THE CITIZEN ——= = ' Catered at Pontofflt* «t Bitl»r *» Jd «■!•»« m»«t»r WILLI AX C. IKMLIEI. r«MUh«-r THURSDAY. MAY 30. 1893. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Subject to Republican Primary of But lei county, June 1, 1895 —1 to 7P. M. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. A. ID. CHRIBTLKY, Of Butler. LEVI M. WISB. Of Butler. FOR DELEGATE TO STATE CONVEN TION. DR. V. F. THOMAS. Of Fairview Borough. William J. MARKS, Of Middlesex twp, FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, FRAXK E. MCQCISTIOS, Of Butler. Splits Among the Free Coiners. The f'ee-silver.coinage men seem to be having lota of trouble just now. Ex-Con gressman Sibley, the American Bimetal lic party's candidate for President, is on the Pacific coast booming his own and his party's cause. But his presence in Cali fornia has prompted the State Silver League of that State to issue a bittor de nunciation of him and his chief fuglemaD, General Warner, of Ohio. The California silverites plainly insinuate that the W ar ner-Sibley plan of advocating silver is dis tionest, and that Sibley's adherents are evading a vital issue by straddling the National-bank question. For these and other reasons they repudiate Sibley and Warner, and they propose that a Xational convention be held in St. Louis next March to adopt a platform and nominate candidates that all the advocates of fiat currency can support. But this is not the only split that threat ens the new movement, nor is it the most serious one. Tho free-coinage Democrats are getting up a fight of their own. Ex- Speaker Crisp and some of the other lead ers of that Wing>f the Democracy, espec ially in the south, object to the movement lor the free coinage ot silyer at the old ratio of 16 to 1. They say they are for free coinage and are ready to commit the party to the doctrine, ragardless of the action of other nations, hut they are op posed to the old ratio. A declaration binding the party to that ratio, they say, would be wholly in the interest of the pro ducers of silyer and would be likely to ruin the Domocratic party. They propose no definite ratio themselves, but think that point should be decided hereafter by the course of events —meaning, we suppose, the state of the market. This is encour aging. It shows that the ex-Speaker and his followers down south have already come to understand that free coinage at the old ratio really means nothing less than silver monometallism the retire ment of gold and its representatives from circulation and a currency greatly depreci ated in value. It is not probable, however, that Mr. Bland and his followers will accept any such compromise as this. For years that great wp-ntU of silver has been fighting for free coinage ai M old ratio. To aban don that ratio now would leave tne oiWor advocates all adrift on a sea of conflicting opionions without rudder or compass. They know that the present ratio overval ues silver nearly 100 per cent; hut they know, too, tnat if that ratio is abandoned there will be no end of new and dis tracting propositions. Sometime ago Sen ator Vest proposed the ratio of 20 to 1: but at present the actual market ratio is about 30 to 1, and silver advocates like Mr. Bland don't want a discussion of that point start ed in their own ranks. All this must be highly gratifying to Democrats who, like Mr. Cleveland and his personal followers, want to bring about a condition of affairs that will enable the Democratic National Convemtion of next year to straddle the silyer issue. If the Wwt:rn and Botrhern wings of tho fie » coinage men can be iueited into a fight over ratios of coinage for the next few months, the conservative element of the party will be able to control the situation sufficiently to rescue the Democracy from absolute surrender to the frec-ooiu ers. This may save the party from anni hilation, although nothing cau save it from defeat next year.— Ex. Thk Republican primary election will be held next Saturday between the hours cf 1 and 7P. M. The only content i* for Dis trict Attorney A. M. ChrUtley and Levi If. Wise being the candidates, and aa they are both capable, worthy and honest men, no mistake can possibly be made. Sherman's Speech. Senator Sherman's speech in taking the chair at the Ohio Republican Convention Tuesday made the same utterance for sound money in the Republican party as Secretary Carlisle has done in the Deux • cratie party. Senator Sherman is a veter an in iinanoe, as in politics. He is the coolest and most far-seeing among the present Republican leaders. The stand against free coinage which was expected of him will have the sauro effect as bis like position against that money in the 70's. - The Senator presents a peculiar view in the claim that ooining silver on Govern ment account and sustaining it at par with gold by making it convertible into gold is bimetallism. In this his position is hard ly correct, as ailver at present iB token money, given its value by the public re liance in the faith and credit of the Gov ernment that has declared its purpose to maintain the parity of its coins. But Sen ator Sherman exhibits his clearness in showing that free coinage by this Govern ment alone would b see that the law is enforced. As an instance of how a bill can be rush ed through if no one is interested in oppos ing it. take the case of the bill introd need by Senator Grady at Tuesday afternoon's session of the Senate last week. It is in tended to meet objections raised by Judge Biddle, of Cumberland county, in his re cent decision newspaper men ac oows to the marriage- license docket The bill provides that Orphans' Court Clerks •hall, immediately after issuing a marriage license, enter it on the marriage-license docket, and that the docket shall be open for the inspection of the public at all times when the office is open for the pur pose of issuing marri ge-licenses. Any person is allowed to make a copy or an abstract of the docket entries for publica tion in any newspaper, and any clerk who violates any of the provisions is liablo to a fine not more than SSO for each oliense, under conviction before an Alderman or Justice of the Peace. Immediately after the bill waR introduced it was reported from committee and at once read a first time. On Wednesday it passed sec ond reading, and on Thursday it passed finally and was sent to the House for its consideration. J'muiict S St.. Butler, Pa. rnnn - end us ) our ratne and address HKHi HUnit receive l.j RETURN MAIL a package of Armstrongs Little System Pills The be-t Pill for general use ever »dd. We send ther.i free and pay the postage We want von to use tliein. Also call your attention to our "I CURE U" one of the very best re.nedies for in ternal or external pain It is excellent. Our goods are sold iy druggists and deilerx ever where. Address the I BE I CO, Butler. Pa. D. L CLEELAND Optician, 125 8. Main, St. Notice. Notioe is hereby given that Joseph ltock enstein, committee of Francis p [!aldanf has filed his first and final aero-.nt as coin inittee in the office of the frothouotary ol the Court of Common Pleas of Hutler county, M's. I). No 15 fept T. 1*91: and that, the same will lie pre. >nted to said Court, for confirmation and allowance Saturday, .'aiw Btb. 1895. Samckl M. Seato.v, Pro. Pro. Ofllce, May 9th 1895. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue ot sundry writs of \ en. Ex.. Ft. l a. Lev. Fa.. «■•.. issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to mo directed there will be exposed to public sale at th»' Court House, iu the borough ot Butler, on .Friday, the 31st day of May, A. D. 1895. at 1 o'clock r. m,, the following de- ; scribed property, to-wit: En No. '■*<. June Term. 1895. S W l>ana. att y. 4,11 the right, title. Interest and claim of Peter 3cbatlemantle of. In aud to 4<;i acres ot land, more or less, situate lu Mudilycreek twp . But ler Co . bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by i'ortersville boro. and lands of Samu el Breneman and (iala i;ieun. east by lands of Philip Newton Kobert Glenn. Bellls and Ester Hutchison line, at a stone corner, thence north l!* east by lands of E Wally and A Uraw Ist perches to a stone corner, thence south *9 1-3 east by lands of 11 S Adams 52 perches to a stone, thence south it; east by lands of Thos J Alworth and public roau 131 0-10 to a stone. thence on the same bearing along said road *9 4-IU perches to «. chestnut at road on the said Ester Hutchison line thence south 743s west by land of said Es ther Hutchison 104 0-10 perches to the place of beginning, seized and taken In execution as the property of David H Alworth at the suit ot Terzth M Lewis and Pennlah M Alworth now Whithmlre E D No. 05. June Term l-*95. J M Painter, att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of Da vid H Alworth of. In and to 40 acres and 112 perches ol land, more or less, situate lu Parker twp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of this piece or parcel of land, thence south sy cast 5m perches by lands of M S Adams to a stone, thence north 16 west 124 perches by lauds ot Jos F Alworth to Thos Alworth. Jr. line.thence south »7>4 east 58 perches by lands ot the said Thos Alworth to Tuos J Al worth's corner, thence south its east 132 8-10 perches by lands or Thos J Alworth to place of oeglun ng, having an or chard aud plank house erected thereon. Re corded In Mortgage Book So. 22. page 194, Seiz ed aud taken In execution as tue property of David 11 Alworth at the suit 01 Peter Whltmire. ED No. 07, June Term, lsji, Williams & Mitchell, att'y. AU the right, title, interest and claim of (i.e. Barnes of. in and to Fifty lour acres of la id, more or less.sliuated In Washington Township, Butler County, Pa., bounded as lollops, to-wit: On the North by lands ot lleury Dauaeuspeck, East by lands ot Ell C'oun, South by lands ot Ephriam Kreager and Daubenspeck heirs. West uy lands of Campbell Daubeuspeck, recorded in Mortgage Book No.. 29, Page 159, one story board house log stable orchard thereon. ALSO Of. lu and to 43 acres ot land, more or less, situate in Parker twp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lauds of Amanda Hoover, east by lands of John Daubenspeck and John Ward, south by lands of W K Shyrock and West by lands of James Mechlins and Jesse Everetts. Re corded in mortgage book No. 29, yag" 159. Seized aud taken in execution as tne proper ty of U C Barnes at the suit of Alex Mitchell tor use of John Forcht. ED No 59, June T 1895. C. Walker and T. C. Campbell, attorn. ys. All the right, title, interest and claim ot »v u Sedwlck.Wb Sedwick Catharine Pain(orPayne), Ben SedWick, I'attersou and Caroline Pat terson his wlfe.J. seuwick, Wesley sedwick. Job Sedwick and M c Sedwick. heirs at law of Elizabeth Sedwick dee d . of. iu and to one -1 hundred and twenty acres and forty perches of land, more or less, situated lu Parker twp. Butler county, l a., bounded as tollows to wit: Beginning at a While Oak, thence by lauds ot Win. Campbell's heirs North 0 west 13,8-10 percues u> a chestnut, thence north S9 east •2,9 iu perches to a post, thence by lands ot Anthony Guldldger North west IG3 perches to a post, thence by lands 01 Asa Ward south S2 west 117 s-10 perches to a White Oak thence by lands ot Levi litbson and Kobert Campbell South ' . west o» perches to a post. t**c.- south 8y west 114,1 10perches to the place of begin ning, having a two story frame dwelling house, baru and other out bulldldgs erected thereon. Seized and taked In execution as the property of W U Sedwick, SV B Sedwick, Cathanue Pain or (Payne; BenjanuneSedwlek, Pattersou and Caroline Patterson his wife, J. Sedwick, Wesley Sedwick, Job Sedwick aud M C Sed wick heirs at law of Elizabeth Sedwick dec.d, at the suit ot Joseph Bushneli et al. E. D. No, 57 June Term 1895, F. J. Forquer Airy. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Harry Hamlliou et al Partners of. in and to all that certain i*ece or parcel of land containing %ot a acre more oc less, situated In Marl on twp. Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows to wli: On the nortn by right of way ot SJt A K K Co,, east by lauds formerly of Wm. Byers, south by lauds ot same Wm Byers, west by- Public road know n as the graded road, to-gelli er with the right of way belonging thereto, to lay and maintain water pipes over and through other lands otsujd Win Isyers as contained and granted by Win Byers and »lte to James Bred iu l>> deeu antra ttic xocix Any ol September 1973 recorded In deed Book 35 page aai. which right with tile laud herein above described la now vested 111 llarry Hamilton the deft and as a part thereof and belonging thereto, by vlrture ot deed recorded in said county lp deed boO£ 151 page 311: together with a two story lrame building used as a store room and dwelling house combined, stable aud other outbuildings erected thereon, seized aud taken lu execution us the property of Harry Hamilton et al Part ners at the suit of Norman Hall, Agent. E. D. No. 03, June Term 1595, J, 1). McJunkin, Att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim ot Margaret Foster and Benjamin Foster of. In aud to eight acres, of laud, more or less, situ ated In Butler twp. Butler Co . Pa., bounded as follows to wit: "u the north by lands of Samuel A. Fearce. east by lands of Abram Mc- Candless, south by lauds 01 Virginia McCand less, west by road refercd to in a deed froai Silas Pearce and Elizabeth his wife to Horace Pearce said deed bearing dale 21st day ot Nov. 1871 and recorded ill deed book -JJ page 345, Willi a lrame house, board stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized aud taken In executiou as tue property of Margaret Fost er and Benjamin Foster at the suit of Henry P- Pearce. ii. D. No. 04 June Term 1895. Williams & Mitch ell Att'y, All tUe right, title, interest anil elalii ot Ezra Stewart or, in ami to twenty-tlve acres or land more or less, situated It Cherry twp, Butler, Co., Pa., bouudeil as follows, to wit: Begin ning at tlie southwest corner at a post thence by lauds o£ David Stewart and Wui. .M. Slnra, north J, 1 1 cast 'JI perches to a post, thence b) lands ol said \Vm. M. Slilra ana heirs ot Jonls linker south ss east 11 perches to a post, tlience by lands of 15. Maud ,J (J Steiudorf,south 3ij west !)l perches to a pjst, theuce by lands ol David Stewart north »s west 41 perches lo the place of beginning. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Ezra Stewart at the suit of (ieo 1) Beau Ex'r for use of Maria aiul Amelia K i) No. 01 June Term. 1895. Williams & Mi'C'ieU. utt'v. All the right, title. Interest and claim or John tiailaglier of. 1n and to 41 acres of laud, more or less situate In Clearlield twp. Butler Co. Pa., bounded as follows to-wlt: On the north by a public road formerly by lands of Nicholas Blelchner and J jseph Sliubel. east by lands or Jas Kami, south by lauds of Jas (iallaglier and west by lands of Wendell Osche, and the same being Dart ot a larger tract of land conveyed to Cornelius Uallagt-er by John (iallaglier and Aun his wife, by their deed dated the 17th day or Oft. A 1) 18.v>. recorded in said county.ln deed book tw page 520 : having thereon erected a log dwelling house, log barn, orchard and other out bui!dlr.K». Seized and taken In execution as the property of John Oallagher at the suit of John l-'orcht. E1) No. 00 June Term, lsyv Brandon & Lusk, att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim ot Wm H Smith 01. In and to yo acres or land, more or less, situate In Cherry twp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as to llows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of - Kelly, east by lands now or form erly of Sullivan brothers, south by lands of Wm Dobson ft, al and west by Joslah Hall et al. and having thereon erected a small plank house and small stable. Seized and taken In execution as tlie property ol Win li Smith at the suit of But ler Savings Bank and (ieo B Behm. E D No. 61, June Term. 1895. ABC McFarlaod, att'y. Ail the right, title, interest and claim of E Alonzo Irvine of, In and to a certain piece, par eel and lot or ground, more or less, situate in Adams twp.,Butler Co..Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of J 11 I'ringle, east by street adjoining lauds ol Uro Marbur ger 80feet, south by lands of lot or John Cald well 121 feet and west by P & \V It R; being lot No.:» In the plan of lots located by hllas Irvine having a cott age house of three rooms and a summer kitchen, a good frame stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken and taken In execution as the property of E Alonzo Irvine at the suit of Samuel Kaufman. Ell No, a) June Term. 1895. FJ a: W A For sfollows,to-wlt: On tiie north by Olive ■St, east by linds of E li Abrams, south ov lauds ol Jas O llarra et al and west by Church St., having one frame barn and other outbuild Ings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execut ion as the property of O L Milliard at the suit of Mrs E LKhgrow El) Nos. 3,' i and (W June Term, l>!7 west to a stone.thence north l)i west 24 perches to a post and stone thence west 270 perches to the place of begin ning. ALSO—AII that other piece of lan I situate in Twp. Co, and State aforesaid, bounded north by lands el Ceo Marburger. east by lauds «f John Caslidollar, south by lands of Wm Johnston and on the west by lands of Jos Johnston, con taining 11 acres and perches more or less, both tracts being mostly cleared, having an orchard, frame barn, frame house, coal bank. etc. thereon. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property or Ellen Davison and Sam Davison or Davidson at the stilt ot Wm Roll, agent. E. D. No. 58, June Term was, W. D. Brandon. A tt'y. All the right, title Interest and claim of Frank Markwell et al of. In and to 27 acres and I'.', perches of land, more or less, situated lu ord twp Bntl t.Ct I a bo u u., 1 lows, 10-Wlt: Begi.nug tu the northwest corner. Ilience by Brown and McClellan lielis south H* easi .» perches, tlience by Slmor. King, south l-j west 80. s 10 perches to across the road, thence by SUeakly north » wrst perches. tlience by nam" so'ith til weal : ioo per, lies, thence by Mrs. McCall north tO" west-J.l-io perche* to a post, thence by M. Bowen north l.t-2 east 81.30-100 perches lo the [ilac- of beginning,having a board house, log baru and other out tmlldlqgs erected there on. ALSO'-Iu and to * acrai of d. raor* or less, situate J :n Coneer 1 twp, K'Jler, Co.. I'a, bounded a> follows, to wlv Beginning at a post on bank of the ~ree* theuei north by lands of—— to rods more or less to north east corner ot lot of riiomas, thenee west aloug line of Thomas lot to public .r>\i! thence by the course of the public rvad to a point where the continuation of the tint line above described would Intersect the . road, thence by lands of 11 .1 Robinson s>uth £7,3-4 east M perches to a post near the old; coal bank, thence by same south 1 - east | 24.2-to perches, thence by same south sa.i-2 | east 79 perches, thence by Clymer hetra south : ! 1-2 east 21.1-2 perches, thence by El. Kediek and K Kreager north 8».l- - - west 14<> purclies to the plaot< of beginning. Seized and taken In i execution as the property of Frank Mark well; et al at the suit of Stephen Mark well. E. I). No. 35 June Terra. IS#5, James Bredin, Atty. All the right, title. Interest and claim ot it J C Dodds of. in and to 40 acres ot land, more or less, situated In Adams twp. Butler. Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On. the north by lands ot Dr Sterrett and J J Smith. east bv lands of J I >mith and John Dodds heirs.sou th by lands of John Dott and west by 1 lands of J D Magee; said lands being mostly , cleared and In a fair state ot cultivation with ] a two story Irarae duelling house, frame and log stable, orchard and other out-bulldings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of K C Uodds at the suit ot Kobert SI Gibson aud J C Alexander, ex'r. E D No. 35 June Term, 1893. Jas BreJlu, att'y. i All the right, title .interest and claim of John I Dodds of. in and tb 4fi acres of land, more or j less, situated in Adams township, Butler. Co.. j Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north ( by lands ot J J j-mith. e.ust by lands of Sidney Morata. south by lands or Wm Wilson and John Dott. west by lands ot K O Dodds about 30 acres of said land being cleared and iu * fair state of cultivation. Seized aud taken in execution a> the property of John Dodds at the suit of Robert M (iibnou and J C Alexander. Kx'rs. Test E, D. No. 0 June Term 1*95. Hladraan a; Hockman, Att'ys All the right, title, interest aud claim of It L McC&mlless of, In and to a certain lot of ground more or IC3S. situated lu Hie village of hluclid. In Clay twp, Butler Co., Pa. bounded as fol lows. to wit: On the north by lands of J J .Mliler, east by lands of M >ry ItclvlsslL-k, south by PuDllc road, west by lands of J J Miller Containing < 100) one hundred and sixty feet by (100} one hundred feel, on which Is erected a two story trame dwelling house and other out buildings thereon, Sel/.ed and taken lu execu tion as the property of K L McCandless at the suit of J H Wilson . E, D. No's. 02 and OS June Term 1593, Williams £ Mitchell Atty's. All the right, title. Interest aud claim ot M S McOarvey of. in and to a certain piece parcel and lot of ground more or less, situated In the village of .North Washington. Butler Co.. Pa., bounded .is follows, to wit: on the nortn br au alley, cast by a street, south by Mam street and on the west by lauds ot Mrs. William Con wav. Same having a frontage of sixty (00) leet more or less and a depth of one-hundred and eighty (180) feet more or less and having there on erectea a frame stable and out bu ildtngs being the same lot and premises that w re contracted to be sold by said plalnuil to said defendant by articles of agreement between them bearing date tue 22nd day of March 1894, and the claiui of plaintiff against ihe said de lendant being for balance of purchase money ol said lot and premises due aud owing by the said defendant to the said plaintiff under the atoresaid articles of agreement. Seized aud aken in execution as tne property of M S Sc- Uarvey at the suit ol N M Hoover, M D, et al. TERMS OF SALE:—The following must be strictly complied with when property is stricken dowu. 1. Waen the plaintiff or other lien creditor 'otcomes the purchaser the cost on the writ must be paid and a list ot the liens Including mortgage searches on the property sold to gether with sucn lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por tion thereof as he may claim must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 1 o'clock r. m. of next day. at which time all property not settled for will again oe put up and sold at the expense and rtskot the person to waotn tlrst sold. •see Pardon's Digest, Jtu edition, page 410, and smith's Forms, page .!»!. ANDREvV U.CAMPBELL, Sheriff. Suerlff's omee. Butler. Pa.. May 9, 1895 SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of writs of Fi. Fa , Al. Fi. Fa. etc, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co , Pa., and to me direct ed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Butler, on MONJAY, JUNE 3, 1895, at 1 o'clock p.m. the following described property, to-wit: E D No. 77 June Term, 1895. J D Mar shall, att'y All the right, title, interest and claim ol L W Stillwagon and Adam Stillwagon of, in and to 10 acres of land, more or less, situate in Slipperyrock twp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On tlie north by lands of Frank Balston et al, east by lands of A C McCandless, south by lands of Alex Black and West by lands of Wm McCoy, with au orchard, frame dwel ing hou*?o, log barn and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of L YV Stillwagon and Adam Stillwagon at the suit of W B Currie, agent (or Mrs Annie Watson. EI) No. SS, June Term. 1895. W1) Bran don, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Frank Markwell et al of, in and to one quarter ot an acre of land, more or less,sit uate in Concord twp., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the State road, thence north forty (40) faet, thence west one hundred and sixty-eight (168) feet to a post, thence south lorty (40) feet, thence east one hun dred and sixty-eight (168) feet to the place ol beginning [for fuller descrip tion see deed book 13'J, page 443] having a small trame bouse and other outbuild ings erected thereon. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of Frauk Markwell et al at the suit of Stephen Markwell. E. D. No. 78 June Term 1895, McJunkin ifc Galbreatb, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Laux aud Mr*. Lizzie McGucken executrix of John Laux dee'd of, in and to 25 acres of land, more or less, situated in Clearfield township, Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows to wit: On the north by Kittanuing pike; east by lands of Hugh McCrea, south by lands of Hugh McCrea and west by lauds of llugh Green; with the appurtenances, being Ihe 'and devised to John Laux by the last will and testament of his father tfs recorded iu Mortgage book 33 page 406, ALSO —All that certain other piece of land situate in Clearlield twp. Butler Co., Pa., containing 5 acres more or less bounded anil described as follows to wit: On the north by lets of Eliz»beth McGuck en, east by lands of John L iux, south by lands of Hugh Green and west by lands ot Hugh GreeL; being the 5 acres devised to Elizabeth McGucken by last will of her father, with the appurtenances. ALSO —Of, in and to all that certain lot of land, more or less, situated in tho vil lage of Coylesville, Clearfield twp, Butler, Co., Pa., bounded as follows to wit: 0a the north by lands of H. McNamy, east by lands of M. F. Coyle. south by Kittanning Pike and west by and alley and being lot No. 48 in tbe said plan of lots in said vil lage of Coylesville. ALSO—Lot No. 8 in said plan of lots bounded as tollows to wit: On the north by Kittanning pike, east by lot ol'Mrs. Mc- Gueken, south by lands of Mrs. McGuokeu and west by an alley. ALSO—AII that other piece or parcel of land containing 3 lots No. 2, 3 and 4 in the general plan oi lots in said village bound ed on the north by Kittanning Pike, east by John Conner, south by llugh Green acd west by C. Dugans land with tbe ap purtenances. ALSO—of, in and to 2 lots of land, more or less, situated iu the village of Coyles ville, Clearfield twp., Butler Co , Pa., bounded as follows to wit: On the north by Butler and Kittanning pike, feast by lands of P. li. Eckemans heirs, south by lauds of John S. Laux and west by an alley. Being lots Ni's. 13 and 14 in plan ol lots laid out by Jaines Dunlap iu plan of Coylesville Pa. ALSO —All that certain other lots of laud siiuate iu the village ol Coylesville in twp, cour.ty and stale asoresaid; bounded on the north by Butler and Kittanning pike, west by lands ef 1). Bojles heirs, east by a:i alley , south by lauds of Eliza beth Mctiuckou; coutainiug 4 lots No's 9, 10, 11 and 12 iu the plan ol lots in the said village with tho appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution as the property ol John Laux and Mrs. Lizzie McGucken Execu trix of John Laux dee'd at the suit of W. b\ Coyle, Adui'r. E. I). No. 79 June Term 1893. All tho right, title, interest and claim of John 11. Dobson of, in and to certain pieces of land of five and one acres respec tively more or less situated in Adams twp, Butler Co., Pa., bounded as toil >ws to wit: Beginning at a stone corner post adjoin ing the lauds ol Thomas Dobson and .Sam uel l'ark, tbenc.) by the land of the said Thomas Dobson north 88* east 36} perch es to a stone corner post; thence by lands of J as. Davidson sonth 2j v east 28} perch es to a stone corner post on the line of C. Bolhorst, thence along said line south 87° west 19} perches to a stone corner post; thence by land of Samuel Park noi'h 44 J east 15 perches to a stone corner po.-t; thence by same north east 14} perches to the place ol beginning Uaviug erect ed thereon a one and one-half story frame house of 4 rooms, log stable, orchard, cleared and under fence and other out-buildings erected thereon. Con taining five acres. ALSO—AII that other certain lot of laud adjoining and lying on the west side f 'be above described lot, being 5 a d 5 eight har.dredtii perches westward along the lands oi said Tnotnas Dohaou ami contain ing the same width to tbe line of Christ Bolhorst being 5 end fli'ty-oight hundredth perches wide and 28 and two-thirds percn es long oontaiuiog 1 acre Seized and taken in execution as the property of John li. Dobson at the suit of John D. Mil. WE BELIEVE that, we have achieved the distinction of produc ing the finest garments ever made in the coun ty, and cheaper than "TO BE . * . . same ca.ll be bought FIRST elsewhere in the State. AS TO THE variety IN of our Stock and beau- ANY- ty of its Styles we have THING *° ur own °P inion; ut we would like yours TC j also—it will add to A the distinction. FOR THIS SPRING DlS we have secured a large TINC- number of special con fined, single suit" terns. They are the Pl a t° *. ery newest novelties Select early. If you don't want a suit now we will reserve the pattern for you. ALAND, Tailor. RAILftOAD TIM£ TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA R ROAD Western Pennsylvania Division. Schedule in Effect May 20, 181)5. South, —*—Week Days —— A. M. A. m. A. m. r. M. P. M BUTLER Leave 625 *oo 11 25 45 jo« Saxonburg. Arrive CM k25 11 is ;tll 52! Butler .le't " 727 Bis l- i- :l 40 55; Butler .let .Leave 7 :to h4B 1-2 17 340 5 5.' ' Natrona . Arrive 73* B.V 12 26 :: ."i0 60t Tarentum "43 'JO:! 1- 31 357 GO. Sprlngdale 7 .">2 !• 12 12 it 407 Claremont 807 :>25 12 59 421 6 2 Sliarpsburg "15 931 107 428 6S: Allegheny City 82S ait 124 440 ct A. M A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M St SDAV TRAINS Leave Hurler for Alle gheny city anil principal Intermediate station.' 7:to A. M„ 2:Jo and i:oo P. M. North. Week D^ys-*^ A. M. A. M, A. M. P. M. P. M Allegheuy City.. Lv. 655 900 u25 315 6li Sliarpsburg 708 913 11 39 C'laremont 919 11 Splingdale 930 U59 63) Tarentum 732 939 12 os 351 t; 4- Natrona 737 943 1213 355 115.' Butler Jc't Ar 745 950 12 23 404 7 O'. Butler Jet Lv 7+"- 950 12 34 415 705 i Saxonburg 810 lo 15 12 59 440 BUTLER Ar. 835 lo 38 125 506 75< A. M. A. M, P. M, P. M. r. M SUNDAY TRAINS—Leave Allegheny City foi Butler amt principal Intermediate stations 7:k: . A. M., 12.35 and 7:lo P. M. t Week Days For the East Week Days. p. m. a. m. a. m p. m f 245 625 Lv BUTLER... Ar 10 33 12j 340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 34 f 404 745 Lv Butler Jo't Ar 940 12 34 410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 3( i 415 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 931 12 24 ; 426 804 " Leechburjr.. " 920 12 li 4 4(3 821 "Paulton( Apollo" 905 11 oi 514 851 " Saltsburg "8 37 11 3i 550 922 " Blairsville..B 05 II 01 GOO 930 "Blairsville Ins'n"7 45 10 If ' 850 11 35 " Altooua "3 40 S0( 100 310 " l)atrisburg..."ll 55 3lt 430 623 " Philadelphia." 850 11 2C ' a. ni. p. m. p. in. p. ui Through trains for the east leave I'itU burg (Union Station) as fo'lows: | Atlantic Express, daily 310 A. M Pennsylvania Limited " 715 " Day Express, " 730 " ilaiu Line Epress " 800 " Philadelphia Express " 430 P. U. Eastorn Express " 700 " Fast Liue " 810 " For detailed informatiou, address Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, 110 Fijth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. S. \l. PREVOST, J. H WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Passr, Ageut P, Jt. W. B. R. Schedule In effect May 12. litj. (Butler Utnc The short Line to Pittsburg. DEPART SOUTH. FROM SOUTH . 6.25 am Allegheny Kx 9.25 am, Allegheny Ac h.15 a m All'y c Akron 10.00 a m.AI « N CastU 10.05 am Allegheny Ae 12.20 |> m, Allegheny Kx ll .4') ain Allegheny Ex i.os pm. Chicago Kx 2.55 pin Allegheny K.x ~..nspni. Allegheny Ej 3.50 p ia Chicago Kx. 7.30 p m,All'y £ Akron t; <>-» p m All'y £ Ell. Kx p in, Allegheny Kx DEPART NORTH. FROM NORTH. 10.03 a in £ Brad. '8.05 am, Koxlmrg Ac 5.15 pui ( larlou Ae 9.50 a m, Clarl jn Ac 7.33 pin Koxburg 5.20 p tu, Kane Mail BUND W TK4INS. Dh—utT SOUTH. FROM SOUTH. 8.15 a iii. Deforest Ac 10.00 a m,Allegheny Ac 11.45 a m. Allegheny EX ,1.05 p in, Allegheny Kx 3.5.1 pin, Chicago Kx 5.05 pm. Allegheny Ea 6.03 p ni, Allegheny Ac 7.:w p in, Deforest Ac Train arriving at at 5.05 p m leaves II sO de pot. Pittsburg, at 3:15 o'clock. Butler and Greenville Cucli will leave Alle gheny at 3r20 p. in, daily except Sua lav. Con nectliig at Wiilowgrove, arriving at Butler at 5:05. t'ullinan Buffet Sleeping Cars and flrst-claus Day Coaches lun through between Butler and Chicago daily. For through tickets to points til the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH, Agent Trains leave the B. £ O. depot In Pittbur? tor the East as follows. For Washington D C.. Baltimore, Philadel phia, und New York, 7:30 and 9:40 p. in. Cumberland, 6:40. 7 :30,a.m. t :10, 9:20 p. m.Con nelsvllle. *1:40. 73U. a. ni. 1.10. 4.3H, 4.4'.. 5.30, 9.20 p. in. Unioutown. 7.20 a. in.,, 1.30. 5.30 p. m. Unlontown. Morga ntown and l'airmont, 7..n'. a, 111. and 5,30 p. m, Mr.Pleasant 6.40. 7. 30 a. m. 1.10 and4.3o pm. Washington. Pa., T.-io and 930 a. lit., 4.00,4.45 and 9.00,11.55 p. 11l Wheel ing, 7.40. and 9.30 a. m„ aud 4.00.9.H0. 11.55 p. m. Cincinnati, St. Louis. Columbus aad New ark. i.toa. m., 9.10. ll .55 p, m. Kor Chicago. 2.40 and y.>i p. in. Parlor and sleeping cars to UaiiLnore, Wash ington, Cincinnati an 1 Chlcairo PITTSBURG, HIIESAKU'.) 4 LAtK t'll't fi.K. Takes effect Monday. Use. ;l hji Train* are run by dtp n Jar. I i en!rat rime ( imh Meridian.) One ho ir slower taau rity l'i u GOINGNORTH. GOING SOUTH 10 14 12 STATIONS 9 11 i 13 p.m m (>.m Arr Lv'e a.m. a.m. ipmo .... 4 .v.; 230 ....Buffalo 5 3". I'i I [ I 3 2ii| 1 001 Dunkirk ; 7N| I a. m.l ; oo 1 42 in MI «..Erie •; l" 8 :»> 3 35 n 2"> l o-.i 925 Wallace .1 un i r> 17 ;> l • i u <; 20 I ot 9 15 tllrar.l i; 50 » is I I." 6 n.1,12 51 9 o:U Lock port. ... 7no 92» 42t I 02-12 4s; 8 55|.. .CranesfiUe ... 7 os, :i as 4 ;t| i;ti M 22 ar.Conueaut lv. . 7 4u 3 li 310 ; 7 40,1 V arj 1 10 22, C_4J 55711 44 8 45'ar Albion lv; 7 111 941 4 M 5 13 12 ;I3 8 31 ... stiadeiand.. 7 23 :i .( 51 54012 30 S2B ... sprlngboro . 727 50 4 5.1 5 3.1 12 24 8 20 ..Conneautvllle.. 7 :»i io 03 5 oa 5 n»|i2 o< : 800 ...Mea'v'le Jet... | 8 oo|io 2", SSB 4SQ 7 301 lv CoiiuT LakeT T mil 447 7 16 8 10 ar ar 8 lo io 50 5 :t:i 425 7 55 lv . Meadvllle .lv . ... 9 45 4 2C 7 10,... .. 8 3t'|ar ar 8 36|lt 25 610 Xo2ll 61 743 Omrtßtown No lio 5 S .t:i .... 11 38 28 Osgood 10 51 553 o 25 ll 30 7 16 ... Greenville... 6 30 ll 07 fi 05 ti is 11 20 7 00 Shemtngo 0 40 11 a) 6 2(1 0 no io 59 fi 45 Kn'donia 7 ai it n 6 :tt 5 41 10 43 6 25 Mercer 7 22 12 04 7 On 5 30 10 29 6 10 Pardee 7 36 12 22 7 14 5 19 10 20 0 00 ....Grove city... 7 47 12 33 7 21 5 oo ions 54- ... Uarrtsvllle.... 75812 45 7 :>i; 1 5..m00 5 40;.. Branchton 8 oo 12 54 7 45 5 00 ' s 10' lv . Branchton. ar 7 10 12 in 5 451 555 ar...Milliard, .lv sft 11 It) ... 453955 | 5 35!1v . . Kelsters ... >lO lj 7i , 4 39] 9 42 5 21 j Kliclld 8 22' I 1J S 0.1 4 1"! » 15| 4 50| Butler ! 8 501 1 42, 8 32 r. 20 7 20 . ... Allegheny, P.vW 11 on 3 5:1 2is .111 Pittsburg.H£Q. 1 111 i>. m ■I. T. BLAIK. General ilnnager, (ireenvllle. ea w. G. SAKGKANT G. P A.. Meadvllle. PA Theodore Swain. GENERAL BRICK JOBBER. Chimnoys, (jfrate aud Boiler Suiting. Cistern Building aud eavver • Work a Specialty. HAKMOJIY PA. BUTLER COUNTY 7 Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham U.F. WICK. I'rrn. »itO. KrlTHil K. \ Irr I'r^» I. S "lrJl>kiX Set'j And Tr»A" DIRECTORS AltrelWick. llendersun OliTer. Dr. W. Irvlu. James Stephenson \v. \V. Blackmorc. X Wetuel. F. Bowman. II- J. KUogler ceo Ketterer, Chas. Kebnun, Geo. Renno, John Koening LOYAL S. McJUNKIN. Agent BUTLER LUMBER COMPANY Shippt rs and dealers in iSuilding .Materials Rough and a rested Lumber of all kinds, Door? and Windows, and Mouldings of all kinds. H. E. WICK, Manager. Office and Yards, ant CunnitiKhaiu and Sonrowtrfet*. Professional Cards. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, K. Wayne St., ottlee hours, 10 to 12 M. and 110 3 P. M. G- M. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND STKOEO'.', office at No. 45. S. Main strict, c»er Cltj Pharmacy.Butler, Pa, L. BLACK., PHYSICIAN AND SURUEOK, Sew Troutm&n liuliilluc. Butler. Pa. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. •ioo West Cunningham St. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest Im proved plan. Cold t'lUUi!; a specialty. Office— over Scnaul's Clothing Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold Filling Painless Extraction of Teeth u t Vrtl.lnal r.«t!i vv. Diit Plat •! a specialty Itron i>« ia Jr Vitalized Air or Local n etti -ti ;i h • 1. on-e owr vlill;r's ei>t of Lowry o;na. offi >» -ion 1 v ! i»1111.< ut (ami *y» V. ivIcALPINE, Dentist,' snow locate! In new ant elegant rooms;;ad oinln* ills former ouea. All kin Is of clasp plates and modern gold worlf. "Gas Administered.' - A. T. SCOTT, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW.; Office ut No. 8. South Ulimoad. Butler, Pa. DR. McCURCY BRICKER. Office at lln S. Main St.. Butler Pa. < mice li.mrs •, to .i. and 10:30 to 11'. A. M.. anil 1 to 3. and 7 to 9 P. M. W. H. BROWN, Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Oilice 126 S. Main St., over Bickel's shoe store. Residence 315 X. McKe&n St. A. M. CHRSITLEY, ATIOBNKYJAT LAW.* Office second floor, An lcrson Bl k, Ma u st near Court House. Butler. Pa. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law. Office at No. 17, Kast J*fter son St., Butler, Pi.. S. H. PIERSOL. ATTORNEY AT LAW." Office at No. 104 East Diamond St, H. H. GOUCHER. AUoruey-at-law. Office in Mitchell buildln Butler, Fa. COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Offi'-e in room 1!., Armory Building. Buller Pa. W. C. FINDLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. office on second floor jf the Iltiseilon oioclc, Oiaiuond. Butler, Pa.. Boom No. 1. J M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. fllce—Between Postofflce and Ol.unond, But A. T. BLACK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. NEWTOIM BLACK. Att'y ai >:H;e oiSo i isi I • o'. Ola-ie nd H il I ter. Pa. BERKIMER& TAYLOR Funera[ s Directors, 151 .Main St. - ButlPrea. LC. WIOK DKALKR I 5 j ilayjfi and Wnrknd Lumber OF AL- XINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LI ?E. HAIR AND PLASTER. ;o:Ht-o opposite P. <£ W. Depot, nrTi.RK i> WEAR HAMMERSLOUGH BROS Famous New York, tailor-mae CLOTHING For sale by prominent dealers all over the State. None genuine without Hammerslough I3ro's lab'l. The swellest and best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask your clothier for them. I Where Quality and Economy | Join Hands There y< >u will find a true value that is worthy attention. These words tell the whole secret of our success. Not to lurnish you qual ity at high prices; m>t to furnish you low figures by sacrificing real v rth. b;:t to so link together value and low prices as to strike the happ) combination called perfection. You know what we keep— The best line of MILLINERY in the City. Also a complete stock of Ladies and Children's Furnishing Goods. M. F. & M. MARKS. .—■_&! Shneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSS BROs', Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters. Butler Pa. Prices that mean Business, —Who will match them 3 BOY S WASH SUITS !r- 75c r $,00 -; $ '- 25 - si-5° $ I-75 52.25 $2.50 and $3.00. Specially nice ones for the money at 7;c and $1 50 IX BOY'S CLOTHIXG w f are C S P^ \alues in Stylish Suits for Summer Wear This one is Particular,—Boys Short Pants Suits, in all wool cheviots Light and Dark mixtures, pin-checks, plain Etc., with extra Pants and Cap to match. EXTRA well made, with double Seat and knee, worth fully $5.00 our Price $3.50. Sliloss Bros, 'll"™. 51 - Schneideman's Old Stand. TlTLfti Yp We t*ke pleasure in an il lln I IS Bering thi.-» question. lIIIUI XU Knowing it to be whal T PITDU TT'' ver i" family wants, e 1 till n Pi 11 remedy they can use at X UUiIU U an y time in all safety,and one that wii! relieve pain internal or ex ternal sooner than any other known rem edy. We insist in cases ot bad Sprain, Brui<". CI nl.Ta-Morbus, Pain in the Stom ach. Toothache, itc , that you use this remedy Nice clean and pleasant to use. Sold liy Druggists, price i2o &soc HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, SIPKRSKDES PAINT ASD VARNISH. Can bo applied to an)- smooth surface,on furniture, wood, glass,'any kind of metal including kitchen utensils. Makes old articles look new and is much used on bicycles, carriages, stores, etc. Requires only one coat, is applied cold with brush and dries absolutely hard and glossy in 2 hours —will not crack, chip, blister or rub off. Sample bottles sent on receipt of price. 2 ounces 15c, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40c. West Djjr Park Printing Ink Ca., 1 tivjs. ST.XBW YOR AGENTS WANTED. Chautauqua Nursery Company. -OFFER— Liberal Terms To Agents, 3ig Inducements to Customers. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. iew Specialties. Seed Potatoes, ' K uar »n HI Hll I L Uteed NUKSEHT STOCK _________ Salary or Commission paid weekly. Outfit free. Special attention given to beginners. Workers never fall to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for par ticulars. £ 0. GftAHAM, Nurseryman Rochester N. Y. v biiYAL HLu B OI IJI.MIL UIKI Uei.ulnf. A \\ fcarc. alwaj* nliaM*. uaoite a*k > 41 (rr rkidkn(«ri Fnnhsh Dig■ At\\ £f- ,J&Q .'*ond i:i ii« <1 airl ti' ld i