APRIL SALE OF FURNITURE m CARPETS IS NOW GOING ON. A line 01 LACE A I NS CURT $..50 .>• and $2 the best values L»i ' you ever saw. V/ 3-—' /" • hv Curtain v%c Polesin Xx v vVhite with \ Brass tri m - I fm\minus, also AMlh- : Wood Poles 111 W in Antique fl/M j!j ; Oak and Ma iimii A i/ £ -X ; l 4 v| JE. Sp&f <Bssm£Gm i '( " Sec our new Spring stock of BABY CARRIAGES be lore you buy. PORTIERS, WINDOW SHADES The Home FURNISHERS BUTLER, PA. 'V. BINDER i ' 1 u,w] l fempj Have the largest stock of Vehicles, Harness and l 'arm Machinery of any house in the county. We defy any firm to show a better line of goods for less money. Our stock was selected to suit this trade. Our prices are as low as the lowest, quality considered. Our profits are small and our reputation at stake, so you can rest assured «c will not misrepresent. We add a percentage on our goods nnd sell them according to what they cost us. We sei\e ali alike. W< do not make one man pay for what we lose on another. When we guar antee goods we make good our guarantee. We protect our custom ers, and not the manufacturers. Why? Because the manufacturers are of no use to us without the customers. If you want a Buggj, Surry, Phaeton, Businesi, Pleasure or Team Wagon, Hand or Ma chine-Sewed Harness, or anything in the Harness line, Blankets. Robes, Dusters, Nets, Turf Goods, Currying Tools, Whips, Saddles. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c., we have them in large quantities and at low prices. And for F"arui Machinery, we can furnish anything needed, from the plow to the separator. Wc guarantee our machin ery to be as good as the best and second to none. If in need of any thing in our line, write us We will answer all inquiry, either by mail or in person. Our motto is, "Small Profits and Square Deal ing." Our success depends on our reputation, and our reputation will be controlled by our representations, so you can depend on what we tell you to be true. We say we have the largest lint of Vehicles, Machinery and Harness of any house in the county, and a visit to our store and warehouse will prove it. Score room, Slf> H. Main otrret, WtllEKiMtl U 4 -'" «i. Main i loot II If In iin-d «>! irnj thlnu In our line, rjll on u» befun- jou in L* your jiitrrliu.c. It Mill par J 0 DIAMONDS ragf noBB. W ATCHE*S ' <JKNTH ' <JOU> - ''VisSw HVLVKU. lahisv CHATI.AIN. JEWEL. BY } ,JOW U ' %V, r.r*cel-f'». H.o. WO IST .i* yrrk 71) Tci seiv (':i«tnrn. Hi" t imv.i- anil Kvrylhlni 9ILIV JC* JK WA H i i fii-it .-or, »«• in a nwt. <M 1-1 RODGER BROS. 1874 } " OUKH T'TOWJS flat.-:. E. GRIEFS™. lift 189. »<v*h Waft. St fJTr^R.FA. - " live ( loies a measure of i <x carriage L less lj.- W v uriotis, easy ntnnii i»v. than it might Iv Fredoiiia Biggies have nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get—are as strong and as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them r.t your dealer's. Made by FRE£OMA MFG CO., Yorunjrstown, Ohio. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAM P:- IXTURBS, HOSK, WATER FILTERS. HATH TUB KM AM EL, etc. is ai "W. u S A V S : I'ien At 107 J eileraon Htreet. A line ol Bed Room Suits at $lB, $22 and $25, the best values in America. Also the finer goods in MAHOGANY, BIRDEYE MAPLE, CURLY BIRCH and OAK. PRICE $35 to $l5O. I =CARPETS= See our line of extra qual ity INGRAIN CARPETS, made expressly for us. Ingrain Carpets at 20, 25 and 35c. --better value than you expect to find at these prices. Axminister, Wiltons and Brussells CARPETS. MATTINGS at 10c. a yard that would be cheap at 15c. not be deceived. -S—' The following brands oi Wh :e Load are still made by the "Old Dutch'" process of slow cor- They are standard, and all ys Strictly Pure V/hite Lead FLe r-.commendation of "Armstrong & McKelvy, Bcyxaer-Baaman," " Davis-Chambers.' " Fahnestock," to you by your merchant is an t .idence of his reliability, as he can v.'j cheap ready-mixed paints -jus White Lead and make a p.- fit. Many short-sighted . alcrs do so. C( i f.rs.—National Lead Co.'s Pure wlTi ili l"' !ors, a one-pound can to yj ! keg ot L.ad and mix your own ,i; : ai:d annoyance in matching . .1 injures the best paint that it is . |o pat wood. T,d La a i '. tal card and get our boolt on uiid color-card, free; it will probably jave you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO , New Yorlc. Pittsburg Branch, German National Bank Building, Pittsburg. mLow Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Bil iiousness, Liver Complaint. 9 DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE FITTERS ■ will cure the disease and re- Imove yellowness from skin I and eyes. Warrantee, to cure. I Sold everywhere at 25 cts. per bottle. Fum/in 11 tor by .1.0 Kemck HUMPHREYS" Dr. Homphrrya' hpeeiflm ar* scientifically and carefully prepared liemeille®, used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by tfie people with entire cncceM. Every single bpeclflc i special euro for the disease named. ,0. SPECIFIC rOK IM" I—Fevero, Congestions, Inflammations.. .25 2—Wornsi Worm Fever, Worm Colic US 3—Trelhinsi Colle, Crying, Wak< fulness .25 4 —Diarrhea, of Children or Adults »US 7 Cnnulm, Colds, Bronchitis US 8-Neuralgia. Toothache, Foceache 25 9 -Headaches, 81ck Headache, Vertigo.. .25 111-Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .25 I l-Siipprenned or Painful Periods... .25 IWhites. Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup, I.arrnglt is, Hoarseness 25 1-I—Snlt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15—Rheumatism, hlieumatlc Pains US 16-Malnria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19-Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head. .25 20—\V hooping Cough .25 27—Kidney Diseases .25 28-Nervous Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness. 25 31—Sore Throat, Quiney, Ulcerated Throat .25 II 17 |i DR. HUMPHREYS' PDID 9KC II SPECIFIC FOR onllj C 0 i Put up In small bottles of plen > ant pellets, Just fit your vest pocket. 8 .Id Uv or ». rit |.r.i «ld on r»c»lpt of price, lis Mr vpimi V .M»so4l.(blanr>d**«vlMtf uanirm. lit *11*'II:I.I V MKD.CO., 11l A 113 WHII.m St., MtW VOUK. SPECIFICS. Y if J W g\ * , tj Trtl AMERICA* TBttLQ Co»tf f SkCCISXS y/ ABSOLUTELY PURE THE C-LD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hat stood the Test ot Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS CO MQINED 'pi # N Rffl |l hood until I was S ) LULLITin grown my family 3 ' spent a fortune y | trying to cure me of this disease, i V f visited Hot Springs, ai.d was treated / . by the best medical men, but was not / r benefited. PpftMl When a!! > > things had f a j| e j |S to try S. S. S., and in r J four months was entirely cured. The 7 f terrible Eczema was gone, not a sign \ 1 of it left; my general health built up, / >and I have never had any return of} i: CHILDHOOD IS.S. S. to.« number of friends for skin dis- X f rases, and have never vet known a failure to / I cuot. GEO. W. IRWIN, Irwto. Pi. ? Ir~W"W3K " T rt 1,,8 Vi C tJ re ' r i r«raedlon Our S * Tr««ntlh« on lilood and I f Hkln Diseases mailed C ' free to any addreaM. j SWirr SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. S iz. women] . SHOULD USE . BRADFIELDS Female Reoiilator.j I Every ingredient possesses sujierb# f Tonie iii'oijertii.s, and exerts a wonder- £ I ful influence in toning up and strength-* letiingher system by driving through 5 5 the i>roi>cr channel all impurities. ft Health and strength are guaranteed to 2 6 result from its use. m My wife, who wns bodrliltli'ii f"r I'lirliti'cn S C iiionilis. iifivr nMng llitAiu iti ii'h I kmaikZ £ llti.i i.ATon for l*n iiimith", Inuctllne well. ® | J. rt. JOHNSON, Malvern, Ark. | SulUby all Drue«l«tn battle. S I BRADFIELD S REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. S M SKtae-3 „ 3«CC iv DOCTORS LAKE I-'® a , ' l ' l ' TK ~,s|>KNSA,tY L- » fl o<~ A> PEtf AVE. ANU FOURTH BT.. . ' PI rTLKUKGH, PA. • •" ' -\ Ailfornriof l>eli>'iiteaii'l Com ' Jl' ' I'* ri'*iHii iiiif i iin• "v i," 'w H"i.:.T1,.1. ftinl.Sr ikntihc Miml i :i :iry wiih a ••iccrw. »rely attained. Dr. S. \ i !a - member ot tfw Royjl ColliwTi isy* 1. I . :i ~| Sin-: . ;>nd It tile o! '.OHt lind nn«t I i .I'lired Mh. <n tl.;* city. Hper'al at ■ nt ; '.ii ■ IV—I to S !. vons IwliilHyfromereewilvc : i ■ 'al • iTtiiiii.lii'l. i-rution of youth, etc., caua i, li•. I' - .".! ami n cntal i!' • ay,l.'n kof energy, ill'm y, etc.; ;i. o( -..- fildSorcß, Kita, I iii-,M"catl"in. and till 111 the Hkin, 1.1.n i-.' . 1 Hi.:ir> Oit-'.III ,U''. O,nsultntlon tly cooflrlential. Offlso bourB)9(0 :> ;7to H P.'M.; Buihliivh. Sto4P. m. Mlv, 1 at. ofii o or aiLlrcw |)RS. I.AKK, 0011. I vn I) i'l'iitiT .rriT-'i:i.i:<ill.l*A Every Woman mtyidil "t? Sometimes needs a rcli j\ able monthly regulating I naedioine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Am prompt, : af< and n-rtum In rontilt. The (r«na !n« fir. l'< :tl" . ' r'llitappomt. Suit ti.vj J. I'caA M jdu IUO Co » Lie. CIAUU. U* —Fur ttitl# by Uhrjutal FfcarmiKiy, THE CITIZEN- An Incident of Washington. During the American war a corporal was (riving orders to those under him about a heavy beam they were trying to raise to the top of some military works. It was not easy to raise such a weight, and the corporal often shouted, "heave away, there it goes, heave ho!" A stranger, not in military costume who was watching asked the man why he didn't render a little aid. The pretty officer, astonished, turn ed around and with all the pomp of an emperor, and said, "Sir, I am a corporal!" "yon are, are youf replied the other, I was not aware of that, and taking off his coat he aided in putting the beam in place, then taking off his hat he bowed saying, "pardon me Mr. Corpoia), when you have another job and not men enough send for your Commander in Chief. The corporal was thunder struck. It was Washington. —Venus is queen of the evening. In the course ol the winter we have seen the celestial primacy pass from Mars to Jupi ter, and now Jupiter in turn yields place aud Venus asserts her superiority over her great belted brother. Still, conspicious and beautiful as she appears, Venns is only at the beginning of her career as the even ing star. During the coming month she will gain nearly 17 per cent in brilliance. Iu ;he telescope she presents the form • f a gibbous moon —Rheumatism is quickly cured by using Arnica <fc Oil liniment. —A Diamond weighing not less than 971J carats, and said to be the largest in the world, has b«-eu found in the Jager siontein mints mines, Cape Colony, by Inspector Edward Jorgensen. It was taken well guarded, to the Cape of Good Hope and put aboard a warship for Loudon aud deposited in the bank of England. —When you are troubled with diaainess your appetite all gone, and you feel bad generally, take a lew doses of Dr. Henry Baxter's Maudrake Bitters, and >ou will be surprised at the improvement in your feelings. Every bottle warrented to give satisfaction. —One of the most remarkable sights to be seen in Australia is a burning mountain 1,820 ieet in height. The mountain is sup posed to be uuderlaid with an inexhaust able coal seam, wmcb in some way became ignited. It was burning long before toe auvent of white men to that part of the country. Why Not Tiy the New and Better Way Of doing your shopping? Instead of coming to the store, make ttie store come loyou. Yes, and the best and biggest store in tho country at that: namely,Kaut inaun Brother*, fltlsburg. Drop mem a fostal and you will get their spring and summer catalogue gr..tis, enabling you to order by mail anytnuig you may tti*n, and saving as much uioße) as city people do. —l'lans have been made for connecting the cities of New York, Baltimore. Phila delphia and Washington by a trolley line A road to connect Baltimore audWashiug ton is now under way, and the same com pany has a charter permitting the exten sion of the road to the Pennsylvania linr, where, according to the plans outlined, it will connect with a line to Philadelphia. Ihe line from Jersey City to Newark is | I ready in operation. Br. Agnew's Cure tor Uie tit ail gIV J | (/••rlec. relit 1 lu all cases ol Organic .'1 ayuipathetic ileai Ul»«as. in 30 minutes, .md spucum ell'rcls « cure. Uis a peer less remedy l.>r I'alpuaiion, Shortness ol tireaLb, Smothering Spells, Balu in Bell ftiue ana ill sj mptorns ol a Diseased Heart One none convinces. Sold by city Pnar | macy. When one f;oes to church and hears a j in s. atlfclile antl tainesl appeal lor uiuu- i ey to spread the gospel inrough ihe world, j ana then iouklng ari.untl sees enough wa-te m . Cilal in the SieeVes it that ouo cnurcli to Keep a missionary lu the field he i» apt to ibink ol Bz-kn 1 13:18 litlttj m Six Hours —Diffin-f-si-e K i::c) an t i «!..♦• : •■/e.-> reiliveo in su hours l.y the *>e* I iiiat .South American Kidney C'ure." i i bis new remedy in a great aurpruv on j account ol Its exceeding promptness in ! relieving pain in the bjauder, Kidney, hack it.d every part ol the urinary passages in oiaie or leuiale. it relieves retention ol Wttier and paiu in passiug it almost lm mediately, ll you wart quick reliet and •jure this is your remedy. Sold by j. 0. Kedick druggist Butler Pa. —There is conriderable agitation among educators about vertical writing. What this country wauls is hand writing that can he read —be it slope, vertical or back hand. —Kheumalism cured in a day—"Mystic ure" lor rheumatism and neuralgia, radic illy cure» in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysienoux. It removes at once the cause aud the di»- ease immediately disappears. The first io»e greatly beiielits. ro cts. sold by J. c Kedick, druggint. Butler. - (joveruor Hastings has issued a pro cliuiatiou calling upon the people to ob serve Arbor Bay. tie recommends that s.irubbery and trees be planted in the school grounds and ah <; the public High ways. Be sets apart April 11th and 20th tor observance. The two days are selected so the people in dliferent sections can ctiooce the day best suited to the climatic Condition. —ltch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all slock, cured in 30 minutes b) Wool lord's Sanitary Bulion. This uever lails. Sold by J. 0. ltedick, drug gist, Butler Pa. —The averuge girl may be afraid of mice aud dread the ravages of the grip, says Hie philosopher, but I've never seen one that di('n't have a supreme scorn for the microbe in a kisn. —Mauy teachers and pupils in Pennsyl vania are trying for the Iree Normal ■school course offered by the Edinboro Publishing Co , Edinboro Pa. Ever)' ecbool iu Butler county should have au agent. You'd butter write them. —A duel was lately fought in Texas by Alexander Stott and Jobu S. Nott. Nott was shot and Shott was not. In this case it was better to be Shott than Nott. There was a rumor that Nott was not shot, and Shott avows that be shot Nott, which proves either that the shot Shott shot at Nott »as not shot, or thai Nott was allot iiiituith standing. Circumstantial evi dence is not always good. It may be made to appear on trial that the shot Shott shot Nott,or as accidents with fire arms are frequent, it may be possible that the shot Shott shot shot Hhott himself, when the the whole ailaii would resolve itself into its original elements, and Shott would be shot and Nott would be not. We think, however, tie shot Shott shot shot not Siiott but Nott. Now we will leave it for you to tell if the shot shot not by Shott but Nott himself shot not Shott but Nott. —There is no question about it. Every- I ody recognizos Hood's Sarnaparilla an the greatest blood purilier. Usually at this time of year the crocus is basking iu the sunlight and the youth a'id maiden are gathering trailing arbutus. Thus far they; couldn't gather anything worth speaking of except pneumonia. How a Cent Will Save Many Dollars. Drop a penny Postal Card to Kaufmana brothers, I'ittsburg, largest general mer chandise house in the county, and get in return, free of charge, their new fashion catalogue, Making it just as easy for you to do your chopping by mail and save just (M much money on your purchases as though you lived iu Pittsburg. —Between two evils some people choose both. —Prison Superintendent—Tou can work at any trade you prefer. Shoemaking. cabinetmaking. etc. New Prisoner —I'd like to be traveling salesman for the shoe department. —The spring poet, the spring bonnet and the spring fever come tripping hand in-hand. —Xow put the little onions in their bed. —'"Uneasy lies the head that wears • crown;" but it is not a circnmstam® to the uneasiness in the head of a woman who does not wear a new Easter bonnet. —lt takes a monkey a thousand years to make a man of himself, but a man can make a monkey of himself in a very few seconds. —A bad boy who understands the use of bent pins can give his teacher a few points relative to an early spring. —Johnny—l got a book as a prize in school to day for having a good memory. Mamma—What was the name of the bookt Johnny—l can't remember. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv J C. Redick. druggist Butler Pa There Never Was a time in the history of Butler that you could buy Mens, Boys and Chil drens Clothing, as cheap as you can now. Call in and be convinced that I have the best made and the best fitting SUITS in the market at the lowest cash prices. The celebrated Sweet Orr Over alls always on hand. ONE ST. H. Bnrton Sciothier and PRICE. > Furnisher 120 - - S. Main. St. FREETFREE! Any customer buying Thirty Dollars worth of goods, will be presented with a piece of silver ware warranted tor 10 years. COMPARE PRICES. 221b granulated Sugar tor $1 0(1 231b "A" " 1 00 251b Yellow " «• 1 00 slb California K isions 25 41b Prunes 215 2slb " SjH* '• * 1 301b Puil Jellj 75 1 sack While Lily Flour 75 4 cann Tomatoes .... 25 4 " Sugar Coru 4 " String Means 1 '• House (taking Powder HENRY MILLER, Opposite P. O. A Woman Jumps At conclusions A man limp* towards them The woman it generally right. If your wife uHks you to get a bottle of Old Kxport Whiskey for family or medicinal purposes, you can make up your mind It U the bent, and the kind you ought to get. You make no mistake In having It on hand for emergent needs. It Is perfectly pure, palatable, smooth and 8 years old. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Sir Quarts, 95.00. /fuil and express orders shipped promptly, and we pay exprewi cliarge* on all orders of $lO 00 and over. Jos. FLEMING -A SON. 412 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. Complete PrlcoLls's of Wines and Liquors mailed free 2NTKW Soutliside Trlestaurant No. 211 Centre Avenue, (Whit mire building,) convenient to P. ft W depot. Open alt hours All kind of lunches and regular meal* Tobacco and Cigars, fine confectionn and everything to be found in a 6rst class Restaurant. (Jive us a call and we will do our best to ac commodate you. W. J. MATES Manager Hotel Williard. Reopened and now ready for the ccommodation of the traveling pub lic. Everything in first-class style. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner H H BROOKS, Clerk. Hotel BulJer J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use oi ommer cial men HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, SIPKBSKIIKS PAIMT AM> VAUMIStI. Can be applied to auy smooth surface,on furniture, wooj, glass, any kind of metal including kitchen utensils. Makes old articles look new and is much used on bicycles, carriages, stoves, etc. Kecuireg only one coat, is applied cold with brush and dries absolutely hard and ' glossy in 2 honrs —will not crack, chip, | blister or rub off. Sample bottles sent on receipt of price. I 2 ounces 15n, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40c. ; tftst Deer Hark Print 11 a I Co., i 1 i / it: iu, ir. 1i v f 12 AGENTS WANTED. Cooper & Co., Having received a full assort | j meat of the latest novelties in Foreign and Domestic Woolens 7Viilnr<s * CIIIvJI suitable for Spring trade, we are prepared to make suits to order at prices which will defy all compe tition in Quality, Style, Fit and Workmanship. Call and be con vinced before leaving your order for A Suit. LEADING TAILORS, No. 301 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA. "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO OIT- HAY- FEVER f 1 COLD-HEAD W»M Kly's Cream Palm u not a liquid, ttnuJT or powter. Applied into the noxtrils it i* _ quickly absorbed. Jt clrannei the head, allayt inflammation, heals _—, Cfi the tore*. Bold hy drugaMs or *ertt by moil on rereipt of prirt. Lfln DUC ELY BROTHERS 5G Street NEW YORK. 3UC W. L. DOUCLAS CI CUAr IS THE BEST. 9M OnULriT FOR A KING. CORDOVAN, FRENCH & CN AMCLLED CALF. ■H, «4.*3.¥1 FINE CAL? &KANGARM. *3.bp policed soles. ® *\ 1 $2&* Z WORK!N 6MENS I -EXTRA FINE .7? BOYS'SCHOQISHOEi SENDER CATALOGUE^" BROCKTOH.-MA3S. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom Shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unFurpasse>l. The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. Prom $■ to $j saved over other makes. H your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ALEXANDER & DOUTT, Whixestown. SPECIAL NOTICE That I will sell, until further notice, . hi fo'lowing goods at the old prices, regard lens of the advance ot 20c per gallon ta: hy the government: A A pure rye, 2ytars $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 yearn $2.25; Old Cabinet, 4 years. $2 50 per gal ' Ion; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye > 5 years, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Goldei 1 Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Rour bon, $4 50 per gallou; Hanninville, Dough erty, Monlicello, 12 yearn. $5 50 per gallon California wiues. dr. and sweet, from 751 per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brant's; MJ own importation. Sherry and PORT wine from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also thi finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowes wholesale rates. Call or send for specia price lists at A. ANDRIESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa All orders by mail promptly attended No extra charge Utr packing. Telephon 1 R>49 : _ Robt. Lewin, WIiOLKSALB WHISKEY MERCHANT AMU IMI'ORTKR OF Fine wines and Liquobs, 136 Water St., (Oppos'te B. <T 0. Depot. Pittsburg, Pa. F NCH'B GOLDEN WEDDING FOB MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE SI.OO per Qt., or 0 Qts. for $5.00 Finch's Golden Wedding, Dougherty Guckenheimer, Lorge Gibson, Bridgeport Mr. Vernon. Overholt, etc. This is tb< only house not rectifying in the city.there fore our goods are warranted pure. Good securely packed and boxed without extri charge, C. O. D and mail orders receiv< prompt attention. Grandfather's choice I ear old, $2.00 per g allon. Try us. AFTER AW OTHERS FAIL ■ Consult the Old Reliable DR.LOBB 33» I*. FIFTEENTH HT., Pill LA., PA. Thirty yearn v ntlnuoun practice In the cure of mli dlHeaa«-fl of men and women No matter from what < aime or how lonic ntandlng. I will guarantee a cur*. ltf> Page Uotb-iiouud Book CftculHdj ana mailed rB£K They Have Been There! The above cut represents the ladies as they come from MILLER'S Shoe . Store. They fou.id things just as advertised and bought freely. This is what induced them to buy' Ladies fine Kid Oxfords Pat. Tip 88c. Ladies fine Tanned Oxfords 75c. Ladies fine Kid Button Shoes Pat Tip at 88c. Ladies one Vice Kid Lace Shoes, all styles $1.25. Ladies good Grain Shoes at 88c. Boys School Shoes at 75c worth sl. Have you seen our Men's Shoes, VVe are offering some great bargains in Men's fine Buff Shoes Congress or Lace, Tip or Plain toe, at sl. Mens good Working shoes at 98c. Infants shoes in Tail or Black, at 25c. When you get ready to buy your Spring Shoes, Come in and see us, We Will Save You Money. Tbe New Sboe Store. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. '"'t I> a .» - ottfc.-' » UOATJ&TKO&U- WHAT IRON WILL, DO, IIS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep 6IVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSINB R MOTHERS. Checks wasting diseases, stops night sweats, cures incipient consumption. O Increases and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will give the pale and puny the Nroay cheeks of youth. CURES ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes strong men and women of weaklings. t GILMORE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Care ail Wasting Diseases and their sequences, , BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION,&c. They are neither styptic nor caustic, and have no coagulating effect on tho contents of the stomach or its lining: consequently • do not hurt the teeth or cause constipation , or diarrhoea, as do the usual forms of Iron. . "■ O days treatment 50c. pamphlet free. If '• not kept by your druggist, address 1 GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI* O. tWhat Nerve Berries have done for others V.QQ 16T N DAT. MEN Easily. Quickly and Permanently Restored. aoTH DAT - A positive cine for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops ) and gives tone and strength to the sex ual organs. Stops unnatural losses or t nightly emissions caused by youthful errorsorexcessive useof tobacco,opium . and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi \ ate improvement. Insist upon having i the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. | Price, SI.OO per box, six boxes, one full i treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure 1 any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0. WEAR HAHHERSLOUGH BRO S Fannus New York, tailor-mde CLOTHING- For sale by prominent dealers all over the State. None genuine without Hammerslough Bro's latH. The swellest and best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask your clothier for them. nil ITCHING PILES P S rNsWAYHE'I I I En&'jW niHTMEIIT ABSOI.fITK' v nuRKrJ. Usllllflfclil MI'TOMt-ynWi'-r.'S l».t«n-e If liln* mnA - ; 5 •crntehJng. lf re. ■ ** • » . •' king ±n4 hi. i-. - " £2* Theodore Swain. GENERAL BRICK JOBBER. Chimneys, Orate and Boiler Setting. Cistern Bnilding and eewer Work a Specialty. HARMONY PA. Owego Valley Poultry Yards. Prise winning liufl Beghorns (Arnold's). Barred Plymouth lioeks (llawkin's) and Indian Game cockerels for sale cheap lor quality of stock Eggs $1 per 15, $1 50 per 28. $4 Der 100. C. W. HABBIKOTON, Harford Mills, Cort Co., N. Y. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Heal Estate Agent, 17 EAHT JEFFERSON HT. BITTLKTI. - PA. PChlrht**: r'* I n*.li«h 1>Umdoo«« ISran ». ENNVKUYAL PILL Original an<) Onlj CicwiJin*. A f I>ru**i»l U<r CH, A e*Ur * / .■/'«•• />•«» Drnn.i in Krtf »u-1 *' M \\fj/ ~■ acAlod with rlbbut. Take fU uJnn oth»-r. Krfus*w nthttitw » 1 / - Afttuiuan.l imUaUvni AI l>ru<i*i»t». or tetid 4<- I Jr In Mimpi for MrtWrolars i ilimooUU ml \ -e- m •• Keller for in t.tur. by rrtara Fr Malt pMMHI r MiiMofcUli. >'am« /V r ClitfliftorCi—lf I C», fold by •;! Laul 1 »- SPEEDY and LETTING RESULTS. .OvFatpeople^^N boa toy injurious »üb»!*acc. Ullftp M UTQI ANOHZVB ÜBTSTS. We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund tour money. * MM •(.00 fir bottla. fend 4c for IIUIIH. TBKHOMT ailUnVAlj CO./ Bottou, Hint. ( 122 S. Main f ) 122 S. Main strctt . {D.T. PAPE'S. ( Strect . THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. Even if You don't Want TO BUY'. Our display is lar ahead of all previous years in Style and beajty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. Mourning Goods a Specialty, WE + NEED * NO INTRODUCTION. The people of But ler county know us Our Reputa tion for the past 25 years has been such that you can rely upon us, and take our word when we say that our goods are made from the best selected grain, and are kept in Government Warehouse until they reach the proper age to be smooth and palatable. WE SO LICIT YOUR PATRONAGE and you can feel as sured that your confidence will not be misplaced. We quote you here a few prices on goods that stand high in point of excellence and purity. freRPERPERf £ Qt. ; I Gal Case £ 4 Silver Age Pure Rye $1,50 $6,00 $15,00 # # Duquesne Rye & Barley Malt 1,25 j 5,00 12,00 # J Malt, absolutely pure 1,25 5,00 12,00 J J Bear Creek, Old Monon 1,00 4,00 10,00 5 4 Guckenheimer, 6 years 01d... 1,00 4,00 10,00 2 # Gibson, 6 years old 1,00 4,00 10,00 T Finch, 6 years old 1,00 j 4,00 10,00 v J Dougherty, 6 years old : 1,00 4,00 10,00 £ Overholt 1,00 4,00 10,00 0 Large j 1,00 4,00 10,00 r Hannisville ; 1,00 4,00 10,00 r J Mt. Vernon ' 1,00 4,00 10,00 ' 5 Guckenheimer, 4 years 01d... ,75 3,50 8,00 J 4 Possum ,65 2,50 4 # Anchor ,50 2,00 # J Monogram 1,75 W J Magnolia 1,50 J We Pay all Express charges on or ders Amounting to $5,00 or over, making no charge for packing and shipping. Send for complete catal gue and price list of all kinds of liquors to Max Klein, Distiller and Importer 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa Jewelry-Silverware- -Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe rent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block > Electric Bell and Clock GREAT VALUE WfcEKLY NEWS FOR - OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONET. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, in the leading Republican family paper ol the United State* It in a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and give* all toe general ne «; f ,he I'nited Statu* It given the event* of foreign land* in " Dutch*!!. It* AGHIt,U JLj • TUBAL department has no nnperior in the countr> I'm MARKET REPORTS are rerogniied authority. Separate departments l<-r THE FAMIL YCIBOLB OUR YOUNO FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS Ii- HOME AND SOCIETY column* command the admiration ol wive* and dung liter*. It* general political new*, editorial* and di*eu*«ion* are "comprehensive, brilliant and eihaaative. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enable* uh to offer this splendid journal and THE CITIZEN for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription for 'be two paper* i* $2 50 ) BUBSCKIPTIONB VAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME Addrena all ord»ra to - - - TH*- CITIZ '• Write your name ond address on a pnntil card wud it t< (J». .V. It t Room 2, Tribune B ildm*. New Y<»k CitT. and sample copy ot Tbe \EW YORK WEEKLY TKIHUN'K *+ mailed t>» %< u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers