Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 21, 1895, Image 3

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Legal autiaes are published in the Cm
(en at 91 per Inch for first, and 50 centa fur
each succeeding insertion.
Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions,
etc. are inserted at 5 cents a line,money to
accompany the order.
Reading notices on looal page 10 cents
a line for first and 5 cents a line for each
subsequent insertion Notices among lo
cal news items 15 cents a line for each in
Half-inch professional cards with paper
95 a year.
Rates for oommercial advertising qaoted
upon application-
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
By special arrangements made for ear
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all oar
absoribers who pay arrearages, (If any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the New
York Weekly Tribune free for one year.
Por farther particular* of this offer see ad
New Advertisements.
Executor - notice, estate of Chas. Bar
leu f
A-ira'M notice, estate of Jaii jt-- iiir
Administrator's Sale, estate of V -■•.eriek
Mercantile Appraisers list for IWJ.
Pape's millinery.
The Excelsior Remedie*.
Marks' Mourning Millinery.
Henry Miller's prixes.
Levin, the Opticao, March 25
C. A T.'s spring stock.
NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make
oanges in their ade. should notify us of
heir iii tending to do ao, not later than
Monday morning
Administrators and Executors ot estate
oan secure their receipt btioke at the CIT
x«> office
—Now for the mad.
—The robin is here.
—Look ont for loose bricks.
—Stock shipments are light
—Dressmakers are very busy.
—Saturday last was Paddy's Day.
—The groundhog knew his bosine*.
—The country school* will soon close.
—Preparations are being made for Eas
ter, April 14.
—The ground-hog mu><t have seen iu
abadow several times on Candle- m is.
—Tbe next free show will be the Ea-ler
Bunda> toilet parade.
—Tbe Grand Lodge I. 0. O P W-l<
meet in Connoqueneoaing lodge-room, to
morrow, at 7, P. M.
—About 1600 has been added to tbe Y.
M. C. A subscription duriug ibe past few
da>s, and tbe list nuw aggegaten $11,627
—Two pigs raised by Albert Weible, of
Penn twp,, and haaled to town Tnesday
Sight, weighed 1400.
—A clever inventor claims to be able to
evolve a perfect tune by tbe careful com
bination of certain grades of loud olothes.
—Last year March and April changed
places on the calendar but this year tbe
weather is coming on in proper order.
—Tbe more yon make people believe
your advertising, tbe more your advertis
ing will make them believe in you and the
more you will believe in advertising.
—After the groundhog period the equi
nox; tbeu tbe Easter ntorm; then spring
in earnest. So says the old German
—On Tuesday evening of next week, ttie
P. H. C. will have au open meeting in
their ball in the Reiber building which
will be addressed by Hon. Aiex vl ;D > veil
and others.
—Tbe was a large crowd at the li--rg
sale, nortb of town Thursday, and the
•ale was a very satislactory one. Oa Sat
arday Jefferson street, at Dickel and Ken
nedy's barn, was crowded.
—Tbe Silver Lake Quartette is expected
in Bntler sometime about tbe m'ddle of
Jane An opportunity having been offered
tbe W 0. T. U., to give fiis unrivalled
treat to tbe pnblic.
—There are exceptions to ail rules, but
the role is that tbe man who really wants
work and isn't too particalar either about
tbe nature of tbe work or tbe amount of
tbe remuneration, will find something to
—The Markbam Hook and Ladder Co
intends paying Corbett 9500, for being here
on Monday evening, April Bth, and to get
out on it they will sell tiekets at 91 each,
excepting a few of the best seats which
will be sold at auction.
—New names are constantly being add
ed to tbe CITIZKH'S mail lists, which are
larger today than tbey have been in the
history of the paper. This growth is very
encouraging. Tbe value of tbe Citizuu as
an advertising medium is generally con
ceded, its exienoive circulation being the
best evidence of this.
—At a special meeting of the ftincue
Book aud Lvldor Co. W»duerda> evening
the company, by a unanimous vole, refused
to accept tbe truck built for them by the
Seagrave 00., on account of the weigh',
which was more than donble what the
specldcations called for. Tne truck was
on exnibitfon on Wednesday and was a
beauty, but was too heavy for our hills.
—Accordi Df to the Bradford Star, an
Ole«n man beuijr troubled with a headache,
bought two medicinal tableta and pot them
In hi* vent pocket. Wnen it waa time to
take * tablet be opened hi* mouth, ahnt
hit e/M and gulped one down; WM reliev
ed ul hi* headache arid went on bia waj
rejnioin/ Liter in tue day he found the
two tabietx in hi* pocket. When be di--
oovrred a two dollar jroid piece mma
in*, the pain* in bin bead nhifted to hi*
A 1 mo At everybody io the county will re
oeive notioe of the afltoiot of their amie»r»
inaou from tbe County CommUniouer*,
•ad tbua be (riven an opportunity to Bp
peal from the name.
The appeal day* for Butler bora., are
April 15:h to 24th, but those from wiitin of
the towiMhipH here already heard.
Mercer, Marion, V>*nan(ro and Alliffh< my
twp , w rru heard Monday. Hax nbnrit,
Zelieuople, Evan* City anil Harmony,
yenterday, and Fairview, Concord • y
add lirsdy will be heard tomorrow
A uumtMir of people hare already app« »r>-d
before the comwiiMwmer*, and a l»w
change* have been made. Tbe otter daiea
fixed are ax follow*:
Donegal, Clearfield, Summit and Itutb r
townebipe, March 36th, 1895.
Slippery Book. Cherry. WaHhinirton and
Parker towu*hij>«, March 27tb, I H'J'I
Oonno<|ii>-n«««ing, l.aiu»Ht>-r, Middlesex
au'l Forward township*. March 29th, IHOG.
Buffalo and Clinton, Auril lm 1 u !t".
Cranberry, Adam* and .lackaon town
»bip», April 3rd, 1895
M uddycreek. Franklin. Centre and Oak
land townnblpH, April sth 1890.
Worth, I'enn, Jeffernon and VVinfield
townnhipn, April Bth, 1895.
Millerxtown, Karn.« City, Fairviuw and
I'etrolia borouidiH, April 10th. 1895.
Harrixvilie, Centreville, I'ortornvillo,
Proiipeot and Kuubury boronirhx, April
12th 1895,
—lf Burton cannot ah »w yoa
goods, and give you prices to please
you, oo other clothier ia Uutler c*U-
License Court. . _ ..
Tne annua! Lion-e Court met Wednes
day morning, with Judge Greer presiding.
The cases of Jellison and Byers were call
ed, when Mr. Goucher, one of the attor
ney* for the remonstrants a.-keJ the coart
to n>ake an order restraining the licenses
granted to their legitimate purpose— i.e. —
the entertainment of strangers and tiave •
ers. and guests of the hotels. He »ai<i
that no roan had a right to set np a bar as
an invitation to his neighbors to drink,
sncb places were mere tippling houses,
that toe Brooks law !*pecified the classes
intended to be accommodated by liceuse,
and that tippling hooses were not within
the meaning of the act; that class legisla
tion should be strictly construed; it was
the doty of the court to "restrain the we
of liquor to the purposes of the Act ot As
sembly; the applicants prove the necessity
for strangers and travelers and then sell
to everybody; license i» a matter of grace
of not right; no one has a property in a li
cense; the lack of neceasitj is a legitimate
ground for refusal; the general welfare ol
Butler was enhanced by not having licei a
ed houses in it, etc; and he presented a
petition containing a thousand names ot
people who thought as he did.
Col. Thompson thought it remarkable
th»t the-e g-od men ar,d aromen, who re-
ail the virtue iu the community,
chi.uld lake d fferent view ol this question
a different times; he rc-ierred to the reso
lutions of the Presbyterian As-embly at
Grove City censuring Jndge
tbonght that the remonstrants were a*kii;g
the court to legislate, said that license
were granted because the law said so, am'
as an Incident to the honse; that the six
hotels in Butler were all necessary and
were entitled to the grant; that the Brook
law was the best liquor law in the coun
try; that sentiment and morality has no
standing in this Court, it is a legal que*
tion alone, that a license was granted a
an incident '.o the house, and you cannoi
apply one rule to the bar and another to
the table; that the remonsrrants were ask
ing the Court to violate its oath, etc.
J, D. Marshall thought Thompson'-
spcecb absurdly long; said that the Su
preme Court has decided that .it was »
matter of the necessity of entertainment
lor strangers and traveler*; that hotel men
sought a right for one purpose and tbei.
used it lor another by selling to their neigt -
bors etc.
Lev. McQuislion said that such a con
struction of the law was beyond his com
prehension, that the law named the re
strain; that the remonstrants were asking
the Court to legislate, and violate bis oath;
that no license wus a good thing for the
expre»n companies and drug -tores,that the
hotels id liutiei has been run at a los-.
tbi»t the reinouetrants were inclined to
fanaticism, etc.
Jif 41. Gal breath °<aid that the remou
atra ii* were neither fanatics nor witcn
burners, but would claim their rights; that
tbiK was the age of telephone* aud eloc
tncit;, » cue ol the attorneys bad said,
and al»o the age of bad whiskey; they were
not asking the Coort to perjure itself; that
licenses were granted on the question ol
necessity for strangers and traveler)*; thai
the evidence of la«t year showed tbe bar
receipt* to exceed the other revenues ot
the hotel; that the order asked for would
be admonitory, and that tbe Court bad al
ready prescribed conditions regarding the
sale by the bottle; that tbe local demand
for liquor grows, and feeds upon itself;
that licenses were asked for for profi'
alone, —and to pay for the eloquent pleas
of applicants counsel.
Judge Greer said be did not see how be
oould enforce such an order as was asked
for, but would consider the matter; spoke
of tbe crowds that loafed around the li
censed bouses in Butler; the Supreme
Court'* decixions. etc.
Then tbe Jellison cane was continued.
The incidents of the day were the fining
of A L Campbell. <>( Petro/ia, $5. for con
t"inpt of Court Grrer claimed tnatCarnp
bell had approached him in regard to
Byr» license, and Campbell insisted that
be tad not, and kept on talking after
iieinp told to keep silence. Byers license
was refused —The fight made on Sam.
(Win. — Tne refutal of the Kaxonburg
applicants for p.ist offenses against the
liquor law, and - the granting ol the two
applicants from Zeiienople, oil hand.
Thursday morning the applications for
wholesale license were heard, and all were
| refused, excepting that of Jacob Keiber.
whicb was neld over till June.
! Theu the upp'ica loud from Evans City
were heard, and the attorney* for the re
monstrant* brougli out the fact that it was
common talk in Evans City that Senator
Quay would interest himself in tavor ol
Mrs. Cunningham and Greer denied re
ceiviug any letter from Quay on the sub
ject; and Thompson said Quay had to much
sense and honor to do such a thing; and
McQuiation denounced anonymous letter
writers; and the attorneys for the remon
strants said they did right in Lrlnging the
matter to light.
Tblt afteinoon tbe applications from
Butler boro. are being beard
Church Notes.
Bev. E. M Wood will preach in the
M E. Church next Sunday morning on,
'•Giving the Gospel the Right of Way,"
and in the evening on, "The Physician and
bis Profession."
The Marketa. »
Our grocers are paying -'J for butter and
i 3 lor fre».n fgy- 05 10l potatoi n, 00 for
parsnips, 05 for MIIOII* and H ets.llcts for
dressed chtcKen. 12 lor turkey and duck,
2c a pound l'>r uabb>g'i, 25 to 30 a d< *en
for celery, $1 50 lir apples, $1 1)5 for
H*ve ynu had any trouble with
your nyes? II so don't tail to call on
LEVIN. the Optician of Pittsburg,
at the Lowry i.i<>use, Butler, Pa , on
Monday and Tuesday, March, 25
and 26. No charge for examination
and advice, and iu cane he cannot
help you he will tell you no at once.
Wblte Hose Flour.
Tbe hest straight grade of winter
wheat flour on the market. Manu
factured by (Jeo. Walter ft S'>nn-
Butler Pa., and Hold by all tbe lead,
lag grocer* in town.
lona Patent.
The best patent flour. Manufac
tured by (Jeo. Walter «fc Son*. Call
at tbe mill, or your gr wjerymau, and
try a sack
Levin, the Optician of Pitts
burg, will be at the Lowry House,
Butler, Pa., on Monday and Tuesday
March 25 and 2<i It will pay you
to trail on him if your eyen trouble
you No lee for examination and
advice. R-member that "an ounce
i,l prevention is worth a pound of
We sell Tlibit* Linens, Napkin*,
Towels, Crashes and all kinds of
white goods at very low prices at
—Try. T. A. Morrison's home
made Carmels.
A Business Education Free, if
you buy your dry goods utDavenny's
Ask about it
—A fall line of home made candies
•t the City Bakery.
Fine cauion flannel* ft cents at
Plain and fancy Black Dress Goods
in ail qualities at bargain prices at
—A good umberella for 75c at
On Friday morning last the case of the
Commonwealth vs D. H. Waller, was
taken np, and after it had been partly
hesj-d, "Dan" p'eal guilty and gave bail
to appear Juno 7th for sentence.
Wm. Crilehl"W was found not guilty of
damaging livery property, and the costs
put upon fl. J. Netgh.
Sheriff Campbell received a telegram
from the Con-table of Portersville last
Friday morning, saying that they had a
man surrounded in a honse near mere, that
he nad a .-hot gun. aud that ttey had guns,
aud that the SaerifTs services were need
ed immediately. Tne Sheriff aad Jim
-fciliinaa drove over to Prospect that
tliernoon, and the Constable met tnein
mere and said that the man had escaped,
tad boldly marcued out of the hou3e wim
his gun in hand, defying the whole crowd,
tint the Shjsriff torind wnere he had gone
and went to see hioi; and next morning
oe cauie to Butler with them and gave
bail lor Court. It was a lamily fuss
tamer-in law suing sou in-law for surety
ot the peace; wnile the wile has brougQt
suit lor divorce.
The will of Jane Young of Concord twp
was probated and letters granted to Robt.
li. Young; also will of Jobn Maisiaud ol
Clinton twp, and letters to Elizabeth Maiz
land; ais> will ot Margaret Morrison ol
Ven ail go, no letters; also will »f William
Oouthett and wife ol' Forward twp, Geo
Martin and wife executors.
Letters of adm'n were granted to Solo
ion Tuorn oa estate of Samuel Tnjru of
A new trial was asked for in the case of
rue com vs W. F MoKinnis who was
ound guilty of rape and f. and I), and the
motion will be argued next Saturday.
The bill for embezzlement found against
Geo. H. Granam was quashed.
Tnos McGranahen petitioned Court for
a rn'e on Mary H 0 >was to determine
title to land in Ciea.lield twp.
A Biakeley to J B Keichle 31 acres in
Orauberry for $1,250.
H W Henstiaw t., H Schriber 5 acres iu
Prospect for $01(4.
Margaret Martin to John and W Ileiner
93 acres in Parker for $1,200.
J W Brown, adm'r to C A Abrams lot in
Butler foi SSOO.
John M Kirkpatrick to Grant Shunter
216 acres iu Uutlalo lor $7,000
L ti McCoy to Eli> Cnnstley 50 acres in
Cberrv lor SI,OOO.
Lew s Hera <t u> Cardine Hied nan lot in
Kuiler fo $1,500
P l>aaiM)U»peck to II W Keeter lot in
liatler tor s.'loo.
» Mack»-y to Flo. H Bowen lot in But
ler for S4OO.
E L Oexterling to C. Seligman lot in
itulJer for $,'1,100.
J N Kirker, ad>n'r to W L Rape 80 vjres
iu Lauc»~ter for $2 600.
J 1 Douglass to \V J Boyd 15 acres in
Brady tor $350.
Marriage Licenses.
(tilbert Fleeger.... —.Butler Pa
Stella Wei-terinan Cliutou twp
Win C. Bart ley Penn twp
E. Hilt t0n........ ........ "
Win. Wiley Clinton twp
E.uina Leckey "
lj do E. Shoup.... .......... franklin Pa
Jennie Burk "
W. W Robinson ......... Bailer Pa
tlary L Slater "
At Pittsburg—Alfred Euktnau aud Julia
I) unbar.
Accidents. I
T. L McElhaney tiad an arm broken by
tne fall ol a building at Coaltowa last
Winfield Gold of Carbon Centre fell from
a derrick, Monday, and was seriously in
j tired, lie fell 25 feet.
W. C. Vandling, who was so terribly
i>urned at one of Capt. Clark's wells in the
Cooperstown district, a few days ago, had
his right leg amputated, at the Park Hotel
i>y .r. Hoover, yesterday moruing. HM
right arm and left leg were also badly
He died early Thursday morning He
Wi-s bnt 21 years of a age, and was born
and raised near Peternville.
New Percales, Ducks, Coart Royal
Pique, Seersuckers, ginghams aud
all kiods of wash goods at
New Store, New Stock and low
prices, at T H. Burtou'tf, Toe On»3-
Price Clothier.
Storm Serges and French Serges,
Henriettas, Novelty Dress (i >ods and
Fancy Siiks iu greatest vanety and
at lowest prices at.
Burton's Clothing and Furnish
ings, are the best in town for the
—Levin.the Optician of Pittsburg,
who will be at ihe Lowry House,
Butler, Pa., on Monday and Tuesday
March 25 and 20, makes no charge
lor examination and ad via?, and in
case be caunot help you be will tell
you so at once. If your eyes trouble
you call on bitn, it will cost you
nothing to find out whether your eyes
need attention or not.
Fresh as a Fr. tter,
is Marvin's delightful Toast Biscuit,
big as a dinner plate, light and crisp.
No cracker is more delightful for or
dinary table use Plain and whole
some. Ask your Grocer for tbem.
State Normal.
at Slippery Bock, Butler county A
successful school for teachers Best
methods Expenses only SSO for the
term of 14 Spring term be
gins March 20. Send for a catalogue
Dr. Hess & Go's.
Stock Food, and Poultry Panacea,
for sale at Geo. Walter A Hon's Mill,
Butler Pa
It will ho to yonr interest to give
us a call
—We do not want the earth, but
we do want a lair abare of the pa
troni>|te of Bitler and vicinity.—
Hubton, Tbfi Clothier.
lnfanta Wool llohb 5 eta |»er
pair at Davenny'a
lox4 blanket* «0c at Davknny'h
Hee our line of New Hpring Otpet
—the ahHortmnnt in larife and the
atylea and priced are riifht
L. Btbin \ flow.
—Home made candicH. tafliea, rar
meln aud etc., now on hand at the
(Jity itak»ry.
—Jno. A. Kichey will turniah pure
Spring Water Ice to everybody next
Summer at wboleHale or retail.
—Fittest noveltien in dreaa good a
at Davbnmt'h
—An honeat dollar'* worth of
K<sodM for an honeat dollar, in U ir
ton Tbe Ololbier'a motto.
l'arentH commit a crime, when
they allow their children to Huffiir
with their e»ea, eapeeially when
Levin tbe Optician ol Pittsburg, who
will be at tbe Lowrv Houae, Butler,
Pa ,on Murcb Sio and 2*>. eaminea
eyew Iree If your children complain
of headacheri, you may reat a*iure<l,
their eyea are the cau*e.
Fine and heavy all wool Herge 45
inches wide, ull colore at 50 centa a
ynr(' —a big bargain —at
—Pennine Ijuncaatcr IJmghauie 5c
• • - - - -PunrWfc'.er. ~
At a meeting'of citizens of Butler, last
Friday evening, the status of the Woods
bill, now pending in the House at Harris
burg was discussed, and it was decided to
go ahead with the proceeding in Equity,
in Court, here, as a preliminary step to
wards having the charter of the Water Co.
annulled. About S3OO will be needed to
secure evidence, pay lor printing, coste,
etc . and for this purpose. J. V. Ritts was
elected treasurer and the following persons
named as 4 committee:
First Ward—J. W. Hutehison and D
H. sution.
Second Ward—J. H. Harrey and T. F.
Third Ward—Jacob Boos and O. M
Fourth Ward—H. H. Goncher and B.
Kemper. Jr.
Fifth Ward--John F. Lowry and W. C.
The committees will report at a meet
ing to be held in Seneca Hall, this even
The Rescue.
The benefit given by the Kescue Hook
and Ladder Co of the West End, Monday
evening was not as well attended as the
cause for whieh it was given (the raising of
the balance of $525. the price of the new
truck the boys purcnasedi merited. The
boys wurKed hard and only added about
$25 to their laud. But on one point the
Rescue boys may fell well satisfied and
that is the manner in wnich the Slay ton
Jubilee Siugers pleased all who beard
them. Tne company c inputs of a doable
quartette and a pianoist of rare ability,ari l
they were the bast Juiilee Sibgers that
have appeared ia this town for a long time.
The songs, solos, duets, quartettes and
plantation melodies were greated wttu
ronnil a'ter rouud ol applause, and eac 1
number of tne leug.hy program was encor
ed to the echo and responded to good na
luredly. The contralto of Miss Kelle
Stowe, and the base of Mr. Moure were the
best we ever heard and the humorous spec
ialties of Basil Kobinson brought doa-u
the house.
Wuson and Houston.
Ras Wilson is a quiet fellow--A Very
quiat fellow — Ho's li'bg too—long legifed
ami long beaded, aud he carries his specs
with him and takes observations.
His appearance in the Opera House here
last Sunday afternoon was bis first int*o
daction to the majority of the large audi
ence that assembled to meet him, and we
are sure they were well pleased with hun.
He gave tliem some account ot the temper
ance movements in Pittsburg; a history
ol the discovery of the bi-ihloride ol gold
remedy tor habitual drunkenness, and a
general talk on temperance.
Mr. Houston, who accompanies hi in a* a
"horrible example"' in a "graduate" of one
of lb* Keely institution* Ho is a bright
mi.art man: a machinist whoae appetite
for drink cost bun almost everything, aud
wn<> was cured an I waved by Keeley's dis
covery. The two men did au excellent
da> s work in Butler, aud wo hope they
will come .gain.
The Land of Flowers.
If the general sentiment concerning the
Pennaylvania Railroad Company's person
ally conducted tours to Florida is to I»e
taken an an index of their popularity, they
may in all Verity lie styled the ideal tours
The next aud last of this season's serit-H
id tours to Jacksonville will |eav« New
York aud Philadelphia on March -0, ami
trie rate, including round trip transporta
tion and meals and Pullman berth on
special train going, in SSO (»0 from New
York aud S4B 00 ftom Philadelphia; pro
portionate raitM Irom other pomis. TICK
••ts tor this tonr will bo good lor return
pannage on regular trains mini May
The number of persons or which acoom
modatious can be provided is necessarily
limited, aud it would therefore he pruiieut
for those who desire to join thin party to
make early application lor space
Tor further information apply to Ticket
Agents, or addres Tourist Agent. 11 Wi
Hr>>ai!way, New York, or Room4ll, Broad
(Street Station, Pmladelpnia, to whom
application lor space should be made.
Levin the Optician of Pittsburg
will tie at the Lowrv House, Butler,
■>n Monday and Tuewiay, Mftrcb 25
and 2(J. tie in the only Optician ot
repute making regular aeini monthly
vieitH to Butler. He ninkcH no
charge Tor examination and advice
and in cane tie cannot help you be
will tell you BO at once.
il'is Claiming a Great Deal
to nay that auy one article in the bent
iu the world But it in a fr.ct ac
knowledged by all who ever made
trial of the that Marvin'H Eagle
Mutter craclttTH arw the l>ent Butter
Craekenj made anywhere The itn
rueurie quantity annually conHumed
IH the etrougest proof of this Sold
by Urocem every where
—l2O 8. Main Ht, i» T. H. Bur
ton'* Clothing Store. Oo Bee biß
goods aud get bin prices.
Ureat in Lace C'ortainH,
LaccH and EuibroiderieH at
L. Stein & SOU'H.
Always UHO J. A Richey's Cough
Drop* They are the best.
—Zuver'B Pictures leave nothing
jvauting in FINTBH, tone or a correct
—Take your children to Zuver'B
• iallery tor Pictures that will nuit
you. PoHtoffice building
—Fine Donnett llaunelH, 5c at
—Send your children to Davenny'a
to get Dry (ioodß and get a College
education free. Ank atiout it.
dee our line or Kaiki Silks, Pon
gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silkn lor
wuHitn troiu 36 ceuia a yard up
L. htein Son.
Freeh cut Flo were of alt kinds,
alwayH on hand at the City Bakery.
Bourdingllouse C'ardH, with Act
ol Assembly, 25 ceutr, tor tjall-a-doseu,
tor a*le at (JITiZBN office.
Largent annorltnent. ot new Silks
and I'rcHri (Jooda at lowest prtceri
ever known at
L. Stein At SOU'H.
M r Jouen—Where did you get
that hat'!'
(VI rn. Smith—At Davenny'H of
courßo, they have the best millinery
in town, try them.
Notice to Farmers.
(jeo. Walter At Sons have added to
their extensive (louring rniilH a new
Feed Mill. Tuey Will bo able to do
your cbtpping on short notice You
can take it home with you at once
The mill in running every day.
KEOOLLROT, we charge only the
TENTH, au'l do the work to your
Oeo Walter to Sottß.
W heat.
The highent price paid for WHEAT
at (jeo Walter /It Son's Mill, Butler,
The highest price paid for UVK at
(Jeo Walter AL SOU'H Mill, Butler,
Buy your dry goodq ,«t
tiy'M and ({ot a Bcb ilainhip for fie
Butler Business College aud S -'iool
ol SbortUaud lrwo XM aovut l»
Francis L»nbe has moved to Fre«>port.
Mrs. Koonce was in Pittsburg Monday
baying goods.
Prothonntary Seaton has had a severe
attack ot grippe.
M X. Greer has moved back to Evans
City from Glensnaw.
Al Heck is taking stock this week, and
he in tremendously tired
0. M. Albert, of Franklin twp, was in
town om business Taesday.
Or Rrickcr his moved his *.flice to the
M..ier building on Main St.
Viss Gn.--ie Russell, ot Oakdale, is visit
ing Hiss Margaret Mechling.
Miss Msrgaret Mechling, is home from
SlipperyrocK Normal, on a vacation.
Linn Borland has relumed from Xew
York, where h- purchased a -pring stock
of dry goods for Mrs. Z mtnernian.
Mr Ed McCoy, the Tonsorial Artist of
the South Side, is erecting a new barber
shop in Springdale.
C. Seligman of Worthington has pur
chased the E. W. Oesterling home on W
Jt fferson St.
Isaac L. Boyer of Lancaster has had his
pension increased ln.-in $0 per month to
sl2 per month
Thos Ua>B, wife and daughter of Fair
view bave moved to butler and will here
after make tneir home at the W averly Ho
Alexander J Negtey, of the firm of
Negley 4 Howard, wholesale lumber
dealers ol filttburg, was in town on busi
ness Tuesday.
K. K. Hays ol Fairview boro has moved
into and taken charge of the Vi averly
Hotel ou ?>oaih Mc&eau »t., and will tak*
care ot the traveling public at reasonable
J. Clarence Caldwell, of Jefferson twp,
ba» graduated from the Medical Depart
ment of tne Western Duiversity ol Peun'a,
aud will take part in the Commencement
eiercts-s to day, al Aiviu I'uea.re l''tl—
b itg. Ulag at i P M he Medical
class of inis year numbers sixty three.
Mr John On. a former citizen of this
place but who went weft about torty
tears ago, is baek on avii-itto Irieuds here.
There are some of our cil:2t-u* who remem
ber Jon u Ott, aud their early associations
with iiim, recall some ver> luteresuug aud
amusing events. He is now nearly i 5
years ol age nut looks hale, hearty aud
well. We were glad to see biui.
Mrs. Core of the Butler Mn-ic Co., will
personally conduct, a River Excursion to
Cincinnati, ou me liist Friday ot May. Tne
cont, ot the entire trip Horn Butler includ
ing board will be $13.70 This trip of one
week will ba restfud, full of sightseeing,
aud a j"y >o be remembered, ulnr the *e
vere winter, that has Kept us all indoors
Mr Abuer O'Brien tendered a very
social Icycle party to a number of hie
lady aud geutlernau Iriends, in honor ot
mi Uncle who is ou his way to New YorK
iroui one ol the lower colleges, Irom which
hu is a graduate. A « r -lecues was made
by his uncle, wbiih Was very uioely spok
en. Songs aud card play iug were indulged
in, until Abner pas-ed the snow bal's,
aud all present look a chill home with
John Yeomans, of Bmler, a brakman
ou the I'litoliurg and Western railroad,
aud who for several years worked at tile
I'enuny Ivauia car ~nope at AlLoona, went
to A I toon a lo attel.u the luneral ol hi™
brother who was hill it oy being Kicked ou
lue head by a horse. This is the fourth
violent death lu Yoemau's family during
tne last two years. Ol the tour brothels
John is the only one eurvivmg. Working
on a bridge ou the Missouri river, IU Jan
uary last j ear, the eident fell and Was
Killed Michael, the liem in age, was a
brakemau ou tiie New York Central rail
road and was killed iu a freight wieck la»l
summer The youngest lived *ith a farm
er near Allooua.—Pittiburg limes.
Closing Out aule.
LadieV wool Underwear at bail
price Munliu ami other good* murk
1 X Lm
Pictures, Diplomas, Certificate*
and Charter* Framed to Order at 3u9
8 Mum rit , liU'-ler, Pa.
Dealers in new aud second hand
household goods of every description
Call and H-IO us vVe can savo jrou
—No maitur bow hard the times
the one thing you cannot afford to go
without is all the news If you want
all the UMWS you get it in the I'ttts
ourg Dispatch. Trie Dixpatoh. pun-1
Isbesl all—not u pari ouly
The highest price paid for WHEAT
tit (Jwo. Waiter 6l don's Mill, duller,
ilorses Wanted.
We wtll buy oue ctr In id o
horsec aud mares lor the Kanteru
market; drivers, general purpose and
drall horses; aged 1 to 10 years;
weight from 1000 to 1,500. Bring
them in. A'e will ho ul llarlaus
burg, March 20; Grove City, March
21; Ceutrevilie, March 22; Hutler,
Wick House, March 2-5.
11. rtfcANoK & CO.
The highest price |iaid for RYE at
(ieo. Waiter A Son's Mill, liuiler,
Music scholars ivaiited, Lessons
will bo given either at the heme ol
the teucher or at the home of the
scholar Inquire at 121 vV Wayne
Bt. liul'er I'a.
Uradley's Standard F rtll /.ers.
For sain at (ifi) Walter fi Sou's
Mill, Hutler, I'a. Tiiese feriilizT
wurks are the in trie world
Call at the mill and get a circular.
•WHO Is a wry innppro
pria'e quotation if
STKAIjS you ' uy your pursee
of us.
MY We ke*p DO traeh
hut wo do keep th"
PURSE finest line ol purses
and pocket books in
STKAIjS trie county.
We have the latest
TRASH '' and best things in
this line.
Purees and Leather
I'iM'ket Hooks from
5c to s:i.
All the New Lea'.h-
Near i'osl office.
Lt. CJ- W I(JK
bKaLktt is
aiitl lumDtii
oc'Abu Kisria
• tour*, Sash, minds, Moulding-.,
Shingle-i and Lath
Always in Mock
Otttcv op|)O MU< I'. At W #
B'JTHfiU fr.
Three women, known as the Dennison
Bisters, were arrested in Boggs and Buhl's
store, la?t Thursday; and stolen goods
valued at SIO,OOO, were found in their
A Hungarian woman and her child were
murdered in the w >od* of Westmoreland
Co. last week. Her husband was killed in
the mines. She sold their belongings and
was getting ready to go back to Hungary.
At a flag station in Mercer Co last Fri
day, a young man and woman in a buggy
were hurled seventy feet by being struck
bi a locomotive, and both were iustantly
The Bank of Du Bois closed its doors
last Thursday; and next day Harry Leob,
a lumber dealer, and a heavy borrower
from the bank made an assignment.
Oil Notes.
On Thursday last, the Xat onal Transit
Co. cdvanced the price ot credit balanc*--
frum 1 05 to 1.075. on Saturday to 1 10 and
on Weduesday to 112.
Whitest own—The Eastern Oil Co drill
ed its well on the Galloway through th
cand last week, and though mere w*s 50
leet of it there was no trace ot oil or ga<
Its well on 'he Graham is also a failure.
The Forest Oil Co. purchased Eisler £
C"'s leases with two completed wells for
$10,000: its well ot. the Graham is a failure
atd its well ou the Shiever is rated at 40
The well on the J. C Shauor, owned by
H iziett, Xeyman, Brandon, et al, of But
ler reached the sanu last Friday aud be
gan flowing water and oil, making about
40 bols of oil from the top f the sand, the
same firms well on the Kaltenbach will
make 40 or 50 bbls. a day.
Hay 5 <fc Greenlee's well on the Stewart
i« pumping some oil.
Body stow □ Md'oruiick A Co are ii
the sand on the Sn ikele( C»|it Grace « f
I'lttsbarg will drill ou the Peter McCol
Butler —A rig is up on the Dan'l Shanor
in Centre twp. Several prominent opera
lorß Irom other fields are in town looking
tor territory.
Bullion—Hovis A- Co. bave 500 acres
.until ol Bullion, near the county line, ai.o
are drilling a well.
Delano —The Burns farm well on ftongh
Kun in Wiutield *wp. was drilled in la.-t
Thursday, but Us production did not 1 •
crease. It had but 15 bet of sand. The
Lainont Go's well ou ibe same farm is do
lug 10 bblo.
Coylesville—The Ford Co's well ou the
Banuon is dry.
Herman Meldren A C>'s well on the
is doing 25 hbls.
Chieora—Jas. Raboitt lias a rig up 011
the Dnfi'y or Gillespie, east ol ReV Hicke),
where a new sireak has been discovered
Cooperstown Michael Ekas Sold out to
lor $35,000. Patterson's 11, is doing
150 bbls. W ll'iainSon & Co's liew Well on
he Leslie is dr>; ibe Forest Oil Co. is pre
paring to drill 30 wells on its recent pur
Brownndale- —Frazier A Co n 2. Bshelman
is doing 00 bbls, and No. 3, about 300;
<;iarK A Co's 3, Swartz about 10 bbls a
day. The Forest Oil Co purchased Ponu
<t Shaver's interest on the May, with 50
bbls a day. The Eastern Oil On. is -tatt
ing a second well on the Dorsey. Ketter
ei A Go's well on the Win. M. Brown i.»
showing good sand.
Mars—Golden A Co. are drilling on the
Sharp farm in Cranberry twp, and a rig is
up on the I'altner Graham.
Are You Afflicted.
Now is the chance of a life-time
ta be Cured.
The EXCELSIOR Remedies,
Postivtdy and Permanently core all
diseunes canned by derangement ltl "
H.ood, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys.
Rheumatmui, Neurilgia, Stomach ami
Liver Trouble; all Skin Disease, St Vitus
Dance. General Debility, Nervoun Debility.
Sink or Nervous Headache, Catarrah, At -
•r Effects of LaUrippe, Female Complaints,
Constipation and all its evil effects.
The Excelsior Blood Cleaner and Excel
sior Vegetable Pills, are especially adopted
lor the above complaints their curative
powers are wonderful. TRY THEM, the)
are guaranteed to cure, fiend U« *• • r ad
drens and we will mail you THE EXCEL
SIOR LEADER containing testimonials
nl hundreds who have been cured bv the
Excelsior Remedies in your own Count >
and State. Address all coininunioaiious
Office EXCELSIOR Medicine Co,
No. 120 S Main St • • Butler Pa.
SPRING 1895.
Owing to the very large stock we
carry aud the limited room we have to dis
play it, We make a specialty of show"
ilig our inuoruing goods liret each season.
You will liml every thing in thin depart
ment made nemly and ntjlish.
While wo have the very finest mourning
goods, we also have to suit the slimmest
pocket book. Orders promptly tilled.
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S Main St.. - Hntlnr.
They Have Been
The above cut represents the
ladies as they come from
MILLER'S Shoe Store
They fou.id just as
advertised and bought freely.
This is what induced tin in to
Ladies fine Ki<l Oxfords Pal. Tip
Ladies fine Tanned Oxford: 75c.
Ladies fine Kid Button Shoes Pat
Tip at 88c.
Ladies Oiie Vice Kid Lace Shoes,
all styles $1.25
Ladies f»ood (irain Shoes at BXc.
Boys School Shoes at 75c worth
I lave you s< «-n our Men's Shot s,
We arc offering some great
bargains in Men's fine Bull
Shoes Cot giess <»r Lace, Tip
or Plain toe, at sl.
Mens Winking shoes at
Infants shoes in Tan or Black, at
When you jjet ready to buy your
Spring Shoes, Come in and
see us, Wc Will Save You
The New Slioc Store.
21$ S- Aium St., ihrtk-r, Pa.
A Suggestion.
I A A A. A £ ' —!
r *wr/
!><d it ever occur 10 yon that there are
dr.ig- ... .] lirogs—that drngs a-e like everv
;uing el.»e—the. ."*•» good, b.id aDd indif
lereut There is 1 «'■« which is
ttositivelr bad if it is'ut j is. . : best
Our po cv ba' s:w«ys been to bave iioth
ng on; he best.
When 10 w int (' ugs come to us and be
assured ot r 'p*a nu-e goods, and always
w iat vo;i a»s 'or or yonr D'e-cri;i' : on ca!»
for. It iii Hi' no> alwais oo 1. ugs yon want
•••'her. We always have «a hand a fjl!
I ne ol .- ck room reijai-iie-^.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
By virtue of an order of Orphan's Court,
of Butler Couuty Pa., at O. C No. 8, June
erm 1895, and to us directed, we will on
at one o'clock p. in., on the premises in
IVnn twp.. Bailer County, Pa., expose to
public ale the following real estate, late
the property ot Isaac Wise dee'd: All
that missuage or piece of land situated in
I'ejn twp., Butler County. Pa . (remain
ing alter t'alviu Wise and Wm. Wise each
received the jmrlion of land devised to
tn by Will of said Isa c Wise dee'd)
and bounded and dttscriued as follows to
AH: On the North by lauds devised to
Wiiliam Wise by said Isaac Wise; on the
asi by lam's of Fulton Shrader; on the
-oiuh by lands of Win Kennedy; and on
the West by lands of D. Mcl.aug iliu et al,
and well watered and well improved and
containing about 35 acres.
Two-thirds cash upon continuation ol
~aie and the balauce in one year secured
»} judgment bond aud mortgage on the
t>r<'iui<>es, bearing interest, aud with an
attorneys commis-ion of five perceut for
collection CAfiVIH Wi«k. Lenta,
J M. PAINTKB, Butler Co., Pa.
Att'y. GEORGE B. WISE. Bennett
Allegheny Co., Pa.
Executors ol ISAAC WISE, Dee'd.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Butler Co., Pa , the undersigned
administrator's ot Frederick Sharp, dee'd,
wul offer for sale on the premises on
SATURDAY APRIL 13ib, 1895.
Atone o'clock P. M , ail the following da
cribed real estato of said decedent: Situ
ate in Buffalo township, Butler Co., Pa;
bounded as follows to wit: On tbii north
by lands ot Thomas Parker, east by lands
ol Hon. A. D. Winr's heirs, south by lands
of Joseph A Parker and west by lands of
losiah Painter—containing about 44 acres,
aud having erected thereon a small frame
ha 111. log dwi lliug house, mostly clear d
and small orchard thereon, and located
inout 3 miles Irom Preeport I'a.
TERMS OK SALE —t;»sh on confirmation
oi sale. tv. II PABKIR, Adm'r.,
of Fredrick Sharp, dee'd
MoJdnkin «t Galbreath Atl'ys.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters testa
uieutury on ihe estate of Charles llaslctt,
late of Ihe borough of Butler, dec <ase'l,
have been granted to me the undersigned,
ill persons knowing 1 heinselves indeht d
to said estate will make payment to me,
and all persons having claims against suid
estate will present the same to me for set
Attorney lor Estate,
Administrator's Notice.
Letters ol Administration C. T. A. bat
ing been gi anted to the undersigned 011 the
estate of Jane Young, dee'd, lute of Con
curd twp , all person • knowing themselves
indebted to said estate w ill please (will and
nettle and any having claims against the
same a ill present thi iu duly authenticated
tor payment
R 11. VOL'SU,
Jacksville, l'».
A. M CoRNKLtt'M.
Administrators Notice.
Letter* of ad mini*! rat ion C. T. A. hav
ing been granted to the under- igned on
ihe estate ot William By or-, dee'd, late ol
Concord twp, Butler Co, Pa All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate, will please make immediate pa)-
ineiit, and any having claims against said
eel ate will present them duly autheuti
ca i d lor set 1 lenient to
Lcotu, duller Co , I'a
Executor's Not ice.
Letter* I*-! iiueiit • v on Ine e ' «le ol
.)• nil Contad .-Manor, oec'd, la « ol W iiitei.
ov»u. Builer <O., I'enn'a . liav ng been
giai.'ed lo the l Utlersigned nil persons
knowing lliem-eive iodeh ""I o -1•,I erila'e
will plea-e luase immediaie oivinelil. and
alii l.rtvmg c'inns ag.i to*t S.im will
pre.eu: t hew duly aulueui icjled lor -eille
meul til
Wuilesiown, I'a.
Ailuiiri itr.iior's NoMce
I.elteia ol a<lm*Ul« r.i'ioii |j.t> 1 g been
(.■rau eil lo lie nudei-igned on He e- a'e
oi VV'illijin Lll y dee'd Co of I meaner
twp, Birleri o. I'a , all p<i oik hsowing
I' n* III' r.Ve - lUlleOl'd to m.i .1 f.lxiH wtl
plea m in.>i.e i HI Mi ni i'o p.i',lll 'U and am
having claims sg.nusl i>d es t « will pre
fill I lie ID duly ail til-11l I i I'd for selllf
meu t to
J X KIRKKR. Adm'r,
M idle Latin,i er I', <>.
J II M ATE* a:t'jr Butler Co., Pa
Butlri I'a.
Adminlslralrix's Ni»llce
N i I.'M I- be eiil leu Unit lexers of
Hll II ir i >in on nee im ol lamex Sel
\- ili iil ate ol Culler borough. Butler
roil , v I'.l , little been g'aOled lo I lie UII -
ili igut.l lo iliu,lll iill per-oijs luileiiled
Kind e ie II e rei| >e ' eil lo make pay
in•• II Hie' IIIOIIH nil i-g cl.iiins ~r ileinundu
a uiak * kno an i lie . .me wiII out delay
llkh U J m.i.Eits, Adui'x
L E VIIVIU Ai v Duller I'a.
Vuii pay for school.books; hut
the beat Hi'hool-I>o<ik for yoorchildren
is your iluily ptper Well printed,
carefully ami intelligently edited, of
itietruclivii o ibteiilM, fjrHt und fullcet
with the news and lieat in preaontiuff
it. tiie rittaljiirK IHtpatvh filla the
D sHolution Notice-
The partnership heretofore im ti'ig be
tween J. S. young and iVin. Cooper,
in.del the firm name <.f Young <1 Cooper,
w,i di-o|vi d hi mutual consent on Due.
31 1 DIM, J. S Young reilricg.
Ml. W illiaiu Cooper will coullliue the
hii' iue«H and settle all the accounts ot
the laie firm
J. 8. Young.
Will. Cooper.
Thecdore Swain.
CliiUitievs, Urate nnd lloilor Kcttiog.
Cietero lluililiiig and cewer
Uoi k u Hje entity.
Schneideman's Old Stand.
Fair and Square Clothiers.
Special sale
H. Schneideman Stock
L his stock was appraised bv two lead
ing clothing manufacturers of Philadel
phia and was invoiced at a VERY LOW
We got a further discount of 25 per
cent for cash.
All the Spring Goods already bought ure INCLUDED in this transition.
HERE is CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS at PRICES you nevar heard of.
Don t take our word for it but come and
see for yourself.
Schneideman's price. Our piica
Mens' Riverside Worsted Sack & Frock Suits S2O sl3
Sawyer Cassimeres - 17 50 12 50
Clay Worsteds, the finest - 16 50 12
Fancy Worsteds ■ 16 11
Single and Double Breasted Boys' Worsted Suits 14 9
" Cheviot " 12 50 8
" ALL-WOOL " 10 6
" SUITS • 7 4
" SATINETTE Suits . 550 350
Cut these Prices out and bring them with you and we will prove to
you that we do just exactly as we advertise.
Shi oss Bros.,
,104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
We will just say a few words about our stock of BOYS
CLOTHING. The price of them will
surprise you.
Hoys' knee pants suits, sizes 4to 14 750 Boys' long pants suits, sites 12 to 19 $2 CO
Roys' knee pasta suits, sizes 4to 14 $1 00 Boys' long pants suits, sizes 12 to 19 3 50
Boys' knee pants sails, sizes 4to 14 150 Boys' long pants suits, sizes 12 to 19 400
Boys' knot* pants suits, sizes 4to 14 200 Boys' Jong pant* suits, sizes 12 to 19 500
50 Dozen Knee Pants at $250., sizes 4 to 15.
25 Dozen Long Pants at 50c., any size.
Schatil & Nast,
Leading Cloth tern, 137 S Main St , Butler, Pfc
|Q XJCXAZ ARRIVED, and wc wit
v-J vJ ▼ ▼ k c pi ea9c d to show you what we
• havc
f | Q 1 * Vou can bu X !l *> rootl > scrvicablc
business suit for sj.oo, but our
| a • line at $6.00, $7.50, $9.00 ami
vyiQiniriff s, °
00 are marvels ol beauty and
* excellence, better than ever sold
(for the price) in the history of the clothing trade.
Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably "surprised. NO
TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We
havc Swctf, Orr <"■> Co.' s Pant a- |
loons and Overalls. If you have ULI l
worn them, you need no further amd
c mment from us. if not ask to M w #1 Vl CI
see them as they are the best J
cheap pants in the world. BUTLER, PA.
A business that keeps grow
ing through a season ol de
pression, such as the country
lias experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize they
save money by trailing with
us. We know, and always
have known, the days of Urge
profits arc past. Without
question we arc giving more |
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year.
Colbert & Dale.
Mutual Firo Insurance Oompanj,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
1.. H. IrJUKtll pw'i and Tr»«.
Altrnl Wick, Ilnudnrwoo (>ll*«r,
>r W, Irvln, Jameft Mt»ulteiiaotl
W. W. HUi'kNKiin. N Wi'llwf.
I'. It' *tinHi, 11. .1. Kltri(fl«r
(iwi K«u<ii«r, < liii*. Hobuun.
lip'i HenaOi Jiiliu Kih'uiiik
lA/YALO. HxJVtliilli, Aaoat '
Any customer buying Thirty
Dollars worth of goods, will be
presented with a piece of silver
ware warranted tor 10 years.
Compare Prices.
Hi;ll> granulated lor $1 00
2311. "A" " " 1 00
36lti Yellow " " 1 00
SII> California HhUlodm 25
41b *' Hrune* 25
2411> " Peache* 25
2jlb " Apri00U............. 25
2| lit " I'ftt" 25
1 .10lb I'ail Jolly 73
1 Hack Whim Lily Flour 75
■t caiiH TouiatooN 25
| 4 " Hugar Corn 25
4 " Hiring Huann 25
1 " Houko Powder...... 10
Opposite P. O.
Owego Valley I'ouliry Yards.
l'rlin winning bull' Leghorns f Arnold'*).
Barred Plymouth Rook* (Hawkin'a) and
Indian (iauie cockerel* for *ale cheap for
oualtly <>f niock.
Egg" tl per 15. $1 50 per 28. $4 ner 100.
C. W. Hakkhtotoii.
Uarlord Millr,
CortCo., N. T.
John W. n»nw». C. A. Auraus.
Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance,
Hurkltdn BI'ILDINO,
NiiiCuvrr Houm. BUTLER, !'•.
Itipiiraiice Company of North Amerioa,
102') year. A*;.rt* ♦'.(.Mia <hmi. Home of New
York. A»k>'»*l>, 100.000, Hartford of llart
f.irJ, A mint» #8.045,000; I'liiooix ol Brook
lyn. A«»Ht* $5,500,000. New Ylk.