Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 28, 1895, Image 3

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Le"al notices are published i:i the ClTl
zen at $1 per inch for first, and 50 cents for
each succeeding insertion.
Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions,
etc. are inserted at scenu a line,money to
accompany the order.
Reading notices on local page 10 cent,,
a line lor first and 5 cents a line for each
subsequent insertion Notices among lo
cal news items 15 cents a line for each in
Half-inch professional cards with paper
$5 a year.
Rates for commercial advertising qaoted
upon application.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
By special arrangements made for our
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
übseribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the X«w
York Weekly Tribune free for one year.
For further parti i-tlar* of this ofler see ad
New Advertisements.
Marlincourt A" Go's harness.
Shloss Bros. 75 per cent sale.
Pablic sale of stock. March 14.
Applications for license.
State Normal
D-mtbett A Graham's Spring clothing.
Ruff's Prices
Kaufraann's anniversary tale.
N ..2 All advertisers intending to make
cai. u their ads. should notify us of
hen lending to do so, not later than
Uo>j. . morning
A.; nistrators and Executors ol estate
cai i -cure their receipt books at the CIT
zfcf. oibce
The Sign of
•OThe Four
No doubt you have heard
of Dr. Conan Doyle and his
Sherlock Holmes Stories
Dr. Doyle's recent visit to
America, and the great fame
of all his stories render this
one doubly Interesting.
. . Next Week.
—How to best avoid a sunstroke—Don't
go near the snn.
—Vow I tumble to the drift of it, as the
man remarked when he 101 l into tbe snow
—The water in the Alleebeny below
Freeport is runninir freely, and the chances
for a flood are diminishing daily.
—lf anybody had thought of it in time,
somebody might have held an umbrella
over the Ground Hog.
—An Elmira newspuper advertises for a
boy "with symptoms of a memory and an
inclination to do ai told."
—No danger of a scarcitv of ice next
summer It ought to be cheap in price as
the crop is large and ol a line quality.
—The Franklin Sfun hail a birthday
party the other day that we did not happen
to attend. Tbe .Vetci is a dandy little pa
John Berg A Co. will have a sale of
stock, wagons, farm implements etc. at
their farm north of Butler on Thursday
Mar. 14th. See advertisement and bills.
—lf it. breaks up now, It will probablv
freeze up again before the Ist. of Ap'll
Last Sunday wai the old Dutch sign —II
yon have ice it will break it, and if not it
will make it.
—lf Bntler county wants to send a
teacher to Europe next July, we must
promptly centre on one person. We re'
print the rules governing the Pittsburg
Times contest in another place.
A grand Concert will l>e given bv the
mnic OI»H< under the direction of Prof.
Shoemaker. a-nuted by abie mmiciau*. at
Snmmit Church. 5 mile* aouth of Bntler
on the Butler ami Saxonbarg ro* d, next
Tuesday evening, March 5 at 730 P. M.
—Next Fndav evening, M arch Bth. in
the date fixed for the in*poction of (Jo. K
in Armory Hall. Captain Mc.lunkin will
be the drill maUer, and Vlaj ir Patterson
the inspector. The public is invited.
It will noon be time for SnDervisors and
■treet Commissioners to make a note of
the defective place* in the roads and streets
In road making a* in everything else, a
atitch in time save* nine. If a clay road
is well drained it will remain pa<<4b! > the
year through.
—The ra'lroal map of the *t»te pnbliah
•d b,' the Department <>( Internal AfTiir*
in one of the WMt useful of any of the
ntate department publication*; and can
(•otrnllr be wecired by forwarding a
Htamp »nd addre**; bat al present the 'ap
ply in exhausted.
—The<e are day* wh6ndauger may be
apprehended from ga* and water pipe*,
an the fro«t begin* to come out of the
ground, the pipe« are rained up and pulled
apart. Be careful in into clo-te l
cellar* where ga* pipe* pa**
through, and be Hure never hunt a ga* l"ak
with a light.
—Every neat wax taken at the Opera
HoUMe la*t Friday night, and the U V. L
Hall wax crowded the name evening. The
people of the town nhowed their good will
for the firemen by giving them a MO dollar
bonne, and at the *amn time the concert
wan a very enjoyable one.
—Talking about a water nupply for Hut
ler. It UJK to UH that those valley*
northWeet of town are it* natural r>--er
voirn, wt> reter to Martin and Bullivan
valley* and that if a high, circular, xtone
dam win built acrowi one or both of ih«*m,
at a narrow point, enough water could be
caught and vtored every winter and uriug
to la*t the town over unmmer Hut if that
ix ever done, the town or company ahould
purchase or obtain control of the entire
water plied.
—H>/d'<uew nod a water fountain i*
win- in axxthei.ic pereon would call a;
or a dreamT and tl>>* h»nd>-ome*t t»i well
ax the ciiti lie t. part of it is the r« xer
voir. whiuh in built up of Mexican Onyx
(n paneU nbowing ail the fhadea of thi*
beautiful ntone. The fountain *'a made
in UoHton, in accompanied with a com
plete xet of apparatus lor the uiannf&cture
ot Hoda water, and it no pretty that hall
the terror* of the hot day-* of next Hum
mer ate already dutipated by a conteni
jriatttt/n Of It.
A fur the ground hog is over,
After lie's played bis game,
A« far a* we can discover,
The weath'-r's abont the lame.
At the meeting of Council. Tuesday eve-
Bit g i' decided to vacate the part of
X,.rtt! nreet. needed by the School Board:
and Messrs Staram. Lowry and Forquer
w<-re -elected as a committee to visit
Harrisburg and protest against the pas
saged of the water-wrtrks bill.
—The Shloss brothers of Pittsburg. who
have purchased the stock of our o!d
clothier, Mr H. ScLneideman, come here
well recommended. Beginning on Satur
day thev will offer the entire stock at
three-fourths of its original cost price.
Read tteir announcement in another place.
"Whyt Says Gladys" is the odd title
of a novelette by the ' distinguished Eng
lish auther, Dav:d Christie Murray, that
heads the collection of attractive literary
productions in the Mircti number of "Tales
from Towa Topics. It is brilliantly writ
ten st«ry of love and maTrimonial infel.city
presented in dialogue form, and the author
treat -> his thame witti such gayety and
eloquence that one cannot fail to be in
terested and a'nu>ed Gladys is a lovely
Americau girl wbo marned a reformed
English rake, aid, a- it tarns ont, the rake
proves to be the steadfast and true ele
ment of the parluer.-bip. whereas Gladys,
in an ab.ard spell of emotionalism, bring*
disaster into her home. Mr. Murray is at
his best in recounting the misadventures
of this strangely assorted pair, and pro
duces a very good philo-ophical argument
on the matrimony question well a< a
captivating piece of romatic literatur'.
The volume containing 'he novelette is
crowded as usual with the bright array ol
stories, sketches, poems and colloquies
called from the back pages of Town Topics.
Town Topics Pabli-hing Co., 208 Fif'h
avenue, New York City.
New Justices of the Peace.
At the late election the following mi n
were elected Juntices—
Allegheny twp—W. W. Lindsey.
Adams —James D. Magee.
—John P. Shannon.
Butler—K. Marshall.
Buffalo —M C Sarver.
Brady—S W Moore.
Clinton —F. Eoert.
Centre —W A. Christie.
Clearfield —F. P. M> Bride.
" —Thos. SlcGucken.
Cranberry—Cyrus Harper.
Donegal—C. H McGuire.
Forward—John McN'alen.
Fairview —W. F Campbell.
Franklin—Elliott Rotsb.
Jefferson —Ed Montag
Jackson —Cha« /Seiner.
Lancaster —W. 0 Lenbbin.
Mercer—John McC'intock.
Middlesex—S A. Leslie. .
Pecn-T J. Graham
Summit — Jacob Eronnenbitter.
Venaago—W. J. Stickle.
Worth—D P. Davis
Winfield—Ben Don the tt.
Oeutreville —E M. Mayberry.
Evans City—J W. McKee.
Fairview —M. S. Ray.
Harrisville —E. S. Beattv-
Karris City— N S. White.
Portersville —Samuel Tinsman.
Saxonburg—W. 11. Knoch.
aunbury—A. P Tnomp-on / ti(J
—A.Mechling S
Church Notes.
Rev. Collins of the Baptist Church, will
deliver a lecture next Monday evening in
the church, under the auspices of the
Christian Endeavor Society, on "Mission
Work in Ireland " Collection at close.
Mr Collins will peak from personal expe
Regular services at Bethany Reformed
Church next Sunday at 11 A M. Subject,
Onaard unto Perfection. At 7 P. M. Sub
ject, One Thing, fl. E. Snyder,
Rev. E. M. Wood will preach in the
M E. Church next Sunday morning on,
'•The Power of tbe Invisible," and in the
evening he will give the first of a series of
sermons on prolesrional or public men,
the subject being, "The Right Kind of a
Preacher and Preaching."
Volney B. Cushing, of Maine, will begin
a seriep of temperance meetings in Butler
Co. on Alarcn 5, under the au-plces of the
Butler county W. U. T. I." lie will sp«-ak
first in Bruin and afterwards deliver two
lecture* in Butler the. first being held in
the Reformed chnrch, South Hide. He
will al-o rpeak in Mais, Harmony and
Everybody -liould hear the lady evangel
ists, in Snuffer's Hall, opposite I'. O every
evening at 7.30. and Sunday at 2.30 and
The W. C. T. U. Contest.
The elocutionary and mu»ical entertain
ment to l»e given under the auspices of the
Butler W. C. T. U will be held in the
United Presbyterian Church next Toe-day
evening, MarchO. The following is the
Part 1.
Piano Mrs. Maud Cerntti.
Mrs May me McKenna
1. Subject, Genuine Reforms.
2 The Woman# Christian Temperance
Vocal Solo Mrs C. N. Boyd.
3 The Nation's Curse.
4. A Freeman's Ballot.
Piano Solo Mrs. John Campbell.
5 A Vigorous Warfare Needed
Vocal nolo Mis* Sadie E. Ritts.
Part 11.
Delsarte Pantominne of Swanee
River, Mr-*. Klizibeth Steelsmith Braun.
0 An Earnest Appeal.
7. The Saloon Arraigned.
Vocal Solo Mrs. C. K. Anderson.
8. Timely Talk.
'J. The Fatherland.
Vocal Solo Mis< S#die F>. Ritts.
10. A Noble Christian Wornanhoo' 1 .
Piano Solo Mrs. Maud Cerntti.
Presentation of Medal.
Judges Mr. E. Mackcy. Miss Emily
Brittiau and Miss Anna Cummingfl.
The Markets.
Our grocer« are paying 23 for butter and
28 for fresh eggs, oO loi potatoes, 60 l»r
parsnips, 50 for ;»uions and b-et-.llcts for
dresned chicken, 12 for turkey and duck,
2c a pound for .cabbage, 25 to 30 a dozen
for celery, $1.50 for apples, $1.50 to
1.75 for beans.
Will begin ou Saturday, Mar. 2d.
to sell the H Schueideman stock of
Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Hoods
at 75 couts on the dollar from origi
nal cost.
i 104 S. Main , Butler I'a.
Schneideman's Old Stand
State Normal.
at Slippery Rock, Butler county A
successful school lor teachers Best
methods Expenses ouly $5 0 for the
term of 14 weeks Spriug term bo
gins March 20. Send for a catalogue.
—Genuine Lancaster Giughams 5c
—Try, T. A. Morrison's home
made Carmels. ,
—One Portfolio, containing 16
superb *iew» from the Worlds Fair
given awuy with each $2 00 sale at
—A Business Education Free, if
you buy your dry goods atDavenny's
Ask about it.
cent Pongees and Tissu<s
reduced to cents at
A full line of home made candies
at the City Bakery.
Fine canton flannel- 5 cents at
—Buy your dry goods at Daven
ny's and got a Bcholarship for the
Butler Business College and School
of Short ha nd free Ask about It.
, —Bargains in Lawns, Dimilys
Pongee-, Organdies and all the sum
mer gu<ids at
Fittest n«veitio.i iu dress goods
The March Quarter Sessions begin next
Monday. But sixteen cases are on the list,
n one for serious offences.
The Jno. J. R. Millinzer farm in Oak
land twp, was Fold at Trustee's Sale, last
Saturday, to Thos. Robinson for $3220.
The will of John Johnston of Fairview
twp, was probated, Rot>t. Johnston, Exr.,
also will of Jacob Householder, Sr., of Ze
lienople, Jacob Householder, Jr. Exr.. also
will of F C. Wohlert of Cranberry twp,
Hugo F. Miller. Exr.
Dr. Clarke Davis of Buffalo twp, register
ed on his certificate from the State Medi
cal Board, Wednesday.
McClellan Grubb to Reuben Grubb 74
acres in Marion for $2,000.
Thoa. Hays et al to W. A. Waid 167 acres
in Concord "for $6,000.
A.G Campbell, trustee, to H. Kuramer
lot in Butler for SSOO
Geo. R Green, admr, to Geo. R. Green 5
acres n Allegheny for $225.
James Youiig to Sarah Young 30 acres
in W for sl.
A. T. McDowell to John Younkins lot in
Butler for CI.BOO.
Jas. P. Anderson to Mary Gibson 85 acres
in Allegheny for $1,200.
S. P Bojer et al assigned 70 acres in
Middlesex to Collins <fc Heasly lor $25.0 i 0,
and Collins <t Heasley assigned same to
Forest Oil Co. for $27,000.
Collins «fc Heasley assigned 70 acres in
same twp to the Forest Oil Co. for $50,000.
J. D. vV. Peck et al assigned 8 acres in
Jackson to J H. Reed et a! for $4,500.
Marriage licenses.
Chas. W Doutt Cooperstown Pa
Grace Hami11.....
Joseph Young Butler
Mollie Murtlaud Murrinsville
Lawrence Denny..... Winfield twp
Bertha Galbreath
E. F. Wonderly Venango twp
Annie Morgan...... ..Allegheny "
Jno. E. Kradel Butler
Lizzie Smith Euclid
Benj. Pearson, Jr —. Centreville
Mary Christy "
James H. Rausch Clarion Co
Maggie Wiles.... ....... Butler "
H. A Mcßride Butler Pa
Ida Morrison "
Phillip C. Andre Clay twp
Laura Flanegan Oakland "
W. W. Grazier West Freedom Pa
Olla B. Martin
Joseph Boozel ... —..Clay twp
Clara Ha 11.... ... "
Will McCuen of the South Side had an
ear nearly torn off while coasting last Fri
day; Sadie Duncan had a leg broken.
Clifford Kennedy of Winfiidd twp. had
both the bones of his ankle broken whi e
coasting near Centre school house last
While Plummer Wick wp.* working on
theWhitmire larm last Friday morning
the scaffold ne was standing upon gave
way aud he fell a distance ol twenty eight
feel. He wa# badly bruised and shaken
up, bnt no bones were broken.
Park Opera House.
Mrs. Mountford, Mar. 1, 2, and 4.
Mrs. Mniatford, a native of Jirusalam,
will deliver three of her lectures on Orien
al Life, in the Opera House, beginning
Friday evening.
She illustrates her lectures with the
tents, furui'ure, etc. of Eastern life, and
in this she is assisted by a dozen or more
ladies and gentlemen. She cr.me.s here
under the auspices of the Brotherhood ol I
St. Andrew of Butler.
"A great-hearted Christian wonan, the
tone nf ber discourses in pure anil elevat
icg, while her revelations of Oriental life
are iuntrucliV'! and inteiesting an historic
al (.ketches and an epitome to travel to all
intelligent persons desirous of *elf improve
ment The Moumford entertaiitnents are
a deserving success corngine the
ihe richest ntage settings, artistic, specta
cular groupings, gorgt-ou-i continuing iu
rich colors, and beautiful tableaux of the
metropolitan theatre, with the eloquent
deKcriptioc. and uselul in orioation of the
lecture platform, given by au artist who i
a natural actress." —Scrantou /lejmblican.
There will be exposed to public sale on
what is known as the Sleppy farm, one
mile north ol Butler, in Butler twp, on
perianal property as follows:
Twelve head of well-bred driving and
draf'. horses and colts
Two COWH and thirteen ewes
Four wagons—3, 3J, and 3i spindles.
One carnage, one top buggy, one buck
wagon and one Portland sleigh.
One Osborne mower, two sulky hay rakes
two fanniug mills, one cider mill, three
Two setts of double wagon-harness, three
setts of single buggy-harness, two grind
stones, a --el of shallops; two cutting boxes
oue com libeller, one grain drill, U holes,
one grain cradle, two cook-stoves, a lot ol
iron-hooped barrels. 100 bushels of Wheat,
100 bushels of rye.
Hay ami straw, in bulk or by the ton,
and many other articles.
TKHJIH —One years'credit will be giveu
with approved security;s per cent discouut
allowed for cash.
Will begin on Saturday. March 2<J.
to sell the il Scbuideaian Htock of
Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods
at lb cents on the dollar from origi
nal cost.
104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Schneideman's Old Stand,
Closing Out Sale.
Ladie's wool Underwear at half
price. Muslin ami other goods mark
1 X Lu
Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates
and Charters Framed to Order at 309
S. .Main St., Butler, Pa.
Ilealers in new and second bund
household goods of every description
Call and see us. We can save you
—The bighfst trrade of patent
flour made at the mills of
J. C. BRKADEN <fc Co.,
West Sunbury, Pa.
lnfants Wool Hose 5 cts per
pair at Davenuy's.
—Try our new roller flour—latest
improved machinery. Satisfaction
guaranteed, J. C, BKKAOKN <T Co.,
West .Sunbury, I'a.
lox4 blankets «ocat DAVEVNY'S
—A good umberella for 75c at
Mr Jones—Where did you get
that hat?
vi rs. Smith—At Davenny's of
course, they have the best millinery
iu towu, try them.
—Summer Uuderwear, Hosier-
Mitts, Laces and Ribbons at reduc
ed prices at
I —Clearance sale of all summer
. j goods at less than wholesale pricu
Home made candies, taffies, ear
' melt), and etc., uow ou haud at the
»City Bakery.
ilrs. Wm Glass of McDonald is visitine
i friends and relatives in this county.
Jno. W. Brown and D U. Sutton of the
I Southside are on the sick-list.
Joe Foehringer is said to be lying sick
at the hospital at Mercer.
August Maurhoff intends starting a book
bindery al Saxonburg
Thos Hays of Fairview twp. was in town
on business, Wednesday.
liev. Collins moved from X McKean to
Mercer St. last. week.
Miss Clara Jackson of Fraaklin is visit
ing relatives in town.
Geo. P. Campbell of Concord jwp, was in
town on business last week.
Charley Hoffman of Saxonburg wa3
around seeing bis friends in Butler, Satur
Charley Haslett down with grippe an J
pneumonia, and is seriously iff.
Miss White was buried in Alieghenv
cemetery. Tuesday. The funeral party
left the train al Bennett station.
H. 11. Wilkins of Mars aud E. W. Moore
ol Butter, attended the lltti annual re
union of the Shakespeare society at Grove
city last Thursday night.
Captain Bippns Pro. Seaton, R. P. Scott
W ill Lowry aud A. G. Morrison are at
Williamsport, this week, attending the
state convention of ihe G. A. K.
C. W. Bassett, G. P. A., P. i W. R. R.
is on the sick lift at his home in Sewick y
His left side is paralyzed, which was caus
ed by a severe cold.
Peter Kamerer visited his parents, Mr.
aud Mrs. Daaaielj Kamerer, in Fairview
twp this week. Both the old folKs are
in their 84 year, and both are in toljrably
good health. Thirteen of their child
ren reached maturity, and all but two
are yet living; and their grandchildren
now number sixty one, and great gran d
children sixty seven.
Y. M. C. A.
Don't fail to hear Judge Wm. B. Green
iu the next number of th« star course
March 7th. The Judge is one ot the few
men who are born to tell a story so as to
be interesting and exceedingly laughable
at the same time.
The last number in the star course
has been secured aud promises to be the
finest entertainment of the - Bea»ou. This
will be the English Band Bell Ringers as
hy Miss Jean Berglaud a prominent Bos
ton Reader. They will appear in Buiier
on Mnrch 19th.
It is a matter of generel interest that the
Association is succeeding so well in its
work and especially in its canvas for the
uew building.
The couiract has been let to Mr. Fred
Kauscher for the erection of the comiui -
dious structure ou the Diamond to be com
pleted on Sept lal a cost of 111,400. This
with the cost of tho lot and furnishing will
amount to about SIB,OOO. Tho remaining
SB,OOO is expected to be secured in the
next few weeks.
There are a large number of able citi
izens of the town and county who have
not yet contributed. These will be asked
to do so at oncrt mat this much ne<*l*ji re
sort tor the young for generations to come
be erected tree of debt. For particulars
enquire of J. B. Carothers, Gen. Sec'y.,
Butier, Pa.
Ten Thousand Dollar Sale March 16
Of Horses, Buggies, Harness,
Carriages, Liverymen's Oulfils,
Teamster's Outfits and Gentle
men's Turnouts The Biggest
s>ale Ever Held in Butler county
On Mttrcb 16th Bickel & Kennedy
will offer a. public sale, at their old
Htaud on West .leffersoo street, all ot
their large liverv stock, consisting ot
28 head ol livery horses, 8 heavy
draft horees. buggies, wagtius,
Hurry wagons, heavy carriages, light
carriages, hleighs, bob sleds, light
harness, "carriage harness, 4 sets of
heavy wagon harness, new; 3 heavy
watjons, 2 boiler trucks, one new
All of our livery stock and office fur
niture will be Bold, as we are requir
ed to move the first ol April, the
building having been rented for store
This will be the largest sale ol
livery stock ever held in the county.
Don't fai' to attend and secure a bar
—Zuver's Pictures leave •nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—White goods, Lawns, Pongee
Organdies aud all kinds of wash
goods at lest? than wholesale prion at
L Htbin A SON'S.
—Take your children to Zuverv
(Jallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Postoffice building
Our Hosiery values are unequal,
ed aud well worth your inspection
Fine Donnett flannels, 5c at
—Send your children to Davenny'-
to get Dry Goods and get a college
education free. Ask dbwt it
Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds,
always on band at the City Bakerv.
Highest cash price paid for «rain
of all kinds at J. (1. Bread en AL (JO.'H
new roller mills. VVtwt Suntwry, Pa.
Pure Food-
Nobody ever thinks of raising the
question whether Marvin's Boyal
Fruit Biscuit is pure or not Every
body knows that it is the purest, best
and ii st healthful fruit biscuit ever
m ade More than that, it has a de
lighiful flavor, which mauy bakers
have vainly tried to imitate, if yon
have never eaten any, get a pound at
your grocer's.
Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen,
for sale at CITIZEN office
Music scholars wanted. Lessons
will be given either at the home of
the teacher or at the home of the
scholar. Inquire at 124 W. Wayne
St. But'er I'a.
—No matter how hard the times
the one thing you cannot afford to go
without is all the news. If you want
all the news you get it in the Pitts
burg Diapalch. The Dispatch pub
lishcH all—not a part only.
—You pay for school-books; but
the best school-bonk for your children
is your daily pi.per. Well printed,
carefully and intelligently edited, of
instructive contents, first aud fullest
with the news and beet in presenting
it. the PittHburg Dmpatch fills the
Our February Clearance Sale
Means Lower Prices Than
Ever Before Offered.
We are selling our $3.00, $4.00,
$5.00, and SO.OO 11 ATS 99c.
| Sailors and French felts 17-
| About 50 Navy, Brown anil Kcil
HATS (a) 1 ic.
|M. 1". & M. MARKS,
i 113 W lit 0. MLttsx Bt.. - UatWr.
Oil Notes.
Bruin —Al. Butler drilled in a good well
on the Stone House farm, north of Bruin,a
few days ago II is not jet pumping hut
will probably be good for 20 barrels; Adams
Jc Co. g.)t a fair weil at the Bear Creek
bridge oil the J. I) Brady farm, which
will do o to 10 barrel* natural. These weil*
witii the Steele field and the operations in
the northwestern part of the township wiil
probably give Parker township twenty-five
producers next summer.
Cooperstown—Smith. Leidecker Si Co.
h»ve thtir ti ols stuck in Xo. 3, Brown.
Brownsdale —Frederick <fc Co. found no
oil in the third sand in their well on the
widow Sixon, and will test it from the
100 loot. O'Donnel A Co. on Daugherty
stuck their tools last week, and will have
to move the rig Frazier & Co's Xo. i
Eshelman did 8 barreis lor a while after
t>-irig agitated; Markhain G Co's Xo. 1 on
ihe Dorsey is doing 60 obis. Steelsmith &
C >'s Xo. 1 los Auams 175 bbU. and Fast
em Oil Co's. 1 Don-e. 50. Dixou <t Co's.
Dixou is showing good.
Whitestown —Th« well on the Frishkorn
has been abandoned; The Forrest Oil Cos
1 Shierer is in ihe sanu end showing good;
Eisler -is also in tne sand and not snow
ing so good.
Harmony—The well on the Sitler was
showing for a small well, last week. At
the depth of 400 teet, the drill in this well
passed through a stick of petrified wood.
George Shaffner intends to drill on Mile
Bun about a mile south of Butler.
Xatural Transit certificates were worth
$1 05 a bbl. yesterday.
Another Contest.
The Pittsburg Times will begin tomor
row, Friday, March l»t., to print coupons
for its contest for vacation trips next July.
The paper will defray the expenses ot a
tour through Scotland, England, France,
Belgium and Holland, to be made during
the vacation season of 1895, by the five
public school teachers (this includes reg
uli .- elected substitutes) of Western Penn
sylvania. Eastern Ohio, West Virginia ano
ilarv laud for whom the greatest number
of votes are cast by its readers during the
three and a half uiontns hegluuiug Friday .
March 1, aud ending Saturday June 15
In addition to providing tor every item ot
expense that can be foreseen, from the
hour of departure from Pittsburg, the pa
per will present to each tourist SIOO in
gold, so that each may Dave an abundant
supply of pocket money without drawing
on personal resources
The tourists will sail from New York
in one of the ocean liners early in Jul,),
and will be absent 54 days. Xo point of
interest in the countries to be visited will
be rni-sed, and there will be 10 days in
which to explore the wonders of London
and an equal time lu Paris
The contest is divided as follows.
Two tourists will be tne two Allegheny
county teachers (the cities of Pittsburg,
Allegheny and MoKeesport included), lor
whom the greatest.numoer of votes is re
I'wo teachers from Western Pennsyl
vania, outside of Allegheny county, lor
whom the greatest number of votes is re
ceived will make two more of the Times
p arty.
The fifth member will be the teacher of
Eastern Ohio, West Virginia or Maryland
who receives the greatest number of votes
cast for a teacher from those States.
Tne following rules will govern the vol
First —All votes must be sent to the
Educational EJilor of the Times within
two weeks of the date on which they have
oeen printed The date of each coupon
will be printed on its face and Votes reoeiv
eu more than two weeks alter the date tbej
bear will not be counted.
Second —O ly readers of the Times will
be entitled to vote. Copies of the Times
will uot be sold iu quantities for the Votes
they contaiu under any circumstances.
Men ami women, boys and girls, can Vote,
and vole as often as the> please, but they
must he readers of the Tillies, or obtain
their votes from readers of the Time.
Third —Votes sent to the Times for one
teacher cannot be transferred to another
Fourth. —Votes purchased by any teacb
«r,or the friends of any teacher,from anoth
er teacher, or from any other person, wil
not be counted, and if any voles are pur
chased the lauie of 'he teacner intended
to be benefited will be stricken from tho
list ot candidates.
For Sale.
Cheap for cash, a good book case and
writing desk combined, also a 3 year old
colt. —Inquire at this office.
By virtue of a writ of Ft. Fa. Issued out of
the Court of Common I'Jimb of Butler county.
Fa . and to me directed, there will be exposed
to public sale at the Court House, In the boro
of Butler, Fa. on
Monday, the 4th Day of March.
A. !>.. 1895 at I O'clock i' M. the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
E. I>. No. 111, March Term. 1895. W A Forquer,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of Wm
Foster and Alar} J Foster, of. In and to a cer
tain lot of ground situated in Butler borough
Butler county Fa . bounded as follows, to-wit:
( ornmenciiig to u point al the corner of Cleve
land street and Northern Avenue, thence south
along said Northern Avenue S3 feet to
lands ot Phobias Nlggie. thence westward bj
lands of s.ild Thomas Niggle '.C feet, thence
northward along land ol said Thomas Niggle s.'i
feet to Cleveland si reel, thence along Cleveland
street easlwuril Vi leet to place ot beginning,
and having erected Ihoreon a tivu Htiirj frame
dwelling house and oilier outbuildings. Seized
and taken lu execution as the property of Wil
liam Foster and .\lury J Foster al the suit of
John O'Nell.
aI) No 64, March T. 18W. II Walker and J B
Mates. A t'y.
A 1 tho right, title, lu uncut and claim ot K o
Waddel , oi. In and to 7r, acres or land, more or
lean Situate In MullOi IWp BUtlerCou.it I'a
bounded as follows to wit: uu the north b>
lands ut Jos Hey, easl b, lands of John Uully
and others, south by lands of !>;wl- Rhodes alio
w -i by lands Wui .seaton au,i l< A Hartley, uav
nig a one-story train dwelling hou e, f.utie
barh ana other outbuilding thereon erected.good
apple orchard an t lu a fair suite of cultivation
iscizeo and mked tn execution as the property or
l( O Waddell at the suit of .Mrs Jane Fullert -n.
ED No 11« March l IHUj. M. .luuklti K, Oalbralili
All the right, title. Inter sr, and claim of Win
II Davla and Mary A llavia, his wire, of. lu and
to a certain lot, or ground, more or less, -liu'ite
In Butler boro, HulH-r Co. I'a. bounded •» roll wh
to-wit: On ' lie north by Wes ml east by iot No.
2 lu the same plan of lot , sou ill by an ailey aud
west by lot No. I In aatne plan of lots, be In., lo
No. ,'i in Moses nullivuh's plan of lots in Butler
boro, having a Iron I age or lo feet on uald We t.
Nt reel, and exu-hdlng back maintaining tne same
width iIJ leet to above mentioned alley, toeing a
vacant lot and pail of tile same properly eonve
ed '0 tue said Win II Davis by Franklin Ml ler,
usslgot e, by deed aaled sept Z\. iS!M,and r. cord
ed in Deed Book 111. page 81X.
Al-SO or. In anil lua certain lot of ground
more or le»n ultuatrtt In liutlei, l'a., hoiimicl an
IOIIOWH, to w it: On tlitr north by West Ktreet
•Mtb) lot Of Ugrlla Dull, nra to an alley,
mill west liv lot No. ■> ol tbe mum: plan or lota,
lielnu lot No. 'I In Muw.u Snlltvao'B plan of lot*
In Ha 111 llntli-r horoujj 1. havlni; n frontage ol to
|i-et on saM Writ t.t mil i-xtenninK l>ai:K malu
laltilhi; UWMIM whl'ii I IfMCtO ahuvw nun
tloii' il alley nalU lot havliiK Uwron ereeteil a
twu «u»ry ulatti r'wfetl «lwelllni{ houne anil l>e-
Ina 1 part ol the same property convey eil to
r.utl Win. 11. 11.1 via h) franklin Miller aMilKhet)
by deed tdatctl Sept ut iwil anil recorded .IN
IF J 1 MOB 11' PI|T BIS.
ALSO Of. In anil to a 11-rtalL lot ol Kronnil
more or lean »itUiited In llotler. l'a bounded a*
lollows, to wli: On the north liy Wem bt. i*a t
> lot No .! In the h;ihii* plan ol lutn, Hinitli hv an
alley, ami went ny au alley i»r Milllvau aveuue
heiin,' lot Ni, I In Mobes Sulilvan a plan ol lota
HI ltutler hnro, liavlUK a Iroutaga ul to led on
talil Weal Ntreei and e\tendihK Ij.k Ic inalntaln
IUK the name width it* feel to ttuovn mi ntlou
ed alley. Bald lot having thereon erected a two
Htory allluKle rooted ilwelllnif house and store
room combined and hi lni{ oart ol I lie same
property cunveytd to Bald Win II Davla by
I rankiin Mllier as»l|fuee b.v deed dated vpt
JI i#jl. and recor eii II la-ed iHmk ill .. 1J
Slc/ed and taken In executlnu as the prupeity
ot Win. 11. Davis and Mary A. Davta. Ilia wile
al the suit ot Soloinon rttainin for use of .1 ('.
Sheriff'*Omcf, butler, la . feb.ll. IH»I».
Executor's Notice.
LetterM tentam«ntary on tho en late ol
Joliu Conrutl Hhaunr, dee'd, late ot WhiteH
town, Uutler Co., peuu'a , haVitiK boon
Krautetl to the 1 ntleraiuned, all peraons
knowing theinselve inUehted to naid eniate
will jilenH" make immediate payment, and
any having claims agaiur.t Mant eHtate will
present them duly ant lenlicaled lor settle
ineiit to
H 1.1'.X. HTKWAUT, KX'B.
Whitestown, l'a.
W. I). 15HAN0OW,
Administrator's Notice
Letter* of stlminliitratioii having been
granted to tho umlerMgneil on the entate
ot Willian Ijtitz, dne'd, late of Lancautnr
twp, llotler Co., I'a, all persons knowing
themselves Indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, ami any
having claim* ug alum, said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated lor settle
ment to
J N KIRKKII, Ailtn'r,
Middle Lancaster I'. O.
J I) M Mis? att'y iKiuhr tAa, l'».
iTiitvr Ifjt.
By virtue oi sundry writs of \ en. Ex., Fl. Fa.
Lev. Fa.. Ac , issued out of the I'ourt oi Common
Pleas of ilutler Co., Pa., ami to me «llre t'*d
there will be exposed to publtr sale at the
Court House, in the borough of Butler, on
Friday, the Ist day of March,
A. I). 11-95. at 1 o'clock r. m,, the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
E D No. 103, March Term, lsie. Kohler liran
oon. attorce>s.
All the riuht. title, interest and claim of
Johanna Wuller of. In ana to a < • rtaln lor of
ground slt.iate i In Kuit<-r borough Buiier
county. I'a. oousided as follon .to wit; On Hie
north toy let of w E Kalstou, east !•> Main >'.
south to) lot ot Christ Stock ano .ui alley, west
by lot of IS P Scott, with a wood two story brlrk
building, used as a store room and dweliuiij
house co btned. spnM ilMlfHOn. .-aid lot hav
ing a Irohtit".' of S2 feeton Main street, a .1 ex
tending back eighth <80) feet, more or less, to
said western boundary, which Is 42 feet, more
or less, In width,
ALSO—Of in. »nd to a certain lot of t'round
situated lu Butler borough, Butler county. Pa.
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the nort,. by
lot of Larfcin, east by lot of Johanna Wuller,
south by Centre Avenue, wes by lot of Larkic.
said lot having a noutage ot to feet, more or
less, on Centre Avenue, and extending back >0
leet. mote or less, to 'he northern boundary,
with a (food two-story frame dwelling house
erected thereon.
ALSO—Of. in and to a certain lot of ground
ttuated in But.er ooroUKh. Bo ler county, l a,
"ouuued as follows. to wit: Ou the north by
uio Larkiu. east by lot oi Kmuert-r. south l>>
Centre avenue, went by other lot ot Johanna
\V uller. said lot having a frontage or sl> feet on
Centre avenue and extending back the same
width 59 feet to the northern boundary, with a
large brick building, used as a dwelling house
and store room, erected thereon.
AI-SO—Of, in and to a certain lot of ground
situated In Butler borough. Butler county t'a,
bounced as rollo s, to-wlt: on the north by
St Feter's church property. east l» Carn iliati
heirs.south by an alley,west b.\ l'ranklin street
sa'.d lot having a frontage ot feet, inure or
less, on Fr nkhn street, and extending back
ISO feet, more or less, and havlu-r a good brick
dwelling house, tratue stable and other out
buildings erected thereon.
ALSO—Of, in and to a certain lot of ground
situated in Butler borough, Butler count;, Fa.
bounded as follows, to-wit : Ou the norlh by
Jefferson street, east by lot of FUlow heirs,
soutn bv lot of F F Babiauff. west by lot of
John l-efever. said lot having a frontage of as
leet. more or less, on said Jefferson street
and extending back to the southern boundary
of said lot the sj»me width 60 feel, more or less,
ano having a good two-story frame dwelling
house erected thereon.
ALSO—Of, in anil to a certain lot of ground
situated in Hilt ler borough Butler county J';i.
bounded as tollows, to-wlt: On tin; north by
lot of (.'has Duffy. by r.lm street, south by
an alley, w.-st by an alley said lot being 40 by
180 feet, more or less, and Having a two story
irame uwellluK house erected thereon. Seized
and taken in execution as the properly ot
Johanna Wuller at the suit of John LawalL
Test ONo 9, March Term. 1593, II II Zelisler,
All the rinht, title and interest and claim of
William Foster ot. In and to a certain lot <>t
ground situated In ltutler borough, Butler
county t'a, bounded as follows, to-wlt: Com
mencing at a point at the corner of Cleveland
street and Northern avenue, thence houili a
long said Northern avenue aa feet to lands ol
Thomas Niggle, thence west>vird by lands o!
-aid Thomas Niggle 92 feet, tlieuce northward
along lands of said Thomas Nlggte 83 feet to
Cleveland stieel, thence along Cleveland street
eastward 92 feet to place ot begiunl .g. and
having erected tliereon a two story frame
swelling house and other out buildings Seize i
and taken in execution as the property of
William Foster at the suit of M E lieatty.
E D No 17 March Term, 1895. Lev MeQutstou.
All the right, title, Interest and claim ol
Lawson li Hrackney, oi, In and to a certain lot
or ground situated in Butler borough, Butler
county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: Be
ginning at the southeast corner of fall-view and
Beta Way being the northwest corner of lot.
I hence south 1 west 80 feel along the east side
ol Kairvtew Avenue to lot Nos. tlieuce east 1
south 13st£ feet to an alley, thence north 1 east
su feet along said alley to Beta Way, uiciice
west 1 north 138 feet along said Beta Way to
Falrvlew Avenue the place of beginning, aim
being lots No. 0 and 7in W 1 111 ugh's plan ol
lots in said borough, with a good two-stor>
frame dwelling house and tiame oarn and otner
outbuildings erected thereon, sel/.ed and taken
111 execution as the property or Laws u E
ttrackin-y at the suit ot Mrs Helen Dickenson,
lor use of W F Turner.
K D No, 80 and;iW March. Term 1893. J W
lluiehlson attorney.
All the right. • itle, inte.ect ODd claim of Wil
liam II Davis of. In and to all that certain lot ot
ground.more or less.simaled In Butler borougli
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit:
On the north by West street, east by lot ol
tiertle Uavls. south by an alley, and West by
lot No 3 ol the name plan ot lots, being lot No j
in Moses sutllvau's plan ol lots In Builer
borough, having a Iron tag" ol 40 feet on saiu
west stre. t and extending back, maintaining
the same width,! 12 ft. toaoove mentioned allej,
said lot having therou erected a two-story sun
roof dwelling house, said belug a pari ol the
same property conveyed to said Wll .lain 11
Davis ny Franklin Miller, assignee, by deed
dated September .:4th. 1091, aad recorded 111
deed book 141, page 312.
ALSO—Of. In aud to all that certain lot of
ground, more or less, situated In cutler
oorough,Butler county. !'a .bounded a» follows,
to-wlt: On the north by West street, east by
lot No 2, in the same plan of lots, South by an
alley, and west by lot .No 1 In the same pi nj ol
lots, being lot No 3 111 Moses Sullivan s plan ol
lots lu ltutler boro, having a ironlage ol w ti-et
on said West street and exltndlng back iinin
lalning the sauie width, 112 leet to above in u
tinned all«y . being a vacant lot and part ol tin.
same property conveyed to the said WUllaui II
Davis by I'rauklin Mllier, assignee, by deed
dated Septeinoer 2», If 1/4, and recorded tu Deed
Book 141, page 312.
ALSO—Of, n aud to all that certain lot of
ground, more or less, sltua ted In Butler bor>,
Butler county. Pa., bouiidtd as follows, to wit:
On the north by We I street, east by lot No 3
in the same plan of lots, south by au alley, and
west by an alley, or Sullivan avenue, being lot
No tin Moses oullivans plan of lots In Bugler
borough, having a frontage of 40 feet on said
> est street, and extending back, malm alnlng
the same Width, 112 leet totheabove mentioned
alley, said lot uaviog tnereou erected a two
slory shingle roop d dwelling house and -.tote
loom combined, aud being part of the same,
property conveyed to said >V'llliam 11 Davis by
Franklin Miller, assignee, by deed dated Sep
lembeT 24th, MM. and recorded la deed bW>
141. page 312. aelzed anil taken hi execution as
the property ot vVililaui ll DaVls at the suit ol
J W llutciilsou. iru.itee.
ED No 102, March Term, 1895. J W Hutchison,
AII the right, title, interest and claim of M
W Barnes, ot. lu aud to sixty-four acres of land,
tiure or less, situated in llarrlsvllle borough,
ltutler county. Pa.,bouuded as tollows. to wit:
Being the undivided one hall Interest In all Mi.l
certain piece or parcel ot land situate in said
oorough. Butler county and state ot Penn-yl
vat la on the noriu by lands of Mr E Black, It
Lcutnmlns and Mrs vlary Kin 2, east by lauds
ul It L Brown, Mrs Mary King aud an alley,
sou 111 by public road known as Mercer Turn
pike. aud West by lauds ot .V K Brown and It I,
CUinmluM. Seized and taken In execull n a
the property ot .vl W Barnes at the suit of Wil
ham Black Morrow.
I'. D No 100, Marea Term. 1885. Ualstoii & Greer
All the right, title, tulcrsl and claim of I'mlly
Montgomery, ot. 11l and to a certain lot ol
ground situated In Saxonburg borough, uutlei
county, I'a , bounded as folio WH, to-wit: <>u -lie
north by lot ol llemy Knoch.east oy lauds ol
Lensuer and lloru, soiltu by lands ol Uarmou,
west by laud of Lensuer and having a
twiiv tory IIMI dwell lug liouse •-reeled I Inr- on,
Seized aud taken in execution as tlie property
oi hinlly Montgomery at the n't ol Mary i.
llelmbold. administratrix of Theodore llclui
oold, deceased.
Ii l> So 81. March Term 1895. Brandon attorney
All the right, title. Interest and claim of Win
or vv M MeTvln or, in »u.i to twenty-eight acres
of land, more or less, situated In Muddycreek
lownshlp, Butler county. I'a. bounded as 10l
lows, to-wli: On the north by lauds of James
Scott, Jr , el ul., east by lauds ot Charles White
south by lands ol 11 Melvtu, west oy lanli ol
i barlotle Lock's heirs, and being parity eiear
«d. Seized and taken In execution as tin;
pro erly of Win or W M Melvi at the suit ot
A J Frauds.
1i D N075 March Term, 1896, Kalston & Hreer.
All tbe right, title, interest aud claim ot
tjeorge II Orauam, of, in and to two-huudred
and seventy five 1276) acres ot laud, more or
less. Situated In C'lay township. Itutier county,
l'a. bounded as lollows. to-wlt: On the north
by land!) or John W'tlsou now Ihos Jamison,
cast by land of Charles MeClung, south by
lands of Rebecca Mclilsslck. etal.. west tiy
lands of J J Miller, etal.. and known a» the
J W Christie tarm, having a one-story frame
dwelling house aud log barn, frame
stable und other ouinuildlugs erected
thereon, having au urciiard, land
mostly cleared ami lu fan slate of cultivation
.seized and taken lu execution as the property
ot George II Graham at the suit ol William
Jb D No#l. March Term. !Ht«s. Wll Lusk alt'y.
All the right, title. Interest aud claim ol
Joseph Siiiltu and Herbert W Smith of. in and
Ui a certain lot oi ground situated lu But ler
borough. Butler county. I'a.. bounded as fol
lows, to wit; Oti the north by West l» street
east by loto' Welmer. south by an alley, west
by lot ol I'Tlniblln, said iol having a 1 rout age
ol 4e leet oil West It street, aud extending
southward 177 leet to said alley. having a two
story frame dwelling house und Irame slab!'
erected thereon. Seized aud taken lu execu
lion as the property or Joseph Smith and Her
bert W Smith ill the stilt ot Janes In mi peon
foi use oIK II Anderson, now lat use or J I
I'. ONo lu4. March term. lsi«:< M. ilstlon.att'y
All the rlKlit, title, interest aud cl titu oi K/ra
Stewart, 01. lu aud to tweuty llv - aeies ol I ind
more or less, situated in Cnerry ui<vusulp, B it -
lei county I'a.. bounded as follows, to wit:
Beginning al the southwest eorucr at a pmt,
lb slice by lands of David Stewart ami Win M
nlura norm 3 1-2 deg east ll 1 perches to a post,
thence by lan is ol Win M Shlra and ueli i id
Jcrvis Tinker south ss deg east 11 perches to a
, ost, thence by lan i of II M ami .1 ■ Stelndurl
south 3 1-2 d*"g west 91 perches to a po >i I hem e
by lauds ol David Stewart.' nest llpei. ll
es to the place oi beginnlng.havlug u two-story
irauie dwelling house, stanlc and other oui
nulldli.gs fleeted thereon, seized aud taken in
execution as the property oi 1./ta Stewart at
the suit of The Wanler Itusliueil and UiNMI
It DNo 42 Man h term, 1890. Mc.JUDKIui Gal
breath attorneys
All the right, title. Interest aud claim ol
George Bauldaul. executor of Henry ItaMa if.
dece.ised, and George Italdaur and llenry llal
daut, lerrelenaiiis. or. IU and to lea acres ul
land, more or less, situated In Summit town
ship. Butler county. Pa. hounded as lollows.
to wit.: Beginning al a whltooak al the >i|th
isist. corner ot the llan el Wouderly tract,
UMBOS south HH deg west 21 perches to a pott,
thence north z deg west isj perches to a uosi
und - Inn-oik. t heie e north I dag MM Ml
perches to a post, thence north j deg west I i z
perches 1.0 a post. ItiehCU by laliu i toruierly
oi Manii oriUM nortu us dog mm '»O I t pardm
to a post , thence by luuds now oi toriucrly oi
I Shull south 2 deg eust 214 perches to a po.t,
I hence by lands now or lormeily of I'atU r-. u
hell* south 88 deg west 71 Jiert:lii"s to the Place
id oegluning. beiu j the saiue picmj ol laud i on
vi yed by ll' iiiy llaldauf et ux to ll' tiry It tl
dailf by d'-itd recorded In deed hook zt, pa.'
,221. having a two htory Irauie dwelllug house
log oarn. orchard and other outbull lit .
erected llicteou.
AI,HO Of. in anil to fwi-nty ocr' i of I unl
more 01 i' ii* stttmieU i »» Htunmii tawoibip
i'.ut.|i*r ru«inty »'rt, t»oun'i«-«l .n rollout u»-wu
wt A I*OHL fit (If HotiiiiwrHf. corner
llit'ii*'** •'> ItUiih of I lit ll« iiiiflh | 1 I ilfjj
wral 47 l-« 1 «0 a k >ak. l>\
fumr# vf ooufj sir-rm w avv n I*2
Ito a past near a hickory, theee bv lands of
: Blerghmer north l l-l dog west us |0 perches
to the centre Hue nt r* U K., thence along the
centre line of Said if It south 77 l-'J deg east IJ
i J j„ r.-hes. th t.ee .iOtig -aliie south lii dec
east ".s perches to a post lu centre line of said
1! K. thence south c.i deg west. :m perches,
silence «outh 1 deg easl ii t-2 perches to a
Sost th** M.utheast co her. thence by I Baul
auf l-?d eg west r« peret-.-s to the place of
begiuniug. being the sain-* piece of land con
veyed by Henry Baldaufetux. to Henry Bal
i dauf by deed recorded lu Deed Book , page
; 321. having a two-story frame dwelling house.
! frame barn and other outbuildings erected
i thereon. Seized an t taken in execution as the
property of tieorge fialdauf. ex'r or Henr, Hal
•1 1U! dec d. and tieorge Bauldsuf and lietm
Bii l iuf, terre tenants «t tl.e suit of Joseph
! Th.inia tor use or [h: :[ -I Spain! and N J
E I» No's 30. 71. 100. and lio. Marc'u term. ls»s.
Thompson & Son end Brandon, attorneys.
All the right title. Inter st and claim of John
C Davison of, in and tothirty-one acres ot land,
more or less, situated in l ranberry townsntp.
Butler county, I'a. hounded as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at the corner or the lands of Israel
> ookson and David (, .rvtn's heirs,thence north
1 .i-4 deg west 5S perches To the lauds John
Hes- hlug, tnence nortii ss t-i' deg east 77
perches to a private road, tnence along said
private road southward parallel with line of
lieorge Davis67 2-10 peri-h»s to a public road,
thence along said public road south w:|l deg
: . ;-erches to the place of lieginniiig. having a
iwo dwelling house, barn and other out
buildings erevU 1 'tiereon. St lZ'-d aud taken In
execution as the pro. n- of John c Davidson
at the suit of Andrew i>i_i.■ et al.
r£UMS OF SALK:—The following ertsr be
strictly compiled with when properly is stricken
1. Waen the plaintiff or other lien creditor
btcomes the purchaser the cost on the writ
must oe paid aud a list ot the liens including
mortgage searches on the property sold to
gether With such lien creditors receipt* for the
amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por
tion thereof as lie may claim must be furnished
the Sheriff.
2. Ail bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be
continued until l o'clock e. m. oi next day. at
which time all property not settled for will
again be put up and sold at the expense and
risk of the person to whom tlrst sold.
•~ee Furdoo's Digest, 9ih edition, page «6,
aud Smith's Forms, page 3si.
Sheriff's omce, Butler. I'a., Jan. 7. 1895.
A Suggestion.
mm kcq
i abw T /
Did it ever occur to you that there are
drugs and drugs—that drugs are like every
thing else —thero are good, bad and indif
ferent There is nothing else which is
positively bad if it is'nt just of the best.
Our policy has always been to have noth
ing but the best.
When you want drugs come to us and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or your prescription calls
for. It may not always be drugs you want
either. We always have on hand a full
line of sick room requisites.
Diamond Block, - Butler, I'a.
ii. <y B.
Fashions favorite design for
Dress Fabrics In
Silk, Wool or Wash Goods
Not ouly for entire Suits and
(J iwria, but for peparate Skirts and
Wai«tß to wear with odd Skirts
Some recent extraordinary pur
chases wiil give you unusual oppor
tunity to buy fine, stylish Imported
Plaids at prices we believe never be»
fore attempted on equul qualities and
Note a few specials:
Fine All-Wool 50-lnch Serge
Plaids—medium sized plaid—•> dif
ferent color combinations, all uew
and stylish —51.25 values at 8-~) cents
a yard
Fine Silk and Wool Imported
Pla ds 8 different combinlugs, 42
inches wide— $1 00 value, 75 cents.
Choice, Fine Imported Plaids,
dark Navy, Garnet, Tan, Green.
Brown, Mode, etc., etc, barred in
Silk linen of bright and contrasting
colors—stylish effects—3B inches
wide, 65 cents.
One|Lot All wool French Plaids
—medium and dark coloring*—3B
inobeH wide, 50 cents a yard.
Silk Mixed Plaids—light, me
dium and dark colors—3o and 38
inched wide, 25 cents a yard.
The beauty of ihene new and hand
rtome HtuffH can only be appreciater 1
when seen. Gome, or write out
Mail Order Department for sam
ples of ibern. See atiout American
Dress Goods and suitings at 15c
25, and 35c. AIHO Fine Imported
Suitings, 50c to $3 50,
All orders receive prompt attention.
& Buhl,
Mutual Firo Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
Al.r. WICK Pre*.
UKO. hMTKKKIt. Vim I'rwi.
I, S. Jli .ll'.> KI.V *ei'jr anil Treat.
»HM i Wlok, Henderson OUTM,
nr. W. Irvlu. Jainee HteplMiumm,
W. W. Itlaukmore, N. Weltzel.
K. Ilowinaii. 11. J. Kllngler
(ieo Kett«r«;r, Übw. Ilebuuu.
Unci. ICeiiiiu. iJohn Kooning
Notioa i« hereby given that nn applica
tion will bu made to the Legislature <>(
Pennsylvania M the present MANSION, to re
pnal an act entitled "An act to prevent
cattle, home*, IIIUI«H, sheep and *win«
from running a' largo IN Middlesex, Itullnr
and Mercer town*h|p» auil Harris, ille
I torn ugh Butler county, approved March
16tb 1870: MO far an the itamu applies to
IJarrixviUo borough. The purposu of tli«
above entitled act WAN to prevent cattle,
lnir»rn, mules, sheep end »wmo from run
ning al liirge and authorizing the uoiutahle
<>f LLII* district to take, detain and sell sunl
H tray it. The PURPOSE ol the intended ap
plication U to have said act repealed MI
far US the name applies to Ilarrlsville
0. M. BBOWN,
J. 11. MnltlllbON,
W. K. Brown.
Dissolution Notice
The p»rinor»hip heretofore existing bo
t wean J. S Young and tV'tu. Cooper,
under the lirm name of Young A Cooper,
uus di-ol d li\ mutual couHf.it on Dec.
:il.( J t> Y> iiiK ritirttg.
MI William CO. per will continue th«
Bo*tnc*S "iid Idtlt all Ihe MQvttta of
the laie Urni
J. S. Young.
Fair and Square Clothiers.
H. Schneideman Stock of
and Furnishing Goods,
From Original Cost.
Shloss Bros.,
104 S. Main St., Butler, P<\.
Schneideman's Old Stand.
For 30 Days Only.
All Wool Cheviot, $i 50. Hair Line Cassimere. $2 50.
Heavy Scotch Goods, $2 00. Fancy Worsteds, $j 00.
»• . T tf. Wool Filled Men's Jean
Kiverside Worsteds, S4OO u . „„ * J r» , .
Pants, 55c worth $1 Boy s 50c
Special for 30 days.
ScHatil & Nast,
Leading Cloth) iers, 137 S- Main St-, Butler, PA*
(for the price) in the history of the clothing trade.
Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised. NO
I ROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Workingmen take notice: We
have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta
loons and Overalls. If you have
worn them, you need no further
comment from us. if not ask to
see them as they are the best
cheap pants in the world.
List of Applications for LICENSE.
Tbo following applications for Wholesale and Tavern Licenses to sell vinous, aplrltoas, malt or
bn vred liquors or auy admixture thereof at the several place* designated below, are now
Hied in the office o I the Clerk of Quarter fusions Court of Butler County. Pa. and will be heard
by the said Court on the 3rd. Wednesday of March 1895. being the aoth. day thereof. and contin
uing from time to time until all applications shall have been heard.
Amos M LiiHk. Zelirnople Butler <'o Pa New Castle st Zellenople Boro Butler Co Pa
( uritonC Frederick. 04 Richmond Ave Buffalo K Y " '■ ••
Jacob Uelber. 129 K Jefferson st 2nd Wd Butler Pa 122 K Wayne st 2nd wd Butler Boro
Joseph L Uhi. Now Castle Lawrence Co Pa 126 " •• »
Itlchard Itowen, I'lillllpsburi; Centre Pa K Jefferson St • ••
C Baetierleln Brew lng Co. Chief office Bennett PO Pa 333 W " '• ' «
Alex William* t 2nd Wd Butler Boro Pa 152 S Main st •• •<
Mark H Brooks/ •• 1 «.
Jacob Boos, .no 8 Main st 3rd Wd •• 348 cor Main and Wayne sts 3rd wd ••
Nicholas Mangold, 18 l.owry st Allegheny Pa 120-122 E Cunningham st 2nd " '•
Mrs Mutlle Beluing 2d wd. Butler boro. Pa No 8 Main Bt. 2d wd BuUer boro. r>a
t rank H ('lark 3d wd •• (Park Hotel) Jos N Diamond Bt, 3d wd
J Harry Faubal 3d wd •• m. 33# and 338 8 Main 81
Herman l.lebold 2IV&2I8 8 Main " 21*. Me and 218 "• •• "
IW J McCaffiwty 2d wd •• cor Main and Jefferson Sts. ltd wd ••
tl)l' McCrea 2d wd " •• ■ <•
Simeon Nixon 215 > McKean.rwd " (Nixon's Home) 2M N McKean Bt, 4th wd
Win 11 Jelllson Petrolla boro. Butler Co. Pa (Oriental House) l'etrolla boro, Butler Co. Pa
John 8 ilyers <• Main 8t •• •'
{A^phi^A C Hocl» lUlerßt " Wn b ° ro •• (Central Hotel) Millerstown boro
Benjamin J Korquer •• « Sllpperyrock 8t " ••
John Holan •• •• (Schrelber House •» ••
Frederick Pfabe Saxonburg boro Main ML Saxon burg boro
Christian J Itaabc. Jr •' •• (ljiube House) " ••
John Nicholas Hit Kvansburg boro " (Commercial Hotel) Kvansburg boro "
Mrs Uiu Cuuiilughain " " (Miller House) •• »
Henry W Htokey Zellenople l>oro " (Orsnd central) Zelleoople boro "
Charles Slok-tf •• •• (Blokei House) •• •'
Samuel Beam Harmony boro •• (Beam Hotel) Harmony boro ••
Lewis N Zlegler • •• •• «•
Clerk's Office. Feb. «?. 18U0. JOSEPH CKIBWELL, Clerk Q, 8.
Seanor & Co's.
Rear of Wick House,
Butler, I'a.
The best of horses and first claM
always ou hand and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for
permanent boarding and transient
trade. .Special care guaranteed.
Stable room for sixty-five horses.
A good class of horses.both drivers
and draft horses, always on hand and
for sale under a lull guarantee; and
horses bought upon proper notifi
cation by 11. BEANOR.
Butter Dye Works,
!14Culn Avoaac,
Save 20
Per Cent,
By bringing your dyeing and cl eani (1
rect to our place. We have done awav with
our ngents and propose giving our patrons
th« benefit. Come and bring your work and
we can tall you just what cau be done to It,
thus avoiding the misunderstanding and In
competency of agents. If you cannot 00,0 c
sci d us a pottal and we will call on you.
R. Fisher.
HAS ARRIVED, and we wil
be pleased to show you what we
You can buy a good, servicable
business suit for $5.00, but our
line at $6.00, $7.50, $9.00 and
SIO.OO are marvels of beauty and
excellence, better than ever sold
1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any
case of heaves in horses in forty days,
used according to directions, and if it does
not do what 1 claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no obarges will be
made for tho treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicines power to cure:
Butler, Pa., 1893.
On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com
menced to use your new care for one of
my horse* that had the heaves very bad,
and continued to use the medicine for
about forty days and tbo horse did not
show any signs of a return of them. It is
now about a year since I quit givin the
medtctno and tbe horse has never sowed
any si gus of heaves, and I feel (tisfied
that be is properly cured.
Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893.
I have used your Uuare Care and found
it will do the work if used accordng to dij
reetious. Yours truly,
J. K. M» MILLI*.
Theodore Swain.
Chimneys, Grate and Boiler Bettiog.
Cistern Building and eewer
Work a Specialty.
by America's Urealeet Humorist.
Kvery one of his previous hooks have had tm
tnetire sales. Ills new liook surpasaua anything
he Inn Heretofore written. Two stories In one
volume, A Tragedy and a Comedy. A great
Cbauce for age in we give exclusive territory
r " Wi^"<«S/a3S>»fn»