THE CITIZEN later* st PMt«ar« at Bntlrr a* 24 rUt* setter WILLIAM C. IKSLtI, PmbllUtr THURSDAY, JUKE 20. IM>. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. A. M. CHRJSTLEY. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. FRANK E. MCQUISTION. ' The Late Legislature. Spealing of the late session ot the Legislature, one of our exchanges says; The session was one ot the longest ever held; the Apportionment bills were not passed —in fact were not even given a respectful hearing, while the list of private jobs rushed through is a long one. Re gardless of the reduced income of the State, bill after bill was introduced and pushed through appropriating money for this, that and the other thing. New officers were created by the wholesale with .at salaries attached, while the charitable in stitutions which rely on the State to keep them going, either wholly or in part, are left to suffer from this extraordinary and unnecessary drain on the Treasury. It is true the bosses got all they wanted at this session—something they could not do at the session of 1893, owing to the oourageous and determined stand taken by that old war-horse John Cessna and a few other bold spirits. The peculiar legisla tion demanded by Flinn and Magee was passed without a murmur by their sub servient followers, while the man from Beaver had but to ring up his satellites on the long-distance telephone to secure anything which might tend to increase his hold on the party or to defeat any thing that oould weaken him. All in all, the record of the Legislature is a bad one, and the people of the State will rejoice that the session is a thing of the past, During the closing week some meas ures of considerable interest were acted on. Among these was the Woods Water bill, which was fixed up in conference committee and then agreed on by both House and Senate. The bill is now in the hands of the Governor. Probably the most important bit of legislation was the pa»sage by the Senate of the Superior Coart bill. When it wan taken up several important amendments were made. The number of Judges was increased from five to seven. Though Semator Green appealed for fair play claim ing that the minority party was ceratainly entitled to at least two Judges out of seven, to the mind of Senator Grady, however, it was clear that the Democrats should only have one. It was also clear to the same mind that it really did not make much difference whether the Court was compos ed of Democrats or Republicans, but to be on the sate side he preferred to have most of them republicans. As the bill came from the House the Court was required to hold all its sessions in Harrisburg; but this was changed so as to allow the Court to meet at least once a year in Phila delphia, Pittsburg, Williamsport, Scran ton and Harrisburg. The power to enforce an order of restitution by execution was stricken out, and the bill was then passed. The revenue bill which has been the subject of so much debate both in the House and before the Senate Finance oommittee, was killed by the latter body, the bill being reported to the Senate with a negative recommendation on Thursday evening. On Wednesday the Committee made a bluff of having the bill recommit ted in order to give those who wanted to be heard on it a last chance to appear, but the truth of the matter wa3 that the com mittee bad already made op its mind to negative the bill. The Smith bill for the distribution of the school fund was smothered in the Senate Committee on Education. The bill passed the house, bnt struck 9 enme in the unnwr Branch. Several meetings of the Commit tee wero held, but the friends of the meas ure were unable to muster enough vote Jto get the bill out. The bill creating the office of Deputy Auditor-General pass ed the House by an overwhelmingly large vote, and the Governor signed it. Auditor General Mylin will at once re-organize his force. Col. John A. Glenn will be appoint ed Deputv, Captain Bricker, of Jersey Shore, will be retained as Corporation Clerk, and Sam Matt Friday, of Lancaster, will succeed Fred Shober as Chief Clerk. The Flinn Road bill was one of the bosses' measures that was passed finally by the house during the week. This bill gives counties the right to construct coun ty roads and levy a tax for their main tenance. The measure provides that the recommendation of the County Commis sioners shall be first passed upon bv the grand jury and approved by the Court before the roads can be improved. This was the first of a score or more road bills introduced at this session, to pass finally. All other measures of this character wei-e either defeated or killed in committee. Senator Kennedy presented in the Sen ate on Tuesday a resolution for the ap pointment of a committee consisting of the President pro tern, and six Senators to investigate the pnblic schools of the State. The resolution was adopted, and the committee appointed consists of Sen ators Kennedy, Brown, Fruit, Snyder, "Walton, Oreen and Thomas. A stir was caused in the Senate on Thursday after noon by the presentation by Senator Wood of a similar resolution lor the ap pointment of a committee of fiye to in restigite the State Normal schools. This was loudly objected to by Senators Pen rose and Qrady, the former claiming that the resolutions, passage would make the Senate appear ridiculous in the eye of tho people, inasmuch as another com mittee has just been appointed which in tended to make such an inquiry as the Woods resolution contemplated a part of their investigation. The resolution was clearly passed by a viva voce vote, but President pro tem. Kaufman declared it lost and then adjourned the Senate with out paying any attention to the repeated calls for the yea* and nays demanded by Mr. Woods. The Senate on Monday defeated the bill to preserve the purity and prevent the pollution of streams and waters, which oame up on linal passage, the measure only receiving 18 votes, or 8 less than enough to pass it. The Joint Legislative Committee ap pointed under the provisions of a resolu tion approved by the Governor in Feb ruary, to investigate the management of the hospital for the insane at Noiristown, on Tuesday, through its chairman, Gen eral Gobin, made its report to the Senate. The report is a voluminous one and denounced the loose business methods em ployed in conducting the affairs of the in stitution. The oommittee reviews in detail the management, condemning in the first place the system which delegates to the executive committee the powers of the Trustees, as tending to create confusion and an objectionable division of responsi bility. Taken all in all,the Committee finds a deplorable lack of business manage ment, and recommends the appointment of a committee to examine Into the method* of keeping the books of charitable insti tutions of the State. The Auditor-Gen eral and State Treasurer are also empow ered by the resolutions the committee offered to settle an account with the Trustees and collect from them the un expended balance in their hands as shown by the Treasurer's report. Harrisburg Notes. On Thursday Gov. Hastings approyed the judicial apportionment bill, which cre ates five new judges in the state. The measure gives Westmorland and Washing ton each an additional judge, detatche.-t Center from Huntington and makes the former a separate district and attaches Huntingdon to Mifilin. It also makes separate districts out of the counties ot Jefferson and Clarion, which now form one district. Monday of this week, the Governor and his Cabinet listened to arguments in a number of important bills. Among these was the one to prevent any teacher in the public school from wearing the garb peculiar to any religeous denomination. W. A. Pike, ef Philadelphia, C. P. Bang, of Pittsburg, aud Dr. W. H. Painter, of Harrisburg, spoke in faror of the measure as necessary to remove all sectarianism from the schools. All the advocates of it were subjected to numerous interrogatories from the Gov ernor, Attorney General and Secretary of he Commonwealth, which indicated that none ot the officials were in sympathy with the proposed legislation. All the ques tions propounded had a tendency to weak en the arguments of the speakers.andwhen they had completed their remarks the bill had been thoroughly riddled by reason of the damaging answers evoked. During the day he approved the follow ing bills: Validating purchases or leases heretofore made or acquired by water companies of lands to preserve their water supply from contamination; to prevent physicans and surgeons from testifying in civil cases to communications made to then by their patients; amending the act of 1881 to protect fruit gardens, growing crops, grass, etc., and punish trespass so as to protect berries and nuts; supplement to the act of 1834 relating to executors and J administrators relating to the lien of judg ments against descendants; days of grace on promissory notes, drafts etc., and to determine when such obligations maturing on Sunday or on legal holidays |or on half holidays shall become due, amending the first section of the act to amend an act relating to marriage licenses providing for officers to issue licenses for parties to marry, and relating to the eoun ty wherein to secure the license; to pro vide for the more effectual protection of the public health in the municipalities of the Commonwealth by the oreation of a State Board of Undertakers; to determine the status of typewriting; appropriating $17,500 for the payment of the salary of the Food and Dairy Commissioner, and for the payment of his necessary expenses as agent of the State Board ot Agriculture for the two final years ending May 31, 1895. The Pliladelphia judges «re seriously considering the adoption of silk gowns. Black gowns for civil, and red gowns for criminal, courts, are proposed. Th«t would be a return to the semi-barbarous customs ot the past. It was the practice in ancient times to keep the people in awe of certain dignitaries by clothing them in ostentatious robes. But now it is diff erent. Men are judged by the quality of mind they possess and are respectable in the degree that they are fionest and justice loving. There is nothing sacred or de serving of reverence that is not true and right, and anything that diverts atten tion from the character and breadth and scrope of brain, to the mere pomp and tinsel of pDwer and authority, is degrading. Let the Supreme Court of the State have a monopoly of this nonsense. The Keely Cure in a Murder Case. Dr. Wiles, formerly of this town and county has made an affidavit, to be usod before the Board of Pardons, in the Werl ing murder case. Wiles is now proprietor of the Oakland Private Hospital, and be states that he treated Werling twice, and that he believes Werling "to have been unsound at the time he was at the Keely Institute." He says the regular treatment at the Institute consists: First—Of an internal remedy composed of several of the bitter tonics, in addition to cinchona, of leaspounfnll i* t every two hours during the day. Second apian of hypodermic treatment, whioh consists, first of tho so-called specific so lution, which is a solution of hyoscyamine, of which tho dose is eight to ten minims. "This is equal to about one one-hundredth of a grain of the drug; secondly, a solu tion of thein, of the strength of two grains to the drahm; thirdly, a solution of pilo carpine, of the strength of one grain to the drahm; fourthly, a solution of morphia, two grains to the drahm. '•The red, or specific solution, is given constantly during the entire course of treatment, four times per dny. The thein 8 olution is used as a placebo and as a stim ml<*nt in morphia cases. The pilocarpine solution is used as a relaxant in cases of oxcitement and to produce Emesis. The morphia solution is used but very rarely in the treatment of liquor cases. '"The three lolutions are made in the institute by the physician in charge. The contents ot the red or specific solution is only to be ascertained by analysis or by watching the effect of the drug on many patients. '"While I have never actually mad* a chemical anlys-s of the red solution, I know what it consists of by the effects which it produces, having administered it many hundreds of times and closely water ed the results on the patients. '"This red solution, when administered bypodermicnlly to tho patient, produces w'idety dilated pupils, increased blood pressure, pallor to the skin, of a peculiar anhen hue, dry mouth and throat, languor and stupidity; at times loss ot memory, and a dazed condition. '"Having noticed the effects of this red solution and knowing that only a certain class of drugs produce a like effect, I reasoned by deduction, and after throwing out all other drugs of this class, I admin istered to a number of patients an ordinary dose of hyo'cyamine, hypodormically, for several days at a time, and I obtained ex actly the same symptoms and effects as resulted from the use of the Keeley speci fic or red solution. No other drug of this class, when administered in similar doses, produced this effect. "•When I was at Dwight, 111., receiving my course of instruction at the parent Keely Inst, tute, I was instructed by the lecturer to use the red solution with cau tion, if at all, in cases ol atheronnatou blood vessels and latty degeneration of the heart, or in any condition 01 the cir culatory system when increased blood pressure would be dangerous. RKCEJITLY there havo been several mis carriages of justice in some of the courts of the State, and some people are inclined to say hard things of the judiciary in general. This is wrong. Whou the people lose confidence in the integrity and honesty ot their courts, there is daugcr of anarchy and ruin to our most cherished institutions. Among the many judges in our Btate there are but few who are not entitled to the respect of the peoqle. It is true, a few demagogues and libertines have succeeded in being elected to this ligh position of honor and trust; but, thank goodnei-s, they arc few is number, possibly not a dozen in the State. As a rule, therefore, the judiciary of our State is entitled to tho utmost respect at the hands of the people, and it is a mis take to condeinu all because a few have disgraced their positions. AT the Republican National League convention in Cleveland, the Prteiuential booms of UcKiuley, Harrison aud Allison are being looked alter; and the free coin - age delegates are endeavoring to haTe their views adopted. IT is said that Senator Quay will bo a delegate from Bearer Co, to the State Convention, and that hi will try to make himself Chairman of the Republican Statu Committee. The resolutions of the Memphis si'ver convuntion advocate tree coinago al a 1G to 1 rc.tio, and declare that international action is not ueceasary. Sibley was not indorsed for President. 18th Annual Convention of The Butler County isabbath School Association Held at Hatler, Pa. Ist. Session, M. E. Church. Bl' M. June sth, 1895. The President. Rrr., I). Decker, being absent, J. W. Orr of Bruin, presided. Major C. t. Anderson welcomed the delegates in a manner that showed the cordiality, cour tesv, and urbanity tor which _he is lamed, has'not been dimmed by bisJ'- i' eAT^ Rev C J. Kephart.Gen, Sec., for Penu. being present and hi* engagements only permitting him to stay for one session the order of program was changed. Rev. hep hart spoke on the need of more thorough oreA»:?aticn in county and snb-di#tnct work: he is a man ot fine presence, and i eloquent and pleasing address: his lecture was a model in subject and deliver*; and the Stat© Association, of which Hon John Wanamaker is President, shows its good judgement in having him so employed; and if there is not an increased interest in Sabbath School work wherever be L'oes, the fault will not be his Mr.-. J W. Barnes of Newark, J followed Rev. Kepharfs address with a practical talk to Primary Teachers. Mrs. Barnes has a charming persona! appear ance and gave a very entertaining lecture in a clear practical way. She is also em ployed by the State Association to attend the County Conventions in the interest of '""'"s KTS°ION Presbyterian Church, 9 A M of the 6th inst. After Devotional Exercises, Ira M Graham, delegate to the State Convention last year, made a verv interesting report. Rev T V. Milligan. of Freeport, Pa.. Vice President of the 10th Dist. was in troduced and gave a very instructive ad dress. The Rev. gentleman suggested that Missionary work would be very prop er for this church. The few children present were formed into a class and Mrs. Barnes illustrated her method by the board. It it to be regretted that there could not have been a Union Meeting of Sabbath School children of the borough, or at least the assemblage of the Churches Sunday Schools. The fine illustration of the lesson was highly appreciated by the class and delegates. The topic "What is effective Rible Study", was opened by Prof. J. o. Carothers. Sec. of the Young Mens Chris ian Association of Butler. Pa. The gentle men spoke for 30 minutes and showed the Convention that he was an earnest, p eas ing speaker, and a thorough Bible student. The topic proved interesting, and Rev Eli Miller, Mrs. Eoitua Wheeler, Rev. w. E. Snyder, and John Mcßride made re marks on the 3RD. SBSSIOS— Church of Go!, 2 P. M. Devotional exercises conducted by Robert Mcßride, delegate lrom the Unionville Presbyterian Church. The topio "History of the Sabbath School'" was laid over, and Rev.Milligan addressed the Convention on the line of aggressive Sabbath School work The address was eloquent and practical and among many impressions left upon the minds of the audience, one was.that if all our ministers were as earn est in the work as Bro. Milligan, their prayer would be sooner answered, and the pickets and lines of the Sabbath School Advance would be further to the front than they are. . „ ..... The topic "Temperance in Sal'bath School'' was taken up, and the discussion that fallowed led by J. W. Orr, left no doubt that tliis was the dominant question before the Convention. Brother Orr s ad dress bristled with facts and figures and led up to " Work and vote for Prohibition . Mrs. Emma Wheeler said that the Presby terian Church in Harmony said 'that they were sound for Temperance, vet just two Prohibition votes. Robert Meßride-Xot sure whether it is best to carry the question so far as politics. Rev Sparks - We are Lutherans; can go as deep into the questiqn as we wish; it is well received by our people. H. R. Sheffield - A few of us started a remonstrance; presented it to the Church members, almost a stampede; 5 male signers Millersiown no wors* than other towns; temperance should by taught with every lesson. A. C Gibson - Temperance dont start first in the Sabbath School; must start in the home. Rev. Davis—Believes in Temperance Don't believe in theory, but very much in practice. .. , H. C. Black—Should teach character; the ten commandments. Joseph Criswell—Enforce the the Brooks Law; and we have prohibition; no politics mixe.l with his temperance. Topics "Relation of Sabbath School to good citizenship" opened by John H. Sut ton. Our Legislature not what it should be; is run iu the interest of Trusts, Rings, and Monopolies; our Offices not all filled by good men; we must get rid of the sa loon; vote the Prohibition tickot, and put temperance men in office. The hour of adjonrnment came t-»o soon for the Session, and the time was far past the hour fixed for closing, when Kev. Dav is pronounced the benediction. 4th. SESKIOS—U. V- ? U oondacted bj Rev. McKee. Prayer by J. B. Carrothers. Rev. McK»-e introduced the lecturer, Rev. T. V. Milligan. The gentleman gave a very interesting address on the organi nation and management of babhath Schools. An abridgment of the address wou'd not do the Speaker justice amd will not be attempted. But all present were highly pleased with the lecture. sth. SESSION —South Side Reformed Church, 9 A. M. Devotional Exercises conducted by Rev. D. L. Snyder. Report of Rev. Eli Miller, treasurer, and Joseph Criswell Sec. were presentad and approv ed. J. W. Orr President, Rev. Eli Milier Treasurer, Joseph Criswell Secretary. Kev. Davis, John H. Sutton, Rev. D. N. Ilarnish, Ex Com., elected for the ensuing year. Bruin, the unanimous choice for the next Convention. Rev. Eli Miller elected delegate to the State Convention, with William Walker as alternate. The advisability of dividing the County into sub-districts was discussed, and the Ex. Com,, were instructed to do so, if practi cable. The delegate to the State Conven tion was instructed to pay the State As sociation *lO 00, and to pledge no less than that for next year. Topics "Conference on Teaching''—Pre paration—opened by J. G. Runkle; should prepare by earnest prayer; should study all the connecting links between lessons; think about the lesson during the week. "Lessons taught" opened by H. R.Shef field; we aro anxious about our chilirens progress in the publie school, but how few parents know the Sunday School lesson; are anxious about setting Hp their children in business lor the world, but little inter est takeu for their eternal welfare. I "Alter the Lesson" openod by Iter. W, IS. Snyder; after the lesson is the import ant part; important for Superintendent to review Ihe lesson; something to bring home the lesson to the School; Teachers should live the lesson. While the the attendance was not what it should have oeen, considering tho abil ity and prominenco of the Lecturers sent by the State, nor the interest taken by the Schools of the Borough what was expect ed, yet the Convention was a good one, and the impress of its teachings will be felt throughout the County. The Secretary was instructed to report tho proceedings to the County papers; on motion the thanks of the Convention were extended t<. the people of Butler for their generous hospitality, and the Press for notice given. ftp|r POWDER Absc: lit** 'y Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, est of all in leavenine strength.— Late s Uuited .Stales Government Food Report. ROT A i., K** ISU POWDKR Co.. to* Wall st., N. T Hotel Ht-itler J. H. FAUBEL, I'rop'r. This hAuse has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as cr.n be found in Hutler, Pa. Elegant sample use o men. DEATHS. JACKSON—At her home in Donegal twp, June 13, 1595, Elisabeth, wife ot J. B. Jackson, in her 75t4 year. McCARRIER —At the home of her daugh ter. Mr< Mcsutt, in Parker, June 12, 1895, Mrs Catharine McCarrier, widow of James McCarrier, aged 86 years and 4 months. She was the mother of Mrs. J. S. Wick and Wm. Walker of Butler, and Mrs. Jeff Burtner of Harrisburg. BRUN'ER—At the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. J.Williams in Renfrew. June 14 1895. Samuel Bruner, aged 73 years He wad buried at Pine Hill cemetery Fox burg. He was the father of Mrs. Williams of Henfrew, Mrs. S. J. Maxwell of Butler. Mrs. Sherman of Portland, Samnel Jr. of Renfrew and Wm. Bruner of Brownsdale. McPHERSON—At the residence of her son E. H., in Butler. June 18th, 1890. Mrs Rachael McPherson, aged 78 years. McLAUGHLIN—At his home in Fairriew twp., Jane 15 1895. D. G. MoLaaghlin, aged 58 years. Mr. McLaughlin's death was sudden one. He took a pain in his side Saturday morning and died before night. He was an excellent citisen, and was trusted by everybody. NICKLAESS—Jacob N.cklaess, Jr., died April 12th, 1895, in his 24 year. The above young man took sick about four weeks before his death with typhoid fever aad continued worse and worse each day till death relieved him of bis pain and suffering. He was perfectly resigned to die and his last expressions were those only coming from a life well spent while here. Jacob was well-known in this vi cinity and all his neighbors and associates knew him to love him, for I firmly believe he died without leaving an enemy behind. An enviable reoord indeed. The writer of this brief sketch had the privilege of being very intimately ac quainted with this young man; he being a scholar of his iu public school for three years, and during all that time we found him to be a very apt, studious and obedi ent scholar; in fact in all that time we cannot recall .a single instance where it was even necessary for us to reprove him for any misdeed. This kind, gentle and unoffending disposition followed him out of the school room and on throogh life, up till the time of his death, and even on his death bed it wa» manifested for there were no murmurines of discontent heardjfrom him. Father and mother will miss him, for he was always a very obedient and kind son toward them. Brothers and sisters will miss him, for he was always ready to help them in every way possible. His wide circle of neighbors and associates will miss him for they always looked upon him as one that would not speak a harm ful word of anyone, but rather speak words of kindness and helpfulness to all Though death carried him away early in life, yet he made a record for himself which shall never die; and thongh we shall never see him again in person, yet ever and anon will he appear to us by his kind disposi tion and good deeds. To tne sorrowing father, mother, brothers and sisters let me say; murmur not for you have good assur ance that it is well with hitn. Submit then to the providential affliction of yonr home; remembering that all these provi dences are from the Lord, and wh«n death comes into your houselold, and crushes the fond hopes of your hearts, it is lor same, wise and good purpose. Though we uiaj not understand it hare, where we look through a glass darkly, but eternity will reveal it. Give up willingly for it is the Lord's will that you should. Have the meek submission to exclaim. "Not my will, but thine be done." Thus submit ting, thus trusting you can say: He lives! In all the past He lives! nor, to the last, Of Beeing him again will 1 despair; In dreams I see him now, And on his angel brow, I see it written, "Thou shalt see me there." Yes, we all live to God! Father, thy chastening rod; So help us, Thine afflicted ones, to bear, That in the Spirit-land, Meeting at thy right band, 'Twill be our heaven to find that he is there! . „ A.M.D. RKV. SAMUEL WILLIAMS. The following account of the life and work of Kev. Samuel Williams, prepared by a committee appointed for that pur pose was adopted and ordered to be plac ed in the records of Presbytery. Another solemn call to watch and pray aud work has come to the member* of Butler Presbytery in the death of their beloved and eldest brother Rev. Samuel Williams, which occured unexpectedly at bis home in the bounds of Muddy Creek congregation Saturday May 11, 1855. The condition of his health, at the time of our -.OTVUIR, gave us no anprenension that we should see his face no more nor enjoy his fellowship and counsels, whioh he had attended faithfully for nearly 40 years. When Presbytery then appointed him their principal clerical commissioner to the General Assembly to meet in Pitts burg they little thought that before the time of its meeting he would receive a commission to eater at once. "The Gen eral Assembly and church of the first born which are written iu heaven." When he proached on the last Sabbath of bis life, his hearers did no dream that they were listening to hii last jiroclt na tion of the Gospel. He did not himself suspect that his end was so near, only two days before his death he traveled in his buggy to Butler a distance of ten miles, and after making some arrangements for attending the General Assembly returned home, and he did not abandon his hope of taking his place for the fourth time in the meeting ol our highest Church Court until the day of his death. He was a member ot the General Assembly at Rochester 1860 —At St. Louis 1874 —and at Minneapolis 1880. But if death came to him unexpect edly, it did not find him unprepared. Rev. Samuel Williams was the son of Levi and Mary (Chipps) Williams, born Oct. 25, 1820.He graduated from Washing ton College Pa. 1853, and from the West ern Theological Seminary 1856, and was liceused by Allegheny (now Butler) Pres byteria June 18, 1856, and ordained by the same April 14 1857. At this time he became pastor of Muddy Creek and Centre ville churches both of which he had sup plied for a year. His connection with Centreville was dissolved some years «fter wardß, thi- ohurch taking the entiretim«of a pastor, but he continued pastor of Mid dy Creek until his death a period of over 38 years. He was also pastor of I'nion vi IID when he died and had been from its origin. The people of those churches will cherish his memory as that of an aole and earnest preacher, a kind and faithful pas tor a devout and exemplary follower of Christ. Presbytery will remember him as a beloved brother, a wise counselor, a courteous christian gentleman. His family—May God comfort them-- will mourn over the immeasurable loss they have sustained in his death, but will not forget his godly life, his earnest pray ers, his wise counsels and they will live in the fond hope ol meeting him in the great oompany ot the redeemed, on high, where there is no sorrow over the death of loved ones and where "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Mr. Williams was thrice married, his first wise was Miss Sarah Dunlap. His second wife was Miss Margaret Stewart. His third and surviving wife was Miss Fanny Porter, who, with her sou and daughter and a daughter oi each ofhis de ceased wives, mourns over his death. The circumstances of his death were very impressive. But • few minutes before he departed, he sang with full voice ac compacied by his family and a few friends all the stanaas of the hymn. "There is a fountain filled with blood." Then after a prayer offered by one of his elders, he at tempted to sing further, with those around him, but his voice faltered and finally failed, aud almost immediately be was carried up by angels and joined the heavenly hosts in singing a song like the last one he sang on earth, viz. "Unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and made us kings and priests unto God and his Father, be glory and dominion, for ever and ever, Amen." The name ot Samnel Williams will no longer appear in the roll of our Presbytery but it is a great comfort to feel assured that it has been insoribed, lor ever to re main in the Lambs book of Life. As a message came to Samuel of old, so one came to our brother in bis youthful was Samuel, Samuel go preach my Gospel, and he obeyed. Then after nearly 40 years ot servioe in this blessed employment he received another message—lt was Samuel, Samuel, cease tb r work and enter uson upon thy reward. He obeyed and thus the words of the poet were realiied: "And the white winged angels ofheaven To bear him thence shall oome down, And God shall give him gold for hishire, Hot ooin but a goldec crown." OBITCABT Nona. J. 11. Cratty. a piominent and wealthy oil producer of Franklin died very cuddeu- Jy taut Thursday evening of heart disease. Mr. vratty, in company with bia partner, Ilonea Myers, had returned from a visit to bin well* near Cooperntown, aud had just alighted from hi* carriage when he sud deuly threw up hi:) hands, exclaiming, "I'm sick," and in a few momenta was dead. TRY BUTLER'S! Progressive Shoe House It Will Pay You. Popular Styles. Popular Prices. Ladies' Slippers 23, 25,45, 75 ,$ 1 Ladies' Shoes 88, sl, $125 sl-45 Ladies Gaiters 50, 75, $1 Misses Dongola Shoes 95, sl, $1.25, $1.50 Misses Tan Shoes 95, sl, $1,25,51.50 Children's Dongola Shoes 25. 50. 75. $1 Men and Boys' Ball Shoes 75. 35. $1 Men and Boys' Bicycle Shoes $1.25, 1.50, $2 Men's Shoes 95, sl, $1 .25, $1.50 Men's Slippers 35, 45, 65, $1 It is said,"an honest confession is good for the soul." Well we have too many tan goods on hand and we are going to cut the prices just now while you need them. All new goods, new styles at greatly reduced prices. For an example we offer a Ladies' Fine Tan Shoes in lace or button, heel or spring, bought to sell at $2, but they are marked down to $1.25. The prices will make them go. When you want foot wear of any kind, try — The New Shoe Store C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Auditor's Report of Penn Twp. BO AO. Account of Geo. E. Hay. collector ot cash road tax for tUt- year ending March llta. 1895; Amount of Duplicate ss«4 18 Paid to Treasurer 615 09 Exonerations 12 12 Rebate U 22 Percentage 25 75 Total G64 18 Account of H. W. Lasainger and W. J . Nixon road Supervisors for the year law. Account of H. W. Lasslnger Amount of Duplicate $1404 85 Tax Worked 1395 1» Exonerations ... 19 66 Total 1404 85 To 72 days as Supervisor at 31.50 per day 108 00 Rec'd of T. J, Graham Treas 108 00 Account of W. J. Nixon Amount of Duplicate. 1252 11 Tax worked 1186 37 Not worked 46 09 Exonerations 19 65 Total 1252 11 To 120 days as Supervisor at *1.50 per day 180 oo Money paid out 8 96 Total 185 96 Rec'd of T. J Graham Treas 135 oo Balance coming to Nixon from twp 50 96 Account of T, J. Graham Treasurer of cash road tax for the year ending May aotfe, 1885. Balance due from last year 163 33 Rec'd from W. G. Patterson 00l for 93 2** 85 Rec'd from Geo. E. Hay Col for »4 #ls 09 Total Receipts 1007 27 EXPCXDITL'RKS Two road scrapers 469 2* W. J. Nixon services as Supervisor . 135 00 H.W.Lassinger services as Supervisor 108 00 Georze Nixon 12 00 A M DOHthett, nails ... 5 45 Phillip Troutman, timber 3 oo Jno Renfrew, timber 2 50 James H&glnbotham, timber l'< HO J£. McJuukln Council to Supervisors.. 5 00 Thomas Gibson 7 50 JnoCraner. stone 2 21 WH wise, plank 36 86 A D Sattsn. njlla .... . »» Jackson £ Mitchell .' 11 47 8 Nixon, plank 28 77 Jno Webber, plank 4 13 I N Maharg, plank 5o oo Ellen Nixon, timber 6 4o A H Starr, timber 12 oo H Sink 7 15 Price Bro 8 oc Peter Nicldass 2 25 R A Henderson 12 oo Treasurers Percentage 49 72 Paid 1 N Maharg succeeding Treas— 12 so Total expenditures io«7 27 School. Account of George E Hay, Collector of School tax Amount of Duplicate 2075 55 Paid to Treasurer 1867 23 Exonerations 96 34 Rebate 33 32 Percentage 78 66 Total 2075 65 Account of I. J. Maharg, Treasurer of School fund of Penn twp, for the year ending Jund 3rd 1896 Received of George E Hay 1867 23 Received of W O Patterson 33 03 Borrowed Money 400 oo State appropriation 1782 79 Total 4033 65 Monbt paid out. Paid for teaching 212S oo Tendlkg Institute 76 oo Borrowed money 600 oo Interest on money 18 oo Book* and Supplies 831 82 Coal 146 so Repairs 67 gi Building 45 53 To last years Treas 31 57 Insurance 11 43 Secretary's salary 40 oo Auditing and Publishing 16 oo Treasurer's Percentage 80 24 Total Expenses 40!f2 12 Total Receipts 4033 65 Balance due Treasurer 58 47 Poor. Account of T J Graham Treasurer of Poor fund for the year ending May 2oth, 1895. Balance due Twp from last year. 441 oo Rec'd from W G Patterson, collector . 266 42 Total Receipts 708 02 ExPKNorTCBies. D B Dodds services as Overseer of Poor 25 60 R W Btewart *i 75 A D Sutton groceries lor Herman Young 35 66 Thomas Robinson Council to Overseers 15 00 J O Martin burying Russell's Child— 10 so Other articles for poor 7 35 Paid for maintaining Milliard family. 10l 34 H S McClymonds Medical services 122 75 Paid for maintaining Mrs Wm Long 73 00 Por Thomas Henry at St Pauls Orphan's Home 75 00 Hay for Robert Burns 24 90 For assisting Mrs Swope lo 65 Auditors wages 16 so Treasurers per o«nt and wages 34 77 Paid to I N Maharg succeeding Treas... 128 35 Total Expenditures 70802 We the Auditors of Pann township believe the loregolu* report to be a correct statement of affairs of the Township, J. M. Douthxtt \ W. E. Baktlky ! Auditors. Roi't Phillips, ) GO TO W.E.RALSTON'S For fiue Watches i Diamonds and Optical Ooods of all kinds. xamined Free Charge by. LH. R. FRENCH j Grad ua e Opti cian, at No. 132 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. D L. CLEELAND Optician, 125 S. Main, St. Theodore Swain, GENERAL BRICK JOBBER. Chimneys, Grate and Boiler Betting. Cistern Building and eewer Work a Specialty HARMONY PA. ■■■iiKiD OPE.ery newcs t novelties. Select early. If you [don't want a suit now Iwe will reserve the pattern for you. ALAND, Tailor. Financial Statement of Clinton Township Schools. Whole number of sohools No. of months taught.... 7 Salaries of teachers ..... S4O Whole number of scholars—.... 230 Averaee dai'y attendance Percentage of attendance........ Cost of each pupil ber aionth $1 40 Xo. of mills levied for school purposes .................. So. of mills for building Total amount levied.. $2091 95 RKCKIPTS. State appropriation $ 993 72 Bal. from last year _7B 86 From c011ect0r................. 2550 20 From loans ... ....—.... 1000 00 From Co., treasurer on sale of unseated lands 1 04 From other sources 15 26 Total receipts 4639 08 EXPKKDITTTRBS. Teachers wages 1740 00 For buildings.... 1440 00 For iasurance 34 43 Rent and Repairs...... .... 166 93 For text b00k5.... 281 66 For school supplies..... 271 03 For fuel and contingencies 160 40 For fees of treasurer 92 92 For auditing 6 10 For salary of Scc'y 25 00 For debt and interest 520 84 Total 4739 31 i m't dae treasurer 100 23 Am't borrowed and unpaid 1000 00 Liabilities in excess of resources. 1100 23 CHA&LKS B. GLASGOW J I. N. HARVBY £ Auditors. Jno. D. HARBISON > Jno. Montgomery, Pres. T. A. Hay, Seo'y. JUDSON HARMON of Ohio has been ap pointed by President Cleveland to wucceed Olney as Attorney General. Measure for Measure, Is the rule with us. The measure of your body is the measure of your clothes, if purchased from us; for our stock is so complete that we need only your measurt to complete an outfit that defies competi tion in Price, Pit and Quality. The measure of a Alan is the measure of a tailor. We tolerate 110 half-way measures. Only full measure goes with us. We give what you want at fair prices. A Summer Suit is the thing to wear, if summer heat you would easy bear. We can fit you in the finest cloth made at surprisingly low prices which cannot be surpassed. The Winter Clothes have heavy grown, and from us should be quickly thrown, and in their stead we'll swiftly place those garments which the season grace. We are selling them, neat, elegant; com fortable summer suits at such phenome nally low prices that Economy herself says "Buy one of your Suits of." COOPMCO Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa. St a Giro Should be not only staple in name, but staple in quality, freshness and purity as well We never buy inferior qualities because they are cheap. The volume of our business comes from low prices that are made possible by selling quantities on close margins—etc. HENRY MILLER Opposite P. O. Chautauqua Nursery Company. - OFFER— Liberal Terms To Agents, Big Inducements to Customers. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. New Specialties. Seed Potatoes, lkiv Srt'j and Trttr DIHKt'TOKS Ailrol Wick. Henderson Oliver. Dr. W. Irvln. James stephensou. W. W. Blackmore. N. Weittef. K. Bowwau, 11. J. Klin^ler Geo. Ketterer, Chas. Kebhun, Geo. Kenno, John Koenlng LOYAL S. McJUNKIN. Agent BUTLER LUMBER COMPANY j Shipper* and dealer* ia .Materials Rough and aressed Lumber of all kinds, Doors and Windows, and Mouldings ot all kinds. H. E. WICK, Manager. Office and Yards, ut Cunningham an.l Sonroestreets. Professional Cards. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, "137 E. Wayne St., offlce hours. 10 to 12 M. and l to 3 I'. M. li. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND SrHUKOI , office at No. 46. S. Main street, over; City Pharmacy, But Icr, Pa, L. BLACK, rarsiciAN and SUBHEON. New Troutinau Building, Butler, l'a. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. soo West Cunnlnitham St. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artltlclal Teeth Inserted on the latest im proved plan. Gold Killing a specialty. once over Schaul'a Clothing Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. JENT IST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold Killing Painless Extraction of Teeth ud Arttfljial witti >it I'l it,en i ; specialty itD-M Otiie Jr V'!i_iltejl Air or Local aeitajcijj HJ I ) o/jr »I ,i ir's i-t-.i: Jti oi Lowry oa*e. 0C134 :10 I•1V )l I • . 1 1 .111 L'll.'il ifS . V. McALPINE.j Dentist, s uo*v locate Ila new aaj elegant oialn< ills lorm;r o-i'M. All kin U of .clasp plates and modern coll work. "Gas Administered." A. T. SCOTT. ; ATTOR N E V-AT-LAW.; OTlce at; No. 8. South Diamond, Butler. Pa. DR. McCURCY BRICKER. Offlce at ilo S. Main St.. Butler Pa. Offlce hours sto 9, aud 10:30 to 12. A. M., and 1 to 3, and 7 to 9 P. M. W. H. BROWN, Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. OtHce 120 S. Maiu St., over Biclcol's shoe store. Resideace 315 N. McKean St. A. M. CHRSITLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW." offlce second floor. Anderson JBl k.JMalu St near Court House. Butler. Pa. IRA McJUNKIN." A'torneyat Law. Offlse at No. I*. ;iefler sou St., Butler, Pa,. v 3 S. H. PIERSOL. ATTORNEY AT LAW.^ Office at No. 101 East Diamond St. H. H. GOUCHER. Af.torney-at-law. Office in Mltehellj Uulldln Butler, Pa. COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEY'S AT LAW.: OltKe In room 11., Armory Building, Butler Pa. W. C. FINDLEY, ATTORNEY;AT LAW. i. Office on second Uoor it the Huselton oloik, diamond, Butler, Pa.. Bm No. 1. J M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. TV:a -Between Postoffico and Diamond, Uu t P - A. T. BLACK. ATTORNEY AT LAW.; NEWTON BLACK. .*ll y at Law- office ori SouUi si 1* oi Dlaxonl Butler. Pa. BERKIMER & TAYLOR Funeral Directors, 151 . Main' St. - ButlPrea. L,. C- WICK 3 Rouah and Worked Lumber OF it. KISDB Dours, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Latli Always in Stock. UTvIE. HAIR AND PLASTER. 'Office opposite P. I I'liH IA T I ""i » prompt answer and an bonent opinion, write to MI'SX 6c CO., who hove bad nearly fifty yeari* experience tn tlie patent buslneflfl. Communica tions •trictiy confidential. A Handbook or In formation conv any signs of a return of them. It is no x- about a year since I quit givin the m "d\c'\ne and the horse has never sowed an l signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied tin t he is properly cured. W. C. Criswkll, Cutler. Pa., April 3, 1893. A J. McCandlkss: I have used your Heave Cure and found it will do tho w ork if useil accordng to dij ections. Your* truly, J. U.MIMiLLIH. | L:i .: .i • '• 7!i il'-V" ' ; 2 X ; • : f r r : « « / r« l»r» _V w M n ... . '• '' f'^prr. " i « hl«*4.t»«*rt fv»J 6/ a* Lwsl * ■* 1831 The c "' Uvator lß9s Country Gentleman J THE BEST OF THE Agricultural Weklies. fDEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processess, Horticulture & Frult-Growing Llve-Stock and Dairying While it also includes all minor depart mcnts of Rural iutcre»t, such us the Poul try Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Ke plies. Farm Questions and Answers, Fire side Heading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its Market lieports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Pros pects of the Crops, as throwing light up on one of tho most important of _ all Questions —When to Buy and When to Sell, t .is liberally Illustrated, and contains more reading matter than ever before. Tho subscription price is $2.50 a year, but we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our TWO KI'BSCIPTIOSS, In one remittauce $ 4 six snist uirnoNs, do do ... 10 TEJi BI'BSCBIITIOSS, do do .... 15 fif'Specimen Copies Free. Address LUTII EE TbCKER