TAKE And accept the greatest opportuoit} ever offered to buy your Footwear »t old pricee. Yon will thank us for calling your attention to the pri ces when yon see the goods^^^^^ At $1 50, $2 00 and $3 00, Ladies' Tan Kid Lace Shoes Needle and Opera Toe, neatly trim •d with Diamond Cut Tip, Popular shades ot tan, width from A to fc; sizes to 7. At 75c, $1 00, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies Fine Button Shoeß Paten* Tip. At 50c, 75c, $1 00 and $1 25, Ladies FineOxtords in lan and Black. At $1 00, $1 25 and $1 50, Ladies' White Kid Opera Slippers 1 strap Sandals and Canvas Oxfords At 85c. $1 00, $126 and $1.50, Misses Fine Shes Tan and Black, Opera and Square toes, Best »nd wsaring Shoes ever offered for the money. #- B.C, Huselton, Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. , . _ Opposite Hotel Lowry 1 02 N. Main Street, - P1 _______ IN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and win ter goods that we have bought, we will make up our and medium weight goods at prices much below their real value. i E*e Sne for yo'u to get a suit, or pair of trousers for can buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect fit sat.stact.cj in each and every particular. This offer holds good until Ist ol September. 141 J- S. Young,' Si. t DIAMONDS J KINGS. EAR RINGS. pnjgjjgTUDs. WATCHES } GKNT9 ' GOLU ' "SSBWU LADIES' chatlain. JEWELRY } GOld PID9, Ear KlDBrS ' Bracelets. Etc .. ■ m m mm <mm T«* Sets, Ofcfltors, Butter Dishes andgiEverJlLurt StTT.TT JSR. W ARU*t thfttcan M round in «Em cU« aUitv.. BOOGES BROS. 1874 } ,,,1vla E. GRIEB, JEWTER. Mo. 139, north Main St, B JTLEB/PA., ~+*+MU. R. QRIEB.-^'-+'<+ DO YOU WANT AN Sole sgent for B-hr Bros. & Co,, A. IflL *« n * Merrill and other high grade vJlxdD • pianos. They are always in stock. w» znak* aod wu the Reasons why you should buy a piano £JWW T)Q y% 1r /j yA or organ of J. R. Grieb A uvlidl Vl jst. I handle high grade instru aß=a*=^=: ments. Established 1871. At It mr slno.. 2(1 j buy direct from manufacturers "Wy?.a^rtFinSh. ' and pay no commission, thereby sav- A fttrictfy HIKII GradeOr- j,,., T] LE purchaser all middle profits, gtn httMflt price. fr * e ' 1 , 3d. I do not have any agents, an KtWiyDfl Organ CO. expensive luxury who l>ore you to JFt Wiyoi, lad. death. Butler is full of them at pres ent, and in order to compete with my prices naturally must sell inferior goods. A full line of small goods always in stock. J. R. GRIEB, 118 South Main Street, - - - Butler, Ta PP /*& w:?*™ iL&k W Cold- head WW* Cream Balm U not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into tU nostril* it it eaicklv absorbed. It eUanse* the head, allays inflammation, heal* _ 50c Hnmvs7ZT*v7Xr fflwi 50c Rob't. Lewin, WHOLBSALI WHISKEY MERCHANT AID IHPOBTBR OK FIN* WINKS AND LIQUOKS, i3C Water St.. (OppogUe B. 40. Depot.) PilUburK, Pa. PINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING. Rom MIDICAL AND FAMILY ÜBK SI.OO per Qt. f or 6 Qta. tor $.1.00 • Finch's Golden WeddiDg, Doogherty, Guckenbeiraer, Lorge Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, etc. Tbis in tbe only honse not reotifyiDg in tbe city,there fore oor goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra oharge, C. 0. D and mail ordern receive prompt attention. Grandfather's cboioe 3 ear old, 92.00 per gallon. Try us. WEAR HAHHERSLOUGH BRO'S FBOOS Itt FTK, lailo-mdi CLOTHING For sale by prominont tlc.nlers all over the State. None genuine without Hammerslough Bro's lab-.d. The swellest and best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask your clothier for them to distribute ■ * oar a4rerti»«- pwntc iii pari payment for a hl«h Acaie fckrrcJo. wlitch w© aaod ihcin on apprvraVH) fpnrk (SOTIC* until toe blcfoli anfrc* and yiovN —iiftctory. Young Ladles *^ # as,L h6 If brrru orjdrla app 1 r they tiniat bo well roooia wnflurt- Vlrit% tor parttouiio> ACME CYCLE COriPANY, EUCHART, IND. LHOES FOR THE COUNTRY, CITY and VILLAGE; Shoes for all; We bare tbem It's a good ghoe that fits Perfectly, Lookß Handsome and wears well. DO YOUWEAR SHOES? Then buy from us and save money Any size and width yoa want here. A large assortment to choose from Satisfaction guaranteed. Manufac tures are asking 25 per cent advance on shoes We Bball make no advance while our present Stock lasts. $30,000,00 Of Fine Footwear To be sold at Old Prices. At 90c, $1 00, $1.25 and $1.50, Men's Fine Shoes, Congress and Bals, Tip or Plain Pointed or Full Toes. At $1 40, $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00, Men's Tan Shoes Razor, Needle and Chicago lasts, Best Shades;widths b to E At 75c SIOO aDd $1.25. Men's Working Shoes, strong aDd serviceable. At 75c, SI.OO, $1,25 and $1.50 Boys and Youths Shoes in Tan and Black; all new shapes. These are beauties All shades of Tan if Children's Lace and Button Shoes Sizes 3to 11, 85c to SI.OO. Smaller aizes 50c, 75c and $1 00. + SU ITStSU ITStSU ITSj+ V) All Wool Pants to order.. $ 3.00 All Wool Suits to order... 15.00 J|> 17 Duck Alpaca &c., suits... S-s f) 2 Byciclc Suits ,to order... 9 <*> <3 Bloomers Knee pants 3.00 *~i QU Mackintcshci to order.... 5 50 C« JQ Boys Suits to order 4 5" hfl pH . > 2 Dress Suits and Fine jg < TROUSERINGS H £ A Specialty. S3 V) nj Give us a Call. ++++ > |THE FISH | H Tailoring Co., > 2 Diamond Street, North Z <,I 04f e i r de pa° Urt g •fSUITS+SUITS-f SUITS + Qouth Shore Wine Co. East. Erie Co., Pa.»** Manufacturers of Dinner, Family, Medicinal and Altar Wines. We would like to have you give our wines a trial anil will ship to you on re ceipt of order one case of assorted wines containing One Dozen Quart Bottles for $6, as we are ready to open an account with you. After you have been satisfied as to the ouality, you will have the ad vantage of ordering such wines as you may need. We guarantee our wines to be Abso lutely pure, anil free from adulteration; 3to 5 years of age. Hope you will favor us with a trial order, as we are certain you will lie pleaseil with our wines. We have 75 acres of choice wine grapes and raise our own grajies for wine. 'I he South Shore was founded in 1H64 and is the largest wine cellar in the state. We ship no wines under three years of age, as it requires that time to mature and make a perfect wine. Respectfully yours, SOUTH SHORE WINE CO., M. A. CALDWELL, Proprietor. (J. ROSS RAYMOND, Gen'l Agent,) North East. Erie Co., Pa. CAIN FIND paper ' !T"» •»»•& ir -it A'l jioreiu "1 . ;'',rj-MII!GTO!TEHuS. ▼ 1 lor tt'ivoftlsiug «i lowant i- What aa ordinary man «tU jSj and the way be eats it would be enough to give dyspepsia jf to an ostrich—unless the oa jV trich were wise enough to a»- m sist his digestion from time time with an e ® cient combi nation oI vege table extracts. , _ Such a prepara jf W tion is Doctor » » Pierce's PTeassnt AA*#, V ./&■— Pellets. They J* . are the pill* par ft for G&r those who some time* eat the wrong things and too much. They stimulate action in all of the digestive organs. They stop sour stomach, windy belching*, heartburn, flatulence and cure constipation, bilious ness, dyspepsia, indigestion, sick head ache and kindred derangements. They are gentle, but prompt in re moving offending matter from the stom ach and bowels, and have none of the unpleasant features of other pills. They do not grip* and cause no violent shock to the system. One little " Pellet" is a laxative. Two are mildly cathartic. One taken after dinner insures perfect digestion, sound sleep and an absence of foul breath in the morning. They are unlike ordinary pills, because you do not become a slave to their use. They not only afford temporary relief, but effect a permanent cure. Once used they are always In fa»or. Your name and address on a postal card will bring a free sample package of 4to 7 doses. World's Dispensary Med ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. CAtfYION.— Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets Bfc easy name to remtmbtr. Don't let some designing dealer persti&4« you to take some pills represented as just as eood." He makes more profit on the 'Must as irood'' kind. That's why he pra krs to sell them. That's the reason why ou better not take them. SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Cogs, Bogs, AND POULTRY. SOO Pair Book na Treatment of Animal i and Chart Pienl Free, cntu ( F>'TerH,('anrratlon*,lnflammatioa A.A.I Spinal .Tlrnlngitls, Milk Fever. B.ll.—Mmim. LanfDPH, K bramatlin. C.<'.~lM»tcmp«-r, Nasal I>l«rhartjes. D.l>.—Hof» or (irubn, Worm*. R.E.— ('nuitba. Ileavea, J'nruinoula. F.F.—Colic or Gripe*. Bellyache. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. 11.11. l'rlnary and Kidney Diseases. J. I.— Eruptive IJl«ra«es. Knnic. .K.—l»l*eases of I»iK«Mtion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over SO doscsJt - - .00 Stable Case, with Specified, Manual, Veterinary fore Oil anil Medicator, 17.00 Jar Vateriaary t ore Oil, . . 1.00 Ssli *1 DraitUU; •» Ml aayvkir. lad la lay juctllj n rwlpl ol prir*. ■limits «SB. ro.. > ■ • k ntwiniM at, <« siSpiair? HOMEOPATHIC ff ft SPECIFIC No.uU In use 30 ;un Tb« only imrcessfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, AND Prostration, from overwork or other CIQIM $1 per rial, or 6 rials and lar*® vial powder, for 96. ■old Wy L»rurcl««» «»r ••ot poetpeid f»ri re«»lpl of prlc*. ■mPUBKlb' If D. CO., 11l a 11» WUU*m »L, *»«y«rk. S FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON S the CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER 3 BLOOD f^xpECTAifr^^rx^r^ sMfITHPRS SIS 4 emuintno. er.ndch.id. t "MOTHERS' FRIEND" 5 Robs Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Risk. 5 I My wife used ".HOTHKItS' FBI END" bo- ( j for** liirtb of lior Ilrnt child, she did not J } suiter from CHAMPS or PAlNS—was quickly } S relieved :it the criticul hour suffering but p V little -she had no pains af tt:rw»rd anu hur V / rocovery was rapid. / f E. E JOHNSTO!», Eufaula, Ala. C J Sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of / f price, SI.OO per bottle. Book "To Moth- V y ers" mailed Free. r <BKAIXIKI.iI UKOI'LATOII CO., Atlanta, Ot. ( C BOLD BY ALL DRUOOIBTB. ( SPRL "n «r vSy/AA. ■HMMtimyi wu»fttwv'UHmain \/ A ,>a>, MI U TnA.r IM K p "Mm W «WWt*» JIWacWMY tWCISMIit Y/ ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hit stood the Test ol Tints MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED ■ggj 4 JA Gentleman, r scholar and a Judge of good is often applied to "hale fellows, will met." Our Old Export will pass muster under the most rigid test. It Is guaranteed 8 years old, free from •11 fusel oils and adulterations smooth, and a capital liquor for either social or medicinal uses. Full Quarts. $1.00; •Six Quarts, $5.00. Mall nnu Express orders shipped the same day as recelv ed, und we pny charges on all orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, *l2 MARKET ST., Rittsburg. Pa. Complete Prio* Lists ol Winss and Liquors mailed Ire* (JO TO W. E. RALSTON'S For fine Watches, Diumoodp and Optical Ooodn of all kinds. -v Examined Free r. fCh an r e by ypw V^' v U.K. FRKXCH (iraduate Opti C'?n, at No. 132 S M.'in street, liutJer, Pa. THK CITIZEN- Good Time For Tanners. Our local shoe-dealers and harness mak ers report that they have recently received notice of an advance in the price ot leath- J er stock consequent upon the increased price demanded by manufacturers. It is reported that the demand for leath er products is fully half greater than it was a couple of years ago. There is also a growing scarcity of hides to tan. When the panic came over the country,Jthe farm er and stock raiser absorbed the notion that men would cease to eat beef and wear shoes. So the cattle trade was al | lowed to languish. The farmer assure 0 hiinsell that it would no longer pay to rear his calves until they were good for j beef and hides. In consequence the sup ply of meat has gono short, and the hides are short, too. Tanners use American hides generally for upper leather. The skins of the older animals are made into split, kip and shoe leather, or used for harness, trunks, valis es, dashboards, furniture, etc. The' bulk of the sole-leather hides come from South America, Australia and abroad. As the maker of upper and harness leather finds that his supply of good American hides is scanty, he reaches oat into the field that has hitherto been considered the preserve of the sole-leather man, acd in con»e quence the heavy Western hides are re placing the light Eastern hides, and those that were used only for the intermediate sole are coming to the tannery to be work ed into splits and calf-skins. The South American and Australian hides are very heavy, and can be made into nothing but the heavy grade of sole leather. Since the duty was removed from bides, more than 20 years ago, the hides of the world have come to Amer ica to be tanned. More than 2,000,000 hides and twice as many goat and other smaller skins are annually imported to be made into leather by Yankee tanners, aud with what are imported »nd what are pro daced at home, the tanner manages to t-irn out a leatner crop worth $200,000 a day. Among the recent shipments were some of the skins of the sacred eattle >4 the Ganges. A large portion of the bides tanned in this country to-day are turned out of tbe tanneries of Clearfield, Pottei, Elk, War ren an J Tioga counties in this State, where there remains the greatest hemlock-tim ber belt on this continent. Some of these tanneries produce.l,ooo sides ot sole-leath er each day and use a train load of bark daily in their business. The hemlock question that has begun to keep the saw mill man awake nights is aho holding the attention ot the tanner Most of the big tanners have bought tracts of the remaining hemlock timber, but where they are to get their supply ol tannin in the future is a question that is receiving a great deal of study. Nothing ever known has been so rich in tannic acid and so easy to obtain in large quantities i»s hemlock bark. It has been used prod igally, until in the eastern counties ot tie State, where once bark was abundant and tanneries were numerous, the supply is exhausted and the tanneries are gone. "How