THE CITIZEN KaUrtd at at latter as 24 rUs»matt*r VILLUS C. IWLn rafcltsfc' THURSDAY. MARCH 2S. 1895 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Subject to Republican Primary of But ler county, June 1, to 7 P. M. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNET. A. M. CHUBTLRI, Of Butler. LBVI M. WISR, Of Batler. FOR DELEGATE TO STATE CONVEN TION*. DR. V. F. THOMAS. Of Fairview Borough. William J. MARKS. Of Middlesex twp, R. B. GILCHRIST, Of Butler. Harriaburg Notes. The ntw Judicial apportionment bill which passed second reading in the Hous* last Thursday, gives both Washington and Westmorland counties additional la® judges. A breeze in the House, Friday, was caused by a Philadelphia attorney who claimed that a memorial sent by bioi through a member to th» speakers desk, had been bidden or stolen by Clerk Huhn. The memorial asked for an investigation of the official acts of Judge Gordon Philadelphia. Qaire a number of the members of the Legislature witnessed the failure to launch the new cruiser, St. Paul, at Cramp s ship yards in Philadelphia, Monday. Senator Meredith introduced a bill Monday night, to govern tbe inspection and measurement of crude oil delivered to pipe lines for storage, transportation or under contract. After January Ist, 1896: the pipe lines mast employ a ganger to make the necessary measurements of well owners' tanks, from which he will prepare a table to compute the sise of the tank. Copies must be furnished the tank owner gnd the people interested in the royalty, and a copy must be posted on the tank From these tables the pipe line companies will estimate tbe amount of oil received, mark it in barrels of 42 gallons, and furn ish receipts to the oil men and the royalty people. Not more than 2 per cent ot the gross amonnt can de deducted for waste, nor more than 1 per cent for each 20 de grees of difference between the normal temperature and that produced by apply ing heat for facilitating the removal of tbe oil or separating water and sedimen' from It The penalty is SSOO fine or one year in prison. Washington Notes. It was understood, Thursday, that the administration would uphold the Monroe doctrine in its treatment of the Nicaragua case. The administration, in taking this stand, will refer to the Clayton Balwer treaty of 1850, when tbe Governments of the United States and Great Britain agreed that tbey would "never occupy, lortify or colonise or assnme or exercise any dc over Nicaragua, Costa Rica, tbe Moequita coast, or any part of Central America." In taking this decided step, to pnt into effect tbe Monroe doctrine the Adminis tration recognizes what the seizure of tbe cas torn sof Nicaragua by Great Britain would mean. It has in mind the history of Eugland and Egypt, aad does not pro pose that Nicaragua shall be entered through tbe Custom Uoase. and then be come a part oi Great Britain's possessions, as is Egypt to-day. To prevent a repetition of the history of Kgypt in Nicaragua, it ia asserted that Britinb denials of a desire to acquire ter ritory will be accepted an true no long aa •be keeps oot of tbe Nicaraguan Custom House*. It ii, therefore, aaserted that tbe United States in this question will notify Great Britain if that country refuses to give Nicaragua time to raiae tbe indemnity, that any attempt to seise tbe of the Hmall republic will be opposed by the United State*. Similar action may be taken in the cane of Guatemala wben England undertake* to collect tbe bonds issued by tbat country. A large amount of tbe securities is held in England, and Sir Edward Gray, in an*wer to a question in Parliament tbe otber day, r«plie<l tbat England wonld collect the, money on those bonds if she bad to do it by force. The Eastern War. An attempt was made to sssinate Li Hang Chang, tbe Chinese Peace Ambassa dor to Japan, at Simonseki, Japan, last Sun day. Be waa sbot at by a young Japanese an he was returning to bis lodging The bullet struck bis face and wounde.l hirn. A dispatch from Yokohama dated Mon day said, the bullet has not yet been ex tracted from tbe face of Li Bung Chang, bat tbe viceroy's condition is favorable. He haa no fever and is suffering but little pain. Bis assailant, who i* described as a political bravo, rushed from tbe crowd when Li Bung Chang's palanquin was pass ing, seized the carrier's band and fired at the Chinese statesman. The bulU.t enter ed the viceroy's left cheek. The affair has canned tbe greatest indignation bere. A private cablegram from Tokio receiv ed by a member of the Japane*e legation at Washington, Tuesday, was of world wide interest. According to Tbis dispatch, which comes from the highest official source in Japan, a German physician who is a Professor at the University of Tokio and an expert of high itlauding, wan sent at tbe personal re quest of the Mikado to examine Li Bung Chang's wound After a thorough examination ->f bis dis tinguished patient, tbe physician reported confidentially to tbe Mikado that Li Bung Chang must die. The wound is in tbe face and tbe bullet, which tbe surgeon had not succeeded in extracting yesterday, is ap parently beyond reach. Moreover, Li it 70 years of age, and. although a giant, phy sically, his years are against him. The dispatch which conveys this inform ation is a private an.l confidential one, but its trustworthiness is not doubted by its recipient, who gave 'he new* to the corres pondent. A cable dispatch from Sbimonoseki says: Tbe condition ot Li Bun* Chan* is favor able. It is reported tbat he has now con sented to tbe extraction of the bullet in bis face. Uia only fear is of a lack of cleanli ness on tbe part ot bia physicians in using old instruments. PKRU in at prexent the »cene of a civil war. Alter three day* lighting in the •tree'* of Lima, lately, the killed and wounded numbered two thousand, and an arrnbitice wan agreed upon to bury tho dead. The rebel* aeem to be coming out ahead, a* the armiatioe wax aucceeded by aprovialonal government, in which both side* were repreaented. SIXTT-OIK men were killed by the ex ploaion In a mine in Wyoming, lately. Not one escaped. TIIK rebellion iu Cuba *eem* to be a rare war; and the colored men have a b.tld Uidtf. Against the Woods BUI. At an enthusiastic meeting of citizens of Beaver Falls and vicinity, last Thursday night, it was resolved, that the passage of said measure would be detrimental to the best interests of the people of the common wealth, against public policy. un-Amercian revolting in character and a species of class legislation in its very worst form, calling not only on the representatives of Beaver county, but upon all others to use their best efforts to defeat the passage of ibis obnoxious measure and thereby re ceive the thanks of the people who reside m f>e cities and boroughs of the common wealth. After the passage of this resolution the chairman stated that it was desired to send a committee of citizens to Harrisburg to work for the defeat of bill >"o. 4. In ten minutes 1200 was raised among those pres ent for this purpose. The remainder of SSOO can eaoily be secur. d by subscrip tions. The meeting was the most enthus iastic one held since the fight began, and every one present appeared imbued with the thought that Beaver Falls will have a new water woiks in spite of a 1 opposition. A Series uf Cnion Meeting* for Better. The Association of Prayer and Institate of Reform. _ . This is the second Institute, ihe AS sociation of Prayer and Institute of Re form is a Dew and magnificent system < f work to be conducted under the directum of the National Reform Association There are yet but fix years until the Church of Ibe living God shall open her eye* upon the dawning light of a new born centar). It should be the prayer of e-ery Christian, when the dark night mantle of the dying c-oiury be lifted, the first sua beains of the new born century may richly tint a heavens with golden promises. To this end the good people of Butler are .■arnestly urged to attend this Institute of Reform and grand coarse of lectures. The following u the Program. PROGRAM Prof. J. R Dill, of Topeka Kansas, an Evangelist of National reputation, a field Secretary of tbe American sabbath Uni-n and conductor of .his Institute, will be with us for one fall week. He will speak in a union meeting in the first Pres byterian Church on Sabbath, March 31 st. 73° p M R _ L Monday April 1 st, 7.30 P. M. In tbe fi st Baptist Cnurch Union meeting Institute work proper begins. Outline Studj: followed by a lectu'e by Prof Dill Tuesday April 2 nd, 730 P. M. Iu tbe United Presbyterian Church. Union Meeting. Institute work by a lecture by Rev. J. T. McCrory D. D. of Pittsburg Pa. Subject. Christian Citizenship. \Y eduesday April 3nd, 8.00 F. M. In the Pre-byterian Church. Union Meeting Institute work, followed by a lecture, by Prof. Dill. Subject; Romanism in Ainer icA, Thursday April 4tb, 730 P. M. In tbe United Presbyterian Church. Union meeting. Institute work, lollowed by a lecture, by Rev. R. C Wylie, of Wilkins burg Pa. Subject; Our educttiona' system impersled. Friday April sth, 7,30 P M. Iu the Presb}terian Church. Union meeting. Institute work, followed by a lecture, b> ReV. H. H. George, D. D. East End Pu'.s ourg Pa. Suoject, License in the light of the law of Christ. Saturday April Bth, Vacan*. sabbath April 7tb, 730 P. M Two charh es open f- r Union meetings to be address ed by prominent speakers, Ministers and Citizens. This grand Institute work and course ol lectares is open to all. We feel justified in believing that the cause will be hand somely supported bv the general free will i.fTeriugi of the people from riigut tonight Tbe good citizens of Butler know how to appreciate a good thing. Tbe ministers in tbe town of Indiana this State, have testified the institute there, was the greatest treat they ever had in that place. Cotr.e every one prepared to sustain this splendid system of work in every way. Remember Butler is favored with the second Institute, Come and bring yonr peucil and tablet, to take down the outline. —D. Lo;al Institute at Kama City. Mahch 23, 189 a. Teachers' Local Institute convened in the M E. Church. Karns City, at 10:30. Owing to tbe illness of Mr. Da}, Miss funny Campbell acted a* Chairman and W P. Jamison was chosen Secretary. N P Bish led the Institute in singing '•Blessed be the Tie thai Binds." alter which Kev. Fair invoked the Divine bless ing upon the Institute "America" was then sung, alter which Miss Campbell in a few well cbo-en words welcomed the teach ers in behalf of the people ol Karns. PU. Daubenapeck spoke up >u the subject, '•What Constitutes an Education." Til speaker's remarks were lull or good thoughts, in which he showed that school ing and educating are entirely different things; that finishing a certain set of stud in by n<» 1116 mm whiit constituted an education The subject was discussed by W. F. Fleming and N. P. Btsb. Warren Sweezy recited "A Want." J. H. Rodger* in a strong speech opened the subject ol History. llewoold try to in culcate in the minds of bis pupils why they should study history, what were the mo tives which prompted our forefathers to take tip arms against Great Britain, etc. Miss Campbell advocated the readin of the papers by the pupils to learn the histo ry of the present. Mr. Bish thought a weekly or semi monthly paper better than our dailies as the facta are given in less space. Mr. Jam ison advocated more whys and fewer wheres in tbe it aching of history. That it matters little to tbe child whether he knows when Decoration Day, Christmas, etc , come, but why such days are observ ed, and that the children have a reverence for tbe same Mr Painter thought history the best to teach pupils the love of country; and advocated fewer dates, and more ol the history of tbe present and lesa of that of the paa't. Kev. Fair in making remaks upon the Buhjecr, said he wished to impress the thought expressed by Mr. Jameson ot teaching the "why," more forcibly upon those present, and spoke of the great arid noble lessons to be taught on why we ob serve Christmas as a holiday. 