TAKE And accept the greatest opportunity ever offered to buy your Footwear *t old prices. You will thank us for calling your attention to the pri ces when you see the goodß. At $1 50, $2 00 and $3 00, Ladies' Tan Kid Lace Shoes Needle and Optra Toe, neatly trim •d with Diamond Cut Tip, Popular shades ot tan, width from A to *>; sizes to 7. At 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 aDd $1.50. Ladies Fine Button Shoes Patent Tip. At 50c, 7-sc, $1 00 and $1 25, Ladies Fine Oxtorda in Tan and Black. At SI.OO, $1 25 and $l5O, Ladies' White Kid Opera Slipper? 1 strap Sandals and Canvaß O xfor(^ At 85c. SI.OO, $1 26 and $1.50, Misses Fine Shes Tan and Black Opera and Square toes, Best fitting and wearing Shoes ever offered for the money. B. C, Huselton, -# Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. ,02 N. Main Street, - - - Opposite Hotel Lowry IX order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and win ter goods that we have bought, we will make up our summer and medium weight goods at prices much below their real value. Now is the time for you to get a suit, or pair of trousers for less than you can buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction in each and every particular. This offer holds good until ist of September. 101 Soitb Main Street, | C Vftun? ""Wt Butler, Pj. "• * Gents Furnisher. DIAMONDS } KINGS. EAR BINGS. W;AUK pInBiE3T UDB. WATCHES \ GENTS T.OLIT, LADIFT- CBATLAIX. i JEWELRY }««-.«■ chains, Bracelets. Etc. OTT wnm nr m n Tea Hets. Cantors, Butter hlshea andlEverythlim Klljlf JuiJt*. W t\- M~M f that ran be round In a first class store.. BODGE!? BROS. 1874 } KNI\ J», KOKKS, Si °^f lptg FIiATE . E. GRIEB, JK ™L e er. " No. 139, North Main St., B JTLEB. PA., \ A GOOD LOOKING LASS, I May be excused for occasionally viewing her image in a good look _ ling glass. Equally excusable are if gK Ithose who look through the glass ■MI fV JP /behind which arc samples of our Hpj P I fine stock of Jewelry. Don't be «HD| and buy. You would be surpris- I / e d at the low prices asked for J Ifc , many of the glittering treasures. ij,£Zr \ I I have a fine line of silver novel \ties; also, an entire new stock of W I J. R GRIEB, SOUTH MAIN ST. HAr- FEVE \J COLD HE hD mmi Kltfi Drum Balm it not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied into th» noilrili it t* _ quickly absorbed. It cUantet the head, allay inflammation, heal* _ _ Cit A *" ra - Bold by drug gift « or tent by mail on receipt of jn ice. L||A 3UC ELY BROTHER. OB Street NEW YORK. 9UC "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES," * GREAT BAVINQ RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ' SAPOLIO WALL nmm PAPER. umumm All grades from Brown Blanks up to the finest embossed Bronzes. The better the paper the better the Bargain. Buy your good papers now and get them at wholesale prices. Window Shades in all£ the latest colois at DOUGLASS', Near P. O. Are You Using NATURES COMPOUND? By all means do HO. It is un doubtedly one of the bi HI remedies on the market to regulate the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, Purifies the blood, en excellent tonic. Tones the a>atem and is purely vegetable. Bold by Druggists. Price sl. six for $5. SHOES FOR THE COUNTRY, CITY and TILLAGE; Shoes for all: We bare them It's a food shoe that fits Perfectly, Looks Handsome and wears well DO YOU WEAR SHOES? Then buy from us and save money Any size and width you want here. A large assortment to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Manufac tures are asking 25 per cent advance on shoes. We shall make no advance while onr present Stock lasts. $30,000,00 Of Fine Footwear To be sold at Old Prices. At 90c, $1 00, $1.25 and $1.50, Men's Fine Shoes, Congress and Bals, Tip or Plain Pointed or Fall Toes. At $1.40, $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00, Men's Tan Shoes Kazor, Needle and Chicago lasts, Best Shades;widths B to E. At 75c SI.OO and $1.25. Men's Working Shoes, strong and serviceable. At 75c, SI.OO, $1,25 and $1.50 Boys and Youths Shoes in Tan and Black; all new shapes. These are beauties. All shades of Tan in Children's Lace and Button Shoes, Sizes Bto 11, 85e to SI.OO. Smaller sizes 50c, 75c and $1 00. C. A % D. sr; mm i<;r y order to get the best of old Sol- r { We provide everything need j i fol in order to be cool and com - c 1 forUble. # N Ifat* and Furninhings for s / Men BOJR »nd Cbildrrn are > \ our Rfx-cialtieg and we only ask S ( an inspection of onr goods. S Colbert & Dale. + SUITStSUITStSUITS ♦ Jt» .All Wool Pants to order.. % Y\ All Wool Suit*! to order... Js.t», I Duck Alpaca See., suib;... B.s lllfKitners Knee punts 3.00 h "3 MoCkintoslicH to order.... s.y, (/) +» Uoya Suits to order 4.501 Dress Suits and Fine % TROUSERINGS H Q« A Specialty. w w fL— no Give us a Call. > tTHE FISHI (/) h Tailoring Co., > Z ! riiittiiond Street, North! 2 <1 i I II /m S'de Court House, But-! ij i + SUITS+SUITS+SUITS * ■ Tilt ooatrait between disease and health i» M aharply marked as that between darkness - and light. The •of ferings of disease rpake enjoyment of life impossible and perfect healtn makes even a common place existence a bright and happy one. The truest thing about disease is that most of it is needless. Nina-tenths of it can be subdued by very simple remedies. Even that most dreadful malady, con sumption, can be cured in 98 cases out of a hundred, if it be treated in its early stages with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. ... . . Consumption is a disease caused by impurity of the blood, and the first thing to be aone in its treatment k to make the blood pure, rich and wholesome. That is half the battle. The other half Is the impregnation of the blood with cleansing, healing, invigorating medi cines. The "Golden Medical Discov ery " does both. It first puts the whole digestive system into" perfect order, rids it of all impurities and from the vantage Sound so gained, reaches out to every *r of the body and restore# all to perfect vigor. It cures many diseases, simply because many diseases spnng from a set of common causes. The same disorder may lead to different symptoms in different people. What might be only combine with a slight cold in snotoex and result in consumption. A treatment that tones up the whole system is always the safest. A medicine that is good for the general health is pretty sure to cure ordinary diseases Si* cents in stamps with this notice, sent to World's Dispen sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., will bring a large 160 page book. It con tains photographs ana letters from hun dreds who have been cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. PAINT cracks.— It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for rc-j r.f ing and never has to be burned f! scraped off on account of sc;t!i: - or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting stricdy pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: "Armstrong & McKelvy,' "Beymer-Bauman," " Davis-Chambers," "Fahnestock." FOR "COLORS.— National I Lead Co.'* Pure White Lead Tinting Color*, a one-pound • i*:i to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in iwtt hir.s shades, and insures the best paint thai it »« |x> > sible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book cv paints und color-card, free; it will probably you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO.. New V« rk. Pittsburg: Branch. German National Bank Building, PitUburg. srecincs For Zones, Cattle, Sheep, Sop, Sop, AMD FOULTHY. 000 Page Book an Treatment of Animal. and Chart .Sent Frt«. crm*s< Fivcrs.ruii* c.l Inns, I n Anmmatloa A .A. < Mpliial Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.H.—Htralus, Limrncn, Hbcnmutlsn. C.C'.—DlatempeT, Nasal Discharges. D.D.—liota or (irib., Worms. E.K.~< ouubx, lli'BTra, Pneauionla. F.F.—tallc ur (irlpra, Hcllyacbo. U.(i.>HlHarrlt|K, Hemorrhages. ll.H.—L'rlnary and Kidney Diseases. I.l.«KroptlTe Dl.na.ri, Alitngc. J.H.-UUeiiei ot Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (orer 90 doses), - - ,00 Stable Cau. with Kjieelflcn. Manual, _ Vetertaary Cure Oil an.. •" • * litniniu sc. W YB' r JbBI HOMEOPATHIC f»ft LMKJSPECIFIC No 28 In ON dU } u »M Th« ooly tacceMful r«m»dj for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or otb«r otam. $1 pr timJ. or 6 Tltla and lire* VIAJ powder, for Bold hy Inu||Ut(,' r »««t t on r«c«lpi vf prk«. Hr»rHUkTH,*lkb. CO., 11l *lll muua XwvTork. > • pram ■ Is the result of the uaual treatment of B ■ blood disorders. The system Is tilled with ■ ■ Mercury and PotHsh remedies-more tofl abo dreaded than the disease—and In si ■ short while la In a far worse conditions ■ than before. The most comtr.on result la ■ 1 RHEUMATISM 1 ■ for which ti S B Is the most reliable B genre. A few bottles will adord reliefß ■ where all else has failed. 2 a I luffered from a serure attack of Mercnrlal H IttMMißjallHm.mr amisand legsbel tig awollan ■ to more than twice thalr nataral .Ira.rnu.lng ■ the mottezcruclallug pains. 1 spentbnndrada ■of dollars without r«l!ef. but after tak ■ inK a taw bottles of umwiwiw fi 1 Improved rspldly.snd Bam now a well ■ completely cured. Menu heartily rwrj ■ mend your wondsrful medicine to anyone ■ afflicted with this painful disease & W. F. I>ALEV, Brooklyn XClevated 11. R. , B OurTrcatlsaon Blood and Bkln mailed * free to any address. g SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. AHsnls, Oa. "Mothers' Friend" I have been a midwife for many years, and in each cane wiiere "MOTH ERS' FRIEND" «as used it accomplished won ders and shortened labor and lessened pain, it is the best remedy for RIBINGOF TIIE BREAST known, and wortli the price for that alone. Mrs. M. M. lire water, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by Eiprens or mall, on receipt of price, (1-00 per bottle. Uouk "To Mothers" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR 00., ATLANTA. QA. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOIBTg I y & < v\ \* :■*'{ f MILD 1> tna Fin r. A i iCA N INC AMCtiCAM IMMOU CMAI f SKCil'jM ij/ ' ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test of Timo MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED n» itsiv.. .pytw.it*. er B^^oiwtmentJT^ pi»'lirif>B. e«r»» 'Mr Vji Ur. •''HM, all bfTrmfflew. w atra by h>r 50 ?u. AMr— n«. I ow*tt» * r%. All ;ni Inuut h* 11^ THK CITIZEN- Insects and Flowers. No side of natural history is rrore curious than the relation between insecU and the flowering of plants. In the primitive and simpler plants that live in the sea the male cells are discharged inn the water and row themselves along by the screw iDg motion of minute bristles until they reach and feitilize the egg cells of the female. In many land plauta the male <-<*ll*, di*cH*rirfd a- clouds of golden pollen, are blown about by the wind; myriads perish, but a few reach their goal, and fertilizing the young egg cells, cause them to ripen into seed. In msny cases, however, Nature has curled go reckless a prodigality, and the colors and scents of flowers are fruit of her parsimony. It may be laid down as a universal truth to which the exceptions are only apparent, that plants bearing brightly colored or peilumwl flowers le quire the aid of insects to fertilize tbem. The colors serve to attract the attention of insects; the scents, especially in flow ers that blossom by ui*ht, serve the sam purpose. The insects come for the store of honey, or for the pollen of the plants, and their return gift to the pl-ui» that, flitting from t blossom to blossom, they unconsciously carry the golden fertilizing grains from plant to plant. For most flowering plants the visits of insects are a neccessity. Let one but grow some common plant, like geranium or mignonette, under glass and muslin, so that no stray insect may reach tneiu; the flowers will.be formed, tie perlume will be as sweet as usual, but the blossom will i fade without forming seeds. Many of our English flowers are capable of being fertilized only by one kind of insect. Thus, to choose a familiar instance, the common red clover is visited by the hum ble bee; the petals are fused together, forming a narrow tube surrounding the honey glands and the organs that form the pollen. The long proboscis of the humble bee is able to reach the deeply hidden stores; but the hive bee, whose tongue is shorter, though bidden to thj» feast by attractive color and smell, is perforce an inactive spectator. When olover was first grown in Australia iU never seeded, and it was found that the tongues of the native bees were too short to reach the pollen. Still more often the gorgeous blossoms of the tropios remain sterile in England in the absence of the particular moth or fly to which they are adapted. Sometimes, as Darwin* showed in his fascinating volume on "The Fertilization of the orchids," the devices to secure i that an insect shall not visit a flower without coming in contact with the pollen are extraordinarily complicated. An in sect alights on a giiady and sweet smell ing blossom. An inviting landing place is ready in the form of a conveniently placed floral leaf; but the thing is a trick. No sooner is the platform touched than it gives way with a jerk, precipitating the | hapless insect into a well ol fluid. His wings are wetted, and he has to crawl out slowly. But pointed bristles prevent exit except by a narrow funnel, and, as he squeezes through that, his back be oomes dusted with the sticky pollen. In most plants, however, the lures are simpler, and are adapted to many different kinds of in-ects In spring, when the iields are bare, the blues and whiles of the early flowers are sufficient to attract Uhe notioe of the few insects ou the wing. During Summer, when the world is covered with green, more glaring contrasts come into play, and the bold masses of orange and gold, of crimson and pink, ap pear. It is curious, however, that scarlet, the most clamant of colors, is the rarest n Europe. In the tropics i.nd in South America it is one of the most common, and It were worth inquiring if Uuropean insects be color blind to scarlet. At night, when crimson and blue, pink ami orango, become invisible, pale yellows and luminous whites attract the night flying insect by their phrosporesjent radiance. The scents of plants are almost mine potent lures than their colors. At night they are naturally more varied and mote potent. To drift in a backwater in a summer night, or to loiter in a wood, is to net one dreaming of the tropic isles. The scents of the day are «hy and indi*lino<; only in the was* one notice* them, an in passing through a bean field, or hy a thicket of gorse. (tut at night each blos som that in not asleep sends oat a clam orous -nd insistent odor, and at the name momnut one notioea a dozen distinct and sinking perfume*. Bat, by day or by night, the scents are not all xuch a» are pleasant to us. Some indeed are not even within our consciousness. Thus the flowers oftho Virginia cri -eper are almost nviaiblr; th« > have gri tn corollas und are niddeii under the foliage. To ns they nave no ncent, }et bee* come to them from great distances, and during their season they are always crowded with visitors* Some of the scents must desr to us are despised by many insects. Butterflies will pass honey suck In itself, or, indeed, any (lowers with a honeysuckle scent, unnoticed. At night, however, largi hawk moths, by their attention to honeysuckle, show that they share our ideas of what is pleasaut. Butterflies and bees, like ourselves, are una'tract.ed by the uarrion-iike smell of many pUniH, but these latter are visited by many beetles and finis, to which the perfuine.s of the rose and the violet are uuattracti »e. —Feed the nerve* on pure blood by taking Ilood's Sa r saparilla. (let only Hood's. SttHUj) 111 .Six Hum's. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidaev Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving paiu in the bladder, kidney, back and every part ol the urinary passages in male or leuialu It relieves retention o.' water and pain in passing it almost im mediately. If you waul quick relief and cure this is your remedy. .Sold by . C. Kedick druggist Butler I'a. —Twenty-four carat gold is all gold; 22 carot gold has 22 parts of gold, 1 ol silver and 1 of copper; 18 carat gold has IK parts of pure gold and 3 parts each of silver are copper in iu composition; 12 carat gold is half gold, the remainder being made up of 3J parts of silver and parts copper. —Many teachers and pupils in i'eunsyl vania are tryiug for the tree Normag School course offered hy the Kdioboro Publishing Co , Ldinboro I'a. Kvery school in duller county should have uu ngeul. You'd better wiile them. —The ignorun lot lot) 1 i!um any argument. Harvest homes and county fairs will be ripe ere long. Dr. Agnew's Cure lor the lliart giv J perfect relief in all cases ol Organic .>r .sympathetic Heat Disease in 110 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy f.»r Palpitation, Shortness o. Urea'h, Smothering Spells, I'aiu iu Let ->ide and all sj niptoius of a l>ine.»-eil Heart One dose convince*. Sold by City Phar macy, atone. Lovers are said to bo blind, but they often make a pair of spectacles oat of them- Reives. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeuey, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save S6O by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever kuswn. Sold by J. 0. Kedick, druggiat Butler P* —The milkman isn't the only early bird. Tha burglar beats him by two houri. —Chautauqua is not a deep lake, the sounding at its deepest point being only M feet. —A lady in these modern times can't "laugh in her sleeves." It would take too much breath. Erie ha» more tirst-cla»s bicycle riders than any other city of u» size in the Fnit ed States. —There is a fine of fls for not destroy ing CuUdUa thistles, and it is also the duty of the snpervisora throughout the state to oat and destroy the same where they may be foand growing along the publio high way. —Although the recent rains hare done a wonderful amount of good, they have Lot been copious enough to affect the springs and streams, which have been re markably low. —The newspaper man learns not to t-x --pect any thanks for the many pleasant things he may say about other people, but gain undying emuity if ha mildly crit« icises even their most glaring faults. —The days hare arrived wheu flies are hatching; when small boys' panis need patching; when fish are well worih ttie catching; when city husbands' are batching; when ball elubs great games are matching; and when most people aie laboriously scratching. —Kheumatism cured in a day —"Mystic cure" tor rheumatism and neuralgia, raUK ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upoii Uia system is remarkable and mysterious It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first aose greatly UeueUts. io eta. Sold by J. C Kedick, druggist. Butler. —A girl found a package of love letters that had been written to her mother by her father befora they were married. The daughter saw that she could have a little gport, and read tbem to her mother, t,ub blituting her own name for that of her mother and a line young man for that ol her father. The mother jumped up and and down in her chair, shifted her feet, seemed terribly disgusted, and forbade her daughter having anything to do with a young man who would write such sick ening and nonsencial stuff to a girl. When the young lady handed the letter to her mother to read, the house became so still that one could hear the grass growing in the back yard. —-The Pennsylvania Building at the Cotton State and International Exposi tion, (Ja., will bo one of the handsomest State buildings on the grounds. It will be of the best order of Koman arehiteature with a broad front portico, tall columns supporting the frieze. The building will be surmounted by a dome, iinmediat»ly beneath which will be bung the famous Liberty Bell, to be sent to Atlanta during the period of the Exposition by the city of Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Build ing will be located at one ol the highest and most beautifnl points on the grounds, and will command an extended view of the Exposition. —Twelve States will hold State elec tions on November sth, as follows: lowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massa chusetts, .Mississippi, Nebraska, New York New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, as well an Utah, which by that time will be ready for investiture wilh the yarb of Statehood. —lt is the proper thing now to go on an outing. It used to be called a summer vacation, a fishing trip, or even a ret-t. Now the outer takes an outing, and he takes numerous other tbiugs with it. One of th.» surest things is a cold. Ue takes a tent or expensive quarters in a rauishack al hotel, and become* prey to bad venti lation, blistering sun, mosquitoes, bugs and big bills. As most of these luxuries are novelties, of course he enjoys them, because they are a change lrorn easy chairs, cool hammocks, shady porchev, clean and airy rooms anil iced beverages. What the outer really gets w Iresh air, and if it is mixed liberally with malaria, he oomes homo with his liver clogged up, though he feels as If his lungs had been renovated. If the outer tbinkfl he is I'ftv irg a good time, he is. Though his pleas ures are those of imagination, they are just real as if they were more substan tial. Alter he returns and the tan is peel ing off, the memory ol bis outing will re main, oven under the more real, though less novel enjoy rneuts of home. —The recent edict of the Pope, calling on Catholics to withdraw from the order of Knight;', of Pythias, is not meeting with much of a response ie inose quarters w here the Catholic members of thu order are numerous. Iu some of tba towns Oj Massachusetts over the halt 'he Knights of I'ythias are Catholics and have long bsen enjoy ing the benefit of the fraternity. In Milwaukee, Wis., there are 500 Catho lic members of the order, and about 1,000 in the .State; but very low have complied with the edict from Home, Keverul openly declared they would not with draw Irom the order. —The State finances are taking on a brighter look. The State Treasurer liuds that during his first seven months ol the present fiscal year there was an increase of revenue over the same period of last year of $1,631,321.91, all owing to the im provement in the corporation business. --There are 12,000 acres of watermel loiis now ripening in southwestern Georgia. As some of them are destined for 'his market the item is of local interest. Why Not Try tile New and Bettor Way Of doing your shopping! Instead o coming to the store, make the store come to you. /es, and the best and biggest store iu the country at that: namely,Kaul maun Brothers, Pittsburg Drop them a Postal and you will get their spring and summer Catalogue gratis, enabling you to order by mail anything you may wish, and raving as much money as city people do. Comes out on top— the bald headed man pEfci »c ikils VL »* ti. [Jo,!*!-.*: uug |tur*»»i •! O ICKEL S Shoe Stores BUTLER, PA. Grand Slaughter 111 SHOES. OLD STAND, 128 S. MAIN St. In order to make July one of the busiest months of the year. I have inaugurated a gra d slaughter in shoes. I have placed in my stores, large bargain co nters; I have fitted them with the choicest footwear and have marked them away down; I have an extra large stock of seasonable goods, comprising many new and pretty styles in Shoes and Oxfords. These goods I bought in large quanti ties, before the material advance and am prepared to ofler you high er grade footwear at lower Prices than have ever been offered in But ler County. All I ask is for you to call and examine these goods for yourselves, for the price we have marked on them is sure to catch the eye and make the sale. l?y looking at our superb stock of Tans and other varieties you can judge for yourselves. We know we can give you 1 he best value to be had anywhere for your money. LOWEST PRICES EVER 1)11)11 FOR FINE Footweaß. Men's "A" Calf shoes, at Ji.oo rea value' #'•7s ! Men's Fine Vici Kid shoes, at 1.50 real I value 2.25. Men's Russett shoes razor toe, at 2.50 1 real value 3.50. Men's Hand sewed cordovan shoes at i 3.50 real value 5.00. . Men's Low cut shoes, at 90c real value ; 11.40. Men's Calf slippers at 60c real value 90c. • Men's Heavy Box toe shoes "DRILLERS . SHOE," at 1.50 real value 2.50. Men's Every day shoes, at 90c real value j 1-35- Boys Working shoes, at 75c real value; 1.25. Boys fine Calf and Russett shoes at 125. real value 1.75. HE THE PRICES, Mil THEM If \OU CAN. Do not miss this grand bargain sale for you may never have an other opportunity to purchase goods at such remarkably low prices. The rush is great and delay may prove fatal to your hopes so call early while the selection is large. JOHN BICKEL, 112H & Main Street, BUTLER. PA. Branch Store ,2 5 N. r\ain st, SPECIAL NOTICE. That I trill sell, until further notice, * he following goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance ol 20c per gallon tax by the government: A A. pure rye. 2years, $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 year*. $2.25; Old Cabinet, 4 years. $2.50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 years, $3 50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour on, $4 50 per gallon; Hannisville, I)ongh i-tv, Monticello, 12 years, $5.50 per gallon alifornia wines, drj and sweet, from 750 er gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my wn importation. Sherry and Port wine, rora $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. ANDRI ESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 49 . DOCTORS l/AKIi £■. fli. «j J-P.I J TV. DISPENSARY. C I. PEii' Ave. ANt, f OJHTM Br.. «■ PITTSBUBOH. PA. All formst.f IMb ate :>>"! Ow • iflk ife, A i>!II ateU IJU'-'i- ' ""l«i 'i,"V geaiioit me **• t u Uu» I ii ✓ wiih a -icca* "rely attain 1>». . k I. !• - TOifiLur of tlic Itoyali <•»!• i i.tpg ami .•.•.cnrc tri»mo v w -iv • :,il QxnrtloQ.ln<" * ol>l H . lie , I liciauatUni, ant! • •"»« , aof the. wn». • ~i.l I <>:uri Uuiir»,n to ; 7 FO He. "M.; 511M11.. 4 t.» J • . ;» e ilv. I :n .N A* '• \N!> ITU ST.- i'lTV*l»t. lUiU What Strikes Others Will strike you.—We nro al» streaked hero and there wltlf the same likes and dislikes. Thousands or all sorts of people pronounce Old Export Whiskey tiptop In every particular, and for all use*. Might be Just what you'd like, no harm lu mention ing It, anyway. It Is 8 yenrs old, that's certain. It Is posl tlvely pure and free from fusel oil—that Is a fact which the most, oxpert chemist cun't dis prove. Full Quarts, $100;. Six Quarts, $5.00. Mall and Express orders ■hipped promptly, and wc pay transportation charged on orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. Cempfett PrlM ktott ol Wln*» and Uquori mailed tree. Rob't. Lewin, WHOI.RSALB WHISKEY MERCHANT Ann IMPORTICR OF FINE WINES AND Liyuoita, 130 Water St., (Oppos'te B. A O Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. PINCH'B GOLDEN wKDDINd, KOlt MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE. $1 00 per CJt., or .oo - Golden Wedding, Dougherty, Guckenhrimer, I,urge Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, etc. This is the only house not rectifying in the city,there fore our goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge, 0. O. I), and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choice 3 ear eld, $2.00 per gallon. Tty U. SHCOIII I 111 Wall Stnel uiMOHn.ly eiinlfit Jon with Ihe Hill of our Dally Market I.eiter an KIiEK IHwrefloiiau A" oiinls a Hpiriulty. All In formallou free. Hank references. WKINMAN di (•«.. stock and tiratu llrokcr*.'. 4tf,Hio;i' alcoholic or uarcotlc poison from the system.re stores the stomach to a healthy condition, builds up the nervous system, restores the appetite, und brings sweet and refreshing sleep. 1 hese result* hsve been achieved at the PITTTBCRO KEELEY INSTITUTE. No. 42M Fifth Avenue, in about !,«« ea«r« in the four years it hn« been in operation. the Keeley remedies never tailing when the patient lives up to the rules an l ukes ill#- treatment in go**! faith. Moat of out k«.h uatea belong to the better claaa of biminewH met. uiunvof thrm from y««ir own county. t«» wto«»ti» we can refer. The iullest InvestigaUou ucourted Branch Store, 125 N. MAIN St. 1 Ladies' Dongola Patent tip shoes, 1.00 i well worth 1.50. I Ladies' fine Tan and Dongola Bluch ( eretts at 1.40 well worth 2.00. 1 Ladies fine Dongola shoes hand turn 2.25 I well worth 3.50. i Ladies fine Tan and Dongola Oxfords 65c T well worth 1.00. ! Ladies' Opera toe slippers, 50c well worth ' 75C ' Ladies' Dongola Instep strap slippers 75c i well worth 1.00. 1 Ladies' fine black serge'slippers, 25c well | worth 50c. i Misses fine shoes ranging in price from { 90c to 2.00 Misses Dongola Slippers at 75c. . Childrens' Oxfords reduced to 40c. t Willit iNervc Berries have done for others | MEN Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. SOTH uAT - A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and strength to thesex ualorgans. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful errursorexcessive useof tobacco,opium ana liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, gf .00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0. WHAT IRON WIJUL DO. IIS NATURES OWN TONIC. Stimulates the oppetito and pro dujos refreshing aloep. 6IVES VITAL STRENGTH TO N'JRSIN'iI R MOTHERS. Chocku wasting diseaaon, stops night sweats, curoa incipient consumption. Increases atron&.h and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will (rive tho palo ami puny tho Nrotjr ohecks of youth. CURES ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong 'i and womou of woaklingti. 6ILMORFS iRON TOHiC PiLLS Core til Wasting Diseases ant] thair sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, dec. They are neitheretyptlonor eauatir and , . • • mi <-oagulat ing effect on tho contents i.f tho Htomaeh or its lining consequently do not hurt tho troth or lOMHPgtlon ■I il,;,ri hcoa. na do tho uauiit lorma ot Iron •. ,(,7! t-ntment fiOo. pamphlet fioo. It act kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. restore s : } * LOST VIGOR hefot • UII• • t>.i,im. [,.»»i.fs»xu*i '']">« h , T fro,., i.i.y ret.. ' •' » tronM«« l»i*H t « • • In-m-lt. ♦ • 1 t>. "••H. « !>"«•" <• W'«»t • -in «*• "• If •' tnntii.li x iftrant.-.. i . iir■ ' ' I tin Ad* dra.n I'K AI. MKIiICINJC CO.. t Wvulaud Ohio. —For Hale hy Chrystal Pharmacy. to tfMOajl Incuts In part payment L r a high (,'rmlo Aca;* bicycle. wltlnh «n «cnd Thorn en approval N:> work tloiio tnitll thu bicyolu arrive* and yrovot satisfactory. Young Ladies "'iaino ' tcrnis. | If bor* tirilrli apply thay tmiat bti wull rootm- UiiuUod. Write fur pnrttoularn ACME CYCLE COriPANY, ELKHART, INI). | BUTLER LUMBER COMPANY Shippers and dealers in Uuildin# .*. Materials Rou((l) and urewwsd Lumber of all kinilH. Doors and Windows, and Moulding" of all kitida H. E. WICK, Manager Office and Yards, I; «ftt Cuuiilhkl»»»" ■ »'' Monro* i" S Main jD. T. PAPE'S. I' 22 s ' Miin Street. ( j Street. THE LEADING MIL LIN fcRY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. Even IF You DON'T WANT TO BUY. Our display is far ahead of ndl previous years in Style and heajty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s on)y X s Mourning Goods a Specialty. THE BE SI TEST Of the qualities of a Rye Whiskey is its Po pu 1 a r i ty. Judged by this standard, Max Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey is far ahead of all others. It is popular with Phy sicians, Hospitals, Druggists, Professional men and lay men. Silver Age lias been on the market for the past quarter ot a century, and is to-day considered the finest Rye Whiskey in the country. Its use whether in the sick room, for the table or sideboard, has always-been followed by expressions certi fying to its excellence. For sale by Druggists and Dealers at the uniform price of $1.50 per full quart. All other brands of whiskies, Duquesne at $1,25 per quart, Bear Creek at $ 1 .00 per quart, Guckenheimer, 4 year old at 75c per quart and Anchor at 50c per quart, are guaranteed to be pure and the best value for the money. -h<-\Y IN ES. Light 1 od : ed wines, just the thing for the table during the warm weather. We have them in all brands and qualities from $1.50 per gallon upwards. Send all your orders direct to us, if your dealer does n>t handle our brands, and don't forget that we pay all charges for expressage and cost of packing 011 all orders of $5.00 and upwards. Send for complete catalogue mailed upon application to MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Importe , 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. Goad LooKs Count. 1 When vou tui 11 out for a drive you want your VAH, carriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'll have 110 rear 011 that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy. Fredonia Vehicles are the best on the market in every way. If youll examine them at your dealers you'll agree with this statement. Made by FRED MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMI IXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is at w. II .O'Hrien & Hon's 1 ()7 Ka«t Jefferson r-ijeet. GKSAT VALUE WSiJKLY NfcWS FOR OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONEY. . FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, in the loading Republican family paper «>f the I nilcd States. It in n NATIONAL, FAMILY PAPER, and give* all the g rniteil State*. It give* the event* of foreign land* in a nutshell. H* AUtycuii- TURAL .1.1 .artnihnt has n<> onperior in the country . It* MARKET HEPORub nr.. recognized authority. Separate departments tor THE FA KIIYCIECJ I. OUR YOUNG FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. It* HOME AND SOCIETY columns command tlje udiniratiou of wive* and daughter*. Its general political new*, editorial* and dincuasion* are comprehensive, brilliant an C exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enable* u* to offer tbi* splendid journal and ' THE CITIZEN for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 SO CASH IN ADVANCE. (Tho regular Bobnoription for th® two paporH i« $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. AdrlrcfH all orders to ~ ~ "THE CITJZB.N. Write your name and address on apoßtal card, send it to Goo. W Be« Room 2, Tribune Building. New York City, and sample copy of Th \'EW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE wil be mailed to you Every Woman '3\* Fotnctiin-i c..Ui a roll \y*t i itblo irv-nihly ' J medicine. >Yv/ Dr. REAL'S PETT NYROY AT j PITXS, Arc promt*. «>r act «•. rtaln In r-»tilt. TUo Irw !«■. l*»al"-.M »"f ili«n'i«iln' hwit «ur»1««i *!.Wk I '-U HU v 'U-J Co . Cloi«laud* —F«»r Shlm by Pharmacy- Theodore Swam. OENKIIAIi BBICK JOBBER Cbimneja, (Irate and Boiler Settlnjr. Cintern Building aud e««wo>a( .11.11 will regain their lo.t manhood ami "W W >lll recover their youthful vigor by u»lnc ViTAUII. It uulek.iT and «ur«lv n-move» N<• r»<.u.u!'"■ l ®" potency, Nightly tfml»»lou», Waiting '' "'Vu! >ud all i.ffeSt.of Self Ahu«or..»oe*«»uJltidl». rotloQ. Re.tore.lo.t Vitality. Power and Fall* »g Memory. Ward. off 111 sanity «<»! Co"" 1 ?* ion Inalat on having VUAUt. no other. C»a <-carried In v«'»t nockrt. Hy mall SI.OO per i»c* or »t< for t* 00 with a guarantor t.' CW»" EFUNO THE MOMEY. Circular free- Addreaa OALUMET HEDICIMK CO., Chicago, 111. For Sale at CITY I 1 A AC