Many Toes Has a Cat?" This was one of the many questions asked of a certain class during examina tion week, and simple as the question ap pears to be, none oould answer it. In the emergency, the principal was applied to for a solution, and he also, with a good natared smile, gave it up, when one of the teachers, determined not to be beaten by so simple a question, bit oa the idea of getting out a delegation ot boys to scour the neighborhood for a cat When this idta was announced the whole class wa> t eJ to join in the hunt. Several boys sent out, aud soon returned successful. A re turning board was at once appointed aud the toes counted, when, to the relief ot a' 1, it was found that a cat pons< sses 18 toes, 10 on the front feet aud eigbt on the hind foet.—Our Dumb Animals. —Great nerve and bodily strei.gth ib given by Hood's Sar»aparilla. Try it. —When a man does a mean act he is sure to suffer for it. You may gain a temporary advantage sometimes by lying and deception, but it is only transitory and in due time you will have occasion to wish that you had played square. Im precations recoil on your head. The Devil is a blundering ass, and always puts his foot in it. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystio cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause aud the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, in cis. Sold by J. C Keuick, druggist. Butler. —The Carnegie Steel Company at July 17, a new plan which Manager Schwab and chief Elec trician Kinkey have devised for reheating molten metal taht has become chilled be for it can lie poured into the moulds. The new plan consists in using an electric cur rent, by which an intense heat is generat ed. The molten steel was set to bubbling, and the light and heat were so intense that the workmeu's eyes suffered seriously, hut at the next tesc they will wear glasses. The experiment was successful. English Spavin Dinlment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. C. ltedick, druggist Butler PA —Curtis Joh uson, who disappeared 10 years ago from tireenville, 0., a bankrupt, relurued last week from Mexico, a million aire, only to find his wile married again. She had given him up as dead. She faint ed when she saw him, and Johnson did likewise when he found his wife had another husband. Br. Agnew's Cure lor the Heart givj perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Beat Disease iu 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy for I'alpitation, Shortness o: Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lef. Side aud all symptoms ofa Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Bold by City Phar macy. —Out in Sioux City when the City Councils attempted to enforce the ordi nance requiring bells and lanterns lo be used on lioycles at night, the bicyolers arose in their might and tried to make a burlesque of the affair. They appeared on parade at night their bicycles carrying red signal lanterns, locomotive headlights, torches arid flambeaux, and every rider had a cow boll, or dinner bell, or gong, or a big tin horn or some other noise making device. Thus armed the cyclers rode through the streets aud made a terrible noise. Tbey took especial pains to make the greatest racket when they passed a Councilman's bouse, and eujoyed the idea that tbey were making it unpleasant for the city fathers, ard through that un pleasantness hoped to secure a repeal of the ordinance. But did tbey accomplish their purpose! Not a bit of it. The Councilmca told them to keep it up, that people could tell at night where tbey were and avoid accident, and tbe louder the gong and the bigger the light the safer would be the people who did not ride bikes and were compelled to be oo tbe streets at night. It is hardly necessary to say that the wheelmen stopped their little lacki, instaniei. Royalties. One of the incentive* for inventor* to se cure patents on their inventions i* the possibility that a handsome income may be derived therefrom in the shape of roy alties. In the art of photography, where the manufacture of sensitixed dry plates on a large scale has come to be an ex tensive industry, successlul plate-coating machines command a good royalty. An item in the English journal Optician states that Mr. B. J. Edwards rents out on roy alty twenty of his patented plate ooating machines at a yearly rental ot SSOO per ma ohine. One company uses five ol them, ilr, Edwaras was a photographer, knew the needs, of the business and applied his inventive ingenuity, finally accomp lishing a succes ful result, llow man} thousands there must be, having inventive talent, who could improve the machin ery in the lines of industry they are fam ilar with, to the betterment ot mankind generally andthemselves individually. The example of Mr. Edwards is only one of many, where success is attained in t&e invention of practical and needful im provements, and should inspire others to make use of their inventive talents. Animal Humbugs. In military stables horses are known to have pretended to be lame in order to avoid going to a military exercise. A chimpanzee had been led on cake when sick; after his recovery he often feigued coughing iu order to procure dainties. The cuckoo, as is well known, lays its eggs in another bird's nest, and to make the deception surer it takes away one ol the other bird's eggs. Animals are con scious of their deceit, as shown by the fact that they try to act secretly and noiselessly; they show a sense ot if detected,tbey take precautions in advance to avoid discovery; in some cases the} manifest regret and repentance. Thus, bees which steal hesitate often before and alter their exploits, as if they leared punishment. A natualist describes how his monkey committed theft. While he pretended to sleep the animal regarded bini with hesitation, aud stopped every time his master moved or seemed on the poii.t of awakening. —Many teachers and pupils in Benusyl vama are trying for the Iree Norma* School course offered by the Ediuboro Publishing Co., Ediuboro Pa. Every ctiool in Butler county should have aj agent. You'd better write them. —A Meadville merchant followed a man and bis family to the railroad station, and as they were about to get on the cars aud go to a picnic and have fun all day, the merchant demanded of the man that he pay a bill of long standing that he had been repeatedly asked to pay, and that he bad not paid because, a* be said, he had no money. The merchant saw the fiue clothes the man and his family wore, saw ' the big picnic basket filled with luncheon, saw that the man bad money to buy ex cursion tickets for himself an 1 family— and not the first time this summer—aud naturally he came to the conclusion that il the man had money for those things he ought to have money to pay his bills—he ought to have money to pay his honest debts. Therefore he tackled him in the presence of a large crowd of spectators and his voice was not low and soft like the cooing of a dove, but pitohed in a nigh key so that men heard it and marveled thereat, and spake one to the othei and said; "Lo, he has a nerve, a great gall has he, that he goeth on the junket with bis family, and woareth fiue raiment, and livetb npon the fat of the land, and yet payetb not his tradesman. Of a verity he should sock np before he joins the merry, nierry picnic, or else got hiin to nis b >me aud there repent him that he hath kepi the honest merchant out of that which is bis duu." And the mau went on tne pic uic car, for a little thing like that never phases a man who does LOI pa} his debts, and squanders somebody else's money for tne pleasues of this world. I'tlteJ in .Six Hours. —Diutreesiug Kidney aud BUdder dit eases relieved in six hours by tlie "New South American Kidney Cure." This new remedv is a great surprise oo account of its exceeding promptness in lelieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in u ale or female, it relieves retention o water aud paiu in passing it almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and core this is jour remedy. Sold by . C. Kedick druggist Butler Pa. —"Ma,'' inquired Bobby, "hisen't pi a queer idea of heavent" "Well, I think not, Bobbv- Whyf" "I beard him say that the week you spent at the seashore seemed like heaven to him. —Joseph Manuel, aged 98, and his wife, aged 9ti, have just celebrated at Kenue bunkport, Me., the seventy-fifth anniver sary of their wedding. —A Russian swindler at Saratov has just been sect to jail tor persuading the peasants to bay Mcketsto the planet Jupi ter. He induced them to sell their prop erty in order to emigrate there, promising them free land and little work. In paok ing np tbey lett the images of the saints behind as they expected to meet them face to face in the planet. \M/y Not Try the New and Better Way Of doing your shopping? Instead o ooming to the store, make the store come to you. /es, and the best and biggest store iu the country at that: namely,Kaut inann Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop them a Postal and you will get their spring aud snmmer Catalogue gratis, euahling you to order by mail anything you may wish, and . aving as much money as city people do —A scientist is endeavoring to prove that the bicycle was used ages and ages ago and claims it is responsible loi the camel's hump. —Wigwag—Yes, poor Enpeck died sur rounded by his wife and family, llob on What were his last wordst