Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 23, 1895, Image 2

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Kat«r*d at at *atUr aa -><« rlaaa«att*r
«ILUA* C. r«fctla*T
THURSDAY. MAY 23. 1895.
Subject to Republican Primary of But
lei county, June 1, 1805—1 to 7 P. M.
Of Butler.
Livi M. WISE,
Of Butler.
DR. Y. F. THOMAS. , ,
0/Fairview Borough
01 Middlesex twp,
Of Butler.
The New Revenue Bill.
A tax conference revenue bill passed the
House lately on second reading
without amendment by a practically unan
imous vote. Tbiß bill is the result ol sev
eral years of earnest labor by a conference
representing the various interests of the
State, and is practically agreed to by
parries It fs claimed that it
the taxes ot railroad corporations about
one million of dollars, and that it will de
crease to some extent the taxes of i®™«rs
in that, by its provisions, $1,400,000 is
reverted to the oonnty treasuries, lnis,
however, does not take place all at Dnoe.
One fourth of this amount is reverted in
1896, one-half in 1897, and after that the
entire amount. . . .
The fa« t that there is no fight on the
bill by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany which pays annually nearly two
millions ol dollars to the State in taxes,
or by any ef the other large corporations,
causes some persons to he suspicious of
the bill. They cannot understand why
the corporations would favor a bill in
creasing their taxes. But this is explain
ed by the friends of the bill in this way:
These corporations pay large sumsot mon
ey to emine*t lawyers to look after their
interests in this direction, and to fight
against any increase in their taxes. They
have concluded that, if this bill will settle
the question of taxation for a few years',
and permit them to withdraw these expen
sive legal gentlemen fron that field ot
labor, it will be cheaper to pay the mcreas
ed taxes than to pay these lawyers their
k'SfannSctnring corporations and local
building and loan asw>ciationß are exempt
from taxes. The policy of this State has
been fiom the begining to encourage men
to invest their money in enterprises that
will give employment to labor, and to that
polioy we perhaps owe our greatness as a
manufacturing State. It was also deemed
wise not to tax local building and loan
associations, because that would virtually
be putting a tax upon the indebtedness of
poor people who are struggling to pay for
little homes.
No tax bill, however, can be popular,
because people do not like to pay taxes.
The most popular bills are appropriation
bills, and we must have the first in order
to secure the latter. Spirit.
A long-distance microphone company
hu been incorporated in Wisconsin which
claims to possess an invention superior to
the Bell Company's telephone. The Bell
monoply has been attacked upon both
flanks, and unless it shall speedily lower its
rates it may be obliged to fall to the rear.
Mrs. Mary Brown, one of the last re
maining pensioners of the war of indepen
dence, (lied near Knoxville, Tenn., April
15, at the age of 91. In 1824 she married
Joe Brown, a soldier of the revolutionary
war, he being then 65 years old and she
but 20. She was in Knoxville, March 12,
to draw her pension of sl2 a month, and
though feible seemed able to last many
Pennsylvania's Finances.
The annual report of tue Auditor General
for the last fiscal year contains the follow
ing interesting facts:
The total receipts for the last fiscal year
were $12,873,786.82, and the main sources
of revenue were the following: Tax on cor
poration stock and limited partnerships,
$3,635,623 80;taxon gross receipts,s7Bo,3oß
- bonks, $535,142 24; tax on net earnings
or income, $78.086 43; foreign insurance
corporations, $495,758 50; loans, $1,331,-
551.66; tax on personal property, $2,386,-
750 99; tax on collateral inheritance, $869.-
178.91; licenses of all kinds, $1,366,137.26;
bonus on charters, $215,247 56; tees of pub
lic officers, $157,631.40. There was a bal
ance in the Treasury at the beginning of
the year of $5,830,308 07.
The total payments for the year were
$13,622,769.18, and notwithstanding the
payments exceed the receipts the large
balance with which the year was com
menced enabled the fiscal officers to close
their accounts for the year with a balance
of $5,061,325.71. Amoung the items in
the list of the expendditure3 tor 1894 are
the following; Jadiciary, $551,867 05; pub
lic printing and binding, $197,883.23;
pnblic building and grounds, $646,895 26
(new building); inspection and supervision
of coal mines, $68,343.76; counsel fees and
coats in Commonwealth cases, $11,567 82;
commissions, $79,372 45: loans, $1,771,619.-
50; care and treatment ot indigent $773,-
839.43; penitentiaries, $147,653.97; refor
matories, 156,502 30; charitable institn
tions, $954,444.58, miscellaneous institu
tions, $164,362.41; State tax on personal
property returned to counties, $1,050,147.
82; common schools. $5,769,151.77, orhans'
schools, $237,188.75; National Guard.
$379,245 28.
A few of the payments are interesting.
Governor salary tor tbe year was
$10,000; Secretary of the Commonwealth
Harrity received a salary of $4,000, less tor
bis own use, $11,667; salary as rnemher of
the Sinking Fund Commission, $375; salary
as member of the Board of Pardons, $500;
•alary as member of the Board oj Reuenue
Commissioners. $525, a total of $17,067 for
the vear. Auditor General Gregg, salary
$3,000; other boards, $525; total, $3,523,
State Treasurer Jackson about the same.
Attorney General Hensel, salary $3,500;
commissions for his own use, $7,000. salary
as mem'jer of the Board of Pardons, $509,
a total of SII,OOO. insurance Commission
er Luper. salary $3,000; fees, $4,370; total.
$7,370. The total expenses t.f Government
fo"- the year wern $2,058,512 19.
The Hospital.
The movement towards securing a
hospital for Butler is progressing, rather
slowly. Some S3OOO has been subscribed
and S7OOO more is needed. There are none
interested so much in such an institution
as those who employ men in works
where they are liable to meet with ac
cidents, and it seems to us these should
take more interest in having a hospital here.
The oil operators, the railroads, the mills
the machine shops and other such works,
are the places where accidents occur, and
a hospital might save the owners much ex
pense, besides affording the unfortunates a
certain place in which to l-e cared for.
Those so directly concerned should take
hold ol this matter at once and raise the
balance yet necessary.
Our constable Geo Curry made a busi
bnsiness trip to Garfield mines on Satur
John D. Wolford purchased ten acres of
land from John M. Chambers on Mondav.
Chas. Kerr is busily engaged 111 farming
and taking up leases for a Mr. Scott, of
P. 0 Wolford came very neatly beiug
annihilated on last Saturday by his team
running away, but as it happened the wag
on got hurt instead of Mr Wolford.
G!ias. McXally, of Rutler, was in town
on Monday looking after the oil leases
which he hold* along the southern branch
of Slipperyrock. He contemplates drilling
in a few days.
Our local oil man Mr. Stevens has a fast
horse named ' Captain" whioh he drove
over to Keister station, a distance of four
miles in eighteen minutes It wasn't a
light cart in which Captain was bitched,
but on ordinary buggy. Mr. Stevens says
be is going to give him the best of train
ing and put him foi the track this fall.
Dr. Miles Gould and Superintendent
Gilbert Dnff went over near West Sunbury
on Saturday to bny a colt. Both the gen
tlemen are expert horsemen and while
looking at the colt. Mr. Duff got off same
harmless criticisms on the colt which the
owner took as an insnll and became fur
ious, chasing both men for quite a distance
with bis big dog and shot gun Gould and
Duffy both claim that they did not intend
to insult the man, but tbey will leave
their jokes at home the next. time.
Some of our men went to Butler on last
Saturday morning in the best of humor,
and with malice toward none ami charity
for all, but on their way home they got in
to a row and smashed each other* noses
•ad blacked each other* eyes.
Harrisburg Not«s.
The Congressional, Senatorial and legis
lation apportionment bills passed second
reading in the House, last Thursday
On Friday the House has to adjourn on
account of a quorum ot members not being
present. Seventy-four members were
absent, without leave, and the Speaker
issued warrants for them.
On Monday all the members who were
absent on the previous Friday were pres
•nt, but they ware excused by the adoption
of a resolution, and the House resolved to
hold three sessions each day.
On Tuesday the House defeated the
Legislative, Senatorial and Congressional
apportionment bills, and the Senate the
Judicial apportionment bill. The killing
of these bills was a great surprise, aßd it
was blamed on Quay, who is said to bay®
given orders to kill the Congressional bill,
because it gave Philadelphia, and there
fore Dave Martin aaother Congressman
and two more delegates to the National
Convention. Oar mecukeri voted for the
On Wednesday the Beer Tax bill passed
the House by a bare majority. The gen
eral outcry against the Woods Water
Works bill, has put it back in the Senate
in some way, where it is being doctored.
The General Assembly.
At the Presbyterian General Assembly
in Pittsburg, last Thursday, Rey. R- R-
Booth of New York wai chosen moderator
On Friday two great speeches were
made on the question of Seminary Control
On Monday the Committee-!; Report on
Seminary control was adopted by a stand
ing vote of nearly 4 to I. The report
favors Assembly Control.
Income Tax Unconstitutional.
At the session of the U. S. Supreme
Court, m Washington. Monday, Chief
Justice Fuller read the decision of the
majority of the Court, declaring the en
tire Income Tax law unconstitutional on
the grounds that it is a direct tax not in
in proportion to numbers as asertained by
the census. He was sustained by Justices
Field, Gray, Brewer and Shiras, five in
all. Justices Harlan, Brown, Jackson and
White deseented from the opinion of the
majority. Justice Harlin read a very
vigorous decision in which he predicts a
social revolution. What money has been
collected under the new law will be re
The U. P. Assembly.
The thirty-seventh General Assembly of
the Unitad Presbyterian Church m6t at
the Sixth U. P. Churoh, East End, Pitts
burg, Wednesday evening.
The delegates from this county are
Revs. Kerr and Imbrie, of Harrisville,
Rev. Sherrard, cf Washington, Robt.
Barron, Esq., of Worth, Wm Breaden. of
Sunbury, and Josiah Black, of Cherry.
PettrsvilU Pointer*.
Mrs. McCullough had another stroke
last week and has been very poorly ever
Mr. Dilliman's children are sick.
Charlie Dambach brought his wife home
from Middle Lancaster, where she lay sick
for weeks with scarlet fever, and is now
able to attend to her housowom.
Billy Fehl and wife had a bad attack of
cholera-morbus, but are better at this
James Rea bad one of his fingers pineh
ed off in a spring tooth harrow the other
Among the visitors are Jacob Dambach
and wile of Zelienople, at A. W. Riebold's,
Rev. F. B. Cotter's sister Mrs. Snyder,
of Greenville, Pa., is visitiug at Rev. Cut
Ed Coovert visited at Portersville last
sabbath. _ . ,
A new rig is up on the George Bngle
farm and drilling will begin at once; also
a rig on the Fred Dambach tarm is up and
operations will begin at once. A location
has been made on the Dan Burr by Mar
shall Bro's. Con Nioklas <fc Co., will drill
their well on the H. Brandon to the vbird
sand Golden A Graham have made
another location at Powdermill Ron on
the John Smith farm.
Our townsmen Fred Barnhart and Con.
Nicklasß and Mr. Andrews are driving
very fine horses.
Several weddings are reported this week.
Oil Notes.
The Standard is paying $1.67$ today.
Keister —Starr, and McGally's well at ]
Keister Park, Is in the boulder. The own
ers of the well at Keister are making a
"mystery" of it.
Brady twp —Eph. Martin has located a
well on the J. P. Thompson, (now Camp
bell) farm, about 3 miles northwest ot the
Duffy farm well.
Boydstown—Reiber <fc Co's 2 Henry, is
doing 50 bbls
GreeceCity—The well on the Barnhart
is down 1000 feet.
West bunbury—Russell & Co. on the
Nels Russell will lie completed this week;
it is showing good. Zobnheiser A Co. are
drilling on the Campbell heirs and have a
well nearing completion Rigs are up on
the McClymonds and Samuel Glenn.
Donegal township.—The Vensel heirs
are drilling on their farm, three miles
southeast of Millerstown; Bruuer, Walt
man i Co. are drilling on the Jos. Will 3
miles south of Millerstown; along the
creek; and Marrow Bros. <fc Co. are drilling
on the Bredin.
Penn township.—Phillips well on the
Jas. Anderson reached the Hand last week,
and started off at 100, and will probably
make a3O bbl. pamper. This well is about
a half mile east of til# pumpers on the
Campbell heirs. Half a dozen wells in
that vicinity will be completed within the
next lew days.
R B. Taylor is drilling on the Webber,
below Kenfre
Middlesex Millison i, Go's 5, Parks is
making 30 bbls; ttio Forest Go's. 1 Potts
30 bbls; Petterson <fc Go's 3 Purvis 25 bbls.
Brownsdale —Three rigs are up on the
Wm. Brown and two oa the A. Brown.
The Eastern Co's. No 2 Dorsey was shot
last Friday and is doing about 200 bbl.
CooporstowD—Marks 11 Co's 4 Dean is
doing 125 bbls, the Forest Go'r 7 Mangel 5
bbls; the Goxey Go. is drilling 2 Rifliey to
the third.
Mars—The Mars Oil Go's old well on the
Samuei Kennedy has been cleaned out and
is doing some oil Duncan <£ Gilliland are
drilling on same farm. G J Russell has
two wells drilling on the John Baltour
farm and the Balfour Oil Company one on
the same faim; the Say Oil Gompany one
on the Samuel Balfour; the Thorn Oil
Company, J. G. Uespouhide & Co. and the
Burdette Oil Company are each on the
Hespeohide. The Burdette is building rigs
for NOB. 3 ond oon the Covert; C. J. Wait
& Go. one ou the Anderson and Barnsdall
A Go. one on the Blakeley. The Devonian
Oil Company has the tools stack ia a well
on the Kppert.
Absolutely Pure.
A creain of tartar baking powder
est ot all in leavenine strengtn— Late s
Uuitetl States Government Food Ueport.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph Kock
enstein, committee of Francis P. Balilauf
has filed bis first and final account HS cotr.-
mittee in the otlice ol the Prothonotary ol
the Court ol Common Pleae of Butler
county, at M's. D. No. 13, Sept T. 1801:
and that the same will b« presented to
said Court, for confirmation and allowance
Saturday, Juue Bth, 1895.
Samuel M. SKATON, Pro.
Pro. Office, May 9th 1895.
R. L. Klfkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler,
Next to Court Hoose. Butter. Ha„ graduate of
La fort Uaroiogfcal loptttvte.
WINTER-At Sharon, Pa. May 16, 1895.
William Hart Winter, aged <0 years.
He was born in Zelinople, practiced
medicine in Illinois, and spent some years
it the Hawaiian islands.
SMITH—At her home on S. McKean St.,
May 16. 1895., Annie, daughter of John
BROWN—At her home in Centre twp.,
iiav 17, 1895,1»iah Brown aped 63 years.
Mr. Brown was one of the substantial
farmers of the township. His death was
caused by pneumonia.
HEWINS— In Allegheny, May 17, 95,
Charle* P. Hewins, formerly of Batler,
laged 41 years.
SMITH—At Rough Run. May 14, 1895,
William Smith.
MILLER—Afhis home on McKean St ,
ilay IS. 1895. James Miller, father of
Mrs. Will Purvis in his 83 year.
GEORGE—At his home in Donegal twp.
May 15, 1895, Lewis George, in his 71st
LIEBLER—At her home in Pittsburg.
May 17, 1895, Cecilia, wife of Geo.
Liebler, in her 51st year.
THOMPSON—At his home in Washington
D. C., May 17, 1595, Isaiab Thompson,
aged about 65 years.
IT is the imperative duty of the Legis
lature to pass apportionment bills at the
present session. The Constitution requires
it and the members have sworn to obey
th 9 Constitution
of Butler, Pa,
Commenced Business August
18th, 1890.
Report made to the Controller of
the Currency Tuesday May, 7, '95.
Loans $562,741 97
United States Bonds, 304,000 00
Banking House. F. F. 16.795 94
United States Treas ....... ......1.725 00
Cash and due from Banks 306,152 81
$1,191,415 72
Capital... ...... ......SIOO,OOO 00
Surplus ... ..... .....50,000 00
Profits 17,708 65
Circulation, 22,500 00
Deposits, 1,001,207 07
$1,191,415 72
Stale tf Pennsylvania, County of Butler.us:
I, C. A. Bailey, Cashier of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best ol my
knowledge and belief.
C. A. BAILKY, Casbier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
fifteenth day of May, 1895.
Albert L. Bowser, Notary Public.
N. M. HOOVER, /Directors.
J. V. RITTS, )
■ ,GO TO
For fine Watches, Diamonds and
Optical Goods of all kinds.
Examined Free
of Charge by.
. _ - Graduate Opti
cian, at No. 132 S. Main street,
Butler. Pa.
Famous New York, tailor-mde
For sale by prominent dealers
all over the State. None genuine
without Hammerslough Bro's
labd. The swellest and best
wearing clothes in this Country.
Ask your clothier for them.
Seanor & Co's.
Rear of Wick House,
Butler, Pa.
The best of horses and first class
rigr- alwayß on hand and for hire.
Best aceommoda tions in town fo
permanent boardine and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horses
A pood class of horses,both drivers
and draft horses, always on hand and
for eale under a lull guaraatee; aud
horses bought upon proper notifi
cation by H. SEANOR-
Keep A Watching.
Only one week more.
The contest closes
Who will win our prizes?
Three girls sure to win.
We're after him.
W«* have a notion that our advertising
writi ri» careless or ignor-uit iii the matter
of hi» ertmmtr. We know he is a bungling
•■pi'ller . We waut to teach him a lesson in
these matters, we have therefore.
Resolved, We will give a pair of $4 shoes
to any school girl iu Butler or Butler Co.,
who shall detect the greate-t number of
erors in grammar or spelling iu our adver
tisement" in Butler papers until the last
week in May, advertisements to be changed
once a week. Should two answers be alike
the first one received will secure the $4 shoes
the second answer or second nearest will re
ceive a pair of $2 Oxfords; the third will re
receive a pair ot it Oxfords. Cut all ads
out, mark all errors and Bend in the last
week in May. All ausw. rs must be in by
June 2d. All errors to ount. from the be
ginning "KKEP A WA TJ ING,"
through t.ithe last word in our advertisement
Errors tn p'i„ctuatloa and printers' errors
not counted.
Jack and Jim met mi South Main stret
in front ol Miller's Sho« Store. Alter the
weather (ever preseu friend) is disposed of,
conversation folows thus:
Jack —Well, Jim. hard tiir.es don'twem
to hurt this store much. They keep thioge
motiving. 1 hero they sell inithty good
shoes here and just about as ch ia,» as oth
er folks ae.ll shody The people s.»em to
be 'on to it.".
Jim O yes. a !».low can get a pair of
Solid Laco Bh' es for an even dolar.
Womens's, too, for a dollar Just look
their in tl.i- window. Jack, at. those $2
Satin Oil Shoes, dandies, ain't they?
Look! Plain Y.>e, Narrow Gap and Blu
cher only $2 Look at t'nose $2 50 and $3
"lieants By George! no wonder they do
the biz
Jack—You know Doctor Black. I took
care of his borsa. Well Doc and all his
folks trade here. Dr. had a $2 50 Hand
Sewed Shoe he bought ol thin Miller, a
good one. Mr j . Black ha 1 some of those
"Waik'eru last" Shoes gave $2. and beard
her say that was half a dolar less than she
had paid for the same thing
Bill—Come along here you leliows or a
cop'll arest you for stealing a look at Mil
lers's Shots Ua! Ha!.
The New Shoe Store
215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
12 "j S. Main, St.
ily virtue 01 sundry writs of \ en. Ex.. Kl. Ft,. I
Lev. Fa.. £c.lssued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed
there will be exposed to public sale at the
Court House, in the borough of Butler, on
Friday, the 31st day of May,
A. D. 1893. at l o'clock r. the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
E I) So. S6, June Term, 189f>. S W l>ana, att'y.
\.ll the right, title. Interest and claim of Peter
Scl»«iteinaiiUe ot. in »nd w«l acres of laud
more or less, situate In Muddyereek twp . But
ler Co.. bounded as follows, to-writ: on ihe
north by Portersvllle boro, aud lands of Samu
el Braneman and Gala Glenn. east by lands of
Philip Newton Robert Glenn. Bellis and
Eso Uuncan. south by lands of John .Marshall
ana Esti Duncan aDd west by lands of Floyd
MoCly wonds aud Henrj iiaklus; oald land tieing
mostiy cleared, under lence and In a lair stale
of cultivation, with one two-story brick and
rrame dwelling house, one two-story frame
dwelling house, and one stone house. Uiree or
chards, three large frame barns, and other out
buildings erected ih-reon. Seized and taken in
execution v> the property of Peter scheltcman
, Ue at the «uit of John Cooper.
E D No. 06 June Term, 1893. J M Painter, att'y
All the right, title, Interest and claim of Da
vid H AHvorth of, in and to 81 acres aud 150
perches 01 land, more or less, situate in Parker
twp., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as iollows, to
wlt: Beginning at the southwest corner ot the
piece at the E iter Hutchison line, a' a stone
corner, thence north 1.5 i * evst by lands of K
Wally and A draw 184 perches to a stone corner,
thence south 89 13 east by lauus of At S
Adams 52 perches to a stone, mence south 10
east by lauds ot Tuos J Al worth aud puolic roau
131 fi-io perci.es to a stone. theuce on the same
bearing along said road in 1 10 perches to *
chestnut at roau on the saia Ester Hutchison
11 „e thence south 74X west by land of saia il->
ther liutchlson lot li-lo perches to the pi »ce 01
beginning. Seized and taken in execution ao
the properly ol David H Alworth at the suit of
Terz«li M Lewis and Peuulah M Alworth now
E D >'o. 65, June Term 1895. J M Painter, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of Da
vid 11 Alworth ot, lu aud lo 46 acres and 112
pel elms ol land, more or less, situate in Parker
twp., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to
wl': Beglunlng at the northwest co.ner or tills
piece or parcel of laud, tueiue south sy- east ,>8
perches uy lands of ll S Adams to a stone,
iheuce norm 16 west 124 percues by lands ul
Jos b' Alworth to i'hos Alworth, jr. iiue.tnence
Souths; 1 , east 58 perches bj lands ol the saia
Tuos Airtorth tol'uos J Alworth'scorner,theu«"
south lt> easl 132 8-10 perches by lauds ol 1 hos
J Alworth to ,jijce of oegiuu ug. uaviug au 0.-
chard aud plank house erected tuereou. Re
corded in Al 'rtgage Book >o. 22, page 191. Seiz
ed aud taken In execution as cue properly or
David U Alworth al the suit of Peter vV'ultuiire.
ED No. 67, Juue Term, 1893, WilliiJii &
Mitchell, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ol G. C.
Baraks of. in and lo Fifty four acres ot ia .d,
more or lefs.sltuau.*d In VVa hingum Township.
Builer County, Pa., bounUed as iollows. 10-wil:
On the North by lauds ol lieury L»au jeuspeck,
nasi by lands ot Ell Coun, Souili by lauds ol
Ephriam Kreager and Daubenspeek heirs, vVesl
uy lands ol Campbell DaubenspecK, recorded lu
Mortgage Book No.. 29, luge 159, one story
boaru house log stable orchard ihereon.
ALSO-Of, lu and to 4i aires ol land, more or
less, situate In Parker twp., Butler Co.. Pa.,
bounded us follows, to-wlt: On lue north by
lauds of Amanda Hoover, east by lands ol Johu
DaUbehspocK and John Ward, south 0/ lauds
ot it Shyrock and West by landa
of James Mechling and Jesse Everects. Re
corded in mortgage book No. 89, pag* 159.
Seized aud taken in execution as lue proper
ty ot ii C Barnes at the suit of Alex Mitchell for
use of John tforclit.
EDN'#59. June TIS9S. C. Walter and T. C.
Campbell, attorn ys.
All the rfght, tllle. interest and claim of vV G
Seuwick, WB Sedwick Catuarlne Paiu(orPayue),
Ben Seuwick, Patterson una Caroline Pat
terson his wife, J. sedwick, Wesley »edwick
Joo Sedwick and H c Sedwitk. heirs at law ot
Elizabeth Sedwick deed , of. in and to oue
hunared ana twenty acres and torty perches
ul laud, more or less, situated in Parker iwp.
Butler county, i a., bouuued as lollows to wit:
Beginning at a White Oak, theucn by lauds ol
Win. Campbell's hefrs North 6 west 13,8-10
percues to a chestnut, thence north s» east
22.9 lu perches to a post, tuence oy lauds ol
Anthony (i-diildger North >i west 16J perches
lo a posl, thence by lauds ot Asa Ward south
s2 west 117 #lO perches to a White Oak theuce
oy lands ol Levi cioson and Koberl Campoull
South west 61 perches to a poal, iu4(tc soutu
89 west 114,1 lo percneo to the place ot begin
ning, having a two slory frame dwelling house,
Oarii and otner out ouildidgs erecieu thereon.
Seized and lakeu In execution is the property
of W G SeJwicK, W B SedWiCK, Cainarme Pain
or tPayue) BeUJainiueSedwicK, Patterson
and Caroline Patterson his wile, J. Sedw ick,
»esiey Seuwick, Job Seuwick aud M C sed
wick heirs at law ol Elizabeth Sedw ick dec.d,
at the suit ol Joseph Bushneli et al.
E. D. No, 57 June Term 1895, F. J, Foruuer
All the right, title, interest and claim oi
Harry el al Purtners of, in aud to alt
mat eeriaiu piece or parcel of laud containing
%of aacie more or less, situated lu Marion
twp. Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows to
wn: Ou the north by rlgut of way of SJt.v K It
Co,, east by lands tormerly of Wm. Byers,
south oy lands ol same Wm Bjers, west oy
I'uolij road known ua the graded road, to-geth
ei with the right ol way oelongl g thereto, to
lay aud inulnlalu water pipes over aud through
other lauds o!su;d Wm Byers as contained and
granted by W m Byers aud wife to Jaiues Bred
ln by deed dated the 16th day ot September
tS73 recorded in deed Book 33
right with the land herein above descrioed is
now vested in llarry Uamllton the deft aud as
a part tueieof and belonging thereto, by vlrture
of deed recorded lu said couuty In deed boos
131 page 311: together with a two story Irathe
bulluiug used as a store room aud dwelling
house combined, stable and other outbuildings
erected thereon. Seized aud taKen in execution
as the property ol Harry llaiiidton et al r'art
ii*rs at the suit ol Norman Hall, Agent.
E. D. No. <!3, June Term 1895, J, D. Mcjunkln,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
.Margaret Foster and Benjamin Poster ot. lu
and to eight acres, or laud, nure or less, situ
ated lu Butler t>vp, butler Co , Pa., bounded
as follows to wit: <> u tue north uy lauds ol
Samuel A. Pearce, east by lauds of Abrarn Mc-
Candless, south by lauds ol Virginia McCaud
less, west by road relered to in a dc.ed trom
Silas Pearce and allzabeth his wife to Horace
Pearce said deed beanug date 21 si day ot Nov.
1871 and recorded in deed book 39 page 345,
with a irame house, board stable and other
outbuildings erected tuereou. Seized and lakeu
In execution as lue properly of Alargaret Fost
er and Benjamin Foster at the suit ot Henry
p- fearee.
E. D. No. 61 June Term 1895, Willlamß & Mitch
ell Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and clalu Of Ezra
Stewart ot, in ant to twenty -live acres of laud
more or less, situated It Cherry twp, Butler,
Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: Begin
ning al the southwest corner at a post theuoe
by lands ol David atewari aud Wm. M. Sliira,
north 'i l /i east 91 percues to a post, thence by
lands ol said Wdi. At. Sutra aud heirs of JonU
Tinker south 88' east 44 perches to a post,
thence by laud-> of B. .Maud ~j C oteindorf,south
3 )*' west 91 perches to a post, tuence by lands
ol tJavtd Siew art north .>8 west 41 perches to
liiepltceof beginning. Seized and taKen lu
execution as the property ot c.zra steivart at
Ihe suit ol Geo D Beau Ex'r for usa of Alaria
and Amelia Bean
E D No. 61 June Term. 18»5. Williams a
juit-etieH. ate'v.
All the right, title, interest ami claim of John
Gallagher of. in and t-o 41 acres of land, more or
less situate in Clearfleld twp. (sutler Co.. "a.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by a
public road formerly by lands of Nicholas
BleKhner and Joseph Shiibel, east by lauisof
Jus Kams, south by lands or Jas Gallagher and
west by lands of Wendell Osche, aud the same,
being cart of a larger tract ot land conveyed to
Cornelius Gallagher by John Gallagher and
Ann his wife, by their deed dated the 17 th day
of Oct. A D 1856. recorded lo said county .In deed
book 63 page 520; having thereon erected a log
dwelling house, log barn, orchard a id other out
buUdlngn. Seized and taken In execution as
the property of John Gallagher at the suit of
John Forcht.
E D No. 60 June Term, 1595. Brandon & Lusk,
All the rigut, title, interest and claim of Wm
it Smith 01, lu aud t ' 90 acres of land, more or
less, situate tn Cherry twp . Butler Co.. Pa.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
lauds of Kelly east by lands no v or form
erly of Sullivan oi-otbers, south by lands ot Win
llobson et al anil west by Joslah Hall et al. and
having thereon erected a small plank house and
small stable Seized and taken In execution as
the property of Wm It Smith at the suit of But
ler Savings Bank aud Geo B Behm.
E D No. 51, June Term,lß9s. A BC McFarland,
AH the right, title, interest and claim of E
Alouzo Irvine of. lo aud to a certain piece, par
cel and lot of ground, more or less, situ tte in
Adams twp..Butler Co., Pa. bounded as follows,
to-wit: On the north by lunds of J tl Pringle,
east, by street adjoining lauds ol Geo Marbur
ger so feet, south by lands of lot of John Cald
well 121 feet and west by P & W K R; being lot
No. 9in the plan of lots located by Mlas lrviue
having a cottage house of three rooms and a
summer kitchen, a good frame stable and oilier
outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken
and taken In execution as the prop rty of E
Alouzo Irvine at the suit ot Samuel Kaufmau.
E D No, 20 June Term, 1895. FJ i W A Kor
qurr, att'ys.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of KL
ntlltard ot, in and to all lhaicertain lot or par
cel of ground. mor' or less, situate in Earns
City boro In t'airview twp., Butler Co., Pa.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the norlh by Pe
trolla St, east by land of E E Abrams, south by
Olive St. and west by M A parsonage; h ivtug
one two-Btoo frame dwelling h >use of 8 rooms
and one summer kitclmn erected thereon.
A LS<)—Of. In and to all that cert aln lot or par
eel ot ground, more or less, situate lu Kirn;
City boro In Falrview twp, Butier Co., Pa.,
bounded ,'sfollows,to-wit: On the north by Olive
St, east by 1 mds of E B Abrams, south bv
lands of Jan O'Harra et al and west by Church
St., having one frame barn and other outbuild
lugs erected thereon.
Seized and taken In execution as the property
of G L Htlllard at the »ult (A Mrs E Lithgrow.
ED Nos. 33 and 69 June Term, 1595. Williams
&. Mitchell, att/a.
All the light title. Interest and claim of El
leu Davison and Samuel Davison or Davidson of.
in and to 74 acres and 60 perches ot land, more
or less, situate in Adams twp.. Butler Co, Pa,
bounded as follows, to-wit: The first piece con
taining «3 acres, more or less, bounded as fol
lows. beginning at tlie southwest corner thence
uorth 26west 62 perches r>y lauds of the heirs
now or tormerly of Jos Johnston, ihence south
57 east 9 perches, tlience north 26i, west 2
perches, ihence north 57 west to astone,tlience
north ill west 21 perches to a post and stone
thence west 270 perches to the place of begui
ALSO—AII that other piece of lan I situate In
Twp. Co. and State aforesaid, bounded north by
lauds of Geo Marburger. enst by lauds or John
Cashdollar. south by lands of Wm Johnston
and on the west by lands of Jos Johnston, con
taining 11 acres and 6) perches more or
less, both tracts being mostly cleared, having
an orchard, frame barn, frame house, coal
nauk. eic. thereon. Seized and taken In execu
tion as the property of Ellen Davtsou and Sam
Davison or Davidson at the suit of W'ui Roll,
E. D. No. 58, June Term tstfj, W. D. Brandon,
All the right, title interest and claim of
Frank Markwell et al of. In and to 27 acres aud
125 perches of land, more or less, situated In i
Concord twp. Butler. Co., Pa, bounded as fol- i
lows, to-wlt: Beginning at the northwest |
corner, thence by Brow n and Mcl'lellan heirs ■
syuth <9 cast 50 perches, thence by Simon j
King, south 1-- wt a L 80,5-10 peri hc.s to aatouei
acro.'-s the road, theuce hy Sheakly north «9,3-4' i
west 5.3-10 percues. thence bj same south 61
west 16,28:100 perches, thence by Mrs. McCall |
north SO west 23.4-10 to a post, thence
by M. Bowers north 1.1-2 east 81.36-lcO perches
lo th« place of beglnulhg,having a boar ■ house,
log barn aud other out building* erected there.
ALSO—In and to i> acres of La»d. more or ;
less, situated In Concord twp. Butler, Co.. Pa, j
bounded as follows, to wit: Beirtuuln* at a
poet on bank of the cree». tlience i ■ .
lands ot lo rods more or less to north
eaateorner of lot of Thomas. thence
west along line of Thomas lot to public .road, j
thence bv the course of th- public road to a
poiut where the conttnuatl m of the tlrst
line above descr! Ed would Intersect the
road, thence by lands of M J Robinson s uth
87.3-4 east 53 perches to a post near the o,d
roal bank, thence by same south l 2 east I
24.2-lu perches, thence by same soNth -v. 1-2
east 79 perches, thence by Clymer heirs south
1-2 east .>4.1-:; perches, thence by E L Redick
and E Kreager north ss.l-2' west 140 perches
to the place of beginning. Seized and taKen in
execution as the property of l'rauk Markwell
et al at ihe suit of Stephen Markwell.
E. D. No. 35 June Term. 1895. James Bredln.
AH the right, title, interest and claim of R
C Dodds of, in and to 40 acre' of l:m<!, more or
les3, situated lu Adams twp, Butler. Co , Pa..
boundail to wit: On the north by
lands ori)i*is;err' , tt and J I Smith, east by
lands of J 4 Smith and John Dodds helrs.sou th
by lands ■( John Dott and west by
lauds of J D Magee; said lands being mostly
I cleared and lu a fair state ot cultivation with
a two swry frame dwelling house, frame and
log stable, orchard and other out-bulldiugs (
erected thereou.
! Seiie«l and taken in execution as the property !
[ of R C I>odds at the suit of Ribert M Giosou
! and J C Alexander, ex'r.
EI) No. 35 June Term. 1895 Jas 3re liu, att'y. i
All the right, title .Interest and claim of John |
Dodds of. tn anil to 45 acres of land, more or
less, situated iu Aita.ns township. Butler. Co..
Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north l
by lauus of J J suutn. east bj lauds ot Sidiuj
Morata, south by lands of Win Wilson and
John Dott, west by lands ot 11 0 Dodds about i
30 acres of said land uelhg cleared anl in *
fair state ot cultivation.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Jonn Dodds at th* sail of itoj.'rt >1 Giosaa
and J C Alexander, Ex'rs.
Test E. D. No. 6 June Term i-aj, Hludman .v
llockman, Att'ys
All the right, title, interest and claim of R L ;
Mccandiess oi, lu aud to a certain lot ot ground I
more or less, slluated lu the vlilag.' ot Euclid, j
lu Clay twp, Butler Co., Pa. bounded as fol-i
lows, town: On the norm by lan is ol .1 J |
Miller, east by lan is of .>1 ry vleiviaslen. south j
by Pnolle ro.ul. west oy lauds or J J Miller I
Containing (100) one hundred aud sixty feet b_. i
(100; one hundred teel, ou which Is e.ected a I
two slory traine dwelling ho ise aud oilier out
bulldiugs tuereon, seued aud taKen lu execu
tion as ihe property ol It L McCaulless at, the
suit of J H A'llson.
E, D. No's. 02 andiiS June Term ls:is, Williams
a; Aliiehell Atty's.
All the rigui, line, interest and claim of M S
McOarvey of. lu and to a certain piece parcel
aud lotui ground more or less, situated lu the
village j*l Sorth Washington. Butler Co., Pa..
bounJ«TiLs follows, Ui wit: on tue norm oy
au adey, t-a-t by a street, south by .slain street
aud ou the west by lauds ol Mrs. William ion
wa>. Same having a trontageof.sixty (.ou; teel
more or less aud a depth ol oue-huniired and
eighty (isoi feet more or less anl navlug tuere
ou erec Leu a frame staole ana out buildings
Uelhg the same lot and premises thai were
coin racted to be sola by said plalnuil to said
deleuaaiu by articles of agreement oeiweeu
them Oearlug date tue 22ud hay of March lsi>4,
and uie claim ol piaiutill against he said de
fendant being loi oalauce ot purchase money
of said lot aud premises due aud owing by the
salu defendant to tile saUl piaiutill ituder the
atoresaid articles ot agreement. SeUeu aud
aken in execution as tue property ol d s Jlo-
Garvef at the suit of NAI Hoover, M L>, et al. |
I'EK.MS OK SALE:—The following must be 1
strictly' compiled with when propert> Is stricken
1. Waen the plaintiff or other lien creditor
incomes the purchaser the cost on the writ
must ue paid aud a list ol the liens including
mortgage searches on the property sold to
gether with such lien creditor's receipt* lor tue
amount ot the proceeds ol the sate or such por
tion thereof as he may claim must ue furuisucd
the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid iu full.
3. All saies not settleu immediately will be
continued umil l o'clock p. m. ol next ua). at
wmch time all property not settled for will
again oe pUo up aud sold at the expeusc aihl
risk of the person to wuoni nrst sold.
•see Purdon's Digest, 9tu edition, page 4 40.
and Smith's Forms, page 384.
SneritT's Oillce, Butler. Pa., May 9, 1895
By virtue of writs ot Fi. Fa , Al. Fi. Pa.
etc, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me direct
ed there will be exposed to public sale at
the Court House ia Butler, on
MONDAY, JUXE 3, 1895,
at 1 o'clock p.m. the following described
property, to-wit:
E D No. 77 June Term, 1895. J D Mar
shall, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim ot
L W Stillwagon and Adam Stillwagon of.
in and to 10 acres of laud, more or less,
situate in islipperyrock twp., Butler Co.,
Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
north by lauds of Frank Kaiston et al, east
by lauds of A C AlcCaudless, south by
lands of Alex Black and west by lands ot
Wm McCoy, with an orchard, trarue dwel
iug house, log barti aud other outbuildings
erected thereon. Seised and taken iu ex
ecution as the property ot L W Stillwagon
and Adam Stillwagon at the suit of W B
Carrie, agent tor Mrs Annie Watson.
EI) No. SS, June Term, 1895. W D Bran
don, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Frank Markweil et al ot, iu and to one
quarter ot au acre of land, more or less,sit
uate in Concord twp., Butler Co., Pa.,
bouifded as follows, to-wit: tidgiuning at a
p lint on the State road, iheuce north lort>
(40) faet, thence west one hundred aud
sixty-eight '168) teet to a post, theuce
south forty (40) teet, thence east one hun
dred and sixty-eight (108) leet to the
place ot begiuniug [for fuller deserip
tion see deed book 132, page 443] having
a small Irame house aud otuer oulbuild
iugs erected thereou. Sei/sd aud taken
in execution as the property of Frank
Markwell et al at the suit of Stephen
E. D. No. 78 Juue Term 1895, McJunkin
& Galbreatb, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of
Johu Laux aud Mrs. Lizzie McUuckeu
executrix of John Laux dee'd of, iu aud to
25 acres of land, more or less, situated iu
Clearfield township, Butler Co., Pa.,
bounded as follows to wit: Ou the north
by Kittanuiug pike; east by lauds of U ugh
McCrea, south by lands of Hugh MeCrea
and west by lands of Hugh Greeu; with
the appurteuauces, being the land devised to
Johu Laux by Ihe last will and testament
of his father as rec.irded in Mortgage book
33 page 400,
ALSO —All that certain other piece of
land situate in Clearfield twp. Butler Co.,
Pa , containing 5 acres more or less
bounded and described as follows to wit:
On the nfirth by lets of Eitaibeth McGuck
en, east by lands of Johu Liux sout h by
lands of liagh Green and west by lands ol
llugh Greet.; being the 5 acres devised to
Elizabeth McGucken by last will of her
father, with the appurteuaqces.
ALSO—Of, in aud to all that certain lot
of land, more or less, siluated in the vil
lage of Coylesville, Cleartield twp, Butler,
Co., Pa., bounded as follows to wit: On
the north by lands of U. McXamy, east by
lands of M F. Goyle. south by Kittanning
Pine aud west by aud alley and being lot
No. 48 in the said plan of lots in said vil
lage of Coylesville.
ALSO —Lot No. 8 iu said plan of lots
bounded as lollows to wit: On the north
by Kittanning pike, ast by lot of Mrs. Me-
Gueken, south by lauds of Mrs. McGucken
and west by an alley.
ALSO—AII that other piece or parcel of
land containing 3 lots No 2, 3 and 4 in the
general plan of lots in said village bound
ed on the north by Kittanuiug Pike, east
by John Connoy, south by Hugh Green
and west by C. Dugans land with the ap
ALBo—of, iu and to 2 lots of land, more
or less, situated in the village of Coyles
ville, Clearfield twp., Butler 00, Pa.,
bounded as follows to wit: Oo the uorth
by Butler and Kictaaning pike, east by
lands of P. E. Eckemaus heirs, south by
lands of John S. Laux and west by au
alley. B«ing lots N >'s. 13 aud 14 iu plan
ot lots laid out by James Duulap in plan
of Coyles ville Pa.
AL^O—All tuat certain other lots of 1
land si uate iu the village ot Coyiesvilie in 1
twp, county and state asoresaui; bounded 1
on ihe north by Butler aud Kittanning
pike, west by lands ef I). Boyles heirs,
east by au alley , south by lauds ot' Eliza
beth McGucken; containing 4 lots No's 9,
10, 11 and 12 iu the plan ot lots iu the said
Village with the appßrteuances. Seized and
taken in execution as the property ot John
Laux and Mrs. Lizzie McUuckon Execu
trix of John Laux dee'd at the suit of W.
F. Coyle, Adm'r.
E." D. No. 79 Jaae Term 1895.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
John 11. Dobson of, in and to certain 1
pieces of land of five and one acres respec- |
tively more or less situated in Adams twp,
Butler Co., Pa , bounded as follows to wit: •
Beginning at a stone corner post adjoin- !
ing the lauds ot Thomas Dobson and Sam
uel Park, thence by the land id' the said
Thomas Dobson north 8S J east 3GJ perch
es to a stone corner post; thence by lands
of Jas. Davidson south east 28* perch
es to a stone comer post on the line of C.
Bolhorst, thence along said line south 87° ;
west 19j perches to a stone corner post; :
thence by land of Samuel Park noi'h 44° ,
east 15 perches to a stone corner post;
thence by same north 14° east 14J parches
to the place ot beginning Uaviug erect
ed thereon a one and one-half story framo
house of 4 rooms, log stable, orchard,
cleared and under fence and
other out-buildings erected thereon. Con
taining five acres.
ALSO—AII that other certain lot of 1
land adjoining and lying on the west side
of the above described lot, being 5 a d 5
eight hundred t.n perches westward along the
lauds of said Thomas Dobson and contain
ing the same width to the line of Christ
Bolhorst being 5 and fifty-eight hundredth
perches wide and 28 aud two-thirds perch
es lone containing 1 acre Seized
and taken in execution as the property of
John 11. Dobson at the suit of John D.
Hil. I
wc have achieved the j
distinction of produc
ing the finest garments
ever made in the coun
ty, and cheaper than
same can be bought
FIRST elsewhere in theStaie.
AS TO THE variety
of our Stock and beau-
ANY- ty of its Styles we have
THING ®° ur 11 opinion; but
we would like yours
also —it will add to
A the distinction.
we have secured a large
TINC- number of special con-
TION single suit pat
terns. They are the
r)i of Q
fcery newest novelties.
Select early If you
don't want a suit now
w r e will reserve the
pattern for you.
Western Pennsylvania Division.
Seht-ilule iii Effect May 20, 1995.
South, — l —Week Day>
A. M. A. x. A. M. I*. M. p_ M.
Bltlek Leave 025 suo ii!E> 245 or,
Saxon burg. Arrive 054 825 ill" -ill j2B
But ler .Ic't .. '• 727 84S 12 12 340 .>53
Butler .Ic t.. .I.eave 730 848 12 17 340 >.>3
Natrona . Arriv«7Sß 8
Tarentum 743 :»03 12 31 35! 60i
Sprlugdale 752 912 12 41 407 ...^
Ciarelhont 807 925 12 59 421 6-i
Sharpsburg. 815 931 107 428 CJ2
Allegheny < 'lty 82S 941 124 440 645
A. M A. M. P. M. P. H. P. M.
SUSDAY TRAINS Leave Butler for Alle
gheny City and principal Intermediate stations
7:40 A. M„ 2:to and 5:oo P. M.
North. .Week Doys—'—
A. M. A. M. A. M. I'. SI. P. M.
Allegheny City.. Lv. 655 900 11 25 315 010
Sharpsburg 708 913 1139
Claremont 919 114ti ...
Sprlngdale 930 n»9 o.»
Tarentum 732 939 12 08 351 04s
Natrona 737 943 12 13 355 653
Butler Jet Ar 745 950 12 23 401 ? 02
Butler JCt Lv 745 950 12 34 415 702
Saxonburg 810 lo 15 l j ,">*J 440 ,25
BCl'l£K Ar. 835 lo 34 125 500 750
A. M. A. M. r. M, P. M . I' M.
SUNDAY TRAINS-Leave Allegheny .'Uy lor
Butler aud principal intermediate stations 7ao
A. M.. 1235 and 7:10 P. M.
Week Days For the East Week Days,
p. m. a. m. a m P- m
-245 625 Lv Bctlkr... Ar 10 38 125
340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 3 i
404 745 Lv Butler Jc't Ar 940 12 34
410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30
415 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 931 12 24
426 804 " Leecnburtf.. " 920 12 12
44G 821 "Paulton( Apollo" 905 11 55
514 851 " Saltsburg "8 37 11 32
550 922 " Blairsville..B 05 II 00
GOO 930 "Klairsville las'n"7 45 10 15
850 11 35 " Altoona "3 40 800
100 310 " Barrisburg..."ll 55 310
430 623 " Philadelphia." 850 11 20
а. ni. p. in. P- 1D - P- IU -
Through trains for the east leave Pitts
burg (Uuiou titatiou) as l'o'lows:
Atlantic Express, daily 3 10 A. M.
Pennsylvania Limited " 715 "
Day Express, " 730 "
Main Lino Epress " 800 "
Philadelphia Express " .4 30 P. M.
Eastern Express " 700 "
Fast Line " .....8 10 "
For detailed information, addre.-s Thos.
E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, 110
Filth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
General Manager. Gen'l Passr, Agent.
P. <fc. W. 11. K.
Schedule in eHjot May 12. 1595. (Uutler time)
The short I.tne to Pittsburg.
б.25 a m Allegheny lix 9.25 am, Allegheny Ac
8.15 a m All'y s, Akrou io.ih) a in.AI & N Castle
10.H5 ain Allegheny Ac 12.20 p in. Allegheny Ex
11 45 ain Allegheny Ex 1.05 p ra, Chicago Kx
2.55 pin Allegheny Ex 5.05 pm, Allegheny Ex
350 p m Chicago Kx. 7.30 p m,All'y a; Akron
005 p in All'y & Eli. Ex s.oo p tn, Allegheny Ex
10.05 a in Kane & Brad, sosa m, Foxburg Ac
5.15 p m Clarion Ac 19.50 a in, Clarl >li Ac
7.35 p m Koxburg 5.20 pm, Kaue Mull
8.15 ain lleForest Ac 10 00 a m.Allegueny Ac
11.4>a ia, Allegheny KX 1.05 p in, Allegheny Kx
3.50 p ill, I hlcago Ex 505 pm, Allegheny Ex
GOS pin, Allegheny AC 730p m. Deforest Ac
Train arriving at at p :n leaves U & O de
pot, Pltisbui g. at 3 :I5 o'clok.
Butler and .ireedvllle Oju:i >vill leive Alle
gheny at 3:20 p. m, daily except Sun lay. Con
necting at Wiilowgrove, arriving at Butler at
Pullman BuTet Sleeping Cars and Mrs'-cl tss
l>ay Coaches lun through between Butler and
For through tickets to points iu th™ West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CBOUCH. Agent
Trains leave the B. & O. depot in Pittburg
for ihe East as follows.
For Washington D C., Baltimore, Philadel
phia, m i New York, 7:30 and 9:20 p. m.
Cumberland, 6:40. 7 :30. a.m. l :tu. p. m. Con
nelsville. 6:40, 7SM. a. m. 1.10 4.3U, 4.45. 5.30, 9.20
p. m. Uniontown 7..0 a. m . 1.10,1.30. 5.30 p. m.
Unlontown, Morgantown and l-'airuiont. 7.3:), a.
in, and 5,30 p.m. Mt.Pleaaint <; 40, 7. 3> a. iu.
1.10 and 4.50 pm. Washington. Pa. 7.40 and
930 a. in., 4.00,4.45 and p. m. Wheel
ing, 7.40. and 9.30 a. m., and 4.u0. 9.00. 11.55 p.
m. Cincinnati, St, Louis. Columbus and New
ark. 7.10 a. m.. 9.10, 11.55 p.m.
For Chicago, 2.4.; and 9.30 p. in,
Parlor aud sleeping cars to B Utl.noro, Wash
ington, Cincinnati an l Chicago
Takes effect Monday, D.'c. 31 is) 4
Trains are run by Standard central I'ime (90th
Meridian.) One ho ir slower than City rioae.
(Joino North. Goinu South
10 14 15 STATIONS ~9 IT 13
p.m m o.m. Arr Lv'e a.in. i.m.jp mo
i J
i I | i
; 00 1 4-' 10 1,0 Er'.e 0 I'l 8 35 3 35
1; 25 1 09 9 25 Wallace Junct. 6 47 9 15 4 12
li 201 I 14 9 15] Gtraril B 50 9 18; 1 15
09 12 541 903 Lockpor; .. 7 (*> 929 120
6 02112 48! s 55|.. .Oranesville . ..' 7 0s : 93- 434
643 10 22 ar.Conneaut lv. . . 7 i.j :i 111
3 10 7 4U lv 81 0 43
sWtih'H 45 ar.. . vlbion lv 711 911 437
54312 33 s3l ... ihadeland... 7 23j :> 53 1 M
5 41) 12 30 828 . springboro. ... 7 27: !I -<J 455
53312 24 82H ..C'mneautvtlle 7 3110 03 5 0;:
451 7 301 lv .Couu't Like mil 4 47
7 lli ... . 8 10 ar ar 8 10 10 50 5 39
425 7 55 lv.. Mead ville ..lv 9 45 4 20
7 40 ... . 8 .10 ar ar, 8 3« U 25: 0 10
No 2 11 51 7 43 . . Hartstown.. . No 1 10 39 5 39
.... 11 4« 7 3s ...Adaraaviue 10 41 544
.... 11 38 28 Osgood 10 54 553
t! 25 11 30 7 is ... (Imenvilie ... 6 30 11 07 fi U5
(i is it 20 7 0i; ....shenango 0 40 ll"20 0 20
fi oo 10 59 fi 45 ....Kredonla 7 03 tl ;i fi :;t
5 44 10 4 1 fi 25 ?.lerccr 7 22 12 01 7 On
5 30 10 29 t! 10 t'ardoe 7 36 12 22 7 14
5 19 10 20 fi 00], ...drove city... 7 47 12 33 7 25
5 (Hi to OS 5 4S ... Harrlsvtlle.... 7 5S 12 45 7 36
1 ssjio oo 5 40 1 ... Branchion 8 OB: 12 54 7 4.5
5 00 ' 8 10' Iv .Branchton.ar 7 10 12 10
5 4fli 855 ar...Billiard...lv 625 11 151 -••
453 9 55i 5 35j1v.. . KeiSters S 10112 5s 743
4 39 9 421 5 211 Euclid 822 I 12 * 03
4 lu| »_ls| 4 50| Butler I 8 501 1 42 | 8 32
- 2 1 7 20 Allegheny, P.tw it ofr 3 50
2 15 .11 PltLsburg,li.to. li in i). rn .
J. T. BLAIK. General Manager. Greeovili *. pa
W. O. s.V It'j KANT. G. P. A.. Pa
Theodore a.
Chimneys, Grate and Boiler Setting.
Cistern Building aud eewer
Work a Specialty.
Att'y at Law--OJICi on South alls or, D 1 j nond
Butler, P».
Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main &. Cunningham
ALK. HICK !• r<-«.
UFO. hr.TTKUEK. Virr I'ri-n
1., s. a. J l > kI.V vc'j and Trft*.
Altre 1 vy iclc. Henderson Oliver.
Dr. W. Irvln. Jitiiw stepbentou
W. W. lilackmore N. W. itiel,
K. Bowman. H. J. Klingler
Geo Kett-rer. 1 has. Rebhun,
Geo. lit* 11:10, John Koenlng
Shippers and dealers in
Hnilding Materials
I Rough and uressed Lumber of all
j kinds. Doors and Windows, and
Mouldings ot all kinds.
H. E. WICK, Manager.
Office and Yarda,
»»t I'unninfthKro mi] Monroestrret*.
Professional Cards.
137 E. Wayne St., ottloe Hours. 10 to 12 M. an
1 to 3 P. M.
paraioiAK AND smogo.
office at No. 45, S. Main sum. cwff city
Pharmacy.Batter. Pa.
New Troutman Building, Butler. Pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
•iOO West Cunningham St.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest im
proved plan. Gold Killing a specially,
over Scnaul's Stare.
Gold Filling Painless Extraction ol Teeth
ui il without Platsi a specialty
Itr.jiH Kile jc Vitalized Air or Local
Q tMtl 'UtM H ' I
Jtt's a. T e." Mill s?"-* en of Lowry
osric' iiou i v< " i•• 11 111 r i i.'i iw<
snow locate 1 In new aad eleuint noma ad
oininj! nil torm -r ones. All kin is ot clasp
plates and modern gold work,
A. T. SCOTT, •
-e at No. 8. Suatii Diamond. Butlrsr, Pa.
OiUce at Ila S. Matn St., Butler Pa.
Olllce hours sto ». and 10:30 to 12. A. M.. and
l to 3, aria T to 9 P. M.
Homceopathic Physician and
Office 126 8. Main St., over Bickel's shoe
Residence 315 N. McKean St.
Otlce second floor, Anderson B1 k. Maiu fct
near Court House. Butler. Pa.
mmm rtui
Funera[ Directors,
151 .Main St." - ButlPrea.
For ;«otlve lady or gentleman acquainted with
nelehtMjrhood. Compensation Trim $w to si.">o
monthly. Work outll ed. Only energetic party
ambitious to succeed, need apply- No CapUal
required. A<l tress with reference, (ilobe Bible
l*uollshiUK Co. T23 Chestnut street. PUila., Pa.
Are You Afflicted.
Now is the chance of a life-time
to be Cured.
The EXCELSIOR Remedies,
Postively and Permanently cure all
diseases caused by derangement of the
Biooil, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Stomach and
Liver Trouble; all Skin Disease, St. Vitus
Dance. General Debility, Nervous Debility.
Sick or Nervous Headache, Catarrah, Alt
er Effects of La Grippe, Percale Complaints,
Constipation aud all its evil effects.
Th"> Excelsior [llood denser and Excel
sior Vegetable Pills, are especially adopted
for the above complaints, their curative
powers are wonderful. TRY THEM, they
are guaranteed tn cure. Sent! us your ad
dress and we will mail you TflE EXCEL
SIOR LEADER containing testimonials
•if hundreds who have been cured by the
Excelsior Remedies in your own County
and State. Address all commuuicaiions
Office EXCELSIOR Medicine Co,
No. 126 S. Main Bt. - - Butler Pa
Quality Guaranteed the BEST.
National Sewing Machine 60.
Pevi: . viiL ft"
B Sr.iVi yi . .JUL lvi» 3 t~~ '
*v:r\ • v
If &*' !»«•!.. ff»r I . ' rctMrii
-X i> 11-': J« i rOi N. . /'a; -
I 4'h|rh« -i*»rt at,«tctklCi»>.3klad|aon
ftcli ij tii Lvcai l*hU«Kla>i I>
Those Who Hasten Feed on Husks
Qrandest AND JJN JJhows QN EARTH
Poslive!j|i>re-eminent in the annals of au-.u>emenu, and dwarfing, by comparison,
all others.
Will exhibit in all its matchless magnitude at
Butler Friday May 24
For trains of specially constructed cars are requiiei to transport ttns enor
nioua enterprise.
Comprising a countless collection of rare Zoological Wonders.
3 Ring Circus and elevated Stages
6 score of Noted Performers
Makes two dives dailv from a tower 100 feet high, free to all, at 10 30 A
M. and 6:30 P. M.
Free Street Parade
A moving mass of astounding splendor, comprising a full mile of entrancing
A score oj open dens of rare wild beasts,
to kinds of Melodious Music, 5 Distinct Bands of Soloists.
Ticket Admits to all tl\ese Great Shows.
Two complete Performances Daily at 2 and 8 P. M-
Doors Open one Hoar Earlier.
Those who Wait, Wait for the best!
Which is the only one.
Coming in all its grandeur. With its Great European Successes,and
enlarged to Twice its former size for its I2th Triumphai
Tour of the Principal Cities of America, and will
Exhibit in
I MVSSi L L DILL O Museum. Grand Mexican Hippodrome,
International Exposition of Novelties and Grand Pyrotechnic Display.
The Marvel of the age and the greatest WILD WEST in the World.
The only one now traveling. Moves by its own palace cars.
Contains features selected for their historial value and character from
the Wild West of America in particular, and the IForld at large asNat.ure's
Own Truthful Exhibition. Pawnee Bill's Wild West has fullfiiled
every purpose and is acknowledged to be Educational and Instructive.
The Hero of Oklahoma, and Great White Chief of the Pawnees, Major
Gordon W. Lillie, (Pawnee Bill) has spared neither trouble nor expense in
his efforts to collect from every clime Startling and Sterling Novehies
Novelties, and has engaged especially for this exhibition. The Australian
Aborigines. Genuine Cannibal Bush Men, Famous Black Trackers and
Boomerang Throwers. Indian Chiefs of renown. A whole Indian Vil
Travoys, and thousands of curiosities are presented. Sppotted Tail,
Afraid-of His-Horses, Left Hand, and dozens of Indian Warriors from the
Celebrated Sioux, Comanche, Cheyenne, Arapahoes and other tribes, to
gether v;ith 3 Bands of Music, including the famous Mexican Band. An
Army of Cowboys aud Frontier Heroes in their sports, horsemanship, re
pulses of the Bleodthirsty Redskins at Trapper Tom's Cabin and Fort Still
Stage Coach.—A Troup of Famous Japanese Lancers, Fencers and Fight
ers, and Sword Combats on Horseback.
A Band of Gonehas, from the Pampas of South America.
The Mexican Band, the Feature of the New Orleans Exposition, and a
Band of Bedouin Arabs, Remarkable for their dexterity with the Rifle and
Bayonet and feats of Herculean strength and astounding agility, have been
added to this great Congress of Wonders In addition to the foregoing
marvels, thousands of novelties, and an array of strange and talented peo
ple. with their outfits and appurtenances as they always have been and a
Tribe of Flat Head Indians from Montana Frontier will be seen in.
m daily, immediately after the cannon is heard to boom. This is the sig
nal to start, lookout for it. Grand Pyrotechnics and meteoric
display DOORS open at 1 and 7 p. M , Performance
commences one hour later. The immense enclosure lighted at night bv the
most powerful Calcium Lights, making the interior as light as the noonday
sun.— tiOOO Canopy-covered seats for Everybody Ladies and children our
special care.
Grand Free Exhibition on arrival of Parade at the Show grounds.
Admission, as usual.—Children under 9 years, Half Price.
One Ticket Admits to All
Shneideman's Old Stand.
Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Pa-
G A. R. Attention.—We have just opened a case of Navy blue flannDel all
wool guaranteed fast color Grand Army Suitß. Members G. A. R prepare
yourselves now while you have time. We are prepared for you now
with a special selection of the most elegaht G A. R. Suits, Cap 3 and White
Vests ever offered in Butler county. Grand Army Men watch these prices,
vcu will »ond*r how we do it, but the low prices will enable us to clothe
nearly all the G. A, R. men in the county for the coming Memorial Day
Guaranteed luriijro Blue all wool untadable G. A. R. suit usually sold
$ll.OO our price $8.50. Absolutely waterproof Indigo Blue all wool fast
color G. A. 11 suit SIO.OO. The waterproof suit is made of a speciol cloth
chemically treated and is postively waterproof and fast color.
We have the exclusive agency for this G. A. R. Suit.
Anything pnrchased ot us which dees not meet jour expectations can l>e returned and the
money w ill be cneerxully retun ed.
Shloss Bro's, LV"'
Schneideman's Old Stand.