TARE And accept the greatest opportunity ever offered to boy your Footwear at old prices. You will thank u* for calling your attention to the pri ces when you see the goods. At $l5O, $2 00 and $3.00, Ladies' Tan Kid Lace Shoes: Xeedle and Opera Toe, neatly trim ad with Diamond Cut Tip, Popular shades ot tan, width from A to E; sizes to 7. At 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies Fine Button Shoes Patent Tip. At 50c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.25, Ladies Fine Oxfords in Tan and Black. At $1 00. $1 25 and $1 50, Ladies' White Kid Opera Slippers 1 strap Sandals and Canvas Oxfords. At 85c. SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Misses Fine Shes Tan and Black, Opera and Square toes, Best fitting and wearing Shoes ever offered for the money. #- B. C, Huselton, -# Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. 102 N. Main Street, - A We now have a larger, finer and better se lection of Surries, Buggies, Harness and everything pertaining to a driving or team outfit than ever before. Call and see us before buying. S. B. MARTINCOURT & Co., 128 E.Jefferson St., Butler Pa. P. S.--Prices will never be lower than just now. Kramer Wagons. I lIN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and winJ ter goods that we have bought, we will make up our summer and medium weight goods at prices much below their real value. Now is the time for you to get a suit, or pair of trousers for less than you can buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect fit and satisiaction in each and every particular. This offer holds good until Ist of September. 101 South Main Street, I Q Vnnnrv The TAILOR and Butler, Pa. * tlUlGents' Furnisher. DIAMONDS [ KINGS. EAR KINGS, 8T(JI)3 TT a I GENTS' GOLD, LADIES' GOLD.' Wlf A A VjCX&aa f GENTS' SILVEK, LADIES' CHATLAIN. TL» ■■ITIT B "XT \ Gold Plus. Ear Kings. Kings. «l£iVV JClllA M f Chains, Bracelet*, Etc. OTT "WW CinnranniTei Sets. Castors. Itucter Dishes and {|Everything mw 1 > M W AX*, Wlf il £# ( that can be found in a first class store.. BODGES BROS. 1874 } KNIVKS ' FORKa - Br(X T N R B ,p L E plate. E. GRIEB, JE ™ L I BR . a _ lio. 139, Korth Main St., BJTLEB, PA., \ A GOOD LOOKING LASS. iMay be excused for occasionally viewing her image in a good look ing glass. Equally excusable arc those who look through the glass behind which are samples of our I have a fine line of silver novel- J. R. GRIEB, SOUTH MAIN ST. & *vgf H W COLD-HEAD BFTF Hly's Cream Balm is not a liquid, inuff or powder. Applied into the wntrils it is mft fuiekly absorbed. 11 cleanses the Mad, allays inflammation, heals 50c "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES 18 GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO SHOES FOR THE COUNTRY, CITY and TILLAGE; Shoes for all; We have them It's a good shoe that fits Perfectly, Looks Handsome and wears well. DO m l EAR SHOES? Then bay from us and save money Any size and width yoa want here. A large assortment to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Manufac tures are asking 25 per cent advance >n shoes. We shall make no advance while oar present Stock lasts. $30,000,00 Of Fine Footwear To be sold at Old Prices. At 90c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Men's Fine Shoes, Congress and Bals, Tip or Plain Pointed or Full Toes. At $1.40, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, Men's Tan Shoes Razor, Needle and Chicago lasts, Best Sh*de*;widtb« B to E. At 75c SI.OO and $1.25. Men's Working Shoes, strong and serviceable. At 75c, SIOO, $1,25 and $1.50 Boyß and Youths Shoes in Tan and Black; all new shapes. These are beauties. All shades of Tan iD Children's Lace and Button Shoes, Sizes Bto 11, 85c to SI.OO. Smaller Bizes 50c, 75c and $1 00. ' mow wholesome, more beautiful, more completely pleating than a womanly woman ? Bucti a woman i« even tempered, intelligent, strong and healthy. Ilealth really tells the whole •tory. Health means strong nerves and strong body, and they go far toward bringing good look* and amiability. A woman worn and wearied by the dragging weaknesses peculiar to her sex, cannot be expected to find rest in any duty or amusement. X.ife is all one dead monotonous gloom to her. On her face is written the story of weakness and pain. The wliolesomeness of health is lacking. The cheeks lack fullness, the eyes lack sparkle, the hair lacks luster. Doctors have learned to locate nine tenths of womanly sickness in the organs that ought above all others to be strong and healthy. Sensitive women shudder at [the thought of consulting a physician on such matters. A natural feeling of mod esty makes them dread the examination, ana subsequent stereotyped treatment by "local applications'* on which most doctors insist. Much more often than not, this is un necessary. It should not be submitted to except as a last resort. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has cured thousands of severe cases of '' fe male weakness." It works in a natural, sensible way. It begins by subduing the inflammation that is always present. Then it strengthens and invigorates the whole body, particularly the organs dis tinctly feminine. It promotes regularity cures inflammation and ulceration, and stops the debilitating drain caused by theiu. 'Of all dealers. REMEMBER there are hundreds of branda'of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But tbe number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead is limited. The following brands are standard ' ; Old Dutch'' process, and just as good as they were when you or your father were boys: "Armstrong & McKetory," " Beymer-Baaman,'" " Davis-Chambers," " Fahnestock." FOR COLORS.— National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own pah;!s. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book 60 paints and color-card, free; it will probably cava you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch, German Natiooal Bank Building, rudbnrg HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PII.ES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumore, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Isostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Sold bjDrufgiata.or sent post-paid on receiptor prloe. HLIPIIIUIrS- »U. CO., Ill* US WIUUa Tort. WITCH HAZEL OIL From early child-> / pI. /pM fl hood until 1 was \ y LUfcLltlfl grown my family i c spent a fortune y ? tiying to cure me of this disease. 1 C ? visited Hot Springs, and was treated f \ by the best medical men, but was not / /benefited. ET DO Ml When alii J things had "" m failed 1? # determined to try S. S. S., and in r ? four months was entirely cured. The J / terrible Eczema was gone, not a sign \ # of it left; my general health built up, / ? and I have never had any return of 3 ftavfK CHILDHOOD! /recommended . S. S. S. to a number of friends for skin dls- x eases, and have never yet known a failure to f < cure. GEO. W. IRWIN. Irwin. Pa. > I Ne-rer falls to cure, V even after all other/ / ramcdlea huve. Our ) Treating on Blood and J - - B'Ml gun uiMtaei mailed C 1 free to any address. y Lo WIVES WE OFFER A REMEDY WHICH INSURES SAFETY TO LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD. "Mothers' Friend" ROBS CONFINEMENT OF ITB PAIN, HORROR AND RIBK. "My wife used only two bottles. She was easily and quickly relieved; is now doing splendidly.— J. S. MORTON, Harlow, N. C. Sent by express or mall, on receipt of price, SI.OO per bottle. Book "TO MOTHERS" mailed free. BUADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLAXTA, OA BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. nn -ATM gill !! ■UTfjWJUMUifMn^ ■» :i jknnM«Micri pjpn !? ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLO RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED PllHffiS ' * ABfIjOLUTBLT OWlft OINTMENT THLIi: CITIZEN- The Strangest Insect in the World, The aweto, as the Maoris or natives of New Zealand call it, or Hipialis virescens, as naturalists term it, is found in New Zealand, and is a vegatable caterpillar ol from three to four inches in length, and so far, science has not been able to say whether it is a vegetable or an insect. It is always found at the loot af large myrtle trees that have beautiful red flowers on their stems, and a beautiful creeping clematis as white as the snow. The Maoris call this tree by the name of rata. The aweto buries itself among the roots of the rata, a few inches below the ground, and there lives until it is full grown, when it undergoes a most wonderful change. The spore of a vegetable fungus, termed by naturalists Sophoerin robertsii, fastens itself to the neck of the caterpillar, just between the head and the first ring, and then grows upward to the height of from six to eight inohes. Many people assert that there is iie»er more than one stem, but such is not the case, for some have been found with two stems, although very rarely. The stems shoots up out of the ground, above wnere the caterpillar is living, about two or tbrae inches; below the earth it grows into toe »»eu>, until it fills up every possible spate within the outer skin without changing the form of the insect in the slightest way whatsoever, but simply substituting a vegetable mat ter for animal matter. As soon as this takes place both the plant aud the cater pillar become dry and hard and die, but retain exactly the same form as when The whole has a brown color, and the insect appears a wooden caterpillar, with a huge horn standing up from the back of its neck. How the caterpillar manages to propagate its species no one can tell. Usually the caterpillar becomes a chrysalis, the chrysalis oh iug«s into a moth, the moth lays eggs, and these eggs again become caterpillars, and so on with out stopping. Maiy reasons are given why the plant shoots np from the back of the neck of the »weto. One is ttiat the aweto has a slimy substance oozing from its neck, which, while the aweto is boring at the foot of the rata tree for its only food, catches the seed of the fungus and holds it fast there till the latter begins to J to grow. When it has suoked all the vegetable life out of the aweto it must naturally die, for it finds no further nourishment. The aweto is often found in large numbers. The Seasoning of Stone. Stone, like lumber, requires seasoning. Stone is often spoken of as the synonym of solidity—"as solid as a rock," we say, but, as a matter of fact, stone is very far from being solid. A cubio foot of the most compact granite, for instance, weighs about IG4 pounds, while a cubic toot of iron weighs 46-4 pounds. This plainly shows that in between the atoms whioh oompose the mass of the most enduring stone there exists muoh space for air. moisture, etc. This seasoning of stone prior to use for building purposes has been well understood by the architects of all ages, but in the modern rush of nine teenth century building too little atten tion has been paid to it. Now it enters into the calculations of every good arohi teet. —Warm weather weakens but Hood's Sarsaparillia tones and strengthens. Jiehej m Stx Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South Amerioan Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness ia relieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages 'in male or female It relieves retention o. water and pain in passing it almost im mediately. If yon want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by . C. Rediok druggist Butler Pa. —One of the most curious freaks in ex istence lives in Madison county, Florida. The freak is a negro boy now over 21 year* of age. The boy's head is of immense size, being fully fifty inches in circumfer ence. He is about 3 feet in height aud has never walked, although his limbs seem perfectly formed. But although he does not walk be gets about briskly by rolling over and over. It is a novel night to see the boy make himself into a ball and go tumbling about the house. He is very intelligent and delights in talking to strangers. His mother has Indian blood in her veins and has resisted bitterly all attempts of museum men to secure her son for exhibition purposes. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism aud neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. <5 cts. Sold by J. C Redick, druggist. Butler. —The recent export of American iron ore to Europe is an event of great impor tance to the luture commerce of the ooun try. The shipment of the last two weeks, says the Iron Aye, are the first shipments made in the history of the Anerican iron trade of iron-ore for export. The amount so far shipped is 1,500 tuns. Wbile the New York iron is designed to meet a spec it) (JtnibLd for ores high in phosphorus (lequited by the enormous development i I the baric steel Bessemer process in Eu rope aud especially in Germany) this trade* journal thinks that the export-movement now initiated is "likely to continue." —Many teachers and pupils in Pennsyl vama are trying for the free NormaJ School course offered by the Edinboro Publishing Co., Edinboro Pa. Every school in Butler county should have au agent. You'd better write tbem. —The free and unlimited coinage of silver cisze i-t similar to lhe old green-back craze with the exception. The first pro posed a one-cent dollar and the latter would have E. fifty-one cent dollar. —Tho man or woman who whines or oomplains receives little sympathy. This is because folks have trouble enough of their own. But it's natural for men lo make of their scars and wouuds nntil experience teaches them wisdom. Tbe average boy takes as much genuine pleasure in showing a sore toe to other boys as a woman does in flashing a dia mond ring. Dr. Agnew's Cure lor the Heart giv® perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy fjr Palpitation, Shortness o: Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. ■ atone. —Electric cars have been prohibited on the road from Berlin to Charlottenburg. They would have passed by th«j Imperia Technical Institute, the experiments show ed that the current for tbe railroad strong ly affected all the apparatus in the build ing, so as to make delic ale tcitnufic ub servations and experiments imporslb'e. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, Boft or calloused lamps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen tbroats, coughs, etc. Stve 150 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold l>v J C. Kcdick. druggist Butler —Don't be backward about furnishing tie Cltisen »itb piiHTalt sfcd'local news items. Capped the Climax. An exchange ball* that a good »tory wu heard the other day of a father and moth er who were trying to find names for their twin babies, who, by the way, were girlf. It was decided that the father mast name them. After casting abont and finding no names that exactly suited him he de termined to end the strain on his mind and named them Kate and Duplicate. Is the course of time another pair of twir s oame, and they were boys. This was tb# husband's opportunity to get even and I • wanted his wife toohristen the boys. Im agine bis feelings when the mother one day told him she had named them Pete and Repete. But when the third pair came the father became frightened and named one Max and the other Climax. —When a man really loves his neigh bor as himself it generally turns out that the neighbor is a pretty girl. —The recent rains have greatly ad vanced vegetation, and the farmer, as well as everybody else, rejoices. —The whangee cane is popular. —Blackberry pie makes a man feel seedy. —The early settler is the man who pays his bills promptly. —The Trilby pipe is new. The Oowl is shaped like a woman's foet. —The man who is perfectly satisfied with himself is usually very easily pleases. —Let us hope that the college grada ates will live up to the baccalaureate ser mons. i i,e National Republican cry is "pro tection for aujuiii«hi industries; good money for all men.". i'»» i* %, \ ' q t" I*** l • been invented for the purpose of a«ait\- mg Democrats to become Republicans. lhe Kev t>i.m Jones is for a single gold standard. The Hon. D r ink Botts, however, is a staunch bimetallist, so the question is still a National issue. —An Indian named '"Man-Afraid-of- Xothing" married a white woman it Montana reunify, and in one week after his wedding he applied to his tribe to have his name changed. —The man who has the glibbest tongue isn't always the man who knows the most. —The snake editor of the Oil City Derrick told a story the other day, de scribing how a man reached his arm down into a crevice among some rocks after a lost orowbar, and "felt the warm body of a snake touch his fingers," grabbed it, drew it out, and foand he was holding a copperhead by the neck. How the snake ever got warmed up is a mystery. In every part of the world, except Oil City, snakes are as cold as slams. —The Geogia "Watermelon is again in onr midst. —lt has been aptly said that the art of conversation consists ,as much in lis tening politely as ,in talking agreeably. —The indemnity which China is to pay Japan, under the treaty of peace, is eqnivalent to 288,800,000 silver dollars. It will be paid in silver yen. —The whole number of persons em ploved in the oivil service of the United States is about 200,000, and of these about one-for:h are classified nnder civil servici rules. —ln the event of a wreck at sea instinct in some marvelous way seems to warn animals of their peril. The confusion among the crew and passengers spreads like wildfire to the live stock, and even the cats come screaming on deck evident ly fully conscious that their Jives are in jeopardy. —lt is easy to see why lawyers are so abundant in politics. The professon start ed in at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and have stayed ever since- More than balf the signers were lawyers* —Mrs. Catherine O'Leary, owner of the fractious cow which, in tie barn in the rear of No. 137 DeKoven street, on a me morable night in October 1871, kicked over a lamp and started a blaze which cost Chicago $190.000,000, died last we> k of pneumonia. She received the last sxcrauient and passed a way peacefully. She has always been very averse to say ing anything concerning the fire. —A comparatively short time ago wheat was selling per bushel at about the intran sic value of the silver dollar, a little over fifty cents, and the free coinage peo ple were pointing triumphantly to the fact as a demonstration of the concurrent decline of the two products. But to day wheat is 80 cents a bushel, and silver is worth no more than it was when wheat was selling at 55 cents. —lt has been discovered that Birming ham. England, metal manufacturers have been making idols to be worshipped by the heathen in India. —Copper wires are used for Mexican telegraph lines, so that they will hold the weight of the birds and monkeys which crowd them for roosting purposes at night. —At the moment a little girl in a Brook lyn public school was reciting a piece de scribing the fury of a storm, lightning struck and killed her father a few blocks away. —The great Pennsylvania .ailrnad will soon have four separate and distinct tracks from Philadelphia to Pittsburg.—With four traoks the Pennsylvania will have no superior, if any equal, in the world. —The news from Cuba continues to be favorable to the oause of the insurgents. Spain is evidently preparing to exhaust everv remaining military and financial resource in the desperate effort to end a revolution whioh she declared ended a a month ago. —Mexico is the ideal land of free silver and low wages, where laboring men re ceive fifty oents a day in silver coinage, and where the purchasing power of wages is weakened by the inflated prices of the necessaries of living. This is the happy condition to which free silver coinage would bring the wage-winners of the Unit ed States. W/liy Not Try the New and Better Way Of doing your shopping? Instead o." coming to the store, make the store oome to you. Yes, and the best and biggest store in the country at that: namely, Kauf maun Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop them a Postal and you will get their spring and summer Catalogue gratis, enabling you to order by mail anything you may wish, and raving as much money as city people do. Comes out on top-the bald headed man Pet: ihWlSTniu P he . 4. ♦< (L-Ji : . " ■ ' -. .Tv PISB S V f H •'». -r for Vu. *Of ryturrt I I"' :<• • t \ J 1 V rt'h f*tj bj aii Los*. f STEEL ROOFING! and SIDING. (Socendorph'e Patent.) i Fir# and Storm Proof, j i t for i Ttoe Pen Iron flootncud Com- lOICKEL'S Shoe Stores BUTLER, PA. Grand Slaughter In SHOES, OLD STAND, I2SS IN St In order to make July one of the busiest months of the year, I have inaugurated a grand slaughter in shoes. I have placed in my stores, large bargain counters; 1 have fitted them with the choicest footwear and have marked them away down; I have an extra large stock of seasonable goods, comprising many new and pretty styles in Shoes and Oxfords. These goods I bought in large quanti ties, before the material advance and am prepared to ofier you high er grade footwear at lower Prices than have ever been offered in But ler County. All I ask is for you to call and examine these goods for yourselves, for the price we have marked on them is sure to catch the eye and make the sale. By looking at our superb stock of Tans and other varieties you can judge for yourselves. \\ e know we can give you the best value to be had anywhere for your money. LOWEST PRICES EVER QLOTID FOR FINE Footweaß. Men's "A" Calf shoes, at |i.oo rea value Jt-75 Men's Fine Vic: K:d shoes, at 1.50 real value 2.25. Men's Russett shoes razor toe, at 2.50 real value 3.50. Men's Hand sewed cordovan shoes at 3.50 real val -e 5.00. Men's Low cut shoes, at 90c real value 11.40. Men's Calf slippers at 60c real value 90c. Men's Heavy Box toe shoes "DRILLERS SHOE," at 1.50 real value 2.50. Men's Every day shoes, at 90c real value 1-35- Boys Working shoes, at 75c veal value 1.25- Boys fine Calf and Russett shoes at 125. real value 1.75. ME HIE PRICES, MATCH HIE)! IF YOU CAN. Do not miss this grand bargain sale for you may never have an other opportunity to purchase goods at such remarkably low prices. The rush is great and delay may prove iatal to your hopes so call early while the selection is large. JOHN BICKEL, 12S S Main Street, BUTLER, PA. Branch Store ,2 5 n. nain st, SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, until further notice, he following goods at the old prices, regard lesa of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax by the government: AA. pure rye, 2 years, $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 years, $2 25; Old Cabinet, 4 years, $2.50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 years, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour on, $4 50 per gallon; Hannisville, Dough ty. Monticello, 12 years, $5.50 per gallon " alifornia wines, dr> and sweet, from 75c er gall >u to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my wn importation Sherry and Port wine, rom $2.50 to $3.50 per galion; also the finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. ANDRI ESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa All orders by mail promptly attended No extra oharge for pack'n g. Telephcnj 49. THE KEELEY CURE Is the last resort for the drunkard and the victim of the morphine habit after allothtr means have failed. It goes directly to tbe«x>ts of the trouble, eliminating the effects of the alcoholic or narcotic poison from the system, re stores the stomach to a healthy OTndiUun lwilds up the nervous system, restoses the appetite, and brings sweet and refreshing sleep. These results have been achieved at the PITTTBURG KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 4216 Fifth Avenue, in about 1,600 cases in the four years it has been in operation, the Keeley remedies never failing when the patient lives up to the rules and take, the treatment in good faith. Most of our grad uates belong to the better class of business:me:, many of them from your own county, to whom we can refer. The fullest investigation is courted S DOCTORS LAKH PHI .'.TE DISPESSART. Or.A. Ptm. AVE. ANL, FOURTH ST.. PITT6BUROH. PA. Al] formoof I>eii<-!ite and Com piii-au-d Diwuaes rec|iiii iiiftCo.N. T\ DKNTIAL and SCIENTIFIC ni tration tire treated at lllia ;- v with ■ -JCCME. .:.rcly attained. Dr. S. »o U • member of the llov.&l C »»il< gc of 1 liy . irr ami Surgeon, and i« ttio ol lett ami moat \i)< i ienced fcric IILIB. in the city Spc« al at • nii')n given to h'irvoui Debility fwiue w ccMiv»j ur-.ialexertion, indiscretion of jouUi,ctr.,raiii>- i.i .liy-ilcal ana mental itc ay,lack of energy, !c4ivoii>ncv. etc.; a* JO Cuncer§ < lidßorea, 1- tU, .-ilea, Kheninatlam, and all Jiscaacaof the Skin, lojtl, Lunga, Urinary Organsetc. Consultation i<•« and atrictly coniMtntiiil. Office hours* ft to « i 7 to 8 r. M.; Smwl.ivm Ito ' r. *. only. I nt oHre or ad.trem l)(f. I.AKF., COR. ~ M A v •- AN D4T H ST.. I* ITTP 1» L< KUI I. P A What Strikes Others WtU strike you.—We are all streaked here and there witfc the same likes and dislikes. Thousands of all sorts of people pronounce Old Export Whiskey tip-top in every particular, and for all uses. Might be Just what you'd like, no harm In mention' lag it, anyway. It is 8 yean old, that's certain. It is posl. tlvely pore and free from fusel oil-that Is a faet which the most expert chemist can't dl» prove. Full Quarts, 11.00 ; Sir Quarts, $5.00. Mall and Express order? shipped promptly, and we paj transportation charges on orders of 110.00 and over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MA/tKBT ST., P/TTSBURQ, PA SompJst* Price Lists of Wines and I Iquors mailed free Rob't. Lewin, WHOLESALE WHISKEY MERCHANT AND IMPORTER OP FINE WIKEH AND LIQUOUP, 136 Water St.. (Oppos'te B. 4 O. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILV USE. SI.OO per Qt., or 6 Qta. for s>.oo - Golden Wedding, Dougherty, Guckenheimer, Lorge Gibson, Bridgeport, ill. Vernon, Overholt, etc. This is the only bouse not rectifying in the city,there fore our goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxod without extra ctaree. C. 0. D and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choice 3 ear old, $2.00 per gallon. Try us. Every Woman 'Y Sometimes needs a reli- T abla monthly regulating I medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. ▲xa am nipt, safa ani certain In rwclt. Tbo sr«ou» Ina r. PaaP*) rrwrr disappoint, Bent •1.00. I'eai iiadicule Co .Ut t tiAOd. —For Sale by Crystal Pharmacy. Branch Store, 125 N. MAIN St. \ Ladies' Dongola Patent tip shoes, 1.00 | well worth 1.50. 1 Ladies' fine Tan and Dongola Bluch ( eretts at 1.40 well worth 2.00. i L?dies fine Dongola shoes hand turn 2.25 J well worth 3.50. t Ladies fine Tan and Dongola Oxfords 65c well worth 1.00. ! Ladies' Opera toe slippers, 50c well worth 75 c - Laaies' Dongola Instep strap slippers 75c ; well worth 1.00. 1 Lcdies' fine black serge'slippers, 25c well I wo.th 50c. ' Mi>s?s fine shoe.; ranging in price from COC to 2.00 Misses Dongola S'.ippers at 75c. , Chi'.drens' Oxfords reduced to 40c. tWliat Nerve Berries have done for others MEN Easily* Quickly n, nv.lm.u ry Emissions from sot e»u*e. If neirlrft coninmptmn or insanity, ? '*> p»*r I ox br mail, * bo*#* for ♦'•. P With evert • r.f« r we give a written auarante* to cur- or refund the n.eney. Ad- Areas I'EAL MEDICINE CO.. CUvtlaud Ohio. —For Sale by Chrystal Pharmacy. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL ™ Consult the Old Reliable" __ DR.LOBB 3*9 H. FIFTEENTH ST., PIIILA., PA. Thirty years continuous practice in the cure of all diseases of men and women No matter from what Cause «>r Low long standing. I will auaranfrt a cure. Cloth-Bound Book jCetilcxlj and Laallefl FHKJL Are You Using NATURE'S COMPOUND? Hv all means do s>o. It is un doubtedlv one of the beat remedies on the ni irket to repulute the Liver, Stoimiich and Kidn«y«, Purifies the I lood, au excellent tonic Tones ibe s)«t»m and is purely vegetable. Sold by Druggists-. Price sl. six for $5. "" s - Miin I D . T. PAPE'S. i' 22 s - Main Street. ® j Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSS OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BUY. Our display is lar ahead of all previous years in Style and Beauty, and the prices are mucli lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. Mourning Goods a Specialty. TH E BEST r TEST Of the qualities of a Rye Whiskey is its Popularity. Judged by this standard, Max Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey is far ahead of all others. It is popular with Phy sicians. Hospitals, Druggists, Professional men and lay men. Silver Age has been on the market for the past quarter ol a century, and is to-day considered the finest Rye Whiskey in the country. Its use whether in the sick room, for the table or sideboard, has always-been followed by expressions certi fying to its excellence. For sale by Druggists and Dealers at the uniform price of $1.50 per full quart. All other brands of whiskies, Duquesne at $1,25 per quart. Bear Creek at $ 1 .OO per quart, Guckenheimer, 4 year old at 75c per quart and Anchor at 50c per quart, are guaranteed to be pure and the best value for the money. ++WINES.++ Light bodied wines, just the thing for the table during the warm weather. We have them in all brands and qualities from $1.50 per gallon upwards. Send all your orders direct to us, if your dealer does liDt handle our brands, and don't forget that we pay all charges for expressage and cost of packing on all orders of $5.00 and upwards. Send for complete catalogue mailed upon application to MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Importer, 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. looKs Count. When vou turn out for a drive you want your v\V t y carriage to look as well as your neighbors. You'U have no i'ear on that score if you have a Fredonia Buggy, Fredonia Vehicles are the best on the market in every way. If you'll examine them at your dealers you'll agree with this statement. Made by FRED MFG. CO., Youn?stown, Ohio. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAM IL I XTU RES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is ai W. II .O'lirien Son's 107 East Jefferson Btreet. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOR OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal. is tli- leading Republican family paper ot the Ci 'lfd S>»tcs It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER and (jive* ali ihe I news «.< the United States. It gives the events of foreign lauds in r nutshell. lis AGRICUL TURAL department has n«> superior in the country. Its MARKET REPORTS are reconcile*! authority. Separate departments tor THE FA JOI 1 ( IPC J } OUR YOUNG FOLKS aud SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. I-s HOME A£ID SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and daughters, itf (funeral political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this iplendV. journal and "THE CITIZEN ' for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 5S. CORDOVAN, FRENCH & ENAMELLED CALF. \?4.*3*P FINCCAIS & KANGAROa J >3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. lotf* 2 - WORK ' Ns Ws ]**' -EXTRA FINE- JW 52.*1.7? bovs'SchcolShoei W* ■ LAD IC3 - JL .