Campbell & Templeton's. m APRIL SALE OF FDRNITDRE m CARPETS IS NOW GOING ON. ■ntcmQeeow A line of ' - LACEAINS CURTSi 5c b and $2 the I I.' j [1 ]j est values! ju ever saw. i Curtain Poles >Vhite with j Brass tri m - | mings, also Wood Poles tin Antique •Oak and Ma- See our now Spring stock of BABY CARRIAGES be fore you buy. PORTIERS? WINDOW SHADES The Home FORMERS, BUTLER, PA. ADRIANCE BINDER. I. P. HUM. Hartzell & Kemper Frank Kemper. Have the largest stock of Vehicles, Harness and Farm Machinery of any house in the county. We defy any firm to show a better line of goods for less money. Our stock was selected to suit this trade. Our prices are as low as the lowest, quality considered. Our profits are small and our reputation at stake, so you can rest assured we will not misrepresent. We add a percentage on our goods and sell them according to what they cost us. We serve all alike. We do not make one man pay for what we lose on another. When we guar antee goods we make good our guarantee. We protect our custom ers, and not the manufacturers. Why? Because the manufacturers are of no use to us without the customers. If you want a Buggy, Surry Phaeton, Business, Pleasure or Team Wagon, Hand or Ma chine-Sewed Harness, or anything in the Harness line, Blankets, Robes Dusters, Nets, Turf Goods, Currying Tools, Whips, Saddles Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Sic., we have them in large quantities and at low prices. And for Farm Machinery, we can furnish anything needed, from the plow to the separator. We guarantee our machin ery to be as good as the best and second to none. If in need of any thing in our line, write us We will answer all inquiry, either >y mail or in person. Our motto is, "Small Profits and Square Deal ing." Our success depends on our reputation, and our reputation will be controlled by our representations, so you can depend on what we tell you to be true. We say we have the largest line of Vehicles, Machinery and Harness of any house in the county, and a visit to our store and warehouse will prove it. Store room, 315 S Main street. Wareroom, 320 S. MoKean street. Floor space, 12,180 sq. ft., full of goods. If in need of anything in our line, call on us before you make your purchase. It will pay you. ' -• I DIAMONDS IKIM'/S. KAK KIN<;«. BXUDB . WATCHES \ (;KNTS ' " OLD ' I 'Mknts- I mlvbu. I..UMKS' cvri.A.N. JEWELRY } <iOM ""*• Klf KlaZ "' K Sl»», Bracelet*. Ktc. SILVERW AR EH" iSSSiK£,KS,S?; RODGER BROS. 1874 } S 1 * """"SB®"* E. GRIEB. JEW ™ L V No 139, North Main St B JTJ.I B, PA., A Summer airivc loses a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less IUA Vy urious, easy running and handsome than it might be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but gooJ points. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get- are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Made by FREtONIA MFG. CO., Younestown, Ohio , The place to buy G ,™£ OOKING STOVI ' : S AND BURNERS, GAS LAMPS IXTL/RES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is ai W, II .O'Bi-ion Sc Non'm 3 ( r i 3 t M .Jeilerson Htreet. A line ol Bed Room Suits at $lB, $22 and $25, the best values in America. Also the finer goods in MAHOGANY, BIRDEYE MAPLE, CURLY BIRCH and OAK. PRICE $36 to sls°-$ I s°- -CARPETS= See our line of extra qual ity INGRAIN CARPETS, ir.ade expressly for us. Ingrain Carpets at 20, 25 and 35C.--better value than you expect to find at these prices. Axminister, Wiltons and Brussells CARPETS. MATTINGS at 10c. a yard that would be cheap at 15c. THERE is but one way in the world to be sure of having the best paint, and that is to use only a well-established brand of strieily pure white lead, pure linseed oil, and pure colors.* The following brands are stand ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are always absolutely Strictly Pure W'hite Lead "Armstrong & McKelvy, " Beymer-Bauman," " Davis-Chambers," "Fahnestock." * If you want colored- paint, tint any of the above strictly pure leads with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade; they are in no sense ready<aixed paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free. I NATIONAL LEAD CO.. New York. Pittsburfr Branch, Gennan National Bank Building, Tittsbul*. I YELLOW Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bil iousness* Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from ckin and eyes. Warrantee, to cure. Sold everywhere at 25 cts. per bottle, for eale by J. C Redicfe SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hags, AND POULTRY. ! SOOPngr Rook on Treatment of Animulfl and Chart Sent Free. CT*eh( Fevers, Congest ions.lnflammation j A.A. 'tHplnal .tleninifit is, Mill*. Fevrr. B. IS.—Strain*, LamenrNt. Rheumatism, 1 ( .( .»*DiHtempi-r, N'nsnl l)i*<hu rites. Rots or (»rub«, Worm*. K.F.—(oiitfhs, Ilenves, CiK-nmonia. F.F.—f'ollc or (Gripes, If«•!lyaihc. .11 iacarriaye, llemorrha ire*. 11.11. I'rinnry aud Kidney Diseases* i. I.—Eruptive Diseases, Hnngp. .h.—Disease* ol ingestion, Parnlyni*. Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .WO Htable Case, with Rpeelfle*. Manual, Veterinary f tire Oil &n<l Medlcator, ST,OO Jar Veterinary ( ore Oil, • • 1,00 Sold byDrtfft«U; or %*»t prepaid uprb«r» »d In e»j quail!j itfi-lpt of price. liWHRKTH'SED. CO., 11l A 111 Wllllaai St., SewTork. W jr^gPttPHBSTS' r JsHl HOMEOPATHIC nft [■KSPEOIFIC NO2B In ON 30 years. Tho only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over work or other causes. $1 per vial, or 6 rials and large vial powder, for $5. hold >.y DrUfc'ffiitN, or »«ni pottptid on receipt of price. HIHPH KK TV MMD. CO., 111 A 11S WlUia* SU, .Newlurk. I Mi- MILD l/Zkina FINC I 4 Tit AMCStCAM j . < \y ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Ha, stood the Te*t ot Tim': MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER | BRANDS COMBINED " Running j Sores. I Cures , the Serpent's | j Sting. ' CONTAGIOUS ,n all ltn "tageseom-ttl I I!. eradicated by J) I I BLOOD POISON s H H Obstinate sores 111 V OL 2————? and ulcers yield to Its ]\ heallr.g power*. It re- ff \ moves the poison and builds up the system. U / A ralaebl« oralis* on th«- llmuc and its trcatn.rDt II U nailed free If U SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga Q I That our wonderful N medy MOTH ins | Fuir.Nl>" whleli make* child-birth cany I I may be within the: reach of all w have H reduced the price to ONE DOLLAR per 0 llOltlC. • S...BEWAKC of frauds, count erfeits and substitute,. Take nothing but ...... J|/| others I ji ▼ a. Friend! j) 80LD BY ALL DRUOOIBTB. ) D rr-Wrltc for book "TO MOTHERS' ] 1 mailed free. j THE BRAOFIELO REGULATOR CO., i | Sole Proprietors, ATLANTA, OA. r\ DOCTORS LAKE I'FI TK IHSPKNSARY. 'On. JS Cr *i» ?t»r A. F.. t.ttu FOURTH BT.. .Aftilkti p i TTSBUROH, PA. yfSpjt A'lforinsof I>« li<-atoari<l Com fi:»K.vTl.\l. ainlS« IKMIHC M«*«l --ic.atiori aro treut<''l at this l»i - pen-.iry with n y.ici'iwf. irely attained!. In. 8. K. I.akc 1-* •• member of tin- Rov il < «>ilr I"liy— ttcwipfc and Surgeu.iz, and 1. tlio «»' test ami most experienced Srwiam-<» in U.. eiiy Sjm < s al at i«*nt:on v(.nto Nervous I>H»i)it\ 1 »otn «• • ::'*HHIV" IIM ' .*• I u rlion.lndi •r •» - • • i! el .<-HHH III| aii'l mental »!• fiy,la< k of energy, le ♦ -.i. ' ncj. etc.; icei Old ~-i • lid -. Pile . i.'hemnat ami all li i-enof the Skin, |»l<s>«i. I mgu l'rinar> '»rgrm ,it •. iJtatlon i t s:rift|y ron(W!« n'ta! e houra,o to i in- i i to H Snn<luym 2 t<# ir. il. only, ill at ofMeo or ad h( »I,M(K, f>»lt. • M \»i U9D4THaT.-FITTP.Ii K-.II.J'A n IEWIS 98 %in L rCTTESZD AiTL TZZTZHtD n»esi»-<»»i|je»»l ar».l p««rest r.jr* ma/l'i. t i.i: n I.y\ it iM-iug U;i fli<- I* wt: r uti'l i-r* k«d If a < an 19 VlHit f i : 1, ti. , (• < iiU-nLs v in make li. i»esi t» fumed Hard fk»ap ISp in 20 .Tilf uMlionl l»4»tiln|r. II U tl'<> he»t fl r(pariKing^wasts X; wai'M;.? U.ttl. . lain . etc. A. BALI M'FO CO fIPIBHk vmu. aau., rtiu*., i'k. THE CITIZEN- Useful To Know. —Salt on the fingers when cleaning fowls, meat or fisti will prevent slipping, j —Salt thrown on coal fire when broiling j steak will prevent blazing from the drip ping fat. Salt as a gargle will cure soreness of the throat. —Salt in solution inhaled cares cold in the head. —Salt in wa'er is the best thing to clean willow-ware and matting. —Pure blood makes good health and Hood's Sarsaparilla makes good blood. The moral is plain. —Many were the prediction* that the present would be a good season for mak ing maple sugar. Those who made the predictions based then: on the fact that we had had an unusually severe winter, and it is true that a "hard winter" is a "good sign." The sap is stronger alter hard freezing weather. But the trouble this season is that the winter lasted too long. The season for making maple sugar in this latitude generally commences the latter part of February and really lasts beyond the first of April. More than half that period has none and there has been no sugar making weather to speak of. —Rheumatism is quickly cured by using Arnica i Oil liniment. —A new public school house just com pleted in Philadelphia, named iu honor of me late George W. Childs, is an example of the constant improvement in the con struction of such buildings. It will ac comodate over 1,000 children on its three floors. Each floor has a large assembly room, with sliding doors separating it into live divisions, and also sitting and dining rooms for trie teachers. The upper story :s a gymnasium, and tile basement, a play ground for rainy weather, one of the rooms oeing strewn with sea sand lor the small cnildren who occupy the first floor. The Kindergarten room is carpeted, ha*pictures on the walls, and an acqaariuin and her barium among the furniture. With the extension of industrial training and other new ideas of instruction the children ol to-day have advantages not enjoyed by their parents, and, ol course, they will give a correspondingly good account of tneui selves. —W hen you are troubled with dizziness your uppeute *ll gone, and you feel ba>! generally, take a few doses ol Dr. ilenry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, and yon will ■MS surprised at the improvement in your leclings. Every bottle warrented to give satisfaction. —The merry war among the Populists jtoes on as far as Congressman Joe S:ble> is concerned, and it is all about a sale ot carnages und pleasure traps lately had iu New Vork, the remnant of the neat tigure 1 his farmer-states man has been cutting in Washington during his solitary term in public life. The truth of'.he deal is in the act that Sibley has been discoyer<jd by uMiouatilueuis and tie is escaping to Eu rope to avoid the storms n>w due. As a Populist he has done rather well. A spider phaeton brought $4lO, a brougham $400; ben couies a cabriolet at sllO. a body rake at S3OO and a "C" spring Victoria, v magnificent vehicle for state occasions —think of that for a populwi—at $3,250. in ordinary ru.'about brought $1,185 and 1 cross seat brake was run up to $5,775 With all this array of the livery stable in M • personal life it is no wonder Sibley was ki.ocked out last November. A Congress nan cultivating the Farmers' Alliance in t cross-break worth SO,OOO is a spectacle 'hone who take to buckboards, canestrigas md hay wagons cannot readily forgive MbleyV day as a populist is forever done il'ter a tale like that. Why Not Try the New and Better Way Of doing your shopping? Instead of •lining to the store, make the store come 0 you. Ves, and the best and bigireat tore in the country at that: namely, Kauf uann Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop them a "••stal and yon will get their spring and ummer Catalogue gratis, enabling you to rder by mail anything you may wish, and •tving as much money as city people do. —Printers' ink is a pretty good cement 'i nse in 'aying the foundation to a snc i-xhful basitiess. —Said a noted man of 00 years, "my other uave me Down's Elixir for coughs nd colds when I was a boy. Dr. Agnew's Cure lor th ll< art givj •••rfec' relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease in HO minutes, md speedily effects a core. It is a peer •-ss remedy f>r Palpitation, Shortness of treath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett •iide and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart •no dose convinces. Hold by City Phar macy. St. Louis papers are collecting a small fund to pay the fine of a man named Jost, *'ho, as a protest against the high-hat iraze, wore his own hat to the theatre and was fined fcr it. ItelieJ tti Six Hours Distressing Kidney and {(ladder dis- IHCS relieved in fix hours by the "New (ireat South American Kidney Care." 1 his new remedy is a great surprise on »ccouut of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back md every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im mediately. If you want ijnick relief and i'ure ttiis is yonr remedy. Sold by J. C. Itodick druguNt Butler Pa. —lf you don't think time flies fast, just remember that one year ago Coxey's army was on its way to Washington. Kheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic are" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic illy cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon he system is remarkable and mysterious. It. removes at once the cause and the dis ise immediately disappears. The first 10-re greatly benefits. 7;> cts. Sold by .1. C Kedick, druggist. Butler. —The Oil City papers are pointing with pride to an old resident, in his 75th year, who > ays he has not taken a bath since childhood, and has never been sick in his life. —ltch on human, matigo on horses, dogs and all stock, cured in .'lO minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This iH'Ver fails .Sold by J. C. Kedick, drug gist, Batter Pa. —"The only way t.> get rich these da} s," •ays the philosopher, "m to write a so ciety novel or invent a patent pill." —Buggins—ls your wifo an advanced woman? Muggins—l should say so. I just advanced her $25 for a new spring bonnet. Many teaeners and pupils in Pennsyl vania are trying for the free Normal School course offered by the Edinboro Publishing Co , Ediuboro Pa. Every school in liutler county should have au agent. You'd better write them. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeuey, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv J. C. Kedick. druggist Butler Pa P< bt. I ..tiU!, I>l»m«u.l Bran i ENNYKOYAL Pill A K 1 • 1 - l " Kr xSr iKinooilii r * / Cr' - i I W ,# In *lani|-i for | .nl- j • i tiu.»uial« *n«l V T?* j£J " IfrlliT for I u«ll« » 1 n lun. -A. i* Mull. N -r * hlchi air ri b> lail'-uM v.,'J ftj LMfti 1/rugitali l'hll»a»-, l'» There Never Was a time in the history of Hutler that you could buy Mens, Boys and Chil drens Clothing, as cheap as you can now. Call in and be convinced that I have the best made and the best fitting SUITS in the market at the lowest cash prices. The celebrated Sweet Orr Over alls always on hand. ONE JT. H. Burton iClothier and PRICE. £ Furnisher 120 - - S. Main, St. FREE!_FREE! Any customer buying Thirt\ Dollars worth of goods, w ill be presented with a piece of silver ware warranted lor 10 years. COMPARE PRICES. 221b granulated Sugar tor $1 00 231b "A" " " 1 00 251b Yellow " " 1 no 51b California RnUions 25 41b •' - Prunes 25 2ilb " Peaches 25 2£lb " Peas 25 1 301b Pail Jelly 75 1 sack White Lily Flour 75 4 cans T0mat0e5....... ... 25 4 " Sugar Corn 25 4 " String Beans 25 1 '• House Baking Powder Id HENRY MILLER, Opposite P. O. What Strikes Osiers Will Mrlke yon.—We are all »'leaked liere and there with lho »:unc likes end dislikes. Th'ius.'in is of all sorts of p> ople pronounce Old l'sport Whiskey tlp-toji 1 i every particular, and (oral! u <. Mightbcjust what you'd Ilk:, no harm in mention iitjtc it, anvway. It is 8 yeais old, tn;."s Cf rtain. It is poM tlvely puro and free from jusei oil tin > is . fact which the most expert eheiuUt can't dis prove. rail Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mail and Espr-ss orders ship;.' i promptly, and we pay transportation charges on orders of 810.00 and over. Jos. FLEMIING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. P.ump!ete Pr.ce Lists ol Wines and I iquors mai'ed tr«o NEW Southside Restaurant No. 211 Centre Avenue, (Whit mire building,) couvenieut to P. & W. depot. Open ail houra AH kind of lunches and regnlnr meal-, Tobac-.o and Ciuur*, fine confections and evt rytbiug to be found in » first class Restaurant. Give uh e call and we will do our beat to ac commodate you. W. J. MATES Manager Hotel Williard. Reopened and now ready for the ccon ni< d&ii< D of tie traveling pul lic. Everything in style. MRS. MATTIE REIHIKG, Owner M H BROOKS, Clerk. Hotel L&utler r J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use 01 ommercial men HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, KI'I'KItSKKKS rtivr 4M» VAItXISII. Can bo applied tii any smooth surface,on furniture, wood, glass, any kind of metal including kitchen utensils. Milken old articles look new and is much used on bicycled, carriages, stoves, etc. lteouires only one coat, is applied cold with brash and dries absolutely bard anil glossy in 2 hour*—will not crack, chip, Winter or rob off. Sample bottles Kent on receipt of price. 2 ounces 15c, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40c. West Deer Park Prin lirg ilk (,c., I <vr I:v i c *■. 44 v i'ou AGENTS WASTED. SPEEDY and LUTING RESULTS. V' J from any injurious substance. tnllL M LAiTOI AB3OHISB KOTSID. We GUARANTEE ■ CURE or refund your money. Prlr« H3.00 |irr hotile. Send 4e. tor treatiia. TKfcJMONT MKDICAI CO.. Boston. )lu>, Jon* W. Bbown. 0. A. Abkams. ABKAMS & BROWN, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance, HUSKOTON BtTIMMNIi. Nkah Court Hoohk. BI'TLEK, I'a. I nun ranee Company of North Ante ioa. 102 d year, A ssets $9,563,000; Home of New York, Assets $9,100,000; Hartford of Hart ford, Assets 645,000; Phcenix ol Brook lyn. Assets $5,500,000. New Y< rk Under* writer*' Agency, Assets $8,045,000 STEEL ROOFING ! and SIDING. (Stucrndorpli's Potent.) lightning, Fire and Storm Proof. ft,r i '1 be I'ettn Iron ttiwflng n«i! t'ni-ru i*m -, I* • [,e tfitloitt <»• t.t'l. l . I'bilit., Plbf of I'flcvw. | bolo .Hlrs. Cooper & Co., Having received a full assort l ea( J j |i^ Foreign and Domestic Woolens * d-IlVy 10. suitable tor Spring trade, we are prepared to make suits to Older at prices which will defy all compe tition in Quality, Style, Fit and Workmanship. Call and be con vinced before leaving your order for JSprii\o Suit. LEADING TAILORS, No. 301 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA. "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO feve j^X]j Ely'* Crratn. if '«• muff or jfira-:. Applied into the no»trilt it it 1 fs. A- "i'mnU or sent by vutil on o/prirt. CIIA 3UO tIY 06 Street NEW YORK. DUG W.L.DOUCLAS CUhr IS THE PEST. FIT fO:i A KING. V"%SS. CORDOVAN, /FX FRENCHiENAMELLEOCALF. W?k V4.*3.SP FINECALF&KANSAROa Wm (g: f *3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. W I 5950 *2 • WORKINGS | -EXTRA FINE- S \ BOYSSCHOQLSHfIEi ftT JT 'LADIES- P° NGO U. SEND FOR CATALOGUE -L-DOUGLAS' '-■••' bkockto::,.MASS. Over One Million People wear the W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equal'y satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They custom Hhocs In style and fit. Their wearing qualities ore unMjrpaese'l. The prices are'unitorm,— -stain,. il on sole. From $i to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ALEXANDER & DOUTT, VV UITESTOwN. SPECIAL NOTICE That I will sell, until further notice, i l.e fo'lowing goods at tlit- old price.-, regard less of the advance ot 20c per irallon tax hy t| e government: A A. pure rj e, 2 ytars, $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe. 3 .vear-- *2.25: Old Cabinet. 4 years, $2.50 per gal lon: Bridpeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 yearn, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour bon. $4 50 per gallon; Hannisville, Dotigl erty, Montioello, 12 fear-, $5.50 per gallon. California wines, drj and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brant's; my i» n importation. Sherry and Port win.', from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish and Suotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. AN OKI ESSEX. ISM Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. N'n extra charge for packing. Telephrne r,49. Robt. Lew in, WIIOLBSALK WHISKEY MERCHANT ANI» IMPORTER OF Fine Winks and Liquohs, 130 Water St., (Opposite B. & 0. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. F.NCM'S GOLDEN WEDDING, FOII MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE. $1 00 per or ti for $5.00 - Finch's Golden Wedding. Dougherty, liiickenheimer, Lorge Gibson, Bridgeport, v!t. Vernon, Overholt, etc. This is the •uly house not rectifying in the city,there ■re our goods are warranted pure. Goods ■oureiy packed and boxed without extra • arife, I'. O l> and mail orders receive .rnnipt attention. Grandfather's choice 3 tr old, $2.09 gallon. Try us. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL m Consult the Old Reliable " " mmm DR.LOBB .TJ9 N. FIFTEENTH NT., P1111.A., "A. Thirty years' i ntlnuous practice In the rurc of all dl u «*an«-s of men and wonw n No mutter from whut rauNt* or bow lon* Hfumhntf. I will guarantee, a cur*. 192 Page Uiotb-bouud iiook cecal' lj auti mailed They Have Been There! R-FEJ The above cut represents the ladies as they come from MILLER'S Shoe Store. They found things just as advertised and bought freely. This is what induced them to buy Ladies fuu Kid Oxfords I'at. Tip 88c. Ladies fine Tanned Oxfords 75 t: - Ladies fine Kid Mutton Shoes Pat Hp at 88c. Ladies one Vice Kid Lace Shoes, all styles $1.25. Ladies good drain Shoes at 88c. Hoys Si hool Shoes .it 75c worth sl. Have you seen our Men's Shoes, We are offering some great bargains in Men's fine Hurt Shoes Congress or Lace, Tip or Plain toe, at $ 1. M ens good Working shoes at 98c. Infants shoes in Tan or Hlack, at 25c. When you get ready to buy your Spring Shoes, Come in and see us, We Will Save You Money. The New Shoe Store. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Hutler, Pa W HA I ! WLL DO. TIS NATURE'S OWN TOXIC Rtimt'late3 the nppetito nad pro duoes refreshing sleep. Gi'-ES VITAL STRENGTH TO KUr.SINo MOTHERS. Lrf-' Checks wnstin K d-senses. sror- B nifcht sweats, cures incipient ' <BU - consumption. C Increases strcut,.h and fle3h. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, y Promoter hcaltiiy lucg tissue. ■Willfrivo thf- pr.i and puny tho rosy cheeks o . youth. CURES ALT. FE? ALT' COICPL.UWTS. Mako3 strong ru nil womonof weaklings. ■LMOBFS IRGf! TdO PiLLS Cure c" '/asting Diseases and sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic norcnustic and ■ no coagulating effort on tho contents • > tl.c- ntcinach or its lining consequently ■lo! liurt tlie teeth or cause constipation iarrhoea. as do the usual forma of Iron ), : treatmont 50c, pamphlot free. If uot ' >pt by your -Iruggist, address I OILMORE & CO., Cir CINNATI o. W 1 srve Berries ' ,ave done for others VIGOR \ Qp ISTIi DAY. WIEN Easily, Quickly -Thhrm'* j and Permanently Restored, SOTUDAT: A positive cure for all Weaknesses, 1 Nervousness, Debility, and all their : trainof evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops I andgivestone an I strength to thesex i ualorgans. Stops unnatural losses or j nightly emissions caused by youthful | errorsorexcessive u eof tobacco,opium j and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, S' .00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment,ss.oo. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address maii orders to AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0. i WEAR HAMMERSLOUGH BRO'S Famous Ke» York, tailor-mile CLOTHING' For sale by prominent dealers all over the State. None genuine without Hammerslough llro's lab 1. The swellest and best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask yuur clothier for them. « eii.ES 'J SVMENT *i\ »*!•.«• ' »«- ' h; "* »"•} SR»-JJ !1..v • r , . I.Mb r<% ... •' »*'"ic und hi W . BUTLER LUMBER COMPANY Shippers and dealera in Hnildin iVI atorials Rough and a reused LumHor of all kinds, Doors and Windows, and Moulding of nil kinds. H E. WICK, Manager Oflico itud Yurd.i, «At ( uniiinuhuiii an<l loirofiilrwli. Thecdore Swain. (IKN ERA b HKICK .FORHER. Chimneys, Gran* and Boiler Hetlirig. Cistern Building aud eewcr Work a Specialty HARMONY PA. OWCRO Valley Poultry Yards. J'rize winning Dull Leghorn* (Arnold's), Burred Plymouth Roik» (H»»kinVt «nd Indian (Jutim cockerels for «alo cheap tor qmlity of stock Ktrg>< *1 per 16, $1 50 per 28. i 4 per 100. C. W. HABBII»OTfiS. Harford Milk Cort Co., N. V. ~LTS. MCJUNKIN Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 17 KAHT JEFFEBHON HT. UUTLKIt. - I'A.j 122 S. Main ( ) 122 S. Main Strec , ) D. T. PAPE'S.} stree , THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT to BUY. Our display is far ahead of all previous years in Style and Ilea.i ty. and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, aiul the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s Mourning Goods a Specialty. rt |^ Seven Questions AND Answer s:== First: \\ hy is Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey so popu lar ? Because its pure, that's sure. Second: Why do the best physicians in the country recom mend Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey as a stim ulant ? Because it is reliable and they can depend upon it Third: Why do hotels and the leading druggists and dealers give you Silver Age Kye when you ask for "some of the best ?" Because they know it is the leading whiskey o the country. Fourth: Why do dealers prefer selling Silver Age Rye in preference to other brands ? Because they know it is the best and they can sell more of it than any other kind. Fifth: Why do the public call for Silver Age Rye ? Because every bottle contains a full staudai.! quart and that its purity is guaranteed. Sixth: Why should you look at the cap,ct>rk . nd label of each bottle of Silver Age Rye ? Because the signature of Max Klein appears on each and prevents impositions and counterfeiting. Seventh: What are the qualities of Silver Age Rye? Absolute purity, age, mellowness, boquct and flavor. It is carefully distilled from selected yrain and remains in heated storage until it is at least 8 years old, and when bottled represents the HIGH EST TYPE OF EXCELLENCE in a Key Whiskey. Send for complete catalogue containing testi monials of the highest repute to Max Klein, Distiller and Importer 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa. Jewelry-Silverware--Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe . cut by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Mai.-. St., Duffy Block > Electric Bell and (dock. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NFWS FOR OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, tk twenty-page Journal. i* tin- leading Republican family paper of the United States. It h « NATIONAL, FAMILY PAPER, and give* all the general new* I nited State. Il give* the event* nf foreign land* in e nutaholl. It* TUBAL department ha* no *uperior in the country, ft* MARKET UEPORTO are rnenjtnixed authority. Separate department* lor THE FAMIIi YCIRCI.E OUR YOUNO FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS Its HOME AND SOCIETY column* command the admiration of wivea and dfHyhturf. it* general political new*, editorial* and di*cua*ioii* are compreh en*ive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enable* u* to offer thin splendid journal and • THE CITIZEN l"r ONE YEAR FOR ONLY if>l 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (Tlio regular subscription for the two paper* in $2 50.) BUBSCHH'TIONS MAY BKUIK AT ANY TIME. Addrens nil orders to - - - "THE CITIZEN Write your name nod address on a postal card, wind it to Geo. W. Heat Room 2, Tribune BnildiD*. New York City, and Bample copy of Tbe NEW YORK WELKLY TRIBUNE wil be mailed to you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers