Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 21, 1895, Image 3

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Legal notioes are published in the ClTl
ten at $1 per inch for fir»t, and 50 cents for
each succeeding insertion.
Obituaries, cards of thank*, resolutions,
etc. are inserted at 5 cents a line, money to
accompany the order.
Reading notices on local page 10 cenU
a line lor first and 5 cents a line for each
subsequent insertion Notioee among lo
cal news items 15 cents a line for each in
Half-inch professional cards with paper
$5 a year.
Rates for commercial advertising quoted
upon application
New York Weekly Tribune-Free.
Br special arrangements made for enr
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
utMcrioer* who pay arrearage*, td any;
and <me ye*r ia advance, and to all new
subscribers paving in advance, the New
York Weekly"Tnfcxne tree for one year.
For further parti vulars of this otier see ad
New Advertisements.
Cooper & Co. merchant tailors.
CatnpDeil A Templeton's carpet sale.
Beanor«fc Co's Lively.
Bickel & Kennedy's SIO,OOO sale.
Notice regarding Qarrisvide.
Excursions to Pittsburg and Florida.
NOT«—AII advertisers intending to make
cangos in their ads. should notify us of
heir intending to do so, not later than
MOP. .4; morning.
Ain msirators and Executors oi estaie
oan »• >re their receipt books at the CIT
IKK 9'bce
—Money never talks in its sleep.
—lf time is money, why can't we pay
onr bills witb itT
—There is only one thing to take for sea
sickness That's an ocean voyage.
—Nearly every jjirl has experienced the
power ol ttiu press.
lt's nt joke lo stop a woman's tongue,
although it might be considered a gag.
—Oar zero weather seems to be over.
Six weeks of it was enough.
—Some ol the country creameries are,
very tm<li»nl>, putting their imprint upon
—The people of Kittanning and other
towns along the Allegheny, are dreading
a thaw.
—The dancing class of High School boys
meets regularly every Friday nigut in
Boon' bad. Tne class is entirely private.
—The members of the First Ward hose
oompauy report a very large sale of seats
for their benefit on Friday night.
—When a man has both hands amputat
ed It is qaite natural that he should never
fee' very well again.
—Muggins—Why is Wigwag looking so
happy to-da>? Huggins—tie has just suc
ceeded in finding two thermometers that
—The present is a good time to get bar
gains in dry goods and clothing, as the
merchants are cleaning oat slock to make
for the spring trade.
—The Friesland arrived at Gibralter,
Monday morning, a day behind the sched
uled time. All the excursionists were re
ported in good health.
Patronize local industries and help to
build ap the town. No person should buy
elsewhere when the articles can be boaght
here at home.
In the High School:—"What is the dif
ference between victuals aud viaudof"
Scholar —"We have victnals on wa*h day
and viands when we have company."
—Seanor bought thirty-seven horses last
week, and they were standing in the Sea
nor ant. DauOeuspecK uaiu, Saturday nigut.
Some of tneui have since been snipped lo
Bucks Co , and ibe rest go to New Jersey.
—Rev. J. F. McCniry, State Pres of the
Christian Eudt-avor Society, speak' tonight
at the Presbyterian churcn, at a union
meeting of the Christian Eudeavor Socie
—Cooper Ji Co., Merchant Tailors, cor
ner iiain and Diamond sts., have rectived
a lull ai-sortment ot the latest novelties in
foreign aud uomesuc woolens, aud are
now prepared lor the Spring trade.
—Another of the Conau Doyle's Sherlock
Holmes stones will begun in the CITIZBS
of March 7tb. They are interesting to
both old and young. You want to read
this one.
—Don't forget the nntertainment to be
given by the tligu Sohool literary society
and glee olub in the M. E. Church, next
Thursday eveuiug, Feb 28th. The admis
sion is but 25 cents, and yon should give
the boys aud girls a lilt.
—The long and exciting trial at Erie
of Jeremiah Caaey, Frank Anderson aud
John O'Connel lor the Slocum robbery of
nearly SIO,OOO near Ediuboro a few weeks
ago, ended m the conviction oi ail three.
—But one family in and about Gomersal
has been afflicted with typhoid lever dur
ing tte pan two years; aud the report sunt
to a Pittsburg paper regarding lever at that
Soint was untrue. Tue mines started up
londay, and will employ about sixt> mm
There is a current story in 'Russia or a
weeping yoUDg widow WHO put up a mon
ument tj> her late husband, aud io)icrib«d.
upon it," My grief is so great that I can
not bear it " A year or so later, however,
she married again, and feeling a little
awkward about the inscription, she solved
the difficulty by adding one word to it —
—Meetings of the independent Oil Pro
ducers were held in Butler aud Pittsburg
last week, and about SSO 000 *«s suosorib
to the stock' of a markefiug company to be
called the Pennsylvania Pure OU Co The
indbpendeni reliuurs propose relining the
crude at cost, (said to be 13 cents a bbl.)
the profits of the combine to be divided
—Evans City vote.*, last Tuesday, decid
ed by a vote ot 68 to 55 against issuing
bonds for a proposed water supply. Much
bitter leeling is shown over the vole and
advocates ot the water works declare their
intention to defeat the proposed measures
to be taken for a new school bouse. As
the borough lose» SOOO appropriation money
each year through lack of the school house
a pretty light is looked for.
—A cutting affray is reported from Vlar
ion twp ,and the circumstances related as
follows: some time ago a school teacher
whipped a boy one ot his soholars. The
boy and bis brothers waylaid the teacher
on his way to school and bear or attempt
ed to beat him; aud he pulleil out hi
raz >r aud slashed one in the back, nnotnor
in the cheek and the other ou the bind.
Thomas Campbell, ot New Castle, is iu
the boi-pttal al that place und the phjsi
cians iu attendance thiuk he caunot recov
er. liis case is a peculiar one. About 14
years ago he had one ot bis toes frozen bui
paid little or no attention to the mailer.
The toe was (Mire, but did not cause biiu
any great aneanmeas until recently, when
it was discovered that gangrene had -el in.
lie went to the city bonpiial. but gradual
ly grew worse till the leg was allocted to
the kuet, Tue doctors now say that his
entire;*)sit-in has been poisoot-d from the
gangreno and he cannot get well,
—Genuine Lancaster Cling bams 5c
—Try. T. A. Morrison's home
made Carmels.
—One Portfolio, containing 16
superb views from the Worlds Fair
given away with each $2 00 sale at
Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—White goods, Lawns, Pongee<
Organdies and all kinds of wash
goods at less than wholesale price at
—Seod yonr children to Davenny's
to get Dry Quods and get a college
education free, Ask about it.
Eaima M. Glenn of Centre twp, petition
ed for her separate earning*, under aot of
April 3, 1872. and the same was granted.
Tfie will of Rudolf Kelker was probated
and letters granted to J. A. Ripper.
The will of Matthew liicket of Clinton
twp. was probated and letters granted
lo Harvey Bicket.
Newly elected Justices should remember
that they must file acceptances with the
Prothonotary within 30 days.
The Butler Water Co. has filed a bill in
equity vs A J. Kussel, Jas. McNaiiy, Ja*.
Patton and John Henry, asking that tiey
be restrained and enjoined Irom pumping
pall water into the Connuqueuesmng. An
answer must be tiled by March 3d. Thin
will probably be a lively case before it is
ended, and in the meantime we will drink
salt water.
Jas. C. Hages applied for a peddlers li
A. G. Campbell, sheriff to Alice Qaslett
lot in Butler lor $2,7X5.
Sieve Huselt"U IO Philip V. Davis lot
in Butler tor $8,500.
James Sutton to VV. Pflough lot in Evans
City for $350.
William Battenfelder to Henry Batten
folder 166 acres in Joffjrwn tor $1 00.
W. P Hines et al to Geo Gibson et al
qait claim to 21S acres in Brady.
Emma Colbert to Sue Eshenbaugh lot
ui VV. Sunbury lor $265.
W. A. Gibson to J. B. Greer 46 acres in
Venango tor SI,OOO.
W. D Parks to W. J. Hayes lot in Va
lencia tor $315.
C. LGrubos to Harriett Ntckla&s lot in
Evansburg for $575
C. B Hatch.trustee, to Jas Bredin, 106
acres in Middlesex lor $3,000.
John Lawall et at to S. B. Martincoun
lot in in Bntler for sl,lll.
John Ferguson to E. E. Abrams 95 acres
in Middlesex lor $4,000. aud E. E. Abram
came to J. V. Ritts lor $2,000.
Elizabeth Stahl to Amos M. Lusk lot in
Zelmople for $7,000.
A. G. Campbell, sheriff, to David West
40 acres in Franklin for $1,150.
M. Bowers to N. B. Kregar 30 acres in
Concord for $1,300.
L. Z. Mitchell to Ellen Hopkins lot in
Butler lor $5, and Ellen Hopkins same to
J. V. sloan for $355 77.
_W. A. Gib-on to Virgil Gibson [lO acres
in Venango for $217 57.
J. M. Wilson to Mary Wilson 53 acres
in Jackson tor $1,875
M B McGee to J. J. Leidecker lot in
Bntler for SI,OOO.
Marriage licenses.
J. A Gerard Penn twp
Carrie Bichia Bntler
James Miller Adams twp
M. C. Hendrickson "
W. A Behl Mar*
Lena Phillips Valencia
Samuel J. Patterson Penn twp
Mary E Puff "
Dallas D. Hen-y Connoq
Mina Campbell.... --
At Pittsburg—George W Holm of But
ler and Ada E. Atkinson of Natrona.
At Pittßburg, John Olenn ot Butler and
Maggie Wheeler of Pittsburg.
At Pittsburg—Jas. M. Myers and Jennie
Glew of Monroeville.
Bicycle Club.
The bicycle club recently formed in tbis
piace is to give a poverty social in the near
future. The members are mucb interested
in its success and a pleasant evening will
be the reward of any one who goes. The
members of the club are required to dress
strictly in a poverty stricken style, and a
fine will ba imposed on any violating the
rule. Refreshments will be served and R
musical programme will be arranged.
The officers ot the club aie: President.
J. D. Marshall —Vice President, D E.
Dale— Secretary, Herman Liebold, Jr—
Treasurer, Jos. MeCandless Doard of
Directors, J M. Bashline. D. E. Dale, R
L. Kirkpatridk, E E. Davis, A Back. —
Captain, Paul E. Cronenwett.
Church Notes.
Rev. E. M Wood will preach in the M
E. Church nex'Sunda> morning on, "H«iw
to read the Bible," aud in the evening on
"Can their be a Communication between
Heaven aud E&rtb, or the Right and
Wrong of modem Spiritualism.
Regular service" at Bethany Reformed
Church ou W. N »rtb St. next Sunday, at
11 A. M , subj-ct, "SiiJht to the Blind",
at 7 P M., -abject "Keeping Vows"—Rev
H. E. Snyder pastor.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 23 lor butter and
28 for fresh eggs, SO 101 potatoes, GO for
parsnips, 50 for auions and b.ets.llcts. for
dressed chicken, 12 lor turkey and duck,
2c a pound for cabbage, 25 to 30 a dozen
for celery, $l5O for apples, $1.50 to
1.75 for boans.
A Novel Entertainment.
The elocutionary contest by the ladios
of the W. C. T. U., prviously announced
for an earlier date, lias been postponed
until Tuesday, March sth., to avoid col
lision with other interesting local events,
and to give an opportunity for all to at
tend. As this entertainmnnt is of a char
acter not biberto attempted in Butler, by
this class of participants, no pains have
been spared make it enj -yab'e as well as
Instructive. Appointed judges will award
the prize to the successful competitor ac
cording to Deniorest Contest rules and the
recitations themselves, irrespective of the
speaker- ami their novel euterprize, will
lie well worth bearing, being extracts from
the beßt orations of ibe temperance plat
form. Another pleaniug leature will be
ihe music. «OOAI'MM instrumental' by
many local favorites. The public will
rlieai in tnit)<T the date, March 5. Tickets,
25 cents, children, 15 cents.
W. C. T. U
Eli Manny of E. Penn St. was badly in
jured by a runaway on Franklin St , last
Saturday evening. Some boys who were
exacting rau into bi-i horse, it ran away,
and Eli in trying to manage him. was pull
ed over the dash-board of the sleigh and
thrown out, bis collar boue was dislocated.
To Florida. I'ersviutfly-Conducted Tours
via Pennsylvania Railroad.
To the larg» number of people who feel
the ueed of a midwinter as well as a mid
cummer holiday, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Compauie's personally-conducted tour
to Florida especially commeud themselves;
the excursion rates being most liberal and
the style of travel first-class in every par
The nent ol the Reries of Jacksonville
tours, allowing two weens' stay in Florida,
will leave New York and Philadelphia on
March 12 and 26 The rate, including
transportation, meals en route, and Pull
man berth and special train, is SSO 00 from
New York, and S4S 00 from Philadelphia;
aroportionate rates from other points
P»r further information apply to Ticket
Agents, or address Tourist Agent, 1196
Broadway. New York, or Room4ll, Broad
Street station Philadelphia, to whom ap
plication for space i-bould also be made.
—Take your cbildrnn to Zuver's
<}allery '<>r Pictures that will <§uit
»ou Postoffice building
Our Hosiery values are uuequal.
Ed and well worth your inspection-
—Fine Donnett flannels, 5c at
Fittest novelties iu dress goods
—A Business E iucation Free, if
you buy y'iur dry goods atDavenny's
Ask about it
—l2£ cent Pongees aud Tissuta
reduced to cents at
—A full line of home made candits
at the City Bakery.
' —Fine canum flannels 5 cents at
—Buy your dry goods at Daven
ny's aud get a ucbolatsbip for tne
Butler Business College aud School
of Sbortba ud free. Ahk about it.
Bargains in Lawns, Dimilys
1 Pongee-*. Organdies aud all the sum
mer goods at
L, STinr & tftfx'if,
The Butler Boro Election."
The Republicans of Bailer elected their
borough tfckolTThmc of the-live assessors,
and three judges, Tuesday, bat of all tho
I school directors and councilmen elected,
! they got but one, S. F. Bowser tor school
' director in the stb. ward. The vote was as
! follows:
Li. Co aat', Auditor i Overseers of Poor
2 = ss>>> ! = Ss^r§
E S»oS?s£s'* : o2r.r f 'x
3 IfEI e> ' i: I £
* rs£ § | re; r :IS j ■" ,
lwd 7,9 114 :« 16.1 13H 35 154 150 136132 4-' 41
ti IT? 16-- GIS4 117 7 169 171 153 ICR la 9
3*d W 10S) 5 90 11 9 *4, 9S 111 83 SI 9
4wdllSll6 17 124 107 19 112 117 116 13u 1«
5w I 129 75 Si 119 97! 9.127 136] 72: 74 Si! 16
to-l 681 606 I I I I . i
School Director —
J W Hutchison, R 133
J W Brown, D 2Ol
J H Coe, P 24
Town Council —
OC Cochran 126
Henry A'l ilton 190
Philip Danbenspeck -7
Asees-'ir —
H W Nicholas 194
J W Graham HI
C B Conway 28
! I udge of Election —
A M Borland.... I_~
Jas Skillman 131
Amos Mates —...... . 100
K W Kicbey 142
school Director —
S D Bell, R 171
Thos Niggle, D 177
SVm Cooper. P........ ....—....... 4
Town Council —
Thomas M Hewit 16.»
A A Irvine
H J Klingler 13
Assessor —
Pn Cluse 1®?
J II Harvey I' 3
SM Ktdrt 6
I udge of Election — _
M<>rg Smith 167
Theo Pape - 1 4
Inspector— t
W A Taylor -
J A Heini-man 1™
School Director —
S M Bippus, R ®i
Lev. Mcyuistion, D 123
O M Russet, 4
Jos B Sherman -
Jos Manny Hll
0 K Capnam 5
J Q Smith I 4'
Jos Thompson . 8
Judge of Elections —
A l< C McFarland
J J Elliott H y
Inspector —
Geo AloCandless..... —...
Geo 1"®
School Director—
J B Mates 9'
L O Purvis D 146
Kev McKee. - 11
Council —
R P Scott ®'
B Kemper Jr 142
J C 13
lieo McJunkin 1-"
VV J Shaffer 105
Jno McMarlin 18
Judge-- "
H A Ayres 1-'
Alex Russel I' 4
Frank Mitchell l«»j|
Horato Vanderlin I°°
School Director —
S F Bowser I*o
Kerd Reiber D
vVm Walker P
John M Reed 1"<
Henry Gr>htnan I°-'
J B Murphy 12
Assessor —
Perir Kamerer
Matthew Brown 'J'
Amos Steehnith
J F McClung 1-p
J 11 ReiUer f-
T J flatten 136
Michael McAvoy 'J-
In Philadelphia, Tuesday, Warwick, R,
beat ex-Uov. Pattison by about 00,000 lor
mayor, and in Pittsburg all the proposi
tions to bond the city for public improve
ments carried.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company spec
ial excursion to Allegheny City February
22, 1895.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion tickets on February 22,
to Allegheny City ?\ $1 25 for the round
trip 011 account of the Jr. 0. U. A. M.
celebration Tickets good going on all
trains and good to return the following
day. Charles B. Kahn, agent.
Excursion to Allegheny via P.)'■ tV
Feb. 22d the P. & W. R. R. will sell
round trip tickets to Allegueny at $1 25
TicketS good going on all trains and good
returning tollowing day, on account Jr. 0.
U. A. M. celebration.
Closing Out Sale.
Ladie'n wool Uuderwear at half
price Mqhlio ant 4 other goods mark
1 X L*.
Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates
and Charter* Framed to O.lerat 309
S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Dealers in new and second band
household goods of every description
Call and see us. We can save you
—The highest grade of patent
flour made at the mills of
J. C. BRBADEN & Co.,
West Sunbury, Pa.
—lnfants Wool Hose 5 cfs per
pair at Davenay's.
—Try our new roller flour—latest
improved machinery. Satisfaction
guaranteed, J. C. BREADEN & Co.,
West Sunbury, Pa.
—lox4 blankets 60C at DAVENNY'K
—A good umberella for 75c at
Mr Jones—Where did you get
that hat'/
vi rs. Smith—At Davenny's of
course, they have the best millinery
in town, try them.
—Summer Underwear, Hosier-
Mitts, Laces and liibbous at reduc
el prices at
—Clearance sale of all summtr
goods at less than wholesale price
—Home made candies, taffies, ear
mels, aud etc., now ou hand at the
City Bakery.
—Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds,
always on band at the City B»k»-iy.
1 —Highest cash price paid for grain
of all kinds at J. C. Breaden & Co.'s
(| n«w r\rth?r njilla, Weut Suatrary, Pa.
f * D'iriTflW-
' National Transit certificates were <juote<l
fat LO3 at tbi._yeiterdj»y. and cash oil at
1 06. " "
Brnin —The'third saad well of Steele
! Bros on the D. P. Kellev farm southwest
' of Martinsbnrg was reported doing 60 bbls.
■ a day latt week
Whiter town —The Forest Oil Co.'a well
on the Shierer wili be completed ibis week.
Eisler's No 2 Martin will reach the sand
■ this wi ek.
Greece City—The well on the Jamisom
or Robertson larm, drilled lately, is doing
about 20 bbls
Magic—Vance Co. have a rig tip on
the Thos. Hutchi-i.n farm in Concord twp.
Boydstown—The Henry farm welt is
flowing and putnpiug a great deal of salt
water, ami a little oil—-<aiil to average 7
bbls. a day. Rigs are opon the Milli .ger.
lieniy heirs, and Noah Henry; ami also on
the Dean Campbell a mile and a half south
east. Thewell on the Sailor property was
completed last Saturday Several parties
are arranging to drill in tb.s field.
Cooperstowu Good territory is being
developed between the C .operstown field
and the old Gold field Paitersou <t Co.'s
No. 8 Browu started off a! 150 bbls
The Forest Oil Co purchased the inter
ests of rteiber, Bradner. Elingensmitb and
in 6(JO acres north . f Glade Mills,
having about 750 bbis.Jof pr duction daily
for $200,000: also the interests of Heasley
and Coltius in the Eisas for $50,000
The Ford City Co. has a big gasser on
the Wm McGee.
Brownsdale—Three good third-«and
wells came in last Saturday—Steei>miui 4
Co.'s on the Jos Adams, aud Marknam &
t!o.'s and the Eastern Oil Co.'s on the
Steelsmith Jfc CoV Adams farm well is
making 15 bols an hour; Markham & Co s
Dorsey tarin well 50 bbls a day aud the
Eastern Oil Go's on sane about 30.
Herman—Phillips' Well on tt>e Beck is
hold ng up at 170 bbls.; The Fisher Co.'s
No. 1, sweeney is good lor 20 to 25 bbls
Jim Horton leased a hall acre of the Rt-ot
near Phillips' big well, and has a rig up
on it.
North Washington Fletcher «fc Co
finished a dry hole on the R. 0. Rumbaugh
a tew days ago Major MoClintoek is drill
ing on the Alf Shira. Sblra A Co intend
drilling on the Sain'l Shira.
The well struck in Allegheny county
a week or so ago. a mile or so northeast of
Wild wood is doing about 150 bbls a day,
trom the fifth sand, which is mere about
425 feet below the 100-t'oot. This well
may develop a pool that will connect the
old Wildwood and Bakerstown fields.
The Forest Oil Go's boiler house on the
Pfeifer, near Watters Station, was burned
last Sunday.
11 L. Kelley of Worth and S.J. Taylor of
Brady were in town on business, Monday.
Mrs. David Douthett of Brownsdale is
visiting her son William G. Douthett.
Dr. Irvine of Evans Citv, was in town
busiuess, Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Montgomery of Middlesex
twy has been granted a pencion.
Jacob B. Flick of Middlesex twp is
seriously ill.
Wilson Graham Esq 01 Penn twp. was
in town on business, Tuesday.
A. 11. Gold and Wesley Monks of Mid
dlesex twp. were in town, on business,
Steve Ilusleton sold his handsome resi
dence at comer of Washington and Mil
f.in sts to Russell Davis for $8,500.
W. R. Campbell of Oakland and Adam
Currie of Concord were in town on busi
ness, last week.
Dr 0. P Pisor of North Washington
aud Uriiih H. Book ot Annaudale were in
town on business, Wednesday.
A. J. Diimore aud S. W Gage of Done
gal twp. arid E. 11. Crawford ot Allegheny
twp. were in town on business, Wednes
Joel Beckwith has prospered wonder
fully since he went to West Virginia. He
lately purchased the interest of his part
ner. Mr. Courtney, in their lumber busi
ness for over $17,000.
Elmer Campbell and wife nee Emma
H< tfman returned from their wadding trip,
Monday. They were married in Pnil'a.
and spent some time with relatives in
George 1). Ogden, late agent Of the
Penn'a R. R. Co here has been translered
1> a more responsible position on the road
at M' Keesport No more gentlemanly or
obliging agent has ever acted lor thai com
pany. aud Lhongb his lriends here
regret his departure, they are pleased wiib
nis promotion. He was succeeded by Mr.
Chas Rahn late of Sharpsburg.
Representatives Douthett and Moore and
Clerks Carson, Douthett and Ritter were
at home this week. Rep. Douthett lelc
lor Erie, Wednesday, where he was to
meet with the other members of the Ap
propriation Committee, and exauiiue the
Soldiers Home; then visit the State in.-ti
tutions at Warren, Williamsport, Wilkes
Barre aud Scranton, and reach Harrisburg
by Saturday evening.
Ten Thousind Dollar Sale March 16
Of Horses, Buggies, Harness,
Carriages, Liverymen's Outfits,
Teamster's ouifus and Gentle
men's Turnouts The Biggest
sale Ever Held in Butler county.
On March llith Bickel & Kennedy
will offer at public sale, at their old
stand on Weat .Jefferson street, all of
their large livery stock, consisting of
28 head of livery horses, 8 heavy
oraft horses, buggies, spring wagons,
surry wagoUß, heavy carriages, light
carriages, fcletghs, bob sleds, light
harness, carriage harness, 4 sets of
heavy wagon harness, new; 3 heavy
wagons, 2 boiler trucks, one new.
All of our Jivery stock aud office fur
niture will be sold, as we are requir
ed to move the first ol April, the
building havftjg been rented for store
This will be the largest sale ol
livery stock ever held in the county.
Don't fai" to attend and secure a bar
A Public Ollice
is a public trust. The < ffice of feed
ing the people of this part of the
country is being successfully fillet!
by Marvin the popular Pittsburg
baker. His delicious Eagle Butter
Crackers are found in every home.
Your Grocer has them.
—Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen,
for sale at CITIZEN office
Music scholars wanted. Lessons
will be given either at the home of
the teacher or at the home of the
scholar. Inquire at 124 vV. Wayne
St. But'er Pa.
—No matter how hard the times
the one thing yoa cannot afford to go
without is all the news If you want
all the news you get it in the Pitts
burg Dispatch. Tne Dixpatch pub
lishes all—not a part ouly.
—You pay (or school-books; but
the best school-book for your children
is your daily ptper. Well printed,
carefully aud intelligently edited, of
instructive contents, first and fullest
with the news and best in preseutiog
it. the Pittsburg Dispatch fills the
Our February Clearance Sale
Means Lower Prices Than
Ever Before Offered.
We are selling $3.00, $4.00,
$5.00, anil $6.00 HATS (a* 99c.
Sailors and French felts (ft; 17.
About 50 Navy, Brown .uid Red
HATS 1 ir.
!M. F. & .M. MARKS,
| lib to 117 8. Maui St., - Butter.
PWi'Opcra Hou«e,—- . - .
The W oll'ord-Sharidan an J Holme;;
T)rairaiii.- OoapißJ wJM M a three
nights engagement at the Park Theatre,
commencing Moueay night I'eii 2.>t'a, pre
senting The Smugglers. The Praia H reck
-1 ers and Uuderground. A car load of spe
cia! scenery ami mechanical elf cts is car
ried bv the company. they uso none of the
i scenery belonging to the theatre, every
: thing is cleared irons the stage, and there
owu scenery s used, the comptny is very
highly spoken of by the press of Youngs
; town, Mciieesport. Beaver rails and New
{ Castle, at the latter town they opened to
' 1,400 people, s'anling room being at a
; premium. The Company will open there
engagement in Butler with the 5 act scenic
j inelo drama, The smugglers. The loilow
, itig special and elaborate scenic rivets
j will i>e shown in this production Ihe
burning of a ship in mid ocean, the r trujg
glers cave, the light house, the old boat
house, the shippl. g deck, the prison scene,
deck of the ship Petrel, the ships caliin
anil the beautiful tiopctf island scene.
Monday night Feb 25, will ' e lr-1 night.
Two persona lady and gen' 1 r two ladi s
will be admitted on one paid 30 cent ticket
price:-, 10-20 isd 30 MBta.
Administratrix's Sale of Real EsUts.
Parsuant to an order of the O'phan's
Court of Butler comity. I will offer tor sale
at public outcry on the premises on the
281 H DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1895.
at 10 o'clock, a m., of said day, all that
certain piece of land in Slippery rock town
ship, Butler county, hi und id on the uorttl
by lauds of Alex McCoy; on tile ea-t by
lauds of James liobinson; on ine south by
lands ol , and on the w« st by
lands of Win. McCoy, containing four acres
more or lea's, unimproved
TERMS OF 3alb: —Cash in hand ou eonfi
m at ion of sale.
Administratrix «l George Hines, deceased.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testament-try ou the estate ol
John Conrad Ssbanor, ilcc'd, late of W nitus
town, Butler Co., Pcnn'a., having be-n
granted to the i ndersignud, all persons
knowing theraselvo indebted to saiu eaiaic
will please make immediate payment,, aud
aby having claims against said estato will
present ttiem duly autoonticated for settle
ment to
Whitestuwu, pa.
W. D. BbaSDOS,
Notice is hereby giveu that AV. J. Marks
Assignee of Alex MoCruiuui has filed hi*
linal account in trie • ffice ol the Prothouo
tary ol the Court of Common I'leas of But
ler county at M S. D. No. 9 ot sept, term
1893 aud ttiat tbe said account will he p.t
sented for continuation and allowance • n
Saturday the !Kh clay of March A 1) 1895.
.Samuel 41. SEATO.N*
Prothonoiary's office Feb 12 1895.
Notice is hereby given that A M (Jhii.-tley
Assiguee of A. W Christy has filled his
final account in the office of the Court ot
i ommon <d' Butler county at M. S.
1). No. J2 Alarc.h term 1894 aud that thi
said account will be presented tor confirm
ution and all iwande on Saturday the 9 u
day of March 1895
Prothonatarv's office Feb. 12 1595.
Trustees' Sale in Partition,
By virtue of an order of the Orphans
Court inade on the 14th day of January.
18;i5, at 0. C. No. 71, March Term. 1894.
there will be exposed to sale at public out
cry on the preini-es in Oakland township.
Butler county Penna. on
SATURDAY Fkhruary 23, 1895.
at one o'clock P. M. of sa d day all the fol
lowing described real estate, bounded on
the north by lands ot .lames Patton's heir*
and W'm Jack, on the east by lands ol
John Henry's heirs, ou the south by lands
ot Obas. Duffy and on the west by lands of
John It. Bovard and Chas. Duffy contain
iug one hundred and live acres, mi re or
less, log house, log barn, frame stable, and
orchard of apple trees thereon, being ih>-
land owned by John Millinger in his lit.-
time and at the time ol his d<-ath, and bv
virtue of the proceedings in partition a' O.
C No. 54 September Term 1881 and 0. 0.
No. 71, March Term. 1H94. the same was
directed to be sold at public sale.
Trrms OP Salk Five hundred dollar
cash in hand v. hen the laud is knocked
down to the purchaser, one half of the
balance oil confirm i'tou of the sale by the
Court and the other bail' in one year, with
interest, to be secured by bond aud mort
gage on the premises, mortgage to contain
scire facias clause and attorneys com mis
sion of five per cent in case of collection
by procesi of law.
George E. Millinger,
W. J. Millinger,
Ralston & Greer, Trustees
By virtue of a writ of Kl. Ka. Issued out of
the Court or Common Pleas of Hntler county.
Pa , and to me directed, there will be exposed
to public sale at the Court House, in the boro
of Butler. Pa. on
Monday, the 4th Day of March,
A. D., 1895 at 1 o'clock r M . the lollowln;; de
scribed property, to-vvlt:
E. l>. No. 114, March Term. is,'. \\ V l'orc|uer.
at torney
All the right. ttlle l> t -rest, an I civ n of vVm
Foster aoo Mary J Foster, of. In and to a or
taln lot of ground situaied in Butler borough
Butler couutj a . hounded as lollows, to-wlt:
commencing lo u point at the i oiner of clevt
laud street and Northern Avenue, 'hence s..,ith
along said Northern Avtuue '< fee, to
lands ol ihotnas Niggle. thence weMward tiy
lands of Said I'liOUi is Nle 92 Icet, then i
northward along lanU ol said 1 liom.*s Niggle s;t
feet to Cleveland street, thence along Cleveland
street eastward 112 feet t place 01 beginning,
and having erected tnereoii a two story frame
dwelling house aud oilier outbuildings. Seized
and taken In execution as the projerty of Wil
li. iin Foster aud Mary J poster at the suit ol
John O'Netl.
r. Ll No 64, March T. is«s. 11 Walker and J B
Mates, A t'y.
A 1 the right title. Indent and claim of K o
Aaddel , 01. in aLd to <5 acres of Unil, uiorc or
less t-lluale In MailO' l»p.. Buuer t uu.it (*a
bounded as folio AS to wit: UN the noith oy
lands of Jos ,'iey, ea-tb Uncus of John D ifTj
and others, south by land , of l«wl- It nodes an i
w st by lands 'vin Meatoa io 11 tt A Hartley, Lav
iug a oue -tory iraiu dwelling hou f K nie
o.tru an i oili r outbuild ug thereon eiecn-J.vood
apple orchard alia In a fan slate of ■ uii.lv,n km
rv L i and lak-u m execu ion as the property of
K u W„dueli a tne sun ol Mrs Jaae F inert >n.
r, L» No 117 March 'l lSitj. Mi .lunkin tlaluralth
Ail the right, title. Inter st aud claim of VVm
U DavU and wary \ Davis, his wife, of. In and
lo a jerialn loi ot giouna. luore or less, liuate
In llutler boro, liuui'i to. I'a.bounded - fol, 'Wb
to->»lt: Ou 'he norm by Wus .-jt east by :ot No.
S In tue same plan ot lot . sou li by au a 1 ■■> a .d
west by lot No. 4 In ~aiue plau ol lots, lot
N .. 3 in Moses-iililVuU'.-plan of lots .n But lei*
noro, liaviug a frontage i'l 40 feet on said vVe t
siri et ana extending ba k maintaining tueaaine
width in icet lo abave m-ntioned alley, tjelag a
vacant lot. aud part of he -auie property conve
.-d 'o tae said win II Duvls b> Krankl n Mi let.
assign- e, by deed <;ate i ept aI. iH!>l,anU r cord
ed in Deed iiook 141. page 31J.
ALSO—Of. In and to a certain lot of ground
mole or less situated In outlet, I'a., ouuuued as
lollows, lo wit: Ou the north h» West ;:lreei
east b, lot of (iertie Uavls. sou'h by an alley
aud west by lot No 3of the sam> plan of lots,
oemg lot .No. -t 111 Moses >iilllv.tu - plan of lot
In said Butler horoug i. having a froutage of lu
feet ou said West si nut even ling bacK main
taining the same wld'n I j net. to above men
tioned alley said lot having melon erected a
iwo story slate roofed dwelling house and be
log a part ol the same property couve.ied to
Mild Win 11. Davis I>> 1 raiiKliii Miller assignee
hi deed ><laied sept L't Is:i4 and ittoiOed.ln
Deed book 14' page .112.
ALSO—Of. 11l awl to a certain lot of ground
more or less situated In Butler. I'a. bounded a
lollows, to vv i : On the north by vVes. e t. eat
y lot No ;i lu the sauie plan ol lot", south by an
alley, and west ny an alt-v or >ulluau ave'ioio
being lot No 4 III,Mose» Sullivan's plan of loth
n Butler horo, bavitig a iron' »kc of 411 feet on
said vveot si reel anil ex'eudltlg bai'k ill ilntalu
ing the same width llt leetto above incutlon
e,l alley said lolliaWng Uieieon er- eted a two
s.oiy shingle rooted dwelling house tod store
room combined and tiling pail 1 lii saiue
property e«nveyed 10 ~tu Win li li.ivls 0>
Krankltu vlilh-r asulguee tiv rtcc, dated -epl
is:d and rccor edit Isedbooi; 111 page ;,I'J
si. /.cil .mil laken In cv ailoi- as the property
of >vin. II Davis and Mary A. D.VLs, ins «v 1 1
a' 'lie suit oi Solomon .Malum to ase ol .1 1.
ANDKKW ti ' AMI'HKLL -ht riff.ju
SI er 111 i- < Hi' 1 t.i 1 ,ih. 1< 1. 11, is».\.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of adnnnistration having been
granted to the under- igned on the ei-tnle
ot Will an Lin*, dee'd. late ol Lancaster
twp, Butler 1 o , Pa . all persons k owing
thi-niselvi s indebted to said estate nil
pleuse make unaie iiate payment and ai •.
nuviiig claims agaili.-i said es ale will pi.
s-oit them duly authenticated lor settle
1U ut to
J N Kikkkk. Adm'r,
.Siitidic Line I.- ci f. O.
J. U. MATES att'y Uutler Co., Pa
IWtftfr Far.
-SfflffilFFSS SALSS.
By virtue ol sundry %> rtt-. <»r \ er. Kt . I":. K...
Lev. Pa.. Sc.. issued oui of the Coon of common
Pi.- is of Butl-r Co.. f i . t > ■- ;re •• 1
there wUI t-e e\p •- s :<> |-ti i the
i court How, In the horoug'-i of ISu' r. n
Friday, the Ist day of March,
A. D. 1895. at t o'clock r. the folio*log de
scribed property, 10-wit:
< j£ 0 No. 103, Marcli Term. !• •. K
Q«ii attorney*
! All the rhrtit. title. Interest nd • i ti of
j Johanna Wulier of. in and to a ceil-in ot
j giouud sit ate. !u liutler borough i'.it, r
i county. Pa. bounded as follow .to wtt; ' u ' e
I north by let ol v\ K Itals'ou, eat-' b> Main S',
I south bv lot of Christ Stock an i an alley, west
jby lot of ti I' Scott, wuii at od two -t br: k
! building. used as a -''•re room a.n.l dwelling
.iOtmm Maftd, erected thereon laid nav
i liu a frontsge . I 22 feet r>u MUu street i .1 ex
tending back eighty (so feet, m- e or Us-, to
sai'i western boundary. WIIK-'.I is l-_* r- . i. r
or less in width.
ALSO—Of in. and to a certain lot of ground
situated lu Butler boiougb. Butler ■ < >. I'a,
bounded a>< follows. to-wit: On the hurt
lot of Larkln, east l y lot of Jrhauna Wull'-r,
south by Centre Avenue, wes by lot of Larain,
said lot having a frontage o. lo t--et, more or
less, on Centre Avenue, and extending back o
feet moie or less, to 'he norther,. boundary,
with a good two-story frame dwelling lion -
erected thereon.
ALSO—Of. in and to a e> ri :ui! 1... of »r-> .n-i
!t uttted in But er for- igh. Bu u)t o.tt.ty ■ «.
'■Ounned asllows to wli: Ou th. net h b}
.jt o Lark In. east by lot of K u.< rer. sout.i b>
t etitre avenue, west by on er lot ol .1..
w uiier. said lot having a nMtagi olieieel on
Centre avenue and extending back the same
width 5a feet to the northern ooundary . with a
huge brick building, Used as a n e.hug house
an-.i store room, erected thereon.
ALSO—Of. in and to a certain lot of ground
situated lu Builer borough. Butler eouii.y I'a,
hounded as 10110 s, to-«if: On the north by
st Peter's church property. east b> • arnah ta
heirs.south by an aile.i .west h> 1 raukliu street
said lot having a MUM oi HO i, 1. n. r- Of
less, on Fr nkl,j. street, am! c-xtetid a, i.aek
tt« ieet. more or less, aud having a good bnok
awelling house, frame stable aud other ou r
butlalngs erected thereon.
ALM>--01, tu and lo a ert .ill lot Ol R
Situated In Builer boriiUgu, Builer > uuul a.
bounded «s lollows. to-wit: On the north by
Jefferson street, east b; lot of Pi lo v heirs,
soutn t>y lot of Pi' BlkMMlt, we.s uy 10. ol
John Lefever. Said lot having a tr-.;.t:ig-! of
ieet, more or less, on said .felTer- u street
and extending back to tlie southern boundary
of said lot lh<- .time width 60 let t. more or loss,
aim having a good two-story frame dwelling
house erected thereou
ALSO—Of. in and to a certain lot of ground
situated in But ler borough Butler county li
bounded as follows, to-wii: Ou tue uoitli by
lot ut eh as Duffy, east by tlm street, south by
an alley, west bv an alley said lot being t' by
160 feet, more or less, and having a t -J -.toiy
name dwelling house erected tuereon. sewed
ami liken ill exeeution as the properly ot
Johanna W uiier at the suit of J jua Law all.
Test D No 9, March Term. • -il U
attorney .
All the right, title and iirerest and cl ilr.i o!
William Poster of. in and to a certain lot of
grown! situated Iti Butler borough, Butler
county i'a, hounded as follows, to wit- Coat
nieucing at a point at lue i jrner of < !e,,-laiid
street and Northern avenue, thence south a
long said Northern avenue si feei to iauds ot
Thorn-is Nl&ile, thence westward by lands oi
said Thomas Niggle a-J fee.. theuee northward
along lauds of said 1 nomas Niggle s;-, i- i to
< leveland stieef, thence along i ieveland street
eastward 92 feet to place ot Meginnl ,g. and
having ere, ted thereou a two story traino
uwelling house and other out bull lings Seize i
and taken in execution as tue properly of
William Poster at the suit ot M E Beally,
£L> No 17 March Term. lsn',. Lev vlcljulafcon.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Lawsou K Brackney, ot. in an-, a certain lo'
of grouud situated in Biii-ier b roit.o. Butler
county, i'a.. bounded a.-* foilow-,, to wit: i>
ginning at the southeast corner of l alrview ind
lieia being ihe nortuwe-t eoroer of lot,
thence south 1 W>-Stßo feet along the easl sule
ol Pairview Avenue to lot .NoB. lueuee ea« t
south tas>4 feet lo an alley. theuee north l east
M feet along said alley to Beta Way, thence
west l north 138 feet along said li'-la Way to
Pairview Avenue the place ol beginning, ohJ
being lots No. C ahd Tln \S 1 Brugu's piau ot
lots in >ald borough, with a good two story
frame dwelling house ami f.auic-oarn and other
out buildings erected thereon, seized and taken
in execution as the pioperty-ot Laws 11 £
Braekney at the suit of Mrs Helen Utckea-ou,
lor Use ot »V F Tamer.
£ D No, 80 nnd.loii Mar.-h, Term 1895. J W
Hutchl on.atlorney.
All the right, Itle, lute ect ond c'iaoaot li
haiu II Davis of, m and lo ail til tl, It «lti lot ■.!
.round more or iess.siia,tied hi I;u 1 1 i o uouga
B'tlter county. Pa., ooUnaeo as loilows. ti .-u:
tfn the north by West str> '-t. east oy iol ol
(ievlle IJavls, south by an alley, and west «.>
lot No 3 of the same plan ollot-, oi-his, 1-t N <:
in Moses Sullivan's plan ot lots la Bu.ier
norough. having a frontage ot w feet on said
■ > est strett aud exte oiing back, maintaining
the same width,ll2 fl. to above mentioned aile.v.
>ald lot having theron erected a two-story slate
root dwelling house, said being a pan of the
same property conveyed to said William il
Davis by Franklin Miller, assignee, by titled
dated September 21th. lsol, and recorded lu
deed book Hi, page 312.
ALSO—Of. in and to all that certain loi of
ground, more or less, situated tu Butler
borough, Butler county. I'a .bounded as follows
to-wit: Oh tile north by West street, east, by
lot No 2, iu the same plan of lots, south by an
alley, and west by 10l Sol In the same pi in ot
lots, being lot No 3 in Moses Sullivan's planoi
lots 111 Butler boro, havlu„ a mintage ol 40 feet
xin said West street aud exttndlug back main
taining tlifi same width, 112 teel 10 abov ; , m-u
--uoued alley, being a Vacant lot and part of tin.
same property conveyed to the sai l William II
tJaVls by Pranklui Aliiier, assignee, uy deed
dated SepteUloer 21. 18111, and recorded lu 11— 1
Book ill, page3l2.
ALSO—Of, n and to all that certain lot oi
grouud, more or less, sltu.i led tu Butler borj,
Butler county. Pa., bouudtd as follows, to »'n:
tin the liortn liy We l stieei, east by lot Ni3
til tne same pts-u ot lots, south Oy an alley, aud
west by an alley, or Sullivan avenue, being lot
No iiu .\loses Sulliv.iu s pi in ot lots lu Bu.h-r
borough, having a frontage ot to feet on said
•>e->t si reel, uid extending bae-, inaliitalnliig
ihe same widt.il, 112 feel totlicabove mentioned
alley, said lot Hiving thereou erected a two
story shingle roofed tl welling house and toi c
room coutbiued, aud being part ol the same
property convey ed'to said iVllhain II Davis lij
i'ranklln Miller, aaslguee, by deed dated Sep
iember2ti.li. 1891. and recorded indeed hook
lit, page 312. Seized aud taken ill execution as
the property Of William ll Davis at ihe suit ot
J W iiutcuison. trustee.
£ D No 102, March Term, 189.3. J W Hutchison,
All the right, title, Interest and claim of M
W Barnes, of. in aud to sixty -four acres of laud,
more or less, situated in Harrisvllle borough.
Builer county. I'a., bounded as follows. I i wit:
Being the undivided out* hah interest iu all th ,i
certain piece or parcel ol land situate in said
ooiough, Buuer county aud stale ot I'enu-vI
vauia. ou the norm uy lauds of Mr £ Black, It
Li tunmins aud Mrs Mary Iviur, east by lauds
oi It L Brown, Mrs .Marj Ivmg aud au alley,
aoutu by public roatl known as Mercer Turn
pike, and west by lauds ot »V K Brown aud It I,
Cummins. Seized and lakeu In executi u a.-.
Hit property ol tl W Barnes al Hie s tit. ot Wil
liain Blaciv Morrow.
K DNo Iftl, Marco Tenn 1 » , lialslou Jt Oreer
All ihe right, title, interst and claim of l-'uilly
vloulgomery, 01, in aud to a certain lot of
ground Situated lu SiXouburg borough, Biitler
cOdUty, i'a . bounded as 10110 .VK, lowa. On the
north by 10l oi lien,y Kuoch.east oy lands ol
i.eosoer aud iloi u. soutn oy lands oi liar-o oi,
west by laua ol Leu.iuer and uaviog a
mo -lory name dwelling UoUseerected thereou,
sel/etl and taken in execution as lue properly
ol tuntly Montgomery al lue .->u>l oi Mary i-.
tieiliiboid, aduuutslratrix ot Tueodore rielui
■ 'Oiu, deceased.
B, i» No si, March Term 159",. Brandon attorney
Ah tue rig ut, tuie, interest aud claim ol Win
or w M llcivlu 01, in ,u > to IWen-y > i,'Ul acies
of land, mure or less situated in .Muddycieei,
townsnlp, Butler county, i'a. bounded as ioI
IOWS, 10-wh: tin the north by lauds of James
-icott, Jr , el al., easl bj lauds ol i hal los \\ uue
souih oy lauds of 11 . Melviu, west oy iau.li ol
Charlotte Lock's heirs, auo oeing p.r ly clear
ed, seized and lakeu in execution as lue
pto. erty ol Win or W Al Melvi al the suit ol
A J Francis.
KDNO7S March Term, lsiio Kalston & tircer,
ill the light, title, interest aud claim ol
lieorgtt 11 tiranam, of. iu au i lo Lao-n inore l
ana seventy -live acres of land, more or
less, sn uate.l lu Clay tow nsnlp. Uuiier e i ll! ~
,'a. bounded as follows, 10-wit: 0.1 the north
oy lands ol John vv ilson now iuos Jam.sou,
east uy I aid t'f I'uai les McClUug, south by
.auds of Kebeciju MoKISSICK, t-t al.. west by
lauds ol J J .vliher, cl al and Known as ihe
J 1\ Christie laiui, having a one t ,iy fraiu.
welling house and log barn, iraaie
stabie and oilier out outldliigs erected
thereon, having an orcuard, land
mostly cleared and hi lau slate oi cultivation
a-izeti autl taken lu e \t-eul ion as tlie property
ol ueorge li uraham ~i tin- suit ,f vViiii.uu
1-. i> .so 61, March Term, ls:o. Wil Litsk utt'y.
All the right. Mile, interest and claim ol
Joseph Suiitu and Herbert W Smith of, in and
u> a certain lot oi ground si ualed in Butlei
uoiougu. llutn-r County, t'a., bounded as fol
lows to wn: On the norih by West D street,
ewsi by loio( vvelmer, souin by au alley, we t
Oy lot ol 1' lluibllu, said 10l having a lrontage
tii 40 feet on Weal ll ,-treel, autl exleuaiug
sotu hwaid 111 it-oi to M|iiKilo), having a two
stoiy iraine d<v ml lug house anil name stable
erected thereon. Seizeu aud lakeu ui e.\et;u
tion as the pioperty ol Joseph Smith aud lier-
UMtW Minlh al IU" suit ol Jan.-s l.i in MIII
10. use olli U Ainleison. now £ol use ol .1 I
A nilo is on 0
Ku No 104. March term, !>:!.'>. StcOnlstion.att'.v
All llie right, title, interest and claim o, Kzra
St e war I. 01. lu and to i worn y-live a- es ol lau i
more or less, sltuaicd hi Cherry lotvnsuip, B li
ter county i'a.. bounded as follow- luwit:
ileguihing at the southwest corner at a post,
th *ncc Oy lands ol Davul steaar and Win ,d
»uira uoriu 3 1-2 deg east 91 perch s lo a post,
tnence 0y lan is ol Wlu .11 Shlra and ueiis of
Jei vis Tlhkcr south 8S dog ,-,ist li peri lies lo ,»
t ,OSI, their eh.. lin ■ ol 11 M and J GStetndorf
.south 3 1-2 Ut-g west 91 perches to a post iheuce
hy lauds ol a\ld ait-wai Iss deg west 44 pereli
es lo the place oi beginning.liuvlng a two-story
ir.iiue owi-lhng house, staoie aud otuer oui
butldi gs erected then tin. Seized aud tan en lu
xi culiou as ilk tiropei i> t» Ezra oiewan al
ihe sun ol i'Ue Warder itusuucil and Uleasner
£I)No 12 March term, Ih:g. McJtihkiu ,V '! i,l—
breath, attorneys
All the right, title, interest mil claim ut
Ueorge Bauidaul exe otor of llenrt ll.il I oil.
deceased, ahd Ueorge Baltlauf an l flenr, "al
il ,U(. ferre lellaUlS. 01, 111 alio to Ho aeies ot
i imi. more or less, situated in Sum mi loan
siilp.liul.tr count ~ I'a, lioouded as 10110-v '
iu wit: Iteginnlug at a vvlnieo !K al ihe s d'h-I
Ma wrtw -,i oi- Dan .t-l Wunder ly tra ,1
till lice South 88 (leg West 21 l)«ichi» to a po.i,
I euce lioriu 2 tleg we.M 121 here lit s to a oos
and bileoak. tln-nee norih s .leg east 3y i j
pt relies to a post, tht-uce iiurth 2 oeg west 112
perches to a post, theuee by lan,is form* 1
of surah Collins north Ss oeg e isl oj I 2 perches
to »■ pust, thence by lands now ur formerly o
lsihullsouth2dege.ist2.il perches to a po-a,
theuee by lands uow or loiuierly ol I'atiei sou I
heirs south 88 Oeg west 71 perches tu the puce
ol oeg Inning, being the same piece of lan i ,mi |
veyeo by Henry Baldniif el ux IO U.-ury Bt, ;
d«ui by dee i recorded in iee l booK pa;e I
;2i having aI an story frame dwelling hoi|-e j
1.1 ~aru. oi U.ild ant uiher ouibUildtugs
cree'eu ilieieou
Al O Oi. in and lo rv. iuy a. ie< of land,
more ur less, snutfeo 1 r» im .-It to.HMihlp.
liu' It r county fa bound-il as rmiti-.s. ui-wu ;
lie unlug at i post at tue souinwes oruer.
1 . nee lo lauds of I Hi lie uorib 1 12 tit
West aT 1-a perches lo a olackoas,. thence by
,yyAis'uf naiirfi- Ahtth deg wwt is i-j perched
fo a |*><' t.ear .shirt-rj, iber.e- by li.ii >;
lil.-riliiurr north t 1-1 >l. * ••••• «♦%-;« ; • rc!ie*
to flie '-i ntrt- liiitof Vli If. id«!«.•• tu«
centre line ui mKI n k . r. t._- cl#v t-»-r iz
I-.: r he- th"'iCf» • ».t <li-g
' i-aa; --prrcaes to a po»t :n centre Hue of s*ki
K K. thrn • nth - •' -if <s> .! o
shfii.v ■ nh 1 d>r f.i t U I i ! ■■.re - to »
post th»" i> o>*r, tbener by 1 ll iui
• 14-it ».-• t2U u j i rcix* IJ ti.« p.i i- ut
N- .-miilii,'. tv.r./ of l.md I- I;.
xvvt d l>> Uear.. >> ui l" ll< lury B«l
--ted feg (|m4 noorM to EMrntf BMk If PMC*
:j| having a two-sturj tt urif ti» - Llnjt h ■
frame barn ami <nuer MilDuldlMt fixcM
, , Ui«*r m. soli* I Ml.« r • •• ill vv:f in as the
pro|w-itj ol ti»orge B-»l .i <•*"=• of Hear IWI
(Hut. dee'd, iUid Gears" tlauw*ai and ll>-kr)
, bMtir, I rrr IfiMntn the -a.t vi Ju*l»l.
i . • .i.i. for use of liit ij 1 >i ul»u miki N -I
El> No's j). 74. 100. and iMarch t-T.il, isii.
Ti. impsou & Son an . llr.u- ;on ait»rtt*< -
Al- !IM* risot mi- lii . »i ai..s eli:m i
<' haviwm. of® in anojt ihtrti-t ne air« > i-l i .1..1
, ii;.>r*' or - sliua! iln l'r.u&t*<-rr> lunnuilp.
• ' iillt-r - .ii-.ty. Pa, i; ush-i f iiu..®. i -n:u
a the ciirni r -»t ;i It li d > ol l-i -1
..-.s-jn ana l)>v:d C- rV r-.'U--.- >-i,... i-i
' 1:i 4 ih-,' vvc-t p r-, e tii the Und-t Jvitin
U.ihiujt. lHwiy nori.i : j t 77
perches to a private rJul. Cora. • '..-■n,' -ui
1 1 prtftMlMt MMMkrail parallel trim IUM M
; t.eorite Uavt!»B7 2-iu perc 1-to 1 pui.ii- r.>ad.
, ibenee along »at<l puoue ruati -ouih 4 <l.*,
peit Lrs to the place < f tiegiiiuliiK® having a
iry houae, barn <md other v
j llulhlll '--.1 UwrWMU V ii.-l aivl UKrU I*
n«MtM a» i .. . - v.i: Mac UtDta*
■■l the H'lit Ol Andrea i. f' al.
I KKMS OF SALBi-ite .• * «jn*t be
-tr. city compiled with when prope: 1 j .0 a
1. '.Yarn the plaintiff or ofh r lu-11 ereditoi
l>tcoiu.-3 the piireliav r the coal on Ui«* «rn
I must oe paid and a il.il ol the Hens Including
'•« ' 'K-i-e senrche.s o<> the jn\>p.-rty sold to
-i her with sU' 11 lien c."editor's receipt* for the
j amount oi tue proceeds ■ 1 ; the >ale or such por
' Hon tii-reof as he maj claim tnu-t be furnished
! lue ijhei iil.
i L'. All bids must t -■ pul In f 1:1.
I 3. Ail sates not set tied immediately will be
; continued until l o'clock P. a. J n-'vi «las. at
j which time vli iiropert.-. tl j; - ale.l f>>r wtli
lie ouu up and s 11.1 at the expense Mid
i risk of the person to wuoiti Ir.-.t sold,
j **ee I'urd-ni's MgU . .-lii,-., pa.e 4i6.
I an'l Mnitu's :'orn>. ■ ,i<:.
AMIKKA t; .VilPaeLL. Slier; r.
( SUenft's oaioe, Uutl r. : *a Jm ; isr®.
A Suggestion.
■T? p ~
J" • swam
B R - . -J asout /
: ; ;, f :!ms]
1,. ' • • V v.. : ,'' tJZ
tp • /1 k ®>r ri= =c
L n'jif | \
Did it over occur to that there are
drugs and drags—-that drtisr< are like every
thmg i»lse —there are je«od, bad and indif
ferent. Th>*re is nothing else which is
positively b.id if it is'nt just <>f the best.
Our policy has always been to have noth
ing but the best.
When you wunt drugs come t<> us and be
assured i»f fresh pure goods, and always
what yon ask for or your prescription calls
lor. Ft may not alwat sbe drugs you want
either.. We always have on hand a full
line of sick room requisites.
Diamond Bluck, - Butler, Pa.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Hutier county, Pa., at 0. C. No.
!»4 March Term, 1895, and to me directed,l
will on
THURS DAY, i- EB. 28, 1895,
af 1 p.m., expose to public sale on the
premises in Lancaster twp., Butler Co., Fa.
• the following real estate, lete the property
nf Win. Luu, dec'il; to-wit, nil that certain
tract and messuage of lanil situate in Lan
caster twp., Hutier Co., l'a., bounded and
described as follews 10-wit: Ou the north
by lands ol W. S. Duncan and Andrew
Scheideaiantle. on tie east by lauds of
Mis. Schuler and I'dblic road, ou tbe
south by public road and lands of Fred
B cholta and ou the west by lauds of C. 11.
Druuhel au Wm. ltice. containing 80 acres,
>vith log bouse, log burn and outbuildiugs
One-third cash on approval of sale by the
Court and the baUnc ■ 111 two equal annuil
payments secured by j nlgment boud and
in irtg.ige ou the preiuises'bearing interest
and an attorneys commission of live per
cent for collection, with privilege ol pay
lug cash.
J. N. KIUKKR, Adiu'r.
of Wm. Lutz, dee'd.
Middle Lancaster, Pa.
B. B.
Fashions favorile design for
Dress Fabrics in
Silk, Wool or Wash Goods
Nut only fur eutire Suits at d
li WIIS, but for separate Skirts at.d
•Vaists to wear willj odd Skirts
Some recent extraordinary pur
chases will give you uaiHual oppor
tunity to buy tine, stylish Imported
Plaids at prices we believe never be
fore attempted ou equal qualities auil
Note a few specials:
Fiue All-Wool 50-inch Serge
Plaids—medium-sized plaid—*> dif
ferent color combinations, all new
and stylish $1 2'< values at 8-"> cents
a yard.
Fine Siik aud W'»ol Imported
Pla ds 8 diff rent
luches wide — SI.OO value, 75 cents.
Choice, Fine Imported Plaids,
dark Navy, Uaruet, Tau, (Jre«n,
Ijrown, M »de, etc., etc, birred in
Silk lines of bright tind contrasting
colors—stylish effects—3B iachoa
wide, 65 cents.
One|hot All wool French Plaids
medium and dark colorings—3B
inches wide, 50 cents a yard.
Silk Mixed Plaids—light, me
dium and dark colors—3<> and 38
inches wide, 25 cents a yard.
The bea-ity of these new anH band
some Stuff* can only be appreciated
wiieu seen. Come, or write our
Mail Oder Department for sam
ples of them. .See about American
Dress (Joods and suitings at 15c
25, and 35c. Also Kiue Imported
Suitings, 50c to $3 50,
All orders receive prompt attention.
Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
' VI.K. WICK Fr»*.
| 1. Ml. kr.l I'KKKtt. Vl» l"rM.
|, ■> ItJl Mill. «ll'l
Ulr« Wii-lt, ii-ndnrion Oliver,
. pr. W. 11-vln •' oiifo .Htrphriinou,
vV. W in.'- .more, "• Welwel
t . H"wni 1 • 11. J. Kllngli-r
• ; - \-Mii'"er. It is. Un,
U Itenno. toliu ICocmut:
Where a Short PDRSE
Men s Suits and Overcoats.
Hoys Nuts aud urnislnng Goods
must be sold, we need the room and the
shelves must be cleared for Spring Goods.
All Winter Goods sold at cost—this
means a reduction of 25 per cent.
Come and see for yourself. This is
no humbug. We mean what we say,
104 S. Main St., Butler, ] %
For 30 Days Only.
All Wool Cheviot, $i 50. Hair Line Cassimere. 50.
Heavy Scotch Goods, S2OO. Fancy Worsteds, $4 00.
•, w . , a- Wool Filled Men's Jean
Riverside Worsteds, $4 00 t _ .u <t u ■ .
| rants, 55c worth $1 Boys 50c
Special for 30 days.
ScHaul S Nast,
Lea dirt 4 Clottj iers, 137 S. Main St-, Butl«r t Pa.
Space is reserved for
Douthett & Graham's
Cooper Si Co • » Having received a full uaort>
11-| g ment of the latest novelties in
Foreign and Domestic Woolens
T O j la|*C
I CIIIvFI suitable for Spring trad#, we are
prepared to make suits to order at prices which will defy all compe
tition in Ouality, Style, Fit and Workmanship. Call and be coa
vinced before leaving your order for
A. Sprirys Suit.
Rear of Wick House,
Butler, Pa.
The beat of horses and first class
rig* always oa band and for bire.
Beat accommodations in town for
permanent boardinsr and transient
trade. Special care guaranteed.
Stoble room for sixty-five horses.
A good clans of horses,both drivers
and draft horses. alwayß on hand and
for sale under a lull guarantee; and
horses bought upon proper notifi
cation by 11. SEANOR-
Butler Dye Worka,
210 Cmtr* Ateaae.
Bctlkb, Pa.
Save 20
Per Cent,
By bringing your dyeing d
rt-ct to our place. We have doue awav with
ur agents and propose giving our patrons
1 liti In-iietit. t'ome aud bring your work and
we can tell you just what can be done to it,
thus avoidiug the misunderstanding and in
competency ot'ageuU. If you cannot co«o»
send 11* a postal acd we will call on you.
R. Fisher.
-ft 1" FHQf J L £/^7\
. .-y s™*
Vtl. .M f, . f
LAT3I ASr:ifiOT ie:7:IS.
,Vo GUARANTEE a CURE or rtfund your money,
i'l-lrc *,-..00p.-rhottl*, Send* Q tortr*Mi»*
1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any
' case of heaves in horses in forty days,
used according to directions, and if it does
not do what 1 claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charge! will be
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicines power to cure:
A. J. MCCavdlhss,
Butler, Pa., 1893.
MR. A. J. MCCandlkss:
On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com
menced to use your new cure for one of
j.y torses that bad the heaves very bad,
and continued to use the medioine for
about forty days and the horse did not
show any signs of a retuin of tnem. It 1*
uow about a year since I qnit givin the
medicine and the horse has never sowed
any sif tis of heaves, and I feel stiffied
lhat he is properly cured.
Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893.
A. J. MCCandlkss:
I have used your Heave Care and found
it will do the work if used accordng to dQ
rectiuns. Yonrs truly,
Southside Restaurant
No. 211 Centre Avenue, (Whit
mire building,) convenient to P.
W. depot. Open all hoorc All
kind of lunches and regalar meal*.
Tobacco and Cigar*, fine confections
bnU everything to be found in a
first class Restaurant. Give as ft
call and we wtll do our best to ft*
commodate you.
W ' J * IbNfß.
by A iu**rica's li irat£Bt 11 umorUt,
t vt-ry one ot hi* previous books have had lm»
meiise sales. Ills new book sun.asses anything
IK' has Heretofore written. Two stories In one
volume, A Traced; and a Cum djr. A great
i liaiice fur oge.iU). We give exclusive territory