Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 14, 1895, Image 2

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f - I
Entered >t Postofßre at B«tl»r « ->d «•!■»• ]
WILLUS 0. SEttUKt. - P«bll»k*
Harrisburg Notes.
The House CommiuTe on Appropriations
is getting down to business and it will be
engaged day and night for the next six
weeks giving hearing to those who desire
to press their claims for a share ol the
State's beneficience. Two years ago the
estimated revenues were $22,000,000 for
two years, but there has been a shrinkage
in values and in volume of business since
that time, so that the committee entewup^
on its work this session with a °
0f 519,000,000 for the next two years.
Tbev are confronted tjj® J ft ,
squeezing about $30,000,000 into $ 19.000
000. Tbe general bill for
tho necessary expenses of the State ana
public schools will carry about SIO,<WO.O i 0
leaving about $3 000.000 to he divided
among all sorts of institutions calling (< r
State aid, whose a^£" e ft J° m * nd
ready approximate $13,000.0uu.
On Thursday the bill »f State ater
Companies' Association, requiring munic
ipalities to first purchase the plants of ex
isting oorportaious either by agreement or
condemration proceedings before con
structing works of their own, passed the
Senate with only three dissenUng votes
The-.." were Senators Goyle, Uardenberg
staff correspondent ol the Dispatch
savs that " any sort of a grab game is like
ly "to be indorsed by the Senate. Senator
"White tried to have the bill posponed.
tben amended so that it would not apply
to towns where municipal water works are
under construction, as in Beaver r a.1.,
but the Senate was against him. He nau
read the resolution of tho Beaver 1' alls
Council in opposition to the measure, bnt
it was brushed aside. The Senator stated
that tne plant of the Beaver . alls com
pany was inadequate and that recently,
by a vote of 1,400 to 40, the people had de
to establish a water works under municipal
°°Senator Meredith, who owns the Kittan
nine water plant and is interested in otber
water companies, was rampant in his sup
port of the bill. He objected te all of Mr.
White's motion*, so did Woods, of
who is a water company man. The lobby
of the water companies was strong enough
to thwart the wishes of the people. This
legislation is also wanted by the water
companies at Freeport, Latrobe. Mill vale
and other towns in Western Pennsylvania.
The Marshall bill to repeal tbe act pro
hibiting the consolidation of competing
pipe lines was favorably reported to tbe
House Thursday.
On Friday there was hardly a quorum
present in the House; and nothing was
done A Harrisburg correspondent ot a
Pittsburg paper says; "The house 13 prac
tically without a Republican leader. Rep
resentative Fow acts as sponser lor the
Democrats, with Mr. Fritz, of Columbia,
pushing him for the crumbs that fall from
the table. Messrs. Niles and Lytle are
supposed to devide the leadership on the
Republcan side, but the younger members
•' decline to follow eilher. They object to
Mr. Niles because he is too much ot a gran
ger, and Mr. Lytle beeause he has had the
hoflor for some time. The biting sarcasm,
also, for which the latter is noted has not
addol to his popularity.
In casting around lor a man to hold the
reins, the younger Republicans limit their
choice to three members. Messrs. Kunk e,
Merrick and Mattox, all spry and abe,
with a majority preference for Kunkle.
The latter seems to strike the happy| med
- dism between granger and the city law
makers. ,
Among the bills introduced was one by
Mr. Deuihett providing for the conviction
and punishment of any person or persons
who shall receive gooas to sell or dispose
of on commission, and who shall refuse to
account for said goods, or the proceeds
thereof to their principal.
Some of the Philadelphia papers are ad
vocating the passage of the bill introduced
by Mr. Pennewell, the purpose of which
is to make it mandatory upon the courts
to refuse license to sell liquors in districts
in which a majority of the residents of law
ful age, or ol the prcperty owners, or of
the holders ot properties ot largest aggre
gate value have united in a remonstrant©
against the same. Tbe bill is meant to
apply to any city, borough, ward, town
ship, or sub-division thereof, and is said to
have received the hearty indorsement of
It is probable that the Legislature will
cut down the appropriations to the State
Normal Schools. They are asking about
SBOO,OOO for repairs and improvements be
sides $.-90,000 for maintenance the next
two years.
On" Monday Senator Kennedy practically
won bis point for a separate vote for Al
legheny on the subject of consolidation.
Tbe young legislator put up such a still'
fight that Senator Flmu and the other
Pittsburg leaders virtally consented to
gaiu the concession ho asks for bis city.
The main proposition of a separate vote
for Allegheny has been discussed pro and
con since the Greater Pittsburg bill was
introduced. The program as now arrang
ed is to grant a separate vote to the North
side, but tbe Flinn bill as it stands will
apply to the balance of tbe district to be
annexed, including McKeesport, Braddock,
Homestead, and other large boroughs, and
On Tuesday the Marshall Pipe Line bill
was pasted in tbe House by a vote of 113
to 57. The Butler county delegation work
ed bard to stem the tide, but they could
not. After North, of McKean, made his
speech lor the bill, they realized the jig
was up. Mr. North declared that a ma
jority of the people ol his county favored
tbe bill. He had received only one pro
Mr. Moore, of Butler, opened the debate
in opposition. He said tbe passage of the
bill would drive the Producers' Pipe Line
out of existence.
Mr. Compton, of Crawford, favored the
bill, claiming it would help the develop
ment of tbe oil regions and gave figures
to show that the production of oil was
greatly increased under consolidation.
Mr Martin, of ClarioD; Mr. Millard, Sus
quehanna, opposed the bill, because of its
tendency to create a monopoly.
Mr. Douthett, Butler, said if the act of
1883 was repealed the independent pipe
lines could not live, lie claimed that
the constitution prohibited the consolida
tion ot railroad and canal companies, and
it is tne spirit of the constitution tbat com
peting pipe lines should not be permitted
to pool issues.
The Western members who voted against
the bill were, Anderson and Bolard, Craw
ford; Biddle, Bedford; Most, Armstrong;
Moore and Douthett, Butler; Patterson, of
Cambria; Martin, Clarion; Dixon, of Elk;
Wenk. of Forrest; Maple, of Greene; Mil
liken, of Huntingdon; MtGaughey and
Seanor, Indiana; Miller, of Somerset; Mur
phy, of'Westmoreland.
Representative Douthett's bill providing
for the purchase of school books at the
publishers' wholesale price was reported
favorably by the House Committee on Edu
cation. Mr. Seyf'ert, who hasn't lost his
love tor the school book men, fought against
the measure to the last. Tbe bill makes
the school book trust very weary Chair
man Farr denies emphatically that any at
tempt was made to kill the measure in
Mr, Harvey's bill providing for the pay
ment of three-fourths ot the school ap
propriations at the end of the minimum
school term and the other fourth later was
also indorsed.
Affairs in Hawaii.
Admiral Beardslee of the U. S. cruiser
Philadelphia has taken possession of Pearl
Twenty-two ot the conspirators were
found guilty, and lour were sentenced to
There are a large number of conspiracy
casts yet to be tried, and tbe probabilities
an that the court will sit for two or three
wt cks at least. Great interest is attached
to the forthcoming trial o*' the ex-ijueeu.
Tbf government claims to have more than
sufficient evidence to convict her of treason.
What her punishment will be in case of
conviction is hard to conjecture.
She is charged with treason by engaging
in open rebellion against the republic of
Hawaii by trjing by lorce of arms to over
throw and destroy the same and by levy
ing war against the same, and by adhering
to the enemies of the republic of Hawaii,
giving them aid and comfort within tbe
Hawaiian islands and elsewhere; also by
aiding, abetting, procuring, counseling, in
citing. couutei ancing and encouraging
others to commit trea.-on. There aro six
in th„- chari e.
'luh Lincoln League of liu'ler wiil meet |
at tLiir Hail, Saturday »>vet.ing, for the I
transaction of business of importance.
Washington Notes.
On Thursday the J
hope of financial relief from this Congress
hv rejecting Rtetl's meisnre by a rote ot <
tolXandthe Administration measure
b, On Friday the Prefiient sent a message
to Congress scolding that body giv
ing him authority to issue gold bonds. He
also made a recommendation, or sugge. t
Ton Sat Congress act witbin the next ten
days and do exactly as they refused to do
yesterday, authorize the issue of .1 per cent
M message has not acted like
the proverbial oil upon the troubled waters.
In fact, it has created a
raent. Many of the Democrats now ack
I'iwlerfee that they made a great mistake
uTnoTL ujJporting the Heed proposition
Thev know that the plan of issuing u>.n
and'certilicates of indebtedness is the only
one that has any show of P ftS " D * * h "
■it* Mr Springer has agreed to accept
part of Mr. Meed's plan as an amendment
to his bill, but when Mr. Cleveland was
consulted the latter refused to allow any
Republican amendment to be made to
bill. ...
On Tuesday the Senate's Committee on
Finance decided by a vote of 6to 5 to re
port a measure tor the unrestricted coin
age of silver. ____
TUB French steamer Gascogne, which
lett Havre Jan. 2C, and should have arriy
ed at New York on Feb. 3rd, did not reach
the latter place till Monday of this wee
She was eight days over due, an *
a large number of passengers on
whose friends were kept in terrible >ur
pense. Her delay was due to storms and
broken machinery.
Petersrille Items.
The weather here the past week has
been very cold. . ... M n
The protracted meetings in the ai. JV
Church held by Revs. Cutler,
Weitz aro well attended. Quite a nombcr
of accessions to the church
Wo trust it may continue until l^ e [. u ' f
be great inroadß made into the valley
dry bones in this community.
The literary society is
and more interesting. The so;iety h
placed a new organ in the Independent
school house for the use of the school liter
ary and other public meetings.
The program last meeting was full and
complete, all responding promptly, which
makes a literary very lho
remarks of the critic, B. W. Douthett,
were to the point, interspersed with mirth
and laughable incidents on the baM head
ed man, which brought down the house
B W., as a critic, is the right mau in the
right piace. The paper written and read
bv Dr. H. D. Fair on th* subject 'Hygeue
was a masterly aflair.
The big power and shackle ol of the Mc
Calmont Oil Co. on the Uumphrey Urin is
a nuisance in cold weather, the farm
boss says it is impossible to run -1 wells
with one engine and make a success of
as no two wells require the same motion.
Tbe family of B. W. Douthett is sorely
afflicted with scar'et fever, i our of the
children are ill at this time. Dr. McUy
monds is attending them.
Charlie Rea, who has had typhoid te\ er
since last November, is recovering and
soon will be able to lake his place in tne
post office, it is.hoped.
Eli Henshaw is convalescing from a long
siege ot pneumonia
The family of Jos. Glass is afflicted with
scarlet fever. . . .
A 1 Donaldson, of Butler, was a visitor at
Ed Miller's last week.
Join Miller, of Cooperstown, was a vis
itor here last week. T
The well of Curly Andrews on the J.
Dambach farm is still a mystrey Mr.
Euclid Items.
Tbe smokestack on a freight looomotive
froze full of ice the other day here.
Thorn <fc Gorden had a car of corn ship
ped here. .
Thompson <fc Co. are getting some large
logs to saw this winter.
Milton Thompson is drilling in the v< .
Sunbury oil field. ,
Tne well on the J. Sutton farm is down
aU Miss Mary Miller is working at J W Mc-
Junkin's. t /w—l«
Joe Seaton still has his sign out, (Meals
at all hoors )
Euclid is a small little town,
And very important too,
For the Pittsburg, Sbenango & Eafce
Erie Rail Road,
Doth run through.
Stations it has one,
Tin shops it has none,
Blacksmith shops it has one,
Boarding houses it has three.
One is run by Ann,
The other by Jack, the other by Joe.
And a happy crew they are,
For they do all laugh and sing,
"Happy is the man
That catches Anu by the wing.
Chopping mills it has one,
Saloons it has nane,
School bouses it has two,
Skating rinks it has none.
Stockyards it has one,
Lumber yards it has two.
I House yards it has many,
Barnyards it has many.
Yard sticks it has too,
And lor stores it ha* one,
Clerks it has three,
And two of them are free.
X. Y. 7J.
Prospect and Clcseby.
May it be news that:
A local institute will be held at the Mile
Run School, north ot town, Saturday, Feb.
16. Everybody is invited. Bring filled
baskets and spend a pleasant day at school
Billie K. Hensbaw is a No. 1 artist. He
drew "a groundhog going iito its hole"
with so much reality, about it, that we
have had terrible weather the past two
weeks, in fact, it beats the record of the
oldest citizen. Billie, don't do it again.
John C. Koxherrj went on a business
trip to Pittsburg, one day, last week, and
owing to the severe weather, camo home
sick, but is improved at present.
Nancy Albert, relict ot Adam Albert,
dbe'd, died suddenly Saturday morning,
Feb. 9, and was interred in the Lutheran
jard tte following Sabbath. Mrs. Albert
was 84 years old, and lived with tier son
John D.., who lives on the old homestead.
She had been a member of the Lutheran
church for 64 years.
While hauliug a load of straw, recently,
Absalom Shanor was thrown off, and re
ceived a very hard aud dangerous fall, in
juring the spinal cord, but at latest reports
Mr. Shanor is improving slowly.
J. D. Albert took a business drive up to
Gomersol, last week.
Mary Martin has returned from a two
months' visit to her cousin, ilrs. Pearce,
of Greenville, Pa. Mary is preparing to
teach a large music class this summer, and
some scholats have registered already.
The cold weather brought irons, bricks
and water-bags into good use. We leel
sorry lor the young lady who found her
shoes drifted full ol snow, don't you Pearl?
and what about that water bag that leaked
the hot water outt
Mrs L M. Koth was in Lawrence Co.
last week, attending the funeral of her
brother-in-law W esley Sechler.
Weigie and Kelly have sold some of their
oil lease.-. Consideration private.
Alvin Kiddie's little children. Esther and
Moree, have been sick lor a couple of
weeks, but are improviug at present.
Aus Shanor and wife have go eto house
keeping on Franklin St., Creamery Ward,
where Aus' friends will tiad them in the
Willie Weigie, son of Cyrus Weigie, was
nearly burned to death recently. His
clothes caught tire troiu tbe grate, and
Aunt Polly Jones happeut d to be present
to smother tbe flames. Willie was badly
burned on the side of the face, arm and
side, while Mrs. Jones' hands wore blister
Frank Dick and wile entertained John
Dodds and family, of Mt. Chestnut, last
Jo Cosity.
Thk two Chinese War ships Chen Yuen
and Ting Yuen were sunk by torpedoes in
Wei-Hai-Wei harbor last week.
Dissolution Notice-
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween J. S Young and rfm. Cooper,
under the firm name of Young & Cooper,
was disolved bv mutual consent on Dec.
31st 1894, J S. Young retiring.
Mr. William Cooper will continue the
business aud settle ail the accounts of
tbe late firm
J. S. Young.
Wm. Cooper.
.'..Vi.UDY and ui .TING RESTTLTS
V»K< i 5"- ABMWTSW FBE 11 J
# f rom y i -i juriot. i substauce. 3
We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund jour money.
Prie« US.OO per bottlf. Send 4c. for treitlse.
M' JL'NKIN*— At his home in Clay twp
Feb. 11, 1*95, John W. McJunkin. in
his32ad year. _ _ J
He was a son of John R. McJunkin l.sq
wa.< married, and leaves a wife bnt no .
children. His death was caused by in- |
flamation of the bowels.
KELKER—At his home in Evans City.
Feb. 4, '95. Rudolph Kelker in his 9_nd
MHKelker was an old soldier, who for
mally kept hotel in Bntler and /elienople
and was P. M. at the later place during
Buchanan's administration.
HARTUNG— On Saturday. Fob. 2, 1895^
Linda Rozetta daughter of Geo. M ana (
Mar> Elisabeth Hartung, near browns
dale. Pa., aged 2 years 7 months ana
McCREA—Feb. 6, 1895, infant son of b
A. McCrea of Butler twp.
STRAWICK— At the home of her son Hngb,
in butler, Fob. 12 1895. Mrs. Strawick
widow of Andrew Strawick, in her J>th ;
Mrs. Strawick was certainly the oldest
Citizen of Butler. From her !
frequently made, she was born in A g
1800, and therefore would have been Jo, i
August coming. There are but few no
livin" here who recollect Andrew Strawick
her husband, who died nearly 40 years ago.
He w&5 a noted gunsmith, and made and
mended all the guns for the people about
here, for many years. Mrs. Strawick ha.
live 1 in or around Bntler for perhaps
ve*rs She was remarkably stont in per
g >r. Md healthy and her end came almost
entirely from old age.
ALBERT—At her home in Franklin twp,
Fei> 9, 95, Mrs. Nancy Albert, widow ol
Adam Albert, in her 84th year.
Co* JELL -Feb. 12 1895 George, infant
son of K J. Connell ol Monroe >t.
MURTLASD—At Cincinnati Jan. 27, 189O (
Will Mnrtland. a printer, formerly ol
KRISTOPHEL— At his home in Lancastei
twp Feb. 8, 1895. Jacob Kristophel Jr.
aged 18 years.
Hon. Giles D. Price, of Erie, was found
dead in his bed, last Saturday morning.
Mr. Leanord H. Eaton. President of the
We tern Pennsylvania Euaiana Sociei},
died at his home in Allegheny city on Sun
day lasi, Fetmrary 10. aged <oyears. Per
haps no man in this country was more
active in human? work than Mr. fcatou.
Some two years ago he catne to Butler ana
organized a branch of the Society tor the
prevention of cruelty to animals. Those
who met him here will remember bis kind
ly fac» and will bo grieved to learn of his
death. In all the branches of humanity,
not onlv to human beings, but to the poor
dumb animals that suffer pain from neglect
or cruelty but cannot make fieir pam known
Air. Eaton was for years past an ever act
ive and ever working friend I - ew men
of such benevolent, kindly, warm hearts
for his fellows and for the dnmb animals
arise in these days and their loss is there
fore the greater. Air. Eaton's memory
will live for the good deeds he has done.
AbscluteJy Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder High
est ol all in leavenine strength. — Latest
Uuited States Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
106 Wall St.. N. Y.
Funeral Directors,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration 0. T. A. on the estate of Alex
ander Brown, late of the township of Mer
cer, county of Butler, and State of Petin'a,
lee'd, have been granted to the undersign
ed, to whom all persons indebted to said
estate ure requested to make payment,atid
those having claim* or demands will make
known the same without delay.
Conneaut Lake,
A. T. BLACK, Att'y. Crawford Co., Pa.
Administrator's Notice,
Letters of administration on the estate
of Sarah M Galbraith, dec'd, late of
Adams township, Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons knowing themselves to said
estate wiil please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement to
K. T. GALBRAITH, Adm'r.,
W. C. Findley, Mars, Pa
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John Klinger, late of Penn twp., dec'd.
having iteen granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said e.-tate will pleas* make immediate
payn at, and any having claims against
said - ate will present them duly authen
ticated to
D. B. DOCTUKTT, Ex'r.,
Brownsdale, Pa.
Executrix Notice,
L' tters testamentary on the] estate of
John Shem. late of Butler, Pa., having
been granted the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said estate will jflease make
immediate payment and those having
claims will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
W. D. Brandon, Bntler Pa.
1 have a Heave Cure that will onre any
case of heaves in horses in forty days,
used according to directions, and if it does
not do what 1 claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charges will be
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicinos power to cure:
Butler, Pa., 1893.
On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com
uienced to use your new cure for one of
ny horaes that had the heaves very bad,
and continued to use the medicine for
about forty days and the horse did not
show any signs of a return of tnem. It is
now about a year since I quit givin the
medicvne and the horse has never sowed
any signs of heaves, and 1 feel stisfied
that he is properly cured.
Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893.
I have used your Heave Cure and found
it will do the work if used accordng to dij
rections Yours truly.
Theodore fcwam.
Cbiniutys, (irate aad Boiler SettiDg.
Cistern Building and eewer
Work a Specialty.
by America's Greatest Humorist,
Kver* due of 111", previous hooks hive had tM>
mens" ' >..t'es HUnew book surpasses anything
he litis ueretofore written. Two stories lu one
volume, A Traced) antl a Courtly A great
chance lor age ts. wegKe excli'Mve fwtorj
For terms aie! lull particulars a
J. \V. KKELEK & Co., 626 Arch 8t„ Phlla,
Financial Report of Butler County for 1894-
Levy and Assessment of Tax for 1894,
I t ' I 'I
O , ® 2a "*
a- rf S f
District, Collector. = *-
P 1 ; ;
Adams, John khne * 3037 6o . 1039 107 -o
Allegheny, Ssße , 941 29 831 88 10.. 41 68 75
Brady, Too Rauer 1.%02 03 1316 92 185 11 126 55
o U ff e . r ' S™ S'rman 104S 55 1518 '3 130 42 132 00
Buffalo. S 1319 l 9 12 - a b6 59 8t To
C'ay- or Miller 1146 0-1 1087 S* 58 66 85 50
£t ntre ' And McMurrav 1233 13 1157 fc6 75 47 95 25
r\ in Ti 1 H H Duffy 1019 93 939 90 63 85 50
Clearneld H H Dufly ..
Clinton John HaUtwd n9O n54 ;>4 3 - 7 , „ „
Concord C M CampMll 1557 43 1170 58 386 85 US 25
Connoqu Alex Stewart 1509 25 1351 11 1"8 11 105 00
Cranberry. And Kirchler 1263 58 1033 1 230 27 133 50
Donegal, McOarvey ! 1330 81 ' 1191 24 139 57 30 00
Fa.rv.ew, jM^buwr! IT 2167 05 1419 41 747 64 138 00
.Franklin, ChasMwkey .. 1442 34 1267 14 175 201 105 75
I Jackson, John Eichert 1(123 39 1350 69 272 70! 110 25
[Jefferson, Wm J 0 <*> per 1330 82 1129 75 201 07 116 25
Lancaster. Ephraim trb .. uh3 H 1003 51 39 t»l 102 (»
; Marion, A J uiienriat
Mercer, Wm Johnston I UJ# " l 4 3j9 { 5 139 50
I u R a B f Kennedy 1039 79 1003 H 36 65 72 00
,w U H.V,d p'L Whitmue 1198 69 1074 05 124 64 103 50
Peter Whiunire u77 65 i O7 B 53 99 12 99 00
Parker, Geo J Kepler i7n , w 41 383 20 144 75
Pf. nn ' . p^° r E P "!£ r 1580 96 1454 93 126 03 69 75
|SHp =:=:=. 'Sg 'ffiS 'SS M
! is™ 1 kStSSSSi z™™ i'«« >US » SS «> i» «J
W.nheld, wf° Jields 1366 29 1267 40 vS 89 88 50
SSSw «<•*" »2Si S« US
«§& gjg MM *«S
Evans City 253 28 145 03 108 25 82c
Fairview 496 21 438 21 58 00 34 hC
arm 7i!i„ johu spew =*• 23912 4273s 105 c
Harrisvule jonn 0 1 ew
Karns City, GeoEMcGtH - _g, 202 04 54 6(
Miller*town, Tho* BI Evans <>l4 82 412 78, 202 04 54 «
Portersyille. H Dann 4 Ug 3,. 12 q,
PF UB gg s?s sn
ISif; l®==E= SB. SIS 8S : 88
Total $«2143 01,551609 82 J10533 19,53876 0«
Amount of Tax Collected aa'l Remainiiig due for 1893 »ad Pffl^ioai.
