THE CITIZEN" ■•Urtd *t Po»tofflr» at B«tl»r as 24 flaw -atter WILLI!* C. lUtn, - PabllUe THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21.1W5. Vicioua Legislation. A bill, which has already passed the State Senate and which is now pending in the Honse, reads as follows: Sec 1. Be 1t enacted by the Senate and Ho^wr^f-Kepn" ,ent '» tiT ® 8 th ® moU ■"•luflThofPennsylvania in General Assem- met Ldit J hereby enacted bj the authoritv of tbe same That every city and bornugh'shall have power and Waterworks consent to the construction of water works irithin the limit of its territory or any por tion thereof for the supply of water to tbe public and no company hereafter incorpo rated for such purpose shall enter upon any street OT highway within any city or borough tor the purpose of constructing or extending any part of its plant or works without first procuring the consent local authorities Every city or granting such consent may in addition to providing reasonable regulations tor the public convenience and safety impose such reaso: able conditions as it may deem proper in relation to the construction of such works or plant and also stipulate for and agree upon terms on which such city or borough may at any time acquire tne plant or works of sncb company or require or take a supply ot water therefrom Sec. 2. Every city and borough shall have the power of eminent domain so as to enable it to acquire by purchase or con demnation the plant or works of any com pany incorporated fcr and supplying water within tbe limits oi such municipality and before any city or borough purcbase oonstruct maintain or operate any water works or plant of its own or procure water to be supplied to the public in any portion •fits territory already supplied by any company incorporated for such purpose such city or borough shall purchase or ac quire the works and property of such com- L r within such distnet and so much thereof located outside of such district a» neb city or borough may require at a pnee to be agreed upon and in case of fail ure to agree upon such pnee such city or boroagh shall pay therefor such damages as shall be awarded to such company the same to be ascertained in the tollowing manner that is to sav Upon the present ation to the court of common pleas ot tne proper county setting forth the premises and describing tbe plant or works mtend ed to be taken the court shall alter 10 days notice to tbe company interested appoint 5 disinterested persons as viewers etc Provided That this act shall not apply to boroughs which have already purchased their water works and wish to enlarge the same by additional purchases or by laying additional pipe lines or providing addition al hydrants for the accommodation and protection ol the people a»d property ot said boroughs It will be the first section is a mere rehash of the present corporate powers of cities and boroughs regarding water companies, but section 2 contains something new in these words:"before any city or borough shall purchase, construct, maintain, or operate any water works or plant of its own or procure water to be sup plied to tbe public in any portion of its territory already supplied by any company incorporated for such purpose; such city or borough shall purchase or acquire the works and property of such companies," etc. These worde are a direct blow at the corporate rights of cities and boroughs. They mean tbat we cannot help or better ourselves without fiist shouldering the property of a corporation whose service has become unsatisfactory, and therefore at a meeting of citsons of this town last Thurs day, the following resolutions were adopt ed: Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that senate bill No. 48, and now pending in tho legislature of the state, is not only unconstitutional and vicious but an outrage npon citueus, taxpayers and the people of the borough of Butler and ot every borough in the state who are receiv ing their water 3upply from corporations or private individuals. Therefore be it. Resolved, That we assert the right of this borough and of every borough in the state in their municipal capacity, and whenever they so desire and do it to furnish their people with pure, good water wituout be uig forced to buy at an exhorbitant price a lot of juuk that is practically worthiest and useless. Resolved, That the senator from this district aud representatives from this coun ty be requested to use all and every honor able means to defeat the passage ot this bill by tbe legislature ot this state. The bill has already passed the Senate, and Senator Meredith who has an interest in the Water Works here was one of its champions, but it should be defeated in the House it possible. It is a dangerous bill, everyway. The words "or procure water to be suppled to the public in any portion of its territory, etc., might be construed as operating a gainst the granting of the use of the streets by council to joint stock companies sucti as the one in existence in our First Ward to-day. In one year and a half the public debt has increased 33 per cent, and this in times of peace. If we should be so unlortunate as to be involved in a war the nation would noon be bankrupt. Harrisburg Notes. The proposed investigation of the local government of Phil's. was the chief topic among legislators, Thursday, but, in the Senate that day Mr. Kaufman protested against increasing officers and salaries, but the bill then under consideration increas ing the salary of a type writer from SI,OOO to $1,200 went through. Tbe House Committee on Education re ported a bill changing the method of grant ing certificates to teachers. Instead of {lermittmg the teachers' institutes to se ed the committee, as is now done, the bill provides that the county superinten dent and two teachers, with two others to be selected by the Htate Superintendent, shall constitute tbe board of examiners. Gov Hastings swung his veto axe, last Saturday, for the first time, and chopped the head off the bill giving Wasbihgtou Co. an additional law judge. In his Teto-message he gives a resume of the legal business of that county for 1894, which is little, if any, larger than that ol this county. The bill creating a Department of agri culture passed tbe House finally ou Thurs day. Thus far the farmers bave every thing they have asked tor in this Legisla ture. IF the Legislature at Harrisburg, an I Governor Hastings, do not waut to diss:- pate the two hundred and fifty thousand majority or thereabouts by which they were electe.t they should call a decided halt on the proposed legislation creating needless officers at large salaries, iucrea* ing vbe salaries of old officers e.ud on reek less appropriations generally. With busi ness depressing aud taxes burdeusome, on the one band, and the purchasing power of a salary never so great is now neith er the people or the perty are iu a mood to be I'irther and needlessly burdened by rwikless expenditures of the public money. A halt can not be called to.i soon nor too decidedly. —EJC Tilli repe passed, and thus prevent an extra cession. ACCOKUINU to statistics there are 6,136 people making laws for this country. The othet 65,000,000 are trying to keep the laws already made, aud are not succeed ing very well is ouor insttacw. A Cheeky Judge. I*p in Franklin, Judge Taylor of Venan go Co., was, according to the gossip of the town, canght in the act of making an as i situation house out of the court house, and on the 4th of January he entered the Sher iffs office and did assault and beat and at tempt to shoot one of the deputy sheriffs. The deputy sheriff informed against him, Judge Taylor waifed a bearing and gave bail for court, and the Grand Jury found a true bill against him for assault with in tent to kill. The case was postponed by Judge Hen derson on account ot the tes-.mony of phy sicians as to Taylors for trial and yet Taylor has been holding court there right along. One of the Franklin papers of last week published a complete record of the case, and sums up as follows: Ou the showing which is made by the above record, a number of self evident propositions are deducible. 1 II Judgu Taylor was "physically and mentally until" for trial on Jan 31, he was likewise unlit to sit in his judicial capacity on that day. ..... ... u 2 If he is unfortunately liable to attacks of"'spasmodic insanity," he was out ot place on the bench this week. 3.Thw argument which makes him nnnt to undergo trial by reason of mental and phys ical disability and liability to spasmadie aberration also takes him trom the judicial bench by reason ot unfitness. . We simply iollow the inflexible logic ot this matter. There is no disposition in this community to persecute Judge Taylor. His friends, in making assertions to the contrary, merely call attention to the re markable moderation and toleration thai has been shown toward him. We hope he may prove himself innocent of the lelony that is laid at his door, lie and bis friends, however, have "queered" the case by post poning its trial on grounds which, it valid, establish his incapacity tor service on the bench. The real issue cannot be befogged. What did Judge Taylor do to M.M. Sbomaker on the afternoon .of Jan. 4J Ibat is the question. The ridiculous manner of evading it has injured him and made Venango county a laughing spectacle for the country. A meeting of the \ enango county Bar. at which about thirty members were pres ent, was held in the Court House last Sat urday alternoon and it was voted by a large majority to take steps for the im peachment and removal of Judge Taylor from the bench. The proceedings began by the report of the committee which had been appointed to investigate the record of Jndge Taylor. W. J. Breeae, in behalf of the committee, submitted a report reciting that the testi mony taken by the committee shows that Judge Taylor is and has been for some tim e mentally incapacitated tor the duties of bis office, and that his conduct has been immoral, arbitrary, vindictive, and sub versive ol justice. A memorial wi'l be presented to the House at Harrisburg asking that he be im pi-ached. If this is ordered, the Senate sits as a jury in the case,and if found guilty the GoTernor removes him, and appoints bis successor. THK richest man in Congress is Repre sentative feorg, ot Ohio He is a tobacco nist and is worth $15,000,000. Brownsdale Scraps. Jaca Frost still reigns, seemingly bent on holding everything in his icy grasp. Tbere has been much sickness in onr little village this winter. Mrs. Geo. Miller is recovering from a very severe attack of neuralgia of the heart. Geo. Hay who was confined to the house for four or live weeks with sore eyes, is able to be about again, his sickness was very annoying to him, from the fact that it came at a time when he was busy col lecting the taxes of Penn twp, yet not withstanding this siege of oickui-ss ho has succeeded in collecting nearly all of the taxes, and can be put dowu as one of the successful tax collectors ot the county. Samuel McCandless and his son Carl have almost recovered from their recent sickness. We are glad to note the fact that Jose phine dart, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hart is able to be about again. Mr. J. I) Martin's family have nearly all been sick, but are able to be about again. John Nicklass was laid up for a week with a severe cold, but is able to work again. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Douthett have been on the sick list, and their ailment seems to be of a Grippe character. They are able to be about again. Miss Jennie Smith of Allegheny is visit ing at Geo. Hayß. Mrs. Jane B. Doathett has gone to But ler to visit her son Win G Doutbett ot tbe firm'of Douthett 4 Graham clothiers of But ler ta. Dr. H. S. McClymonds of Renfrew is a welcome visitor in Brownsdale these days. Mr. W. S. Doutbett can be seen almost every day driving his noted horse Butler Chief 2 25, in tbe sleigh. He makes an elegant sleigh horse. The entertainment given by Kev. E. C Paxton in the U. P. church was well re ceived and highly appreciated. Mr. D. D Dodds came down from G rove City to at tend the entertainment. Mr. John Hart had his hand badly hurt while working on a well in the Coopers town district. Our supervisors have beea busy opeaing the roads, where they were drifted by the late storm. The drilling well on ex-Sheriff Brown's ftrm will reach the hundred foot sand be fore long. They have had good success so far on this well. Miss Mary Bennett of Coaltown is again in our vicinity making her home at A. M Douthett's Mr. Tbos. Martin has been sick for about about four weeks. He does not recover as fast as his friends would like to see but we all hope tbat he will bo up soon. Tbe cutting of James Douthett's timber is almost completed, but the saw mill has beec stopped for over a week for the want of wat er. We all shall be happy indeed when we shall hear the sound of tbe blue bird in tbe land and wh>n the robin shall come from that warm clime to mike our morning ho u rs retound with sweet melodies. Mr. and lfr». J. M. Slaylon MeadvlUe, Pa. Hood's Is Good and Great It Cured Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Etc. " Hood's Sarsa par ilia has done me more good than any physician. I had catarrh end dyspepsia 20 years, and tried different remedies and prescriptions without ben efit. The doctors told mo I Could Not Live. One day after reading of the wonderful i cures effected by Hood's Sarsa par ilia, I re | solved to try one bottle. It did great and fjood work so I continued, and after tak og four bottlea it is with joy and glad ness that I write tbat I am perfectly cured And Am Well Man Today. My wife was troubled with nervousness and a general tired feeling. She could not walk any distance or do any heavy work. Wood's Sar,a --1 parilla Her rest was broken £ V | j at night. She has t taken Hood's Sarsa parilla and now she can do any ordinary I work without trouble, sleep soundly, and go about without being over-fatigued. We know It is a splen 'id tonic." J. M. SLAVTON, 842 Cottage St., Meadville, Pa. Hood's Pills become ttn> favorite cathartio with every one who tries them. 25c. per box. I : Barfield Tea ss Oi Uraflacbe !:t*torwnConit to her father. She was struck by the ap preaching train and instantly killed. I'ortersrillc Items. Mark Glenn has purchased the property , of William Dann, and intends opening a meat market. The creamery is prospering under tho management ot Harvey Marks, and is pay- j ing the stockholders handsome dividend*. GUATEMALA has agreed to the boundary line proposed by Mexitjo and there will be no war bet ween the two countries. EX-QUEES Lit of Hawaii was brought J to trial on the sth inst, on a charge ot treason, preferred by tho Republican gov ernment tbat has been established in the island" and she refused to plead, and was adjudged guilty, though she der.ied that she had anything to do with the late insur- ; rection. Lt Hung Chang's yellow-jacket and pea cock feather have been restored to him by the Emperor, and he is to be sent as a ( speci a! messenger of Peace to Tokio. DEATHS JTEBEL— At her home at Herman. Feb- J ruary 17. 18D5, Nynp'ia. daughter of the j late Bart Nebel. deceased, aged 20 years, j HOFFiIAS At his home in Butler, Feb ruary 16, 1595, Charles Hoffman, aged , 40 years DUNCAN—At his home in Butler, Feb ruary 11. 1895. Carl Leßoy, son of David C and Emma Duncan, aged three years. BYERS—At bis home in Concord town ship, February 12, 1*95, William Byers, aged 85 years, 1 month and 14 days. M AGEE — At the home of his cousin, John McDade, in Clearfield township, Febru ary 6, 1895, Daniel Magee, aged 68 years. MORSE- At his home in Freeport, Feb ruary 15, 1895 Harry, son of William Morse, aged 16 years. LACKEY—At his home in Oakland town ship February 14, 1895, William Lackey, aged —. BEAOHEM—At her home in Cherry twp, Feb. 18 1895, Mrs. Beachem. wife of Chas. Beachem, aged about 35 years. Her death was caused by typhoid fever, and she wa< tbe sixth member of the fami ly to be afflicted. Mr. Beachem is still confined to his bed. OBITUARY NOTES. Jas. A. McKee. formerly of this county, died on the 10th inst. at his home in Claxs ville. Pa. P Sip y|y AK ser Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking p'.wder High est ol all io leavetiog 8' reng! Ii Latcft United State* Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wail St.. N. Y. HERKIMER & TMLOR Funeral Directors, 151 S. Main St., - Butler: Pa. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at the present session, to re peal an act entitled "An act to prevent cattle, horses, mules, sheep and swine from running at largo in Middlesex. Butler and Mercer townships aud Harris.ille Borough Butler county, approved March lath 1870; so tar as the same U| plies to Harrisvilie borough. The purpose of the above entiiled act was to prevent cattle, birees, mules, sheep and swine from run ning at large aud authoiizing tue constable of the disirict to take, detain aud sell said strays. The purpose ol the intended ap plication is to have said act repealed so lar as the same applies to flarrisville borough. C. M. BROWN, J. 11. MORRISON Jr, K. K YV ICK, J. H. MORRISON, W". E. Brown. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be tween J. S Young and tVm. Cooper, under the firm name of Young » knowing themselves indebted to said e-tate will please make immediate I na\nient. at d any having claims against said estate will preseut them duly authen tiiated 'o D. B. DOUTIIHTT. Ex'r., BroKUsdaie. i'a Execumx Notice, Le"ers testame ary on the* e»iate of John Shell), la e el Butler, I'a . having hesn granted the undersigned, all persons iudle«se make immediate payment and those bating claims will present them duly auihenticat i ij lor settlement lo BASNAII L. SIIKM. Bx'r . W D. Brandon, Butler I'a A try. Administratrix's N >tice N;>tice is hereby given tha 1 letters of anministration on the estate of .fumes Sel lers, dee'd. late of Butler bonmgh. Bntler county Pa . have been granted to the un dersigned, to Aliotn all persons indebted to said estate aie reque.'.ed to make pay merit, and those having claims or demands ! will niakr" known the same without delay. MRS. M. J. SELLERS, Adm'i. E. E. YOUNG Atty. Butler Pa. Job work of all kind doae at the CITIZEN OFFICE Financial Report of Butler County for 1894. Levy and Assessment of T«x for 1894. r ~ F l l 's \ is 5 s J 9 r District, Collector. f § 9 H I I ' , : i S s : : : • $ 303" 66 J 1639 *4 i'WM $ 157 *SB Allegheny John J MUfonL 1016 65- 998 72 16 H7 71 JO ThosSßeatty 941 2& 831 88 109 411 68 <5 Geo^Bauer .. I!.. 1 1502 03 1316 92 185 11 126 55 n ihfc Hm Westerman 1643 5.5 1518 '3 130 42 132 00 Buffalo. 1319 19 1258 60 66 59 84 75 « n C Miller ... . 1146 04 1087 38 58 66 85 50 rh«£ And If cMarray '. 1233 13 1157 66 75 47 95 25 £i JZ'm n H nnffr 1.. 1019 93 929 28 90 65 85 50 C earfield H.H.I f1y........ 1490 86 1400 66 95 25 111 00 Clinton. John Hmtotead 1190 66 1154 p rVi 1? Jefferson, Wm J Cooper «23 39 1300 6.< 272 0: 110 2o l£Z ur ' Mercer' 89! 602 04 .8 85 42 75 r «nr Lvon 1 1827 29 1498 14 329 1a 139 o0 P B Kennedy »....! 1039 79 1003 14 36 65 72 00 Oakland, ' Peter Whitroire '. '. i 1198 69, 1074 g 124 64 103 50 <& E !«'«■ IK sign i 5« Slippery rock, Jos L Cooper.. its- 10 243 65 13° v"nanLo *9 07 1 937 32 Washington, Herman Seaton But'erboro, John Yonkins 11164 14 8778 27 2385 87 204 00 Evans City' 851 24 388 60 462 64 450 iLrview 17 W m Gibson ' 253 28: 145 03] 108 25 825 s, Kirs?-82 S& £8 £3 Karns City, Geo E McGill I 120 06 110 3b| 9 7oj 9 22 167 00 /2 lo lw /o Saionbnrg. Cba, Haabe 1 621 91 369 12 252 79! 30 75 Zelienople, S B Zeigler j Total '562143 01 $5:609 82i510533 191*3876 00 Amount of Tax Collected and Remaining due for 1893 and Previous. > 'w SJ « 3 H D® » ~ § r i s t § , i ■ s Districts. Colloctor 5* i «r. s g a. | S -a- S L [ jl I 1887 Butier ' Michael DufforU 1$ i$ $ 38 03 C?ay J- McMich*el $47 00, | 247 10 96 1889. Karns City M Muddycreek MoGee 11 8. Worth JG. McClymonds 15 00[ 78 23 04 Washington Herman Beaton 25 00 1 31 22 04 1890. Cherry W. Newman 100 *Oj 526 15 05 Slippery Rock D. M Dickey 57| 03 Portersville J- Kinzer 29 94 1 ho Butler R.C. McAboy 71 31 j 3 96 1891. Brady !! John Stafl. 90 93 Concord Ge>. W. Moser„ 187 57 Katns City VI. King 50 00 66/ 2b. 26 29 Millerstown K. M Jenkins , 77 2,_. 406 portersville J- Kinzer -j 81 Washineton J. F. Harp«r 1 160 01" 855 Worth 'o« Barron 951 Sunbory .i. W. McNaughton | 16 60 88 1892. Allegheny K. C. I'irks | 294 72! 73 81, 13 /- Brady I- A. Uines i 275 00 j ! 14 46 24 < 1 Clav K. B Conn ) 28 48 j IWj Clearfield H. H. Duffy ! 423 52 22 43 Concord C Campbell 174 881 | 9 42j Connonuenessine J Shearer I 4 00| j C.ierry Henry Peter* ] 159 69 88/ Donegal John Ueicbirt 20 111 7 11| 1 H Marion John Van Dyke ; 1 65j 2 37» 08 ! Mercer Saraoel ("onn ; 42 45 225 Muddy creek J. W. Kcott 51 79 851 281 Oakland Peter Whitmire j 25 00 1 31; 784 I' eun Wm. Patterson \ 489 07 27 16 Parker G .I.Keple' I''9 17, 274 7 17j VenaiiKO Frank McVamee 213 901 31 94 ( 11 88] Wa«hioeten J.F. Hariwr 356 00 35 15 17 66 69 31 Butler Bt ioneu Samuel VValk> r 1452 9o 16 46| 522 06 Fairview William Gibsou ' 43 28j 2 40! Ilarri-ville Joseph 8} Pe v ; 1 10i 06 Karns C loseph Mecbl nf . 1» 77 ; <5 Jliliei, ii vu E M Jenkius ! !«> 66 010 Porieisv.lle J»' »b Kmztr 11l 27; ,6 03 Saionburg Chust. Raabe 11 92| 229 6t> Tota l I .$5316 48 $176 9715284 33 $ 907 27 IS9'.. Adams M Ma-«hall $ 5<5 O.i ?38 J3O 77$ 48 22 A I 'r£uen v Ixme* Jolly ! «>SO 0o 45 I.; 35 78 12 08 Bradv S T Beaty 4.9 9b 574 24 39 Bugalo 8 Westermau ' 301 41 12 O'Ji 15 95 Butler A bert Sarver 1 2> : > 07 27 5->| 13 -il Clay KBCoua 319 (.6. 18 68 C'eulie r K H'/on .....: 384 22 4>i 21 38 (;i,nry Hitah Sproul 17 20, til jt> 93 Clearfield ..... H H Duff* .'... _ _ 511 89 Clinton Wm Harvey ">l 2 ' 55" 274 Cuucord < M Campbe l 6.1 91 46 _0 29 96 ConnoqueutHH!og William Auderson OUi ii 47 53 26 /' Ctaulierry K J Cooktion 8 31 *2 24 Doneya! Joiin Reitzeri 3'-i3 40 31 s"> 17 5" Fairview D M Tbom, .» 16 .7 03 30 31, Forward Win l-'ehl I■/ 100 3o 7 66| Frauklm W.l liariiev 1< JHI 3 Jackson . J A Kricoei-I ;ius i I Hi 51 29 24 Jeilersnu Wi.lia>n o"e|ineit 184 96 13 0 t 9 /-j 949 l.aucaMter JI. Mori;/. 31 I « ' ' 3* 16 0; I Marion l/.sepii Vandyke 4 512 36 4. 21 83j 724 Mereer Ijonn Urr ' 10 4* 23 42, 08; Mlddteoei KO 'I nompsou -.'.SL': 85* '2;^; Muddvc eeu Geoill #*• 2<9 27 -' Oaklan.i <"hr - v Kobb 2 i7l 36 9'< 17 98 Sumoiil I W Baiilnni 23.s 96 7 3'>j 13 2/ Venango Frank MeNmuee 1 87 44 13 31 480 Wasbiuxtou ... Herrnon Seaiou ii ij 0 I II 28 '*» Wiufield Vugusi Freelmif 4 1 | 160 99 worth Inseph Shields 116 i 12 3i- 6 l'; Builer borontii ; Samnel walk»r lo'9 O -12 st>j Faiiv.ew bitro Will nil Gibson /0 41 5 99, 310 626 64 Karns - SuuOury .... . H C Pry.. 93 10 /8b 1 Zelienople 6010 George beyer Totals for '93 i 15498 78 1022 52 sß>2 81' 1288 11 1894. Adams John Kle'iie js!oss (Ni| S7B 19$ 904 47 Alle 00 Butler George Bauer 1091 70' 80 91 3-9 42 Buffalo S westermau j 114 400 •( 89 80 114 75 Clay It B Conn I 932 00 61 91 325 28 Centre D C Mll er UV>l 14 64 19 80 71 Cherry Au«lrew Meuiurr/ *>72 00 49 ko 511 33 Clearfield U H Du3y 500 ("> , 37 Oo 482 >8 Clinloo J I Halsteal 950 00 <0 40 4,0 6 Conrord C M Campbell 8»8 00 54 23 288 43 Connoqueue»sing A!ex S ewart II "00 '7 li 3-i -8 Cranbeirv A ndrew Kirchler ll"l -I 4-0 103 81 Donegal. John Biuert li2l 00 76 38 66 20 Fairview James McGaivey 9> 187 68 41 300 53 Forward GeoiseJ Marnergrr 13'0 00 103 01 6,4 04 Fraukhu Charles Maekey 509 34 37 74 699 18 Jackson lobu Bieheri ... 950 no 70 3yj 421 #> Jefferson w J Coope- 1...4 2.5 9- 11 15/ O.i I.ancaster Epbraim Kb 1-00 00 88 »2j 41 90 Marion A J Werrer Willi*.u Jotius..n 4., 88 37 40; I<|s 61 Middlesex I.aur— l''J •" '9l 3» Muddy creek II B Keuniy 918 <0 09 43| 62 36 Oakland Peter Wililiui.e 1010 00 74 80, 113 84 Parker G J Kepler 5.81 00 40 75] 586 »0 Pum Geonje E H.sys 1331 46 84 0'j ' 96 17 Slippery Ruck J L Cooper 823 75 60 99| 696 22 Sunimit -I w Bauldaul' 1150 1.0 77 6 203 5y Venango William Stalker 500 IK) 37 0. 432 02 Wasbingtou Herman Sea'uu 1000 0 *< 62 287 ;i0 Worth w J >nie d% 983 | 310 44 wiufield Augu-t Freeliog KMiO oti 74 Butler boro John Youukeus 6>3l 03 506 Centreville boro Kl. l*'osier .... 84 32 37j 181 64 Evans City boro John Ma 3 680 00 57 92 113 32 FairvieW lioro William GiOsou 17.) to 14 97, 63 •.! Harmony boro Fred we gle 275 00 ! '-■> 4-| 197 79 llarrisville boro Joseph S Pew 578 92 -00 49 31 30 27 Karns City boro G fl > 50 7 3o 26 2o Millerstowu boro T H Evaus 409 4" 34 88 170 45 Portersville boro w H Daun 100 00 8 51 66 40 Protpect boro i' F Ne*iuau..... 332 63 23 (|3 29 20 Petrolia boro F M Friiz 85 00 7 24 65 55 Sunbury SS Hunt 125 0o 10 6< 103 58 Saxonburg boro ICbas Raabe 29.) Of 17 01 Zelienople boro, S B Zeig er 800 00 68 14 88 06 Totals for 1894 12458 79 $ 6 20 3060 84 $16617 28 Caran-i total 63274 05 1205 69|4167 98 $lBBl2 66 *Reluuded. ; Matnwut Moalmt (x frntn ot lliillrr Co. ror •' Inquests.... 28S 9 tl.e Year ending Jaa. «th .*»». •' Indexing 103 "5 Amt. paw Allegheny Workhouse tK6 » l'. i^, .-.V.V.;.V.'.V.".V:.V !w w forMrldies 473s 01 " Janitor's Acct 6.0 00 •• - " g JO lo! Jury . oinmlsslouer - Gra (l H «« vtewern 15® 79 nfttD. *-to >*> •• •* i) .. |»n. . ias ra Constables Heturns 844 5* j„ •• rierk of Courts s«6 89 „ Luna/ > < ommlsslons 40 •' Commissioner's counsel * iao iw Lj?i"i 22a Deeds 00 Military Roll •*» "Com Clerk 313 days at 2 50. . W2 f» ' Acct www " County Auditor—Allison 34 • ••••;• 7;^ days and mllatte mm " ,U County Auditor —Yonng 33 .. , , is7a vi days and milage 110 02 Keglst, : riiiK , Ac . ct -vW.' , h ; S County Auditor—Elliott M I „ Births and Deaths .1 oo ilujs und nuluKe 1W 40 . dSSTSi 2 «74 14 Commissioner - McCul- ! '' Road Viewers i 74 J4 lough 3>a da) s 1081 50 1 ;; " Damages. 200 oo •• Cominiss on.-r ii-Hy. 311 da\s loss 50 Refunding Acct •• couiu.lsslon.-r Wilson 311 Wenoijrapher 1*«» a UVB loss 50 Sheriff •• Couhty iietecuve Allen 174 56 " jolliers Burial l» «" Thomas . til 379 Sewerage •• Court House Expenses 2212 *4 I Scalps — 'Wh"IVh •• Court crier 4su 00 , " stationery. Ledgers and Du •' Court Auditor 3u oo p !i cal * ,! '.."" in is •• District Atty i->* "0 Traveling txpenaes ... 1"1 is •• Delivering ballots " Tlpst««T s Acct 00 " D avaue 238 Teletraphlng »O" Klcctions Ai et'... .. 01J« so " WesU ro HenltenUarv . ... 2294 32 •' Hnanclal Statement (pub- i West Pcnn Hospital DU IbUUiW ••••• "M 0 0! ' ~~ ' » -• <• • | Fnaeated Land Accoint for the Year ISfH. COLS; SCHOOL ! IlOll) POOK rr. —.—S>>SSs»>s?>'>S •SB* E. 9 S » i E 3 S £ • if si ii j 1 f I: I | ! ■ 5 - »'ri! if iff §I f ?i f ' v. ... Allegheny t*~ 4.) 100 16 100 16 * I ill ICT * I ri 01 t3l OB I 130 0» Butler JO aj 30 0;i JO (JO 22 49 3li 19 3T » 50, *SO Brady ! 2 77 l 7S l 7* 34 31 140 - l 40 Butler Boro 4 40 4 40 I Cherry 37 14 14 13 23 « 37 7» 63 «» 63 sa 13 11, • 13 II Clay .... 6 M 40J 402 I 51 t 51, ' 4M| 453 Centre......' 70S 862 354 12 1« 12 <4 19 13 31 0T 722 . 22 Cotinoq's'ng .'. 779 77? 779 676 676 . 65 j | 6i Clinton 141 10y 1 0»j S7V 365 575 3 6.1 Clearfield ' .... 63 13 - 57 50 50 4i . Warnersville Hospital 33 00 •• Register Keoorder 68 60 " Notarj- Public 400 " County Expenses 507 as Total 55147 90 Warren aid Dlxmnnt Hospital Areoaat. I s# »> » £ S a , 5 5 s Districts. : HO 7 ? h I * ; ' - Brady 106 25 91 95 15 00 Butler j 91 25 91 25 Cherry ' 211 50 22 so Clinton 1 55. 6.) 54. fcft I>onegal 65 00 45 50 '2?® Jefferson 62 75 45 5o i 17 25 uincaster so ,5 6s 25 | 12 JO Mercer 39! 0 241 25 68 50 91 25 Muddvcreek ... 114 "0 45 25 bs 75 Oakl tnd 143 25 143 25 • •eon 223 00 154 251 68 .5 Parker 429 52 i 429 52 Fairview 751 93 751 M Forward 16.' 75 16s 75 Washington 85 75 *5 '? Win tie la 27:1 75 137 OO 91 25 45 50 Karns City 3«.S 29 :«6 99 HUtler Boro 273 78 273 Millerstown...... 304 oo 304 00 Sllppervrock ...! 21 25 21 25 Total $4654 39 $992 75 $174 59 «34s'J 39 Pair Tax Airoant 1H94. F -s S x = > I S S I| I B ft r p ® t r> 9 Districts. : | : IS 2 ® : : If II j -IB : : • 2 : » .3 : i ® Vdams - $157 50 181 75 sl9 25 546 5n 04 s2' 00 Alleeheny 71 25 20 «| 975 10« w I9i B-a ly 68 25 54 t! 10 50 343 Buffalo. 131 00 1 3 GO 1 11 25 7 1.5 duller .. 126 75 61 Oi 15 75 )91 43 06 80 50 clay ... 84 75 78 301 225 4 20, 800 Centre . 85 ro 7-s 21l 45i 479 I 7 50 cherrv . 95 25 25 00 27 00 185 41 40 11 25 Clearfield. 85 50 85 sn 27 oo Clinton . 11l 00' 96 «9 825 616 Oonco d 84 75 69 78 II 25 3*i ConQfrt' . 113 25 81 55 26 25 545 Bts crauberry 105 00 90 09 82" 666 700 Donegal.. 133 50 106 26 2io> 6 4 Fairview 120 00 C 8 3:1 15 75 5 9.' Forwnrd . 138 0» 11- 28 18 75 697 franklin 85 50 72 76 825 449 laeksOß 105 75 88 66 11 25 584 16 00 .I ff reon 110 2 100 06 375 644 32 00 Lancaster 116 25 lot 41 525 759 57 00 Marlon .. 102 00 83 42 IS 50 508 ; 11 10 Mercer... 42 75 19 50 1 66 2159 Mld'llesex 1:19 50 116 15 15 75 76» MuddjT k. 72 00 64 99 300 401 46 00 O kland . 103 50 90 oo 666 684 53 00 Parker 99 oo 81 94 12 75 431 Penn .... 144 75 125 37 73s 12 00 36 50 si pp rv'k 69 75, 13 50 99 55 26 summit .. 187 25 117 65 12 00 760 11 00 Venango 88 50 68 05 15 75 470 Wasb'gt'n 75 75 f>s 61 lb 50 364 0! 50 Worth 88 50 23 70 375 121 59 06 16 S3 Wlnne d . 123 00 975 113 25 955 Butler br2 4on 94 0J 30 75 574 73 49 Cen r vlll' 12 00' 6 B.' 150 41 427 Evans cy 450 150 300 F drvlew . 825 500 , 42 283 Harmooy 34 ,v) ao to I 1 7>i 12 80 Uarrlsvl'e 10 50 75 975 Karns C'y 975 9'O 75 i Millers' 'n. ."4 00 27 79 16 50 192 7?J Portersv'e 15 00 12 12 225 63 Prospect . 12 00 11 37 63 P, trolla 21 75 1 50 20 25 Sunbury 12 75 10 53 150 72 Sa.xonb rg 3o 75 29 00 1 75, Zelienople 30 ooj 27 ooi 1 so! 1 so] j Total >176 00 2645 73 399 50 168 40 662 37 *22 40 John T Martin, Treasurer. of Butler County. DR. To tax ree'd ot Collectors of 1893 and previous .* $20,815 26 To tax ree'd ot collectors of 1894 42,458 79 To am t ree'd from Co Comm'ers 734 57 To am't ree'd for retail 11 uor license . 199 50 •• •• Co Det/.'ctlve " 25 00 To am't of lines ree'd from Justices of Peace • 49 5" To jury fees ree'd of ex-Sheriff Brown 112 50 •' •• fromCl'kof Courts . 99 60 To fines ree'd from 1 'lerk of Courts 308 00 To tax on unseated lands 2.426 26 To am't ree'd from twps and boros. on acc't ol Warren and Dlxmont Hospitals 992 75 To bal remaining In Treas'y Jan. 1, '94 19.212 85 Total 187,434 58 CR. By am't of warrants redeemed $55,147 90 ■' warrants on unseated land 808 74 By treasurers percentage on $50,000 at per cent 1.750 00 By treasurers percentage on $5,147 90 at, 1 per cent 51 47 To am't paid for teachers' lnstltutJ... 200 o-i To State tax paid 10.428 00 To treasurer's per cent on stale tax at 1 per cent 105 33 Bal In treasury Jau. 1,1895 18,943 04 TotAl .'. $87,434 58 ASSKTS. Tax due from collectors for 1893 and previous $2,196 38 Tas due from collectors for 1894 16.617 28 Am't due frpm State Treasurer 7,821 00 Commlswloneis, notes— 480 00 Jury fees due from ex-Sheriff Itodlc 52 00 Jury lees due from ex-Prothouotary Hbira 16 00 Jurv fees due from Sheriff Campbell 136 00 Bal due from twps and boros on acc't of Warren and Dlxmont Hos pitals 3.489 39 House and lot In Butler 200 00 Bal of dog tax In treasury 1.897 21 Dog tax oue from collectors ol 1591.... 6«2 3. Jury fees due from Proth'y Seaton.... 52 uo $33,618 63 LIABILITIES. Voucher No. 3!>30 to Morrow and M<:- lirlde 165 00 Assets over liabilities $33,453 63 We, the undersigned Auditors of Butler county. State of Pennsylvania do certify that In p .rsuance of law we met at tbe otllce of Itie County Commissioners. In the borough of But ler, on Hie 7thdayol .anuary 1895. and audited tbe several accounts ol Jobn T Martin. Treas - urer of said county. and also the accounts of County Commissioners. We do certify that the ri.rego'lng Is a correct statement ol said ac counts according to the best of our knowledge and belief. Inwltness thereof, we have hereto set our hands and seals this 12th day of 1 •:b --ruary. 1895. ROBERT H. YOU Ml. IskalJ JOHN K.ALLISON, [SEAL] J. A. ELLIOTT. IBKAI.I County Auditors. We, the undersigned Commissioners of But ler county, do hereby certify that the foregoing statements contain a just and true exhibit of tbe lecelpts and expenditures ol Butler county lor the year 1594. as we truly believe. Witness our hands and seals this 12th day of February, 1*9.". S. W. MoCOLLOUIiII, [SEAL] RICH* RD KKLLKV. ISBAL] OKI). W. WILSON. [SKAI.I County 1 ommlssloners. Attest: ISAAC MEALH. Cleric. A. T. SCOTT, ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. •mce at No. 8. Soutn Diamond. Butier. Pa. NEWTON BLACK.. Att'y at Law- omce oa South sldi of Diamond Butler. Pa. A. M. CHRSITLEY, ATIORNKY AT LAW. Office second tloor, Anderson B1 k. Malu St. near Court House. Butler. Pa. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Offlee at No. 17, Kvit Z Jeffer son St , Butler. Pa,; S. H. FIERSOL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 East Diamoud St. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-awlaw. Office In Mitchell building Butler Pa. COULTER & BAKER. ATTOKNEYS AT LAW.! Office in rooa B- Armory Building. Butler Pa. Jury Lists for March Term- List of names, drawn from the proper Jury Wheel, this 28th ot Jan. A. D. lr<9s to serve as Grand Jurors at a regular term of Court, commencing on the first Monday of Marco A. D 1895. the same being the 4:b day of said month. Beihl George C, Boiler Boro Ist ward, tin ner. Baker Heary. Buffalo twp, farmer. Black W C, I'arker twj>, merchant. , Cl,.use Philip. Butler Boro 2nd ward, gent. Dann Fred. Millerstown Boro, stonemason. Dale David E, Butler Boro 4tu ward, mer coaot. Dunlap Thomas, Batler Boro, sih ward, clerk Galbreth loshna. Winfield twp, farmer. Gilmore Wm A, Marion twp, larmer. Gruff Reuben, Marion twp, larmer. Kemper Frauk, Boiler Boro 2ud ward, harness maker. Keister Paul, Slipperyrock twp, farmer. Larimore Joho, Concord twp, shoe maker. Meider Fred, Craaberry twp, farmer. McClintock Thomas, Meroer twp, farmer Biggie A J, Jefferson twp, pumper. Ruber Jobn J, Batler Boro sth ward, drover. Strobecker Chas, Zeleinople Boro, hotel keeper. Smiin John, Allegheny twp, J P. Helton Wm, Middlesex twp, farmer. Thompson J N. Brady twp, larmer. VaLdick Kusi Ivanus, Slipper> rock twp, farmer. Croose Albert, Wintield twp, farmer. Cooper Perry, Adams twp S, driller. Coulter T E. Concord twp, farmer. Cox Wm. Adams two 8, larmer. Danoenspeck Campbell, Washington twp S, fanner. Ekas Henry, Clinton twp, farraet. Frazier A L, Hurler boro 2nd ward, oil producer Finuer U D, Butler boro 4th ward, carpen ter. Frazier Robert, Muddycreek twp, farmer. Frazier Jobn, Butler boro 3ud ward, vet ernary surgeon Householder George, Zeleinople boro, huckster. Hemphill S V, Clinton twp, farmer. Johnson J 8, Samunt twp, farmer. Kircbner Nichlas Brady twp, farmer. Kennedy F J, Penn twp N, gent. KochnerJ, Lancaster twp, farmer. Latsba* 11 B, Zelienople ooro, gent. Lindsey Warren W, Allegheny twp, oil producer. Marshall S J, Forward twp, farmer. Miilimen George. Harmony boro, teamster. Manin K U. Buffalo twp, farmer. Miller James, Middlesex twp, farmer. McElavin Reuben, Butler boro Ist ward, clerK. McDivitt J B, Cleartield twp, farmer. McCandless Conard, Franklin twp, larmer. McCune W D, Cherry twp N, M D. McGeary W B, Butler boro 3rd ward, mer chant. Norris John C, Clinton twp, farmer. Negley Daniel, Jefferson twp, farmer. Nash Casper, Donegal twp, farmer. Phorn Peter, Fairmw twp, W, wagon maker. Kipper J A, Evan* City, black smith. Ramsey Richard, Muddycreek twp, farmer. Redd W E, Millerstown boro, merchant. Rosebaugn A C, Adams twp N. farmer. Rowan Jobn, Cranberry twp, farmer. Stewart Archibald, Cherry twp 8, farmer. Weitzel Jobn W, Brady twp, larmer. Winter Albert, Zeleinople boro, merchant. Wilson R C, Venango twp. farmer. Professional Cards. W. H. BROWN, Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office 126 8. Main St., over Bickel'i shoe ■tore. Residence 315 N. McKean St. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 K. Wayne St.. offlce hours. 10 to 12 M. and 1 to 3 P. M. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PCTBICIAK AND BCEOW3W. Offlceat No. 45. B. Knln strut, c\er City Pharmacy, Butler, Pa, L. BLACK, FBVSICIAN AND SUBOKON, New Troutinan Building. Butler. Pa. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 200 West Cunningham St. DR. McCURLY BRICKER. Offlce at 12" K. Jefferson St.. Butler Pa. Offlce hours Bto 9. and 10:30 to 12. A. M., and 1 to 3. ana 7 to 9 P. M. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Tectli Inserted on the latest Im proved plan. Gold Filling a specialty. Offlce— over Schauta (."lothlnu Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold Filling I'alnless Extraction ol Teeth nd Artificial Teeth without Platos a specialty Itroils Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local nae-ittietle* .iSe I. OUlce over Miller's Orocery east or Lowry ous e. • i) ae dWeinwndaya aud Tboridiyi C. F. L. McQUISTION, KM.INKKIt AND SURVEYOR, Owe* hkar Diamond, Bctlih. p». V. McALPINE, Dentist,) Is now located In new and ele«.int rooms ad joining »ts former ones. All kin la or clasp plates and modern gold work. ••Gas Administered.' J. M. PAINTER,' Attorney-at-Law. Office— Between Postofflce and Diamond, But ler. Pa. A. T. BLACK. ATTOBNKY AT LAW. Hoom K.. Armory Building. Butler. Pa #OKAL'K>IA>^■N. Wc have a truly meritorious article to adver- SHEETINOS. By special co-operation of the mills we arc enablled to ofler you 3240 yds (2 cases) Lonsdale 4-4 Sheetings at 6c 2292 " (2 bales) Langtiy - unbleached at 5c 2980 " " Malta " ' 3 7-8 C We reserve the right of refusing to se!l these muslins to store keepers and ask the indulgence of our customers in requesting them noi io present coupons to be redeemed for purchases of muslins this week. Table Linens, Napkins and Towels will be offered this week at stock taking prices. Take advantage of it if looking f>r bargains. A Grand Offering in Dress Goods. E\ery piece of fancy dress goods in stock, except ing indiviual patterns, value from 50c t.» $1 00 and most of our plain serges and henriettas will be plaed on our counter and oflered, this week only, at 37 i-2c per yard Dress goods we will ofler at 15c per yd. Woolen underwear in men's, ladies' and children's sizes will be sold at exactly half price. Blankets go at 1-4 off. We are t-till selling 1 ani?k« ichiets. jewelry, at nine cents and cm give y. u a lovely variety ol embroidery r. uiaants at remarkably low price*. 4 KAUFMANN'S { ) riKC Ll* EN COl POX. J ( The Butler Citizen. \ Leaders in low prices T/" A BUTLER, and reliable goods. *- IXvxX O, Thursday, Jan. 31, 1895,1 AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OF Mattings, Linoleums, Carpets, Art Squares. Rugs, &c. FIELD, CHAPMAN <& FENNER, 80 and 82 Leonard Street, New York. Above notice appeared in the New York papers Jan uary 28, 29 and 30, 1895. We attended the above sale and secured a large quantity of the goods. While they last we offer them to you at prices named: Good Rag Carpet at 200 per yard; Would be cheap at 40c. Good Ingrain Carpet at 20 cents, the 30c kind. Good C. C. Wool Ingrain Carpet at 40c; cheap at 50c. Stair Carpet I2 l 2 cents per yard; worth 20c. Art Squares, 3x3', yards at $2.50; worth $5.00. Mattings at 15c, the 25c quality Mattings at 20c, the 30c quality Mattings at 10c, the 20c quality Wilton Rugs $2.00, worth $3 Wilton Rugs $2.50, worth $4.50 Linoleums 35 cts., worth 50 cts. YOU SAVE MONEY BY BUYING NOW. Campbell & Templeton. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR 1895 Country Gentleman THEBE ST OF THE Agricultural Weklies. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processess, Horticulture & Frult-urowlng Live-Stock and Dairying While it also includes all minor depart munis of Rural interest, t-uch a< the Poul try Yard, Entomology, Be'-Keeping, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary lie plies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fire side Reading, Domestic Economy, and ft summary of the News of the Week. Its Market Heports ar« unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Pros pects of the Crops, ai throwing light up on one of the m >st important of all questionr—When to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally Illustrated, and contains more reading matter than ever before. The subscription price is t- 50 a yeai, but we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our CLUB RATE- FOR 1895 Two Hi'Bscinioss. in m remit'auce....* 4 MX KlBSCKlP1IO»H. d- .... IO TES ItUOUFTIOSra, do do .... 5 iy*To all New Subscribers for I^9"',pay ing in advance now, we will sind ill pa per Weekly, from our receiut the omit tance, to January Ist, 18U5, w thout charge. CySpecimen Copies Free. Address LUTHER TICKER £ SON, I'ubhsl'tra, Albany, N. Y NO COUPONS WILL BE REDEEHED AFTER FEBRUARY 28th. W. C. FINDLEY, Aforney ut Law and He il Est ite Agent . O flee on .South Diamond, Bu-ler, Pa. J. W HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I Office on second Boor it the Huseiton olock, Dtam Jiid. Butler, I'a.. Boom No. t. r\> I o'liTx i'\ rvn'vi » i-r» prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to IH UlfN A' CO., who have bad nearlv tlfty year* 1 experience In the tatont business. Communica tions strictly confidential, All nudliook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain thorn sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive Special notice In the Hclentllic American, and thus are brought widely before the public wUn out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrate!, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S.'l a year. Sample eonles sent free. Building Kdition, monthly. f2/4la year. Plngle copies, *J.% cents. Kvery number contains beau tlful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plann. enabling builders latent design* and secure contracts, A«l bvrumlnc verjr wrft M\\ \\ M 01 % TMKN I ih« «u bin* und klettliug. hcuU ul A'mtiolli - nd In nto«t cnMA I remote* ihc tuuiur*. Am UrotfUl(orit