Wigwag— What a ridiculous question. I told yon bis wife was t^iere. —An old settler—The subscriber who has paid his bill regularly lor yeart. —A man with wheels in his bead does not necessarily have a mechanical brain. —The most side-splitting joke is wasted equally upon an Englishman and a girl whose teeth are ugly. —A fly-paper manufacturer displays this rather inappropriate advertisement; "There are no flies on our goods " Farm For Sale. Containing 20 acres of good land, with orchards of apple, peach, pear, and cherry 'lees, grape arbors etc. A good 0 room bouse with large porches, summer house and spring water at door, an excellent spring honse and several other outside building*. This property is located in Franklin ownsbip, 2 miles from Mt. Chestnut and between it and Prospect, and will be sold, or traded for town property. For farther particulars inquire at tbii office. SHICOUTIOK. Iu Wall Street nuixswluily carrledjjon with I lie aid or our Daily Market Letter *nd< pampb - lets on speculation. MAII.E'i FHKB Itlßcrellonarv Accounts a Specialty. All In formation free. Hank references. WKINMAN Si (to., mock and (iraln llrokers.. 41 .Broadway, few York, '' ■' •'#l " **r ,gx, W. F. Hartzell. FraDil Keni P er ' The Adriance Rinder Is the lightest draft, the simplest constructed, the easiest operated, ami the most durable of any binder on the market It will not upset on the steepest hills. It will cut where all others fail. It will handle as long or as short >jraiii as anv other binder. It will do better work in tangled train than any binder in use. This binder is sold on its merits. If it fails to do as above mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. All machines and vehicles sold by us are guaranteed to be as represented Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to the separator, can be got from us. Vehicles in various styles and prices. Harness for all kinds of use. Flv nets and Covers, Dusters, Robes, Blankets. \\ hips. Stc. In short, anything belonging to a team outfit 1- kept b\ us. llie h.s wagon on the market is sold bv us. We guarantee it superior to any thing sold in this county. Call and see us HARTZELL & KEMPER, THE QU ESTION > 3 often askc d> What Taint shall we use? THE ANSWER 1 you are looking (or covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. Ooutrt Most, Looks Beit, Wears Longest, Host Economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and ..u.Hts." * *■ p - suyswtu us. SSBTA.'Sfiii. VARNISH KS t V J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RUL.EST * GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, uniil farther notice, he following goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance ol 20c per gallon tax by the government: AA. pure rye 2ytars $2 00 per gallon' Tippecanoe. 3 years. $2 25; Old Cabinet, 4 years. $2 50 per gal lon* Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rve. 5 years. $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding. Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour on, $4.50 per ga"on; HannisvPlc, Bough ty. Monticello, 12 year?, $5.50 per gallon alifornia wines. dr\ and sweet, from er gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brand"; my wn importation Sherry and Port wine, rom $2 50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special prioe lists at A. ANDRIESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny. Pa All orders by ma : l promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 4P. DOCTORS LAK.E fe© 9 FKI ATB (j J? C/L. ?EIII AVE. AMU FOUHTH ST» ' PITTSBURGH, PA. 'T3BBBt3iX AD rornnoi id plic.ilod UiwniKM re-iim tii2»'oN fi I»kn ria i. aii I pf iratiou arc trontv! at this Di»- ..•usury with a -.lccesf. nrely altalncd. Pr. h. Iv I.ukc li - ir.omlier of the ftovjl Oml< ~>t I l»>- nciana and turge..ar, end is tlie ol U st «"'! experienced SPKOIAI.IS.' In Ihcdty. Bp»< al a',- vnlion given to Nirvous Debility frome--i." me 'at oxerMon. Indiscretion of youth, etc., cans ,nt physical and mental d-j( py,l»ck of en-rgVi |,.«, oli '.-new etc.; a.roCancers Old -or"*, lj Its, Piles, Itheuinatlsni, and all <>i nseaof tli". Win. Mood. I.ur rrlnart <>rgnne,ttc. Constat; on 'rve ni '. stnetty e,o.ii*l< n*».d Office lioura, .* to I i<to S i". M.; Sundays, 2t04 V. JL. o tlv. ii| at ofice or nd.ltvsx i>rs. I,\l<h, y a. U V\ \ > I.- AN D 4TU SiT..i*rrr£Ulj Itoll I-A THE KEELEY CURE Is ft special boon to business men who, having drtru-d unconsciously into the drink habit and ■waken to find the disease of alcoholism fastened upon them, rendering them unlit to manage nf falrs requiring a clear bruin. A four weeks course of treatment at the PITTSBURO KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 42-16 Fifth Avenue, restores to them all their powers, mental anil physical, destroys the abnormal appetite, and restores them to the condition thev were In l>e fore they indulged in stimulant*. This has been done in more than IfiOO cases treated here, and among them some of your own neightiors, to whom we can refer with confidence as to the absolute safety and efficiency of the Keeley Cure. The fullest and most searching Investigation is n vited. Scud for pamphlet giving full informa tion. "• W. L. DOUGLAS CLifSP IS THE BEST. >9nV/Lf!TrOR AKINS. 3. CORDOVAN, FRENCH & F N AMCLLCD CALF. &£ V«»FINECAIf«,KANGAROa »3.%P POLICE,3 50LE3. PI * 2 ■ WoßK! "sme n V -CXTRAFINC- BOYS'SCHDOLSHOEI SEND_TCIR CATALOGUE * ™ *-»*■*' B*OCKTON.m3». Over One Mllllor. People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory They five the beat value lor the money. They equal custam shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,•••stamped on sola. Prom f i to t] aaved over other makra. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ALEXANDER A DOUTT, W hitebtown. i SLES SWAY{i£3 ABHOI.UTISLT COP-flfl OI^TMEfcl HYMITOVIS Moisture, IntfOPP frfcfnf • whir»» often !»•«•' d rml n l«rr*» e. !»:**• g. ft.T •opr. H\Y A V.N r*H «;>T\ll. . »rb-th« '.int-m. *• mxli:i.l .JOU. '•/ . ..it: t. Persons to Travel.-*-* WANTED. Several faithful gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. Position permanent if suited; also increase State reference and enclose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. THE NATIONAL, 310-317-314 Oiual a Kldg , Chicago. and LJt ~TINO RESULTS. ✓^FATPEOPLE^CS V'I**' 1 **' # from any injurious tubitiince. tnllL M LAT9I A*DO«WD Wi GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money. FrU>* •X.OO per bottle, (and «c. lor traalis*. TBMMQWT JUDICAL CO.. Boaton. nmm. tWli&t Nerve Berriei have done for ot hen VIGOR Qp 16TH DAY. MSN Easily, Quickly andPormanont/y Restored. 3oru DA '- A positive cure for all Weaknesses Nervousness, Debility, «nd ail theii train of evils resulting from early error: and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develop: and gives tone and strength to thesex ual organs. Stops unnatur 1 losses 01 nightly emissions caused by youthfu errorsor excessive use of tobacco,opiun and liquor, which lead to consumptioi and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BURIES, no other Convenient to carry in vest pocket Price, S'.OO per box, six boxes, one fill treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed to cur any case. If not kept by y6ur drug gist we will send them by mail, upoi receipt of price, in plain wrapper Pamphlet free. Address AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0 WHAT IRON WILL DO, IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Btlmrlates tho appetite and pro duces refreshing Bleep. 6IV£» VITAL STRENGTH TO WJRSING R MOTHERS. Chocks wasting diseases, stops ■light sweats, cures incipient consumption. Increases strong.h and flesh. O MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Fromotoa hca'thy lung tissue. Will give the pnlo and puny tho rosy checks of youth. |Vj CURES ATX FEMALE COMPLAINTS. JL £'i Makes strongmen c.u J women of weaklings. GILMBRE'S \M TG*i!G PILLS Cure tX Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor oaystio. and have no coagulating effect on tho contents of tho stomach or its lining: consequently do not hurt tho teeth or cause couMwpution or iliar* hops. us do tho usual forms of Iron. 10 days treatment 50c. ramphlot free. If not kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. (F*) (F^ 1 RESTORE VIGOR Bxlorr and Alt. r t »ili(j. V. w diw-orort. Will hr.ro *■ u UP in » wfek. PoM With > WKITTKN lit'ARA v Tf KI- Cur.' KMTI.ih l,«n,l«»l»llP""tm»ih'r>»i. l« IJ Kmin..'.ni from i.y.-ui-. ,f 'V' " U«|M« IciH t . Mamoltn* ».r » «• I-" ' b. uwl. f. !>■.*<■• tor I-. I Wih ..v. r, . r l-r «-f.v* ■ traitlM Iniw •» i. f'm I ih.- matin. Ad i,,„ PKAL MKI'ICIS* CO., CW»»l«nd <>bto. —For Sale by Cliryxtal Pharmacy. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL wmm " ■■■■ OonMilttbeOUi HeiteMo * DR.LOBB PI. **T., I'll 11.%., '»A. Thirty yrurn c .ntlnuou* pnu'ttcoiri th«M-un» of All t>f m«*n finil wotiifii No matter from wh«t rniiH«- ur l.ow ImiK ntuiuMnic. I awirant** u rur«. If.' I'ittfH i ioth-llouiitl Douk ,(». illuuU umllvU tKKJu STEEIL ROOFING and SIDING. (Hngrnilorpirs Pstrat.) Lighting, Fite and Storm Proof. ■*«mi'l f'»r TIM* IN'IHI Iron It online nml form al n i lus 1 I'l ilu., l*u., o oruv*. I Hole Mfr« F< klrltrati r'a I R|iU'i |M«B.alnl llron f. ENNYRUYAL PILLS Orlrflttnl mn't Only C;rntiltir. A WN. # m ... ■ • ,-fc £\ / ♦St ' ■>■#.» i«JV. " 1 ''"" ' H " 1 "" 1 IyL n " Kulii f for I.M'lir*." "« t'll-r, »•? Mum [T tlwll | »» # Om» i -tiiHOtiiftU S'am* IStprr. B$U fcj Mi UMi I'kli***., T4 i 72 S. Main j l' 22 Main Street. ( * ) Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY, Come see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF You DON'T WANT TO BUY. Our display is lar ahead of all previous years in Style and Beajty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s oX"ot Mourning Goods a Specialty, Vll Whiskies bearing the name of :=; nAX KLEIN i=: Have been recognized as beiaif absolutely pure, rich and mellow and having those qualities that make a pure whisky an essential for the sick room, and the farailv sideboard. \Yl\y is Tl^is? Because? be excretes great c*re in his purchases direct from the dis tiller, aud thev are placed in tne gove'nment bonded warehouses under his own supervision vvhern tnev remain uoiil tbev are folly matured and AUK ABSOLUTELY FREE FKOM ALL IMPUKI TIES. Toe-e in no wb>*ky in the world like Silver Age Pure live $1.50 per full quart. Duquesne Kye and Uarley Malt at SI.OO per full q'lart. Rearcreek Kye at SI.OO per full quart. Ouckenbeimer 4 old $.'».00 per gallon. Poesurn li ve, $-2.50 per gallon. Anchor live, $2 00 per gallon. Our stock of wines are all of them purest and best. From $1 ")0 per gal. upwards. f UIHIY BMW Dietil'ed direot from the grapes. A household necessity at sf.oo per gallon. Don't Forget That we pay all express charges on orders of $5.00 and upwards—no charges for boxing aud shipping. Send for catalogue aud price list to. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquor Dealer; 82 FEDERAL ST, Allegheny Pa. ; WGood looKs Count. \ When \ou tin n out for a drive you want your carriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'll 1 have no tear 011 that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy. Fredonia Vehicles are the best on the market in every way. If you'll jxamine them at your dealers you'll agree with this statement. I Made by FRED MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. . . - : The place to buy J GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAM lb ; IXTURES, II )3K, WATER FILTERS. HATH TUB ENAMEL . etc, is at . W. II .< »*! ii-ieii & Son's IO? East »Jeffer.sor« Htreet. r GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOR OF THE WORLD LITTLE MON EY. FOR A TBIFLE. i The : New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the United States. It » is a NATIONAL. FAMILY PAPER and gives all tne general news •<_<>'« j) 1' iited Status. ll gives the events of foreign lands in § nutshell. Its AGRICUL TURAL department has no superior in tho country. I'« MARKET HEPORTS are recounted authoiity. Separate department* tor THE FA KJI "¥ CIRC.LIE OUR YOUNO FOLKS aud SCIENCE AND MECHANICS lis HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and d.-'nihteri*. i • general political news, editorials aud discussions are comprehensive, brilliant an i exhaustive. s r ' A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables «> to oiler this splendid journal and ' TIIB CITIZEN ' for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. » (The regular subscription for the two papers is $2 50.) * SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIMK. Address all orders to - - - "THE CITIZEN. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Bes I; Room 2, Tribune Hi.ildinjr. New York City, and sample copy of Th ti NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE wil be mailed to you. bffih Every Woman rtLjf/ -> Sometimes needs a rrli- T ablo monthly regulating i medicine. /vV Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, *nfe and certain In revult. Tb# ir*nu lD«*'Ur. tVHl'm never dnippolnt Sent •iiyv'tiltk •l.Utt. I'«mu MoUicam U* . Uo% viAUU. U. —For Sale by Crystal Pharmacy. ThecdoreSwain. GENERAL BRICK JOBBER. Chimneyn, Grate and' Boiler Setting. Ci*t«rn Building and eowcr Work ft Specialty HARMONY PA. VITALIS & wel j^fl VITALIS iothD,7 V THn<">nKAT aoth Day FRENCH REMEDY 80th Day. *ROOUCCS THE ABOVE RESUtTS. It »rt« i-oWPrfully indquii'klv. t'un-n when ull otliori fall. ,'. nuß ? m«*i> will n'-tfain th«*ir lost manhood ami <>ld mj'n will r-ooTrr th«lr youthful vlgo'bv iialim VtT«U»- It quickly nnd surHv n-mnvps NervnuiW'M, Ul potonrv, Nightly F?ml**lon». \Naitlntf dlM*aa a ltd all ..fT«it»of S.-lf AbuaeorejwM and indla ration Rwntorva lo.t Vitality, Pow«-rand Full -1,1! M.-morv Wards off Insanity and Comump. M Insist on having VII*US. 'm> othrr. tan . -arri-d in v"«t pocli' t Uy mail |1 00 !-rpat*; for si \ fur SSOO with a iruarantn-t" CUnE 0" tFUNO THE MONEY. Circular fr<<'. AddrrM CALUMET KLDICIME CO., Chloago, 111- For JiT «T I'll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers