Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 20, 1895, Image 1

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We now have a larger, finer and better se
lection of Surries, Buggies, Harness and
everything pertaining to a driving or team
outfit than ever before. Call and see us
before buying.
128 E. Jefferson St., Butler Pa.
P. S.--Prices will never be lower than just
now. Kramer Wagons.
A GRAND OPPORTUNITY—With the dawn of prosperity just be
fore UB and the improvement in business notwithstanding. We sometime
ago decided to close out onr entire Btock of Men's Boys' and Childrens'
Clothing, which we will continue to do at prices that will be to tbe advan
tage of all desiring to purchase clothing No matter how little or how
murh money you bave to invent, we know it will be hard on the Clothing
business. but as we are determined to close out we cannot help it Onr
Btock is the largest in the county. Men's fine black worsted pants all wool
only $2.00 We have more pants than any two stores in town. Oar
children's suits are marvels of beauty; all the late novelties, such as the
Regent, Euclid, Neptune Columbia.Reefers, Jerseys, Kilts <<rc. from 50cts
Dp— BOJB' Double and Single Breast Round and Square corner Plain or
Plaited—All will be sold without reserve.
will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps,
Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Hosiery, Overalls,
Jackets, Sweaters. Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Hammocks,
Brushes. Combs, Chains. Charms, Rings, Coller and Cuff But
tons &c We still carry the "Beniper idem" Shirt, the beet unlaundried
shirt in the world only $1 00. Oar 75 cent shirt is equal to any SI,OO
shirt on the market. Our line of Cbeviott, Percalle and Madras shirts, fall
and complete.
Wt have found that one man's mocoy is better than two men's credit,
and have adopted tbe cash plan and fitd that it works wonder. Re
member that we are the old reliable, the pioneer of good goods at low prices;
that we have been here a quarter of a century against all comers and goers,
have stayed with you aud done you good It will pay you to come tor
miles as we can save you Money, no matter how low yon are offt-red goods
pjpe have no baits to pull the wool over your eyes, A fair, square deal is
what we promise and are here to fulfil that promise.
n * niw fc™
12IN. Main St., Butler, Pa.
FEET of all kinds can be
fitted at
Bickel's Bickel's
Bickers M 7]// Bickel's
Bickel's Tf Bickel's
Bickel's 1 Bickel's
Bickel's I
No matter how hard you are 10 nt and what style you may wish, you
can be suited from onr large stock,
NO doabt yoa have read about the advance in leather and bave come
to the conclusion that you will have to pay more for yjour shoes, but such is
■ot tbe case if you will buy from us. Having made several large purchases
from some of the lending manufactures, I am prepared to show voo the
largest selection of FOOTS and SHOES in Butler county and can sell you
them at the OLD LOW prices. All our goods are marked away down and
qy trading with us you will get your shoes lower in price and higher in
boality than can be bad elsewhere NEW STYLES and plenty of them
•re pouring in every day. Here we list a few; note the prices;
Men's Fine Calf Shoes, any style at $2.
Men's "A" Calf Shoes any style at $1.25.
Men's Buff Shoes Lace and Congress at sl.
Men's Working Shoes 90c and upwards in price
Boy's Fine Dress Shoes at $1 25.
Ladies' Fine Dongola Pat. Tip Shoes Razor toe flexible sole at $2.
Ladies Fine Dongola Pat. Tip Shoes $1 50 in all styles.
I adies Dongola Shoes at sl. per pair.
Misses Snoes sizes 12 to 2 ranging in price from 80c to $1 50
Children's School Shoes 50c and upwards in price.
Infantß Shoes 20c to 50c a pair.
Ladies' Oxfords 75c to $2
All sizes and widths Alio fall stock of Misses and Children's Oxfords in
Blatk and Rußsett's, Men's Canvass shoes Ac-
Boot* and Shoes Made to Order Repairing Neatly Done.
Orders by mail receive prompt attention. When in need of anything in
oar line call and see me.
128 S Main Street,
Branch Store 12 5 N. nain st,
THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use?
THE ANSWER: If you are looking for covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
your money's worth, you must buy
Own Hott, Lath* 4M& Wnrt longtrt. Uott Economical, Full hmin.
i Our prices are for ' 'best goods" first, last and all
the time. We are in the business to stay and
BRUSHES. S. W. P. «tays with us.
J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St.
At this Season
Something is needed to keep up the appe
tite, assist digestion and give good, health
ful sleep. For these purposes Hood's Sar
sapariila is peculiarly adapted. As a blood
* •*%%%%%% parilla
purifier it has no /
equal, and it is chiefly M j U.I. Vu
by its power to make
, pure blood that it has r wwwww
won such fame as a cure for scrofula, salt
rheum, boils and other similar diseases.
Hood's Pills are efficient and gentle. 25c.
B. <V 11.
NOTHING MORE SO— take time to
write, and have patience to wait only
long enough for your order to reach us
and be returned to you and you'll have a
practical demonstration of how to SAVE
CASH on every item of dry goods—qual
ities and styles considered—which, in the
aggregate of a year's buying will amount
to—what? —sufficient, we should say, to
PAY YOU, if getting known reliable
qualities and styles at less than ordinary
cost is a paying feature of buying Dry
Goods—test the matter by sending for
samples from the great purchase of
Ten Thousand Yards
Colored Wash-Silks,
exquisite colors including pink, blue, lav
ender, etc., etc., —40 cents the usual
value. This unusual turn in trade gives
them to us to sell, 28 cents a yard.
Still another lot
Wash Silks,
surprising worth, and will go out fast at
25 cents a yard.
Fine, Fancy
TalP'ta Silks—
get your fingers on them once—you'll
soon discover how much more they're
worth than price indicates—6o cents a
You should investigate the BLACK
SILK question as stated at this store.
It's a season for Black Silks, and about
every ward-robe of any pretentions has
one—Easy with Black Brocade Damas
Silks at 75 cents up. That's the figure
these handsome styles begin at—oll up
to 53.00 per yard.
Light color and light weight Wool
Suitings,— 25 and 35 cent values, 34 to
38 inches wide, all at 15 cents a yard.
Crepon Effect
Cholca Colors,
Navy, brown, black, golden brown, re
seda, mode, light green, myrtle, bluet,
etc. 38 inches wide, 50c goods—3s cents
a yard.
57-inch Wool Suitings,
Neat mixtures—have sold for, and were
cheap at 11.25 —now to go, 60 cents a
Wash Goods,
Most beautiful, artistic and best assort
ments we've ever brought together—
'twould require pages to tell of half!—
Write for samples of Suiting "P. Ks." 29
inches wide, 12 1-2 cts Jaconets, —artistic
yellows—32 inches wide, 121-2 cents.
Corded Dimities,
White grounds with dainty designs in
blue, pink and black—full yard wide, 10
cents a yard.
Thousands of pieces—every new Wash
material of this 1895 season—medium to
finest, with price range 5 cents to fi.oo a
6c Buhl,
To call at my New Store
and examine my stock of
Caps and
Gents Furnishings
At 120 S. Main St., But
ler, Pa.
one ST. H. Burton
Sdothier and
PRICE. # Furnisher
120 - S. Main, St.
All grades from Brown Blanks
up to the finest embossed Bronzes.
The better the paper the better
the Bargain.
Buy your good papers now and
get them at wholesale prices.
Window Shades in all the
latest colors at
Near P. O.
Famous New York, tailor-mde
For sale by prominent dealers
all over the State. None genuine
without Hammerslough Bro's
labd. The swellest and best
wearing clothes in this Country.
Ask your clothier for them
In Wall Street successfully carried "on with
the aid of our Dally Market Letter and pamph
lets on speculation. MATI.E i FREE.
lilfvretlonari Accounts a Specialty. All In
formation free. Hank references. WEINMAN
& Co.. Stock and Grain Brokers. 41 .Broadway,
Sew York,
The next day following was one of
what Mr. Flint used to style his Satur
days for going to town. After his in
cipient toddy and usual chat with
Rachels, he repaired to Rainer's, and,
taking one of tJie split-bottomed chairs
which stood always within for the ac
commodation erf customers, removed it
to the sidewal.-c, seated himself and be
gan upon one of his biscuits.
"Oh, Uncle Lisliy." said Mr. Rainer,
"I forgot at the minute of howdying
with you to tell you that Capt. Watson
was in here yesterday, and he asked
me, if he didn't happen to see you him
self, to tell you he'd be much obliged
if you'd step in his office, as he wanted
to have a little talk with you about
some business, he didn't say what."
Pausing at the bite he was in the act
of taking, he said:
"Why, what—you say, Jeems, he
didn't name the business he wanted
with me?"'
"Didn't even hint what it was."
"My me! these lawyers! Why, Arthur
Dabney he send words to me some
times he want to see me, and now here
'tis Squire Watson he's a-sendin' his
words. Look like they think some
thin' of Lisby Flint's opinion, if he is
old and a'mighty nigh wore out."
"Ah, Uncle Lishy, you're not so old
that people don't appreciate your judg
ment; and I hope it will be many a year
before you will be."
"Thanky, .Teems, fhanky. If I don't
oversize my own jedgment, sech as the
good Lord give me, seem to me like
Bhe's jes' tho same she's allays been,
that is, for strenlt, a not countin' in
my ric'lection, which mayn't be quite
Up to what it used to be. Well, arfter
I git through with my biscuit, I'll pee
ruse over and see what the business is."
Watson was pleased at his readiness
to undertake the delicate mission,
backed by terms which Mr. Flint would
not say were fair; that was not the
"No, Squire Watson, I should name
'em lib'l, high llber'l. To give Harnah
a fourt', and her child a fourt', him to
pay lawyer fee and cost on both sides,
and settle on Tlarnah five thousand
dollars of his own prop'ty, is terms
which if they ain't lib'l I don't know
what is lib'l; but it fenly go to show,
» Av
Squire Watson, what a young 'oman
that's putty and is hard to git can do
with a feller that want her the dis
tracted bad way that Wiley Amerson
»how hisself by sech a offer, which I'm
obleeged to acknowledge that it make
me see more gum in Wile, and more
gizzard, as the sayin' is, than I thought
he have. They tell me he never seemed
to lceer so pow'ful much for his wife;
but she were a plain female and ruther
iickly, while Harnah —I see her this
rery mornin' at her ma's, where she's
1 now a-visitin', and I declar' she look
yorgis.as a pink and bloomin' as—l
Some mighty nigh sayin' as the moon.
I'll see her this very evenin' on my
,vay back, and I shall talk to her like
I'd talk to my own child, which she
have alwayß been a"most like one of
my childern, and I shall rip'sent the
;ase in the true light of settlin' quoils
ind disputins', which never looks well
lu no family. Yes, Wile, I see now,
lin't quite the feller he's in gen'l been
took for. I've been for compermisln'
this thing from the jump, and I'm
thankful that the way seem like openin'
tor it."
"Mr. Flint, I am very glad to hear
vou talk with so much discretion and
with an eye both to business and kind
ness. I haven't considered Wiley
Amerson as bad as some people pre
tend to say, especially of late. When
his father died, he didn't think it would
be quite becoming in him to tear up
the will that had been left with him
for safe keeping, and go about telling
people that the old man hadn't sense
enough to know what to do with his
property after working fifty and sixty
years to get it."
"Why, in the name of the good Lord,
Squire Watson," cried the old man,
lifting his arm with energy, "in course
not; in course not; and it's what I been
tellin' people, that as for Pearce Amer
son not bein' in his right mind, it's
simple foolishness. If he weren't a
smart man, long as I see him, I'm a
fool and allays has been, which nobody
that know Lishy Flint has ever went
down so low as to make any sech a In
sinooation; and as for if so be Wile
did put the old man ag'ins' Hannah,
which if he done it, as some say he did,
he oughtn't; but if he did, if this don't
mount to takin' of it all back and more
besides, I don't know what do. Ain't
that the way you look at it, Squire
"Certainly, Mr. Flint. Why, Mr.
Flint, my notion is that the main ob
jection the old gentleman had to Miss
Enlow for a daughter-in-law was her
want of property. Many a parent has
"Yes, yes. Yit they is not much
doubt that the old man were put up by
Wile to have ruther high family no
tions, after he married among tho
Marstons of Putnam. He got over it
at lenkt, and I allays wished he'd 'a'
got over it sooner'n he did. But what
Wile done to-wards sech as that, I look
at it now, he have more'n took back by
the compermise he offer to Ilarnah."
"I feel much gratified, Mr. Flint,
that you take such sensible views of a
very grave situation. If the matters
in dispute can be accommodated in the
way proposed I shall hope, and so I
know will you, that it will prove to be
not only satisfactory but happy for all
"Them words, Squire Watson, is
egzact accord in' to my view of the
case, which, arfter I've done what lit
tle business I has with Jeems Rainer
I'll perceed on home and stop for a
chat along o'Harnah. It's been a long
time," smiling' with some mischief as
he rose, "sence I has used co'tin words
to a female, but maybe they'll some of
'em come up to me when I frit sorter
warmed up in the case. I wish you
mighty well. Squire Watson, in all
your healths."
After transacting the business with
Mr. Rainer, first informing him in a
very lond whisper what he had been
wanteil for at the lawyer's office, and
suggesting 1 that he be careful about
mentioning it to too many people, he
repaired again, as always just before
leaving town, to the "Big Indian," to
get what he called his "finual closin' "
toddy for that day and have another
chat with Rachels. With many words
h«s confided to this dear frl-jnd the
service which, at solicitation from such
high source, he had undertaken to per
form. Rachels kindly acceded to his
request to station themselves at the
lower end of the counter, near the
door in the rear, leaving the clerk to
wait upon the customers.
"1 want to git your opinion on it,
Gustus. a-bein' the man of jedgment
you've always been, and see what you
thought about it on the av'rage. It
delight me, which, as you know, I've
been for a compermise all the time,
a-believin' in my soul a compermise o'
some sort were the onliest thing to
settle it; but I weren't —no, I weren't
anigh a-countin' on Wile bein' so lib'l,
and hain't a idee he'd done it, exceptin'
Harnah have so struck him in'ards.
What do yon think of 'em, Gustus?—
Wile's terms, I mean?"
"Think of 'em? Don't believe he is
in earnest in makin' em. Fly in the
thing, some'res, Uncle Lishy. Obleeged
to be."
"No, Gustus, no, my son. He's dead
in yearnest; so Squire Watson say, and
you know a man like Squire Watson
wouldn't let hisself be trifled with by
a client in no sech way. No, sir, the
good luck of it is, Wile have gone and
felled in love 'ith Harnah. and he'll do
what he say and sign papers in the
present of witnesses the very day and
hour she say the word."
"Uncle Lishy Flint, between me and
you, there's the slyest human I or you
any one of us ever laid eyes on, and
he's the meanest. A man that'll slan
der a young female like Wiley Amer
son slandered Hannah, and cut her and
her husband and her child out of what
he knows they're entitled to, and then
go and offer to (five to her what al
ready belongs to her by Godamighty's
good rights if she'll marry him and
not give it on no other terms as—well,
he's too mean, to my opinion, to say
how mean such a man is."
"Oh. come, come. Gustus! Don't be
too hard on a poor widder-er of a feller
that have jes'drapped head and ears
in love where he can't get the purchase
to even kick hisself out. They ain't,
betwixt you and me, they ain't nare
doubt on my mind no more'n you but
what Wile Amerson would keep every
dollar o' that prop'ty exceptin' that he's
got stuck as he have with Harnah,
which is a piece o' good luck I wern't
a-expectin' nor I wern't a-lookin' out
for. And it do look like a jedge-ment
on Wile that she have captnated him
as she have, and put him where he can
be made spill some of his meanness.
You're a bachelor, Gustus, and, conse
qneat, you ain't in conditiAnatoundcr-
Stand how a fellar oan grit ag^ervated
in his mind by such a female as Har
nah, that to my opinion, old man if I
be, she turn ali of 'em down; but you
ma j* 'pend on Wile a-meanin' what he
say, er he wouldn't darsn't be projeck
in' with Squire Watson in that kind o'
style—ah! hoo! This is a monst'ous
good toddy. You may add a thimble
or two more o' sperrits, and empty in
a trifle more of sugar and water. I
won't call it two drinks, it a-bein' my
rule, as you know, not to go over two
when I come to town, and one of 'em I
taken when I come in first. But it's a
dilicate business I've got on hand now,
a promisin' Squire Watson I'd drap in
at Missis Enlow's as I went on back
and see how the land lay, and on sech
a arrant a man got to keep hisself
reasonable hot, well as cool. I named
the thing to you for you to think on
it and let me know what yon think of
it in a business way, Gustus —in a busi
ness way."
"1 never—that is, I don't often—give
my advice, Uncle Lishy, without it's
asked, and by them that's concerned.
Ilannah'll decide for herself, possible
with you to help her. I suppose you'll
say take the offer."
"I shall say to Harnah, Gustus, I
shall simple give it as my opinion to
her, that if it was me, and I couldn't
git what I think I ought to have, and
couldn't git in no other way, and spe
cial to the tune o' that pile o' prop'ty,
I ruther think I should take the in
cumbernce and run the resk. For as
for the breakin' o' Pearce Amerson's
will, why, Squire Watson jes' laugh at
tho idee, Gustus Rachels. And indeed
—why, my dear friend, that ever sence
you was a boy I've thought a heap of,
people must consider, and if they
don't, the jeage on the bench'll tell
'em, that a man's will is liis'n, and
arfter he's dead and gone it's the
onliest prop'ty he's got, and it won't
do to tromple on it."
"Well, sir,'if I was in Hannah's place,
I'd see Wile Amerson dead and gone—
to the place he's bound for, before I'd
take such a offer. And, Uncle Lishy,
in my opinion they isn't twelve men in
this county that when they hear
what's —but that isn't here nor there,
yet awhile. He offering to buy his
brother's widow, and pay her off with
what he knows belongs,to her! I've
got no more to say about it, Uncle
Lishy, and you see I'm wanted to help
my clerk."
"That's so. Well, good-by, Gustus."
"Good-by, Uncle Lishy."
After he had gone, a customer said:
"Gus, what have you and old man Flint
got on hand, that you talked so long
and serious?"
"Oh, a little something he had on his
mind he wanted to tell me. I had to
break off from him."
"A body has that to do, when he's
got a toddy inside and a body's got
something else to do besides listening
to him orate. But he's a first-rate old
"None better."
The nice toddy, conscientiously stop
ping somewhat short of doubling itself,
making sweeter the sense of goodness
In his heart, Mr. Flint ruminated pleas
antly yet thoughtfully upon the mis
sion which he was to take in on his
homeward travel. Some of what ro
niaiue was in his own youth he thought
It might be apposite to call back. If pos
sible; but as he rode along it seemed
not as responsive as he could have
wished, so long had he been used to
take mere business views of things in
this lower world. Never much of a
student in the lore of love, his own mar
riage, though lu the main proven sat
isfactory, had been contracted in cir
cumstances wherein convenience, con
sisting of a couple of slaves and a snug
little piece of land, stood forth so
prominent that it seemed to him not
necessary to go behind it, searching
too minutely for other attractions.
Thk afternoon he did try for a while to
frame a few phrases such as he used to
hear of others employing on such in
' teresting occasions; but be found, to
' his regret, that his vocabulary, though
abounding with words on other sub
jects, seemed to have next to none for
the case now on his hands.
"Psherl" he once spoke aloud, and
with some contempt. It was at the
instant when his mind came to the
conclusion that it was useless for him
to try to go at the work before him in
any way different from that in which
he habitually went to all others. Then
to the interjection just now put forth
he subjoined the following remarks;
"If she will, she will, and if she won't,
she won't, like all wimming does.
That's all they is in it."
For the rest of his journey he seemed
sufficiently calm. The Enlow house, a
mile this side of the Flints', was a
humble story-and-a-half, with back
shed rooms, surrounded by hardy
black-jacks. Many of the flower trees
and the vines about the piazza, which
had been grown by Hannah when a
girl, were there vet. The mother, a
widow, neat and industrious as ever,
was content with what the small farm
yielded to the work of three or four
slaves and two young sons.
The ladies were sitting on the piazza
in this s«ft November afternoon.
"Housekeepers! housekeepers!" cried
Mr. Flint, as he ascended the steps.
"Howdy do! howdy dol Why, Harnah,
as I told Jeems Rainer and Squire
Watson to-day, I positively believe you
git puttier and scrimshouser every day;
but you ain't nare one o' them more'n
your ma were in her time."
"Howdy, Mr. Flint!" answered Han
nah. "Take that chair. You always
have something pleasant to say to peo
ple. Tell us some of the news in
"As for pleasant words, to them I
like and think somethin' of 'em, I do
gen'ly have 'em: to them I don't, they
may go their ways for me, 'ithemt it's
them I got business with, and when
that's over their room to me is good as
their company. I jes' declar', my child,
you do look fresh and peert, mighty
nigh same as a girl; and that fetches
to my mind that, you 'qnirin' about
news in town, 1 has one itom I got
from Squire Watson that he sent for
me to see if I wouldn't fetch a mes
6enge to you; but, as it's on a delicate
subject maybe I better tell it to jest
ycra by yourself, if your ma'll excuse
"Stop, ma," said Hannah, as the
former rose to go. "Sit down and
keep your seat—Mr. Flint, I have no
secrets from ma."
"That s jest as it ought to be, my
child; and it may be that you'll want
her advices along of other people's,
which as for what mine would be, all
I got to say, if it was me. and I said
that soon as I heerd the offer made
thoo Squire Watson —if it was me, I j
should hizitate before I turned my
back on it, a-knowin' how much easer
it is, special for wimming, to have
prop'ty and that to 'mount o' fifty or
sixty thousand dollars and maybe
more palmed on 'em jest so, than to
have to work a lifetime and not git
the half or the quarter of it, even If
they do have to take up along with it
the incumbence of a man person that
they mightn't think in time they could
come up with one they think more of
and would wish to have a acceptabler
companion than what Wiley Amer
son are, and I'm not a-denyin' that if
I was a young 'oman and had my pick
of marryin' men, I ain't a-denyin'
that Wile Amerson mayn't be the one
I'd pick; but when the big prop'ty that
he hav' go 'long with it, and it stop a
big law-suit and keep everything in the
family, that would make a difference
with me, and—"
"That will do, Mr. Flint; that will
do," cried Hannah, her face red with
resentment and shame. "Oh, Mr.
Flint! I didn't think as good a friend
as you would have brought such a
message to me from any man, muoh
less from the man who hated and out
raged my husband who was his
brother; who slandered me to his
father, whom he deluded into making
an unjust will, and deluded him
further into the belief that he had de
stroyed it afterwards; who treated,
not as a slave, but as a dog, his own
wife, and as soon as she was dead
conceived the notion to buy me with
the offer of what he knows belongs to
me and my child already. I wouldn't
have thought you'd have hurt my feel
ings so, Mr. Flint."
"Now, now, Harnah, my child, why,
the good Lord know I never had the
least idee o' hurtin' your fetilia's.
Been my own daughter, I'd 'a' done the
same, and said that if it have been
"I can't bear to hear any more of it,
Mr. Flint." Then she rose and went
into the house.
"Well, Mrs. Enlow," said the go-be
tween, with a grunt, "I don't 'membei
as I ever knowed of a feller kicked
quicker, ner higher, ner dryer. If I'd
knowed it weren't goin' do nothin' but
git her feelin's hurted I'd 'a' never said
what Squire Watson ast me, and ruth
er'n have Harnah kep' out o' the nice
evenin' ar, I think I'll move on towardi
home. I wanted to be dilicate, and 1
tried to be dilicate in the namin' ol
my messenjfe; but I shall tell Squire
Watson, and he may tell Wile, no use;
it's a lost ball."
Mrs. Enlow, not without smiling,
apologized as well as she could for
Hannah's excitement, and the old gen
tleman took-his leave. To onft of the
neighbors, who was going to town on |
Monday, he said:
"If you happen to come up with
Squire Watson, and if you don't I wish
vou'd step into hjs office »nd tell l ,!rr > '
say, no use. 1 'tended to that busi
ness Silicate as I knowed how; but no
use: a waterhaul, out an' out. He'll
fTo BE cmrnciD.)
Many An Employed In CHLO age at Rough
The statement made the other day at
the Chicago trade and labor assembly
that women and young children worked
in Chicago's briokyards appears to have
a touaaaiion in fact.
A visit was 14- lo to various brick,
yard and, although oa!/ one woman
Was found at work, this was simply be
cause the yards quit work at ten o'clock
la the morning. No one connected
with the In dustry denies that women
work in the yards, but say their work
Is mostly what la technically called
"backing" brick.
This consists of turning the brick*
over and piling them up in rows. It
does not sound like very hard work, but
when it comes to either stacking 01
turning over thirty thousand bricks a
day it will be seen that the task would
tax the back of many a man.
Most of the rough labor is done by
Poles, and it is said that thia is mostly
the race which allows its women to
work in the yards. Contrary to expec
tation, it is neither widows nor single
women who do the work, but the wives
and mothers of families, who labor In
the yards right besido their husbanda.
Not much can be learned from the
employes themselves, but the police
who have traveled around the yards
tell bad tales. They say that it is no
uncommon sight to see little girls
turning bricks who are so tired that
they crawl on all fours from one pile to
another. Their backs are bowed and
bent and they cry when they try to
6tand up straight.
The women, for their work, are paid
six dollars a week. The children get
three dollars—or, rather, their parents
get it. Owing to the hours in the yards
tho sahool inspectors can do nothing
because most of the children attend
afternoon school.
Work at the brick yards begins at
half-past three or four o'clock in the
morning and is over when the sun gets
hot—about ten o'clock. Then the little
children Can go to play or go to school
and the mothers can go to their house
work. They have earned a dollar and
a half.
Women and children have only been
employed in the yards recently. There
was a general strike among the brick
makers a few weeks ago on account of
the manufacturers not paying the
union sc.ale of wages, and women and
children have been employed to take
the places of the strikers.
When Mr*. B '• Cat Was Let Oat of the
Baf It Old Some Scratching.
1 Mrs. B was summoned to the door
one morning by an old-clothes man,
says the Detroit Free Press, but she
resolutely told him that she had noth
ing for him until he took out an old
chamoia-skin purse, and, 6n opening It,
"Look, lady, 1 gif you gold for any
old things what you got to sell."
This was too much temptation and
600n she had the contents of her ward
robe spread out for his inspection. Her
heart misgave her, though, for her hus
bana had positively forbidden her ever
to sell any of her old clothes. She
only hoped he would never find out,
and with the money she could buy such
fine new ones.
There was one gown that she did
hesitate to part with. It was a flowered
with a big bow at the side
and long aash ends of (fartreous ribbon,
and Mr. B particularly lntea
dress, because she had served afternoon
tea in 1% for him often during their en
gagement. However, the man offered
a good price for it and it went with the
I When Mr. B came home in the
evening his wife had a guilty look as li
something lay on her conscience. But
she ascribed it to a headache and the
old-clothes deal remained a profound
A week or two later Mrs. B aslud
her husband to do the marketing. Bne
usually attended to thia herself, but
was going to have company and could
not spare the time.
Mr. B accordingly took the market
basket on his arm and went from stall
to stall purchasing supplies, when sud
denly he saw his wife standing near
him, haggling over some vegetables.
"Great Scott!" he said, under his
breath. "And in that teagown, tool 1
'wonder what next?"
He stepped up to her and gave her a
vigorous rap on the back.
The next moment he saw moons antj
stars. Whack, whack, whack! came the
blows from a castiron fist and a shrill
voice screamed in his ear:
"You impudent wretch, 111 teach yon
to know a lady when you see one! Take
that and that and that!"
He escaped with his life and hurried
home for repairs. The cat was out of
the bag and it had scratched him se
verely, but never, never again will Mrs.
B sell any of her old clothes.
F«»tratlon of Ballet* In Snow.
Some curious tests have been made
lately of the penetration of projectiles
in snow. According to the report In
Cosmos (Paris) the Lebel rifle was the
weapon used, and some snow heaps,
from one to two yards thick, were
placed on the firing range, situated
near Aurillac and fired at from a dis
tance of fifty yards. It was found that
the bullet had stopped at a depth of
about five feet. It is believed that the
great velocity of the projectile and its
rotation (2,600 turnsi attracts to it par
ticles of frost and minute icicles, which
end by forming a ball and practically
annihilates its penetration.
Corinth Canal Not a Great Saceee*.
Owing to the insufficient width of the
Corinth canal, the steepness of its sides
and the current, which at times be
comes exceedingly strong, none of the
great steamship lines of the Mediter
ranean sea have yet adopted this route,
although it would result in the saving
of much time, and, consequently, ex
pense. Under the circumstances, it
looks very muoh as if this enterprise,
begun abovt the time of Nero and
brought to a termination only about
two years ago, is destined to result in •
financial failure.
Too Muoh Curloalty.
First Colored Gent—Dat's a mity fine
pa'r ob pants you has on. Whar did yer
get 'em, and what dey cost yer?
"Huh, dey mout cost me two years in
de plenopotenshiary ef I tole yer," re
plied colored gent No. 2.—Tammany
Hid Already Been Cleaned Oat-
Chappie —The funniest thing hap
pened to me last night. I was held up
by a highwayman.
Chollle —I don't see anything funny
in that.
Chappie—But I had just been to the
churcn bazar before he did it. —Judge.
Moat Take Their Chance*.
"What do you think of these eggs?"
whispered the lean man.
"These eggs," responded the fat
boarder, whose occupation was that of
advertising clerk in a newspaper office,
"are too late to classify."— Chicago
Father—You must know, sir, that my
daughter will get nothing from me un
til my death.
Suitor (pleasantly) —Oh, that s all
right, sir; that's all right! lhaveenougb
to live on fof 91;, threeyears.—^Puck.
Some Varieties Pound in the Bra
zilian Fore eta.
HablU and rarnllarltlaa of th« lal#rNt
ins Little Crwlnru That AaoN
the Visitor* at Our
MOM ana
Monkeys that are seen in museum
and menageries in this country art
chiefly from South America, although
Africa is fairly well represented. Euro
pean naturalists who hare seen and
studied the American monkeys only in
captivity in the countries of thewriteij
invariably refer to them as less intelli
gent and less playful than other mem
bers of the great family. These writers
appear to forget that Judah cannot
6ing the songs of Israel in a strange
land. These children of the wild woods
of the American tropics never fully re
cover from the pains and terrors of an
ocean voyage, and they are shocked out
of all gayety by the and damp ait
of Europe. He who has seen them
rollicking, leaping, riotously playing,
chattering, and grinning in their native
wilds, and who has observed the acute
nesa. intelligence, astuteness and se
cretiveness with which they make a
raid upon plantations and orohards is
ready to swear they are the most mis
chievous, playful and sagacious crea
tures in all the earth. Their resem
blance to man is absolutely startling,
the baby chimpanzee, not the adult,
alone of all the old world group offering
anything to compare with them. This
resemblance becomes more striking
when, as consumption advances, the
face grows pensive and melancholy and
seems to have the agony of a soul
written upon the wrinkles and lines of
the countenance. The writer shot one
only, a coaita (atelep paniscus), in a
big forest a few miles distant from Para,
in Brazil, and the memory of the deed
still broods as an avenging Xemesia.
These creatures, says the Chicago
Tribune, are found in greatest numbers
along the upper waters of the Amazon,
but they range nearly or quite to the
Atlantic seacoast. They have long,
coarse, glossy black hair, while their
faces are a reddish flesh color. They
are thumbless, like the African colobos,
and exceedingly agile.
The most curious of all the American
family is the genus of howlers (mycetes).
These creatures correspond in a meas
ure to certain of the gibbons, which
appear to sing in a sort of unison, while
the howlers really do so sing l . They
make a chorus whose swell runs oul!
three or four miles In every direction
and causes an imaginative person to
think that every beast of the forest Is
engaged in a deadly contest and putting
forth his most tireless effort to frighten
away his adversary byresounding cries.
The lagothryxes offer a species, the
caparro, whose features are startlingly
like those of a negro, the head being
round and large, while the face is ebon
in its blackness and entirely naked. It
is scarcely more than half the length of
the howler, but it is said, unlike all
other South American monkeys, to fre
quently stand upon its hind legs, and
when it does its resemblance to the
negro is complete. Indians hunt and
kill it with a blowpipe, out of which
they shoot little poisoned arrows. The
caparros travel about a great deal,
chiefly from tree to tree, and on these
journeys the mothers carry their young
upon their backs—not in their arms, as
is the ordinary practice of monkey
Probably the most intelligent and
certainly the most tractable of all the
American monkeys is the chameck, a
native of Brazil. It soon learns to
recognise and lore its master and is
capable of superior training. The
creature is striking and, indeed, very
pretty for a monkey, the fur being long
and falling down gracefully over the
body and limbs and being nearly uni
formly black in color. Like all the new
world monkeys thus far named its tail is
its fifth hand, and, indeed, is far more
useful than any on e of the other four.
Representatives of the large families
of spider and capuchin monkeys are
what one sees most in collections in the
United States. They offer great va
riety in coloring and size, but are by
no means the handsomest or most in
telligent types. The capuchins are red
faced, round-headed, small, active,
graceful and long-tailed. They con
clude the prehensile tailed grouping,
and are followed by the dainty and
exceedingly pretty squirrel monkeys,
the highest type of which is the golden
haired (chrysothrix). The night mon
keys are those queer-looking creatures,
the marmosetos, and the list, the latter
always a favorite among monkey fan
ciers because of their winning, gentle
and affectionate ways.
Monkeys are—well, monkeys. They
look like men, often act like men, ana
some of them behave better than cer
tain members of human society. Un*
less one have a deep-seated fellow
feeling for all the creatures of God he
had better be content with occasional
visits to the monkeys in the gardenq
and museums. Too constant association
■with them is rather trying to one's p*-
tience and the amuslngness of their
tricks, which are usually repetitions,
does not repay one for the mischief
they do or the petulance they exhibit.
Take them all in all, man has no special
reason for showing pride in trying to
trace a family relationship with them.
The monkey opinion of this matter is
yet to be expressed, however.
Blfh PrlcM for BUSH-
Very high prices, in some cases the
highest on record, were obtained for
postage stamps at a recent London
sale. A Ceylon four-pence rose, un
used, brought $050; a Mauritius post
paid two pence blue, $460; a Cape of
Good Hope one-penny blue, error, SBSS;
four-pence red, error, 1280; a reunion
15 centimes, first issue, $230. Two hun
dred dollars each were paid for a New
Brunswick violet 1-shilling stamp and
a British Guiana yellow four-cent
stamp; nineteen other stamps were
sold for SIOO or over each, and eleven
for SSO or more.
Ftoilnln* Saftdty.
M IV» a great mistake," aaid a phlloao
pher, "for a poor man to go into politics
unT.m he is sure he can make a living
at it"
"That's very true," replied the phil
osopher's wife, "but it seems tome that
a man who could make a living at
politics oould get rich doing most any
thing else."—Detroit Free Press.
Bt Hid Not Forgottan H#r.
"Before passing upon you the ex*
trcme penalty of the law," said the
Judge to the miserable wretch who
stood in the dock, "I wish to see if you
Lave a spark of feeling left in your
hardened breast. Do you remember
your mother?"
"I should say I did, your honor," re-
Elied the prisoner, a shade of an
oyance creeping over his face. "I
once slept in a nightshirt that she
made me."-c Truth.
Uk«d it.
"Say," said the deputy, "I put No. 711
on the treadmill eight hours ago as a
punishment, and 111 be dingea if he
ain't goln' on jist as chipper and happy
as can be."
"Why, of course," said the prison
warden In tones of disgust. "Didn't
you know that the feller was sent boffl
for bioycle stealing?" lndianapolis
Kvldtolai Strlfs.
This maddening strife
Mikei many arms aoke;
The duller thfl knife
m\ hnV '
CoßTenivnt Structure for Farmers Who
Have Xo Money to Bora.
The plan of a barn shown here will
accommodate 10 to 25 cows, a few
horses, tools and machinery. No one
barn can be just what will meet the
needs of different farmers, differently
situated, but this plan has been found
very convenient after several years'
use. The plan presented is one em
ployed in the dairy region of lows
j and will apply elsewhere. The strong
points in its favor are convenience,
Comfort, economy of labor in filling,
j feeding', cleaning out, easy access to
j to the different kinds of forajje and
| cheap construction.
First, make the main part, or hay
barn, long enough to hold all the hay
—clover, timothy, millet, sheaf oats,
Corn fodder or other similar food.
The frame is spiked together, the posts
and braces being of 2xß inc'r stuff
and -the rafters 2xo inch. T1 ts
are 0 feet and the rafters 3
The braces are 12 feet r.pnrt ai. .t
--ened to every second post and fourth
rafter. The roof will not sag and the
walls will not spread, lastened to
gether in this way. A hay fork runs
the whole length and there are no
crossbeams in the way. The braces,
or ties, partially divide the whole hay
mow into twelve-foot sections. These
sections are easily filled in any desired
order and fed out lu any order just as
easily. For convenience in feeding,
this plan is unsurpassed, as the forage
from each section can be thrown direct
into the feeding alley. Hang a steel
track for hay fork in the roof peak.
Another feature of this plan is that
only so much of the barn need be built
|~ STOC* <NO
it" lrYs
[!' gLJ IJ
at first as is needed. The additions for
stook and machinery can be built when
desired. The room for grain or tools
can be suited to each farmer's needs.
Windows are not shown in the sketch
—put them in wherever needed. Have
plenty of doore to the cow stable. They
are extremely handy for ventilating iu
hot weather. In cleaning the advan
tage of numerous doors is also strongly
felt, as the manure can be thrown di
rect from the stall into a wag-on, shed or
manure boat The posts of the lean*
toe need be no heavier than 2x6 inches.
In ray barn they are of 2x4 inch stuff
and answer every purpose. Make the
hay barn any height desired. It will
not blow over. Look at the "rear
view" cut and see how it is protected
from wind.
Suppose you have 20 cows. A hay
barn 50 feet long will give room on oua
side for the 20 cows. If the hay barn U
but 24 feet wide it is easier to fill and
easier to feed from than the wide,
cumbrous erne nsive hams. built lor
show and the expenditure of money
Do not board up tire hay bam on the
sides where the lean-tos are. Leave it
all open so hay can be thrown direct
into the alleys in front of the mangers.
If the cow stable proves too cold, put
a partition between the feeding alley
and the manger, made of drop doors
which can be closed when blizzards
blow and opened for ventilation in
mild weather. Don't put the manger
olose up to the hay barn. Build it 3or
4 feet away so as to leave a good feed
ing alley.
All the timbers of the barn have to
support is the roof. If incredulous in
regard to this kind of frame, make a
similar one out of iaths and test its
strength. You will be surprised. The
short pieces nailed from the long brace
to post and rafter may be of fencing.
They are to keep the brace from twist
ing or "buckling'." Makeyour barn any
length you desire, put the hay in the
center part, the stock in the additions,
and if you can't find a carpenter to do
the work, take a saw, a square and a
hammer and build it yourself. The
above suggestions are not for million
aire farmers, but for those where
eeonomy, convenience and comfort tire
important considerations.—Farm and
IT makes no difference how good a
cow we have, if we give her scrub care
she is going to give scrub results.
To MAKE the profit and loss account
show a balance on the right side we
must produce the best grade of beef,
butter or cheese, and to it in an eco
nomical manner.
When the calf has reached the age
of two and a half years, she should be
come a mother and begin to be a profit
to the dairyman. Whe she is growing
up she should become accustomed to
your handling.
THE creamery system should have
much of the credit for the advance in
even private dairying. Creameries are
schoolhouses where the masses are get
ting points on the care of milk and the
production of butter. They should be,
and many of them are, models of neat
ness and precision in their work.
As important point in preparing
the package for shipment is to so pro
tect it that it will reach the consumers
neat and clean. This may be accom
plished by covering the tub with a
sack, and when it has to be shipped
long distances and to points not
reached by the refrigerator lines gives
some protection.—Farmers Voice.
Coroner—lt is a very unhappy occur
rence that you should run over this old
lady and kill her.
Trolley Motorman —Very. This makes
my thirteenth, and I feel that that
number will bring me bad luck. —Judy.
Medical Item.
Jones—The women are coming to the
front with a rush. Why, there are
even women doctors now, everywhere.
Smith—l don't believe in them.
Jones—Well, you would if you were
married. Whenever my wife gets sick
I send for a female doctor, and they get
to talking al»out the fashions, and my
wife is well itfht off.—Texas Siftings.