A Gentle Reminder. Bickel's Grand Clearance Sale of FINE FOOTWEAR. +++ + + To make room for a large Spring stock which I have purchased and which will begin to arrive aooa, I have placed on sale many matchless bargains. Now, this means to the close buyer ' 'Money in r pocket." Why pay big prices when you can get the same goods at oar store for half the money. A few of tne many bargains: One lot men's fine Calf, Kanga roo and Cordovan shoes, sixes broken, regular price, $3 50 to $o 00. Your choice for $2 50. One lot men's fine shoes at $1 25. One lot Drillers' shoes, box toe heavy sale re?alar prica $2 00 cket, at $2 00 per pair, Men's kip boots at $1 50 per pair. Boys' rubber boots at $1 50. Ladies' $1 00 per pair. 2,000 pairs Ladies'fine SPECIALTY rnbbers sizes 2£ to 4} i regular price 50c go at 25c. I have many other bargains. When i passing my store stop and look at the bargains I am offering wheth- j er you need a pair or not. Call anyway, always glad to show goods. Repairing done. To those who do their own repairing will say I hare just reed 20 dozen iron stands and can sell you one with four lasts at a bargain. Call and Bee me. John Bickel, 128 5. flai | BUTER, PA. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, «A.nd everything in. tiorse and buggy fui - nishing goods—Harness, Collars, Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. A lso trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPBB'S, 124 S MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. J ewelry-Silverw are- -Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J.R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. of Electric Bell and Clock. A Summer Drive loses a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less lux urious, easy running and handsome than it might be- Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get—are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you see them at your dealer's. Made by FREEONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. DIAMONDS EAR BISOS - SCAKF PINS, STUDS. .__ WATCHES IGKNTS'1 GKNTS ' OOLU - LADIES- CHATLAIN. JEWELRY } G ° ld Pl " 3, KiDBB, Bracelets. Ku. . SILVERW JoLl*®*) that can be found iq a ttrst class storo.. RODGER BROS. 1874 plate. E. GRIEB. JJeler. Mo. 139. North Main St. 8 JTLER, PA., GAS The place to buy F IX COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS TURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL, W/H O'** "< i Son'* lOT East Jefferson Street. HAY- FEVEH jr w Cold" head hwm Etyt Or MR Bairn if tuit a I> 3UC ELY BBOTHtBS. 16 Strut NEW YORK. DUG DO not be deceived. The following brands of White Lead are still made by the '' Old Dutch" process of slow cor rosion. They are standard, and al v a COLORS.— National Lead Co.'» Pure Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 2--r,ound keg ot Lead and mix your own p.;.! u. Saves time and annoyance in matching ! thjties, ar.d insures the best paint that it is | to put on wood. I S.nd us a postal card and get oar book on pants amf color-card, free; it will probably Lave you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO , New York. Pittsburg Branch. German National Bank Building, Pittjow*. YELLOW Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia,Constipation,Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin | and eves. Warrantee. to cure. I Sold everywhere at 25 cts. per bottle, for sale by J. C. Redicfe SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Sags, Sogs, AND POULTRT. 800 Pace Beok on Treatment of Anlmala and Chart Sent I-ree. tnus (Fever».Con«e«tifn»,lnßnmmntioß A.A.I Spinal MeninititU, MJIk Fever. B.B.— Strain*, Laraenens. Khenmotmill. C.C.— Distemper, Nasal lllscharges. D.D.—Bots or CJrubs, Worms. E.K.«C'ouiih«, Heaves, «»neuraonla. F.F.— Colic or Gripes. Bellyache. 0.0.— Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H.H.—l'rinary nud Kidney Diseases. I.l.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J.K. --Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .60 Htable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Hedlcator, ST«O O Jar Veterinary Cure Oil* • * I.o® S*ld Wj ThumrUU; or w»t prepaid asywker* and Is mj MaoUty rKflpt of prU*. HTIPHBKIS' MED. CO., 11l A 1 ftWilli— Bt., WawTarfc. W HOMEOPATHIC ft ft MHife] SPECIFIC No.uQ In UM 30 YEARS. The only soeowtfal remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, Sold t'J Drnc6»«i*. " r * enl po*tp«TT«n receipt ot prlea. ■ClFllllKlS' MEU. CO., 11l All* William SL, - —a C 777. \'//////.\ musicno i«us iKuruim . ymfo MILD WltTnA FINE. |! i THE AMERICAN TDBACCO COMPANY. SiiCCISSSR < Y j ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hat stood the Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED CrrTrrii / !■ I_ / p nfl II hood until 1 was s J LwLLIIIn grown my family ) i spent a fortune 7 ? tiying to cure me of this disease. 1 \ J visited Hot Springs, and was treated f C by the best medical men, but was not / /benefited. CpAU Whenall) j things had * ITI failed O # determined to try S. S. S., and in r ? four months was entirely cured. The ? / terrible Eczema was gone, not a sign \ > of it left; my general health built up, / ? and 1 have never had any return of > (pu-as CHILDHOOD /recommended 1 " MWV / \ S. S. S. to a number of friends for skin dis- V / eases, and have never vet known a failure to / cure. GEO. W. IRWIN, Irwin, Pa. ( Never fails to cure. \ even after all other r / remedies have. Our } \ Treatise on Blood and \ / i mwß skin Diseases mailed C I free to any address. # SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. S pßreiil ]|[ "notbers' (#3 |j| Friend" !ji J a J. .. Is the greatest blessing'. tE, ever offered child-bearing wo- * ; j was used it accomplished won- ' ?j j J3: tiers and relieved much suffer «f * ing. It is the best remedy for <> j c2j rising of the Breast known. '!■* JJ« and worth the price for that { 5 ' ( F ' alone. MRS. M. M. BREWSTER, ( I 5 Cll Montgomery, Ala. I fj j ;? « Sent by Eiprpss or M*ff. on rocelpt of ® ' -, ! price, IV per bottle. Bold by nil I>rug- <- 7 i J Kists. Book "To Mothers " mailed free. <\ f (t * BRAD FIELD UEGULATOH CO., \«> 1/ 1 ATLANTA, OA. < S > ( \ DOCTORS LAKE S ri'.r JTK DISPENSART. $ Cra. PEH'. AVE. ANL> FOURTH BT.. PITTSBURGH, PA. '■ 'JHBife:-.-A All formsot Dclic;itc ami Com plicated Diseases rcquivinKCoK mSr kh'ESTIAI. ami SCIENTIFIC Med- icntion nro treated nt tliis I)is iiens.'iry with a iccoas, .-.irely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake Is :> •ncmber of tlie Royal l'hy iicians and Surgtoiv, nml id the o! ltat and most r.\|H'ricnced SrECiALts.' in thacity Pp»c'n! at it'iitioa given to Nervous Debility i' om mental exertion, indiscretion of j outli, etc^caus ing physical and mentiil decay,lack of enerpy. lespon.'.ency, etc.; a.soCsncers Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin. Klood. I'Unps Urinary Organ:-.,etc. Consultation 'ree aud strictly eoniV!< ntiul. OiTlfe hours,!' to I and 1 to 8 p. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 ?. 71. onlv. -ill at office or address DBS. LAKE, COft. A 1 AynmihT-pi TT= liniuH.pa Garfield as CuraiHick Tl'adftche.KetitMfemOmpT. xio - r«>ctor» Bill*. tJaaipl. fri-o. Gasrar j»TS4(X)..SI9 t KJ Cures Conitip Hon THE CITIZEN. —A lady while engaged in the pursuit of her domestic duties encountered a mouse in u flour barrel. Now. most ladies under similar circumstances, would have uttered a few genuine shrieks, and then sought safety in the garret, but this one possessed more than the ordinary degree of genuine courage. She summoned the man servant and told him to get his gnn, call the dog and station himself at a con venient distance. Then she clambered halfway up stairs and commenced to punch the flour barrel with a pole. Pres idently the mouse made its appearonce and started across the floor. The dog at once went in pursuit. The man tired and the dog dropped dead, the lady fainted and fell down stairs, and the man, think ! ing that she was killed, and fearing that he would be arrested for murder, disap peared. and has not been seen since. The mouse escaped. —The old established congh remedy, Down's Elixir.still more than holds its own in the public estimation, despite sharp and active competition. It is a "home rem edy," and thi-> locality needs no words of praise from us, so well and favorably known is it. It is the stannard remedy for coughs, colds and all throat troubles, with great Dumbers of our people, and their continued use and unsolicited rec ommendation of it speaks volumes in its favor.—Burlington, Vt., Free Press, Jan uary 26. 1882. —lt is all right for a young lady to take a gentleman's arm on a slippery sidewalk, but in a sleigh, never, i —Remember that Hood's Sarsaparilla i is the great blood purifier. Now i» the time t:> take it. | —Now is the time for Southern travel. litany are going and there is a promise of I a brilliant Florida season. After such severe storms and cold weather as have prevailed, there is always a delightful early spring in Soutnern latitudes. —The State Senate has passed the Flinn bill, authorizing county commissioners to impose a.tax ol 1 to 3 mills for the per manent improvement of roads. —Rheumatism cured in a (lay—"Mystic cure" lor rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures mlto 3 days. Its action upou the system is remarkable and mysterious, it removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. 0 Rediek, druggist. Butler. —One who has evidently been about a sick bed a great deal says that unless peo are sick anto death they are apt to be cap ricious and fretful, and when the tedious period of convalescence arrives it requires a vast amount of patience on the part oT the nurse to keep from telling the fractious invalid what an unreasonable and disaa greeaUle being he or sue is. If therefore y.iu have in yonr charge a man, woman or child whom you must keep amused and satisfied to remain ia doors ajcording to the doctor's order*, when they iusist upon it that they are quite strong eu.rngh to go to business or to take Iheir customary amniit ol out door exercise, it behooves you to think out the best plau or plans through which this desired end may be acaieyed. To begin with, make them look as nice a< possible. It is quite won derful the absorbing interest that can be arou>ed in the Invalid's mind over a pretty bed jacket, a new pair of slippers or a brignt cushion, the color of which they Know is eminently becoming as they rest their weary heads against it. You cannot too carefully biusn the hair, and it is a noticable tact that the convalescent man is willing to be shaved lar more often tnan ne would feel it at all necessary in days of good health. —ltch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Tnis never fails. Sold by J. C. liedick, drug gist, Butler Pa. —Some antiquarians are of the notion that Eve was 118 feet tall. If so, she mov ed in high society. A woman of those proportions would have required a cow and a bathtub full of tea for a lunch. —English Spavin Liniment removes all nard, soft or calloused lumps aud blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc tiave SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, sold by J. C. liedick. druggist Butler Pa. —The bloomer dress is likely to comu in style next season; indeed, it was worn inrgely by lady bicycle riders last season. It is hard to describe it but it is so mething like this; A pair of trousers, very baggy at the knees, abnormally full about the pistol pocket, and considerablj loose where you strike the match The garmeut is cut decollete at the south end, and the bottoms tied around the ankles or knees to keep the mice out. You can't put it on o/er your head but get it on the same as your stockings, one foot in each apartment. Y'on can easily tell which side to have in front by tho button on the neck band. lieliej in Six Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six honrs by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im mediately. If yon want quick relief and enre this is your remedy. Sold by J. C. Redick druggist Butler Pa. —A father with eight marriageable daughters advertised as a last resort to get them off his hands. He received the following telegram: "Am a bachelor and weathly. Will gladly inaray one of yonr daughters. Send sample at once." —lt seems to me maw has a mighty mighty easy time, sniffed Johnny, was shoveling snow off the side-walk in the back yard, for the third time since breakfast. She hain't got nuthin to do but stay in the house all day and docto her neuralgy. —Millionaire—"Honesty my son is the bast policy." His son—"Well, maybe it is, father, but stilt you've done pretty well." Mrs. Henrieta M. King, of Corpus Christi, Texas, is a widow, but not a poor one. She owns 1,875 square miles, or about 1,250,000 acres of land in that Slate —Atlanta has a citizen with a very sug gestive name. He is a peddler and his name as put down in the city directory is as follows: "Havva Drinkovitaky." —Co3tiveness can be permanently cure by the use of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. —Before wo begin annexing foreign na tions,would it not be well to escape the danger of being ourselves a nation of for eigners. —Sibyl Sanderson has a sister who goes in for woman'srights. Sibyl does not both er about hers. She gets something like SI,OOO worth of 'em every time she sings. —The man who is really sincere in an opinion is muc"i more likely to grow angry when an attempt is made to argue him out of it than a man who is not sincere. Men dispute with most good humor upon sub jects in which they are not interested. —Mr. Latrobe, of Baltimore, received a letter from Mrs. E. "Williams, of Streat or, 111., making a claim to $60,000,000 worth of property in the heart of the city, and be answered her that it was probably a scheme of lawyers to get money out of the alleged heirs. —The latest boy preacher who is spoken of as a wonder is 17 years old, Mark Sex ton, of Missouri, he can talk faster than a congressman in a tight place can think. —Mrs. Annie Hayes, of Forest City, Me. is an applicant for a pension as the de pendant child of a Union soldier. The poor girl only weighs 43S pounds. Dr. Agnew's Cure lor the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy fjr Palpitation. Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lelt Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. Gentleman, r scholar and a judge of .mlskey," Is often applied to "hale fellows, well met." Our Old Export will pass muster under the most rigid test. It is guaranteed 8 years old, free from all fusel oils and adulterations smooth, and a capital liquor for either social or medlcinr.l uses. Full Quarts, Sf-00; Six Quarts. 55.00. Mall F.nd Express orderc shipped the same day as receiv ed, and we pay eharges on all orders of 810.00 and over. Jos. FLEMING SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. Complete Price Lids of Wines and Liquors mailed fr:«. 'WHO Is a very inappro priate quotation if STEALS you buy your pnreeß of us. MY We beep no trash. but we do keep the PURSE finest line of purses and pocket books in STEALS the county, We have the latest TRASH. 1 ' and best things in this line. Purses and Leather Pocket Books from 5c to $3. All the New Leath- J. H. DOUGLASS', m Near Postoffice. VITAUS a Well THE GREAT jh FRENCH REMEDY oOthuoyT Produces the Above Besuits iu 30 lUjs. It acta powerfully and qulv-kly. Cures u Uer) all others fail. Young men will regain their lost manhood, andoldmen will recover their youthful vieor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely re stores Nervousness, I.ost Vitality, I:i!i>ote*cy, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power. Failing Mem ory. Wasting Diseases, and all effects of sell abuse or excess and indiscretion. Warus off insauity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS no other. Can be carried In vest pocket By mail. SI.OO per package, or six for #5.00. with a positive written guarantee to curt or refund the money. Circular free. Address CALUMET BEX EDY COSII'AKV, Chicago, 111. For Sale at City Pharmacy SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, until further notice. . he following goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance of 20c per gallon tax by the government: AA. pure rye, 2ytars, $2 00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 years. $2 25; Old Cabinet, 4 years. $2.50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rye, 5 years, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; Hannisville, Dough erty, Monticello, 12 years, $5.50 per gallon. California wines, dri and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brant's; my own importation. Sherry and Port wine, from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. AXDRIESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 549. Robt. Lewin, WHOLESALE WHISKEY MERCHANT AND IMPORTER OF FINK WINES AND LIQUORS, 136 Water St., (Oppos'te B. & O. Depot.) Pittsburg. Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, FOR MIDICAL AND FAMILY USE. $1 00 per Qt., or 6 Qts. for $.3.00- Finch's Golden Wedding, Doogherty, Guckenheimer, Lorge Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, eto. This is the only bouse not rectifying in the city,there fore onr goods are warranted pure. Goods seourely packed and boxed without extra charge, C. O. D and mail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choice 3 ear old, $2.00 per gallon. Try us. What Nerve Berriea have done for others MEN Easily, Quickly '. and Permanently Restored. 3QTH DAT - A positive cure for all Weaknesses. Nervousness, Debility, and al! their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops and gives tone anJ strength to the sex ual organs. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful errors or excessive use of tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine KERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, 51.00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, 55.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO.. CINCINNATI, 0. NEW Southside Restaurant No. 211 Centre Avenue, (Whit mire building,) convenient to P. & W depot. Open all hours. All kind of lunches and regular meals, i Tobacco and Cigars, fine confections ; and everything to be found io a first class Restaurant. Give t>s a call and we will do our best to ao commodaie you. W. J. MATIS, Manager. i Cooper & Co., Having received a full assort | j |^| ment of the latest novelties in , , _ Foreign and Domestic Woolens T^ilor<* * d-llv/l *5. suitable for Spring trade, we are prepared to make suits to order at prices which will defy all compe tition in Quality, Style, Fit and Workmanship. Call and be con vinced before leaving your order for A. Sprirys Suit. LEADING TAILORS, No. 301 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO WHAT IF ON WILL DO. IIS NATURE'S OWE TOKIC. St imitates the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO Mjß3iS<3 R MOTHERS. Checks wasting diseases, stops night sweats, cures incipient consumption. O Increases stren&.h and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will give the pal: nnd puny tho Nrosy oheeka of youth. CURES AIL FESIA'.S COMPLAINTS. Makes strong: mji'i c.nd women of weaklings. GILMORE'S IROfl TORG PILLS Core a!l .Yasting Diseases and ihsir sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They are neither styptic nor caustic, and have no coagulating effect on the contents of the stomach or its lining; consequently do not hurt the teeth or cause constipation or diarrhoea, aa do the usual forms of Iron, todays treatment 50c, pamphlet free. If not kept by your druggist, address GILMORE 8c CO., CINCINNATI. O. W. L. DOUGLAS QUAP ISTHE BEST. FIT FOR A KING. CORDOVAN, FRENCH & ENAMELLED CALF. MM «4. 5 3.5P FINECAU & KANGMML *3.®P POLICE,3 SOLES. F^BK S2 - $!7 - BOYS SCHOOL SHOES. V Jj jp.wi BROCKTON^MASS. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes in style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. Prom $■ to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ALEXANDER & DOUTT, WaiTESTOWN. HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, BUPEBSKDES PAI*T A>'D VAKXISH. Can be applied to any smooth surface,on furniture, wood, glass, any kind of metal including kitchen utensils. Makes old articles look new and is much used on bicycles, carriages, stoves, etc. Requires only one coat, is applied cold with brush and dries absolutely hard aud glossy in 2 honrs —will not crack, chip, blister or rub off. Sample bottles sent on receipt of price. 2 ounces 15c, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40c West Deer Park Prin liEg Ink Co., I (iT iiV J ! iP t'iV r -»a AGENT S WANTED L. c- WICK: DEALER. IS Rough anil Worked Lumber OF;AL- kinds Uours, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Latb Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTEK. Office opposite P. 11 84 311 S2* Sutler Juc'l, 7 30 IIM 340 s» Butler .lue't.. l.eave T 3U 94! 12 03 340 553 Natrona Arrive 73s asl IK 13 3ju 6ii Tarentum 7 43 9 12 19 357 9 i>7 , Clarcmont 6 11 12 55 4 33 6 27 j hharpsburg 8 1H 1 05 4 29 6 32 ' Allegheny city 83310 33 124 444 645 A. M. A. V. P. M. P. M. P. M. North WEEK DA VS. A. M. A M. A. M. P. If. P. M ! AlleghenyClty Leave 6 35 525 10 40 3 io 6 10 j aharpsburg * o- sjy io 58 Claremout 845 1108 sprtngdale 8 u 26 641 Tart-mum 7 32 9 10 n ay 3M 6 si> I Natrona 7 37 9 15 11 43 3 55 6 53 1 Butler JuC't Arrive 743 3 25 1155 4(H 7 02 Butler Juc't Leave 7 45 945 12 38 4 15 7 02 Saxonburg BOSIo 11 lot 440 7t > Butler Arrive 83510 35 130 5W 7 3t> A. M. A. M. P. M. P.M. P, M W EEK DATS, Kor the East. WEM DAYS P. M. A. M. *• *• P- M -245 615 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 lso 340 7 30 Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 945 12 38 404 745 Lv. Butler Junction Ar. 941 12 38 4 10 74a Ar. Freeyort Lv. 935 12 36 415 753 " Allegheny Juc't. " »31 12 3o 4 2t> 804 •• l>eechtiure ...... " 920 12 13 4 4t> 821 '• raulton (Apollo) " 9us 11 55 514 851 " Salisbury " 837 11 32 550 922 " Blalrsville '• BUS 11 00 COO 930 Blalrsville Inter n " 750 10 15 85011 40 " Altoona •• 340 800 XOO 320 " Harrlsburg •• 11 55 310 430 650 Philadelphia " 850 ll 20 A. M. P. X. P. *• P- » trains for tue east leuve Pittsburg (Union Station) aslollows: Pennsylvania, Limited, daily. 715 A,ll Atlantic Express. '* .3 10A. M Day Express. " BOu •• Philadelphia Express. " 4 30 P.M. Eastern Express. " 7 00 Fast Line, " 810 " Kor detailed Information, address Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Ag't. Wes'ern Outrtct. 110, Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. S. M. PREVOST. J. .SS a m,C'larl3n Ac 7.35 p m Koxburg |3.'2o«()'m, Kane Mftll StJNDW TRAINS. DKPAIIT SOUTH. j FROM SOUTH. 8.15 a in. DeForest Ac j».55 a rn.Allegheny Ac 3.50 pm, Chicago Ex |5 05 pm. Allegheny Ex 5.55 p in, Allegheny AC|7.2« p tn, DeForest Ac Train arriving at at 5.11s p tn leaves a * O de pot, Pittsburg, at 3 :15 o'clock. Butler and Greenville Coacti will leave Alle gheny at 3r20 p. m, daily except Sunday. Con necting at Willowgrove, arriving at Butler at 5#5. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and flrst-class Day Coaches lun through between Butler and Chicago dally. For through tickets to points in the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B CROUCH. Agent Trains leave the B. x O. depot In Pittburg tor Ihe East as follows. For Washington D C.. Baltimore, Philadel phia, t»i! New York. 7:30 aud 930 p. m. Cumberl-'Pd, 6:40, 7 :30. a.m. 1 :io. 9:20 p. m.Cou nelsville. 6:40, 7:30, a. m. 1.10. 4.30, 4.45, 5.30, 9.20 p.m. Unioutown. 7..0 a. m . I 10 . 4.30. 5.30 p. m. Unlontown, Morga utown and F'airmont. 7.30, a. 111. and 5,30 p. m. Mt.Pleasant 0.40. 7.30 a. m. 1.10 and 4.30 pm. Washington. Pa. 7.40 and 930 a. in., 4.00.4 45 and 9 00.11.55 p. m. Wheel ing. 7.40. and 9.30 ». m.. ;ind 4.00. 9.«). 11.55 p. m. Uiacitinatl. St. Ixtuis. t'olumbus and New ark, 7.40 a. m.. 9.10, 11 55p.m. For Chicago. 2.40 aud 9.30 p in. Parlor aud sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington, Cincinnati and Chicago PITTSBURG, 9HBSASGO 4 LAK.B SBIK B.R. Takes effect Monday. Dec 31 1894. Trains are run by Standard Central Time (90th Meridian.) One hour slower than City Time. GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH 10 14 : 12 STATIONS 9 11 I 13 p.m m. p.m. Arr Lv'e a.m. a.m. p.mo ....! 4 56 2 30 Buffalo ' 5 33 IS 19 ....; 3261 00 .... .Dunkirk | |7OO 13 a. m. 00 1 42; 10 to Erie 6 10 8 35 3 35 625 1 Oil 925 .Wallace Junct 047 915 412 6 201 1 04 l 9 15 Glrard ! 6 50 9 18 4 15 6 09 12 54 903 ....Lockport 7 00; 929 4 26 6 02| 12 481 8 55 .. .Ciauesvllle ...| 7 OSj 9 38; 4 34 e43 10 22;ar.Conneaut lv.i. 1 7 40 3 10 310 j 7 40; lv ari 110 221 643 5 57 12 44 8 45 ar.. ..Übion lv: 7 111 9 41 4 37 54312 33 831 .. Shadeland... 7 231 953 4 51 5 411 12 30 828 ... sprlngborO ..! 727 956 4 55 5 33' 12 24 8 2« .C"nneaut v tlle : 7 3t|lo 03 5 03 5 o*l2 0t ! 8 001... Mea'v'le Jet... J s oo|io 25j 525 « 51 7 3011 V Conu't Lake 10 11; 4 47 7 16 8 10 ar ar 8 10 '0 50; 5 39 4 25 7 55 lv . Meadvllle .lv :• 45 4 2u 7 40 . . . 8 3t'|ar ar 8 3»|ll 25! 6 10. NO2 11 51 7 43 .. . Hartstown No 1 10 39 6 39 ....11 38 , 28j Osgood ,10 54 553 6 25 11 30 7 16 ... Greenvilie... 6 30 11 07 6 05 6 18 11 20 7 06 ....Shenango.... 6 4o ll 20 620 6 00 10 59 6 45 .... Fredoula 7 03 11 44 6 34 5 44 10 4.! 6 25 Mercer 7 22 12 04 7 00 5 30 10 29 6 10 Pardoe 7 36 12 22 7 14 5 19 10 20 6 00 ....Grove City... 7 47 12 33 725 5 06 10 08 5 48 .. . H arrisV tile 7 58 12 45 7 36 4 ss;io 09 SJO ... l!ranchton....l 8 06|12 54 7 45 500 I 8 10|lv .Branchton.ar 1 7 10 12 10 .... 5 451 a 55 ar...HUUard...lv 6 25 11 15| .... 4 53:9 55 535 1V... Keisters .... j S 10112 58! 74» 4 ;«> 9 42 5 21 Euclid i 8 22 1 12| 8 03 4 lo| 9 15 4W| Butler | 8 so) 1 4B| 8 32 230 7 20 Allegheny, PAW 11 061 SSO ..... 2 15|a.n> I Pittsburg.BAO. p. nijp. m 1 J. T. BLAIK . General Manager . Greenville, pa W. G. SARGEANT. G. P. A.. MeadviUe. Pa jt e~ it! jCj % LYE 3b6> 2 T*vrzzzn aio msroiaD (FATXWTXD) BfeP'jj Thwart*onffM ami pnmt T.y# TESBKi/v mn«>. t*:.;Ue other Lye. it beluf wSOSrA. Hue r«v.ti»r ftod 1 a> W-d In a ran with reruovaMi* !•«!, th« content* jg&tgr!* a; a alwavs ». ar u-<*. Win make the l>o»l i-rftmifd Hard Soap iESrW in 2f> mlnutf.H v. uliout bo 111 nr. JSScr it U llie b**«t f« rcleansing: waste gtfS I'iivs tlMnf.vtii.K Mats clo«o«% W waging bottloa, i aint.*, tree* etc. Ik, TJBhHA. SALT MT'Q CO -18053881 Uxi2. aw., ruiiv. p*. D|l ST e t|S 1 S&Ai flit S ■ AK^T^FNT ABFOI.TITK'.-V ccpe*?. wU * - ■ -tlnclM(-: .« ut r J 'C • « '«» * • If i!l'iw\ J ;•» ei-:»f In -if ;•• f n. ; rutin:!**, which «rtvn 5..' *♦ ran i «!.•• -r- t»c«M»n>lnu *crj »«.»■«%. MU m)IM "i.M »•-»r»» «»»' 'U-bißg; TOttovcs"th'riuwiv.r* -v- -... 11- SIV.EjOY trd Lf TIKG lii^DLTS AA? A J rp£c? ? , ", E /iA f f«* #"*• assolctelt rasti ea "f u yj f rom any injurious substance. V taA M Ll?0S A33OKISS S£:~:iD. We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money. Price iJ.OO p»r bottl*. Send 4c. lor traatli«. TREMONT SIEDICA) CO.. Boston. Mau HI a n MEM. local or travel liti Am I k I I to sell my guaran. ■ I kit I (_ U teed Nckskkt Stock " Salary or Commission paid weekly. Outfit free. Special attention given to beginners Workers never fall to make gotfi weekly wages. Write me at once for par titulars. £ 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman Rochester N. Y. Job work ot ail kind done at the CiTixui OrrioK. Clearance Sale AT D. T. PAPERS, GREAT BARGAINS TO BE HAD NOW. 122 S. Main St.. BUTLER. 01 MID-WINTER SALE HAS MANY "ADMIRERS. | OF _,o Boots, Shoes and Rubbers J IJ jccptionally attractive qualities. I jOur stock is praised by ;:li be- y I jX-Jp Icause it is the best a;.d sol«l at j j||f 1 | prices that y«c; Ladies' Storm Rubbers at 25c. See our Ladies Solid Oil Grain Button Shoes at 90c. All Slippers now at about half their value. One lot of Ladies' Fine Dongola Welt Button Shoes reduced from $3 to $2. One lot Ladies' Fine Dongola, New York make, from $3.50 to $2.10. Onj lot Fine Hand-Turns from $3 to $2 and $1.75 and many other lines in same proportion. Boys' Shoes 75c snd SI.OO Boys' Boots 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. Try us and see how you? DOLLARS will grow. B. C. MII se: lto n . Opposite Hotel Lowry. Seven Questions AND Answers:== First: Why is Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey so • -Hi lar ? Because its pure, that's sure. Second: Why do the best physicians in the coun rv recom mend Klein's Silver Age Rye Whiskey as a stim ulant ? Because it is reliable and they can depend upon it Third: Why do hotels and the leading druggists and dealers give you Silver Age Wye when you ask for "some of the best ?" Because they know it is the leading whiskey of the country. Fourth: Why do dealers prefer selling Silver Age Rye in preference to other brands ? Because they know it is the best and they can sell more of it than any other kind. Fifth: Why do the public call for Silver Age Rye ? Because every bottle contains a full standard quart and that its purity is guaranteed. Sixth: Why should you look at the cap,cork < nd label of each bottle of Silver Age Rye ? Because the signature of Max Klein appears on each and prevents impositions and counterfeiting. Seventh: What are the qualities of Silver Age Rye ? Absolute purity, age, mellowness, boquet and flavor. It is carefully distilled from selected grain and remains in heated storage until it is at least 8 years old, and when bottled represents the HIGH EST TYPE OF EXCELLENCE in a Rye Whiskey. Send for complete catalogue containing testi monials of the highest repute to Max Klein, Distiller and Importer, 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOa " " OF THE WO I D LITTLE MO KEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty-page journal, is tht* leading Uepublicari family paper of the linited .--t.-.trs. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and t-'ive* all tee jw-KMaJ :o United States It gives the events ol foreign lands iu e nutshell AGKIoU L TURAL department has no superior in the conutry. I»s MARKET ItEPOBIb are recognised authority. Separate departments tor THE FAMILY CIKOI ii OURYOUNO FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS Its HOME AND SOCIETY columns command the admiration ol wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, lirilliai t and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enaljles us to offer this splendid journal and THE CITIZEN ' for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription for the two papers :s $2 .>O.) SUBSCKIPTIONS N AY BEGIN AT ANY TIME Address all orders to - - - ' THE CITiZS N Write yonr name and address on a postal card, fend it to Geo. W Best Room 2 Tribune B ildiDir. New York City, and earn pie copy of The NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you