THE CITIZEN laUr*4 at PMWBM at Batltr aa D rUn Matter WILLIAM & IKMLIT. FafclUfc»r THURBDA*. APKTL 4. 1895 "ANNOUNCEMENTS. Subject to Republican Primary of But ler county, June 1, 1805 —1 to 7P. M. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. A. M. CHKIITLBT, Of Butler. LIT 1 M. Wut, Of Butler. FOR DELEGATE TO STATE CONVEN TION. DR. V. F. THOMAS. Of Fairviow Borough. WILLIAM J. MARKS, 01 Middlesex twp, R. B. GILCHIIST, Of Butler. Dishonesty the Nation's Peril. Anybody who has been but a casual ob server of events in this country must have been forcibly impressed with the recent growing tendency to dishonesty and down right villainy in politics, official life, cor porate responsibility and private business obligations. There may be as many hon est men in all these relations to-day as at any period of the country's history, but it looks as if there were certainly an aug menting number of rank rascals. This is seen first in the almost entire lack of honesty, honorvand patriotism among politicians, the men who run the political machinery, from the township organisa tions to state and national conventions. Politics has become a word to which no body but an ignoramus or a sophisticated office seeker attributes any element but that of dishonesty and fraud. It means a scheme ot designing men to get the offices and thereby the chances to deceive anu rob the people. In the elder days of the republic men who sought office claimed and were accorded some degree ol honor and sensejof responsibility to tneir constit uencies. They were to a large degree, at least, actuated by a patriotic deoire to ac quit themselves so as to be considered pa triotic citizens, with a good name to pre serve and hand down to posterity. Pro bably that feeling and motive is somewhat rife in the rural communities at tne pre sent time; but in the larger cities, it any «t it remains, it is neither conspicuous nor emphatic. Men now seek ofice "'for what there is in it" to them, and with small re gard to the good of their constituents. They connive and combine to get the sup port of the worst elements in tne communi ty, because those elements represent the greatest number ol votes. They cajole and tool the ignorant, the debased, ana the viotims of demagogy for the sake 01 votes, ana the selfish partisans among the so-called better olasses fail into line so as to be on the winning side. Officials tnus elected oannot be expected to administer public affairs with moon reference to any thing but their own Belfish interests. It cannot be expeoted that they will be much better than their constituencies. The el fect of this debased motive in politics is to prostitute legislation to partisan ends, which are usually those of compromise with oliques which conspire to rob the peo ple and fatten the conspirators. It also enables a lot of mediocre or low grade, un principled men to get into office, and tbus the body politio is permeated with dishon esty and what is almost as bad, brainless, conscienceless inoompetenoy. —N. W. Lum berman. "THF best thing I remember connected from Yale, I thought 1 would lead a life of social ease. I thought I would read and Write a little, take it easy and have a good time. I bad a hard-hearted old father of ■tardy Holland Dutch ancestry He had money enough to take care of me, and 1 knew it; and when he discovered that I knew it and intended to act accordingly, it was a oold day fur me. 'You will never get a dollar lrom me exoept througti my will. From this time forth you have got to make your own way.' Well, I found 1 had a hard lot of it—nobody bad a harder one—and the old gentleman stood by ana let me fight it out. I bless him to-night with all the heart and gratitude 1 have lor that. If he bad taken the other course what would 1 have donet I would have been up in Peekskill to-night nursing a ■tove, cursing the men who have succeed ed in the world, and wondering by what exceptional laok they had got on. But having to dig my way along, I got beyond everything my father dreamed of, but it was done by 14 to 16 or 18 hour's work a day, if necessary. It was done by temper- I ance, by economy. When you make a dollar, spend 75 cents and put 25 by. Hariisburg Notes. The Pure Food and Liqaor bill, oopied after the Ohio law, passed the House, lie ally, Tuesday; also the bill to repeal the act of March 15, 1870, to prevent eulile, •"OrseK, UlUlfc*, stl-'l'p HW Id .Till lii»g at lajge in Mid ii .-.i ..III" , , iltri cr Uiu. r - _„. i ~i . L> i, ... A restitutio!! a iMi'i'.u i / ...» rn-i.4 Monnsy Uigln oil. i.ii. finiri j till Ol l-uollu li.'KliliOA U. 1 111,1.1 ,Oj(.N c* • decora.c lue C.ip.uil aj .vpiii Uih wiio HartranH's mvisiou of tbe Ninth oorp« will Cave a reunion in this ciiy. There will be a camytirj in tue hail of me House the same eveuing. THIS merry war between the Harriry and anti-Uarrity Democrats of this State is uu in great shape. Clerk of the House, James Kerr, who is leading the tigbt against Uti lity for control of the Democrat io State comaiittee, has recently been interviewing Urovtr, and great ihiugs are n .w expect) d. A Case. Thomas Ktvins, the 13rooUju dry goods merchant, whose case SH strongly interest, ed physicians, died iu the Senej' hospital las week. Mr. Kevins wax 38 joars old He W»- known among his litends as a fiau an<» teur athlete Nearly litres moneys ago n complained of sharp paius in his ibtjrb auo groin, and his Iriends conciu<te<i ihn' in soiue over exertion au absess had form ed lie went to the Seney hospital an -BDbn>itied to au opuratinn tor abcess N< relief ensued, ami Novins consented t" another and more painful operation, when a singular discovery was made A male cbild eight inches long, and perleoth lormed, was mbi doed ill Hie tissues. This was removed ana hopes wee enter tamed that Kevins' fine physical con Ution would come to bis aid and help him to r<- cover. The doctors were mystified by the dis covery tbey had made but explained 11, after consultation, by saying that Kevius was one of twins, anc* that before birth tbo embryo of the other child had becmue entangled in his own. In otter words, it was a pronounced case of Siamese twins, with the difference that one of the twins was wholly euveloped in the other. The doctors believe that for 34 years Kevins sustained the lite of his imprisoned brother. Then, in some.way, the eonu-ct ing ligaments were broken and the death of the baby ensued. The suffering of Kevins arose from the piesence of this for eign substanoe. At last this sulfering be came so poignant that an operation aas absolutely essental. la Brooklyn, laat Saturday, a girl treat ed with anti toxine brought lrom Germany, for a slight attack of diphtheria, turned black in the lace immediately, and died in ati w minutes. The case created a great { senxa mn in medical ciroles, and will be . thoroughly iaye#ti£»iod. j Washington Notes. Two vessels of Admiral Meade a North Atlantic squadron have been ordered to Bluefields. Nicaragua. The English government has told ours "very courteously" to mind its own busi ness, in regard to Venezuela, and there is a possibility of a collision there. The Eastern War. The Japanese fleet bombarded Takan, on the island of Formosa, daring the first part of last week. On Friday, the Japanese consented to an unconditional arnuistice pending nego tiations for peace. On Saturday the Jap who shot Li Hung was sentenced to imprisonment for life. The War in Cuba. • The Spanish Premier has ordered 20,000 men to go to Cuba, and says he will send 100,000 if necessary. The leaders of the insurrection have or ganized a provisional government. At Jacksonville, Florida, it was report ed that sls-000 armed men were along the coss":, awaiting an opportunity to get across the channel to Cuba, and join the revolutionists. Only One of Its Kind. The application for a charter for the Psssavan; Memorial Home, for the care of epileptics, which was made in court in Pitts burg, a few days ago, makes the report so long cherished by the rate Rev Dr. Pat-sa vant, and for which a sum was lound among hie papers as a nucleus, a fact The institution will be located at Rochest er, and will be the only one of the kind in America. Tne board for the home was elected sev eral months ago, but the application for a charter was delayed until three deacon esses to run the home couid be secured from Bielefeld, Germany, where the first atld greatest epileptic colony in the world is situate. The hospital authorities were unable to furnish the deaconesses a» nine bad just been sent to England, where a oolony was about to be formed. The Rochester institution will have to obtain deaconesses from the Milwaukee Home, or obtain other nurses. It will be opened in May. While the sole capital of the institution at present is about $2,000, any required sum is in sight. Iu addition, the grounds and buildings of the former Lutheran Or phanage, at Zelienople, will be utilized. There are 60 acres of land, and two build ings comprising 25 or 30 apartments Applications have already been received from Texas, Illinois, West Virginia and other States, for admission to the home, which will be graded according to the so cial position occupied in the world by the unfortunate, who can enter the home as a tree or pay resident, or for nominal board. Only women and children will be received at present, and they will be occupied at outdoor work, like gardening, etc. It will oe run much like that at Bielefeld, Ger many, and will be distinctly a home for the retirement of epileptics to relieve their friends of iheir care, and encourag ing them to a useful life, rather than a hospital. In this respect it differs from the only otber institution for epileptics in the coun try, near Pomeroy, Ohio. The latler is a State hospital for experimental study, and represents all that has heretofore been done for the 130,000 epileptics in tbe United States. Flick Items. We heitr that Wm. Jack's premises are soon to be improved by the appearance ol a new barn. Mr. M, V. Moore and wife, of Butler, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker not long since. Rev. MoClintock and wife, Elder John Allison, wife and daughter, and Hon. Jonn Moore of Tarentnm, were guests that were delightfully entertained at the home of Henry and Mar}" Ann Flick, on Thursday of last week. The men employed on the "Little Geo Hays" well report success in their fishing job and hope to soon have it ready for jumping This well it will be remember ed, is to be tested iu the hundred foot. We have neglected to mention in our tives of the family pleasantly surprised Mr. Trimble in honor of his 70th. birthday, by gathering at his home, and making him Ihe recipient of many beautiful presents. Miss Eliza Gillespie aud Miss Ada Mitch ell have returned home, from Butler. Its too bad boys—"about the fifteen cents," better luck in the future. Miss Mary Woods of Pittsburg is visit ing friends in this vicinty. If "dame rumor" is to be believed, soon will be beard the merry chime of the wed diog bells. In the Spring, the young man's fancy, high ly turns to thoughts ol love, On the sick list is Mr. Flick who has been a sufferer for a long time. Miss Ida La Poiote, is not gaining health as rapidly as we bad hoped for. Mrs. Anderson and daughter Claia, Mrs. J. N. Fulton, Mr. Adam Gould ana Mr. Henry Flick who suffers from a very severe attack of pneumonia.—X. TUB school question in Manitoba is at- ! tracting the attention of the civilized world. I HLhlu,, S'> Kf \ Wjj I* ' jABaS 1 __ * ; ,gifl| J' | hmhH •■ / . '.. IHHyHBHI^£BMSBIHfiBR3BBHBCfeBfIHIS9B^OSHHBtVKBVBHHHfeiSyHS&JMMteMBfeaatfM^M DEATHS. JAMISON—At hi* home in Jacksville. March 24, 1595, A. I>. Jaminson in his' 72J year, BERGBIGLER —At hi* home in Clear field twp , March 27, 1895, George Berg bigler, in bis 63d year. GALLAGHER—At his home in Muddy-I o.eek twp , March 29, IS9o, T. H. son of I. J. Gallagher, aged auout 9 years. SCOTT —At her home in Fairview twp., j April 1, 1895, Miss Tillie Scott. HANS'A —At her home in Butler, April , 1, 1895, Mrs. Carrie E Hanna, aged 37 j years. LINTZ— Near Middle Lancaster, March . 19. 1895, of pneumonia, Sarah M. Lintz, aged aoout 7 years. SMITH—At her home in Sharon, March I 28, 1895, Anna, wife of P. V. Smith and ' daughter ol A. G. Williams, Esq. of But ler Mrs. Smith took cold at the funeral of her sister, Mrs Patterson, in Butler, some weeks ago, and this developed into a lever that caused her death. DBWOLF- In Slippery rock twp, April 2, 1895, I. S. P. Dt-Wolf, aged about 65 years. Mr. DeWolf was well known to many of j our citizens. He was commonly called , Pearson DeWolf, and took an active part in the political affairs of the county tor j many years He served a term as Register ; and Recorder of the county, being elected | to that office in 1854. He was a genial and I intelligent gentleman and had many friends who regret to learn ot his death. OBITUARY NOTES. Rey. A. W. Lawrenco of Burlingame, ! Kausas, died on Feb. 27th, in his 45th year. He was a native of c-'eutreville, this oounty. Mrs. Mary Irwin, widow of W H. Irwin, died at her "home in Allegheny, Wednes day She was a daughter of Sam'l. Pur- , viance, dec'd, and was born in Butler. j RESOLUTIONS OK RESI'BCT. As it has pleased God, our Heavenly; Father in His infinite wisdom, to take our beloved neighbor and director, Mr. David j Leech, ot .-uuimit twp,of our company ;out | of our midst, aud as we hamblv bow our- j selves to the will of our Heavenly Father, j with the assurance that He will do every- j thing for the best of His ebildreu, and ac- > knowledge that we will miss Mr. David Leech, bui he went to his last resting place. Therefore be it Kesolvtd,— That by the decease ot Mr. David Leech, our company lost a director ot good reputation who was a highly re spected officer of our company nearly since the organization id the same, who showed a great interest in the principles and the welfar ■of the company; Therefore be it Resolved, —That we leel deeply with the bereaved family of the deceased the loss of him; and our Lord Jesu3 Christ who con quered death, will be their comforter now and hrncetorth. Be it Resolved, —That this resolution shall be entered our minute book and a copy of the same be sent to the family of the de oeaseJ, aud the resolution ba published io two county papers. A. KBAUSE, PBBS > JOHN HUTZLBB, Corn. JACOB BLEICHNKR. > OSB-FIFTH of the women of Wichita, Kansas, registered this year to vote | at the inuuicipal election. It was the heavi est female registration in the history of the city Among those who registered was Mrs. Harriet McMurray, a -woman who | knew Thomas JefTer»on, aud is now in her 115 th year. She climbed two tights of ■ stairs to be registered, with the assistance of only a 14-year-old girl. Program for Buena Vista Institute, Sat- : utday April 13th. 10:15 A. M Devotional exercises, led , by Rev Sberard; Ditipline, W. P. Jame son; Arithmetic, P. B. Danbenspeck; As sociations and Comparisons, J B Storey; Abuse ot the Text-book, Vf P. Day. 1:30 P. M —Teachers out of School, M. M. Banks; Exciting an interest iQ Study, R. P. Daubenspeck; Lai guage Principles in the first two years, Fannie Campbell; Study the Child. Prof. N. C. MoCullough; Howard Painter; Disappointed Ambitions, W. F Fleming; Question box Program will have plenty of mu»ic. N. P BIM. ) W F FLEMIKQ, > Com j P. B. DAC BEN SPECK, ) Tub *VLite- Blair contest was resumed lit Indiana, Pa , TOesday. Judge White made a speech claiming that the registra tion law of 1874 was repealed by the law of 1891. The P. S. & L. E's. Business The annnal meeting of the Pittsburg. Shenango and Lake Erie Railroad was held in Meadville. Tuesday. Samuel B. Dick wax unanimously elected president, and the same board of directors The president's report showed for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894, gross earnings, $477,651.22; net earnings, $165,13060. The last six months of 1894 shows net earnings 01 i 100,000, and the first three months ot 1895 show an increase of $21,000 or 30 per cent, over the corresponding months of last year. Contracts for coal from the Shenango di.-trict, made for this year are over 1,000,000 tons. IN Cleveland, Akron, Wooster and a few other of the towns of Ohio, womeu were elected School Directors last Monday. ALL Germany united in honoring Bis- | mark last Monday—bis 80th birthday. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Mad dogs are still troubling the people of Westmoreland county. Two of the Blair County Commissioners are to be impeached as a result of the re : cent investigation made by Auditors. Road agents are at work over in Hunt ington county. The other day three tramps held up a stage containing four | passengers made the occupants hold up their hands and robbed them of the money ! in their possession, amounting to about I S7O. A large number of farmers of Indepen dence township, Washington county, P».. ] have organized a "Farmers' Club," and , demanded that the several nlacksuiiths in I the township give them reduced rates for I I their work. This the blacksmiths refased j ; to do, and the farmers are establishing • j blacksmith shops for themselves. About 30, 000,000 white fish fry that ! were hatched at the Erie hatchery have ! i recently been placed in Lake Erie. In j 2 they will be evidence, and in 3 or I tour years they will be in market. A Harrisburg paper notes that petroleum is now being used to supersede quinine as an abortive at chills and leavers, in the form of "Acetanlide," which is much ! cheaper than qniniue, costing only from i6oto 73 cents a pound It loaves no deaf- I ness or other disagreeable after effects. I It is antiseptic and is thus supposed to I act upon the blood, inducing sleep and [ gentle perspiration. Miss Mary Parshall, a young lady of about 20, died at Grove City a lew days ago : from blood poisoning, resulting from the ! use of a dangerous lotion to remove freck les from her face She had secured the receipt from a triend, but had difficulty in getting a druggist to fill the prescription, as it contained a dangerous quantity of corrosive sublim ite. At last she was suc cessful aud applied the lotion. Her face at first became terribly blistered, and then her face and body became much swollen, aud the former wa- lanced in five d fferect 1 places to give her relief, but without avail. The incident carries its.own moral. THE Republicans carried Chicago, Tues day, by 40,000, and elected Swift, Mayor. ! In Ohio the Republicans were generally ! successful. About thirty thousand women Voted in the State EASTER ffi We cater to ®ur own trade, which is thj most desirable trade of th e city of Hutler, We think our customers will not be disap pointed in the provision we have made for the present season. Receiving good* every week. Our styles are always up to date. we have just received a full line of our per fect fitting. imported kid gloves. The Easter j shades are specially nice. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 S. Main St.. - Butler j w Prescriptions M A Speciaty. At Redick's Drag Store. We do not handle anything but pare drugs, next time you are iu ; need of uiedicine please give us a 'call. We are headquarters tor pure SODA WATER as we use only pure fruit juices, we also handle Paris Green, hellebore ins»ct powder, London purple and j other insecticides Respectfully, J. C. REDIOK, A' ain toHi tel Lowr r> t_) 1 »_j iu a mm *m « Li. c. WICK DBALKK IN toufji and Worked Lumber OF'AL.. KINDS D )urs, Sash, blinds, Mouldings Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. I.L VE. HAIR AND PLASTEh Office opposite P. A W. Depot, n TI.Ek Indian Game EGGS From three yards of the best doablo laced stock in this country. $2 for 15 eggs. S. R. MILLER, Chambersburg, Pa. WE BELIEVE that 1 we have achieved the distinction of produc ing the finest garments j ever made in the coun- i ty, and cheaper than i "TO BE , , i same can be bought FIRST elsewhere in the State. ___ AS TO THE variety IN of our Stock and beau- ANY- ty of its Styles we have THING *° ur oun °P' nion ; kut we would like yours IS also—it will add to . A the distinction. FOR THIS SPRING DlS we have secured a large TINC- number of special con- TION " s ' n s' e su ' t P at ~ terns. They are the Plat°> ery newest no .-cities. Select early. If you don't want a suit now we wi'l res; rve the pattern for you. ALAND, Tailor. RAILROAD TIME TAbLES. PENNSYLVANIA KAILRUAD. THE STANDAKD KAILKOAD OF AMEhICA WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOVEMBETT 26TH, 1894. South WEEK DAYS A. M. A. M. A. «. r. M. P. M Butler LeaveG to g35 It UO -45 500 Saxouburg ... Arilvo •> W 9u" 11 24 311 o2s Butler JUc't.. •• 730 925 11 .VI 340 5 w Butler Juc't..Leave 730 9 41 12 03 3 40 o M Natron* Arrive 7as »51 12 13 3-w <- <-'£ laieutum 7 <3 906 i. 19 357 90, Sprtiigilale 7551u"5 12 J<* - Clareiuout S 11 8 18 1 06 4 4.J b Allegheny City 83510 33 124 444 645 6 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. North WEEK DAYS. A. M. A, M. A. M. P. U. P. M Aileghenyclty Leave 655 825 10 40 3 is 6 lo Sharpsburg 7Oi 8 39 10 58 Ctaremont..W 845 il 08 Surlugdale 8 1 *1 * Tarelnum7 32 910 u Natrona < 315 ** ft% j® SJS Builer Juc't Arrive 7 45 9 25 11 55 404 7 us Butler Juc't Leave 745 945 12 3» J la 7o- Saxouburg 8 to 11 1044 40 Butler ....... Arrives 35 10 35 130 5 tx> • BU A. M. A. M. P. M. P.M. P, SI WKKK DAYS. For the E««t. WEEK DAV> P '2*4s*6*ls Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 Iso 340 730 Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 945 12 3* 104 745 Lv. Hutler Junction Ar. 941 12 3? 410 749 Ar. Freuport.. .... Lv. 935 12 to 415 753 " Allegheny Juc t. " 931 12 3o 4 26 804 •• Leevtlburg 920 12 13 446 821 " paultou (Apollo) " 905 U 6r> 514 851 - SaltsOurg " 83. 11 3i 5 riO 922 " Klatrsvlife 805 tl "t 600 930 •• Blalrsvllle Inter'n " 700 to i 850 1140 •• Altooua •• 340 80- luo 320 " llarrl»burg 11 55 3u -430 650 " Philadelphia " 800 11 20 A. M. P. M. r - "• '• * Through trains for tne east leeve l'lltaburj, (Union Statlou) as follows: Pennsylvania. Limited, dally 715 A.V Atlantic Express. " 3 loA. ftl Day Express. " 800 • PhfladeloUla Express, " 4 M I'M Eastern Express, " 'OO ' Fast Line, " 8 10 For detailed lufortaation, address Thoa. K Watt, Pass. AK't- Western »uu let, 110. FUlli Avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. S. M. PUEVOSr, J. it WOOD. General .Manager. Cien'l. Pass't Ag > Schedule In effjet Nov. 18, 04. (Butter tlmei The short Line to Pittsburg. lIKPABT SOUTH. | FROM 80CT11. 8.25 a m Allegheny 9.25 am. Allegheny E> 8.15 a in Alt'y H Akron 10.00 a m.AI A N CastH lo "5 atu Allegheny Ac 12.20 pm, AU'y & Oh'ir< 2.55 p m Allegheny Mall :5 05 p m. Allegheny E> 350 p m Chicago Kx. ;7 15 p m.All'y & Akroi 555 pin AU'y & Ell Ex ->. OOp in. Allegheny A' DEPART NORTH. FROM NORTH in 05 a m Kane & Brad ;8 05 am. Foxburg Ac 5.15 p m Clarion Ac 9 f>2 am, Clarljn Ac 7.35 p m Foxburg |5.20 pm, Kane Mail SUNDAY TRAINS. DEPART SOUTH. FROM SOUTH. 8.15 a in. DeForest Ac 955 a m.Allegheny A< 350 pin. Chicago Ex 505 pm. Allegheny Ex 555p m, Allegheny Ac 7.25 pm. DeForesr. Ac Train arriving at at 5.05 p m leaves B & O de pot. Plti.sbui g. at 3 :!5 o'clock. Butler and Ur«»enville Coach will leave Alle gheny at 3r20 p. in, dally except Sun lay. Con nectlng at Wiilowgrove, arriving at Butler a' 5»5. Pullman Buffet Sleeptng Cars and flrst-cl* s* Day Coaches lun through between Butler and Chicago dally. For through tickets to points In the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CItOUCH, Agent Trains leave the B. & O. depot In Pittburg for the bast asfoliowa. For Washington D C.. Baltimore. Phllidel plil.i, nt New York. 7:30 aud 9SO p. m Cuiutierl 'l'll, 6:40. 7 :30.a.m. 1 :10, p. m.Con uelSvllle. enfi. 730. a. m. 1.10. 4.:! 11, 4.45. 5.30, 9.20 p. m. Uniontown. 7.20 a. m , 1.10,1.30 , 5.30 p. m Uolontown, Morga Ltown and Fairmont, 7.30, a. m, and 5.30 p. m. Mt.Pleasant 0.40 , 7. 30 a. m 1.10 and 4.30 pm. Washington. Pa. 7.40 and 930 a. m., 4.00,4.45 and 9.00. 11.55 p. m. Wheel ing. 7.40. and 9.30 ji. m.. and 4.00. 9.10. 11.55 p. m. Cincinnati. St, Louis. Columbus and New ark, 7,40 a. m., 9.10, tl 55p.m. For Chicago. 2.40 and 9.30 p. m. ' Parlor aud sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington. Cincinnati and Chicago iriNßrrao sn«sA.No>i |ja< : t Takes effect VF judaj'. I>;J Jl 18. H. Tratnh are run bv dtendard Centra; I'ltne (90th Merioi>n) Ou" do-ir slower rti in City Ci.u-v I4OIN<; NORTH. OOISIS SOUTH 10 14 12 STATIONS 9 11 U pin a. |.».m ! Air Lv'ei* m a.m. jp n>o I 3 26| 1 00| Dunkirk ..| TW|l> ».m.| I J ; UO 1 42 10 10! Krie C iff 8 35 3 -25 l Oil 925 .Wallace .lunct. 64? 9 is i 12 ? 1 U4 9 15 Gtrard li 50 9 IS 4 15 „ 09 12 54' 9 03j....Lockport. ... ;«l 929 4 21. fi 02 12 48 i 8 55|... Ct aneSVllle ... | 7 Oi; 9354 34 is 43 ..... lu 22 ar.Conneaut lv. . 1 7 4o 3 10 3 10 ; r 411 lv ar| |i*i 22 i 6 43 5~57 18 44 845 ar.. . tlbion lvl 7 111 941 437 51312 33 831 ... Shadclatld. .. 723 953 451 5 41' 12 30 S 28 .. . hprintiboro... 7 27| 9 56 4 55 5 Ml 224 8 2.i .OnnenUtvtlle . 7 31:10 03 503 .. 0- 12 06 8 Ou Mt-a'vle J<-t... ■* i><> 10 25 5 *5 4 51 7 30j lv .Conu't Lake 10 11: 4 47 7 Hi, 8 10 ar ar 8 10 .0 50 >39 4 25 7 55i!v..Meadv! 1) 4,5 4 20 7 40 ... . 8 aelar ar. 8 m.m 25 >j 10 NO2 11 51 7 4a iTartsfown.. . No 1 10 .i» 5 .. 9 .... li 38 28j Osgood 10 54 563 6 25 11 30 7 is ... Greenville... ti 30 II 07 « oa 0 IK 11 2U 7 00 Sheuango 6 40 II 20 6 20 (i 00 10 59 fi 4.) Kredonla 7 03 11 44 6 34 5 44 10 43 6 25 Mercer 7 22 12 04 7 00 *• 30 10 29 « 10 I'ardoe ! 7 3« 12 22 7 14 5 19 10 20 G .0:....Gr0ve City... 7 47 12 33 7 25 5 («; 10 o« 5 4« .. Harrlsvllie ... ! 75* 12 45 7 36 4 10 00 s t 0;... Branch!on I 8 0612 54 7 45 ■"> 00 1 8 101 lv .Brauctiton.ari 7IF 12 10 .. 5 45| Sssar.. Hllllitrd .lv 625 UJS( ... 4 53 ! 9 551 5 35|1v... Kelsiers . ,7T| S 10112 581 7 49 439: 942 5 21l . ..Euclid 822 12 -03 4 1 I 9 15| 4 MM Butler I 8 !»| 1 42) 8 32 -20 720 . ~. \llPgUen.v P£W II of. 3 50' 2 151 .111 1 Pittsburg. B&o. p. in jp. in . J. T. BLAIR, General Manager. Ureetivllle. pa W. G. SAKGBANT. G. V. A.. Meadvlile. Pa McCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE I have a Heave Cure that will cure any case of heaves in horses in forty days, used according to directions, and if it does not do what I claiui for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J McCasdless, Butler, Pa., 1893 Mr A. J. McCakdlbss: On the 2ud dav of April, 1892, I com nienced to use y«.ar new cure for one ot r.y Worses r.hat had the heaves very bad. and continued to use 'he medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of tnem. It is now about a year since I quit givin the tried \c\ne and the horse has never sowed any of heaves, ami I feel *'iatied that he is properly cured. W C. Cbiswkli. Cutler, Pa., April a, 1893. | A. J. McCANOLKSh. 1 have used your Heave Core and found ! it will do the work it used accordng to di ructions. Yours truly, <l. ft. Mercantile Appraiser's List For the year 1895- SAME. BUSINESS P. O. CLASS*, aui't BUTLER BORO. I Amy CP 4 pool tables. Butler s6l 00 I Bei til Q C 4 " 01 Oo ; iHuseltonJF 5 " " 71 Oo Huselton A- Melliuger 3 pool tables Butler 51 00 Turner JM. pool table*, Builer 41 o>> CHICORA BORO. TadierG PS pool tables, Chicora 51 00 EVANS CITY BOKO. Doua Mtmn F A 4 pool tables. Evans City 61 00 HARMONY BOP.O. Lutoa M E 3 pool tables. Harmony 51 00 SAXOSBURG BORO. Schrotb Emil - pool tables. Saxonburg 41 00 ADAMS TWP. Murry P EI 3 pool tables, Callery 51 Ou COXXOQL'EXESSIKG Twp. Armstt-ad Geo I pool table. Connoq. 31 00 MIDDLESEX TWP. Butler R J 4 poo l tables, Glade Mills 61 00 Eagin Jas 2 " " 41 00 K line G H 3 " u 5100 Miller A 8 2 '• " 4100 ADAMS TWP. Hunt H B Restaurant, Callery 8 75 Murry P H " " 8 575 Mile*. F H *' Mars 8 5 75 BUTLER PA. [lun* II B Resteurai t, Butler 8 575 Hluch bergei C " '• « 575 Suiitn FX " " 8 575 Shaffer M A " "85 7 Smith £1 J " " 8 575 Wise S M " " 8 57j EVANS CITY BORO. Brown J E Kestnurnut, Evans City 8 575 Dunbar 4 White " " 8 575 Homeland S H " " 8 575 MIDDLESEX TWP. Doutt S W restaurant, Gla.le Milts 8 575 McCrea II D '• •' 8 5 75 BUFFALO TWP. Penna Distilling Co, distillery Freeport 103 00 EI.IF.KOPLE. S.abl Geo, distillery. Zelieuople... 203 00 ADAMS Twp. Anderson JAAWF store, Valencia 13 10 75 Berringer H H " Myoma 13 10 7 liarr A Stoup agr imp, Valencia 13 1" 75 Carruthers,PelersACo,hd'w Callery 13 10 75 Cooper A L store. Valencia 14 775 • arrutbers G A lumber, Callery... 14 775 Duucau A Link coal A teed, Mars 13 10 75 Goddam M J coal, Callery 14 775 Hooks A Clark, lumber, Mars 11 15 75 Irwiue Bros, furniture, Mars 14 770 I'wineC B store, Myoma 14 775 Jordan 4Co " Mars 11 15 75 Kerr ACo drugs '• 14 775 Marshall J D store " 11 15 >5 Miller FW •' " 14 775 National Supply Co, hd'w " 12 13 25 Oil Well •' '■ " 13 10 75 Snannori J F store, Callery 13 10 7> Thomas J H *' '■ 13 10 75 ALLEGHENY TWP, Scbell J D store, Sandy Point 14 775 BUTLER BOROUGH. Aiken A Campbell, Store, Butler 11 15 75 Adams Bros, " " 14 775 Anderson A C Mgr Drugs, " 14 775 \ldinger CD, Store, " 14 775 Amy Bros, Furniture, " 14 775 Armstrong A Sutliffe, Store, " 13 10 75 Builer Lumber Co, Lumber " 9 25 75 Barnhart MA, Store " 14 775 Butler Music Co, " " 14 10 75 Bayonnet V, " " 14 775 Burton T 11. " " 14 775 tremanj, " " 4 775 Boos Jacob, " •' 13 10 75 Boyd CN, Drugs '* 12 13 25 Balph JF, " " 14 775 Beilis A Meyers Store " 11 15 75 Beihl Henry, Hdw'e " 14 775 Kickel John. Shoes " 12 13 25 Butler Produce Co, Store •' 12 13 25 Campbell JGA W, Hd'w " 9 25 75 ('outletla J, Store 11 14 775 Campbell A Tetnpleton, Store Butler 10 20 75 Cypher GA A Co, Hd,w " 11 15 75 Cleeisnd DL, Store " 13 10 75 'Yiuneil JW t " " 14 775 Colbert Harvey " " 14 775 Colbert & Dale " 12 13 25 City Pharmacy, Drugs " 13 10 75 Douthett A Graham, Store " 11 15 75 Douglass JH, " " 13 10 75 Duffy Clias, " " 11 15 75 I'avenny JE, " " 11 15 75 Eakin V\ R A Co, " " 14 775 Elliott CR, •' " 14 775 Kleuiiug WC, Feed " 14 775 ForchtH, Store " IS 10 75 Grove W U, " " 13 10 75 Grieb E. *• " 14 775 rrftinW " li Grieb JR. " " 14 775 'irabam Bro's, " " 13 10 75 Hangerty TC, " " 14 775 Harper Bro's, " " 11 15 75 lull H, " " 14 775 Hememan II C A Son " " 13 10 75 Heck DA, " - 12 13 25 tluseltou BC, " " 10 20 75 Hit>chberger C, " " 14 775 larecki Mt'g Co, Hd'w " 12 13 25 lack JS, Store " 14 775 Johnson SA, Drues " 14 775 Jackson A Mitchell. Hd'w " 14 775 tvoonce li W, Store " 14 775 Kliogier HJ A Co, " " 9 2o 75 Kirkpatrick WM, " " 13 10 75 Koch C A Sons, " 10 20 75 Kaufman J, •« •« j2 13 25 Kemper Frank 11 " 14 775 Ketterer Geo, Furniture " 13 10 75 Kirt>atrick R L Store " 14 775 Kamerer W A, " " 13 10 75 Larkiu A Co, Hd'w " 14 775 Miller G Wilson Store " 10 20 75 May A Divel Fish Ac " 14 775 vicClain M, Furniture " 14 775 Miller CE, Shoes '• 1:. 13 25 Uurtincoart S B A Co. Store 9 2o 75 Vlangold PK, " *' 14 775 Mc l rea WS A Co, Feed " 13 10 7 Mitchell CM, Store " 14 775 Nlorrisou TA, " " 14 775 Metzger W F, Shoes " 13 10 75 Miller Henry Store " 11 15 75 Mcßride IJ, " " 14 775 National Supply Co, Hd'w " 10 20 75 Niitgel Jos A Bro " '* 13 10 75 O'Brien »V H A Son, " " 14 775 Oil Well Supply Co, " " 12 13 25 Pape DT, Store " 14 775 [ Philips OM, " " 13 10 75 Patterson JN, " 11 15 75 [ Poolos S, " 14 775 Prvor EB. " " 14 775 Purvis GSA Co L i tuber 41 10 20 5 Koessiug B E Store " 14 77 > Ite.idiek JC, Dri'gs " 12 13 25 Rockensteln MC, Store 14 775 Kchey J A " " II 775 Ko>s John W, " " 14 775 Ralston WE, . " *' 14 775 Reiber Alf M A Bro " " 9 25 75 Keiber A.A H " " 10 20 75 Re ber F T " " 13 10 75 KuffAl Shoes " 13 10 75 Stock C Hd'w " 14 775 Schaui A Vast Store " 12 13 2< Sclineideman H " " 11 15 76 Smith Mrs S E " " 14 775 ntein L <Sc Son " " ID 30 75 Stehle JFT 4< 11 14 775 Proutman & Son Store " 7 4o 75 ferwilliger Mrs CC " " 14 775 Vogeley & Bancroft '* " 14 775 Wic LC Lumber " 11 15 75 Walker.) L Store " 14 775 Wu'ler O H drugs '' 13 10 75 Zuninerinau Jennie store * 10 20 /5 BRADY TW'P. Clu'ton E G store W Liberty 14 775 R ibinsju W W " Putup 14 770 BUFFALO TW'P. Lessure \\V store Free port 14 775 Lnrev G M " Sarversvl'e 14 775 McCaffertv llr " " 14 775 Powell .1 W " '• 12 13 25 s«rver Rlv 44 Ekasto a u 14 1 15 Wute W H Hd'w Sarver»ville 14 775 Wn'son W lumber '* 14 775 Wilkewitz G peddler " 14 775 CEXTERVII.I.E BOH Bolton & Wilson st-re Slippery,r'k 13 10 75 Bard & Son " 11 '5 75 Biogh.iru Fl' hwd " 14 775 Bingham John T farm imp " 14 775 Clutton Bros Drugs " 14 7 75 Coulter T S & Co hd'w " 14 7 75 Kerr .1 C Store " 13 10 "5 Keister L P furniture ,Slippery r'k 14 775 Lawrence W E store '* 14 775 Nelsou K N furniture " 14 775 Ratnsev W O store " 14 775 l T ber & Bestler furniture " 14 7 75 Whitteu ACo store " 12 11 25 MILLEBSTOWS 808. Bell PA& Co Prugs Chicora 14 775 DeWolf W L " " 14 775 Davis B J store " 11 775 Frankle S 11 " 14 77^ Frederick &Co lumber " 13 10 75 Fr zier JG G store " 14 775 GlaSte Geo " " 14 775 Hocb Bros hd'w " 13 10 75 Hays E F " " 13 10 75 Johnson C H " " 14 775 Johnson C H store " 14 775 Liu'mger H C " " '3 10 75 Logan W J 11 14 14 775 Mur'latid J C " 13 10 7- McKeeJ L drugs 41 14 7 5 Redd W E store " 13 10 75 Sct.weiger F 44 44 1 4 77 5 \ Sehttrbncli C " 14 14 775 Wesferin>«n I'ros 14 44 1 0 20 7.» , A RF& Co tt'.re *' 13 10 75 CLEAKtT&UI rwp. Gorniley FPA Co Rtorn Covle«vl'« 13 10 75 CLINTON TWP. , •\iniawa K J store FUclt H 7re CENTER TWP. Fiercer Mrs James siori- McCandleas Fie*ger A F store Flwger 14 775 j COSNOQL'BXKWNO TWP. Ala*and«-r A l>ouit ston.- Wbitm nl2 IS 75 Barnhart 1. Jc s-n •' Coanoq 11 10 75 Christie J L drug* " 14 775 Henry R S store Buiter Cup 14 "75 Niclcia» C " Coiinixj 14 775 Purviauce J G *Jk W A store 14 13 10 75 CUEUT TWP. Bailey J A store Bovard 14 775 Elliott U W " Coaltowu 13 lo 75 Graham J P •' Mouiteau 14 775 Mitcben A druvs CWIUIKD 14 7 75 McCoy H 1 di Sou store Anandale 14 775 Sproul & Stoops " Gomersol 14 775 W'Msh James •' Coaltown 14 775 CO.VCORD TWI\ Balzitcrr J: Ba iger store Magic 13 10 75 Kunn C C " Hoo«er 14 775 S " Greece City 13 10 75 CLAY TWP. Arthurs & Martian ! store Euclid 13 10 75 Jewell A Simpson " Fleeter 14 775 CRANBERRY Twp. Crawford F C su>rejcpeduler, Ogle 14 775 Frantz John suire " 14 7 75 Garviu Wui " " 13 10 75 Heudricksou A G " " 14 7 7b DONEGAI. TWP. Cate H S store, Greer 14 7"3 Gr:ffi F A •' Rattigan... 14 775 G rah.tin J H " St Joe 14 775 EVANS CITY BORO. Alien Nickel coal Eraus City 14 775 Bar Key Bros " " 13 10 75 Hurry L N hd'w " 14 775 Barto L> shoes " 14 7"5 Hill's A Kline store *' 11 15 To Pauibucu J Jc E iuiuber " 12 13 25 Huuugs JI) store " 14 775 Hud.-ou K bert " " 14 7 75 lilt Geo Jc Sons " " 11 15 75 List J M " " 14 775 Nicklas Bros " " 11 15 75 Pefler Fred ■* " 14 775 Kipper J A " »' 14 775 Riggs VV D " " 14 775 Stiuup Bros hd'w " 13 10 75 Suiathers A J store '' 14 770 I'h mas J D drugs " 14 775 White J M store " 14 775 Youug He furniture " 13 10 75 Zeuian D store " 14 775 FAIRVIEW BORO. Hawn W C st -re, Baldwin 11 15 75 acott C " " 13 10 75 FRANKLIN TWP. Watson Wui & Sou store Mt Chestnut ... 12 13 25 FORWARD TWP. Keister J M sore Zeno 14 7 75 S.uaihers Jc Dunbar store Carr 14 77r .schilling A " Reibold 14 775 lUuiupsou H " Zeuo 14 775 HARMONY BOR. Hacue H W store tiaruiony 14 775 Oiu-iiuger Geo hd'w " 13 10 75 Eppiuger A coal " 14 775 Goebring A store " 14 775 tlulier J H drugs " 13 10 75 K lrKer S D ♦eeil " 14 _7 75 Milietnan A Bro store '* 11 15 75 McNeily Jc Co " •' 13 10 76 On Well Supply Co hd'w " 13 10 7o ■awaiu G L) store " 11 15 75 Wis-it Ben lie lumber " 13 10 75 Zeigler U D luruiture •* 14 775 HAKRISVILLE BOKOL'GH. Black HC Jc Son store Uarrisrille 12 13 25 Beatty E3 hd'w " 14 775 Browu R L Furniture " 14 7 75 Curry J K store " 14 770 Klriek J M drugs " 14 775 Humphrey Jc Co store " 12 13 25 Morrison W L " " 14 77 0 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. Hartenstein L store Great Belt 13 10 75 vloutag Wui & Co store Jetferson Center.. 14 775 O'Neil J M Jc Co store Great Belt 13 10 75 EARNS CITY BOROUGH. dcElroy Bros store' Karus City 14 775 Morey L R drugs " 14 775 W'ersh John store " 14 776 LANCASTER TOWNSHIP. Metz AE & Sou store Middle Lancaster 13 10 75 MIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP. Meyers £ Co-istore Glade Mills \>wan C store Glade Mills 14 7 7- •'■■operS Ei Co store " 14 775 Glade Pliarmacy drugs " 14 775 lluichison &Co hd'w " 14 7 7;- Jarecki Mf'g Co hd'w " 13 10 75 Marks W J & Bro store *' 10 20 75 vJcFaun L R " M'Faun 14 7 75 Oil Well Supply Co hd'w Glade Mills MARION TWP. Bailev Joseph store Uarrisville 14 775 Gormlev J II " Murrin«vill» 14 7 75 Murriu it Gorinley store Buyers 14 775 Sisuey L J " •' 14 775 •TWP- Owens Mrs Jane store Forrestvi ei-t r TO Shields K C " " 14 7 75 OAKLAND TWP. iudre W J store StJoesta 14 775 Ball Geo " North Oakland 14 775 PORTERSVILLH BOR. Humphrey Ww it Sou store Portorsville Vlarshall A S store Poriersville 14 775 ilcDunald G U hd'w " 14 775 Ramsey Bros store " 13 10 75 Ziegler li A furniture " 14 775 PETRoLIA BOR. Chesbro E P store Petrolia 13 10 75 Dtiubolin T " " 12 13 25 English K E hd'w " 13 10 75 Foster \V U drugs " 14 775 Hawk J M store " 13 10 75 Starr M L " " 13 10 75 stoughton W R junk " 14 775 Ycager S " " 14 775 PROSPECT BOR. Bowi-rs A drugs Prospect 14 775 Oritchlow Bros store " 13 10 75 Forrester S S " •' 13 10 75 Krister oFit Co " " 13 10 75 VlcLure J H drugs " 14 775 Riddle WRit Co store " 12 13 25 PARKKR TWP. Black W C store Bruin 13 10 75 'JalUwell II M " " 14 7 75 Daubenspeck JM " Glenora 14 775 Uoward J C " Parkers Lnd'gl4 775 Morgan J A " " 14 775 Orr J W " Brnin 14 7 75 PKNN TWP. Bnwsor H M lumber Renfrew 14 775 Douthett A M store Brownsdale 13 10 75 Uarkwell S " Renfrew 14 775 Mei lyinonds H S drngs " 14 775 Katrn-k lames store " 13 10 75 Frice Bros ..d'w " 14 775 button AIJ store Maharg 13 10 75 SAXOiIBUtG BOR. Hi mliitld T it ion store SaXonburg llelnibold Air-. F it Son store S.txotiburg KraUs* T store Saxonbtirgll 15 75 Maurh tl'G W -4 " 14 7 75 Uer»non Or E!« drugs " 14 775 Sach* <k Weizel " 14 7 75 SUMMIT TWP. Berckbigler N store CarbonGnt'r 14 775 Dittmer MB 44 Herman 14 775 BLIPPERV ROCK TWP. Bovard J C Agt lumber Wick 13 10 75 Grieb A store Keister 14 7 75 Hindniau J L & Son stoie and peildler Branchton...... ..14 775 VKKANQO TWP. liiggins Bros store IlilHard 14 775 JatnHoa W 0 44 EmClaire 12 13 25 Kerr L F " " 14 7 75 Kotilm-yer G F 44 DeSale 14 775 Milter A 0 drugs E tuOlaire 14 7 75 McNamee Mrs J L store Milliard 14 7 75 I'uruer Coal Coke and Miuiug Co store Ferris 13 10 75 WfcST rtCNBCKY BOR Breaden & i.onwat store West Snn'.nrv Hiudman «fc Co drugs We*t Sunbury Mechliug A Hunt furniture West Suntiun Pry or.l-is hd'w West Sunbury 14 775 Rhodes S L store " 14 775 WIKFIKLD TWP. Cruiksha.ik H peddler C»rbon Black F Trester C & Son store Leasureville Krause Rit A store Benin 11 15 75 Siuiih »t L'.gan 44 Carbon Bl'k 12 13 23 Weidhos L hd'w Deuny 12 13 25 WASHINGTON TWP. Anderson 1) S store Uill'.ard 14 775 Alimire Mrs T 44 44 14 775 Harper A Gibson nd'w X Hope 14 775 Jack R P "tore 44 14 775 Mifflin it Mifflin Jr store 44 11 15 75 \K K*-e <& Co lumber 11 i I Hard l.i 10 75 Mi Farlau.l C B store Argeuline 13 10 75 Itoyle Bros " Hi liard 14 775 Thompson 1 N drugs N Hope 14 775 Wick LC lurnoer Hilliard 14 775 WORTH TWP. Gardner W F store Jacksonville 13 10 75 Keihert M " " 14 775 ZKLIESOPLE BOR. Alien «fc Dambaugh store Z-lienople Anderson J G store Zelien..pie 14 775 John " " 14 7 75 Dli 44 11 13 10 75 Bindings John 44 " 11 15 75 Etchhoiu W hd'w " 13 10 75 E.nery J W ooal " 14 775 ADRIANCE BINDER. W. F. Hartzell. Hartzell & Kemper Frani Kemper. Have the largest stock of Vehicles, Harness and Farm Machinery' of any house in the county. Wc defy any firm to show a better line of goods for less money. Our stock was selected to suit this trade. Our prices are as low as the lowest, quality considered. Our profits are small and our reputation at stake, so you can rest assured we will not misrepresent. We add a percentage on our goods and sell them according to what they cost us. We serve all alike. We do not make one man pay for what we lose on another. When we guar antee goods we make good our guarantee. We protect our custom ers, and not the manufacturers. Why? Because the manufacturers are of no use to us without the customers. If you want a Buggy, Surry, Ph.cton, Business, Pleasure or Team W agon, Hand or Ma chine-Sewed Harness, or anything "in the Harness line, Blankets, Robes, Dusters, Nets, Turf Goods. Currying Tools, Whips, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c., we have them in large quantities and at low prices. And for Farm Machinery, we can furnish anything needed, from the plow to the separator. Wc guarantee our machin ery to be as good as the best and second to none. If in need of any thing in our line, w rite us We w ill answer all inquiry, either by mail or in person. Our motto is, "Small Profits and Square Deal ing." Our success depends on our reputation, and our reputation will be controlled by our representations, so you can depend on what we tell you to be true. We say we have the largest line of Vehicles, Machinery and Harness of any house in the county, and a visit to our store and warehouse will prove it. Store room, 3i5 S Main street. Wareroom, 320 S. MeKean street. Floor space, 12,180 sq. ft., full of goods. If in need of anything in our line, call on us before you make your purchase. It will pay you. Slices for the Young Folks, Bovs, Youths, Misses and Children. We aim to have Stvie and Service combined in our stock of shoes for Young Folks. The time was when children's shoes looked as if they had been made by the mile and cut off in chunks. But in these days of advanced shoe making, shoes for the little folks, like those of their parents, are made to fit the feet neatly and comfortably. Three things are requisite in a well-run business; Knowledge of Markets, Money to Pay Quickly and Willingness to take Small Profits. That these requisites are combined in the management of our child ren's departments is proven by the fact that they will out-wear any other shoes sold for the price. Have your children try them and be convinced. Shoe Dealer. AL RDFF. s. Main St. Householder Bros " " 14 775 Ho> seholder H " " 14 7 75 IftJohn lumber '* 13 10 75 lit W II store " 13 10 75 Kaufman Henry " " 14 775 Passavant CS " " 14 775 Reed 0 E drugs •' 14 775 jjtrohecker CJ D store " 14 775 Wright Bros '• " 12 13 25 U7.»t<, r x " " 14 7 75 Wild Henry " " 14 775 Z-«hner Fred feed " 12 13 25 Zehner E furniture " 14 775 Mercantile Tax 3.710 25 Die-tilling " 316 00 Kestaarants " 80 50 Pool Tables " ...... .... 765 00 Total " 4.861 75 XOTIOE —All persons interested in the above appraisement, are hereby notified that an appeal will be held in the Com missions office at Butler on the 25th day • April A L> 181)5. between the hours of 9 a m and 3 p m o'clock, when and where you may attend it you thiuk proper, or address; if. L. STARR, Appraiser, Petrolia, Pa. Professional Cards. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, .137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 '-o 12 M. and to 3 P. M." G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND SUBOIKX', 'fllce at So. 45, 8. Main Btreet. ever Clty Pharmacy Butler. Pa, L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND 3URGKON, New Troutraan Building, Butler. Pa. SAMUEL. M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 200 West Cunnlnuhain St. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. \rt.lflclal Teeth Inserted on the latest lm n>v«l plan. (ioM Pllllne a specialty. offlne— vi'r Schauta clotUinir Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. OENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. ({old Killing Painless Extraction of Teeth nd Vrtltlci il Teeth without Plates a specialty '•Din Oxide or Vitalized Atr or Local a estrwtim n-l o/er M !;r'i <4roJOry east ot Lowry we il.n 1 1 V ■ In m I ay * an 1 Taurnlaya V. ivIcALPINE, Dentist," j is now located la new and elegant rooms ad lolnlne nls former ones All kin Is of 'Ux. ..l.ites and modern sold work. ••Gas Administered." . A. T. SCOTT, ATTO K N E V- AT- LA W, "Bee at No. 8. Sout.. Diamond. Butler. Pa I DR. McCURLY BRICKER. j Office at 127 E Jefferson St.. Hutler Pa. | Olllee himrs 8 to 9 and 10:30 to 12. A. M., and ! 1 to 3, ana 7 to 9 P. M. W. H. BROWN, Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Otfiee 126 S. Main St., over Bickel's shoe store Re<Wence 3MS N. McKean e?t. C. F. L. McQUISTION, KM.LVKKU AMI SURVEYOR, OFrtrg NKAK DIAMOND. liLTLKK Pa. J. M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. Ottlre—B»-t wt*»n P->sti>nice and IXamond, But ler. PH- A. T. BLACK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J . Armory liuilduiff. Butler. I'a W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at and Real Estate Age nt. O (Ice on South Dlamoid. R'i"!»r, Pa. IRA McJUNKIN. \ttornev at Law. Ofllce ar. No. IT. Kair .'efl«r --«ou St.. Butler. Pa,; S. H PIERSOL. ATTOP.NEY AT LAW. Office at No. l(M East Diamond St. H. H. GOUCHER. \fnrncy-at-lavv. Ofllce In Mitchell building Butler Pa. COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEYS AT I.AW. Office In room 8.. Armory Building,"Btiller Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at ijiw- orace on South side of Diamond Butler. Pa. 1 A. M. CHRSITLEY. ATIOKNEY AT LAW. Office second floor. Anderson Br k, Main ,Tt. near Court House. Butler. Pa. r j RESTORE | Betoic au<i A ur Isiug. New d-covert. Will brace ▼'u up in a treok. Bold with W'KITTKN <il" AR A TEfc to Cuie N«ttuUl IVb'.ity Lpm « fdoxunl I'owerin ♦•»ihrr«ex, nvo!u. ta ry Rinii»ioni froni ny c*u e. If nr«l«ct d, mch trouM •« l-ad t consumption • r in-anitr, $ 0" |»<'f by mail. 6 for §5 f With «>v«rv f5 ord» r give IIT it»en g »rantee to rur" or refuud ih* meney. Ad die&« PSAL MEDICINE CO.. CUv«land Ohio. Every Woman Sometimes needs a reli l able monthly regulating c medicine. >YV Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. j Are prompt. *afe and certain In result. The (tenu. loc CDr. Pesl'ii neTer dliappolnt. Sent KITWhMfc •LOO. Peal MaCicuio Co . Cie* eland. O. WE MAKE WHEELS ! Quality Guaranteed the BEST. CUR LINES, WEIGHTS AND PRICES ARC RIGHT ! THE ELOREOGE » BELVIDERE tN TWENTY-FIVE BTVLEB. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. National Sswlna Matiiine Go. BELVIDERE, ILL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers