe*i to Dickey lot; thence
south IS.-teet to place of beginulnf. having a
two-story frame dwelling nouse and other out
buildings erected thereon. seized and taken
in execution as the proj>erty of O M Phillips,
administrator of Ada .1 t>pang, dee d, and
Char.es H Spang at the suit of Sarah Philips.
K1) x 3 Tsand Ta. Sept T, I*;<s. W A Fornuer
ana Mc.l a. t.albreath, att'ys.
All the right, title. Interest ami claim 01 John
Laux. John .Mctiui ken and Llzzio McOuckeu,
owners or reputed owners, and John Laux
anil Lizzie MiHJueken. of. In and to twenty
tive acres of land, more or less, situated in
Clearfield towship. Butler county, Pa. bounded
as follows to-wli: On the north by Kltlanning
Pike, east b lanos of Hugh McCrea, south b
lands o: Hugh McCrea, and west by Hugl
i.rnen, with the appurtenances. being the land
devised to John Laux by the last will and
testament or his father, as recorded In mort
gage book 33, page ioo.
ALSO—uf. In and to 5 acres of land, more ot
less, situated In Clearfield twp., Butler Co. Pa..
bounded as follow s, to wlt : On the north by
lauds ol Elizabeth XlcGuckeu, east by lauds of
John Laux. south by lands ol Hugh lireen, and
west oy lands of Uugn Ureen, being the b acres
devised to Elizabeth McGucken by last will of
Uer fatner.
ALSO—Of. ill and to till tliat certain other
lot ol ground situated In Clearfield twp. Kuller
Co. l'a. bounded as lol'ow s. to-wit: On the
north by Butler ..ml Kuuumtng pike, east by
latin of 1* Kckeman neirs, south oy land of John
a I.uux. and nest by an alley: containing two
lots, being lots Nos. 13 and 14 in plan allots laid
i t by Jas Dunlap in plan of Coylesvllle, witn
the appurteuanees thereon,
Al.s<>—Of. In &nd to all t hat other lot of land
situated iu [lie t lllage of Coylesvllle. Clearileid
twp. Butler i 0, Pa,, OounUtu as follows, to-wll:
On ihe nortn t.\ Butler ana Kiiunniug pike,
east by an alley, south by laud or Elizabeth
McGucken, west by land ot D Doyle's htlrs.
containing lour lo:s, Nos. 9, lu. 11 und 12 in the
plan ot lots of said village, with the appurte
ALSO Of, In anil to all that other certain lot
of land vtuaUHl in the Tillage of Coylesville,
t lean. ill twp. 1,11 lier Co, l.i , txmuded as fol
lows. to-wlt: On la« north l>> lamia of U Mo-
HUUS, eaal b\ of \v F c'oyle. south bj
kilUmning l>i*e, west by an alley, ana belug
lot No. i- iu tut'said pWuof lots m tue alort
sa.il village of oyleoVille.
ALSO— oI. in and lo all that other certain lot
of land situated in tue Milage o. Coylesville.
I'learMeld t«f, lluilerCo, fa., Uoutidou as fol
lows, to wit: uu tue north b., kiltawilng pite.
ei-t by lot or Mrs McUucken. soutli by
auds of Mrs McUucken. west by an alley,being
loi >o. 8 in the aforesaid plan of Coylesville.
ALSO —Of, id and to all that certain lot of
land sllua > u in tue village ol Coy lesvllle,Clear -
i eld twp, Butler Co, I'a. bounded as follows,
up wit: On the north by Kiuaaulus iilke, east
~y Kind ot .Ichn Cauney, soutli i*y una of llugn
(ireeu. west uj lauds ol C Ougau, coutaiuiHg
three low. Noh. J and 4ln th>- geueral plan ot
the aforesaid village ot Coylesvt.le.
>ei-:ed and taken In execution as the proper
ty of John Laux. John Met-iucken and Lizzie
MiGu ken, owners or reputed owners, and Juo
Lauv and Lizzie McOucken at the suit of M B
IKfcirlde and \V 1' C of lnos
CoJle, dee d.
KI) ,\o 57, September T. 18M. Halstoii & Ureie
All the right, title, Interest and claim of Joliu
McMtCken 01. In and to all that certain lot of
l.tud, situated in Cenirevil'.e boro, Sllpperyrock
tw p, Butler county. l J a. bounded as follows, to
wn: On the north by lot of Jackson
east by a street, soum by land of John Biug
haui, tud west by land of 11 1' tjrifliLh; being
CO feet front by tto teet back with a frame
dwelling house one story of lour rooms, seiz
ed and taken In execution as the property ol
ohn McMlcken at the suit 01 John Kerr.
Terms ot- sale- The lollowiug must be
strictly complied with whet, property Is Btrlck
en down.
l. When the plalntiJ or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a llat of the liens, including
mortgage searches on the property sold, to
gether with such lien creditor's receipt* lor
the amount of the proceeds ol the sale or such
portion thereof as he may claim, must be furn
ished the sheriff.
•.!. All bids must be paid In fu!L
:i. All salesnot settled immediately will be
continued until i o'clock p. m. of the next day
a' which time all property not settled for win
again lie put up and sold at the expense and
risk or the person to wuoni tlrst sold.
•See rurdon's ingest, D h edition, page MS
and smith's Forms page 38».
Sheriff's Office, Butler, Fa, August 15, 1895.
Before You Start,
On your vacation, call and see what we
have in the line of clothes suitable for
summer wear. We think that we have
what you want. We think you will
think so when you see the tfoods and hear
the prices.
Don't spoil your trip for lack of cloth
es. Have us make something suitable
for summer vacation wear; stunning out
fits and paralyzing prices. Come and be
Just arrived are our latest styles in
Summer Suitings. Comfort, elegance
and price unite to charm all inspecting
our goods. The fit's the thing, and here
van are sure to get it—reason, expert
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa
We Want
Your Trade
and to get it, will give
you the Best quality of goods at the
Lowest Prices.
As an additional inducement
we offer you a special dincount in
the shape of our grand premium
books, we give you your own selec
tion when your purchases amount to
the sum named in tho attached tick
et. We can afford to do this, because
we want to show you the benefit ot
our new system, and extend to you
advantages that will make ycu our
permanent customer.
Our Stock is Fresh and New.
Visit us early and bring your
Family and Friends- All are enti
tled to this new and special advan
tage, and we want you specialy to
see oar splendid lot of
fine Pictorial Books,
by the world's famous authors and
great artists—books that we are giv
ing away to make every home happy
Beautiful books, best goods, aud bed*
rock prices.
one JT. H. Burton
Sdothier and
PRICE. £ Furnisher
(20 S Main St
Mutual FFira Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
UKO. Hr. T i Klt Ml, Ylrt I'm.
L. K. IrJU.NkIX, ttec*jr an<l Trf»».
Altr' i Wick. M»-ii(i.TtoD Oliver,
' r. W. Irvtu, JStephenson,
v . VV. Bliu kmor«, N. \S ell z& I,
K. Bowman. 11. J. KHurler
Ceo Ketterer, C'.'I.LI. Hebhun,
fceo. 10mno, iJobu Kueiiln*
? (
S 3# /
\ f
) For the Fall Seasons
\ of 1895, show a com- S
? plete line of - - - r
✓ Parlor Suits Dinner Sets, Carpets, v
j .... Bed-room Suits,.. .Tea Sets, lvugs, /
C .... Book Cases, Toilet Sets, Mattings,... P
/ .. .. Side Boards, Cooking Stoves,.. .Linoliums,.. £
p.. .. Extension Tables,. .Ranges Portiers,.... S
S .... China Closets Heating Stoves,.. .Lace Curtains, \
/ .... \\ riting Desks Hollow Ware Curtain Poles, i
? .. .. Ward Robes Tin Ware, Window Shades 1
V .. .. Rocking Chairs,.. .Baskets Wire Door Mats. (
i We can Fur-<
< nisli your home <
/ Complete.
I Campbell & j
| Templeton. |
j ail
Jury Lists for September Term
List of names drawn iroiu the proper
Jury Wheel, this 29th day of Jaly, IK<„5,
to serve as Grand Jurors at a regular term
of Court commencing on the first Monday
ol September 1895, the sarna being the
2nd day of said month.
Atwel) J E, Marion twp, farmer.
Balph Findley, Butljr borough 2nd
waid, druggist.
Cypher G A, Bailer borough 2nd ward,
Cruekshank Harvey, Winfie'd twp,(armor.
Campbell I' S, Washington twp south,
Coulter Alexander, Allegheny twp.farmer.
Foroht George, Summit :wp, farmer.
Greet M S, Jeflorson twp. laruie-.
Greer P 11, Bullalo twp, farmer.
Oallager Simon, Clearfield twp, farmer,
tlarlzell James Jefferson twp, tanner.
Jones Howard, Frankliu twp, Carpenter.
Kelley Theodore V, Venango twp, farmer.
Kelly James E, Clay iwp, farmer.
Lyou I> H, Builer borough Ist ward
McCallen J I', Chorry twp north, fanner.
Marshal! Thomas M, Adams tup south,
Moore s E, Washington twp south,farmer.
Nolau Timothy,l'airview twp cast,tanner.
Nelson K M, Ceulreville borough, under
Sureua William, Manon twp, farmer,
Speer John, Marion \ wp, farmer.
Waldron J C, Evins City borough, tele
grapa operator.
Xiegie Jonas. Harmony borough plasterer.
List of V'etit lurorsdrawa this 29th day
of July 1895, to aerve an Petit Jurors lo
<• regular term of Court, commencing on
he second Monday of September 1895,
the rame being the 9ih day of said month.
Burton T U, bullet twp, farmer.
Brown W P, Bu'ler borough slh ward,
Bel! Patton, Washington twp north, tanner.
Bippus Jacob, Oakland twp,farmer
Bartley W C. Penn twp south,tarmer.
Boyer E K, Lancaster twp, farmer.
Croft J M, Lancaster twp, farmer.
Cochrane Thomas J, Mercer twp. farmer.
Cable Joseph, Clearfield twp farmer.
Conn Uobert, Clay twp, farmer.
Donaldson S C, Concord twp, farmer.
Englehart Phillip, Jefferson twp. farner.
Feuuell John,M:llerstown borough, team
Kennell l'eter, Clearfield twp, l'armor.
Gillespie John. W Middlesex twp, fanner
Graham Ld.xion.', Butler borough,clerk.
Hull lluutor, Butler borough Ist ward,
Uaselett Thomas, Penn twp south,iarmor.
Heiuchberger Christian, Butler borougb
4th ward, merchant.
Irwin John, Evan* City borough, clerk.
Kesseluian Win Sr, Butler borough Ist
ward, machinist.
Kelly James K, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Logan I) A. Middlesex Iwp, farmer.
Meyers J F, Lancaster twp, farmer.
Marshall 8 T, Washington twp south,
V aloney Daniel, Millorstown borough,
McCandles* John C. Adams twp N,farmer.
Mechling Ge.irge, Butler borough 2nd
ward, printer.
Alckee John S,Butler borough 4.h ward,
y ngley DD. Penn twp north,'<il producer'
Kider George, Centre twp, farmer.
Uiddle James, Clioton twp, farmer.
Stewart WHliam, Franklin twp,larmer.
Schrader A L, Butler borough Ist ward,
Siinms Itobert, Venango twp,farmer.
Urquehart H H. Pen.) twp north,pumper.
Williams Abraham C, Butler borough stl\
ward, laborer.
Wick A 0, Clay twp, farmer.
Whilmire John C,Oakland twp,firmer.
Walkt r W G,Parker twp,farmer.
Walker R K,Har. isville borough, gent.
Weigle John, Zelienople borough, black
Wilson G N, Jackson twp east,farmer,
Wigdon J U, Urady twp, farmer.
Watchsmith Albert, Hutler twp, farmer.
Whitmire Charle* C, OaklauJ twp, farmer.
Ziegler Aaron, Jaoksou iwp wert, farmer.
Z.ihtier Edwin, Zeleiuople borough, gent.
Can be applied to any smooth surface,o->
luruiture, wood, glass, any kind of metal
'.Deluding kitchen utensils.
Makes old articles look new and is much
used on bicycles, carriages, stoves, etc.
Requires only one coat, is applied cold
with brush and dries absolutely hard and
glossy in 'J hours —will not crack, chip,
blister or rnb off.
Sample bottles sent on receipt of price.
. ounces 15c, 4 ounce* -sc, 8 ounces 40c.
West Deer Park Printing Ink Co.,
4 N'K.V US VOX. Sr. V K .v Voa
Bv«s and Hcc Supplies l'"or Sale.
Such as Sections, Brood Frames, Hive?,
Fouodatioas, Pee Smokers, etc.
Mereer Street. Butler, Pa.
Or J. B. MURPHY, at S. O. Purvis £ Cv
3eal Estate, Fire and Life Insurance,
Insurance Company of North America.
102dyear, Assets ?9.. r )63,000; Home of New
York, As-set- $9,160,000; Hartford of Hart
ford, Assets $8,645,000; Phosnix ot Brook
lyn. Assets $5,500,000. New 1"- rk Under
writers' Agency,
Seanor SL Nace's
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
i " *
! Hear of Wick House, Butler, Pa
The best of horses and first class
rigs always on baud and for Lire.
Best aci omiuodalions in town for
permanent boarding and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horses.
A good class of horses, both driv
ers and draft horses always on hand
and tor sale under a lull guarantee;
, and horses bought upon proper noti
fication by SEA NOR & NACE.
All kinds ot live stock bought and
Telephone at Wick House.
Staple Groceries
Should be not only staple in name, bui
staple ill quality, freshness and purity as
well We never buy inferior qualities
because they are cheap. The volume o
our business comes from low prices that
are made possible by selling quantities
on close margins—etc.
Opposite P. 0.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest lm
j oveil plan. Hold Killing h specialty, Ollloe
jver ttchaul's I'lothiut; Store.
Hold Killing Painless Extraction of Teeth
rid Artificial tojin wiiii i ii, I'UIMS a. specialty
Ur.ias ') <i le or V'lt.ilUei Air or Local
U.i' it i 'tui .HI (.
hum os-c Milltfr'l «ii j;jr/ oai! of I.owry
utlici aljul VJI,IMII,'< ILL RNKSL*YS
s now located In new and ele«ant rooms ad*
oluliiK ills ionn«r ones. Ali kin Is of clas
lates aud modern (told work.
"(Jim Administered."
~UT K. Wajne St., ottloe hours, iu to 12 M. an J
to 3 t". M.
riiritClAN AND SCKUBT*-,
(iAlice at No. 4.1. s. Main Btn <t, tn; tlty
iwmucy.butler, I'a,