AN MOISENT. The shoe business, which has heretofore been conduct ed at 114 5. Main St., by AL. RUFF, will hereafter be known under the firm name of A. RL FF 6i SON. P. VV. Ruff having acquired an interest in the concern. With an ample, well assorted stock of the staple and latest styles from new lasts and patterns. Prompt, Personal attention to Details. Fair and Honorable Dealings. We hope to secure a liberal share of your patronage. Thank ing our old patrons for their liberal support in the past and asking a continuance of the same, we are Very Respectfully Yours, A. Ruff & Son., 114 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. N. u.—To properly initiate the new firm in the favor of the public, we are offering exceptionally good bargains in season able goods. b A. R. & SON. J. S. YOUNG, The Tailor and Furnisher, Desires to say that our expectations are more than realized. Kverjbody pronounces our SUITS the finest that have ever been turned out In Butler. "W'e Make the Most Stylish Garments and handle the best grades of Woolens and Trimming of any house outside of the larger cities. Our Prices are as low as superior workmanship and strictly first-clais woolens and trlmmiiiß? Win admit of. WE GUAKANTKK perfect satisfaction In each and every detail and the great number of orders we are receiving da Uy. proves that our customers appreciate these facts: 101 Sonth Main Street, | C Will no- The TAILOR and Batler, Pa. 1 Cents' Furnisher. W3.ADRIANCE BINDER "toft ■ « . %- «. P. hftdl Hartze l^< em])e r. F "»k Kemper Have the largest stock of Vehicles, Harness and Farm Machinery of any house in the county. We defy any firm to show a better line of goods for less money. Our stock was selected to suit this trade. Our prices are as low as the lowest, quality considered. Our profits are small and our reputation at stake, so you can rest assured \\i will not misrepresent. We add a percentage on our goods and sell them according to what they cost us. We serve all alike. We do not make one man pay for what we lose on another. W hen we guar antee goods we make good our guarantee. We protect our custom ers, and not the manufacturers. Why? Because the manufacturers are of no use to us without the customers. If you want a Buggy> Surry, Phaeton, Business, Pleasure or Team Wagon, Hand or Ma chine-Sewed Harness, or anything in the Harness line, Blankets, Robes, Dusters, Nets, Turf Goods, Currying Tools, Whips, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c., we have them in large quantities and at low prices. And for I*arm Machinery, we can furnish anything needed, from the plow to the separator. We guaiantee our machin ery to be as good as the best and second to none. If in need of any thing in our line, write us We will answer all inquiry, either by mail or in person. Our motto is, "Small Profits and Square Deal ing." Our success depends on our reputation, and our reputation will be controlled by our representations, so you can depend on what we tell you to be true. We say we have the largest line of Vehicles, Machinery and Harness of any house in the county, and a visit to our store and warehouse will prove it. Store room, •to H. Mala atraet, W'AKKKOO* J'O N. Vain utteet.-Klont «|»ac« I*,IHO »q. ft. ir la need or aay fhlaar la ear line, rail oa aa before JOB aiake yoar >arrha»e. It *lll jam. nv A wrnwns ' KINGS, KAK KINGS. „ ~ 111 A IYIII 111 JJT) ( BCAKF PINS. STUDS. WWW A MNILW I 42 I GKNTS' GOLD, LAUIKB' GOLD. IFLF ATULLLILSI ' GKNTS' 9ILVKK. I. A OIKS CHATI.AIN. TPTITPT T»XT I Gold Pins Ear Kings, Rings. «J JC* W JuAjjK. Jt f chains, Bracelet*. Ktc. !Tt!if» www m «•) Tea Sets. Castors. Butter Dishes and'|BverythliH BluV UiHW JCjlf tint can be foutH in a (lrst class sf«ra.. RODGF? BROS. 1874 } HIKKS. SI " PLATG< E. GRIEB « JEWELER. No. 139. North Main St., B JTLER, PA., "3 A Summer slrivc lcies a measure of ifs pleasure if the carriage is less IUA Vcj urious, easy running and handsome than it might be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get —are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Made by FREtONIA MFG. CO., Ymmgstown, Ohio, The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS IXTURES, HOSE, WATER. FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at" W. II .O'Brien & Son's 107 Ka,at Jet Person Htreet. 3(Owego Valley Poultry Yards. Prize winning Buff Leghorns (Arnold'*), Barred Plvmouth Hocks (Uawkin'is) and Indian Gaino cockerel* for salt, olifgp for aaality of stock. U K W II per 15, $1.50 p Hr 28, *4 per 100 w. W. Harkin<,TOll, |Uarford Mills, Cort Co., N. Y. | 'PINE TREE FARM. I Jamesburg, N. J. | Send for large catalogue of Land and Water Fowl. The best Pekin Ducks in the world. W. H ORDWAY, Prop'r D- A- MOUNT, Sup't. A well selected text is half of the ser- J mon. Given a good text and a jweaclier I who it in earnest, and the result is sure to be good. The text of this article is a plain simple statement that proves itself in th« reader's own mind witho«t argu ment. The text is " Good health is bet ter than great riches." Without health nothing really matters very much. A hacking cough takes all the beauty out of a landscape or a sunset. Erysipelas or eczema will spoil the enjoy ment of sprightly conversation, of a beau tiful concert, of a wonderful painting The biggest bank account in the world won't pay a man for his health, but a vary tmall amount of money will make him healthy and keep him healthy. Most all bodily troubles start in the digestive or respiratory organs. It is here that improper living first makes an opening for disease. The development differ* as constitutions and temperaments differ. The causes are almost identical. To get at the root of the matter is simple enough if you start right. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine for the whole body. It works through the digestive organs on all the others. It cures the first thing it comes to and after that, the next. It puts health in place of disease in the stomach, and from the vantage ground thus gained, it reaci cs every fiber of the body and <snves diseasr before it indigestion, liver troubles, kidney complaint, biliousness, skin and scalp diseases, salt-rheum, teJUar, eczema, and all the troubles causal by impire blood. PAINT cracks.— It often costs more to prep a house for repainting that had been painted in the first place with c : v ip ready-mixed paints, than it w, :id to have painted it twice with str : ; ly pure white lead, ground in purt linseed oil- Strictly Pure White Lccai forms a permanent has? f r ing and never has to be bur scraped off on account < f or cracking. It is a! > - and clean. To be Hire c - strictly pure white lend, p' . : • any of the following brand "Armstrong & JtfVKelvy,' " Beyrner-Bar.nian," " Davis-Chambers," " Fahnestock." FOR COLORS.— National Lead Co 1 T '*irc White Lend Tinting, Colo:-;, n or-s .;».•! tan to a 25-pound keg of Lead ann mix ><» : v.n paints. Saves time and nnr.ov: ;.!< !:ing shades, and insures the best paint that it »■ pos sible to pot on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book o:> paints und color-card, free; it will probably -uve you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO.. New York. Pittsburg Branch. German National Building, Pittsburg. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate —cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore ana Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Sold byDnutßieta,or sen post-paid 011 receipto'prico m'arilßKlS' MHO. CO., 11l * 111 MlllUalit., S.w York. WITCH HAZEL OIL fiypSuSmnn f/Vl . POISON T • Is the result of the usual treatment of ■ blood disorders. The system Is tilled with , 8 Mercury and Potash remedies- more to Sbe dreaded than the disease—and in a ■ short while is In a far worse condition 8 than before The most common rosult is I 1 RHEUMATISM j 8 for which 8. S. S. is tho most reliable Bcure. A few bottles will afford relief o where all else has failed. a I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial 8 Rheumatism, iut arms and legs being swollen 2 to more than twice their natural size, causing M tne mostexcruclatiog pains. 1 spent hundreds ■or dollars without relief, but after tak-i A Ing a few bottles of 1 fil Improved rapidly.and n Sam now a well man.v ■ completely cured. I \ Scan heartily recom«BteaAjfc" I ■ mend your wonderful medicine to anyone 1 1 ■ afflicted with this painful disease I g W. F. DALKV, Brooklyn Elevated R. R. 8 Our Treatise on Blood snd Skin Diseases mailed j * free to any address. J SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. DELICATE *HK» BRADFIELD'B FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS A SUPERB TONIG and exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel ail impurities. Health and strength are Guaranteed to result from its use. My wife was bedridden for eighteen months, after UKiiig BKADFIELD S FEMALE REGU LATOU tur two iuunths, lsgettliiir well.— J M. JOHNSON, Malvern, Arlt. BHAUHEM) REGULATOR CO., ATI.ANTA, GA. Bold by all Druggists at £I.OO per bottle. r^!§ -1 P r •. ■.!n-i*. .it ■t j . i i i MILD A* FINC j jjj IH£ AMtKtCAM 1 OUttO COSPtH < SUCCISSCR \ / M•« YJW I. A \y ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hat stood the Test ol Time J MORE SOLD THAN ALU OTHER BRANDS COMBINED mi rciTCHiNG Pm riLt^SWAYKE'3 oibtment Irit< i:«r ft nl* a *..<t •tfn*tn«: rcwl nl nielli; % t ,r*r l»y a-ru;rbU C . alluwrJ to PuNtlnui' luni"r« f irtu til . which often »»l«i«l *n l in temU-. '»<•»• ■ \r.n l»r«, MVAV W.'HOO'a jrffcS I k[v •nbllf •OD bl« heals ulcrrsti.Ml, KJI«! IN ma«t ca«M IPMTMth«UUB«ra JUS I*UT (ec it. TIIK CITIZEN. A Mean Franklin Girl. The Oil City Blizzard says: Mention is frequently made in various papers of the "meanest man in a community, but now Franklin comes to the front and lays claims to having the meanest girl in Penn sylvania. It is doubtful if any one will contest her claim to the title after reading the following story, as related by herself to a lady friend: "Do you know,'' said the girl in a burst of conQdence, "of the scheme I have for getting even with my enemies and persons whom I disliktf I have worked it on several families and in every case my re. venge has been complete. You know I recently had a little trouble with Mrs. . Did I get even? Well rather. I gathered up what bed bugs I could find, put them in an envelope, and when I had a good oppor tunity I didn't do a thing bat distribute the lot in her bed. The bugs did the rest. You can readily imagine that they made jt lively around that house for a time. I have worked the scheme on several other amiliez and have never yet failed to pro duce the desired effect." The lady who repeated this story to he Blfzzard man recently had occasion to call the girl down, and says a day or so later she found a small bunch of rags in her bed room, which had evidently been thrown >n through an open window, and the rags w.ire literally alive with the little pests. The girl is said to be well known in Franklin, and, while she does not bear the most enviable reputation, her alleged manipulation of the bugs does not tend to improve it. Our Mysterous Sag Why Not Try the New and Better Way Of doii.g y>'Ur shopping* Instead u Coming io the stoie, make the store cui« to you. Yes, and tbe and biggesi store in the country at that: namely, Kaul maun Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop them u Postal and you will get their spring ami summer iJatalogue gratis, enabling you i< order by mail anything you may wish, aim giving as much money as city people do —lt looks like an absurdity that one of the vital principles of air can be extracted. Yet such a thing in said to be a fact. The Cleveland Citizen, commenting upon it, says "The disooyery of argoc, the new element in the atmosphere that is creating a furore among scientists, bids fair to open up great possibility to capitalists After condensing machines costing $20,000 are placed upon the market it witl only '»e another step to secure urles to p irtious of the atmosphere, and, as argon is as neces sarv to preserve life as oxygen or hydro gen, the drawing off of considerable quanti ties of the new element in certain territo ries will leave people at the mercy of manufactures. Monopoliz jtion of the air not improbable." RelieJ in Six Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness iu relieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part ot the urinary passages in male or female It relieves retention of water and pain iu passing it almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by . C. Kedick drugeist Butler Pa. —The system of apportionment of the State school-fund in proportion to the number ot children of school age has been tried and approved, aud no AT prevails in a majority of the States of the Union. Our own is the only State of which we have k owledg<« which distributes the fund in proportion to the number of taxables in each district; Vermont the only one which distributes it according to tho number o' school houses. W r e have reports from 34 t 0 44 States, and from the budding State of Utah. Of those 31, 26 distribute their State school money ia proportion to the number of children of school age in each district. Several others distribute part ol it on this basis. A system which has beeu so well tried and is HO generally approved ought to be good enough for as to try, and it would give to each district, country and city alike, about $5 per pupil in its schools, instead ol giving soni SB, some SO, and some $2, as now. —The sale of government postage stamps jor the l'ourtu quarter oi 1894 was $19,400,- 500, the largest ever known. Kbeumatieaj cured in a day —"Alyßtio cure" tor rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon ttie sj stem is remarkable and mysterious, it removes at once the cause anil the dis ease immediately disappears. The first lose greatly benefits, /o cts. Sold by J. 0 Kedick, druggist. Butler. —The scales Uie.l in weighing diamonds an- so delicately poised that the weight ot a single eyelasn will turn the balance. —Pro lessor McCook of New Haven, is authiiritj tor the statement that thea ver age tramp is generally in the bestofhealih and never catches the grip. The latter condition will tend to in ike the profession of the Knight of the lioad more attractive than ever. Uis splendid health is probably due to the fact that be is too lazy to catch anything. When it comes to taking that would be a different matter. Dr. Agnew's Cure lor the Heart giv J perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Ileal Disease iu .'SO minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy for I'alpitation, Shortness oi Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Belt Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. —Australia has a postoffice named "Talking Kock." The origin of the name was thus stated: Someone discovered in the vicinity upon a rock which had been painted the woid* Turn me required considerable strength to accomplish tins and when it was done the command, "turn me back, and let me fool someone else," was found paiuted on the other side ot the stone. —Many teachers and pupils in Pennsyl vania are trying fur the free Normal School course offered l>y the Kdinboro Publishing Co., Kdinboro Pa. livery school in liutler county should have an agent. You'd better write them. —When i r. Edward Brooks, superinten dent of the Philadelphia public schools, was asked hi# opinion of the compulsory education law he said: "A walk through the thickly settled portion of our city on u ny pleasant day, with its teeming thous ands of children swarming the streets and alleys—all growing up without the thought of schools or American ideas or system of government, will make a convert of the most bitter opponent of a compulsory ed ucational law. In such a Uv ii.jt t'ie stability of our governmeut-aud the safety of our largo cities." —English Spavin Liniment remove* all bard, Hoft or calloused lumps and bletu lshes from horses, blood npavins, curbs, splintH, Kweeney, ringbone, stiflea, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, HIC. Savo SOO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Ulemish Cure ever known, bold by J. 0. Kcdmk, druggist Butler I'a —An exchange says that there are only lour days in the year in which sun and clock time exactly correspond. April 15 was one ol those days. The other three are Juue 14, September 1 and Dec. 24. —A southwest Greensburg man in order to prevent his wife from knowing what he had been drinking, swallowed three moth balls and now the very thought ol whiskey makes him sick. II the cure is permanent it is certainly much cheaper than the Keely treatment. Dead in His Bed "The most remarkable exhibition of nerve ] tr>T saw," said C. A. Rodney, g« | eral agent of the Vandalia, "occurred ou a Pennsylvania train. I was going east, and in the same car with me was a wo man and her husband who were traveling from the west to New York. The tint morning out the woman got out ot her berth and told the porter that her husband desired to sleep, as he was njt feeling well. • "All that day the man remained in his bed, whilo his wife read the papers, play ed cards and acted just the same as the other passengers. In the evening the porter insisted on making up the berth, and,pulling back the curtains he was hor rified to find that the in in was dead. It was demonstrated that ho had died some tims during the previous night. The woman knew it, bat explained that she did not give the alarm because she was very ans ious to reach her destination, and she was afraid that if the conductor knew her husband was dead she would have to leave the train. "All day she rode, knowing that her husband was a corpse a few feet distance from her and yet she never batrayei the fact, and it the porter had not insisted on changing the bed it is li'soly that sh.j would have reached Sew York before tin death of her husband was discovered The corpse was taken from the train near Pittsburg. I have heard of nerve, bat that beat anything that ever came to my knowledge." Mrs. Xancy Evans, of Independence, Mo., is 112 years of age, and no affidavits are necessary to prove it. Her lather was a captain in the American army under General Washington, her husband fought tje British in the War of 1312, and her grandsons 'ought in tbe contents between the States in trie CO's —Just as tw-> silver dollars r»ttled to getht-r <» ill make a louder j'ngle tlian t*" gold irues, so will two free Mlv- r sj)ouU-rs make a bigger noise than an equ»l Dum irr of sound money advocates II bulk »ud noise were prime factors in the problem things would go bard *"ith the cause ol honest, coinage. —The New Yojk World wants to know whether tbe new womau will hold pins in her muutb while she is dressing the baby. She will nor; tie now wo.iiu will have n> babies to dress. \V«are often deterred frmu d'dug i charity by the iugra'itud • wbion na-< M HK ed our past expeii.-uc*. Without <1 ■ i'>t our kindnesses have been repaid l>> ference and tre ic'iery in many instances and the natural eflVct is to harden our hearts. A natural effect, bat certainly not tbe effect, which ought to bo produc ed, or which would be produced if we looked at the subject largely. The grati tude or ingratitude of the recipient has nothing to do with either the motives o r the bounty of the giver. —Mr. Nonintention* (carelessly)—''A*, how would you like to marry a mau who had only $lO a weekf (Miss Passe eagerlj) —"Ob, George, this is so sudden, but I think we cm worry along if pa lets us live with him." —An Omiha man wa-. filed by a police Justice for peeping over the fence at a ball game. I'ae j istioe may have considered 't evidence of an uusouud mind . —A Philadelphia young lady who sued her ex-sweetheart for $50,000 for brcecb of promise compromised in court lor $lO. It, does not take the new worn in long to size np a mau at bis true value. ; —If Jane Add am*, the street cleaner ol the Nineteenth vard in Uaicago, goes at her job with one-half the euthusia-iin tha t marks the demonstrations of the average woman when she starts in to "clean house" tho poor mou will soon wish they were living in the pri neval wilderness or per manently tucked away in their tombs. —lteef Trust beef is not as high now a- Mr. Armor expected to keep it. It i never w.ill to reckon without your host when the host is .some 02,000,000 Ameri- Half a dozen Deputy United States Marshals raiuel a camp of whisky peddllrs Wedenjday on the linn of the Kick apoo reservation, four miles north of Shawnee, and in the fight that ensued two of the peddlers were Killed and two were wounded. —Next June the polyglot petition, for circulation by the British Women's Tom porance Association, asking fir the pro hibition of tlie sale of alchol and opium, will be pres'iuted t > Parlitn lent It has the signature of 7,200,000 women belong ing to 50 different nationalities. Dry Goods Clerk 'iVnat a rare com plexion she has. Drug Store Clerk —If you knew as much about th it complexion as I do yri wouldu't call It rare; yoi'.l say it was well dine. —Young women should not ride their bicycles alter dark without seeing that their lamps are ready for use. See Matt, xxv., 3. —Three-tenths of the earnings of a Bel gian convict are given to him on the ex piration of his term of imprisonment. Some of them thus save more money in jail than they ever saved before. —The sensational preacher and the sen national newspaper are verymuch like the sensational skyrocket. They don'l do much sizzing and sputtering on the return trip. —Steel shipbuilding for the traffic of the great Araer ican lanes is in a highly prosperous condition The sine of lake vessels steadily increases. Two ships of 0,000 tons burden are now on the Bt<cks in South Chicago. —By cleansing the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla you lay the foundation for health and happiness. When people vow at the altar to share each other's sorrows they immediatly go to work making sorrow to bo shared —lt is said that when a Frenchman is ntoxicated he wants to dance, a German to sing, a Spaniard to gamble, an English, tnan to eat, an Italian to boast, ati Irish man to fight and an American to make n a speech. —Dr. Shott believes that even in a vio lent storm, waves 50 feet high are rare and that even those of 40 foot are exceptional With any ordinary broozo the height of waves is from four to six feet. W.L. DOUGLAS C JLS/*4 JST IS THE BEST. v 7 IJ «9rawfu> f| t FOR A KING. 3. CORDOVAN, JBf FRENCH A CNAMCLLED CALT. UGK FINE CALF AKANGAROQI Mr -ZX. e*Y *3.sopoilCE.3 SOLES. w *n[r S2T O«. WORKING^. &J J -EXTRA FINE- S| BOYS'SCHQOLSHOEI " SEND FOR CAT At OCUE W I- DOUGI-Aa- DIiOCKTO[I,HA3S. Over One Million I'eople wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our Alioes arc equally satisfactory They give the best value lor the monev. They equal custom shoes In style and lit* Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices ure uniform,—-stamped on sole. Prom $i to saved over other molta. II your dealer cannot supply you we can. bold by ALEXANDER A DOUTT, WHITJSBTOVVN. MARTINCOORT & CO., Have been in the business so long and have con ducted their business in such a manner that a custom er once is a customer always. They don't lose their trade because everybody is satisfied. They never mis ■ represent or try to get rich oft one customer. They A understand how to buy, what to buy and where to buy. They pay spot cadi lor everything. They buy which gives them the lowest prices and enables them to retail goods at wholesale prices. They tell you plainly what the quality is and guarantee it just as they represent it. You know just what you are buy » » ing. It is they who have brought down the price in everything they handle till everybody is astonished. They are not afraid of work and have respect for everybody, rich and poor alike. They are the largest 'f 'f' wholesale and retail dealers in their line in the State and have been for years and this year have thousands 4 a and thousands of dollars more invested in their busi- Vl* ness than ever. They confine themselves exclusively to ever ything belonging to a driving or team outfit. u SS' es and Wagons and everything pertaining thereto, They manufacture all kinds of harness—both hand vij if < and machine made and all parts of harness, and keep t ffc whips, lap dusters, harness oil, axle grease, buggy » f tops and cushions, wheels robes and blankets. No difference what you want about your horse or vehicle 1 come to us. Talk about floor space they have thous- ands of feet more floor space than any one in the same business in the county. If you have not been " there, ask you neighbor, he has and he will tell you it is the place to buy. Call in, they want to get ac quainted with you. S. B, Martinconrt. J. M. Leiglmer. 5. B. MAFfTINCOURT CO, 12(S E. Jefferson St., Butler Ph. P. S.—We have also add d a large, complete line of fi te ail ch p trunks. Cooper & Co., Having received a fuil assort- nient ot the latest novelt'es in Forei'ii and l)omestic \\<- ens I aiiors. suitable for Spring trade, we are prepared to make suits '.<> Older at prices which will defy all comj e tition in equality, Style, i"it and Workmanship. Call and be con vinced before leaving your order for A. Sprirys Suit. LEADING TAILORS, No. 301 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO IIP! ' WWEVER®;'? Jj Ow- * HAY- FEVEfc k COLD : HEAD.BMM Ely's Cream Italmis not a hgti u\ nnvff or powder. Applied into thif nostril* 11 It quickly absorbed. Itch antes the head, allays inflammation, fieaU _ _ t lla thr »r«. Sold. hi/ druggists or !,ent by mail o;i receipt of price. t[} :'-y DUG EIY BROTHER?. j6 Wven Street NEW YORK. JUL- SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, until further notice, v. he following goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax by tho government: AA. pure rye, 2 years, $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, ii years, $2.2."»; Old Cabinet, 4 years, $2.50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, ii years, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robinsou Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; Hanni»ville, Dough erty, Monticello, 12 years, $5.50 per gallon. California wines, drj and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct braui's; my own importation. Sherry and Port wine, from $2 50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. A N DIM ESSEX. 188 Federal street, Allegheny, I'a. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 549. Robt. Lewin, WHOLES ALE WHISKEY MERCHANT AND IMPORTER OF FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, 130 Water St., (Opposite IJ. A O. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE. $1 00 per Qt., or G <Jts. for s">.oo - Golden Wedding, Dougherty, Guckenbeimer, Gorge Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, etc. This is the only house not rectifying in the city,there fore our goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge, C. O. D. and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choice 3 ear old, $2.00 per gallon. Try us. DOCTORS LAKE S ~n' l ATK DISPENSARY. -I 2Jr Jff Cr *. PEHF AVE. ANL. FOUHTH ST.. XNeOP-. PITTSBURGH, PA. 'JQDBK \ AMtornisof I><-li< ati'aii't Cnm <«. plic:it.-<1 Dl-cn p-iuiunsros- fW Hi'i NTlALan.l iK.M'inr M.-.1-icaliot* icaliot* ni*6 tivalt'i! at this l>i .l-:u'v with a -iccew. .-nrely attained. I»r. S. K. Lake is •* meinljor of the < <"l' /I) *">f I hy •»i. iar-H nn<l Surgooar, #>n«l 1.4 the <>' lestand -\IM ricnccd SrECiALIH.* in ihaelty bp«C*al ut .vution rtiven to N irvotiH l>« In lit} fromi ,% ' mi' e\urlIon, Indiscretion of youth etc., can - in-/ ..livsical and mental «! •'•ay,lark of energy, 1<• j .ii. '..'iu y t etc.; «u >0 : Old :->oi'''S lj |f ~. l'i!< lUK uioat'Hin, and all <«i the hkut, I !«• )«i. !>uiiirs Urinary Orgin Con .illation .. . .-.nil ..tivii nthil. Oflio©hours,• to ; : « 7 t'» H !'. M.; h l;nd .> 2to i I*. M. oiilv. o or M'ln *i i - '■ ■I - . NA % i xIN D J Til bX.. IMT7VI. IJ RGli. J'^ What Strikes Others Will strike you.—We are ull H*rcaked hero and there with the :»ame likes and dlnllkes. TlioUhaii is of all sorts of pc ople pronounce Old Kxport Whiskey tip-top In every particular, and forall USOH. MltfhtbeJu»t what you'd lilci-, no harm In mention ing it, anyway. It 1h 8 years old, that'H certain* It is poul tivtly pure and free from fusel ol! tlir.t Is a fact which the most «*x|>ert, chemist can't din prove. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mall and Kipress oriters tiUlpped promptly, and we pay transportation charges on orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MAttKET ST.. Pittsburg. Pa. tompiete Pi cc Lists of Winei arid I tquors mai'ed lr#» Trotting 1 Stallions STORM BIRD 9459- Record 2:35 at 4 Years. , i Sire of Mildred.half mile trial in 1:05 and - quarter in 32 seconds as a 2-vear-old. Sire , Lord Russell (brother to Maud S 2:08J) i sire of Kremlin 2:o7},Hostler Russell 2:12$ and 10 others in 2:30. Dam Storm 2:201, producing daughter of . Green Mountain Maid, dam of oin the 2:30 ■ list, 546 of her descendants are iu the 2:30 1 list and holds 28 of the World's records. Will be found at the Butler Fair Grounds during the summer of 1895 in charge of | Wm. G. Weigle. Pedigree on application. I | TERIIS $25 to insure. BUFFALO BOY 3882. By Pocahontas Boy 2:31, sire of Clay ; Hontas 2:1 li and others from 2:12 A to 2:30. Dam Lady S fall sister to Stephen M. 2:28 J. ■ Will be found at his old home, Isle, Pa, He has proven himself to be the best stock horse for carriage and road horses that is to be found in the county. TERMS $lO to insure. For further in formation address. ALOXZO McOANDLESS, ISLK, PA. RESTORE VIGOR licloie Mi l Ail.-r N.-w diacoverv. Will brace y. o up in « w*ek. fioM with i WKirrks <.i AUANTI k tofcur- D.bi1tty,1,...» ,f Ho*u«l I'ow,Tin .llhe. nvolunl.- r* Kml4.ionn from any If IroubU. I *' A 'I t . coniomtiti .n or in.»nilv, f Oil IJG* by mill. f. line, for W,th .•v.rr i w. RIIO iw; Iticn I! ittml.c I" '-ur.- OI r.-ftin-l tli«-*,. Ad dr.M PK Al. MEOtCIMi CO., Cl«ivl»r.«l Ohio. —For Sale by Chrystal Pharmacy. AFTER«LL»THERSFA|L DR.LOBS N. FIFVKiiNTII I'll I LA., VA. Thirty years' c .nttnuoun prartlee in the run? of all dIfWAHt'H of luen snd women No nmtter from what rauMe <»r i»ow loin; MtuiidlnK, I will uintrantrr u cure. 192-Pace l.'lotU-Louuii Book, (bcul'tl j uu«i u.uiled VItKL- Every V/"oman Sometimes recur; a rfli > ablo monthly regulating Dr - PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt., ttafe «n<l certain In result. Tlio ircnn* Ine Ur. PeNl'H) n<'7or diiaMNiint. Sent auyahwCi 11.00. I'ciU Mediciott Co . Uc> elaiiJ. <)• —For Sale l>j Cryntal Pharmacy. VITALIS ra %££S a ' well | A\»o of ViTALiS iothijuy -v THE GREAT soth Day. FRENCH REMEDY 30th Oar- j PRODUCES THE ABOVE RESULTS. It acta powerfully irnitiuit'kly. i'uTr■. wli.-null others tall, II II will r- S-'NLII their lost manhood and old roj-n vill recover their youthful vljror by uaiui.' VITALIS. !t qolcklv and surelv removes Nervou»pe»a. lia rx>tenrv, Nightly rfmlsfiious. Wasting dlseasci tLU all effect* of Slf Ahune or excel* and lodU • rut ion. Restore* I'-st Vitality. Power and lail tig Memory. Wards off Insanity and Contump* .on. Insist on having VITAUS, no other. Can ••irrl. linv. -t pocket. Uy mall $1 00 p«*r >r six for $5.00 with a guaranty to CURE OH FUND THE MONEY. Circular free. Address CALUMET ALEDICIKi: CO., Chicago, 111 j For Sale at CITY PIIA ACY. s ' M '" n iD. T. PAPE'S.\" 2s ' Main Street. ( ) Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF You DON'T WANT TO BUY. Our display is Jar ahead of ail previous years in Style and Beajty, and the prices are miich lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s onu Mourning Goods a Specialty. CAMPBELL&TEMPLET3N Our June Parlor Suit Sale has Com menced. i <KH9t iiSI i Your opportunity to save money and furnish your Parlor w itli stylish FURNITURE. 0-o—oo—o PARLOR SUITS at #25.00, #35.00 $50.00 and #75.00, we want you to see. Also a finer line that will interest you. o-o—oo—o If you only want a few odd pieces, we have them. Solid Mahogany rock ing chairs with polished wood seats or upholstered in fine silk coverings. 0-o—oo—o Corner Chairs, Conversation Chairs, Or a pretty Mahogany finished rock ing chair, $5 00 That is fine enough for any parlor. See our MAHOGANY Parlor Tables. CAIIPBELL&TEMPLETOH Jew el r y--Sil ver ware- -Ci ocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe rent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Dully Block of E! ic trie Hell and Clock. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOR of the world LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a t\\enty-pagn journal, is the leading Republican family pspfcr ol tho United States It is a NATIONAL FAMILY TAPER, and all tne general new* of ithe IT ni ted States. It give* the event* of foreign lauds in a nutshell. Its AGRICUL TURAL department has no superior in the country. Its MARKET REPORTS arc recognized auth'«ity. Separate departments tor THE FA KJI YCIECI E OUR YOUNO FOLKS and SOIENOE AND MECHANICS Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendi'' journal and • THE CITIZEN for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription for the two papers is $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Addreßß all orders to - - - "THE CITIZEN Write your n>»mo and addreHß on a poatal card, send it to Geo. W. Beat Room 2, Tribune Building. New York City, and sample copy of The NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE wil be mailed to JOB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers