Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 13, 1895, Image 1

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The shoe business, which has heretofore been conduct
ed at 1 14 5. Main St., by AL. RUFF, will hereafter be
known under the firm name of A. RLtF & SOX. )•
Ruff having acquired an interest in the concern. With an
ample, well assorted stock of the staple and latesi styles from
new lasts and patterns.
Prompt, Personal attention to
Fair and Honorable Dealings.
We hope to secure a liberal share of your patronage. Thank
ing oui old patrons fo - their liberal support in the par-i
and asking a continuance of the same, we are
Very Respectfully Yours,
A. Ruff & Son.,
114 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
N. B. To properly initiate the new firm in the favor of the j
public, we are offering exceptionally good bargains in season
able goods.
A. R. & SON.
A GRAND OPPORTUNITY—With the dawn of prosperity just be
fore us aDd the improvement in business notwithstanding We sometime
airo decided to cloFe out oor entire stock of Men's BOJP' and Childrens
Clothing, which we will continue to do at prices that will be to the advan
tage of all desiring to purchase clothing No matter how little or how
much money you have to invest, we know it will be hard on the Clothing
business, but as we are determined 10 close out we cannot help it Oar
stock is the largest in the county. Men's fine black worsted pants all wool
only $2 00 We have more pants than any two stores in town. Our
children's i-uits are marvels of beautt; Jll the late novelties, such as the
Regent, Eoclid, Neptune Colombia.Reefers, Jerseys, Kilts *c. from 50cts
up— Hoys' Double and Single Breast Round and Square corner Plain <T
Plaited—All will be sold without reserve
W"e will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Cap*,
Shirts Ties Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Hosiery, Overalls,
Jackets Sweaters. Umbrelies. Trunks, Values, Telescopes, Hammocks
Brushes Combs, patches. Chains. Charms, Rings, Coller and Cuff But
tous Ac We still carry the 4 Semper 4 denj" Shirt, t&e best QDlauDdried
Bhirt io the world oolj $1 00. Our 75 ceut abirt is equal to any SIOO
shirt on the market Our line of Chevioit, Percalle and Madras shirts, full
aDd complete.
Ft have fooid tbat one man's money is better than two men s credit,
aDd hove adopted ifce cash plan and fihd tbat it works wonder. Re
member that we are the old reliable, the pioneer of good goods at low price?;
tbat we have been here a quarter of a century agaiust all comers and goers,
have stayed with von and done vou good It will pay you to come for
as we C«D save you Money, no matter bow low you are offered goods
Jfe have no baits to pull the wool over your eyes. A fair, square deal is
what we promise and are here to fulfil that promise.
T\ A UEOT rsr
121N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
FEET of all kinds can be
fitted at
Bickel s
N > matter how bard you are to flt and what style you may wish, you
can be suited from our large stock.
NO doobt you have read about the advance in leather and have come
to the conclusion that you will have to pay more for your shoes, but such is
not the case if you will buy from us. Having made several 4arge purchases
from some of the leading manufactures, I am prepared to show you the
leryeM election of FOOTS and SHOES in Butler county and can sell you
them at the OLD LOW prices All our goods are marked away down and
qv trading with ns you will get your shoes lower in price and higher in
loality than can be bad elsewhere NEW STYLES and plenty of them
are po iring in every day. Here we list a few; note the prices:
Men's Fine Calf Bhoes, any style at $2.
Men's "A" Calf Shoes any style at $1.25.
Men's Buff Shoes Lace and Congress at sl.
Men's Working Shoes 90c and upwards in price.
Bov's Fine Dress Shoes at $1 25
Ladies' Fine Dongola Pat. Tip Shoes Razor toe flexible sole at $2.
Ludies Fine Dongola Pat. Tip Shoes $1 50 in all styles.
I adies Dongola Shoes at sl. per pair.
Misses Snoes sizes 12 to 2 ranging in price from 803 to $1 50
Children's School Shoes 50c and upwards in price.
Infants Shoes 20c to 50c a pair.
Ladies' Oxfords 75c to $2
All Hz** and widths Also full stock of Misses and Children's Oxfords in
hiaik and Russell's, MCD'S Canvass shoes &c-
Boot- and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing Neatly Done.
Orders by mail receive prompt attention. When in need of anything in
our line call and see me.
128 S Main Street,
Branch Store 12 5 n .nain st,
QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use?
THE ANSWER If you are looking for covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
your money's worth, you must buy
Camrt Mott, Lookl But, Heart Longut, Most economical. Full Mtaaure.
Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all.
the time. We are in the business to stay and
BRUSHES, _9.W. P. stays with us.
J. C. REDICK, 109. N. Main St.
Tired Feeling
Means danger. It is a serious
condition and will lead to disas
trous results if it is not over
come at once. It is a sure sign
that the blood is impoverished
and impure. The best remedy is
Which makes rich, healthy blood,
and thus gives strength and elas
ticity to the muscles, vigor to
the brain and health and vitality
to every part of the body.
Hood's Sarsaparilla positively
Makes the
Weak Strong
" I have taken Hood's Sarsa
parilla for indigestion, that tired
feeling and loss of appetite. I
feel much better and stronger
after taking it. I earnestly rec
ommend Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and I call it a great medicine."
Cambria St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Only Hood's
■ w t. easy to buy. easy to
tIOOCI S I ills take, easy in effect 25c.
Tiie New Spring Styles.
ill W#
If you want the nobbiest and
cheapest suits, drop in and see
what we can do for you. We now
have in stock spring and summer
Another —Here they are. Do
you want to be in he world? Do
you want to be in ishion? You
are sure of both the latest style
and the best goods 'f you buy
your suits of us.
Forward March is "he only
motto in business. This is illus
trated in our new spring stock.
We have better goods for less
money, than ever were offered be
lore. Styles strictly the latest.
Fits guaranteed.
Leading Tailors,
301 South Main St., Butler, Pa
In Wall Street successfully carried ;ou with
Ihe alii o( our I tally Market. letter and pamph
letson speculation. MAII.K > FI'EE.
Discretionary Accounts u Specialty. All in
formation free. Hank references. WKINMAN
& Co.. Stock and drain Brokers. 41 .Broadway
New York
Seized by the Sheriff.
$275,000 Worth of Fine Clothing,
Etc., and to Effect an Immediate
Settlement, Goods Will He Slaught
ered—Read Carefully and Wait Until
Thursday, June 13, at q a. in.
The tremendous Clothing and Gents'
Furnishing Goods Stock of one of the
largest and leading clothiers, which was
recently seized by the Sheriff on an exe
cution issued by one of the largest whole
sale clothing houses of Philadelphia, Pa.,
will be brought here and closed out at re
tail at once.
On account of this Sheriff Sale, tlif
immense building, 4M and Smith
field street, formerly occupied by tin
McElveen Furniture Co., seven doo:>
west of Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa., !
been rented expressly for this sale. Tlu
store will be closed until Thursday, Jn •
13, at!) a. m., when this grist' sale will
Everything will be fold at retail, at "
per cent less than actual cost, as ibis I<
must positively close in ten days, l<- sati-f;-
the creditors. The entire stock cor.-; '
of nearly £275,000 worth of fine clothing
hats and furnishing goods
Remember, no postponement. Tbi
Sheriff Sale Stock will close in ten da\
Just think of the following piojmsitifii
and remember that all the goods p ice
ill this document cat be brought I acl.
any time during the sale, if no' oi'< d
and not considered worth the nionev in
matter what the cause may be Men'.
fine Worsted Overcoats at this <■<... 1
is worth 515.00. We allow yottloV. ej
it home four days, and if not soiled you
may return the same and we herebj <
to return the s2. Bi». Men's fine Spring
and Fall Weight Overcoats, in .sill; and
satin lining, fti.lttl; this coat is reallj
worth Men's extra fine satin lined
Spring and Fall Overcoats, #7.H5; posi
tively worth f2T>. A splendid snit ol
Men's Clothes, $2.89; this suit is posi
tively worth fK>. Keep it home four
days and if it is not soiled return tht
same and we hereby agree to refund the
f2.B'J. Men's fine Spring and Summer
Pants, Jl.-4; fine quality, really worth
f- r i, latest style and very handsome. Keep
them home four days, and if not
soiled return the same and we here
by agree to return the $1.24. Men's
extra fine Suits, J6.85. This fli.KTi
suit is the finest material, latest style,
well made,and positively worth J20.00.
Ask to see it. High grade goods, wearing
equal to the finest quality custom work,
and over 10.CKK> different suits in silk and
satin lined All must go regardless of
cost. Boys .iiid children's Suits from
78 cts. up. Child's Knee Pants, 11 cts.
Boy's Hats, worth fl 50, 15 cts. Men's
Hats, 75 cts., worth £>. so. Good Hand
kerchiefs, 5 cts., worth '25 cts. Socks, .'1
cts. Men's fine Underwear, 45 cts. per
suit, worth #-.50. Fine Silk Suspenders,
8 cts., worth 75 cts. Silk Umbrellas,
19 cts., worth JU.SO, and a thousand other
articles we have 110 space to mention
here. During this great Sheriff Sale the
store will be kept open from 9 a. m. to
yp. in.; Saturdays until 11 p. m. Make
no mistake. Look before yon enter.
Don't be misled by signs and banners
displayed by other merchants, but come
direct to 4:!4 and 4.'Ki Smith field Street.
Look before you enter. It will pay you
to come 100 miles to visit this great sale,
if you value money. Don't miss it. Pos
itively no goods sold, and no one allowed
in the building until June 13, at 9 a. m.
P. S.—Fare paid to all out of town pur
chasers to the amouilt of J 10.00 and
upwards. „
"Great goodness alive, ma!" he said,
with intense petulance, throwing the
coverlet to his feet, and kicking it
against the footrail. "The idea of pa
coming out of the graveyard to haul
me over the coals about Mr. Amerson,
when I've got no more to do with his
business than the man in the moon,
except that I worked for him as faith
ful as I could as nigh like he told me,
and he paid me for it and has always
been kind tome."
"As nigh like he told you. How
was that?" asked Rachels, ignoring
his passion. "That's one of the things
I'm going to ask you."
"I don't know as I'll answer that,
"Yes, you will, sir. Owen Carruth
ers —if it's got to that we must call one
another sir, and our full names—l'm
a-telling you no lies when I tell you
that I wouldn't like to swear that a
certain person who his name have
been called here to-night mayn t be
fore this thing's over, he mayn't have
to move out o" that big house he's got
now to his lone self, and, after his
head's cropped and he's put into
striped jacket and breeches, ockepy
awhile that big buildin' in sight of it
along of a crowd of them that's in the
samo fashion. For nuther God Al
mighty nor man is going to stand such
behavior always. Now, I'm not a-say
ing I believe —because I don t believe
you've done anything, that is, any
thing that's a downright a intentual
helping in Wile Amerson's devilment:
but if you has, you'd better get to un
doing it, soon as you can, and not wait
to have to be made to do it, and then
take the consequences, if you think
you can stand 'em. Arthur DabneyV
going to begin again on the case, and
he's got Seaborn Torrance to help him,
and you ought to know just as well as
you're named Owen Carruthers that
you couldn't no more dodge Seaborn
Torrance on the witness-stand than
you can dodge death when he come
and lay his paw on your shoulder."
"My good Lord!" cried Mrs. Carruth
ers. Owen shuddered, but, rallying
Bonewhat, he whined —
"My sakes alive! I thought the man
come here to see me about my sick
ness, and, 'stead of that, here he is a
trying to tarrify me. Gus Rachels, if
you'll wait till I can get over these
cussed crooks and pains in my legs I'll
answer every everlasting question you
can find the words to put to me. But
I'm not going to lay here and be pulled
at like a handle of a dry pump where
ma is, that you know women can't
keep anything to theirselves. and—"
"No," interrupted his mother, "let it
come now. I'll go down in the kitcli
en. The Lord know, my poor son, 1
don't want to hear anything that'.-
very far contrary to what your poor
dear father, and me too, as to that, we
both of us tried hard to f'warn you—
you Sally," she said, going to the
steps descending to the kitchen, "put
another stick of wood on that fire, and
fix to make me a cup of tea."
"I wish you hadn't begun talking
about that business before ma," said
Owen, when she had retired.
"I done it to let you see how im
portant it was, and I done it to get
some help from her in making you dc
your duty."
"I don't need women to help make
me do my duty."
"Most men, me among 'em, needs all
the help they can get. You may think
you're a exception. Other people don't.
Your mother have suffered right smart
on your account, but it'll pull her
harder than she ever have been pulled,
when Wile Amerson's behavior about
that will's brought up in the court
house, and her only child's found to
know about it, and wouldn't tell, till
it was sere .red and twisted out of him
on the witness-stand, like a rabbit out
of a hollow tree."
"I told you I'd answer your ques
tions. Fire away. Godamighty knows
I never done anything' I'm ashamed of
There's some thing's I oughtn't to tell,
because I weren't expected to tell 'em.
1 don't sec what good it's to do, but
you insist on it, and I'll empty myself
inside out if you want me; only I don't
want what I say repeated where it'll
get to Mr. Amerson."
"He won't know anything about it
till he hears it from the stand."
The questions put were answered
with promptness and clearness, con
vincing Ilacliels of the youth's entire
"Well, Owen," he said at the end,
"I'm truly thankful that what you
done you done innocent. I'm no law
yer; but, to my opinion, when Seaborn
Torrance get hold of some things you
tell me, he'll make Wile Amerson feel
like" the very rafters of that court
house is in-danger o'coming on him,
without he stand from under."
No action had been taken on Han
nah's application for letters of admin
• That can wait, Dabney," Torrance
had said. "My counsel is to let it wait,
until we can see what the inventory is
to be. That 1 hope Mr. Wiley Amer
son can be induced in time, with a lit
tle gentle persuasion, to make. He
mayn't do it without some persuasion;
so we'll let that wait, ray lad."
He had been kept informed of the
work of the junior counsel, and his
opinions as to the value of what dis
coveries he had made. When it seemed
good to 11iin to begin operations, he
wrote the following letter:
"SPAKTA, April 8, 1831.
"Mr UAIISUY: If It wasn't that I've
got to ro to Auj.-oU on a matter that will talic
me a week and more from home, i d go over
to Millcdgeville and have another talk
about the Amerson business. Hut It Isn't worth
while. You can do as well without as with mo
for the present, and there's no need of further
consultation ntiout opening fire. Your man
agement of things has been capital all around,
and 1 want y<jU to toll the lovely widow I said
so. Do you bear?
"Th<- plan we've agreed upon I am sure !s the
best Make application at once for letters of
administration out and out *n both estatw,
and have citation Issued returnable to the
same term ul Vyurltg produce yie gjji (or
proof in solemn form. X agree with you that It
Is not worth while tc go Into chancery, at least
for the present, as Amerson would of course
swear of! the equities io 1 send you
a paper with grounds for our caveat, which.
If you think they are ample and clearly enough
expressed, file. Alter, or add to, as you may see
"I am still of the opinion that It would be
well to bring an action for words, notwith
standing they are barred by statute You can
put in the writ a count alleging their repeti
tion within it Don't put the damages under
a quarter of the old man's estate If nothing
else, it will add to the scare the other pro
ceedings will give him. and he's such a devil
that, among other weapons, we've (sot to tight
him with fire.
"I'm anxious to take a look at that paper. I
was glad to hear it was in the scoundrel's own
handwriting. I thought he was too smart not
to avoid the suspicion that will raise
"What you write of Carruthers' sayings I re
gard as of utmost importance. The motive of
Amerson in having the copy made as it was, if
we can handle the thing right when ; come to
trial, will be obliged to appear a fraud, not
withstanding such a habit with others of his
papers. My judgment is that when his father
demanded his will, and was .pat off until night,
the copy was substituted, which he. taking for
the original, destroyed. This is obliged to bo
the case unless the old man lied out and out,
which nobody believes. I must see the paper
before we come to trial; and I want to have an
interview with Rachels about Carruthers. IT
try to get over to Milledgeville some time be
fore court; if not sooner, the Saturday before.
Meanwhile. Rachels, who can do it better than
anybody else, should have an eye on Carruth
ers. Be sure that what he got out of him be
comes known to nobody, not even Mrs. Amer
son. When Amerson is struck by our three
first licks, it will make his hair rise, and It will
be of some Importance if Carruthers can be
kept awav from him as much as possible.
Whether he suspects anything or not, he'll be
doing something to keep the weakling in his
interest You needn't be surprised to get
through Watson an offer of some sort of com
promise. Watson is a first-rate lawyer, and not
a bad man. If he suspects his client of fraud,
he'll make him compromise if it's possible.
That should appear to be not desired See,
Dabney? See?
"Well, I don't know when I've written so
long a letter before. I despise to have such a
thing lo do. But I'm more interested in this
case than I've been in one for a long time, and
it's not only for our fair client's sake, but for
yours, my dear boy, and because I owe Amer
son a shaking which I want to pay, with inter
est and costs, doggone him.
"If anything very special turns up, let me
know, and. if it's worth while, hop in your
sulky and drive over hero, unless you think it
Important for me to be there, in which event
I'll try to come—go. I mean Excuse all my
grammar. I was too busy with .other things,
when a boy, to learn much of that By-by.
• p. S.—See here,Dabney, don't you fall to tell
.Mrs. Amerson what I told you. If you do, I'll
tell her you asked me to prop you up in aer
esteem as much as I could, conveniently. Real
ly, my dear Dabney, you have managed this
thing admirably, and you are entitled to the
Just appreciation of your client. S. T."
The proceedings begun in the court
of ordinary required thirty days' no
tice by publication in the county news
4||j (?)
paper. Civil suits must be filed in
the inferior court clerk's office twenty
days before the term. Dabney, Tor
rance approving, decided to have copy
and process of the last put in the hands
of the sheriff, with instructions to
serve them upon Amerson on the day
of the appearance of the advertise
ment of the other in the Southern Re
There is a curious combination of
cowardice and bravery in men like
Amerson. It seems wonderful what
risks they will take when considerably
moneys or other stakes as precious are
at the end of the perilous roads they
undertake to travel. There seems
some degree of insanity in their au
dacity. Amerson had learned to stand
with apparent calmness before ' out
spoken, severe, angry condemnation
of some of his practices, and, when it
was over, turn away and go about his
other business. It was the unexpected
ness of the civil suit, far more than
the newspaper advertisements, that
made him pale in the presence of tlio
sheriff. For a moment he was thrown
off his guard; yet in another his long
white teeth appeared behind a sardonic
smile, and lie said:
"Old saying, Mr. Ennis, when it rains
it pours; but I think I'll be able to
show the people of Baldwin county
that it isn't anything but a shower
after all the thundering. I don't know
what made my father give me the big
gest share of his property, unless be
cause he thought I'd take care of it.
I don't know that you know it, Mr.
Entiis, but Ilannah knows that I have
been always ready to allow, and allow
more than she could have any lawful
right to calculate on. Cullen knew it
too, before he died, that, being my own
brother, I couldn't but think a heap of.
But it looks like, now, that she just
simply wants to bother me and perse
cute me, when she knows perfect well
that there's 110 woman I think more of
than her, being as she is my own and
only brother's widow. It looks rather
hard, Mr. Ennis."
"Of course, Mr. Amerson, you under
stand my persish, which I'm simple a
officer of the court, and isn't supposed
to know anything about the merits of
the case."
"Certainly I do, Mr. Ennis; and you've
| been sheriff long enough to know that
I often where there's a great cry there's
; mighty little wool, as I've no doubt
you've heard the expression. I've al
ways respected you, Mr. Ennis, as a
man and as a sheriff, not to say any
thing as a friend. Occasionally, I
wouldn't undertake to say how often,
it's been my pleasure to help you in
your election and other times and
things, in trilling little ways, we won't
say how, it not being worth while. I
hope that next time they won't press
on you so hard. But if they do, I've no
doubt you'll know who are your friends,
and that they'll continue to stand up
i to you. Good morning."
j Yes, he made a point always to have
the sheriff on good terms with him.
i 111 the case of this one, who in his top
! yielding indulgence to defendants in
execution had several times been ruled
; for not having the money in court,
Amerson had come to li is rescue. .
"Yes," soliloquized the official after
1 he had turned awav,* "you lias holp me
| sometimes when you knewed wasn't
' any danger, although, which you don't
j believe I know, you voted ag'ins' me
| when I first got in, and you'd 'a' done
1 ; t ntrain last time, exceptin' you see I
I hu<i the field. Go'long. Wile Amerson.
' You've been dodgin' and bamboozlin'
the hounds *0 fur, ftp 'long."
Amerson repaired straightway to
Watson's office, a large room opposite
Rainer's store, to which steps led from
the street. The lawyer noted at once
his perturbation and the slowness of
its relief from assurance that nothing
was to be apprehended from the action
for words unless proof was made of
their utterance within the last six
months. With some coldness he said:
"Mr. Amerson, I hope that the words
charged in this writ were not spoken
by you at any time. I've taken your
case believing that your hands had
been—well, I'll say, moderately clean,
with intent to see that you got all of
your legal rights. It's not my busi
ness to inquire how your father came
to make such a will, against which I
find there's a good deal of feeling in
the county, and there's no sort of
doubt that it is obliged to be sustained
if your recollection of the facts as
you've told them to me is entirely ac
curate. The fight against you is going
to be serious. You see that Mr. Tor
rance is of counsel in the case; he's a
man of very great capacity, and who,
at least in attack, is not one to waste
his powder unless he believes that
something is to come of it. You've
said to me that you wouldn't be op
posed to a compromise that might not
be too unfair. Let me tell you what
I've been turning over in my mind.
Your wife's dead, and so is Mrs. Amer
son's husband. Why not let the whole
dispute be settled by your marrying
her and adopting her son? Such
things are done very often. You're
both young, and as for her, whj-, she's
a beauty, whom any man might take
and give boot. How would that suit?
Who knows but that's what she's
driving at in the end she finds she
can't do better? You're old enough to
understand that women have more
than one string to their bows."
The client's eyes gleamed during the
utterance of these words, then in a
low, eager voiee he answered:
"Mr. Watson, if you could arrange
that, I'd double the fee I've promised,
and, if it's necessary, I'd double that
Mr. Dabney is expecting to get."
Smiling, the lawyer replied:
"I don't think, if I were in your
place, that I'd make such an offer to
Dabney. Indeed, I wouldn't care to
do it myself. Dabney is rather a tick
lish sort of fellow about taking fees,
as it were, over the left shoulder
Then, some people say he wants the
widow himself."
Noticing the pallor on Amerson's
face, he continued:
"But, if you wish, I'll feel of him,
and there's no doubt that he will not
try to hinder Mrs. Amerson's accept
ance of your proposal, whether she
raav incline to it or not At all event*
it won't do any harm to make it. Or
reflection, it may do you some good,
even if it's rejected, provided it be
comes generally known. You see, it
will be the amplest apology and com
pensation you can make for any words
they may prove you to have said against
her. You seem to be in earnest about it."
Looking down for a moment, Amer
son took from his pocket a handker
chief and wiped his eyes. Then he
"Mr. Watson, I'm going to tell you
something. I've loved Hannah ever
since she was a girl, and I've never
loved anybody like I've loved her.
Don't ask me why I didn't marry her,
as I could—at least as I thought I
could have done. She had nothing but
herself, and I —well, I was ambitious to
get rich, and the more I've got the
more I've been disappointed. My wifi
that's dead saw how it was, but she
was a good woman, and not healthy,
and after Cullen died she said on her
death-bed that she hoped I and nan
nah would marry. I told Hannah that
six months ago, and offered to settle
on her a good part of father's property,
but she as good as ordered me out of
her house. It's impossible; but I've
got to that, Mr. Watson, I'd be willing
to give up mighty nigh the whole
of that property if I could get her."
His voice and lips trembled with the
excess of his passion and its hopeless
ness. After a moment's pause he said,
in argumentation that seemed to his
counsel really pitiable:
"You say, Mr. Watson, that people
say Mr. Dabney wants Hannah for
himself? Why, does it seem reasonable
to you that Hannah would take up
with a man that's got nothing except
what little he picks up at law, when,
as I tell you, she's a woman that's al
ways loved fine things and wanted
more than she could get? You see how
fine she dresses now when she comes
to town, which she can't afford, and
which she knows Mr. Dabney couldn't
begin to allow her without they won
this case, which they can't, as there's
the will to show for itself. As for
suing me for slander, it's done for
nothing else but to scare me."
"And perhaps to drive you to a com
"I hope that's it, Mr. Watson; and
you know my terms —that is, we can
figure on it, and see what you think is
the best way to put it."
After some pause, Watson said:
"Mr. Amerson, on reflection, I be
lieve I'd rather not make to Dabney a
proposal of that kind, and I'm sure it
wouldn't be the very best for you to
do it. Why not make it directly to the
widow, either by yourself or through
some friend? Isn't there some one who
is friendly to all parties whom you
could trust wifch it?"
"I wouldn't like, myself, to go to Mr.
Dabney about it, or for you either, be
cause, from what you say, he'd be
against mc. The old man Flint is a
friend of Hannah, and he used to be a
good friend to me. Once or twice he's
told me I ought to compromise the case
somehow, because he knows they can't
break the will, which he signed as a
witness, and he tells everybody that
mentions it to him that he never saw
father in stronger mind than he was
on the day he made it. I don't know,
but I think he might advise Ilannah to
take my proposition."
"The v<?ry man! The very man!
Among other reasons for that is that
if his mission fails he'll be sure to cir
culate it, and that will take off some
of the prejudice against you. Will you
see him?"
"I'd rather it would be you, Mr. Wat
son. The old man would take it as a
compliment if you was to send for him,
and 3'ou'd know better than me how to
talk to him. and, besides, it'll bolster
\ A '
' I
him up more on my side when lie's told,
in the way you know how, that I want
to be reasonable."'
"All right. Do you get somebody to
tell him I want to see him."
After an understanding as to the pre
cise terms in which to put the proposi
tion, A'ngfson lg/t the ftg by
Bie'pped upon the sidewalk, Hannah,
leading her son. was passing. Glanc
ing momentarily at him. she immedi
ately turned her face away, and pro
ceeded on. He stood gazing at her as
she went. When she entered one of
the stores, he sighed, and, turning,
walked rapidly in the direction op
posite. In that moment the wish to
possess her was greater than that of
prevailing in the lawsuit.
Hobby** lfcw Cigar*.
She got out of her carriage and
walked into the cigui -tore, at the same
time unfastening her coat.
"I want a box of cigars for my hus
band, please. Let me see all kinds."
"Now here are some goods we can
sell for eight dollars, and here are do
mestics from that down to two and a
half dollars" said the obliging clerk.
She looked at them carefully.
"You may wrap up that box at two
dollars and fifty cents," said she, with
dignity. "I like the shade better. It
will about match his smoking jacket."
—lndianapolis Journal.
In the First Konnd.
It was the first quarrel after the
honeymoon. The bride was giving the
young doctor, her husband, particular
"Hold your tongue!" he shouted.
She simply looked at him.
"I don't think you are quite well,"
he added, apologetically, "and I merely
asked you to hold your tongue out." —
N. Y. World.
Latter-Day Luxuries.
Fashionable Physician You will
have to give up your city life, Mr. Mil
Wealthy Patient I will travel in
Europe a few years, if you say so.
Physician—lt would be better for yon
to stay here and conduct a model farm.
Wealthy Patient —Oh, I can't afford
that.—N. Y. Weekly.
Camalfttire Evidence.
At a social gathering, the conversa
tion being on Baalam's ass, Gus De
Smith remarked:
"I believe that animals can talk. I
am sure that nowadays asses talk, just
like Balaam's ass did."
"So I-hear," said old Judge Peterby.
—Texas Sittings.
Naturally Suegest* It*elf.
"Here is a letter," said the new
postal clerk, "addressed to 'Lame
Bear, Esq., Col.' The writer forgot to
put on the name of the post office. What
shall I do with it?"'
"Send it to Cripple Creek," said the
postmaster. —Chicago Tribune.
Jinks —For a professional humorist,
Mr. Zaggles looks remarkably sad-eyed
and melancholy.
Binks —Yes; you see everyone who has
children insists upon telling him all the
smart little things they say. in the hope
he will put them in the papers. —Life.
Nothlntc Mean About film.
Mr. Outers (boarding in the country)
—Mr. Oatcake, I didn't come out here
to be fed on canned vegetables.
Farmer Oatcake (stoutly)—Waal, mis
ter, I propose that my city guests shall
alwuz git as good from me as they have
to home!— Harper's Bazar.
Had No Mind to Lou.
Dudeley Canesucker —Doctor, if I
were to lose my mind, do you suppose
I would be aware of it myself?
Dr. Boless —You would not. And
very likely none of your acquaintances
would notice it either.—Texas Siftings.
Everything Loose.
"Thieves," read the head of the fam
ily, "are going about appropriating
everything loose." "Heavens! My
bloomers!" was Maud Edith's un
fuarded exclamation. lndianapolis
Jolt to Hake Room.
Ice cream ho bought his beloved.
And she ate and she ate and she ate.
And her heart she finally gave to him,
To make room for another plate.
—Town Toplos.
j "Talk about tender-hoarted chil
dren," said pretty young Aunt Post, re
flectively, after reading a letter from
her married sister. "I never saw any
i body to equal Clara's boys. You couldn't
ask either of them to bring in a pail of
water but he'd burst right out crying."
j—N. Y. Recorder. •
Way Up.
Catterson —When you were first mar
ried, did your wife know all about
Natterson —Yes, indeed, old man.
Why, she taught me all I know.—St.
Louis Republic.
No Occadon for Alarm.
Cumso —What do you think of the
coming woman?
Cawker—She is not worrying me. If
she waits to button her gloves she will
not arrive in your lifetime or mine.—
The Reaaon-
Ile —Why do girls like to be engaged
so often and married so seldom?
She —Why, they get a diamond ring
for each engagement and only a gold
ring fo'» marriage.—Truth.
To Cateh 'Em Both Way*.
Author —I've got a great scheme to
make a fortune. I'm going to write a
book on the financial question.
His Friend —Well?
Author—And then I'm going to write
a reply refuting it.—Chicago Record.
A Clear ('out.
Briggs—l see you are calling on the
daughter of the head of your firm now.
Griggs—Yes; she is the only girl I
know of whose father has to work
nights. —Brooklyn Life.
Mamma Suppose you have four
apple-dumplings, Willie, and you eat
three, then what do you have?
Willie —Nightmare.—Harper's Round
Every Kale 11a* It* Hxceptlon*.
Gilgal— Should a man always wait
until the lady with him is seated be
foro sitting down himself?
Gargoyle —Unless she wishes to sit in
his lap—Town Topics.
Dadded Advantane.
Fat Lady—Say, the two-headed girl
has a great snap.
Circassian Beauty—How?
Fat I dy—She can tell herself when
her hats are on straight.—Town Topic*.
Struckile—now did you get your
crest; pay for it?
Borneo—No, thank heavens, I am not
a snob. My grandfather paid for it for
me. —N. Y. World.
Azian la*' Brother.
The boys that whisper soft and low.
■I never loved another."
Must think the maidens do not know
Ananias had a brother
* -Philadelphia Kocor4
It Take* a Great Dml More Than Talk to
B««are Them.
I know well enough the kind of plan
the country is waiting for; it wants a
plan that will give it roads for noth
ing. No revolution of that kind is
likely to occur. But it does seem to
me, and has always seemed, that a
settled and united policy of employing
public prisoners on the road* might
easily improve the trunk lines to be
gin with for a minimum of cost.
I have urged this before often, for I
had seen how well it could be done.
Every county gaol should work in
unison on a trunk road through a
state. Very often one or more of the
county farms will own a crusher, but
if not a good deal may be d >ne in
breaking by using proper long-handled
hammers. All the stone for the crack
British roads was so broken, and may
be is yet, but then there was a con
tinuous system about it, while here
there is none. There the stone heaps
are deposited along the roadsides
about 30 yards apart, and broken dur
ing December, to be laid on during fall
and winter.
They don't try to build a road in a
few days that will last forty years
without attention! They don't b&llast
country roads from gutter to gutter 6
inches deep as our splendid new road
architects do! They don't send two
horse teams along to pick up the stones
first, and then throw them off again
into the ditches as 1 have seen done in
this very state! They don't let water
or even mud stay in a rut, for they aim
to keep their roads without ruts! Ev
ery drop of standing water is let out
of such little depressions as exist.
Some old fellow who does not want
to go to the poorhouse is given work
on each section (abont 2 miles) of road.
4. ** * 1 '' * ' 4
\—/ stm« '
to Y**
He does all the work except hauling.
A good road is first properly rounded
up, that is, sufficiently to throw the
water to the ditches and gutters.
Generally British roads are narrower
than here, perhaps 32 feet or so; in
euch a case in the country a road gets
about an inch of stone in the fall, and
then the attendant •with his wheel
barrow and hoe scraper does the rest,
keeping the gutter open and breaking
the stone piles, (I ought to say that
the stone piles are never more than 18
Inches high and flat on top, so that a
runaway team would pull over them,
and not knock their brains out) in the
Bummer with a long handled hammer,
and a piece of netting over his face!
Practically this is the system all .over
the British empire, and some parts of
Canada—which is in North America.
There is a section of a British road
on the Lincolnshire marshes—which
were once far softer than the prairies.
The ditches are kept in order by ad
joining owners. The stuff from the
ditches built up the road. The ditches
are kept distinct.—James McPherson,
in Landscape Architect.
Until We Have Them Public Prosperity
Ii Uoand to Suffer.
At this time of the year we can ap
preciate good roads fully, and it is to
be regretted that we forget how Incon
venient bad roads are as soon as the
roads that are bad get good in the
spring. A few weeks ago we had occa
sion to drive four miles into the coun
try in northern Ohio, where the roads
get frightfully bad on occasion, and
although we had a fairly good team
and a light buggy, the best time wo
could make was to drive the four miles
in an hour and a half. When we ar
rived at our destination the team
showed the effects of the h&rd drive
very plainly, though they had not been
driven off a walk. A we«k ago, in
southern Ohio, we saw a team trotting
along hitched to a wagon on which
was 3,000 pounds of hay. They have
good roads In southern Ohio, or rather
southwestern Ohio, and they derive
the benefit from them. They cost a
tidy sum to make, but now that they
are made the people benefited would
not return to the barbarous mud roads
of former years for any consideration.
The costliest item of expenso to the
farmers of this country is the loss they
sustain from impassable roads. There
has been much agitation on the subjeot
and it is having its effect, but until
something is done to improve the con
dition of tho roads of this country Its
prosperity will suffer to an enormous
extent. Land in a county where the
roads are good is worth twice much
as in a mud road county, and the farm
ers of the country could not pay taxes
for any purpose that would make great
er direct returns. Good roads are
necessary to a perfect civilization, and
that means that we stiall have them
some time in the not distant future. —
Springfield (O.) Farm News.
Good Road* and Prosperity.
Before all things the United States
is an agricultural country- It is the
possibility of large returns for labor in
this direction which keeps up the prloe
of labor in our manufactories and in
all our industries and thus brings com
fort and ease within the reach of all.
Good roads, by lessening the cost of
agricultural products, form the most ef
fectual means of maintaining the con
dition of comfort and even luxury ql
which America is so proud.—H. W.
Conn, Department of Biology, Wes
leyan University, Middietown, Conn.
Direct Lou from Poor Roads-
Although the methods of attaining
the result afford discrepant indication®
as to the amount of loss due to ill-kept
highways in Massachusetts, they alike
clearly indicate that the direct loss is
very great; probably amounts to some
where between five a* d ten million
dollars per annum. —R«f ortMass. Com.
With the Dear Ulrls.
Mabel— How lovely of you to recog
nize me at once when you haven't seen
me for over three years!
Maude (with charming amiability)—
Oh, I knew you the minute I laid eyes
on your dress. —Chicago Record.
A Blight Mistake.
"Do you know the count actually ad
dresses in public as his treasure?"
"Treasure? His English is a little
off. He means investment." —Indianap-
olis Journal.
Not Money Bat the Want of It.
Mrs. Greene—ls it true, Charles, that
Miss Hunter married for money?
Mr. Greene—l think, my dear, that it
was owing to the want of money.—
Boston Transcript.
A MUupderstandlng.
"No, sir, my daughter can'never be
"I don't want her to be my daughter,"
broke Jn the young ardent. "I want
her to be my wife."—Texas Siftings.
How lie Fixed It.
Mr. Philanthro— How long have yoa
been blind, my poor man?
Mendicant —Ever since the man I
t ought this stand from retired from the
Has No I'se for Drain.
Johnny—Papa, what is a dude?
Papa ( scientific)—A dude, my son, is a
human being whose brain is rudiipen*
And Others Do Not, Yet Manage
to Live Along.
Swimming In the Shark lof««ted Water*
of the Tropica Ballon Nmr
Dreim of Drownloc-Ltf*
The percentage of blue jackets in the
nary who are unable to swim is suf
ficiently large to warrant some surprise
on the part of an inquirer. Appren
tices enter the naval serviee with no
more knowledge of how to keep afloat
in thb water than they have of star
board, maintopgallant, studding sail
boom, tracing line, block ship, thimble,
seizing*. In time, of course, the young
ster i 9 bound to make the acquaintance
of the latter, but he may become gray
and salty, and perhaps rise to be bo's'n's
mate, and never learn to swim.
In nine cases out of ten. says the New
York Sun, the lack of accomplishment
is due to Jack's not taking advantage
of the opportunities offered him, be
cause he has many chances to learn if
he only would. When ships are riding
at anchor in warm waters permission
to swim is often given to those who
wish it, and there are enough swim
mers in the ship's company t<> in
structions to the others. To , • or
balance the ones who do u iiu
there are many expert swimmers in
the navy. From the work he has to
.do, Jack, after a year's service, is like
ly to be a splendidly trained fellow.
His muscles are developed to the high
est, and his food and hours are such as
to keep him in the best of physical
trim. So, when Jack is a swimmer,
the conditions combine to make him at
once a strong and graceful creature in
the water, lie knows his abilities, and
this leads him into what the sedate
landsmen might consider foolhardi
ness. When the ship lies in temperate
waters, and swimming permission has
been given, the ship's port lower boom
:is let down into the water. This boom
lies against the ship's side when she is
; under way, but when at anchor is usee?
as the mooring place for such small
boats and launches as may be in serv
ice at the time. A life line runs from
the ship to the topping lift, which sup
ports the boom. The lowering of the
boom into the water gives Jack a con
venient but slightly hazardous way of
getting down. But the sailor swimmer'
generally prefers to use the boom as a
means of getting back to the ship after
a dive from the rail or some other van
tage point. A dive from the rail means
,a descent of eighteen feet in the case of
a frigate, and more in the inddern
cruiser. This height is not so great as
to daunt Jack's courage, and many
sailormen have plunged headforemost
in the sea from the tip of the flying
jibboom, which is upward of thirty-five
feat from the water.
In swimming' in tropical waters there
is one drawback to the sport— sharks.
The sight of a triangular black fin knif
ing its way through the water, and
the sudden churning of the water by
the flick of a tail, is chilling enough
when seen from the safe deck of a ship,
but is no doubt marrow freezing when
viewed from the green level of the eea.
If Jack went swimming unprotected in
such regions there would likely be an
unanswered name at roll call some
morning. But Jack has his swimming
pond in the tropics—or had in the daya
of the great hulled frigate—just as he
does further north. This is accom
plished by tricing up the four corners
of a topsail, thus forming a bag, and
sinking it over the ship's side. When
it has filled the four corners are lifted
several feet out of the water, and Jack
has an admirable natatorium, secure
from sharks and large and deep enough
to admit of any amount of diving and
The fact that a bluejacket cannot
«wim has no more effect upon him in
the discharge of perilous duty than If
he were a merman. He jumps into a
boat on a lifesaving errand when the
sea is mountain high, and he knows he
may Sever tread a deck again if an
angry wave throws the boat upon her
beam ends and tumbles All hands out.
He goes aloft and lays out to the end of
a yard when the ship is tossing about
like a cork, and there is nothing below
him but an endless stretch of roaring
waves. The yard quivers and groans,
and Jack has to hold on like grim
death, for one moment's loosening ■si
his grasp and he is snapped off into
space. This means nothing short of
drowning, and yet that thought never
seems to occur to him. His life goes
on, and perhaps the emergency of his
having to make some effort to swim
may never arise.
Each ship of the navy is fitted with
two life buoys on the starboard and
port rails aft. These are constructed
of a frame holding two large air-tight
copper vessels. The apparatus floats
upright, and there is a place on which
the man overboard may find a footing.
The buoy readily sustains a man's
weight, and holds him comparatively
high out of the water if he stands on
the footrest below. When a man has
tumbled overboard at night, and one or
both of the life buoys have been or
dered over, the sailol- at the rail pulls
one of two knobs over the buoy. This
flrcb a cap, which ignites a long tube of
red fire inserted in the main upright of
the buoy. The other knob,when pulled,
releases the buoy, and it drops into the
water. The red fire burns a long time
and guides the luckless bluejacket.
Many a sailorman who could not swim
has been saved by the celerity with
which the life buoys have been dropped.
Time to Eat Thun.
A brace of pheasants were once for
warded by a theatrical manager to one
of London's best-known and ablest
play tasters. He did not know what to
do with them; it seemed a foolish fuss
to send them back, and yet—. So he
told his editor what had happened, and
asked His advice. "llow long have you
had them?" asked the editor. "Eight
days," he answered. "Then eat them
up quickly, or it will be worse than a
case of bribery: it will be bribery and
"This hasn't a sign of a clap in It,"
said the guest who had ordered clam
chowder. "It's a swindle; that's what
it la."
"Excuse me, sir," responded tho
waiter, who is too good for that busk
ness, "but we only undertake to servo
a chowder; not an aquarium."—Life.
An Amendment.
Gasbag—Well, you see lam nomi
nated. Don't you remember I said be
fore the convention met it would be
Gasbag or nobody?
Unsuccessful Rival —Yes, I remember,
but your prediction -was a little off. It
Is Gasbag and nobody.—N. Y. Tribune.
Too Dull a Prospect.
Impresario (engaging singer)—We
will treat you with every considera
tion, madam, and I assure you you will
have no one to quarrel with.
Prima Donna (with decision) —Theijj
I just won't take the engagement.—
Chicago Record.
Like Father, Like SOD.
Deacon Denman Mr. Jones, I*nj(
sorry to tell you that I saw your boy
fishing last Sabbath.
Mr. Burnap—Confound the rascal! I
thought it was strange I eouldnt find
my Ushing-rod.—Judge.
The Coming; Straggle.
"One or the other of us," muttered
the young man who awaited his be
loved in the front parlor, "is going to
be turned down to-night!"
And ho glanced ferociously at the
flickering gas-light^—