Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 18, 1895, Image 1

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Mid-Summer Clearance^
All Spring and Summer Goods at your own Price. The follow
ing are a few of the Bargains we are oflering:
Ladies' Oxfoids at 50c.... worth 75
Ladies' Oxfords at 75c worth .... $1.25
Misses Oxfords at 65c.. . .worth i.oo
Children's Oxfords at 50c .... worth 75
Children's Shoes at 50c .... worth 75
Ladies' Fine Pat. Tip shoes at .. . .90c.... worth.... i .25
Tan Goods flustGo
One-third ofi, and in many cases one-half off on all Russet and
Tan colored goods. Must be seen to be appreciated. We have a
large stock, but dont wait too long.
Men's Fine low cut shoes in Kangaroo, Cordova:i and Yici
Kid at $1.25 former price $2. and $3.
Men's Fine Dress shoes in Black or Tan at $1.75; former
price $250.
Men's Heavy Shoes at 85c; former price $125
Boys' Fine Dress Shoes at $1.25; former price si-75»
He ny i; the spending of ones money judiously. Economise by
attending this sale.
A. Ruff & Son.,
114 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
X. B.— We close at 6 P. M. every evening; Saturday's excepted,
during July and August.
M. F. & M, MARKS.
113 to 11? 8. Main St.
W. F. Hartzell. Frank Kemper.
The Adriance Rinder
i. *— l "
Is the lightest draft, the simplest constructed, the easiest operated, and
the most durable of any binder on the market. It will not upset on
the steepest hills, It will cut where all others foil. It will handle as
long or as short grain as any other binder. It will do better work in
tangled grain than any binder in use. This binder is sold on its merits.
If it fails to do as above mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. All
machines and vehicles sold bv us are guaranteed to be as represented.
Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to the separator, can be got
from us. Vehicles in various styles and prices. Harness for all kinds
of use. Fly nets and Covers, Dusters, Robes, Blankets, Whips, &c.
In short, anything belonging to a team outfft is kept by us. The best
wagon 011 the market is sold by us. We guarantee it superior to any
thing sold in this county. Call and see us
P STORED POWER FuniUhed by the "Piano" Fly Wbeel, Is the greatest
XmUiUUmIUU Improvement ever made In Self-Binding Harvesters...
e» ww " D » * •**
' °* D '^
Vlip \M ■ |V"P" ■ Gives it steady motion in taneled grain, and on rough, uneven
■Mr ► I W Mf Hpp I ground; causes it to run lightlv over soft places, makes it run
■ ■■" ■ ■ WWII lakaa o ne horse lighter draft and bind a bundle after the team stops.
More Jones Steel Headers Sold in '94 than all others combined.
__ .Vo? should see the JONES /*l| n| |U UAUfCR before you buy. Simplest, longest lived
ftßa lightest draft mower in the v)ll Mlll /flv/ilLI\ world. Neverout of repair. Nogearsto
Wear out, no friction, no noise, nothing to make the farmer "cuss." Chain Power runs the great
Ferris wheel. This proves its strength. Bicycles are Chain Drive. Why? Light draft!
The Piano Mfg, Co., M«n«n»cturer». West Pullman, Chicago, 111.
PLANO MF'G., CO., — GenTS: I saw one of your Jones Lever Binders
with fly wheel, work in green rye, May 30th., 1895; and must say I have
user! other Binders myself, and have seen many different kinds of Binders
work, but never saw any machine do nicer work in ripe grain, than this one
did in green rye. The thermometer stood 90 degrees 111 the shade, and two
horses took it nicely. The fly wheel, Ido think, is a grand thing; giving
you a storage power that you do not get on any other Binders.
For Lightness of Draft, I never saw anything to beat the Jones Lever
and is the same machine as the Piano, excepting that there is less cog gear
ing and it is built lighter for hilly ground. For sale by
W. H. WITTE, Sarversville, Pa.
Also dealer ; n HARDWARE, and all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IM
PLEMENTS. Write for Circular and Prices.
THE QUESTION » often asked, What Paint shall we use?
THE ANSWER .' If you are looking for covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
your money's worth, you must buy
Ommt! Mott, Ltokt But, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measure.
Our prices are for ' 'best goods" first, last and all
the time. We are in the business to stay and
f *• stays with us.
J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St.
Weak All Over
Is the condition of thousands In hot
■weather, especially if the blood is thin
and impure and the system poorly
nourished. By taking Hood's Sarsaparillft,
Hood's Sar,a -
I Iwmm
your blood will be f f |«pQ
purified and you will M HI Wo
gain strength of mind
nerves anl body, lie
sure to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Pills are safe, harmless, sure.
is approaching «nd tqa W
F only way to keep cool i- J
K to gO to \
rt? Heineman s tx
f 0
and get yourself r nice 4
jJJ Hammock.
\ ii'j
3 W We have the larges* J sj*
OQ J and finest line of S J>
z\ Hammocks
Q S ever brought to Butler. #
A Wall Paper ?g
J fr«>R, i ;ie c:eapei-t to tie \f-*
<£ \ Quest <<i Pressed J m
m We also handle the 411
_ # celebrated ?"
B. 4- B.
9 "
From 26 years' store keeping experi
ence, that 'tis better to dispose of
surplus stock at a big reduction than
to carry goods over season; hence,
twice every year we institute a
Putting prices on medium to finest
qualities that will move them, can't
help making them go! Not only at
home, but patrons from all over the
country are coming and sending for
these choice goods at next-to-tlirown
-away prices.
Think of double width Dress Goods
and Suitings, 34 to 38 inches wide, 25c.
and 35c, values,
at ioc, a yard.
Assorted lots Fine Dress Goods, im
ported to sell at 75c. and elegant 50-inch
all 25c. a yard.
Fine Imported Crepons, 48 inches
at 50c. a yard.
Elegant, 57-inch Suitings, $ 1.20 value,
price cut exactly in two,
60c. a yard.
Large lot assorted Iniported Novelty
Ginghams and Crepe effects, including
Anderson's, the sort that sold well at 25c
to 45c. a yard, all to be cleared
at 15c. a yard.
20 and 25c. fine Ginghams, Cheviots
and Madras, 32 inches wide,
10c. a yard.
Wash Goods, sc. to 50c. per yd., in
cluding finest and best of the season.
Write and you'll be with the majority
you'll BUY when you see samples.
Boogs Blllli,
All grades from Brown Blanks
up to the finest embossed Bronzes.
The better the paper the better
the Bargain.
Buy your good papers now and
get them at wholesale prices.
Window Shades " in all the
latest colors at
Near P. O.
Seanor & Nace's
Liyery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Rear of Wick House, Butler, Pa
The best of horses and first class
rigs always on hand and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for
permanent boarding and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horse&.
A good class of horses, both driv
ers and draft horses always on band
and for sale under a full guarantee;
and horses bought upon proper noti
fication by SEAN OR & NACE
Iu Wall street (successfully carried Jon with
the aid of our Dally Market Letter and pampli
l« ts on speculation. MAILE') FREE.
Discretionary Accounts a Specialty. All In
formation free. Bank references. WEINMAN
& Co.. Stock and Grain Brokers. 41 .Broadway.
New York.
BTTTLKR. PA.. THURSDAY, I I"LY 18. 18'jr>.
m I L L of those
X / I early incidents
of the war aeem
fortunate that
the boys of to
day have no
such terrible sights to witness! The
dream of childhood was disturbed by
the shock of battle, by the booming of
heavy guns and by the rumors of blood
and carnage, and of families rent
asunder and homes destroyed.
Until Sherman marched through
Georgia our quiet place on the edge of
the great Okefinokce swamp in
southern Georgia was unvisited by
federal troops. I had not up to that
time even seen a blue-coat, and rumor?
of the war were conveyed to us only
through the accounts in stray weekly
papers. To me it seemed far away
then. As a boy, I dreamily listened tc
the excited talk of the planters, and
wondered why they took so much in
terest in the affair.
But when matters grew worse, and
my brother enlistod in the confederate
army with several other young men of
the neighborhood. I realized that the
war was not so far away as I had sup
posed. They marched northward toward
Savannah amid the tears and prayers of
every one. But their bright uniforms
and shining buttons and swords particu
larly attracted my youthful attention.
For (Jays after I dreamed of being a
soldier, and of marching to war to the
tune of the drum and fife. In the
dense shades of the great swamp I
fought imaginary foes, and even en
listed several of the little negroes of
the plantation into the service, and led
them bravely to battle.
With a boy's idea of excitement and
adventure, I was soon disappointed in
not hearing the boom of cannons and
the shock of battle. From the conver
sation of my parents, I had learned
that the war was close to our doors,
and every time I walked down to the
swamp I expected to see horrible-look
ing men in great blue coats ready to
shoot at me. On one or two occasions
a dark-green bush in the swamp fright
ened me so by its resemblance to my
idea of a foderal soldier that I concealed
myself in the thick reeds for nearly an
hour, and only ventured forth again
very cautiously as night began to settle
over the woods.
But as no signs of federal soldiers ap
peared, I soon became reassured, and
attended to my fishing and trapping in
the swamp again as usual. Even the
news of the capture of Savannah dfid
not rouse me to a just appreciation of
the case. With my little body-guard of
two negroes, I roamed through the
swamp as careless and indifferent as if
no war disturbed the land. The rumors
that the country was full of federal
soldiers were discredited by me, be
cause of my first deception.
One hot August day I was in the
swamp, as usual, fishing for the south
ern trout. The heat was almost
stifling, and the welcome shade of the
forest made me tired and sleepy. The
fish in the muddy waters seemed to
gasp with the heat also, and the bait
that dangled close to their noses was
untouched. A beautiful sand-hill
crane stood on one leg in the sluggish
water about a hundred feet away,
dreamily watching me out of one eye,
and not far from the same spot a Flor
ida ibis was cleansing its gaudy
plumage with the water and cooling
its feverish body at the same time. My
two darky companions were asleep.
Near me, with head nestling on the \
soft, moist sod, was Banks, my faith- ]
ful Punting dog. It was an ideal,
peac<?ful scene, as I look back at it
now, through the vista of many years,
and it seemed a pity to have it dis
I opened my eyes as the noise of ap
proaching footsteps reached my ears.
Twenty yards from us a rough, narrow
road had been cut through the forest
swamp, leading from the upland cotton
farms to a branch of the St. Mary's
river. A boat ran up the river at the
bend where the road met it, and many
of the farmers and planters secured
their supplies in this way. In wet
weather the road was impassable on
account of the high water, but in dry
weather it formed a fair sort of back
woods thoroughfare.
Banks pricked up his ears in a min
ute at the sound, and then jumped tc
his feet with a snarl. Peeping through
the bushes, I waited and listened. Ihe
sound of horses' hoofs pounding the
muddy roadbed was now apparent tc
toe. When they turned a bend in the
road I saw five horsemen, dressed in
bright blue uniforms, with carbine?
swung over their shoulders, and bright
6abers dangling at their sides. In at
kiGtant the truth flashed across mj
mind that the federal soldiers had a£>
peared. Here were five of them ridiCfl
right toward me. But they were no]
such horrible-looking men as I had an
ticipated. In fact, I thought they
looted as handsome and attractive as
my brother and his comrades, and 1
was in doubt as to whether I should
prefer to wear a confederate or federal
My two companions were now awake,
and they were trembling with fear.
Their eyes were as big as saucers, and,
though my own voice trembled a little,
1 tried to ussume great courage.
"Keep quiet, Banks, keep quiet," I
whispered, patting my hunting dog,
whose snarls were getting too loud.
"Dere Is more ob dem. De woods am
full!" one of my darky companions
whispered in a frightened voice.
I made no reply, but followed the di
rection of his finger. Sure enough,
there wero several others coming down
the road. Then these were followed
by others, all riding jauntily along on
their hot, jaded horses.
"Where were they going?" I asked
This question seemed to be answered
by the next move. The leader of the
column, wliich I soon found to be a
long one, was now standing still in
the middle of the road and giving or
ders. The men dismounted and led
their horses into the shades of the
swamp. Others came up and took
their places, and these were assigned
positions further along In the swamp.
To me all of this was strange and
meaningless. Why the men should
fiyaggftl themselvej* ia tJlfi thick-wal
swamp. I was unable to guess, t had
read of army discipline and tactics, but
1 never remembered of seeing anything
like this. It was my oldest body
guard that gave me the clew.
"Dey is lavin' an ambush," he whis
That was it. They expected a con
federate company this way before
night, and they were preparing to sur
prise them. The thought sent a thrill
through me. Right before my eyes,
and without auy choice in the matter,
a battle was to be fought. I could not
escape to my home without running
past the waiting sentries, and my only
choice was to remain in my place.
Then the thought of flying bullet#
alarmed all of us, and made the cold
perspiration break out on our foreheads.
Unless we could hide behind the trees,
we would probably be picked off in the
coming conflict.
"We'd better climb de trees," sug
gested one of my companions. "Dem
bullets won't cum up dere."
This advice I thought was excellent,
and the three of us soon selected a
large tree and noiselessly climbed it.
Among the top branches we obtained
a fine view of the country. We could
see the hot road winding away for
miles in the swamp and up toward the
uplands. I co-Id even see the roof of
mv own home.
The federal troops were all in their
positions, and only their muffled con
versation could be heard. One could
not see a solitary soul in the road or
swamp, and the ambush seemed well
nigh perfect.
Wo waited for two hours in our
Cramped positions. The heat up the
tree seemed more intense than any
where, and we tried to get under the
shade of the branches as much as pos
sible. I grew faint and tired, and my
head ached severely. Then the thought
of Banks at the foot of the tree oc
curred to me. Poor Banks! In our
fright we hail forgotten him. I thought
I could hear his whine at the foot of
the tree.
"I'm going down to comfort him," I
said, peering through the branches
from my dizzy perch.
"Better not," responded my oldest
faithful body guard. "Somebody's
comin' down de road, fur sure!"
I looked toward the uplands. Yes,
two or three horsemen were hurrying
toward us, and, as they drew nearer, I
could see that they wore blue uniforms,
too. They were the sentries, running in
to give the word of warning. In a few
minutes they had concealed themselves
in the forest with the others.
I felt that the critical moment was
arriving. The confederate troops had
been discovered, and the ambush was
ready to receive them. A thrill of ex
citement passed through me. I forgot
Banks and my determination to go
down and comfort him.
Then, far up the road, I caught sight
of other horsemen, dressed in.the regi
mentals of the confederate army. The
sight of them recalled my brother and
his companions. Suppose they were
with these troopers!
As they drew nearer, riding careless
ly along, unconscious of any danger, I
pitied them. My loyal feeling for the
south asserted itself for the first time.
I wanted to do something to warn the
troopers of their danger. How could I
remain passively up the tree and see
them plunge into the swamp of death?
Many of them were young, beardless
fellows, full of spirit and soldierly
dash, just the ones to plunge into the
thick of the fight until killed.
In my sympathy for them, I waved
my handkerchief over my head, and
made frantic signs to attract their at
tention. But no one seemed to glance
up at the forest trees. Now they had
reached the turn in the road, and
were near the edge of the swamp. An
other hundred yards and they would
be hemmed in on all sides.
My desire to see a battle suddenly
deserted me, and, for the first time, I
heartily wished myself a hundred miles
away. I felt that I would drop from
the tree at the first alarm of a rifle re
port. My two companions were like
wise conscious of the impending con
flict, and they breathed heavily as they
clung to the tree.
The head of the column had reached
the edge of the swamp, and the horses
plunged down into the soft, miry road
bed. The rear of the column was just
in sight around the road-bend. I ex
pected any moment to see a puff of
smoke from the swamp, to announce
the beginning of the battle.
But suddenly the loud barking of
Banks broke out startlingly upon the
stillness of the air. With a sudden
rush he scampered through the swamp
toward the road, and plunged head
long toward the advance column. A
federal trooper made a dash at him as
he passed, but, missing his aim, he
plunged headlong into the bushes.
The barking of the dog and the crash
ing of the bushes brought the leaders
of the confederates to a sudden halt.
Banks, as if desiring to warn the men
of their danger, hurried up to their
sides with frantic barking and wag
ging of his tail. The whole column
soon came to a standstilL Would this
temporary halt give the soldiers the
From my position in the tree, I could
see one of the confederates move to
ward the dog, and, dismounting, pat
him. In my heart I thanked him for
that caress. Then looking up, he ad
dressed the commander, and pointed
toward the woods as he spoke. In a
few moments half a dozen men started
forward to reconnoiter.
I scarcely knew how the next ten
minutes passed. It was the most
heart-rending sight that I ever wit
nessed. Before the soldiers had moved
a dozen yards farther down the road
the sharp crack of a rifle broke upon
the air, followed by others in quick
succession. In a short space of time
the woods seemed to be full of puffs
of smoke and the whizzing of bullets
mingled with the rattle of musketry.
Almost the first shot made me cry
with pain, for, with a short, sharp
yelp, Hanks leaped into the air and
fell over wounded or dead. Another
one prostrated the young soldier who
had caressed him. Then the blaze of
fire and clouds of smoke hid the com
batants from me. From my position I
could just realize that the confederates
were retreating slowly and in order.
They were returning the fire steadily,
but they were outnumbered, and re
treat was their only hope.
The federal troopers seemed to swarm
out of the swamp in endless numbers,
and rush fiercely down upon their en
emies, pushing them up the road with
a determined front. The advance col
umns of the confederates were nearly
all killed just where they had stood;
but, thanks to Banks' timely warning,
the majority of the troopers were out
ti Li ffl
ft'l JSft
sido of the swamp and could eully
It was all over -.vithiu a short time.
The rattle of the rifles kept up a steady
hubbub, and then died away over th©
bill, as the federals followed thoenemv.
The swamp was then a scene of death.
When the smoke rolled away, I could
see bodies strewn all through the rceda
and bushes, some wearing the blue and
some the f.ray.
I caught one glimpse of Banks lying
prostrate upon the ground, with his
head upon the body of his new friend.
I could stand It no longer. With trem
bling limbs I descended the tree, and
climbed over dead and wounded bodies
to get tu the side of my faithful hound.
When 1 reached the spot where poor
Hanks was lying, imagine my astonish
ment at seeing the familiar face of my
brother, pale and bloody, but still with
some life in it. It was he whom Banks
had recognized, and his hand had given
the dog the gentle welcome.
"Algy," 1 gasped, "aTe you killed?"
"No, little brother, only wounded,"
was the reply. "I knew that you were
around somewhere when I saw Banks.
Didn't he give the alarm nobly? J
knew by his actions that there was
danger around, and, God bless him, he
has saved many a life to-day!"
lie leaned over and stroked the body
of Banks. The glazed eyes of the dog
opened wider, and the wagging of his
tail assured me that he recognized his
two friends and d'ed in peace.
"Poor Banks! Poor Banks!" I
Then the return of the federal troop
ers aroused me to the sense of my
"Run, little brother, and get up
homo, and tell mother," my brother
said. "I don't know what those fel
lows will do when they know it was
your dog. They are sorely disappointed
in not capturing all of us."
But I was not inclined to run, and.
in fact, had no chance. The leader of
the federals and his officers surrounded
us in a minute. Banks seemed to be
the center of their attraction.
"There is the cur now," one shouted.
"Does he belong to you, sonny?"
I nodded assent. Then in a broken
voice, I added:
"But you have killed him, and my
brother too."
I could not keep the tears from run
ning down my cheeks. The strain of
the past few hours had been too much
for me, and I sobbed convulsively.
But the federal commander was not a
hard-hearted man. He must ha vm had
children of his own, for he approached
my side and said:
"Never mind, my boy, your brother
will live, and your dog died a noble
death. If you live around here, I will
have my men take vour broth** up to
the house. Show them the way."
He gave some orders to the soldiers,
and then, turning to me again, he
"And they will take your dead dog
up with them. He was a soldier and
deserves a soldier's decent burial."
That was the kindest service that
could have been done to heal my wound
ed heart. In giving Banks a proper
burial and erecting a small headstone
to mark the spot, 1 found my sorry
half cured. But I never forgot my
first sight of a battle, nor the kindness
of the federal officer in my hour of dis
tress. —N. Y. Ledger.
Briggs—Do you see that little dried
up man going along there?
Jingo—Yes; what of him?
Briggs —He looks harmless enoughs
but he's a bold, bad man. He would
shrink at nothing.
Jingo—Well, there isn't room for him
to shrink much more.—Texas Siftings.
Too Bad I
Mrs. Prim—l think it is too terrible
for anything, the way these preachers
go in for sensations.
Old Prim —Well, what now?
Mrs. Prim—Here's one who actually
preaches on the subject of the bicycle.
Old Prim—Are you sure?
Mrs. Prim—Well, it sounds like it-
He calls it a sermon on the mount. —N.
Y. World.
Two View*.
First Workingman—Look at the ine
quality. Mr. Million, who lives not ten
squares from this corner, has a dog
house which cost $5,000. What do you
think of that?
Second Workingman—l think it's a
good thing he wanted it, for I built it
for him, and made SI,OOO out of it —N.
Y. Weekly.
The Barber*# Little Joke.
"I see you wear a Grand Army
button," said the man in the chair.
"Yes, sah," said the barber, with e
"Belong to a colored post, I suppose?*
"No, sah; the cullud post belongs tc
me, sah."
It was not till he had stepped out and
seen the barber's sign that the customei
saw the point.—lndianapolis Journal.
Not Much Risk.
Examining Physician (for insurance
company)—l'm afraid we can't takt
you, sir. You are too great a risk.
Applicant (resignedly)— Well, per
haps I am. The fact is that when I gel
sick I never send for a doctor. I just
lay around until I get well.
Examining Physician—Eh? Um—
we'll take you.—N. Y. Weekly.
What 11a Admired.
"What did father say when you asked
him for my hand?" asked the young
"Oh," replied Augustus, "he—he did
his best to be pleasant. He said there
was something about me that he really
"Did he say what?"
"Yes. My impudence."—Mercury.
Northerner—What was the coroner's
verdict in the lynching case?
Col. Nipper—Death at the hands oi
parties to the jury unknown.
Northerner —Why, the lynchers were
the best-known men in town.
Col. Nipper—l know, but the jurors
had never been introduced to them. —N.
Y. World.
How He Oot Out of It.
Indignant Tailor —You told me last
time I saw you that you would come
yesterday and pay my bill even if it
rained cats and dogs.
Mr. Dudely—And so I would, my deah
fellah, if it had rained cats and dogs, |
but it didn't, doncher know.—Texas
Her Idea.
Wife (going on a journey)— Dear, now
don't play poker while I am gone.
Husband—But you won't mind my
playing a little game of only twenty
five-cent limit?
Wife—AH right! But promise me
you won't lose any more than that—
A F.w Scientific Propo«ltl»D» of PmilUi
Int«re»t to Dairyman.
As a planl forms seed it takes sub
stance from the learns and stock and
store* it within the seed for nourish
ment for the (jerm when it shall grow.
This is called "translocation," and it
plays an important part in changing
the chemical constituents of different
parts of the plant. Perennials have
still another term of translocation.
Nutriment is stored in the roots. Tim
otiiy has a bulb just beneath the sur
face of the £TTund. From this bulh
fresh shoots -com in the spring. The
point of interest to the d-i'ryman is
that grass grows less nitrogenous as it
matures, and the nutritive ratio be
comes too narrow for a perfect dairy
Succulent pasture grass, writes E. C,
Bennett, is ft perfect ration; ripened
grass is too woody and carbonaceous.
Experiments at different stations indi
cate that in feeding the results are
what the chemical analysis would lead
one to expect. Early-cut hay has a
larger protein contents and is better
for milk production; that cut later is
more carbonaceous and is suited to
beef-making. Now, since It Is imprac
ticable to cut all the grass at once,
there will be some cut early and some
out late. The sensible thing to do is
to stack separately, or put In different
mows In the barn, and feed in accord
ance with Its suitability to the object
sought, giving the cows in milk and
young growing stock the early-cut hay.
The writer fills his long mows in sec
tions. This grades the hay as cut, and
the barn Is so arranged that he can
feed from any desired section. Those
whose stock runs outside will find it
profitable to remember which stack is
early-cut and feed it according to the
suggestions given above. Farmers
How Much Batter Should Be Mad* of
Each Pound of Vat.
Time does not permit me to go into
details to show the reason, but much
investigation has demonstrated the
fact that for each pound of fat in milk
one should make about pounds, or
1 pound 2 ounces of butter. To find
out how much butter should be made
from 100 pounds of milk, multiply the
per cent of fat in milk by l>f. For ex
ample: From 100 pounds of milk con
taining 3 per cent, of fat, we should
make about 3 pounds 6 ounces of but
ter; from 100 pounds of milk contain
ing 4 per cent, of fat, 4X pounds of
butter, etc. Suppose, in making but
ter, we get more or less than the
calculated yield. How shall we ex
plain this? If less than the calculated
amount of butter is made, the de
crease must be due to one or both of
two causes. First, excessive loss of fat
in skim milk and buttermilk; and
second, the working or pressing out of
too much water. If more butter is
made than the rule calls for, then it is
due to the fact that a fair amount of
moisture has been left in the butter,
caused by unfavorable conditions of
churning, or by insufficient working.
These facts enable the butter maker to
find out whether he is making mis
takes in his work, and whether he 1*
getting the best results in butter yield.
—Cor. American Creamery.
Fallow Directions Ilere Olven and a Care
II Easily Effected.
The cure Is easily effected by adjust
ing a halter and a surcingle around
the body Just behind the fore legs.
Connect the halter ring and surcingle
with a stick three to three and
one-half feet lontr, letting the stick
hang betwoen the cow's fore legs. A
short strap four to sit inches long con
■NMM privektxd.
nects the stick to surcingle and halter
so as to give the stick some play. A
pad may be needed on the back under
the surcingle as the latter sometimes
cuts through the skin. In very per
sistent cases two sticks may be ueeded.
one on each side of the cow, outside or
her fore legs, to break from sucking.
Afterward a single one will da—Farm
and Home.
The Value mt Mixed Feeds.
The wise dairyman will always strive
to furnish a variety of feed to his oowi
Further than that, he will also strive
to have each kind of food cut and cured
in its most palatable state, for he
knows that to have the food palatable
—"taste well" —is a very profitable |
feature to him. There is something a
little strange about the value of mixed
feeds. For instan6e, when fed to pigs
of 100 to 125 pounds weight, a bushel
of shelled corn will produce 10 pounds
of gain, and 100 pounds of skim milk j
will produce 5 pounds of gain. That j
means that when fed separately the 1
two feeds will produce 15 pounds of
growth. Now mix the two feeds, the
cornmeal and the sweet skim milk,
and they will produce 18 pounds. Such
at least has been the result of repeated
experiments.—Rural World.
Care of Milk In Summer.
Cleanliness in all dairy operations ia
of first importance. Milk with
hands. Keep the atmosphere in which
the milk must stand free from ba<3
odors. Preserve the desirable flavors is
the cream. If the milk is wanted sweet,
lower the temperature as soon as the
milk is drawn from the cow to just
above freezing if possible. Neglect of
proper care of milk by patrons is the
cause of much trouble at the factory
and results in a like reduction in net
profits. It pays to be honest
Couldn't Be Disguised.
The Bridegroom (at the first stopping
place)—lt's no use, Clara, wo can't hid?
it from people that we are married.
The Bride—What makes you think so,
George, dear?
The Bridegroom (dejectedly) —Look,
here the waiter has brought us ricfl
pudding. —Pearson's.
A Judge of Shoe#
Stranger—lf I order shoes of you,
are you sure you can make me a good
Cobbler—A good fit? Just you asl*
Mr. Ricliinan. He always comes to nifi
and gets his shoes made to measure.
"Who is Mr. Richman?"
"He is the owner of that big shoo j
factory down town." —N. Y. Weekly.
Early Pride In Boston.
The little Boston boy was so plainly j
puffed up with juvenile vanity that the i
visitor noticed it.
"Robert seems unusually proud to
"Yes," the fond mother answered, "he
has on his first pair of spectacles."—
Indianapolis Journal.
Would Curtail the Amusement.
Mrs. Gaytime—l'm going shopping all
over town to match this silk.
Mrs. Candlelight—Dreighoods & Co.
carry an immense stock. Why don't
you go there?
Mrs. Gaytime Not much! They're
likely to have just what I ask for.— I
Chicago Record.
Sottla* Troaa Cl—» Together la Said U
Bar* Jona Advaataga^.
&>me time sine® a writer ypur pa
per advised planting apple tsees 35 tt
45 feet apart, as this will praoabt rot,
permit fhe apples to color xm better,
etc In part he was right, tw in m?
opinion he was on the whole wrong.
In order to make an orchard profitable,
it is necessary to have more trees on •
given amount of land than when placed
35 ti> 45 fwt apart. If we can do thil
and not injure the land, trees or fruit,
I think we have made a fair start to
ward profitable commercial orchard
ing. While a tree Is young we get the
best crops. The fruit Is larger, more
perfect, and less liable to rot In this
locality a tree begins to fruk at the
age of five or six years from planting.
The next 10 or 12 years the orchard Te
in its prime, and if during this time
we eaa get one-third more tpefes and
have one-third more fruit to market,
we are just that much better o<. The
accompanying plan shows my quthod
of setting an orchard which -
ncrease the number of trees
and still jive ample room
and gathering until the orchjto4 )• 1?
or 18 years old. If they then iaterlap,
remove every other one, apd yoo wfil
still have as many
apart in squares, and besides to® will
have had 12 years' use of th> trees
removed. I hffve given much observa
tion to and had some experience in
this matter, so if I were to
orchards I would follow the seheme
above outlined My advice ft) every
young man Is, plant in this manner,
Cultivate well for five or six years,
branch the trees low, give them an an
nual topdressing and the orchard will
pay, other things being equal.—C. P.
Polk, in Orange Judd Farmer.
It* laventor Claims to Have Brooc&t "
Dtfwn to Practical Shaped
The electric weed-ldller, whtafe was
experimented upon some time aqpo with
varying resalts, Is said to hart been
brought down to practical shape. The
device was intended originally for the
destruction of grass and weeds along
railroads. It is now proposed fe ex
tend its application to land covered by
noxious weeds, suoh as the Canadian
and Russian thistle, cockle born and
the like. It Is expected to be especially
valuable in the destruction of plants of
the thistle tribe, la which the root
must be destroyed in order to annihi
late the weed, tt is claimed that the
use of the electric weed-klller wftl re
duoe the cost of keeping railway lines
clear of vegetation from S4O t6 per
mile per year. The operation the
device is based on the varying con
ductivity of vegetables; the more
moisture they contain the Ims re
sistance they offer to the current. TVe
ayparatns consists of an alternating
generator mounted on a car, producing
electricity at 2,000 volts pressure, and
"stepped up'' to from 6,000 to' $4,000
volts, according to the kind and aaality
of the vegetation to be destroyed. The
current, after being raised to file re
quired voltage, is conducted through a
series of fine wires or "brushes" to the
tops of the weeds or grass; the ether
side of the current being made through
the wheels of the car to the ground.
The current leaps from the susYxtided
brush to the weeds, and passes through
them to the ground, thus completing
the circuit The ourrent travefart the
entire length of the pl%nt, from the
topmost leaf to the roots, rupturing Its
cellular tissue and completely destroy
ing it The root is generally aflected
more than the rest of the plant, from
the fact that It contains more mofoture
In many cases the current. In passing,
heats the plant to Such an extent that
it cannot be held in the hand It is
said that the apparatus can be quickly
equipped, and at no great expense.
li||Wtlu for Melon Growers.
In pr eparlng land for melonß ks the
future, trie department of agriculture
says: Growers will fi nd it of great ad
vantage to plow in the fall-we4y
rather than late —and leave the laaa
bare during the winter. Then, ha the
early spring, as soon as the gran be
gins to come up in adjolniilg Aids,
sprinkle here and there throughout
the field which is to be planted to
melons, bunches of grass, or any ether
green vegetation which has
been poisoned by sprinkling with
paris green in solution. 6 uch «t the
cutworms as may be present la the
land will feed upon this vegetation and
will be killed. It will also hatf. the
effect of destroying many of the Urtre
Orchard* Lack Proper Care.
A large proportion of the orchards
planted during the last few yearn will
never bring profit to the ownor, be
cause of the lack of proper can and
management Dealers want flrsfealaaa
apples by the carload A man who
can furnish fruit of this character and
in large quantities will always do welL
How to Prevent Apple Scab.
Experiments show that that the ap
ple scab can be prevented by th» use
of the Bordeaux mixture. A weA so
lution, consisting of two pound# oi
blue vitriol, thirteen pounds of Sme
&nd fifty gallons of water, sprayad on
the tree four times, gives excellent re
Cut out all dead or diseased wood.
There (s no possible advantage in al
lowing it to remain on the trees.
Oscar Chambers Jones ' with a
his throat)— Pauline Mallard, you JbtG
deceived me —you are not a woman
a past; but a parvenue wot never had
time to any past. There aint nO
dramatic feeling in a affection ftir a
innocent and inexperienced girl —(with
a gasp) \\te must part.—Truth.
What Be Wlahed.
Cobbs—That was a pretty sentiment
young Masher got off the other
when bidding Miss Plumpy good night.
Dobbs—So! what was it?
Cobbs—He said he wished she was
locked up in his arms and the key J)flt.
—Truth. _
Neceaaltjr. !
Strawber —I thought you were not
going away this summer?
Siugcrly wasn't, but my creditors
are too numerous
CuU«|« Kdacatloa* at a Dliwill la Km
Tork't Labor Market.
For the student of social seien»
there Is focxi for reflection in the faj
that an advertisement for "a perso© Hr
good education to do some pen copy in#
for small compensation," inserted re
cently in the Sunday papers, says thp
Now York World, brought forth sev
eral hundred letters, largely from edu
cated men and women out of employ
to cat.
As showing 1 tluit the old proverb,
about knowledge being power is 09?
universally true, the following an
swers to the advertisement are especial
ly significant:
"I am a linguist, and can do the nec.
essary copying not only in English, but
also in German, French, Italian, Lalin
and Russian."
"I am of good education, well quali
fied to do some pen copying for a smaU
Compensation, cither in ancient or mod
ern dialects and languages. Am a
teacher, bookkeeper, compiler, trans
lator, typewriter and stenographer in
English, French and Spanish."
"I matriculated at the London uni
versity, and took my degree of B. A.
(bacheller-es-lettros) in Sorbc~ne, in
"I am a graduate of 't. !. . .al
lege, London, England - ,1. ad
great experience in ednc*. a !»."
"I am a bachelor in sc:. Ac the
University of Brussels, B lg' ini ood
Franco-English scholar ai,! .. npid
"I beg to apply for tlic copying
mentioned in your advertisement. I
Am an Englishman, and was educated
at Cheltenham college, In England."
"I am an Englishman, thirty-nine
years of age, and have received a thor
ough education at an important public
school in the city of London. lam &
lawyer, but have given up practice. I
am energetic, careful and correct iri
Business, and can furnish reference*)
as to character and ability."
A young woman sets fqfth her refer
ences from the Young Woman's Chris
tian association. Another has been &
government copyist
"I have been educated for the
church," writes an unfortunate yountf
man, in pale ink, "but was compelled
to seek other employment through no\
having the necessary funds. I speak
English, French and Italian; am hdn
est and reliable; am now five years
my present place, where I have to work
hard; would like, if possible, to add to
the support of my two little motherless
children. My writing, for want of
practice, is nothing to be compared to
what it was some years ago."
Rtjittj Hoping to Plod Tfaara Freak
Worlds to Conquer.
If the name of Emperor William does
not appear in the catalogue of the exhi
bition of the Berlin academy of arts
that opens shortly, the hanging com
mittee of that institution had better
look out for squalls. If they wftre to
reject the picture he has sent in, the
kaiser would be quite capable of Order
ing them out to instant execution, or
of writing down the exhibition in the
columns of any newspaper that would
accept Imperial art criticism, llie
painting represents, we are told, A
maneuver at sea, black clouds of amoks,
torpedoes, guns and boats tossed upon
raging waves." The description is
rather incoherent. Probably the pife-|
ture is, too. But there is no fear that
the loyal Berliners will be deprived of
the chance of feasting their eyes upon
it. There is one magnificent feature
about the canvas that would secure its
acceptance in almost any exhibition iA
the world. That is the signature,
"William I. R., 1895," which in
the right hand corner. The effect
which these simple words and figures
will produce upon the minds of humble
minded believers in the divine"Hghi of
kings could not be equaled by adj
artist in Europe.
Ml the great ones of the earth seem
to be going in either for art or litera
ture nowadays. Prince Nicholas of
Montenegro has just completed a dt&ma
in verse, which is shortly to \>e actea
and afterward published in St. Petertj
burg. The prince is said already to
hare "achieved some local reputation
as a poet." The phrase is excellent.
One can imagine the following epitaph
being compiled for William II.: "He
was for many years king of Timbuctoo
and Bithynia, and he achieved some 3<>-
cal reputation as a marine painter and
drawing-room song writer." Thdh
there is another prince—Troubetskoy
to-wit —who has just had an opera of
his own composition produced at Mos
oow. It will soon hardly pay anyofie
who is not a orownefl head to write or
paint or compose anything at all.
A OAT* of Wondara.
Workmen in quarrying stone at
Waddles, a station on the Bellefonte
Central railroad, a short distance from
State College, Pa., recently discovered
an interesting natural phenomenon m.
the shape of a cave. The external
opening to the subterranean cavern Is
about four feet square, and opens into
a space pine feet high and twenty feet
deep. Large apertures leading down
ward through solid rock are numerous
in the floor of tho interior cavity. A
stone dropped into one of the openings
produces a clear, ringing sound such &
is emitted by a bell. Streams of flow
ing water can be distinctly heard at a
distance below the surface. On all
sides of the interior of the cavern are
rare and grotesque calcareous forma
tions of salagmltes, and stalactites. At
one end of the large interior cavern ah
opening extends into the ewth a dis
tance already explored of orcr one hun
dred feet. This aperture is compara
tively small, and can only be explored
by crawling on hands and knees. Sev
eral valuable and unique Indian relios '
have been found, and it is thought to
have been the secreting place of some '•
early settlers from the attacks of the
hostile tribes. It is a curious fact that
the newly discovered cave is but a short
distance from the celebrated Peun's
cave, and its external appearance is •
A Little Too Much.
First Humorist—llow many jokes can
you write a day?
Second Humorist (with dignity)—Dc
you mean the sort I print or the sort
you print?
They do not speak now. —N. Y.
Weekly. __________
A Hltnomar.
Miss Shorthair—You'd never
our young woman's club had been in
existence twenty years, would you?
Prof. Longhair—indeed I would, and
it seemed to me that every one at the
meeting must be a charter member.—
To CtacU Sam.
11 a name you want that's sure to be lucky.
ijet the next cruiser be called "The Ken
tucky," . ,
No doubt her guns would do terrible slaughter,
And though full of holes, she'd never take
t .
A Bottom fact.
Doting me, professors
is my son a deep student?
Professor (dryly]
ina'atn; he's always at thi bottom.*^-
An Abaord Accusation.
Judge—And you are accused 0?
throwing a mug of beer at the plaintiff.
Defendant—Anybody who knows mo
will tell you that that is inconceivable.
—Fliegende Blatter.