Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 09, 1895, Image 3

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THL'RSDAV. MAY 9, 18&5.
Legal notice* are published in the ClTl
xcn at $1 per Inch for first, and 50 cents for
each succeeding insertion.
Obituaries, cards of thanks. resolutions,
etc. are inserted at Scents a line, money to
accompany the order.
Reading notice* on local page 10 cents
a line lor first and 5 cents a line for each
subsequent insertion. Notices among lo
cal news items 15 cents a line for each in
Half- inch professional cards with paper
$5 a year.
Rates for commercial advtrtising qioted
upon application
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
b/ special arrangements made for ear
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all onr
übscribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the New
Vork Weekly Tribune free for one year.
For further particklari of this ofler see ad
New Advertisements.
Sheriff's Sales, Final and Partial Ac
counts, Widows' Appraisement*, Road Re
port, etc. for June Tern.
Huntings Circus for May 17.
Eyes examined free.
Bush's saw and knife.
Wool Wanted, Troutman k Son.
Plants for Sale.
Notice to Teachers.
NOTI—AII advertisers intending to make
chir.? :s in their ads. should notify us of
their 'ention to do so, not later than
Moiiu-y morning.
Administrators and Executors ol estates
can sec ire their receipt books at the CiT
xk> slice
—Now that wheat is 70 cents a bushel
a growing field is of considerable interest.
- li this thing keeps up we'll all be bak
ed without going to the other place.
—The Forth ward Mutaal Water Co., is
drilling a well on the bill north of town.
—A fljwer cut in the morning will out
live two flowers cut when the sun is upon
*nem. t
—lt is stated that the fashionable tooth,
pick shoes are good for the business of corn
—Many farmers complain of heavy loss
es by rot in the potatoes stored in holes
during tbe winter.
—A siven leaf clover was one of tbe
curiosities at a neighboring drug store
last week.
—The rain of Tuesday changed tbe face
of Nature. It spoiled oar orchard boquets
and made the grass a darker greec.
—The Hotter Co. S. 8.. Association will
hold a convention in Katler oa sth, 6th,
and 7it,, days of June next.
—A new schedule is to go into effect on
the West Fenn soon and we are to have a
fast morning train a.id l<ro Sunday trains.
—The Cork Advertiser says: "At the
Circur w« saw and heard an Iriah-Ameri
can clown Bob Hauling. He makei one's
(ides ache, bat his wit is a tonic."
Tnj b»ru ol Wat. Moure in West Lib
erty was struck by lightning and destroy
ed by fire at noon, yesterday. Mr. Moore
wai aw ay fro .a no.ai a'. the time.
—PitUbnrg ia having a week of Wagner
Opera, under the direction of Walter
Damroscb, Blaine'* son in-law; and the
Pittsbnrger* are patronizing it liberally.
—Tbe apple, pear, and plnm trees are
fall of blossoms, bat peach and cherry blos
soms are scarce. Some of the winter
wheat looks good. «
—Daring the rain of Tuesday evening,
lightning struck the Walnut tree at W. I>.
Brandon's back porch and followed a
clothes line wire from it to the stable and
set things afire.
—Bob Hunting bring* vith him from
Great Britain, tbe laud of aach Clowns a*
Wallet, Swan, Adams, Grimaldi and Cook,
a record to make every fan-loving
American proad of him.
A certain young man who told bis
girl's father he loved her waa considerably
taken back when the old gentleman repli
ed: "He did too, and Intended to keep
--Some yonng ladiea who " carry red
noses" may be interested to know that an
eminent physican says it comes from tigh l
lacing, and consequently they should
"slacken their stays."
—Don't spray your frait tree* with poi.
son while in fall bloom, a* it will kill the
bees in the vicinity and leiken tbe crop of
frait by tbe flowers not being fertilized by
the bees.
--It is *»i l that the bigbe-tt point eve r
reached by oil was in January, 1800, when
it went to S2O per barrel. The lowe*t
point, 5 cents per barrel, WM reached in
November, 1861.
—Twenty year* ago Col. Thompson put
np a box in front of his lot on Main St. and
a flock of Martens came and located in it,
and thev have been coming every yetr
since. The only other flock in town i n
Barney Solbach's.
—The Opera flonse was crowded last
Thursday evening for the entertainment
given by the Hoy's Brigade of the
Y. M. C. A., and the audience was pleased
with the entertainment. Much credit is
due Mr. Brymer for the interest h» take*
in the toy*.
A lady tells the Christaiu Advocate
that she heard a colored preacher say: "de
fo' part oli de house will plnnse sit down.
In' de hind part can not *ee de fo' part it'
de to' persist in standing befor' de
bind part, to de otter obsclusion ob de
hinit part by de fo' part."
—Jos Kiskadon has sold bis Interest in
tbe Bntler House livery to his partner
J. M. Hrener. While Jo*, waa building a
bridge In Jeffer*on Twp , Monday, he lo*t
hi* pocket book which contained paper* o'
value tn him alone, and for the retnru o
whioh he offers a reward. See 'l,oat" notice
in another oolnrnn.
—The dronth in this *ection was
becoming serious, and in *orae part* of
the oil region it was alarming. Fierce forest,
fire* were raging in Bradford and Elk coun
tries Men were obliged to make a constant
fight to <ave oil rigs, tank* lumber and
timber. Drilling wells in many places
were suspended because of lack of water,
as springs wero dried up.
—An extensive real estate dealer, prin
cipally in (arming property, Says that
farm values have materially advanced
witbin the last few months, and properties
tbat were offered with no buyers at the
very low rates tbat have prevailed for the
past two or three years cannot now be
bought nearly so low. A good deal of
farming property 1* now changing hands
and at better prices.
—One of onr oil men who*e income is now
about SI,OOO a day, wa* seen dancing a
Jig on his back porch the other day, while
be sang:
—"Ob, tbe country's growin' brighter,
an' the world in glory rolls;
The sunshine's streanin' whiter through
the »indow of our souls;
The Lord * unlocked His storehouse, with
all lie's got to Kisu,
An' if't would la*t forever, we'd just live,
an' live, »n' live!"
—The Woods Wutr Works bill pa-*ed
the House Wednesday nigJit,—llo to 56.
—The Finance Committee of the Butler
Hospital Association is revested to meet
j in the office of Williams <fr Mitchell on the
i Diamond, this evening at 7:30.
The Waiter Co , had an engineer in
town this week, and it is said that he has
recommended the damming of Bonnie
Brook for a temporary supply of water.
—Vone of .ihe contestants for the prizes
offered by the Pittsburg Tint-■> for the so--
lntion of the mystery of the -"Bride of a
Day" story wtre exactly right, though fonr
persons guessed pretty closely and received
fIOO each, and the other SIOO was divided
among ten.
—According to a dispatch sent to Pitts
burg from Xew Castle, a mother black
snake fouad her way into the stomach of a
caw belonging lo N ickolas Gardner of near
Portersville.and deposited thirty-two little
snakes in it. The cow died, and when she i
was cut open the old snake escaped, but '
the little ones were killed. It's a pretty
good snake story.
—At the meeting of Council, Tae«d»y
evening the N'orth Cud Mutual Water Co ,
was granted the privilege of laying its
pipes in certain streets and alleys. The
Council will levy. 11 mills this year. for
general and 0 tor special purposes. D. H.
Sutton has moved out of town and Stephen
Markham was appointed Councilman in his
stead. W. J. McKee's plan of lots was
adopted. The W. Cunningham sewer
petition was defective.
—Bicycle factories are springing up
everywhere; also bicycle liveries.
—The importance of carefully cleaning
old barrels before putting other.subatances
in them is shown by an accident at the
Westinghouse Electric Works, Brinton.
Pa. Castings were stored in an old barrel,
which had contained wood alcohol aiid
been rebeaded. One of the workmen
lighted a match to see what was in tl.e
barrel, and the gas which had gathered
was exploded, throwing the castings in
various directions, killing one man, wound
ing tive others, and injuring the building.
—At Blairsville, last Friday, Dr. I. P.
Kliogensmith prmounced a- convalescent
and out of danger four diphtheria patients
he has been treating with anti-toxi ne.This
is the recovery there, the first one occurring
a month or more ago, when anti-toxine was
for the fir»t time used in Western Penn
sylvania by J)rs Ratledge and Klingec
smith. All these cases were of the typical
order and such as usually result fatally.
The results obtained by,ase of anti-toxine
are such as to csnse physicians to
regard it as a specific for the dread disease
What adds to the interest of these cases if
that it is sapposed to be the most thorough
and satisfactory test that this remedy has
yet received in the United St.ites
—The large dine of plate-glass cant at
the Batler work* Rome time ago waa taken
oat of the annealing oven laat week: ex
amined by lir. I'eate, and pronounced by
him to be perfect. It wa* a aacce** oc the
foarth trial. It was lying in a large box,
Friday, aarroanded by hay. Trie under
side, aa it lay in the box, and the rim were
rouffh, bat the upper aide van smooth and
transparent. Looking into it waa like
looking into an immenae plate. The en
tire coat of.the disc including the mould
and the price of a table, aa one waa aprung,
will probably aggregate several hundred
dollara. The machinery for grinding it ia
being manufactured, and will coat several
thousand dollar*. There will be two thoua
and rabbera on the grinding apparatus.
Mr. Feate expect* to be two yeara on the
lena, and ita coat when completed will ag
gregate abont $25,000. If no mishap oc"
cars this will be the largest lena on Earth
The disc is 64 inches in diameter and 7
incbe* thick.
While Charles Nicolaa of near Wattera
station waa shooting at hawka, lately bis
gun barat, and his left arm way braised.
East Friday, Grace Boxberry, daughter
of W. J. Boxberry of Concord twp., met
with a aerioua accident.
Towards noon she took a pail of water
oat to her father in the field; and stayed
with him till no<m, when they both started
for the hoaae, riding the horses, a team of
3-year-old*. Grace carried the tin pail
the noise of which aeemed to scare the
colt, for it ran away, over the field and
into a piece of woods, where Grace waa
thrown off. Uer hetul struck a post and
her Hkall was badly fractured. She haa
lain unconscious, since, and her condition
I* critical.
At the funeral of Mr*. Oesterling in Ham
mit twp. Tuesday, Andrew Yost'* team
ran off and ran paat the proceaaion, and
then upset Mr. Yoat'a shoulder was bro
ken, Henry Keek's child had a l<-g broken,
and both Mr*. Keck and Mrs. Yost were
Edward Clark of this county,a tool dress
er, was instantly killed at Findlay, O. yes
terday, by being caught by a cable and
whirled aroand a shaft at an oil well.
Church Notes.
Bev. E. M. Wood will preach in the
Methodist Church next Sunday morning
on,"Word Theology versus Christian Theo
logy," and in the evening the second ser
mon on "How the Bible waa made."
The School Director of Butler
Borough will elect Teacher* and
Janitors for the ensuing school year,
Friday June 21, 1895, at 7:30 P. M.
All application*; to be filed with
iho Secretary on or before Tuesday,
June 18, 1895, at 7 P. M.
John Findley, Secretary.
$l5O, $2.00, $3 00 up to $25.
will buy a Stylish Cape in Cloth,
Silk and Velvet, Lace,
Kibbon, Jet and Satin. Call before
purchasing your Spring Wrap We
can save you mo ney.
New Percales, Ducks, Court Royal
Pique, Seersuckers, .'linghams and
all kinds of wash goods at
Come and sek the Czarina rings at
Latest m trimmed and untrimmed
bats flowers, feathers, ribbons and
noreltien at PATE'S.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will init
you, Postofflce building.
Bee the latest in rings, the Czarina
at PACK'S.
Our grand opening April 11 12-13.
Come and see us, PACE'S
See our line of Kaiki Silks, Pon
gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silks for
wasits from 35 cents a yard up
L. Stein Son.
—No matter how hard the times
the one thing you cannot afford to go
without ia all the news If you want
all the news you get it in the Pitts
burg IHapalch, The /Unlatch pub
ishesl all—not a part only.
Come and see stylish hats and bon
nets at PACE'S.
Boardingllouse Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
Plants For Salo.
Tomato, S weet-potat> and other
plan's,of the latest and best vnrie ties
for sain by ,1/rs, V. K. Anderson, at
her residence, M 2 North McKean
I St. Butler Pa.
! Court for the trial of civil causes conven
ed Monday, and up to the time ol our go
i ing to pre--, the following cases have
: been disposed of.
Nancy B. and R. G. Davison vs Jacol
Dambacb. ct al. The jury lound that th<
plaintiffs own the property.
Gus H. M>;lvin vs J. W. Scott.. Verdicl
(or the plaintiff for all the propertv claim
ed by him, except the colts which belong
to defendant.
B. Ma-seth vs Alexander Bros. Verdict
for plaintiff for
Tne case of Wattles vs Renuo was set
tled, also case of Mangel vs Ed Devire.
la the Fredly vs Reith case the jury, by
agreement found a verdict for the plaintiff
for the goods claimed without costs
Judgment was taken in the case of Kerr
vg Galbreath, and several cases were con
The case of Alfred T. Cookson vs the
P. & W. R. R. Co. was taken up Tuesday
and is yet on trial.
The Indiana Co., Contest Court decided
in favor of Judge White, and increased his
majority to 128. 571 illegal votes were
thrown out, of which 306 were cast for
Blair and 275 for White.
H. M. Ziegler has entered suit in eject
ment vs J. G. et al for 30 acres
in Forward twp.
Ed Kost plead guilty to larceny last Sat
urday and wac sentenced to Morganza. At
present he is lying in jail with a broken
The will of Nancy L. Gould of Clay twp.
was probated, no letters.
Wm Irwin plead guilty to larceny and
was sentenced to the Work House for six
John Gilchrist petitioned for a commit
gion ft." to his son Samuel. who was declar
ed insane and taken to Dixmont.
Court met last Friday. Some motions
were heard and the trial list for this week
read over. The non-cupative or verbal
will of Jane Young of Middletown, was set
on account of defective probate pro
Thursday June Oth has been fixed as the
time of hearing the case of the citizens of
Butler v» the Water Co.
The members of the bar petitioned
court to s'ii-p«nd tbe sentence ot Jas. A.
Morrison, ol Uranrhtoa, convicted of sell
ing cider at January term.
The May terms of the United States dis
trict aDd criminal courts began Monday.
Judge Buffington pre-ides over the district
court and Judge Acheson over the
circuit court. The sessions are important,
particularly in the district conrt, where 61
cases are listed. The offenses range from
violating the interstate laws for fraudulent
purposes to counterfeiting.
A large lint of leases in Middlesex twp.
from different parties to the Forest Oil Co.
were recorded last week. The Leideckor
<fe Co. transfer calla for $166,000, D. H
Wuller 175,000, Oscar Fond et al Forward
twp. $22,000; W. A. Stewart et al $25,000.
Wm. Walker et al $50,000, W. A. For
quer $13,000, I. J. McCandles* $21,000,
Walker et al $15,250; W. 11. Hoffman in
Summit twp. for $13,333.
J F Campbell to Maggie Kay 57 acre* in
Fairview for SBOO.
Eng E L Church to J W Howard lot in
Butler for S7OO.
S F Klingler to W P Stickle lot in Farm
infiton for SSOO.
W H Kaufman to Alf liape 54 acres in
Jack.ion for $3400.
M Eggert et al to L Thomas lot in Par
ker for S7OO.
L F Walker to M F Conner lot in Butler
lor $1250.
Marriage Licenses.
John D. Wolford Cherry twp
Blanche Cbambera .....Clay twp
John J. Campbell ....Venango t-vp
Maggie I'arker Washington twp
George ROM Batler
Mrs. Sarah Lei bold "
L. P. Wick Connoq. twp
Emma Ilea Fenn twp
Murl Dnmbaugh Connoq. twp
Mattie Dontt "
At Kittanning—Meade Andre and Ada
line Wolford, of Butler county; alio Ilobt.
E. McConney, of Went Va., and Amy S
Dnnkle, of Batler county.
At Franklin—S. M. Colgin, of Batler
coanty, and A. E. Hoffman, of Kansas.
At Pittr-hnrg. J. B. K. Irwin of Evana
City and Anna Snowden of Allegheny.
Of Interest to Farmers.
Take your wool to A Troutman
and Hon, Butler Pa, They will pay
you the highest market price in caab.
Ponderosa Tomato Plants.
For Sale, hv the dozen or hundred.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Inquire of or write to
Jesse Heydrick Butler, Pa.
Room M. Armory building or
North Bluff St.
Czarina just new at I'APE
—Home made candies, taffies, car
mels, and etc., now on band at the
City Bakery.
1000 untrimmed hatß,Bpendid shap-
—Job work ofjall kind done at the
1 X
Pictures, DiplomaH, Certificates
and Charters Framed to Order at 300
8. Main St, Butler, Pa.
Dealers in new Furniture and
hou«ehold goods of every description
Call and see us. We can Bare you
The finest lino of Mourning hats
and bonnets in Butler at PAI'E'H.
Beautiful pattern hats at PAPE'B.
15c, 15c, 15c, [sc
will buy an Untrimmed Hat for La
dies' and Misses'. The place to see
them is at the popular store of
Great in Lm Curtains,
Laces and Embroideries at
L Stein <fc Son's.
A.lways use J. A. Richey's Cough
Drops They are the best.
Stylish sailor hats, many colors at
Storm Serges and French Serges,
I(enrittias, Novelty Dress (Joods and
Fancy Slks in greatest variety and
at lowest prices at
Wo nell Table Linenn, Napkinw,
Toweln, CraiiheH and all kind* or
white good* at very low pricen at
L. HTEIN A Hon'h.
Wo rtinpiay over 100 now and
pretty pattern hatH and bonneta at
Reliable Agents Warned.
To Will the Hush Mfg. Co'h. com
bination knifo and Haw. A necessity
in every kitchen.
Reference required.
C. F Uusii Mra. Co.
P. O. Box 17' i Erie, Pa
Ask For Marvin's
Royal Fruit Biacuit. Bent by all
Fine and heavy all-wool Hergo 4~>
inches wide, all colora at . r >o oenta a
yard—a big bargain—at
IPC' or ' ,ur " H i ,r '"K w,l ter ion
lull) I''avo your order* at
Richey'w Bakery
Daify Delivery.
Mrs. Cooper, of Adams township, who
died last week, wa? probably the heaviest
woman in the county. She is said to have
weiehed 350 pounds.
G. K. Marshall and his sister of Forward
twp. visited friends in Butler last Friday.
Harvey Miller is in his 63d year, though
his appearance, and daily walk indicates
a man of fifty.
Davy Dale and family will visit an nncle
in Centre county next week.
John Shaffer i- able lo be about again,
though it will a week or two before he can
stand on that loot. The end of a board
upon which John was standing slipped off
its bold and he fell and sprained an ankle
Tnomas Bell and Jerome McGinley of
Concord twj., reported dead, last week, are
both living
J. F. Christy. Robert Adams, William
Thompson, W. M. Kuhn. and Thomas
I man of Concord twp. were in town, Fri
E. L. Yarr.um is still conlined to his bed.
His left side, arm and leg. are paralyzed,
and he is completely helpless.
A. Steelsmilh intends building a busi
ness house on W. Jefferson St., near the
Berg Bank bailding.
Miss Emma Anderson, the Indian Mis
sionary, is a daughter of James Anderson
of Middlesex twp., near Glade Mills. She
has not been in good health during the
past year or two, and has been at home.
A great many people were under the im
pression that Emma Anderson, daughter
of J. D. Anderson of Penn twp., whose un
fortunate death we noted last week, was
the missionary.
She addressed the Women's Missionary
Society of the U.P. Presbytery, at Centre
ville, Tuesday night.
Misg Dnlce Thompson and Master Percy,
of Euclid, Batler county, were the guests
of Miss Blanche Teitsworth for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCall, ol Cooperstown,
liutler county, spent a few days last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Teitsworth. —Emlenton Xetc*
A farmer's wife said a', this office this
morning that il the winter bad been any
longer, she could not have lived through
it. Since November her husband has spent
the time titting iu her way uoar the kitch
en fire, whittling. One day when he was
unusually eloquent about the silver qucs
tion, she swept the floor 17 times, and it
was covered with shavings when he went
to bed at night.— Ex.
LOST —On Tuesday, May 7 1895, on
road leading from liutlar to the pump
- ation near Fr.ziers mill, Jefferson twp.
this Co., by way of the Shiloh and the M.
E. churches, on Thorn Creek, a pocket
book, containing a sum of money arid sev
eral papars, valuable to me only. Owner's
name is stamped inside the pocket book.
Finder will be sutiably rewarded by re
turning same to me.
J. C. Kiskaddon.
Batler Pa.
Reduced Ilaten to Denver, Col., via Penn
gylranla Railroad.
For the accommodation of who desire to
vii-it Colorado on the occasion of the meet
ing of the National Educational Associa
tion, at Denver, Col , July 5 to 12, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company wiil sell
excaarion ticket* on Jaly .'J, 4, and 5, to
I>enver, Colorado Springs, Manitoo, and
I'ueblo, at extremely low rate ol $i»0.75
from S, V , $49.25 from Philadelphia,s47.so
from Baltimore and Washington, $47 25
from Harm burp; proportionate rote* from
other points. These tickets will be good
lor return pa- ape lr<im Colorado points, on
July 12, 13, 14, and 15, with an extension
until September 1, if desired. A special
train of Pullman Buffet Sleeping cars will
be run. leaving New York at 10.10 A. M ,
July 4, stopping at prominent intermediate
points, and arriving at. Denver on the
afternoon of July G. This agorda a grand
opportunity for a trip to the world ren
owned Hockey Mountain resorts in Colora
do an a comparatively small cost
Teachers Annual Examinations.
Renfrew May 13, JBOS.
Saxonburg May, 14 1895.
Coylesvilie May 15, 1895.
Millerstown May 16, 1895.
Harrisville May 17, 1895.
Karmingtori Juno 10, 1895
North Washington June 11, 1895.
W. .Sunbary June 12, 1895.
Slippery rock June 13, 1895.
Prospect June 14, 1895.
Evans City Juna 15.
Examinations will bu held in Butler on
the last Saturday of June and the last
Saturday of July.
N. C MoO'cttouoil Co., Srr'T
Try, T. A Morriaon'a home
made Carmels.
—-A full lino of home made candies
at the City Bakery.
i'lain and fancy Black Presa Goods
in ail qualitieH at bargain pricea at
99c, 99c, 99c, 99c
will buy a stylishly Trimmed Hat at
Successor to It. fi R.
39c, 39c, 39c, 39c.
H'Jc per yard for the latent stylo in
all wool novelty Dress Goods, choice
designs, new colorings, real value
Every person seems to be pleased
with Morrisou's Cough Syrup. The
demand is increasing very fast.
Ask your Druggist (or it.
School ham at PAPE'B.
A 1.1, OTHERS.
Be wise in your prosperity and
save some ot your guins by invest
ing in the established and reliable
Metropolitan Loan and Savings As
sociation. Send, or call for circular,
if desired we will send an agent to
see you. Investigate our Prepaid
Investment stock
We want good and trust-worthy
men as agents, such men will be
dealt with fairly and equitably. Call
on or address.
N. T. Weser, District Manager,
Office 1 i<i VV. Jefferson St.
Butler P.
Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds,
always on baud at the City Bakery.
Largest assortment of new Silks
and Dress O >ods at lowest prices
ever knowii at
L. Stein <fc Son's
Young Housokeopers
With a batch of spoiled bread on
their hands can al ways fall bu k on
Marvin's crackers. Sold by all
See our line ol New Spring Capes
—the assortment is large and the
styles and prices are right
You pay for school-books; but
the best school-book for your children
is your daily p&per. Well printed,
carefully and intelligently edited, of
instructive contents, first and fullest
with the news and best in presenting
it, the Pittsburg Ilinpatch fills — the
An Observing Woman
Once said, "I always buy Marvin's
crackers, because they are always
Hals, Hats, Hats, Hats.
An immense assortment to select
from, Trimmed and Unlrlmmed, nil
the latest style* at the lowest prices.
. •</ ,VIN<» Kr,SVI,T&
~ R- A i
L . INo ll mvini. rt Sii irilr f .
Wl GUARANTEE a CURE or rnlund your monr*
I'rlra W. 1.00 ii"r holtl*. *«nil 4r lor Irsafit*.
Oil Notes.
On Monday the Standard was paying
$155: Tuesday SI 50: Wednesday $1.50
and this morning 1.50.
Batler—The well on the ShatTner farm
south of town will be a good producer.
It is estimated from 10 to barrels.
MT. CEUTFTT —Golden Jk Co., have lo
cated on the Ren. Eagle in Counoq., twp
BBATIT TWP— The well on the Daffy
(arm filled np with oil Irom the 30-foot or
Blue Monday sand, which lies below the
The Alien well on the Daffy l'arm below
West Liberty will probably make a 50
bbl well. All the adjoining territory is
being leased. Mr. Alexander got SI2OO
bonus for his farm, and $250 for an old
old hole and 10 acre lease. The 100-loot
Sicd is said to increase in depth to the east
ward of this farm.
CLAY Twp—The rig on the K. B. Conn
place was taken down last week and put
up on the Thos. Gold place fifty rods south.
The well on the Huey Oarruthers farm has
140 feet of 100-ft sand, but as there was
but little showing of oil in it, it is being
drilled to the lower sands.
Word reached Butler at noon today that
they have a2O barrel, third sand well on
the Carruthers farm, belaw Uallslon.
MCDDY CREEK—lnniss <fc Co's 5 Hocken
bery is rated at 10 bbls.
COSCOBD—Kigs have lately been com
[ pleted in the David Baruhart and Geo. S.
Campbell farms: and one is being built on
the sutton Harper.
PARKER—Leasers are picking up territory
at the month of Bear Creek. A well on
the Farren estate is doing 15 bbls.
Renfrew —Phillips has made three new
locations on the McCalmont.
Forward Twp— Davis and While are
drilling on the Dambach; Wick A Sutton
on the Crow.
Penn—White <fc Taylor are drilling on
the Jno. Heber.
Harmony—J. H. Kison sold a block of
leases on the Shiever, Stauffer and Eic
holtz to the Forest lor $25,000. They are
making 50 bbls a day.
Ze.ienople— Patterson »fc Co's 3 Dam
bach is reported dry.
Cooperstown—Marks <fc Co's 2 on the
Dean started off at 100 bbls; The Forest
Co's 6 Miller is making 80 bbls, and 7
about 30.
Herman—Campbell <t Murphy have a 20
bbl well on the Reott.
Brownsdale— The Eastern Co's 3-sand
gusher is doing lGObbls, and .Stage's well
near it 40 bbls. lieveral new rigs aro up
in this field.
Whitestown —Kirker No. 3 struck sand
Thursday and caine in like a gust of wind,
similar to the fthanor well. It flowed over
the top of the derrick and any one not
familiar with its deceptive character w.iul .
have pronounced It good for 400 bbls a day.
They will tube the well without drilliug
into salt water- This is where the great
mistake has been made in thinking the oil
and water caine in together, when the re
verse wa.i the case. Kiiker So. 2is on top
of the sand; the Kaltenbach is tubed and
pumping water and the Sbacor has also
been tubed.
Reduced Hate* to Philadelphia via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
On the occasion of the delication of the
Odd Fellows' Temple at Philadelphia,
May 21, 1895, the Pennsylvania Kail road
Company will sell, on May 20 and 21,
excursion tickets to Philadelphia and re
turn from all points on its system east
of Pfttsbung and Erie, north of
and south of Canandaigna, inclusive, at
single fare for the round trip, with minini
mun rate of fifty cents. Tickets will be
good for return passage until May 23 inclu
sive. This rate is open to the public, and
offers ati excellent opportunity for a visit
to Philadelphia at a very small cost
Fast and frequent exprecß trains ran from
Philadelphia to all principal New Jersey
seashore resorts.
Notice to Teachers.
The Committee on Permanent Certifi
cates will meet at the Conrt House on Fri
day and Saturday May 10th and 11th 1895.
Applicants *re expected to appear at
9 a. m , on Friday the 10th.
Sec., of Com.
The people of Butler and vicin
ity have just discovered that
New Clothing
at 120 S. MAIN St., is the best
place to obtain reliable cloth
ing and furnishings at reason
All classes can be suited and
everybody is invited to call
and inspect my
of Spring and Summer goods.
one ;T. H. Burton
Sciothier and
PRICE. £ Furnisher
120 . - S. Main, St.
Listen To This Girls
Shoes and Slippers for nothing.
Will you have a $4 pair?
Or will you try for the $2 pair?
The $i pair is worth trying for.
I between ()urselves
We have a notion that our advertising
wriU-r is carelesn or ignorant in the matter
of bis grarrirner. We know he is a bungling
•peller . We want to leaeh hint a lesson in
these matters, w« have therefore,
Itesolved, We will give a pair of $4 *hi>e«
to any school girl in fiutler or llutler Co.,
who shall <b'teet the grenUwt nuuib.ir of
erors in grauiiner or spelling in our adver
tisements Hi Mil tier papern until the last
week in May, advertisements to be changed
once a week. HhouM two answers l»« alike
the first one received will secure the#! shoes
th<i second answer or second nearest will re
reive a pair of '>xfords; the third will re
receive a pair of $1 Oxfords. Cut all ails
out, mark all errors and send in the last
w«ek in May. Allaimwirs must lie in by
Jane 2d. All errors 10 mint from the be
ginning "LISTEN TO THIS UllllJi,"
tiirougli tithe Ja«t word in our advertimia . t
Krrors in punctuation and printers' errors
not counted.
A Groat Shoe Sale.
We will offer tnls week Minm wonderful bar
gains in foot wear. If you arc In need of any
don't miss thl't opportunity as 11. may never
Come toyou »KHn. We offer for one week
l.a'lles' fiongola Oxfords, puloiit tip. sines i to 7
at, 4.W. I wiles' fi rie k i'l hul ton shoes, our fa
mous HS cent, shoes reduced to s;» cents for lust
one week; not more than one dosen pain sold
to any one family during this cut sale. Just
received u large stupmeat of i.adtcs' surge Gat
ors, they go at. «sc; same In liusklns at 280.
Men's shoes at #r.c and 11. fuly worth ♦1.2.1,
Our 11,25 and TL dents' Vasar and needle toe
are are meiitlng with gn a' success. We want
to call your attention to the fact that leather
has advansed. Ilyiles have risen. < apll-alllsts
have forme! .1 '-trust.' Ilut s Ixx-s are cheaper
tban ever before at Miller's. When you want
Shoes anil want the correct style, and botom
prises lie sure and try.
The Novv Shoe Store
215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
H. L, Kirkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler,
Next to Court House, llutler, Pa., graduate of
l.a fort llarologlcaJ Institute.
I Simplified Elocution.
A new book, bearing the above title, by
Edwin Gordon Lawrence, teacber of elo
' cution and director of the Lawrence school
of acting, has just been issued. Simplified
Elocution is a comprehensive system of
vocal and physical gymnastics; it contains
explicit instructions lor the cultivation of
the speaking voice and juiture: directions
lor the production of breath, sound and
speech, and a thorough explanation of the
muscles and organs employed: rules for
articulation, modulation, emphasis ana
delivery: postures and movements of the
feet, body, arms, head, eyes, etc.
To the treatise is added a complete
speaker, consisting of selections in poetry
and prose suitable for recitation, which,
as the aatbor says in his introduction,
"are not chosen on acccant of their njw
ness, but from their intrinsic merit and
their adapability as exercises."
The work is designed for the special use
of teachers, actors, students, colleges,
schools, and all those who wish to perfect
themselves in the noblj art of expression.
The book, which contains 232 pages, is
ha: dsomely bound in cloth and gold, and
will be sent postage free on receipt of SI.OO
(New Fork: published by the author, 106
West 42d Street.)
Black is Fashionable.
Black is "becoming"
and Choice Black Dress Fabrics nev
er sold in this store at such rapid rate
as at present.
that will pay immediate investigation
New Black Twill Mohairs.
Elegant in appearance, right in
weight; bought at a sacrifice several
months ago,before it was settled that
Black would be the fashionable fad as
to color—44 inches wide, 50 cents a
Specially adapted for Suits, Sepa
rate Skirts or Petticoats —4O inches
wide, 35c; 42 inches wide, 50c and
75c; 54 inches wide $1 and $1.25.
You've paid double for not nearly
so good and fine goods as these—3 8
inches wide, 25c.
New and stylish effects,direct from
Paris—7sc, sl, $1.25 up.
Good Black Crepons, 45 cents, to
finest imported at $3 per yard.
All wool, neat Check Suitings,styl
ish mixtures—33 inches wide, 22c.
a yard.
Large assortments of stylish, up
to date Dress Goods and Suitings at
25c, 30c, 40c and 50c, that will prove
conclusively we intend making it an
object to you to do your buying herel
Come, or write for samples and
our new 18!*5 Spring and Summer
Catalogue—'twill cost you only the
postal containing your request.
Boggs & Buhl,
TTTl__l T_ We take pleasure in an
il fin I IS swering this question.
II 11UI AM Knowing it to bo what
I r(TTT)TI TTevery family wants, a
I 1111 KPi II remedy they can use at
* VUIIU V any time in all safety,and
one that will relieve pain internal or ex
ternal sooner than any other known rcm
euy. We insist in cases ol bad Sprain,
Bruise, Cliol«ra-Morbus, I'ain in the Stom
ach. Toothache, <tc., that you use this
remedy. Nice clean and ploasant to use.
Sold by Druggists,
price 2.5 &soc
Put up by—
Butler Pa.
The New Spring Styles.
hi 9*
If you want the nobbiest and
cheapest suits, drop in and see
what we can do for you. Wc now
have in stock spring and summer
Another—Here they are. Do
you want to be in the world? Do
you want to be in fashion? You
are sure of both the latest style
and the best goods if you buy
your suits of us.
Forward March is the only
motto in business. This is illus
trated in our new spring stock.
We have better goods for less
money, than ever were offered be
fore. Styles strictly the latest.
Fits guaranteed.
Leading Tailors,
301 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
Hotel Hxi 11 e r
J. H. FAUHKL, Prop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and all
other modern conveniences for
guests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Elegant sample room for use oi
om me rcial men
Bouthwido Itostaurant
No. 211 Centre Avenue, (Whit
mire building,) convenient to P. <fc
W. depot. o|>en all bourn All
kind of lunches and regular meals.
Tobacco and CIKWH, lino confections
an l everything to be found in a
first class Restaurant. Give us a
call and we will do our best to ac
commodate you.
.lob work done here Hubacribe
for the CITIZEN.
A Suggestion.
.f' ' Xt sixurrm
Did it ever occur to yon that there are
drug.; and drugs—that drugs are like every
thing else—il-T" are good, bad and indif
lerent. There is i.o'h'ne else which is
positively bad if it ia HI J . t the best.
Our policy has always been to L *\ v noth
ingbut the best.
When yon want drugs come to us and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or your prescription calls
for. It may not always be drugs yon want
either. We always have on hand a full
line of sick room requisites.
G. Tin BOYD,
Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa.
By virtue of an order of the Court ol Common
Pleas of Butler Co., at Ms. D. No. 3. of Sept., T
term issu, the undersigned for the bum-Hi of
creditors of W. J. Gllleland. will offer the fol
lowing described real estate *Tor sale on the
premises on
SATURDAY MAY 18th , 1899;
at 4 p. m, of the same day:—
All that certain lot of ground situate lu the
borough of Mars, In the county of liutler, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows: On the
North by lot K. T. Sasse, on the East by P. «
W. Ry., on the South by lot of Mrs. N. Davis,
and on the West by Main street. Fronting 71
feet on the said street and running back 170
feet to said railroad. Having a two story frame
dwelling house.and other out buildings thereon
erected. (Frame Stable.)
Also all that certain lot situated In the same
bounded on the north by lot of S. A.Kennedy,
on the e-\st by P. <S W. Ry., on the south by lot
formerly of 11. P. Boyd, and on the west by
Main street. Fronting feet on the said
street and running baclc ft»et to the said
Also all that lot situated In the same place,
and bounded on the north by a street, on the
cost by the J*. <t W. Ry„ on the south by lot of
K. T. sasse, aud on the west by Main street.
Fronting 180 feet on the said Main Bint and
running back 170 foe I to the said railroad.
Same to be sold subject to a first mortgage of
$2,000 dollars, and a Judgement of $l3O, dollars,
w Ith costs and Interest on both.
TKRMS OK SALE—WiII be offered for cash
and on failure of sufllclent bids will then be
offered on the usual terms, one third on confir
mation of sale by the court, one-third In one
year, and one-third in two years. Deferred
payments to be secured by bond and mortgage
on the premLses, with Interest and an attorneys
commlssson of 5 per cent.
J. M. MARSHALL, Assignee,
I'ortersvllle. Pa,
J. D. Marshall, Att'y.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Androw J. Evans, dee'd, late of Forward
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned; all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims agalust said estate will pre
sent them properly authenticated for set
tlement to
WM. M. BItOWN, Adin'r.
Hrownsdale, P. 0.
A. B. C. MCFAKLAUD, Att'y. Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration with the will
annexod, on the estate of John Young,late
of Winfield twp., Butler oounty, Pa., hav
ing been issued by the Register of said
oounty, to me—all persons therefore know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are
requested to make speedy payment, arid
all persons having claims against said es
tate will please present thom properly au
thenticated for settlement to
Joint N. Youso, Adm'r C.T.A.
Of John Young, dee'd,
Carbon Black, P. O.
Atty's for Estate.
Administrators' Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate
of John W. McJunkin, dee'd, late of Clay
twp., Butler oounty, Pa., having beeu
f ranted to the undersigned, all persons
■lowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
John K McJunkin ) . , ,
Anna McJunkin, f A " m r "
Euclid, P. O.
Ira McJunkin, Att'y. Butler Co., Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is horoby giyen that lotters testa
mentary on tho estate of Charles Uaslett,
late of the borough of Butler, deceased,
have been granted to mo the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselvos indebted
to said estate will make paymont to me,
aud all persons having claims against said
estate will present the same to me for set
11. 11 GODCIIKK,
Attorney for Estate,
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration C. T. A. hav
ing been granted<o the undersigned on the
estate of Jane Young, dee'd, late of Con
cord twp., all jiersons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please call and
sottle and any having claims against the
same will present them duly authenticated
for payment
Jacksville, IV
Administrators Notice.
Letters of administration 0. T. A. hav
ing been granted to the undersigned on
the estate of William Hyera, dee'd, late of
Concord twp, llutler Co, Pa. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate, will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
FMANCIS Uveas, Adm'r,
Lenta. Dutler Co., Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate ol
John Conrad Hhanor, dee'd, late of Whites
town, llutler Co., Penn'a., having been
granted to the undersigned, all nrrsons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and
ahy having olaims against said estate will
pruseut them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
Whitestown, Pa.
W. !>. ItRANUOH,
Administrator's Notice
Letters of administration having been
granted to tho undersigned on the estate
ol Willian Lull, dee'd, late of Lancaster
twp, llutler Co., Pa , all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, aud any
having claims against said estate will pre
s.mt them duly authenticated lor settle
ment to
J. N. KIKKKK, Adm'r,
Middle Lancaster P. O.
J. 11. MATKS att'y Jiullar Co., Pa.
llutler Pa.
Hotel Williard.
Reopened and now ready for the
•commodation of the traveling pub
Everything in flrst-clasH style.
M H BROOKS, Clerk.
A Stunner 4
For Men.
By chance we closed out (for spot
cash) of a New York clothing firm
their entire stock of fine Clay
Worsted Suits. They are made i
in Frocks and Sacks and we
brought these suits twenty-five!
per cent less than market price, j
We had to take them all. We
have put these on our tables to
sell at the following prices:
Ask To See These Suits we Know it will interest you.
Scha 111S Nast,
Leading Clothiers, 137 S. Main St M Butler, Pa*
(for the price) in the history of the clothing trade.
Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised. NO
TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We
have Sweet, Orr &■ Co."s Panta
loons and Overalls. If you have
worn them, you need no further
comment from us. if not ask to
see them as they are the best
cheap pants in the world.
Have been in the business so long and have con
ducted their business in such a manner that a custom
er once is a customer always. They don't lose their
trade because everybody is satisfied. They never mis
■ represent or try to get rich oft one customer. They
A understand how to buy, what to buy and where to
♦AT/* buy. They pay spot cash for everything. They buy
■SjhV which gives them the lowest prices and enables them
to retail goods at wholesale prices. They tell you
W* "W* plainly what the quality is and guarantee it just as
flv /tv they represent it. You know just what you are buy
» " ing. It is they who have brought down the price in
everything they handle till everybody is astonished.
A. .4. They are not afraid of work and have respect for
jlf everybody, rich and poor alike. They are the largest
I f wholesale and retail dealers in their line in the State
and have been for years and this year have thousands
* k and thousands of dollars more invested in their busi-
W* NI ness than ever. They confine themselves exclusively
fy to everything belonging to a driving or team outfit,
Buggies and Wagons and everything pertaining thereto.
They manufacture all kinds of harness—both hand
and machine made and all parts of harness, and keep
fk jjt. whips, lap dusters, harness oil, axle grease, buggy
t f tops and cushions, wheels robes and blankets. No
difference what you want about your horse or vehicle
1 come to us. Talk about floor space they have thous
/Tv ands of feet more floor space than any one in the
same business in the county. If you have not been
there, ask you neighbor, he has and he will tell you
it is the place to buy. Call in, they want to get ac
quainted with you.
S. 8. Martincourt. J. H. Leighner.
128 E. Jefferson St., Butler Pa.
P. S.—We have also added a large, complete line of fine and cheap
Circus, Museum- & Menagerie,
BUTLER \ On corner of
FRI. May,J_ I Jeff., & Race.
2 sccnts ) 9 10c afternoon only. ) for Everybody.
v Blt
A Grand Street Parade.
at 10 A. M., with 400 Men, Women, Horses, open
dens of Lions, Tigers, Leopards, and Hyenas in the
Now is the time to have your
Clothing Cleaned or Dyed, and
savo the 20 per cent we are offer
ing at this time. A trial will con
vince you that we <lo good work.
I'ortivrn dry cleaned, si,2<> per
pair; Hrumteln or Tapistry carpets
cleaned without lifting, 10c per yard.
Butler Dye Works,
216 Center Ave.
$7.50, worth sl2.
((sizes 34 to 42.)
worth sl4.
i (sizes 34 to 42.)
1812. worth sl6.
(sizes 34 to 42.)
HAS ARRIVED, and we will
be pleased to show you what we
You can buy a good, servicable
business suit for Sj.oo, but on
line at $6.00, $7.30, sij.oo and
SIO.OO are marv els ot beauty and
excellence, better than ever sold
Male and Female Equestrians, Gymnasts, Acro
bats and Jugglers from the 4 quarters of the globe.
Every department is at once Entertaining, Amus
ing, Interesting aud above all
Moral and Instructive.
Seanor & Co's.
Rear of Wick House,
Butler, Pa.
Tho lx<st of homed and firat class
rigr. always on hand and for hire.
Heat accommodations in town fo
permanent boardinsr and transient
trade. Hpecial care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-live horses.
A good class of horses,both drivers
mill draft horses, always on band and
for sale under a full guarantee; and
horses bought upon proper notifi
cation by U. tiKANOK.