Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 11, 1895, Image 3
THE CITIZEN" THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1895. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal notices are published in the Ctti zen at $1 per inch for first, and 50 cents for each succeeding insertion Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions, etc. are inserted at 5 cents a line,money to accompany the order. Kaading notices on local page 10 cents a line tor first and 5 cents a line for each ■obstruent insertion Notices among lo cal news items 15 cents a line for each in sertion . Half-inch professional cards with paper $5 a year. . Rates for commercial advertising qaoted upon application. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for oar eo doing, we are enabled to offer to all onr übscnuers who pay arrearages, (ifany) and one year in advance, and to ail new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this ofier see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Great Public Sale. I Cure U. Trotting Stallions. Bickei's shoe stores. Hasetton's Spring shoes. Ruff's tine footwear. Martincourt & Co's buggies, etc. Metropolitan Building and Saving A »o ciation. Enterprise Millinery Co. Chautauqua Nursery. Note—All advertisers intending to make changes ai meir ads. should notify n» of tueir i- to do eo, not later than jioiiiiHj looming. AiirniaiHiratorrt And Eidcntord ol eatfties can oecuie cnetr receipt books at the ClT gk» otbue LUUL AxNi) GtiiNiiiiAlj. —Oil was sl. 50 this morning. —Butler Presbytery meets in Butter, next Tuesday—l6th. Tne majority ot the country schools clos - .d last week and this. i*oe capital stock of the Plate Glass CoLubiLe io put at kQ unllioua. —Last Thursday was pension-voucher day, ana the County Clerk's office was lull all day. —A pair of gold-ri.utnoJ spectacles were dr> ou Jiia Si , iVoduesday. fioase return ti.ein to this office. —Jos. Rockeastein will have a public ■ale ol carriages, buggies, harness, etc., al hw store on N. Mam Si., on Tnarsday,May 2d. —Butler county will be punched so full of holes ihis Summer that you will have to be caretnl when out walking in the com. try. —The V» ater Co. is hunting for more leaks in us pipes under our paved streets. It's a mistake to have water and gas pipes under paved ctrects. —The people of Hilliards are making an effort to build a church there. The people there are good euougu now, bnt they want loiue place to go to on Sunday. —There never was a time in the history of Duller woen so many of its citizens had money to invest, aud now, il ever, is the time for the town to improve its water supply, and put in street cars. —Some of onr hotels are doing very Well, without license. The Waverly, for instance, has forty-two bed rooms for strangerr, and they are all, or nearly ail, occupied, every night. Butler's Main Sr. was crowded Sat urday alternoon. Fine weather and lots of business brought people to town. The Pittsburg papers noted that tho streets there were crowded. —Kre l Davy of Co purchased tbe interest of one of the Parkin brothel s in tbe meat market in Springdale some time »e<>, and tbe name ol the firm is now Parkin <fc Davy. —At tbe apper distillery in Freeport the Gackenheimers make whisky from rye, and at lower distillery from corn. The latter is branded Montrose, and the form er Guckenbeimer. The name of Gackeu heiiner is sacred to rye. —The Junior Young People's Christian Union of tbe U. P Cburch gave a very pleasing entertainment iu the lecture room Tuesday evening; and by it and the bazar of E i-ter novelties, cleared abont S2O lor the Union. —lt takes a bright boy to earn an bonnst penny. Some of the boys were first in the line at the sale of the Corbett seats, Friday evening. They bought from one to ten sea's at SI.OO each and sold thein at 12.00 each. The flowers were in fall bloom on the Easter tionfiaU, sweet strains of inu-tic hovered through tbe air, and the Ice-cream was splendid at Mrs Zimmerman's Easter open in z last Thursday evening. Tbe rooms were crowded and tho op iniug t very satisfactory success. —Butler looks bright and cheerful, and the streets are in Tar better condition than one would have supposed after soch a severe winter, bat oar paved streets. and particularly oar Main St., need a thorough cleaning, and if every body will pay a trifle. Brother Tucker will do a* a good Job. —A crowd of boy* and yoang men as sembled around the P. <t W. depot last Monday evening to see Corbett arrive, and come of the boys ran up street after his cairiage, and a crowd ot men and boys numbering perhaps half a thousand a«- •embled arouud the Lowry House to nee him take hi* carriage for the Opera House. What, a wonderful curiosity there is to see famous people. —People who think that Batler county is beefing itself at present will be surprised to learn that Artnonr it Co. of Chicago and Allegheny are sending about 10,000 pounds of dressed meat into tbi» county every week, Jos. Parkin is the agent of the firm for this county, and every few days .» refrigerator car full of dressed meat arrives at the West Penn depot for bim; and hu stays there and sells it from the oar 10 our local butchers. —The Allegheny Presbytery met in the Arch Bt. oh ll run in Allegheny, Tuesday. The Committee on the Bakerstown daac ing rase reported that the session had tieen too severe, and said that while lascivious dancing has been repeatedly condemned by the Gnneral assembly, the deliverances of the assembly in regard to worldly amusements have been didactic rather than judicial. Of social dancing the as sembly in 1809 said: "It is not so much a matter of right and wrong as of con science and duty." --Peter Schenok was the lowest bidder on the Mitflin St. School-building, and received the contract for same. His bid was $24,848, and this with heating and other apparattis will make the entire cost • bout $28,000. The other bids were as follows.— George Schenck, Hutler $-<5 7.'!5 J. C. Null <t Co , Youngstown.... .27 934 Kennedy, Hamilton <t Co 27 945 I/. V. Canter, Butler. 28 000 Wen'z <k Co., Canal Dover. 0 28 890 Ed Wetgaod. Butler „9 990 H. >V. VoniiL'. Batler 29 870 y Kiucher, Butler 30 000 JficUo;«ou it Co., 8ut1er...,, ,yy jjj LEGAL NEWS. NOTES. Judge Ewing.of Uniontown,Fayette Co., this Maw, created quite a sensation in his court the other dav bv stating that under the Brooks law a saloon keeper or hotM proprietor has no right to take a drink of liqior. This has led the members of his Bar to study the Brooks law very closely. A curious case was on trial this week in Pittsburg. Some years ago the Cnemical Company, of Natrona, began smelting certain ores brought to the works, and extracting metal.-, copper, gold, etc., from them. Tbis process generated deadly gases, which, escaping by the flues and stacks, killed ail the trees, shrubs and grass in the neighberhood; and the farmers are suing the company for damages. In the case of the Philadelphia Company vs the txirougb of Freeport, toe State su preme Court, decided that the company has no right to lay its pipes through the t «wn. The United States Sup-eme Court knocked some holes in the Income Tax iaw. A majority of tha Court decid-d tnat incomes from rents and national, state and county bonds, art* exempt, and the balance of the law will stand. One of the Judges is sick, and the other eight are equally divided Ki/zia Allen hss brought suit against Clarence Dindiuger. of Zeiienople, for damages for the use ot an a:l''ge'l illegal flue, and figures the damages at $2410. Letters of administration were granted to Laura A. Richardson on estate of Chris topher A. Maiers; also to M. A. McCand lese on estate of Elizabeth Chambers, ot Venango twp. The will of Andrew D. Jamison, of Worth twp, was probated and letters granted to bam'l B. McCleary, also will ol vVUliatn Doutbeit, of Forward twp., and letters to Geo. Martin; also will of Anna Cooper, ot Ceutrevilie, and letters to J. M Lawrence; also will ol Daniel Andre, ot Fairview twp, and letters to W J. Andre; also will of Sophia Redd, of Muierstown, and letters to »V . E. Kedd. ±t tho election in Mars, Tuesday, twenty seven officers were elected. S. A. Ken nedy was elected Burgess; Pre* Duncan Justice of the Peace; Jobn Davidson. Tax Collector; Jos. Borland, Assessor; Robert McEihaney, Constable; etc. Six Council meu and six School Directors were elected LATE PROPEKTV TRASSKERS. Bridget Fitzummona et al u> Mury M Christley lot iu Butler for $2,000. J Miles Green to Jos. A. Green 120 acres in Penn for $3,600. L. C. Wick to Wni \Valker lot in Butler for $1,750 Cain /iiegler to Ira StaufFer lot in Har rnoii) for S9OO. Thos Bradford et al to E F Boyer 215 acre- in Lancaster for $7,000. Win Anderson to Andrew Fehl 20 acres in' Colinoq. lor $2 100 L P Haziett to it. Zukhaun 37 acres in iickim lor SJ,OOO J K Keily to L D Kelly lot in liutier for $l,lOO. J M Greer et al to J L Hawk 50 acres in Fairview lor SOSO. W U ilay to Ferd Winner lot in Evans burg for $2,800. W W Davis to Geo Yeusel lot in Butler for SBOO. T N Gatiagan to M J Starr lot in Butler for $l,lOO J no Kennedy to G H Basnecker 63 acres in Adams for $4 000. Anna L Ferrero to Wm Walker lot in Butfer fw $2,(K25. E W Kirk to Susan Graham lot in But ler for $1,200. Eileu MoSuane to J L Colbert lot it But ler tor $1,700. I C Breaden to F P McCarrier 26 acres in Clav for $650. Franklin Miller to J G Peters lot in Bat ler for $4,500. S H Gumpper to Jno Fleming 31 acres in Donegal for $625 RC Yates to Caroline Lefevre lot in Zeiienople for $1,250. S J Moyer to S E Baker 23 acres in Jackson tor $936 Marg. Thompson to 8 J Thompson 50 acres iu Clay for <IBOO ft J Thompson to Cah <fc W J Thompson 10 acres each in Centre for $311,46 each. Marriage Licenses. Thomas E. Stewart ...Butler Pa Clara Schontz Harmony James Kaufman............. Euclid Lizzie Cranmer.... Clay twp Albert A Kirschler Ogle Amanda Goehring ...Brush Cree* J. A Jaekson Oakland Laviua McKissick Centre twp David Andre ..Clay twp Nanna Heiirick ....Centre " Tbomas I kenberg ....Valencia Lizzie Harbison ...McFann W m MuKibben.......... ...... A spin wall Sadie Riddle Clinton twp Mac A. Roy Cecil, P« Zella McMichael Millerstowu —J. P. McMulien has purchased an in terei<» in the Grove grocery, which will herxalier sail along beautifully under the firm name cf Grove Jc McMullen. Champion of the World, James J Cor bett an his Dramatic Company, under the anspiues of the Msrkbam Hook and Lad der Co., came to Butler Monday, and tho largest house of the season greeted him Before the doors were opened every seat on the board had been sold. Tne P. <fc W R. R. ran ipucial traius north aud soutu after the show, aud the Markhatn's adde'' considerable money to tb'-ir bank account Mr. Corbett is a rather youug, refined looking man, about the last man in the world one would take to be a pngnlist The performance gave outire satisfaction to the large audience. Pr'iciie ls amounted to sbout SIOOO. Job Work. If you want Posters, If you want Circulars, If you want Sale Bills, If you want Envelopes, If you want Bill Heads, If you want Price Lists, If yon want Statements, If you want Note Heads, If you want Show Cards, If you want Letter Heads, If yon want Address Cards, If you want Business Cards, If you want Invitation Cards, If you want any kind of Printing dona call at the CITIZEN office, Everv person seenis to foe pleased with Mormon's Cough Syrup. The ! demand is increasing very fast. Aak your Druggist lor it. Storm Serges and French Series, Honrittias, Novelty Dress Goods and Fancy Slk-» in greatest variety and at lowest prices at. I. RTKIN /FE SON'S goods, and give you prices to please you, no other clothier in Batler can We sell Table Linens, Napkin*, Towels, Crashes and all kinds of white (roods at very low prices at L STEIN A SON'S. —A Business Education Free, if you buy your dry goods atDavenny's Ask about ft The Latest Is Marvin's Trilby Cake Ask your grocer for » pound. It is delicious. School hats at I'Al'C's. —Fittest novelties in dress goodß at DAVKNNY'S —An honest dollar's worth of goods for an honest dollar, is Bur. ton The Olotnier's motto. Wo display over 100 new and pretty pattern hats and bonnets at PAI-E'S. Fine and heavy all-wool Serge 4f> ■ inches wide, all colors at 50 cents a | yart'—a big bargain— at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Genuine Lancaster Ginghams 5c at DAVBNNY'S Stylish sailor hats, many colors at i I'Ai't's. PERSONAL. Chai Geible Sr., is seriously ill. 0. M. Patterson of Billiards, was in But ler, Thursday. Capt. Ayres is still confined to hU home by bronchitis. Matbew Thrower, of near Saxonburg, was in town yesterday. Leslie Hazlett is now occupying hi* house at 430 Xortn MeKeau street. J F. T. Stehie has been on the sick list for sometime. He is suffering from grippe Will M. Sullivan of Allegheny is spend ing the week with friends here. D. P. Bongs ol Harmony ha* moved to 61 Buena Vista St., Allegheny W. G. Findley returned last Friday,from a business trip to Ohio. W Fowler Campbell and Sick Pontions of Fairview twp, were in town, Monday. W. B. Dodds of Muddy Creek twp, at tended the appeals, Friday. Oscar Pond has moved to Batler, and is Imiig a' 348 X. McKeau St. Drs. Bippns and English of Allegheny came to Batler, Tuesday to see John Bip pu-, wno is seriously 11. Jackson Evans, one ofj the oldest and most respected citizens of Forward twp. is seriously ill, W. B. Shrader ha» moved to Bntler from Sew Wilmington, and is living on Monroe St. Dr. Davis of Sarvers Station, is attend ing Dr. Scott's patients, while Scott is a way Frank Jones will leave for Austin, Tex »■>, Monday. lie nas signed wita the Aus tin club, ol the Texas League. Prof. Ru-seli of W. Sunbury, and Jobn Qurris of Frat:klin twp, were iu towu,M- u lay. Mr. S. C. of Clay twp, E C Shi* a of Parker and Jacob Damuacb ot Z lienople, were in town on business, Monday. John Hetsilgessar of Leasureville was in town, Monday. He is now in bis 79th year, and is remarkably strong and active tor a man of that age. John Horner returned home, Saturday. He was i Ut iu Ohio, attending the funeral ol his mother, wno died last week, at the age ol 80 years. Prof. McLaughlin is now living with his sister. Mrs MoCiafferty, on E. Jefferson St. John has not had the best of health daring the past winter. J. P. Young has sold his interest in the Merchant Tailoring store to m» brother, J. S. Toung. J P. is operating, and pre term out-door work. G. A. Cypher returned from Austin Texas last week. Wnen he left there two weeks ago, the corn was up aud growing I'hey bail out one very cold day there lasi winter. George brought home and bas in ins store, specimens ut the tarantula auu scorpion, and also a necktie made ol toe skin of a rattier. W. B. Dodds and Kobt Glenn of Muddy creek, and L. S. Larsin and Ed. W ester man, of Clinton twp. were in town on ousiness, Friday. William Lardiu of Clin ton twp, father of L. S , is now in his 88tn year, and is perhaps the most remarkably active and rigorous man of his age in the county. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fowler, of Watters .Station, Butler county, were visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Grant, Monday. Mr. Fowler's sister, Annie, died at Pittsburg, Friday, from Brigbt's dis ease, aud was buried at Parker, Sunday. She was a daughter of William Fowler, and a niece ol the late George Fowler, of Six Points rthe was aged 36 years. — Ktuletou Xexcs. Mri. Sarah Sloan arrived home, Tues day evening, from an extensive Western trip, which greatly improved her health. 150 far as railroad lare in concerned one c m travel agreat ilmtance for a comparatively ruiall sum ol money Mrs. Sloan bought a ticket in Chicago that took her to Lis Angeles, Cal via the Southern Pacific; from there to San Francisco, Portland. Seattle, Vancouver, back to San Francisco by steamer, Salt Lake City. Denver, and back to Cnioago, via the Union Pacific all lor $lO5. Mr. J. E. Chad wick, toner lor the But ler Music Go., will arrive in Butler, April 10th, and remain two weeks. Mr. Chad wick stands at the head of his profession, and all bis work is guaranteed by the But ler Music Co. On account ol the burning of the steam er Iron Queen, I have changed the date ol aiv excursion, to Wednesday, Mai Ist. This trip of one week i* filled with plea sore, rest and a thousand miles of sight seeing A minister who has traveled ex tensively writes of this trip that in all bis voyages the scenery ol the upper Onio river has not been excelled. A hand ol masic accompanies this excursion, and dull care is banished from the boat The round trip from Hutler Pa., including good board, costs yon but $13.70. Call on, or write to Mrs. S. C. Core, Butler M u-ic Co. Butler Pa WARNING. To BB'TLEFT COUNTY O'L FOLKS ANI> ALL OTUETTS Be .wise in your prosperity and save some ol your gains by invest ing in tbe es'ablinhed and reliable Metropolitan Loan and Savings As sociation Send, or call for circular. If desired we will sead an agent to see you. Investigate our Prepaid Investment stock VVe want good and trust worthy inen as agents, such men will be dealt with lairly and equitably. Call on or address. N T. Weser, District Manager, Office 110 W. Jefferson St. Butler P. Our grand opening April 11-12 13. Come and see us, PAPE'B. New Percales, Ducks, Court Royal Pique, Seersuckers, Ginghams and all kinds of wash goods at L. STETN A SON'S —New Store, New Stock and low prices, at T. 11. Barton's, Tne Oae- I'rice Clothier. Barton's Clothing and Furnish ings, are tbe best in town for tbe money. Come and sek the Czarina rings at PAPE BHO'S Latest in trimmed and untrimmed hats flowers, feathers, ribbons and novelties at PAPH'S —We do not want the earth, but we do want a fair share of the pa tronage of Butler and vicinity.— BURTON, The Clothier. —lnfants Wool Hose 5 cts per pair at Davenny's. lox4 blankets 60c at DAVENNY'S See our line of New Spring Capes —the assortment is large and the styles and prices are rifirht L. STEIN & SON. The Greal Success Which has attended oar efforts dur ing tbe past 2 years enables us to add the Third New Addition to our es tablishment. In this new addition we will seat 150 milliners and hope to bo able to accommodate everybody and our as tonishing low prices will brintc words of surprise to the lips of customers and dealers In No. 31 you can buy tbe latest style trimmed bat for as low as 50c, in No. 33 from $3 to $lO and in tbe New Addition from s•> to SIOO Trimmed hats sold wholesale and retail. Milliners will find it more profita ble to buy their trimmed hats from us us we will furnish them cheaper than they could possibly think of trimming them. Spring Opening, tbis week ENTEUPIUSE M-LLIHBUY, 31 and 33 Federal St. Ahetfbeuy, Ptt ( Accidents. Adaaj Hoffner and Jac. Faller are both nursing sore feet. Adam stepped on a sharp pointed nail, and Jac. let a plank fall on his foot. While Samuel Henrickson of Concord twp, was driving a team owned by Wm. Starr, last Friday, tbe team frightened and 'ran off. Henrickson's leg was caught in a wheel and badly sprained. He will be his home for some time. Ex commissioner Jos. Kiskaddon was kicked on the leg by a torse, last Friday evening, and is now u -ing crutches. Thb horse that kicked him was one of the most quiet in the stable, and had never before lifted a foot Jos.'l- gwas badly bruised by the kick, and had his weight been upon it, toe bone would probably have been broken. • John Balsiger had a shoulder broken, while pulling rods, in tbe Triutman field, last Saiurday. The elevator came loose and fell upon his sh ulder. Alvin L. Magill of Concord twp. had his foot badly cut at Cooperstown a few days ago. He went home, and the wound i* hraiiug nicely. Jno. George of Miilerstown was killed by a tall from a derrick, last Saturday. His skull was fractur#®. aud he died a few hours alter being hurt. Enoch Varnum of Centre twp, met with an accident. last Thursday, that may prove serious. He was hauling lath from G -orge's mill at the time, when the front wheel of his wagon struck a stump, aud slewed the wagon, and ilr. Vamam was thrown from it. He fell backwards upon his bead and shoulders, and was made unconscious for two hours Ho *»s carried hoire. and is doing well, but is yet confined to his home. An unconscious, and badly used up man, was found lying between the tracks ot ihe West Penn, near Sligo, a few miles below Freeport, last Satutday evening. He was taken to the West Penu hospital, where it was found that his skull was fractured and his lelt side crushed. The doctors raiaeo tbe fractured skull, and the man then be came conscious and said his name was De Voge or De Vauche, and that his mother aud two brothers lived in Batler. He could not tell how he got hurt, but it is supposed that he fell from a freight car. He was seen in Tareutum, that afternoon, wnere he was trying to sell some curious wood-w..rk enclosed in a bottle. He sold it; and when he was found be had a pint oottle, nearly tall, in his hip pocket and an itber nearly empty in his breast pocket. II yon kuow of anybody of his name liv ing iu Batler report the fact to the police or constable, for they cannot find the mail's folks. A very narrow escape from instantan-ou* death was experienced by Uirain Gross inau, of near town, yesterday morning tie, in company with Frank Cooper and John McConnell, were felling trees on the Hemphill farm, south of town. Grossman wat standing watching the butt ol a tailing tree when a large limb broke from tbe trunk by coming in contact with other trees, and bad not Cooper shouted to bini. N.i would have been struck directly on tne heid, which woald have been mstanta ii9<>us death. On seeing his danger, Gross uiau threw himself 10 the ground, bnt he W»H struck a painful blow on the back, nml knocked senseless. Medical aid was hastily summoned, bot no broken bones w.ire found If there are no internal in juries, the injured man will soou be out again. At present writing be is resting quietly, with good prospects ol a speed} recovery.—SlipperyrocK Signal On Every Tongue. Seventy-seven is on every tongue Eith er the pleasant pellets themselves, or their praise*; aud no wonder f>r "77'' has saved more lives, prevented more suffering aud sickness, afforded iu<>re con fort and safety th<iu all otf-er remedies combined. With Dr. Humphrey's "77" as a Protector you can lirave Ihe wind aud stoma, the slush and dampness, aud, if lairly robust, even ola Humidity himself, which is said by the ilt>cior< to bo the greatest Grippe producer Experience shows that all persons are not e<|uai'> susceptible to medicine. Many aie lie eliied from the lirsf, none of "77" anil Grippe pa-ses ..If with little or no in convenience Other oas-11 might oe term t-tl stubborn,and do not yield until paruap* the second or even the third daf. The .:ort! is then spontaneous, the cumulative eff.-ct of the medicine H fall all at once lu either c«se 'tie cure is purled; y >u are »ure not to oe lell sull-iriug Irom alter ef lects, wi'ich have oeeu aud are the curse of Grippe. New Manual Free. Our grand April 11 12 13. Come aud uee us, PAPE'B. —l2O 8. Main St, in T. 11. Bur ton's Clothing Store, Go see his goods aud get bis prices. Great bargains in Lace Curtains, Laces and Embroideries at L. Stein & Son's. Always use J. A. Richey's Congb Drops They are the boßt. Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wantiug in fiuisn, tone or a correct likeness Take your children to Zuver'B Gallery tor Pictures that will iuit von. Postoffice ouilding Fine Donaett flannels, 5c at DAVENNY'S. See the latest in rings, the Czarina at PAPE'S. Our gr.iod opeii'ig Vi>*i! 11 12- 1 -<• Come and see us, PAPK'H Send your children to Davenny's to get Dry Goods and get a college education frre. Ask ar>out it. dee our line of Kaiki Silks, Pon gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silks for wasits from 3f> ceuts a yard up L. Steiu At Son. —Fresh cut Flo .vers of all kinds, always on band at the City Bakery. A good umberella lor 75c at DAVENNY'S. Come and see stylish hats and bon nets at PAI'E'S. Boardingliouse Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen, for sale at CITIZEN office Largest assortment of new Silks aud Dress Goods at lowest prices ever known at L. Steiu A Sou's Mr J ones—Where did you get that bat? virs. Smith—At Davenny's of course, they have the best millinery in town, try them. Elegunt Easter millinery at PAI*E'S —Get some of lleineman's 5c pa per, Saturday and Monday The finest line ol Mourniug bats and bouncis in Butler at PAPI'H. No Wonder the man Swore When he ate a c-acker at supper and didn't like it. He wanted Marvin's bnt the grocer bad told bis wife the other kind was just as Kood. Cearina rin<s just new at PAPE BHO'H —Jno. A. Richey will furnish pure Spring Water Ice to everybody next Summer at wholesale or retail. Beautifa! pat'.ern bats at PAPE'S. Buy your dr. 7 goods at Daven -1 ny'M and got a scholarship for the Butler Business College and School 1 1 yf SlMrtWmi five. Art tftwut ir. Church Notes. At the Bapti-t Church. Mifflin St., next Sunday morning. Rev. Collins will preaeh an Easter sermon, an«( the evening ser vices will consist of a special song service including solos, duetts, qaartetts, etc , all are invited. Communion services will be held by the Grace Lutheran Charch on Easter Sunday, at 11 A. il Preparatory service on Friday (Good Friday) eVeuiuir Services in W. C. T. U. Uall on West Jefferson Street. Strangers welcome. Communion services will bo held ia the United Presbyteri in Charch next Sabbath Several ministers of different denomina tions, and others, havj un'ted in a call for a convention at Greenville on April 30 and May 1, "in the interest of the Load's day " Rev- E M Wood will preach ia the Methodist Charch next Sunday morning an Easter sermon on "The Keys of Death' and in the evening on "Tne Mechanic and R's Profession, or the Modern Troubles of the Laboring Uan." Rev. Morgan Wood of Detroit will deliv er a lecture in Butler under the auspices of the Epworth League of the Methodist Church, April 23d. lie is without doubt the most popular preacher and platform orator for his age in the L'nited States. He has a magnificent voice and often speaks to not less ttian four thousand people. Re member the date, Tuesday evening. The subject will be "Manhood Triumphant." Boyd's B=st Beverage. The handsome, new Soda-Fountain pur chased by C. X. Boyd a few weeks ago, arid of which we luadt mention at tne time, is now in operation, aud, Irom per sonal knowledge we know, is dispensing Soda Water that cannot be surpassed. Mr. Boyd purchased it through Mr C W. Thomas, of Philadelphia, who repre sents the manufacturer J W. Tufia. td Boston. It is built of tines'. Mexican Onyx and is complete in every detail. lie uses fruit-juices of his own manufacture, made Iroin the natural fruit; and filters all his water. Nothing but tne best is served in every department. He also has all the popular mineral waters. W. P. Welshotis, Ph G , a recent grad uate of the Pittsburg college of Pharmacy, and who has been *ttfi Mr Boyd for over seven years, is again behind the counter. Howard A Marshall, Ph. G , of Pitts burg, also a graduate ol the same college, with an experience ot over e ght years, is with him. Simeon Nixon, the junior clerk, has been with Mr. boyd over a year, anu has proven to be very efficient Mr has had an experience of over 2u > ears in the drug business, aud gives his personal attention to ms rapidly increasing business. Be is the present Vice Presi dent ol the Pennsylvania Pharmacenticai Association, and one ol the leading phar macists of the stale, lie makes aspeci*li) ol the Prescription business, and noising short of the best is dispensed at his store. Kecent improvements iu his store room have added to its uppu.irauce and conveu tence. Mr. Bo>d purposes having a formal opening ot the fountain on the Saturday preueeding Eister. I'ne foitucaiu ia beautiful iu de.sigu. ami palms aud flowers will add to its attrac tiveness Don't forget the date. .Saturday ul this week. Home made candies, taffies, ear mci», and etc., now on baud at tbe City Bakery. Evening and opera haU at PAPE'B. Wait for tbe corning event of the season. Tbe opening of the milli nery department of The Peoples' Store. April 9. 10, and 11. We have engaged one ol tbe moft highly rec ommended trimmers to be had iu New York Citv, a id with b>sr assiHt euce have se ected one of tbe largest and most beautiful stocki of goode ever brought to Butler H. W Koonce, propr. 1000 untrimmed hats.cpendid shap es. ai I'APES. —Job work oi all kind done at tbe OtTIZKN OreiOK i X 17. Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates and Charter* Framed to Oruer at 3w9 S Main St , Bu ler Pa FERD FGIUEL, Prop'r AMY bKU'S, CoBNKK VIAt.N & VllFFo'N UUTLKU. K.NM'A Dealers in tin# and second OauU boiisebold goods o) every deacripttou Call and s?e us -S r n can SAVM you money —No matter bow hard the mm— the oue thing yoa cannot afford to go without ia all tbe newn It you waut all the news you get it iu the Pute nurg Dispatch. I'oe Dixpatoh.pun ishes! all—not. a part only MUSJC. Music scholars wanted. Lesson* will be given either at tbe home ol tbe teacher or at the home of the scholar inquire at 124 vV. Wayne St. But'er Pa. Not al all Surprising That pe >ple waut Marvin's Kagle Butters They arc so crisp and dili oate You should postpone all purchases of Vlillinory goods uutil the People's Store has opened out its newest styla* aud latest novelties all new goods, —Try, T A Morrison's home made Carmels. —-A full line of home made candies at tbe City Bakery. Fine canon flannels 5 cents st DA VKNNY'B. Plain and fancy Black Ureas Goods in all qualities at barirain prices at L STEIN A SON'S. —You pay for school-books; but the best school-book for your children is your daily puper. Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with tbe news and best in presenting it, the I'ittsburg Dinpatch fills the bill I Of I For pure spring water ice— -11/ L ) Leave your orders a Richev's Bakery Daily Delivery lifting In Wo take pleasure in an- Wflßl IS swering this question. II IlUt IU K ,„wing it to be what I/Uinp H' 1 Very lamily wants, a I KK 11 remedy they can use a' any tune in all safety,and one that will relieve pain intornal or ur ternul sooner than any other known rem eny. We insist in ease- ol bad Sprain, Bruise, Choler*-Morbus Pain in the Htom »cb. Toolhach" At , ilia you use this remedy Nice eh an and pleasant to usy. Kohl by I>ruggi«ts, price 2D&soc Pur, up l>y— -1 WED CO, Butler Pa. ■< rlp'l'i'i WMits B rtin'-i'liiHs for Mil* <-jin munlty for *trlrMy v. '>rk. *-lior* hour*. <)o,n| pity. MlniHh-r. N-aclier. or wlde-awnku iii in or woieu giv*n nifim*nce. AdMnw. Ht»t - »k mi l fom-r emplo»m;*i'l. 'Jlooc IJiWr ?sr\MvrntyA) rf\. I'ir.hrrr fa. County Improvements. L. X. Barry ia building a larpe -• re house in Evans City: .several new n- - deacea are goicg up there, am! a new boarding house will be built this summer. CentreviUe is bavin? a h-: Mine '>< im, • note of which in made in another place. Mars is building np rabidly, aiM ! • - are selling like hot cakes, ftanrael Grow®, E-q. had another plot ol i<it? lnl.l .it ! i«t w<-ek. The sapplj' of r«-i>lence- falh !ar short of the demand. A man lacelv trird to rent two rooms there, conld n>t liad them, and had to buy a lot and buil 1. A LARUE CONCERN. Martiocourt Jl Cl> have been ; n t'te 1> J- - ue-s so long aud have conducl-d tbf r business in such a manner tQat a cust< . ler cace is a customer always. They don't lose their trado beciQ-e everybody is sitis fied They never misrepcoseut or try to set rich off one customer They tinder staud how to buy, what to bay anil wh»*r to bay. Tuny pay spot case I reverj • limr. Tbey buj which gives the-n t> • pri and enable* ti.ein to retell ir •!< it iv sale prices. They tell you plainly what the quality is and guaran'ee it jus* as th-y repre-ent it. You know just * nut you are buying. It is they who have brought down the price in everything they handle ti'l everybody is astonished They are not afraid of work and nuv- Mp -vi-rv body, rich and d >ur alike. Tu-y .re ti,e largest wholesale and retail dealers iu their liue in ine State and have been (or year and this year have thousands and thous ands of dollars nmre invested in their busi ness than ever, fDey c. inline themselves exclusively to everything belonging to a driving or team outfit, Buiigies and Wag ons aud everything pertaining thereto They manufacture all kinds of harness both hand and machine made and all p <rts ol harness. anQ keep whips, lap dusters, harness oil, axle grease, huegy tops and cu-hions, wheels, robes and b a.iki-ts. No difference what you want about your h'>r>e or vehicle come to as. Talk übout floor space they have thousands of feet mt.re floor space than any one in the same busi ness in the county. If you have riot l<een th -re. ask your neigiibor.be i,*> and h a i : 'ell you it is th" place to bu_\ . Call in, We.. • an - to get acquainted with" you. j m ?*i?hner rl, Martincourt & Co. 128 E. Jt ff «r ou St , Butler, Pa. P S—We have also added a large.com plt>te line of line and cheap trunks. Great Public SALE <. arriages, Buggies and Harness, On- the premises of the undersign ed, Tli u rsdav MAY 2nd, '95, A large lot ofSurries, Phaetons Top Buggies, Spring Wagons, Runabout Wagons, Wagons and a number of light vehicles. All new and of reliable manufacture, 15 Double Sets TIAM HARNESS, Medium and Heavy Grade, my own work. * 50 Sets Single BUGGY HARK ESS, All styles. Also Coupes, lixpress and Single Wagon Harness, Lap Robes in Fur, Wool and Plush Horse Blankets; Summer Lap Dusters and Mats;' Fly Nets, Col lars, Check Lines, Halters, Hous ings .Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, Whips, Collar Sweats, Trunks, Traveling Bags. Riding Saddles and Bridles &c. Terms on Five Dollars or less, Cash. On all amounts over $5, one years time with approved se curity or 5 per cent off for cash. JOS. ROCKEMSTGIN. 146 North Mam St., - - Butler, Pa Don't forget the day and place. It will pay you to take a da}' oil to attend this sale. J. R. Karns, Auctioneer. B. TV A . . Difference, Aod a bi< difference in your cnh a count if the yearly liuyi'ig has lieeri done judiciously —we doo'i presume to dictate—will 'inly eiig investigation and coniparia jn of our methods, good* and prices with best you can do elsewhere Seud for samples of the following few, which will ifive au tdei of the maDy. DRESS fIOOBS and UITING VALUES of knowu and tried worth. The newest, most stylish and host of 1895 Season: NEW COVERT TWEEDS Medium and dark shades —lo dif ferent colorings—just the (roods for handsome Tailor-made euits, 18 inches wide, 750 a yard Great variety in Ne„v and "hoice Suit ngs —American made, irre gnlar eheck-t. thread a b nit < hecks, neat mixtures —lo different lines, I to 8 color combinations in each line—at least <>s different styles— all wool, and silk and wool—'all yard wide, 3'i inches, 35c a yard 24-inch all Wool Bluck, Naw and Drab Moreen, 24 inches wide. 35 cents. All wool Imported Black Moreen 24-inches wide. 'i-Oc a yard 38-inch Imported Black and Drab Wool Moreen, 50c a yard. CREPON POPULARITY Not even on the wane, and surpas sing anything yet shown this sea son are these ''latest from Paris" Black Crepons at prices— sl, 1.25, 1-50, to 2 50 a yard. SUITING CREPONS YJediuiu weight, in the new Jfi'- telasse weave —•> different color mixtures—4o inchos wide, 75c a yard- BLACK CREPONS 45c to $3 50 Give a wide and choice r for selection. A Mail Order Department ready to serve your slightest order. Come, or write us, intima tion of (foodfl desired ->aiii|#les and Catalogue sent Free Booo'S 811111, ALLEGHENY. PA Ghaotaoqua Nursery Company. - OFFER Liberal Terms To Agents, Ui(s Indncumeot" t« <JuntinnrrH, High Grade Stock at Low Prices. Now HpecialtinH Bei-<l Potatnen, 4c. Men Wanted. tn Every Town, Bt*»dy Work. Pay Weekly, Addrew, //. U. WILLIAMS, Secy, Portland, .V. Y, A Suggestion. iT M;. ~T>-- _ Did it ever f>ccur to yoa that there ar> dr'.. ' drags—that drags ore like every thing else —ii ->re good, bid and indif terent There is u. * else which i positively bad if it is'nt ' f he best Our policy has always been Jo .. th ing hat the best. When you want drugs come to us and be :ired of fresh pure goods, and alway what yoa ask" for or'yoor prescription calls lor. It may not a!way be drtigs yon want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites. C. Re, BOYD. Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. LEGAL -VDVERTI SEMEN TS. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Butler Co., Pa . the undersigned administrator ol Frederick Sharp, dee'd, will offer fir - «le on the premises on SATURDAY APRIL 13th, Lh93. At one o'clock P. M , ail the following d»- scrioed real estate of said decedent: Situ ae in Buffalo township, Butler Co., Pa; bounded as follows to wit: Ou the north in mrids ot T .mas Parker, east by lands oi Hon. A. 1). Wler's heirs, south by lands of Joseph A Parker and west by lands of .losiah Painter—containing about 44 acres, and having erected thereon a small frame barn, log dwelliug house mostly clear d and small orchard thereon, aud located about 3 miles from Freeport Pa. TERMS OF SALK—Cash on confirmation of sale. W. II I'AUKER, Adiu'r., of Fredrick Sharp, dee'd McJdnkin A Galbreath Att'ys. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration with the will annexed, on the estate of John Young, late ot W infield iwp., Butler county, Pa., bav inbeen issued by the Register of said county, to me—all persons therefore know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make speedy payment, and .11 persons having claims agaii-st said es tate will please present them properly au tbeuticated f .r settlement lo Joim N. YOC.NO. Adm'r C.T. A. 01 John Youug, dee'd, Carbon Black, P. 0. Molt SKIS & GAIBBKATH, AtU's lor Estate. Administrators' Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of John W MeJunkin, dee'd, late of Clay t.wp., Butler county, Pa , having beeu g anted to the undersigned; all persons Knowing themselves indebted to said es aie will please make imm»diate payment. .id any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to John R. YlcJnukin t . , , Aunn Me.lunkiu, j' A<lm rs - Euclid. P. O. Ira McJunkin, Att'y. Butler Co , Pa. Executor's Notice. ESTATE <>h CHAHLRN UASLKTT. Notice is hereby given that letters testa uientary on the estate of Charles Haslett, late of the borough id" Butler, dec-ased. have been granted lo me the undersigned til persons knowing themselves indebt'ti to said estate will make payment to ine. >i id all pur-' ns having claims against said es ite will preseut the mijih to me for sel • ment ALICK W. HANLKTT, EXECUTRIX. H II GorciJKP., Attorney for Estate, Administrator's No'ice. Letters ot Administration C. T. A. hav llltr I'een gl .lilted to the Utllll l ~lgtled otl the • I tie of.lane Young, dee'd, late ol Con ,ord i»p , ail persons knotting themselves indeliled lo said i slate will please call arid s itle and an) having claims ugainst the' ine Ail) present them duly authenticated lor payment R 11. YOUBO, Jacksville, Pt. A. M Cl>h V hL! is, Atty. Admlnislra ors Notice. Letters of I'lminislral ion C. T. A. hat lit tr beep gr in'ed to t ie uud«rs igned oi Ihee-tateol William Bwrs, dee'd, late ol Concord twp, Butler Co, Pa. All per so; knowing themselves indebted to said estate, will please make immediate pay ment, anil any having claims against said estate will present them duly anthenti ca'ed for settlement to FRANCIS BVKR.S, Adm'r, Leota, Butler Co , Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estato ol John Conrad Shanor, dee'd, late of Whites town, Butler Co., Penn'a., having been gra ted to the undersigned, all persous k owi ig thein-e|ve indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and ati\ having claims against said estate will preseut. t beni duly an tbeuticated for settle ment to ' ALEX. STEWART, EX'b. Whitestown, Pa. W. I). BUAMDOH, Attorney. Administrator's Notice Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ot Williun Lutr, dee'd. late of Lancaster twp, Butler Co , Pa., all persons knowing them-elves indebted to said estate will please ni ike immediate payment, and any '..iving claims against iid es'ate will pre ».o,t ihum duly authenticated lor settle ment to J N'. KIRKER. Adm'r. Middle Lancaster P. 0. J B. MATES att'y Butler Co., Pa. Butler Pa. Trotting Stallions STORM BIRD <MS9- Record 2:35 al Years. •ire of Mildred half mile trial in l:0."i and ii i irtur iu :i2 econds a< a U-vesr-old Sire Lord Rns-ell ibrother to Maud S 1!:08|> -ire . f Kremitti 'J:0"i,II j-.• lor Kus<e|| and 10 others i •II - '"ii produeing daughter of (in n U> nil till Maul; d in ol 11 ill the li«', !)4C id Iter descendants are in the 2:30 list and hold- 28 of the World's i cords Will he found at the Butler Pair Grounds during the summer of in charge ol Win. 0. Weiale Pedigree on application. TBRMS to insure. BUFFALO BOY 3882. By Pocahontas Boy 2;' U. sire of Clay llontas 2:1 lj and others Irom '_M2j to 2:30 j Ii mi L nly S full inter I iStephen M 2:2HJ '•Vill IM found at his old home. Isle Pa lie has proven himself to he the best stock hors« lor carriage and road horses that is to he found in the county. TBRMS $lO to insure For farther in formation address. ALONZO McCASI>LK3R. I st,K, PA. J Every Woman £\,-, Somctimr# needs a rell i'a able liionthly [emulating 4 . medicine. AK H)r. PEAL'S ! i 'Eh NYROYAL PTLLS, Ar«» prompt, n*f»t nn'l mrtcin In 'H'i ifW* 1 ' • [jr. I ul'i •hi i t appoint. B#.it si.cli* MiudltUKCu , Llt/W IfUiU, Ijo | —»> ur bale by Chrysul Pharmacy, Schneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSS BROS', Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Fa. Now is the time to Purchase your Spring Clothing. o<;r prices for well mad* 1 , perfect fitting and stylish garments. are Within the Ke;ich of all Qr..-k -v. and small profits Is our motto. •<t it LEADER nils w «KK K'K MEN -All wool cheviot suits In Black and Blue at I ■ 00 in. - Milts cannot be made to be recalled at that price, but we purchased all the manufacturer n id. \N i' deride the profits «Ith you. AT AA °" r "THKTLY WATBRPROOF *IMTB. Means a sarins to youolMper cent as voa * I J I U.UU r ,rfHl UO Rt'HHKK GARMENTS to protect )ou frt>m the weather nl H HI Ys aud < lIILDKEN'S Ifc-partinent Is fairly termini; with noreltles. We can Clothe rour boy to >ult your purse. IALTHIS WEEK FOR BOYS.—Any Suit In the douse. 4 to 14 years-PlaiD Fancy Snits from SI,OO to $6,00. i 4 to i 9 years -Largest Assortment, Latest Style $3, to sio. I UO—DOZEN MOKE OF TBOSBJSC and W PANTS THIS WEEK J J I'sT RECEIVED.—SpeciaI Invoice of that popular IVrbr "The Bertram" which has been hav -1: i: -'ii h wonderful sale in the Eastern cities. Price. «i 75 <>NE DOI.LAR for the best fltMng white SHIRT made. It must nt or your monev back Ai.. article purchased of us which does not fully meet you expectations, oan be returned , your money will be cheerfully refunded. Shloss Bros, 'tyr- Schneidcman's Old Stand. OUR NEW Spring Clothing (for the price) in the history of the clothing trade. Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised. NO IROLBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta loons and Ch'cralls. If you have worn them, you need no further mtiint from us. if not ask to see them as they are the best cheap pants in the world. GRAND 4-4*4* CLEARANCE SALE OF 4- 4- + CLOTHING. PRIC£S OUT IN HALVES. 45 Men's Suits, price sio, now $5 2S Men's Suits, price $7,50 now $4. • 25 Men's Overcoats, price $lO, now $5. 23 Men's Overcoats, price sll, now $6. 30 Boy*;' Long Pants Suits, price $5, now $2,50. 35 Hoys' Long Pants Suits, price $7, now $4. Schawl 4 Nast, L»eudiri3 Cloth iera, 137 S-Main St-, Butler, Pa* v ▼ OEL ++REMEMBER THIS.++ IM .\ I v words in parting. Go to 111 SI: I. IO.XS for my Slior ; don't you go any otlicr pl.t'c; I have tried them and his ate the 1> I. recollect what I say. F >'M : ne M isses and Children's Tan Shoes, Fit for a King at II : in mom will ;he times. You don't need a fat pockct b< 'olv to ileal hei e. I 'hm> s will be especially popular this Spring. New Shades and Shape •. i So <• in M n's Roys oril Yonl'ts. excel anything ever It lin liutler. They are stylish and tine to suit the mc?t 1.1 ■. :.i-te.->. I'iices on these-75c — qoc—sl,oo—sl,2 3 —si,jO ■ s^,s0 —.tnd $3.00. —Don't fail to pay us a visit, we have I" way down and Q iality way up. #- L 3. (J, H Liselton, -# 10: V Main Street. FINE FOOTWEAR For Gentlewomen and : : : : Gentlemen. \\ <' ate showing, for Spring and Summer wear, the largest, hand s'll anil \ .iticd line ol Men s and Woipens fine Shoes t«» he 111 pi 1 .111 \ .toil" outside the laig< 1v it it's. Ihe newest lasts are tli. ,'w 1 r, V <ll\ Vole. Vrut Opeea and others which are com pro -11 i> .veett the old and new styles, and which arc given different items l>_. iliilerent manufacturers. We have them all. The most pi.pu ai materials this season for Men's Shoes are Potent Leather, A (a .17. i A 'hi, Hog Groin, Sen! Go/it, Cor n't >: •./. L.nen Calf r A* ' In l«.idie-»' wear they arc I'tet Kni, Pongoiia At/1, ( . Pot lent l.eaf'-rr. Goaf, Ltc. The most of these stocks .1 nt.id •hi both fan and Blaik. Our line ol Ladies Oxlords are 1) ll there is anything in footwear that is new and up to date, we have it or will gst it for you. Suae Dealer. AL RUFF, m HAS ARRI\ LD, and we- will be pleased to show you what we have. You can buy a good, servicable business suit for sj.oo, but our line at $6.00, $9.00 and SIO.OO are marvels of beauty ;> d excellence, better than ever soiii Douthett AMI Graham, BUTLER, PA. 56 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, price $1.50, now 75c. 53 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, price $2, now sl. 45 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, price $3, now $1.75. 180 pair Men's Jean Pants, price sl, now 55c. 220 pair Boys' Knee Pants, price 50c, now 25c. 28 dozen Men's Cambric Shirts, price 50c, now 25c. • HDSELTON'S Spring Shoes Kasy, stylish and comfortable Footwear for S|»i inland Summer. Our Ladies and Men's Tan and +Black Shoes,* Are sueh and extremely dressy. We are ready with an immense >e in all colors, Russia Calf, Vici Kid and R.t or London; New Opera anil Ficnvh Toes. $ $ $ $ $ i ,OO i,;o 2,00 ?.;o 3.00 $ $ $ $ $ More and better styles than any other showing in Butler.