Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 30, 1895, Image 3
THE CITIZEN THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1595. New Advertisements. Ex's Notice, estate of Amaziah Kelly. Dissolution Notice, Balsiger £ Badger. Marks' Millinery. C. <fc T's June Sale. Huff's Announcement. Burton's Clothing. I Cure U. Honduras Med. Co. NOTE —All advertisers intending to make chtnges in their ads. should notify us of their intention to do eo, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors cl estatsß can secure their receipt books at the CIT IES office LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Dont miss Vreeland'a Minstrels Thurs day, May 30. —Vreeland's Minstrels, May 30. Park Theater. —Eggs are scarce in Batlei this week. Can it be that the frost affected the.hens. —About 3,000,000 young salmon were turned loose in Conneaut Lake this weeK This is the last week of the most disas trous May in our recollection. —A 70-year-old widower of I owa cimu to Butler county and captured a 36-year old spinster last week. —Hot weather again—bat I tell you those last few frosts "took every thing tha* - left." . n 11.-sr realiz ss how great he is until . > >li ieal club or a cheap brand ol cige: :iH iirtj after him. —. !■ It nave white spots in them, auj a »ai J ot the wheat has been , injured. —The dates for the W. Sunbury and Slipperyrock teachers examination* have been changed —The weather has coma around again, all right. II it h»la't our town Council would have attended to it at its next meeting. —Tsvo men who peddled hams and bacon in Butler last Friday and Saturday have since been arrested. They stole the stuff out abont Princeton,in Lawrance Co. —A hai'lre 1 years ag> people worried about the same things that are distressing you. They are dead now, and their worry did no good. —The evening concerts by the Germania Orchestra are immensely popular. The musical treat of last Thursday night was enjoyed by thousands. —"Well," said the monkey to the organ grinder, as he sat on top of the organ. "I'm simply carried away with the ma lic." —Toe graduite* of the Butler Grammar School will hold their commencement exercises in the Opera H mse tomorrow afternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock. —The only four story stable in town is the one back of the Waverly House: and it is a complete affair, with two stories for stalls, one for bnggies and tUe attic for feed. —The Butler High School and the West Snnbury Academy ball teams played a game on the grounds of the latter last Sat urday, and the W. S. A.'s came ont ahead —score 19 to J4. The partnership heretofore existing be tween M. O. Balsiger and S. B. Badger, general merchandise, at Magic P. O. has been dissolved. See notice in another column. —Cam. Miller and Campbell <t Temple ton made good use of the circas parade. Cam. used the big elephant for advertis ing purposes, and Campbell «fc Ternpleton had their handsome new wagon stocked with the finest carpets made. —Governor Hastings has notified the House of his approval of the House bill extending the provisions of the act regu lating the sale of articles of traffic within one mile of any campnieeting or other re ligious gatherings. —P. W. Huff has acquired an interest in his father's huisness, and the name of the firm is A. Kufl <fc Son. Phil, has been traveling for a Boston shoo manufacturing house, but concluded to settle down in Butler, the best town in Pennsylvania. —The Walter L. Main show did great business in Butler. The seats in the vast tent was crowded with spectators at both day and evening entertainments, which were clean, interesting an.l first class in every particular. —The grand spectacular military nov elty. "The March of the Bed Dragoons," consisting of the most difficult marches, drills and maneuvers and concluding with the beautiful Tableau "America," to be seen with Vreeland's Mins'.rels at Park Theater on Thursday evening, May 30. —Onr grocers aro paying 12 cts for but ter, 12 for eggs; 1C cts a pd. for lettuce; 30 cts a dozen bunches for rhubarb; 20 cts a do/en bunches for onions; CO ots for po tatoes; 30 cents a dozen bunches for rad ishes. —Mr. K. Fisher proprietor of the Butler Dye Works, takes good pictures of build ings. If you don't believe it, see his late photographs of the Court House, Jeffer son St. School building, M. E. Church, U. P. Church, etc. They are perfect. Don't miss the nammoth song and danco sketch, "The Southern Tourist," introducing "Uncle Eph's Return" and scenes from "The Black Town Circus," with Vreeland's Minstrels at Park Theater on Thursday evening, May 30. Among the pictures of ministers pub lished by the Pittsburg papers this week were those of Kev. John C. Lowrie of New York, Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and who was born in the old Sullivan house on the Diamond; also that of Rev. Geo. McCor mick, I>. U.,formerly of Batler.now pastor of the U. P. church at Solinas, Cal. —Vol. 1 No. 1, of the Sunday edition of the Oil City Derrick, made its appear ance on our table on Monday of last woek, and its most prominent feature was an oil country story written by A. J. Henry of N. McCean St., bnt to which he attached the name of his sister Jean. The story is well conceived and admirably executed, and indicates a talent in thit direction which A. J. should cultivate. —The Butler County Sabbath School Association well be held in Butler on the sth, Ctb, aud 7th of June. Rev. J. P. Kephart of Annvill, Pa. Gen; See. and Mrs. Barnes, President of the Primary Teachers Union, of Newark, N. J. will be in attendance. Mrs. Barnes has been em ployed by the State Executive Committee for the month of May and Juue to visit tho Conventions in the State; she is conceded to be oue of the best in Primary work in the Country. Mrs. Barnes can only be in attendance at the Ist and 2nd Session, and Superintendents will notify their pri mary Tea.-hers to have as many of their scholars present, as possible, for these Session*. The Sessions will bo held in the various Churches as follows; Ist. session, M. K. Church, 8 P.M. of sth inst. 2nd Session, Presbyterian Chnrch, 9A M.; Third Session, Church of God, 2P. M ; 4th Session. U. P. Church, 8 P. M. of the Oth inst.; ./th and fast Session, South Side Reformed Church, !) A M, of the 7th inst. —The mercury was np yesterday—near ly 90, and oil was down, $1.57. —When one of those third-sand wells below Brownsdale is -hot, it affects the others and its nip and tack as to which gets the production. —The Mountain Sand Water Co., com posed principally of resident* of 1 ulton St. found water at 221 feet—good.fpure, soft, water. Charley Abrams says it is so soft that it turns into lather as soon as it sees soap. The Company, has an air motor, tank etc, and the entire cost was ab«ut SSOO. Ther have enough water for about a dozen families: —"Ha! Ha! You long-faced TT. P " said [ Joe to Sam as he entered Sam's office Monday morning. "You won t applaud in your own church, but come over to ours and raise a riot " Sain was beat and bad nothing to say then, but by and by he heard a story, that be went over and re peated to Joe, and the story ran thus Once upon a time a nice school teacher had a class of bright boys, and one day she told all the boys who were Christians and wanted to go to Heaven to hold up their right hand, and all the hands went up ex cepting one. "How i this, asked the teacher, " ain't you a Christian.' "Naw said the boy 'l'm a Methodist,"—and Joe has been puzzling over the matter. Oil Notes. Forward township—Marshall it McQais tion have a good well ou the Jacob L. Dunbach in Forward twp., and are drill ing one on tne Jos. Cashdollar in Adams. Prospect—The llenshaw 4 Co. well on the Ford Forrester is a good gasser anl will probably be run into the town. Boydstown—The June <fc Shutter welloa the W. J. Robb got a dandy pay streak at the bottom of the 100 ft. Monday. M. Fadden's well on the Whitmire was shot, and started oil big, it will make from 25 to 50 bbls; rigs are going up on the Thompson 10 acres. A Martain, Samuel &- Dan'l Whitmire, and McFaddenis build ing No 2 on the Robert Whitmire. Winiield—A rig is going up on the M Denny farm near Double Sale. Brownsdsle —The Eastern Co's 2 aud Murphey &Co 3, Dorsey are each doing 180 barrels. Klinglesmiths 3 Johnson is flowing 75 barrels, and Frazier & Co's 4 Esbelman 00 barrels. Accidents. A team driven and owned by Prof. Robertson and Dick Timblin ran off while coming down the Sanderson hill, this side of Sunbury last Friday afternoon. Both men were thrown out; Timblin s collar bone was broken; one of Robertson s ribs was broken and both were badely bruised. The baggy was smashed. The team, a pair was formerly owneq by Thomp son <fc Son of Butler. PAWNEE BILL'S. —ls the only complete and Genuine Wild West. Let it be fully understood that Pawnee Bill's Superb Entertainment is not a "show" in the ordinary sense ot the term. His Wild West is not a paltry imi tation, such as has been given by all oth ers who have pretended to give Wild West Shows. There are many reasons why al! others were and are mere imitators, and generally more or less trilling adjuncts to shows of other sorts. Even the Great Forepaugh and Barnum Shows, the larg est of tented exhibitions, with their mil lions of capital, have attempted to give Wild West Exhibitions, but have abandon ed them as failures. Even their enormous tents were entirely too snail too give a real Wild West, and their time to limited to give that feature of their shows more than a very few minutes upon their vast and varied programmes Pawnee Bill's Exhibition is given in a vast canvass en closure of several acres, with no canoby overhead, eqceptiug the asure sky and water-proof awning, which cover the 6,000 seats erected lor spectators. Paw nee Bill is and has been tor 10 years the White Chief of the powerful Pawnne tribe, and as such has several noted Chiefs, Warriors, Braves and their Families, which no other white man, no matter how great his capital, could secure for exhibi tion purposes. Notce to Stons Masons. Until 12 o'clock on Saturday noon, June Ist, the County Commissioners of Butler county, Pa., will receive proposals for tha building of the stone work lor the follow ing bridges: The Nelson Bridge in Cherry twp. The Atwell Bridge in Marion twp. The Joshua Black Bridge in Marion twp. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the Commissioners office. The Commis sioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids, and parties receiving awards must file acceptable bonds within 3 day after such award. Commissioners Office May 21st, 1895. ISAAC MEALS, Clerk. Notice. The School Directors of Butler Borough will elect Teachers and Janitors for the ensuing school year, Friday June 21, 1895, at 7:30 P. M. All applications to be Died with tho Secretary on or before Tuesday, June 18, 1805, at 7 P M. John Findley, Secretary. New Percales, Docks, Court Royal Pique, Seersuckers, Ginghams and all kinds of wash goods at L. Stun & BON'S Come and sek the Czarina rings at PAPE BRO'S. Latest in trimmed and untrimmed hats flowers, feathers, ribbons and novelties at PAPE'S. —Zuver'B Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness —Take your children to Zuver'B Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Postoffice building See the latest in rings, the Cxarina at PAPE'S dee our line of Kaiki Silks, Pon gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silks for wasits from 35 ceuva a yard up L. Stein <fc Son. —No matter how hard the times the one thing you cannot afford to go without is ail the news. If you want all the news you get it ic the Pitts burg Dispatch, Tho Dispatch pub ishesl all—not a part only. Come and see stylish hats and bon nets at PAPE'S. Plants For Sale. Tomato, Sweet-potato aud other plants,of the latest aud best varieties for sale by ,)/rs, C. K Anderson, at her residence, 322 North McKean St. Butler Pa. Yes Marvin's Are the best crackers to be had. Of Interest to Farmers. Take your wool to A. Troutman and Son, Butler Pa , They will pay you the highest market price in cash. Czarina just new at PAP BRO'S. No Picnic is complete without some of Marvin's crisp choice crackers in your basket Beautiful pat'.ern hats at PAPE'S. Great bargains in Lace Curtains, Laces aud Embroideries at L. Stein & Son's. Always use J A. Kichey's Cough Drops They are the beet. Stylish sailor hats, mauy colors at PAPE'H. LEGAL NEWS. i BALANCE OF TRIAL LIST FUR MAT TERM Kizzia Allen vs Robert and John Gal | lagher. trespass. Settled ! Robert Ekas, guardian, et at vs Pitts -1 burg Plate Glass Co May 25, detendant confesses judgment for ?SSO, and defendant to pay record cos is. All other cases on the list were settled, continued or otherwise disposed of. NOTES. Mrs. M. J. Hall, ot Zelienople, adopted Florence Covert. The will of Amaziah Kelly, late of Worth twp.was probated and letters grant ed to L. Cecil Kell/; also will ol Tillie Scott late of Fairview. no letters. Letters of administration were granted to Margaret Weckbecker on erta'.e of Geo. Weckbecker, The quarter sessions trial list for next term comprises thirty-four cases. On Thursday iast Harry L. Findley plead guiltv to larceny, and was sent to Morgan za. Assault and battery, surtey of the peace and larceny cases comprise the greater part of the list. On petition of Nancy Hall a commission consisting of Dr. Eliza Grossman, H. E. Coulter and L P. Walker was appointed to inquire into the lunacy of Maggie Wil son. The county Commissioners have reduc ed the millage this year from 4 to 3. The "minute" in the Commissioners' docket states that owing to the frosts and the poor out-look, and believing that by strict economy we may be able to conduct the business of the county on a tax of three mills instead of four which we had previously determined upon: especially if the people give us their hearty co-opera tion in promptly paying their taxes and not insisting upon extraordinary expendi tures in the construction of bridges and opening of new roads; we, the commis sioners of Butler county Pa., do hereby on motion unanimously agree to reduce the millage on valuation lor county purposes lrom 4 to 3 mills for the year of 1895. John Dindinger, Reuben Shanor and Sol Dunbar, Committee on the First and Third ward lines were in Butler last Friday (the meeting was fixed for show-day to suit Reuben), and they recommended that the • Island" be annexed to the Third ward. The line between the wards will hereafter be Main street and its extension to the south line of the borough. This will in crease the vote of the Third ward by about one hundred. There has been some talk in Indiana, Pa. of prosecuting Judge Harry White for per jury but the Messenger there says:—There are certain inherent difficulties in prose cuting a charge ot perjury against Judge White on account of taking the oath of office. Not on account, however, of a lack of sufficent testimony to warrant a prose cution, but on account of the peculiar con ditions existing. He could not properly be tried on his own court, because he assists in drawing the jury and filling the jury wheel. A change ot venue would be necessary. Such trial could not be heard by either Judges Barker, Doty or Keyburr. Hut perhaps the most cogent reason may be briefly summarized by a Iriend of ours the other day who, commenting on the outcome of the contest, summed up his conclusions by saying "dog won't eat dog." "The bearings t>' this," as Captain Bunsby remarked on one occasion; "lies in the application of it." LATE PROPERTV TRANSFERS. W J Sloan to Sextus Sloan 0"> acres in Clearfield for SI.OO. Milo Stoner to Amos Young 15 acres in Clay for S6OO. W A Purviauce to If Miller lot in For ward for S3OO. J G Wilhelm to W H Long lot in But ler for 2 400. G H Harley to Jacob Flinn 14 acres in in Connoqnenessing for 1000. O L Sidler to Anna Ferrero lot in But ler for 1.200. J B Bredin to Jas Bredin 32 acres in Butler for S3OOO. Marriage licenses. Milton F. Mayer West Libertv Ada Wick Slipperyrock G. A. Rodgers Rockland Pa Ada James Butler Jules Lambotto Butler Pauline Labolle James H. Kerr Monroe, lowa Martha Weakley Slipperyrock Ino Weiland. North Oakland Mary Ball North Oakland Harvey L Ward Peachville Eva Work Peachville E. H. Kandolf Allegheny Pa Agnes Malone Allegheny Pa John Hoffman .Pittsburg Lania Marburger Evan.* City J. C. Obenauf Etna K. M. Ferney - Sarvers J. C. Elliott Sarversville Bell Brown McCandless Harry H. Robinson Cranberry Tillie Kirschler Cranberry J. L. McCurdy Buffalo Annie Duerr Buffalo Chas.W. Sloan Venango twp Laura Stalker Venango twp AMY BRO'S, CORNER MAIN A MIFFLIN STS., BUTLER, PENN'A. Dealers in new Furniture and household goods of every description Call and see us. We can save you money. The finest line of Mourning hatß and bonnets in Butler at PAPI'S. Storm Serges and French Serges, llenrittias, Novelty Dress (ioods and Fancy Slks in greatest variety and at lowest prices at. L. STEIN & SON'S We sell Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Crashes and all kinds of white goods at very low prices at L. STEIN A SON'S. We display over 100 new and pretty pattern hats and bonnets at PAPE'S. Fine and heavy all-wool Serge 45 inches wide, all colors at f>o cents a yard—a big bargain—at L. STEIN A SON'S. ipr | For pure spring water ice— IU ) Leave your orders at llichey's Bakery Daily Delivery. —Home made candies, taffies, ear mels, and etc., now on hand at the City Bakery. 1000 untrimmed hats,spendid shap es at PAPES. —Job kind done at the CITIZEN OFFICE Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds, alwaya on band at the City Bakery. —Try, T. A. Morrieon's home made Carmels. —A full line of home made candies at the City Bakery. IMain and fancy Black Dress Goods in all qualities at bargain prices at L. STEIN A SON'S. The people are using Armstrongs Little System Pills. We aro giving them away. See ad in another col umn. They are fine- WARNING. To BUTLBH COUNTY OIL FOLKS ANI> ALL OTUEUS Be wise in your prosperity and save some ot your gains by invest ing in the established and reliable Metropolitan Loan and Savings As sociation. Send, or call for circular. If desired we will send an agent to see you. Investigate our Prepaid Investment stock. We want good and trust-worthy men as agents, such men will by dealt with fairly and equitably. Call on or address. N. T. Weser, District Manager, Office 116 W. Jefferson St. PERSONAL. Harvey Thompson returned from his brother's funeral, in Washington, Friday, and brought Charley, one ot Isaiah's sons, home with him. The dead letter office was closed on the day of Isaiah's fnneral, and all the employees attended the funeral at the house at 9-4 Ninth St. X. E. Isaiah » family are all doing well--Charley is prac ticing dentistry in Denver; I C. is in the photographic business in Phil'a; Lew has a responsible position in the Patent Office: two of the girls are married and live in Jersey City, and the rest are at home. Miss Jessie Barkley. daughter of W. J. Barklev. and W. E. Heyl will be married at the bride's home in" Franklin twp. on Thursday, June 13th. Miss Mabel Thrush, of Butler, and Al bert Dombart, of £vans City, will be mar ried at the residence of J. 11. Hyle on W. Pearl St., next Wednesday. J. C. Fisher, of Penn twp, and J. M. Stoughton, of Pump P. 0., were in town, Saturday. E. M. Cowan was taken sick at the Wick Bouse, last Thursday, but was able to go home nest day. W. J. Peaco, of Middlesex, and Jos. Todd, of Buffalo, were in town last Friday. Wm. R. Patterson of Penn attended the funeral <.f Rev. Samuel Patterson of Dar lington, Beaver Co. la ; t week. Rev. Sam uel was an uncle of Wm. R.. ar.d was the la*t remaining member of that larnil} - . He was about 70 years of age, and preach ed at Xew Galilee, Beaver Co. for 40 year s . Richard Robertson, of Oakland twp, is able to be about again, after a long siege ot grippe. Ritter is not the only gasser in Butler Be now has to divide honors with the wi'J nearer the mill. Solomon Albert of Franklin twp., M. X. Greer of Buffalo, and August Freeling of Winfield, were in town, Monday. Col. Mechling. Harry Grieb and Jos. Xo.throp atteuited a meeting of the Grand L 'dge of Elks at Buffalo, last week. Allen W. Kelly of West Sunbary and Miss McGranahan, were married at the bride's home at Jamestown, Crawford Co. yesterday afternoon. Rev. George Troutman of Summit was ordained at the German Lutheran Church of this town last Sunday, in the presence ol'a large audience. Rev. Woods, Memorial sermon was lis tened to last Sunday evening by a ciowded house, and so thoroughly appreciated that twice the audience applauded—something unusual in Butler at a church service. Rev. E. M. Wood will preach in the M. E Church nest Suuday morning on, "Ma teria! Mistakes," andin the evening on, "Evolution of the earth, or how the world was made '' S. F. Bowser will deliver a memorial address at Bellefonte, to day. Rev. Davis gave the G. A. R. of Clinton twp , a grand address, in their Hall last Suuday evening. Solomon Albert of Franklin twp. was in town on business, Monday. Rev. T. M. Thompson, of Sharpsburg, who delivered an excellent sermon in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening aud an exceedingly appropriate bacolauri ate address to the High-School scholars aud graduates in the Opera House that evening, formerly held charges at North Washington aud Bruiu in this county. Beiij. Foster, late of Butler twp.. has moved his family to Froeport, where he se cured a job. Col. It. P. Scott, Chief of Staff, went to Oil City yesterday morniug to be present at the ceremonies attending the presenta tion of a charter to the consolidated Posts of that city, by Department Commander Cummings A Good Gasser in Butler. At the Wilson well near Walter's Mill, Tuesday, a very good vien of gas was struck at the depth of 956 feet. The pres sure has not been fully ascertained, but it is so great that the owners are deliberating ai to stopping the drill and utilizing the gas. The pressure is estimated at a iiout ISOO pounds and the gas is clear of gas sand or WB' er. Teachers Annual Examinations. Renfrew May 13, 1895 Saxonburg May, 14 1895. Coylosville May 15, 1895. Millerstown May 10, 1895. Harrisville May 17, 1895. Farmington June 10, 18C5. Xorth Washington June 11, 1895. Prospect June 14, 1895. Evans City J una 15. W. Sunbury June 17, 1895. Slipperyrock Juno 18, 1895. Examinations will be held in Butler on the last Saturday of June and the last Saturday of July. X. C MCCULLOCOH CO., SUP'T. WANTED —Everybody that makes but ter to know that our Patent Revolving Churn Dasher churns in ten minutes—fits any upright churn. Sample by prepaid express SI.OO. Agents wanted. Write for our special offer. l,ogan & Kennedy, 125 7th St., Pi ttsbnrg, Pa Every person seems to be pleased with Morrison's Cough Syrup. The demand is increasing very fast. Ask your Druggist for it. School hats at I'APK'S. A Refreshing Lunch Is a glass of milk and a few of Marvin's crisp extra So da Biscuits. Job work done here. Subscribe for the CITIZBN. Satisfaction Is always given by Marvin's crack era. Largest assortment, of new Silks and Dress Goods at lowest prices ever known at L. Stein & Son's See our line ot New Spring Capes —the assortment is large and the styles and prices are right L. STEIN & SON. —You pay for school-books; but the best school-book for your children is your daily paper. Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with the news and best in presenting it, the I'ittsburg Dispatch fills the bill Boardio" llouse Cards, with Aot of (Vssemb cents for balf-a-doattn, for sale at : , ZEN office. e.xD. SUMMER / G 1 iii lie in demand low n v j order tn _'••• the best of old Sol- f £ Wo provide everything need } } ful in order to be cool and com- r \ fortable. / \ Hats and Furnishings for J J Men Boys and Childreu are \ \ our specialties and we only ask / C an inspection of our goods. \ C We know they are satislac- J Colbert & Dale. Farm For Sale. Containing 20 acres of good land, with orchards of apple, peach, pear, and cherry trees,grape arbors etc. A good fl room house with lame porche", summer house and spring water at door, 11:1 excellent spring house and several other outside buildings. This property is located in Franklin township, 2 miles from Mt. Chestnut and between it and Prospect, and will b« sold, or traded for town property. For further particulars inquire at this office. I Commencement Week. The Opera Uoase was crowded last Snn ! day evening to hear the Baccalaurate Ser | inon by Kev. T. M. Thompson of Sharps burg, formerly of this county, and the au dience— principally young folks —heard a sermon that they will, or ought to, remem ber for life. It was a plain, practical.com monsense talk on the duties of life; on be ! ing true to ones self: on the proper occupa tion of the mind, body and heart. At the Class Bay and Commencement exercises of Tuesday evening and last ev ening. every seat in the Opera House was occupied. Tl.e graduating class, ranged on elevat ed seats on the stage, in their white and black suits, and with the stage decorated with planis and flowers made a pretty pic ture; and their efforts were all very credit able. Tomorrow afternoon the graduating class of the Grammar school, will hold its exer cises in the Opera House, and at 8 P. M. Rev. Moffat. President ot Washington and Jefferson College, will deliver an address, at same place, which will be fol lowed by the annual banquet in Armory Hall. I'tUrsville Pointers. Charlie Kea is home with a lame back. Rheumatism. Grant and Frank Purviance were visi tors at J. T. and W. A. Purviance's on Sabbath. The weddings reported last week were false alarms. y. G. Shannon has his new barn nearly completed. It is one of the finest in the county. The carpenters work is the best we have ever saw on a barn. John Snezen is the man that put it together. The wall is of the best stone the hills can afford and was laid np by Mr. Heaven. His work is surely a credit to him. William Bell one of the oldest pumpers in the Petersville 100 foot oil field is mov ing to Cooperstown. We will miss Billy. The well drilled by Oaks ifc Co., on the Fliner is reported a dusty duster, but will bo drilled to the third sand. Merl Dambaugh and his better half took to house keeping Tuesday in Maggie Dodds' house, on Renfrew street. The yard around the M. E. parsonage is now complete and is one of the finest church properties in the county. Peters ville has improved very much in the last year. Our school is in a flourishing condition with Isaac Dyke as teacher. Mrs. Adda Jamison of, Allegheny, Pa, and Mrs. Mary Moffett,of Cumberland, Md., are visiting at Dr. J. L. Christy's. l>r. Cromwell Truby, of Beaver Falls, is now practicing dentistry in Peters ville. UNDERWRITER. HE GOT A DOSE —ot Honduras Tonic and is now well and hearty. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating," is a saying as old as the Mosaic law, but it does not contain any more truth than the saying chat "Hondur as Tonic is the best stomach regulator in existence," and it has done far more to re lieve suffering humanity than any pudding ever set before the most fastidious epicur ian Honduras Tonic is beyond doubt the seaich light that discovers the diseased stomach and when once the disease is lo cated it scatters it, heals the affected parts and strengthens the entire system One dose starts the goou work along and a few bottles cures you. For a few weeks a bottle containing" twelve ounces can be procured for 25c, after that time it will cost you SI.OO. What is the use of your carrying arjund a sour stomach, when you can have it tuned and toned up for 25cT Try Honduras Tonic; office at 107 Cen tre Ave., near the Pittsburg & Western Depot. B. Write Our mail order department for sam ples of Fashion's greatest fad in Dress Goods. Black Mohair Sicilian, and see the greatest worth for the money ever woven into a stylish dress fabric. Fine Mohair Cashmere Brilliantine. Lustrous as silk, 46 inches wide, soc a yaad (Jood quality Black Mohair Cicilian. 28 inches wide. ' 25c a yard. From that up to finest quality 54 inches wide at $2.50 a yard, there dozens of intermediate grades and prices. All well-bought and to be sold on the low-profit basis that brings us success. The favorite mohair weave is not limited to black alone. Ilero are choice wood Brown Shades, Brown' Mix and new Blue Grey. 'Tis a question if these elegant wide goodß will not usurp the silk trade—s4io. $1 00. Newest Novelties in Elegant Mohairs. medium and light mixtures, figur es and neat damas effects— si.oo, $1.20 and $i.25. Exquisite shade Cremc Mohair Brilliantines. 50c to $1.50 per yard. Superior quality of fine Colored Albatros. Beautiful shades, light blue, pink, rose, shrimp, nile, red, lavender, old rose, maize and ereme beautiful goods and wondrous value—3B inch es wide, 35c a yard. Misses' and Children's garments. Ready-made suits, Dresses, Jackets, Hoys' Suits, Separate Pants, etc. Making such business ay we're never known before. Uave yoa been here? If the saving of cash and first-class qualities and styles is ao object 'twill pay you so come or send & Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. ~~ DYED. ~~ Our 20 per cent offer expires May 31,80 hurry up and brinif your DYE IXG and SCOUIIING in.and avail yourselves ol the benefit. Owing to the raise in price of gasoline we can't clean any more portiers at $1 25; they will be $1.50 now. Dyeing same price. We do the finest photo work in viewing Houses, Groups Ac. Try us and be convinced. Butler Dye Works, It. D. FIsHER, I'rop't. 216 Cente Ave.- L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance ana tfeal .Estate Agent, 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. H'TTr.RR. - I'\, i !ND PVPEH * ■ •II :»« iitucau ol .^KOTQgBROS. i"n .< ( fur toivuiUfllug lit Iwtoeel i 'f J I'll Break Your NOM. The Spiritualists of Titusville are very much exercised over what is generally considered an expose of Professor A Rod hermal. a medium, who claims for himself 23 years experience. At a private seance, a widower, was ltd to believe the spirit of his wife was to be materialized. When the apparent form of of a woman appeared from behind the car tains the gentlemon, who had been a very affectionate husband, frantically endeavor ed to embrace it. At this juncture the lady escort, who had been holding his hands and who is a sister of the medium, endeavored to hold the excited man at bay This aroused his suspicions at orce. lie asked a friend to light a match and freed himself from his esconrt. Be grappled with the supposed spirit. The light went out, the sister succeeded in breaking his hold and assisted the me dium to escape crying: You are killiig my brother." The man exolaimed: "If it is my wife I have a right to embrace her." Bat the form rushed behind the curtain creating a great shuffle and upsetting chairs and tables. The medium ot the spirit had been speaking with an Irish accent, but on being disturbed it lost its dialect and cried: "I'll break your nose." The story is veri fied by five reputable persons, who helped to make up the circle and who are willing to make affidavit to the statement. The man of mystery is said to come from Bradford, where he has been giving public seances. Be also claims to possess the remarkable faculty of successfully lo cating oil wells and has made an extensive canvass of the Pleasantvill9 field. The fabulous priee, however, has so far proved an obstacle to his perfeoting any deals of this kind. He possesses in the highest degree the confidence of the peo ple of his own faith in spite of his recant experience and claims to be able to vindi cate himself. MISS MAY LILLIE. May Lillie was received by the Queen of Bolland. She gave a private exhibition for her. She surprised the Crowned heads and Xobility and astonished the great shots wherever she appeared in Europe. She gave nearly 500 exhibitions in tin Old World. The Nineteenth Century Diana. Cham pion Girl Horseback Ktfle Shot of the World; Intrepid Queen of Markswomen; The Reigning Kegina of the rifle. While seated upon a swiftly flying mustang this peerless little lady with unerring aim and nerves of steel breaks glass balls thrown in every direction. Absolutely without a rival, and Pawnee Bill will wager $5,000 that no other lady living can equal her. She is still the unchallenged challenger. Upon her gentle bosom this young girl bears a burden of golden medals that testi fy that she is invincible as the champion. WANTED EVERY MAN WOMAN and CHILD, To call at my New Store and examine my stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents Furnishings At 120 S. Main St., But ler, Pa. ONE JT. H. Barton iClothier and PRICE. * Furnisher 120 S. Main, St. Jury List For June Term, Lis! of names drawn from the proper Jury Wheel this 29th day of April, 1895 to serve as Grand Jurors at a regular term of Court, commencing on the Ist Monday of June 1895; the same being the third day of said month: Anderson Joseph, Adams twp South, farmer. Crawford Samuel, Jefferson twp, farmer. Doarr Ilenry, Winfield twp. farmer. Dipner John, Clearfield twp, farmer. Fleger Erastus, Centre twp, farmer. Gold Perry, Concord twp, farmer. Kennedy Pierce, Muddycreek twp, farmer. Kelly Roland, Brady twp, farmer. Kidd Robert, Adams twp, N. farmer. Lindsey Thomas, Summit twp. farmer. Maer C. A. Butler boro 4th ward, Musician. Pontiua W. C. Donegal twp, farmer. Puff W. J. Jefferson twp, farmer. Pontius Isaiah, Donegal twp, farmer. Studebaker Vm. Worth twp, farmer. Scott Walter, Lancaster twp, farmer. Sh»arer Prank, Buffalo twp, farmer. Snyder Curtis A , Brady twp, farmer. Shoemaker Wm. Millerstown boro, Tin Smith. Shoenfiuld Chan., Parker twp,Oil Producer. Seig John, Lancaster twp, farmer. Vandick line ton, Marion twp, farmer. Wick E. E. Harrisville boro, farmer. Ziegler George, Butlor boro, Ist ward, Me chanic. List of Petit Jurors drawn this 29 day of April 1895, to serve as Petit Jurors at the regular term of court commencing on the 2nd Monday of June 1395 the same being the 10 day of said month: Arner Campbell, Washington twp, north, farmer. Barnes J. C. Mercer twp, farmer. Black W. J. Cherry twp south, farmer. Bollinger 0. C. Cherry twp south farmer. Biehl Henry, Butler bor. 3rd ward, mer chant. Bailey Milton, Marion twp, farmer. Croft James, Lancaster twp, farmer. Cox Alva. Adams twp, north, farmer. Cheesbro E P, Fairview twp W.,merchant. Cooper A L, Slipperyrock twp, farmer. Dunlap Samuel, Butler bor, 2nd ward, Carpenter. Donegy James, Brady twp, farmer. Dodds Ebenezer, Connoquenessing twp N., farmer. Duffy II 11, Clearfield twp, farmer. Edmomlson C M, Prospect bor. gentleman. Farnsworth Martin, Butler iwp, farmer. Galbreath Henry, Winfield twp, farmer. Gamble WE, Allegheny twp,oil producer. Gibson George S, Saxonburg bor. sadler. Heckert M S. Buffalo twp, farmer. Krugh Wm G, Butler bor 2nd ward batch er. Krouse P, Saxonburg bor, merchant. Krugh George, Butler bor 2nd ward, butch er. Kidd Samuel, Butler bor 2nd ward, line in an. Law is Robert, Zelienople bor, wood deal er Lockwood Stephen, Zelienople, oil pro ducer. McKerry John, Clay twp, l'ariner. Midberry John, Marion twp, farmer. McGlaughlin Hugh, Fairview twp- east, farmer. MoGrath M A, Slipperyrock twp, farmer. Muntz John, Butler bor Ist ward,merchant. Miller Joseph, Adams twp north, farmer. Niblock James Jr, Connoquenessing south, farmer Oiler W E, Butler bor 4th ward, preacher. Partridge Wm, Washington twp north, merchant. Park J B, Adams twp south, farmer. Pierce F I), Butler twp, farmer. Pringla J 11, Butler bor, Ist ward, oil producer. Riddle James, Franklin twp, farmer. Redick W H, Venango twp, farmer. Ritter W 11, Butler bor 3rd ward, agent. Starr A H, Penn twp south, farmer. Shepard G M, Middlesex twp, farmer. Shannon P A, Slipperyrock twp, farmer. Smith GJ, Butler bor 2nd ward, hotel keeper. Thompson James, Butler bor sth ward, oil producer. Wilson A C, Venango twp, farmer. Wheeler P 11, Harmony bor, gentleman. ■■■■■■••')«« optima gmm For uctfvi; lady or gentleman acnualmed with neighborhood. Compensation from in to lir.o monthly. Work outlined. Only energetic party ambitious to succeed, nued apply- No Capital required. Address with reference. Globe Bible Publishing Co., 723 Chestnut street, Phlla., Pa. Indian Game EGGS From three yards of the best doable laced stock in this country. $2 for 15 eggs. . R. MILLER, Chamberstturg, Pa. A Suggestion. rl I ; m^CTpßs/ DU it ever occnr 10 yoa that there are drugs and drr.?®—that drugs are like every thing else —there ucc good, bad and indif ferent. There is no 1 .:... -z M'* which is positively bad if it is'nt just of the Our policy has always been to have noth ing but the best. When yon want drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pnre goods, and alwavs what yon ask for or your prescription calls for. It may not always be drugs von want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites. C. Iff. BOYD. Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Dissolution Notice, The partnership heretofore existing be tween M. 0. Balsiger and S. B Badger, general merchandise, under the firm name Balsiger £ Badger, located at Troutman, in Coneord twp. Butler Co. Pa. (Magic P. 0.) was dissolved by mutual consent on Thursday May 16 1395. The accounts of the old firm will bo set tled at the store. M. 0. BALSIGER S. B. BADGER. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of Amaziah Kelly, deo'd, late of Worth twp., Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please settle their accounts immediately and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to L. C. KELLY, Ex'r, A M. CORNELIUS, Jacksville, Att'y. Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of William Douthett, dee'd. late of Forward twp. Butler Co. Pa. having been granted the undersigned all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any hav ing claims against said estate wil 1 present them duly authenticated for settlement to: GRORUK MARTIN, EXR. Princeton, Lawrenoe Co., Pa. Executors' Notice- Letter* testimentary on the estate of Campbell Bartley, dee'd. late of Clinton twp. having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having olaims against saia estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to: THOMAS A. HAT, Exr. Saxonburg WILLIAM LOGAN, Exr Glade Mill. MOJUNKIN A GALMEATU Attys. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of Andrew J. Evans, dec'd, late of Forward twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned; all persons knowing themsulves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and an; having claims against said estate will pre sent them properly authenticated for set tlement to WM. M. BROWN, Adm'r. Brownsdale, F. 0. A. B. C. MCFARLAUD, Att'y. Pa. Administrator's Notice- Letters of administration with the will annexed, on the estate of John Young,late of Winfield iwp., Butler county, Pa., hav ing been issued by the Register of said county, to ine —all persons therefore know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make speedy payment, and all persons having claims against said es tate will please present them properly au thenticated for settlement to JOHN N. YOUNG. Adm'r C.T.A. Of John Young, dec'd, Carbon Black, P. 0. MCJUNKIN & GALBHKATH, Attv's for Estate. Administrators' Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of John W. McJunkin, dec'd, late of Clay twp., Butler oounty, Pa., baring been f ranted to the undersigned; all person* nowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to John R. McJunkin > . Anna MoJunkin, ( Adm Euclid, P. 0. Ira McJunkin, Att'r. Butler Co., Pa. Public Notice. Whereas my wife, Martha Fleming has left my bed and board, without just cause or provocation; this is to give notice to the public not to trust or barbor her on my account, as I will not be responsible for any bills of her contracting. Alfred Fleming, Ekastown P. 0. May 15, 1895. Butler Co., Pa. WE MAKE WHEELS Quality flaarantaad the BEST. OUR LINES, WEIGHTS AND PRICES ARK RIGHT I TH« ELOREDGE«BELVIDERE IN TWCNTY-FIVC STYLES. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. National Sewing Macuine Go. BCLVIOERC, ILL. STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (Hascndorph'a Patent.) Lightning;, Firs and Storm Proot. Binil fqr I The IVnitTron Ronflna unit OnrM i fating to. Urt.i. I'liUa., 1*.., uf prievs I Hal. ?l(rm. SPEEDY «nd LASTING RESULTS. PEO ? LE /^ f ein »«t INo1 No I ctn itiyl V thi«. V/""' ASO ? LTr,LT .'""V thin. M J from any injurious substance. M UFA* AB33XZVB UCOCIB. W« GUARANTEE » CURE or refund your money A Stunner Of a SUIT For Men. By chance we closed out (for spot cash) of a New York clothing firm their entire stock of fine Clay i Worsted Suits. They are made 1 in Frocks and Sacks and we! brought these suits twenty-five | per cent less than market price, j We had to take them all. We 1 have put these on our tables to ' sell at the following prices: Ask To ee These Suits we Know it will interest you. Schau.l & Nast, Leading Clotli iers, 137 S-Main St., Butler, Pa - OUR NEW Spring Clothing (for the price) in the history of the clothing trade. Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. YVorkingmen take notice: We have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta loons and Overalls. If you have worn them, you need no further comment from us. if not ask to see them as they are the best cheap pants in the world. HATS TRIMMED FUSE OF CHARGE. Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman The Originator of Popular Prices in Butler. The past month's sales have been the most brilliant in the histor of our business—simply because we have sold even the Newest Sprin Goods lower than any house in Butler. DRES GOODS 39c, All Wool Spring Style Novelty, Dress Goods, actual value 50c per yard 50c, 46—in. All Wool Black and. Color ed Serges, former price 75c. 5Cc, Black and Colored All Wool Henri ettas, 46 hi, wide the same values yon al ways paid 75c for. 35c, Black and Colored Henrietta, real value 50c. These goods are strictly All Wool. Henriettas, all colors, 10c, 15c. 20c and 25c per yard. SILKS. 2oc, Figured India Silks, worth 35c per yard. «c. Gennine Kaiki Wash Silks, no such value ah these ever offered for 35c per yard. 50c for 27-in, Plain Jap Wash Silks in Black and Colors, real yalue 75c yer yard . SATINS; Black Satin Duchess at 90c, worth $1,25 per vard. Black Satin Rhadama and Black Faile Silks at 85c per yard. Black Figured Taffeta Silks, 85c per yard; real value SI.OO. Light Colors in Wool Albatross, Lansdown Henriettas and Silk Mulls for graduation dresses. White Hose in Silk and Lisle, White Silk Mitts, Kid Gloves, ic , for commencement. DAMASKS^ 20c, Fast Color lied Damask, real valne 35c per yard. 20c, Unbleached Damask. 50c, Bleached Damask, real value 75c. CHILDRENS' HATS. This is a hobby of ours, and they are sty lish and tasty at popular prices. We look after elderly Ladies' Headwear, and that is a department so nitw h over looked. We can please you. Mourning Millinery Department filled with neat, choice effects in latest styles.! Choice New Untrimmed Hats, 15c 2.5 c, 75c, SI,OO, $1,25 to $2,00. UNDERWEAR: Ladies' Veats for sc. Children*' Vests for sc, and up to best quality for less price than you haye ever paid for them. WHERE will you find such values as this store offers? And these are bat a few of the man y bargains this store has for you. What would yon be paying for goods if this store was not here? We prom ise this that no matter what it is for the money, it is the best that can be had of its kind or we refuse all moneys; that is the postire way; that is oar only way. We mast please. We most give greater value than all compe tition Every person come. Get posted. We will try and pleaße you, and if prices cat any figure, will sell to you. Mrs, Jennie E. ZimmermaN Opposite Hotel Lowry. Successor to Ritter & Ralston Hotel LStitler J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use o ommercial men Hotel Williard Reopened and now ready for the eoommodation of the traveling pub lic. Everything in first-class style. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner M H BROOKS, Clerk. Bees and Bee Supplies For Sale. Sucb Sections, Brood PrtmM, Ilives, Foundations, Ilee Smoker*, etc. JAMES C. MURPHY, Mercer Street, Butler, Pa. Oj J. B. MCiIPH Y, at 6. O. PurvU & Co #7.50, worth sl2. (sizes 34 to 42.) #9.50, worth #l4. 1 (sizes 34 to 42.) #l2. worth #l6. (sizes 34 to 42.) HAS ARRIVED, and we will be pleased to show you what we have. You can buy a good, servicable business suit for $5.00, but our line at $6.00, $7.50, $9.00 and SIO.OO are marvels of beauty and excellence, better than ever sold Douthett ASD Graham, BUTLER, PA. MILLINERY. The elegance of onr Trimmed Hats is the wonderment of all beholders, our prices arc so low. How can you sell such equisite hats at such prices? is often asked in onr show room. Some ot them are copies of French and New York models, most of them the creation of our own unrivalled designers and trimmers. Prices range from 98c, $1.69, $2,25. $3,00, $3.50, $4,00 and $5,00. CALICOES. Best Standard Prints for 6}c. Indigo Blues sc. Fast Color Bed sc. Best Ginghams sc. WRAPS. Capes—this is a department we are proud of. Capes cut after latest styles. Haviag closed out an entire line of a New York manufacturer' we are able to sell you Cape* at less than other merchants can buy them for. A Beautiful Clsth Cape for $1.50 and $3,25. Handsome Velvet Capes, silk lined, at $4 50. Taffeta Lined Silk Cape, $4,50 and ap to $26,00. Separate Skirts. $4,50 for a Black Crepon Skirt, godet back. Serge Skirts, Cloth Skirts, Silk Bkirts. Duck Suits $2,00, Ladies' Wrappers, 69c. '• Waists, 25c. " " 50c. " Silk Waists in Black and Colored Wash Silk, $3,00 worth $4,50. These are unequaled values. Childrens' Wraps. Child's Reefer, sires from 2, 3, 4 up to 12 "years. Hosiery. For men, women and children, Fast Black Hose at sc, worth 10c. Muslins. 4J for Heavy Sheeting. 5o " Good Bleached Muslin for sc. Best Lonsdale for 7c. HEINEMAN & SON, | SUMMER <! W is approaching and the r only way to keep cool is 1 J J to go to * «? Heineman's J - Q. # W hM and get yourself a nice JS Hammocks J 5 3 J We have the largest W CQ 5 and finest line of > 5 z? Hammocks 5 # ? ijz d ever brought to Batler. go o*l Wall Paper Jlo from the cheapest to the <J J finest of Pressed J > m 2? PAPERS, h W K CO *7 0 We also handle the _ # celebrated <' RAMBLER J? ? BICYCLE. | HEINEMAN & SON.