Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 25, 1895, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Report of Butler County National Bank.
Administrator's notice, estate of Jfccob
B. Flick.
Cyclopaedia for sale.
South Shore Wine Co.
The National Stockman, special offer.
Ruff's shoe sa'.e.
Parkin Bro's. green goods.
Douglass Clearance sale.
Solicitors wanted.
Closing notice.
NOTI—AII advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify us of
their intention to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrators and Executors ol estates
oan secure their receipt books at the ClT
izsh office
—'96 calendars are being made.
X "new woman" wears socks.
—Retail shopkeepers iay this is a good
time to buy Christmas presents.
—Dentists filling teeth with
—Harry Grieb nas eome old timers in
his show-window.
—Jacob Reiber of E. Jefferson St., had
a horse stolen, Tuesday night.
—Peter Schenck is building an $8,003
house for Sidney Passavant of Zelienople.
—T' p Pittsburg Times finished its
set i Ire ir and murder story last week,
ami ' an another prize story.
. >nt » hundred bikers were in line
Tut "ir.y night, with their Chinese lanterns,
ar<! ii.«'le a pre ty parade.
—Bv a change made in the law last
winter, it is »<»id that all Constables must
be re-elected next Spring.
—The ar-jrago tombstone may lie a lit
tle, boi i'. nevt r says mean things about
th- d.».t.
—A cibiug" leaf is a better thing to
wear iu your bat than a brick this hot
weat! t r.
"Tlic .iji 4" outing club composed
mostly of Hi it >ttle glass house boys are
camping on 81-iiperyrock Creek.
—Along the river near East Brady the
trees ire so full of apples, that they have
to be propped.
—Two hearses, one funeral, was the
sorrowful sight to be seen on our streets
last Friday. It was the funeral of the
Gegle children of Elm St.
—This is one occasion where a woman
can fill a man's place, said the bright
young girl, accepting Smiley's seat in the
crowded car.
—Somebody placed a ladder against the
Hindman House, at W. P. depot Sunday
night, entered a room through a window,
rifled the pockets of two of the boarders,
and went out the front door.
—The Parkin Bros, have bonght out the
Weitzel green goods and fruit market on
Centre Ave. near the bridge and hare re
fitted it, and propose keeping a first class
—Work on the new dormitory at
Slipperyrock began this week. The plans
were made by Fonlk; and the trustees
will bny the material and have the wcrk
done by the day.
—The barn of James McNalien of Cen.
tre twp. near the Clay twp.line, was struck
by lightning and burned last Sunday even
ing. Some agricultural implements were
destroyed, but the lire stock was saved.
—The water line will be extended the
fail length of Mifilin street before the pav
ing is begun and two new fire plugs plac
ed, one at the corner of Broad, and the
oth<tr at the corner of Mercer.
—The hou*e of Wilson Thompson o
Chery twp., was entered by four masked
men, Tuesday night, and robbed of some
money and securities. A trunk was brok
en open and gold taken from it that had
been in the family for 70 years.
—The New Bethlehem Vindicator says
that a unique pionio will be held by a
number of the citizeus of that town in the
near luture. The party will be composed
entirely of adults who answer to the
name of "John" and tbeir wires It is
thought that there are about 60 people in
the town baring "John" for a front handle.
A Bradford attorney baa discovered
a tare care for rheumatism, lie says
that the worst attack* of that ailment can
be cnred simply by taking tbree drop* of
tMOiiii in a wine glass fall of water
tbree or four time* a day, He ban seen
the remedy tried many time* and knows
jn-t what it will do.
—Policeman Skillman wltb quite a
crowd of assistants, went down to the
ereek bank, opposite the Fair Groand* the
O'.ht-r day and captured seven of tbe gang
of trbmps, who have been making their
■amnmr residence at that point. Esq.
Aoderton give tbe gang till evening to
leave Butler, and their creek bottom
paradise, and tbey left.
—How glorious it is to be engaged in
» purely intellectual occupation! mur
mured a Boston maiden, gazing raptur
ously into tbe admiring eyes ol a country
editor; "your own meatal faculties for
tool* and tbe whole universe for a work
shop. Now tell me," she added, "what
do you find the most difficult thing con
nected with your noble profession!"
"Paying the bands," raid tbe editor.
—Among the legal note*, this week
will be found a note of the change in tho
law regarding the duties of tax-col lector;
•nd in another place we give a synopsis of
tht Flinn Koad Law. Tbe pasaago of an
ftct requiring a synopsis of all laws of
general interest to be published, would be
ft benefit to the community. Each suc
ceeding legislature make* thousanus of
ohanges in the laws of state, and yet
"ignorance of the law. excases nobody."
—State Superintendent Schaffor says
the compulsory education law will cause
the erection of many school buildings in
Pennsylvania He cannot ju.it now Kay
where tbey will bo oalled for. The now
law pMyide-t for a school census of all
children between the ages of six and
thuteeo, and that will give a f.iir idoa of
what is to be done. There is considerable
discussion just now about the appoint
ment of truant officers. The act provides
f>r the appointment of such aificers in all
the districts.
—L. N. Burry, John Cress and Frank
Gathers of Evans City went to Cleveland
last Friday; and Cress and Cathers took
part in the Bicycle Races from Cleveland
to Pittsburg next day. The distance, 132
miles was covered by Lewis Gitnm of
Cleveland, in the remarkable time cf i>
hours and 18 minntes, an average of over
14 miles an honr. Cress made it in 10
hours and 10 minntes, coming in fourth,
and securing one of the prizes.
Quiie a number of Butler Co., men
A*e at Sieter*ville W. Va. and one of them
is chief i>l police there. The town ba* two
or three-thousand of a population, and it
is boi tuiiig witb a great boom, at present-
Ther*- nr» eighteen speak-easies in the
place, ibe local authorities charge them
SIOO a mootb each, and with the money
are paving the streets and intend building
a *20,000 school bouse. The oil there
cmes from the 100-foot and Big Injin
The new law requires) tax collectors to
number both the receipt and stab, state
name, district and date, and make a return
in sheet form of same to the County Com
missioners twenty days before each elec
tion. The Commissioners are to have the
sheets bound in book form and kept for
public inspection. The limit of the pen
alty for non-compliance is *s2oo and one
R M. fiipes, the Pittsburg attorney,
plead guilty to embezzlement.and was sent
to the workhouse foi' six months.
Willis StaiTord waved a hearing before
Esq. McAboy, Saturday atd gave bail for
court. He is charged with horse steal
The will of Eliza Patterson of Sunbury
was prabated, uo letters, also will of Jacob
B. Flick of Middlesex twp., and letters to
Mary J. Flick, also will of August Foeh
ringei of Harmony, no letters.
Propkbtv Tra.vsfrrs
Jno Harbison to Jno F Heckart, quit
claim to 58 acre* in Buffalo lor SI,OOO.
D H Anderson to R .iber <fc Bradner 45
acres in Oakland.
G. H. Knauff to John G Anderson lot in
Zelienjple for S6OO.
W G Krugh to Geo W Amy lot in Butler
for S6OO.
S L Rhodes to Sarah Timblin lot in Sun
bury for $430.
J G McCall to M J Campbell lot in Clay
for S2OO.
James E Montgomery to Nancy J Ekas
60 acres in Clinton for $3400.
Ira McJunkin to Peter G. Aland 50 acres
in Centre for S2BOO.
Jesse R Cooper to James M Cooper 114
acres in Worth for $2874.
N B Jacobs to P S Hovis loj in Butler
for $275.
Blias Reep to Andrew Moon 36 acres in
Donegal for $350.
Marriage Licenses.
William D. Shira North Hope
Fanny Campbell ..... Magij
W. S. Wimer Karns City
Ida Klujrh "
Hulbert R. Thompson Anandale
Maggie E. McElhaney Bovard
At Mercer—E. F. Nelson of Mercer Co
and Ulula S. Chrfstley of Slipperyrock.
Christian Endeavor Convention.
The Fourth Annual Convention of the
Butler County Christian Endeavor Union
will be held in Chicora, August 7 and 8.
Every society is requested to send as many
delegates as possible, a good profitable
time is expected. An excellent program
has been prepared, other speakers besides
those named are expected to be present.
Delegates are requested to bring copies of
Christian Endeavor Edition of Gospel
Hymns, No. 6, with them.
Excursion rates have been secured from
Lutheran Church, Wednesday evening,
7.45. Devotional exercises, subject Faith
fullness to duty. Rev. Garner. Fairview.
Anthem Choir.
8.00, Address ol welcome, Rev. Will
iams, pastor of Lutheran Church Chicora,
18.15 response. Andrew Brymer, Butler,
Hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers,"
8.30 Boston Rally, Delegates.
Lutheran Church, Thursday 6 30 Sunrise
Meeting, subject, The great life purpose,
Boul saving. Rev. G. W Davis, Butler.
9 00 Prayer service, subject Helping and
being helped, special prayer for State Con
vention. Ira Gibson, Baldwin.
Reading of minutes and appointment of
9.20 President's annual address. Dr. M.
A. Sutton, Evans City.
County Hymn.
940 Our county work, minuto report
from local societies.
10.10 "All ye are bretbern." Miss Lotta
B. White, District Secretary.
10.30 Our county paper "The Reveille."
W. D. Vailette, Pittsburg Pa.
11.00 Efftctive method of bible study,
J B Carruthers, Sec. Y M C A, Butler.
10.30 Convention sermon, Rev. W. L
McClure Martinsburg.
Reformed Church, Thursday alternoon,
1.45 Praise service, Miss Lizzie Stewart,
2.00 The two forces, H. I. Painter Chi
200 How can we develop the latent
taleDta in our societies. Discussion, Dr.
J II Forrester.
3:00 Report of Committees.
3:15 The enlargement of Ohiistian En
deavor- 1. Good Citizenship. What con
stitutes a good citizen, Ira M Graham,
Evans City; 2. Missionary extension. Our
duty to missions, Miss Lydia Young, But
ler; 3. Junior Work. The church with a
junior and the church without a junior,
Miss Flora B Walley, Bruin. Music.
3:45 Query Box.
Lutheran Church, Thursday evening, 7:45
Prayer and praise service, "not weary in
well doing, Miss Dena Bard.Slipperyrock.
8:00. Address The Power of the Pledge,
Rev. Yahn, Mt.'Pleasant. Music,offering,
consecration service, benediction.
Dr. M A Sutton, Pres; Dr. .1 II Forres- ,
ter, Vice Pres; C H Maybury, Treas; Miss
Vina MoGolloagb, Rec. Sec; Miss Lotta B.
White, Cor. Sec.
--The mission baud of ibe Bethany Re
formed Church will hold a lawn fete on
North Street on Friday and Saturday
evenings of this week. The Germania
Band will furnish the music, and those
who attend are assured of a pleasant time.
The Peoples' store will remain
open till 8 o'clock, each evening, ex
cept Saturday, when we will keep
open till 10 o'clock for the accomo
dations of patrons,
H. W. Koonce,
Dealers in new Furniture and
household goods of every description
Call and see us We can save you
Stylish sailor hats, many colors at
We display over 100 new and
pretty pattern hats and bonnets at
I offer my services to invest money
for persons having it to loan, in first,
mortgage on improved property In
Pittsburg and Ailegheuy. All fees
paid by the borrowers. No charge
whatever to the persons loaning the
money. Usual rate of interest six
per cent, well secured.
May 20, 1895, Attorney at Law,
98 Diamond St, Pittsburg, Pa.
Plain and fancy Black Dress Goods
in all qualities at bargain prices at
Are you going to Niagara Palls, To
ronto or the Thousand Island this sum
mer? Of course you want to, so go with
E. 11. Norris' third annual excursion to
above points. Thursday, August Bth, via
P. S. & L. E. and Nickel Plate R'ys.
Take in the Buffalo races, too, August
6th-i 6.
New Percales, Ducks, Court lloyal
I ique, Seersuckers, Ginghams and
all kinds of wash goods at
Arc you going to the Buffalo races?
If so, take advantage of E. 11. Norris'
third annual excursion to Niagara Falls,
Toronto and the Thousand Islands,
Thursday, August Bth, via I'. S. & L. E.
and Nickel Plate R'ys.
The people are using Armstrongs
Little System Pills We are giving
them away. See ad in another col
umn. They are fine-
School hats at PAPE'S.
Czarina just new at PAP
WANTED:—Lady and Gentle
men solicitors for standard goods
, at home and in surrounding towns.
Commission or salary guaranteed.
Call on or address W. B. Herriott
M' g' r, State St., Sharon, Pa.
Mrs. G. W. Amy has returned from a
long visit to friends in Venango Co.
Wayne Walker has been appointed as
cadet at West Point.
Miss Moser, of Beaver Falls, is tlie guest
ot Mrs. Kesselman.
Esq , Suttoii, of Peachrillc. was in town
on business last week.
Mrs. Dnebelbis, of Emlenion is visiting
her sister Mrs. Dr. Hoover.
EJith Chambers and Olive Elder, of
Appollo, are the guests of Etta Heck.
Dr. Cowden Jr., of Middle Lancaster, is
recovering from typhoid te r er.
Stella and Mamie Neglev are visiting
Harry Negley and family in Phii'a
S. H. Piersol Esq , is confined to his
house by rheumatism.
Mr j . J. E. Devenny and son are visiting
friends in Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mrs. Little of Pittsburg is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Criswell.
Howard Pryor of W. Sunbury was iu
town on business, Monday.
Miss Liliie Reiber is visiting friends in
Allegheny City.
Mrs J. T. McJunkin and Mrs Will
Mechling and children are at Chautauqua.
W. D. Brandon and family are at
John Vincent of Marion twp. was in
Pittsburg on business, Tuesday.
C. S. Campbell ot Concord twp, was in
town on business Tuesday.
Co. Commissioner Kelly continues to
improve, though he has been daugeroasly
Sam'l Woods and wife, of Brady St , L.
B. Stein and wife, and Alex M itohell and
daughter, are at Atlantic City.
P. R. Mangold, the East End grocer who
has been down with pneumonia for some
weeks, is recovering.
Jno. Gillespie, the jolly Democrat, of
Donegal twp., spent a day in town with
bis Butler friends last week.
F. L. Forrester, the contractor and
builder, of Slipperyrock, was in town on
business, Saturday.
Tbo-. K. McKee, of Chicora, J. J.
Sbultis, of Oakland twp., and C. D Ear
hart, of Karns, have been granted medical
Rev. E. M. Wood will preach in the
Methodist Church next Sunday night on,
"The world's Greatest Crises,' Com man ion
and reception of members in the morning.
James A. and Geo W. Storey, sons uf
Mrs Alex Storey ot Brain, are home from
Sistersville, attending the funeral of their
Mrs Ferguson Bbira of Parker has the
finest collection of cacti in the county.
She has a hundred rarieties, some of
which were sent to her from New Mexico.
J. F. Hutzler, a teacher in our public
schools, lately re-elected, has resigned,
and is occupying a desk in the National
The four young in en of Middlesex twp,
who were arrested robbing Marks
store, will hare a hearing before Squire
Anderson tomorrow.
Dr. McElroy, the clever little man, who
calls himself the Peerless and Painless
Dentist, will wind up a weeks stay in
Butler tomoriow. He did well here and
will be back soon.
Adam Beale, of Penn twp.. near Browns
dale, is one of tbo luckiest men in the
county. He is the possessor of the first
rebel flag captured during the civil war,
and he captured it himself. He was a
member ot the 7th Pa. Volunteers,— the
first regiment to pass through Harrisburg
—and during a charge at Martinsburg, W.
Va., be captured the flag. Several shots
were fired at him while ho was taking it,
three of which patsed through the flag,
and one through Adam's left arm. Thar
was on the 4th ol July 1861. Adam wa«
a member of Co., G., under Cap't
of Allegheny. Ho moved to this county,
and it was reported that he was dead, and
was buried at Troy Hill. During the en
campment, at Pittsburg last September a
grave in Troy Hill cemetery, supposed to
be his, was decorated by his former com
rades, but by and by Adam put in an ap
pearance, and was received and welcomed
as one risen from the dead. Ho intends
bringing the flag to Butler someday.
Bop-rd room, bookß, and tuition at
Franklin College, New Athens, O,
$3.00 per week. Catalogue free.
Latest in trimmed and untrimmed
hats flowers, feathers, ribbons and
novelties at PAPE'S.
ipr > For P ure spring water ico -
|Ut> Leave your orders At
Richey's Bakery
Daily Delivery.
1000 untrimmed hats.spendid shap
es at PAPES.
—Job work of all kind done at the
Beautiful pattern hats at PAPE'S.
Great bargains in Lace Curtains,
Laces and Embroideries at
L. Stein & Son's.
Always use J. A. Richey's Cough
Drops They are the best.
The finest line of Mourning hats
and bonnets in Butler at PAPE'S.
Storm Serges and French Serges,
llenrittias, Novelty Dress Goods and
Fancy Slks in greatest variety and
at lowest prices at.
We sell Table Linens, Napkins
Towels, Crashes and all kinds of
white goods at very low prices at
Niagara Falls, Toronto and the Thous
and Island, E. H. Norris' third annual
excursion via the P. S. & L. E. and
Nickel I'late R'ys, Thursday, Augustßth.
Lowest Rates, quick time anil first
class accommodations, E. 11. Norris'
third annual excursion to Niagara Falls,
Toronto and the Thousand Islands,
Thursday, August Btli, via P. S. & h■ E.
and Nickel Plate R'ys.
A thorough education at the
least cost at Franklin college, New
Athens, O. Board, taition, room and
books, $3.00 per week. Catalogue
—You pay for school-books; bat
the best school-book for your children
is your daily paper. Well printed,
carefully and intelligently edited, of
instructivecontents, firßt and fullest
with the news and best in presenting
it, the Pittsburg Dispatch fills tho
A Teacher Wanted.
The Professorship of the Prospect
Normal and Classical Acadamy is vacant,
and the Trustees are desirous of securing
the serv ices of some good instructor to
take charge of this well known institu
tion. The fall term will begin in Sep
J. W. HgYL,
Pres. of Board of Trustees.
See our line ot New Snring Capea
—the assortment is laige and the
styles and prices are right
—BoardingHouse Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 coats for half-a-dozon,
tor sale at CITIZEN office.
—Take your children to Zuvefa
Gallery for Pictares that will suit
jou. Postoffice building.
Fine and heavy all wool Serge 45
inches wide, all colors at 50 cent* a
yard—a big bargain—at
dee our line of Kniki Silkc, Pon
gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silks for
wasits from 35 cents a yard up
L. Stein Si Son.
Oil Notes.
Parker twp—Parker A Co. have a pro
ducer on the Allen; Bear Creek Co. ha# a
20 barrel producer on its lease near Park
er, and Woods i Pew a2O barrel well on
the Farren. Royce A- Co. will drill on the
Al. Patton has a new rig up on his owu
farm near Parker (the old Black farm.)
ar.d James Sherwood is drilling on the
El;sha ltobinson.
Fairview twp —Hu;nes A Co. have a
a good well on Wm Moore.
Clay twp—The well on the Hugh Car
rothers, two miles west of W. Sunbury,
was -hot in the 100 foot last Saturday, and
shortly after responded liberally. Oil
shot up over the derrick, and the rig took
lire and wac burned.
Boydstown—The B a ly and Hoon farm
wells ure doing from 13 to 20 each; Phil
lips on the W nit mire from 40 to 50; and
Martin 2 on the Lackey 30 to 40 barrels.
McFaddens 3 on the Whitinira was flow
ing last week and showing for the best
well in the field Reiber* well on the
Neyraan was showing for a good well, but
Jack's on the Hulings looked N. G.
Jefferson—ShafferACo. have a rig up on
E. G. Cochran's farm on west side of twp
Marion—Robt. Barnes is down about
200 feet in the Robt Atwell place, and ha-,
a ciooked hole. The wells on the
Gormley place, drilled 18 years ago, are
yet producing oil.
Concoid twp—The Eest End Oil Co,
has a rig up for its No. 3. in the C. S.
Campbell farm, No. 1. is doing 5 blla, and
No. 2 is not completed. The McCrea
brothers have 8 to 10 ->ll wells ou both the
Geo. Meals and Phillip Stoops; McElvain
A Fowler's well on the Neis McElvain
is down about 1,000 feet, and Dr. lloovers
ou the Doover 800 feet. He is building
another rig.
The Studebaker family will celebrate
the centennial of their settlement in this
couuty on Thursday Aug. 15th next, at
the residence ol David Studebaker near
Jacksvillo. All descendants and relations
of the Stubebaker family are invi'.i d to be
Tne third annual reunion of the Sloan
family will be held iu the grove of Mat
thew Sloan, near Farmington, on Thurs
day August 22d.
liutler Fair Hurts.
September 3d, two year old trot or pace;
three year old trot or pace.
September 4th, 2:35 trot, purse $150;
2:35 pace purse $l5O.
September sth, Free for all trot or pace;
purse $300; 2:50 tiot purse SIOO.
September 6th' 2:'.i5 trot, purse $200;
2:25 pace, S2OO.
Also bicyc+e races and other Amuse
uents each day.
The Markets.
Our grocers »ro paying 150 for butter
and eggs, 750 for new potatoes, peas,
apples and green beans, 100 for wax
beans; 1 25 a bu for cucumbers; 80c a bu.
for old onions, and 20c a di z bunches for
new onions; 30c a doz for beets; 25c a d<z
bunches for radiehes, 11c for blackberries,
and huckleberries.
Cylopjedia For Sale-
A set of International Cyclopaedia
(new) b6nnd in one-half niorrocco, at
one-half retail price. Call on or address,
Hotel Butkr,
Butler, Pr.
Reduced Rates to the Seashore.
No other place can compare with South
ern Now Jersey in seaside resorts, either
in point of number or of excellence. At
Lutio City is the most popular resort in
America, aud Cape May, Sea Isle City,
Ocean City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wildwood,
aud Holly Beach do not fall far short ol
Atlantic City's high standard.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
whose constant object is to give its patrons
the cheapest rates compatible with good
service, has arranged for a series of ex
cursions to the seashore, similar to those
which were so popular last season. The
next excursion of the series will leave
Pittsburg August 1, and the rates will be
as stated below.
The tickets will permit of a stay of near
ly two weeks, and a choice ol either of the
seashore points named above will be al
lowed. A special train of parlor cars and
day coaches will leave Pittsburg on each
of "the above-mentioned dates at 8.50 a. in.
and the time from other stations will be
as follows: —
Rate. Trains
Pittsburg $lO 00 850 a.m.
Butler 10 00 6.25 "
Altoona (stop for dinner) 800 12.45 p.m.
Philadelphia Arrive 646 "
A special train will leave Market Street
Whart at 7.30 P. M., August 1, for Atlan
tic City, arriving at Atlantic City about
9.00 P. M., making the run from Pittsburg
to the seashore in twelve hours Arrange
ments have been made for transfer of pas
sengers ironi Broad Street Station to Mark
et Street Wharf ou arrival of special tram,
or passengers spend the night in the
city and proceed to the shore by anyregu
lar train of the following day.
For further information apply to ticket
agents, or to Mr. Thomas E. Watt, Distriot
Passenger Agent, Pit'sburg.
Come and sek the Czarina ringb at
Pape bao'a.
Buffalo races, Niagara Falls, Toronto
and the Thousand Islands. E. H. Nor
ris' third annual excursion, Thursday,
August Bth, via P. S. & h. E. and Nickel
Plate R'ys.
—Zuver's Pictures leavo nothing
v anting in finish, tone or a] correct,
Job work done here. Subscribe
for the CITIZEN
Largest assortment of new Silks
and Dress Goods at lowest prices
ever known ut
L. Btein & Son's.
E. H. Norris' third annual excursion
to Niagara Palls, Toronto and the Thous
and Islands via the P. S. & L. E. and
Nickel Plate R'ys, will take place Thurs
day, August Bth.
Come and see stylish hats and bon
nets at P APE'S.
Expert Workmen.
Are required to make good clothiug.
We handle only the best grades—made
by manufacturers employing skilled la
bor—llo "sweat-shop' 'goods and 110 "sec
onds" ever come into our store.
Cutting the cloth, and likewise the
prices, to suit the customer, is a way wc j
have. Our competitors may not like it,
but as long as our patrons do we are sat
An expert cutter —the liest in the land
—can fit you no better than we can.
Give 'em fits; that's what we do to our
customers. We have a cutting way, but
somehow it don't hurt our patrons' feel
ings as they like lioth the cut of our
cloth and the cut of our prices.
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa
t tlx; A<lvcrM»itiff rturettt ol
1 - t I <»uiu l fur »d»erUilng at Wwwt 1
The finest calico and some of the very
best muslin now woven in the world are
made in the mills located in Eastern
It is a suggestive fact that nearly all
the reservoirs from which cities are sup
plied with water in this state are affected
with more or less leakage.
The injunction suit of the Union Water
company, ret training the borough of
Beaver Falls from proceeding with their
new water works, came up before Jndjie
Mecklim at Beaver last Friday The
Water eouipanv" asked for the injunction
on the grounds that an act of 1831
prevents boroughs from owning real es
tate that would net an annuity of more
than $3,000. The proposed water works,
they claim, would net the borough at least
$5,000 per year. Jndge Meckim refused
to hear evidence oa the case, and threw it
out of court, with the cost placed on the
Union Water company. lie stated that
he <vould take no fart in further perse
cuting the tax-payers of Beaver Falls.
The decision fairly staggered the water
company's attorneys, but caused the
greatest rejoicing in Beaver Falls.
Thomas H. Uarper and Mrs. Eva Smith
were arrested in New Castle on a charge
of criminal conduct. Harper has been
working at the steel mill and boarding
with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. He has a wife
and six children, slid to be starving, at
Millers town, this county. The arrest
was made on an information by Harper's
A fovorite method of killing the huge
rats that infest all the lumber camps in
Noi-nhwestern Pennsylvania is rather
hazardous for the lumbermen themselves.
Tl.ev catch a large raflesaake alive; hold
it to the ground by putting a lorked stick
aero s its back and then place in front of
it a piece of calf's liver. The rattler is
teased, aud iu its anger bites the meat
over aud over again In tact, all of its
poison is thus injected into the liver,
which is then put where the rtts can eat
it In a Potter county camp last week
eighteen rats were killed in one night by
nibbling snake-poisoned meat
The destruction wrought by the oloud
burst ir Fayette Co. last Tuesc'ay was
worse than at first reported The loss
will reach over $50,000 The cloud
iu the mountain districts a few inhes south
ot Dunbar aud for two hours the water
poured iuto the valleys and ravines at the
base of Cbvstnut Ridge. At Dunbar Gist
run and Dunbar creek unite, and both
streams were filled with floating logs and
dtbriß. The borough bridge gave way
after damming up the water, causing the
backs to oveiflow and flood the town.
All the bridges in the town were borne
away in the torrent. Chicken coops and
pig pens with the animals and fowls, were
familiar sights to be seen floating down
the stream. In the lower part of town
the inbali'ants narrowly escaped with
their lives.
A party of Carroll county Ohio men
camping on the farm of William Cameron
near Patteisonville, includes Willian
Baxter and a companion, who a few
evenings ago saw a Urge bird drag lrom
the water a ihh which afterwards proved
to bo a European carp, 18 inched in length
aud weighing nearly eight pounds. When
the bird, which turned out to be an eagle,
alighted on a stump, Baxter set bis big
dog upon it The eagle and the dog be
gan a tight, whica ended in the latter
being driven otf, *■) badly wounded that it
.tied the next day. When the men saw
that the dog was being whipped they rush
ed to nis assistance. Just then the bird's
mate, which had been watching the con
test from a neighoring tree, concluded to
take a hand, and swooping down, with
it's companion attacked the two men.
The terrific onslaught to the eagle soon
put Baxter's fiiendto flight. Baxter, bow
arer, who is badly crippled, coald not re
treat and continued to fight the birds oil'
as best he eould with his crutches. His
screams for help finally brought his com
panions from the camp to bis Assistance,
when the eagles, which were the largest
sver soon in the state, were driven away.
Baxter was terribly cut and scratched
about the head and sholders, but will re
We Want
Your Trade
and to get it, will give
you the Best quality of goods at the
Lowest Prices.
As an additional inducement
we offer you a special discount in
the shape of our grand premium
books, we give you your own selec
tion when your purchases amount to
the sum named in the attached tick
et. We can afford to do this, because
we want to show you the benefit of
our new system, and extend to you
advantages that will make you our
permanent customer.
Our Stock Is Fresh and New.
Visit-UB early and bring your
Friends' All are enti
tled to tbiu new and special advan
tage, and we want you specialy to
see our splendid lot of
Une Pictorial Books,
by the world's famous authors and
great artists—books that we are giv
ing away to make every home happy
Beautiful books, best goods, aud bed
roek prices.
ONE ST. H. Burton
Sdothier and
PRICE. # Furnisher
120 S Main St.
Couth Shore Wine Co.
** East. Erie Co., Pa.nl-*
Manufacturers of Dinner, Family,
Medicinal and Altar Wines.
We would like to have you give our
wines a trial and will ship to you on re
ceipt of order one case of assorted wines
containing One Dozen Quart Bottles for
#6, as we are ready to open ail account
with you. After you have been satisfied
as to the quality, you will have the ad
vantage of ordering such wines as you
may need.
We guarantee our wines to be Abso
lutely pure, and free from adulteration;
3to 5 years of age. Hope you will favor
us with a trial order, as we are certain
you will be pleased with our wines.
We have 75 acres of choice wine grapes
and raise our own grapes for wine. '1 be
South Shore was founded in 1864 and is
the largest wine cellar in the state.
We sliip no wines under three years of
age, as it requires that tiuie to mature
and make a perfect wine.
Respectfully yours,
(J. ROSS RAYMOND, Gen'l Agent,)
North Hast. Erie Co., Pa.
Farm For Sale.
Containing 20 acres of good land, with
orchards of apple, peach, pear, and cherry
trees,grape arborsetc. A good 0 room house
with large porchei, summer house and
spring water at door, an excellent spring
house and several other ouUide building
This property is located in Franklin
'ownsbip, 2 miles from Mt. Chestnut and
between it and Prospect, and will b* gold,
or traded for town property.
For further particulars inquire at thi«
Administrator's Notice.
In re, estate of Jacob B. Flick, late of
Middlesex twp, Butler, Co, Pa dec'd.
Whereas letters C. T. A. have been
issued to me, the undersigned, by the
Register of said Co., notice is hereby
given to all parties indebted to the es
tate of said decedent to call and settle,
and all persons having claims against the
same will present them duly authenti
cated for payment to
Mary Jamb Flick,
Flick Postoflioe,
Butler Co, Pa.
S. F. Bowser. ) ...
A. L. Bowser. ) Alty 8
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters tes
tamentary on the estate of W. D. Allen
late of Parker township, Butler county,
Pa , deceased, have been granted to Thom
as II Allen, and all persons indebted to
said Estate are requested to make prompt
payment, and those having claims against
the same, to present rhem duly authenti
cated for settlement to
Thoma.B H. Allbn.
Executor of W. D. Allen deed.,
Glenora, Butler county, Pa.
S. F. Bowser, Atty.
Rule to Appear and Plead.
Harvey H. Boyd i In the Court of
*vs / Common Pleas, of
Lewis LoweryGlenn ) Butler Co. A. D.
No 59, June Term 1895 B. 16. Page 70.
Order of court ar.d rule to appear and
plead. Now June 22ad 1895; motion of I
S. H. Pieeol, Att'y, for Plaintiff, Harvey
H. Boyd, for rule, and defendant Lewis
Lowery Glenn to appear and plead, filed.
The above action being brought to en
force the Specific performance of the
agreement of the vendee, as appears by
'he record, and the Sheriffs return shows
that there is no person residing on land
bounded and described in the writ as fol
lows: Being one lot of land on the north
west corner of Forest Ave., in Springdale
and bounded 33 feet by Centre Avo, 144
feet and 9 inches by Forest Ave; 73f feet
by an alley, and 144 feet 9 inches by lot
No. and being lot No. 571 in Wm
S. Boyds plan of lots in Springdale. being
the same lot of land that Harvey H. Boyd
sold to the said Lewis Lowry Glenn, by
agreement dated April 9th, IS9I, and that
the defendant cannot be found in the coun
ty the plaintiff by his Atty S. H. Piersol
asks the court to grant a rule on the de
fendant to appear and plead. Now June
22, 1595 It appearing that the above act
ion of ejectment is brought to enforce the
specific performance of the agreement
against the vendee and that there is no
person residing upon the land described
in tl-e writ, and that the vendee cannot be
found by the Sheriff of the county,the court
grants « rule on the defendant, describing
the premises to appear and plead, return
able to next term. By the Court.
June 22, 1895. Rale on defendant to ap
pear and plead returnable to next term.
Samcbl M. Seaton.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of Rev. Samuel Williams, dec'd, late ol
Brady twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment and any having claims against said
estate will present them, properly au
thenticated for settlement to
David Pobter Williams, Adm'r,
Eiora, Butler Co., Pa.
Williams and MitcLell, Attorneys.
Dissolution Notice.
All parties interested will take notice
that the co-partnership of John Berg <i Co.
Bankers, of Butler, Pa., composed of John
Berp, Benry Berg and Louis Berg, has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
Louis Berg withdrawing from tty) firm
The business will be continued at the name
place by John Berg and Henry Berg,doing
business as John Berg £ Co.
Butler, Pa., July 1, 1895.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of
Amaziah Kelly, dee'd, late of Worth twp.,
but'er county, Pa., all persons knowing
tht*nselves indebted to said estate wil!
please settle their accounts immediately
and any having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
L C. KELLY, Ex'r,
A M. CORNELIUS, Jacksville.
Att'y. Butler Co., Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate ot
VTilliim Douthett, dee'd. late of Forward
twp. Butler Co. Pa, having been grante 1
the undersigned all persons knowing them
selves indebted to Raid estate will please
uake immediate payment, and any hav
ng claims against said estate wil 1 present
them duly authenticated for settlement to:
Prinoeton, Lawrence Co., Pa.
Executors' Notice.
Letter* testimentary on the estate of
Campbell Bartley, dee'd. late of Clintu>i
twp. having been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves
'.ndebted to said estate will please make
■remediate payment, and any having claims
against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to:
Glade Mill.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Andrew J. Bvans, deo'd, late of Forward
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted
to Ibe undersigned; all persons knowing
hemselves indebted to said estate wil.
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will pre
sent them properly authenticated for set
tlement to
WM. M. BROWN, Adm'r.
Browne dale, P. 0.
A. B. C M«FARLAND. Att'y. P*.
Administrator's Notice-
Letters of administration with the will
annexed, on the estate of John Young, late
of Wintielil twn., Butler county, Pa., hav
ing been issued by the Register of said
county, to me—all persons therefore know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are
requested to make speedy payment, and
all persons having claims against said es
tate will please present them properly au
thenticated for settlement to
Of John Young, dee'd,
Carbon Black, P. 0.
Attv's for Estate.
Administrators' Notice.
Letters of administration on the estatß
of John W. McJunkin, dee'd, late of Clay
twp., Butler oounty, Pa., having been
granted to the nndorsigned; all persons
Knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against saia estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
John R McJunkin )
Anna McJunkin, f Amn '
Kuclid, P. O.
Ira McJunkin, Att'y. Bntler Co., Pa.
% Green Goods Market, *
CENTRE AYE. - - - Near R. R,
j All kinds of Country Produce
j always on hands—good and fresh.
Highest market price paid in
j cash for Country Produce.^
A Suggestion.
- " ri—,.
|qR! Kr-v i
; ' fry*
D!J it ever occur to yon tnat there are
drugs and d.-njr*—that drugs are like every
thing else—there • eood, bad and indif
ferent. There is no'. .:. r ; <1 <> which is
Sositively bad if it is'nt just ol the best
>nr policy has always been to have noth
ingbut the best.
When yon want drugs come to us and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or your prescription calls
for. It may not always be drugs you want
either. We always have on hand a full
line of sick room requisites.
G.- N, BOTD.
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
Western Penniylvania Division.
Schedule in Effect May 20, 1895.
South, Wetlc Days
M. A. >f A. M. P. M. I*. H.
BtTI.KK Leave 626 800 U23 2 45* 5 Uti
saxonburg Arrive 654 525 11 48 all 528
BuUer Jc't.. " 727 S4B 12 12 340 553
Butler Jet. ..Leave 730 S4* 12 17 :i 10 543
Natrona . . Arrive 73s 85S 12 2«> 3so <> uj
Tarentura 743 uOS 12 31 357 807
Springdale 752 91* 12 44 407 ....
Ciaremont 807 925 12 69 421 627
Sharpsburg 815 931 107 428 #*.'
Allegheny city 82s 944 I*4 440 ti 43
A. U. A. M. P. K. P. M. r. u.
SUHDAY TRAINS — Leave Butler for Alle
gheny City and principal Intermediate stations
i :4o A. M., 2:30 and 5:00 P. M.
North. ..Week Days—'—
A. K. A. M. A. 11. p. M. P. x.
Allegheny City Lv.« 55 900 lias 315 slo
Sharpsburg 708 913 11 39
Ciaremont 91# U*i
Springdale 930 llie «3s
Tarentum 732 939 12 OS 351 648
Natrona 737 »43 12 13 356 853
BuUer Jc't Ar 746 9So 12 23 404 *O2
Butler JC't Lv 745 950 12 34 415 7OK
Saxon burg 810 10 15 12 59 440 725
BUTLKB Ar. 835 10 38 125 506 750
A. M. A. M. P. M, P. M. P. M.
SUNDAY TKAINS—Leave Allegheny City for
Butler and principal intermediate stations 7So
A. M.. 1233and7:10 P. M.
Week Days For the East Week Days,
p. m. a. m. a. m p. m.
245 625 Lv Butlkr. .. Ar 10 38 125
340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 3'.
404 745 Lv Butler Jo't Ar 940 12 3 1
410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30
415 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 931 12 21
426 804 " Leechburg.. " 920 12 12
446 821 "Paulton(Apollo" 905 11 5'
514 851 " Saltsburg "8 37 11 32
550 922 " Blairsville..." 805 II 00
600 930 "Blairsville las'n"7 45 10 15
850 11 35 " Altoona "3 40 800
100 310 " Harrisburg..."ll 55 310
430 623 " Philadelphia. '8 50 11 20
а. m. p. m. p. m. p. in.
Through trains for the east leave Pitts
burg (Union Station) as follows:
Atlantic Express, dai1y.....3 10 A. M.
Pennsylvania Limited " 715 "
Day Express, " 730 "
Main Line Epresa " 800 "
Philadelphia Express " 430 P. M.
Eastern Express " .....7 00 "
Past Line " 810 "
For detailed informatiou, address Thos.
E. Watt, Pms. Agt. Western District, 110
Fijth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
General Manager. Gen'l Passr, Agent.
P. & W. R. R.
Schedule in effect May 12. 1395. (Butlor time)
The Short Line to Pittsburg.
б.26 a m Allegheny Ex 6.15 a m, Allegheny AC
8.16 a m AH'y 6 Akron 10.00 a m.AI & N Castle
10.06 nm Allegheny Ac i 2.20 pm. AlleghenyEi
2.55 pin Allegheny Ex 5.06 pm, Allegheny Ex
350 p ra Chicago Kx. 730 p m.All'y « Akron
605 p m AH'y & Ell. Ex s.oo p in, Allegheny Ex
dkpart north. from nohtb.
10.05 a m Kane & Brad. *o6a m. fox burg Ac
6.15 p m Clarion Ac 9.50 am. Clarion Ae
7.35 p m Koxburg |5.20 pm. Kane Mail
8.15 a in, DeKorest Ac 10.60 a m,Allegheny Ae
11.45 a m, Allegheny- rx l 05 p m, Allegheny Bx
3.50 p m, i'hlea#o Kx .05 p m, Allegheny Ex
.06 pm, Allegheny Ac 7.30 p in, DeKorest Ac
Train arriving at at 5.06 p m leaves R to de
pot, Plttßburg. at 3 :I5 o'clock.
Butler and Ureenvlllc ■ loich will leave Alle
gheny at32o p. m, dally except Sunday. Con
necting at Willowgrove, arriving at Butler at
Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and Qrst-class
Day Coaches tun through between Butler ami
Chicago dally.
For through tickets te points lu the West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CROUCH. Agent
Trains leave the B. & O. depot In PiHburg
(or ill's East as follows.
Kor Washington L>- C.. Baltimore. Philadel
phia. iaJ New York. 7:30 and asi) p. m.
Cumberland. 6:40. 7 :30, a.m. 1 :10, 930 p. m. Con
nelsvllle. 6:40. 730. a. rn. 1.10, «.30. 4.45, 5.30,9.20
p in. (Jnlontown. 7.20 a. m., 1.10 . 4.30 . 5.30 p. m.
(Jnloutown. Morga ntown and Fairmont, 7.30, a.
m. and 5.30 p. m. Mt.Pleas&nt 8.40. 7.30 a. m.
1.10 and 4.80 pm. Washington. Pa., 7.40 and
930 a. m.. and 9.00. 11.55 p. m. Wheel
ing. 7.40. and 9.30 a. m.. and 4.00. 9.00. 11.55 p.
m. Cincinnati, Bt, Ixmta, Columbus and New
ark, 7.40 a. m., 9.10, ll.Mp.m.
Kor Chicago, 2.40 and 9.30 p. m.
Parlor and Bleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington. Cincinnati and Chlcairo.
P, S. & L. E. R. R.
Takes effect Monday, Dec. 31 1894.
Tralna are run by Standard Central Time (90th
Meridian.) One hour slower than city Time.
To 14 li STATIONS 9jll 113
p.ra m. p.m. Arr I.v'e a.m. |a.m. p.mo
.... 3 26 I no Dunkirk |7QQ 13
a. m.
i oo i 42 ;o Krie 6 io 8 as* 3 35
fi sr. 109 925 Wallace Junct 647 91» 412
« 20 1 04 9 15 Glrard 6 BO; 9 18. « 15
3 00 12 M 9Oi Look port 7 Ml 9 29 4 26
02 12 4* 8 5jJ .Oraaesvllle. . 7 081 9Sx 43<
® 4;- iio 23 ar.COnueaut lv.l. ..I 7 40, 3 io
g 10 1 7 40 lv ar|.lo 231 o 43
oSTitS 441 845 ar Albion lv 7 111 9 41! 437
B 43|12 33 831 .. Stiadeland... 728 9 53j 451
5 40| 12 SO B 28 .. . sprlngboro... 7 27 9 56 4 55
5 S"> 12 24 8 90 ..Coulieautvllle. 7 34|10 03 5 03
5 0»(12 Of 8 00|... Mea'v'le Jet, j 8 00|10 25| 515
rsi I 7 30llv Comi't Lake.. 110 ill 4 49
7 10 .. .. 8 10 ar ar 8 10 10 50 8 30
4 25 i 7 sfillv.. Moadvllle.. lv 9 4ft! 4 20
740 1 8 aajar ar 8 36|1l 2sl ai u
lo2|ll Bit 7 411. . Harts town. .. No l io 39 sB,
....11 38 281 Osgood 10 54 553
C 2b|il 30 7 1 Greenville... 6 30] 11 07 ti 04
61811 2 7oc ....Sh«nango.... 640 n 20 1 «20
« 00,10 M 045 Kredonla.. . 703 11 41 6 34
5 44110 43 6 25 Mercer 7 22 1* 04 1 7 00
5 30 10 29 6 10 Pardoe 7 3d 12 22, 7 14
5 l'» 10 20 000 ... drove city... 7 47112 33; 725
5 0(1 10 08 , 5 48 ... Hariisvllle.... 7 88 ' 2 45 : 7 36
I IM| 0o» B 4 |... Branchton— * owl' 254 74 5
500 ...,| 8 101 lv .Branchton ar| 7 10 jl2 10( ....
5 45i ■■■■l 8 sft!ar...Milliard ..ly 6 2Sjll Is| ....
4 531 9 K<| 5 3611 V.. . Kelstors .... 8 10 12 .581 7 49
4 30 9 421 521 KllClld 8 22 I 12 8 03
4 111' 9 151 » w| Butler 8 50 1 42 ! 8 32
, 720 | Allegheny. PAWitt oci a 501
| 151. in . ...■I Pittsburg. B&Q. IP- nilp. M .
J. T. Bb A 111. General Manager. Oreenvllle. pa
W. G. SAKGKANT. G. P. A.. Meadvllle. Pa
25 to 50 per cent reduction in
Staple anil desirable goods, Books,
White China, Frames, Mirrors,
and other things. You will need
some of the things get them now;
as this is for one week only, at
Near P. O.
(for the price) in the history of the clothing trade.
Stej. in and see these goods, you II be agreeably surprised NO
TKOL RLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We
have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta
loons and Overalls. If you have
worn them, you need no further
comment from us. if not ask t o |
see them as they are the bes
cheap pants in the world.
Here's A Stunner!
Our annual July Clearing Sale of Men's, Boys' and Childrens' Cloth
ing, Hats and Furnishing go. at prices never to [be heard
of a^ain.
O \fT^\f "O T? T> we Lead while others Follow. ! !
-Lilii AXSHj LV wa j. s been our aim to give you h .<• /
not a better quality of goods for your money than \ •>.. < 1
find elsewhere. We invite you all to come and exarrii.n. .
enormous stock of ours and see that we do just as v<. • > 1-
tise. Our stock of Light-weight Clothing must be sol J, t.d
will go regardless of cost. Our line of Straw Hats musi be
closed out entirely, and they too will go regardless of cost.
Conservative buyers will find it to their interest to call and
see us. We will save you money.
Don't Forget the Place.
SchiauA & Nast,
Leading Cloth) iers, 137 S- Main St., Batler, Pa*
. r
Schneideman's Old Stand.
Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Fa-
Clothing at Actual Cost.
Furnishings at Cost.
Our stock must be reduced at all hazards, and we now have
laid on our tables your pick from
152 Men's Suits at Cost
205 Boys " at Cost
98 Childs " at Cost
192 Pairs Pants at Cost
The above are desirable staple goods, it is a great chance for you
to secure a suit or pair of pants at a sacrifice.
S2OO. SHETLAND PONY Contest a Grand Success.
No matte* what you buy you have a chancejto Jwin the {pony
by guessing nearest to the number of beans in thefjar.
on exhibition in show window.
IO4: S. ]Vlain St.» - !Butler,,3?a#
Schneideman's Old Stand.
- - )■ I 1 1 ''
This week you can buy a solid Cher
ry Bed-room suit marked SBS.
F ° r $42.50.
Any $55., S6O. or $65. Palror Suit
- Writing Desk ford? _
er Price $9.50. y
Side-Boards at dt Harked
A $1.50 per year,
Both for #2.00 per year.
The National Stockman and Former la authority on all agricultural and stock Kach
department Is oomplete with lWc articles treated briefly. The leading topics of the hour are
discussed practically by practical writers. Its Market KeiHirts are tnado a special feature, and
■re acknowledged to be Uie beat published for Uie general farmer and stock ralaer. Moat or Uie
leading market cent em arc represented, ;»nd are In every way reliable and trualwortnr. Many
subscribe lo the National Stockman and Farmer for this feature alone. Agriculture, llorUcul
-111 re Poultry, Uie Dairy, the Apiary. Live Stock, and ID fact all matters of Interest to the gen
eral Farmer and Stock Kaiser, and pertaining to his business, flnancla. and social life are ato
cut sed for the good of IU readers from a practical and scientific aundpolnt. Bamw
the National Hlockinan aud Farmer way be had by addressing lilt NATIONAL HTOCKMAN
AND rA KM SR. Pltlaburg, P». . , .
The above Rate can only be secured by subscribing through the CITIZEN.
HAS ARRI . ED, and we vll
be pleased to show you what we
You can buy a good, servicable
busings suit for ss.o°, but our
line at $6.00 , £7.50, $9.00 and
sto.oo are marvels of beauty and
excellence, better than ever sold