the citizen THURSDAY. MARCH 7, 1895. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal notices are published in the ClTl zen at $1 per Inch for first, and 50 cents for each succeeding insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions, etc. are inserted at 5 cents a line, money to accompany the order. Reading notioes on local page 10 cents a line tor first and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Notices among lo cal news items 15 cents a line for each in sertion Half-inch professional cards with paper $5 a year. . Rates for commercial advertising qaoted upon application. New York Weekly Tribune-Free. By special arrangements made for our no doing, we are enabled to offer to all our übscribers who pay arrearage*, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particular* of thii offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. J. S. river remains one unbroken pack of ice, and rivermen say that twenty feel of water will be needed to start it. —A Philadelphia paper tells of an old woman who was known to have amassed considerable wealth, but who relused to intrust it to any bank. Where she kep t her money was a mystery, until she came to die a few days ago. Then a thorough search was made ol the premises without disclosing the hiding place. Finally, when the body was being prepared for burial, a porous plaster on the old woman's side wa* noticed, which did not lie as close to the skin as such plasters generally do. Whc-D the plaster was removed a number of gov ernment bonds, representing the old wo man's entire fortune, were found between it and the skin. —People who began clipping the cou pons from the Pittsburg Hints last Friday, must remember to send them in by nexi Thursday, the 14th, or else the first one will not count. The votes must go in- every two weeks;and, as we said before, if any Butler Co. teacher intends making an ef fort for the trip, he or she, must organize county immediately. The prize is a big one, and will not easily be secured. About 280 copies of the paper come into Butler, and perhaps 1,000 iu all into the county, daily; there will be 92 is sues from March Ito June 15th; so you see that about 00,000 coupons will come in to this county and it will take them all and probably as many more to insure a win ner. Since writing the above we under stand that the teachers ol Butler have set tled upon Miss Annie Cuinmiugs as their candidate. —lt is said that no class of people sntfer more with rheumatism than the farmers, aud jet the remedy for this dread disease is, or should be, right at hand. If celery were eaten mure freely sufferers from rheumatism would be comparatively few. It is a mistaken idea that cold and damp pro dace the disease; they simply develop it When celery is eaten largely an alkaline blood is the result, and where this exists there can neither rheumatism nor gout. Ii should not only be eaten raw, but cooked. Cut it into small pieces and boil till soft in as little water as possible Add to this a little rich milk, thicken slightly with flour and season with butter, pepper and salt. The tender leaves and small ends of the stalk, whioh are usually thrown away, should be used for soups; cut fine and use for vegetable soup, or dry the large leaves crumble them to powder and use for sea oning other soups. And no part of the oelery may be wasted. —Circumstances have very little to do with human happiness. We labor under the impression that if we could nave our own way and create our own environment we should be continuously contented, but the impression has no basis in fact. In deed, the plainest of all truths —it we think seriously on ttie subject—is that we are independent of everything except our own souls. It the soul is bright and cheery, a single geranium on the window sill will give us pleasure, whereas to the soul that has formed the habit of fault finding a whole conservatory can furnish no enjoyment. In the last analysis, there fore, neither wealth or poverty has very much to do with your happiness or misery, because the source of both lies in yourself There are people wno would not be satis fied it they were seated next to the Throne in heaven, and there are others who have that within them which would make even a corner in purgatory comfortable. The Markets. Bt7TI.BR MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 23 for butter and 20 for fresh eggs, 65 lot potatoes, 60 for parsnips, 65 for onions and b> ets.llcts. for dressed chicken, 12 for turkey and duck, 2c a pound for cabbage, 25 t» 30 a dozen for celery, $1.50 for apples, $l.B 5 to 1.75 for beans. SHLOSS BROS. FAIR AND SQUARE CLOTHIERS. Will begin on Saturday, Mar. 2d. to sell the H Schneideman stock of Clothinir.llats and Furnishing Goods at 75 cents on the dollar from origi nal cost. SHLOSS BROS., 104 S. Main , Butler Pa. Schneideman's Old Stand. State Normal. Attend the STATE NORMAL SCHOOL at Slippery Rock, Butler county. A successful school for teachers Best methods Expenses only SSO for the term of 14 weeks Spring term be gins March 2(j. Send for a catalogue. —Genuine Lancaster Ginghams 5c at DAVENNY'S —Try, T. A. Morrison's home made Camels. —One Portfolio, containing 16 superb views from the Worlds Fair given away with eacb $2 00 sale at L. STEIN & SON. —A Business Education Free, if you buy your dry goods atDavenny's Aek about it reduced to cents at L. STEIN & SON'S —A full line of home made candies at the City Bakery. —Fine cannon flannels 5 cents at DAVENNY'S. Buy your dry goods at Daven ny's and get a scholarship for the i Butler Business College and School iof dtorUiaad free. Ask about it. • LEGAL NE>W«.- The March Quarter Sessions met Moc ! day. the constables made their return.*, j some of which are noted below: and up to the time of our going to pre.-".-*, the Grand ; Jury has made the following returns: — James Douds, indicted for A it B, a true , bill. Geo. J. Dombart, Aiß,a true bill. Andrew J. Dunn, furnishing liquor to | minors, a true bill. A. J. Dunn, selling liquor without a li cense. Not a true bill and county to pay coats. Charles M. fleeter, aggravated A & B, a true bill. J no. 11. Gerrard, F «fc B, a true bill. Morgan Davis and Philip Davis. A «£ B, a true bill. W. P. Brown, a. b. Not a true bill and i the county to pay the costs. The case against Ru-o Btrnes was settlei', that against Wm. KiuzerJr. was settled, and those against Edward Mattoon and Cross Slater continued SHERIFF SALES. The Johanna Wuller lot on S. Main St was hid in by Brandon for D H. Wall r for $3,500: the brick drug siore on Centre Ave by sauie fur same fux $3,500; the old homestead near the Catholic church by same for same for $5,500; the Jefferson St lot for $lOOl. The Centre Ave frame house was bid in bv B. G. Saklatn for sl,- 213 25, and the Elm St. lot by P. Golden lor $407. The Geo. H Graham 275 acres in Clay was sold to Wm. Wilson lor $3005. The Baldaut 106 acres in summit was bid in by McJuukiu y same for same for $1,300; also the vacaut lot. The Reuben Musselman lot in Harmony was sold at trustee's sale to C P. Hartung for $605. NOTES. John Shiring was admitted to the prac tice of the law. D. E, Dale is toremau of the Grand Jnr ■ The liothweiler and Warner divorces were granted, Wednesday. Crawtord C. Rankin has petitioned for a divorce from Ollie Rankin, and L G. Jones lroai Elizabeth Jones. Several citizens of Clinton twp have pe titioned for a bridge over Bull creek. Jno. David Albert resigned as consta ble of Prospect, and Jas. M. Rea as superyisor of Connoq. twp. The constable of Buffalo twp reported the bridge at Sarver Station uusale Tne constable of Evans City reported no watchman or gate at R. R. crossing and a rule was granted on the P. & W. R R. to show cause, etc. Several ot the censtable* reported defective bridges, roads, streets or sidewalks, and rules wero gran.ed on supervisors, coinmr's, councils, etc. The will of Catharine Burger of Butler was probated, Fred Henninger exr. Letters ot adm'n. were granted to M. S. Ray on estate ot Emma Irwin of Fairview. LATE PROPBRTY TRANSFERS. Lizzie Graham to Isaac Meals lot in But ler tor $2,200 Jacob Whitmiro to J. 11. and W. G. Beiuer 115 acres in Parker for $2,300. J, L. Miller to E. W. Kirk lot in Valen cia for $l5O. Ida Sloan to Anna Cobbett 40 acres iu I Allegheny tor $1,300. Wm. Walker et al assigned 7 acres in Middlesex (the Walters oil property. 2 »ells and about 80 bbls. production) to I. J. McCandless forslß 000. John 6. Earns to Ada Kellerman lot in Butler for $4,000. Jas N. Patterson to Chas. Duffy lot Jn Butler tor $7lO. Geo. Kacbner to Jacob Geltach 5 acres in Jackson for S2UO. Marriage incenses. Samuel Petzinger Buffalo twp Aiinti R0enigk.............. Winliold " C W Wiurader ...Harmony P» Margaret Eppinger Henry E Beighley Lancaster twp lilmira Thompson..... Middlesex " Henry Leonhardt. .... .Lawrence Co Kate Pfeifer Forward twp At Pittsburg—Harry Mullen and Minnie Brell of Butler Co. Accidents. Samuel A. Patterson, formerly of Butler, fell from a porch in Mercer, last Thursday, and sustained iujuries that proved fatal next morning. Miss Sadie Hartzell of Oak St, upset a bucket of hot water upon herself, Friday evening, and was severely scalded. Horses Wanted. We will buy one car load o horsec and mares for the Eastern market; drivers, general parpose and draft horses; aged 4 to 10 years; weight from 1000 to 1,500. Bring them in. We will be at Harlans barg, March 20; Grove City, March 21; Centreville, March 22; Butler, Wick House, March 2S. H. SEAXOIt & CO. SHLOSS BROS. FAIR AND SQUARE CLOTHIERS, Will begin ou Saturday, March 2d. to sell the H. Schnideman stock of Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods at 75 cents on the dollar from origi nal cost. SHLOSS BROS., 104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Schneideman's Old Stand, Closing Out Sale. Ladie's wool Underwear at half price. Muslin and other goods mark ed down. TIIE PEOPLES STORE. 1 X Lk. Picturas, Diplomas, Certificates and Charters Framed to Order at 309 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. FERD FEIGEL, Prop'r. AMY BRO'S, CORNER MAIN & MTFFLTN STS.. BUTLER, PENN'A. Dealers in new and second bund household goods of every description Call and see us. We can save you moDey. pair at Davenny's. —lox4 blankets 60c at DAVENNY'B good umberella for 75c at DAVENNY'S. Mr Jones—Where did you get that hat? Mrs. Smith—At Davenny's of coarse, they have the best millinery in town, try them. Summer Underwear, Hosier- Mitts, Laces and Ribbons at reduc ed prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Clearance sale of all sum me 1 goods at less than wholesale price at L STUN SON S. I Home made candies, taffies, ear mels, and etc., now on hand at the City Bakery. —Jno. A. Richey will furnish pure ' Spring Water Ice to everybody next Summer at wholesale or retail, t —Bargains in Lawns, Dimilys Pongees, Organdies and all the sum mer goods at L. STEIN and territory. BEOWSSDALK —Stewart A Wilson found ! no third saud iu the well on the Rose j baugh, a mile to the southwest of the farm, aud will shoot in the 100- foot. The Forest Oii Co's., No. 1 Dorsej is doiug 50 bbls. SteeiMuith A Co. have a good producer on the Swartz COOPERSTOWX—The Forest Oil Co., concluded negotiations Monday tor the Marks, itcCandless A Leidecker property at Coopcrstown, Ttie property consists ot leases ou the Mangel, Miller and McMillan (arms—2oo acres in all—with 15 producing wells The aggregate daily production ol the 15 wells is 500 barrels, and the consid eration was $200,000. MARS— The Woodland Co , is drilliug on tne Kennedy, east ot Mars; Lock wood A Co., are drilliug their Hill tarm well deeper. HBKMAN—Smith & Co. have a 15 bbi. producer ou the McCairns. National Transit certificates were quot ed at 1.05J yesterday. During February 61 wells were complet ed iu Butler county, 14 of which were dry. and the daily proeuction id the re>t is quot ed by the Derrick at 1,447 bbls. Steel sinitft A Co's. No. 1, Jos. Adams is put at 225 bt'ls; Patterson A Co's , F Brown, at 200 bbls, aud Bat 125 bbls; Mays A Wil liams 1 Dorsey, and Leidecker A Co's. _5 Mangel at 100 each, and the rest at 1 to 75 bbls There are 103 rigs going up and 120 wells drilling in the county. Church Notes. On account of the illness of Rev. C. A. Limberg there will be no service at Pros pect 011 Sunday. The Lord willing theie will bo the next time. Services in English will be held next rfunday iu ttie German Lutheran ChurcU at 10 30 a. m. and 7 pm. Rev. E. M. Wood will preach, in the M E. Church next Sunday moru'ug on, '•The World's Transformation" and in the eveniug on "The Teacher and Teaching.'' Rev. H. E. Snyder will preach next Sunday morning on tue subject, "Pleasing God." In the evening "Compromising." Washington. />■ C.—Special Excursions ria Pennsylvania Itailroa'l. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company's excursions to Washington, D. C., olfwr ai opportunity that should not be missed. Apart Irorn the attractiveness of the nation's Capital, 'he scenery through which one travels en route makes the trip doubly interesting. But two excursions of the series remain ona on March 21 and the last on April 11. Excursion tickets, good within ten days, and permitting of stop over in Baltimore 111 either direction within limit, will be sold at rates quoted below, good foi use on dates above named on all trains except the Pennsylvania Limited. Special train ol parlrr aud day coaches will be run on the following schedule: — Train leaves Rate. Pittsburg 8-05 A. M. $9 00 Butler 615 ' 9 00 * \ltoona Dinner Washington. Arrive 7 45 " Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union Ticket, Office, Filth Avenue and Smithtield Street, and Union Station, and at all sir tions mentioned above. For lull infor mation apply to Thomas E. Watt. Pas senger Agent Western District, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. For Sale. Cheap for cash, a good book case and writing desk coiiioinea, also a jjesnm colt.—lnquire at this office. Late Winter Foods. At this time of year, great care should be taken in the matter of food. You: dint should be plain and health ful, to prepare the body for the de pressing influences of the early spring months Marvin's llygeia Water Crackers are not only pure and strengthening, but also the nicest tasteing Water Crackers ever sold. At your grocer's. Always use J. A 'Richey's Cough Drops They are the best. Zuvor's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct lifceuess. White goods, Lawns, Pongee" Organdies and all kinds of wash goods at less than wholesale prico at L Gallery tor Pictures that will suit you. Postoffice building Our Hosiery values are unequal. Ed and well worth your inspection- L. STBIN &. SON'S. Fine Donuett flannels, 5c at DAVENNY'S. Send your children to Davenny'* to get Dry Goods and get a college education free. Ask about it —Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds, always on hand at the City Bakery. Boardmgiiouse Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen, for sate at CITIZEN office. MUSIC. Music scholars wanted, Lessons will be given either-at the home of the teacher or at the home of the scholar. Inquire at 124 W. Wayne St. Butler Pa. o matter how hard the times the one thing you cannot afford to go without is all the news If you want all the news you gee it in the Pitts burg Dispatch. Tbe Dispatch pub lishes all—not a part only. Ten Thousand Dollar Sale March 16 Of Horses, Buggies, Harness, Carriages, Liverymen's Ouillts, Teamster's Outfits and Gentle men's Turnouts Tbe Biggest Sale Ever Held in Butler county On March lGih Bickel & Kennedy will offer at public sale, at their old stand ou West Jefferson street, all of their large livery stock, consisting ot 28 head ot livery horses, 8 heavy draft horses, buggies, spring wagons, surry wagons, heavy carriages, light carriages, eleighs, bob sleds, light hurness, carriage harness, -1 sets of heavy wagon harness, new; 3 heavy wagons, 2 boiler trucks, ono new. All of our livery stock and office fur niture will be sold, as we are requir ed to move the first of April, the building having beeu rented for store i purposes. Thi«s will be tbe largest sale ol livery stock ever held in the county. Don't fail to attend-and secure a bar i gain- BiCKEL & KESM2DY. Personals. Campbell A Teinpietou mike i)i-plaV of ,-arpakuu tl.«*r 'hftw w:ad Mrs. Rnth Covert, of West Liberty, ha# been granted a pension. 'George Barry, ot" Mt. Chestnut, was in t >wn on business, Saturday. S. P. Hays, of Middlesex, was in town i on business. Mrs. Harry Renner of Phila., who has j been a guest at Papes, has returned home, j An attempt was made to rob Rev. Martin, of this county, at Alliance O , ! last Saturday. Ales Schroeder, of Ilarmony, vu re- | married lately at Rochester, to the woman from whom he wasdivoiead five years ag". Mrs. Mary Titzell, of Kittanning, widow of Rev. Titzell, was lately married to E'lward Le Bra id ot Ohio. Mrs. Criswell. wife of Clerk Criswell, is recovering from a sev«?re illness. She tias been down with pneumonia Gottfried Reinhold. of Saxonburg, and Francis S. Lavry, of Butler, have betn granted pansions. Miss Ida Limbarg has gone to Sandy LaKe to visit her sister Mrs J. C Tiosinan and master Elmer who are sick. I-aac Rolib Esq. of Oakland was in town last Thursday, lie will be S3 in April, and be is as gooG a man as there is in IJut ler county. Miss Sallie Fleeter entertained th • Poco a- Poco Club on Tuesday evening The club is a musical organization ot twelve members and their programmes are said to be most interesting. The Land of Flowers. Undoubtedly one of the most original and highly satisfactory creations of the Pennsylvania Railroad is the inauguration of personally-conducted tours under the supervisiou and direction of a I ourist Agent ami Chaperon, and the marked success and , popularity of the tours to F.orida are due to -everal causes; the complete appoint ment of the special trains, the liberuliti , of the rate and the return limit of tickets, are among the features ttiat have attracted the traveling public. , The next tour ot this year's aeries to Jacksonville, allowing two week's stay iu Florida, will leave No*" York and Phila delphia on March 12 The rate, including transportation, meals en route, and Pull- 1 man lierth on special train in each direc tion, is SSO trom New York und S4S from 1 Pt.ilad-lpnii; proportionate rates from 1 other p >mts For lurther information apply to Ticket Agents, or address Tourist Agent. 1196 Broadway, Xew York, or Room 411, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, to wnotn ap plication for space .-hould also be made. ] Pennsylvania Railroad's Second Toui to the Golden Gate. The large enmber of people who have leisure, and the growing desire of Ameri aans to see the wonders of their nativo land, are tne principal agencies in advanc ing a healthy seiniinent in ftvor of travel. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company's personally coudacted tours to California will be conducted in a.l respects as those of preceeding years, with some added ad vantages, which cannot fail to attract the attention and enlist the interest of the tourists In addition to the high grade accom modation and entertainment- in transit. tr.c Pennsylvania tourists are treated with the same liberality wherever the journey is broken The Choicest rooms iu the leading hotels are always reserved for their use, for which regular rates are paid, so that the guests, although members of a I.irge party, enjoy all the privileges of in dividuals who may have made their own selections. The second tour in the 1h95 series to the Golden Gate will leave New York aud Philadelphia March 20. 1895, arrivicg at San Francisco March 29. and at Xew York und Philadelphia May 16, 1895 Detailed itinerary will be seut on appli cation to Tourist \gent, 1196 Broadway, New York,or Room 411, Broad St, Station, Philadelphia. ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS. That a man is known was amply veri- Gtd here last month on the occasion of the visit to Butler of Levin, the Optician of Pittsburg, who examine* eyefc free of charge. The record of the gentleman has evidently prrced ed him for he found it next to impos fcible to attend to half those who call ed. Mr. Levin makes no charge for examination and advice, and in case he cannot help you he will tell you so at once In this respect a 9 in utany others he differs from most Opticians, as he will not tonch a case for any consideration that be does no*j feel morally certain that be can help. Mr. Levin was so taken with the reception that he received on nis last visit that he has determined to visii Batler again ou Thursday nnd Friday, March 14th und 15th on which dates be will be at the Lowrj House, as before Mr Leviu has made the eye bis special study and can refer to any number of well known people in Butler and vicinity whom he has benefited. Numerous com plaints such as Nausea. Shooting Pains in the bead, Vertigo, Violent Headaches, Drowsiness after eating, and many others which are generally attributed to some remote cause are directly tracable to the eyes If you are troubled in any way with yonr bead you may rest assured that the eyes are the cause Remember the dates Thursday and Friday, Match 14tb and 15th, aud also the fact that there is no charge for examination and advice, aud in case you cannot be benefited Mr Levin will tell you so at once. The clerk at the Lowry House will direct yon. —You pay for school-books; but the best sehool-bo'k for vourchildren is your daily ps.per Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with the news and best in presenting it, the Pittsburg Dispatch fills the bill. PUBLIC SALE! There will be exposed to public sale on what is known as the Sleppy farm, one mile north ot Butler, in Butler twp, on THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1895. personal property as follows: Twelve head of well-bred driving and draft horses and colts Two cows and thirteen ewes ♦'our wagons —3, 3f, aud 3} spindles. One carriage, one top buggy, one buck wagon aud one Portland sleigh. ONE JOHNSTON BINDER. One Osborne mower, two sulky hay rakes two fauniug mills, one cider mill, three plows. Two setts of double wagon-barness. three setts of single buggy-harness, two grind stones, a set of shallops; two cutting boxes one corn sheller, one grain drill, 9 notes, one grain cradle, two cook-stoves, a lot ot iron-hooped barrels, 100 bushels of wneat, 100 bushels of rye. Bay and straw, in balk or by the ton, and many other articles. SALE TO BEGIN AT 10 A. M. TKSMS -One years' credit will be given with approved security; 5 per cent discount allowed tor cash. JXO. BERG & CO. .). R KEARNS Auctioneer Ribbon Sale? Wecncsday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6th, 7th, Bth and 9th, AH Silk 4c, 4c. sc, sc, 16c, 10c, 22c, and 12c. Satin Ribbon sc, sc, 9c, 10c, 160, 15c, 300, and 15c. These are all extra VHlue \ One piece Silk Plush at 25c per yatd. M. F. & M. MARKS, 1113 to 117 B. Main St., - Butler. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTKS« M "*T 11' ttcTfi 1 Boyer-:n PiiuUnrg was badly damaged by lire early last Sunday raorn -1 ing. The fire originated in the Kitchen. All the guests escaped without loss, but , the servants whose apartments were over the kitchen lost their clothing and valua j blcs. The proprieter of the hotel accused the tireinen of breaking open the girl's : trunks with their axes, and robbing them Bell Jc Jones keg factory and two resi" j dances iu New Casile were bn>~">d la-_ ! Saturday nigut; also the annealing depart j ment ot the Johnston sheet mili. | Two men were killed at the McKeesport tube works last riuuday by tne explo.-ion j of a tank of acid used in the gun iuizmg I department. New Castle is likely to have the igno miny of having its soldier's monument sold at SheritTs sale by ttie contractors, i'or a large portion ot tne purchase money. It cost $7500, and ot ttiis but 3500 ha.- been paid, ieaviug «4JOU more to be raised. A Cleariield Co. farmer was surprised -a few days ago when he went to the barn to tend the. stock. Iu the cow shed he found three deer and in the tiorse stable a black bear aud a catamount. The deer ran at h.s appioacu out tne bear aud "cat" were so badli tro2su tnal he dispatched them botti with a heavy oak water oucket. The religious revival in Grove City has taken bold of tue entire population. Busi ness is suspended every day at 1 o'clock to take 111 tne atternoou meeting-. There art) not hall a dozeu business men iu the place who nave not been converted. Loafers aud protanity have dttapp ared. Farmer* come to town in big sled load* to attend tUe meetings. Traveling men tiud business Very slack. One remarked last .reek that he couid nave sold oarreis ol Bibles during bis week's stay in Grove City, but was uu ab.e to sell a siugle order for shoes The Brookville Republican thus notes a legal tignt in Jefferson county: The fa mous Warsaw townsuip school furniture case is ended at last, iu favor of the school district. It j*'as tried five times iu the county court aud went as often to the su preme court, i'fce bill ot costs paid b} tne Scuool Furniture compauy to the sctioid di.-trict amounted to over $1,2U0 The coats, attorney s' lees aud expenses connec ted »an tbe case uiu-t have summed up over l'ue price ol the implements, furniture in controversy was about ItKiO. Constable L. 11 McAllister of Kittan nmg went to Kittanning township Tues day to serve a summons on Mrs David ;>utt a* a witness in tne Bowser barn burn i.he locked tue dour aud retused to open it uu til he told her that he had a summons for her. \\ hen sue opeued the door she iui mediately fell backward aud died. She was 40 years old, and had been much wor ried by the cnarge against her nephew, Whose trial will take place nest week WE BELIEVE that we have achieved the distinction of produc ing the finest garments ever made in the coun ty, and cheaper than "TO BE , same can be bought FIRST elsewhere in the State. T . T AS TO THE variety IN of our Stock and beau ty of its Styles we have THING * our own opinion; but we would like yours IS also —it will add to A the distinction. s ♦ FOR. THIS SPRING we have secured a large TINC- number of special con- TION fi single suit pat terns. They are the Plato. . very newest novelties. Select early. If you don't want a suit now we wi'l reserve the i pattern for you. ALAND, Tailor. B. B. Black The greatest sale of medium to finest Black Silks ever inaugurated in this store. Bouirht from stock of an over-loaded manufac turer—the aeknowleged best maker of Black Silk* in the world—and to be sold at prices that will astonish every investigator. Pure Silk BlaCk Gros-grairs, 50c, 60, and 65c a yd. Elegant Black Chaehemire Gros-grain Silks, 75c, 85c and $1 00. Elegant 1 Black Peau de Soie, 75c, 85c and SI.OO. Such Black Silk goodness at prices never beard of, is the verdict of every body. Splendid quality 1 Faille Francaise, 75c, 85c, $1 to $1 50 per yd. 25 styles in handsome Black Brocade TalTeta Silks, 1 24 inches wide - • • 75c a yd. Wash Goods Extent and variety unequaled. Prices better than the best jon've ever done on aaytning like the , quality and styles: Fine Printed India Linons, ) Figured and Striped, 32 inches * wide, neat, pretty styles, a yd. | Fiue aud beautiful Prmted Jaconets, 32 inches wide, - - 10c a yd- Imported Dindties. Organdies, Irtsn Linen Suitings—solid col -1 ors, Kilarney Hand spun Suil c ings.Teviots, Cheviottes, Zephyr Ginghams, evv Corded Zepnyrs Silk Ginghams, etc., etc. We might go on and fin pages enumer ating the choice dainty WAoll FABKIt .S of this extensive stock, but greater i-atis faction will be given }ou by coming or sendu.g for suu.ples and seeing for your self these most attractive collections Ttiat prices are right is proven by the immense MAIL OKDEIt BUSINESS done. Will j you write aud see abwut ilf. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. G&rtisitii k ? @fe B, ; 1 nr.- -k : v • • ' 1 --.CuresCanute don A Sug iiestion. \ * fi a 6 A r-. V -I rA I '."' " ""fc —r"7 ffi |ors Pi'l it ever occur to yon ttiat ttiere are drugs .'"".'s—that drugs are like every thing else—then. ... "<"> d. bad and indif ferent. There is no r •>!-« which is positively bad if it is'nt just <.l . 1 best Our policy has always been to have n«>th ing but the best. When yon want drugs come to ns and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what yon a*k for or vonr prescription calls for. It may not alway jbe drugs yon want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites. C. 2V5 . BO YD, Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. C. X D. A business that keeps grow ing through a season ot de pression, such as the country has experienced, is an evi dence that people realize they save naoney by trading with us. We know, and always have known, the days of large profits are past. Without question we are giving more for the money than last year. Our stock is larger to select from than last year. CALL AND SEE US. Colbert & Dale. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate ot John Conrad Shanor, dee'd. late of Whites town, Butler Co., Penn'a., having been cranted to the tindersigued, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present tbem duly authenticated for settle ment to ALEX. STEWART, EX'R. Whitestown, Pa. W. D. BBANDON, Attorney. Administrator's Notice- Letters ot" administration having been granted to the under-igned on the estate id Willian Lutz, dee'd, late of Lancaster twp. Butler Co., Pa , all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any naving claims against said estate will pre s-nt them duiy authenticated lor settle ineut to J. X. KIRKER, Adm'r, Middle Lancaster P. O. J B. MATES att'y Butler Co., Pa. Butter Pa. Administratrix's Notice. Xotice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of James Sel lers,dee'd,late ot Butler borough, Butler county Pa , have been granted to the un dersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ment, aril those having claims or demands will mak * known the same without delay. MRS. M. J. SKLLEKS, Adm'x. E E YOCSG Atty. Butler Pa. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tha' W. J. Marks Assignee of Alex McCrumm has filed his final account in the office ol the Protbono tary of the Court ot Common Pleas of But ler county at M S. D. No. 9 ot Sept. term 1593 and that the said account will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance on Saturday the 9th day of March A. D. 1595. SAMUEL M. SEATOS PKO. Protbonotary's office Feb. 12 1895. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that A M .Christley Assignee of-A. W Christy has filled his final account in the office of the Court of Common Flea- of Butler county at M. S. 1). No. 22 March term 1894* and that the said account will bo presented tor confirm ation and allowance on Saturday the 9th day of March 1895 SAMUEL M. SEATON PRO. Prothonatarv's office Feb. 12 1895. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at the present session, to re peal an act entitled "An act to prevent cattle, horses, mules, sheep and swine from running at largo in Middlesex, Butler and Mercer townships and Harris ,ille Borough Butler county, approved March 15th 1870; so far as the same applies to llarrisville borough. The purpose of the above enti led act was to prevent cattle, borees, tnules, sheep and swiue from run ning at large and authorizing the constable of the district to take, detain and sell said strays. The purpose ot the intended ap plication is to have said act repealed so tar as the same applies to llarrisville borough. C. M. BROWN, J. H. MORRISON Jr, R. K WICK, J. H. MORRISON, W. E. Brown. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be tween J. S Young and Wm. Cooper, under the firm name of Young A Cooper, was disolved by mutual consent on Dec. 31*t 1894. J S Young retiricg. Mr. William Cooper will continue the business and settle all the accounts of the late firm. J. S. Young. Win. Cooper. Meeting of Stockholders. The Annual Meeting of the stockholder of the Citizens' Building and Loan Asso ciation will be held at the office of the Secretary, No 125 East Cunningham St., .m Tuesday, Mar 12th., at 7 P. M , to hear reports of the auditors of the several series, elect a board of directors to serve duiing the ensuing year aud transact whatever other basiness may come before the meet ing. G W. MILLEK. Pres. C. M HKINEMAN, Sec. SUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham AI.K. HICK Pres. UEU. KfcTTKKKR. Vice Pre*. L. S. JtrJU-xKIX. SM'J and Ilea*. DIKECrOKS: Altre 1 Wick, Henderson Oliver, i»r. W.lrvln. Jaiuea Stephenson W. \V. Hlackmore, N. Weltzel, 1". Bowuiau. 11. J. Kllngler Geo Ketteror, 1 has. Itebnun, Geo. Keuno, ; John Koeulns; LOYAL S. McJUNKIN Agent- Theodore Swam. GENERAL BKICK JOBBER. ChiaiDnys, Grate aud Boiler Setting. Ciateru Building and eewer VVorka Specialty. HARMONY PA. Schneideman's Old Stand. S H LOSS BROS. Fair and Square Clothiers. special sale OF THE H. Schneideman Stock AT LESS THAN 75 CENTS ON the DOLLAR This stock was appraised bv two lead ing clothing manufacturers of Philadel phia and was invoiced at a VERY LOW FIGURE. We got a further discount of 25 per cent for cash. All the Spring Goods already bought were INCLUDED in this transition. HERE is CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS at PRICES yon never hear.! of. Don't take our word for it but come and see for yourself. Schneideman's price. Our price iMens' Riverside Worsted Sack & Frock Suits S2O sl3 Sawyer Cassimeres ■ 17 50 12 50 Clay Worsteds, the finest - 16 50 12 Fancy Worsteds • • 16 n Single and Double Breasted Boys' Worsted Suits 14 9 " " Cheviot " 12 50 8 Boys' CASSIMERE SUITS • 12 7 " ALL-WOOL " 10 6 " SUITS • 7 4 " SATINETTE Suits * 550 350 Cut these Prices out and bring them with you and we will prove to you that we do just exactly as we advertise. Shloss Bros., FAIR and SQUARE CLOTHIERS. HATTERS lid OUTFITTERS. 104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. SCHAUL NAST, LEADING CLOTHIERS. We will just say a few words about our stock of BOYS CLOTHING. The price of them will surprise you. tutcctoccetm ■ Boys' knee pants suits, sizes 4to 14 75c Boys' long pants suits, sizes 12 to 19 $2 50 Boys' knee pints suits, sizes 4to 14 $1 00 Boys' long pants suits, sizes 12 to 19 3 50 Boys' knee pants suits, sizes 4to 14 150 Boys' long pants suits, sizes 12 to 19 400 Boys' knee pants suits, sizes 4to 14 200 Boys long pants suits, sizes 12 to 19 500 50 Dozen Knee Pants at $25 C., sizes 4 to 15. 25 Dozen Long Pants at 50c., any size. Schaul & Nast, Clottjiers, 137 S- Main. St-, Butler, Pa '/"II TD jVTPW HAS ARRIVED > and we wil 1 * * be pleased to show you what we • have - I Of You can buy a good, servicable business suit for $3.00, but our 4 a -g _ • line at $6.00, $7.50, $9.00 and IQTII 111 SIO.OO are marvels of beauty and excellence, better than ever sold (for the price) in the history of the clothing trade. Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably [surprised. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. YVorkingmen take notice: W e have Sweet, Orr &■ Co.'s Panta- | A loons and Overalls. If you have U. US w worn them, you need no further axd co mment from us. if not ask to M w gl CI see them as they are the best cheap pants in the world. BUTLER, PA. SPRING Announcement. MARCH. We take great pleasure in the announcement that on or about the 15 th of this month, we will open for your inspection a complete and elegant assortment of Dress Goods, Ladies' and Children s Wraps, a very complete assortment of Millinery, consisting of imported goods, but all trimmed in our own work room,at prices to suit you all. Lou M. Ritteris still at the head of our Millinery Department with two competent trimmers under her direction and a force ofgirls in our work room we are prepared to do artistic work at moderate prices. Also a full and complete line of Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Jersey rib bed and silk vests for spring and summer; Men's and Boy's underwear; Misses' and Children's Underwear. A domestic department filled with bargains, and qualities as well. Hosiery, Lace Curtains, Win dow Blinds and Linoleums, floor Oil Cloths, &c. Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman SUCCESSOR TO HITTER & RALSTON. SOLE AGENT FOR STANDARD PAITE&NB.