Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 18, 1895, Image 3
THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 1895. ADVERTISi.NO KATES. Legal notices are published in the ClTl ten at $1 per Inch for first, and 50 cenU for each succeeding insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions, etc. are inserted at Scents a line,money to accompany the order. Reading notices on local page 10 cents a line for first and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Notices among lo cal news items 15 cents a line for each in sertion. Half-inch professional cards with paper $5 a year. Rates for commercial advertising qaoted upon application New York Weekly Tribune—Free By special arrangements made for our *o doing, we are enabled to offer to all our übsoribcrs who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to ail new subscribers paying in advance, the Sew York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further partictlarg of this offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. D. A Heck's clothing, famishing*, etc. Magic, mirth and mystery at Zimmer man's. J. S. Young's suits. Sbloss Bros' square dealing. Douglass' wall paper. Heineman A Son's sc. wall paper sale. Proposals wanted. Redick's Paints. NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. should notify ns ol their ir Mention to do so, not later than Monday jiorning. Administrators and Executors ol estates can secure their receipt books at the CIT ZKS OFFICE LOCAL ANI) GENERAL. —A good Columbia bike for sale—ln quire at this office. —J. P. Campbell has opeDod a meat market on E. Howard St. —The market opened this morning at $2 6". The producers call it '-Sweet Oil" now. —Now that the oil market is jumping, the crop of spring lambs ready for sbear ijg is assured. —One of our jiwelers sold SI,OOO wurih Ol diamonds, last Saturday all to men WQo nave lately ouou lucky in <<il. —Theie will be a new schedule on the West Penn soon,and there is some talk of a Sunday train. A'itb our paved streets torn up in hall a dozen ylaees, on account of leak.., rot ten, aud poorly laid water pipes, is it any wonder we are complaining. —Now is the lime to rake the back yard and burn up the rubbish. Throw in an old gum shoe or two to give the odor more pungency. —Next Thursday the 25th inst is appeal day from the M«i;:antile Appraiser's rat ings. Mr Starr will be in the County Commissioner's office from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. of that day. —■' Read and Reflect" on the grand op portunity for securing bargains in clothing, furnishing goods, jewelry, traveling outfits, •tc . offered by the Champion Cash Clothier of Butler, Mr. D. A H«ck. —The philosopher rises to a*k why the marri.tge of a rich man's son to a poor girl is called a mesalliance, when the marriage of a ricb man's daughter to a poor co'int u lo >ked as a socia. tri umph —Tner* Was a cruelty to .initials caa" In Bml«r, .Saturday. Humane Agent Skillman ordered an old horse killed; and half the town assembled to see tbe Lorse hauled away —The commencement exercises of tbe Pittsburg college <if pharmacy will be held in Carnegie Hall, Allegheny, thin evening K J. C. Grobman and William P. Welshons of Butler are member* of tbe graduating class. —lf your hydrant water tauten salty, let a backet lull Bland over night, and poor bat a part of it into tbe teakettle next morning. Salt water in heavier than fresh, and will Mettle to tbe bottom. —Beginning next Saturday the PiMs barg Timi f will print a complete exposi tion ot the International Sunday School leasion fur tbe following day. The treat ment will be broad uid non-sectarian. —Some citizens of Fal'on street are drilling a well for water on tbe hill above them Water welU ought to be drilled on •very bill about the town, for we are go ing to catch it next Summer, sure. —Garvey Bastian's house in Zelienople KM robbed last Saturday night of some ■liverware and rings; and A. M. hunk's house of a gold watch and good overcoat. The burglars got goods, the aggregate val ae of which is aboat S4OO, and they left no brace behind them. —All tbe World and his sister is trying to solve the mystery of the S'A)O prize sto ry. All the guesses most be in by 6 p.m. Df Saturday. Men and boys are not allow ed o guess, but still it is likely that the terrible Ac in the case either dyed bis mus tache, or *oie red flannels. --Uildebrand k Son have lately been Tarnishing their customers with meat rais ed and fattened in tbis Co ,that is as fine as my Chicago beef ever brought here, or iver will b•. The steers were raised in be northern part of tbe county, and were attenod by Samuel Robinson on thu Max well place west of town. —The accident in the mill at West sunbury is a lesson to all to stand clear of aoviug machinery, no matter how inno lent it looks. School children otten put beir arms around tbe shaft in the mill iu inestion and swung around by it for fun; at a rubber ooat tightly wound around bat shaft caused tbe death of an excellent oung man. W U. Witteof Harvers Station has ampin* ol the Bucteje and Jo i-s lever inders ou exhibition in bis atorr-rooiii 'be Buckeye is an open-end, franii-lu-s lachiue; and tbe Joues-lever is a neat and inple machine with a fly-wheel attach - lent. The farmers of that neighborhood txold see these machines before purchasing t they are complete, and Mr, Wine's rices reasonable. The students o( St. I'aul's parochial shoo! hid a large audience in tbe Opera ouse, Tuesday nitfbt, to witness their usical and literary entertainment; and eir preforiuances snowed that they hail oroughly rehearsed and mastered tbeir its. Tbe whole entertainment wai re arkably good for amateurs. One little llow in the flag drill, brought down the >use by always being out of step and otiou, and stopping to pin on a rose that as thrown to him. —The attorneys of tbe Butler Water Co* ed their auswer, Tuesday, to the bill in nity lile<' against the company. They nply deny the charges made in the bill, ceptirig as to the salt water flowing into e creek which, they say, they are trying stop; and outside of that say that the pply ol water has been adequate and re, and that their rates are neither ex rtionate nor unequal. The attorneys for e citizens will now go ahead and secure Ideate, and have a day appointed for a a ring. A Ku«inesH Education Free, if >u oay your dry guwla tttUuwiiuy'u Ml sboul (l.^ LEGAL NEWS. NOTES. The Blair county conit has decided that there is no scalp law in force now in this Sta'e and the County Comm.doners are directed not to pay any scaip certificate-. The case of Egbert and Sheasly versus Vacderiin, which was tried in this county sometime ago, and then c irried to the Su preme Court, was re-tried in Franklin last week, and a verdict rendered for the de fendant. The average Beaver county lawyer get a good profit out of liquor licenses The lee of the Beaver county attorney tor hi* services in a liquor-licen-e-application ca.-e is S3OO, with an additional $25 more il he succeeds in gesting it. The income tax law is to face a new danger which threatens it with utter ex tinction Should this new fight on the obnoxious measure pro\e successful the United States courts will be overwhelmed witn suits against the col lee. <>r» of inter nal revenue. A Pittsburg attorney ha- an nouoctd a new feature in the case. Ail of his clients who are subject to the tax will pav their under protest In order to recover the amount they will cn t*-r suit aga nst the collector of internal revenue in the district i ■ which they re side or in which they pay the tax. In case these suits are successful the life of a col lector will not be a happy on#. Several men were arrested at Coopers town, last Saturday, charged with selling liquor illegally. One had a bearing. Wed nesday, and was held lor court, the res will have their heariugs, Saturday. Cbas. McNalty bad summons in eject ment issued vs Henry Reiber et al lor 40 acres in Oakland. D. W. LOCKB has been granted a pedler's license Mrs. Heath, of Butler, has been returned to court for selling liquor without license. Saturday. May 4th, will be the last day for filing accounts for June term. Wm , Lee, Anna and Win. Jr., Aggers, have been returned to court on cbarges of assault and battery, etc , preferred by Petter and Su-.anuab Zimmel, and one case of aggravated A. A- 8.. is entered against Zimmel. The will of W. P. Miller, of Washington twp, was probated; also will of Jane Wadswortb, of slipperyrock; also will of Jane Potts, ot Altoona. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. A A Kohlmeyer to J V Black 70 acre in Allegheny twp for fo^O John Gillilaud et ai to Kobt Cooper I acre in Adams for SOOO. Ino M Russell, by e.xr, to Jan A Mc- Candle-h 80 acres in Centre for $2,000 G H Met a* to M It Davison 15 acres in Adams for $1,1>50 A K R-ib«r to D F Reed lot in Butler lor $3,000 C Carwrn to J W Bartley 80 acres in Oakland for $25 J Q Renno to S B McCollough lot it; Butler for $25 U O Vlctiill to J A Bailey lot in Cherry for $250. Sliff Campbell ti. P J Kpohn 106 acres i .Summit for $5,030 Stiff Campt»»-I' to p J .-pohn 20 acres ii Summit for SMS K J MoCaudless to Rennick 38 acr- » in Slipperyrock for S3H7 50. S H Core to J 11 Troutman lot in Butlei for $2,300 K<*> stone B A I. to K L Dellaveii lot in Bu'ler for $2,2t)0 J .1 Black to Jno W MeCord 54 acres in Allegheny for $1,050 P Daubeiihtmnk to C A Abratns lot in Butler for $l5O. Thos. Robinson to Sarah Oris wold lot in Butler for $1,200. Jno Kapral to G D Swain lot iu Har mony for $420. Mary Carrol to G D Swain lot in Har mony for «350. Thos S Fletcher to Jos J Campbell 08 acres in Fairview for $2,000. Jacob B«ek.-rt to .1 M Phillips loi in Butler for S4OO. R P Scott to Nancy Wally lot in Mar iin-• org for $475. Marriage licenses. Charles M. Hen«haw Prospect Frariei- Fr-izmr..... I' t.-r Pen ian Jr Donuesne twlie Duncan Butler t 'ha- It-' Oesterling Donegal Anna Fr» dertck Millerstown Robert W I'.non Prospect Emma Doable Isle A B Johnston Freep«rt Liura Kohrn At Pittsburg—Charles E Tinker and Sadie M. Bailey of Butler. At Yonngstown—James Hess and Lizzie Henry. —Alonzo McCandless of Isle P. O. has placed his trotting bred stallion, Storm Uird 2:35 at 4-years, in the hauds of Win. G. Weigle, at the Butler Fair Grounds, for tbe season of 1895, where he will do a short season in tbe stud and be put in con dition for tbe Full races. His service fee i< $25. This is one of tbe best bred horses in tbe county. Sire Lord Russell, brother to Maud S 2:08}, dam Storm, a producing daughter of Green Mountain Maid, whose descendents hold 28 of the World's rec ords. Job Work. If you want Posters, If you want Circulars, If yon want Sale Bills, If you want Envelopes, If you want Bill Heads, If you want Price Lists, If yon want Statements, Ifyou want Note Heads, If you want Show Cards, If you want Letter Heads, Ifyou want Address Cards, If you want liusincH* Cards, If you want Invitation Cards, If you want any kind of Printing done cill at the CITIIKH office. 39c. 39c, 39c, 39c 89c per yard lor the latest style in all wool novelty Dress Goods, choice designs, new colorings, real value 50c. Mua J. E ZIMMERMAN Proposals Wanted. Proposals will be received up to Friday, April l'.ith, 1890. for the con struction of a brick building forty by fifty six feet, four stories high, to be used as a cherui'-al laboratory for Westminster College, at Now Wil miugton, Pa. Proposals will bo seal ed. Plans and specifications may be ceeu at the rooms of the undersigned, in Science Hall, Westminster Col lege, where all required information will be given by S It Thompson, Chairmau of Building Com , New Wilmington, Pa Every person seems to be pleased with Morrison's Couirh Syrup. The demand ia increasing very fast. Ask your Druggist for it. Storm Serges and French Serges, Heurittias, Novelty Dress Good* and Fancy Slks in greatest variety aud at lowest prices at. L STUN .FC SON'S goods, and give you prices to please you, no other clothier in Butler can We sell Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Crashes arid ail kmdH of white goods at very low prices at L STEIN <FC SON'S. School hats at PACE'S. —An honest dollar's worth of goods for an honest dollar, is Bur ton The Clotnier's motto. IVo display over 100 new and pretty pattern hats and bonnets at PA PI'S. Fine and heavy all-wool Serge 45 inches wide, ali colors at 50 cents a y arc*—a big bargaiu —at L. STEIN & SON'S. Stylish siilor hats, many co'ors at , PAPS'I*. Oil Notes. La=t Thursday oil began jumping and daring the day the Standard put up their price to $l5O. and speculative oil went as high as $1 80, but fell back to $1 69. On Friday there van no market, but on Satur day the Standard was paying $1 75 and certificates sold i:i the exchanges at $2 00. Monday brought $2 for balances, and the speculative market went as high as $2:35; a-id Tuesday $-.25 for balance.-, and the speculative market went as high as $"2 51. Yesterday the Standard was pi/' ll * $2 50 an ! the highest market price was $2.70, but it fell back and closed at $2.17 The stock of Pennsylvania oil above ground is said to be insufficient to run the refineries for three monttis; and the Stand ard may be trying to "freeze out'' the inde pendent refineries. SAXOSBCBO —Wilson & Co. are drilling in the third sand on the Reidel; Frazie.r, Wetzel <£ Co. will be in the sand today <n The Bermgo, southwest of riaxonburg: Root <t Co. are drilling on the Waxmuth, north of tovn; Scott it Co. have a rig up on the Cooper heir-: Frizieri' Co. are drilling in the 100-foot on the Korurampb, and the Two Tom" are buildi;;g a rig on the Walk er, west of town. BCKNA VISTA—King Bros, are ready to s'art their new well on the King, and Vance & Frantz expect to do the drilling. Tu'is luidn and his brother Joseph are put ting up a derrick on the Davul Rankin, near Troutman. Vance, Frantz <fc Co. will drill another well on the Thomas Hutchi son. The Jas McCleary and Jos Byers t*rms are leased. BOTDSTOWN —The Martin well on the Martin is doing about 15 barrels. McCor nick & Co's well on the Shakeiey was tub ed for gas, but she began flowing oil through the tubing and will be re-torpedo ed and re-cased and tested iu the 3d sand. Heydrick Bros, on the Aggas found no oil in the 100-loot and are drilling to the 3d. Enough saltwater is flowing from this well to pickel all the cucumbers that will be ra.-ed this summer. Russell <fc Go's No 1 0 i the llcnry is doing about 5 barrels, and No 2is flowing saltwater and oil and is supposed to be d'ing about 25 barrels. r'uillip-: is leasing everything between Butler and Boydstown. Capt Grace is drilling OD the McCollough. The Martin 1 Co. well on the Lackey did 20 barrels in 24 nours, aud then had a breakdown Flee £■ r it Co's vvell on the Fleeger it pumping xoiue oil. WUITESTOWN—This field has been reviv ed by me Brandon & Co. well on the Sha mir which started off at 100 tiarrels. Jimali w.-ils are being cleaned out aud will be pumped. The liaja & Go. well on the Hays will be in this week. EVAKM CITY May A Co, struck a 7i> bbl well on the Shoiip, soutu of town, Wednesday. MARS —The Say Oil Go's No. 1, Samuel Ballour is doiig 50;oarrels. X'ne well on. the T. Meeder is reported dry. COOPERS rows—rh« Ooxey Oil Go's No. 2. Rifliey is snowing for 15 barrels Marks, Me and less <fc Go's No. 1, Dean, is yet do ini; 100 barrels. ROUGH Has —Several wells are expect ed in next week. MCDDVCBKBK— Lookwooii <fc Co's No. 2 Snyder, is doing 8 to 10 barrels, and the K< ating Oil Co's 5. about the same. MO- Oill A - Go's No 4 Nee ley increased to 30 barrels. Several new wells are going down to the north and northwest of this fie!d. NOTKS. The present estimated value of the oil properties lalely purchased by the Stand ard companies is $2,000,000. Golden & Co. liuished a Third sand well on the Powder Mill-run, last Saturday,and are said to have some oil. Haik Theater. MORA WILLIAMS COMKBT COMI'ASV ALL KKXr WKKK. The Comedy Sunbeam Mora, supported by Fre I Williams, will appear at the Park Theater all next week in the following at tractive Kepi rtoire ot Popular Comedies: Monday, "Pretty Poll;" Tuesday, "Canny's X Roads;" Wednesday, "Siiey," Thurs day, "Fire Fly;" Friday, "Lea Belle Midge;" Saturday, Matinee, "Foggs Fer ry;" Saturday night, "Rhody ". Mora is not only a good actress, but per sonally and in social life for her amiable character aud many accomplishments, she is a favorite of a .large circle of admiring friends. Mr. Williams is a local favorite. The costumes are superb, and the plays will be mounted in grand style. Reserved seats on sale Saturday morn ing at the extremely low prices of IlOets. WARNING. To BUTLEU COUNTY OIL FOLKS AND ALL OTUEKH. Be wise in your prosperity and save Borne ol your gains by invest ing in the established and reliable Metropolitan Loan and Savings As sociation Send, or call for circular. If desired wa will send an agent to see you. Investigate our Prepaid Investment stock We want good and trust-worthy meu as agents, such inen will bo dealt with tairly aud equitably. Call on or address. N T. Weser, District Manager, Olliee 11G W. Jeffersou St. Butler P. $1.50, $2.00. $3 00 up to $25. will buy a Stylish Cape in Cloth, Silk and Velvet, trimmed in Lace, Ribbon, Jet and Satin. Call before purchasing your Spring Wrap. We e*n gavo you inootjv. Miis J. E ZIMMERMAN. New Percales, Ducks, Court Royal Pique, Seersuckers, Ginghams aud all kinds of wash goods at L. STEIN SON'S. —New Store, New Stock and low prices, at T 11. Burton's, Tne One- Price Clothier. Barton's Clothing aud Furnish ings, are the best in town for the money. Come and aek the Czarina rings at PAPE Bito's. Latest in trimmed and untrimmed ha's flowers, feathers, ribbons aud novelties at PAPK'S Hats, Hats, Hats, Hats. An immense assortment to select i from, Trimmed and Uuirfmmed, all | th. latest styles at the lowest prices Mas. .1 E. ZIMMERMAN. —We do not want the earth, but we do want a fair share of the pa tronage of Butler and vicinity.— BUBTON, The Clothier See our line of New Spring Capes —the assortment is large and the Btyles and prices are right L. STEIN A SON. The finest line of Mourning bats aud bonnets in Butler at PAPE'S. Beautiful pat'.eru hats at PAPE'S. —Buy your dry goods at Davou uy's and get a scholarship for the j Bu'ler Business College und School |of Short hand free. Ask about it Don't Hesitate | To insist on getting Marvin's if you I waul ihe beet Crackerd and Caked. PERSONAL. ; Conrad Sell, of Winneld twp., was in ■ town on business. Saturday. Mrs. M. M. Spang went to Georgetown. ! 111., Mondav. to see her son who isserious i ly ill. Jemima Douthett of Forward twp., daughter of Wm Douthett. lately deceas ed, is seriously ill. D. P. Nicklas of Adams twp. and D. P. Crowe of Forward twp. were in town on business, Tuesday. W U. Witte. ot Sarvers, and Philip Hallstein, of Clay twp.. were in town on business, Tuesday. Christopher Wimer. of Millerstown, has lately teen granted a pension and that of Jacob Lenox, of Slipperyrock, has been renewed and increased, John Faulkner, of Buffalo twy.. has moved to sarvers Station. Samuel Gal breath is running the blacksmith shop at the station now. Mr. J. E. Chadwick, tuner tor the But ler Music Co., will arrive in Butler, April llilb, and remain two weeks Mr Chad »ick stands at the head of his profession, and all bis work is guaranteed by the But ler Music Co. On aceonnt ot tbe burning of the steam er Iron Queen, I have changed the date of my excursion, to Wednesday, May Ist. This trip of one week is filled with plea sure, rest aud a thousand miles of sight i-e ing A minister who has traveled ex tensively writes of th.s trip that in all his Voyages the scenery ol the upper Ohio river has i.ot been excelled. A band of music accompanies this excursion, and dull care is banished from the boat The round trip from Butler Pa., including good bo rJ, costs you but $13.7 C Call on, or write to Mrs. N. C. Core, Butler Music Co. Church Notes. A "Holiness Convention," under tbe auspices of the Free Methodist Church, will be held in Butler beginning Wednes day, May Ist acd continuing one wees There will bo street meetings at 7 p.m. of Wednesday, Thursday, Saturd. y, Monday and Wednesday; services every evening at 7:45, and during the day as per programme; Sacrament Sunday May sth, following the tbe morning services. All persons p:o --po.-ing to attend tbis convention should notify Rev. Freshwater. Riv. E. Cronenwett will preich in Eng gisb in M.Mark's Church,Butler,Sunday at 10:30 a.m., and 7:15 p.m.; aud in St. John's Church, Petersviile, al 2:30 p.m. in tbe German language. Rev. 1). Luther Rotb will be iustalled a of tho ii;jglisii Lutheran Cuurcu, fcu ilay. Rev. Or Roth ol Tniel College, auii Rev. J. 0. President ot the Pit'sburg Si nod, will officiate. l.ev. li. N. Wo id will preach ia the 11' thodi-t Church next Sunday morning on "How 10 Deal with fliiors; Doubters,"aim iii the evening on "Millions and Million aires." A pb-asiug praise service wn rendered by the choir of the Baptist Church, E tst«r Sa 'bath evening, assisted by an orchestra of suvuc pieces. The program consisted ot sol .s, duetl« s, ijUirtettes and choruses. A pleasant feature ot the program was the duett by Master Uollis Davenney and Itel la Fagen,aged seven and six years respect ing. Butler Presbytery, The spring meeting of the Butler Pres bytery opened in Butler Presbyterian chiircb, Tuesday. The opening sermon preached by the retiring moderator, R;v. J. A. Courtney. Rev S A.Stewart wa» elected moderator, ff. b. McNess, clerk, and Kev. J R. Coulter, stated clerk. H-;v. W. J. Young was dismissed to Sagi naw Presbytery; Kev. S. G (ioehring to Clarion Presbytorv, aud licentiate K. C. Stewart to Bhenango I'resbytery. Li eeniiace .\1 B. McClelland returned the ca'l from the Harlausburg charge and ac c -pted a call to Mt Nebo. He was or dained Tuesday night. Kev. K. C. Ya't-s resigned the Zelienople charge; Kev. S. Williams and Elder Uarvey Campbell were elected principal delegates to the General Assembly, and Kev. 11. G Bla ney anil Elder William Humphrey alter nates. 15c, 15c, 15c, lsc will buy uti Cnirimuied Hat for La dies' arid Misses'. The place to Bee them is at the popular store of Mai. J E ZIMMERMAN. —l2O 8. Main Si, ia T. 11. Bur ton's Clothing Store. Go see biß goods and get his prices. Great bargains in Lace Curtainß, Laces and Embroideries at L Stein & Son's. Always use J. A. Richey'a Cough Drops. They are the best. —Zuver'B Pictureß leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct liEeness —Take your children to Zuver'B Gallery tor Pictures thut will you. Poatotticß ouildtng .See the latent in rings, the C/arina A-. PAPK'S. Our grand opening ip'd 11 12-1 -t. Come and see us, PAPK'S —Send your children to Davenny's to get Dry Goods und gel a college education free. Ask about it. See our line of Kaiki Silks, Pon gees, Tatletas and Fancy Silks lor wusits from 35 cents a yard up L. Stein <fe Sou. Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds, always on band at the City Bakery. Come aud see styli«h hats and bou nds at PAPK'S. —Hoard lug House Cards, with A':l o! Assembly, 2b cent* tor lialf-a-doaeu, for sale at CITIZEN office Largest assortment of new Silks and Dress Goods at lowest prices ever known at « L. Stein &. Sou's 99c, 99c, 99c, 99c will buy a stylishly Trimmed llai at Mas. J. E ZLMMEKMAN.B, Successor to It. <fc R. Czarina ringß just new at PAPE BRO'H —Jno. A. Richey will turnish'pure Spring Water Ice to evcrvbody|uext Summer at wholesale or retail. —Home iu<».ie candies, taffies, ear* melH, aud etc., now on hand at the City Ituk-ry. 1000 untrimmed hats.spendid shap es at PAI'KS. —Job work of all kind done at the CITIZEN (JJTHOE i x TT. Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates aud Charters Framed to Order at 30'J S. Main St, Butler, Pa. FEUD FEIOEL, Prop'r. AMY BKO'S, COUNKB MAIN A MIFFLIN BTH., 15 UTHKIT, I'KNN'A. Dealers iu now and second baud household of every description Call »ud i'ie UH We can HAVE you uioooy. Be Honest With yourself. Don't pretend you like hurd stale crackers because you got them ctieap. The enjoyment of eiitiiiK Marvin's is worth more than the dliferent*) in price. Accidents. Mrs. Jerry Starr stepped on a tumbler on tbe stairs of Capt. Ayres home, Wed nesday evening, and sprained her ankle. Mrs William Smith of Slipperyrock stepped on a rusty nail, a tew days ago. aud has a very sore foot. James Hogg of Slipperyroek twp. was thrown from his buggy, by the wheel strik ing the gate post, last Friday. He was badly bruised, and the horse ran off and smashed the buggy. Benj. Douthett Esq. of Winfield twp. met with a painful accident near Saxon Station. Tuesday noon. T!'hen the passen gtr train tnac reaches Butler at 1 30 P. M. was ab mt due at that stition he noticed that a pet cow was near the track and rau down to drive her away. He saved the cow; but his left arm which he had extend ed to scare her away, was struck by the bumper ot the engine, and the bones sha> tered from above the elbow to the wrist Ho was placed in the train and brought to Butler, where the arm was amputated above the elbow; then taken home, aud -s d >ing Wi*ll. He is now in his 80th year. During the past winter a horse aud cow belonging to him were killed by the same train. Paul Titnblin, the bright and active son of Amos Timblin, of West Sunbury, m-t with a terrible death last Saturday. He aud bis brother were in Breaden <i Co's. mill thut afternoon, and he was wearing a rubber coat. They were on the lower floor of the mill at the time, and Paul was standing near a smooth iron or steel shaft that runs through that floor to the one above and revolves rapidly. Mr. Wick Ci-rne out ol the boiler hi use and addressed th« brother, and then noticed that Pau was b>*itig whirled around by the shaft- Ha hastily stopped the engiue, and rau to help him, but the work of a minute, was almost beyond belief. Paul's left arm was broken and almost toru off, his right arm was crushed, his shoes torn off, and his lee', bruised by coming in contact with a wooden conductor, anil his side crushed. He died next moraiug Whether or not Paul had leaned against the shaft is not k lowu, but. in some way tho rubber coat had wrapped around it, thus firmly bind lDg sinn to it, and causing him to revolve with it rapidly. The Markets fiUTLKK MARK KTS uur grocers are pa) ing 22 for butter ami 12 lor fresh eggs, 75 toi potatoes, 60 for parsnips, 05 for jmons aud b> ets.llcts for dressed chicken, 12 for tnrkey aud duck, 3;' a pound for cabb'ige. $1 50 for apple* $2 00 heans, 20 ceil? I > for lettui e, 20 10 30 • a d> zxii for greeu onion-; $2 00 ios2 50 a b >. for onion s«ts. PITTSBPRfJ MARKKTS. At Herr's Island, Monday beeves sold a' 3.85 to 6 00, and dry cows 175 to 4 2"i a'id uiilcn oows ar. sls ro S4O. Hogs 2.50 10 a 50; s t««p 50 to 4 75; lamos 1.00 >0 S.UO; aod calves 1.01) 10 4.75 timothy hay irom country wag. fl4 ro sl6, c >uutry roll bun.er 15x16,fresh eggs 12x13. goose «gcs 40*50; potatoes on tr*i:k 78x80; choice on inns 00 to 1 00, cab bage 5 to 6 a head. Butler Booming. The suddeu aud increasing rise in the price of oil has set all things around our town into activity and many citizens not hereto fore interested ar« now buntiug up and taking leases. Some new wells are in con reiuplation and a boom iu drilling is ap parent. 111 addition to the Wilson <fc Co. *-eli in tne south end of town, Norman lirediu ifc Co. have secured leases west ol town and will commence operations lor a well soon. At the Wilson well the der rick, iron, is up about fifty feet and will tie completed iu a few days. Up the creek at the Uenry well there aro still good in dications ot a pool, and several uew ven rures are spoken of, .Since the good striki at the Lackey well, not a mile from tne Henry, leasing b s become brisk between Butler and the Houry 111 all directions. A' the Schaffner well .south of town, the sail water from tho hundred foot is being l>n nped an 1 as s ion as cleared drilling will be le.iuineil. The owners feel con fident of success in ttteir enterprise there. J. H. N Agents Wanted. If there 1* no agent for THE PITTSBURG TIMES iu your lo cality it will pay you to write to THF TIMES for terms to agents. THE TIMES is Pittsburg's beßt pa per and persons who serve as agentß are granted liberal terms. Economy is not cheapness but satisfaction. Does it pay to get cheap crackers it they are untit to eat. Get Marvin's. You will enjoy them. —>«o matter how hard the times the one thing you cauuot afford to go without is all the news If you want all the news you get it ic the Pitts burg Dispatch. The Di*patch a\>ub isbesl all—not a part only MUSJ'J. Music scholars wanted, Lessons will be given either at the home of the teacher or at the home of the scholar Inquire at 124 vV. Wayue St. But'er Pa. Sight Most Precious of all Senses. Levin the Optician of Pittsburg, will be at the Lowry House, Butler, Pa, on Mou'lay and Tue-td-»y, April 22nd and 23d Mr. Levin makes regular monthly visits to Butler, being a specialist iu lenses for the eyes. He makes no charge whatever for examination and advice, and in case he cannot help you he will tell you so at once, th«B saving you all unnecessary outlay and trouble. II you have ha<i tiny trouble with your eyes it will pitv you to call as "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," anil you may save yourself a threat deal of uunecesnary suffering. Young folks are greatly troubled with their eyes iu these progressive times on account of the greater amount of reading that is made necessary by the enlarged field of study at the schools. Parents should not let their child ren suffer in this way as eye troubles have a tendency to increase and be C'imo aggravated by neglect. \!r. Levin ha* been coining to Hut ler for a long tnue aud cau count bis friend* by the hundred through re storing to them their sight, the tuOnt precious <>l all the t-enses. Kerat-miier the da'es, Monday aud Tuesday, April 22>id «nd 23d at the Lowry House, butler, Pa. The clerk will direct you. —Try, T. A. Morrison's home made Carmels. —-A full line of home made candies at the City Bakery I'lain and fancy Hlack Dress Goods in all qualities at bargain prices at L STEIN & SON'S. —You pay for school-books; but the liest school-book for your children is your daily p<.per Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive couteiits, first aud fullest with the oews and best in presenting it, the Pittsburg Dispatch tills tho bill. I p?" I For pure spring water ice— I lully Leave your orders at IKichey's Hakery Dally Delivery. New Buildings. Lewis Keefer formerly of Washington ! twp, ie building a residence in Gonober- I ville. Kobert Braesel, the infallible deliverer for Koch's grocery, is building a hand some residence on W. Clay St. John Hildebrand has began tho erect ion of his buildings a residence and meat market on MitSiu St. Contractor Schenck ha" commenced excavating for the new School house < n Mithiu St. Morg Davis is building an addition to bis house. P. C. Wick is building on E. Clay St. North Side Cemetery Association. A meeting of the Directors of the North Side Cemetery Association was held April 11th, 1895 Th* Executive committee was empowered to lay out additional lots, and fix prices to suit purchasers and file the new plan with the Secretary Harvey Colbert, 120 S Main St., who was author ized to sell lots to suit applicants. The Treasurer was instructed to pay the inter est accrued on purchase money and notify persons in arrears to settle with the Seer • tary in ten days. The affairs of the Asso ciation are in a prosperous condition, and as soon as the balance of the purchase money is paid, the management proposes to improve and ornament the grounds. In vi-w of this the officers were requested to solicit purchasers for several desirable lots Great Public SALE Carriages, Buggies and Harness, On the premises of the undersign ed, Thursday MAY 2nd, '95, A large lot ofSurries, Phaetons Top Buggies, Spring Wagons, Runabout Wagons, Wagons and a number of light vehicles. All new and of reliable manufacture, 15 Double Sets TEAM HARNESS, Medium and Heavy Grade, my own work. 50 Sets Single BUGGY HARNESS, All styles. Also Coupes, Express and Single Wagon Harness, Lap Robec in Fur, Wool and Plush Horse Blankets; Summer Lap Dusters and Mats; Fly Nets, Col lars, Check Lines, Halters, Hous ings, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, Whips, Collar Sweats, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Riding Saddles and Bridles ike. Terms on Five Dollars or less, Cash. On all amounts over $5, one years time with approved se curity or 5 per cent off for cash. JOS. ROCKENSTEIN. 146 North Main St., - - Butler, Pa. Don't forget the day and place. It will pay you to take a day off to attend this sale. J. R. KLarns, Auctioneer. it. <y b. A . . Difference, And a big difference in your ac count if the yearly buying has been done judiciously—we don't presume to dictate—will only sug gest investigation and comparison of our methods, goods and prices, with best you can do elsewhere Send for samples of the following few, which will give an idea of the many. DRESS GOODS and .. IIITING VALUES ot knowu and tried worth. The newest, most stylish aud best of 1895 Season: NEW COVERT TWEEDS Medium and dark shades—lo dif ferent colorings—just tho goods for handsome Tailor-made suits,4o inches wide, 75c a yard. Great variety in New and Choice Suitings—American made, irre gular checks, thread a-bout checks, neat mixtures—lo different lines, 4 to 8 color combinations in each line—at least <>s different styles— all wool, and silk and wool—full yard wide, 30-incbes, 35c a yard 24-inch all Wool Black, Navy and Drab Moreen, 24 inches wide. 35 cents. All wool Imported Black Moreen 24-inches wido, 40c a yard 38-inch Imported Black aud Drab Wool Moreen, 50c a yard. CREPON POPULARITY Not even oa the wane, and surpas sing anything yet sbowu this sea son are these "latest from Paris" Black Crepons at prices— sl, 1.25, 1-50, to 2 50 a yard. SUITINO CREPONS Medium weight, in tho new ifat telusse weave—<> different color mixtures—4o inches wide, 75c a yard. BLACK CREPONS 45c to $3 50 Give a wide and choice rauge for selection. A crtail Order Department ready to serve your slightest order. Come, or write us, giying intima tion of goods desired—Samples aud Catalogue sent Free. ALLEGHENY. PA WALL ~ unnu PAPER. uuitmuu All grades from Drown Blanks up to the finest embossed Bronzes. The better the paper the better the Bargain. Buy your good papers now and get them at wholesale prices. Window Shades in all the latest colors at DOUGLASS', Near P. O. f I ill. 'ii A Suggestion. Did 11 rvor occur to you that there are drugs aud drug ' that drugs are like every thing else —there are hnd and indif ferent. There is nothiug 11 <* vhich is positively bad if it is'nt just ot Uic I»CAt. Oar policy has always been to have noth ing but the best. When you want drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls for. It may not always be drugs yon want either. We always hare on hand a full line of sick room requisites. G. N. BOYD, Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTI SEMENTS. Administrator's Notice- Letters of administration with the will annexed, on the estate of John Young,late of Wintield twp., Butler county, Pa., hav ing been issued by the Kegister of said county, to me—all persons therefore know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make speody payment, and all persons having claims against said es tate will please present them properly au tbenlicated f >r settlement to JOHN N. YOUNG, Adm'r C.T.A. Of John Young, dee'd, Carbon Black, P. 0. MCJUNKIXA GAIBBBATH, Atty's for Estate. Administrators' Notice. Letters of administration on the estate ot John W McJnnkin, dee'd, late of Clay twp., Butler county, Pa , having been granted to the undersigned; all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to John R McJunkin ) . , , Anna McJunkin, ) Aum rs. Euclid, P. O. Ira McJnnkin, Att'j. Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. ESTATE OF CHARLES HASLBTT. Notice is hereby given that letters testa meuiary on the estate of Charles Haslett, 1 late of the borough of Butler, deceased, have been granted to me the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make payment to me, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same to me for set tlement ALICB W. HASLETT, EXECUTRIX. H. N GOUCIIKR, Attorney for Estate, Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration C. T. A. hav ing been grauted to the undersigned on the estate of Jane Young, dee'd, late of Con cord twp , all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please call and settle and any having claims against the smie will present them duly anthenticated for payment R. 11. YOUNG, Jacksville, Pa. A. M. CORNBLICS, Atty. Administrators Notice. Letters of administration C. T. A. hav lug been granted to the undersigned on the estate of William Byers, dee'd, late of Concord twp, Butler Co , I'a. All per suns knowing themselves indebted to said estate, will pleaso make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to FRANCIS BYBRS, Adm'r, Leota, Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate ol John Conrad Shanor, dea'd, late of Whites town, Butler Co., Penn'a., having been granted to tho undersigned, all persons knowing theinselve» indebted to said estate will please make immediate payinont, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly anthenticated for settle ment to ALEX. STEWART, EX'R. Whitestown, Pa. W. D. BRANDON, Attorney. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having been grunted to the undersigned on the estate ol Willian Lutz, dee'd, late of Lancaster twp, Butler Co., i'a , all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will ploase make immediate paymont. aud any having claims against said estate will pre sent them dnly authenticated lor settle uieut to J. N". KIKKKK, Adm'r, Middle Lancaster P. O. J B. MATHS att'y Butler Co., Pa. liutler Pa. Trotting Stallions STORM BIRD 9459. Record 2:35 at 4 Years. Hire of Mildred.half mile trial in 1:05 and qiiartur in 1)2 seoonds as a 2-year-old Sire Lord RUSSHII (brother to Maud 8 2:08J) of Kremlin 2:o7},Hustler Russell 2:12$ and Hi.others in 2:30. Dam Storm 2:2<iJ. producing daughter of Green Mountain Maid; d..m of 9 iu the 2:30 list, 546 of her descendants are iu the 2:30 list, and holds 28 of the World's records. Will be fonnd at the Butler Pair Grounds during the summer of 1895 in charge ol Win. G. Weigle Pedigree on application. TERMS $25 to insnre. BUFFALO BOY 3882. Ity Pocahontas Boy 2:31, sire of Clay Hontas 2:11± and others from 2:12J to 2:30. Dam Lady S full sister to Stephen M. 2:28} Will be found at his old homo, Isle, Pa. He has proveu himself to be the best stock horse for carriage and road horses that is to be found in the county. TERMS $lO to insure. For further in formation address. ALONZO McCAN BLESS, IHLK, PA. TXfVinf Tft We take nleasure in an- VV ll HI IS swering this question. llilUL AU Knowing it to be what T fIITDE 1 ll" ver i r family wants, a I ( 111 KK 11 r,,,,, edy they can use at X vUHU any time iu all safety,and ou« that will relieve pain internal or ex ternal sooner than any other known rem euy. We insist in cases ot bed Sprain, Bruise, Cholera-Morbus, Pain in tho Stom ach, Toothache, «l c , that you use this remedy. Nice clean aud pleasant to use. Sold by Druggists, price i>s &soc Put tip by— I CURE II CO, Butler Pa. STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (SMsmriorpir* I'alrnl.) Lightning, Fire and Storm Proof. Si-nd for I Tbr I'rnn iron Itooflns ami Come READ and REFLECT. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY—With the dawn of prosperity just be fore us aDd the improvement in b"sineas notwithstanding. We sometime ago decided to close oat oar entire stock of Men's Boys' and Childrena' Clothing, which we will continue to do at prices that will be to the advan tage of all desiring to purchase clothing No matter how little or how much money you hare to invest, we know it will be hard on the Clothing business, bat as we are determined to cloee oat we cannot help it. Oar slock is the largest in the county. Men's fine black worsted panta all wool oniy $2.00. We have more pants than any two stores in town, Oor children's Baits are marvels of beauty; all the late noveltieß, such as the Regent, Euclid, Neptune Colombia.Reefers, Jerseys, Kilts Ac. from 50cts np — Boys' Double and Single Breast Round and Square corner Plain or Plaited— All will be sold without reserve. e will still continue to carry a fall and complete line of Hats, Cape, Shirts, Tiea, Collars, Caffs, Handkerchiefs, Underwear, Hosiery, Overalls, Jackets, Sweaters, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Hammocks, Brushes. Combs, Jf etches, Chains, Charms, Rings, Coller and Caff But tons Ac We still carry the "Semper Idem" Shirt, tbe best unlaundried shirt in the world only $1 00. Oar 75 cent shirt is eqaal to any SI,OO shirt on the market. Oar line of Cheviott, Percalle and Madras shirts, fall and complete. We have found that one man's money is better than two men's credit, and have adopted tbe cash plan and fiod that it works wonder. Re member that we are the old reliable, the pioneer of good goods at low prices; tbat we have been here a quarter of a century against all comers and goers, have stayed with voa and done you good It will pay you to corns tor miles as we can save you Money, no matter how low you are offered goods. JJ *e have no baits to pall ihe wool over yoar eyes. A fair, square deal ia what we promise and are here to fulfil tbat promise. n * HUPF (*• U" A"llJu vllj U LOTHIER ' FURNISHER and HATTER, 121 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. OUR NEW Spring Clothing: (for the price) in the history of the clothing trade. Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta- f j j loons and Overalls. If you have B worn them, you need no further a*d comment from us. if not ask to M X -■ see them as they are the best Q cheap pants in the world. BUTLER, PA. GRAND *** CLEARANCE SALE OF ** * CLOTHING. PRICES OUT IN HALVES. 45 Men's Suits, price $lO, now $5 28 Men's Suits, price $7,50 now $4. 25 Men's Overcoats, price $lO, now $5. 23 Men's Overcoats, price sll, now $6. 30 Boys' Long Pants Suits, price $5, now $2,50. 35 Boys' Long Pants Suits, price $7, now $4. Schatil S Nast, Leading Cloth| iers, 137 S. Main St-» Butler, Pa" - Ji iJI ■ - ' ■ Schneideman's Old Stand. SfILOSS BROs', Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Pa. THKKE is A GREAT Rusu in oil circles M ens rruarranteed strictly all wool just at present, and during the past few week*'#'- , x T ... .. . _ we have also been greatly rushed. Hbowlng and j&fast Color Navy 1)1 UC SUlt at $5-00 Helling the moat elegant and complete asaort- » . , mem of up to dale Spring Clothing. Furnlsb-A.aCtual value CfP- o ®- Children.* xbla suit must be HH we advertise or your ever bandied In Batler County. ' money back. Thin Is the greatest bargain ever FAIR and SQUARE treatment and Reliable offered by any clothing house in Butler County. Moods onlv coupled with Liberal Dealing nndJ, lJ_ those- -»cr inrl yior aStrlctl, One-ITlce Business, are the reasons* 11 avc y ou secn lnosc -5 C ana 4 oc why we are slowly bnt surely securing a ImTVnce Pants we arc still sollinp hoW of a very considerable part of the trade of A, ranis, wc arc Sim selling Butler and vicinity. Mat 15c. Only Limited quantity OCR PROGRESSIVE MANNER Of doing* . business. Is the reason why we so Easily dls tanceall the others. We are originators never i Any article purchased of us which does not imitators and to prove this, we will sell ihlaTfully meet your expectations, can be returned week ouly yand you money will be cheorfuily refunded. Shloss Bro's, Schneideman's Old Stand. J. S. YODBG, The Tailor and Fnrnisher, Desires to say that our expectations are more than realized. Everybody pronounces our SUITS the fluent that have ever been turned out In Butler. AV"e Make the IMost Stylish Garments and handle the best grades of Wooleua and Trimmings ol auy bouse outside of tbe larger cltlM. Our Prices are a> low as superior workmanship and strlotiy Ural-class woolens and trimmings will admit of. WE GUARANTEE perfect satisfaction In each aud every detail snd the great number of orders we aru receiving dally, provea that our customers appreciate Uieao facts: 10l South Main Street, I C W\isn#v> The TAILOR and Batler, Pa. Gents' Furnisher. THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER: If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money't worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WHJJAMS PAINT. o>»n Most, Look a B«at, Wear a Lcmqtai, Moat fconomical, full Maaturt. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and • RUSHES. *■ *■ STAYS with us. COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE & COACH VARNISHCF, J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St. Chautauqua Nursery Company. - OFFER— liberal Terms To Agents, liig Inducement* to Customers. Hlgb Grade Stock at Low Prices. New Hm-d Potatoen, Ac. Men Wanted. In Evory Town, Steady Work. l'sy Woekly. AddCOM« 11. U. WILLIAMS, See J, Pcrtfa&i N. K HAS ARRIVED, and we \s..l be pleased to show you what we have. You can buy a good, servicable business* suit for fj.oo, but our line at $6.00, $7.50, sp.oo and SIO.OO are marvels of beauty and excellence, better than ever sold 56 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, price $1.50, now 75c. 53 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, price $2, now sl. 45 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, price $3, now $1.75. 180 pair Men's Jean Pants, price sl, now 55c. 220 pair Boys' Knee Pants, price 50c, now 25c. 28 dozen Men's Cambric Shirts, price 50c, now 25 c. A6ENTS WANTED n^w k^ k k by Amerlca'B Greatest Humorist. MARK TWAIN. Bvery uufl O( bis prevtoua book* lutve bad Im mense sales. Ills uew book •uri.aaaei a&j tiling be tu aaietororo written. Two stories la one volume. A Traced} sad s l'oa«4l. A great obauce lor >kojU We giro exclusive territory For term* ami full particular* address .f. W. Kumh ft Co.. KM Arch lit.. PM'a : L ; U L /VIN hIIN D PAPER t : '*i I'll*i>' i■ »• ; « • .mm* i«ur«\iu of 1 « S:.V. rvEKINGTON BROS, will uuutu fvr adv«rUsls( at bwssl \