TAKE And acc«pt the greatest opportunity ever offered to bay your Footwear at old prices. Yoa will thank us for calling your attention to the pri ces when you aee the gooda. At $1 50, $2 00 and $3 00, Ladies' Tan Kid Lace Bhoest Needle and Opera Toe, neatly trim ed with Diamond Cut Tip, Popular shades of Un, width from A to E; sizes 2-| to 7. At 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies Fine Button Shoes Pateni Tip. At 50c, 75c, SI.OO and $1 25, Ladies FineOxtords in Tan and Black. At SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies' White Kid Opera Slipper* 1 strap Sandals and Canvas Oxfords At 85c. SI.OO, $1.26 and $1.50, Misses Fine Shes Tan and Black, Opera and 6quare toes, Best fitting and wsaring Shoes ever offered for the money. #*■ B. C, Huselton, Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. 102 N. Main Street, - IN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and win ter goods that we have bought, we will make up our summer and medium weight goods at prices much below their real value. Now is the time for you to get a suit, or pair of trousers for less than you can buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction in each and every particular. This offer holds good until ist ot September. 101 South Main Street, t C Th 6 TAILOR 3.0 d Bntler, Pa. * vUIIJJ, cents' Furnisher. TIT A WffYIUTICe l bings. ear rings, 111 AiIIUIN US f SCARF PINS.CBTUDB. f«T m IfIMTTPC I GENTS' GOLD, LADIBS'CGOLD. WW AXir n r«n t gents' silver, ladies' chatlain. TLi ■■» PT n \T ) Gold Pins. Ear Kings, Rings. «J JU W Illin X f Chains, Bracelets. Etc. CCTT-TFVVS ¥XT A Vl Tea Caators, Butter Dishes a»<lj|Kveryttiint 9l>u W XaJEw, WW AJEthat can b« found la a first class store.. BODGES BROS. 1874 } KNIVK 8PW T N R S IPLE PLATK . E. GRIEB )JE ™ L V No. 139, North Main St., B JTLEK.IPA., \ A GOOD LOOKING LASS. iMay be excused for occasionally viewing her image in a good look ling glass. Equally excusable are jWy Ithose who look through the glass iQH (Vr. ~3f x Ibehind which are samples of our NKI I fine stock of Jewelry. Don't be t I content with looking. Come in and buy. You would be surpris % at t ' ie ' OW P nces asked for 1 many of the glittering treasures, /./y 1 * ave ane '' ne s '^ ver novel- \ties; also, an entire new stock of I J. R. GKIEB, J SOUTH MAIN ST. t\\£* - gg |S| * HAY- FEVER \J? COLD-HEAD Elf's Cream Balm it not a Hquid, muff or pouxler. Applied into the noetriU it U _ _ fuickly abtorbed. It cleame* On head, alhtyt inflammation, heal* _ _ C||<| the tore*. Boltl by druggist* or tent by mail on receipt of price. C||m 3UC ELY BROTHERS 56 flvm Street NEW YuP.K. DUC "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.* * GREAT SAVING REBULTB FROM THE USE OP ' SAPOLIO Gouth Shore Wine Go. East. Erie Co., Pa.#> Manufacturers of Dinner, Family, Medicinal and Altar Wines. We would like to have you give our wines a trial and will ship to you on re ceipt of order one case of assorted wines containing One Dozen Quart Bottles for as we are ready to open an account with you. After you have been satisfied as to the quality, you will have the ad vantage of ordering such wines as you may need. We guarantee our wines to be Abso lutely pure, and free from adulteration; 3to 5 years of age. Hope you will favor us with a trial order, as we are certain you will 1* pleased with our wines. We have 75 acres of choice wine grapes and raise our own grapes for wine. The South Shore was founded in 1864 and is the largest wine cellar in the state. We ship 110 wines under three years of age, as it requires that time to' mature and make a perfect wine. Respectfully yours, SOUTH SHORE WINE CO., M. A. CALDWELL, Proprietor. (J. ROSS RAYMOND, Gen'l Agent,) North East. Erie Co., l'a. ■■■lll^ JCcmMJRM MARKsjj W COPYRIGHTS.^ CAIV 1 OBTAIN A PATENT t For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, writ* to MIINN dc CO., who have had nearly fifty years' •xpertenoe In the patent business. (v.rißiunic*- llous strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Pa teste and how to ob tain Lb era tent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. reeelve fpeolal notice in the Mclentlie America*, and thus are brought widely before the public wltfc out 00 <t to the Inventor. This splendid P»T>e», Issue. j < Ntfiuitly illustrated, bu by far the •ifWt Circulation of any scientific work In the world. f3 a y<-sr. conies sent free. I'uJldlng Rdittoa, monthly, r.Hia year. Single entries, 2-u c»n»is. Kvery number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest desljtns and secure contracts. Address MO*JI i CU.. Mw fo*«. 301 B«oajbw*T. ISHOGS FOR THE COUNTRY, CITY and VILLAGE; Shoes for all; We have them. It's a good shoe that fits Perfectly, Looks Handsome and wears well. DO YOUWEARSHOES? Then buy from UB and save money Any site and width you want here. A large assortment to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Manufac tures are asking 25 per cent advance on shoes. We shall make no advance while our present Stock lasts. $30,000,00 Of Fine Footwear To be sold at Old Prices. At 90c, $1 00, $1.25 and $1.50, Men's Fine Shoes, Congress and Bals, Tip or Plain Pointed or Full Toes. At $1.40, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, Men's Tan Shoes Razor, Needle and Cbic&go lasts, Best Shades ;widths B to E. At 75c SI.OO and $1.25. Men's Working Shoes, stroDg and serviceable. At 75c, $1 00, $1,25 and $1.50 Boys and Youths Bhoes in Tan and Black; all new shapes. These are beauties. All shades of Tan in Children's Lace and Button Bhoes, Sizes Bto 11, 85c to SI.OO. Smaller sizes 50c, 75c and $1 00. + SUITSISUITStSUITS ♦ CO .All Wool Pants to order.. $ 3.00 All Wool Suits to order... 15.00 m Duck Alpaca &c., suits... 8.50 m Bycicle Suits ,to order... 9.00 Bloomers Knee pants 3.00 ►"3 PU Mackintoshes. ta order.... 5.50 CO 55 Boys Suits to order 4.50 2 Dress Suits and Fine < TROUSERINGS H 0* A Specialty. js2 w - ! g Give us a Call. ++++ i > &THE FISH « CO , "T3 H Tailoring Co., > Z Diamond Street, North 2 f if A Side Court House, But ' (h 1 ler p » : w r + SUITS+SUITS+SUITS 4- HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, SI'PEItHEDES FAINT AKD TABMISII. Can be applied to any smooth surface, on furtiitnre, woo J, glass, any kind of metal including kitchen utensils. Make-t old article* look new and is much nt>ed en bicycles, oarringes, stoves, etc. Reflnires only one coat, is applied col.i with l>ru*h and dries absolutely hard ai.U (flossy In 2 h<>nr»— will not crack, chip, blister or rub ofT Sxlliple bottlri* .Hilt on receipt of price. 2 ounce* 15c. 4 i.uiices 25c. 8 ounces 40c West Deer Park Prin ting Ink Co., I f ««v if v f>k A.GF.NT > WANTKD Fje (lil-ifw; r. (.u«iiili llran i. ENNYrtOYAL PILU UrlslNslssd Only Usmslsc. j\ kAfC. u«af r-IUI.I'. c«o.«» *«k & N - Fa) 1 1 iii brssriat U r C«,rk-,us * / *a'<th />•■» JffV\ ! / n' Uh '* i ?mm4 + I C I » lUnpl for | »r I'ltlibonltlt an I \t* B " Urlittf for I.s«l*«-•," • f«w»r, bj rflurn If Mall, lo.noo r-'tiraouiala. Aasu >V*' N fthlfliMUrt kr»lc»Ku.,Uadl.o. "q *••»<* fei4 kj su Lsssi Prsggtsu. Hlfceda , fa m The troable with us nowadays is, that w« do lead n at* ural The fem society is especially culpable in this way. Tj£f9lß It is really a wonder *#ll that women art- as MfllSw healthy as they are. Very few women get Wnfl any outdoor exer- WMWIV oise. Very many get no exercise at all. Modes of dressing interfere with the proper muscular action and with ths circulation of the blood. All the hy- gienic laws are bro ken. It is little won- WlmV- .J fler that nine women in ten are troubled with some derangement or irregularity in Qie action of the organs distinctly feminine. Neglect and WTcng living will show them mlve-s first in the most driicate organs of tfie whole body. With such weakness and sickness so prevalent, it is to be expected that the bearing of children would be fraught with dread and danger. It should not be so, of cou*se. Nature never meant it to be so. The performance of the lush est fnnction of which a woman is capable •hould not be accompanied by pain. IT perfectly natural living were the rule, it would not be so. As lives are lived, some fcing else must be done. A remedy must be found. For over thirty years, Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surreal Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. During: that time he has treated thousands of women. He has (bund in his "Favorite Prescription" a nevefrfailing specific for female complaints. It strengthens the whole body and when taken during gestation, shortens the period of labor and makes childbirth well-nigh painless. It also promotes an abundant of nourishment for the child. PJ paint the best is the cheapest. Don't be misled by trying what is said to be "just as good," but when you paint insist upon having a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. Look out for the brands ofWhite Lead offered you ; any of the fol lowing are sure: •Armstrong & McKelvy," " Beymer-Bauman," '' Davis-Chambers," " Fahnestock." FOR COLORS.— National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds c strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade; they are in no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. /.good many thousand dollars have been saved pr perty-owners by having our book on painting and color-card. Send us a postal card and g»l belli free. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch. German National Hank Building, Pittsburg. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Hpeeifles are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by ttie people with entire f ueceas. Every single Specific a special cur© for tae disease named. „o. glycine rott PRICES. I—Fevers, Congestion*, Inflammations.. .45 it— Wormn, Worm Fever, Worm C01ic.... .'l3 3—Teething; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Couklik, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8-Neuraiain, Toothache, Faceache 25 9 -Headache*, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10-Dyspepsin, Ilillousness, Constipation. .25 11—Huppresned or Painrol Periods... .25 I*^—Whites, Too Profuse Periods .25 13—Croup, I.nryngltia, Iloarseness 25 14—rtalt Hhemn, Erysljielas,Eruptions.. .25 If—Rheumatism, Kheumatlo Pains 25 IB—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 IB—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head. .25 20—Whoopina Couch «25 27—Kidney Diseases 25 28—Nervous Debility 1.00 30 I'rinury Weakness 25 31—Sore Thront, Ulcerated Throat .25 tl "IT'* DR. HUMPHREYS' GP|D OKC II SPECIFIC FOR Unit, C 0 . Put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets, Just fit your vest pocket. Sold by Drugstßta, or •,-nt i,rej »ld on receipt of price. Dft.HOMriiltKi 4' lIAHCALfKnUrriM ft Revised, iitiatu ruz. Ill'lPlllters' BHD.CO., 111 * 113 WIIILm St., NEW TORE. SPECIFICS. »] ■S Miss Delia Stevens, of Boston, Mass., £5 « ,wrltes: I hare always suffered from s5 S hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried S various remedies, and many reliable physicians, but none relieved me. After g5 taking 6 bottles of # am very grateful to vou, as I feel that it saved nm J* : from a life of untold agony, and shall 5 take pleasure In speaking only words of praise for the wonderful medlalne. S *§ ana lu recommending It to all. ]ps Treatise on Blood 11 fJA/1 ""t 11 an s:r' l \ 111 KM ] p fg jsWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, || S ATLANTA, OA. | S DELICATE *9J£ M BRADFI£IJD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS ft SUPERB TONIG and exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel aii impurities. Health and itrenoth are Guaranteed to result from Its use. M.V wife was bedridden for eighteen months, after using BKADFIELD'S FEMALE REGU LATOB for two months. Is fretting well.— J M. JOHNSON, Malvern, Ark. B&ADFULD REGITATOtt CO., ATLANTA, (M. Bold bT all Draggista at 91.00 per bottlr •*»-*«>-v ■ r> - ; • 1 sHiEfr I > *» >■- r I ■UiHWliflliCwSMHltllflaUiS'-'il.'iMHliai) V/y# MILD y.'.W" yp lac WEII tmkix \/ j ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAP9RAL CIGARETTE I Has stood the Test of Tlma MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED •pynMuoa farm '«t «ruptiaoi oa U>« 3r hand*, ami, Jtn . tmrtng skin eltu, wh>t« aa J aoM <ruf«t«U. or Mot \,y mall for W rt«. A44r*M D«. fVAtaa # ft. j*u 4ntf§l«» J THE CITIZEN. The Fault« of tha Plow. The primitive Egyptian and Assyrian plow consisted of a forked branch of a tree, one arm of which served as a share, loosening the soil, the other a# a beam, drawn by human or by animal power. This was the original double monldboard or listen plow, throwing the soil both ways. An improvement was made by so shaping the wooden monldboard as to form a twisted wedge, which elevated, inverted, and carried the soil to one side only of the plow. A farther improve ment was made by making the point of the share ot iron. Simple as it seems, it was not until April, 1831, that centre draught was given to the plow by Meares, who inclined the beam inward. In 173", New bold patented & east iron plow, and commenced its manufacture, but aban domed it, for the farmers said the iron plow poisoned the land. The steel and wrought iron plow was not invented until 1808. In 1788, Thomas Jefferson improved the plow by showing its proper principles of construction, and in IS>O and 1837 Daniel Webster experimented in plow manufacture, and said that none of bis successes in public life has given him so much pleasure as seeing the improved plow of hiß own construction, drawn by six yoke of oxen of his own raiting, cut broad aud deep farrows through brush and saplings. In 1845, Governor Holbrook invented a method of shaping plow mould boards symmetrically, either convex or concave. All of the improvements wtiich have been made in the plow, from the earliest agriculture until now, are simply mod ifications of the original idea: a *edge drawn through the soil, pulverizing aud displacing it. No better method has been lound. The faults ol the plow are serious ones. The bicycle may be credited with having brought ball bearings into general notice and showing decrease of lriction when sliding friction is converted into rolling friction. All ol the weiring surfaces of the plow are sliding lrictional surfaces, and the lots of power occasioned by fric tion of sticky earth upon the plows ol this broad domain of ours is past computa tion. The plows of the day are rigid and inadjustable in form. In sandy or in loose or light soils, and in lumpy or clayey soils, in sh%llow or in deep plow ing, in plowing at slow or at last speed, no adjustment or change of form can be made to suit the special conditions of the work, yet these different conditions are often found in one plantation, and the plow should be capable of being modified to suit these conditions. If a perpendicular line is drawn from the point of attchment of the harness tug and hame to the ground, and another liue from the same point to the center of work in the mouldboard of the plow, and a horizontal line connecting the cenur ol work with the perpendicular line, then the hypotenuse of the triangle thus torrned represents the total tractive effort, the horizontal line, or base of the triangle, re presents the useful tractive effect, and the perpendicular line represents the part of the traction which is expended in pulling the horses down upon the ground. In some cases one-third ot the tractive effort of the horse is expended in increas ing the pressure of the horses' feet upon the ground instead of in advancing the plow. In a 14 inch plow the earth is elevated say 14 inches carried sideways 14 inches and deposited, inverted, in the preceding furrow. It is easy to see that each inch of unnecessary elevation represent* a great amount or unnecessary labor durius the lifetime of a plow, and that the carrying of all the surface soil sideways to the preceding farrow represents a great ag gregate travel of soil; that is, eflort in plowing large fields. The fbare ot the plow, like the fluke of a ship's anchor, is shaped so as to draw down into the foil. The line of traction, from the center of the inoaldboard to the center of the horse collar, tends to draw the plow out of the ground. The plow advances horizontally as a sort of com promise betwee'i these divergent lines, and there clearly results a loss of power oocasioced by the line draught being ia one plane while the lino of traction is in another plane. When the total weight of all the sur ficn soil which is elevated, and also carried sideways, in plowing all the cultivated area of this country is calculat ed it is clearly teen that the agricultui ists of the country waste each year, in in cidental but not in useful work, iu exces sive slidiug friction, in indirect l ; nes of traction, in unnecessary resistance caus ed by imperiect forms, aud by inadjusa bility o! form of the plow, a greater amount of labor than was wasted by the building of the great Pyramids in Egypt, or in the building ot the Chinese Wall. If all the soil thus removed were transported to the aggregate distance which it is transported and e'evated to the aggregate height which it u elevated, iu one hiap, n<> one would dare to attempt the ro moval of the heap with no better im plement than the plow. Although 19,122 patents havo been granted on the plow, in this country aloce, it still offers a promising field lor future inventors. The killing strain on the muscles of horses in starting street c&rs was not fully considered until the electric motor took the place or horses in street car work; then it was found that it required three times as powerful a motor to start a car as to run it after it was started. The lws of power in vehicles by slidiug friction was not under stood until the bicycle, propelled by hu man muscle, showed tho utility of convert ing sliding into rolling friction by ball bearings, and the labor wasted in drag ging the plow will never, perhaps, be right ly considered unless inventors themselves drag th« plow, and inquire into the reasons and causes of excessive effort required by this ancient and iudispensa ble implement upon which all cultivation depends. The horse and the mule cannot complain, and so the plow remains the plow, improved in material ar.d workmanship, but retain i jng many of the faults of the plow of our remote ancestors. It would seem that agriculturists have to observe the working ol the implements they use, to notice errors ol construction, to study the conditions, and should have ability to suggest means of improvement. Singularly, very lew cases are known where agriculturists have invented or im proved their implements. Uorejsingularlv, very few radical inventions or new depart ures have been made by icon iu their own lines of work. The machinist instructively judges a suggostpd improvement in me ccanics by what he has aeeu. The la vy«r naturally tests innovations by past decis ions. The physioiou unavoidably refers to his rending or practice for approval or condemnation ol anything new in his line The agriculturist can but Seldom ilivi st j b mselt of pre ouceived notions. Mor«u. the inveu'or of the telegraph, was uot nil electrician; Watts, the inventor of the j steam engine, was not a machinist The ! list may be extended indefinitely. To j make a new departure, a redical invention, I seeuis to require an ingenious uian. nn- | trammeled, opeu to new ideas aud up- j proaching a subject from a new side. Ask i ai agriculturist how a plow may be im- j proved, ai d instinctively hi* miud will pic" I ture a crooked thing of steel aud wood j which is essentially what he has seen. There are few of us who are not mentally hide-bound, few er still who do not travel in mental ruts, there are fow who do not inherit re ligons, or absorb politics from newspapers, or from associates or their ideas from those they admire, or their mechanical opinions trom what we have seen, or read, or heard * The inventor who will furnish a super ior substitute for the plow will probably not be a plowman, lie will almost sure ly lie poor, for rich men cannot invent. When an inventor becomes ricb, which happens but rarely, his attempts at farther inventions are passing queer. He will meet opposition. Others will develop his invention and reap the reward, and long alter he is dead a statue will be raised to his memory, and his name will appear in the list of benefactors of the race, through but few of the millions benefited by his work will know of bim or his work, or will care to know. If the statesmen cf the present time, t'ained as they are in the acute political methods of the times, sho.i.il imitate Jei ferson and Webster, their illustnousp ruii ei fcssors, their names might go down to distant posterity ,n tho list il bene factors ot the world—the "Improvers ot (he Plow." —i.a. Planter. Particularly at this season Hood,s sarsaparilla sustains the strength and prevents illness. —By a decision of the Supreme Court handed down recently, when a veteran who is very pooi (lies, his lamily maj bury hi.ll and the county shall stand the exsenss up to SSO. The custom has been in some counties to bury such unloriunates by contract jet to tne lowest bidder, tbe same as iu case ot ordinary paupers. 'lhe Supreme Court says that the law intend) d that old soldiers should nave a decent bur ial, and that the county should pay a moderate expense. —Kheuuiatism cured in a day —".Mystic cure" tor rneumatisui and neuralgia, radio ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon ine system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. 'l'ne first dosa greatly benefits. t 0 cts. sold by J. c UeUiek, druggist. Butler. —lt is alleged that there are in Kansas twenty well built towns without a single inhabitant —a frequent ending ot "boom towns in the west. Saratoga, iu that State, has a $30,000 opera house, a largo brick hotel, a SIIO,OOO scnool house aud a number of fine business houses, and yet there is not a single persou to claim that city as nis home. At Fargo a herder and his family constitute the sole popula tion of what was an incorporated city. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes trom burses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. »ave SOO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure aver known. Sold bv J - C. Kedicfc, druggist Butler f-i —The centre of population ol the Unit ed Slates in 171)0 was about iwenty-turee miles ea»t ol Baltimore- Since then e»ch decade has marked its steady aud increas ing progress westward, varying neither to the north nor the south, uuiil in 1890, one century later, tiuds it 505 miles lurth er west, and abjul twenty miles wect ot Columbus, lud. In the century it has not Varied hail a degree Irom a west direction cr gone nortn or south of a belt 25 miles broad. Iu comparison with the centre ol population, it may be noted that tho cen ter of area is, excluding AlttnUa, iu the northern part of Kanss. Dr. Aguew's Cure lor Ihv Hi art gir j. perfect rellet in all cases ol Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily ellects a ciire. At is a peer less remedy lor Palpitation, .Shortness o. lirealh, Smothering Spells, fain in Lei Side and all symptoms ol a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by Utty Bnar tuacy. —The only way for all iuveterale drunk ard to get tbe best of liquor ts lo pay a J good puce lor il. | —"lt ain't surprising" s ihe VV'isea- I ere, "that a man that's had the wool pull ed over his e} es looks sheepish —Many teachers and pupils in Peuusyl vania are trying lor ibe Iree .Norma,, School course olleied ihe Kdinboro i'ublishiog Co, Bdinboro Pa. Every , chool in Butler county should have an agent. You'd better write tbem. —Most men no matter how selfish they may be in some things, are 100 generous to keep moro than one or two ol the ten commandments —The sparrow will soon be a reed bird. —lt is proper to discard your russet shoes w hen your sunburn has worn off. —A medical authority says ll at whiskey will kill disease germs. Seme whiskey will kill almost anything. L'clteJ in Six Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved 111 six hours by the "New <«reat South American Kidney Cure. This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness iu relieving pain ill the bladder, kidney, back and every part ol the urinary passages in male or female It relieves retention o water aud pain in passing it almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by . C. Uedick druggist Butler Pa. —Any man would insb into the bonds of matrimony il they were the kind that pay Irom 3 to C per cent. —One way to prepare a watermellon to avoid cholera morbus is to cut it in sec tions and boil it for an hour or so. —lt's a long headed clergyman who preaches a short sermon these hot days. —Nell—Bob tells tells me his wife is always asking lor money. Belle—lt comes natural for her to call for cash. She was a shop girl, you know. —There is, in Nodaway county, Mo , a turkey gobbler so big that a small boy bestrides his back and rides him to water like a horse. —llalf-a-pint of buttermilk, drank thiee or four times a day is an excelleut blood purifier. Wliy Not Try the New and Better Way Of doing your shopping? Instead o. coming to .he store, make tho store come to you. /es, and the host and biggest store iu the country at thai: namely.Kaill tnann Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop tbem a Postal and you w ill get their spring and summer Catalogue gratis, enabling you to order by mail anything you may wish, aud .nving as much money as city people do. Comes out on top-the bald headed man WEAR HAMMERSLOUGH BRO S Famous New York, tai'.or-mfle CLOTHING For sale by prominent dealers j all over the State. None genuine 1 without Hammerslough Bro's lab 'l. The swellest and best wearing clothes in this ( ountry. Ask your clothier lor them q 131CKEL'S ~ 03 7 rJI OiJiitUJUUU oi g 2 ? Shoe Stores • o %! S BUTLER, PA. |! £ Q x Grand Slaughter o In order to make July one of the busiest months of the year, I have inaugurated a grand slaughter in shoes. I have placed in my stores, large bargain counters: I have fitted them with the choicest footwear and have marked them away down; 1 have an extra stock of seasonable goods, comprising many new and pretty styles in Shoes and Oxfords. These goods I bought in large quanti ties. before the material advance and am prepared to offer you high er grade footwear at lower Prices than have ever been oflered in l>ut ler County. All I ask is for you to call and examine these goods for yourselves, for the price we have marked on them is sure to catch the eye and make the sale. Bv looking at our superb stock of Tans and other varieties you can judge for yourselves. We know we can give you 'he best value to be had anywhere for your money. LOWES! PlllllS EMI! OLOTID FDR FINE Footweaß. Men's "A" Calf shoes, at *I.OO rea value ' Ladies' Dongola Patent tip shoes, 1.00 <! -- j well worth 1.50. Men's Fine Vici Kid shoes, at 1.50 real I Ladies' fine Tan and Dongola Blucli value 2.25 I eretts at 1.40 well worth 2.00. Men's Russett shoes razor toe, at 2.50 Ladies fine Dongola shoes hand turn 2.25 real value 3.50. ' well worth 3.50. Men's Hand sewed cordovan shoes at Ladies fine Tan and Dongola Oxfords 65c 3.50 real value 5.00. , well worth 1.00. Men's Low cut shoes, at 90c real value Ladies' Opera toe slippers, 50c well worth #l-40. 1 75c. Men's Calf slippers at 60c real value 900 Ladies' Dongola Instep strap slippers 75c Men's Heavy Box toe shoes "DRILLERS j ' we ji wor th 1.00. SHOE," at 1.50 real value 2.50. . " .....11 Men's livers- day shoes, at 90c real value ! Ladies fine black serge.slippers, 25c %m.ll - J • v— worth 50c. Boys Working shoes, at 7 5C real value ' Misses fine shoes ranging in price from Bovs fine Calf and Russett shoes at 125. Misses Dongola Slippers at 75c. real value 1.75. Cliildrens' Oxfords reduced to 40c. ME THE PRICES, MAKH THEM IF HIE CAN. Do not miss this grand bargain sale for you may never have an other opportunity to purchase goods at such remarkably low prices. The rush is great and delay may prove fatal to your hopes so call early while the selection is large. JOHN BICKEL, 128 S Main Street, BUTLER, PA. Branch Store 12 5 N. nain st, SPECIAL NOTICE That I will sell, until further notice, lie following goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax by the governirent: A A. pure rye. 2ytars, fi.oo per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 years, $2.25; Old Cabinet, 4 years. $2 50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye. 5 years, $3.50 per gallon; Fineh Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour on, $4.50 per gallon; Hannis-ville, Dough ,ty, Monticello, 12 years, $5 50 per gallon alifornia wines, dr> and sweet, from 750 er gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my wn importation. Sherry and Port, wine, rom $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the fit est Irish and Scotcn whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. AN DKI ESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 49. f"\ DOCTORS LAKE J'KI I TK DISPENSARY. -EEffr,3h C<"a. PfNtv Ave. ANU Fourth Bt. jfcSBBRK PITTSBURGH. PA. '' -lUlKtl' 1 All forms of Delicate and Com tXSCWvBwS plicated Dl*':ih's rcqiiitinjrCoN JBSP F' I'ENTIAL ami Sv IKNTIFK* IVJr«I --c& icatioi? arc treated at tliia I>jc [ T,-.;rv with a 'jccftSfe .•nrely attained. Pr. S. K Lakols** member of the Kovui Coil< *e *>i iici.ii• j ami Surgeoar, i»r.<l Is the of lest ana nnwt -\|m l icnced Sfkcialis. in if.ccity Sp«*» 'a! n* cntlon given to Norvoua Debility irrtii o v .• iii * il exertion, indiscretion of youth,etc., caup ,»li> -*ical and mental «! ay,lack of energy, irsi 01. -«*ncy, etc.; a»soCi iccis rit , i' >. i-l.i't.'iiatiHiii, ,1 ii'l all di- 'i'scsol tho Skin, i. ■! 1,11 ■ •1 t-:i-ictlv coo'OU r'i.ii. OlH<e hours!»to 1...i7 to t. I'.'m.; Suml.iys 2toA P. r ; i oily. I .-.i; orico or a-M.i-s !>"*. I.AhK. (.••!< I..VN A y >■ AUDmisT.-frrJT.UUUUII. ,-A \ Woman Jumps At conclusion* .V man limps towards them Tlio woman Is generally as.':a you to get a IkHIIo of Old lOxiKirt W hi-key Sir family or medicinal purposes, you can ina!;o lip your mind It Is tho best, and the kind you ought to K< t Vou make no j.dntake In having It on hand 1 r emergent needs. H Is perfectly pure, palatah!c, smooth and 8 yv-uro old f-'ull Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, SS.GO. fall and espr* -< rdr.shipped promptly, i.i? 1 we |*ay express charges on i.'l orders of £lo 00 aud over. Jos. Fleming d£ Son. r MAHKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. I*riee Lists of Wines and Ll<)uors mailed free. Rob't. Lewin, WHOLESALK WHISKEY MERCHANT ANi> IMPORTER OK Fine Wines and Liquoiik, 13(5 Water St., (Opp«B ! te B. it O. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. PINCH'S GOLDEN WKDDING. FOB MKDIOAL AND FAMILY USE. SI.OO per or (i Finch's Golden Wedding, Dougherty, Uuckenheimer, I,orge Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, e' . This is the only bouse not-rectifying in the eity.there 'ore our goods are warranted pure. Goods hecur y packed and boxed without extra charge, t.'. O. 1' and mail orders receive prompt attentiou. Grandfather's choice 3 ear old, $-.00 per gallon. Try us. ~ SNCiUTItN. j n Wall Street nicoeasiiiily carriedj.on with lhe iiM ot our Dally >l;irk»*t 1/Mt«*r and pamph lets on speculation. MAILK'» KKEK IHK« rt t|i»nar.\ Accounts a Specialty. All in formation free. Hank WKINMAN Co.. Stock and (iralo Rrolters. 41 .Broadway New York | to distribute »qr a«lvertii>e meota In part payib«'ut IJ* a lilgli in-ade blcycio. Vbich wfi *oua Tlfem onttpi>rov»i! Nor wofk done until bicycle arrlvu» aiwl * satiiffccmry. Young Ladies "fclUOu'uTJUi. | | If boy. orjtlrl# >Bl'' 1 tm well reoom-1 i tuuislod. Writ* lor vnrtloolart 1 ACME CYCLE COiIPANY, : I ELKHART. IND. | f rv'erve Berries | I have done for others V!CC-A 16THD/Y MEN Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored, aoxa DAY. A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry,etc. Develops and gives tone and strength to thesex ualorgans. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful errorsorexcessive use of tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine KERWE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, g?..00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0. WHAT ,1 P O N Will DO. XIS NATURE'S oW!tf TONIC. BtimnJatea tho appetito and pro duces refreshing sloep. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSIN3 R MOTHERS. Ciireks wasting diseases, stops night sweats, curea incipieut consumption. O Increases strench and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will give the palo and puny tho i rosy cheeks of youth. h CTTRES AJ.L FEXALV COMPIAITfTS. Makes strong me"! t.ud women of weaklings. GILMOHE'S IRON TGNiG PILLS Cure el. V/asting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor caußtic and • ' c 110 i-oagulatinp effect ou tho contents . Iheßtomach or its lining consequently t. , not hurt tho teeth or cause constipation • a» do tho usual forms or Iron. M) days treatment 600. pamphlet free. If ■i A kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. if"? -" T o RE VIGOR Belor. iiu*l A I. 1 l.iug. New d'urr.v.rT Will brace v «upin » week. Soil with <t \> ITTKN I.IAKA TFKtni are N. I»>U< IVI.I IT v l.O«« Power M either*-*, n.alm.ia ry Ktnl.- .Nt fro-n i-rijr nm t-. If i <l. »Un iron'.l- i l-ail t c.inmi»i'ti..n «-i ln«»» l». • <«>|»t •">* I T mail C h-.*e, for tt< With every «!t or<l»r«»e gn* » w It<• '1 a ainntee I" . nr.-,11 refill. I Ihe m«n»y. Ad dr»m PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland Ohio. —For Sale l>v Chryntal Fba-macy. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL Consult the Old lU-1 table DR.LOBB .TJtf N, FIFTKKNTI! NT., PHI LA., PA. Thirty years e ntlnuous pni'-tlcelri the cure of All dtaeases of men and wom«-n No matter from what eauiu- or IAOW lonic standing. I v 111 yuaraider. a enrs. It*, ratio t.loth-iiouud iiwuk aud lualled tllKi£ —p THE KEELEY CURE Is the last resort for the drunkard and the I victim of the morphine habit after all other means have failed. It noes directly to the roots of the trouble, eliminating the effects of the plcoholicor narcotic poison from the system, re store* the stomach to a healthy condition, builds up the nervous ay litem, restores the appetite, and brings sweet and i efreahing j*leej». results have been achieved at the PITTTBURU KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 4216 Fifth Avenue, in about l,floo cases in the four year# it haa been in operation, the Kecley remedies never lulling v. hen the }>atient lives up to the rules and takes the treatment in good faith. Most of our grad uates belong to the letter class of business men, many cf t*. i m from vour own county. to whom '.%( cia refer, i he fullc t investigation is courted : J SSDiftIG, , Fatesit.) ■iiilnfe, F:ra and Storm Proof. 1 for The IVtn Iron Knotlnc I\IHI f'orru *ut.dmcue I fftlUlK to. < Ltd.), I'liiiu., v ' i'licc*. | tHflv Mfrw, 122 S. Main | »-p PAPERS 1 122 S Street. ( * ) Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Milliner)-. EVEN IF You DON'T WANT TO BUY. Our display is far ahead of ;4l previous years in Style and Beauty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s Sy"r Mourning Goods a Specialty, o" 8 THE BEST TEST Of the qualities of a Rye Whiskey is its Popularity. Judged by this standard, Max Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey is far ahead of all others. It is popular with Phy sicians, Hospitals. Druggists, Professional men and lay men. Silver Age has been on the market for. the past quarter ot a century, and is to-day considered the finest Rye Whiskey in the country. Its use whether in the sick room, for the table or sideboard, has always-been followed by expressions certi fying to iti> excellence. For sale 'jy Druggists and Dealers at the uniform price of $1.50 per full quart. All other brands of whiskies, Duquesne at $1,25 per quart, Bear Creek at SI.OO per quart, Guckenheimer, 4 year old at 75c per quart and Anchor at 50c per quart, are guaranteed to be pure and the best value for the money. ■ ++WINES.+* Light bodied wines, just the thing for the table during the warm weather. We have them in all brands and qualities from $1.50 per gallon upwards. Send all your orders direct to us, if your dealer does rot handle our brands, and don't forget that we pay all charges for expressage and cost of packing on all orders of $5.00 and upwards. Send for complete catalogue mailed upon application to MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Importe, 82 FEDERAL ST, Allegheny Pa. Good Looks Count. /C• \ When \ou turn out for a drive you want your YAv, J carriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'll have 110 tear 011 that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy. Fredonia Vehicles are the best on the market in every way. If you'll ;xamine them at your dealers you'll agree with this statement. * Made by FRED ! A MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. • The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMIJ IXTURKS, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is ai W. II .O'Brien Son's 1 OT Jefferson Street. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOR OF THE WORLD LITTLE MOSEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, in the leading Republican family paper ol the United States It in a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all (be general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its AGRICUL TURAL department has no superior in the country. Its MARKET HEPORTB are recognized authority. Separate departments lor THE FA &SIIYCIROLE OUR YOUNG FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant an exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this spleudi'* journal and "THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN AOVANCE. (The rrgular subscription for the two papers is $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS -VAT BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all orders to - "THE CITIZEN Write your name and addretw on a pontal card, Bend it to Geo. W Be» Room 2, Tribune Building. New York City, and sample copy of Tb NEW YORK WEEKLY TKIBUNE wil be mailed to yoa Ever 7 Woman Sometim. s r.eetis a re-li- j able monthly regulating Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, *:ife and rr»rtnln In result. Tl»3 cenu lr:.» I *r. r- ■■■r : ItppOl '•• nt au/»hilTO. 11.uU. i'cui AlodicmoCo . Clcvviuutl. U» —F»»r Sulu by Ci) oUI Pharmacy. ThecdoreSwum. UENEKaL BRICK JOUISEH Chimuejs, (irate and Boiler rifctiinjf ■ Cihteru Building and eew>r U'ork a Specialty MAKVIOVY ! J A, I VITALIS I r "r l^u,7 rD * WCB THE GREAT aoth Day. FRENCH REMEDY ootnoay. *ROOUCES THE ABOVE RESULTS. It acts powerfully j inil'iuickly. Cures when all others fall. Young ! lien will regain their lost manhood and •vill recover th»*r youthful vigor by ualnt: VITAUS. It <|uicklv nnd surely removes Warvousness, Im poti-ncy, Sightly Emissions, Wastinp dlseat' ■ ttd all effects of Self Abuse orexcess and Indu ration. Restores lost Vitality, Power and I' ail i.r Memorv. Wards off Insanity and Consump. ion. Insist on having WTAUS, no other. < in eoarrtad in vent poclc«*t. By mall 11 00 I^rptaj^. ii. .. r »t\ for $6 00 with a gaasanlee to CUKE (HI r UNO THE KtONEY. Oirculat ftee. Addr>i# CALUMET HEDIOIME CO., Ckicsgo, 111- For Sale at CITY ?tl A AC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers