THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. MAY 2, 1895. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal notices are published in the Citi xen at $1 per Inch for finit, and 50 cents for each succeeding insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions, •to. are inserted at 5 cents a line, money to accompany the order. Reading notices on looal page 10 cents a line lor first and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Notices among lo cal news items 15 cents a line for each in sertion. Half-inch professional cards with paper $5 a year. Rates for commercial advertising q«oted upon application New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for eur so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our übscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tril «»»« free for one year. For further parti cslars of this offer see ad rertisement New Advertisements. Teachers Annual Examinations. Campbell & Templeton s prices. Scbaul A Naat's suits. Shloss Bro's clothing. Miller's prizes. Excursion. Tbe N. Y. Herald. NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. should notify us of their intention to do so, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors ol estates oan ■"'fire their receipt books at the ClT ti» v iiice LOCAL AND GENERAL. ANEW SERIAL! rearce # arm'S win.—► Bu Richard Malcolm Johnston. The opening chapters of a most interesting story by the above well-known author will begin In Our Next Issue. WILL ENTERTAIN ALL WHO READ IT. —Flour has raised from 25 to 50 cents • barrel. —Campbell a great oats scoring week. —Dogs are getting into their spring coats and pants. —Mr. Graham, the storekeeper of Moni teau, has sold ont to Wick probated. Barbara and Joseph Geible, ex'rs: also willot S. L. Riddle of Allegheny Co, In the matter 01' the petition of the citi zens of the "Island" to be attached to the 3d ward, commissioners were appointed who will report at June term. Beginning next Monday there will bo two weeks of court for the trial of civil cases. Probably the most important case on the list is that of Alfred T. Cookson vs the P. A- W. R. R. Co., which is put down for trial on Tuesday the "tu. The body of an infant was found in a coffee sack, in Fallers field at the head of Fairview Ave, last Thursday. The Coroner held an inquest, an J as the phy sicians decided that the child had been still-born, the affair will go no farther. Merchantile Appraiser Starr heard half a dczen appealers last Thursday aiter noon. The Judges composing the contest court are making good time and working indus triously. They have made up their list of illegal voters, and are now going over the ballots for the purpose of ascertaining lor whom they voted. The chances are that they will finish this part of the business next week and be ready in a couple of weeks to render their decision. They keep their own counsel, and no one but them selves has the remotest idea how many votes are found to have been illegal or lor whom a majority of them were cast Both sides feel confident of winning, and per haps that is just as well, for the Iriends of one or the other ol the candidates are go ing to feel sad after the decision is render ed.—lndiana Messenger. LATE PROPERTY TRAXSKERS. J. C. Graham to L. C. Wick lot in Butler for S4OO. J no. Byerly to Samuel Ekas 64 acres in Buffalo for $3,300. Carrol heirs to T. J. Carrol 19 acres in Cranbery for $320. Mary Jones to Martha Weigle 51 acres in Franklin for $1 00. Z. W. Phillips to T. W. Phillips 120 in Oakland. John Uetzler to Lizzie Dale 400 acres in Allegheny for $2,500 Eliza McCandless etai to Jos. Hartraan lot in Butler for $2,500. W. J. McKee to Jos. U art man lot in But ler for $2,450. H. Kummer to Harry Friend lot in Bat. ler for $650 C. Daffy to Richard Phelan 8 acres in Butler twp. for $1,215. H K Wick to Frank Mizener 13 acres in Washington for $2200. S J Kedd to L H Smith lot in Butler for S4OO Chas Nicklas to A J Burr 15 acres in Forward for $1375. F M Wallace to M E Vanderbilt 90 acres in Marion for SI9OO. AnnaWeser to Ed Rieger lot in Butler for $720. , . M B Maharg et al to M E Mathers lot m Butler for S3OO. Marriage Licenses. W. E. Miller Middle Lancaster Tillie Schilling Forward twp Tifney McFadden Marion twp Marion 8uchanan......... Mercer twu J. H. Bull Butler, Pa S. E. Wilson " W. F. Behin ..Mars Maggie Goettman ——Zelienople Edward Taylor Butler Sadie Hutchison " Chas A. Dambaugh Connoq. twp Lilly May Beggs..... .....Lancaster twp A. W. Barnliart Butler twp. Susan Detrick Conno. twp At Pittsturg, Monday—Joseph Hart man Jr. of Butler and Katharine Powers of Pittsburg. At Pittsburg, Tuesday, Conrad J.Bowers of Butler Co. and Ida M. Pay ton of Pitts burg. New Buildings Johnny Graham is building himself a residence on corner of Locust and Monroe streets. Seth Snyder, of Brady towndhip, is build ing himself a new house; and his neighbor Jacob Koch intends doing the same. Stanley Brown is building on Walker avenue. John West is building on Mifllin St. 11. A. Sidler building on North Washing ton street. Plants by the Thousand The grandest lay out of Tomato plants in Butler at present is undoubtedly that of Jesse Heydrick in his garden on North Bluff St., near West Pearl. He has several hot-beds lull of fine, large, vigorous looking plants, »oine of which are ready to blossom; and they are all of the Improved Ponderosa a variety the finest, largest and best tomato in ex istence. The tomato was originated by that celebrated seedsman Peter Henderson of New York, and he paid SUSO, for an appropriate name for it. It is a large, solid, and finely flavored tomato. One pecularity about Mr. lleydrick's plants is that tbey are grown from seeds from the two-year-old plant exhibited at the Pair last Pall. People who intend raising tomatoes this Summer, will find Mr. lleydrick's plants the best in the market. The Markets BUTLER MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 20 for butter and 10 for fresh eggs, 75 foi potatoes, 60 for parsnips, 05 for onions and beets,llcts. for dressed chicken, 12 for turkey and duck, 3c a pound for cabbage, $2.00 for apples, $2 00 beans, 15 cents lb for lettuce, 15 to 20c a dozen for green onions; $1.50 t052.50 a bu. for onion sets. Czarina jast new at PAPE BHO'B. Home made candies, taffies, car mels, and etc., now on hand at the City bakery. 1000 untrimmed hats,spendid shap es at PAPKS. Job kind done at the CITIZEN OFFICE l x i 7. Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates and Charters Framed to Order at 309 S. Main St, Butler, Pa. FERD FEIGEL, Prop'r. AMY BRO t S, CORNER MAIN & MIFFLIN STS., BUTLER, PENN'A. Dealers in new Furniture and household goods of every description Call and see us. We can Have you moDey. The finest line of Mourning hato and bonnets in Butler at PACE'S. Beautiful pattern hats at PAPE'S. 15c, 15c, 15c, lsc will buy an Untrimmed Hat for La dies' and Misseß'. The place to Bee them is at the popular store of MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Great bargains in Lace Curtains, Laces and Embroideries at L. Stein & Son's. Always use J. A. llichey's Cough Drops. They are the best. Stylish sailor hats, many colors at PAI'B'A. Storm Serges and French Serges, Llenrittias, Novelty Dress (Joods and Fancy Slks in greatest variety and at lowest prices at. L. ST*IN & SON'S We sell Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Crashes and all kinds of white goods at very low prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. We display over 100 new and pretty pattern hats and bonnetß at PAi'FL'S. PERSONAL. John Ferguson of Middlesex twp. was in town on business. Monday. Since last seeding tiineJohn has bought and sold fifty four horses. W. H. Parker of Buffalo twp. and Benj. Stepp of Middlesex twp. were in town on business, Friday. J. G. Campbell of W. Pearl St. has been seriously ill lor some time. His heart is troubling him. Mr.,. Hannah Frederick of Harmony has been granted a pension. J. Sullivan, Esq. of Pittsburg visited hi 3 friends in Butler last weeK. Chas Walker of Butler, a student on the training i-hip Sarato r a at Philadelphia, is home on a visit. Uarvey Miller attended the funeral of bis sister Mrs. Bartley in Allegheny yes terdav. Dr. Byers is greatly improved in health and is again able to attend to business. Miss Mary Ann Flick of Middlesex twp. visited friends in Butler, Monday. David Pflough of Mt. Chestnut is the happy father of a big, bouncing boy. John Findley, of the Ist ward, is now clerking for the Pittsburg Refining Co., with office on Wood street. Tnos. Robinson. Esq., went to Harris burg Monday, and took charge of the ofliee of Superintendant of Public Printing, Wednesday. A. C. Hindman and Xewton Kennedy, of this county, passed successful examina tions, Monday, at Harrisbufg, before the State Pharmaceutical Board. Dr. J. C. Barr, of Mars, went to Chicago Monday, to attend the Annual convention of Railway Surgeons, May Ist, 2nd, and 3rd. Last year they met at Galveston, Texas, Sam Redick and Frank Colbert are clerking for the Oil Well Supply Co., at Mar 3. Mr. and Mrs. W. Morris attended the funeral of Mrs. Bartley, of Allegheny. She was Mrs. Morris' mother. Mrs. W. A. Stein and daughter Mrs. Will Campbell. Mrs. John Campbell, Llugh Mc- Bride and wile, Mrs. I. J. Mcßride and daughter, Mrs. W. D. Fisher, llr. Bash line and his partner, and Dr. Harry Wil son oi Evans City, are among the Butler Co., people who joined Mrs. Core's exeur sl on down the river to Cincinnati, yester day. Fires. Several acres of woodland belonging to Solomon Thompson, of Brady township, were burned over a few days ago. The tire orifiina'ed from a burning brush heap. Church Notes. Hev. E. M. Wood will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening on "How the Biblo was Made." There will be communion at the morning service. The U. V. L. Surprise. On Monday night as the meeting of the Union Veteran Legion was nearing its close, the Ladies Auxiliary pushing forth the door entered and invited the "Old Boys" to a nice surprise party which was waiting them in the dining hall. The luDoh served them was very heartily par taken of, and the whole evening passed in a nery pleasing manner. Tbe Auxiliary presented a ten dollar bill to the Legion which was received with many thanks. The ladies certainly ("eserve great praise f.'om the C. V. L , who enjoyed them selves so extensively alt evaning. PIANO RECITAL. Mr. Win. H. Sherwood, America's Greatest Concert Pianist, with a select company of musicians will give a recital in Park Opera House, on Thursday evening, May Kith, under tho auspices of the But ler Amateur Musical Club. "At Mr. Sherwood'.; recital in the Aud itorium last night the performer was at hi < best, cool, sell-contained, masterful, and virile. Mr. Sherwood mapped out his course, and followed it loyally, with dig nity, brilliancy, lightness without levity, and seriousness without severity. The effect of the recital was to send away every every person with a distinct impression ot the purport of the selections rendered and a broadened conception of the significance of music. It was not alone a triumph of virtuosity, 'hough it was signally that: it was also educative, illcstrative, and imperative in the widest and most practi cal sense."—Chicago Ilerald. Teachers Annual Examinations. Renfrew May lU, 189."> Saxonburg May, 14 1895.- Coylesvilie May 15, 1895. Millerstown May 16, 181)5. Harrisville May 17, 1895. Farmington June 10, 1895. North Washington June 11, 1895. W. Snnbury June 12, 1895. Slipperyrock June 111, 18V5. Prospect June 14, 1895. Evans City June 15. Examinations will be held in Butler on the last Saturday of June and the last Saturday of July. X. C MCCULLOUOH CO., SUP'T. Reduced Bates via Pennsylvania Railroad, account Meetintj oj Herman llajiliuls (Dunkards) at Decatur, 111. For the accommodation ol persons who desire to attend the nieating of the German Baptists (Dunkards), to behold at Deactur, 111., May 28 to June 8, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell lrorn May 24 to Jun-j 1, inclusive, excursion tickets from all points on their system west of and including Baltimore, Lancaster, and Read ing, and south of and including Suabury, to Decatur and return, at a single fare for tbe round trip. Tickets will be good to return to starting point not later than July 9. Fine and heavy all wool Serge 45 inches wide, all colors at ">0 cents a yarc I —a big bargain—at L. STEIN & SON'S. If*£T l * or P uru p P r ' n £ water * ce — I £ ) Leave your orders at Richey's Bakery Daily Delivery. Try, T. A. Morrison's home made Carmels. —-A full line of home made candies at the City Bakery. ['lain and fancy Black Dress Goods in all qualities at bargain prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. 99c, 99c, 99c, 99c will buy a stylishly Trimmed Hat at MRS. J. E ZIMMERMAN,S, Successor to R. & R. 39c. 39c, 39c, 39c H'Jc per yard lor the latest style in all wool novelty Dress Ooodß, choice designs, new colorings, real value 50c. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN Every person seems to be pleased with Morrison's Cough Syrup. The demand is increasing very fast. Ask your Druggist for it. School hats at PAPI'S. WARNING. To BUTLER COUNTY On. FOLKS AND ALL OTHERS. Be wise in your prosperity and save some ot your gains by invest ing in the established and reliable Metropolitan Loan and Savings As sociation. Send, or call for circular. If desired we will send an agent to see you. Investigate our Prepaid Investment stock. We want good and trust-worthy men as agents, such men will be dealt with fairly and equitably. Call on or address. N. T. Weser, District Manager Office 11<) W. Jefferson St. Butler P. —Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds, always on hand at tbe City Bakery. Largest assortment of new Silks and Dress Goods at lowest prices ever known at L. Stein & Son's. Oil Notes. The Standards paying $1:80 to-day, BHOWXSDALK —The Eastern Oil Co's, well in the "Black" Dorsey reached the third sand, Monday, and started off at 50 bbls an hour. The well is a few rods south of present developments. BRADY TWP.— The well on the Duffy place is said to tave filled up 700 feet with oil when the sand was tapped. OAKLAND— Iman A- Co., have a rig up on the l»ean Campbell. CLAY TWP.— A Pittsburg Co.. have a rig up on the Thomas Gould. HEEMAS —Byers A Co's; well on the Bergbigler was shot a few days ago and started off at 40 bbls; Hoffman i Oo's, 3 on the Leech started off at 150 bbls; Hunt er A Cummings have a rig up on the Jac. Keott. _DENSY —Parshall & Co's, Mcßride farm well struck the sand Saturday and was shut down for tankage. The old wells are doing about 5 bbls each; several new rigs are up. W HfTESTOWK —This field is doing less than 50 bbls a day; though about $35 000 has been spent in it. The producing wells are rated as follow-: Kirker 20; Shanor 10, Shiever 3 and Martin 2. The Forest Co's, No 2 on the Shiever was drilled 1800 feet, and is dry. BOYDSTOWS —The boiler at one of Kei ber & Co's wells in the Henry exploded, Monday morning, and was scattered over the country. Xobody was hurt. TSOCTMAS —Tho five old wells are doing from sto 14 bbls each. Rigs are being built on the McCleary, Harper, Kobinson anil Barnhart farms. MARS—' The Association Producers are drilling a well on the J. D. Hill east of Mars. SAXOKBCRG —Weitzel Co's. well on the Bernigo is reported dry, also the Deu ison Co's. on the Wilson. COYLKSVILLE— GreenIee Jc Co's. on the Dugan is reported dry. Mcßride A* Co. are drilling on the Weiland. BCTLKS —The well on the George Sbaf fuer farm south of town was shot in the 100 foot, Tuesday, and immediately the oil and salt water began to flow over lh« top of the derrick, it is now showing for a good fifty barre' well, althongh it will take several days to clean it out and get it in order for pumping, after which it it still continues as it does at this writing it will undoubtedly make things in that part of the country, as well as Butler, lively. The well on the Daniel Shauor is being drilled to the lower sand. Drive out from Butler in any direction and one sees new rigs. PSKN TWP— The well on the Maharg was dry in the 100 foot, and is being drill to the lower sauds. MUDDY CREEK —The South Penn Co. is drilling a well some miles west of the old Muddy Creek field. Notice to Teachers. The Committee on Permanent Certifi cates will meet at tbe Court ilouse on Fri day and Saturday May 10th and llth 1895. Applicants are expected to appear ai 9 a. m , on Friday the 10th. W. P. JAMESON, Sec., of Com. More of Marvin's Trilby Cakes have been sold lu the past month than any other kind. Ever try tbem? Bicycle Riders. If you want the best wheel made buy a Columbia or a Hartford. R L. Kirkpatrick the jeweler has the agency for these celebrated wheels this season—Columbias sloo—Hart fords SSO, SUO, SSO. Also CreeceDt Special for ladies or gentlemen at $50.00. See our line oi New Spring Capes —the assortment is large and the styles and prices are right L. STBIN & SON Overheard at the Grocery. "What lovely little cakes, what do you call them?" ',Marvin's Trilby." "How nice, please give me a pound-" —You pay for school-books; but the best school-book for your children is your daily paper. Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with the ncwß and best in presenting it, the Pittsburg Diapatch fills the bill. JURY LIST. List of Traverse Jurors drawn this 25th d»y of March, 1895, to serve as jurors at the special term of court, commencing ou tbe Ist Monday of May, 1895, the same be ing tho oth day of said month. Arner J B, farmer, Washington twp, N Bnuuian Charles, gent, Saxonburg boro Beigley Abram, teamster, Uarmony boro Cbristiey Neyman, farmer, Slipperyrock twp Critchlow 11 G, farmer, Penn twp, S Cromlin Henry, butcher, Fairview twp, S Dodds F B, farmer, Penn twp, S Duncan Presley, plasterer, Adams twp, S Dickey J W, farmer, Slipperyrock twp Deets H M, carpenter, Fairview twp, E Ehrman Peter, tanner, Cranheiry twp Ev# is John A, carpenter Petrolia boro Ferguson Wm, carpenter, Millerstown boro Fredley Jacob, farmer. Middlesex twp Galbreath W S, farmer, Winfield twp Galhreath W, farmer, Forward twp Holland John K, farmer, Washington twp tialstead John, farmer, Clinton twp Hughes John W, farmer, Clay twp Hindman James, farmer, Washington tp,S Knauff Casper, clerk, /,elienoplo Kyle liobt, farmer, Harrisville boro Lusk John, cigar maker, Fairview twp. Laughner Newton, oil producer, Alle gheby twp Miller John J, fanner, Butler twp. McCandless Harrison, fanner. Centre twp McCullough C P, pumper, Fairview twp, E Martin L C, farmer, Oakland twp Myers Charles, farmer, Muddycreek twp Xicholas Peter, merchant, Evans City Patterson Kobert L, farmer, Penn twp, N ltobinson Thomas, farmer, Cranberry twp Hohner John, banker, Evans City Itankin C H, farmer, Fairview twp, W Stevenson D B, oil producer, Petrolia boro Stewart A P, hotel keeper, 2d ward Bntler Sutton Nelson, carpenter, Concord twp Sloan Andrew, farmer, Allegheny twp Shira John M, farmer, Parker twp Schallner George, contractor, Ist, ward Butler Schatl'iier Samuel, farmer, Butler twp Stein John, farmer, Oakland twp Thompson Josiah M, farmer, Brady twp Walter P C, farmer, Clinton twp Wimor John, farmer. Worth twp Walker Gilbert, clerk, Forward twp Watson, Wm, tarmer, Buffalo twp Young W B, oil producer, Butler twp FOUND IN BUTLER. The people of Butler and vicin ity have just discovered that the New Clothing Store, at 120 S. MAIN St., is the best place to obtain reliable cloth ing and furnishings at reason prices. All classes can be suited and everybody is invited to call and inspect my STOCK of Spring and Summer goods. ONE JT. H. Burton Sciothier and PRICE, i Furnisher 120 S. Main, St South Side Gossip. This is the busiest aide ol town. New buildings being erected every week. The base ball aggregation have met and formed quite a "tacky" nine, and are only waiting now for a few games to display their wonderful skill with the bat and ball. For series or single games please write to Robert Richey, Fairview Ave., Butler, Pa. School will come to its final five weeks from to-day. Mr. Anna McJunkin, > Euclid, P. O. Ira McJunkin, Att'y. Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. ESTATE OK CHARLES HASLBTT, Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of Charles Haslett, late of the borough of Butler, decoased, have been granted to me the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make payment to me, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same to me for set tlement ALICE W. HASLBTT, EXECUTRIX H. H GOCCHKU, Attorney for Enate, Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration C. T. A. hav ing been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Jane Young, dec'd, late of Con cord twp., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please call and settle and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for payment R. H. YOUNG, Jacksville, Pa. A. M. CORNKUus, Atty. Administrators Notice. Letters of administration C. T. A. hav ing been granted to the nndersigned on the estate of William Byers, dec'd, late of Concord twp, Butler Co., Pa. All per sons knowing tbomselves indebted to said estate, will please make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to FRANCIS BYKRS, Adm'r, Leota, Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of John Conrad Shanor, dec'd, late of Whites town, Butler Co., Penn'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having olairns against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settle ment to ALKX. STEWART, EX'R. Whitestown, Pa. W. D. BRAS DON, Attorney. Administrator's Notice- Lettero of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Willian LuU, dec'd, late of Lancaster twp, Butler Co., Pa , all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any havtng claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to J. N. KIRKEK, Adm'r, Middle Lancaster P. O. J. B. MATBS att'y Butler Co., Pa. Butler Pa. Hotel WHIM Reopened and now ready for th« ecommodation of tbo traveling pub lic. Everything in firet-claea style. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner H H BROOKS, Clerk. A Stunner Of a SUIT For Men. By chance wc closed out (for spot prA 4fe"lo cash) of a New York clothing firm * * their entire stock of fine Clay I (sizes 34 to 42.) Worsted Suits. They are made 1 . in Frocks and Sacks and we :®frO. 50, worth sl4. brought these suits twenty-five f per cent less than market price. ♦ (sizes 34 to 42.) We had to take them all. WOrtll #l6. have put these on our tables to sell at the following prices: (sizes 34 to 42.) Ask To See These Suits we Know it will interest you. Schaul S Nast, Leading Clothiers, 137 S. Main St-, Butler, Pa* Schneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSS BROs', Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler ?a. Looks Funny but it's so— That we have the stock of the t owq in Mens Clothing. We have a vast assortment of suitsi fit tor any time, piirpose, place and occasion, from the cheapest working suit UD to th# □nest dress suit. We Don't care— What prioea are quoted elsewhere. we can match and more than match the auaUtyilor the money everytime. Great Values in Men's Suitings this week at $5. $6. $7.50, $8.50, $lO. and sl2. Our Straw Hats— Are now tn, and those who have seen or purchased cannot understand how tt Is possible for us to sell at the prices we do. We will offer this week. _ dozen regular 50c medium rim. high crown Straw Hats at 35c. 7C " •• 91. large stiff rim Young Man's Stylish Straw hats at soc \J " " t2. medium rim Panama and Split Straw Hats at It .00 We hare the largest stock, hence the low price. 15c—Last week of the 25c and «0c pants 15c. Anything pnrchased of u» which does not meet your expectations can be returned and the money will be cheerfully re fun ed. Shloss Bro's, Schneideman's Old Stand. OUR NEW HAS ARRIVED, and we will be pleased to show you what we • have. | in | \ You can buy a good, servicable business suit for $5.00, but our | J line at $ 6 -°°> $7-50, Sp.oo and J. J. M JL M excellence, better than ever sold (for the price) in the history of the clothing trade. Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta- 1 ) HPL txniMiwi»nd Jamesburer, N. J. mtt<. rtililo oiber Lrfc Jt t**nf J »' ■> «£6wi a trJ^^r>i