THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. JUNE 20, 1895. Advertisements. Hartzell A Kemper's Adriance binders. Witte's Jones Lerer binder. Ruffs fine footwear. |, Cooper & Co's measure for measure. Henry Miller's staple groceries. Notice to teachers. Honduras Tonic. Paper flowers. Zimmerman's June clearence sale. Miller's shoes. Excursion. NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. should notify us of their intention to do so, not later than .Monday morning. Administrators and Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the CIT ZKH office LOCAL AND GENERAL. —The Standard is paying $1.55 to day. ] —Next year will be the last leap year nntil 1904. —The Mercer Hospital has at present 17 patients. —The chewing gmm evil seems to be on the grow. —Replanted garden stuff is now coming on nicely. —The potato bugs hare resumed busi ness for the season. —Lots of green goods men in town — dealers in spring vegetables. ; . i people are said to be still hunt ing .be "itook of Hezekiah." —'i Bauer Presbytery meets at Grove City. '.asUay. — A jmt two hundred of our people took in the Cuuaeaui Lake picnic, Tuesday. —lt is easy to have a fly time if you have no screens on your doors and win dows. —The Butler Sohool Board will select forty teachers to-morrow from the hun dred and ten applicants. —The West Sunbury and Slipperyrock Commencement Exercises ocour next week. —A drop of caster oil is now said to be preferable to the use of flax seed for re moving obstructions in the eye. —Eggs were scarce in Butler, last week, and were shipped in from neighboring counties. —The cold weather of last winter, killed the yellow* in the peach trees; also a good many of the trees. —Erie and Warren will celebrate the centennial anniversaries of their corporate existence in the 4th and Franklin next September. —Dr. Cyrus Teed of Chicago it in Pitts burg at present organizing a company to go to Eastern Florida, there to found a communistic society. —We print a very interesting account of the Sunday School Convention of last week, prepared by the Secretary of the Ass'n, Joseph Criswell. —lf Judge Wickham, of Beayer Co., is appointed to the Superior Bench, Alf Moore, who read liw in Butler, will be a a candidate forjadge in that county. —Daring the trial of a case at Beaver last week, a defendant exhibited a new bioycle that he had purchased in parts and pat together at a total cost of $25. —Lawn fete on W. Jefferson St., this evening, also to-morrow and Saturday evening; benefit of Rescue Hook Ladder Co. Give the boys a lift. —Some one is recalling the fact that about thirty-five years ago men wore bal loon sleeves very similar to the big ones now worn by women. —"When 'er man talks 'er tremenjns sight 'boat what a good frien' ob your'n he is," said Uoole Eben, ''listen ter 'im, bat doan' trade hosaes wif 'im." —Last Friday was the one-handred and eighteenth anniversary of the adoption of the stars and stripes as the national em blem. Betsy Ross designed the flag. —The ostimated oost of the new Episco pal church is $12,000. It is to be of stone and will be bnilt to the rear of the present chnreh, which will be used until part of the new bnilding is completed. —The pablio sale including horses, cows, sheep and hogs, which took place Wednesday at Abe Fliok's farm, ia Clear field twp., was largely attended. Quite a number of horses and cattle were disposed of. A nice dinner was served in the or ohard, and all report a good time. —The Council adopted an erdinance for the paving of Mifflin St., last Friday night; and at the same time the street is to be widened and straightened. An ordi nance providing for the sewering of W. Cunningham St., was adopted that night. —Parts of Concord and Fairview town ships were visited by an extraordinary hailstorm last Thursday evening. Stones as large as hen eggs are said to have fall en. The slate on the roof of Samuel Brown's bouse were broken and a derrick at Troutman was blown over. The storm area was aboat a mile wide. —When a fire breaks out you should run to the nearest bell and ring it rapidly as a general alarm; then, if the fire is in Springdale give the bell single taps slowly, to indicate district No. 1; If the fire is in the southern part of the 2nd Ward give it doable taps; if in the 3rd Ward, treble taps; if in Duffytown four taps; if in the north western part of town five taps; if in the northeastern part of town six taps, and if on Institute hill seven. —ln Rev. Prugh's lecture of Tuesday evening, he followed the ship only as far as Algiurs, leaving the balance of the trii> for, we suppose, a subsequent lecture. He has gathered up considerable of the history of Gibialter and Granada, and his lecture was very interesting, and well de livered. If he continues his lecture, from Algiers east, in Batler, he should have a larger audience than he had in the Re formed Chnrch of the First Ward, Tuesday evening. Excursion to the Sea Shore. The Pannsylvaina Railroad Company will run four excursions to the Sea Shore this season on the following dates, July 18th August Ist, Isth and August 29th, on about the same schedule as last year and at the same low rates as heretofore. The first three excursions will probably be run through to Atlantic City arriving at the latter place aboat 8 00 p.m. saving the inconvenience of remaining over night in Philadelphia. Trains will leave Butler 6 25 a m. on the above dates. For tiokets and farther information apply to Chas, B. Rahn, Tioket Agent PR R Season Excursion tickets to all Summer Resorts now on sale. Excursion to Denver Col., Via P. & W.,- B. & O. and Con necting Lines. Tickets on Bale July 2, 3, 4 and 5, good returing Sep't Ist by depositing ticket witn agent at Denver. One fare for tbe Round trip plus $2.00 or $40.75, choice of routes beyond Chi cago. For farther information ap ply to A. B. CBOCCH, Agt. Butler, Pa, Fine and heavy all-wool Serge 45 inches wide, all colors at 50 cents a yard—a big bargain— at L. ST*IN A SON'S, LEGAL NEWS. MOBF. LICENSES. At the Session of Court of last Monday morning ail the htld-over applications for licence were granted excepting those of Simeon Nixon and Lewis Ziegler. which were refused on account of their not being filed "three weeks before the da/ fixed lor the hearing thereof." The applications of B. J. Forquer of Mil lerstown; Mrs. Lou Cunningham of Evans City; A. M. Lusk of Zelienople and Jacob Reiber of Butler were granted, the licenses to issue on July 1, 1895, for a term of one year. Jacob Reiber filed a paper agreeing "to not in less quantities than one gallon" or to any person unknown to him; and in a previous paper he pledged himselt never to again apply for license. Something was said in Court regarding a disclaimer being filed in the case of Mrs. Lou Cunningham, but we could not find it among the papers in the case. Hereafter all applications for license will be heard on the tnird Monday in June; and all petitions and bonds must be filled not later than the the third Saturday prior to the day fixed for the hearing of the same; and all licenses granted will be for one year from July Ist. NOTES. The Standard Plate Glass Co., has sued the Water Co., for interfering with their water supply by damming Bonnie Brook. Saturday, June 29, will bo the last day for paying Mercantile Tax, to save costs. ' The disposition of the Commonwealth casevsD. H. Wuller was postponed until until July 15th. The petition of E. L, Albert to be re leased from duty as constable of Centre twp, was held over for the present. Mrs. Annie B. Peebles has petitioned for a divorce from J. X. Peebles James Simpson had summons in tre. - pass issued versus William Story, and claims $5,000. The grand jury of Alleghany Co, in their presentment hit back at Judge White as follows: "Thisjury is composed of business men and artisans from varions parts of the county, some of whom are giving their time at great pecuniary loss. Not one of us is learned in the law, nor are any of us politicians with personal ambition who might prefer a record of speed in the discharge of the business, rather than justice in tho consideration of cases laid before ns. "No member of this jury had friends to reward or enemies to punish, and the de cision reached in every case was based on the evidenee bafore us, the exercise of our best judgment, and a sincere regard for the sanctity of our oaths. We held in high estimation the charge and instruc tions of the learned Judge presiding, and in no case were wo u.imindfulof tho sug gestion of the Court as to economy in time and consideration ot the county's in terest in matter of costs, and our work has been as rapid as consistence with jus tice would permit, an 1 our findings in ac cordance with our best judgement and con science. "In this connection, and with profound respect for the Court, wo may remind the Court that where in our judgment a bill was returned "ignoramus,'' and Subse quently sent back to us from the Court, and a "true bill" returned, on the trial of the case the defendant was found 'not guilty,'and the county saddled with the costs. "It has been suggested that grand juries have become useless bodies, and we beg to concur in this view, if the conscience as well as the functions of the jury may be directwd and controlled. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. W A Dfflinison to John Dolan 13 acres in Donegal for 1500. J II Gilmore to Jas T Shane lot in Mil lerstown for S3OO. Adaline A Taylor et al to C C Taylor G8 acres in Brady tor sl. David Barto to ttabina Martin lot in Evans City for sllsO. Jas Yerty to E L Oesterling lot in But ler for S7OO. Alice W Haslett to L E McElhaney lot iD Butler for $10,500. E C Haselton to R M Huselton lot in Butler twp for sland R M Haselton same to Eliz M Huselton for sll2O. Jas W Dobson to M J Burnes 1 acre at Wick Station for $650. Emma F Brown to Henry DeWolf lot in Butler for S9OO. Tobias Meeder to Geo J Meeder 60 acres in Cranberry for SSIOO. J M Marshall, assignee to T M Marshall lots in Mais for SSUS. Marriage Licenses. D. G. Brnnermer Petersville Lillian Stoops ..Mt. Chestnut W. L Kelly Brain M. L. Orr " J. M. Mechling Grove City Bird Nicklas Petersville E. L. Pyle Yorkville, 0 Agnes Kennedy ...Prospect Charles H. Hutchison ...Oakland twp Bella Brown ...Centre twp Wise Allegheny Co Annie Monnie Butler W. C. Detrick Connoq twp Minnie Koblmeyer Renfrew At Kittanning, Wm. E. Blymiller of Parker and Margaret Bullhinan of Butler ceunty. At Johnstown, John Koca of Butler and Lizzie Kohler of Johnstown. At Buffalo, C. A. Collins and West of Butler. Tours too the North via Pennsylvania Roilroad. To provide the most attractive method of spending a summer holiday, the Penn sylvania Railroad Company has arranged to run two delightlul tours to the North. The points included in the itinerary and the couutry traversed abound in nature's beauties. Magnificent scenery begins with the journey and ends only with its oompletion. The names of the places to be visited are familiar to all and snggestive of wonderland. No matter how muoh may be expected, one cannot be dissapointed in Watkin's Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlaii and George, Saratoga, or the Highlands of the Hudson. The dates fixed for the departures of these two tours are July 16 and August 20, and the round-trip rate of SIOO from New York, Brooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Balti mor, and Washington will cover all necessary expenses during the times absent. A beautiful descriptive itinerary can be produced from the tourist depart of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1196 Broad way, New York, or Room 411, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Fourth of July Excursion. On Wednesday, July 3d, and 4th, Agts. of P. \V. will sell Excursion for fare one way for round trip to all points on P.&W. also to all points on C. A. & C., B & O. and P. &W. Good returning July 5. AMY BRO'S, CORNER MAIN A MIFFLTN STS., BUTLER, PENN'A. Dealers in new Furniture and household goods of every description Call and see us. We can save you money. Stylish sailor hats, many colors at PAPE'S. We display over 100 new and pretty pattern hats and bonnets at PAFE'S. Investments. I offer my services to invest money for persons having it to loan, in first mortgage on improved property in Pittsburg and Allegheny. All fees paid by the borrowers. No charge whatever to the persons loaning the money. Usual rate of interest six per cent, well secured. JAMES BREMN, May 20, 1895, Attorney at Law, 98 Diamond St, Pittsburg, Pa. Excursion rates between all points on line of P. S. & L E. R. R., Tick ets good going July 3 and 4 and for returning up to and including the oth at the rate of one fare for the round trip. —Home made candies, taffies, ear mels, and etc., now on hand at the City Bakery. -.jj|Plain and fancy Black Dress Goods in all qualities at bargain prices at L. STXIN & SON'S. PERSONAL. L. L. Wick has been appointed post master for Moniteau. Miss Mabel Brown of this place is visit ing friends in Petrolia. Miss Burnett, of Clarion, is the guest of Miss Robinson. Jno Shaffer and family are visiting friends in Ohio. H. C. Heineman and wife visited Con neant Lake last week. Miss Shuler of Wheeling is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Anthony Rockenstein. Miss Rose of Nebraska is the guest cf her sister, Mrs. Emery Brandon. Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Stsrks attended the Home and Foreign mission ary convention at Williamsport. Mrs George Shievor of W. Pearl St. is visiting friends at Middle Lancaster, Whitcstown and Portersville. Misses May Moore and Janette Deemer of Kittanuing were the guests of Dr. Moore at the Butler House, last week. S. A. Leslie, J. W. Gillespie. Geo. Fair, G. K. Montgomery and J. H. Flick of Mid dlesex were in town on bnsiness, last week. Alice Kiskaddon is at Grove City this week, and Edith is visiting at Foxburg, so Joe is left alone. W. A. Christie and wite are spending a few days at Markelton Sanitarium, in Somerset Co. Among the Kittanning visitors at Abe Flick's farm Wednesday, were Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dixon and Mr. Joseph Smith and wife, Rev. S. M. Bell of Rochester, died last night, after a lingering illness. He preceeded Rev. Jones, here, as pastor of the M. E. church. Rev. White went to Preeport last Sun day to baptise a young Weaver. He has now baptised five generations of the same family, beginning in 1837. W. J Pflough, the energetic slate roofer of Evans City, was in town on business, Thursday. Will occasionally secures a contract in Butler. Harry Lovell, formerly of Butler, now Snp't. of the Monongahala Division of ihe P. K. R. visited friends in Butler last week. Glenn T. Braden, formerly of Millers town, is now general manager of the pro duction of the Standard Co., at SIO,OOO a year. Mrs. Piersol and Emi Jack visited friends in Cranberry twp, this week. They drove down and had a breakdown on the road. Mrs. John Richey, was brought home, Tuesday, greatly improved in health. She has been at the hospital for several months. John C. Graham is now a Notary Public. One of the last things done by the Senate was to confirm the Governor's appoint ments. Frank Owen, an oil well driller of this place has been employed by the National Supply Co.of London to drill some wells near Singapore, India. He expects to be gone two years. Ker. E. M. "Wood will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday morning ou, "What about Immortality," and in the evening on, "Evolution of th 6 church, or Christianity Progressive." Cyrus Harper of Cranberry twp. was in Butler, Monday, lifting his commission as Justice of the Peace. Cyrus has been en gaged in New Castle this Spring, on a con tract for a building. Mrs. Linn and her daughter Katie, Mrs. Scott and her son George, and Rev. and Mrs. Oiler attended the commencement exercises at Washington and Jefferson College, this week. Rev. Oiler also attend ed the reunion of his classmates, who graduated twenty years ago. W. T. Gallaher, has been at his old home in Muddycreek twp., for sometime, and he and his family will spend the Snm mer there. He went West nine years ago; first to Illinois and then to Los Angelos, Cal., and has been employed on the coast ever since. He bought property, and has a home at Astoria Oregon. His wife and child are at present at her old home in Davenport lowa, but will be here sooa. His father, Thomas Gallagher, is well up in years and is not in good health. Dr. McAlpine, his children and grand children— five sons, one daughter, and ten grand children have been holding a re union at the Dr's home in Goucherville, for the past few days, and have been hav ing a very pleasant time. Three of the sons are dentists—one at Warren, one at Bradford and the other in Brooklyn. His only daughter is a graduate of Cleveland Medical College, and is preparing to prac tice in this state. Ono of his unmarried sons Ken, is six feet, four, and as he is but 18 years of age, he is yet growing. Latest in trimmed and untrimmed hats flowers, feathers, ribbons and novelties at PAPK'S. ipr [ For pure spring water ice- - 11/1) Leave your orders it Richey's Bakery Daily Delivery. Thousands of Women Every week are finding out that Marvin's crackers are the beat. 1000 untrimmed hats,spendid shap es at PAPBS. —Job work of all kind*done at the CITIZEN OITIOK. —Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds, always on hand at the City Bakery. —Try, T. A. Morrison's home made Carmels. —A full line of home made candies at the City Bakery. Common Sense Prompts women to buy Marvin's Drummer's lunch from their grocer. They know a good thin?. The people are using Armstrongs Little System Pills. We are giving them away. See ad in another col umn. They are fine- School hats at PAPK'S. Czarina just new at PA* BKO'B. Beautiful pattern hats at PAPK'S. Your Picnic Basket To be complete should contain a package of Marvin's Drummer lunch. Great bargains in Lace Curtains, Laces and Embroideries at L. Stein A Son's. Always use J. A. Richey's Cough Drops. They are the best. The finest line of Mourning hats and bonnets in Butler at PAPK'S. Btorm Serges and French Serges, Henrittias, Novelty Dress Goods and Fancy Slks in greatest variety and at lowest prices at. L. STKIN & SON'S. We sell Table Linens, Napkins Towels, Crashes and all kinds of white goods at very low prices at L. STKIN & SON'S. New Percales, Ducks, Court Royal Pique, Seersuckers, Ginghams and all kinds of wash goods at L. STEIN & SON'S —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a,' correct likeness. Don't Buy poor crackers. Buy Marvin's. Job work done here. Subscribe for the CITIZHN. Largest assortment; of new Silks and Dress Goods at loweßt prices ever known at L. Stein & Son's. Sad Affair in Fairview. An unusually sad affair occurred on the Thos. Hays farm in Fairview twp. ' i last Saturday night. For some weeks, Armstrong Jamison has had charge of McGrew and Brown well, at the head of the hollow. Late Saturday night or early Sunday morning the rig was notic ed to be burning, and some of the neighbors went to it, but it was then almost entirely destroyed, and the iron roof of the boiler house had fallen to the ashes of the wood work. When Hutchi son Jamison, arrived at the scene he pried up the rool aud under it found the body of his brother burned beyond recognition, and yet burning. Armstrong had been in Earns City, Saturday, returned late that uight aud dul not go to the well till towards midnight. Nobody who saw the rig burning had any idea he was there. The well was run by gas; gasoline accumulated, and the fire is thojght to have originated from it. Mr. Jamison was married to a daughter of Jacob Ellenberger, who with three children survive him. lie formerly resided in Butler, and worked for John Richey. Accidents. A P. S. <1- L. freight conductor had hi jaw broken by being struck by a pushing pole. James Habn fell from a derrick on the Bergbigler farm near Herman, Tuesday morning, and broke his right arm and his nose. Meeting of Piesbytery. The Presbytery of Butler received from Blairsville Presbytery, June 11 Mr. Paul J. Slonaker, a licentiate,placed a call from /Selienople church in his hands aud ap pointed a meeting June 25 at 11 A. M. lor bis ordination and installation over this church. A record of the life of Rev. Sam's Wil liams was read and ordered to be placed on the records. Presbytery appointed it» fall meeting at Summit, 2ud Tuesday of September, J. B. Coulter, S. C. Have You Seen Tflem? 'i he paper flowers that are displayed in the window at 107 Centre Ave are made by the hand of an expert, and the art can easily be learned by anyone. Lessons well given to those who wish to learn at reasonable rates. W ANTED —Everybody that makes but ter to know that our Patent Revolving CtiUrn Dasher churns in te.u minutes—firs ,uy upright churn. Sample by prepaid express SI.OO. Agents wanted. Write for our special offer. Logan & Kennedy, 125 7th St., Pittsburg, Pa See our line ol New Spring Capes —the assortment is large and the styles and prices are ripht L. STEIN & SON. —You pay for school-books; but the best school-book for your children is your daily puper. Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with the news and best in presenting it, tbe Pittsburg Dispatch fills tho bill. BoardingHouse Cards, with Act o! Assembly, 25 ceute for half-a-dolen, tor SALE at CITIZEN office, —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Postoffice building See the latest in rings, the Czarina at P APE'S. See our line of Kaiki Silks, Pon gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silkß (or wasits from 35 cents a yard up L. Stein «fe Son. —No matter how hard the times the one thiug you cannot afford to go without ia all the news. If you want all the news you get it in the Pitts burg Dispatch. The Dispatch %p\ib ishesl all—not a part only. Come and see stylish bats and bon nets at PAI'E'B. Come and sek the Czarina rings at PAPE BRO'S. Excursion to Chattanoga, Tenn. Account, International Conference Epworth League.—On June 24, 25, 26 and 27th ticket agents of the Pittsburg & Western Ry., will sell Round Trip Tickets to Chattanooga; Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Rate from Butler $lB. From stations between Butler and Kane, inc'uding Clarion, $18.25. Tickets include free omnibus trans fer between P. &W. and B & O , stations in Pittsburg in each direc tion. Only one change of cars be tween Pittsburg and Chattanooga and that in Union Station, Cincin nati. One stop-over allowed between Cincinnati and Chattanooga, either going or returning of which advan tage may be taken to visit Mammoth Cave. For farther particulars in quire of nearest ticket agent, or ad dress C. W. BASSETT, A.G.P.A., P. &. W. Railway, Allegheny Pa. Notice. The School Directors of Butler Borough will elect Teachers and Janitors for the ensuing school year, Friday June 21, 1895, at 7:30 P. M. All applications to be filed with ihe Secretary on or before Tuesday, Juno 18, 1895, at 7 P. M. John Findley, Secretary. HEINEMAN SON, \ SUMMER j is approaching and tqa r r only way to keep cool is J J to go to . «I Heineman's J x S and get yourself a nice #2 | i Hammock o 3 J We have the largest ?5* PQ € and finest line of ? zt Hammocks Q 2 ever brought to Butler. 4 «g Wall Paper SS \ from the cheapest to the J finest of Pressed J M a 5 PAPERS, h 2 # We also handle the # S * celebrated *' gS RAMBLER |? I BIOYCLE^I HEINEHAN & SOH._ _ i 1 N D f APEg HH GTOR.BROS« • ' IV* vdWllitWd *1 IriVIMl 4 Oil A DUAL— Hartman A Co, and Gallagher, purchased from the trustees of Greenlee ' i Forst, last week, their nine-sixteenths' I interest in the West Virginia property, ! for something like $200,000. Greenlee & | Forst mad* an assignment last Ootober, [ and in November Joe Craig and J. V. J Ritts were appointed trustees. Some | more wells weredrilled, and tho production | has paid debts aggregating #150,000, in I about seven months. The whole pro perty of the firm consisted of 22 producers, with about 500 barrels production, and about 14,000 acres of leases. TUB QRSAT UASSBR —The "Big Moses" gas well in West Virginia was fired by lightning a lew days ago; then it blew itself out, and now it U spouting salt water. BTTLSR— A strong pressure of gas was struck at 900 feet in the well on the Bredin place, opposite the Fair grounds. Nothing has been done at the Wilson well in the Walter lot lor three weeks. Boydstown—Phillips has four new rigs up, Bradner it Reiber two and McConuell one. McGill & Co's well on the Robb is making 10 barrells. The South Penn's well on the Beatty is in the sand and showing good. RENFREW— Phillips No. 31, in the McCalmont tract wai completed last week and is doing 100 barrels. He has located five more wells in the tract. BBOWKSDALB— The Forest Co's 3 Barc lay is flowing about 5o barrels; the East ern Co's 3 Marsh was dry in the third and will be shot in the 100 foot; Shanor it Co's 2 Brown is dry in the third. CoopgasTown-Shaffner .os pm, Allegheny Kx <.06 pm, Allegheny Ac 7.30 pm, DeForest Ac Train arriving at at 5.06 p m leaves B A O de pot, Pittsburg, at 3:15 o'clock. Butler and Greenville Coach will leave Alle gheny at 320 p. m, daily except Sunday. Con necting at Wlflowgrove, arriving at Butler at 5:06. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and first-claw Day Coaches run through between Butler ana Chicago dally. For through tickets to points In the \T est Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CBOBCH, Ageut Trains leave the B. A O. depot In Putburg tor tbe East as follows. For Washington D' C.. Baltimore. Philadel phia. aad New York, 7 ;30 and 9so p. m. Cumberland. B*o. 7 :30. a.m. 1 :10. 9ao p. m. Con nelsville. «:40, 730. a. m. 1.10. 4.30. 4.45. p m. Uniontown. 7.50 a. m., 1.10 . p. m. Cnloutown. Morga ntown and Fairmont. 7,30. a. in. and 5,30 p.m. Mt.Hleasant 6.40. 7. 30 a. m. 1.10 and 4.30 pm. Washington, Pa., 7.40 and 930 a. m., 4.00,4.45 and 9.00. 11.85 p. m. Wheel ing. 7.40. and 9.30 a. m., and 4.00. 9.00. 11.56 p. m Cincinnati, St, Louis, Columbus and New ark, 7.40 a. m., 9.10,11.55p,m. For Chicago, 2.40 and 9.30 p. m. Parlor and sleepiag cars to Baltimore, Wash ington, Cincinnati and Chicago PITTBBUBG, SHBSANQO A LAKE BRIB B.R. Takes effect Monday. Dee. 31 ism. Train* are run by Standard central Time (90th Meridian.) One hour slower than City Time. Gotxo NORTH. GOINO SOUTH To 14 12 STATIONS 9 11 13 p.m m . p.m. AIT Lv'e a.m. a.m. .... 4 sft 2 30 Buffalo 5 35 12 lu .... 3 26 1 00 Dunkirk j 7 00 1 3 " a. m, 7 00 1 42 10 U) .Erie 6 10) 8 35 3 35 6 85 1 09 9 26 .Wallace Junct. C 47 » 15 4 13 6 20 1 04 9 15 Glrard 6 50 » 18 4 16 . 09 12 64 9 03 Lock port 7 eoj 9 2» 4 26 e 02 18 48 8 . .OranesvlUe... T OS| 9 38 , 4 3* <5 43!. ..110 22 ar.Conneaut IV I 740 | 310 • 10) 1740 iv ar ..... (to 221 643 osTtJ 441 845 ar.. ..Albion Iv 7 111 8 41! 437 6 411S 33. 8 31 Shadeland. .. 723 9 53 4 51 6 40| 12 JOi 828 ... spring bo r0... 727956 ]4 56 5 33112 24 , 8 90 ..Conueautvlile.. 73410 03 503 6 oaji2 06; 800 ...Mea'v'le Jet... 8 oo|lQ 26| 5 25 . st|. .1 7 30lv Conn't Lake..| }lO ill 447 7 16 .. ..i 8 lOar ar 8 10 10 50| 6 39 4 20 I 7 65| 9 45; 4 20 7 40|... .[ 8 36 ar ar, 8 36;11 25 6 1Q i?O2 11 61 7 «!.. . Ilartstown INollo3# j5 39 |ll 38 28 Osgood |lO 54 553 6 25 11 30 ! 7 1, ... Greenville... 6 30;11 07 6 05 6 18 U 2" 1 7 06 ....Shenango.... 6 40|U 20; s 20 600 10 69 1 645 ....Fredonla.... 7 03ill 441 634 5 44 10 43 6 26 Mercer 7 22|1S 04] 7 00 5 30 10 N 6 10 Pardoe 7 35.12 22 7 14 6181020 600 ....Grove City... 7 47*12 33 ]7 25 5 06 10 08 , 5 48 ... Harrtsvllie 7 58j'2 45 7 36 4 68 '0 OOj 6 4"... Branch ton 8 06['2 54; 7 45 500 [ 8 lOtlv .Branchton arj 7 10 ;12 10s 546 ...,| 8 »' 6 25111 15| .... 453 95U 6 3B|lv...keiSters ... 8 10)12 58 74» 4 38 9 42 5 211 Euclid 8 22 1 12 8 03 4 10 s 151 4 50) Butler 1 42 8 32 r tot 7 20! 'Allegheny, PAWill 00| 3 50! 2 151 , m i ! Plttt.burg.BAO, |p. m'p. ml .. J. T. BLAIK. General Manager. Greenville, pa W. G. WABGEANT, G. P. A.. Meadvllle. Pa C. A ~ D D. SUMMER / Goods are in demand now in V J order to get the best of old Sol- Q C We provide everything need- J 1 fnl in order to be cool and com- C \ fortable. 7 \ Hata and Furnishings for 1 / Men BOJB and Children are \ \ oar specialties and we onlj ask X C an inspection of our goods. 1 We know they are satislac-^ Colbert & Dale. A Manufacturer's Left-over j Stock For Sale Cheap. Briefly Told + + + AT this time of the year the makers of Clothing with Stocks on hand are willing to lose money to clean out goods. Their profit time is over and any price for their left-over stock is better than keeping it until next year. Last Week We Closed M. Sanyster Sons & Co., stock of Men's fine tailor made Suit s . Suits. We bought this stock so low that we are able t« offer you $lO, 812, sl3 and sl4 Suits for only $8.76 $8.75 $8.75. Schaul S Nast, Leading Clothiers, 137 S. Main St., Butler, Pa* OUR NEW Spring Clothing (for the price) in the history of the clothing trade. Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta loons and Cher alls. If you have worn them, you need no further comment from us, if not ask toi see them as they are the be st cheap pants in the world. Schneideman's Old Stand. SHIM BROs', Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Bntler Pa. You will have to Gobble fast, for they surely wont last long. Our guarantee included that they are all wool and we have T x rPfhl. rvrino from SB. $lO, and sl2. Sizes RCUUC-CQ XjIIG PIT.CE well assorted, we have too many. Some must all be sold in ten days. This is a Grand Chance Shloss Bro's, E; T l, Schneideman's OldJStand. W. F. Hartzell. Frank Kemper. The Adriance Rinder Is the lightest draft, the simplest constructed, the easiest operated, aiid the most durable of any binder on the market. It will not upset on the steepest hills, It will cut where all others fail. It will handle as long or as short grain as any other binder. It will do l>etter work in tangled grain than any binder in use. This binder is sold on its merits. If it fails to do as above mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. All machines and vehicles sold by us are guaranteed to be as represented. Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to the separator, can be got from us. Vehicles in various styles and prices. Harness for all kinds of use. Fly nets and Covers, busters, Robes, Blankets, Whips, &c. In short, anything belonging to a team outfit is kept by us. The best wagon on the market is sold by us. We guarantee it superior to any thing sold in this county. Call and see us HARTZELL 4 KEMPER, For Fine Footwear, 5 *rf|3i 5 Go to RUFF'S Shoe Store, 114 South S ■ IS iMain street. Every line of shoes is shown # m ML *in our stock. We have no specialties, but * M wk quality and low prices, and they £ \« Jare the specialties for buyers. All our J Sshoes walk away from competition, and 5 sleave other dealers out of the race. The f #feet are very sensitive and it's the easiest 6 Jthing in the world to hurt their feelings. \ can't do that if you wear our shoes, deal softly and fittingly with the feet and lightly with the pocketbook. We have ladies fine dress shoes, made in the latest styles, at from 75c to $4.00. The latest designs in Ladies Oxfords range in price from 50c to $2.25. Men's Dressiest of the Dress Shoes at SI,OO and Opvard. Misses Oxfords and Shoes at 50c and 75c in pretty styles, better grades if you want them. Children's shoes as low as 25 cents. Boys and Youths Shoes at all prices, including your own price. Give us a Call. A. Ruff & Son., 114 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurancej and Real Estate Agent, 17 EASTIJEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. HAS ARRIVED, and we wil be pleased to show you what we h are. You can buy a good, servicable business suit for $3.00, bul -r line at $6.00, $7.50, $9.00 • ■ i SIO.OO are marvels o{ beauty and excellence, better than ever sold Douthett AND Graham, BUTLER, PA. Farm For Sale. Containing 20 tores of good land, with orchards of apple, peach, pear, and cherry trees,grape arbors etc. A good 6-room house with large porchen, summer house and spring water at door, an excellent spring house and several other outside builainjj. This property is looated in Franklin township, 2 miles from Mt. Chestnut and between it and I'rospect, and will be told, or traded for town property. For turther particular* inquire at this office.