1 ;j0 P. M —The afternoon session was opened by siuguig the new version of America, Several small girls recited, "An old Maids Lament." E 11. Knoch spoke on "Parents, Pupils aud Teachers, in a pleasing mauuer Flora Lougwell then recited "A Colleg iate'* Return from Boarding School " Dr. V. F. Thomas talked on the subject of Physiology and Hygiene. The doctor made an excellent addres", at.d in conver sation with the teachers the Secretary learned that this address set them Lo think ing upon some things not brought to the notice iu the texts as found in the books. The address was in all the most unique to which we have had to li-ten, on that sub ject. W F Fleming in a masterly way spoke upon "The New Movement Educa tioti " He said among other things that the c .niacl ol oue mind Upon another is accomplishing wondrous r< nits. "The Rip Van Wrinkle" teachers of Butler county are being aroused l>y the new movement in education. Oue ol the cbaracteiistica of the new system ol edu cation, I* its adaptability to tbe wants of tbe pupils. Sup't vlcCullough was called upon and said he did not intend to make a speech, he came to listen and called upon the i 4 ext speaker, Howard Pitim-er, alio spoke u M un "Who is to Blame " He dividid the blame pretty generally among the teachers, parents aud the surroundings in general; and made a good speech. Emily then recited "Asking the Gov uor." 'i'tie Vu«ry Box ended the program. The next. 1 intitule will be Held at lleuua Viola in three Muck*. The teachers v. «r» Xl>y a full houne, both in the fore uu<l afternoon nemdonM W. P JAMKNOH, Secretary. /'eU-rm illt: llt iin. The *erie« of meeting* cloned lunt Sab bath eve, at the M K. Church. Over one hundred came nut nu the Lord* Hide, and Kijty have given their name* into the church. A very liberal donation wan giv en the pantor, Kev. K. B. Cutter by hi* many friend* la*t. Saturday evening, amounting to nearly $50,00. AIHO a very nice wa* given U> Brother A. J Henry in the way ol a little yellow pur*e con'am in g $-1. u a token of b>ve from hi* many friend*, who enteeuied hi* narne*t labour* during thin meeting in the way of helping Hie Hev. Cutter in taking charge of the niuging. Rev. Cotter will cpend a b-w day* In Beaver Kail* thi* week and A J. Henry will return to hi* home in Butler. Mr*. J aim x plimlwl wan called to Beav er ia»t Kruli.y to nee her Molt i who in v.ry ci< k, and uot expected to live. George Frederick «ho ha* been very t irk for Hoveral week* t* much better. A colored luith doctor In tn Pitt. b'iutteud ed him. They nay that alit.tle medicine bad U> UJ given with tUe tfuitU. l*»t lei. Ulttt be as it will, we are glad that George is j much better. Uaile George Brunermer was on the sick , list: and Con Nichlas's moiher and James Plaisted have the grippe. Uncle Jackson Evans has been very poorly for several weeks. Janies Plaisted was also called to Beav er ibis week, to the bed side of his sister in-law. The we'l drilled on the Blakley is pump ing Lice, and ibe talk is that several more will be pat down on the same farm. Trie Con Nicholas <fc Co , well is cased; the Bradsrreet, Oliver «fc Rader we!', on tbr Rad-r farm near Petersville, is showing for a lair well. The news just came that a fair third sand well was struck ou the Powder Mill Ran oa the Heckard farm. The sale of L. P. Hazelett was well at tended. and bidding on some articles was fair. Mr Ua elett will move to Butler about the 1-t of April. Forward township will lure « g< od citizei.; our Joss will be Butler's gain. Our best wi.-bes go with you and family Leslie. Mrs Ed. Covert and daughter returned from from a visit to Grandma Pane, who has been sick. UHDBRWRITBR. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Near Smethport last week an aged couple were tortured into telling where their money was bidden Tne old m»n's skull was fractured hv a blow, and hot c. als Were applied to the old lady's feei, uutll she told. Judges Stowe and Collier, of Allegheny Co., handed down th* list of ap pl cats in the t»o eiiiee, last Thur.-daj morning The number granted in Pltts- I.urg was iG± AllegTeny, 158, a total of 620. Last \--ar Pittsburg got 443. aud Allegheny [4B, a total of 591. Pittsburg ha.- an increase of 19 aud Allegheny ot 10 over last year Wiiliam El>erbart, a Berks county farm er, ban two apple tree* of tbe yellow p p pin variety, wnich are known to be 135 years old. These trees produced tweut) baabels of apples last f—ll. A new disease has made its appearance among sheep in Center county The s.heep first become dull and stupid and do n"t lollow tbe others; tbe sight becomes al fected, resulting in total blindness, and apparently the sheep b come deal, tor tney pay uo attention to any noise, tough ir is violent. Alter standing around awhile with heads thrown up, they fall over, and lie there until dead, unable to get up, or stand up when helped. The ice gorge in tbe Allegheny is gradu ally weariog down Irom the effect of old Sol's rays and will qaieily pas< away with out doing any damage A channel is rap idly being cut down through the current of the stream, and the piles of ice thai have lain Wbdged together in so compact a mass f»r se\eral weeks is beginning to crumble, and when a channel is Worked tnrouge the ice can then pass out quietly and smoothly. It will not require man} more warm days to produce thin efiect. A Washington county mya'ery which involved the sudden disappearance of llarry Lane, a young married man, V7a cleared up a couple of days ago, by the discovery trial the young man had surrepti tiously g.uio west to escape his creditors, and that he in now living in Canada His ruse was to lead pe-'ple to believe that he whs murdered lrom the lact that a bloody handkercniel and hat and a riderless horse near his home. At Uniontown, Tuesday, a mass meet ing *a* held to protest against the forma tion of a new county out of parts of 1" a} - etl, Wastiiugloa, Westmorland and Alle gheny; and a delegation was appointed to go to II irrisburg and lobby against the bill. The strike at the Flaccns <t Co. giass works iu Tarentum culminated iu murder last Saturday night. A crowd of men known as tbe Bee Gang surrounded a non union glass w.irkor named Kearney Sutt.m anil beat him to death; and 3G hours after tbe whole gang, twelve in number, were in jail, aud the fence palling- used in kill ing Sutton, and all other exhibits neces ary were collected. The big ice gorge is rotten, and is going down the river like a lot ol mush. At New Castle, Monday, after a lot of w ituessess had been called in a liquor case the attorney lor the remonstrants called N. M. Porte- "You need not swear hnu ' said Judge Wallace, "for I would not lis ten to the testimony of a man so narrow minded »" Mr. Porter This part of the court was approached before election anil Hiked t'> in.o.e certain promises, tint did not do so- If my brother judges desire to hear Mr. Porter, 1 will retire, but I do not care to listen to him." 'I he two aasoci a'es relu-ed to listen am 1 the witness wa excuaed. RffiM f gaiy I||l ©» POWBER Abso'ute'y Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder ilij-'li o<t ">l nil in leavening sireiiirth -- Lalc-t Unite I StatrH (Jorernment Food H'/'Ort. Royal BaklriK Powder Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. THK BUTLKR COUNTY NATIOAI- BANK nf Butler, Pa. Commenced BnxSner* August 18th 1890, Statement «l Condition at Clou of Bu»i ne«.s, Tuead»y. March stb, 1895. KKSOURCES Loans ------ S7M 502 5.5 (J s Bonds and Preiniuuis.llC 000 00 I(4lski 11 if Bouse, K AF. 10 <9;> 1)1 U ' Trea-urer - - I 125 00 Oa«h and ilu*! from Bank*, 101,7.19 92 SH'JG 223 3» LIABILITIES. Capital - - - ••10 000 00 Surplus, ------ 50.000 00 Profits ----- 12 74.'! 08 Circulation, - - - - 22 -pOO ftO Deposits, .... fi"0 ( 979 71 SBSO 223 :T9 Ttau of /'inn 1/Iran in t'ountyoj i{utl/-r I, C A Bailey, Cashier <•! tue above named Bank, 110 xilemnly H J/W ttiat the above ftan'iufiii is true to ibe best of my knowledge and belief. C. A. BAILEY, Cushier. Subscribed and sworn to before 111'' the thirteenth <l»v ot March, 1895. Alex Mitchell. .\otary I'ublir Correct--Attest: IOHKPII IIAIIIVAS ) IjKSLIK I' 11.1*1.KIT. - J. V. HITTK ) Director*. Indian Game EGGS From thr«*o y>4r »4 «»f th« b***t lac<?<] mock in tsountry. f«»r 15 S. R. MILLER, Chambcrsburg, Pa. MOURNING MILLINERY FOR SPRING 1895. Owing to the very large stock we carry uiid the limited room wo have to din play it, Wo make a specialty of show" iug our mourning goods first each season. You will find every thine in thin depart ment made neatly ai d ntyli*h. While wo have the very finest mourning goods, W« al*> have to suit the slimmest pocket book. Order* prompt!}' filled. M, F. & M. MARKS, |I3 to 117 8 Main fit . Butler. J. W HUTCHISON, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. ' < fTcc 011 si-cond floor if tti<* oiocl:, LAuriULnnl, ttutlur, i'*., iHfiAU Xu U DEATHS. ORR —At th» home o( P Christie in But ler, M*reh 28. 1895. Mrs. Enza Orr, in her 85 year, sjhe irj? the rootber-in-law of P. Christie and W. M. Starr. MKALS—At the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. J. Kidder, in Warren, O . March 22ud, 1895: Mrs. Hannah M<-aU, widow ot Joseph G. Meals, aged 7C years and 1 day. McCAKDLESS— At her home in Bntler. March, 22 ,d. 1895; Mrs. Barbara Mc- Candles#, VlL'LLEß—March 2G'h, 1695; at ter home i in Allegheny, Flora, wile ot Max. Muel ] ler. and daughter of S. Schamberg, | lormerly ol Butler. ANDERSON—At her home in Allegheny Twp., March 24th, 1895; Saiina. daugh ter ot Robert P. Anderson. Miss Anderson wan for many years a most exempliary member of the Scrub grass Presbyterian church She wa» a faithful and affectionate daughter and sis ter. Her two only sisters, Miss Emma and Mrs Jennie Laughlin arrived nom>- from China, where they have labored tor some years as Missionaries, in time to nurse her dnnng the iast months of her sickness. Emma coming last summer, and Jennie this winter. The funeral oc cnrred Tuesday afteruoon. Services at the home conducted by her Pastor, ReT. J. R Coulter. WALKER—AIvin Foster Walker, wa 8 born in Claj township, Butler, Co., Pa. August 1 t, 1875 and oied in Tarentom, Alleghenj Co.. on March 21st, I>"'9s He leaves to moarn their loss, his father Oliver J. Walker, three brothers and two sisters. In a litile over a year this family have lost three of their number; first the mother of the deceased, and last October bis sister. Mrs Glass; all of the same de fease, Consumption Foster was a young man of excellent character, sober, indus irious and intelligent He was respected by all who knew him, both old and young Tte doctor who attended him, said he ! r» er knew a voting man who had as many tiieuds as Foster WaiKer. The fuueral was very largely attended, and was from the United Presbyterian church. The >ervices were conducted by Rev. Ander son. of the Presbyteriati church, assisted by Rev. Ballentyne of the M E Church and Rev. Williams, of the Baptish church; Each of these Clergymen bad frequently visited the deceased during his la.-t illness, and 'hey all expressed great confidence that he had made his Peace with God. and that his leaving ol friends here, is but to meet others who have gone before in a happier and better World The sympathy of the entire community is with the aifict ea family iu thij and in their recent, be reavements. That these may work out for them a iar more exceeding aud eternal weigat of glory, is the prayer of A FRIEND. OBITUARY NOTBS. Ex-Adjutant G»*D. W. W. G-eenlaud, died at his residence in Clarion last Satur day, aged 49 years. His death was caused by heart disease. JNO MCJUSKIK. At a meeting of Fo.-est Grange No. 370 (/'lay township. Butler Co , Pa; held March 9lb, 1895, the following resolutions were adopted: WHFCRRAK God in his infinite wisdom has n««u fit to rem'iv- from our midst b> death our worthy brother John W. McJunkin. Therefore be it Resolved, that by his death we lose aa honoraole and esteemed member of our order; one who was diligent in business, aud fervent iu spirit serviug th« Lord. Resolved, that we sympathize with bis wile aud riends in this their hour of sail bereavement, believing that God does everything for the best to those who love and fear H 'Ui. Resolved, that our charter be draped iu mourning lor thirty days, anj that a of these resolutions be entered on the min utes of our order, aud copies forwarded to our county papers for publication; aud a copy lie presented to trie wile of our de cea-ed brother. Resolved, that in this mysterious nis pens.iliou. there is a solemn warning to which we wonld do well to give earnest beed, that we may be ready when the mes senger death comes to summon UH away. N F BAHTLEY, I K. /j HARTLEY, >Com. ZB.NAB MCMH.HAEL, ) There Never Was a time in the history of Butler that you could buy Mens, Boys and Chil drens Clothing, as cheap as you can now. Call in and be convinced that 1 have the best made and the best fitting SUITS in the market at the lowest cash prices. The celebrated Sweet Orr Over alls always on hand. one jT. H. Burton S Clothier and Furnisher. 120 - S. Main, St. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham AI,P. WH'K Prr«. UKO. K »TI Vlre Pre* L. M. arJU>KI.I, ami Trcas. Ol!<f£(Tf)KS: \llre t Wick. Henderson Oliver, t W. Irvln. James Stephensnn W VV. P.lackraore. N Welirel K. IViwmau. H. J. Kllngler Geo K«tterer, « hi" Kebiiuu, Geo. Iterino. John Koeuln* LOYAL S McJUNKIN A^ent- Seanor & Co's. LIYEHY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, Rear of Wick House, Butler, Pa. The bent of horePH RUII first clue* ri nr. alwiiyn on hand and for hire. Bettt aceomoi"datiooß in town fur uermttDPCt bourdinir and tratihient. trade. Special care guaranteed. Htable room for nixty-five hor«e«. A good clitHf of borw u.both drivers and draft horses. ulwuyHon tiund and for eale under a lull guarantee; and horwen bought upon proper uotifi cation l»y 11. HKANOK. mm & TAYLOR Funeral Directors, 151 . Main St., - Butler: Pa. li kl "V if Ifll M K!«. local or trnvel I L II lni{. to sell my K'laran. ■■ Mil I r NUKSKAV STOCK , .Salary or Commission paid weekly. free. H|»e<:lal at.tcut.lon Ulvcii to Is-lfllincrs Workers n<-»er fall lo make K«s d weekly watfen Write me at once for par t iciilari. E. 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman Rochester N. Y. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and neal Estate Agent, 17 KAH I IKKKKK.SON ,ST. iiUTLiisii, - i J A. WE BELIEVE that ] we have achieved the ! distinction of produc- | ing the finest garments i ever made in the coun- i ty, and cheaper than •TO BE . , .. same can be bought FIRST elsewhere in the State. AS TO THE variety IN of our Stock and beau- AN Y- ty of its Styles we have THING *° ur own °P' n ' on: b Llt we would like yours TS also—it will add to A the distinction. EOR THIS SPRING DlS we have secured a large TINC- number of special con- TION 6 ne d» single suit pat terns. They are the PI qf Q * cr> newest no .-elties. Select early. If you don't want a suit no" we wi'l restrve the pattern for you. ALAND, Tailor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE STAN DA KU KAILKOAD.OF AMEHKA WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHEDCLE IN KFFKCT NOVUMBBS 26th, 1891. South WEEKDAYS A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. A Butler Leaveo 15 sB6 11 00 245 500 Saxon burg .Arrive 6vt 9 W " ?J' J isutier juc't. '* 7an y25 II so j4O a Butler Juc't..Leave 7 m u 11 WO3 .1 40 si» Nat rona Arrive 7as »51 12 13 300 0 Varentura T43 Ju# '2 IS) 35, a«• sprlliif.lale 75510 05 1V133 JOS t'Uremoul. » 11 £ f J, !* !?' 8 is l oi> 4 —i *» a* Allegheny city 83510 33 124 444 ti 45 A. M. A. U. P. *■ P. M. P. M North WEEK DAYS. A. M. A. M A. M. P. M. P. >1 Allegheny! 'lty l*ave« 55 » 25 lo 40 3 15 o ii> .•slmrptihurg 7 0i » 3S> lo 58 CUreHiout 8 f ~ A'ii H 11 .... 641 Natrona « 37 9 15 11 45 3 55 0 Builer .Juc't Arrlve7 45 » 25 11 55 404 t vu Kutler Juc't Leave « 45 945 12 3-> 4 lo 7 oi .Saxonourij 80-10 11 104 440 7 * Butler ....... Arriveß 35 10 35 130 5 w 7 11 A. M. A. M. P M. P.M. P. M WEEKDAVS, For the Easl. WKKKDAVS ' '*L~> 615 Lv. Kutler Ar. LO 33 I.F 3 40 130 AR Hut ler Junction Lv. A 45 12 3' 404 7 4.'1 Lv. Kutler Junction AR. »41 1-' 410 7 4.) Ar. Freeport LV. it S> I -416 753 •• Allegheny JuC't. " #3l 12 J. 4 ■&< H«X " Leeihbure ■' - 4 411 »21 " PaUlton (Apollo) " U 11 6- r, 14 851 * SALISBURY '• » 11 -L --r> 50 a 22 " Blalrsville " 805 11 UOO 930 •• Blalrsville I nter'n " 750 10 L. Sso 11 4IJ " Altoona "• 3TO »» lUO 3*o " Harrlaburg •• 11-5 310 430 ti 50 '• PliUaJelylila •• sSO 11 A. M P. M. »•. " '■ M Through traius lor the east I ecve I*ittsbur»! IX'tiloo tfiailou) ART lollowa: Pennsylvania, Limited, dally 715 A.M Atlantic Kxyrcss. " 3 »A. M Day Express. " »0O " PhlladeUihla Express, " 4 JU i'.M Express. " 7<» •• Kast Line. " 8 ' U Por detailed Information, address Thoi. E Watt, Pass A«'t. A'esierii Outi let, 110 R 1(1 U Avenue. Pittsriurg. Pa. RT. M. PITISV'WR. J. It W«K>D lieiieral Manager. <»en'l. I'acM'r AG'' P. A. W. R. R. Schedule In ell.:ct Nov. 18, !I». (Butler LLTM-) The short Line to Pittsburg. HKPABT SOCTII. PROM SOCTB. 6.25 AM Allegheny 9.25 am. Allegheny E> S 15 A IN AH'i A Akron IO.WI U M.AI a; N Casth lueSam Allegheny AT.* 12 20 pM. ALL'Y S t'h'Nl ■/. J5 P m Allegheny Mall >05(• m, Allegheny Ex 350 p M Chicago ex. 7 1:. I> in. All ><v Akro. 555 p 111 ALL y Ell Ex -NOp M. Allegheny A. UEI'AHT NOBTII FROM NORTH, IN 05 a M Kane & Brad. |* 05 a m, poxburg \c 5.18 p M Clarion Ac I'J Ma m, Clarl in Ac 7.35 p 111 Pox burg 5.20 pM, Kane Mail BUND AY TRAINS. OEPAIIT SOUTH. KROM SOUTH. 8.15 a in, IHiKorest Ac N55 a m.Allegneoy A' 3 FTEP 111, I'lilcairo Ex ,5 05 pM. Allegheny E.\ 845p M, Allegheny AC.7.25 P TN. DeKorest Ac Train arriving at at 5.N8 p tn leaves H & U de pot, Pltisbm F, at 3 :15 o'clock. Butler and Hreenvlllef IIE.h will leave Allc gheny at. :;-JO p. in, daily except Sun lay. Con nectlng at Wlllowgrove, arriving at Butler AT Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and tlrsf-cU»- L)av I oached tun through between Butler and Chicago dally, HOT through tickets to points 111 the Wert Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH, Agent Trains leave the 11. <V O. depot In Pittburg for the Ka*T as follows. lor Washington II Baltimore. PhlUdel phli, .» X« w York. 7JO and !T:2o p. in Cuinherl -hd «:40. 7 :30 a m. I :10. 0:20 P- in.Coli nelsvllle. #:TO, 7-i". a. tn. 4 L'». 5.30, ii 211 P M. Unlotltown, 7.20 a. m , 1.10, 4.30. 5.80 p. IN L'nlontown. Morga NTOWU and Kairmotil 7..'M1. a. 111. and 8,311 p. M. Mt.Pleaaant (i.40. 7. 30 a. 111 T 10and 4.SH pm. Washington. P«. 740 all" ■1 :u> .1 111., 400 4.45 and 11.00, 11 Kp. IN Wheel NIT 740 anil 0.30 a m.. and 4.1*1. ;• "0. 1155 p, ui T'lncln uatl, rtt, Lotus. Columbus and New ark, 7.10 a. in.. 9.10, II 58 p.m. For '.'hlcago. 2.40 and 9.30 P M. Parlor aud sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington. '.'lnclnnatl and Chlcairo ITTHBURG, BIIKMANGO A L.AKK KRIK R.B Takes effect Monday, Dec. 31 Is.lL. Trains are run by dwndard (V.utral L ime (OOth Meridian ) <»ue hoar slower than T.'ny TlU»*>. ISOIKO NORTH. GOING HOUTH 10 14*1 STATIONS j 9 LTT 13 p. IN m in.m.J Air Lv'ela.m. ja.UI. |L» RNO ....| 8 201 1 OO| Dunkirk I 7 OE| I3r a- M.| ; on 1 4.' in M Erie « I« S x, .1 38 'i'l I 0) !I 25 Wallace JlllK't 047 ;» 15 112 8 20 T til LI 15 . . (llrard. <> 50 is tls ~ 00 12 81 !) 031 L-ockport. .... 7 ON N 29 4 20 G 02 12 4HI S 65|.. Cialiesvllle ... 7 111. 31* I .14 li 4:1 10 22 ar/'onueaut lv. | 7 40 3 10 1 toj 1 7 4o!lv ar! 1"' 821 • 43 887 19 44 IT 48ar Albion Ivj 7 LLLLL 41 437 5 13 12 :TI s 31 ... "tiadeland 7 0 83 4 .1 540 12 :IO s2s . npriiiKboro 727 1 4v, ft B.! 12 24 S2" C' niieatllvlll" 731 10 ft! 803 | 0-12 OP| 8 M|. . Mra'v'le Jet. .. I 8 00||0 28 825 4 81 7 30|lv CUUN't "liTllj 4 47 7 LIT s 10 ar ar 8 10 0 50 5 ALL 425 7 5.1. lv.. ... :« 4,'. 420 7 40 ... . 8 :IC! ar ar A :v> II 251 "I 10 N<)2 11 81 7 43 .7 . llart*towu.. . NoTTnln ft 19 .... II IT; 7 3H|.. . AdamßVUle 10 41 544 ....11 38 28 .... Ohgoisl 10 84 :< 53 1; 2511 30 7 it; ... Greenville... ti an 11 o'. N U8 0 18 II 20 7 OG Shctlatlgo.... G 411 II 211 I) 20 li no 10 59 0 41 ...Kredonia.. .. 7 03 11 11 8 'l4 54410 43 r, 21 . . MT-rr er 722 12 til 700 :»i 10 211 (110 t'ardoi- . 7 rw 12 '22 7 14 8 111 10 20 E'o .. drove city... 7 47 12 33 728 5 10 I 'S 6 4- llai rlsvllie. ...' 7 88 12 4 , 7 3«i T .IS,IO OA »40|... Braachton. . > oalu 84 718 5~00 '"8 io|lv . Branehton . art 710 12 10. .... - 1:.: s ir LLLLLL ird .lv 1; 2.", II I:.| 4 MI 0 MI s~3FT|lv.. .KelMTeni ....1 8 ib:l2 MI 7*49 4 ,'L!L| '■< 421 621 ..Euclid 8 22 11. 3 4 1 | !L L',| I 0| . ..Butler. I 8 501 I 4.' M 20 . 20 Allegheny PAW 11 00: 3 801 215 .111 ... I Pittsburg, BAlL t>. in'p. m J. T. HI.AIII (ierieral Manager. Greenville. I a W. G. lAKGKANT G. P. A.. Meadvllle. Pa McCANULESS'HEAVE CUKE I have a Heave Cure that will cure any case of heaves in horsea in lorty days, used according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund tbe amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J MCCANIILK.SH, Butler, Pa., 1893. MR A.J. MCCAKHLKSR: DII the 2ml day ol April, 1801 i, I com < nieucod to use your new cure for one id TORSES that bail the heaves very bad, aud continued to use the medicine lor about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I quit givin the mrdvrAae and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, ami I feel stislied th«t he is properly cared. W C. <'RISVVKI.L Butler, Pa., April 3, I«U3. A J. MCO'AXT.LIMR: I have Used your Heave Cure aud found \ it will do the work if used aocorillig to dij j ructions. Your* truly, J. fc. iloXilliJi. Mercantile Appraiser's List F For the year 1895- F NAME. BUSINESS P. O. CLASS, ana't-j BUTLER BOKO. ' ( Amr CP 4 pool tables, Butler s6l 00 I Heihl G C 4 " " 61 00 i > Ha>elton JF 5 11 " 71 00 ( F Huselton <k Melliuger 3 pool tables Bui ler 51 00 I , Turner J M 2 pool table-, Butler 41 00 j j CHICORA 8080. T T TadJer GP3 pool tables, Chicora 51 CO , EVANS CITY BORO. j; Donaldson F A 4 pool tables, Kvans City 61 00 HARMONY BORO. I Luton ME 3 pool tables. Harmony 51 00 j SAXONBIRG BORO. Schroth Emil 2 pool tables, Saionburg 41 00 ADAMS TWP. Murry PH 3 pool tables, Callery 51 00 ■ ICOKNOQI'BXESSIKG TWP. Arm»tea<l Geo 1 pool table, Conuoq. 31 00 1 MIDDLESEX TWP. Butler R J 4 poo' tables, Glade Mills bl 00 Esftf'n Ja» 2 " " 41 *"0 Kline OH 3 " " 5100 Miller AS 2 " " 4100 ADAMS TWP. Hunt H B Restaurant, Callery 8 575 Mnrry P H " " 8 575 si I 1 H '* Mars 8 575 BUTLER Pa. Hi/nt H B Reiteurant, Butler 8 575 C " '"Ho 76 •>uiitii F X " " 8 5 75 Shaffer M A " " 8 57- Smith II J " " 8 575 Wise S M " " 8 5 7.. EVANS CITY BORO. Brown J E Restaurant, Evaus City 8 5i 5 Dunbar <£ tVhiie " " 8 575 Hogelaxd S H " " 8 5 7 it MIDDLESEX TWP. Doutt S W restaurant, Glade Mills 8 575 VlcCrea H D '• '' 8 575 BUFFALO TWP. Penna Distilling Co, distillery Freeport 103 00 EI.IENOPLE. Stahl Geo, distillery, Zelieuople... 203 00 ADAMS TWP. Anderson .1A &W F store, Valencia 13 10 75 B«-rring»-r H U " Myoma 13 10 7* Barr & Stoup agr imp, Vsleaeia 13 In 75 Car rut hers, PetersiCo.hd'w Callery 13 10 75 Cooper A L store. Valencia 14 775 arruthersG A lumber, Callery... 14 7Jo Duueaii & Link coal & teed, Mars 13 10 75 Goditard M J coal, Callery 14 7 7"> k Hooks 4 Clark, lumber, Mars 11 15 75 Irxrine Bros, lurniture. Mars 14 77b lrwiueC B store, Myoma 14 775 Jordan &Co " Mars 11 15 75 Kerr <* Co drusrs 14 7 7-< vtarsliall J D store " 11 15 ,5 Miller F W " " 14 775 N'ational Supply Co, hd'w " 12 13 25 i Oil Well " " " 13 10 75 > Shannon J F store, Callery 13 10 7." » Tnomas J H .» •. 13 JQ 75 ALLEGHENY TWP, Schell J D store, Sandy Point 14 775 BUTLER BOROUGH. Aiken & Campbell, Store, Butler 11 15 75 Adams Bros, '* " 14 77" Anderoon A C Mgr Drugs, " 14 77. L, \ldinger D, Store, " 14 775 Amy Bros, Furniture, " 14 775 Armstrong Si Sutiiffe, Store, " 13 10 7."> 1 Butler Lumber Co, Luml>er " 1' 25 75 j tarnliart MA, Store " 14 775 L Rutler Music Co, " " 14 10 7. i Bavonnet V, " " 14 77* Hurtou TH. " 14 7 7 L ' treman J, " " 4 775 B.K.S Jacob, " " 13 10 75 Boyd CN, Drugs '• 12 13 25 Balpb JF, " " 14 775 Beilis &. Meyers Store " 11 15 75 'feihl Henry, Ildw'e " 14 7 "•"> 'ickel .John, Shoes " 12 13 25 Butler Produce Co, Stor" •' 12 13 2'' I'obneilaJ, Store " 14 775 " Catnpbel 1 & Templeton, Store , Butler 10 20 75 Cypbfif G A Co, Hd,w " 11 15 .• ' Cleeland DL, Store " 13 10 75 Conneil JW, " " 14 7 "*» Colbert Harvey " " 14 775 Colbert <Sc Dale l" " 12 13 2 ■ City Pharuiaey, Drugs " 13 10 75 ' D'lUthett «k Gtaham, Store " 11 15 75 I'outclass JH, " " 13 10 75 Dolly Chas, '* " 11 15 75 Oavenuy .1 E, " " 11 15 75 Kakiu VV R <Jc Co, " " 14 775 Elliott CR, " 14 775 ' Fleming WC, Feetl " 14 7 "■> Foreht H, Store " 13 10 75 Grove WH, " " 13 10 75 Grieb E. '* " 14 77; Guttler FH, Shoes " 14 776 Urieb LM, Store " 14 775 Grieb JR. " " 14 775 ■ rahatn Bro'g, " " 13 10 76 HaKKerty TC, " " 14 775 Harper Bco's, " " 11 15 75 lull 11, " " 14 775 lleinemaii II C & Son " " 13 10 75 Heck DA, " " 12 13 25 lluselton BC, " " 10 !iO 7o Hinchberger C, " " 14 775 lareeki Ml'g Co, Hd'w " 12 13 25 Jack JS, Store 14 775 1 Johnson SA, Drusrs " 14 7 7,*> Jackson & Mitchell. Hd'w " 14 775 K.xmce HW, Store " 14 775 Klinglrr II J & Co, " " 9 25 75 Kirkpatrick WM, " " 13 10 76 Koch C & Sons, " 10 20 75 Kaulinau J, " *' 12 13 2.> Kemper Frank '• " 14 775 Ketlerer (Jeo. Furniture " 13 10 75 RL Store " 14 775 Kamerer VV A, " " 13 10 75 Larkin & Co, Hd'w " 14 775 Miller (j Wilson Store " '0 20 76 May & Divel Fish <tc " 14 775 vlcCiaiu M, Furniture " 14 775 Miller CE, Shoes " l'~ 13 25 Martiucourt S B 4 Co. Store *' !> 25 75 Mangold P It, " 14 7 7, r > Me' rea VV S & Co, Feed " 13 10 75 VlitchellC M, Store " 14 7 7J- Vlorrisou TA, " " 14 775 Vieizuer WF, Shoe* " 13 10 75 Miller Hwiry Store " 11 15 75 Vic Bride IJ, " " 14 775 National Supply Co, Hd'w " 10 2' 75 Nk'gel Jos A Bro " 13 '0 7-> G'Brteu vV Hi Sou, " " 14 775 Oil Well Supply l'o, " " 12 13 5 I'ape DT, Store " 14 775 Philips OM, " " 13 10 75 Patterwin JN, " 11 15 75 Poolos S, 11 *' 14 775 Pr>or EB. " " 14 775 Purvis GSk Co Lamber " 10 20 5 Roessing II L Store " 14 7/o Reddick JC, Drugs " 12 13 2.. R-'ckeustein MC, Store " 11 776 Ricbey J A " " 14 775 Rxsti John W, " " 14 775 Ralston VV E, " *' 14 775 Reiber Alf M4c Bro " " 9 25 75 Keiber A &11 " " 10 20 75 1 Re ber F T " " 13 '« 75 1 Ruff Al Shoes " 13 10 7a Slock C Hd'w " 14 775 , Schaul & Nast Store " 12 13 2.i S<dineideinan H " " 11 15 76 ■ Smith MrsSE " " 14 775 steiu Lit Son " " 10 20 75 1 Stehle JF T 11 " 14 775 ' rroutman & Son Store " 7 40 75 Terwilliger Mr» CC" " 14 775 Vnijeley & Bancroft " 14 775 Wic> I<C Lumlier " It 15 75 i Walker J L Store " 14 775 , Wuller DII drug* l ' ( 13 10 76 /immermau Jeuni# store '' 10 20 7 > BRADY TW'P. 1 Clulton E(i store W Liberty 14 775 1 Robinson W W " Pump 14 7<5 1 BUFFALO TW'P. I.ensure A W store Freeport 14 775 ' LnrevGH " Sarversvl'e 11 775 1 McCafferty JJr " " 14 776 Vowril J W " " 12 13 2;» Sarver II K " hltislo*'U 14 776 Witte WII Hd'w Sarversville 14 775 W«'s<-n W lumber " 14 7 7:> Wilkewitz G peddler " 14 '' 7 ' CKNTEItVILLK IIOK Kollon A Wilson store Slippery,r'k 13 10 73 Bard dt Son " " 11 15 75 Bingham Fl' hwd " 14 775 Htni;ham John T farm imp " 14 775 C'lutton Bros Drui:s " 14 775 Coulter TS& Co hd'w " 14 775 Kerr J C Store " 13 !0 "5 Krister L D furniture, Slippery r'k 14 775 Lawrence W E store ' ' I 776 Nelson R N furniture " '4 775 Ramsey VV O store " 14 775 I'ber A Rentier furniture " 4 775 Whitten ACo store " 12 13 26 MILI.KItKTOWN DOR. Hell PAA Co Drugs Chicora 14 775 DeWolf W L " " 14 776 l>avis B J store " 14 775 FrankleS '* " 14 775 Frederick ACo loinber " 13 10 75 Fr- fcier JOG store " 14 775 Glass Geo " " 14 775 I lloch Bros hd'w " 13 10 76 Hays E F " " 13 10 75 Johnson CII " " 14 775 Johnson CII store " 14 775 Lifdngcr H C " " 13 1" 75 Logan W J " " 14 7 7.> ( MurtUodJC '• " 13 10 7 McK«*« JI. drugs " 14 7 5 Redd W E store " 13 10 75 Hcliweiiger F " " 14 775 Mi'harbach " " 14 775 WeHterman Br*»s " " 10 20 75 . We»terman RFA Co r.t'.re •' 13 lo 75 , CLEARFIELD TWP. i Gortuley FI*A Co store Covlesvl'e 13 10 " 0 j ci iirroN TWP. ' Ainlvrvua U J itvtu ruck W 7TO n CENTER TWP. Pieeger Mrs James store McCaudless Pledger A F store Fleeger 14 775 CONNOQUENESSING TWP. Alaiander A Doutt store Whitest'n 12 13 75 Baruhart R A Son •' Coun sj 13 10 75 Christie J L drugs " 14 775 Henry RS store Butter Cup 14 775 Nicslas C " Connoq 14 775 Puiviauce JGAW Ast ,re " 13 10 75 CHERRY TWP. Bailey J A store Bovard 14 7"5 Elliott H W " Coal town 13 lo 75 Graham J P •' Moniteau 14 775 M itchell A Fogal drugs Coaltowu 14 7 75 McCoy HC A Son store Auandale 14 775 Sproul A Stoops " Gomersol 14 775 Weuh James Coaltowu 14 775 CONCORD TWP. A Badger store Magic 13 10 75 KuhnCC " Hooner 14 775 Mar&well S " Greece City 13 10 75 CLAY TWP. Arthurs A Murlland store Euclid 13 10 75 Jewell A Simpson " Fleeger 14 775 CRANBERRY TWP. Crawford F C storeApeddler, Ogle 14 775 Frautz John Store " 14 775 Garviu VV m " " 13 lo 75 Heudnc&sou A G " " 14 7 75 DONEGAL TWP. Cate H S store, Greer 14 775 Gritfi iF A " Rattigan... 14 775 Graham J H " St Joe— 14 775 EVANS CITY BORO. Allen Nickel coal Evaus City 14 775 Barkev Bros " " 13 10 75 Murry*L N hd'w " 14 775 Barto D shoes " 14 776 B >gifs A Kline siore 11 15 76 Dauibach JA E lumber " 12 13 25 llulings J D store " 14 775 HudM>uß"bert " " 14 775 1 tli Geo A Sons " " 11 15 75 M " 14 7 75 Niefcla* Bros " 11 15 75 Peffer Fred " " 14 775 Ripper J A " " 14 775 Kiggs VV D " " 14 775 Sn>>up Bros hd'w " 13 10 75 -mathers A J store " 14 7 7o I h mas J D drugs " 14 775 White J M store " 14 775 Young Henry furniture " 13 10 75 Zeman D store " 14 775 FAIRVIEW BORO. Hawn W C store, Batdwiu 11 15 75 ocolt C " " 13 10 V 5 FRANKLIN TWP. Watsou VVoi A Sou store Mt tihestuut FORWARD TWP. Keister J M stare Zeno 14 775 Smathers A Dunbar store Carr 14 776 A " Reibold 14 775 IhoiupsouH " Zeno 14 776 HARMONY BOR. Hume H W store tlarmony 14 775 Diudioger Geo hd'w " 13 10 75 A coal " 14 775 Uoenring A store " 14 775 tluber J H drugs " 13 10 75 KirkerS D feed " 14 775 Miileman A Bro store •' 11 *ls 75 McNeily ACo " u 13 10 76 On Well Supply Co hd'w " 13 10 75 -wain G D store " 11 15 75 Wise A Beutle lumber " 13 10 75 Zei«ler H D turnuure " 14 776 HARRISVILLE BOROUGH. Black II C A Sou store Harrisviile 12 13 25 tieaiiy E S hd'w " 14 775 trown R L Furniture " 14 776 t.urry J E store " 14 770 hlnck J M drugs " 14 775 Humphrey ACo store " 12 13 26 vlorrisou W L " " 14 776 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. Hartensteiu L store Great Belt 13 10 75 tloulag Win ACo store Jefferson ('enter 14 7 75 O'Neil J MA Co store Great Belt 13 10 75 EARNS CITY BOROUGH. vfcElroy Bros store Karns City 14 775 itorey L R drugs " 14 775 Wersn John store " 14 7 76 LANCASTER TOWNSHIP, Metz AE A Sou store Middle Lancaster 13 10 75 MIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP. Beilis, Meyers A Co store Glade Mills C'twati C store Glade Mills 14 77a Cooper SEA Co store " 14 775 Glade Pharmacy drugs " 14 775 Hutchison ACo hd'w " 14 7 7t> Jarecki Vlf'g Co hd'w " 13 10 75 ilarks WJ A Bro store '' 10 20 75 vicFaun L R " M'Fann 14 775 t>il Well Supply Co hd'w Glade Mills MARION TWP. Bailev Joseph store Harrisviile 14 775 Gortnlov J H " MurrinxVille 14 775 Vlurrin A Gortnley store Boyers 14 775 riisney L J " " 14 775 MERCER TWP. Owens Mrs Jane store Forreßtvl'el4 775 shields R C ** " 14 775 OAKLAND TWP. Andre W J store SiJoesta 14 775 Ball Geo *' North Oakland 14 775 PORTERSVILLC BOR. Uuuiuhrey Wlll A Sou store Portersvillo Vlarshall A S store Portersvillo 14 775 McDonald G B hd'w " 14 775 Rauisey Bros store " 13 10 75 Zn gler H A furniture " 14 775 PETROL!A BOR. Chesbro El' store Petrolia 13 10 75 Denhoim T " " 12 13 25 English R E hd'w " 13 10 75 Foster VV C drugs " 14 775 Hawk J M ftore " 13 10 75 Starr ML " " 13 10 75 Moughton W R junk •' 14 775 Veager S " " 14 775 BOB. Bowers A drugs Prospect 14 775 t;ritehlow Bros store " 13 10 75 Forrester S S " " 13 10 75 Krister OFA Co " " 13 10 75 M, LureJ 11 drugs " 14 775 Riddle VV RA Co store " 12 13 25 PARKER TWP. Black W C store Bruin 13 10 75 • aid well II M •' " 14 775 Datiliwippeck JM '• Glenora 14 775 Howard J C " Parkert Lnd'g 14 775 Morgan J A " " 14 775 Orr J W " Bruin 14 775 PRNN TWP. Bowser R M lumber Renfrew 14 775 DoUthett A M store Browusdale 13 10 75 Mark well S " Renfrew 14 775 Met lyinotids H S drugs " 14 775 Patrick James store " 13 10 75 Price Bros Ud'w " 14 775 •iiitton A D store Maharg 13 10 75 SAXONBURG BOR. II <O lll bold Mrs T A Sou store Saxonburg llcliuboid Mrs F A Son store Saxonburg Krause T jtore Saxonburg 11 15 75 Matirh. If GVV " " 14 775 Mershou Dr E B drugs " 14 775 Sachrt A Wetzel lumber " 14 775 SUMMIT TWP. Berckbigler N store Carbon Cut'r 14 775 Dittmer Al U " ll«rmau 14 775 SLIPPERY ROCK TWP. Bovard J C Agt lumber Wick 13 10 75 Grieb A store Keister 14 775 Hinditian J L A Sou atoie aud peddler Branch ton 14 775 VENANGO TWP. Higgins Bros store Hilliurd 14 775 J imi-ton W C " EauClaire 12 13 25 Kerr L F " 14 775 G F " DeSale 14 775 Miller A O drugs EauOlaire 14 775 VlcNainei) Mrs J L store Billiard 14 775 l'urner Coal Coke and Mining Co store Ferris 13 10 75 WEST MUNBURY BOR Breaden A Conway store West Sunburv Himliuaii A Co drugs West Suubury Mecliliug A Hunt furniture West Sunburv Pryor Jas hd'w West Suubury 14 775 Rhodes S L store " 14 775 WIKFIKLII TWP. Cruikshaiik II peddler Curbon Black Porrcster (J A Son store LuasuroVllle Krause RA A store Denny 11 15 75 Smith A Logan " Carbon Bl'k 12 13 25 Weidhos L hd'w Denny 12 13 25 WAHUINGTON TWP. And'Tson l» S st<ire Billiard 14 775 Al'miro Mrs T " 11 14 775 llarper A Gibson hd'w S Hope 14 775 Jack R P ftore " 14 775 Mifilin A Mililin Jr store " 11 15 75 McKeeACo lumber llilliard 13 10 75 .Mt Farlauil C B store Argentine 13 10 75 Koylo Bros " 111 liard 14 775 'i'botiipsou 1 N drugs N Hope 14 775 Wick li C lumber Hilliard 14 775 WORTH TWP. Gardner W F store Jacksonville 13 10 75 Reihert M " '• 14 7 75 ZEMRNOPLE BOR. Alien A Dailibaugh store Zelieuople II 15 75 A . demon J G store Zelieuople 14 775 B'uin John ■' " 14 7 75 Hbstian D G " " 13 10 75 Di idii'gor John '• " 11 15 75 Kh'hboltz W hd'w " 13 10 75 1 Linen JVV coal " 14 7i5 WvMaiiV J" y " U 1 IT) Grand Spring Opening OF MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS ADD WRAPS. Silks, Crepons, Kaikia, Patios. Henriettas, Serges, Novelty I'rtf-s Goods in bla<-k and colors, Separate Skirts in all the new Spring materials, Ladieo' Waists, Duck Suits. See onr new Black Crepon Skirt, made! with Godet plaits iu biacK and 4$ yards > wide, prior f4 00: real value. $7.00 This| is a special bargain controlled by us alone We have too many engaging styles all! through this big store to tbink of adver tising them all It wou'd require all the space in the newspaper to mention sepa rately the many t>eauMul and novel effects in hats. Bonnets. Flowers. Ribbons, Ae., in our Millinery Department. We cordially invite you to visit us whether you wish to purchas e or not. Our sales-people will gladly show you all the styles, and you are not pressed to buy. Remember the place, corner Main and Jefferson streets, the popular store of Mrs.JennieE.Zimmerman c. & T. Invite the Public To visit them this month and see their SPRING Stock. We offer for sale this week. A CAR LOAD OF PARLOR SUITS The best values we have ever shown. Prices $25 to $l5O. A CAR LOAD OF 51DE BOARDS Extension Tables and Folding Beds. A CAS LOAD OF Rocking Chairs Dining Room and Kitchen Chairs. m Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Dinner Sets, Stoves and AN YTHI NO YOU NEED TO FURNISH YOUR HOUSE. Campbell Templeton, The Home FURNISHERS. Householder Bros " " 14 775 Hot Keholder II " " 14 775 Ift John lumber '* 13 10 75 Ift \\ r U store " 13 10 75 Kaufman Henry " " 14 775 PasMavant OH " " 14 775 Beed 0 K dr»|fs •' 14 775 Ktrobeuker CJ I) utoro " 14 775 Wright Bron '• " 12 13 25 Winter A " " 14 775 Wild Henry " " 14 775 Zehoer Fred feed " 1- 13 25 Zehner E furniture " 14 775 Mercantile Tax 3.710 25 OintillinK " 300 00 lCe*tauranta " 80 50 J'ool Tables " 705 00 Total " 4,801 75 NOTICE—AII persons interested in the nlxive appraisement, are hereby untitled that an appeal will be held in the Oom inisMionH office at Butler on the 25th day ol April A I) 1895. between the hours of 9 a in and 3 p in o'clock, when and where you may attend il yon thiuk proper, or address; M. L. BTAUH, Appraiser, I'etrolin, Pa. m I Prescriptions B A Speciaty. At Redick's Store. •»*- We do uot handle anything but pure drugs, next ti rae you are in need of medicine pleiiMo give ub a call. Wt) tire headquarter* for pure SODA WATER an we uh« only pure fruit juicea, we alno handle Paris Green, hellebore, insect powder, London purple aud other inHecticideH. Reepectfally, J. 0. REDIOK, Main tollotel Lowry BUTLEH, FA. DR. Mcf:URLY BHICKER. Offlin at 127 K Jefferson St.. Duller l'a. omre hi.urH fi to 11. mid to 30 to l!i. A. M.. and t to 3, ana 7 to J I'. M . W H. BROWN, Homaoopalhlc Physician and Surgeon. Office 12»1 H. Main St., ovrr Bickel'* »hoe «torc lU-tfitfWc TB> tKWW # The lovely Wash Fabrics for snmmer wear, consiting of Dimities, Swisses, Or gandies. Jackonets. Duchess, Satiues, Chiutxs, Cbailies, Percals and Calioos, Duck and Pique Suitings. New Laces, Ein broidery, Jet and Tensel Trimming, Bat tons, Ac. New Trilby Drapery Silks, New Lace Curtains, Sash Curtains aud Portiers, Win dow Blinds, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, and Linoleums. Professional Cards. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, "IS? E. Wayne St., office hours, 10 to 12 M. and t w 31'. M. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND IUKOION. omeeat No. 45, S. Main etrret. ever City Pharmacy. Hurler, Pa. L. BLACK, riIVRICIAN AND SUHOBON, New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. #OO West Cunningham St. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latent im proved plan. (Jold KUIIuk a specialty. Offloe— over Sehaul'H Clothlnn Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. (iold FllhnK Pa I nle vi Extraction of Teeth ud Artificial Teeth without Plates a specially l>.ro us t)*lde or Vitalized Air or iyocal I estnettes use t. • Hue over Miller's Wrocery east, of lAiwry dll e. »ff len cloned V* lu Mtayi aud Thursday# V. McALPINE, Dentist,} is now located In new and elegant rooms ad joiniiiK t'M former one*. All kin M of claap pi.lie* and modern gold work. "Oaa Administered." A. T. SCOTT, attokney-at-law. omceut No. s. Houi" Dhmond, UutHr, Pa. L. <J- WICK: DIALIB IB and Worked Lumber OF"At. KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Sblngles and Laih Always in Stock. ijme hair and plastfr. Offlcv opposite P.iW, Dejot,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers