TAKE And accept the gfeate6t opportunity ever offered to buy your Footwear at old prices. You will thank us for calling yoar attention to the pri ces when you see the goods. At $1.50, $2.00 and SB.OO, Ladies' Tan Kid Lace Shoes; Keedle and Opera Toe, neatly trim ad with Diamond Cat Tip, Popular shades oi Un, width from A to E; sizes to 7. At 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies Fine Button Shoes Patent Tip. At 50c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.25, Ladies Fine Oxfords in Tan and Black. At SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Ladies' White Kid Opera Slipperc 1 strap Sandals and Canvas Oxfords At 85c. SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, Misses Fine Shes Tan and Black, Opera and Square toes, Best fitting and wearing Shoes ever offered for the money. #- B. C, Huselton, Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. _T x . . c * -f Opposite Hotel Lowry 102 N. Main Street, - A, IUS TO 117" PURCHASE. ? SOUTH MAIN STREET. Enables us to give our customers two big Bargains— Bargains that are not ofter offered in the busy season. Creim 1. 75 yards Chiffon Lace 50c quality for 25c, in Black, Cream, Navy, Red, Pink, Pale Blue and Yellow. 2 % too yards 50 and 60c Ribbon for 25c. MILLINERY at our usual Low Prices. M. F. & M. MARKS. mm The Tailor and Furnisher, Desires to Bay that our expectations are more than realized. Everybody pronounces our SUITS the finest that kave ever been turned out in Butler. "We Make the IMost Stylish Garments and handle the best grades ol Woolens and Trimmings of any house outside of the larger cities. Our Prices are as low as superior workmanship and strictly first-class woolens and trimmings 101 Still Main Street, I C VniinO" T ? ! ?™ a ° d Butler, Pa. 1 Gents Furnisher. DIAMONDS RINGS. EAR RINGS. GCAKIJ . P , NS STL , DS . WATCHES I (IENTS ' °° LU ' LADIES' CIIaTLAIN. JEWELRY } Gold Plll9 • Ear King8 ' «»• Etc - SII.VERWABB}?ffi^S3%KS«IS.°S.S! 3 '™' ! ,!! l' ROD6EI BROS. 1874 }KL VB "- TO " K "2;™,pLEPL i m E. GRIEB » JEWELER. No. 139, KorthlMain St., B JTLEK, PA., "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.* GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO WHAT IRON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSING R MOTHERS. Check* waiting diseases stops night sweats, cures incipient consumption. O Increases strenf,.h and flesh. HAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. "Will giro the pale and puny tho Nrosy cheeks of youth. CTTRBB ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong m«»n and women of weaklings. (HLMORE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Care all Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptio nor caustic, and hnvo no coagulating effect on the contents of the stomach or Its lining: consequently do not hurt the teeth or cause constipation or diarrhoea, as do the usual forms of Iron. 10 days treatment 600. pamphlet free. If cot kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. Hotel Wlard. Reopenedjand nowjready for the ecommodation of the traveling fnh li<\ :hi i (■!»•••' fi- H;'*. iii Li. i - ; -i i'.i lj, «riiiT X H BROOKS, Clerk. SHOES FOR THE COUNTRY, CITY and VILLAGE: Shoes for all; We have them It's a good shoe that fits Perfectly. Looks Handsome and wears well DO YOU WEAR SHOES? Then boy from us and save money Anv size and width you want here. A large assortment to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Manufac tures are asking 25 per c«it advance on shoes We shall make no advance while our present Stock lasts. $30,000,00 Of Fine Footwear To be sold at Old Prices. At 90c, $1 00, $1.25 and $1.50, Men's Fine Shoes, Congress and Bals, Tip or Plain Pointed or toll Toes. At $l4O, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, Men's Tan Shoes Razor, Needle and Chicago lasts, Best Bhades;widths D to E. At 75c SI.OO and $1.25. Men's Working Shoes, strong and serviceable. At 75c, SIOO, $1,25 and $1.50. Bovs and Youths Shoes in Tan and Black; all new shapes. These are beauties. All shades of Tan in Children's Lace and Button sb °® 9 > Sizes Bto 11, 85c to SI.OO. Smaller Bizes 50c, 75c and $1 00. PARADISE OF MUSICIANS. LOVERS of music can find what they want either in instruments or sheet music in our extensive stock. We handle only instruments of first elass quality, and have exclusive sale of the renowned Behr Bros. & Co , '.he A. B. Chase, Newby & Evans pianos and other makeß; also, the celebrated Packard organs A full line of musicians' supplies is alwayß kept on hand at lowest prices. J. R. GRIEB, SOUTH MAIN ST. tWh&t Nerve Berries have done for others MEN Quick/Allk3SS and Permanently Restored, sothbat: A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their trainof evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and strength to the sex ual organs. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful errorsorexcessive use of tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $ 1.00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphletfree. Address mailordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI. 0. J to dlntrftrot* our advertise ments In nart payment fir a hl«h grnAo Acme bleyole, wntoh wo Mnafhem on approval. No wortc dono nntil tho bicyclo arrlrott and proves ■atlbfactory. t Young Ladies ''luEuSJ'fermi!' 8 I ? If bOT»org1r!» npply must be wull Tecom t lut uOod. W rite fur partloauw.i. I ACME CYCLE COfIPANY, | ELKHART, IND. Features don't mat any features will do y ffiujajyT If the complexion is clear, the eyes bright mmd the lipa rosy. Hearty, healthy whoie aemecaas ia batter than mere beauty of features. A face fall of the glow of good health—fall of the kindliness and goo-1 humor that health brings, Is bound to be an attractive face—a face that will make ftlenda. The face tells the story of the whole bodv. " Murder will out ' —and a© will "leiaele weakness" and nervousness and other disorders peculiar to women. II there is a drain on the system and strength, the record of it will show ia the face. If there is nerve nagging "bearing-down " pains, dragging ana palling at the most sensitive organs in a woman's body, the face will show it. Abused nerves draw lines of care and worry on the face. Nervous prostration writes its warning on the face long before It comes. Sleeplessness, nervousneaa and debilitating drains make more wrinkle# than age. Nine-tenths of the sickneea of women comes from some derangement of organs distinctly feminine. Nine-tenths of this sickness can be cured and avoided by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. There is nothing miraculous about the " Favorite Prescription " —nothing super natural. It is the result of rational tbongkt and «tudy applied to madicine. It has been prescribed by Dr. Piavc* for over 30 years. It has made thousands of women healthy and happy, and haa brought joy to thousands of nomas. In "female weakness" it acta diractiy and strongly in healing and strengthen ing the parts that are most severely triad. It clears oat impuritiea and promote* regularity at all times. TH E best investment in real estate is to keep build ings well painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell—many a good house has remained unsold for want of paint. The rule should be, though, "the best paint 01 none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use chtap paints. To be sure of getting Strict ly Pure White Lead, look at th» brand ; any of these are safe: "Armstrong & McKelvy," " Beymer-Eatunan,'' "Davis-Chambers," "Fahnestock." FOR COLORS. —National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can twin* sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead he desired shade; they are in no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination ~f p.* 1 fectlypure colors in the handiest form to t::h» itii •UaTwaiwlaltiaie^BP^ THE CITIZEN- Living Double Live*. A detective who for seven ye*rs WM a ' confidential man under Inspector Little, i child in the criminal investigation depart ment of Scotlaid Yard talked about the doable lile of Mrs. Lehman-Webber, the j story of which came out in the courts re cently, and discussed the case with whioh a woman who keeps her wits about her may carry on lor years a deception of this I sort without much risk of detection. I "A man infatuated with a woman," will | believe almost anything she tells him. It | is a singular thing that romantic stories of . this kind are usualy made publio by some lawsuit that has no connection with the 1 romance. I once came accro*v mail anything yon may wish, and saving ft" muoh money as city people do. —A lew mosquitoes are around pros pecting. —Swimming season for the small boy has com*. —Renew your subscription if you are in arrears. —Nine of our lady cyclists have yet ventured out in bloomers. —A religions movement—Going to •huroh. "There is ever a song somewhere, my dear, There is ever a something sings alway; There's the fong of the lark when the skies are clear, And the song of the thrush when the skies are grey, The sunshine showers across the grain. And the bluebird trills in the orchard tree; And in and out when the eaves drip rain, The swallows are twitting ceaselessly. —ln 1887 there were 13 electric roads in the United States, operating about 100 cars. There are now in this oountry not less than 850 electrio railways, aggregat ing 9,000 miles of track and operating 22, 000 oars. —Between 300 and 400 persons are em ployed in making writing ink in the Unit ed Statas, and their yearly wages amount to between $300,000 and $400,000. About the same number are employed in making printing ink, —lt has been found on investigation, that the cuoumber has a temperature of one degree below that of the sarrounding atmosphere, so that the proverbial "000 l at, a cucumber" would appear to be scien tifically correct. —Chasiug truant schoolboys under the compulsory law will teaoh the young idea how to sooot. —A Maryland jury has deoided that a young woman is legally entitled to break off her engagement with a man who "chews coffee to hide the scent ol liquor on his breath." The jury is right. Cloves are oheap. They have a more agreeable scent, and they are en wriggle, as we say in French circles. —Many who have felt badly in the early summer have been recuperated by Hood's Sarsaparilla. —Bobby—Pa, what does the pawnbrok er's sign of three balls meant Pa—lt means, Bobby, that it is two to one that the man never redeems his prop erty. —ln 1890 our product of natural gas was estimated at 552,150,000 cubic teet, dis placing tor beat and illuminating purposes at least 9,774,417 tons of coal. —George Eliot's portrait represents her as having a remarkably unprepossessing i°aoe, with heavy nose and ohin, and thick, badly shaped lips. She would be pro nounced positively ugly. —The Pennsylvania anthracite mines have been worked without cessation since 1820, the output having continually in creased until it reached, in 1891, the ag gregate of 45,236,992 long tons. —Among tbe Arabs a practice from time immemorial has prevailed of cburnixg by placing milk in leather skins, which are shaken or beaten until the butter comes. A bag of milk is tied to a short rope, the other end of which is fastened to a saddle, and the horse made to trot. —While the Irost did great damage last month, the result is not so bad as first re ported, particularly on wheat. Good author ities on the lake shore grape crop 6ay that an 80 per cent yield may be looked for in the fall. —lt has receutly been disooyered that the first balloon sleeves were worn by men some thirty-ive years ago. It was con sidered the proper thing then to have the ooat made with very large sleeves, which, while not quite so pronounced as the pres ent monstrosities affected by the fair sex, were tbe undoubted prototypes of the prevailing mode. This relieves the ladies of a very great responsibility. —Alter all tbe talk there isn't much dif ference between tbe woman of the future and the woman with a past. —l'm sure the girl I'm going to marry will make a good wife?" "Wbyt" "Be cause isn't interested in cooking." —The new Chicago city directory esti mate the city's population at 1,095,000. —There's a great crop of June brides. —Bread is made of wood. Sometimes we have been of the opinion that lead was one of the ingredients. In Berlin, there is a gre at bakery where two hundred weight of wood bread is turned out every day for popular consumption. The bread is made out of sawdust and rye flour — three lourtbs sawdust. A chemical pro cess takes away the texture and taste of tbe sawdust, and liberates the saccharine and nutritive eloments; and, with a little rye flour, it makes nutritious bread, which s sold at 4s. 6d. per hundred weight. —A olergyman who recently married a young couple was handed the customary envelope. When be opened it be was surprised to find merely a slip of paper on which was writen: "We desire your pray ers for our prosperity." —A young oolored pastor named Green leal Lee, while preaching at Double Springs, Ala., on Sanday, went into a de scription ol death and hell. While depiot ing the regulation tortures of the latter he quoted the words, "There shall be weeping and gnashiag of teeth," and then fell to tha floor, dead. The strain on bis blood ves sels had been too great, and one of them had burst. The man who handles such subjeots in hot weather needs to have a sound circulatory system. —A Coohranton youth who remarked that "Brooklyn was jaat under New York.' was oorreoted by his mother, who told him that he should;say Brooklyn was along side of New York. "Umph," replied the hoy, "guess you don't know muoh about base ball." —Well inform ed horsemen predict that the market for horses, which is now im proving, will insure better prices than have prevailed for several years. Horse raising has been partially discontinued by farmers on aroount of the prevailing low low prioes, and the old pings have been disposed of, so that the horses no w in the hands of the owners are of much better class than heretofore. As it takes three or four years lor a horse to fully develop it will be some years beiore the salable stock will be of sufficient number to down the markets. Horse breeding is said t° have dropped fifty per cent, since last year. —The State of Michigan no longer has charms for the "lusher." A bill recently pabsed the house in that State by a vote of 75 to 17, prohibiting any person from treating another to an intoxicating drink. This act will put the bam to the trouble of borrowing the price 4f the drink from hit would-be benefaotor. "Ob! do yon remember the blizzard, Ben Bolt! The blizzard with frappe blizzt Then wake up Svengali, the wizard, Ben Bolt, Andjret him at work oa the suzard, Ben Bolt, Oh! get him to Trilby the sijz!" Bees and Bee Supplies For Sale. Sooh as b«ctiecn in operation, the Keeley remedies never falling when the patient lives up to the rules ami takes the treatment iu good faith. Most of our grad uates belong to the letter class of business men. many of them from vour own county, to whom wc can refer. The fullest investigation is courted. 7*S DOCTORS LAKE PBIvATE DISPENSABT. OCA. PENN AVE. AND FOURTH BT.. iiHK PITTSBURGH, PA. AH formsof Delicate and Com ynn phcatod Diseases requirlngroN flDlNTlAL andSCIWTIFIC Ml"st experienced SPKCIALISV in the city. SPECIAL at *vnt ion given to Nervoua Debility from er cessivc mental exertion, indiscretion of youth,etc., caus ing physical and mental docav,lack of energy, leepoodeocy, etc.; also Cancers. Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism, and all disease*Of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urinary Organs,etc. Consultation I tree and strictly confidential. Office hours, 9to 1 and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 1 to 4 r. M. only. What Strikes Others Will strike you.—We art ail streaked here and there wltk the same likes and dislikes. Thousands of all sorts of people pronounoe Old Export Whiskey j tip-top In every particular, and for all usee. Might be Just what you'd like, no harm in mention ing it, anyway. It la 8 yeara old, that'a certain. It la posl tivaly pure and free from fueel Oil—that is a fact which the moat expert obemlft ean't dis prove. Full Quarts, 91-00; si Six Quarts, $5.00. Mali and Express orders ahlpped promptly, and we pay transportation charges on orders of 110.00 and over. Jos. FLEMING Si SON, 412 MARKET 3T« PITTSBURG). PA. •DHipltt* PrlM Lift* of Wines and Uquert melted fret ' r-j \ \ >••*» , i* U PAPER lwl mX'KHUIug St l»«*St I Robt. Lewin, WHOLESALE WHISKEY MERCHANT AJJD IMPORTER OF FINE WINIS AND LIQUORS, 136 Water St., (Oppos'te B. A O. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, FOR MIDIOAL AND FAMILY USE SI.OO per Qt., or 6 Qta. for $. r>.oo - Golden Wedding, Dougherty, Guckenhoimer, Lorge Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, etc. This is the only house not rectifying in the city.there "ore our goods are warranted pure. Goods j securely packed and boxed without extra I charge, C. 0. D and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choioe 3 ear old, $2.00 per gallon. Try us. RESTORE Bafote and Alter t'aing. New di»co»»rt. Will brace T.« or in a *"»; Sold with a WRITTKN Ol AKAsTtlttoCure H»rrou« Debility Loa. cfSwail Power in either i.x, ovol* .la ry Emission, from »nr c«u.e. If neglert.d. .urh trouble. lead to consumption or Insanity, J 00 prr boa br mail. 6 boie. for 15. I' W.th erary . rder ulra a written fuaraute. tn cure or refund the t.ianey. Aa- IIMI PEAL MSDICIJIK CO.. Cleveland Ohio. —For Sale br Chrystal Pharmacy. AFTERJLtOTHERSFAIL DR.LOBB 339 If. FIFTEENTH ST., PHI LA., VA. Thirty yeara'continuous practice In the cure of all dt*eajM>ti of men and woman No matter from what oauae or Low lon* standing. I will yuarantem a our#. Cloth-Bound Book and iuaU«a Every Woman Sometimes needs a reli- T able monthly regulating medicine. Dr - PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Are prompt, »Rfe and oortalu In rwnlt. Tho genu" InsfDr. I'oal'ai nfror dlaappolnt. Sent au/»ler% •1.00. i'ooJ Medicuu) IXi . Clef «lao' Brien «&Soil's 107 "East Jefierson Btreet. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOR OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal. is the leading Republican family paper ol the United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and (fives all the general news of the T T nited States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its AGRICUL TURAL department has no superior in the country. Its MARKET REPORTS are recognised authority. Separate departments tor TIIE FAMILYCIB CI F OUR YOUNG FOLkS and SOIENOE AND MECHANICS. Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and daughter*. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendi' 1 journal and ' THE CITIZEN for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription for the two paper* is $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all orderß to - - - "THE CITIZEN Write your name and addresa on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best Room 2, Tribune B«ildiDg, New York City, and sample copy of The NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE wil be mailed to yon W. L. Dwclas S3 SHOErS^ir^. §t»s. CORD OVA M, TJ. FRENCH & L.MMMCLLU CALF. \4s3sp FineCALF&KANGAROOI *3.«LO POLICE, 3SOLES. bJ*2.*l. 7 * BOYSSCHCOLSHOEI ' LADIES * W^ s ';s«o^ I Vvwai&fsstXm- BHOCKTON^IASA. Over One Million People wear (be W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They five the beat value for the money. They equal cuitom ahoea In ttl<-s sent on receipt of price. 2 ounoes 150, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40c West Deer Park Prio ting Ink Co., 4 Nsvr Rkaub, St.Xkw Toe AGENTS WANTED. SPEEDY anil l*£ ~.TINO RESULTS. PEOPLE/~v nfiM V t™»- J from »«1T injunou* «uS»t»nc*. M lirtl AJ9OWOT UEUSZ2. W* GUARANTIEE a CORE Of refund jour money. Prlca •*. 00 p»r bottle. Send «c. tor traatit*. TMMOnr lUOICAI CO.. BoiUw, Han.