Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 18, 1895, Image 3

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    the CITIZEN
New Advertisements.
Executor's Notice, estate of W. D.
Teacher wanted for Prospect Academy.-
Campbell A Templeton's nalfjprice saleT
Marks' millinery reduction.
NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify us of
their intention to do »o, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrators and Executors of estates
oan secure their receipt books at the ClT
zxs office
—Kesselman A Co, are now making 18-
inch bits.
—Lawn fete at Cratty's on Race St. this
and tomorrow evenings.
—The Protected Home Circle will pic
nic at Rock Point, Monday, August 5.
—Keep cool; if you can't keep cool,
keep as cool as you can.
—lt is against the laws of the borough
to throw rubbish on the street.
—Word comes from the lake shore grape
bolt that there will bo about one-half the
usual crop. The price will be about
twice as much asjlast year, so that mat
ters will be evened up for the growers.
—The Citizens Gas Co, struck an im
mense passer on the John Cranmer farm,
at V inostnut, and will have an abund
ance • s g:is for next winter. The rook
reM>.i:e of this well is 545 poands.
- oc.nor <fc Nace shipped a car load of
hoii-t-x to Philadelphia last Friday and two
car loads of Iresh cows to Bucks Co. yes
terday. They are now buying and ship
ping all kinds of live stock.
—The Building Committee of the Grace
Lutbeian chuirh will receive sealed pro
posals lor the no w building up till BP. M.
oi Saturday. The plans and specifications
can be seen at the home of J. H. Conard,
308 Franklin St.
—Oueolthe Pittsburg dailies of last
Saturday bewailed this "Midsummer In
sanity" for t.avel in foreign lands and
hints that sou. i- of the people of the two
towns might be benefited by a trip out the
Butler plank road.
—The large numbers of people who as
semble on onr streets almost every even
ing around the fakers suggest that an open
air garden, w here people under pretence
of eating and drinking something oonld
sit and chat, would be a profitable institu
—The P. W. R. R. Co. drilled a well
for water at the crossing of Centre Ave.,
and have a well that produces 25 barrels
of good, soft water per honr. They are
using it in their locomotives, but it takes
over two hours to fill a tank.
—ln Chicago, recently, a woman was
arrested by the police while riding a bi
cycle and wearing a green satin jaciet
and old gold knickerbockers, on the charge
that she was "personating a man." Great <
Scott! what do we fellows look like any
—A famous phyiscian says that nag
ging is a disease with wbicb about one
woman in fifty is afflicted, but that only
one woman in 5,000 has an incorrigibly '
bad temper. On this ratio the allow
ance tor our tow a would be about one. j
"Wonder who our female cyolone is.
—A hypnotist of Ravenna, 0., put a 19-
year.old youth in a hypnotic trance and 1
he remained in that condition for one '
week without food or drink. What a 1
grand thing the possession of such power 1
would be to the keeper of a sammer 1
boarding house.
—At the July meeting of the Butler
County Medical Society, Dr. Cunningham,
of Zelienople, read a paper on "Cerebral
Hyperaenia," which will likely be publish- 1
ed in a Pittsburg Medical Journal. Drs. 1
A. C. Davis, of Sarversville, and E. J. 1
Fitbian, of Harmony, were eleoted to .
membership. The society is in a flourish
ing condition.
—A law which the recent Legislature
of this State placed upon the statute j
books fixes the weight of a ton of coal
at 2,240 pounds. Dealers who sell less
than that number of pounds for a ton
can now be fined. This matter of the
"heft" of a ton ot coal isu't a burning
question in Butler, but amounts to some
thingwbere people buy coal and get only
2,00 Ibe. to the ton
—The Filbert Paving Co., of Pittsburg
were the lowest bidders for the paving of
Miffin St. with Brady's Ruu briok and the
contract was awarded to them at $14,606.
62. The bids for that kind of brick ran
from that sum to $15,935.00. Work is to
be begun in ten days, and in the mean
time the Water Co. will finish lowering
their pipes.
—Two hundred persons were injured by
the falling of a floor at Atlantic City, last
week, on whiob the Elks were holding
their annual convention. The accident
was caused by the giving way of a rotten
wooden pillar. Nobody from Bntler was
there, as our lodge belongs to the other
-Fifty-three thousand delegates repre
sented tbo two and a halt million members
at the great Christian Endeavor con
vention at Boston. Butler county was
represented by Misses Cochran, Brown,
Borland, and McNees and Mrs. Colbert of
Butler; Rev. Starks of North Washington,
Rev. Thompson and Miss White of Evans
City, and Miss McCollough of Fairview.
—One of the greatest places for trout in
America is up in Cameron county, about
nine miles from the Sinnemahoning. It is
a very rough country, fnil of gnats, mos
quitos und rattlesnakes, but that is to be
expected. Trout do not care for polished
society. In fact they are of a rather re
tiring nature, and shrink from the fascinat
ing stare ol the dude.
—At twenty-five, when a man is young,
he thinks he knows it all; he likes to wag
his active tongne and exercise his gall, he
struts around in noble rage—the world is
all his own; he laughs to scorn the world
ot age and lista ot self alone. He wears a
window in his eye, to see his whiskers
grow; he thinks the ladies pine and die
because they love him so. At forty' as
you may suppose, he's knuckled down to
biz: it's not till sixty that be knows how
big a chomp be is.
—Some good horse? are in training at
tbo Butler Fair Grounds. John Sb&nor,
les.se of the track has quite a string and
tome exceptionally well bred colts that
are showing speed. »Vill Weigle has eight
head in training and among them a sorrel
gnldiDg called Blond, who has a mark of
2:14±; he also has Alonzo KeC&ndle&s' stal
lion, Storm Bird 2:35, who U showing fast
this season and Dr. Leighner's stallion,
Crawford Prince, by Crawford 2:07f.
Jacoli Emt-1 of Ogle has bis stallion, Ogle
Boy 2:30 bere, and will make the starters
in the 2:30 class go ime this Fall. Ho
also has Dr. Bell'i Hal Breadeu colt.
Ramsey Byers of Meadvllle haa four or
five head and among them • mare called
Bell Muse that is considered fast enough
to go to the races. Chas Jamison is driv
ing BID Masse'h's horses Ben Butler and
a very promising 3-year-old colt called
Zanton by Bayiant. The track is in good
condition and all the horses in training
•re showing good.
Judge Greer took up the case of the
Commonwealth vs D. H. Wuller, who
pleaded nol. contendre to a charge
of illegal liquor selling at March term.
.Monday evening, heard the pleas for mercy
" made by Dan's Attorney, and suspended
' sentence till Sep't term.
K. M. Sipes. an attorney lormerly of
Butler, but lately of Pittsburg, was ar
rested and jailed on a charge of embeizle
ment last Monday. He collected $1,300
for a woman some time ago and then dis
appeared. A few days ago he returned
to the East End and was recognised and
arrested. He expressed regreat that he
hid ever returned to Pittsburg. But the
town, he said, had a fascination for him
and he could not stay away. Besides he
wanted to see the woman for *hom he
deserted his wite. He saw her, but found
her chilly; He had no money and says
this is why she treated him ooldly. He
blamed her for betraying him to the con
stable. He made several remorseful re
marks about the duplicity of women at
Alderman Toole's office,and said he would
never trust another. He seemed to have
a weight of trouble on his mind and was
trying to get it off by talking abont it.
Saturday, Aug. 3d. will be the last day
for filing accounts for next term.
Letters of administration were granted
to Kate Millhiser on estate of Frances
Millbeiser, also to Jos. Rockenstein on es
tate of Mary Beatty; also to S. R. Mc-
Laughlin on estate of Daniel McLaugh
The will of Jas. P. Christley was pro
bated, no letters; also will of F. G. K line
and letters to Amelia Kline; also will of
Win. Currie and letters to E. C. Thomp
son and G. W. Currie; also will of "Win. D.
Allen and letters to Thos. H. Allen.
Christina Simpson has petitioned for a
divorce from "Wilbert Simpson.
I. N. Meals, W. J. Morrison and John
Reed were appointed viewers to meet a;
New Hope School House in Cherry town
ship on Aug. 10th, and condemn ground
for a playground.
Jane Anderson, of Allegheny twp., was
taken to Dixmont a lew days ago.
John Barry was held for court Tuesday
on a charge of assault and battery. John
is a tramp, and that morning he kicked
Mrs. Redd, of the First ward, for not sup
plying him with a breakfast to his taste.
A crowd chased and captured him, and
John will probably work for the state.
The tax duplicates for 1895 are now
ready at the commissioner's office and
collectors are requested to call for same
so as to post their notices by Aug. Ist.
Jac. C. Brewer and Jos. R. Brewer to
Robt. T. Brewer 105 acres in Clinton each
for $350.
L. C. Wick to Annie McCollough lot in
Butler twp., for SSOO.
Tillie E. Shryock to Jos. H. Walley 6"
acres in Parker for $llOO.
O. W. Hardman to Mary M. Hardman
his interests in the Butler properties for
Chas N. Johnston to Sam'l M Satton lot
in Butler for S7OO.
WmGKrugto Jennie Graham lot in
Butler for sllsO.
W J Mates to C A Abrams lot in Butler
for SISOO.
Marriage Licenses.
John F, Alexander Butler
Annie Thompson Allegheny
C. A. Brown Wheeling, W. Ya.
C. L. Hillard Eau Clair
At Mercer, Frank Thompson and Sadie
Campbell of Butler Co.
At Indiana Pa. —John Sutton of Butler
Co. and Maggie Wolfe of Brush Valley.
—There will be bicycle races at the next
—Some new and greatly needed side
walks are being laid in Butler. Thank
—The plans for the new dormitory at
Slipperyrock will be made by architect
Foulk of New Castle.
—Twenty-one hundred and sixty-five
tickets were sold at the P. <fc W. depot
here Wednesday for the National Transit
picnic at Conneaut. Other places turned
out as well proportionately and the crowd
at the lake was a large one.
—J. M. Leighner and W. H. H. Riddle
went to Bradock today to meet Gordon
Lily and arange if possible to have him
bring Pawnee Bill's Wild West show here
during the Fair and exhibit on the race
course each day the Fair. The directors
are determined this shall be the best Fair
—Last Monday the Cleveland stockhold
ers of the First National bank of Ellwood
City sold their interests to the following
gentleman from this county: J. A. Gel
bach, P. D. Gelbach, Chris Gelbach and
H. H. Gelbach, of Zelienople; William
Campbell, J. H. Troutman, W. H. Lusk,
of Butler; Adam Dambach and Jacob Dam
bach, of Evans City. Directors Sherwin,
Dangler and Whitelaw were succeeded by
J. A. Gelbach, as president; and by W. H.
Lusk and J. H. Troutman. respectively.
Martin Reiber, eldest son of George
Reiber, the miller, was found drowned in
the Allegheny river at the foot of Moran
street, Allegheny, last Sunday night. The
body was lying between two barges near
the shore. His brothers went to tie city
Monday and secuied the body end the
funeral occurred Tuesday. He went ti
the oity Friday and visited some friends' in
Lawrenceville; then he disappeared and
was not heard of until his body was
found in the river. He was 52 years of
age. The verdict of the coroner's jury
was accidental drowning.
James Hutchison, of Mill street, had a
toe mashed at Masseth & Black's machine
shop Monday.
Dealers in new Furniture and
household goods of every description
Call and see us We can save you
Stylish sailor hats, many colors at
We display over 100 new and
pretty pattern hats and bonnets at
I offer my services to invest money
for persons having it to loan, in first
mortgage on improved property in
Pittsburg and Allegheny. All fees
paid by the borrowers. No charge
whatever to the persons loaning the
money. Usual rate of interest six
per cent, well secured.
May 20, 1895, Attorney at Law,
98 Diamond St, Pittsburg, Pa.
Plain and fancy Black Dress Goods
in all qualities at bargain prices at
Are vou going to Niagara Falls, To
ronto or the Thousand Island this sum
mer? Of course you want to, so go with
E. H. Norris' third annual excursion to
above points. Thursday, August Bth, via
P. S. &. L. E. and Nickel Plate R'ys.
Take in the Buffalo races, too, August
New Percales, Ducks, Court Royal
I'ique, Seersuckers, Ginghams and
all kinds of wash goods at
Are you going to the Buffalo races?
If so, take advantage of E. H. Norris'
third annual excursion to Niagara Falls,
Toronto and the Thousand Islands,
Thursday, August Sth, via P. S. & L. E.
and Nickel Plate R'ys.
The people are using Armstrongs
Little System Pills We are giving
them away. See ad in another col
umn. They are fine
School hats at PAPE'S.
Czarina jast new at PAP
Abraham Flowers of Connoquenessing
1 twp. has purchased the Weckbecker foun
dry in Harmony, and expects to move to
that town in October.
Prof. Davis is building on E. Cunning
ham St.
Will McJunkln and wife ot Chicago are
visiting his parents here.
Charley Spang is improving in health.
During his late sickness he lost seventy
pounds going Irom 208 to 138.
Rev. Davis is the youngest theologian in
town. He has not voted yet, but will next
time. He started here three years ago
with 33 members, and now has nearly 300
and a good building.
Elizabeth Kepple of Chicora and W. J.
Crouch of Butler have been granted pen
Chas. Hoffman and his niece, Emma
Klingensmith are visiting friends in Read
Rev. Roth and wife are visiting old
friends m Nova Scotia.
Thos. H. Allen and John M. Shira of
Parker twp. were in town on business,
Harlan Book came to Butler Saturday
and had 18 teeth pulled at one sitting.
Harlan has nerve.
Will Findley and Samuel Leslie are at
tending U. S. Court at Erie, this week, as
County Commissioner. Richard Kelly is
lying sick at his sister's home on W. Pearl.
Dr. J. C. Caldwell of this cccnty a re
cent graduate of the Medical Department
of the Western University of Pittsbarg,
has just received notice of his having pass
ed the State Medical Council of Pennsyl
vania. He thinks he will practioe med
icine in Pennsylvania.
John Bippus is improving rapidly. He
visited his father In Oakland twp.. last
R. T. Yoang of the Ist Ward has a
photoeraph containing the picture, ot his
mother, his sister, sister's daughter and
her daughter's son,four generations on one
card. His mother is the widow of Henry
Young; his sister is married to Wm.
Westlake, and her daughter to Dr. L. E.
Martin Stewart is building a home on
Sumner Ave. S. S.; William Hays on
Fairview Ave.; and Stanley Brown
Samuel Faulk and Mrs Bowen on Walker
George Limberg left for the City on
Monday morning after spending his vaca
tion, of two weeks, at home. Miss Emma
Limberg. who is learning nursing at Al
legheny General Hospital, will come home
on Saturday to spend her vacation of ten
Maj. F. C. Negley of Pittsburg visited his
old friends in Butler, this week.
Cora Daugberty ot Washington Pa., is
the guest ot Mrs. R. P. Scott.
Rev. E. M. Wood will preach in the
Methodist Church next Sunday morning
on, "The Three Forces; the head, the
heart and the hand."
Co. Commissioner Kellv is lying sick,
with pneumonia at the home of his sister
Mrs Maxwell on W. Penn st.
Esq. Sutton of Peachville attended the
funeral of Mrs Thorn, this morning.
Rep. Raymond of Erie is in town on
Dr. Thomas of Fairview, and H. N.
Snyder of Kittanning visited friends in
Butler, yesterday.
Judge Wallace of New Castle is a
candidate for the Superior bench.
Rev. Coulter presided at the funeral of
Dr. Crawford, of Emlen ton, vesterday, and
was carried from the house to his buggy.
He was assisted by Rev's Crawford and
Elder, and two others who's names we
did not catch.
J. David McJunkin, J. C. Kiskadden
and W. C. Negley represented Butler at
the luneral of Dr. Crawford. They drove
from Foxburg to Emlen ton; the road rises
over the riyer hills, and the view at one
point ot the Clarion valley on the one hand
and the Allegneny on the other is very
S. N. Russell of Concord twp. visited
friends in Butler, yesterday.
Miss Niece of Sandy Lake was the guest
of her sister, Mrs J. N. Patterson this
E. S. Barrickraan of Butler and Jno. W*
Hutchison of Sonora have been granted
Anthony Wise, a son of Lenard Wise Sr,
deceased, the old bricklayer who owned
what is now the Butler House, is vi iting
his mother, sisters and other friends here.
Anthony was in the army and settled in
Pittsburg after the war.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paving 15c for butter;
15 for egg?; 75 to 90 for new potatoes;
80 tor peas; 1.00 for new beans; 2c a lb
for new cabbage; 30c a doz. for new beets,
10 for blackberries and SI.OO per bu. for
Positively Your Last Opportun
So great is the demand for their
services, the peerless painless ex
tractors of teeth can not get through
in Butler this week. Many beg them
to remain another week and con
trary to their custom, they will be
at the Lowry House till Friday,
July 26. Unless you are anxious
to prolong your suffering and make
others miserable, and unlesß you
wish to suffer to the fullest extent
possible in gettine rid of your bad
teeth, you will take advantage of
this which is positively your last op
Latest in trimmed and untrlmmed
hats flowers, feathers, ribbons and
novelties at PAPE'S.
Ipr ? For pure spring water ice—
IU L) Leave your orders it
Richey's Bakery
Daily Delivery.
1000 untrimmed hats,spendid shap
68 at PAPES.
—Dob work of all kind done at the
Beautiful pattern hats at P APE'S.
Great bargains in Lace Curtains,
Laces and Embroideries at
L. Stein & Son's.
Always use J. A. Richey's Cough
Drops. They are the best.
The finest line of Mourning hats
and bonnets in Butler at PAPE'S.
Storm Serges and French Serges,
llenrittias, Novelty Dress Goods and
Fancy Slks in greatest variety and
at lowest prices at.
We sell Table Linens, Napkin*
Towels, Crashes and all kinds of
white goods at very low prices at
Niagara Falls, Toronto and the Thous
and Island, E. H. Norris' third annual
excursion via the P. S. & L. E. and
Nickel Plate R'ys, Thursday, August Bth.
Lowest Rates, quick time and first
class accommodations, E. H. Norris'
third annual excursion to Niagara Falls,
Toronto and the Thousand Islands,
Thursday, August Bth, via P. S. & L. E.
and Nickel Plate R'ys.
A thorough education at the
least cost at Franklin college, New
Athens. O. Board, tuition, room and
books, $3.00 per week. Catalogue
—You pay for school-books; bat
the best school-book for your children
is your daily paper. Well printed,
carefully and intelligently edited, of
instructive contents, first and fullest
with the news and best in presenting
j it, the Pittsburg Dispatch fills the
Oil Nstes.
The Standard is paying $1.50 today.
Buffalo—Phillips is drilling a test well
near Monroe Station. He has 25 strings
of tools going in the county.
Brownsdale —Stage Jt Leidecker have a
good well on the Hartung. west of the
Nancy Adams. Campbell 4 Fulton will
drill on the Schilling adjoining the Har
tung. Thompson A Co. are drilling on the
William Donthett, north of Brownsdale.
Butler—Drilling at the well on the Walter
lot was discontinued at 1462 feet, They
found no regular formation after the 100-
foot, ot which they had 92 feet. The rock
pressure from the gas sand is about 200
and the gas will be piped. Drilling at the
well on the Bredin place, across the creek
from the Fair grounds has also been dis
continued, and the gas will be utilized.
Boydstown—Eight wells that would
decide the fate ot the Boydstown and
Oakland twp., field were expected in this
week, but we have heard of but two being
completed—the Montgomery is in and is
looking dry, and the Hoon well is finished
and showing big. A new rig is up on the
Hoon, and another on the Susan Beattyj
The Beatty farm well is doing about 15
Sunbury—Heydrick 4 Co's. well on the
Russell will be completed next week.
It was reported from Siatersville last
week that the Kanawha Oil Company at
20 feet in the sand on the Anthony Smith
farm, located one mile southwest of the
Carter Oil Company's well on Sanoho
Creek, had developed a gas pressure that
was eqnal to that of the Big Moses on In
dian creek.
Collins 4 Heasley have finished their
No. 7 Kittman, south of Cooperstown, and
have a 50 barrel pumper; 8 and 9 are drill
ing. and rigs are up for 10 and 11.
Peachville—The Durkin well on the
Kepple came in W ednesday and is good
for 7 or 8 barrels.
The Postoffice Contest.
Although Postmaster Kelly's term does
not expire until next June, two of the ap
plicants for the office—C. M. Heineman
and John W. Brown—have already se
cured numerous signatures to their appli
cations. W. R. Eastman is also an ap
plicant, and some others are considering
the matter.
Sure Cure for Hydrophobia.
Franklin I'yer, a highly respected.and
intelligent farmer of Galena, Kent county,
Md., gives the following cure for the bite
of a mad dog:
Elecampane is a plant well known to
most persons, and it is to be found in
many of our gardens. Immediately after
being bitten take one and a half ounces of
the root of the plant—the green root is
perhaps preferable, but the dried will an
swer and may be found in our drsg stores,
and was used bv me. Slioe or braise, put
into a pint of fresh milk, boil down to a
half pint, strain, and when cold drink it,
fasting at least six hours afterward. The
next morning repeat the dose, fasting.
Use two ounces of the root on the third
morning; take another dose prepared as
last and that will be sufficient. It is re
commended that after each dose nothing
be eaten for at least six hours. I have a
son who was bitten by a mad dog eighteen
years ago, and four other children in the
neighborhood were also bitten. They
took the above dose and are alive and
well to this day. And I have known a
number of others who bitten and ap
plied the same remedy. It is supposed
that the root contains "a prinoiple which
being taken up by the blood in its circu
lation counteracts or neutralizes the dead
ly effects of the virus of hydrophobia.
Look at Your Vines.
The roots of melons, cucumbers and
tquash should now be examined, as the
leaves and vines are too strong for the yel
low winged insect to do any harm to them,
but they will attack the stem close to the
ground, depositing their eggs there and in
a short space of time these will hatch out
white grubs, which will work into the
roots and destroy the vines.
This can be prevented by getting some
tobacco dust, which only costs 5 cents per
pound at any regular seed store. Go over
your vines and take away a small portion
of the soil from the vine, dust some of the
tobacco arouDd the stem and througn the
vines and you will save your crop. To
bacco dust will not injure the foliage or
roots of plants and is considered a good
A Teacher Wanted.
The Professorship of the Prospect
Normal and Classical Acadamy is vacant,
and the Trustees we desirous of securing
the serv ices of some good instructor to
take charge of this well known institu
tion. The fall term will begin in Sep
Pres. of Board of Trustees.
See our line or New Spring Cape*
—the aseortmeut is large and the
t-tyles and prices are right
Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 ueutafor haif-a-doieu,
tor s»te at CITXZKN office.
—Take yonr children to Znver'4
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
j on. Poetoffice baildiog.
Fine and heavy all wool Serge 45
inches wide, all colors at 50 cents a
yard—a big bargain—at
See our line of Kaiki Silks, Pon
gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silks for
wasits from 35 cents a yard up
L. Stein & Son.
Come and sek the Czarina rings at
Expert Workmen.
Are required to make good clotliiue.
We handle only the best grades—made
by manufacturers employing skilled la
bor—no ' 'sweat-shop' goods and no "sec
onds' ' ever come into our store.
Cutting the cloth, and likewise the
prices, to suit the customer, is a way we
have. Our competitors may not like it,
but as long as our patrons do we are sat
An expert cutter—the best in the land
—can fit you no better than we can.
Give 'em fits; that's what we do to our
customers. We have a cutting way, but
somehow it don't hurt our patrons' feel
ings as they like both the cut of our
cloth and the cut of our prices.
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Shippers and dealers in
Rough aod ureased Lumberjof all
kinds', Doors and Windows, and
Mouldings oi ull kinds.
H. E. itiuK, Manager
Office and Yards,
E«ftt Cunnitiirhan) »■<! Monro* ulrecU.
•. A » '• .
. Biwo.
• '*ul *>UU<W't tut »a>«rU(Ulg M luTM
The Union Water Co, of Bearer Falls
hu filed another injunction restraining
the borough from proceeding with the
net* water works. An old act of 185]
has been raked up which specifies that
boroughs shall not own property that
nets them an annuity of more tban $3,000.
The water works, they claim will net
the borough at least $5,000 per annum.
Dr. T. J. Henry, one of the leading
physicians of Apollo, on going to visit
some patients on the Westmoreland side
of the river last Wednesday, took his wife
and their son, aged two years, in the
buggy as far as Panlton station, Mrs.
Henry intending to pay a visit to her
father, R. S. Cochran, who lives on the
east side of Beaver run near the river. To
shorten the distance the attempted to
cross the West Penn railroad bridge at
that point. She was ran down by a west
bound freight and both mother and ohild
were horribly mangled and instantly
killed. Mrs. Henry was a member of an
old, and respected family. She was aboat
34 years old, and leaves two hoys aged
seven and nine years.
A doxen of the Alleghany mail car
riers,two dozen in Pittsburg,and from 75 to
100 in Philadelphia have been suspended
for drinking and loitering while on dnty-
James G. Stewart, of South Buffalo twp.
Armstrong Co., killed a copperhead last
week that was almost three teet and a
half long and as thick as his arm, He
says that be has killed from one to two on
that place nearly every year since he
moved there. It is the old Jake Mech
ling farm and it is supposed they came
up from the creek which lies just below.
The wife of Hugh Rankin of Pittsburg
gave birth to foar babies last Satnrday
evening three boys and one girl. Two of
the boys; died, but the other two are
doing well. They weigh about 5 pounds
On Wednesday afternoon of last week,
Mrs Lena Roesener of Tarentum hanged
herself to a hinge of a closet after hanging
her three.year-old daughter to a bed post,
and having strangled, as she thought
successfully, ber 7-months old babe.
For 10 years the wife snffered from
kidney trouble, the pain driving her
almost wild at times. She often told her
husband that she would end her unhappy
life. Tet their married life wasoongenial.
Reduced Ratez to the Seashore. Extremely
Lotc-Rate Excursions ria Pennsylvania
Every one, old and young needs rest
and recreation at some time daring the
heated Summer term, and where can it be
obtained better than at the seashore!
No other place can compare with
Southern New Jersey in seaside resorts,
either in point ot number or of excellence
Atlantic City is the most popular resort in
America, and Cape May, Sea Isle City,
Ocean City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wildwood.
and Holly Beach do not fall far short of
Atlantic City's high standard.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
whose object always is to give its patrons
the cheapest rates compatible with good
service, has arranged for a series of ex
cursions to the seashore, similar to those
which were so popular last season. The
excursions will leave Pittsburg July 18,
and August 1, 15, and 29, and the rates
will be aa stated below.
The tioketa will permit of a stay of
nearly two weeks, and a choice of either
of the seashore points named above will
be allowed. A special train of parlor
ears and day coachea will leave Pittaburg
on each of the above-mentioned dates at
8.50 A. M., and the time from other
stations will be as follows: —
Rate. Train
Pittaburg $lO 00 8.50 a. m.
Butler 10 00 6.25 "
Altoona stop for dinner 800 12.45 p. m.
Philadelphia...Arrive .... 6.46 "
A apeoial train will leave Market Street
Wharf at 7.30 F. M., July 18, August 1 and
15 for Atlantic City, arriving at Atlantic
City about 9.00 A. M., making the run
from Pittsburg to the seashore in twelve
hours. Arrangements have been made
for transfer of passengers from Br oat 1
Street Station to Market Streel Wharf on
arrival ol speoial train, or passengers can
spend the night in the city and proceed to
the shore by any regular train of the
following day.
For further information apply to tiuket
agents, or to Mr. Thomas E Watt, Dis
trict Passenger Ageut, Pittsburg.
Buffalo races, Niagara Falls, Toronto
and the Thousand Islands. E. H. Nor
ris' third annual excursion, Thursday,
August Bth, via P. S. & L. E. and Nickel
Plate R'ys.
—Zurer's Pictures leave nothing
t anting in finish, tone or a correct
Job work done here. Subscribe
for the CITIZEN.
Largest assortment of new Silks
and Dress Goods at lowest prices
ever known at
L. Stein A Son's.
E. H. Norris' third annual excursion
to Niagara Falls, Toronto and the Thous
and Islands via the P. S. & L. E. and
Nickel Plate R'ys, will take place Thurs
day, August Bth.
Come and see stylish bats and bon
nets at PAPX'S.
We Want
Your Trade
and to get it, will gire
you the Best quality of goods at the
Lowest Prices.
As an additional inducement
we offer you a special discoant in
the shape of our grand premium
books, we give you your own selec
tion when yonr purchases amount to
the sum named in the attached tick
et. We can afford to do this, because
we want to Bhow yon the benefit of
our new system, and extend to you
advantages that will make you our
permanent customer.
Our Stock is Fresh and New.
Visit us early and bring your
Family and Friends - All are enti
tled to this new and special adran
tage, and we want you specialy to
see our splendid lot of
Fine Pictorial Books,
by the world's famous authors and
great artists—books that we are fir
ing away to make every home happy
Beautiful books, best goods, and bed
roek prices.
ONE ST. H. Burton
PRICE. # Furnisher
120 S Main St.
£/3 All Wool Pants to order.. $ 3.00.
CH All Wool Suits to order... 15 oc,) ;>
iZ Duck Alpaca &c., suits... 8.50
*+ Bycicle Suits to order... 9-<» >
Bloomers Knee pants 3-°°| Zj.
OH Mackintoshes to order.... 5-5°
£5 Boys Suits to order 4 5«
ttD ressSuitsand Fine ; 5
DH A Specialty. W
W' _— TJ
jg Give us a Call. ++++ >
co * , TJ
H Tailoring Co., >
2 Diamond Street, North! 2
I A Side Court House, But-!
£ 1 ler > Pa jo
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters tes
tamentary on the estate of W. D. Allen
late of Parker township, Butler county,
Pa , deceased, have been granted to Thom
as H. Allen, and all persons indebted to
said Estate are requested to make prompt
payment, and those having claims against
the same, to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
Executor of W. D. Allen deed.,
Glenora, Butler county, Pa.
S. F. Bowser, Atty.
Role to Appear and Plead.
Harvey H. Boyd ) In the Court of
vs ' Common Pleas, of
Lewis LoweryGlenn ) Butler Co. A. D.
No 59, June Term 1895 B. 16. Page 70.
Order ot court acd rule to appear and
plead. Now June 22ad 1895; motion of
&. H. Piesol, Att'y, for Plaintiff, Harvey
H. Boyd, for rule, and defendant Lewis
Lowery Glenn to appear and plead, filed.
The above action being brought to en
force the Specific performance of the
agreement of the vendee, as appears by
the record, and the Sheriffs return shows
that there is no person residing on land
bounded and described in the writ as fol
lows: Being one lot of land on the north
weßt corner of Forest Ave., in Springdale
and bounded 38 leet by Centre Avo, 144
feet and 9 inches by Forest Ave; 73J feet
bv an alley, and 144 feet 9 inches by lot
No. and being lot No. 571 in Wm.
S. Boyds plan ol lots in Springdale, being
the same lot of land that Harvey H. Boyd
sold to the said Lewis Lowrv Glenn, by
agreement dated April 9th, 1891, and that
the defendant cannot be found in the coun
ty the plaintiff by his Atty S. H. Piersol
asks the court to grant a rule oc the de
fendant to appear and plead. Now June
22, 1895 It appearing that the above act
ion of ejectment is brought to enforce the
specific performance of the agreement
against the vendee and that there is no
person residing upon the land described
intbe writ, and that the vendee cannot be
found by the Sheriff of the.county,the court
grants 1 rule on the defendant, describing
the premises to appear and plead, return
able to next term. By the Court.
June 22, 1895. Rule on defendant lo ap
pear and plead returnable to next term.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of Rev. Samuel Williams, dee'd, late of
Brady twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment and any having claims against said
estate will present them, properly au
thenticated for settlement to
Williams and Mitchell, Attorneys.
Dissolution Notice.
All parties interested will take notice
that the co-partnership of John Berg <t Co.
Bankers, of Butler, Pa., composed of John
Berg, Henry Berg and Louis Berg, has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent,
Louis Berg withdrawing from the firm.
The business will be continued at the same
place by John Berg and Henry Berg,doing
business as John Berg <fc Co.
„ Louis BBRO.
Butler, Pa., July 1, 1895.
Dissolution Notice,
The partmership heretofore existing be
tween M. 0. Balsiger and S. B. feadger,
general merchandise, under the firm name
Balsiger & Badger, located at Troutman,
in Coneord twp. Bntler Co. Pa. (Magic
P. 0.) was dissolved by mutual consent on
Thursday May 16 1895.
The accounts of the old firm will be set
♦led at the store.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of
Amaiiah Kelly, dee'd, late of Worth twp.,
Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please settle their accounts immediately
and any having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
L. 0. KELLY, Ex'r,
A M. CORNELIUS, Jacksville.
Att'y. Butler Co , Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Letters tesUmeniary on the estate of
VPillisni Dootbett, d«C'd. late of Forward
twp. Butler Co. Pa, having been granted
ihe undersigned ail persons knowing tuem
selves indebted to said ESTATJ will plea-e
make immediate payment, and any bav
I:g claims agiinst said estate wil 1 present
tteui di ly authenticated for settlement IN:
Princeton, Lawrence Co., Pa.
Execu'.ors' Notice.
Lette.-* testimentary on the estate of
Campbell Bartley, dee'd. late of Clinto-i
twp. ha»iug been granted to the uuder
signed, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment, and any having olaims
sgsinst said estate will present them duly
authenticated for ssttlement to:
Glade Mill.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Andrew J. Bvans. dee'd, late of Forward
twp., Butler Co., Pa , having been granted
to the undersigned; all persons knowing
"hemselves indebted lo said estate wil.
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will pre
•ent them properly- authenticated for set
tlement to
WM. M. BROWN, Adm'r.
Brownrdale, P. 0.
A. B. C. MsFARLANU, Att'j. Pa.
Administrator's Notice-
Letters of administration with the will
annexed, on the estate of John Toung,late
of Winfield twp., Butler county, Pa., hav
ing been issued by the Register of said
county, to me—all persons therefore know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are
requested to make speedy payment, and
all persons having claims against said es
tate will please present them properly au
thenticated for settlement to
Of John Young, dee'd,
Carbon Black, P. O.
Attj's for Estate.
Administrators' Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate
of John W. McJunkin, d6c'd, late of Clay
twp., Butler county, Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned; all persons
mowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against vaid estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
John K- McJunkin > Ad .
Anna McJunkin, S
Euclid, P. O.
Ira McJunkin, Att'y. Butler Co., Pa.
■ i UUJ lldwOiS
*e blwa««srtVM wipwm
; niiifmin)
Young Ladies TKrtS?*
A Suggestion.
Di«l it ever occur to yoa t&at mere are
drag* »ud di —that drugs are like every
thing else—there are /nod. bad and indif
ferent. There is noting > ! o which is
positively bad if it is'nt just ot tu« Last.
Our policy has always been to have noth
ing but the best.
When you want drugs come to as and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or your prescription calls
for. It may not always be drugs von want
either. We always have on hans a fall
line of siok room requisites.
C. Iff. BOYD,
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
Western Pennsylvania Division.
Schedule in Effect May 20, 1593.
Sooth, —J'—Week Days —.
A. M. K. M. A. U. P. M. I'. M
BUTLER Leave 6 soo 11 25 2 « 506
Saxonburg Arrive 654 825 ilia 311 52s
Butler Jc't . " 727 848 12 12 3-10 553
Butler Jet. .Leave 730 848 is 17 340 553
Natrona . .. Arrive 7as 85S 1226 350 602
Tarentum 7is #O3 12 31 357 607
Sprlngd&le 752 012 12 44 407
Claremont 807 925 12 59 421 627
Sharpsburg 815 931 107 428 632
Allegheny City 828 944 124 440 645
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. U.
BCSDAY TRAINS Leave Butler for Alle
gheny City ami principal Intermediate stations
7:40 A. M„ 2:JO and S:oo P. M.
North. Week Days—
Allegheny City . Lv. #SS 9 00' li 25' 315 610
Sharpeburg 708 913 11 3u
Claremont 919 1146
Springdale »30 11 59 .... 638
Tarentum 752 939 12 08 3si 64S
Natrona 737 943 12 13 355 653
ButierJc't Ar 745 990 12 23 401 'OS
Butler Jc't Lv 7 4.5 9SO 12 34 415 702
Saxonburg 810 10 15 1259 4io 725
BrTLSR Ar. 835 10 38 125 .1 06 750
A. M. A. H. P. M, P. M. P. M.
SUNDAY TRAINS—Leave Allegheny City for
Butler and principal Intermediate stations 730
A. M.. 1238 and 7;lo P. M.
Week Days For the East Week Days,
p. m. a. m. a. m. p. m.
245 625 Lv BUTLER. .. Ar 10 38 125
340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 3 *
404 745 Lv Butler Jo't Ar 940 12 31
410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30
415 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 931 12 24
426 804 " Leechburg.. " 920 12 li
446 821 "Paulton( Apollo" 905 11 5
514 851 " Saltsburg...." 837 11 32
550 922 " Blairsville..." 805 11 00
600 930 "Blairsville Ins'n''" 45 10 15
850 11 35 " Altoona "3 40 800
100 310 " Barrisburg..."ll 55 310
430 623 " Philadelphia." 850 11 20
а. m. p. m. p. in. p. m.
Through trains for the east leave Pitts
burg (Union Station) as To'lows:—
Atlantic Express, daily. .v. .3 10 A. M.
Pennsylvania Limited " 715 "
Day Express, " 730 "
Main Line Epress " 800 "
Philadelphia Express " 430 P. M.
Eastern Express " 700 "
Fast Line •' 810 "
For detailed information, address Thos.
S. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western Distriot, 110
Fi|th Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
General Manager. JGen'l Passr, Agent.
P. & W. R. R.
Schedule in enact May 12, 1890. (Butler time)
The short Line to Pittsburg.
б.25 a m Allegheny Ei 5.25 am, Allegheny Ac
8.15 a m All"y * Akron 10.00 a m.AI £ N Castle
10.05 am Allegheny Ac 12.20 p m, AlleßhenyKi
2.55pm Allegheny Ex 5.06 pm. Allegheny Kx
3.50 p m Chicago Ex. 730 p m.All'y & Akron
6.05 p m Airy 4 Ell. Kx s.oo p m, Allegheny Ex
lu 05 a m Kf ue A Brad, i l O6 a m. Foxburg Ac
5.15 p m Clarion Ac |».50 am, Clartjn Ac
7.35 p m Foxburg [5.20 pm, Kane Mail
8.15 am. lie Forest Ac 1 io»o a m,A>'. n giienv Ac
114' a m. Allegtien\ EM Oft p m, Allegheny Ex
350p m. Chicago Ex I .05 pm, Allegheny Ex
' .05 pm, Allegheny Ac 7.30 pm, DeForest Ac
Train arriving at at 5.05 p m leaves ii « O de
pot, Pltmbuig. at 3 :15 o'clock.
Buller and lireetivillti (JoAOb will leave Alle
gheny at 3r2-J p. in. da'ly except Sun lay. Con
necting at U'illowgrove, arriving at Butler al
fullm-in Buffet Sleeping Cars and tlrst-cUns
Day Coaches run through between Butler auJ
Chicago daily.
Kt>r through tickets to points in tlw West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CROUCH. Agent
Trains leave tbe B. & O. depot In Pl6tb'4fg
for i he Kust as follows.
For Washington D C., Baltimore. Philadel
phia. a».l New York. 7:30 and 9:20 p. til.
CimiberUDd. t>:4o. 7 :30. a.m. 1 :10. 9:20 p. m. Cun
aelsvllle. «:40, 7:30. a. m. 1.10. 4.30. 4.45, 5.30,9.20
p.m. Uniontown. 7.20 a. ra . 1 la. 4.30 . 3.30 p. m.
(Julontown, Morgantowu and Fairmont. 7,30, a,
in. and 5,30 p. m. Mt.Heauant 0.40, 7. 3o a. m.
1 10 and 4.30 pm. Washington. Pa., 7.40 and
<* 30 a. m., 4.00,4.46 and 9.00,11 55 p. m. Wheel
ing. 7.40. and 9.30 a. m.. and 11.55 p,
m Cincinnati, St, Louis. Columbus and New
ark. 7.40 a. m.. 9.10, 11.55 p, m.
For Chicago. 2.40 and 9.30 p. m.
Parlor and Bleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington, Cincinnati and Chicago.
P, S. & L. E. R. R.
Takes effect Monday. Deo. 311894.
Train* are run by Standard Central Time (90th
Meridian.) One hour slower than City Time,
(ioixo Nobth. Goiko South
10 14 |l2 STATIONS 9"11 TJ
p.m m.lp.m. Arr Lv'e!a.m.'a.m. p.mo
....' 4 56 2 30 Buffalo B 35 IS la
.... 3 261 loc Dunkirk ....1 j7oo 13
I [Vin.
; 00 1'42 10 W) ...... Erie 6 10 8 35 3 35
K ti 1 091 9 26 Wallace Junct. 6 47 9 15 4 12
6 20 1 04| 9 15 Glrard 6 50i 9 14 4 15
09 12 54 9 00 .... Lock port.... 7 «0 t 9 29 4 26
s O2 12 4»l 856 .Cranesvllle. .-I T 08| 938 43<
54r 110 22 ar.COnneaut lv.i l 7 401 310
510 [740 1V ar| |lo 22| 643
05f IS 4t| 8 48 ar.. .A1bi0n.....1v 7 11 #4114 37
543 IS S3 l 831 . Hhadeland . 728 953 451
5 40112 301 8 '2B ... sprtngboro... 7 27 9 s«j 4 55
5 1?(12 34: 8 Jo!..ConneautvUle.. 73410 03 503
50# 12 <*! 8 00|... Mea'vle Jet... 800 10 Js| 5U5
4 st|." I 7 30|lv .ConntEake . .... 10 ill 449
7 18 8 10 ar ar 8 10 10 30 5 3 0
4 36 7 55 lv..Mea4vllle..lv 9 46 4 2 0
7 40 8 36 ar ar 8 3« II 28 6 1
Xo2ll SI 7 4i . . Hart*town.... ( No 110 39 5Si
....ill 38 38 Osgood j 'lO 54 583
6 25 !il 30 7 1 )i.„.Greenville... ! 6 30: ii ot, 606
Clßll 2 706 ....Shenaneo.... 640 11 20l 620
60010 59 645 ~.. Kredonla.. . 70311 44 631
5 44 10 43 6 25 Mercer 722 is 04 7 00
5 30 10 29 6 10 Pardoe 7 3« 12 22 i 7 14
81910 20 600 ....Grove City... 7 47 12 33 ® 7 25
506 10 08 548 ... Harrlsvllle 758 12 45, 736
1 6Sj'.Q 00. 8 4... Branch 10U. ...1 8 06 '2 54. 7 45
5 00 1 ! 8 101 lv Branchton art 7 10 12 101
6 43| j 8 56,ar..-Billiard...lvi 626 11 15]
4 531 9KA s 3511 v.. .KelSters .... 81012 58 7 «
4 39| 9 42] 5 211 Kuclld 8 22 1 12 8 03
4 10| 9 15] » 501 Butler 8 50 1 42 8 32
, 20|~7 20 'Allegheny. PfiWill 00 1 3 501
| 151.m 1 ! Plttt»borg.B&Q. lp. mip.ml..
J. T. BLAIK, General Manager. Greenville, pa
W.G. SARGEANT, G. P. A.. Meadvllle. Pa
/ Goods are in demand now i- V
b order to get the beet of old So r
£ We provide everything need-
fal in order to be cool and com- r
\ fortable. r
V Hats and Furnishings for /
i Men Boys and Children are \
N onr specialties and we only ask /
f an inspeetion of our goods. 1
C We know they are Batisfac- s
r tory. #
Colbert & Dale.
OUR NEW HAS ARRIVED ' and we wll
be pleased to show you what we
_ • have.
111 I 1| y Vou can buy a good, servicable
* —business suit for sj.oo, but our
I L j line at $6.00, $7.50, sp.oo and
V/l vr 1111 l M. SIO.OO are marvels of beauty and
excellence, better than ever sold
(for the price) in the history of the clothing trade.
Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised NO
TROL BLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We
have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Pant a- , -g . .
loons and Overalls. If you have J L L
worn them, you need no further ISD
comment from us. if not ask \ 'I ~
see them as they are the bes VJ. M dl Idl 1 1
cheap pant? in the world. BUTLER, PA.
Here's A Stunner! 4-
Our annual July Clearing Sale of Men's, Boys' and Childrens' Cloth
ing. Hats and Furnishing goods, at prices never to be li ml
of again.
l>T7\[TJ , AfT>l7 , O we Lead while others Follow. It
ways been our aim to give you as goo if
not a better quality of goods for your money than y< 1:1
find elsewhere. We invite you all to come and examine "Jiis
enormous stock of ours and see that we do just as we adver
tise. Our stock of Light-weight Clothing must be sold, and
will go regardless of cost. Our line of Straw Hats must be
closed out entirely, and they too will go regardless of cost.
Conservative buyers will find it to their interest to call and
see us. We will save you money.
Don't Forget the Place.
Schtatil fi Nast,
Leading Clothiers, 137 S- Main St., Butler, Pa*
Schneideman's Old Stand.
Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Pa.
nnXT'T FOP? rj-TPT That the s 2 °° Pon >' contest is
1 1 VIIULI open to all. Every'purchaser 110
matter what he buys has a chance to get this
Which is daily exhibited in our show window, by guessing Nearest to
the number of beans in the jar. Everybody welcome in cur store to
see the pony, and to have everything explained to them.
in the house at COST.
104 S.Main St.» - Rutler, Pa.
Schneideman's Old Stand.
This week you can buy a solid Cher
ry Bed=room suit marked SBS.
F ° r $42.50.
Any $55., S6O. or $65. Palror Suit
F ° r SSO.
A Writing Desk ford? _
er Price $9.50. *5"
Side=Boards at d? ~ ~ Harked
s6 s .°°. <P37«°°
Theodore Swain.
Chimnoys, Grate and Boiler Betting.
Cistern Building and eewer
Work'a Specialty
Every Woman
Sometimes needs a reli
mms \ a>L>^a Rionthly regulating
® medicine.
Are prompt, **f# and certain In nanlt. The ■«»
ln«il>r. Veal'stnever disappoint. SentUkJ■ IIM
•LOO. i*«ai Alalicuu) Co.. Uetrlaod. 0>
—For Sale by Crystal Pharmacy.