Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 14, 1895, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Financial statement of Butler Co. for '94
Final accounts for March T.
Sheriff's sales for March 4.
Zimmerman's ups and downs.
Bickel's reminder.
Raff's shoes.
NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make
canges in their ads. should notify us of
heir intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Administrators and Executors ot estate
can secure their receipt books at the CIT
1K» office
—Go to the polls next Tuesday.
—The U. V. L. will hold op n meetings
in their hall on Washington's birthday, tue
22d; afternoon and evening.
—The people of Butler oogh' to be very
healthy at present. We are drinking min
eral water.
—Don't forget the Glee Club concert in
the Opera House, next Friday evening for
the benefit of the First Ward Hose Co.
—Quite a number of drillers and tool
dressers were in oar streets, Monday The
cold weather ot last week caused a general
shut down in the oil fields.
—The P. 4 W. north of Butler was clear
ed of snow, Tuesday, and on Wednesday
the trains were runniag as lar north as
—T'...'-re will be a meeting in Seneca Hall
thi J evening to take action on the bill
pen. <in the Legislature regarding water
Coint -ies.
Ja !> and John P. Young intend
opening a merchant tailoring estahlish
nien: ia the Reiber building Cor. Main
and Jefferson Sts.
—The Lincoln Leagne of Saxonbarg will
eive a Reception and Hop, at the Saxon
birg Opera House this (Thursday) even
ing Tickets 50 cents. Music by Cowan'.
Mrs. Si '"ft of Coraopnlis while tempo
na-ilj i:from fright caused by a tire,
cl i»ped her two small cnildren in her arms
a:.J jumped into the Ohio. All were drown
—The steamer Frieslaud met with some
rough weather last week, anil arrived at
Bermuda, Friday evening, ten hoars late.
Next morning, the excursionists visited
the fortifications on the island; and sailed
for the Azores that afternoon.
• —The casting hall of tbe Plate works is
shut down, this week, on account of the
supply of white-sand giving out. This
sand comes from a poiut on the P. R. R.
near Allouna, and the road has lately been
blocked by snow.
—This is the thirteenth week of the re
vival services held in the Church ot God
on lustuote Hill, and Kev. Davis. Jr. has
preached every uight for ni..ety-seven con
secativa nights. About sixty converts
have been made.
—Tbe report of the Conrty Auditors,
published this week, shows the county
treasury to be in a gratifying condition.
On the Ist of January the county had $lB ■
943-04 to its credit, and there was due irom
collectors th« state and other source* the
sam of $33 618 43 The Coanty Comrnis
sinners approve of the report, and will try
to get the coanty down to a 3-inill basis
this year.
—Marphy, "the greatest li.ing apostle
of temperance," as Rev. Prngh called him,
b ;gan a series of meetiag in the M. E.
church, Tuesday evening, and will continue
them till next Thursday At his first
meeting he gave a short biography of him
self. He was a drunkard ouce bilnsell,
and seems to have gotten himself into
serious trouble, then he relormed and be
came a ftiend of humanity, for bis manhood
is his power. His meetings are crowded,
and people who wish seats must go early
—Word came to Butler, Tuesday, thai
the old « ell on the Henry farm, wus pump
ing and flowing oil; and immediately more
rig stuff was started from the town to that
vicinity. All the old wells there will prob
ably be reopeued, aud new ones drilled,
which means that oar water supply, which
already tastes ol salt, is to be made entire
ly useless; and it may mean another at
tempt to annul the charter of the Water
Co.. aad a legal battle between the com
pany and the operators. The Water Co
might better the mattor by damming
Bnnker Run and pamping its supply from
The Ladies of the Union Veteran Legi
on will give a poverty social in U. V. L.
Hall St. Valentines' eve Feb. 14ih.
Cum 1— Cum all.
Ist, Ever wumon wat kutns must ware
a kaliker dres an apern in be approperate
2nd., kno gent with a bild shurt and dad
koller is alond ta kuin onles he pais a fin
ov 5 cease. A kampertant kommity will
look after the baebelor fellers.
This is the prowgram komposet) with
grate kare an paues:
Yelfooution, speakin peases an singen
souges. Imported preiner douers trnm
germony, sp.ine, porligal, cfullj aa ail
oatstandiu towusnipn. graduates from 13
story skool bouses back in tha star.**, au
all to koukiude wild evry bodies jtnin iu
my country I'ts of Tnee. one vets only.
you will bav tnu pay 10 cense at the dor
for groan up adults, all tu kumeuse at
erlie candle lite.
P. S. a valuable emblermatick prise
will be given la the the most distreased
lonkin man individual also to the wuiuati
wat looks ekitlly as bad.
A Local Composition.
AVe had the pleasure, Sunday. oLlisten
ing to an anthem in memory of the Tate J.
N. Stewart, composed by E. O. Davis, aud
sang by the choir of the Episcopal church.
The music is impressive and of a deeply
religious tone. It contains a beautilul solo
for alto, wnich was sung by iliss Mabel
Copeley, with feeling. The bass follows
and sings in duett.
Toe choir is fortunate in having a man
of Davis' genius at its nead.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 23 for butter and
28 for Iresh eggs, aO loi potators, CO for
parsnips, 50 for auions and b-ets.lOcis. fur
dressed chicken, 12 lor turkey and duck, 3
to 5 a heaJ lor cabbage. 25 to 30 a di
for celery, 75 to $1 00 for apples, $1.50 to
1.75 for beans.
Mr. Joneß—Where did you get
thai hat.?
Mrs. Smith— At Davenny's of
course, tbev have the best millinery
in to wo, try them.
—Summer Underwear, Hosier-
Mitts, Laces aud Ribbons at reduc
ed prices at
Buy your dry goods at Daven
ny 's aud get a ncbolaiehip for the
Butler Business College aud School
of Shorthand free. A*k about it
Ha'trains io L%wns, Diu&ilys
Pongees, Organdies aud ail the sum
mer goods at
—Genuine Laucaster Giughams 5c
—Try, T. A. Morrison's home
made Carmele.
—One Porttolio, containing 16
superb *iews from the Worlds Fair
eiven away with eachtSlJiOjWJ*^—
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
White goods, Lawne, Pongees
Organdies and all kinds of wash
goodh at leas than wholesale price at
—Send your children to Davcunt
to «»t Dry Oi>ods and pi u coiltge
education fr?«-. A.-k uo ut it.
—-Jo» work ot ail k • oae at tlie
Citizkm Ojrrio*.
All applications for license to sell liquors
must be tiled by Wednesday, the 27th inst.
At the meeting of the Butler Bar, Tues
day evening, a resolution was adopted pro
tecting against the Arnold procedure bill,
now pending in the Legislature, becoming
a law.
M. L. Starr the Metcantile Appraiser,
finished his work, last week, but the report
will not be published for a week or two.
Jno. and D. Younkins sold three pro
ducers. and a 20-acre lease, on the Michael
Ekas farm tn Middlesex twp, to Wm
Walker et al (<»r «40.000. Alf Wick, John
Sutton. E 0 Adams and A. E. Rassel,
are in the deal with Walker.
Lots of Lancaster twp leases are being
leit tor record.
The Jadges of Allegheny Co are at log
gerheads as to whether or not nomination
papers filed with the County Commission
ers may be ainenced alter the time for fil
ing has expired. Ti.ere were two ra-ips in
tnat oouuty and they were decided differ-
I cntly by different Judges.
A. J. Ru-sell et al have brought suit in
ejectment vs Uenry Reiber et al for 80
acres in Oakland twp.
Henry Wagner has brought suit in eject
ment. vs Laviua Rollins, et al for lot on
Penn St.
The Bntler Savings Bank has brought
suit in ejectment vs J. H. McMillen for a
tract of land in Marion twp, containing
about 15 aire*.
John F. Galloway to R A. Marti.. 03
acres in Marion for $1,200.
J H Kohb to Francis Horton lot in But
ler for S7OO
Cecelia Stock to Jos. E. Yogel lot in Bat
lor for $1,900
J. C. Vaudivort et al to Annie Reed lot
in Adams for S3OO
Marriage licenses.
Uugh Mclver Noblestown
Emma Dodds Prospect
Louis Fainter ...Bradys Bend
Eleanor McLaughlin Fairview twp
Emery .). Beignley.. Butler Pa
LoU Alexaucer. "
J. H. Emeriek Peon twp
ilartha B. Gray Middlesex
Watson J. Tait Butler Pa
Eliza J Xeyraan "
At Youogstorn—George Mcßride and
Stella Seari gof Jacksville
At Frauklin —Pluinmer Hoover of Ren
frew aud Margaret J. Danlap of Venango
At Mercer—Claude France of Apollo and
Hattie Gwinn of Millerstown.
The bans of two marriages were pro
nonnced on Sunday by Rev. M. J. Callabai.
in Si Patrick's cburch The participates
of both happy events are well known ami
respected iu that section, and although a
little in advance possibly toe Review will
joiu their friends in congratulations On
February 12:h a very (juiet c reraony m
Petrolia will join in marriage Lewis Full
mer, tbe popular clerk in \1 Blati's store,
and Miss ilcEaughliu. of Karon City, ami
on the 18th inst Jiiuies Daley, a prosper
ous oil producer of Kenton, \Y. Va , will
lead to ttie marriage alter in St. Patrick'*
ctiurcb, one o( Q leenstown's most esteem
ed young ladies, Miss Annie Delaney.—
East Brady Review.
There was a very pretty wedding at the
home ot Mr and Mrs W. P. Teltsworth,
in Kictiland toAusmp, this county, Wed
uesday eveuiiig, January 30m, when their
daughter, Mis> ilable Tell»worth, Itecauie
■he wile of Mr James f McCall. of Euclid
Batler county. Tne ceremony was per
formed by Rev. J W. Crawford, in the
presence of a number of relatives and
trieuds. Immediately following the cere
uiony tbe wedding parly sat down to au
elaborately prepared supper. There were
a number of beauiilul aud useful presents.
Mr. and Mrs. McCall drove to Euclid,
L'bursday, to tte home of the groom's pa
rents, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Tnompson, Mr. 1). McCouneli, Miss Vallie
I'hompson, and Miss Florence McCall, i f
liuclid, Mr. M. OampOell, of Butler, anu
Mr and Mrs. W. A. liuuier, of Crawford's
Corners. Ml. and Mrs. McCall will reside
m Butler.—Emlotou News.
A terrible boiler explosion occmred Sat
urday morning Feb. 9iu, at 7.30 A. M. iu
jliddle-ex Twp., two miles West of Coopers
lown wbiiih resulted in Che deatu of ff il
lam Williams, who was instantly killed,
the cause of too explosion was a too higti
pressure of steam It is thoughl thai
joung Williams nad been sleeping wtiile
on lour, as a pumper. Tue deceased
«\as blown a distauce ol about two nun
dred feet, and was left lying within five
rods ot his own house, itfota legs and
arms were broken, and the top of his head
was crushed He was abotu thirty years ol
age,and a sober industrious young man He
was married last summer to Miss McCand
le»s ol Renfrew His remains were taken
on Saturday evening to Renirew, to be
intered on Sunday the lOtn, in the Butler
ourial ground. Tne dome ot fie boiler
Dangs on top of a tree about fifty feet htgu;
It was blown a distance of over three bun
dread feet. Tne boiler house is a total
wreck, nothing remaiuing ot it but a mere
; haiidlull of deOiis.
Air Williams has been under the employ
ol the Ntuioual On Co. for some tune, lie
was pumper on the Douglass Farm, uear
McFotiu f O. wuere ue won mauy fiieuds
ana acquaiutaiuces of which none knew
nun out lo praise him.
I). 0. BlacK of W. North St. was thrown
against a holler at (Jooperstowu, Monday,
auu severely burned.
Park Opera House.
A good sized audience laugued them
selves red iu the face over the antics ol
the two heavy weights Stewart aud liart
in the cojiedy, "Tne Two Johus," at the
Auditorium. There is no feariul plot
Out simply a case of mistaken identity aud
me resemblance whicu ttie two large men
bear toeacn other nets tbein in all sorts of
scrapes. "Galesburg Post.
General satisfaction,
nas been giveu to those housekeep
ers who, mindful of the health of
their families, have used none but
Marvin's Charm Soda Crackers.
Tnese crackers leave the factory
in Pittsburg fresh out of the oven,
and retain their delicate crispness a
loug time.
Ask your Grocer for them.
—Clearance sale of all summer
goods at less than wholesale price,
—Home made candies, taffies , car
mele, and etc., now on hand at the
City Bakery.
—Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds,
always on hand at the City Bakery.
Highest cash price paid (or grain
of all kinds at J. O. Breaden & Co.'s
new roller mills, West SunDury, Pa
—Take your children to Zuver't-
Gallery for Puitares that will suit
you. rostofiice building
Our Hosiery values are unequal,
ed and well worth your inspection-
—Fiue Donnett flannels, 5c at
--Fittest novelties iu dress goode
—A Business Education Free, if
you buy your dry goods atDavennj's
Ask about it.
—l'2£ cent Pongees and Tissues
--A full line of home made candies
at the City Bakery.
New Clothing Store.
T. H Burton has purchased the
stock of the Racket Store,aud wishes
to close it out as soon as possible.
H- intends to start a new clothing
st re, aud -\i;l opeu on or about the
! lit of March
■ —tine cu ju ila: n 5 cents at
Win Christley's pension has been in
J. D. Jack-on and wile are visiting
friends in Pbil'a.
Hon. W. H. Ritter returnc-d to Harris-
I burg, Monday. He brought Rattigan's
gnu to Butler. It is a cariosity, and can
be seen in the show-window of Zimmer
man's dry goods store.
Mr. M L. Armstrong informs us that ho
will remove to Butler this spring, where
he will engage in the mauatacture of medi
cines under the euphonious title ot ' I Cure
U Co." He is experienced manufac
turer and salesman ot a number of the
remedies he prepares, and a thorough test
has proven thetn to be meritorious. He
has leased a lot on Center avanue. near the
P. S. & L E. depot, upon woich he has
contracted lor the erection of a three-story
building for his parpose, to be completed
by April 1 Our best wishes are tendeied
him tor the succt ss of bis enterprise, .he
prospects which are very encouraging.—
Mercer Dispatch.
G. W. Maarhoff of Saxoaburg is exhibit
ing s •uie flue poultry ai the show in Oil
CVy llall, Pittsburg this week
Jno. S. McCollougb, son of Commission
er McCollougb, arrive J eorne Sunday. He
Uad been visiting his brother A. U. McCol
louge in Caliloruia. The train he came
East on was blockaded lor two days in the
Hookies, by snow which is there twenty
feet deep, with occasional dritts of fortj
fret. Tne Western roads use a snow plow
■•r rather machine, which lakes up the
snow ,»nd throws it from the track
E. H. Scheidemautle, and W. E Miller
ot Lancaster twp were in town on business,
Thomas S. Stoughioa of Chicora has
been granted a pension.
J. D. MeJunkin, A 0 Williams, E. H
Anderson, Tuoinas S lUtHm. Jac LudeCii
er, A. W. Root, and V. K. Phillipsot But
ler, and Dr. Sbowalier ol Millerstown were
in Harrisburg this week, doing wnat they
can to defeat the Marshall bill.
fl. C Welsh of n 'ar Brownadale was ia
town Wednesday. He has had consider
able sickness in nis family this winter.
J. 0. Beighley, of near Whitestown, was
in town on business, Wednesday.
Church Notes.
Rev. E. M. Wood will preach in the M.
E. Charcu next Sunday morning on, "The
well Beaten Pathand in the evening
on, "Where is Heaven!''
Rev. H. E. Snyder pastor of Bethany
Relormed church on West .North St., will
preach next Saobalh morniug at 11 A M
on "True aud Moral Christians " In the
evening services at 7 P. M. subject "trod s
Grand Christian Endeavor Rally, ad
dressed by State President, Dr. McCrory
Third lecture ot the 0. E. course will be
given in the Presbyterian cnurch, Butler,
I'nursday, Feb 21, at 7:45 p. in. by Rev
J. F McCrory D. D , ot Pntsburg, subjeci
"The Promise aud Potency of Christian
Endeavor." All invited Free.
Worthy of Special Notice.
Reference has been frequently made to
the enterpriza and excellence ot THE
PITI'SBUttU TIMES as a newspaper.
Just at this time uuo'her feature worthy
il mention is noticed. That is the con
sistency of The Times in adhering to l
policy ot giviug all the news in concise
form. The Americau people are so busi
that it is an imposition to ask them to
wade tbroagn a column article when all
facts may be given in a few lines. When
you get I'he Pittsburg Times, you fiud all
the news of the world in sach torm th ii
the busiest mau can keep fully informed
concerning tne events of the day. The
-puce thus saved is filled with so nianv
nright special features tnat it is no wouder
l'he Times is the most popular family
aewspiper iu Pennsylvania. If yoa are
not now a reader, subscribe at onee. The
cost is only one cent a day; sample copies
Excursion to Allegheny da P <)'• W
Feb. 22d the P. & W. R. R. wiil sell
rouud trip tickets to Allegueny at $1 25.
Tickets good going on all trains and good
returning tollowing day, on account Jr. O.
U. A. M. celebration.
Pennsylvania Railroad's Tours to "The
Golden Gate."
Apart from the rare pleasure of visiting
new places and witnessing novel scenes,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's touis
to California will prove better educators
'han any number ot lectures or books on
travel. The immense scope of territory
traversed will expand the ideas of all tour
ists, indelibly impress upon their minds
enlarged views of this mighty Union and
iis vast possessions, and they will return
to tneir homes prouder than ever of the
great land whose borders are protected by
the Stars and Stripes.
Theso tours haye been arranged under
ihe company's renowned personally-con
ducted tourist system, and magnifioient
Pullman trains will leave New York aud
Philadelphia on February 20 and March 20,
Detailed itinerary will be sent on appli
cation to Tourist Agent, 1190 Broadway,
New York, or Room 411, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
Closing Out Sale.
Ladie's wool Underwear at half
price. Muslin and other goods mark
1 X L.
Pictures, Diplomas, Certificates
and Charters Framed to Order at 309
S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Dealers in new and second baud
household goods of every description
Call and see us. We can save you
—The highest grade of patent
flour made at the mills of
J. C. BREADEN & Co.,
West Sunbury, Pa.
—lnfants Wool Hose 5 cts per
pair at Davenuy's.
—Try our new roller flour—late a t
improved machiuerv. Satisfaction
guaranteed, J. C, BREADEN & Co..
West Sunbury, Pa.
—lox4 blankets 60c at DAVENNYV
—A good umberella for 75c at
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Butler county, Pa., at 0. C. No
94 March Terra, 1895, and to me directed,l
will on
THURSDAY, FKb. 28, 1895,
at 1 p.m , expose to public sale on the
premises iu Lancaster twp., Butler Co., Pa.
the following real estate, late the property
of Wm. Lu'Z, dec'd; to-wit, all that oeitain
tract aud messuage ot laud situate iu Lan
caster twp., Duller Co., Pa., bounded anil
described as follews lo wit: Du the nortii
by lands of W. S. Duucau and Andrew
ScdeidemauLle. ou tne east by lands ol
Mis. Schuler and Public road, on the
south by public road and lands of Fred
E choiiz aud on the west by lands of C. H.
Druchel an Wm liice. containing 80 acres,
with log house, log baru at 1 outbuildings
One-thiril cash on approv .roTSiTe by TTIR
Court and the balance iu two equal auuunl
payments secureu by judgment bond aud
mortgage on the preiuisesfbeanug interest,
and an attorneys commission of live per
cent for collection, with privilege of pay
ing cash.
J. N. KIRKER, Adm'r.
of Wm. Lutz, dec'd.
Middle Lancaster, Pa.
Sariiiifijii Uh s;
Cures>ick Hca<iaru*».lt«*torc ; «'omnJexior Te- i»oct«»rw'
I Jttlls. Somploiree. OAIUPUC J>TKA« .3l» JiL>t.,2i.Y.
Cures Constipation
Blizzard, Fire, Explosion, etc.
The promised blizzard reached na la.-t
Thursday evening, and raged all next day.
; and thou h the mercury was but 2 degrees
below zero, Friuay was the meanest day
: we bare bad this winter.
By S»tnrday morning almost all the
i roads leading to and from Butler were im
passable. mails were late on all the rail
roads; and a train, two engines and a snow
plow w«*re stuck in a drift near Karns City.
Friday near, midnight, that part "I the
fluselton bu'.lding, on the Diamond, occu
pied by Winters, trie tailor, «"a* discovered
to be burning, and the firemen found water
at the Butler Hoo»e and Troatman's store
pings, and put it out All the plugs near
the Diamond wore frozen. If Will Uc-
Lauglin, who clerks for Kirkpatrick, and
sleeps in the store, had not been up late
that night, the block would probably have
been destroyed.
Saturday morning, word came by wire
from Cooperstown. that a boiler on the
Douglass farm, had just exploded, killing
a oung man named Williams.
Tnis blizzard reached down South, tut
not as far as Florida At Dalias, Texas,
the mercury was down to zero.
Oil Notes.
iVhitestown—Twitchill <fc Co. sold a 130
acre lease in the Wbite.-town field to the
Forest Oil Co. for $10,500.
The Frist)korn well was shot, and is rat
ed at 10 tibls; the Kirker well is holding
up at 70 bbl.>; liite <fc Co are pumping sal!
water on the Webber; and the Fiinner
will be in this week. The Forest Oil C**.
has a lig up on the J. C. Beigbley farm.
Sunbury—Tne tieydrick Bros, on tne
Sutton is'dry, and the boys will try it
again, on the Aggas.
Peun twp. —Tne Frederick well on li e
Nixon had a good showing in the 100, loot,
but is being drilled to the third sand.
Brownsdale —Stamin it Co's. well on the
Dorse) is being drilled to the third.
Mr ilugb ol Warren is down 400 feet on
the Jas. Uraiiain farm in Brady twp. lie
is drilling for gas.
Administratrix's Sale of Real Estate.
Pursuant to an order of the Orphan's
Court of Butler county, I will offer for sale
at public outcry on the premises on tne
at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, all that
certain pmce of laud in Slippery rock town
ship, Butler county, bounded on tne north
by lands of Alex ilcUoj; on the east by
lands of James Robinson; on tha south by
lands oi , and on the west by
lauds of Win. McCoy, containing four acres
more or less, unimproved.
TERMS OK SALE: —Cash in hand on confi
mition ol sale.
Administratrix of George Hiues, deceased.
Executor's NoLice.
Letters testamentary on the estate ol
John Conard Shanor, dee'd, late of Whites
tuvrn, Butler Co., Penn'a., having been
grauted to the i ndersigned, al) persons
kuowing themselve.- indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and
ah} having claims against said estate win
present tbein duly authenticated for settle
ment to
Whitestowu, Pa.
Notice is hereby given that W. J. Marks
vssiguee ot Alex McGruuiui has filed his
dual account in the • ffice ol the Ptoibono
.try ol the Court ol Common Pleas ol But
lei county at M S. L>. No. 9 ol S«-pt. teuu
1R93 aud that the said account will be pie
-ented for conhrmatiou aud allowance on
Saturday the 9ch day of March A D 1895
Protbonotary's office Feb. 12 1595.
jfcXotice is hereby given that A M Christley
vssiguee of A. W Christy has tilled his
fiual account iu the office of the Court ol
ommou Pleas of Butler county at M. S.
D. No. 22 March term 1894 and that the
said account will be presented lor confirm
ation and allowance on Saturday the 9th
day of March 1895.
Prothonatary's office Feb. 12 1895.
Trustees' Sale in Partition.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans
Court made on the 14tb day of January,
18y5, at 0 C. No 71, March Term, 1894,
ihere will be exposed to sale at public out
cry on the premises in Oakland township.
Butler county Penna. on
at one o'clock P. M. of said day all the fol
lowing described real estate, bounded on
the north by lands of James Patton's heirs
aud Win Jack, on the east by lands oi
John Henry's heirs, on the south by lands
o: c'has Duffy and on the west by lands ot
John R. Bovard and Chas. Duffy contain
iiig one hundred and five acres, more or
less, log house, log barn, frame stable and
orchard of apple trees thereon, being tbf
lantl owned by John Millinger in bis lite
time aud al the time of his death, and by
virtue of the proceedings in partition ar 0.
C No. 54 September Term 1881 and 0. (■'.
No. 71, March Term, 1894, the same was
directed to be Sold at public sale.
TERMS OF SALE— Five hundred dollars
cash in hand v. hen the laud is knocked
down to the purchaser, one half of the
balance on confirm »tion of the sale by the
Court and the other balf in one ye-»r, with
interest, to be secured by bond aud mort
gage on the premises, mortgage to contain
scire facias clause and attorneys Co in mis
sion of five per cent in case of collodion
by proces i of law.
George E Millinger.
W. J. Millinger,
Ralston & Greer, Trustees
By virtue of a writ of Ft. Fa. issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county
Pa., aud to me directed, there will be exposed
to public sale ai the Court House, In the boro
of isutler. Pa. on
Monday, the 4th Day of March.
A. D., 1595 at l o'clock p. M. the rollowlng de
scribed propertv to-wlt:
E. i>. Xo. 114. March Tertn. 1595 W A Forquer,
All the right, title, lrterest aud caim of Win
Foster and Mary J Foster, ot.lu and to a cer
tain lor ot ground situated in Butler borough
Butler county I'a , bounded as tollows, to-wlt:
Commencing to a point at the corner of Cleve
land street aud Noithern Avenue, thence south
along i-aKI Northern Avenue S3 fee- to
lands ot Thomas Niggle, ttience westward by
lands ul said Thomas N'tcgle 92 leet. thence
northward along lauu ol said Thomas Niggle xt
feet lu Cleveland sireei, thence along Cleveland
street eastward 92 leel to place ol beginning,
and having erected thereon a two stor> frame
dwelling house aud other outbuildings. Seized
and taken In execution as the property of Wil
liam Foster and Mary.! Foster at the suit of
John O'N'ell.
c. DNo G4, March T. 1895, H Q Walker and J B
Males. A t'y.
A lthe right, title, lu'erest and claim of IS O
waddel, 01. in and to T5 acres of land, more or
It-88 situate in Mai lot. twp. Buuer Count i'a
bounded as follows to wit: cm the noith by
.ands oi Jos ..hey, east lands of John Dully
and others, south by lands ol Lewl< Rhodes uu .
Wi st bj muds w m seaton and it A Hartley, hav
ing a one-.-tory nam.- dwelling hou e. f.am -
barn au.i other outbuild.ng thereou erecteu.KOod
apple orchard anu lu a fan stale ot cultivaliou
stiZcJ and laked lu execution as the property of
it u Wadoeli at tue suit oi Mrs Jane Funert .n.
EI) No 117 March T 189 J. MeJunklu li Ualbraith
Ail the right, tllle. Inter si aud claim of Wm
II Davis and .Mary \ Davta, his wife. of. In aud
lo a certain 101 ol gtound, more or less, -1 uue
lu Butl'-r boro. Butler Co. I'a.boUnded > lob ws
to- ,\ it: uu he nor. üby Wos st eiut b> ,ot No
J in tne same plan of lot , souih by au adcy a it
•\est by lot N'o. 4ln same plan ol tots, beln lo
N .. :l in Moses .-uluvan'o plan of lots ,u Bu lii
boro. naving a frontage oi 40 feet on said West
street and rxtenulng lia. k uiatulaintng l ue same
w tit'l 112 leet lo abjve mentioned alley, betu 0 a
vacant lot auu pait of lie «aine propert \ coll .e
u o tu» said Am 11 Davt- by Erankl.n All lei
assign- r, by d ed onied *epi 21 18t.nlM r cord
EU in I>l ol HOOK. 141. page 312.
ALSO—OI, In and lo a certain lot of ground
more or less si! ated lii butler. Pa . bounded as
follows, to w»: Oil the norm tlv West street
east b, lot or Gertie Davis, south by an alley
and west by lot No. 30l the same plau of lots,
oelug lot So. 2 in Moses Sullivan 's plan ol lois
In said Butler boron,; i, having a frontage ol 40
f< el on sala West st and extending baen main
taining the same width 1 - leet, to above men
tioned alley, said lot having Iherou erected a
two story slate rooted dwelling house and be
iuK -i ( »~r1..l the same property conveyed to
t-uid Win. H. Davis by b'ranklin Miller assignee
by deed Jduird fcept 24 Is: 4 and ictoiiled Jn
Deed book 14' page 312.
ALSu—Of, 111 aud to a certain lot of giouud
more or less situated In Butler I'a. bounded as
follows, to wit: utt the north by West st, eait
y lot No 3 In the same plan of lot?, south by an
alley, and west by an ultey or Sullivan avenue
being lot No 4 In MOBes Sullivan's plan of lota
in ljutlcr boro. Having a mintage of 40 feet ou
said West street and extending back maintain
ing lhe same width 112 feet to above mention,
ed alley, said lot having thereon erected a two
stoi y shingle roofed dwell lug house aud store
room combined and being pan of tli- same
property conveyed to said W'li 11. Davis Oy
Fr uiklni Miller assignee uy deed dated >epl
21 isjl. and rccor ed it Deed book 141 pa.'o 312
Sltzed and taken In execution as the property
of Win. li Davis aud M iry A. Davis, his «lie
at the suit ot Solomon Stainm ior use ofJ.C.
Sherifl'soaice, Butler, ra., Ketr, ti, j«"S.
By virtue ot sundry writs of \ en. Ex., PL Ka.
Lev. Fa., tc . issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed
there will be exposed to public sale at the
court House. In the borougi of Butler, ou
Friday, the Ist day of March,
A. 1). M>. at I o'clock r. m„ the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
E D No. 103, March Term. 1835. Kohler A ltran
oon. attorneys
All the riitbt. tnle. Interest and claim of
Johanna Wuller of. tn and to a certain lot of
ground sli.iated hi Kutler borough Butler
county. Pa. wounded as follow -, to wit; On the
north by l*t ol VV E Ralston, ea-st by Main St.
south by ioc of Christ Stock au.i an alley, west
bv lot of K P Scott, with a t'ood two story brick
building, u-ed as a store room and dwelling
house co blued, erected tbereou. said iot hav
ing a iront si;*-" of 82 feet on Main street a'd ex
tending back elghti (80) feet, more or less, to
s-iid western boundary, which Is 42 feet, luorc
or less, in width,
ALSO—Of In. and to a certain lot of ground
situated 1.. Butler borough. Butler county. Pa.
bounded as follows, to-wit: un the nortu by
lot of LarKin, east by lot of Johauua Wuller,
south by Centre Avenue, wes by lot of Larkm.
said iot 'havtnjj a frontage oi 40 teet, more or
less, on Centre Aveuue. and extending back 30
leet tnote or less, to 'he uortUeru boundary
with a good two-story frame dwelling house
erected thereon.
ALSO—Ot. in and to a certain lot of ground
situated in Butler oorough. Bu ler county, la,
bounded as follows, to wll: On the north by
lot o Lark in. east by lot of Kamercr south b>
Centre avenue, nest by other lot ol Jobanae
U uiler. said lot having a iruhtage ot 59 leet oil
Centre avenue and extendi".g back the same
wluthoa feet to the northern boundary, with a
bilge urtck building, used .is a d elling house
and store room, erected thereon.
ALSO—Of. in aud to a certain lot of jjround
sliuiied lu liuiler borough. lJutler county fa,
I'ounued as 10110 s, to-»it: On the north by
st Peter's church property, east by Carnahm
heirs.south by an alley,west by Franklin street
said lot having a iroutage of 2UO feel, more or
less, on Fr nklin street, and extend.ng back
180 feet , more or less, and having a good bric«
dwelling hnuse. train** stable and other oui-
erected Miereon.
ALSO—OI, 111 Hill to a cert Jin lot of jjround
situated in Butler borougu. butler county fa.
Oounded 11s follows, to-wit: On the north by
•leffersoh street, east by lot of fl'lovv heirs,
south Oy lot of K 1* lial.iaulf. west by lot 01
Johu l.efevtr. ti.iul lot having a frontage of 2S
leet. more or less, 011 said Jefferson street
and extending back to the southern boundary
of said lot the Snmc width 60 teet. more or less,
ana having 11 good two-story frame dwelling
house erected thereon
ALMI—Of. in and to a certain lot of ground
situated in But ler borough Butler county fa
bounded as follows, to-wit: On tile north by
lot of I'has Duffy, east by 1.1 tn stree'. souui by
an alley, west by an alley, said lot being 40 by
IGJ leet, more or less, and having a two stor.>
irauic dwelling house erected tuereou. seized
and taken in execution as the properly 01
Johanna \N uller at the suit of John La wall.
Test DNo 9, March Term, 1 s;»3, 11 H Zelgler.
All the right, title and interest and claim ol
William Foster 01. lu and to a certain lot ol
ground situated in Butler borough, Butlei
county fa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: Com
mencing at a point at the comer of Cleveland
street and Northern avenue, thence south .1
long said Northern avenue S3 feet to lands 01
Thomas Niggle, thence uesl.vird by lauds ol
N.iid Thomas Niggle :'2 fee . thence northwaro
along lands ol said Thomas Niggle 8:; feet to
■ ieveland stieet, thence along Cleveland street
eastward 92 feet to place ol begiunl g. and
navlnc ere- ted thereon a two story train*
swelling house and other out bullliugs Seize
and taken In execution us the property 01
William Foster at the suit 01 M K Beatty,
EDNo 17 March Term, 1895. Lev Moqulatou.
All the right, title. Interest and claim 01
Lawsou E Braclrney. 01. lu and to a certain 10.
of ground situated In Butler borough. Butlei
county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: Be
ginning at t he southeast corner of Falrvlew and
Beta Way beins the northwest corner of loi
■ hence south 1 west 80 leet along the east sid<
01 K.iirvicw Avenue to lot No 8. thence east 1
south 13 s ia leer to an alley . thence north 1 easi
So feel along said alley to Beta Way. Ihe net
west l north 138 feet along said Beta Way to
Falrview Avenue llie place of beginning, an.
oeing lots No. 0 and 7lu W I Brugh's plan 01
lOts in >ala borough, with a good fv\o-stor>
irame dwelling house and fiame oarn and other
outbuildings erected mereon. seized and taken
111 txecuiion as the property ot Laws 11 h
Brackuey at the suit of Mrs Helen Dickenson,
lor use of »V F Turner.
K D No, 80 March, Term, 1895. J W Hutchison,
All the right, ■ itle, ime ect ond claim of W'ii
dam U l)avls 01, in and 10 a'i that certain lot oi
•round,more or less,situaled lu Butlei borough
bui ler county. Pa., ooiinoed as toilows. to-wii.
On the north by West street, east by lot o
tiertle Davlo, south by an alley, and west Oj
.ot No 3 of the same plan ot lots, being lot No i
in Moses Sullivan's plan ot lots tn BUilei
borough, having a frontage of 40 feet on sai..
* est street and extending back, maintaining
the same width,ll2 f:. to a oove mentioned alley.
„ald lot having ttieron erected a two-story slai
roof dwelling house, said being a part of the
same property conveyed to said William 11
Davis bv Franklin Miller, assignee, by deeu
dated September 24th. 18IW, aad recorded In
deed book 141, page 312.
ALSO—Of. in and to all that certain lot of
grouno, more or less, s>tuated In Btulei
borough, Butler county. Pa .bounded as rollows
to-wit: Ou me north I'J West street, east b>
lot No 2, lu the same plan of lots, south by an
alley, and west oy lot So 4, iu the same plan 01
lots, being lot No 3, 111 Moses Sullivan's plan 01
lots'ln Butler boro, having a iruntage of 40 feet
ou said West street 011 a exltndlng back main
talcing the same width, 112 teel 10 above men
tioned alley . being a Vacant lot anu part ol the
same property conveyed to me said William li
Davis by Franklin Milter, as-siguee, by d- .
dated Septemuer 24, IS'.'4, and recordea In Deed
Book 141, page 312
ALS j—Of. n and to all that certain lot 01
ground, more 01 less, sltua tea In Butter borj
Butler county, Pa., bnundtd as follows, to-w.t:
On the north by We t sueet, east l>y lot No 3
ill me same ;dan ot lots, south by an alley, and
by an alley, or sulllvau avenue, being lot
.No 4lu Moses aulliv.tn's pian 01 lots In Btuler
borough, naviug a irontage ot 40 feet 011 saiu
. est street, anu extending back, maintaining
tne same wldtu, 112 teei to the above mentioned
alley, said lot uaviug thereon erected a two
storv shingle-rooted dwelling house and stole
room combined, and being part Ot the .name
propert) conveyed to said Wllllaul H Davis b)
Franklin Miller, assignee, by deed dated Sep
itmoer 21th, 1894. aud recorded lu need book
HI. page3i2. seiied and taken In execution as
the property ot Wild tin li Davis at the suit 01
,1 W Hutcuisou. cruatee.
ED No 102. March Term, 1895. J W Hutchison,
All the right, title. Interest and claim ot M
W Barues. 01, in and to sixty-tour acres of laud,
inure or less, situated in Harrisvllle oorougu,
Butler county. Pa., bounded at* follows, to-wit:
Being the undivided oue-nall interest in all thai
certain piece or parcel of lanu situate in saiu
uoroush. Iluiler county anu state ot Fennel
vauia. ou the norm by lands of Mrs E Black, K
I. cummins anu -Mis Alary Mug, east by lanus
01 K I. brown, Mrs Mar) King anil an allej
soutu by public road known as Mercer Turn
pike, aiict West oy lands ot W E ISrowu and It L,
cummins, seized anil taken in executiOa a?
the property ol M W Barnes at tlic suit 01 »"» ll
aani Black Morrow.
E D No 105. March Term 1593. ltalston & Ureer
All the right, title, luteist and claim of Fmlly
Montgomery, or, 111 auU to a certain lot 01
ground situated lu s.ixunburg borough, uullei
couuiy. I'a , bounded asfollows, to-wit: uu In.
iioith oy lot ol Kuocn.east oy lauils 01
Leusner and lloln, soUtti by lands 01 Harmon,
west by land ot Lensuer, anu havlug a
two-story name dwelling iiouse erected lliereou,
seized and taken in execution as the pro pen >
01 Emily Montgomery at the suit ol .Mary t
ileliuoold, aduiiuisiratux ot Tueodore Helin
uolu, ueceased.
bU No SI, March Term 1895. Brandon attorney
All tne rlgut, title. Interest and claim ot Win
or vV Al tleiviu 01, m JUJ to iweiity-elgUl acics
of lantl. more or less, situated In MuudycreeK
lownsnip. Butler county, Fa. bounded as 10l
lows. to-wU: On the north by lanus ot .lames
Scott, Jr., el al., east bj, lands 01 Charles \\ nite
south by lauds ot 11 . Melviu, West o.s lands 01
Charlotte Lock's lielrs. anu being partly ciear
Cd, Seized and taken in execution as tat.
pro erl \of Wiu or W .>1 Melvin at me suit 01
A J t-1 aucis.
E D No i 5 March Term, lsS5, ltalston & Greer,
All tne lignt, tine, interest and claim 01
George 11 (irauam, 01. in auo to two-huuureu
and seventy me i 275) acres 01 laud, more or
less, situated In Clay icxvusuip. Butter couutj.
Pa, bounded as loliows, to-wit: On the north
by lanus ol John Wilson now i'hos Jamison,
east by land el Chailes AlcClung, souili O)
Kinds ot Uebeeca MeKisslck, et al.. west by
lanus of J d Miller, el al., and known as Hie
J W Christie laim, having a oiie-atory frame
nouse anil log oaru, name
stable and otuer erectcu
inereon, having an oicnald, lain,
inostlj cleaieu and in tan state ol cultivation
.seiiru and taken in execution as the piopcriy
ol George H Graham ut the suit of William
E D >O6l, March Term, 1595. Wll I.usk atfy.
All the rignt. line. Interest anu claim o>
Joseph Smllu and Herbert W Smith ot. in uiiu
lo a ceriatu lot 01 ground sltiiaied 111 nutu-.
Butter count) , t'a.. bounded as lol
lows, to wti: Oil the iioilli bj »\est U sll'eel,
eaat by loto' rtciiucr, aouiuoj an alley, west
U) 10l ol 1' llmblin, said lot haMun a mintage
ol 4o leet on West D slrtet, aud
-,ouinwaid 177 ieeb to salu alley, having a two
story ir,tine dwelling house and iranie stain,
erectt-d thereon. Seized and taken lu execu
tion us tne pi opertv o! Joseph Suitlh aud ller
oert \\ smith at trie suit 01 .lames fu.au(.son
10 use 01c. H Anuersoit. now lor use ot J r
E DNo i-9 Mar. h term, IS9), C' Walker and T
C Campoell, attorneys
All the riftUt. uile luleiest and Ctuim ol W
G sedwlck ct al. 01, in and Id I2J acres anil ill
1 ert lies 01 land, uime or lesa, situatu-* 1 11 rar
«t lowuship, Butler coilulj a. Ou iuitua a-»
lo.loWs■ to-ivu: iie M 4 a wulteoak,
tucnue bj Lauds o, »\iu. ainpocll lleirs uoit.
0 Ues west 13 8-lu per uea u> a enestuut, luuuci
uoi inc:! e.t&i Z2 9 1" p .ciiesto a p 01. inenix
o> lanus ol Anthony Golumger n»> in W ue w
Acsl li>3 peicheS to a post* then, c oy lanus "1
Asa Waru souths 2
a wulleottk. th.uce u\ ol Lt »i Utuaoo
anu Hobei ■ C.tinpueil s »Uth d< v\t*s- 9«
to aposi. in nee souin »u oeg wcs.
I. V-lo peicll" s lo a vt nii'-o ik. iln-i.ce stoUiU ao
at js west 1 .4 iio, ei i hes o tin place o oeg.n
a.tjg having a tat. -UOIS name OWtrluu. Uoua ,
o.ii N and other outo ei cctet Hi P-UU
Seized aud taken lu exetunoii as tne piop-ri.v
01 W G Bed wick et ai.it> the suit ol .tosepit
Busnneil et al.
11 uNo li>4, March term. :*9O 'lcyulstiun.att'y
All the rlgut, title, interest and claim oi l-.zra
Slewarl, 01. in aud to twenty-live acies 01 laud
more or less, siiuated hi merry lotvusaip, iWu
lercounty i'a.. boUuded as lollows. 10-wtl:
Beginning at the southwest corner at a post,
thence oy lauds ol U.i» id Stewart and Win A 1
snira north 3 1-2 dcg east yl percUvs to a post,
LheiKe by laiias ot Win M Sutra ana netrs 01
Jervis Tinner soutu »s drg east 4i perches 10 a
post, thence by lin - • ot i> >1 und .1 c Sictuuurt
south 3 1-2 drg west yi perches lo a pooi.theuce
by lutius ol avid Stewart ssdeg west 44 perch
is lo the place 01 beginning.having a iwo-story
lrame uweltlng house, staoie and oiner oui
bulldli gs erected thereon. Seized and taken In
execution as the property 01 Ezra Stewart at
tlie suit ol Tae W arder Buahnell anil OlesshPr
EUNo 42 March term, !.>&>, McJunkin t Gal
breath. attorneys.
All the right, title, iuterest and claim or.
George Bauidauf. executor of Henry !»aMa .1.
deceased, and George Baldauf aiid Henry Hal
d tuf, terretonauts, of, in an . to lw, acres ot
land, more or • ~. thMttd m Summit tow a
ship. B ti r count., ra, iwuulea as loilowe,
to-wit: i.ei-lnul.ig ata while • kat tne s u-h
--eust corner ol tu« Wouderiy tract,
thence 9<Jutb S6 ileg M'rtt 21 to a posr,
| IbencC north 2 deg west lil perch*M to a post
! and »hlteoak. tii -n -e north ss deg oast t> I .>
' petebn to a post, thence north I deg *nt lit
pertbes a post, thence by lands lorni fly
of »ar.»h t'ollint norm leg eist vj l 2 pen-be*
to a post. BMH by lands now or formerly or
I Sbull south 2 deg east 2.1 [n-r i t a pO"*t.
thence by landsnow or tormcrl) of Patterson
i.helrs soutb S8 deg west 7| |»-re,.rs to ibe ptace
! of beginning. beln the same piece of lan l COB
. veyed b> Henry Baldaut el uv to Henry llal
daut by deed recorded In deed t>o..s 27. pa-;e
I 111 having a two story frame dwelling boose
log u&rn. orchard and other outbuildings
erected thereon.
ALM>— of. In and to twenty acies of land,
more or leas, situated in summit to.vuahlp.
Butler county fa bounded as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a post at the souihwes' corner,
tbence by lauds of 1 ultle norlb 1 11 dt-g
west 37 l-2 perches to a blackoak, thence by
lands of same south *9 deg west is i-J perches
to a post near a hickory thence by lands of
Blerghmer north i 1-4 d**g west 44 8-1o perche
to the centre line of . Kit., i hence along the
centre Hue of said K hsouiii 77 l-2ileg ■■•as! I:
1-2 perches, theuoc «1 dig s.unc vm'li n> deg j
east 58 perches to a post In centre line or said
K It. tbence south si) deg west 30 perches,
siience south 1 deg east 41 1 J. perebes to a
post the southeast co ner. thence by I IS tul
dauf 88 1 I'd eg west 00 perches to the place of
beginning, me saute piece of laud con
veyed by Ileury Baldaut et ux to Henry liil
daut by deed recorded in Deed ltook page
321 having a two-story I mine dw>- ling hoi-.-
Iranie barn and other outbui dines erected
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Ueorge Baldauf ex'r ot llenr l'».t -
daur, dec'd. and George Bauldauf and Henry
Baldaut, terre tenant*, .it the suit of Joseph
Tboiua, for use of t'hlilp J spaliu and N .1
ED No 100. March term. l»M. Thompson &
Son, attorneys.
All the right, title, infer* si and claim of John
C Davison of. lit and to i mrti -one acres of 1 .nd
more or less, situated in Cranberry tonusnip.
Butler County, fa. bounded as follows, to-wtt:
Beginning atthe Corner ol the linds of Israel
COOKSOU and ftavid Garvin's heirs.thence north
I 3-4 deg west 52 perches to the lauds .lotin
lies hlug. thence worth 88 I-2 deg east 77
perches to a private road, taence along satu
private road southward parallel with Hae of
<»eorge Davis 67 2-10 percli*** to a public road,
hence along said puolle road south .; 4 oe,;
92 perches to the place of beginning. bavin/ a
■ ivo story dwelling house, haru and other out
buildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In
execution as the pr ioenj of Johnr Uavidsuu
at the suit of Audrew Blately.
rKKMS OK SAl.K:—The toUovvlng rausf be
strictly complied with when property Is stricken
1. Waen the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser the cost on the wru
must DC paid and a list of the Ileus including
nortgage searches on the property sold to
gether with such lien creditor's receipt* for the
amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por
tion thereof .is he may claim must be furnished
ihe Sheriff.
2. Ail bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales uot settled immediately will be
continued uuill I o'clock p. M. of uexl day. at
which time all property not settled for will
igalu be put up aad sold at the expease aud
rtsk of the person to wnoui first sold.
• -ee Purdou's Olgest, 9tu edition, page i;o
aud MUilll's r'orm-*, page .181.
Sheriff's OlflCe. Butler. Pa., .Jan. 7, ls:f>.
Road and Bridge Reports.
Notice is hereby given that the following
reads and bridges have be<*n confirmed nisi
by the Court and will be presented to Court
on Saturday morning of the first week 01
darch. IS9.S, aud if n > exceptions are filed
they will be coutirmed absolutely:
K. D. No 1, December session, 1894. In
repetition of citizens of Butler township f>-
üblic road in said township, to begin in the
üblic road called the 3 degree or Kalb road
it a point 40 or 50 rods east of the line be
tween James Bredin aud Eckart Kalb and to
md in a public road kuown as the Powder
villi and Butler road, at the south western
cornor of the borougn ot Butler.
Seotember oth, 1894. viewers appoiuted by
ihe Court, and December 3d, 1894, report ot
viewers tiled, statiug that the road prayed
or is necessary and have laid out the same
between the points named in petition. Cost
>f making, $250; bridge, $2,000.00: d images,
>250.00, to be borne as follows: Bridge, by
ihe county; cost of making and damages, by
Butler township.
December sth, 1894, approved, and fix
width of road at 33 feet, notice to be given
according to rules of Court.
R. D. No. 2, December Session, IS'4.
Petition of citizeus of Venango township to
vacate public road leading from the Einlen
u>n and Mur>insville road, at or near th
lands of Michael Boyce, to a point on the
Eakin's Corners public road at Samuel
Byers', in said township.
Se. tember 3, 1894, viewers appointed by
ibe Court, and November 17th, 1894, report
>f viewers filed, stating that the road between
the points named is not necessary for public
use, and have vacated the same.
December sth, 1894, approved, notice to be
given according to rules of Court.
It. D. No. 3, December Sessiou, 1894.
Petition of citizens of Adams township to
vacate, change and supply public road lead
tug from Martha Burns' to ulade Mills, tnat
the portion of said road leadiug from the
poiut where it crosses the track of the Pitts
burg and Western it. It., westward to near
the Breakneck road, leading tc Evans City,
*t or near a small cherry tree about lo or 20
rods westward from above last mentioned
September Bth, 1594, viewers appointed by
the Court, aud December 3d, ISU4, report of
viewers filed, stating that the change prayed
mr is neeeisary, aud have vacated and sup
plied the same a distance «f 04 rods, the
petitioners to open the road aud the towu
>hip to move the bridge aud make the ap
proaches. No damages assessed. Approved,
and fix width of road at 33 feet, notice to be
given according to rules of Court.
R D. No. 4, December Session, 1894.
Petition of citizens of Clinton township tor
re-yiew of public road not opened, but laid
out from a point on the road known as the
State road, near the house of James Watson,
to a point on a road that leads from Saxou
tiurg to Allegheny City, at or near the houie
ol John C. Norris, in said township.
November 3d, 1894, viewers appointed by
the Court, aud Decemoer Ist, 1894, report ot
viewers tiled, stating that the road is not
necessary tor public use.
Deetmber 6th, 1894, approved, notice to be
ijiveu according to ruiesof Court
It. D. No. 5, December Session, 1894.
Petiiiou of citizens of Brady township to
vacate aud supply a public rotd to begin it a
point on the Builer aud Mercer pike where
it is intersected by the road leadiug to West
Liberty, aud to end at a poiut on the Frank
lin pike, on the line of the Wigton and
stone Ho ,se prop, rty.
September 10th, 1894, viewers appointed
by the Court, and December I4ili, 1894, re
port of viewers filed, stating that the. cuange
prayed tor is necessary, aud have vacated
and changed the same tor public use.
December sth 1894, approved, and fix
width ot road at 33 leet, notice to be giveu
according to rules of Court.
R. D. No. 7, December Session, 1894
Peiitiou of Joseph aud Johu N
Muutz fer re-yiew ot public road iu Butler
tuwnship, from a point ou the Pittsburg auu
Butler Plank road.utar the nouse of Johu li.
Diuiuger, Jr., to a point near the south
• lue oi borough of Bailer near the sothwest
corner of South Cemetery.
September 4th, 1894, viewers appointed by
the Court, and December Ist, 1594, report ot
viewers tiled, stating mat the road is neces
sary lor public use. Cost ot making said
road, SSO .00, to be borne by the towusuip.
Damages to John N. Muutz, $90.00, aud
Joseph Randy, S2O 00, to be paid by the
December sth, 1894. approved, aud lix
width ot road at 33 lent, not.e<s to oe giveu
according 10 rums ot Court.
li, D. No. 9, December Session. It:i4
Petition ot Geo. 11. aud Daniel iluey tor
private road in Butlalo towuship, to lead
trom the public road running Irom tne
Walker aud Uaunahstowu to tUe Butler and
Freepoi t pike to the land ot said Ueo. W
tluey, to run a distance 01 ab iut 10 or io
leet over tne land ot Daniel Fredley.
November sth, 1894, viewer* appointed by
tne Court, aud December stn, 1894, report ot
viewers tiled, staling that the private road is
uecessary, and have laid out the same,
amages one dollar 10 Nancy Fredley, to be
j-anl by the petitioners
December sth, 1894, approved, and lix
width ot road at 20 leet, notice to be giveu
according to rules ot Court.
R. D. No. iO, December Session, 1-94.
Petition ol ci'izens ot Forward lowustii i lor
county bridge over I lie
cr>eK where a road leading !r"ui me limk-i
aud llirmoay road to lie ttuiier au.i Kv 1 1
tjitj road cros-es said crces. at Wnal is called
Marshall's Fording.
November 12th, 1894, viewers appoinle 1
by (lie to art, anil November 20, 18:u, repon
ot vieweis tiled staiiug loai iuo ori ,iray d
lor IS uecesiary au I tuat a clliu c is ueue.<-
•ttiy in the c lUiseol tue public road to be
connected witu said ornlge, aud lUat I Lie
Oe located at least 12 leet abave low
water mark. No damages asses-e.l.
December sth, 1894, approved, uotice to bj
t; 1 vtn according to rues ot court and to be
laid belore the Grand I uryui next term.
K. 1). No. 11, December Sessions, KslM
Petition ot citizens of Forward, Counoque
nessiug aud Jackson townships lor pumic
road to lead from a point near Ambersnn's
bridge, on the Franklin road, to a poi.it
near Marshall's fording, on a road leading
trout the Butler aud Harmony road to t.ie
liatler aud KvansCily road.
November 12, IVJ4, viewers appointed by
the.Court. aud November 2oth, lr!M, report
of viewers filed staling that the road prayed
for is necessary aud have laid out the same
for public use. Cost of making, .s2oo, to be
borne by the townships. No damages as
sassed, aud Jane Marshall releases all claims
tor damages. Approved, and fix width o:'
rood at 33 'eet, Notice to be given accord
icg to rules of Court.
K. D. N'o 12, December Sessn.eH, ls:>',
Pe ilion ol' cilueus ol biuvuier township
.or county b idge over Yellow Creek, where
ibe iWtd leading truro the PortersViim aud
Harmouv road to Middle Laocaater cro-.se*
said creek.
Novemlwr 4th, Isal, viewers appeintrd
by the Court, and December .1, 1 Si' 4. report
ol viewers filed, statu th t the bridge
eif lor is necessary and <lij local" the a> e
j thereof over Yello*.v Ciee'< where the road
from P..it-isville an! Haruiouv to Middle
I ancister crosses said crejk . So
j asse-sed.
Ilecemlier sth, lSl't, approved, natice to be
j g.ven according to rules of court and to be
I laid belore the Grand fury at next term.
Certified from the record this 4th dav ot
Februarv, A. D. IS:'."i.
Clerk i{. !?.
A Suggestion.
lYf : Iw!- l^pr-7
Did it ever occur to you that tnero are
drugs and drugs—that "drugs are like every
thing else —there are ni>od, bad and indif
lerent. There is nothing el>e which is
positively bad if it is'nt just of the best.
Our policy has always been to have noth
ing but the best.
When you want drugs come to us and be
assured of fresh pure goods, and always
what you ask for or your prescription calls
for. It may not always be drags yon want
either. We always have on hand a full
line of sick room requisites.,
Diamond Rlock, - Butler, Pa.
ScitKni I.E is EFFBCR NOVEMBER ifith, lgot.
A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. 11.
Butler Leave 615 835 11 (« 245 500
Saxonbur|{.. .Arrive 044 900 It at 311 52s
rtutler Juc't, •' 730 925 11 50 340 553
Hurler .fu«- t.. Leave "30 9 tl 1203 340 553
Natrona Arrive" 3S 951 12 13 3 50 i> c 2
I'areuium 7 43 9 ,s6 12 19 3 57 9 U7
Sprlngdaie 755 10 05 is 33 4 os
L'laremout S 11 12 53 4 23 C 27
sharpsburg 8 is 1 05 4 29 6 32
Allegheny City s3> 10 .i 3 124 441 045
A. M. A. M P. M. P. M. P. M.
A. M. A. H. A. P. M. P. M
Alleghenycity Leaves v, s 2") 10 40 3 l". 0 10
Sliarpsburg 7 0< 8 30 10 58
Claremont 845 11 0s
Sjrlugdale 8 S> II 20 6 41
r ireuium 732 9 10 It 33 3 t'.l 05»
N'atrona 7 37 9 15 It 45 355 653
But.er Juc't Arrlve7 43 n 23 II 55 4 04 7 02
duller Juc't Leave 7 45 9 45 12 3s I 15 7 0-
SaAOUtiUrg BOSIO It 114 440 '.'is
Bltler Arrives 35 10 35 130 500 750
A. M. A. Ji. P. M. P.M. P, M
r. u. A. M A. M. p. M
245 615 Lv. Butler Ax. lo 33 ISo
j4o 1») Ar. Butler •function Lv. 9 45 12 3s
401 745 Lv. Butler Junction Ar. a 41 12 38
410 749 Ar. Freeuort Lv. a 35 12 35
415 753 " Allegheny Juc't. •• 931 12 30
426 804 •' Leechborg " 920 12 13
440 821 " Paultou (Apotlo) " 905 11 sft
514 851 * Saltsburg •' 837 11 32
550 922 " Blalrsville " 805 11 00
eOO 930 " Blalrsville Inter'n " 750 10 15
830 It 40 " AltOOUa " 340 80"
100 320 " llarrlsOurg •' 11 55 310
430 I) 50 " Philadelphia " SSO 11 20
A. M. P. M. I', it. P. M
Through trains for tho east lef ve Pittsburg
t Union station j as follows:
Pennsylvania, LlmiteJ, dally. 715 A,M
Atlantic Express. •• 3 10A. .M
Day Express. " 800 ••
Philadelphia Express. " 4 30 P.M.
iiastera Express, " 7 00
Fast Line. " 810 '•
For detailed Inform I'ion, address riioi. h,.
Watt, Pass. Ajj't. Ar'os era >.strict. 110 Ftflb
Avenue, Putsourg, Pa.
3. it. PItEVOSr, J. I WOOD.
General Manager. Gen'l. Pass'r. Ag't
P. &. W. P.. It.
Schedule lu effjci Nov. 18.. -9». (Butler tlxai)
The Short Line to Pittsburg.
6.25 a m Allegheny 9.25 a m, Allegheny Ei
8.15 a m All'y £ Akron 10.00 a m,AI X X Castle
lo 05 a m Allegheny Ac 12.20 p m, All'y £ Cb'go
2 55 p m Allegheny Mall 5.05 p m. Allegheny Ex
350 p m Chicago Kx. 7is p m.All'y & Akron
555p in All'y & Ell. Ex s.oo pm, Allegheny Ac
10.05 a m Kane & Brad. js 05 a m. Foxburg Ac
5.15 ptn Clarion Ac |9..'>2 a m, Clarljn Ac
7.35 p m Foxburg (5.20 pm. Kane Mall
3.15 am. l>eForest Ac 9.55 a m.Allegheny Ae
3.50 p ra. < hie ago Ex 505 pm. Allegheny Ex
5.55 p in, Allegheny Acj7.25 p ui, DeForest Ac
Train arriving at at 5.0s p >ll leaves B & O de
pot, Pltusbtu g. at 3 :15 o'clock.
Butler au-1 Ureeaville Co I<h will leive All>-
gheny it 3:20 p. m, daily exc.-pt 3u 1 lav. Cou
uecilng at Wnlowgrove, arriving at Butler ai
Pulloun Buffet Sleeping Cars and Urst-cU*>
Day Coaches run throufh between Butler anu
Chicago dally.
For through tickets to points in the West
Northwest or Southwest apply to
A. B. CROUCH. Ageni
Trains leave the B. <S O. depot In Putburg
lor the East as follows.
For Washington I) C., Baltimore. Philadel
phia, m i X•-w York. 7 :30 anil 9:80 p. m.
S Cumlierl Til G:4U. 7 :30a.m. 1 :10, i»iO p. m. Con
I uelsvllle. 6:10, 739. a. m. 1.10, 4.30, 4.43. 5.30, 9.21
p. in. Utiloutowu. T. o a m . 1 10. 4.30. 5.30 p. in
luloiitown. Morg.t ntown and Fairmont. 7.30, a
' in, and 5.3» p. m. Mt.Pleasant 0.40. 7.30 a. m
1 1.10 and 4.30 pm. Washington. Pa. 7.40 ano
030 a. rn„ 4.00,4.45 and p. m. Wheel
lug, 7.40. and 9.30 a. m.. and 4.00 I'.OO. 11.55 u
m. Cincinnati, St, Louis. Columous and New
ark. 7.40 a. m.. 9.10. 11 55 p.m.
For Chicago, 2.40 au 1 9.30 p. m,
r Parlor ana sleeping ears to Baltimore, Wash
, insfton.' 'lnclnnati an 1 Chtcairo
Takes effect Monday. Dae 311«4.
Train* are run hy .Standard Central Time (90tli
Meridian ) One hour slower than City TUHJ.
10 14 | 18 1 STATIONS 9 11 13
p.m p.m ! i.m. Arr Lv'eia.m. a.m. p.m
| s 2ti| luo Dunkirk | 1700 13 H
~j a. in.i
; no i 4.' lo io; Krie r. io s 35 3 3
,i -i"> i o:' 9 2">,. »V all act* .luuct. 047 9is t 1.
it -u i «4: 9 15 . ... (.Irani u So 9 1.- 1 ..
6 09(12 51 903 ....Lockport. ... 7 (Hi a 29 l »
ti 02 12 48l 8 so| .. .Oianesvllle ... 7 Osj 938 434
G43 "... 10 22 ar.l'onneaut Iv. 1 . .1 740 3 11
ato 7to iv ar 110 22, 843
5 57 12 44 8 45 ar....A1bi0n... .Iv 7 11 9 41 4 37
5 43,12 33 8 31 ... Miadelaud... 7 23 a 53 4 .">1
5 4.1 12 :io s3B ... spnngDoro... 727a50 4 »
53312 24 8 2"' .0 'uueautvllle 73t10 03 5 a
5 11- i-2 W-. 8 00,... Alea'v'le Jet., slOlO 25 s*.
4 51, 7 3ii|lv .Oonn't Lake 10 11 4 4,
7 1G 8 10 ar ar 8 w 0 50 53y
425 755 Iv.. Meadvllle..lv 945 4 2i<
740 ... .; 8 .teiir »r 8 | i 211 I j,
NO2 11 51 7 43 .. . Uartstown ,\o 1 .11
II 4ii 7 35j... Adamsvllle 10 41 544
.... 11 38 28j Osgood 10 54 553
<i l's 11 30 7 toi... Greenville... 03011 07 fi 03
6 18 II 20 7 OGI Sheuango G 40 11 20 6 20
1; iio 10 5a 0 4"> Kreitonla T <>3 11 44 1; 34
'1 41 10 41 G 25 i M rrcr 7 22 12 04 7 Ou
111 10 29 010 ... I'ariloe . . 7 ;n. 13 22 714
5 la' 10 20 li !0 ...I.rove City. 7 47 12 33 7 25
5 aelM 08 5 4« ... Bftrftevllie ...' 7 ss'l2 45 7 30
1 10 00 i11[... Branch nil.. .iBOGI2 54 745
>OO .... I 8 lOllv .Bra 11 elllo. 1 .. 7 10 12 10
, (~i s .ti ar.. llUUard . lv 1 i 5 11 15) ...
1 M7:i V. 5 .0 1v... K-i-'ers ...: - 1) 12 58 7 4
4 ,i:h 9 42 •') 211 K.i H I * :>2 I 12 8 0.
t 1 J 15| 4 -0|...,..8ut1er ! 8 50| 1 42 8 3
220 7 -20 VlleglieilV P*W 11 OG' 3 5J'
2 15,a.11l I'lUvmrif.tMeO. ,1 11, .. .f.
I. 1". BI.UU General Manager. Oree uv lie. Pa
•V. G. -iAlt ;KAN r ti. i*. A.. Mea 1 vll.e. Pa
Administratrix's Notice
Notice is hereby given thai l«Uer-> <•!
administration nu tnn estate of Jauiei? Sel
lers,dee'd, late ol Butler borough, Butler
county fa , have been granted to tbo nu
dersigued, to whom all persons indebted
to said estate are reque.-'.ed to make pay
ment, and those having claims or demand."
will mak • known ih« same without delay.
MRS U J. SRI.LKKS. Ad 111' x.
E. E. YOUNG Any. Bntler Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undesigned on the estaie
of Willian Lutz, deo'd, late of Lancaster
twp, Butler Co., i'a . all persons Itnowlng
1 themselves indebted to said estate will
| pleaso make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will pre-
I seut them duly authenticated lor settle
! 111 J .t to
J. X. KIUKKK, Ailm'r.
Middle Lancaster P. O.
J li Matbs att'y Butler Co., Pa.
j Butler Pa.
Where a Short PDRSE
Men s Suits and Overcoats.
Boys Suits and Furnishing Goods
must be sold, we need the room and the
shelves must be cleared for Spring Goods.
All A\ inter Goods sold at cost—this
means a reduction of 25 per cent.
Come and see for yourself. This is
no humbug. We mean what we say.
104 S. Main St., Butler, I'a.
For 30 Days Only.
All Wool Cheviot, $i 50. Hair Line Cassimere. $2 50.
Heavy Scotch Goods, S2OO. Fancy Worsteds, $3 00.
t,- rrrrr <f Wool Filled Slen's Jean
Hiverside Worsteds, $4 00 r, . . d» r» ■ .
Pants, 55c worth $1 Boy s 50c
Special for 30 days.
Sch a Lil & Nast,
Leading Clothiers, 137 S. Main St., Batld. Pfc.
Space is reserved for
Doutliett & Graham's
upS & Downs
OCCUR in business as well in the other oflairs of life. In the way
of their application the UPS (in prices) cling persistently to the other
fellows, and the DOWNS belong of right to us.
We Have The Goods.
Every item we name, we own. You can never say that you were
lured to disappointment by any printer's_ink above our signature.
jjgr Just to Illustrate,^!
*1 25 Black Faile Silk now 75e par yard
II 25 Fine Blacic Serge " 75c "
II 25 Fine Block Henrietta.... . " 75c "
$1 00 Fine 46-in Henrietta " 65c "
050 Finn 46-in Henrietta " 45c "
•iOc Unbleached Damask...... " 39c "
300 Turkey Red Damask... " 20c "
Good, Heavy Crash " 4c "
6J Good, Heavy Sheeting " 4fC "
U-iod, Heavy 9-4 Sheeting " 12| "
100 dozen Misses' Heavy Black Cotton Hose " 5c *'
den's Heavy Cotton-Half Hose ...... " 5c "
N'ew Spring Embroidery, New White Goods, Dimity, Ac., at lowest prices. Two
ihirds off on all Winter Millinery.
Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman
' 111 HERE is a way of being abs
I I solutely sure that the shoe-
V you buy are worth at least as
much as you pay for them. You
may not be able to tell good
leather from bad; you may not
know the difference between a
grade shoe and an article of
n|/ j ip rougher make and yet it is your
own fault if you are imposed on.
\ \ I [dtKM IJjUr You cannot be expected to detect
«K3skAtl those diflerencs in material which
/HtnJy make such a material difference,
kut J ou can at l cas * ta^e P rc *
caution of making your purchases
where misrepicsc.tuiiiuiu «ue never for a moment tolerated. Come
to us, we will sell you good, substantial shoes, not shoddy shoes
made at a price for the sole purpose of advertising and to beguile
the innocent. Too cheap a shoe is dear at any price. We guarantee
every pair of shoes we sell. If you are a full grown man or woman
they will cost you more than seventy-five cents a pair, bnt you will
gladly pay the difference. The best is always the cheapest. The
best, however, does not necessarily mean the dearest. You will b#
surprised at the low prices we ask for really good shoes.