A Gentle Reminder. Bickel's Grand Clearance Sale of FINE FOOTWEAR. + -*■ + + + To make room for a large Spring stock which I have purchased aDd which will begin to arrive soon, I have placed oa sale many matchless bargains. Now, this means to the close bayer ' 'Money in their pocket." Why pay big prices when you can get the same goods at onr store for half the money. A few of the many bargains: One lot men's fine Calf, Kanga roo and Cordovan shoes, Bizea brokeD, regular price, $3 oO to $o 00. Yonr choice for $2 50. One lot men's fine shoes at $1 2One lot Drillers' shoes, box toe heavy sale re?aUr pric? $2 00 at $1 2>. One lot Ladies' fine hand welt shoes, regular price *4 00 now at $2 50. One lot Ladies fine hand turn shoes, many different styles, prices ranging from $3 00 to $4 00, your choice at $2 00. Oji lot Ladies' fine shoes Blucherett style to be closed at $1 50. One lot Ladies'warm lined shoes at 50c. One lot Ladies cloth lined slippers at 25c. Men's, heavy sole kip boots at $2 00. Boys' heavy sole kip boots at $1 00. Youths' heavy sole kip boots at 75c. Men's rubber boots, Boston, Candee or Woods >eket, at $2 00 per pair, Men's kip boots at $1 50 per pair. Boys' robber boots at $1 50. Ladies' $t 00 per pair. 2 000 pairs Ladies'fine SPECIALTY robbers sizes 2£ to regular price 50c go at 25c. I have many other bargains. When passing my store stop and look at the bargains I am off eriDg wheth er you need a pair or not. Cad anyway, always glad to show goods. Repairing done. To those who do their own repairing will say I have just reed 20 dozen iron Btands and can eell you one with four lasts at a bargain. Call and eee me. John Bickel, 128 S. flain BUTLER, PA. frank: kempek. DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, A.nd everything in tiorse and buggy fui nisliing goods —Harness, Collars, Dusters, Saddles, etc. ,A_lso trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-A Horse blankets in town will be found at ■FRANK ll 124 S MAIN ST., BUTLER. PA. 'Ol MID-WlltTEl SALE HAS MANY ADMIRERS. | OF 0 Boots, Shoes and Rubbers I Indicates the possession of tx fflwk I IJ AwVl Jteptionally attractive qualities. /QStaHBl ' !|f Our stock is praised by all be- I cause it is the best and is sold at jjjf I FMF prices "that you pa)' elsewhere for ym} Iff jj In looking over this stock w. find many lines in which the sizes , _ f/f f/yL" are broken. These we are r c ' ose ou * a * Greatl >' rei^ucet ' Men's Good, Solid Boots, tap sole, at $1.40; Mens Working Shoes goat 75c, 90c and $1.00; Men's Pine Shoes at 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. For 85c will sell you a good, solid grain Button Shoe, size 3 to 8; Ladies' Fine Button Boot, pat. tip, at 75c; Men s Rubber 45c; Ladies' Storm Rubbers at 25c. See our Ladies Solid Oil Oiaii Button Shoes at 90c. All Slippers now at about halt their value. One lot of Ladies' Fine Dongola Welt Button Shoes reduced fron $3 to $2. One lot Ladies' Fine Dongola, New York make, fron $3.50 to $2.10. Ons lot Fine Hand-Turns from $3 to $2 and sl7? and many other lines in same proportion. Boys' Shoes 75c snd SI.OO Boys' Boots 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. Try us and see how you- DOLLARS will grow. B.C. HUSK LTO N. Opposite Hotel Lowry. "3 A Summer Drive loses a measure of its P'.E:R"!V if the carriage is less KIA urious, easy running and h:tndsome than it might be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good points. They're the hunJvmie c >t vehicles you cat get—are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Made bv FRELOMA MFG- CO., Youngstown, Ohio. DIAMONDS JttlN'.s, KM< I.IN'I.S. p INH ST CDS. WATCHK 1 ? lOKNTSl OKNTS ,;OU '- 1. A DIBS' CHATI. VIN. tj XT I ('.old tlllH Kit' llitllfH. KllllfH. J Jti VV M I Chains, Bracelet*. Etc. wvv ffvin m m » «*)Ten Hitt« Butter Ifteii-it and Evrytlilrj 29X M*M If JC* JCm WW nA* u j thut can lx- finite.! IU h Ilrsl i-U.s store.. BODGER BROS. 1874 r™ 88 ' KOXKS SS&..K I-LATE. E. GRIEB.je«™EK. No. 139, North' Main St., B JTLFE P A., The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is ai W, II .O* en Ac Soil's 107 I£ast J elierwon fcitreet. best investment A in real estate is to keep build ings v/ell painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sorr jtimes w .nt to seil —many a good house ha 3 remained unsold fjr want of paint. The rule should be, though, "the best paint 01 none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use cheap paints. To be sure of getting Strict ly Pure White Lead, look at th® brand; any of these are safe: " Armstrong & McKelvy," " BevTiier-BaTnnan," " DaTis-CliaEifcers," " Fahacstock." FOR COLORS —National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. 7;. n are fold m out pew ml ccn?. each - ri sf sufficient to tint 2- ;' nds of Strictly Pure White Lead he desired shade; thev are in 1 • •.!> r.*ady-m:xed paints, but a combinatiot* . fp rfecttypore colors m the handiest fin to 1 rt Si- ktly Pure W.iite Lead. A «ood many dollars have been sa. jid property-owners by having our book on P I.- tin / : 1 1 color-card. Send us a postal card a*id Loth free. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch, German National Bank Euilding, Pittsburg. ■ Are a symptom of Jaundice, I Dyspepsia,Constipation.Bil liousness, Liver Complaint. p OR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS ■ will cure the disease and re- I move yellowness from ckin 1 I and eves. Warrantee, to curt. 1 tor -"le hy C R -'iick HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrpya' Bpcr-i(lo» are scientificaUy and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In private praetlee and for over thirty years by tlie people with entire Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named. 5 „. SPECIFIC FOB FWCES. 1-Frrm, Congestions, Inflammations.. .25 2—Worms, Worm Fever. Worm C01ic.... 3-Teeihmz; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness ,23 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 y—foiiifh H i Colds, Bronchitis.. ,25 8— »ura!*in, Toothache, Faceaihe ,25 9-Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 I® Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation. .2.5 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods... .25 lit—Whites, Too Piofuse Fetlods .25 1 3—Cronp, I.aryntfiti*. Hoan-enep:? .'23 H—Halt K lii-um, Erysiprtas. EniptimH.. .'Hi 13— Klieumatisin, liheumatlc Tains .125 1 ti-.llnlaria, Chills. Fever and Ague .515 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head. .25 •20-\V'hooplne C'ougb ,23 !i7—Kidney Diseases ,23 28-Nervous Debility 1.00 30—T'rlnary Weakness 23 3 I—Sore Throat, Quincy,Ulcerated Throat.'2s Un i« DR. HUMPHREYS' GRID ORC II SPECIFIC FOR wnlrj L 0 , Put up In small ?>ottlcs of pleasant pellets, Just fit your vest pocket. Sold by DniSKIJiU. <>' *""<■ | r«i »"l <"> receipt of prl-n. IU HuMrnattTh- JUSCAL' Enl.rced* mailku rri-k. IirHFIIRKIS'Bt D.10., ill * I IS WIIU««i 81., M.W VOIIK. SPECIFICS. -J'2. XAt-j- JZ*i ■ r MILO > .Ex- rn * FINC MMKncu Tpvr-sttcasn | / ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE | CIGARETTE I Has stood the Test ot Tima MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER 1 BRANDS COMDiNED : ,v.. -.s : cc-.id K f 't relief* KH*la' r P° from a most horri-2 Uka ÜBIL —' — had spent buodredsV of dollars TRYING various reinediesg and physicians, none of which did me* any good. My finder n:ii!s came off, o I and my hair came out, leaving mejt perfectly bald. I then went to HOT SPRmCS I Hoping to be cured by this celebrated* treatment, but very soon became# disgusted, and decided to THY S «r ■■■ ■' —11 The effect wasS truly wonderful. 15 commenced ; >7 cover after tikingg the first bottle, and by the time I hadS tak(-n twelve bottles I was entirely cured — 5 cured bv S. S, S. when the worlJ-renowned S Hot Springs had failed. WM. S. LOOM IS, Shreveport. La. 5 Out Book on the Di « ami Its Treatment B jjiftilc! fr e to any m SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AtlantmGa. 8 MXWWmtQA Warninu to Expectant... J 1 { Many Internal remedieM lire beint' KUlll- fi tftf'illy and plibly a<iv<-rtivrd, prol> ■ inr 100 .Shorten Labor, lessen Pains of Child* O i", birth, etc., and v. Ith •.voinl'-rful 1M on-lst & S*--ncy to regulate menstruation. Common 0 g Ki.iiHc should ti achuny ".omaii that uprep- .3 Z aratlon adapted for & 0 AIENSTRUAL DISORDERS > ff. will not prepare the nynt< m for Child- Q birth; on the contrary, IXTI UNAI. HEME a DIES at this timf maylmj ril her lift'. We A Bearnestly say HEWAKK of all Bitch; tbevo fo cannot, ut lh;.s<-r itical [ )■' rioll. do any posst - ajblep'od, and their use may prove fatal. ZltUonlv by persistent t.XTriiNAi. treat- g Km< nt while ■ nclente, thus n taxing and K softenint? ail the parts, that th' hour of X £ Child-birth is roblied ol its terror; and DOO X remedy ou earth ilo< :i thl i but A 5 ... "MOTHER'S rRIEND."S g For further Information address £> THF. BRADRELD REGULATOR COMPANY, -r ATLANTA, OA. r'\ DOCTORS LAKE f"SS pi rrl M Dl-I'l ' -Mtv. A J#. & &.u : j -• *-&r 'iirtM Br.. -Ym..-!.' ' .'I. BU H, PA. iir.'Jfti \ A i* ii-.'lieanil Cor." pi"•" ■ ! ■ _ r- ,7 rift V ■■ 1 • TJ ! •«!- li-ntf ti r.j<? t • J i i<i tl i 1 •«., . Iv. tl| n ice PPI) !. Di .fc h UiLoU•• member ot the tl (**iU ->* Hij ; . . :■ urg • . t*n*l m > .C.irc«l «i'r ; n •! ••..« i ••• 8> u* ■: 1' ~i) "iviil.-N v..--. 'U i . ■> • '• -iv 1,! , 1.1! »U • ' • .. . 7 to h min<l • ,2 to onlv. •1 i i.i U•• • r ftd.ln :■" . ; 1 ft - -;N 1 " '"'"lf iiorvl ' ® .. • P.: v. 1 . !1. u til SffifT 'i - ..p '• ••ulnar. .. PEN!?A. bhuX Il'f'O CO. Hr - U.u< A-ivf., I'LLiWi i'\h» THE CITIZEN- The Siberian Railroad. The work* in connection with this large undertakinj: are being pushed ahead with the greatest eneigy, under the auspices < f the young Emperor, who intends to retain the presidency ot the Siberian Rail *ay Committee. According to Engineering, there is reason to believe that the West and Central Siberian Railway will be ready uy the year 1900. What is called the Baikal King Line will not be cominenceJ till the other sections are taken in hand, but it is expected to be completed by about 1904. The Baikal Lake will in the meantime be used for the transport oi rail way material for the Trans-Baikal section, Irom Myssonskaza to Stretensk- This sec tion an aggregate length of 680 miles, and on it a great number ol engineering difficulties have to be overcome. The dis trict through which the railway is to pass ] is very thinl}- populated, there are many mountains and elevated piateaux. and the climate is very st-rere, the soil being at a'.l times frozen. The highest point which the railway will touch on this section is about 3,200 feet t»bove the level of the st-a On the railway lines referred to, there will nave to be built the immense number ot 973 bridges. The longest of tbe-e is the Sflenga Bridge, which will be about 3,000 'eet long; lor comparison's cake, it may be -tated that the large (jrunthal Bridge over the North Sea-Baltic Canal if' < lily (52C feet. It was origiualiy under contem plation to use wood as bridge building natt-rial in some places, sud to u=e steam terries at others, bot both there plans have i.-en abandoned, although this alteration will euta'l au additional of about 25 t»er cent upon the originally calculated cost. Strelensk is situated at the Sbilsa tiiver, which is an auxilary to the Amur Kiver. The counectiou between Stretensk a d Cbabarowka, a distance of some 1,300 miles, will, in the meantime, be carried out by stealers. At Cnabirowka, which i- Mtuated at the entrance of ttie Usuri Kiver into the Armur River, a bridge will tiave to be built of 7,700 feet length, wnich is more than two and one halt times ttie le gth ot t ie Str-lenka Bridge on tno Cen tral Siberan section. The last large section of the Siberian Railway will connect Chabarnwka with ttie naval port ol Vladivostok. One-ball of this sect on, from Vladivostok to Uross koia, w:lt be ready in the present year, and the second' from (irns.-Kuia Citabarowka, a distance of some 230 miles, has to be ready i i the year 1898. The headquarters ol' ttie West Siberian Railway are at Tschetja binsk. The section which comes under t'ns management terminates at the bridge over the Riv<*r Ob, which bridge lias a length 0f2.G00 feet, and is situated at K lwnrchtokowa. This seotiou should be completed in the year 189f> The head quarters of the Central Siberian Railway a e at To.risk. Kicli secti m is divided in o sub-sections of about 85 miles lengrli. For about every 20 miles there is an engi neer, with assistant engineers. Next year a large number of convicts will be employ ed in the buildiug of the railroad, and so as to remove any inducement to try to escape i,hey will obtain the same pay as the tree laborer, and wnen the railway is completed have tbbir term will be wiped oil'. The proper earth and bridge building works •an only be carried on during the period Irom May to about tne middle of October. —A ring medicine is needed by nearly everyboay li (od's Sarsapari'la is the fav orite. Try it. A Steamer Makes Thirty-three and one half Mites Per Hour. The Boxer is the last torpedo boat built lor the British Admiralty. She is the last ol lour fast boats. The Boxer is 201J feet lobg, 19 feet beam, draught loade i 7 leet 2 inches. On a rooeut trial the mean spued i on six runs over the measured mile was 20:314 knots, or 33] statute miles, per . our. Her sister boat, the Ardent, i'iade almost the same speed, her engines indi cating nearly 5,000 horse power and inui- - nig 407 revolutions. Ur. Aguew's Cure lor the iiiart gives' perfect relief in ail cases of Organic or j sympathetic Hea' Disease in 30 minutes, | iiiu speed ll> etiei.-is a cure. It is a peel-, less lenieu.V fjr fulpltallou, ftihoi luens oi ii-a n, .Smoldering Spells, I'ain in Lett >nie and all s} uiptmiis of a Diseased Heart. ! One dose convinces, ooid by Clt) i'bar- I oacj'. Owing to the fact that farms may be ».l iip-tu ihu sole condition that they im prove the land, oiuuy Norwegian lin mi grants have settled in Brit su Columbia rattier than in the United ata'es. IlelieJ in Hix Hours. —Distiessing Kidney and Bladder ilif • ises relicveo 111 Mi Louis llie • jt'-al South American kitlnei Cure." ibis new remedy is a great suipiiae on j I'liMUtol Its exi . eit.ng promptness 111 *lie\ liig p.il.i in (he biauoer, KlUuey , uack ■ nil e\eij p<iit ol 1 lie uiiiiii.j passages i i i a.e oi ~ a,ale. ll uneven n u n.loll ol • .it i a.o ji .in in pa-Slug it almost iui oei.lalelj. 11 jou Mailt quick lellif and ure luld Is your rented} OolU by J. C. I liedicK Urujj/ini iiutler Fa. —A man who came to Southern Cali fornia lour } ears ago with one lung now i claims to have lour. The more lungs he ! gels the worse will be his regulation tor! Veracity. —"And Johnny, what particular pleas ure do yon den} yourself during Lent?" Johnny—"l've stopped putting pennies in I he box tor the heathen." —The old established gh remedy, .'. Mil's Elixir,still more tlia Uoidn Us own Ihe public estimation, despite »narp and >ctiVo cumpeliiiou. ll is a "homo rem < iij ," and tui- locality needs no words ol praise Irom us, so well and favorably iiiintu is it It is ttie i.tannard leiueny tor etiughs, colds and all throat troubles, a itn gieat numbers ot our people, and .iieir continued use and unsolicited rec •iiiiiueudallou ol it .pi ass volume* in lis nVor. —liuiliug ou, Vt.. i'rt-e I'rcsx, Juu- U.UI 20. ISB2. —ll is eaiimate:. that ttie seaiiug waters oi tne Arctic now contain 450,000 seals, | wniuh are all that are left from a herd ; numbering millions 20 tears ago, and ihi-y ■ represent a total value ol about $14,000, J 000, —There are ten recorded cases in which I persons have been born without tongues | ir rudimentary organs of speech. And j tliey have all been ol the male sex, Wo j men, thank gm.diiei>, are never so afflict I ed. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"ilystic ure" tor rheumatism and neuralg:a, raun illy cures iu Ito 3 days, lis action upon me s} stein is remarkable and mysterious. t removes at once tne cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The hrst .lose greatly ueneiii.t. ii) els. hold by J. t Itedick, druggist. Uutler. —The Rati-as election authorities have decided that female voter* need not give their age in registering. The woman folks hail the ruling with joy, for without it they would have to tell one ol the lew ixcrets they can keep. —When a woman knows she is hurt I she knows ll tor all she is Worth. At leas j ibis is the ease with a Nashua, N. V. lady who while diuuk got hurt. She is now suing eleven saloon keepers who sold her liquor for $12,000 dumuges. —The negroes down in South Georgia, writes a larnier, won't pick cotton tor 50 cents a day, and will scratch themselves j up with briars from sunrise to sunset foi i a quart ol blackberries that is not worth more than a nickle, —ltch on human, mango on horses, dogs and hll stock, cured in 30 minuies I by Woollorn'. Sanitary Lotion. I'i s never tails Sold by J "C. Redick, drug- i gut, Butler Fa. Ashes on the Sidewalk. A gentleman living in the West EnJ has been in the habit of going to the lodge , almost every night in the week. He mac- j ages to get home sober enough to deny any insinuation of his wife that he is ic- • toxieated. A few nights ago the cement walk which < runs from his front door to the gate be- ' came very slippery. With wondeifil fore- ; thongtb he sprinked it with ashes He | then informed his wife that it was ceces- j sary for him to attend an important meet- I ing of the Masons anu departed. His wife had noticed him sprinkling ashes on the walk and she smiled grimly as a bright idea suggested itself. Fifteen minutes after her dutiful lord had departed she sallied forth from the house, bnudled np and armed with a bloom and about 50 feet of hose. She carefully swept the ashes from the walk, and then, after attaching the hose to the hydrant, liter ally flooded the place. She retired and l«*ft the rest to nature aud her husband. Nature did bor part by turning the water into ice so smooth and slick that old Boreas himself could not stand upon it. Early next morning the hus band proceeded to do his part. He was in his usual condition and there was but one thought that remained clear and distinct in nis mind, aud that was that he Lad placed ashes on the walk. He opened the gate «*i;d confidently and bristtiy started tor the door. Iu a lew moments bis feel tried to exchange places with h:s head, he revolved several limes in the air and theu returned very forcibly to the earth. When it came to astonishment and sur prise, that man could have stood bis giound against any uian in the World. Again and again he essayed to walk, but every elfori w s but a repetition ol the first. Finally he gave it up and tried lo think out a way to reach the door. After au hour's thought he succeeded iu devising a way to slowly but surely get there. He play ed quadruped, anil advanc ed on bamis aud knee- When he was withiu a yard of the di or it Was quietly opened and his wile appear ed. Henry, she said what ou earth is the matter! It cannot be that you are drunk? That was the straw that br.-ke the cam el's back,and the now bumble and penitent Harry replied: Yes'tn. I'm drunk. But I'll be hauged if I don't believe the man who said nsbes wasn't slip'iy is a liar. Thoss: Horrid Verbs. The verb to get is one of our much mis used words; it ineaus lo acquire, win, ob tainjand, primarily, it signifies the putting lorth of effort to attain something. Cou cequently it is not superfluous, but incor rect, to speak ol a man as "getting drown ed" or'-getting lick;" and you iray un lortunately, have a cold, but it is impos sible tl«it you have got a cold. At this moment no exceptions occur to the writei to the rule thai got should never be Used iu connection with have, which, alone, sulßcioutly expresses possession. Say "1 have the picture," not I have got the pic tu,e; The dog has a broken leg, not the dog has got,a broken leg. The irregular \erbs lay and lie are frequently cm founded Lay is au active, or transitive verb, and lie is passive, or intransitive. We lay things down, or have laid them down, but we and things lie al rest. You lie down, have lain down, or are lying down; she lay down yesterday and is going to lie down this afternoon. A frequent error is to confound the past tenses of these verbs One should say. Mary laid the book ou the table, and lay down herself; but the book lies on the table. —lt appears that not one American merchant vessel passed through ilie Suez Caual during the Cousul Geueral Feuliuld's report to the State Department. Thure Were American Cargoes enough, but they went iu British ships. —The recent advance in the price of girl babies in China has rather bothered those peddlers who have mail' a living by buy ing anil selling them like spring chickens, and mothers who wanted to bay luiure wives for their sous have nad to pay high prices for good, fat, healtny girls. —The wealth ol the Vauderbilts is ma bid away trom tile public eye. H McK. Twombly, the sou-iu-law of the only Wil liam II ha» spellt $1,500,000 ill creating a modern stock farm at Madison, N J llr. T vouibly has hopes ol rai-mg butler aud iu lk enough lor bis own family. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps aud bleui ishes Irom I .rses, ulood spavins, curbs, splints, s A eeney , ringbone, stifles, sprati.- ..II swollen throats, coughs, etc sav< SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted Un most wonilerful lileiiiisb »;ure uver Known. Sold bv J U. R-iln-s. druggist Butler Fa. LOt IT THE PEC pHFORK yon hang up your i hat, look at the label before you buy whiskey. We've got years of reputation back of that label. ThequalityoroidKxport Whiskey sustains our claims to tho letter. Discriminating and fair minded folks claim that it Is an article pure, smooth, palatable, and perfectly safe for all Medicinal, Hoclal or Family Xiiirposca. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mall and Express orders shipped the sarno day as ro eelved, and We pay charges on ali orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. Fleming & Son, | IS MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. Comolet: Frit Lists ol Wines and Liquor* malted Im HOUSEHOLD ENAtttL, KUPERSKUKS PAINT AMI VAIIMSH Can be applied to any smooth surface,on furniture, wood, glass, any kind of metal including kitchmi utensils. Makes old articles look new and is much used on bicycles, carriages, stove . <jc. Requires only one coat, is applied cold with brush and dries absolutely hard and glossy in 2 hours—will not crack, chip, blister or rub oil'. Sample bottles sent on receipt of price. 2 ounces 15c, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40c. West Deer Park Priu tirg Ink Co., i .fir c. v.!. tr. f< v ( ot AGENTS WANTED SPEED If and LASTING RESULTS. ✓C\FAT PEOPLE^ * from any injurious substance. tn rt. M ' UiOZ A3:OMI::3 SICKED, We GOARANTicE a CURE or rotund your money. Price M 3.00 p«-r bottle. Send 4c tortreatifd- TItKMONT aitUtCA". CO.. lloston, Muh. Garfield Tit run-., i |(....» . • • . • • BUlfl. Sample ( < Cures Cs - ?i - til on STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (SnvcnilorpliN Patent.) Lightning, Fire and Storm Proof. for | The Prnn Iron llonflnc i«nd Corril* Ctta - KailUtf !«<• IW. 1 Of yrlce*. i troic Cooper <S: Co., Having received a full a.^sor;- j ment of the latest novelties in Foreign and Domestic Woolens Tnilm " Clllv. 1 suitable lor Spring trade, we are prepared to make suits to otder at prices which will defy all compe tition in Uuality, Style, Fit and Workmanship. Call and be con vinced before leaving j our order for -A SprirjjS Suit. LEADING TAILORS, No. 301 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA. "A HANDFUL OF- DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO "ELVCs ; L ■ a ®® l rnfrfEVEFtfi/^i C V " >FEV ! Eljfs Cream Jialinu :.<>(. a m* r or p-'tri:-r. Jjipli-d into the n>ntrfls it it e /.< Cr a th -re* <S< '■'■ -n/M* >r stent by wil on of yrin. C ij#» DUu ELY SnnruEfiS. ;6 Wv»n Street NEW YORK. 3UL ; W. L. DOUGLAS IS THE BEST. riT FOR AKINC. § CORDOVAN", RENCH i E'iAMCUED CALF. , $ 3.5? Fine CALF&KAMGARoa *3.%° POLICE, 3 SOLES. BOYSSCHOCLSHOEi LADIES SEND For? CATALOGUE W-L'DOUGLAS' — BRCCKTOH..MASS. Over One Million People wear the W. L, Douglas $3 & $ 1 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give tlie best value for the money. They equal custom shoe* In stvk- not! fit. Thiir wearing qualities ore un , ufsed. The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. Prom ?i to *.? saved over other mckcs. if your dealer cannot supply you we can. .'-old by ALEXANDER DOUTT, WHITEST WN. SPECIAL NOTICE That I will sell, until further notice, he fo'lowing good* at the old prices. regard less of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax hy the sfovernireut: A A pure re 2 Vf&n*. $2 00 jn*r gallon; Tipp»*caD«»«-. 3 $2 25; Old Cabinet. 4 year*. $2 50 per pul tun; Bridgeport nnd Th"imi-nu's pi ire rye. 5 \ ears. $3 SO pe.- gallon; Finch Gulden Wedding, Gibson's. Kohinsi n Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; Hanni»ville, Il.mirli erty, Monticello, 12 year?, $5.50 per gallon. California wines. <lr r \ and sweet, from <se per gallon to $1.50: 12 distinct bram's; my own importation, sherry and Port wine, from $2.50 to .*3.50 per ealion; tlso the linear. Irish and Scotch whiskies a' lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. ABTDKIESSEN. 188 Federal street. Ailegneny. I'a. All orders by mail promptly attended. N'o extra charge for packing. Telepta' 'JO 549. Robt. Lewin, WHOLESALE WHISKEY MERCHANT ANI> IMPORTER OF FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, 136 Water St., (Opposite B. «fc O. Depot.) Pittsburg. Fa. F NCH'S GOLDEN WEDDINU. FOB MEDICAL AND FAMILY USE $1 00 per Qt. f or <i for $.j.00- Finch's Goiden Wedding, Dougherty, Guckenheimer, Lorge Gib-on, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Orerholt. etc. This is tn<- only house not rectifv ing in the city .there fore our goods are warranted pure. Goods -ecur ly packed and boxed without extra charge, ('. O I) and mail orders receive prompt, attention. Grandfather's ch' ice 3 ••r - Id, $2.00 pci (tlioß. Try us. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL " Commit theOlil IU.-liut.te" DR.LOBB Thirty years ntlnuou* practice In the cure of »I 1 aof liii-n ami wuim n No mutt* r Iroin what cauHc or how lorn? muridine. I will nuarantec a i-ure. ]{i2-Page i-lolh-Uouud UooiL ibvuWj au<i umil*4 tlihiL They Have Been There! NFSI J1 x %K-I' Jif 1 The- above cut represents the ladies as they come from MILLER'S Shoe Store. They fou.id tilings just as advertised and bought freely. This is what induced them to buy* • Ladies line Kid Oxfords I'.it. lip 88c. Ladies fine Tanned Oxfords 75c. Ladies fine Kid Button Shoes Pat Tip at 88c. Ladies o.ie Vice Kid Lace Shoes, all styles $1.25. Ladies Grain Shoes at Bc. Boys School Shoes at 75c worth sl. Have you seen our Men's Shoes, We are offering some great bargains in Men's fine Bufi Shoes Congress or Lace, Tip or Plain toe, at $ 1. Mens good Working hoes at 9Sc. Infants shoes in Tan or Black, at 25c. When you get ready lo buy your Spring Shoes, Come in and see us, We Will Save You Money. The New Shoe Store. C. E. MILLER," 215 S. Main St., liutkr, Fa. W irlA T IP O N W- DO. T IS NATURE'S OWM TONIC Rtimt'Jates the appetite padpro- J!.. duies refreshing sleep. t is VITAL STRENGTH TJ MJSS;N." . MOTHERS. ' C- eks wustins; diseases, stor 1 ft % mgbt sweat." cures incipient consumption. „ Increases 3tren&.h and flesh. MAKES I\ED, RICH BLOCD, Promotes hc?.Mhy lung tissue. "Willgive the p -> an.l puny the rosy cheelr j oi youtn. k '%| CURBS All tSZ-l/.Z COMPLAINTS. Makes strong m: u I women of weaklings. BJK.& IRON TCsiS FILLS Cure t .'a3tißfl Diseases and tiiiiir sequences, 3RONC!.!TIS t CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor caustic, and • 1.0 coagulating etiect on the contents ,-tf ir.ach or it • litunn: consequently . hurt the teeth or cause constipation arrhoea, as do the usual I'orm3 of Iron . y • treatment 50c, pamphlet, I'reo. 11 i Loci by your druggist, aadres3 aILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. tWhnl P-lerve Eierries have done far others they will do ~ lor OU " jVI CO 16TU day! M 3! N Easily* Qui ok!/ j and Permanently Restored. 30TH DAV - A positive cure for all Weaknesses, ! Nervousness, Debility, and all their i trainof evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over- I work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops ! r.:id j'ivestoi'e and strength to thesex mlorgans. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful errors or excessive u eof tobacco.opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use sho s immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE DERBIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, s'.oo per box, six boxes, one full treatment,ss.oo. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will set: 1 them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet f ,e. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN f.'EDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0. VITALIS -• . . <Je a Wei! % °* 4' T ;f jl % TR iS G iiEAT .■£>,. ' n.ij ' J FFiENCri c'SEMEDY 3.TKT I>R.'i|.l. ,Hic Aiirw It.Mlts iu :;«• DAIS. It acts p, I' V :ui.t null Uly fur <I • all others :.iil m--. ill r. "iivu th'-ir nihilhood, uml - : n will iti-owr th<:r yniilUtul vigor VITALIS. .iv : tA Hurely re • ■ n. t. •it ' • . l!!i|K.tf»Cjr, •it i>, . • J. i.osi l»ow«-r, KailinK Mem ... effoeta ct sell ~ . or exceM ud IpdlMrathM, Wards oil : a I:I-: .. II •- <II havluc VITALIS. "< Vi ' 1:1 h ' ' irl<<lln vest i *... ■ i :. t If, II ri .. 1.,."", uri>lx luf nith i piMltlvi Ki-itliß purMtwtlHn - r < ri.-. I tl:c m'IMCT. < .r free. Addresi til I MET KI Ml.n* COMI'A.IiV, »liiiago, IU. For Sa.J(> at City Pharmacy. WEAR HAMBERSLOUGH BRO'S Famous New York, tailor-mde CLOTHING For sale by prominent dealers all over the State. None genuine without Ilammerslough Bro's lab 'I. The swtllest and best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask your clothier for them. f ?f ' ■ nvv' ;? Piles B ' TiIEKT $ BUTLER' LUMBEK COMPANY Ship[> rh and (ieul»;rri in Ruildin • Materials anil Lumber of all kinds. Door* and Windows, aDd Mouldings of all kitidn. H. E. WICK, Wanager. Office aud Yard tat.'luDnlutfliaui and HourutitrecU 122 S. Main ( ) 122 S. Main strcet |D. T. PAPE'S.} stree , THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Conic see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BUY. Our display is lar ahead of all previous years in Style and beajty. and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. T Mourning Goods a Specialty. n Quesions AND Answers:== First: Why is Klein's silver Age Rye Whiskey so popu lar ? Because its pure, that's sure. Second: Why do the best physicians in the coun ry recom mend Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey as a stim ulant ? Because it is reliable and they can depend upon it Third: Why do hotels and the leading druggists and dealers give you Silver Age Kye when >ou ask for "some of the best ?" Because they know it is the leading whiskey of the country. Fourth: Why do dealers prefer selling Siker Age Rye in preference to other brands ? Because they know it is the best and they can sell more of it than any other kind. Fifth: Why do the public call for Silver Age Rye ? Because every bottle contains a full standard quart and that its purity is guaranteed. Sixth: Why should you look at the cap,cork < nd label of each bottle of Silver Age Rye ? Because the signature of Max Klein appears on each and prevents impositions and counterfeiting. Seventh: What are the qualities of Silver Age Rye ? Absolute purity, age, mellowness, boquet and flavor. It is carefully distilled from selected grain and remains in heated storage until it is at least 8 years old, and when bottled represents the HIGH EST TYPE OE EXCELLENCE in a Rye Whiskey. Send for complete catalogue containing testi monials of the highest repute to Max Klein, Distiller and Importer 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa. J ewelry--Sil verware- -Oiocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe « ent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, Vo 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block . Electric Bell and Cloc'ii. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS PQOF THE W 0 LD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, H twenty-pace journal, in the leading Republican family paper «»1 the Lotted Stati n It >.< a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER ami give* a" »>e t^t't l ulled State;.. It jfiveK the event* of foreign land* in p nntuh.'ll U* AUmcu TUBAL department IIHH no superior in the country. MAMiI WUllio are recognized authority. Separate departments lor IHE FAMII Y CIRUL>Jji OUR YOUNG FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS Uk HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration ol wives and daughters. Its general political new», editorial* and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enable* an to offer this splendid journal BDd THE CITIZEN ' lor ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subec ription for 'be two papers is $2 00.) SUBBCUIPTIONB VAY BEGIN AT ANYTIME. Addrecs till orders to - - 2 "THE CITIZEN Writ'* v<>ur nsme sad addreHrt on apo-ial card, send it to Geo. W. Room 2, Tribune B ildinir N»-w York City, and sample copy of The NEW YOKE WEEELY TRIBUNE will be mailed to yon.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers