•* . : - ■ 1, F. Haitzell. " em P er ' The Adriance Rinder iV <%*/«/%/%/%. v r lightest draft, the simplest constructed, the easiest operated, and If if fails to do as above mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. A machines and vehicles sold bv us are guaranteed to be as represented. Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to the separator, can from us. Vehicles in various styles and prices. Harness of use Fly nets and Covers. Dusters, Robes, Blankets, \\ lnps. &.c In ,j,ort anything belonging to a team outfit is kept bj us. Ihe >est wagon oil the market is us We guarantee ,t super.or to any thing sold in this county. Call and see us HARTZELL & KEMPER, 3JSS. Bntlei^Pa. TAKE And accapt the greatest opportunity arer offered to buy your Footwear at old prices. You will thank us for calling your attention to the pri ces when you see the goods. At $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00, Ladies' Tan Kid Lace Shoes; Needle and Opera Toe, neatly tiim •d with Diamond Cut Tip, Popular ■hades ot tan, width from A to E; sizes 2£ to 7. At 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies Fine Button Shoes Patem Tip. At 50c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.25, Ladies Fine Oxtorda in Tan and Black. At SI.OO, $1.25 and $1 50, Ladies' White Kid Opera Slipper* 1 strap Sandals and Canvas Oxfords At 85c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Misses Fine Shes Tan and Black. Opera and Square toes, Best fitting and wearing Shoes ever offered for the money. #- B. C, Huselton, -# Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. 102 N. Main Street, - Mid-Summer Clearance^ b. All Spring and Summer Goods a'<. your own Price. The follow ing are a few of the Bargains we ars offering: ; l Ladies' Oxfoids at 50c.... worth 75 Ladies' Oxfords at 75c .... worth .... $1.25 Misses Oxfords at 65c... . worth .... 1.00 Children's Oxfords at 50c.... worth 75 Children's Shoes at 50c.... worth 75 Ladies' Fine Pat. Tip shoes at.. . .90c.... worth .... 1.25 Tan Goods flustGo One-third oft, and in many cases one-half off on all Russet and Tan colored goods. Must be seen to be appreciated. We have a large stock, but dont wait too long. Men's Fine low cut shoes in Kangaroo, Cordova 1 and Vici Kid at $1.25 former price $2. and $3. Men's Fine Dress shoes in Black or Tan at $1.75; former price $2-50. Men's Heavy Shoes at 85c; former price $1.25 Boys' Fine Dress Shoes at $1.25; former price $1.75. Economy is the spending of ones money judiously. Economise by attending this sale. A. Ruff & Son., 114 South Main Street, Butler. Pa. N. B.—We close at 6 P. M. every evening; Saturday's excepted, during July and August. SUMMER Hi I HALF I PRICE S * a x M. F. & M MARKS. 1 118 to 11? S. Main St. IN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and win ter goods that we have bought, we will make up our summer and medium weight goods at prices much below their real value. Now is the time for you to get a suit, or pair of trousers for less than you can buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction in each and every particular. This offer holds good until Ist of September. 101 South Main Street, I e Vrkiirirv The TAILOR and Butler, Pa. o. i UUllg, Gents' Furnisher. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RUL.ES GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO I SHOES FOR THE COUNTRY, CITY and TILLAGE; Shoes for all: We have them. It's a good shoe that fits Perfectly, Looks Ilandsonie and wears well. DO YOU WEAR SHOES? Then bay from us and save money Any size and width you want here. A large assortment to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Manufac tures are asking 2") per cent advance on shoes. We shall make no advance while our present Stock lasts. $30,000,00 Of Fine Footwear To be sold at Old Prices. At 90c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Men's Fine Shoes, Congress and Bals, Tip or Plain Pointed or Full Toes. At $1.40, $2.00, $2..">0 and $3.00, Men's Tan Shoes Razor, Needle and Chicago lasts, Best Shades;width3 B to E. .Vt 75c SI.OO and $1.25. Men's Working Shoes, strong and serviceable. At 75c, SI.OO, $1,25 and $1.50 Boys and Youths Shoes in Tan and Black; all new shapes. These are beauties. All shades of Tan in Children's Lace and Button Shoes, Sizes Bto 11, B".c to SI.OO. Smaller sizes 50c, 75c and $1 00. .. "N -WOfM (jOODHuiTnfl man to be good hu mored. Jollity and exhuberant health are a proverbial combination. The hearty man who is always Laughing doesn't have any trouble with his digestion, It has been said that laughing makes peo ple healthy. The truth i 6 that health makes people laugh. There isn't any other thing so essential to health as regularity* in the action of the bowels. Most all sickness starts with some derangement of the digestive func tions. Good digestion means good, pure blood, and that means strength. Once let the bowels become clogged with refuse matter, and the whole system is deranged. Impure, poisonous matter gets into file blood and plants the seeds for all sorts of sickness. Whenever there is a stoppage of the Intestinal action, help should be given immediately. Usually a mild, gentle laxative is all that is necessary. A vio lent, wrenching, griping cathartic is never needed. Pierce's Pleasant In lets <.re the most pleasant and successful remedy for occasional or chronic consti pation, or costiveness. They are tiny, 6Ugar-ccated anti-bilious granules that even the smallest child can easily take. They act in perfect accord with nature and produce 110 griping or other disagree able feeling. They should be taken at the first indication of digestive trouble. They stop sour stomach, belching, "heart-burn," flatulence and sick head ache. Thej' cure constipation perma nently. You can stop taking them after the bowels are thoroughly regulated. Their help lasts. You do uot become a slav# to their use as v.-ith other pills. PAINT cracks.— It often cost? more to prepare a house for repainting that has been pairrtad in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil- Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base fir re; lilt ing and never has to be burne<' - scraped off on account of sea!. - : or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: "Armstrong & McKelvy,' "' Bejraer-Bavnnan " Davis-Chambers," "Fahnestock." FOB "COLORS.— National:!'Lead Co.'s Pure White Lt.id Tinting Colors, a one-pound can t" 1 (5-pound kejf of Lead and mix your own pamts. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is pos sible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book or paints und color card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New Yoric. Pittsburg Branch, German National Bank Building, Pittsburg. HUMPHREYS' nr. fr-peciflci are selentlUcally and carefully prepared Ken>efileei, tised for years In private practice and for over thirty years lrr.lAßev'»M, EIUEII YBTK. II I'MFIIKE'S' JIKD.CO., 11l &1!S V, ill.am St., SEW YORK. SPECIFICS. Running | | Sores. |{ jjCures |] I the Serpent's JP&» < ~ ~ Hi I Sting. I £?SIJ G I2!l S « U P^.elV'«™!Sd C0 ?y (BLOOD POISOw OHWBi"""*- healing powers. ltrc-[(| , moves the poison and builds up tbe system, ft ' k valuable ueutite on tb? aUeue aud iu treatment fJ MiMfrM IV SWIFT SPEC rlC^CO^tl^tj^Ga^fl |!£3iiloiiS| << SUFFER UNTOLD MISERIES. » |BRADF!ELD'S I \\ PE/*\f\LE | | REGULATOR, | | ACTS AS A SPECIFIC | By Arousing to Healthy Action all her Organ*.SS << It causes health to bloom, and>> 55 joy to reign throughout the frame.« «... It Never Fails to Regulate ...| SS tment of letd*?c \\i- [ i ilclans three yours, without benefit.Zr (< .»: i • IVADFIKLU'B// cc KK.V LE HKC i ULAT( »ll she can do her OWD J> » ,) ii. C\ cc DIUDFILLD RFtTI.ATOR CO., Atlanta, «a.SS \\ Sold by druggets at SI.OO per bottle 2- . irfffP . \ I -j rHi i — ; \ A | THE AMDtiCJLN T IIXZZI r ,1 SUCCWSW . / agscluteiyTure THE OLD REUASi-E i SWEET GAPQRAL CIGARETTE has stood the Test of Tims MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED l a :... r.x.r nti.l r.r uiail I r Ji -t,. A jour drufjiji 1 THE CITIZEN- A Mysterious Disappearances. a A recent article by Dr. Osborne in the MeJico-Legal Journal on "People who „ Drop Oat of Sight'" appears, says the j, Lancet, to afford food tor thought, not s I only to the student, but even to the pro- t ve.bial ' man in the street." ''The first cast- v mentioned is that of a man, thrifty and in- j. duslrious, prosperous in his business and , exemp'ai vin his family relations, who left t his house one Sunday afternoon to h»vt- a - irt w(>!k, being reminded by his wijiiie his, what we may call, ordinary identity? These are interesting questions. Unfortunately, they are unanswerable. All that we can say is that these disap pearances paitake of the cba;acter of post epileptic phenomena, and that in some patients who have suffered Irom lapses similar to, if not so severe as, ihose ja.-t <1( !-ciibed a more or less definite history of true fits of epilepsy has been obtainable. And another tb'ng is also significant, viz., the very cl >so resemblance that these at" tacks bear in their character, if not in their duration or severity, to somnambulism, while the relation which tnis bears to epi lepsy, if not veiy definite, is certainly close. Yet whatevc* iheory is pat for ward to explain such phenomena as tnose j'ist referred to, they remain striKing and mysterious,interesting in Iheir psychologic al aspect, but in their concrete from full of practical anil medicolegal difficul.it). ." Withi'i the last two or three jears the French engineers have undertaken tne sowing of rf.il.'oi»d embankments with pop py seed, a«, when once established, that prolific plant covers the aujl with a net work of roots that prevents it from wash ing away during heavy rains, or upheaval when frost is coming out of the ground in the spring. liclieJ in Six Hours. . —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the ".New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise ou account of its exceeding promptness ia relieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part ol the urinary passages in male or temale It relieves retention o: water and pain in passing it almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure tbis is your remedy. Sold by . 0 He,lick druggist Butter Pa. —Jerry—Gracious, Jessie, you'll fall off that stepladder and break your neck; way don't you let Bridget h.>ng the eortaiur-! Jessie —Because if I hurt myselt > u will foot the bills, bat if she gels hu.i 1 will have to pay the expenses out of the house money. —Rheumatism cured in a day—".Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon tiiu system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The tirst dose greatly benelits. 75 cts. Sold by J. 0 Kedick, druggist. Butler. —With the hot weather as usual there has been a renewed outbreak of suicides in many cities. Just wnat connection there isjbetweon weather and suicide is hard to tell, but just so soon as hot weath er comes just so soon the newspapers be gin to tell the tale ot self-slaughter. —ll any toaeher.s ami pupila iu Peunsyl vaaia are trying for tho lreo KortuaJ School course otl'ered by the Edinboro I'ublishiDg (Jo., Kdiaboro Pa. Every chool in Butler county should have uli agent. Vou'd better write them. —Long as she has resided m England the P-incess of Wales ha< never mastered the English acceut. "Channel." for in stance she pronounces "shannel," and there are many other little difficulties of speech which betray that she is a for eigner bred and burn. Dr. Agnew's Cure (or the ,Hf»rt giv® perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Ueat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily ejects a cure. It is a peer less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o: fireatb, Smothering Spells, I'ain in Lei Side and a!l symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Soid by City Phar- —The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania decides that a bicycle is a two wheeled carriage, but does not say to which of the two classes described by the law it be long-;, whether to that of '-burden" or of "pleasure." —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the m t wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist Butler Pa —The amount of sleep which a man requires is not entirely a matter of habit, as some people try to make out. The constitution has a great deal to do with it. Some of the most healthy men in the world are the longest sleepersr Amusing Story About a Lawrence Coun ty Amishman. Dr. Mealy, of New Wilmington, tells an imusing story of Amish life. Very little b»s heen told of the manner and customs nf this interesting sect o' people wQo live in the notht rn part of Lawrence county. Sew Castle people see nearly every day their yellow topped and black topped vehicles on the streets of the city but lew have thought that between the men and women under the yellow tops and thot-e beneath the black tops there is a wide r .tilf' rence th»n there exists between the I'rotestant and Komati Catholic latin Tliose who ride beneath the yollow l"p» are the stricter Auiish. They wear uo buttons, their clothes are held together with hooks and eyes. They have no chnreb building but the services of tneir ■■>eCt are held at the various houses ot the members. The "olack tops' wear buttons and suspenders and have a tittte churen buildinz near Wilmington. A young mail of the "yellow top sect called on Dr. Mealy several montns ago a nil asked the Dr. to perscribe for a sto o ach trouble. "Don'tyou think, Doctor, insinuated the young Amishman, "mat suspenders would help ea>e tne pain. Tne belt mightn't cause some of the paiu might it? His sect keep their trousers ap with ft hook aud eye belt. foe doctor did not Know What the youug man wanted exactly. He .lid not discover any symp toms of stomach trouble; the young man seemed in tact to be as healthy as na.UA. could wish. Nevertheless the doctor pre scribed tome harmless drug, and advised the iellow to get a pair of suspenders Si.w it it turns oat that the member ot the ">ellow lop" sect was in love with ayoong woman belonging to tne "blaik tops. While on your vacation take Hood's Sirasaparilla. It will help build up your strength. —Properly trained, man can jump high er than an 3' other known a iiimal. He has even been known to jump a mountain resort board bill. —lt seems funny that a boy can go to Sunday-school alone, bat it usually lakes a father and mother, a grandmother and a couple of aunts, to take him to a circus. —Managing editor?" "I presume, then, that on you rests the responsibility for referring to my daughter Pattie as 'Fattie.' Bismark declares that he is a natural barometer, and the slightest impending change of weather suggests to him the need of stimulants, There are lots ot 'allows. Bis., jast as bar-room-metrical as yourself. —At Massillon, O. a spider crawled into the car of the young daughter ot Valentine wolf and bit her. It Was promptly removed, and the child became insane. The next daj she died. —Arriving Missionary—May I ai-k what course you intend to take with me? Savage King—The regular one. You'll follow the fish. —There are twenty-two Chinese women of full blood in New York, and sixteen who are half-breeds There are nearly 100 Chinese babies, about two thirds of whom have American mothers, —Charles Dexheimer, a wealthy and eccentric man of Long Island, provided in his will that iiis daughter Laura, "she of the short foot," cbould have #SOO more than hny other heir "because it cost her more for shoes." —Political—How is pjlnics down your way, Major? "Wal, some of the voters is committed for a free silver, some fer the gold stand ard, and a rigit good smattenu' is com mitted for hawg stealing'an' the like." Why Not Tiy the New and Better Way 01' doing your shopping? Instead ol coming to the store, make tne store come to you. Yes, and the l>e»t aud store in the country at that: namely, Kaut inann Brothers, Pittsburg. Ilrop them a Postal and you will get their spring anil summer Catalogue gratis, enabling you to order by mail anything you may wish, and raving as much money as city people 00. Comes out ou top-lhe baid headed man Cold t"eatment —buying ice cream lor your best girl. Xo, Maude, dear, buttermilk is not the lacteal fluid of the goat. Muggins—Bid you go to church yester day? Buggins--.No, 1 took a nap a*, home. How is it that none of those bicycle j chairs for babies are fastened to the wo men's wheels? BloOb- wife is Irish, isn't s:>ef alobbs—l dou't kuow, UUI sue evi dently believes in home rule. UeTanque— What's the difference be tween a lad and a reality? Old Soak — (promptlv), Bjnger is a lad; thirs; is a reality. Don't, throw rice altera brnle and groom. Keep it for a y tar or so ami give it to them in a paper bag. They may appreciate it more. l'he Philosopher paraphrases a Biblical quotation as tollows: "it is easier lor a camel to crawl through the eye ot aueeaie than for a girl who wears the modern sleeves to squeeze through the gates ol heaven." . WHAT IRON DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreahing sleep GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSIN3 WOR MOTHERS. jjnj' Chocks wasting diseases, stops M vx night sweats, cures incipient consumption. O Increases strens,lh and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will give the palo and puny the Nrosy cheeks of youth. CURES ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong men and women, of weaklings. MORE'?. IRON TONIC PILLS Cere all Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neit her styptic nor caustic, and nve no coagulating effect on the contents Cl" the stomach or its lining: consequently ;lo not hurt the teeth or cau&e constipation r diarrhoea, as do tho usual forms of Iron. 0 days treatment 50c. pamphlet free. Ii sot kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. 1 1 t lil- , . (Irani. I ENE HQYAL PILU - SS5■& v y I •c* a • lteliiT for ..** ... '«<<"■■ ■» r.;lurn A !T *•£ i ..,»<>» ■ • „ N* r ('lll.-hll I*l*l ll*l*l C0..-IIu.ll»*»" ■»*! Ul*. ■oil bj Luemi Urucci'U. I'hllotlß-, I'll. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 1* EvST .IEFFERS )N HT. BUTLER, - PA. MWELUTEBPIETON; The Home Furnishers. Carpets 1 a r l"r Miits rtugs c Bedroom Suits Lice Curtains Si V \U•: J i " : m ■ tiir * Decorated China Dinner Sets, : Decorated Porcelain Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets. Stoves, Ranges and Tinware^ Refrigerators. i jspi i : bl by druooists or sent by moil on receipt of price. L(|n 3UG ELY BROTHERS GG Wv«w Street NEW YORK. DuC n J,' SPECIAL NOTICE. That 1 will sell, until further notice, ihe ! following goods at the old prices, regaril-j less of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax r by the government: AA. pure rye, 2 years, ! *2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe. 3 years. ' $2.23; old Cabinet, 4 years, $2 30 par g.il- B Ion; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 years, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden ' Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co Botir on, s4.f»o per gallon; Uannisville, 1 tough ty, Monticello, 12 years, $5.50 per gallon ; alifornia wines, drj and sweet, from 75.. I j Oer gall.>n to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my j wn importation. Sherry and Port wine, i rom $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the j finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or sond for special price lists at A. AN'DRIBSSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly altem'ed. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 40. THE KEELEY CORE Is the last resort for the drunkard and the I victim of the morphine habit alter all other means have failed. It goes directly to the roots I of the trouble, eliminating the effects of tin alcoholic or narcotic poison from the system, re stores the stomach to a healthy condition, builds up the nervous system, restores the appetite, and brings sweet and refreshing sleep. These results have been achieved at the PITTTBURG KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 1216 Fifth Avenue, in about 1,000 cases in the four years it lias been in operation, the Keeley remedies never failing when the patient lives up to the rules and takes the treatment in good faith. Most of our grad uates belong to the lietter class of business itl'.:.. many of them from your own county, to whom we can refer. The fullest investigation is courted « DOCTORS LAivE I'KJ ATE I)ISI'EN—AKY. GTA.Pt.iv AVE. ANL. FOURTH Sr. PITTSBURGH, PA. jk All forms of Delicate and Con.- r runSTlALandsciKSTii- c Jlr>!- icatioo are treated at this l:is - ii-,- with a uccesf -.rely attained. Or. fe K 1.a1%c !s-' rnemberof the ICoval t oilc "»f I'l ■ --. aid Surgt-,..i~. and Is the o! lot ni»■ I ti. - t •\l-i : ifiieed in ihaclty fcpe. -al at • ."nil (riven to N vous Ivhility t>om e - ssiv ii, -a! "M-rtion.ind.^-retinnolyonll:,et»\,caus tic ~ln -leal and mental .! :>y,of . !• -[ .a.' Vncy, etc.; auoCticni Old Sore*, fits, file >, I- li(.(imatisiii, and all .!i esof the Skin. Inou. UnnUrlnarj 1 Irgra .< te. «'• m iltaUoo 'i,'>' a.:-l s: rirtly co.ilVli iitin I 1 illlce hours, 9to . . I'i 7 toB r. M.; Sunday. 1 t-. 1 .:: only. I ai. ofl.-o or tMraa DBS. LARK. COA i-.\N A 1 I. AND4THi>T..t'iTVViti;i«Jll.i-A A White Crow IH verv ran*, so is a perfectly Pure Whiskey. How are you to know wli- n it Is really safe and pure? Taste does not always reveal the I'act The best way is to buy a brand that has reached Us popularity solely by public approval. OurOhl KxporlWhiE. key has been thoroughly tried in the crucible of public Judg ment,and has come out bearing all the praises that usually fall to a meritorious article It is absolutely pure, eight years old, smooth, and Just right for wcdl- < ciiial, family or social use. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; f Six Quarts, $5 00. : I Mall and express orders shipped promptly,and we pay express « charges on all orders ot $!0 00 and over. j Jos. FLEMING <& SON, \ 412 MARKET STREET. p PITTSBURG, PA. 'i il « n Complvto Price Lists of Wines and mailed free. »■ ■ ■ You CAIN FIND paper • .. ■•> t'll-THBt-it..it :.tti!P A-lvrrtfatiaK liiireKU ol EEMIHGTOiT BHO3. * tili romrsrt for ui l*>w«Mt 4 Robt. Lewin, WHOLESALE ' 'WHISKEY MERCHANT I AND IMPORTER OF FINE WINES AND LIQUOUS, • 13G Water St., (Oppo.-'te B. i 0. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY USF. SI.OO per Qt., or (5 Qts. tor $").00 Pinch's Golden "Wedding, Dougherty, (iuckenheimer, Lorge Gibson, Bridtreport, Mr. Vernon, Overholt, etc. This is the only house not rectifying in the city.there fore our goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. 0. O. I) and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choice 3 ear old, $2.00 per gallon. Try us. I f5& D BESTORE VIGOR Before an i A iter I'siog. Son duroverv Will brace uupin a, w#ok. RoMwitht WRITTEN (ITARA NTfiE to Cure N«r?ou« Dehi ;>tv I.oii ■ f Sexual rower in either aez. !r»Tolu«.ta. ry Rmisiisont from *uy cause. If »ucn b» mill. C. boxes for IV 0 W.th eviri (J .-r,i«r ». «IT» % writ."g'ifti t > or return! th.- n.pitpy. Ad dri»M PEAL USDICINB CO.. ClaTclsud Ohio. —For Sale by Chrystal Pharmacy. AFTER *U OTHERS FAIL DR.LOBB 3*20 N. FIFTEENTH ST., PHI LA., FA. Thirty years c. ntlnuoun prmctlceln the cure of All dl.«eas» nof iijon and womvn No matter from what Ottuse or Low lon* HtandinK. I ***lll guarantee a curt. 192 I'Htfo Cloth-Bouud liowu aod inaU«d YUKI w Every Woman Sometimes neeils a reli- 1 ablo monthly regulating 0 medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Ar»? pnimi>t, B.nfc and certain In result. Tho (renu* Ino Or. Peal's) never disappoint. Sent anywhere, tI.UU* i'oai ModicuU) Oj . Clc? eiaJid. U* —For Sale by Crystal Pharmacy. VITALIS R well ljt ° ar ' VITALIS X THE GREAT 20th Day. FRENCH REMEDY 30th DO7. | •HODUCES THE ABOVE RESULTS. It acts nowerfully Iml 'jui.-kly. Curra when all others fail. YounK ■l.-ti will r fain their lo»t manhood and old im-n ■vill recover th'.ir youthful visor by usim: VITALIS. It quickly and surely removes Nervousness, Im •ot.-n.-v, Nlghtlv r.iuissioTii, Wasting diseaso. cd all etrects of S< If Abuse orexcess and indls retion. Bwstor. il lo*t Vitality, Power and Fall n< Memory. Viril .IT Insanity and Consumpi I- -■ 1 ing VITALIS. : OUh t. <'an ■ - irri- I ill v. -t i-.i'-k. t. lly mall |l 00 per pack- i • ■ r si\ f. rss 00 with a en.rantee to CURE OR >UND THE MONEY. Circular free. Addre«» CALBMET JLEDICIME CO., Chicago, 111. | For Sale at CITY PHA AC [22 S. Main j j 122 S. Main Street. \ )' *■ Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF YOU DON'T W ANT TO BUY. Our display is far ahead of «"il previous years in Style and Beajty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler so"f; ftc? Mourning Goods a Specialty. THE BEST TEST Of the qualities of a Rye Whiskey is its l 3 opuilarity. Judged by this standard, Max Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey is far ahead of all others. It is popular with Phy sicians, Hospitals, Druggists, Professional men and lay men. Silver Age has been on the market for the past quarter ol a century, and is to-day considered the finest Rye Whiskey in the country. Its use whether in the sick room, for the table or sideboard, has always-been followed by expressions certi fying to its excellence. For sale by Druggists and Dealers at the uniform price of $1.50 per full quart. All other brands of whiskies, Duquesne at $1,25 per quart, Bear Creek at SI.OO per quart, Guckenheimer, 4 year old at 75c per quart and Anchor at 50c per quart, are guaranteed to be pure and the best value for the money. ++WINES.++ Light bodied wines, just the thing for the table during the warm weather. We have them in all brands and qualities from $1.50 per gallon upwards. Send all your orders direct to us, if your dealer does not handle our brands, and don't forget that we pay all charges for expressage and cost of packing on all orders of $5.00 anil upwards. Send for complete catalogue mailed upon application to MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Importer, 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. J3L Buy a Bussy ats re^a^e when y° u Fredonia have e/ery.hing in their favor —beauty, stability, ease. You can find this out by 100 l Ing at 'em. Your dealer sells them Made by FREDONIA MFG. CO.. Youngstown, O. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAM I£* IXrUi Btreet. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS i FOR OF THE WOP. LD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper oi the United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in s nutshell. Its AGRICUL TURAL department has no superior in the country. Its MARKET REPORTS are recognized authority. Separate departments tor THE FA WILYCIBCIE OUR YOUNG FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and d-'igfcters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendi' 1 journal and "THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription for the two papers is $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME Address all orders to - ~ _T "THE CITIZEN Write jour name and address OD a postal card, send it to Geo. W Best Room 2, Tribune B ildinsr. New York Citj, and sample copy of The NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE wil be mailed to rou W. L. DOUGLAS CI CUftt IS THE BEST, IPT# VN V L RIT FOR A KINS. CORDOVAN, JES \ FRENCH J. ENAMELLED CALF. mj \ 4 * 3 FINE CALF & KANGAROOI Jar $ 3- 5 -°POUCE.3 SOLES. fr 52.5i73 BOYS SCHOOL SHOES. LADIES SEND FORCATAIOGUE '■•••-"• BROCKTON. MASS. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes In style and At. Their wen ring: qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,—-slamp?d on sole. From $i to $j saved over other make*. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ALEXANDER A DOUTT, W UITKbTO W N. HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, HI'PERMtMM PAIST ASD VARNISH. Can be applied to any smooth snrface.on furniture, wooj, glass, any kind of metal including kitchen utensils. Make* old articles look new and in much nged on bicycles, carriages, stoves, etc. Kequires only one coat, is applied cold with brush and dries absolutely hard and glossy in 2 hours- will not crack, chip, blister or rub off. Sample bottles sent on receipt of price. 2 ounces 15c, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40c West Deer Park Prin ting Ink Co., 4 NSW RBADK, ST.NKW TON AGENTS WANTED. SPEEDY and I"TING RESULTS. ✓EXFAT PEOPLE/T-n. from my injurious substance. M