Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 30, 1895, Image 1

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A GRAND OPPORTUNITY—With the dawn of prosperity juat be
fore us and the improvement in business notwithstanding. We sometime
ago decided to clore out oar entire stock of Men's Bojr' and Childrens
Clotbiug. which we will continue to do at prices that will be to tfce advan
tage of ail desiring to purchase clothing. Mo matter how little or how
mnch money you have to invest, we know it will be bard on the Clot mug
business, but as we are determined to close out we cannot help it Our
stock is the larijeßt in the county. Men's fine black worsted pants all W<KH
only $2.00. We have more pants than any two stores in town. Our
children's suits are marvels of beauty; all the late novelties, such as t e
Regent, Kuclid. Neptune Columbia.Reefers, Jerseys, Kilts Ac. from 50cts
up— Boj«' Double and Single Breast Round and Square corner I lain <"»r
Plaited—All will be sold without reserve.
Jf e will still continue to carry a full and complete line of liats, Caps,
Khirtx, Ties, Collars, Caffs, Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Hosiery. Overalls,
Jackets, Sweaters, Umbrellas. Trunks, Valises, Telescopes Hammocks.
Brushes Combs, Jpatcbes, Chains, Charms, Rings, Coller and Cull I ut
tous <&c We bdll carry the ' Semper .den." Shirt, the best uulaundried
ehirt in the world only $1 00. Our 75 cent shirt is equal to any SI,UU
shirt on tbe market. Our liDe of Cheviott, Percalle and Madras shirts, u
and complete. ~
Tie have found that one man's m< noy is better than two men s credit,
and have adopted tbe cash plan ur.d find that it woiks wonder <
member that we are the old reliable, the pioneer of good goods at low prices;
that we have been here a quarter ot a century airaiost all comers and goer.-,
buve staged with you and done you jood It will pay you to Come for
milts as we can save you Money, no matter how low you are offered i gooun
Jf'< ! «ve no tiaitg to pull ih«- wool ovtr your eyes. A fair, square deal 1-.
wl ve pr< tniw aDd are beie to fulfil that promi-e.
I h iirpif psr
1> ii~ flJu vllj t/- OTHi ' B ' FURN,SHER aDd HAim
121 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
FEET of all kinds can be
fitted at
Bickel's 111 Bickel's
BickelsM //] ( fcTW Bickel's
Bickel's Bickel ' s
Bickel's 1 Bickel s
Bickel's 1 Nickel ß
No matter h>w hard ycu are to nt aud what style you may wish, you
can be suited from our large stock.
NO doubt you have read about tbe advance in leather aud have come
to the conclusion that vou will have to pay more for your shoes, but such is
not tbe case if you will buy from ua. Having made several large purchases
from some of the leading manufactures. I am prepared to show yon the
largest telection of F OOTS aud SHOES in Butler county and can sell you
them at tbe OLD LOW pricea. All our goods are marked away down and
qy trading with us you will get your shoes lower in price and higher in
t uality than can be bad elsewhere NEW STYLES and plenty of them
are pouring in every day. Here we list a few; note the pricea:
Men's Fine Calf Shoes, any style at $2
Men's "A" Calf Shoes any style at $1.25
Buff Shoes Congress at sl.
Mrn's W orkin* Shoes 90c and upwards in price.
Bov's Fine Dress at $1 25.
Ladirs' Fine D< Dgola Pat. Tip Shoes Rez<>r toe flexible sole at $2.
Ladies Fine Poogola Tat. Tip Shoes $1 50 in all styles.
Ladies I'ongola Shoes at sl. per pair.
Misses Shoes sizes 12 to 2 ranging in price frjm 80c to $1 50
Children's School Shoes 50»J and upwards in prico
Infants Shoes 20c to 50c a pair.
Ladies' Oxfords 75c to $2
All sizes and widths. Also full stock of Misse* and Children's Oxfords in
Bla»k and Rnssett's, Men's Canvass shoes Ac.
Boot- and Shoes Vlade to Order Repairing Neatly Done.
Orders bv mail receive prompt attention. When in need of anything in
our line call aud see me.
1128 S. Main Street,
Branch Store ,2 5 N. nain st,
- 'i v
il' "
A lew words in parting.
Go to HUSEf.TON'S for my
Shoes; don't you go any other
place; I have tried them and his
are the best, recollect what I say.
Full line Misses and Children's Tan Shoes, Fit for a King at
prices in harmony with the times. You don't need a fat pocket
book to deal here.
Tan Shoes will be especially popular this Spring. New Shades
and Shapes.
Our Stock in Mens Boys and Youths , excel anything ever
shown in Butler. They are stylish and fine enough to suit the most
fastidious tastes. Prices on these 75c —90c —$1,00 —$1,25 —$1,50
—52,00 —52,50 —and —$3.00. —Don't fail to pay us a visit, we have
rices way down and Quality way up.
B. C, Huselton,
102 N. Main Street,
THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use?
THE ANSWER: If you are looking for covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
your money's worth, you must buy
fftrrrr Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measure.
Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all
the time. We are in the business to stay and
stays with us.
J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St.
Spring Shoes
Easy, stylish and comfortable
Footwear for Spring and Summer.
Our Ladies and Men's Tan and
♦Black Shoes, +
Are such and extremely dressy.
We are ready with an immense
line in all colors, Russia Calf, Yici
Kid and Razor London; New
Opera and French Toes.
$ $ $ $ $
1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00
$ $ $ $ $
More and better styles than any
other showing in Butler.
Register's Notice.
The Register hereby gives notice tbfct the
following aceounU of executors, adininibtra
tors and guardians have been hied in his of
fice according to law, and will be present
ed to Court t'.r confirmation and allowance
on Saturday, the Sth day of June, lbl'j, at
nine o'clock, A. M., ol said day:
1. Final account of Win. il. Ilrowd trus
tee, to >-ell real estate of John \\ olford, da
ceased, lat • of Donegal township.
2 Final account of 11. B. Sta ker, guard
ian ol Elizabeth Keilerniau, minor ch id
of Win. H. telicruiaD, deceased, late of
Venango township
3 Final account of A. G. Meats, guard
ian of Victor K. Christie, minor child of I".
T, ,Chri9ti e, deceased late ot \Nastiingion
4 final account of A. G. Meals, guard
ian ot Win. 11. Christie, deceased late ol
Washington township.
5 ir iii&l account J? A. ivennc ly, surkiv
int: eltculor o! Ihomas Keuntdy, ' ecei.sed
late i»l A 'iUiia township.
ti Partial account ot S. A. Kennedy, trus
tee under the *UI ot Jane Park, deceased,
late of Adams township.
7 Final account ot John N. Pu<h, exeo-i
tor of W. A. Smith, deceased, late ot V\ m
ticld township.
8 Final account ot Ferd Re.ber, guar.l.au
of Hcwatd T. Sj( ang, niinor 1 hild ot Joaiah
R. Spang, dtceased, iate ol Butler borough
a Final acouut ol F. Miller, eiecu
tor ot Ltiristiau I". Wohie/t, dectasni. lat
f 0 lauberry townaiijp.
10 Fina- account 01 Samuei Is. C<os>, a
u.lnistratoi of Win. 1* < iua-, deceased Li
ot Worth t >w nship .
1, Final noc an ol I jhu J. McGarve ,
admtnisvraor oi >a ~uel A. Siuelds, de
ed, late ot Mercer "Aosiip.
12 Final account o: S, it tiuseltou. •.!
mintstraior ot Leonar 1 v 1 uv c-as
late ot Centre township.
13 Final account of Clios. B. Glasgow,
executor ot Joseph dcce ised, lale ol
1 jiuten township.
14 Fina ccou it ■<! McCailister Kuhn
guar.i.au ■<
ol M.cbac. L..n.eis, ducea.sed, late ot l*t •
trolia l>orougr..
15 J"'inai account of Ge«»rge K.
and Wm. J. Mclliuger, Iru-tee? U< »eli tt.»
estate o JoDr Meiiiu.er, deceased.
10 Final account ol otepiieU-;i,
executor ot James JlcGlll, d i'j:l.s l, late ■ '
Cherry townsmp.
17 Fma. account ol R C. Yaits, 1 n.cu
tor o ft A. Lcievre, dee'd , late ot Zeiieiio
pie borough.
1» filial account 01 > 1' llauuu* «nd
K C- ifates.ei-CUtor, U- A r il -StuUlJer, 1-
auM'-: late.it Llrtl u III) )H U^o.
i'j Fiuu< account ol E lsworin .li
auO .VlMoll Mllicr, executor* ol Saiuu- it
Icr, ncceased, late ol tenter township.
2u first aud liual account o: George r .»L
--er, guardian ol Joseph Keeliiig, Alary Keel
ing, Frauk L. Keeiiug, I rsula Keeli.
aud Eva Keeliug, uiiuor cundren ol Jose u
Keeling, debased, late ot Summit toWnstiip,
-1 Final aecount 01 vV'in. F. vie oy,
guardian ol Florence liecaaitioru, u>i .or
child ol John C ileckulhoru, deceased, lale
ol Worth township.
22 Final account of Amelia Logan, ad
ministratrix of Joseph Jjjgan, deceds-.1,
late ol Jefferson township.
23 Final account of W. H. P«rker, ad
miuisira.orof the estate ot I.
Shaip, deceased, late ot Buffalo twp
24 1 iuai account o (jeorge Armbru.siti
and JL. M. £ air, executors of Vlicliael Auor.-
deceased, late m Uulter borougu.
2o Final account of John Reed, admims
tratorofVVm. Crocker, deceased, late ol
Centerville borough.
26 I'inal aceount of Frederick Wenning
er, executor of Phi ip Burger, deceased
lale ol Penu township.
27 Final aocouut of Jacob Uambach, ex
ecutor utC hristian uambach, ilecsased,
of For wa. d oVashV*
28 Final account ol Peter Whitniire, ex
ecutor of Jonn Whitmire, deceased, late ol
Oakland township.
29 Final account of Thomas A. Hartley,
executor ol Joseph L. Battley, deceased, la'e
of Penn township.
ao Partial accouut of Johu Balfour, trus
tee of Margaret Uordon. under the last will
and testament of Christopher Bolhortl, de
ceased, late of Adams township
31 Final account cf Joseph A. Painter
aud S. M. Painter, executors ol Sainuci
Painter, deceased, iate of Windeld twp.
32 Final accouut ot Peter A . McElwee,
executor of Ann E. McElwee, di ceased, 1
ol OK land township.
33 Final accouut of Normau Patterson
guardian ol Harris F. Cooper, minor cliid
of Milton Coope r deceased, iate Slippc-ry
rock to nsbip.
34 Supplemental account of' Jama- R
Mct'audless, executor of Mark Met audiess
deceased, late of Cherry township.
35 Final account of J. 10. Braudon, a'i
minisbrator C. T. A. of Francis Heckeri,
deceased, late of Connoquenessing twp
3<j Final a«c uut ot W. A. Si.*: i, i i.m i
istratorC. T. A., t). B N. of John Pur.- -
auce. deceased, l ite of Butler borough.
37 Final aoouiitof Blmi.u Li.Cainpb. il
ailunijivtraiix of Joseph C. Campbell de
ceased late of Fuirriew tow ship
J NO. S. WICK , Register.
Road Report
Notice is htrtby given that the following
road has been confirmed i.isi by the t. ouri
aud will be presented on the 2nd Saturday ol
June, 1895, being the Bth day of said month,
aud if no exceptions are filed will be con
firmed absolutely.
R. D. No. 2. March sessions, 1595, Petition
of citizens of Forward township, Butler Co.,
Pa., for a public road from a point at Mar
sballs Fording, to a point mar the Powel
Ash farm on the road from Butler to Evans
January 14th, 1895, Viewers appointed by
the Court, aud March 4th, 1895, repurt ot
viewers filed stating that the road is neces
sary , probable cost of making, live huuclred
dollars to be borne by the township. Dam
ages assessed (forty dollars to Powel Ash; to
be paid by the county, March 9th, 1895, ap
proved and fix width of road at 33 feet, notice
to be given according to rules of Court
Certified from the record this 4th day of
May, A. D. 1895.
Clerk Q. S.
Widows 1 Appraisements.
The following widows' appraisements of
personal property and real estate set apart
for the benefit of the widows ot decedeuts
have been filed in the office of the Clerk ol
Orphans' Court of Butler county, via:
Widow of Wm. Byers $105.85
" Wm. J Lackey (realty)... 276.80
" John W. McJuukin 300.00
" Charles Geible 144.60
" Jacob Krantz (realty) 202.00
All persons interested in the aboye ap
praisements will take notice that they will be
presented for confirmation to the Orphans'
Court of Butler county, l'a., on Saturday the
Bth day of June, 1895, and if no exceptions
be filed they will be confirmed absolutely.
All grades from Brown Blanks
up to the finest embossed Bronzes.
The better the paper the better
the Bargain.
Buy your good papers now and
get them at wholesale prices.
Window Shades " in all the
latest colors at
I Near P. O.
"In Wall Street sureessfii.ly carried ;ou wltli
llie aid or our Dally Market Letter and pamph
iets on speculation. MMLE'I FHEE
Discretionary Accounts a Specialty. All In
formation tree. Bank references. WEINMAN
& Co.. Stock and Grain llrokerst-U Brfadway,
Sew YOrk.
People should realize that the only
true and permanent wire for the*
ocuditien is to be found in having
Pure Blood
Because the health of every organ and
tissue of the body depends upon the
purity of the blood. The whole TvoxJd
knows the standard blood purifier is
And therefore it is the only true and
reliable medicine for nervous people.
It makes the blood pure and healthy,
and thus cures nervousness, makes
the nerves firm and strong, gives sweet
sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite,
perfect digestion. It does all this, and
cures Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheum
and all other blood diseases, became It
Pure Blood
Results prove twery word we have
said. Thousands of voluntary testi
monials fmlly establish the fact that
H oo£S
Be Sure fures
to Get Hood s <%*&%%■
" I was Tory nervo*>. I used Hood's
Sarsaparilla and my nervousness is ail
gone." CATHARIHK KECK, 1130 Maple
St., Allentown, Pennsylvania.
t, i, r,;,. cure all liver ills, biliouß
flOOCi S rlllS ness,headache. 25c.
riu rLKR
ihe ■ >;>le of j'> tier and vicin
ity have just discovered that
New Clothing
at i 20 S. MAIN St., is the best
place to obtain reliable cloth- i
ing and furnishings at reason
All classes cin be suited and
everybody is invited to. call
and inspect my
of Spring and Summer goods.
one ST. H. urton
PRICE. Furnisher
120 S. Main, St.
The Hew Spring Styles.
If you want the nobbiest and
cheapest suits, drop in and see
what we can do for you. We now
have in stock spring and summer
Another —Here they are. Do
you want to be in the world? Do
you want to be in fashion? You
are sure of both the latest style
and the best goods if you buy
your suits of us.
Forward March is the only
motto in business. This is illus
trated in our new spring stock.
We have better goods for less
money, than ever were gffered be
tore. Styles strictly the latest
Fits guaranteed.
Leading Tailors,
301 South Main St., Butler, l'a.
In I lie Millinery Department, tor Mils season
an-I.ace llml<l 11, its at cents, regular :<c
quality anil llluck I.eghurn Hats at. :1:1c that
can't l'e matched In quality at same price in
tills cltv.
We linve a splendid assortment of
Millinery always In stock, both In Trimmed
and UntrlmUi' l ;d.s. Orderi promptly illled.
M. F. oc M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main St.. Butler.
Seanor & Co's.
A ear of Wick House,
Butler, Pa.
The beat of horses aud fir<4t' class
rigs always on hand and for hire.
Best accommodations in town fo
permanent hoarding and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five Lorsos.
A good class of horses,both
and draft hordes, always o:i band and
for pale under a lull guarantee; and
horses bought upon proper notifi
ration by H. SKA XOK
For fine Watches, Diamonds aud
Optical Goods of all kinds
cian, at No. 132 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
I i
"Keep thy heart with all diligence,"
said the preacher, "for out of it are
the issues of life." After him the
psalmist sang: "With God the Lord
belong the issues from death." Un
equal to the full comprehension of
such words, yet trusting in their di
vine inspiration, \ie accept them as
Thomas a Kenipis counseled regard
ing the sayings of the ancients—not
to despise them, for "they were not
uttered without a cause." It seemed
strange, and not very reconcilable
with the ideas even of pious people, for
Cullen Amerson to be struck down in
the midst of a young manhood so
happy and manful and apparently so
vigorous. Yet the same pious people
said they had not a doubt hut what it
was all for the best, and Cullen him
self, from the beginning to the end of
his sickness, spoke not one word of
"It's all right. Hannah," he
when, in answer to a pointed inquiry
put to his physician, the latter replied
that the case was hopeless.
She fell upon her knees at his bed
side, and, with affecrtion child-like as
it always had been, wept bitterly. The
outpouring consoled him much; for an
apprehension, vague as it was, had
been in his mind for some time past
with a soreness which he could nort and
would not try to exphiin to him
self- He had not asked about what
pwed between her and Wiley;
but her continued avoiding of any
mention of his name, and an oc
casional cloud on her face, had been
troubling him. It was perhaps well
that he had not earlier known all that
occurred during her visit, because the
revelation might have hindered the
resignation with which he was meet
ing death. As it was, he heard with
calmness the confession which she
could not withhold. \TVuk in some re
spects, she had a wholesome fear of
wrong-doing, and now sbe felt that
she could not endure to go without his
forgiveness for what, if he had known
it when in health, might have exasper
ated him to deadly resentment against
his brother.
"It was not until then, my dearest
Cullen," she said, "that I saw the dan
ger of the planning my poor, weak,
foolish mind had conceived to bring
about some sort of proposal from
Wiley that might lead to a fair settle
ment between you and him, a thing
which I know Sister Julia desired as
eagerly as I did. God knows I did not
and could not respond in the smallest
degree to his feeling, so much stronger
than I had believed. I did not tell him
so in words, keeping before my eyes,
In spite of the shame I felt, the end I
had in view. But on my bed that night
I called upon my Maker to witness my
resolution that such as that should
never be again. Thoughts of you and
Pearoe, and added pity for poor sister,
kept ine awake almost the livelong
night. Her delicato instinct, or some
thing she noticed in my manner or
looks, made her seem rather less cor
dial during the' rest of my stay, and
when I left she did not ask me to cdme
again. Oh, Cullen, Cullen!"
Throwing herself upon her knees,
she covered with her hands her burn
ing face. During her story his lips
quivered several times. lie now said:
"Hannah, get up and sit in the
chair where I can see your face."
She obeyed and looked with shud
dering fear down upon Mm.
"Hannah, when I and sister ar«
out of the way, if brother should pro
pose to marry you, how —"
Instantly she rose, on her counte
nance an expression of mingled anger,
horror and despair. Placing her hand
upon her boscwi sbe looked at her hus
band as if he had pierced her with 8
dagger which was searching for every
recess in her heart. Then, lifting both
arms high above her head, sh<» cried:
"O my God, you know that from the
first day when my husband was laid
upon this bed of sickness my constant
prayer has been to li<t up from it this
light of my life and put me in his
place! And now you let my thoughts
be turned away from him to another
man, who, of all I know and all I
ever did know, is the most odious to
my heart! O you terrible God! If you
won't let me die, won't you —won't you
take some pity for what you see is upon
She stood panting, looking upon her
husband as if he was one from another
world who had come to judge her. Sad
as the smile was, never one more
—— /£& —,, ]flij Hull
jM !t (§) lyli
f r
-8 IDE.
deliciously sweet had been upon hia
"Come here, Hannah."
She let her hand lie in his that had
opened to receive it.
"Never, never," he said, "were you
so dear to me. Kiss me."
Two days afterwards, with his head
upon her bosom, he died.
The first news that Cullen was sick
unto death was so appalling to Julia
that her few friends believed that it
would rapidly hasten her own death.
Yet her grief was subdued by thoughts
that he would be saved the misery of
what she suspected to be coming—his
domestic ruin. When they told her he
was dead, she only said:
"Well, doubtless it was best for the
poor boy."
Wiley's behavior in the circumstances
was as decent as he could make it. No
doubt of his being sensibly shocked by
the unexpected end of his brother, who
had gone out of life believing that he
had not been dealt with fairly; yet the
quickening of his own sense of person
al security gave what consolation he
needed. To several persons he inti
mated his intention to do for his fami
ly things which in Cullen's lifetime had
not seemed practicable. Not a few
reasonably good church members ad
mitted to have been struck by the tin
expected soft words which Wiley spoke
of his late brother.
Th<; forebodioga about his wife iqqo
iong time were justified. Most benign
is that one of the ways of Divine Provi
dence wherein He leads those whom
He is to take soon to nimself to the
desire of doing some special good that
may follow them into the eternal world.
The prospect of a judgment where
every idle word is to be counted makes
a dying woman, more often than a dy
ing man, feel like forgetting or exten
uating all evil doings except her own.
Things in her husband which used to
distress her to exasperation did so no
longer. If she had loved him more,
rather if the love indulged for a brief
period had not been insulted and driv
en out of her being, the coming of this
condition might have been more diffi
cult. As it was, the only concern for
him she felt was that he might be saved
from the ruin which she foresaw in the
path he was following. Towards Han
nah she did not indulge a feeling of
personal resentment, nor would if she
had been in robust health. Dissociated
in every fiber of her heart from Wiley
Amerson, she onlj - pitied Hannah ae
she pitied other poor women who were
in the habit of selling themselves to
him. The compassion beffun at the de
tection of Hannah's weakness had
deepened more and more, and now,
since Cullen's death, she hoped sh« saw
a way by which Hannah and Wiley
might atone for all past wrongdoings.
When she could no longer rise from
her bed, her husband spent most of the
Wme in the house, and, with her broth
er and her widowed sister, rendered
every possible service. Occasional
words of comforting came from his
mouth, which were answered with
calm thanks. Selfish, earthy of the
earth as he was, he pitied her for whom
he was obliged to feel much respect,
and the thought that soon he must see
her face no more touched him with
some feelings of sincere sympathy. He
was not wicked enough to admit great
joy at the going away of one between
whom and himself what affection had
been was long gone, and in that pres
ence of death his conscience, that nev
er had been sensitive, troubled him no
little while thinking of disappoint
ments now past remedy which he had
wrought. Ilis changed attitude com
forted her much, and she began to in
dulge hope of good to him to come,
after her own death, from his more
satisfactory home conditions. One flay,
whispering to the others around her
that she wished to speak with him in
private, when these had withdrawn-she
"Mr. Amerson, I want to have some
talk with you. It is about Hannah,
and I hope you will understand my
feelings in what I am going to say. My
belief sin"" a«nth ban t*cii
that after my own, and after what will
seem a becoming lapse of time, you
and she will marry each other; and
what I've been wanting to say about it
is this: It is not only my wish for it to
be so, but it is my solemn belief that it
will be the only means of reconciling
the troubles over your brother's estate.
I have thought much, very much about
it, and felt it my duty to let you both
know my views and my feelings. And
I want them made known in the com
munity, so that people will have no
cause to remark on any impropriety of
it or its taking place, as I earnestly
counsel, with little delay. That's what
I had to say to you."
She looked at him with as much
calmness as if never a tie of any sort
had been between them. The shame
which so long had been dormant in his
being came forth, making him shrink
before those dying eyes. When he had
somewhat recovered he said:
"Why. Julia! why, how can you talk
to me in that way? I didn't—l couldn't
believe yon thought so poorly of me.
Hannah? Why, Lord help me! I can't
talk, and I can't bear to hear you talk,
about my marrying with Hannah or
anybody else."
"Why not, Mr. Amerson?" she asked,
in a tone cold as her cold hand.
"Because —because it's a thing I
can't even think about; and I've no
idea that such a thought was ever in
Hannah's mind. Good Lord, Julia!"
She looked fer several minutes at bis
evident embarrassment, and then, in a
tone almost masculine, said:
"I've been supposing that at least
you had been so expecting, and I
wanted both to know that my wfsb
was for the speedy fulfillment of your
expectations. If in this I was mis
taken, the case is indeed an unhappy
one. I don't think you can doubt that
Hannah would marry you if you were
to ask her. If you do not, she is to be
ruined. Oh, Mr. Amerson! yon put
wrong, more than one wrong, upon
your brother which will have to be
atoned for in some way. The dear boy
died not knowing the kind and extent
of some of it, and without suspicion of
tfvhat would have seemed to his gener
ous nature far the greatest. During
his life, playing upon the weakness 01
his wife, whose loyalty he was too pure
himseK to suspect, you —to what ex
tent you corrupted it, only you two
and the Creator know. I did hope
that the feeling you had for her might,
after my death, be made honorable by
legitimate sanction. As it is—oh,
Ilannali! poor Hannah! That's all I
have to say now: please ask them to
cojne back."
He knew then that either she had
witnessed the garden scene or that it
had been reported to her by one of the
servants. He could not but feel the
shame, yet he was thankful that his
apprehensions weie groundless that
she had asked for the interview for
the purpose of threatening exposure
of what she knew about the pretended
destruction of the will. Without ask
ing his leave, she sent a messenger to
Hannah begging to see her once more.
It was a blessing she did so. In a
brief conversation they came to un
derstand each other fully. When told
how Cullen had died, tho invalid said:
"Blessed be God! Oh, Hannah, you
have taken out of my heart the thorn
that pained the deepest; and, my dear
child, I have prayed earnestly that
Cullen's family may recover what has
been taken from them. I trust it will
be so; I cannot foresee how, but I
know that God regards with peculiar
watchfulness the things done to widow
hood and orphanage. That's all I can
say. I am thankful that you and Mr.
Amerson will never marry; but, Han
nah dear, I hope that when the doings
in all that unhappy affair are brought
to light, you will try to see that he has
some chance to avoid absolute ruin in
this world and In the next."
At her death her husband shed some
real tears. The brother and sister
went away in continued ignorance of
the greatest miseries which he had in
flicted upon her who now was b< ;, und
their sympathy and help.
The two plantations, the largo tract
adjoining Cullen's and another on the
river, having been purchased by Pearce
Amerson after the execution of the
will, 4M upt pofigJjyJtL
t«jnt lie had dieil intestate. I)abueT>
counsel ha<l l>»en for Cullen y> apply
for letters of adminlistratipn, although
knowing that, as the law prefers al
ways a sole administration to a joiot,
much more to two divided and hostile,
Wiley, if he should contest the applica
tion, muat prevail. In such event I>ab
ney hoped for some result, if no other
than increased exasperation of the
public mind by the way he meant to
dlscnas bis conduct in the courthouse.
IT he did not contest, it would evince
fear, or ut leaßt a sense ot weakness.
Then it would Lo well te make the
issue as distinct ana Lo l.ostile as pos
sible, so that people would thin!; and
talk about it freely. Already he had
alluded to the will several times on the
streets, in the hearing of town and
county people, and been pleased at the
sight of their Indignation. He was not
a lawyer of distinguished ability, but
he was studious, courageous, vigilant
and entirely honorable. Cullen, be
cause of his affection for Wiley's wife,
had resolved to make no public move
ment durir g the remainder of her life,
which he foresaw must be brief. His
lawyer, when not occupied with the af
fairs of other clients, went upon what
4/eer-shooters call still-hunts, wherein,
without the sound of halloo and hound,
quarries may sometimes be stolen
upon. Cullen's death intensified his
Interest in the case. He did not ask of
himself all the reasons. One day,
thinking what sort of man Ous Rach
els was, he went into the "Big Indian."
The owner being alone, be said to him:
"Gus, I'm sure you pitied Cullen
Amerson in being put out in the cold
by his father, and that you sympathize
with the widow and child, vt occurred
to me that occasionally, between
cups, as they say, yon might hear
things that it would be worth while to
make a note of. If you do—"
"Mr. Dabney," with cold, quick in
terruption, he answered, "I don't
CTrttik it's my business to try and pump
people that takes drinks at my coun
ter. I rather feel like it's my duty to
try and protect 'em ag'in' bein' hauled
up for what they thoughtless might
say when taking of my drinks. Yit,
if anything happen that I can help
Hannah, that her mother is my own
dear cousin, in a way that's perfect
fair and honor'ble, I'll let you know.
I'm jest as sorry for Hannah as I can
be, and my opinion of Wiley Amerson
is that he's the crowdinest man on
them that'll let him they is in the
whole of Bald'in county. If anything
happen to Hannah's advantage in a
way that's fair and honor'ble, I'll let
yon know about it. But my advice to
you would be to study up Owen Car
ruthers, that know more of Wiley Am
erson's business than any other man,
either in the town or in tbe county.
Little account if Owen be in gen'U,
he's one not to talk ag'in' anybody,
special them as has been good to him,
and he have to be squeezed like a body
have to squeeze a red grasshopper to
get the molasses out of him. Yit, when
he answers at all, he answers the
truth, nigh as he can come at it."
"Thank you, Gus; although I didn't
eome in for that purpose, I believe I'll
take a julep."
"Don't you take it without you feel
like it, Mr. Dabney."
"Why, of course I feel iik» It. or l
xccuian't have asked for it. What do
you mean?"
"Nothing, Mr. Dabney, exeeptin' of
I don't want to be paid for what little
help I can be to Hannah."
'tome, now, Gus, don't misunder
stand me. Don't make the julep if you
think I'm trying to buy you. Really, I
don't care for it; but, as I happened to
be In here, I thought I'd take it. I'v©
got enough confidence in you to be
lieve that It would take nothing be
yond your sense of right to make you
Willing to help anybody that you be
lieve to have been wronged."
"I beg your pardon, Mr. Dabney."
Then, taking especial pains, he made
up as nice a thing of that sort as a
man ever drank in that or any other
On Tuesday of the following week,
in the Southern Recorder, a Milledge
▼ille weekly newspaper, appeared ap
plications by Hannah Amerson for
letters of guardianship of her son
Pearce, and for similar of administra
tion de bonis non (as such matters are
styled in the law) on the estate of
Pearce Amerson, lately deceased. When
these were noticed by Wiley Amerson,
he smiled with some scorn. After read
ing them again and again, he blamed
himself for not sooner going to HaD
nah. This he would have done but for
supposing she preferred he should keep
away until after a decent interval. In
his calculations about her, marriage
had been Riven not much thought,
mostly because he did not regard It as
necessary, and partly because of the
encumbrance of her child, who some
day would become a man. Not doubt
ing that she would marry him on the
asking, he regarded this movement as
an indication of fretfulness at hto de
lay, and a threat that unless he mar
ried her he might expect troublesome
litigation. Therefore he decided to
call upon her and see what was to be
seen. The nest week, his wife having
been dead something over four months,
under pretense of some business aft the
further place, on his return he came
to the gate, alighted, fastened his
horse to one of the trees, and went
into the house. Hannah, noting as
he passed, had prepared herself for
the visit which she was sure he would
pay. Never had she looked more lovely.
Her widow's garb, with the tasteful
white cap and cape worn by married
women of the period, set off her com
plexion and figure to excellent ad
vantage. A sudden suspicion, raised
her manner, that she whom he
DiHIT, I DOfl'T (lllA it's' mt
thought to use and delude according
to his purposes of every sort may have
gotten beyond his power, quickened
his admiration for her to the degree
that, if found necessary, he would
marry her with small delay.
"My dear Hannah," he said, not a
little embarrassed. "I've been wanting
very much to see you. How are you,
Hannah? I never saw you look better."
"I'm very well. I suppose it was on
business you wished to see me?"
"Business? Why, yes, some little
business; but I also wanted to talk to
you about other things, among them a
message that poor Julia left for you."
She answered his look with one
which showed she knew the value in a
man's eyes of such a woman as herself,
and was neither surprised nor dis
pleased at the admiration now ex
"A message from Sister Julia! I'd
• S(, r ttyU tifst-"
Wonderful the yift in women, even
not much, cultured and not fa
miliar in the world's artificial ways, to
act for definite purposes strangv parts.
Before hearing further words, excis
ing herself prettily, she rose and re
tired to another room, where before
the mirror she put another ornamental
something upon her neck and shoul
ders. Returning and reseating her
self, she looked at him as if she hoped
the message meant good for both.
"Well?" She spoke between archness
and becoming solemnity.
"Julia wanted me to bring the mes
sage soon after—that is, that was her
"Why didn't you bring it, then?"
Casting down her eyes, with her hand
ske brushed at an invisible mote upon
her shining black silk gown.
"Well," more embarrassed, he con
tinued, "the truth is, Hannah, it was
of a kind that I thought perhaps you'd
rather not hear it quit* yet, although
she made a point of asking me not to
put it off, stopping to consider what
people might have to say about such
things taking place sooner than some
m» fc ht have expected in the circum
She could not ropress the deep blush
that suffused her cheek. Mistaking ita
cause, he felt exceeding glad.
Brushing away her tears, she asked:
"Can you tell me her reason for such
anxious haste, and whether it was
mostly on your account or on mine?"
"On account of both, Hannah. Julia
seemed to have found out somehow
the feeling I had for you."
"But what about me? From what
you say, she must have believed that
all I seeded from you was the asking."
Some paleness took the place ef the
redness that now retired from her
face. The bearing down of her eyes
upon him seemed to confound him, so
unexpected was the attitude taken by
her. Difficulties in his mind having
appertained only to calculations as to
what would be be6t for himself, doubt
suddenly raised, added to the sight of
her beauty, which never before had
seemed so enticing, created and every
moment stimulated eagerness to have
her. Blundering in his words, he re
"Wtvy, of course, Hannah, Julia—l
don't know what reason she had for it
—but she seemed to believe that—
you and I would be likely—that
is, in time—that both of us might
think such a thing, in all the circum
stances, the best thing to do."
"Then, according to your notion,
Sister Julia, who in all her previous
lifetime kept herself outside of schemes
of every sort, undertook, while on her
deathbed, one for you and for me, and
Jiven, as you day, was anxious about
"Why, Hannah, you —you know what
sort of woman Julia was?"
"Yes," she answered, looking upward
reverently. "I knew her partly before
her last swift decline, but not until
then did I know how far she was
above the lot in which she lived. That
her end wan not long ago, I suppose
was because the good God meant to
•how to her what, for His sake, she
could endure. Knowing the blessed
ness of Buffering to an innocent spirit,
He let it fall upon her in many ways;
but the sorest pang no doubt vas
when she was led to suspect something
between you and me. That it should
have moved her to feel and to express
such a wish as you report showed that
•he was absolutely ripe for the King
dom of Heaven. I would wonder at
your repeating her words to me, except
that from what I know of you I could
not wonder at anything you would do
on the line of compassing any purpose
of your own."
Her calmness was as of one disposed
almost to smile.
"Hannah," he spoke rapidly, "such
talk surprises me more than any —
What can you mean?"
"How came Sister Julia to suppose
that I'd marry you? Did you tell her
you thought so?"
"I did not. I suppose —I've told you
what I suppose about it. Julia was
worried about the way father had left
his will, "and I've no doubt she thought
that was frhe best way to make things
equal between us."
"Did she know of that scene in the
garden when you behaved so to me the
last time 1 was at your house before
Cullen died?"
"Of course she didn't."
"But she did. She saw it, and that
was what made her ask you to marry
me after her death, and as soon as pos
sible. Did you promise her that you
would do so?"
"My Lord, Hannah! How could a
man, a man that had any feeling, make
such a promise to—at such a time as
that—and in such circumstances?"
"Did she intimate to you that unless
you made some sort of compromise
about your father's estate you might
have to submit to terms different from
what now I understand you to pro
"She did not. She was very anxious
for a settlement, and—"
"Didn't warn you in any way? How
ever, that is a question that perhaps I
ought not to have asked. I take It
back. I noticed that you didn't show
any regret when I told you of Julia's
eeeing you kiss me in the garden."
"Why, there was no great harm in
that, Hannah."
"She thought there was, and that
was why she advised you as she did.
What is your opinion now ab to whether
I told Cullen of it or not?"
"You may have told him for all I
"You didn't believe at the time I
would tell him, that I warrant."
"No, I didn't."
"But I did tell him; yet not until he
was taken sick. I did not before main
ly because it would have incensed him
so that he might have killed you. I
atn thankful that I did not, and that
the telling, except for a moment, took
nothing from the peace of his dying.
In your terms to me now," she con
tinued, with coldness that awed him,
"did you Intend to include any allow
ance for Cullen's chi' 1?"
"Lord, Hannah, isn't Pcarce your
child too?"
"Let me make a proposal in my
There was something approaching
cunning in the kindly smile with which
she submitted her terms.
"If you will go to the courthouse,
take that will and destroy it, or if you
will make over to me and I'earce half
the property left by your father I
She paused, as a wily trader, after
some tentative words of proposal, |
waits and watches their effect.
"Oh, HunnaJil That's a great deal
hardvr thuaj had aoy idea ygu wo\iid I
The look s)»o bestowed onshim he in
terpreted to mean that she was re
volving whether or not she should in
sist, or retract a part. The property
he was bargaining for was suddenly
advanced in value and in costliness be
fore his eyes, yet he must adhere to his
practice of chaffering over the price.
"Yes, harder than 1 connted on," he
said sorrowfully complaining. "Arthur
Dabney has been putting you against
me, I just know he has. lie never did
like me, somehow; I never knew what
it was for, except because I never gave
him any of my business to attend to."
"So, Arthur Dabney has been only
acting as my lawyer. We'd as well
drop the subject."
As she was rising, quickly asking
arid prevailing upon her to remain, he
said, eagerly:
"Hannah, I didn't know till now how
much I loved you. If I promise what
you say you won't want to put it off?"
"Oh, no; we will meet as soon as you
please —to-morrow, if you say so—at
Arthur Pabney's office and have the
papers signed."
"Which of the preachers would you
want me to bring with me? I've nq
choice myself between Baptist. Metho
uist or Presbyterian."
"Why, what need is there for a
preacher? I should suppose that any
other respectable person c- ' 1 be
Her blank gaze, assumed to t • ec
tion, indicated much surprise at the
"Why, Hannah," alar:ned, he said,
"I don't —I'm afraid I'm not quite un
derstanding you."
"I doubt if you are."
"What was your meaning? Wasn't
it that if I'd do what you said you'd
marry me, and without delay?"
"Not at all. It was that I'd instruct
Arthur Dabney to dismiss the proceed
ings already begun in court and for
bear from starting others of which he
has been thinking."
He sank back in his oliair, pale,
abject Her look of scornful pitiless
ness exacerbated his every evil pas
sion. Both rose. As she mov«d xrora
him he started to follow. Turning,
with dilated eyes, she said:
"What do you mean?"
"Hannah! 1 must—l can't live with*
out you!"
His arms were lifted, and his look
was that of one with whom it is peril*
ous to a woman to be alone. Sha
stepped briskly to the door, and called
loudly to Mimy, her cook.
"Oomin', Mis' Ilarnah." In another
minute, the woman, huge, sleeves rolled
up on her vast arms, appeared.
"I don't know why you wanted to
oall that nigger."
"You can go back, Mimy. I only
wanted to know if you were there.
Keep where I can call yon if I need
"I've no answer," she said, turning to
him, "to make to your 'ast remark, ex
cept to suggest to you not to repeat it.
Is there anything else on your mind to;
say to me, on the line of our business?'*
Sha Wanted to Know.
The new servant girl came to he«
mistress crying and Holding on to her
"What's the matter?" asked the lady
of the house.
"I stuck one of the forks Into my
band, and if it's plated ware I'll get
. "Dont bo alarmed," said the lady,
"all my silver is genuine. T dont keep
any plated ware."
Next morning the servant girl and
the silver were both missing.—Tam
man Times.
There Are Many of Him.
At last she had rebelled. Mildly.
"They tell me you lead a double life,''
she said, looking straight into the eyea
of the confused man before her.
"Me?" he gasped.
"Yes, you. I hear that when you art
away from home you are as pleasant
and good-natured a man as can b«
found anywhere."—lndianapolis Jour
After "Hiawatha."
Ho killed the noblo Majudkls:
With his skin ho made him mittens,
Made them with tho fur side Inside,
Mado thorn with the skin side outside.
He to Ret the warm side inside
Put the cold side, skin side, outside.
Put the warm side, fur side. Inside.
That's why he put tho fur side inside.
Why he put the fur side Inside,
Why he put tho skin side outsldfc.
Why ho turned them inside outside.
Chimmey Say, Maggie, you're «
wonder when it comes to cooking—you
oughten ter bo wasten yer accomplish
ments here, fer the way you kin cook
fancy dishes like liver and bacon, is a
perfect dream.—Truth.
Mary had a little ben
With feathers white as snow,
The preacher paid a visit; then
The chicken had to go.
—Philadelphia Inquirer. •
Great Show for a Dollar.
"Been to the theater, ehl What did
you see?"
"I saw a large black bat, with five
ostrich feathers, a rhlnestone buckle
and two inagenta roses. And once,
(here the strong man's voice trembled)
once, for one moment, I thought I saw
half of a sofa at tho extreme left of the
stage; but I cannot bo sure." —Life.
—————— -J
All Fired.
"Jinks Is a fiery young man, isnt he?*
"Yes. Why, only the other night ha
; was sparking with his latest flame, and
the old man, who doesn't approve oj
the match, came in and raised blazes
I and finally fired him after they had had
a hot time of it, and poor Jinks' planl
] all went up in smoke."
I "Well, it's a burning shame." —Judge,
And Then Be Said It.
"Ilore to hear you speak," aald she, $
With an entrancing sigh.
"And what I love especially
Is the way you say 'good-by.'"
—WssUington Star,-.
Ardent Love.
"My young friend," said the million
aire, frowning, "you admit that you aro
poor and 'Vou know that my daughter
is very wealthy. Would you, a pauper,
marry her, knowing her to be worth a
"9ir," said the young man, who waa
a person of Intense resolution, "my af
fection is proof against such tests. I
would marry your daughter if she were
worth two million."—Chicago Record.
A Hint to Police Captains.
Judge DufTy—You are sentenced to
the island for thirty days for being
drunk and disorderly. Have you any- i
thing to say?
Prisoner —Well, yes, I'd like to ask
your honor a question.
"What is it?"
"I have got a wife and nine children.
Couldn't we nil go to the island togeth
er and serve out the time in a few
days?"— Texas Siftings.