THE CITIZEN »t rmtoln at B«tUr u .J <■l«< Mttrr flLUil C. IMLKI. r«fclUk»r ■ - ■■ THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1895. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Subject to Republican Primary of But ler county, June 1, 1895—1 to 7P. M. FOR DISTRICT ATTORN ET. A. M. CHBISTLEY, Of Butler. LSVI M. WISP, Of Butler. FOR DELEGATE TO STATE CONTEN TION. DR. V. F. THOMAS. Of Fairview Borough. WILLIAM J. MARKS, Of Middlesex twp, S. F. BOWSE*, Of Butler. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, FBASK E. MCQCISTIOS, 01 Butler. NOTICE. To the Hejiublitan Voter» of Butler Co : I have l>een notified by Hon. B. F. Gilkeson, Chairman of the Republican State Com., by telegram of May 6th, that representation in the State Convention to be held this year, is based upon the Repub lican vote cast for the office of Governor at the election last fall. The Republican vote in this county for Governor being less than 5001, this county is entitled to only two delegate?, under section 5 of the roles adopted at the State Convention held May 23. 1894. , You are accordingly notified to vote for not more than tao delegates to the State Convention, st the primary election, June Ist' 1895. May 8, 1895. P- VT. LOWRY, Chairman Hep. Co. Com. A Card. MR. EPITOR:— At the time I allowed some friends to use my name as a candi date for delegate to the Republican State Convention, it was generally understood Butler County was entitled to three del egates, and I was willing to be one of them. It now appears, from the vote cast at the last Gubernatorial election, this was a mistake, and we are only entitled to two delegates; and as two candidates, per sonal friends of mine, had announced and were in the field befor my name was placed in the list, I am not disposed to interfere with their desire to go to the convention and therefore withdraw my name. Thank ing my friends for kind assurances, I am Yery Truly Yours. NEWTON BLACK. The Next Convention. Toe large Republican vote cast in Penn sylvania at the last general election—the aggregate being nearly 60,000 greater than that at the Presidential election two years before—will result in a considerable in crease in the membership of the Republi can State Convention for this year and next. The apportionment of delegates is now made upon the Republican vote cast in the Presidential and Gubernatorial years. The last convention contained 264 del egates, the apportionment having been made upon the vote cast for Harrison in 1892, The comiog convention will consist of about 290 delegates, the apportionment being based upon the unprecedented vote cast for Governor Hastings last November. By counties the distribution will be nearly »s follows, the number of delegates in last year's convention being given also: Counties. This L'st Counties. This L'st jr. yr. yr. yr. Adams 2 2 Lancaster 10 10 Allegheny 27 24 Lawrence 3 2 Armstrong 2 2 Lebanon 3 3 Beaver .... 3 2 Lehigh ... 4 3 Bedford 2 2 Luzerne 9 7 Berks 5 5 Lycoming .... 3 3 81air......... 4 4 McKean—... 2 2 Bradford..... 3 4 Mercer........ 2 2 8uck5........ 4 4 Miffiin ..... 1 1 Butler 2 3 Monroe 1 1 Cambria 3 3 Montgomery.. 7 7 Cameron 1 1 Montour 1 1 Carb0n....... 2 2 North'p't'a ... 4 3 Centre 2 2 Northumb'd... 3 3 Chester 5 5 Perry 2 2 C1ari0n....... 2 1 Philada ......70 63 Clearfield 3 2 Pike 1 1 Clinton 1 1 Potter 1 1 Columbia 1 1 Schuylkill.... 7 7 Crawford 4 4 Snyder 1 1 Cumberland ..3 2 Somerset 2 2 Dauphin...... 5 5 Sullivan 1 1 Delaware 6 5 Susq'banna... 2 2 Elk 1 1 Tioga 3 3 Erie.......... 5 4 Uni0n........ 1 1 Fayette....... 4 3 Venango 2 2 Forest 1 1 Warren 2 2 Franklin 3 3 Washington ..4 4 Fulton. 1 1 Wayne 1 1 Greene 1 1 Westmoreland 6 5 Huntingdon ..2 2 Wyoming 1 1 Indiana 3 2 York 5 5 Jefferson 2 2 Juniata 1 1 Lackawanna.. 7 5 Totals 290 264 The gain* made are to the advantage of sixteen counties, Philadelphia arid Alle gheny together having an increase of ten delegates. Several may be added to thin number when the figuring in cloudy made by representative districts. Bradford and Batler Counties are the only ones which experience a lon* of representation owing to a decreased vote. In the former county the vote for (lasting* was 1534 less than for Harrison, while in the latter it was 152 less. In almost every other county there was a pretty nearly uniform increase in the Tote for Hastings on that given for liar rison two years before, making the increase nearly 00,000 in the entire State. While there was here and there a little falling oil no other counties will lose delegates. No effort has been made in the abovo table to figure the several representative districts separately, the vote in detail necesaary to accomplish that not being ac cessible. The figures are entirely accurate aa to all those counties which of the;r.- Reives constitute legislative districts and are not dialed. Whether Allegheny or Philadelphia may have been given a del egate too many or one too few will depend upon the fractions that may be figured oat when the computation is made by repre aentative district*. Under the rules eaoh district is entitled to one delegate for each 2000 Republican votes and an adJitional delegate for a majority fraction thereof The increased Ripublicin v >te oast at the Gubernatorial election of 1891 will raise the membership of the convention, j therefore, to very nearly 300. If miny snch jumps as this are to be taken son ) new basis of representation will need to be devised to prevent the body from beoom ing unwieldy.— Philadelphia I'rcsa. Eastern Affairs. Japan's reply to the protest of Uassia Germany anil Prance again-t the ratifi cation of the lapanese Chinese treaty was' as follows: When Chir.a ratifies the tr> at\ of peace signed at Hhimona*"kl, Japan will renounce possession of the part of the province of Manchuria, exceu' the part, of tbe Tung Peninsula extending from Port Arthur to Talien. In recoru peline fo the giving back of this Chinese territoiy Japan will ask a largely increased indent niiy, The response of the three Kuropean powers is awated, All reports of Japan's reply inconsistent with t'ue foregoing are fal«o. and Rusnia has given notice that she will declare war if the treaty is rati fied Despatches from Hong Kong say the aituation in Formosa is most serious. British and German marines have been landed at Anping to protect tbe fore guers, and Bnti»h sailors and united jaunobes are patrolling Takao harbor. The Hlaek Higs cause much anxiety. They sel dom have been more threatening in re cent years. Considerable apprehension i< felt regarding the differences between Russia and Japan. Actiosiiijkj to the rales of the Kepubli can party, a delegate is allowed to the Stato Convention for each 2000 vot'is, at the Sust Gubernatorial or Presidential elec tion, and also one for each frac'.i in of 2000 exceeding 1000. At the election Pali Hitler county polled 4867 votc» lor Has ting*, mi' »o we will be allowed lint two delogafi -i to the State Convention thi year. Wo had three last year and tiiree tbe year before. Harrisburg Notes. On Thursday.the Legislative Apportiou ment Committee of th» House agreed upon a'Senatorial Apportionment, which contin ues Butler and Armstrong counties, as the 47th district. Allegheny Co. gains a Senator. On Friday the House held three sessions and got through with forty-six bills on second reading. The Smith school-bill nhich was defeated sometime ago is to be reconsidered. The complaint of the country members is that under the present system of dis tributing the appropriation on the basis of I his number of tumbles in each school district, the rural countries get decidedly the worst of it. The yonng people leave the country for the cities, and mining and manufacturing sections, where there is also i» large number of foreign laborers without families, thus swelling the number of taxable", while t he proportion of school children in the districts is little, it any, largerthanin the country. This,they claim, works them an injuitio; and point out that while the average =hare of the ap propriation per schooi is $203, many dis tricts receive from S3OO to S6OO and others lets than SIOO. There were in 1394 56 dis tncts averaging only $64 per school, and 39 that received $332, To remody this the Smith bill proposes to distribute one third of the approprivi »u oat' 33 buiso number of teachers regularly employed, and the rent on the number of taxables. probable that some airred nent will be had on the matter. Saturday and Sunday all the talk in the town was regarding Penrose's determina tion to Lexow Philadelphia. The resolu tion was put in the calendar for Tuesday. Regarding the progress made by the House last week Speaker Walton said he thought the calendar could be cleared by the 23d; but others put it a month later The Congressional apportionment bill divides the State into thirty districts, Philadelphia and Allegheny counties each gaining a member. Butler Co. is retained with Beaver, Lawrence and Mercer as the 27ih district. On Tuesday last Maj. I. B. Brown, of Corry, retired as Secretary of I nternal Af fairs and was succeeded by Gen. James W. Latta, of Philadelphia. Maj. Browa resumed bis old position as Deputy Secere tary, which he resigned la January to suc ceed Thomas J. Stewart as Secretary, on the latter's resigning to become Adjutant General. Major Brown will have an in creased salary and added duties, this Legislature having passed a law making the Depaty Secretary Superintendent of the Bureau of Railways. On Tuesday, the judiciary General com mittee of the Senate unanimously decided to report affirmatively the Penrose resolu tion to Lexow Philadelphia with the Senator Osbourn of Philadelphia has.said the investigation was not a necessity. He was the man who promised to have promi nent Philadelphians in Harrisburg to pro test, bat said be did not think it worth while. The committee was in session but s sboit sime. After Mr. Osbourn made bis few remarks a motion made by .Senator Penrose, sec onded by Senator Kennedy, to report the resolution was agreed to with out even calling off the roll. The power of Senator y'uay was plainly shown in this resolatioa. A week ago a score or more of senators were declaim ing around tho capitol against the inves tigation. They were announcing that they would vote the passiga of the resolution, and mak-ng all sorts of threats. In a couple of hours they were turned by a few words st Hover a loag di B tanace telephone liua, Tuesday tbey ar gued the investigation is the greatest ne cessity of the hour, and no man should stand in its way, and even breaking their necks to get a place on the committee. They simply they had two guesses. Wednesday the Woods Water Works bill passed the House by a vote of 116 to 54. The amendments offered by Mr.Moore were voted down, and Mr. Douthett spoke against the bill. It was a lively fight, but the bill was backed by Quay and Lvon and it went through. Twksty residences and three school bouses near Sioux Centre, lowa, w.sre de stroyed by a cyclone lar he is not a man who is fitted to fill any public office. Pottsville UejtiiliUcau. Not one representative newpaper of Schuylkill county favors the judicial pen «ion bill. Outside a handful of interested lawyers the sentiment of Schuylkill is unequivocally pronounced against a measure beset by so uiany evil tendencies, While we all love Judge Pershing, and have shown thai fact in a substantial »'ij upon mort than one occasion, we are equally unanimous and equally in earnest in apposing the creation of a ciyil pension liit. Indnnau Muscnt/cr. If Gov rnor Hastings approves tho judges' pension bill he will make the mis take of his life. It i« not saying much for the Demo cratic party, but it is true all the came, that eve.-y timj Cleveland ban done a sensible thing he has hid to incur the dis pleasure of bis party. G omtr»ol. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf gave the yftung folks quite a supper on Tuesday evening of last week, From what tjia correspondent can li arn it wa-< a most enjoyable affair and one of Uiest gatherings where love and friendship reign supreme Our worthy supervisor is making the fire fl) in the way of making good roads. 11m is going to have the roads completed attain harvest and as au inducement or rather a persuader to get taxpayers to «ork on the roads before harvest is, going to pay lews wages after harvest. Mr. Furgeson is our local comedian. He should q lit weighing coal and go on the stage. Divine services were held in the church, on Sabbath evening, by Rev. James Young, ol North Washington. The oil exoitment. oon'inues to increase with tho temperature of tbe weather and that makes it about 180 Fahrenheit. Quit" a number of our sports went over to Went Snubury ori Monday to witness tbe game of lihll between Sunbury and FarmmgUin. All returned home rifely, but sad aiirt wc iry weie »otne. Th i Pipe-teni exhibition players are g'Hiig over to Suobury in tho near future to give an entertainment, iri Academy flail. The performances will bo good and all those wifthiiig to attend will need to watch fni bills which will I e posted up HOOTI Tiik Kngllsh Government accepted the i O 'inproiili.e . ti red Uy NirnriUga.aod that , * ar rlou I Ivis mil'".' by | Tiik s .uud money aid 'he fr--o silver j Democrats ire J n J now d . i led tiy aohfin ( aero s wt.i.-'i there i< no - ibllity ol cl i-y i ing bands. Muddy Creek Items. Corn planting is now claiming the atten ol the farmers. Jacob Pisor an old soldier is in Terr paor health. Eli Moore had a slight sun stroke a lew days ago. Solomon Fry an old soldier across the county line was buried on the sth inst. Oar supervisor# are contemplating buy ing a new scraper. Uncle Sam Shanor refuses to sene as one of the Supervisors. Having served 11 or 9 times. He feel# he has done his duty in that direction. We are sorry. Abetter man for the business is hard to find. J no. W. Wimer and J. D. Stickle each bought a new sulky plow lrom Bright <£ CranmerofMt. Chestnut and it seems to have renewed their age, as they are get ting their farming done in good season. James Wallace and R. Edward Ralston are fitting up a savings bank on ellow Creek, by depositing a small amount of cash you can secure a good quality of coal and save cutting wood. Rob't. S. Frazier and Rob't. Adams are each the proud possessors of a pair of twins. The west side of the township not heard from at this writing. Judee McGe»ry is to have a session of court "this week. Our brethern of the Creamery have been deferring a little. We are not able to report the case at this writing, but feel sat islied the right thing will te done. Oar neighbor Jno. S. Myers undertook to turn a summersault off a load of hay recently and made a bauch of it. A fellow by the name of Dodds thought to show him how the trick was done nnd it reoUlteJ disastrously to him also From our obser vation we think neither are skilled acro bats. Their success as such simply shows well developed awkwardness and we would advise them to stand aside and let younger men show off in this way. HarrinrilU Item*. Mr. Pisor, wife and inotner of North Wasningtop were the guests of Mrs. Hum phrey on Friday. W. A. Steen is selling the renowaed Singer sewing Machine for a Pittsburg firm, aiso the Hinder mister organ. His office is over the Meat Market. Give him a call. Judge Kerr is going to have a flig stone walk in front of his home. There is also going to be a board walk laid from Mrs. Blacks to Wili Browns. Mr. Hovia of Batler i» the guest of his daughter Mrs. Joe tiovia and is very nick. The pie social was largely attended and was a financially. Mrs. Frank Leo and two daughters of Mechanicavilie were the guests of Mrs. Jaines Morrison oa Thursday of last week. The Epworth League was very good last Sunday evening, it will be led next Sabbatli by Miss Jennie Stuart. Miss Bell Brown visited her friend Miss McCutcheon of Grove City_ last w««ek and came home Saturday evening. John Ellriuk of Pittsburg is homo. Mr. and Mrs liaudill of Halisvtlle were the guests of Airs. James Bortz, Saturday evening. Mrs Waiter* of Tionesta is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Gilmore. Mr. William Tn.-rn and Mr. Kiddle of Clintonville were rcgir. Hartley. If yon want t-> get a pill, just go to I)r. Will. The Maple Grove School has closed. Miss Nellie McCai.dlefcs was the teacher She is a good instructor. She offered prizes at the begining of the term one for spelling and one for arithmetic. Oil Thompson took one and Orva) McC'all the other. The talk is that llobt. C. Thompson is going to be a candidate for the Legislature Kob. Make the laws to suit we farmers. Solaman Thompson had a fire in his woods the other day, and burned consider able fence. John Kalston is farming for Thorn. Thompson. Bert Mcall and Will KaNton are attending the Wi»t Snnbury Academy, this Spring. 'V. B. M eland less the enterpriting sew ing machine agent is leasing for oil near Muddy Creek Church. The ftinnds and relations of Sam. K. McCall, assembled at his residence, May 4tb to celebrate his fiftbieth bithday. Itev Decker of Wen! Snnbury preached here last sabbath, in the absence of iiev. Breaden. Euclid needs a church,as the school house is not large enough to accomodate the congregation. At Beaver Falls, two boys ate a caufull of cooked fishing worms and were made sick unto death. A circus contortionist had told them to do so, but the do-e cured them of all desire to become contort onirt. SI'EAKIRO of "logical candidates," it looks .ts though Bland, of Missouri, was lon ning up at i rapid rate the Demo cratic candidate for President in 1890 Tim Morgan Kothacbild syndicate is s»id to be cornering the gold of the world. JAPAN averted war with liassia by re nouncing her claim to the Liao Tung |>e:,in»ula including I'ort Arthur. imr IIPI r'©y| POWUER Absoit.tcly Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder High i- t ol all iu leaveninv Mtrengtn — Lair s Vuitcil Statin (ioccrnment lunnt lleport. KOVAI., IUKINU POWKKB CO . list Wall St., N. Y. Notice- Notice i hereby given that Joseph ltoek eusteia. committee of Francis I'. Baldaul has filed bis firs;, and final account as com mittee in Iheofllcw of tlie Protlioijotary ol the Court of Common PI, as of Butler county, ut M's I). No. IS, Supt T. IH'.M; and that the same will b« presented to said Court, lor confirmation and allowance Saturday, Jone Rita. SA.MUKL \f. SKATOH, Pro. Pro. ofllce, May oth 1895. uu. wi(;K '>KALKit a 111 Sou:h 7;rk l Lumber •>r KlJllix .•■i ir.i, ish, r.ilu.Jb, Vloulrfintcs, .-umitflw: , t fid tw'ti t n A: ways in StoC>(. 1.1 "'I K hai i • Kt» 1 1 PLASTKRt i ojipo-tit«T r .v \v. ti«i{>of v n < -i i ♦» t -t It , * 'VlU'.btf ut l,,w««t I DEATHS. DALY—At his home it Xorth Washing ton. May 5, 1895, son of Mrs. Daly, aged 2 reari'. BALDATF —In Pittsburg. May 6, 1595. F. P. Baldanf of Butler, aged 70 years. OESTEKLI>"G— At her home in Summit twp., May 6. 1895, Mrs. Adam Oester ling. aged 55 years. DEKKIMOKE—At her home in Coopers town, April 30. 1895, Mrs. Wm. Derri more. BELL—At his home in Warren, Pa., May 1. 1595. Thomas Be 11, formerly of Butler. EYTH—At his home at Marion Station, Mar T, 1595, J. Edward Eyth, son of J. B. Eyth, in his 33d year. SHERIFF'S SAiiSS. By virtue ot sundry writs of \ en. Ex.. Fl. Fa. Lev. Fa.. Ac. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House. In the borough of Butler, ou Friday, the 31st day of May, A. D. 1895, at l o'clock r. x.. the following de scribed property, to-wit: E D No. 36. June Term, 1895. S W Dana, att'y. All the right, title,lnterest and claim of Peter schelteinantle of. In and to 461 acres of land, more or less, situate lu Muddycreek twp . But ler Co., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by Portersvllle boro. and lands of Samu el Breneman and i.ala Glenn, east by lands of Philip Newton Kobert Glenn, Bellls and Es«i Duncan, south by lands of John Marshall and Esu Duncan and west by lands of Floyd McClymonds and Henry Eakius; said laud beiug most.y cleared, under lence and In a lair stale sf cultivation, with one two-story brick and frame dwelling house, one two-story frame dwelling house, aud one stone house, three or chards, three large frame barns, and other out buildings erected thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Feter Scbelteman tle at the suit of John Cooper. E D No. 06 June Term, 1895. J M Fainter, att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of Da vid H Alworth of. la and to 81 acres and 150 perches of land, more or less, situate In Parker twp., Butler Co., Fa., bounded as follows, to wn: B^glnnln o 'at the southwest coriier of the piece at the titer Hutchison line, at a stone corner, thence north l \ east by lands of E Wally *n J A i.raw 1-4 perches l« a stone corner, thence south "0 1-3' east by lands of M S Adams 52 perches to a stone, luence south 16" east bv lauds of Tnos J Alworth and public roan 131 6-10 perches to a stone. thence ou tne same bearing along said road 29 4 -U) perches to a chestnut at road on the said Ester Hutchison line thence south 74)4 west by land of said Es ther Hutchison lt>4 6-10 perches to the place ol beginning. Seized and taken lu execution as the property ol David H Alworth at the suit of Terzah M Lewis ana Pennlau 51 Alworth now whuhmire E D No. 65, June Term 1595. J M Fainter, att'y Ail the right, title, interest and claim of Da vid H Alworth of, In and to 46 acres and if.' peiches of laud, more or less, situate lu Parker r.vp.. Butler Co., Fa., bounded as follows, to wl': Beginning at the northwest corner of this piece or parcel of land, thence south sy east 3* perches by lands of M S Adams to a stone, theuce north 16 west 124 perches by lauds of Jos F Alworth to Tlios Ahvorth. Jr. line, thence south 6't'yi' east 58 perches by lands of the said Tnos Alworth to Taos I Al worth's corner,theuce south its* east 132 s-10 perches by lands of i'hos J Alworth to place of oeglnn ng. having an or chard and plauk house erected thereou. Ke corded in Mjrlgage Book So. 22, page 191. Seiz ed and taken In execution as tne properly of David U Alworth at the suit of Peter Whltmlre. ED No. 67, June Term, 1893, Williams & Mitchell, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of G. C. Barnes ot, in and to Fifty four acres of laud, more or lets,situated lu Washington Township, Butler County, Pa., bouuded as lollows, to-wlt: On the North by laudn ol lleury Dauoeuspeck. aast by lands of Ell Couu, South by lands ol Ephriam Kreager an l Daubenspeck heirs, West l»y lands ol Campbell ljaubeuspeck, recorded in Mortgage Book No.. 29, Page 159. one story board house log stable orchard thereon. ALSO—Of, In and to 45 acres of land, more or less, situate lu Parker twp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Amanda Hoover, east by lauds of John Uaubenspeck and John Ward, south by lauds ot W it Shy rock aud West by lands of James Mechliug and Jesse Ke corded in mortgage book No. *9, pag* 159. Seized aud ttkeu In execution as tne proper ty of O C Barnes al the suit of Alex Mitchell tor use of John Korchl. ED No 59, June Tisas. C. Walker and T. C. Campbell, attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of tV u Sedwick. WB Scdwtck Catnarlue Paiu(orPayne), Ken seuwlck,— —-Patterson and Caroline Pat terson liia wile, J. sedwick, Wesley sedwick Job Sedwick and MtJ Sedwick, heirs at law of Elizabeth Sedwick dee d., of, In and to one hundred and twenty acres and forty perches ol land, more or less, situated In Parker twp, Butler county. Pa., bounded as tollows to wit: Beginning at a White Oak, thence by lauds or Win. Campbell's heirs North u - west la,*-10 perches to a chestnut, thence north «»• east Si.'j 10 perches to a post, thence oy lands of Anthony Ooldldger North v 4 west 163 perches to a pot.i, thence by lands of Asa Ward south i 2 west 117 ¥-10 perches to a White Oak thence by lands of Levi Gibson and Kobert Campbell .South west t.l perches to a post, thence south S'j west 111,1 lu perches to the place ot begin ning, having a two story frame dwelling house, barn and otner out bulldidgs erected thereon. Seized and taked In execution as the property of W G Sedwick, W B Sedwick, Catharine l'ain or (Payne) lienJarnlneSedwick, Patterson and Caroline Patterson his wife, J. Sedwick, Wesley sedwick. Job Sedwick and .\1 C Sed wick lxeirs at law of Elizabeth Sedwick dec.d, at the suit ol Joseph Bushweli et al. E. D. No, 57 June Term IHS>S, F. J. Forquer Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim or Harry Hamilton et al Purtcera of, In and to all 111 ai certain piece or uarcel of land containing of aacre more or le !, situated lu Marion twp. Butler county. Pa , bounded as follows to wlt: On the north by right of way of SAA it It Co,, east bv lands formerly of Wm. Byers, south by lands or same Wm Dyers, west by Public road known as the graded road, to-getli er with the right ot way belonging thereto, to lay and maintain water pipes over and through other lands ofsajd Wm Byers as contained and granted by Win Byers and wife to James lired in by deed dated the ltitli day of weptember i 573 recorded in deed Book 35 page 331, which right with the land herein above described Is now vested in llarry Hamilton the deft and as a part thereof and belonging thereto, by vlrture of deed recorded in said county In deed book l. l page jii: together with a two story Irarne building used ai a store room and dwelling house combined, stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Harry Hamilton et al Part ners at the suit of Norman ilall. Agent. E. D. No. 63, June Term Uus, J, D. McJunkln, Att'y. Ail the right, title, Interest and claim of Margaret Poster and Benjamin Foster of, lu and 10 eight acres, or land, more or less, situ ated lu Butler twp Butler (Jo , Pa., bounded as follows to wit: Ou the north by lauds of Samuel A. Pearce, east by lands of Abram Mc- Caudless, south by lauds ol Virginia McCand iess, west by road refered to in a deed from Silas Pearce and jCllzabeth his wife to Horace Pearce said deed bearing date day or Nov. 1871 and recorded in deed book M page 315, wllh a frame house, board stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution as tun property ol Margaret Fost er and Benjamin Foster al the buii of Henry P- Pearce. E. Li. No. 61 June Term 1495, Williams it Mitch ell Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claln or Ezra Stewart or, in an i to twenty live acres or land more or less, situated It Cherry twp. Butler, Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: Begin ning at the southwest corner at a post thence by lands ot David Stewart and Wm. M. Shlra, north 3>a east ill perches to a post, thence by lands ol said Win. M. Shlra and heirs of Jonls Tinker south s« east 11 perches to a post, thence by lands or B. Maud ,/ c Btolndorf,south 3,' j west ttl perches to a p >sl, thence by lands ol David SiMwart north s* west II uerchci to the place of beginning Sei/ -d and taken in execution as the property or Ezra Stewart at the suit ot Geo D Beau Kx'r ror use or Maria and Amelia Bean E D No. 01 June Term, 1885. Williams £ Mitchell, att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John Gallagher of. In and to li acres of land, more or less situate in Clearfield twp Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by a nubile road formerly by lauds of Nicholas Blelchner and Joseph Hliubel. east by lands of Jas Hams, south by lands of Jas Gallagher and west bj' lands of \\ endell Osclio. and the same being Dart of a larger tract of land conveyed to Cornelius Gallagher by John Uallagher and Ann hlg wife, by their deed dated Hie 17th day or Oct. All lav;, recorded in said county.ln deed book C 3 page * .'< i. having thereon erected a log dwelling house, log barn, orchard a id other out buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the property of John Gallagher at the suit of John Korcht. K D No. «0 June Term. lsus. Brandon it, att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Wm K Smith 01, lu and to no acres of land, more or less, situate lu Cherry twp . Butler Co.. Pa., bounded ;ts follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Kelly, east by lands now or form erly of Sullivan brothers, south by lands of Wm Dobson et al and went by Joslah Hall et al. and having thereon erected a small plank house and small stable. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Win It Smith at the suit, of But ler Savings Bank and Geo B Behrn. El) No. si. June Term. ls#s. A BCMcKorland, All the right. title, Interest and claim of K Alou/o Irvine of. In and to a cerLuln piece, par cel anil lut of ground, more or lew, situate m Adams twp..Bat|er Co.. I'a. bounded sui fnllowK. to-wit: On tlii! north l>y land* of J II I'rliiL'le, east by street adjoining land* ol Oeo Marbiir cer HO feet, south by land* of lot of John Cald well 121 feet and went by !• & W It R; being lot No.:I In the plan of lots h rated by Kllas Irvine of three rooms and a Hummer kitchen, a good frame stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken and taken In execution an the property of K Alou/o Irvine at the suit of Hamuel Kaufman. i: L> No, 20 June Term, In#r». K.I t W A For quer, att ys. All the rljflit, title, Interest and claim of tj I. Illlllard of, in and to all that certain lot or par cel of ground, mor i or lens, situate In Karns t'ltjr boro In Kalrview twp., ISutler Co.. I'a . bounded iIM follows, to-wlt: On the north by I'e trolla St, east by land of F K Abrams, south by Olive Hi, and west by M K parsonage; bavin? one t wo-stery frame dwelling house or H rooms and one Hummer kitchen erected thereon. A I.s< t Of, In and to all that certain lot or par: eel or ground, more or leas, situate In Harm City boro In K.llrvlcw lw|i, Itiitu-r Co I'a bounded us follows,to-wit: on the north by Olive St. east by I inds of K Abrams. south tiv i wuds of Jas Ollarr.i et al and west by cnurch St., having one frame barn and other outbuild Inns erected thereon. Hi l/.ed and taken In execution as the property of i; I. Illlllard at the suit of Mrs K l.llhgrow KI) N05.3.1 and I;:I Juno Term. LAPS. Williams A Mitchell ;it». ». All the right title lulere ' ariil clnlm of El leii Jfavlson and Samuel liavlson or Davidson of In and U> '.i ncres arid l.'i perches of land, more or |c situate In Adams i wp. Itutler Co . I'a . bounded is follows, to-wtt* T!m tir-t pfew mm uinln«63 lON, more or law, booiuM u fol lows. beginning at the souLhwest corner tlienee I '.rtli .. Wflrt a perches 1... lands 0< lb- !"-lrs now or formerly of Jos Johnston, thence south 4' esst :i thence north west 'i perches. I hence north r>7 west to a stone.t hence north west '2l perches to a post anil stone thence west 170 perches to the place of begin ulag. ALSO —All that otuer piece ot land sltuat* tr. Twp, Co. and SuMltonwd. bounded north by lauds of Geo Marburger. east by lands of John Cashdollar. south by lands of Wm Johnston and on the west by lands of Jos Johnston, con tainfnjf It acres* anl OT perches raor:- or less, both tracts balug mostly cleared, basing an orchard, frame barn, frame house, coal oank, etc. thereon. Seized and taken in execu tion as the property ot Ellen Davison anl Jas Davison or Davidson at the Silt of Wm Koll. agent. E. D. No. 58. Juue Term 1895, W. D. Braudon. Att'y. All the right, title Interest and claim of Frank Markwell et al of. In and to jT acres and 125 perches of land, more or less, situated In Concord twp. Butler, Co.. Fa. bounded as fol lows. to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner.'hence by Br jwn and MoCleUan heirs south *9" east 50 perches, thence by Simoi. King, south west *o >-lo perches to astoue across the road, thence by Sheakly north 89,3-4* west 5.3-10 perches, thence by same south C>l* west I6.a" east 24.2-I'J perches, thence by same south SB.l-2 east 79 perches, thence by Clymer heirs south 1-2 east 24,1-2 perches, thence by E L Kedick and E Kreager north Bs,l-2" west 140 perches to the place of begiuntng. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Frank Markwell •t al at the suit of Stephen Markwell. E. D.N0.38 June Terra. 1835, James Bredln, A try. All the right, title, interest and claim ot K C Dodds of. ia and to 40 acres of land, more or less, situated Ir. Adams twp, Butler. Co , Fa., bounded as follows, tj-wu: O.i the north tvjr lands of Or Sterrett and J J S.nlth, east by lands of J -J Smith and John Dodds heirs.south by lands of John Dott and west by lands ot J D Magee; said lands Delng mostly cleared and In a fair state of cultivation with a two story fraiae dwelling House, fram? and log stable, orchard and other out-buildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of K C Dodds al the suit of Kobert M Gtoson and J C Alexander, ex'r. ED No. 33 June Term, 13J5. Jas Bredln, att'y. All the right,tltle.lnterest and claim ol John Dodds of. In and to 45 acres of land. more or less, situated in Adams township. Butler. Co.. Fa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lanos of J J Smith qast by lands of Sulu jy Morata. south by lauds ot Wm Wilson and John Dott. west by lands of K C Dodds about 30 acres of said land being cleared and In * fair state of cultivation. Seized and taken in execution as the property Of JOUII Dodds at tile suit ol It iocrt M GlOsa.i and .1 C Alexander, Ex'rs. Test E, U. No. 6 June Term IH£*s. Hladinaa « liockman, Att'ys All the right, title, Interest. and cUlin of R L McCandless of. In aud to a certain lot or ground more or less, situated la the village of Euclid, In Clay twp, Butler ''o., I'a . bounded as fol lows, to wit: On the north by lands of J J Miller, east by unls ot al -ry utlssl -z. NMttl by Puollc road, west by lan is of J J Miller. Containing (UJO) one hundred and sixty feet by a 00) one Hundred Teet, on which Ls erected a two story irame dwelling hoise aud other out buildings thereon, Seized and taKen In execu tion as ihe property of K L M .'Cauiless at the suit of J II rt'lison . K. D. No's, ti-' andambach, deceased, late ofForwaid| i W isl 1 28 Final account of Peter Whitmire, ex ecutor of John Whitiuire, deceased, late of Oakland township. 20 Final account of Thomas A. Bartley, executor of Joseph L. Hartley, deceased, late of Peuu towuship. 80 partial account of John Balfour, trus tee of Margaret Gordon, under the last will aud te.tiiiui nl of Christopher liolhorst, de ceased late of Adams township. 31 Final account of Joseph A. Painter and S. M. painter,, executors of Samuel Painter, deceased, late ot' Win'ield twp. 32 Final account of Peter A. McElwee, executor of Ann E. McElwee, deceased, late of Oak laud township. 33 Fiual accta it of Nor n m Patters jo , guardian ol Harriet F. Cooper, miu'ir child of MUtou Cooper, deceased, late Slippery rock township. 31 Supplemeutal account of Jame< K. Met'aud less, executor of Mark Mcl'andlcss, deceased, late of Cherry township. 3.1 Final account of J. E. Brand in, ad iiiinistrator ('. T. A. of Francis lleckert deceased, late ol twp. 3ery newest no.-elties. Select early. If you don't want a suit now we will reserve the pattern for you. ALAND, Tailor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TIIE.STANDAKD RAILKOAD OF AMEItICA WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 26tH. South WEEK DAYS . A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. tf, Butler Leave 615 835 11 00 245 500 SaMnbunc... Arrive t» 44 uoo n*4 3U 52S Butler Juc't, M 7JO 925 11 50 3 W 553 butler J uc't.. Leave 730 941 12 03 340 553 ISdbm IZ SS « ss? rfaSul e ::::::::::8u ,uos "S a* Sliarpsburg 8 18.... 105 429 632 Allegheny City 8 A Vi. r. ir.i r. i'! NORTH WEIK DAYS. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M AllegUenyClty Leave« 55 825 10 40 3 15 6 10 hharpsburg 7 04 8 39 10 58 Claremont 8 45 "■ •••• Sprlngdale *•" ' 1 . . Tiirentum 7 32 9 10 11 39 3 M 050 Natrona 7 3. 9 15 n «5 053 HuLler Juc'l Arrive" 45 »25 11 55 404 02 Butler Juc't Leave 7 45 945 12 38 4 1. , v. Saxoiiburir BOSIO 11 104 440 i Butler .fr..." Arrive g3510 35 130 600 750 A. *. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M WkkkDAVS, For lb« Kaat. Wkkk DAVS I» H A. U. *• P. •z 45 615 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 130 340 T3O Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 945 12 38 404 7 4.") Lv. Hutler .'unction Ar. 941 12 :is 410 749 Ar. Freepori Lv. 935 12 36 tls 753 " Allegheny Juc't. '• 931 12 30 42h kO4 •• 4 4*; 821 " paulton (Apollo) " 9 (16 11 .)6 514 851 " Salisbury " 83. 11 32 550 922 " Blalrsvilfe " 8 Oft 11 <.O COO 930 " Blalrsvllle Inter n " 7 .50 10 15 BAOII 40 •• Altoona •• 340 800 100 320 " llarrlsburg 11 65 3-0 430 660 " Philadelphia " Hso 11 20 а. a. P. a. p > "■ P- M □Through trains for the east leave Pittsburg (Union Station) as follows: Pennsylvania, Limited, dally -.7 16 A.M Atlantic Express. " 3 10A.M. Day Express, " » 00 Philadelphia Express. " 430 I .M. Eastern Express, " 'OO • Fast Line, " 8 10 For detailed Information, address Tlios. K. Watt, Tans. Ag't. Western District, 110. Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. 8. M. PURVO9T. J. " WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l. Pass'r. Ag t P. &. W. R. R. Schedule In effect Nov. 18,. -91. (ISutler tlmo) The short Line to Pittsburg. DKPAKT SOUTH. FROM SOCTB . «25 a m Allegheny 9.26 am. Allegheny EJ 8 16 a tn All'y « Akron 10.00 a 111. A 1 & N Castle 10.05 a m Allegheny Ac 12.20 p m, All'y & Ch'go 2.55 p m Allegheny Mall 5.05 p in. Allegheny Kx 360 pm Chicago Kx. 7.18 p m,All'y t Akron 5.55 p in All'y s Ell. Kx s.uo p m. Allegheny AO DErART NOBTII. KKOM NORTH. Io.O". a in & Brad. B.oft am, Foxburg Ac б.15 prn Clarion Ae 19.52 am. Clarion Ac 7.35 p m Foxburg; ;, r >.2o pm, Kane Mall BUND AT TRAINH. or" urr SOUTH. PROM SOUTH. 8.16 a in, IK'Forest Ac (9.86 a m.Allegheny Ac 3.60 pm. Chicago Ex ft 05 pm, Allegheny Kx 5.56 p in, Allegheny A.C17.25 p in. DeForest Ac Train arriving at at 5.06 p m leaves B ft O de pot. Pittsburg, at 3 :15 o'clock. Butler and Greenville Coach will letve Alle gheny at 320 i>. 111 .dally except Sunday. Con necting at Wlllowgrove, arriving at Hutler at 5M6. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and first.-clans Day Coaches lun through between Hutler and Chicago dally. ~ . For through tickets to points lu tho West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. U. CROUCH. Agent Trains leave the B. & O. depot In Put burg for the Kant as follows. For Washington I)' C.. Baltimore, Philadel phia. uad New York, 7:30 and ■ p. in Cumber land, r.:lo. 7 :30,a.m. 1 :10, 9:20 p. ni.con nelsvllle. «:l«, 7a<>. a. m. 1.10. 1.30, 4.15, ft.;x), 9.20 [) m. Unlontown. 7.20 a. m . 1 10. 1.30. 5.30 p. m. Cnlontown. Morgantown and Fairmont, T,30, a. 111, and 6,30 p. m, Mt.Pleasant 0.40. 7. :w a. m. 1.10 and 1.80 p in. Washington. l"a. 7.40 and 930 a. m., and 9.00,11.65 p. m. Wheel ing, 7.40. and 9.30 a. m.. and 4.00,9.00. 11.86 p, in. Cincinnati. St, Louis, Columbus and New ark, 7.40 a. in., 11.10, 11.65 p.m. For Chicago. 2.411 and 9.30 p. in. Parlor and sleeping cars to Jteltlmore, Wash ington. Cincinnati and Chloa»o. PITTHUUaO, BIIBNANIIO 4 I.AKS KKI« H.R. Takes efTect Monday. D.ic. 31 isji. Tralna are run by Standard ('onl.ral Time (90th Meridian.) One hour slower than city Time. OOIKONORTH. 00180 SOUTH To J 14 I 12 STATIONS | 9 ' 11 113 p.m m. p.m. Art Lv'e a.m. a.m. ....' 4 B6 2 30 Buffalo I 6 3.1 IS I .... 3 21.1 100 .....Dunkirk | 7onl 3» la. rn, (JO. 1142 10 to Erie Ii 111 8 ."15 3 36 li 25 I oil 925 .Wallace Junct 11 I'. 'J 1.1 112 0 M> I M 9 16 Olrard « 60 » 18 l 15 09 12 54 803 ...Lockport. ... 700 929 I 20 <; 43 'to 22 ; ar.Conneaut lv. . ~i ; m :i 10 3 to; t 7 40; lv ar I 111 22j 043 6 57'18 44 8 46lar . ..Albion,| 7 111 9414 37 r, 43 12 33 831 ... Htiadelaild. . 7 23 ( !l 5.1 451 64» 12 :to s2B ... spring bor<>. - 7 27. « no' 4 r.s ft S3 12 21 s»i ..Conneautvllle. 7 .1110 oi r, o.i 6 0-12 0»' 8 0(1 .. Mi'll'v'le Ji l. - 00 111 25 5 2,\ 1 611 1 7 30] lv .Conu't Lake..i ;10 n i 17 tin 810 ar ar 8 10,10 fto .1 39 4 2ft 7 5.1 lv. Mcadvllle. lv . »46 120 740 ; H ac|ar ark ir. 11 2:, •; 10 No 211 51 743 . llurUtown.T .NoIlO 39 589 .... 11 IB 738 . Adamsvllle 10 44 544 i; 2ft ll 30 7 i« ... Greenville... c. so 11 o; ii u.i « is ii 20 7 (r, ....Hhenango ... »; 4n n 20 « 20 ii 00,10 611 045 ...Fredonla. ... 7 o:s 11 44 03» 6 44 10 4:1 « 25 Mercer 7 22,12 04 7 on ft 3o 10 « 10 I'ardoe 7 3« 12 22 7 14 6 19 10 '2ll li 00 drove City... 7 47 12 33 7 2ft 6 in; 10 MM 8 4n llarrlsvllle 7 5m 12 45 7 30 I »- 111 III) ID llraiirlltiill * l», 12 61 7 4., .',OO ' si 01 v :ir 7 10 12 lo sr, ... sB6 ar...Hllllaril 026 ll l. r .l .... 4 53 '.I 6 3511 V . Kclsti-rs ... I 8 III! 12 58 « 19 439 042 621 KuClld 822 1 11 sO3 4 || I 9 15| 1 50j llutler . 8 60 I 4.: 8 .12 ,20 7 2ii Allegheny. IWW ll oo 3 60 is .HI I'lti.shurg.lMii>. n. m|p. m . J. T. 111..V11t. General Munager. Greenville, i-a W. G SAKGKANT G. P A.. Meadvllle. l'a Are You Alllicted. Now is the chance of a life-time to be Cured. Tbe EXCELSIOR Remedies, Postively and Permanently cure all diseaneH caaHeil by il c range men t of the Biood, Stomach, Liver anil Kiuoeys. Rheiiuiatisin, N'eurilgia, Slomauh anil Liver Trimble; all Kkin St.. Vitus, General Debility, Nervous Debility. Siok or Nervous Headache, Catarrah, Alt er l'iiTects of I.Hlirippe. Fell ale Complaints, Constipation anil all its evil elfects. Tbe Kxcelsior Blood Clunser and Kxcel sior Vegetable Pills, are especially adopted for the above complaints, their curative powers are wonderful. TRV TIIKM, Ihei are guaraiileeil to cure. Send in your ad dress and we will mail you TIIK KXCKL SIOR Lfc)ADKR containing te liinonial of huudreds who have been cured h> tb■< Kxcelnior Remedies in lour own Counl> and Stale. Address all couimunioaiiuns to Office EXCELSIOR Medicine Co, >O. S. Uaiu Bt. • • Duller Pa BUTLER GOUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.fflain & Cunningham Air. WICK Pre. «EO. kr.TTFKKK. Vire Pre*.' L. S. SrJOKIJI Srr'j and Treat, DIKKOTORB Altre i Wick. Henderson Oliver, Dr. W. Irviu. James Stephenson, W. W. Blackmore N. WeiUel. F. Bowman. 11. J. Kllngler Geo Ketterer, chas. Itebhun. Geo. llenno, John Koenlng, LOYAL S. McJUNKIN. Agent BUTLER LUMBER COMPANY, Shippers and dealers in Kuildiii Materials Roujjh and uresaed Lumber of all bind?, Doors and Window?, and Mouldings of all kinds. H. E. WiCK, Manager. Office und Yarda, ant Cunningham and Honrofatreets. Professional Sards. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, • 137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 M. and t to 3 P. M. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PHTSICIAN AND grROKOT, Office at No. 45, P. Main stint. over City Pharmacy, Butler, Fa, L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND BCKUKON, New Troutmau Building, Hutler, l'a. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 200 West Cunningham St. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest Im proved plan. Uold Filling a specialty. Office over Schaul's Clothing Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold Filling Painless Extraction of Teeth nd \ ieitli without Plates a specialty Itrods 'Kilj ): Vitalized Air or Local nestis:l si h • I Otl-j O'-r '•!.! 1 *"'( <4-.>'.jr/ ot Lowry ouss. oin*sß -si»i»i y 111 • < •. i/s 111 r ir< t V. McALPINE, Dentist,? s now locate! In new and elegant rooms ad oinlns hts former ones. All kin is of clasp plates and modern gold work. "Gas Administered." A. T. SCOTT, ATTOU N E Y-AT-LA W. Office at No. 8. South Diamond, Butler, Fa. DR. McCUREY BRICKER. Office at 110 S. Main St.. Butler Pa. Office hours s to 9. and 10:30 to la. A. M., and 1 to 3. and 7 to 9 P. M. W. H. BROWN, Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. OlHce 12enefit of the widows ol decedents have been filed iu the office of the Clerk of Orphan*' Court of Butler county, viz: Willow of Wo. Byers $105.85 " Win. J. Lackey (realty)... 2?6.80 John W. McJunkin 300.00 " Charles (ieible 144.60 " Jacob Krantz (realty) 202.00 All persons interested in the aboye ap praisements will take notice that they will be presented for continuation to the OrphaiiN' Court of Butler county, l'a., on Saturday the Hth dny of June, 18!)5, and if no exceptions be filed they will be confirmed absolutely. JOSEPH CHI SWELL. Clerk O. C. ~ BERKIMER & TAYLOR Funeral Directors, 151 . Main! St. - ButlPrea. ■pgpi.'Hiiinri MM. HMBM I'orartTTTriiiiTy or gentleman ii.qu.iliiW'iiwith neighborhood. Compensation jroin Ho to fi w monthly. Work outlined. Only energetic party ambitious to succeed, need apply- No Capital required. Address wit h reteren.e, (Jlobe llible raMtoMagOo. J» Cheats at MMk rlllft., l'a. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Keal Estate Agent, 17 F.AST JEFFERSON n r. HITTViRK. - PA.. o**) &&& restore VIGOR D«l«ia unit Altrt fling. K.-w diwnwr*. Will kriri- T' tl Uli in » »>ill. K..M will. . W HITTKN 1.l AKA TE Kln I'ui.' Nnfout licl.ilnv l.ima . t(viu»l l*i»w#l in rilli' i•' li»olui.U IT I*.Hi in flt.'ii ,J■ .1 . If ll»*D»n«npt .i < i I||.»I"I», » mi pi-r 1...1 by mail. f. ».«■«►• for (I W 1 1, . t.ry %•. ..t.1.1 «,• ((I»• tvrHiM aiiiiMlfi i- fmgi if NtbMlWaHty. Ad <||«U I'KAI. MEbICIMK CO.. ll«ir*l»iisc per yard. Black Figured" Taffeta Silks, 85c per yard; real value SI.OO. Light Colors in Wool Albatross, Lansdown Henriettas and Silk Mulls for graduation dresses, White Hose in Silk and Lisle, White Silk Mitts, Kid Gloves, Ac . for commencement. DAMASKS! 20c, Fast Color Red Damask, real value 35c per yard. iOc, Unbleached Damask. _soe, Bleached Damask, real value 75c. CHILDRENS' HATS. This is a hobby of ours, and they are sty lieh and tasty at popular prices. We look after elderly Ladies' Headwear, and that is a department so ir«w hover looked. We can please you. Mourning Millinery Department filled with neat, choice etlects in latest styles.; Choice New I'ntrimmed Hats, 15c 25c, 75c, SI,OO, $1,25 to $2,00. UN D E RW EAR. Ladies' Vests for sc. Childrens' Vests for sc, and up to best quality tor le* price than you have ever paid tor them. WHERE will you find sneh values as this store offers? And these are but a few of the many bargains this store has for you. What would you be paying for goods if this Btore was.not here? We prom ise thin, that no matter what it is for the money, it is the best that can be had of its kind or we refuse all moneys; that is the postiva way; that is our only way. Wo must please We must give greater value than all compe tition. Every person come Get posted \Vo will try and please you, and if prices cut any figure, will sell to you. Mrs, Jennie G. ZlmmermaN, Opposite Hotel Lowry. Successor to Ritter & Ralston. Before Furnishing Your HOME you should visit UIHLUTEMPLETSIf PARLOR SUITS, Any price from $25.00 to $150.00. Rocking Chairs, In Mahogany, Oak or Birch with Wood, Leather or Upholstered Seats. Prices $2, 2,50 3,50 and 5,00 Extension Tables, tw 6, Bor 10 ft, long. Prices $4 00, $6.00 and $8.00.1 Also a line of the finer GOODS. j TIE HOME FUNDI, BUTLER, PA. SchneidemarTs Old Stand. SHLOSS BROs', Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Fa. Keep Cool as the weather warms up. You think harder of the light weight suits. Solid Comfort for the hot days. Our light weight skeleton lined suits in Serges, Sicilian, Mohairs, Flannels and Al pacas. No matter what price you have fixed to pay; we have them at prices way down. For SB. the suit, Men's Blue or Black cheviots, Elegantly made all wool and unfadeable. For $lO. the suit, Great assortment of suits in various all wool mixtures best style, best made. We are the leaders in Stylish Furnishings and Straw Hats. This week, we are selling a nobby stifl rim straw hat at 50c worth fully SI.OO. Come and be convinced. Don't fail to see the knee pants we sell at 1 sc. Anything purclitM 4ot in which does uot meet} uur expectation* can bo returned and tli* mousy win U<' cheerfully relun ed. Shloss Bros, 10 B«]" a pa. su Schneidcman's Old Stand. MILLINERY. The elegance of our Trimmed Hats is the wonderment of all beholden, our prices are to low. How can you sell such e