Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 28, 1895, Image 3
THE CITIZEN" THURSDAY. MARCH 28, 1895. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal notices are published in the ClTl xen at $1 per Inch for first, and 50 cents for each succeeding insertion. . Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions, etc are inserted at 5 cents a line, money to accompany the order. Reading notices on local page 10 cents a line lor first and 5 cents a line for eafib subsequent insertion Notices among lo cal news items 15 cents a line for each in •ertion Half-inch professional cards with paper $5 a year. „ , . . Rates for commercial advertising quoted upon application- New York Weekly Tribune-Free. by special arrangements made for «ur so doing, we are enabled to offer to all «ur übscrioers wn« pay arrearages, lit any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free tor one year. For further particulars of this offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Administrator's notice,estate of John W. McJunkiu. Ruff's shoes. Ziuimermau's spring opening. Shloss Bro's spring stock. Martincourt <fc Co's wagons, etc. National bank statement. Koonce's millinery. Burton's suits • Spring cleaning, Butler Df6 Work?. Doan's Kidney Pills. Excursions. Ste.i Roofing, etc. NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make oange.- m their ads. should notify us ol heir intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors ot estate can secure their receipt books at the CIT IK* orboe LUCALAND GENERAL. —Freckles. —Grass getting green. Oil your lawn mower. —Put away the sleigh. —By-by to sausage and buckwheaters. —The plans tor the new school-house are here. A new coal mine is to be opened near Hilliards. —Don't sign yoar name to receipts tor strangers. —Don't forget the State College Glee Club—Saturday evening. —Now is the time to kill flies—Don't let one escape. —The State Christian Endeavor Associ ation will meet in Erie, August 22-25. —Considerable property is changing bands in Butler at good figures. A loose window in the Court House ■teiple attracted considerable attention, Monday. dry spell will end next Mon day. and the long cold spell should follow suit. —"The People's Telephone Co." is anew enterprise in Butler and it proposes to re uce lates one-third. —Seaunr bought forty head of horses the last trip, fifteen in Butlbr, Saturday, and ■hipped them East, same day. —The rain of last Sunday night dam pened the dirt on onr paved streets, and next day a few hundred tous of it were ■hoveled np and carted away Still there's more to follow. —J. M. Leigbncr has placed his stallion Crawford Prince, by Crawlord 2:07f, in John Shanor's hands of the season of 1895, and will keep him at the Fair Ground, at sl2 tor the season. —The Standard continues to buy pro ducing territory. It is said to hold but half a million barn Is of oil. available for its refineries; and to have shutdown sever al refineries located in Brooklyn, Phil adel phia, Olean and Buffalo. —The State College Glee Club which ap pears here Saturday evening Maroh 30th, travels in a special car, and it is safe to say they are a jolly crowd. They are 30 in number and go from here to New Castle. The administrators on the estate of John W. McJnnkin, dee'd. will have a sale of stock farming implements, grain, house hold goods, etc , on the premises in Clay twp. on Thursday, April 18 th. next, be ginnig at 10 A. M. —The Phonograph exhibition given by Mr. Lowthen, of Reynoldsville, Pa. in the Baptist cbnrch last Thursday evening, was well attended aud gave geueral iatis faction, the souir hy Rev. Collius, and re produced by the Phonograph demonstrated the completeness of the instrument. —The Pittsburg Times will begin the publication of a story, to-morrow, entitled "The Bride of a Day," the closing chapter of which will be published in its issue of April 22. Tbe story will contain a puxzle, riddle or mystery,for the solution of which previous to the publication of the final ohapter, the paper offers prises aggregat ing SSOO. —At the Plve Glass Works, early Wed nesday m irning, what was apparently a successful effort was made to cast the larrfft disk of glass wanted by Rev. Peate of Greenville for the lens he has agreed to furnish an observatory at Washington. The molten glass was poured into a large Iron band, sixty-two inches in diameter and seven inobes high, and barring a slid ing of tbe mold aud slight dripping of the glass, the experiment was a success. The disk, which weighs about a ton was put in an annealing oven, where it will remain for two week and whether or not it is per fect will not be known until it is taken out and examined. —Those fellows who like to sit on on the banks of a creek and fish for suckers will soon find the weather balmy enough, and the ground warm enough for such to them, agreeable occupation, and let us tell yon that tbe suckers are not all dead yet. Last Saturday atternoon a stranger, with a team and buggy, located himself near tbe crossing of Main and Jefferson Bts. oollected a crowd around himself and his rig by selling collar buttons and lead pencils very cheap, and returning ths trifle paid for them—a nickle. Then he cold some other articles at a dime and re turned the dimes, and some things at a qnarter and returned the quarters. The game by this time had beeome decidedly interesting and money was offered the gentleman as fast as he oould handle it Then he sold a lot of rings at a half each saying something abont returning tbe money after tbe sale was completed, then a lot of gilded watoh chains (probably worth a dime) for a dollar each; then he pretended to stnff five and ten dollar bills into some cheap watch oases and sold them for the amount supposedto be inside them. Then, Oh! then—he gave his driver the tip, and away they went at a brisk pace np Jefferson St. and down towards the West Penn depot. That man ain't dead —he's a real, live sucker. He suoked about 9150 out of that crowd in an hour or so. Storm Berar<*fl and French Strife*, H«t>ri" , ' ,,tH . Nov-lty [)» m (J »<nis mid Fa icv Si-k-t in sreamat va ieiy aud at 1 • Mttei pric«i» at. U MJSJM & jif* » LEQAL NEWS. LIOBSSB COURT. The incidents of the session of Thursday afternoon were the making np of a case for the Supreme Court, based of the question of the necessity for a liquor license or li censed hotel at a certain point; and Mr Nixons' proposal to close his bar at 7 p. m. if granted license. The conrt-room was crowded Saturday afternoon to hear the decisions, which were as follows GRAKTBD. Mrs. Mattie Reining. Butler; Frank S. Clark, Butler; J. Harry Faubel. Bu'.ler; Herman Lieoold, Butler; McCsfferty <fc McCrea, Butler; W. H Jellison, Petrolia; A. <£ A Hocn, Mil er«ti*wn; H. W Stokey, Zeleiuuple; Charles Stokey, Zeiienople. HELB OVEB TILL JUNB. Simeon Nixon, Butler; B J. Forquer, Miilerotowu; Mrs. L>u Cunningham. Evans City; Jacuu Rnioer, Butler; Lusk <t i red erick, Zeiienople. RBFL'SED. N Ziegler. Harmony; Williams & Brooks, Butler; Jacoo Boos, Butler; J. Nicholas Iff . Evans Ciry; Johu Dolan. Millerirown; 0. J Rathe, Saiouburg; F C. Plabe, SaXouourg; Jno. S Byers, Petro lia; Baueilem Brewing Co, Bucler; Jos L. Uhi, Butler. WITHDRAWS. Nicholas Maugold, Allegheny, Pa; Sam uel Beam, Harmojy; Richard Bowen, But ler. The reasons given for refusal, so far a entered, are lack of necessity, exceptii'g in the oases fro,n Saxonburg, where it is violations oi ihe liquor law ' The licenses granted date from April Ist 95, next Monday. MeKisinss' SESTBNCB. At the sessiou of Court of last Saturday morning, the arguments tor aud against granting another trial nt the case of the Com vs Win. F. McKinuiss were neard Ou Monday morning the motion was over ruled, aud the attorneys for the defense plnad lor a light sentence for the reason that there was a doubt in their minds as to the prisoner's gulit. The Dist. Atty. said there was no doubt in the case and that it could ne made stronger, and the Court aeuttneed McKinniss to eight years in the penitentary, costs, fine, etc. NOTES. Letters ol adm'n were granted to Sus anuab Lacsey on estate of \V. J. Lackey ot Oakland twp. Mars is now a borough, the decree bem^ dated Marcu 23, 95, aud election will be held on Tuesday the 9th day of April, 1895, from 7 a m t>> 7 p in, at Marsnali's Hall, for borough officers. W. B Boyd, John flespetihide auu M. S. Sarvey will hold the election; aud Win. Thieser will give 10 days uotice of it by posting bills. The Auuitor found that the new borough would nve the scuool .district of Adams twp $466 66, and that on the road aocouut the twp owes the borough #9.84. The resignation of Puillip Snitiel a" overseer of Jackson twp, was accepted, and Eira Liken* appointed in his stead Ex-Mayor Richardson of New Castle was placed on trial last Friday, on charges ol bribery, receiving bribes, etc , was found guilty, and was sentenced to pay costs and a fine of $250. In the trial of a criminal case in New Castle last week, the District Attorney asked a witness "Which have yon heard most called in question, Mrs. VanEman's 'truth' or her "veracity!" The witness didn't know but rather thought that it was her 'veracity ' and even the defendant's counsel had to smile while the tipstaves vigorously rapped for order. The will of Conrad Nickel of Butler twp, was probated, no letters; also will of An drew Campbell of Mercer Co. Letters of adm'n were granted to Jno R. and Anna McJunkin on estate of Jno. W. McJnnkin. J. M. Grey filed summons in ejectment vs M. B Finuessy, Johu Painter, et al, for 30 acres in Franklin twp, adjoining lands of Jacob Snyder, et al. Nocina Pierret has sued Emma Bauvire for slander. Carrie Lewis has petitioned for a divorce from Jno. C. Lewis. Quite a number of ibe citijens ot Saxon burg were in Court, Monday morning, on the School Director case, and as they made it appear that the Democrats had run in a vote from Jefferson twp, thus making a tie vote lor that otfioe, the ballot box "1 the boro was sent for and opened in Court. The li.-C snowed that the offending ballot was No. 29 It proved to be a straie'it Democratic vote Throwing this vote out would elect the Republican, but he does not want to serve, so the matter was let stand for the present. The Repub (loans down there claim that the Demo crats are iu the habit ot running in a vote or two from the adj.lining townships. The cost* ot the proceedings were taxed to the School District. LATB PROPHETV TRAKBXBRB. Ca'.h. Reep to Maria Gardner 25 acres in Fairveiw tor sl. A Frederick to Jos Bleichner 25 acres in Clearfield for $1,030. Tbog W Wigtou to Jno F Beatty 4 acres in Brady for $250 R Fleming to F E Barnhart lot in Con noq for $125. W J Cypher to Chan Portman lot in But ler twp lor $125 W J Cypher to Pat Walsh lot in Butler twp for $l5O. Jas A O"sterling to Jno Zorb lot in But ler lor $2,250 S B Cross, admr. to Jos L Cross 79 acres n Worth for $1,600. Paul Donthett to Jas Bredin 700 acres in Washington for sl,o*'o J A McCtndlett* to Samuel Irwin lot in W Knnhury f<>r $1 000 E A Go. bring to W G llaabe lot in But ler tor $325. B E Hunt to J T Donley lot in Butler f" *r $1 500. J F Aude.rson to R H Graham lot in But ler for $1,325. G W Bermont to H Boyd 3 acres in Buf falo for $712 50. Mary H Boyd to A W Mates lot it But ler for SSOO K C Yates to Ira Ziegler lot in Zelienople for S9OO .Alice Hazlett to Franklin Miller lot in Butler for $2,600. H J Klingler to Grace Luth Church lot in Butler for $1,400. Jno S Wiles to L A Herold 103 acres in Centre tor $5,000. G D Kaiuerer to S W Brown lot it But ler for S4OO M L Keep to Amos Reep 36 acreß for $725 J N Thompson to L C Wick lot in But ler for S3OO. T H McCarney to Warren darkless 100 acres in Allegheny for $1,500. Jos Hockenherry to Alice Gorden lot in Butler for $l,lOO. Marriage Licenses. T. C. Lee Valencia Mary Magee "• James B. Studebaker Vorth twp Florence Heckathorn.......... " William E. Barton ...Glade Mills Mattie Smith Pittsburg John II Kidd Myoma Sophia Blakeley " John L Urie1).......... ......Glade Mills Mary Walters.... " Clarence Pennington.............Chicora Blanch Myers - " George Wagner........... ....Evans City Louisa Young " At Pittsbnrg—W. G Russell of Butler and Nettie Garritt of Allegheny Co. At Pittsburg—W. J. Borden of Brinton and Maggie Kelso of Mars. —lf Burton cannot show you goods, and give you prices to please you, no other clothier in flutler can. White Rose Flour. The best straight grade of winter wheat flour on the market. Manu factured by Geo Walter & Sons- Butler Pa., aud sold by all the lead, ing grocers in town. lona Patent. The best patent flour. Manufac tured by Geo. W T alter & Sons Call at the mill, or your gr-jcerytaan, and try a sack. We sell Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Crashes and all ktuds of white goods at very low priced at L. VSTEI.N A SON'S. ( —A Buniness Education Free, if !you Ouy your dry goods atDaveuuy's ikftfc utRAK hi. Pure Water. At a meeting in Seneca Ha'l, Tuesday evening, A. G. W illiatns stated that the bill iD equity—Citiiens of Butler as The Butler Water Co.— had been prepared, printed and filed; and that service bad been accepted by the attorney of the Wat er Co. A time ha* not yet been filed for a hearing. The collector of the Third Ward said he had secured $30.00, and coald get at least 120.00 more; and the collector for the Filth Ward had secured $25, with promises of more. No mouey has as yet been collect ed in the Ist 2nd or 4ih Wards, and as from S2OO to S3OO will be needed to carry the proceedings through, the collectors and persons interested should secure some money immediately. For the 4th W»rd Mr. John Yonnkins w&s substituted as collector, for Mr. Goucher, who cannot serve. Some money should be paid in to Mr. Ritts, of the National Bank, who is treasurer, as soon as possible. The meeting adjourned to meet at the call of Mr Russell, who acted as president that evening. P. H C. Open Meeting. The open meeting of the P. H. C , and its friends, in their h til in the Reiber building Tuesday evening, was a very enr joyaole affair. The nail was crowded J no. H. Keed presided, Rev. Miller opened the meeting with prayer; the or obestra gave a select ion; Miss Pear! Gregg delighted the audience with her selections on the piano and mouth orgaD, as did also the little sons ot Mr Devinny aud Mr.Fagau with their songs, and then came the event of the evening, a speech by tea Supreme Treasurer of the organizition, Hon Aex McDowell, of Sharon Alex spoke of the organization and its good work, and the:i rnlerred to his experiences in this c.mny during the Congressional Campaign oi 1S90; is so good natured and humorous a way as to bring down the house He was followed by Mr. Palmer, the Supreme Ac countant, in some remarks on the organi i at ion. The choir then favored the audience. Miss Gregg played 8.. well that she was recalled a third time. A daughter of I. J. McCandless recited "Little Joe;" and a daaghter of Jno. Reed played a selection on the piano, and Rev. Miller made the closing remarks. The Circle here numbers some 200 members, and as doing good work. Church Notes. Rev. E. M. Wood will preach in the M E. Churoh next Sunday morning on, "Selfhood or Manhood," and in the even ing on, "Tae Editor and his Profession." Christian Endeavor Rally. The fonrth lecture of the Christian En deavor lecture course, will be given by Homer L Castle, Esq , of Pittsburg, in the Presbyteiian church Thursday even ing, Apnl 4tb, at 7-45 Subject "Good Citiiensbip." Lecture free. All are invit ed. NOTIZE. Oil ye People what ride on Wheals an what not ride-* on Wheals. The ButLer SiKle Olaß wil hiv A baßd limß Social Thursday NiCe, March 28-h 1895, at tHe Seneca HaL, 2 wich they want U to kum. No 1 aloud in Phnll Dress. Kum 1, cl" in oil. By Order Committee. BCTLER CYCLB CLUB. Popular Excursion to Washington. Thurt day. April 18. The last of the series of popular excurs ion a from this section to the .National Capital via B. & 0 R R. in announced for Thursday, April 18th, when the same train arrangements and low rates that were ic effect on the previous excursions will prevail. Those who have not taken advantagejof the;previoUß excursions should not tail to"embrace this opportunity to see the National Capital. The severe weather of the past winter is over and tue genial warm lb of early spring will make travel ing mure comtortaole. The public build ings museums, art galleries anil institutions will all be open lor tree inspection and delightful fide trips can be made >o points of interest near by —Baltimore, Annapo lis, Mt. Vetnon and Richmond, are all wit.uin easy reach ol the National Capital. A visitor,s guide to Washington, issued by the B. & 0. R R Co. giving a synop sis ot the public buildings and attraction at the Capital and details ot the excursion, train schedules, rates, etc., can be had by applying to any B it 0 agent. Trains leave B. A Depot, Pittsburg, 900 A. M. and 9.20 P. M. Pullman Par lor Cars are attached to the morning train and Pullman Sleeping Cars to the night Tickets $9 00 for tne round trip from But ler. Correspondingly low rates from other nations. Tickets will be good ton days, and will be valid for passengers frotn Washington to Baltimore at any time within the lie of the ticket. For Pullman Car accomodations aud guide to points ot" interest in Washington, address nearest B. <4 0 Agent or E. D. Smith. D. P. A , Pittsburg, Pa. New Percales, Docks, Court Royal Pique, Seersuckers, Ginghams and all kindß of wash goods at L. Bt*in SL Son's. —New Store, New Stock and low prices, at T H. Burton's, The One- Price Clothier. Burton's Clothing and Furnish ings, are the best in town for the money. Stale Normal. Attend the STATB NORMAL SCHOOL at Slippery Rock. Butler county A successful school for teachers Best methods Expenses only SSO for the term of 14 weeks Spring term be gins March 26. Send for a catalogue. Dr, Hess & Go's. Stock Food, aud Poultry Panacea, for sale at Geo. Walter & Sou's Mill, Butler Pa. It will be to your interest to give us a call. We do not want the earth, but we do want a fair Bhare of the pa tronage of Butler and vicinity.— BURTON, The Clothier. —lnfants Wool Hose 5 eta per pair at Davenny's —lox4 blankets 60c atDAVKNNY's See our line of New Spring Capes —the assortment is large and the styles and prices are right L. STKIN & SON. —Home made candies, taffies, ear mels, and etc., now on hand at the City Bakery. —Jno. A. Richcy will furnish pure Spring Water Ice to everybody next Summer at wholesale or retail. —Fittest novelties in dress goods at DAVENNY'B —An honest dollar's worth of for an honest dollar, is Bar ton The Clothier's motto. Fine and heavy all-wool Serge 45 inches wide, all colors at 50 cents a yard—a big bargain—at L. STBIN & SON'S. —Genuine Lancaster Ginghams 5c at Davbhny's Kye. The highest price paid for kyk at • Geo. Walter & Son's Mill, Butler, Pa —Boy your dry goods at Daven ny's and get a scholarship for the Butler Business ij illege and School vt' (fvo. Aoit at*/!* PERSONAL. Dr. Sbowalter was in town, yejterdav. Wm Forquer is recovering from a se vere attack of grippe. Hon. W. P. Braham of Harrisville was in town on business, Monday. Col. Redick has sold his home on Mc Kean St. to A. C Krug for $2,450. J. B Mates is attending U. S. Court at Williamsport. Mr Frank Sellers is the owner of some thing tew, it is a girl. S. W Moore and S. C. Glenn of Brady twp. were iu town last Saturday. Robert Baron of Worth of Worth twp, was in town on busines, Friday. Mrs. McJunkin aud S. D Miller of West Pearl St. are sutferers from grippe. Hattie McCutcheon of Grove City is the guest of Alice Kiskaddon. Thomas B. White of Butler has been granted a pension. Col. Lowry WAS out «njoyiug the sun shine, last Saturday. His health is im proving. Mrs. A. J. Hutchison has been confined to her bed for weeks by muscular rheuma tism. Esq. UcGinley of Concord twp. was in- IOWU, Friday. His eyesight has been lm pared of late. William Currie of Worth twp. is in fee hie health, also Mary Ann McDeavill of West Liberty. A. G. Williams went to Sharon last week to see his daughter Mrs. Smith, who was seriusly ill. llettry Trourtnan has purchased theC->re lot on Main St. adjoiuing S teriff Dma gby's.—Sixty feet front fur $2,300. Col. Mechling and Capt. McJunkin at* te'ided Gen Greenland's luneral al Clarion Wednesday morning. Mr-. J. N". Stewart and family have moved into the Laube house on W. Pearl St. J. A. Oesterling sold his house on Insti tute dill to John Zorb; and E. E. Bunt bis house on Bowaru at to J. T. Boniey. Jane Dugau of Morgan St. Pittsburg, a former resident of Donegal, twp. will be 102 y ears old next. June. S. 11. Uusulton will move to Pittsburg, and open a law office in the Bakewell building «tn Grant St. Ira McJunkin will move to room F. <fc G. Armory building, S. F. Bowser aud brother to the rooais A. V. aud Dale, Thompson A" Co. to rooms T. <Sc X. R. C. Brown has gone to Williamsport on a visit. His history of Butler Co. will be completed aud ready for delivery about the Is;, of June. • Mr. Davis who recently purchased the Steve Huselton house a. ooruer of Mitfl u aud Washington, for $d.500. resold it t* Mrs. Eiieumiiler, tue grocer, lor $9,750. Eii Grohmau of Dr. Kedick's store car ried od secoud honors iu tue class ot 26 that graduated from the College of Pnar macy iu Pittsburg last Tuesday. Theodore Limberg, who is employed at fa., has bean on the sick lisr the past lour weeKs, catne to his home iu this place, last Saturday, his friends hope for his early .ecovery. Kev Henry Shanor w.is in Butler, Thursday, visiting his folks. His talher. Daniel Shanor, is not iu good health a' present. Henry aud his lauiily are now occupying toe handsome new parsonage built ty the English Luthern cong.egaiioii ol Lancaster. Mrs. Core ol the Butler Music Co. will personally conduct a river exclusion to Cincinnati, leaving Pittsbunf, Friday May 3d, on board the Iron ljueen. Round trip $111.70. Tickets good lor six months, a band of music will accompany this ex cursion, good board, good rest, sight see ing and a jolly good time. How, William G Thompson who was born an i raised iu Bntler county, is now itie Judge of tne 18 th Judicial district of lowa. Mr. Tnompson came to this place when a \ onng man, studied law and was admitted to the Bar here in 1853, immedi ately after which he went west and settled at his present home, Marion, Linn county lowa. He has been in Congress from that stale and filled various other offices and is now filling the office of Judge liis many Iriends here are much pleased to learn ot his continued success in his new home He is a brother ol Co!. John M Thompson of this place. The ladies of the Women's Guild of S l . Peter's Church have finished some needle work undertaken in January for the Alle gheny Hospital, and are ready to send ofl their package, but they would be glad to add to what they have ready, anything that kind frieuds will spare from wellfiiled store-rooms and linen closets, or will give, out of the sympathy, the knowedge of »ut lering gained iu the sick room and nurse ries of their comfortable homes. Hospital appropriations are large, bat hospital needs ar great; and to theqnestion " Wbat shall we seud yout" the hard working • 'fficials seem to have bui.one reply. '• Any thing yon have; we cat? use it all. Irom a bar of soap t'i a box of oranges; lrom old liueu to new flannel; lrom an hoar of your leisure to a check on your banker, nolhuiK comes amiss to us " With this statemeut we leave the matter to the ladies ol ttiis community, engaging to forward in their name, auy parcels left at Patterson's rooms Main St, on Tuesday, April 2, between 2 and 5 o'clock. You pay for school-books; bat the best aehool-bouk for your children is your daily puper. Weil printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with the ueWH and beet in preaemiug it. the Pittsburg Dispatch filla the bill. —l2O S. Main St., is T. H. Bur ton's Clothing Store. Go see his goods and get hie prices. Great bargains in Lace Curtains, Lacea and Embroideries at L Stein & Sou's. Always use J A Richey's Cough Drops Tbey are the beat. Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wantiug in finisn, tone or a correct likeness Take your children to Zuver'a Gallery tor Pictures that will suit you. Postoffice building —Fine Donnett flannels, 5c at DAVENNY'S. Seud your children to Davenny'a to get Dry Goods and get a college education free. Ask about it. See our line of Kaiki Silks, Pou gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silks for wasita from 35 cents a yard up L. Stein & Son. alwaya on hand at the City Bakery. Boarding House Cards, with Act ol AaaemOly, 25 ceuta tor half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. Largest assortment of new Silks and Dress Goods at lowest prices ever known at L. Stein & Bon's. Mr. Jonea—Where did you get that half ivtra. Smith—At Davenny's of courae, tbey have the beat millinery in town, try them. Notice to Farmers. Geo. Walter & Sous have added to their extensive flouring mills a new Feed Mill. Tney will be able to do your chcp,jing on short notice Yon can take it home with you at once. The mill is ruuning every day. RECOLLECT, we charge only the TENTU, au*l do the work to your satisfaction. Geo. Walter A Sous. Wheat. The highest price paid for WHEAT at Geo Walter Son's Mill, Butler, | Pa j —A good umoereila ior 75c i I Accidents* 11. G. Keil of the 4tb ward had two fin gers taken off by the knife of a wood ma chine last week. A sad accident occurred at the Kildoo mine in Clay twp, last Saturday evening. Oscar, a son of Isaiah Taylor, who was about 17 years of age, and another miner, were turning a room, and had placed two shots of dynamite at the bottom, but one of the shots exploded, and young Taylor thinking that it was his. walked up to it and was standing over it. when it exploded killing him instantly. While Robert Bard of Centreville and Mr. Kaylor of Allegheny were at work Tuesday at the gas plant of H P. Griffin, south of Centreville, a ternbie explosion occurred. It is supposed that a spark flew from a chisel in the hands of Mr. Bard into the gas. The roof of the building was car ried away and the walls spread more than a foot. Mr. Bard escaped with a few burns, but Mr. Kaylor was not expected to recover. The explosion was a terrible one and was felt a mile away. Park Theatre. STATE COLLEGE GLEE OLCB —Mar. 30. The Pennsylvania State Coll-ge, Gle~. Bango ami Mandolin Cluus comprising 30 artists of the highest t\pe, will appear n ihe Park Theatre March 30. The glee cluo renders with ease the most difficult selections and intersperses with these a number of typical college songs The ha go an>i in .ndoiiu clubs aie ackuowlertir ed m« pe-r ot similar co lege org.uiza tions and are everywhere received at.id gioims ot applause. The ci>iz-ns of fctu ler •»re i vired to pass criticism ou itm inusv al abilities ot these boys, and ; •hh r d a urge audience *'Ui g e.'i tueai LOST. Lost Somewhere between McFaun Pa., aud Butler, one large official letter ad dressed L. W H Ztet, McFaun, Pa., any person findiug same will please mail same or deliver same to L VV* liaz.ett, at Kennedy's Soda Works, Butler Pa. It is ot no value to si y person except the owner To Washington, D C. -Last Excursion of the Series riu Pennsylvania Hath owl. Tne last of the seiies of low-rate excur* ious to Washington D. C , via the Peuns, I vauia Rainoad, will be run ou Thursday. April 11. 1895. Excursion tickets, good within ten days, and permitting ot stop over at Baltimore iu euner direction with in limit, will bb sold at rates quoted below, good lor use ou dates above uamed ou al 1 iraius except the Pennsylvania limited Special train ot parlor aud day coaches will be run on tne lolloping schedule: — Trains leave. Kate. Pittsburg.... -.8.05 A. M.. $9 00 liutler 6 '? " " iV ashiugtou. Arrive 7 4o P. M. .... Stop lor diuuer Altoona. Passengers will use regular trains through to Washington. icKets ou sale in Pittsburg, at Union I'icket office. Filtn AVeUUe aud SmiiUUelJ Street, aud Umon olaiion, and at stations mentioned above For lulllutormatiou ap ply to Tnouiisli Waft, Passenger Agent >V esteru District, 110 FiUh Avenue, Puts burg Wait for the ouiing event of the .sen«on. Tbe opentug ot the inilli uery department of Tne Peoples' Store. Api'il 9. 10, aud 11. We have engaged oue ot iim UI 'si Q'sJbl? fßC ummended trimmers to be had in New York City, aud with nor assist ance have se:ected one of toe Urgent and most beautiful stocks of goods ever brought to Butler H. W. Koonce, propr. Closing Out Sale. La die's wool Underwear at half price. Muslin and other goods mark ed down. THE PEOPLES STOBK. 1 X u. Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates and Charter* Framed to Order at 3t»9 S. Main St , Butler. Pa FERD FEIGEL, Prop'r. AMY BRO'S, CORNER MAIN & MIFFLIN ST*.. BUTLKR, PENN'A Dealers in n>;w and second hand housenolil goods of every description Call and see us vVecau save you money. No matter how hard the times the one thing you cannot afford to go without is all the newn If you want all the news you get it iu the Pitts >iur« Dispatch. Ti-e Dispatch pur>. isfoesl all—U'»t a part outy Wheat. The highest price paid for WHEAT at Geo. Waaer & Son's Mill, Butler, Pa. Rye. The highest price paid for EYE at Geo. Walter &L Sou's Mill, Butler, Pa. MUSIC. Mußic scholars wanted. Lessons will be giveu either at the home of the teacher or at the home of the scholar. Inquire at 124 vV. Wayue St. But'er Pa. Bradley's Standard F. rtll zers For aale at Geo Walter & Son'a Mill, Butler, Pa. Tnese fertilizer works are the largeßt in the world. Call at the mill and get a circular. f KEt! FREE! To Kidney Sufferers. AN OPPORTUNITY W 'R'IIY OF Y >CR NOTICE. If you suffer with kidney disease or any ailment arising from an lm proper action of the kidney a or uri nary organs, tbia offer we make to the people of Butler, should interest you. Iu the advancement of medi cal science the kidueys, being almost the orgaus of greatest importance to human health, have not been neg lected.and in placing before you such a cure aa Doan's Kiduey Pills, tfie proprietors recognize how far BO many atatemeuta of the makers of aimilar preparations have fallen snort of their claims. Being convinced that no remedy lor kidney complaints in existence equals Doan's Kiduey Pills tor such ailments, strengthened in'these convictions by letters that are dailv received of the work they are doing for mankind's benefit, old backs and young backs are being con stantly freed from never ceasing aches, aud many a lane and ahatter ed one, stooped and cmiracted, is strengthened, invigorated, and intus ed with new life, with such a medi cine. An offer of this kind can be made without hesitancy, for while we lose the box we tfive to you, we make a friend that assists iu the sale Of mauy others. One hundred lull boxes of D >*n's Kidney Pills will be give i away free to persons Buffering with kiduey ail mcnls at the undersigned address. First come, first served, and only this one chance offered Reuse inner this is not a sample box, but a regu | lar size box Of D >au'a Kiduey Puis, which retails at 50 ceuta. For those in the country wno cannot cull in, fifty boxes will be mailed to the first fifty letters'received in the order ol receipt. Free distribution tor one day only, Moa4<ty, April Ist, from the drug store of I). 11 WUI4.IH. Sole airenta for the United States' I tfouwr AUK/uru Co., Uuifcirfo, Y. Oil Notes. Natural Transit certificates wore worth $1.14 yesterday. Modoc—At least six wells on this field are doing six bbls each. Wbitestown—Brandon <t Hazlett's well on the Shanor is doing 100 t>b!s: the For est Co's well on the Beigbley is a fair pro ducer, but the Frishkorn well is dry, it was shot, Tuesday, and may improve. Prospect—Rowley Co are down COO feet on the John Shaffer: Hite .t Hay have ocated on the J. C. Kelly; the Forrester well is doing about 5 bbls; the Gill A Juue well on the Peter Neeley is doinc 15 bbls from the Berea; the well ou the Duffy or Williams farm is down 600 feet. Brown- dale—Shanor <fc Co's well on the Shff Brown has been tubed and is looking for a good well. . Cooperstown—Geo Shaffner sold a 25 acre lease on the Rebeca Hill to the For est Oil Co. The Forest Co's 2 and 3on the Harbison had no oil in the 100 ft. The Conner Ji Co's wells on the Rittman, Parks and church lot are looking good. W. A. Clark sold a 50-acre lease on the Michael Ekas, Wednesday, to the Forest for $80,000; and I J McOandless au S-acre lease on the Walters for $25,000. Herman —Huffman & Co's Xn. 4, Lpech reached the sand Monday, and began flow ing Coylesville—Leege & Co's well on the Jobo Sweeney is pumping 20 bbls; Phi'l ps an 3 Dennison & Fleegar have r'gs ou ifce Clymer. The well drilling by George Schsffner on Mile Run, south ot Butler, about a mile, is progressing very favorably and two or three weeks will determine the result of this enterprise The timbers are all upon the ground for the well in this borough. Bear the Walter Mill, and the drill will be in motion soon as the derrick is up. The derrick is to be of iron, an invention of Mr. Wilson who is at the head of this new venture. Success, with oil or gas, will make times lively in Butler. The Henry well, up the creek, about five miles, seems to be producing more oil than any well north of Butler One day last week its production amounted to 30 barrels, and did not salt water still inter fere it is believed it would do that amount daily. Leasing still continues brisk throQgh Centre and Oakland townships, in the vicinity. Too should postpone all pan-bases of Millinery goods until the People' a Score has opened oat its newest stylas and latest novelties—all new goods, —Try, T. A Morrison's home made Carmeis. —-A fall line of home made candies ar the City Bakery. Fine canion flannel- 5 cents at Davewnt'h. Plain and fanev Black Go iHs in all qualities at bargain prices at L Stkin Sl Son'S. A Curious Fact. that nobody ever succeeded in mak ing a Fruit Biscuit which at all com pares in the quality or flavor with Royal Fruit, the p-oduet of the Mar vin Bakery. Tbiw biscuit is mad>* from the finest imported raisins, and ig absolutely free from grit or im purities of any kind, [ts flavor is delightful. Sold br all Grocers, 15. cV B. EVERY STEP = - Of the way through thiß great -tore briugs you upon some great value, from Silks, Crepons, Dress Goods and Suitings of every description to 'be smallest necessity of toilette or house adoro aifut. Small profit merits every ar ticle Samples of tbe following will give an idea of values iu Dress Goods and Suitings, Assorted American Suitings, 36 .o 39 inches wide, 25c and 35 els Black and Navy Blue Serges, medium wale, wtrv finish, 50 incheß wide, 50 Cents. All-wool imported Black Henrietta 45 inches wide, 35 Cents. Finer qualities,Biack H nrietta, 45 inches wide, 40c and 50 Cls. 20 cases New Imported 1895 Dress Goods and Suitings st>le and worth beyond all precedent at prices, 50c, 65c, 75c, to $1 25. Every department is teeming with bright, fresh, new spring goods— medium to finest Wash Fab> ics, 5 cents to 65 cents the price range. Silks—soc. 65c, 75c, to $3 50, include newest in Taffeta, Staole aud Novelty Weaves in every de sirable and artistic shade and color combination The finest specimen of the best manufacturers' both foreign and A merlcan Spring Jackets. Capes and Mil linery, e».c , in all the artistic beauty and jauntinesa of 1895 Sj. ring Style. A Mai' Order Department equipped to fill y< ur aligntest order with precision and dispatch. Will you come, or write us? 6c J3u.li I, ALLEGHENY. PA. DYED. Now is the time to have your Clothing Cleaned or Dyed, and aave the 20 per cent we are offer ing at this time. A trial will con vince you that w« do good work. Portiera dry cleaned. $1,25 per pair; Bruasela or Tapistry carpets cleaned with >ut lifting, 10c per yard, Butler Dye Works, 216 Center Ave. I oil f W. BROWN. C. A. ABRAMS. ABRAMS & BROWN, Real Estate, Fire and Lite Insurance, dUSBLTO.N BCILWNQ, NEAR COURT HOCHK. BUTLER, Pa Insurance Company of North America. 102 d year. Assets 563,000; Home ol S»» York, Asset*l6o.Uoo; Hartford of Hart lorj, lyn. Asset* sfc>.sooUoo. Sr.a Y rk fuller vrKwii' A Suggestion. T | J\, a . ft - . DjM| | W :^HL/ r'd it ever occur to you that there are drugs mm ,'rTrK—that drugs are like every thing else —there arf good. bad and indif tereut. There is no.u. '•!"« which is positively bad if it is'nt just t»l LU J best. Our poiicv has always been to have noth ing hut the best. When you waut drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls lor. It may not always be drugs yon want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites. C. IM. BOYD, Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. I EG A L ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of Orphan's Court, ot Butler Couuty Pa., at 0. C No. 8, Juue term 1895. and to us directed, we will on TBL GTH, DAY OF APRIL, 1805, at one o'clock p. m., on the premises iu Penn twp., Butler County, Pa., expose to public sale the follow iug real estate, late the property ot Is:»ac Wise dee'd: All that missuage or piece of laud situated iu Penn twp., Butler County. Pa , (remain ing alter (Jaiviu Wise and Wm. Wise each received the portion of land devised to them l>y Will of said Isa c Wise dee'd) and bounded and descrioed as follows to wit: On the North by lands devised to William Wise by said Isaac Wise; on the east by of Fulton ,Shrader: on the South by lauds of Wm. Kennedy; and on the West by lands of D. McLaug ilin et al, and well watered and well improved aud containing about 35 acres. TKRMs OF SALE. Two-thirds casu upon confirmation ot -ale aud th.- balance iu one year secureu uy judgment bon'l and mortgage on the premises, bearing interest, and with au attorneys commission of five percent for collection OAI.VI.N WISE, Leota, J M. PAINTER, Butler Co., Pa. Att'y. GEORUE B. WISE, Bennett Allegheny Co., Pa Executors of ISAAC WISE, Dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, By virtue of an order of the Orphan's C urt ut Butler Co , Pa , the undersigned administrator- ot Frederick Sharp, dee'd, will otter for sale on the premises on SATORDAY APRIL 13th, 1595. Atone o'clock P. M , all the following de scribed real estate of said decedent: Situ ate in Buffalo town-nip. Butler Co., Pa; bounded as follows to wit: Ou the north by iands of Thomas Parker, east by lauds of Hon. A. D. Wier's heirs, south by lands of Joseph A Parker and west by lands of •losiah Painter—containing about 44 acres, and having erected ihereou a small frame ham, log dwelling house, mostly clear d and small orchard thereon, and located about 3 miles from Freeport Pa. TEEMS OF SALE —Cash on confirmation of sale. W. H PARKER, Adra'r., of Fredrick Sharp, dee'd. McJankin A Galbreath Ati'ys. Administrators' Notice. Letters of admini-tration on the estate ot John W. McJunkin, dee'd, late of Clay t W p., Butler county, Pa , having IJ«-M granted to the undersigned; all perso ■ Knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please uiake immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to John R McJunkin ) „ Auna McJankin, \ Adra 8 " Euclid, P. 0. Ira McJunkin, Att'y. Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. ESTATE OF CHARLES HASLBTT. Notice is hereby gtyen that letters testa mentary on the estate of Charles llaslett, late of the borough ot Butler, dec a-ed, have been granted to me tl.e undersigned. All persons knowing ihem.-elves nletttd to said estate will make payment to me, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same to me for set tlement ALICB W. UA.SLETT, EXECUTRIX, H. II GonciiKß, Attorney for listnte. Administrator's Notice. Letter* ol Administration C. T. A. hav ing been (jrautfit t<» Hie underpinned on ihi* Mutate of Jane Young, dee'd, late of Con cord twp , all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please call and si-ttlw and any having claim* against the s.me will prt-sent ihein duly authenticated for payment R 11. Youwo, Jacksville, Pa. A. M Cob.Nß Lies, Atty. Administrators Notice. Letters of administration C. T. A. hav ing b»eu granted to ttie nndersigned on the estate of William Bvers, dee'd, late of Concord iwp, Butl«-r Co., Pa. All per suns ki ow ng ttiemsi-lves indebted to Said estate, wi l please make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present ttiem duly authenti cated lor settlement to FRANCIS BYKRS, Adm'r, Lenta, Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of .1 oun Conrad Stiauor, dee'd, late of Wintes towu, Butler Co., Penu'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing tnemselve- indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present, theui duly authenticated for settle ment to ALEX. STEWART, EX'R. Whitestown, Pa. W. D. BRANDON, A I torney. Administrator's Notice Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned ou U.e estate ■>t Wlllian Lutz, dee'd. late of Lancaster iwp, Bailer Co., Pa, all persons kuowiug itieuiMjlves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said es ate will pre sent them duly authenticated lor settle meut to J. N. KIRKER. Adm'r, Middle Lancaster P. 0. J. B M ATES att'y Butler Co., Pa. Butler Pa. Administratrix's Notice Notice is hereby given thai letters of administration on :ti« estate of .lames Sel lers,dee'd. late ol Butler borough. Butler county Pa . have been grauted to the uu dersigued, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are reqie <eil to make pay ment, an' l those h ivi <g claims ,»r demands will uiaK kOOWB lie -une « rin.lit delay MRS il J SKLLKK.S. Adm'x E. E Yousa Atty Buller Pa. Thecdore Swain. GENERAL BRICK JOBBER. Chimneys. (trite nnd Boiler Setting Cisurn Building nnd eewer Work a Specialty. HARMONY PA. Owcgo Valley Poultry Yards. Prize winning buff Leghorns Barred Pl> month Hocks (Ua«kin's) and Indian 0 .me cockerels for sale cheap lor tnitlny •'! Block Eggs $1 per 15, $1 30 per i!S, $4 ner 100 , C. W. U ARRIHOTOS. Barton! Mills, , Y. SCHAUL & NAST, LEADING CLOTHIERS. We will just say a few words about our stock of BOYS CLOTHING. The price of them will surprise you. Boys' knee pants suits, sizes 4to 14 75c Boys' knee pints suits, sires 4to 14 $1 00 Boys' knee pants suits, ti/es 4to 14 150 Boys' knee pants suits, si*es 4to 14 200 50 Dozen Knee Pants at $250., sizes 4 to 15. 25 Dozen Long Pants at 50c., any size. Schaml S Nast, Leading Clotl-| iera, 137 3. Main St * Butler, Pa' OIII? MFW HAS ARRIVED > and we wil "* be pleased to show you what we • ! ' r - ve ' f 11 II y You can buy a good, servicable * business suit for $5.00, but our \ J < * • line at $6.00, $7.50, $9.00 and L- M M 1 1. E. SIO.OO are marvels ol beauty and excellence, better than ever sold (for the price) in the history of the clothing trade. Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta- '■" V ■g _ j j loons and Overalls. If you have 1 ii worn them, you need no further AXD mment from us. if not ask to £ i see them as they are the best m. M f cheap pants in the world. BUTLER, PA. Schneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSS BRO S, Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Fa We lead the Procession In Fine Clothing and Furnishings. The <"orrect Things In Mens Wear. Stylish servicable Uoods at Motey Saving Prices NOW O* SHOW. OUR NEW SPRING STOCK the pick and flower of this co'intrv's clothing. Specially seleced Tall-tr made (iarmeuts; In all the Newest and most Fashionable shapes. It will be to you r Interest to look through our spring offerings In Meu's Boys and Chlklr ns Clothing when ready to buy. In so doing you will have the Advantage of selecting trom our tn- Entlre new stock Just Purchased. We are showing the Largest Assortment of the latest styles and shapes in Derby, Alpine tell and Crush hates. In all grades. We cau Save > ou Money on hats or no sale. We have the most complete stock of Mens Furnishings ever offered here, and would ask your favors as we are giving this department especial attention.—'The line merits your Inspection, The balance of the SCHNKIDEMAN Stock Is still on sale at Tjc ON TUE DOLLAR. Shloss Bros., Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, 104 S. Main Street Butler, Pa. SCHNEIDEMAN'S, OLD STAND. Shoes for the Young Folks, Boys, Youths, Misses and Children. We aim to have Style and Service combined in our stock of shoes for Young Folks. The time was when children's shoes looked as if they had been made by the mile and cut of! in chunks. But in these days of advanced shoe making, shoes for the little folks, like those of their parents, are made to fit the feet neatly and comfortably. Three things are requisite in a well-run business; Knowledge of Markets, Money to Pay Quickly and Willingness to take Small Profits. That these requisites are combined in the management of our child ren's departments is proven by the fact that they will out-wear any other shoes sold for the price. Have your children try them and be convinced. Shoe Dealer. AL RUFF . s. Main St. Kramer Wagons,; a a u u IX L « | a a a u Farm " u << All parts of HARNESS our own make at FACTORY PRICES, 5. B. 128 E. Jefferson St., Butler Pa. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Buggies and everything belonging to a Driving or Team outfit, at exceptionally low prices this spring. Also a full line of Trunks and Valises, Boys' long pants suit*, sizes 12 to 19 $2 50 Boys' long pants suit*, sizes 12 to 19 3 50 Boys' long panu suits, sizes 12 to 19 4 00 Buys' Jong pants suits, sizes 12 to 19 5 00 Work Harness, U « Team " u " Plow " u « Buggy <C «