Ml ANNOUNCEMENT. The shoe business, which has heretofore been conduct ed at 1145. Main St., by -AL. RUFF, will hereafter be known under the firm name of A. RUFF & SON. P. W • Ruff having acquired an interest in the concern. With an ample, well assorted stock of the staple and latest styles from new lasts and patterns. Prompt, Personal attention to Details. Fair and Honorable Dealings. We hope to secure a liberal share of your patronage. Thank ing our old patrons for their liberal support in the past and asking a continuance of the same, we are Very Respectfully Yours, A. Ruff & Son., 114 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. N. B! To properly initiate the new firm in the favor of the public, we are offering exceptionally good bargains in season ablegoods' A.R.&SON. J. S. YOUNG, The Tailor and Furnisher, Desires to say that our expectations aw more than realized. K very body pro&ounces our SUITS the finest that hare ever beea turned out ta Butler. "We Make the [Most Stylish Garments __ j rh _ h—,, mrfM of Woolens and Trtmmln*B of any house outside of the larger cities. «s*i»rlor wStiSaSihip and strictly 'first-class woolens and UMMW 2?n nSfnf wr niTARAVTFR D«rfect satisfaction In each and every detail and the greaf WS&MwSStE that our customers appreciate these fact*: ,w S. Young,'R ' tS-ADRIANCE BINDER -fea .■£& *» , • - •' * * . W '' * '■ w l£3 *> ,JW Hartzefl& Kemper)"" l taper Have the largest stock of Vehicles, Harness and Farm Machinery of any house in the county. We defy any firm to show a better line of goods for less money. Our stock was selected to suit this trade. Our prices arc as low as the lowest, quality considered. Our profits are small and our reputation at stake, so you can rest assured we will not misrepresent. We add a percentage on our goods and sell them according to what they cost us. We serve all alike. We do not make one man pay for what we lose on another. When we guar antee goods we make good our guarantee. We protect our custom ers, and not the manufacturers. Why? Because the manufacturers are of no use to us without the customers. If you want a Buggy, Surry, Phzeton, Business, Pleasure or Team Wagon, Hand or Ma chine-Sewed Harness, or anything in the Harness line, Blankets, Robes, Dusters, Nets, Turf Goods, Currying Tools, Whips, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c., we have them in large quantities and at low prices. And for Farm Machinery, we can furnish anything needed, from the plow to the separator. We guarantee our machin ery to be as good as the best and second to none. If in need of any thing in our line, write us We will answer all inquiry, either by mail or in person. Our motto is, "Small Profits and Square Deal ing." Our success depends on our reputation, and our reputation will be controlled by our representations, so you can depend on what we tell you to be true. We say we have the largest line of Vehicles, Machinery and Harness of any house in the county, and a visit to our store and warehouse will prove it. Store room, •It ft. Bala street, WABBBUOB »«0 H. Main uttoet.-Fleot »p«r» IS.IHO w|. ft If la ■»*<! of »ay tfetat la ear Hoe. esll o» aa before yo» m«l» year parrhaie. It will pay you. NV AMFITRNA I RWAE. KAK BLNOS. DIADIUII JJSS ( STAKF PINS, STUDS. WATCHES 1 (IKMTS UOLD, L YiKvW , SI , F.v'ER. f. A DIES' CHATLAIN. JEWELRY } (So,d ""**• Bracelet*, Ktc. OTT irtlßltr IB TE *ll TF« Sets. Castors. Butter l>U!>n« au>i;|Kv»rythlm XvJL&JI W Ma* Jem W Ala JCa f th*t ran he found in >t Brtt cla«n stora.. ROD6F3 BROS. 1874 } KNIYES, FORKS. E. GRIEB « JEWELER. No. 139, North Main St.. B JTLER, PA., _W. A Summer Drive kses a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less iu* VX7 U v urious, easy running and handsome than it might be Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles vou can get- are as strong and secure as they're sigh'ly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Made bv FREkONIA NFG- CO., Ywingstown, Ohio, The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS I < TURES, HDSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc. is ai W, H .O'Brien & Son's 107 TCast .Jeffo-THon street,. Owego Valley Poultry Yards. Priie winning Buff Leghorn* (Arnold'*}, Barred Plymouth Hock* (UavkiuV) *n<i Indian Game cockerel* for aaltt chrap lor quality of stock. Huf t9l per IS. $1 .50 p«r 28, #4 prr ItM). C W. 11 A K l N Harford Mills, CortCo., N. V. PINE TREE FARM. Jamesbur<, r , N. J. Send for large catalogue of Land and Water Fowl. The best Pekin Ducks in the world. W H ORDWAY. Prop'r D. A MOUNT. Sup't. fratefal Women Write Us Letters. From erary corner af tie country mrn c thankful letter* written by those who have been lifted into cheerful, vig orous hoftlthy strength by Dr. Piece's Favorita Prescription. Thousand a on thousands of w#®en Wv« Ween relieved at the nerve-nagging trgxx weakness and pain. i Tkay have been aiade better wives and baits aethers bv having perfect health restored, and without the humiliating ®*posar» of examinationa » generally inasted oa by physicians. The stereotyped toeatment by "local application* " » eeldora necessary, and there is ao reason why modest, sensitive woman need submit to them. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription * of purely vegetable composition and is perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. It exerts a wonderful sooth ing healing and strengthening power ovar woman's delicate organism. It is an invigorating tonic for the whole sys t«n, and is almost an infallible specific for the peculiar weaknesses, irregulari ties ajjd painful derangements of woman. To these causes may be traead the trouble of tired, nervous, irritable, worn oat women. Careleaa, easy-going doctera frequently treat their women patients for biliousness, nervousness, dyspepsia, liver or kidney troubles, when the raal sick- t M« ia is the organs distinctly feminine, and no help can come till they are made perfectly strong and healthy in both structure and function whieh is brougth about in due time, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorita Prescription. Pmonbed for 30 years by Dr. Piarca. DO not be deceived. following brands oi White Lead are still made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow cor rosion. They are standard, and alv ;ys Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of "Armstrong & McKelvy, '' B syznei -E s. naan,'' " Davis-Chambers.' Falmcstock,'' to JJOU by your merchant is an evidence of his T< liability, as he can sell you cheap ready-mixed paints and bogus While Lead and make a larger profit. Many short-sighted dealers do so. FOE COUW?.— Lead Co.'a Purt VViiite I cu.l Trl.1I jlors, a one-pound can lo a »5-pound kig ot Lead anil mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shatii*. and u. .1 res tie best paint that ft i» possible to %>i t .»n wood. S'.n-i 1.3 a POSTAL card and get our book MI pan,us and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO New York. Pittsburg Branch. German National Bank Building, Pittsburg. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Specific, areoclentlflcatly and ■arefully prepared Remedies, used for year* Jn private yacttp* and for oret thirty year* by the paopla with retire rv.ccesa. Every single Specific a • pedal euro for the dlsnas# named. grtciric roa '»■<» l-Ferrr*, Congestions, Inflammations.. .'45 Worm Fever. Worm Colic Ui 3 —Tecthlngi Colic. Crying. Wakefulness .23 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 33 T—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .S3 B—Neuralgia, Toothache. 33 9—Headache*, Sick Hcada.-he, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11— Hipprpsaed or Palnfnt Periods. .. .25 12—Whites. Too Profuse Periods .25 13—Croap, I.aryneltls. Hoarseness 25 11—Halt Uheam, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .25 ]&—Rliruiaatlsm, Kheuma»»a Pains .25 IP-4B&larla, Chills. Ferrer and Ague .25 10—Catarrh, Influensa, Cold 111 the Head. .25 2©-Whooplng Cough «£3 27—Kldaay Dlseasea • •23 2&-Xenroas Debility 1-00 30 -Urinary 25 34—Hore Throat, </ulncy,UkseratcdThroat # 2s HTJ !• DR. HUMPHREYS' CPIP 9KC 7/ SPECIFIC FOR onlr, to . Put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets, Jost St your vest pocket. Sold by Dmciclitii, or ■' 111 prepaid o. receipt of prlc. Dm. HrarnmiTO' k K«'l»l. I mailed rlir. BCBPHRIUH',iII a 1 itwuiu.St., ««w tsr*. SPECIFICS. \?#|^PJ^|lFrwirearlychild-j /la I #!■M II hood until i was S < LUfcLlTin grown my family J 2 spent a fortune J ? trying to cure me of this disease. 1 V r visited Hot Springs, and was treated f \ by the best medical men, but was not / /benefited. PPOIUB When all > J things had failed I / 1 determined to try S. S. S., and in r ? four months was entirely cured. The J 1 terrible Eczema was gone, not a sign \ # of it left; my general health built up, / ? and I have never had any return of ? 1 i h havf s s CHILDHOOD j / rcconynended -/ V S. S. 3. to a number of friends for skin dls- V / eases, and have never yet known a failure to / 1 cure. GEO. W. IRWIN. Irwin. Pa. > ( Ne-7er falls to cure, \ j even after all other r i renj« a di«* have. Oar 7 X Jm\ TrentlM* on Illood an«l \ / Hkln Diseases mailed C r fr»e to any address. i <|^SWIFTSPE^ "Mothers' Friend" RisiJreast. I have been a midwife for many years, and in each case where "MOTH ERS' FRIEND " was used it accomplished won ders and shortened labor and lessened pain, it is the beat remedy for RISING OF THE BKEABT kjiown, and worth the price for that alone. Mrs. M. M. Brewster, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by Express or mail, on receipt of price, 91-00 per bottle. Book "To Mothers" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA. QA. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOISTS mi r sm: iuv »1-in • MILD A FINC I '■/ j, | IKMCSUCM JOtJUtX 10»HI KCiJmH ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET mmkL CIGARETTE Hat stood tho Test ol Time j MORE BOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED PJ | l ITCHING FTLES JUS, : SENT •TlfriV . kl ma sa4 . ... ? -KM, - Jar ll* >*i!•»*.» .«» » ' IMS'' I «»•».,ip « ,rn- |»r otnid'S whl«*U ut>i " n>• »l •*'*•< rm~. »••«•-•••.!,* rrr sore. N\v vv >: SOI V.iU N , »s ,h« i« kl mm Mfdliifc hruU uUrrnlioß. unit lit iuo«t CSNfe N««TC« tb« tumors. A*S sour Orutflat (or it. THE CITIZEN. A Hotel in The Ground. The great novelty at the Paris Fair of 1900 will be, it is expected, a dive into the bowels ot the earth. M. Grousaet's plan j which, has been approved by the man agement, is to dig • series of e'.ght vertica shafts' each 600 feet in length, one begin ng where another leaves off. Twopassen ge- elevators are to be galleries or stations at the end of each elevator jonrney, where refreshments will be served under the blaze of electric lights. We are told that the excavation will be thoroughly ventilated, by what means ha* not vet been made known, and that the traveler who descends to the lowest gallery depth wiH be 5.800 feet below the surface from which he star.- ed. The estimated cost is $2,500,000, which, one would think, is quite moderate for so large an undertaking. The projector says he hopes to throw new light upon the question of the increase of temperature as greater depths within the earth's core are attained, and upon other subterraaeau problems. Our Mysterous Sang. Why Not Try the New and Better Way Of doing your shoppingt Instead of coming to the store, make the store come to you. Yes, and the best and biggest store in the country at that: namely, Kauf mann Brothers, PUtsburg. Drop them a Postal and you will get their spring and summer Catalogue gratis, enabling you to order by mail anything you may wish, and saving as much aiouey as citjf people do. A Russian Student's Hair. An Odessa correspondent of the Londou Times says: "An event has happened which has caused quite a consternation among the students attached to-the university here. Prince Toamanoff, a member of an ild and historical family in this country > has jist received an order expelling bini from the university here and directing him to leave the town within twrty-eight hours The extraordinary reasor fyr this Draco nian decree is that he declined to wear his bair short. He has been refused permis. sion to go to St. Petersburg to present » petition, mid now by bis expulsiou from this university be i« not permitted to enter another iu Knssia; therefore his bright hopes and his aspirations to employ his talent* for his country's benefit, are wreck ed and his career in Russia is ruined Trie severity with which the university sw dents in South Russia have lately beei trtbUd is viewed with dismaj. Thtir grievances are left unredressed and p li lions are us less. In these circumstances fresh disorders may be expected to break out at any time." —lt in the mission of Hood's Sarsaparil '« to purify, vitalize unil enrich the blooi* lichcj in Sue Hours Distressing Kidney ami Bladder dis eases relieved in fix boars by the "New Great South American Kidney Core." This new remedy is a great nurpwe m. account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back ana every part ol the urinary passages in male or lemale It relieves retention ol water and pain in passing it almost ini mediately. If you want quick relief anu pure this is your remedy. Sold bv . 0 Itediek drogeist Butler Pa. Hotel Bills to Suit. "How much (thai 1 I make out your bill fort" inquired the country hotel clerk as L he guest was leaving. •Make it out lor what I owe," replied the man, a little surprised. "The bill is $6," continued the clerk with an ingratiating smile, "but I'd just as soon make it out tor tV or $lO. It's al the fame to us." "Perhaps it is," the puzzled guest ex clamed, "but it isn't to me. Why should I pay s'•' or #lO when my bill is $6." "Aren't you a drum inert" the clerk aud denly demanded. "Certainly not." There w:m a pause, ai.d then the guest suddenly demanded: "What's all this buisness about fake bills any wayt" "We always make out bills 'to suit, fo drummers," explained the clerk, "so's they can come out even on their expen-e account* A tiaveling uian who pays u« $0 can g«t a receipt tor $lO if ho likes, and when he settles with his employer* he shows them the rec*ipted bill and pockets the difference. I thought you were a drummer." "No, I'm not," replied the guest, "but I know a good many drummers. In f »ct, I employ about a hundred, and I notice that when they came to this town they always stop at this hotel. I observe, also, that it in a $2 joint an I that I'm always charged s:j 50 Never mind, though, I'l! lay or the next man who stops here." And as he went out the clerk looked as if be tUought tie had put bis loot right in it and t!ie loot was held there. hheuinatißin cured in a day —"Alystic cure" lor rheumatism anu ueuralg'.a, radio ally cures mlto 3 dajs. Its action upon Uit< system is remarkable and mysteriou,. It removes at once the cause and the dis oas.; immediately disappears. The first •lone greatly benefits. 70 cts. riold b) J. C Kedick, druggist, liutler. — A small boy surprised his teacher by asking her how far a procession of the presidents of the United States would reach it placed in a row. On expressing her ignorance, he calmly announced; • From Washington to Cleveland." Costiveucss is the primary cause ot much disease, Dr. llenry Baxter's Mandrake Bit ters will pe,manently cure costiveness. hi very bottle warranted. —lt is now an accepted tai.t i.moug the best authorities that very highly trained athletes are not long-lived. A very high physical development subjects the heart and vitality to a strain that Is injurious. Dr. Agnow's Cure lor the lit art givj perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Beat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy f.»r Palpitation, Shortness ol Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett Side and ail symptoms of a lliseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar iuacy. " What is the name ol that young lady you introduced me to last nigbtt" said one Pittsburger to another. "1 did not catch it. "Miss Cherry Grove." "From the oil regions, isn't shef" "Yes; did she talk petroleumT" "0, no." "What made you think she was from the oil regional" "She's a gusher.'. —Many twaolierit and pupilit in I'tinnnyl vania are trying for the free Normal School courtto offered by the Kdinboro I'abltAhing Co., Edinltoro Pa. Kvery Kcbool in ltutler county ttbould have an agent. You'd better write them. —ln Uermany, where the K°vernnient owns the railroads, you can ride for leKH than a cent a mile. The roadit paid $125,- 000,000 into the public treasury last year. In llerry Johnnton'H Arnica & Oil Lin iment in combined the curative properties ot the difl'-reut oils, with tlio hoaling tjital ities of Aiiuca. tiood for man tt'id ani mal. Kvery bottle guaranteed. —A Ciaciunati paper remaikfi that the troutile with young tn«n who want to »ee life IH that they imagine there id none of it worth fieoirtg by daylight. Knglish Spavin liiniment removed all hard, ttoft or calloased lumps and blem ishes from hornes. blood spaviiiK, curbd, splints, Hwconey, ringbone, stifles, Hprains all swollen throats, cough*, etc. .Save SOO by u»e of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Olemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggis' Butler l'a Something To Crow About. The time is now ripe, says the Carlisle Herald, for big stories in the chicken line, and one has been repor'.eJ wbijh is w>rthy f retelling. Samuel Miller, the plasterer esidiug on West Pomfret street, some j time ago set a hen and on Tuesday last the chickens were to have been hatched. On Sunday the hen left the nest to eat and in Mime manner broke its neck, from the effect# of which, aa one would most nat urally conclude, death resulted. Mr. liiiler had no more hens about the yard, only an old rooster remained, he did ■ot posses* an incubator and he did not want to lose the embryotic chickens. He was in a quandary and hal about given up the contract of Moisting the peeps to light and liberty, when it was suggested that he use the old rooster. He did so and in a most improved manner. Two holes were bored through the bottom of the nest, the rooster captured and placed on the eggs. Then his legs were drawn down through ho auger holes and tied securely. -A tier vain efforts to escape the bird caught the inspiration and sett'ed down with suci good results that each one of the eggs brought forth a lively chicken. Contentment consists in the temporary forgetfulnefcs of the thing we would like to have next. • —The writing of plays is a good buisncss 'f one can write them like Sardou. He gets about $150,000 a year from royalties on his pUys. "A stitch in time'' often save:- consump tion. Downs' Elixir used in time saves life. SPECIAL NOTICE That I will fell, until lurlher notice, he following goods at the old prices, regar - l«-M of me advance ot 20e per gallon lax by the governn eur: AA. pure rje, 2 v tars, $2 00 per gallon; I lppeeauoe, I! }eari-. $2 25; Old Cabinet, 4 year.-. $2 50 per k ul " Ion; Bridgeport and Thomii.-onV pare re. 5 ) ears, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robins< n Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; Uaniiit-ville, Dough erty, ilontioello, 12 years, $5 50 per gallon. California wines. <lrj and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct hram's; my own importation, sherry and Port wine, from $2 50 to $3.50 per" gallon; also the finest Irish and Scoton whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send lor special price lists at A. ANDRIESSEX. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Ptt. All orders hy mail promptly attended. No extra charge tor Hacking. Teleph ie 549. Robt. Lewin, WHOLESALE WHISKEY MERCHANT AND IMPORTER OF FINE WINKS AND LIQUORS, 136 Water St., (Oppos'to It. <fc O. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE SI.OO per Qt., or li for s."> 00' Pinch's Golden Wedding, Dougherty, Cuckenheimer, Luirge Gib.suu, Biidgeport, Mr. Vernon, Overholt, etc. This is the only house not rectifying in the city,there fore our goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. C. 0. I), and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choice 3 ear old, $2.00 per g allon. Try ua. A White Is very rare, KO IS a perfectly I'D re Whiskey. How aie you to know wli- ii it Is really safe and pure? Ttist" does not always reveal the tact The best way Is tobuyn brand that has reached Its p<>P lll!i rity solely by public approval. Our Old KxporlWhift key Has been thoromjhty tried In the crucible of public Judg ment,and h;is come out bearing all the praises that usually fall to a meritorious artlclo. It Is absolutely pure, eight years old, Kmooth.and Just right for medi cinal, family or social use. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5 00. Mail and express orders shipped promptly, and we pay express charges on all orders of SIO.OU and over. Jos. FLEMING <& SON. 4-13 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. Complete Price Lists of Wines and Liquors mailed free. tWii&t Nerve Berries have done for others MEN Easily, Quickly 7*. and Permanently Restored. SOTH DAT - A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and strength to the sex ual organs. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions causod by youthful errorsor excessive use of tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERR|£S, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $ < .00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will s«nd them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0. W. L. Douglas CUAC 13 THE PEST. FIT FOR AKINC. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&CNAMCLLED CALF. FINE CAU Wmum Kaf *3.B° POLICE,3 SOLES. ® ' WORK:f <'GMEu' s |H I *' -EXTRA FINE- 2 - $l - 7 - BOYSSCHOGLSHOEt ibi" L /VI>IE3 * SE!tnrORCArALCGUE TPWrn-A W-LDOUGLA3' " ' DKO^KTOH.MASS. Over One Million People wear tlto W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Ail our shoes arc equally satisfactory Thev clvf the belt value for the money. They equal custom «hoes In style »nd fit. wearing qualities ore umu.paited. Tnc prices ar: uniform,— d on sole. Prom $i t i * i saved over other iffkcu. If your denier cannot supply you we can. h old by ALEXANDER Ac I)OUTT, W HITKBT') WN , (A DOCTORS LAKI: 2 ~pr ' iHSI'KNSAHV. •|i,. Jg Of A. ?Eit Avr. b Li FOUHTH 87.. PtrTGUURGM. PA. \ Allforii.sot Di lirato tiinl Com ■\i»S ■ t&Ju4 pi mated I)i'Mni'ii re<|iiiilii*<'-oi«- F'.Xr ci : > I NTI .it, ;N. 1 11 V ii I' Mi "A iiMiti' ii are trcate'l nt. this Dl - , ry with a ••jeerw xrely altnlned. D)'. fc. K !.:ii,i'ln" ißcnliorof tho C«il> 1 hy- I ■ /i'"l hurgto.) , fin lis tti'- Ii -t i> i" I lii"«t i .cruet SPKfiA Lt*. lnilioclty 6p<- ilnt ■ll t<i »rvmm prbillty f r "tn 6* iv ' • ■ .! *• • rtlun,!nd-iu-rctinn <if ycmt'i.ctr., f nils- , i-.*l<-nmiHl mentnl •' '»r,l»fk " r ii'.i. ' ■ i.r.v, etc. ■ j, ;.iC..' - 'Hit sore*, Kit". C'lr-, !••■' iri'iHliniM, Hvta.: (II -» • ' II." ~!.III. .'t. t inn:, rrhiar* <>l ;.-:ni-<,« I". < n> v " mi] eoaldt >•' •;.! Oflna kmn,! to i. 11 to* r. *.t siin.i • Ito 4 t. oolr. ! lib oPi u or aiMnbit 1)1! i i i ,» - II •k..\S A» t- .VND lTllaT..l'liT.-!.t. tiOll.l'A MARTINCODRT <S CO., ] Have been in the business so long and have con-1 ducted their business in such a manner that a custom er once is a customer always. They don't lose their i trade because everybody is satisfied. They never mis- ( represent or try to get rich oft one customer. They i 1 understand how to buy, what to buy anil where to buy. They pay spot cash for everything. They buy j which gives them the lowest prices and enables them j to retail goods at wholesale prices. They tell you kid plainly what the quality is and guarantee it just as T, they represent it. You know just what you are buy » » ing. It is they who have brought down the price in ever) thing they handle till everybody is astonished. A. i 4. They are not afraid of work and have respect for ♦ 4- everybody, rich and poor alike. They are the largest r f* y wholesale and retail dealers in their line in- the State and have been for years and this year have thousands * * and thousands of dollars more invested in their busi- V 4 'X ness than ever. They confine themselves exclusively '»' r V evcr >'thing belonging to a driving or team outfit Buggies andVVagons and everything pertaining thereto. They manufacture all kinds of harness—both hand and machine made and all parts of harness, and keep T T whips, lap dusters, harness oil, axle grease, buggy 't T tops and cushions, wheels robes and blankets. No difference what you want about your horse or vehicle 1 come to us. Talk about floor space they have thous /Tv ands of feet more floor sppce than any one in the same business in the county. If you have not been there, ask you neighbor, he has and he will tell you it is the place to buy. Call in, they want to get ac quainted with you. S. B. Martiacourt. J. M. Leighner. 5. B. MARTINCOURT & CO 128 li Jefferson St., Butler Pa. P. S.—We have also added a large, complete line of fine and cheap trunks. Cooper & Co., Having received a full a^sort j |"| ment of the latest novelties in Forti mi and Domestic Woolens Tailors. suitable for Spring trade, we are prepared to make suits to order at prices which will defy all compe tition in (Juality, Style, Fit and Workmanship. (.all and be con vinced before leaving your order for A. Sprii\o Suit. LEADING TAILORS, No. 301 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES* GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SA POLIO 1 PW Wm&m C*m- HAr- FEY£h j- /I I 1 COLD "HE i mmM 'Ely* Cream Halm it not a li<;>l V, unvJT or powder. Applied into the noHri/s it 11 _ quickly absorbed. Jt el ante* the kiii, allay » inJtanimnlioTi,/ir iLi Cltv* V'> tcre*. Sold by <!uqgi*t# or sent by viiil on r»refpt of prici. 3UC EiY BROTHERS, ;g 'frm Street NEW YORK. 3uG TlfViftf in Wo take pleasure in on- Wilnl IS 'Bering this question. 11 «U.t 1U Knowing it to be what I riTTDI7 IF' V ' ■">* ,rtmil >' W " I,U I | 111 nP. 11 remedy they cun use at 1 \JUiIJJ Uany time in all safety,aijd one that will relieve pain internal or ex ternal sooner than any other known rem edy. We insist in cases ot had Sprain, Bruise, Cholera-Morbus, I'ain in the Stom ach, Toothache, &o , that you Ui<e this remeili - . Nice clep.n aud pleasant to use. Sold by Druggists, price 25 & soc Put up by— IK IIK Butler Pa. WHAT IF O N WIIL DO, IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appotlto nml pro duces refreshing sleep GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO KURSINS R MOTHERS. Chocks wasting diseaacn. slops niKht sweats, ctircs incipicut consumption. O Increases and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes benHhy lung ti«iu-<. Willnivo tho palo nnd cuuy tho Nrosy clioeks ot" youth. CURES ALL FE:.I.'VLF COMrLAINT3. Makes strongiu< :.adwoaionof weaklingi. BILMOfiE'S ißOfi TBSiG PILLS Cure all lasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c, Thoy nro noifher styptionor nnd have no coagulating etToct on tho conlont.i of tho stomach or its lining; consequently do not hurt tho teeth or cuuao constipation or fliarrhcea. as do the ur.ual formu of Iron 'O days treatment 50c. pamphlet treo. If not l.cpt by your druggist, addreud GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. VITAL-IS r v«"^.v,K ra » wen ,11 Of lit Day. k. >7 VITALIS THE GREAT 20th Day FRENCH REWEDY 30th Day. 'ROOUCES THE ASOVF. RESULTS. It u<-t« powerfully 111 Imilrklv. furi-aw Inn all others fall. Noung 111 will r lin Ilii'ir lust, manhood and 'J, 1 ' will recover thair voutbfu 1 vitrorby uslnu vliflLlo. It ~U»-kl\ .ii.l mi re I. r. in' •v • • Nerv. u ••• ■ . Im poteiw, Nlchtlv Kmifc ion«. Wasting d s'-ascs \l (j I'll effects of Self A bun® orexces* «">' retion U»"ttores l«r»t Vitality. Power ami I ••II •iC Mernorv. Ward* off Insanity and Con.' nnp* on Insist on bavira- VITALIS. no otbi-r. C»n . irrl' lln v«tj.-iek. t Ity mall It 00 r M «••• <>r nix for $5 00 wltb a (ruarunte«- ;<» COnt OH -UNO FHE MONEY. Circular 'r. s CALUMET MLDICUiL CO., Chicogo, 111 For Sale at CITY IMIAII ACY. I bX'EEBY and LASTING RESULTS. PEOPLE^N from any injurious subntaace, thlfL M LAT3E LBZOUIVH BSD7CXD. I We GUARINTcE a CURE or refund >our money, l'rir* Send 4c. for treatise. TLU&LOK X iItDICAJL CO.# Uo0too« Staff. Trotting Stallions STORM BIRD 9450- Record 2:35 at i Years. Sirs of Mildred.half miletrialSn 1:05 and nuartur in 32 seconds us a 2-year-old. Sin* ; Lord liussell (brother to Maud S 2:OSJ) hir< of Kremlin 2:07f, Hustler Bassell 2:12$ and IS others in 11:30. Dam Storm 2:36}, producing daughter of Green Mountain Maid, dam of !) in the 2:30 list, 540 of her d< c-e:idants are in the 2:30 lint and holds 28 of the World's records. Will bo found at the Butler Fair Grounds during the summer of 1i335 in charge ot Wm. G. Weigle. Pedigree on application. TERMS $25 to insure. BUFFALO BOY 3882. By Pocahontas Boy 2:31, sire of C'lay llonta* 2:11 jr and others from 2:12J to 2:30 Dam li idy 8 full lister to Stephen M. 2:28). Will he found at his old home, Isle Pa. lie has proven himself to ho the best stock horse for carriage aud road horses that is to be found in the county. TEItMS $lO to insure. For further in formation address. ALONZO McCANDI/ESS, Irlk, PA. RESTORE VIGOR Bf»nre and AHn Fling! diTCiwy. Win br«c» *'■» ur » »»«•*• Hold will! . WltlTTkN i.IAKA 11'' I" 1 ll'N' l "™ linlnlltr I.OM . f H«iual powfrin ni'i. i -••». 'H'-lm t> rf Kmt«> oa from »nv can If I" ■■ 1 " 1f0i.1.1-. I»» 1t • <0n«n...>.1. „.iin «' U.» ml | ' * bl m»ll. # boK-n for '■ With ••»»tr »5 nr.l.r we gi»« Mrrtttan (umM I nirwnhaillbmn. Ad drasa I'EAI. MKDICIUE CO.. ( In, laud Ohio. —For Sale by Chrystal Pharmacy. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL b*.tl « *"■ 4l Consult the Old lU.I labia* DR.LOBB 340 .N. FIFTKKNTU ST., Pill LA., \'A. Thirty years' « yOtlntiou* practice In therur® of all dlneaat » i,f uiHn anil women No matter from wbat cmum* or liow lontr Mamllng. I w 111 avarftntee a curt. JW PltfO C.'iotb-lIOUIKI liook (feul'd) MD(I Uiulled vKKJfaL Every Woman Sometimes ncixls n rell- T nb!j monthly regu!atmg "SUp s , medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prorrnt, Brifo n;ul certain In rr'jlt Tbo ireou* Ine J'r. real'm nori .< iint. S.-nt OLxf+hett, KI.OO. J 'vu> Modiciiij Co . C*cv nan«i. O# —jl»» ale *; * h - ■ ' ' to distribute ++++++*. ».«,«*•! our adverttso- I meats in Part paytnenfctfpr a bl*h KTado x bi(7cl9, WDlch wo aennTbcni ou approval. Nj; ♦ worV done until tbg bicycle arrives una proves J batihfactury. \ Young Ladies aatne tenus. I j J If tor* o rid rls apply they must bo welltecom* i I mended* Write for partlouLur» j ACME CYCLE COHPANY, EIJCHART, INP * j • ai\ nNu,;v?R c. "'.'lll &TO2J ( Blit [22 S. Main j rp PAPE'S I" 122 S Mai " Street. ( * ( Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Milliner} - . EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT ro BUN". Our display is tar ahead of all previous years in Style and heajty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s ( t,vUU s Mourning Goods a Specialty. CAMPBELL&TEMPLETON On next Monday our June Parlor *sale begins. jjgj Your opportunity to save money and furnish your Parlor with stylish FURNITURE. 0-o—oo—o PARLOR SUITS at #25.00, $35.00 $50.00 and #75.00, we want you to see. Also a finer line that will interest you. o-o—oo —o If you only want a few odd pieces, we have them. Solid Mahogany rock ing chairs with polished wood seats or upholstered in fine silk coverings. o-o—oo—o Corner Chairs, Conversation Chairs, Or a pretty Mahogany finished rock ing chair, #5 00 That is fine 7 enough for any parlor. See our MAHOGANY Parlor Tables. HIM. MPUTOII Jewel ry-Si 1 ver ware- -Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe . ent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block >f E'trie B':ll and Clock. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOR OF THE WO* LD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, in the leading Republican family paper ol the United State* It in a NATIONAL FAMILY TAPER, and gives all tne general news uf the I'nited States It gives the event* of foreign lauds in ■ nutahell. I'" AGRICUL TURAL department has no superior in the country. It* MARKET HEPORTS are recognised authority. Separate department)* lor TIIE FAMILYCIBCIE OUR YOUNG FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS lis HOME AND SOCIETY column* command the admiration of wives and daughter*. It" general political newx, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT ei>a'.les us to olfer this splendid journal and "TIIE CITIZEN ' f-r ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription for the two papers is $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all orders to - "THE CITIZEN Writ© your name ami address on h postal card, send it to Geo. W. Bert Room 2, Tribune Building. New York City, and sample copy of The NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE wil b# mailed to you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers