Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 27, 1895, Image 4
*, F. Hartzell. Frank ta P er ' The Adriance Kinder / *%♦%%%%%♦% *— l " Is the lightest draft, the simplest corsfuc'-el, the easiest a'.e l. and the most dura Vie of any binder on the in?"vet. It will rotv-pspt on the steepest hills, It v 111 cul whtre P l ' O '*~S f?"l. It v. .. na.idle as lons' or as short grain as ?nv o her bit" l '—. T t *' '1 < ! o at- .e v in tangled grain than any binder in i"-e. 'i bs b nder is so don- -s ,ts. If it fails to do as above mentioned, we do not ask you to b • v. All niacbines and vebiries sold by us a-e g~r ? I'.H to be ?s : ese ited. Machinery for all fa~n use, from the p'ox io the"-na a p-, c?;t be got from us. Vehicles i I various stvies ?~d r-;ces. Har "*ss o : a . of use. Tie's ard Cove's, Dvs'e-s, Roi>es, E'?n>ej. &c. In short, anvth : , g Ijeloag-'ng to a te; mor Jit is kept b"us. llie best wagon on the roavket is sold b- us. We t supe .or to any thing sold in this county. Call and ses us HARTZELL & KEMPER, TARE And accept tbe greatest opportunity ever offered to buy your Footwear at old prices. You will thank us for calling your attention to the pri oea when you see the goods. At $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00, Ladies' Tan Kid Lace Shoes; Veedle and Opera Toe, neatly trim •d with Diamond Cut Tip, Popular shades ot tan, width from A to E; sizes 2$ to 7. At 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies Fine Buttou Bhoea Patent Tip. At 50c, 75c. SI.OO and $1.25, Ladies FineOxtords in Tan and Black. At SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies' White Kid Opera Slipper* 1 strap Sandals and Canvas Oxfords At 85c. SI.OO, $1 25 and $1.50, Misses Fine Bhes Tan and Black, Opera and Square toes, Best fitting and wearing Shoes ever offered for the money. B.C, Huselton, Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. 102 N. Main Street, - - - °pix,site "<" cl i lino in PURCHASE. ? SOUTH MAIN STREET. Enables us to give our customers two big Bargains—Bargains that are not ofter offered in the busy season. 1. 75 yards Chiffon Lacc 50c quality for 25c, in l.lack, ream, Navy, Red, Pink, Pale Blue and Yellow. 2. 200 yards 50 and 60c Ribbon for 25c. MILLINERY at our usual Low Prices. M. F. & M. MARKS. J. S. YOUNG, The Tailor and Fiirnisher, Desires to nay that our expectations are more than realized. Kveryhody pronouncen our ■UITH the fluent that have ever bees tamed out in liut'er. "We Make the IVtost Stylish GrarmentH and handle the Mit grades or Woolens and Trimmings of any house outeMe of the larjjir cities. Oor Prices are as low a« superior workmanship anu slrlc<Jv flrsK;la«i woolens and trimmings will admit Of. WE GL'AItANTKK perfect satisfaction In ea/;h and every detail and the great lumber of orders we are receiving' dally, proves that our customers apprec. ate these facts: 10i Soith Main Street, | C Vrkiirio- TheTA,LOR Butler, Pa. * UUIIJJj Gents' Parnisber. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." ' GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep. BIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO MIRSINO R MOTHERS. Chocks wasting diseases, stops night sweats, cures Incipient consumption. O Increases strong :h and flush. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will give the pale end puny the Nrosy cheeks of youth. CTTRXS ALL FEMALE COMI'LAIHTS. Makes strong men and w ,u»on of woaklings. GILMORE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Care ell Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor caustic and have no coagulating effect on the contents of tbo stomach or its lining, consequently do not hurt the teeth or oause constipation or diarrhoea, as do the usual forms of Iron. 10 days treatment SOo. pamphlet free. If sot kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. ■■HillOll OPEXISfa ■ppni FonFmFnTTv "r gentleman tw<vi.t»hf*d W1 - BelghVirlmod. f'-oropensatloD fr'l, SW to I ~ mwitblv. Wotk outll- ed. Onl.r energetic im ambitions to tweend, r.eed ajirily N« f'ap requijed . Addiess with referent e. Olobe U PuflltMng Co.. 7*3 Chestnut street, fhlla '• SHOES FOR THE COUNTRY, CITY and VILLAGE; Shoes for all; We have them. It's a good shoe that fits Perfectly, Looks Handsome and wears well. DO YOD WEAR SHOES? Then boy from us and save money Any size and width you want here. A large assortment to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Manufac tures are asking 2- r ) per c*nt advance on shoes. We shall make no advance while oor present Stock lasts. $30,000,00 Of Fine Footwear To be sold at Old Prices. At 90c, $1 00, $1.25 and $1.50, Men's Fine shoes, Congress and Balß, Tip or Plain Pointed or Full Toes. At $1 40, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, Men's Tan Shoes Razor, Needle and Chicago lasts, Best Bhadeß;widths B to E. At 75c SI.OO and $1.25. Men's Working Shoes, strong and serviceable. At 75c, SI.OO, $1,25 and $1.50 Boys and Youths Shoes in Tan and Black; all new shapes. These a r e beauties. All shades of Tan in Children's Lace and Batton Shoes, Sizes Bto 11, 85c to SI.OO. Smaller sizes 50c, 75c and $1 00. tWh&t Nerve Berrie* have done for others MEN Eatily, QuicklyWLLSm and Permanontly Rottorod. A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and strength to thesex ualorgans. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful errorsor excessive use of tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. I heir use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, s<.oo per box, six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send tli-ni by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0. Bees and Bee Supplies For Sale. Soeh as Becl.""". Brood Frame*. Hives, Foundation*. Re«- Smokers, etc. JAMES C. MURPHY, ilercer Htrcot, Butlur, Pa. Or J. b MURPHY, at S. 0. Purvis 4 Co K than D ,AnONDS - W Jk Good health i» better m fjM uV Vhac dismond*. Health ■ ,v\ if life No pleasure cut ■ /M \\\ be taken without it. It ia f| Iwjßiy ' the most precious thing in 'LIMM the world, and many people tare careless about it. They Ml neglect their little ailments lUlthey ignore mature s sig- AjHr nals and run right onto the rocks lfl| of disease. All diseases have nßlfl insignificant beginnings. Con- JBWsumption is but the fruit of BUm neglected eatarrh. A slight cola develop# into pneumonia or bron zy[ chitis. A little indigestion gTows into "liver complaint" MM The best way to cure a disease IK u to prevent it. The neat best Vf way is to catch it before it ie velops to its worst stage. M Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical TM Discovery is a medicine for the MM whole body. It searches out the weak spots and builds them up. m It is a strengthened a purifier and m a cure. It puts the digestive sy»- ■k tem into an active, healthy con- HI dition, purifies and enriches the 1] blood and forces out all poisonona If matter Taken in time, it will f cure 98 per cent, of all cases of M consumption. It is a purely vege- IM table compound that works in M perfect harmony with nature. It U tones up the whole body and pro mf duces strong, hard, healthy flesh. Ml It has cured hundreds of cases of consumption, bronchitis, asthma, \» chronic nasal catarrh and kindred W maladies, which had withstood V the effect of every other medicine. I A large number of testimonial letters and photographs of those cured have Seen printed in book II form. We will send the book ML your address, also this notice and JH 6 cts for postage, to World's Dis pensary Medical Association, Buf- DO not be deceived. The following brands of VT.ite Lead are still made by the " G:d Dui ;h" process of slow cor r JI. They are standard, and ai .ys Strictly Pure White Lead T!. j recommendation of "Armstrong & McKelvy," '' Eeymer-Bauman,'' " Davis-Chambers," " Fahnestock," to y>'i by your merchant is an * ■ ofht3 reliability, as he can •. 1 cheap ready-mixed paints .... i ,'J3 White Lead and make a la;; ; vr profit. Many short-sighted aier.i do so. • o,< ( • nis.—National Lead Co.'s Pure V/...U-; T:i.t:ng Colors, a one-pound can 10 d. pout.') ktg ot Liad and mix your own ; d.i.o. S: ves t:ir.e and annoyance in matching kl. -s, and insures the best paint that it is jx.--.Me to |<..t uri wood. Sctid us a postal card and get our book oa paints and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL"LEAD CO, New York. Pittsburg Branch, German National Bank Building, Putsbarg. ©HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS for Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Eogi, AND POOLTHY. 000 Page Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart bent Free, eona < Fevers, Congestions, I nilammatlaa A. A. ' Splnnl Meningitis, milk Fever. B.H.—-irnlns, Lameness, Kbmiaailia, C.C.'.--l>lstempeT, Nasal Discharges. D.U—Boia or <;rabs, Worms. E.K.--( nuuh», Heaves, Pneumonia. F.F.— (ollr or (;rl|>es. Bellyache. (i.d.— •llsrarrlaKP, Hemorrhages. H.H.—l'rlnary and Kidney UUeasea. i.I. Krnpflre Diseases, Mange. .K.--Diseases ol Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle'over 90 dosesX - - .60 Stable Case, with Kpedfles, Manual, Veu-rtnsry (Jure Oil an>l Medlcator, ST.OO Jar Veterinary Core Oil, - • 1.00 Ml toy brurrUU; or eat prr uprhmi»4 Is af qstaUt/ oa r-flpl ol prtc*. ■tarHHu- sin. to., 111 a liiwinisatt., »™r«t ETJIEF2&ETS' HOMEOPATHIC Alt SPECIFIC No.fiO In uss 36 yssra. The only tnccesrfnl remedy tor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, *nd Pro«'-ration, from over-work or other c&neee. 91 per vi*i, or 6 rials and large vial powder, for sft. Moid by Dragffsta, or a*nt on receipt of prlc*. ■OmrnRBTS* UP. ca, 111 A 1 It WUIUM St., BevVerk. S FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. 3 THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER 5 BLOOD PKNLLFWOFFLENL « SUFFER UNTOLD MISERIES. » |bRADFIELD'S I FEMALE I REGULATOR, 8 « ACTS AS A SPECIFIC >2 » Br Arousing to Health} Action ill htrOrglM.S) « It caunes health to bloom, and/? » joy to n 'ign throughout the frame.« |... It Never Fails » "Mr wtfn hastwn nnrtir treatment of lead-?? CClnc ulirslclaix yr*r#. without bensnt.Ar « Aft«-r illnl( ll.r. " Ix.lil*. of BKA KKtllAl.r HKiiDLATOK she can d'< tier cjwiiM //cooSlm.iullSln* «n1 w»»hln«." » » N. M. BKY AN, Henderson, Al». ft «IUUI>HM.I> REOI'I.ATOK CO., Atlsst*, Wa.SS « Bold by druggist* *t SI.OO p«r botUs S m R WI <R g\ ' "WI rt. j ,////fa M/vw; fitwiriwa 'CiMK W ! Titf. AJtftKM f SiCCI iltft ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE I SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE His stood ths Test of Tims MOPE SOLD THAN ALL OTMEB BRANDS COMBINED nil RCITCHING PILO PILTO*WAYMFI3 ■ A»«oLrrnir.r comm. OINTMENT n«n«»A tltfwa lUkIH Ml tUmglmf. m*mt .1 nl(kl| w>r» brHraUlla^l? ftUowAd to •«*[!■«• taaon fim a»S fiiluft ££ h .wrv Ms* —"- : tTTi-irr-rf- J, T— *rir--tii - rimiTmii THE CITIZEN- Returned The Compliment. One seldom hears a stiry more piquant ly flavored with the real old Kew Eng land humor than that told about Uncle Gideon Goodwin, who, eighty years ago, was one of the characters of the town. AV that time the Methodists used to gather at the houses to hold their prayer meet ings, arid as Gideon was a devont wor shipper of that creed be;was a regular attend ant. One night the meeting was held at the house of Harlow Harden, and Gideon vas there. In those days excitement raj high, and just as the enthusiasm of the assemblage was wrought to the highest pitch, Uncle Harden, as he was always called, arose to bis feet and. lifting up his hands, shouted in a voice full of fervor: "Glory to Gideon!" Hardly had the chorus ot amens which this utterance call ed forth died away, when Goodwin, who thought that the praises were meant for him, and was bound to return the com pliment, jumped up and said: "Glory to yoa, too Uncle Harden!" That broke np the meeting. The solemnity of the oc casion, so thoroughly shaken, conld not be restored, and there was a speedy ad journment. The Toothpick Industry. Insignificant articles like the toothpiok represent the investment of millions of capital, the employment of skilled labor, uti' zation of the latest inventions, the consumption of vast quanitities of wood, and the operation of a long line ot complex activities. These small articles play an important part in the economies of all civilized nations. To stop at once the manufacture ot toys and all not really needful articles in these nations would be to put a stop to a large part of the work ing and producing forces that constitute the origin of civilisation. Some Euro pean nations live mainly by their work on articles that are really only mere toys and playthings. In the United States we are rapidly addiug to onr productions all the wares that find favor abroad, while we have originated scores of novelties in the amusement line that are being sold and imitated abroad. There is in humanity a chord that responds to the touch of fri-, volity adds the American Woodworker, and that ohord has enabled the inventors of ingenious nothings to coin fortunes out of their trifles. RelieJ in Stx Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in tbe bladder, kidney, baok and every part of the urinary passages in male or female It relieves retention oi water and pain in passing it almost im mediately . If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by . C. Redick druggist Butler Pa. He Said The Same Thing. Horaoe Greeley once wrote a note to a brother editor in New York, whose writ ing was as illegible as his own. The re cipient of the note, not being able to read it, sent it back by the same messenger for elucidation. Sap posing it to be the answer to his own note, Mr. Greele? look ed over it, but likewise was nnable to read it, and then said to the bo/, "Go and take it back. What does the cussed fool meant" "Yes, sir," *aid the boy; that is juit what he says." —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at ones the cauie and the dis- j ease immediately disappears. The first done greatly benefits, io cts. Sold by J. C Redick, druggist. Butler. —The bastern hemisphere, on whioh dwell 92 per cent of the popnlation ol the world, has 170,792 mile* of railroad, or 46 per cent of all railroads. —Many teachers and pupil* in Pennsyl vania are trying for the free Normal School course offered by the Edinboro Publishing Co., Edinboro Pa. Every school in Butler county should bav« an agent. You'd better write them. A corner in camphor i* reported China promises a big crop of tea —South Australia ia having a busiuess revival. Dr. Agnew's Cum for the iitart giv£ perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heal Disease iu 30 minutes, aud speedily effects a cure. It is a pear less remedy f.ir Palpitation, Shortness o: Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Del; Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Bold by City Phar macy. Btone. —The Napoleon fad shows signs of fading. Hot winds are damaging the crops of the Northwest —Mount Vesuvius is in a state of violent eruption again. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blern isbes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeuey, ringbone, stifles, sprains ail swollen throats, coughs, etc nave SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever Known. Sold bv J C. Redick. druggist Butler fA When Pennsylvania in two year* speut over SIOO,OOO in hawk and owl bounties sne not only squandered good money, but ac tnally did mischiafto the farming interest*, which are ostensibly sought to be protected by such expenditure. An examination of the stomachs of these birds by ti*e Orni thologist of the Department of Agriculture has proved conclusively that ninety-five per cent, of their food was field mice, grass hoppers and crickets, which were infinitely more injurious to farm crops than the birds themselves. Why Not Try the New and Better Way Of doing your shoppiugf Instead of coming to the store, make the store come to yon. Yes, and the best and biggest store in the oountry at that: namely, Kao lin an n Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop them a Postal and yon will gat their spring and summer Catalogue grati*, enabling yon to order by mail anything yon may wiih, and saving a* much money as city people do. —Rev. Russell H. Con well, of Philadel phia, has asked for a year's leave of absence from his pnlpit, the Baptist Temple. Ha intends to devote a year to lecturing, in order to lift a $40,000 mortgage on the church A lecture bureaa has offered him $39,900 for 290 lectures. His congregation is composed of 4,000 people of limited means. ■—The cherry orop of Santa Clara County, California, thii year will exceed 0,000,000 pounds, an increase of nearly two million pounds over last year. —A Chicago butcher has broken tha record lor speedy cattle dressing. With a helper he succeeded Ln killing and dress ing a steer in five minutes and seventeen seoonds. —The postmaster and Assistant Post master of Keavy, Laurel County, Ky., brothers-in-law, too, had a fight in which both of them were instantly killed. Jealousy furnished the motive. —yuan Yiok Nam has been trying to Parkhurst Chinatown, in New York City, and he is now in trouble, a* the leading gamblers there have offered the high binders a reward for hi* bead —The St. Louis United Elevator Com puny find That its elevators are short 200,- 000 bushels of wheat, and nabody can account for it* disappearance. Sleepy Grass. In tome parts of Kew Mexico there grow* a grass which produces » somnnifer ous effect on the animals that grase npon it. Horses, after eating thn gTass, in nearly all cases sleep standing, while oows and sheep almost invariably lie down. It has occa.-ionllj happened that travelers have stopped to allow horses to feed in places where the grass grew pretty thickly, and the animals have had time to eat a considerable qnanitity before its effect manifested themselves. In soch •ft es horses have (rone to sleep on the road, and it is hard to aronse them. The effect of the grass passes off in an hoar or two, and no bad results have ever been notioed on aeoonnt ot it. Cattle on the ranches frequently come npon patches of this grass, where they feed for perhaps half an honr or more, when they wake up and start feeding again. The programme ia repeated perhaps a doien times, until thirst obliges them to go to water. Whether, like the poppy, the grass contains opinm, or whether its sleep-prodocing property is due to some other Bubstance, has not been determined. Mr. Fredrick V. Colvill. Botanist Unit ed States Department of Agriculture, says: "The so-oalled sleepy grass mention ed in a recent article in Pearson's Weekly is known technically as Stipa viridula ro bust a and is known from reliable persons to have a narcotic effect on horses and other stock. —Russia is to establish a permanent legation at the Vatican, Home. —Commissioners from .Mosquito ask Colombia to tnnex the reservation. —The Salvation Army officers of Chatta nooga, Tenn., all ride the bicycle. —There are 17,000 or 18,000 people in the aew district Ja«t annexed to Kew York City. —The Lake Street elevation road, Chicago, decided |to discard steam and adopt electricity. —Cattlemen in Argentina are con tracting to deliver dresßed oxen in Liver pool at 960 per 700-pound carcasi. —About 100,000 cases of Columbia River salmon have been caaght for th e British isles this season, as agaiust 30,000 last year. —There Lave been so many tourists at Jerusalem thu year that many preferred tents outside the walls to the crowded hotels. —The Miohigan Legislature failed by jast a tie vote in the House to pass a law restoring capital punishment for murder it the first degree. —lt is often supposed that boys in grow ing keep ahead of girls; but recent meas urements disprove this. The boys, up to their eleventh year, were found to run about a quarter to half an inch taller than the girls. They were then overtaken b> the girls, who surpassed them in height till their sixteenth year, when the boy* again grew faster than the girls, and came to the front —Vacation season is at band. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now to enjoy your oating later. —There Is now Mid to b« 850 electric railroads in this country, haring 9,000 mile* of track, with 23,000 earn and capit alized at (>400,000,000, or about $44,500 per mil*, all of wbioh road* bare been built or equipped within the pa*t eight yearn, auo mutt of them within the pant three or four. So rapidly and quietly have they been comtrnoted that not only have they taken possession of the streets of cities and large towns, bat hare occupied country high way s, and though mill claiming to be street railways, have in tact become intertown railroads, with most of the privileges at taching to steam railway*. "There are times when a man would be alone, Far from the madding crowd. Where he bis privacy can own, And think his thoughts oat lim<l. One of these times, without a doubt. Is when ha first bestride* A bike, the and neighbors all coine oat To see bow well be rides." —The hod of briok which fell from a scaffold over the front door of this office, apon the head of the editor, and fi.'o bioken will not be paid for by as, unless we are compelled to pay for theui by law. We dont propose to have our 40 cent straw hat cot in two, our hair mussed op and our right eai split, through the awk wardness of an amaetur hod oarrier, aid pay for the brick, too, if we are a hay seed editor.— Km Let another bod full of br.ck hit yen. Tour paper w<is hotter than ever last week. —One of the few good bills passed by tha recent legislature is that providing that supervisors may erect a township building in which to store township property, hold township meetings and elections. As now arranged but few of the townships have buildings set apart in which to bold elections, and they are owned by the county and cannot be used for township uurposes. If the supervis ors carry out the provisions of the law carefully it will be a good airaugerneut for the township. —How soon will the ooming woman be here! —The pickpocket is usually a man ol deep penetration and good feelings —Hoax—That story of yours remind* ma of • tramp. Joax—How sot Hoax— It won't wash. —The man who boasts that he has money to barn often experiences difficul ties in getting matches. —A statistician has estimated that the average man'* vocabulary fs from 500 to 700 words. Wonder what a woman's isT —Homebody has discovered that In bib lical times women were quite as chary about telling their age as they are to-day for in spite of all the women whose story is told in Soriptnre. .Sarah is the only one whose age is mentioned. Rock-a-by babv on a tree top; Papa will warble your crying to stop; Mamma is anxious to vote like a man And we've all got to hnstle the best that wo can. Rock-a-by baby on a tree top, Mamma is bnsy electing a cop; Bister is hnnting a pattern she'd like For bloomers, and grandma is riding a bike." —The Sunday school picnic is ooming off. —A railroad oonductor residing in Altoona astonished and amused the congregation of which he is daaoon by calling out "Fare*, please," as he began passing the collection basket. —There Is at least one similarity be tween editing a newspaper aud playing ball. Every body on the bleachers know* more about what should be done than the man with the peocil or clab. —A novel religion* service wa* held near Philadelphia .a few day* ago, at North wood AtbUtio Park. A popular minister invited the wheelmen of the city to rida their wheels oof to tb« park and attand a raligioul service. His success was greater than be anticipated. When ha began the services be found an immense congregation of wheelmen who Kiijftjed his sermon, and after it was over personally thanked lum and promised to return next Sunday and bring a number of other*. MIMATEIPLETON The Home Furnishers. arlor Suits ffuiis Bedroom Suits Lice Curtains Si* Porters Hall Racks l.wlSUfc® ' 1 Silk Curtains Book Cases Curtain Poles Baby Carriages. ________ - izm-wb J -ssjpT Decorated China Dinner Sets, Decorated Porcelain Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets. Stoves, Ranges and Tinware. Refrigerators. \ —4l IT; Prgafer.; s i- of We Furnish Your Home Complete. * * • ' &erS f/A HAY- FEVER WrAm \J COLDPHEAD BBSS EUfs Cream Balm it not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied tnlo the nnstrils it it quickly absorbed. It cleanses the head, allays inflammation, heals _ CAA the sores. Bold bu druggist* or sent by mail on reeeivt v>fprice. Llln DUC ELY BROTHERS 56 Www Street NEW YORK. Dill SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, until further notice, ~ he following goods at the old prices, regard - lean of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax by the governrcent: A A. pure rye, 2 yearn, #2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 yearn, $2 2f>; Old Cabinet, 4 yearn, $2.50 per f-'al lon; Bridgeport and Thompson'* pure rye, 5 yearn, $3 50 per gallon; Finch Golden- Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bi.ur bon, $4 50 per gallon; Hanni»ville, Dough rtv, Montioello, 12 year*, $5.50 per gallon ( .ahfornia wines. Aiy and sweet, from 7.V ° er gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brain's; my wn importation. Hberry and I*«>rt wine, rora $2 50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish and Scotcn whiskies af lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. ANDKIESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 49. THE KEELEY CURE Is the last renort for the drunkard and the victim of the morphine habit after all other meana hare failed. It K oea directly to the rooU of (he trouble, eliminating the eflrctn ot the alcoholic or narcotic poison from thr «y«tcni rr storm the stomach to a healthy condition, builds up the nervous system, restores the apprtlte, and brings sweet and refreshing sleep. These results have been achieved at the PITTTBURa KEELEY INSTITUTE. No. 4246 Fifth Avenue, In about 1,800 cases in the four vrars it has l*eo In operation, the Keeley remedies never failing when the patient lives up to the rules and takes the treatment In good faith. Moat of our grad uates belong to the better class of business men. many of them from your own county, to whom we can refer. The fullest Investigation is courted DOCTORS LAKE I'Rl'/ATK lIIHPFNSAItT. jMOCX. PINI. Ave. ANO FOUHTM ST.. JPITTBBUHOH. PA. All formsof Delicate and Com fKlKH pliraUwl IJlaeases requii Ingt'ON JRIDENTI AI, au*t SCIENTIFIC M<.l - ara treated at this Uis iienaary with a »ucca* arely attained. I>r. h. U Lake Is • member of the Royal Colli *e it I liy— •iciana ami Bur|Wi«u!t and la the <»l lot an»l moat experienced SrSciALllV in the city. Bper'al at mention given to Narvoua Iwbllltj from e»t<'»«iv airi.tal exertion, ludiacretlon of youth.atc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lark of energy, '.ency, etc.; also Cancers Old Korea, Fit", Pi lea, Kheumatlsm, and all diseaaeaof the Skin, blood, I.unca, Urlnarj Organs,ttc. Consultation 'ree ami atrictly eociMentlal. Offlca hours, Hto I ami 7 to 8 r. K.; Sunday*, J to 4 V. M. only. all at office or address I»RS. I.Ah'K. COR. HOiN A* a AND4TU■X..PITTRUUUUII.I'A LOOK XTTHE PES DKKOHK you hang up your ° hat, look at the label befor* yon buy whiskey. We've go* yrura of reputation back of that label. The quality of Old Kxport Whiskey sustains our claims to the letter. Discriminating and fair minded folks claim that It la an article pure, smooth, palatable, and i«rfocKy sale for all Medicinal, Hoolal or Kamtl/ pnrpoees. Fall Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mull and Kxprws order* Shipped tho aarno day us re vived, and we pny charges on Ail order* of 110.00 and over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PrrramurtQ. Pa. Cetspltti rrudliUol **!*•« Wltf Llquerf malMfcw CAis FIND * ft*? y*' " vr i ■ Robt. Lewin, WHOLESALE ""WHISKEY MERCHANT AND IML-OBTKR OP FINE WINK* ANI> LIQUORS, 130 Water St., (Oppos'te B. Ac 0. Depot.) Pittsburg. Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, fOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY CHK SI.OO per Qt., or LI (JIH for s.">.o()- Finch's Golden Wedding, Dougherty, (iiicki'Dheimer, Lorgn Gibson, Itridgrport, Ml. Vernon, Overholt, etc. Thi* is the only house not rectifying in the city.iherc 'orc our goods are warranted pnre. floods securely packed and boxed without extra 3har<?e, ('. 0. 1) and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather'* choice 3 ear old, $2.00 per gallon. Try us. RESTORE Bafora and A(t« r Uiiug, Haw d-arorert Will trarr> y uup in Maid with a WRITTfcN <»!' A KA N Tr. KI" • uf Nai *«»«»• I>ability !.<>aa ofHaxoal I'owrr in #»tnar a»i, tf Km1..,.,n. from snjf cli... If ii-kItI-d, sir h trauHaa laad t > conaumptinn t>t Inaamtv, t < *l |" »»«* bf mail. A bosaa for t'» 0 With arary -rd*r m»* awflHan K >arant«« incur* nr refund it"- m«n**y. Ad- AtMiFItAL MEDICIWI CO.. Clarrland Ohio. —For Sale by Ohrystal Pharmacy. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL wmm m mmuw Uonmj | t OR.LOBB 3*411 If. KIKTKKIITII ST., PIIIV.A., PA. Thirty yrara" c .ntlnuoua prn<*tlr« in tha run* of all <llaraa<-a of tii*n arid woman. No matter frout what q*ua* or how imic atandlna. I v 111 uwtraufM a cura Cloth UouuU JLk>ok #cal«Mi> audi iuall«l Every Woman Vmjjjt '•i Sometime* needs a fli -1 able nionlhljr regulating TikjP ( medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Aro prompt, A«f<- and certain In TWO It. Tb« iimin lna'f>r. I'cal'ai n«»y«r diaaptnilnt. K«nt aujrvhonfe, •I.UU. i'oai Adodii iuc . Ciuv vlauU, (>• —For Salo by Crystal Pharmacy. VITALIS / n iZ',muiS* u a well /A»n of jiff. VITALIS loihvty lfyr TIIB GREAT aotii DS» FRENCH REMEDY 30lh Dsr- JROOIICfS THE ABOVE RESULTS. It art. nonrrfulljr II- I •!II 1,-k IV < 'ur« » lirn nil nthi-rs full YouOK i. ii will p itln < li«-ir lost manhood niid «Ud nij-n will tlielryouthful vigor bv USlhk VIfAUV. It illicitly nod siio lv r»m"»ei N.rvousne»«, lin r.'. ' iirv. Nlulitly Kinlsslotis, Wsstlni* dliw'ii". .1.1 nil efffru of S»l( Abu««or»loe»s and Iml It c tloti. It«.t'.r« s I Vllallty. Power and I ill mr Memory. Wnrds OLT Insnnlty and C< n«iim|>- I, In.lst on ti,ivt. K VITAUS. N otb»r <an ■ irtl. 1,1, • •■»(,»,rkr. Ilyro.llll oOl_.-M »rl< I r tin forfflOO w|tl» a guarantee t- TURF OH UNO IHE MONET flrciilsr frr' V';' 1 - OALUMfrT MEDICINE CO., Chloago, 111 Kor Wale at CITY I'll A ACY s - Main JD. T. PAPE'S. I s ' Main Street. I J ' Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF You DON'T WANT TO BUY. Our display is Jar ahead of .ill previous years in Style and beaaty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. S C; T s Mourning Goods a Specialty. ' o "' s ~~ THE BE ST TEST Of the qualities of a Rye Whiskey is its Popularity. Judged by this standard, Max Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey is far ahead of all others. It is popular with Phy sicians, Hospitals, Druggists, Professional men and lay men. Silver Age has been on the market for the past quarter ot a century, and is to-day considered the finest Rye Whiskey in the country. Its use whether in the sick room, for the table or sideboard, has always-been followed by expressions certi fying to its excellence. For sale by Druggists and Dealers at the uniform price of $1.50 per full quart. All other brands of whiskies, Duquesne at $1,25 per quart. Bear Creek at SI.OO per quart, Guckenheimer, 4 year old at 75c per quart and Anchor at s'oc per quart, are guaranteed to be pure and the best value for the money. ++WINES.++ Light bodied wines, just the thing for the table during the warm weather. We have them in all brands and qualities from $1.50 per gallon upwards. Send all your orders direct to us, if your dealer does not handle our brands, and don't forget that we pay all charges for expressage and cost of packing on all orders of $5.00 and upwards. Send for complete catalogue mailed upon application to MAX KLEIN, Distiller and Importer, 82 FEDERAL ST, Allegheny Pa. 3, Buy a Buggy ( (SffSßSfy \ that's reliable when you do buy one. Fredonia Buggies have p/ety.hing in their favor—beauty, stability, ease. You can fin a this out by 100 l .ng at 'em. Your dealer sells them Made bv FPEDOr \ MFG. CO. Yownffstown. O. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS GAS LAMPS IXPJRES, M HE, vVATE* FILTER. TUB ENAMEL, etc, is ai W. II .< >" I Jrien 4 Soil's 1 OT I'lnst .Jefferson Htreet. GKI OAT VALUE INJiWS FOlt OFTHrWO.tLD LITTLE MONEY. iOII A TRIFLF. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty patte journal. in tin* ]«•&<!iiifr Republican family paper oJ the ITuilftl State* It it* a NATIONAL FAMILY TAPER, and *ive« all tin. treneral new* of the I'nited State*. It give* the event* of foreign lands in » nutshell. It* AGRICUL TURAL department haw no superior in the country. 11h MARKET REPORTS are recngnixetl authority. Separate department* lor THE FA MIIYCIBCJE OUR YOUNO FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS It* HOME AND SOCIETY column* command the admiration ol wives and daughters. It« general political news, editorial* and d isctissions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enable* us to offer tlii* splendi l ' Journal and "THE CITIZEN*' for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription for the two |>a|ii<rN i* $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS WAY BEGIN AT ANT TIM 10 Addrecu all ordcru to - _ - - "THE CITIZEN Write your ntirni' nad addroHH <m u postal curd, wnd it to (100. W Bent Room 2, Tribune B< ildinir. Now York City, ami nnniple copy of The KEW YOKE WEEKLY TRIBUNE wil Iw m»ll«»d to >oa. W. L. Douclas C Unr IS THE BEST. »>riw!L rrr row aking. CORD OVA N, Jtg V FKCNCN a E MAMCLLKD CALF. &% FINE CALF IIKANG*ro4 jiff --r? *3>J>POLICE.3 SOLES. ■-'l | - 9 %z. workingmen', Cjri I -exTnAriNC- *• J 2>! 7® BOYSSCHQCLSHQE! LADIES' Tongol^ %4Pw s »w a . • -•* D«OCK rOM.MAfIa Over One Million People wrir the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoesnre equally satisfactory Thry give »hr beat viiluo lor lhi> mowy. Thcv equal iu>toni utinr* In style and fit. Th?lr wrarlnK qualltlea arc unanr ikhl TII« prlifa nrc unllnrm.---ftamp I on aola. I : r»m $i it * 1 aaved over othrr make* If ym,r <li il i • .intuit Mi|>|>ly )"'i wi-1 an. J-old by ALEXANDER fi DOUTT, WIIITKSTOwN. HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, Kri'KKNRUKH I'AIST AND VAKNIHII. ('mi be applied to any smooth Hurfaee.on furniture, I. gIHHH, any kind of metal including kitchen ntensiU. Make* old article* look new and in much tiled on bicycle*, carriages, Hove*, etc. lletiuires only one coal, i.< applied cold with nruah anil drieK absolutely hard and ItloHMjr in i! hours- will not crack, chip, bli*ter or off. Bamplo bottl** xent on receipt of price. 2 ounce* 15c. 4 ounce* i!sc, 8 ounoei 40n West Deer Park Prin tiDg Ink Co., 4 Nmv ICKAOK. HT.NEW Von AGENTS WANTED. SPEEDY ud LASTING RESULTS. S~\FAT PEOPLE/C\ (•ar*)™'MSJbst I" *• f from any injuiiout • übuanre. tlllfl. M U£oi A873M11i3 MWCJB. We CUARAWTEf • CURE or refund your money. I'rlre «*.o<) bottle. S«n44c- »«r (rMW*. rnxiiom dxvivAb c©« bwwu ml m