> w § w ts
s 3 5? E.
~ | -2. 2
°3; ; 8
Districts. Colloctor I* o : I c
2. D : ■— ft
£r : :
:;? ? :
1889. Karns City M King 50 00 b 38; 262 4a 1!
Muddrcreek Geo. MoGee *■
Worth J- G. McOlymonds 15 OOj 78 23 0i
Washine'ton Herman Seaton 25 00 131 22 o*.
1890. Cherrv J.W.Newman 100 0 o 2.. lo 0;
Slippery Rock D. M. Dickey o7j 0.1
Portersyille J. Kinzer 29 94 1 6;
Butler R.C. McAljoy 71 31 | 3 96.
B rft( ly John Staff. ; 90 9.
1891. Concord Geo. W. Moser 187 57
Karns City M. King.... oO 00 b6. -b.
Milieretown K. M JeuKins n 2oj
Pnrtereville J. Kinzer 81 90.
Washington J. F. Harper « 160 01 800 J
Worth Jos. Barron 9o Oo
Snnhnry J. W. MoNauehton lb 60 »•
UO9 Alleeueny K. C. Parks 294 <2 /3 81, J''-,
Brady.. T. A. H.nes 275 00, 1 f'\ 21 7
Clay R. B. Conn 28 48 1 58
Clearfield H. H. Duffy 423 52 22 43
Concord C Campbell 1/4 88 9 4.
Cotinofiuenessing J. Shearer 4 00
Cherry. Henry Peters 159 69 8 87
D.inegal John Reichirt 20 11 ' H 1 ij.
Mr.rion John Van Dyke Ibo -3. 08
Mercer Samuel Conn 42 4o: - -o
Muddycreek J- W. Scott 51 ... s D
Oakland Peter Whitmire 2o 00 131 7.
Penn VVm. Patterson.. 489 0/i -< 1®
Parker'.'....:.. ".. GJ. Keple- 129 17 274 717
Venaocro Frank McC*«amee , 213 90 31 94 11 88
wa" hinKien.:::...:.:::::: J. F. Harper 33 6«. 35 is i? 6b 69 s
Butler Be rough Samuel Walker j 1402 90; lb o2- 0
Fairyiew William Gibson 43 28 ; -
Harrisyille Joseph S Pe-y 110 w
Karns City Joseph Mechling 13 77J o
Millerstown E M.Jenkins 9b 6o o 10
Portersyille Jacob Kinzer 114 j./ >
Saxonburg Christ. Raabe 11 -
Total i $5316 48 >176 97|5284 33 $ 907 2
1893. Adams |M Marshall $ 585 00i$ 38 27 {3O 77$ 48 2:
Allegheny |James Jolly 680 00 4o 1. 3o 7. 12 0.
8rady...... S T Beaty 409 9b 1 o/4 24 39
Buffalo 3 Westerman 30l 44 1'- 00 lo . o
Butler Albert Sarver 203 07 -7 13 34
Clay ;R B Conn 319 66 . 18 68
CetUre ,T K Hooo ! 384 92 S3 45 21 38,
Cherry ; Hugh Sproul 17 20 61 56 .3
Clearfield H H Duffy . | y
Clinton -Win Harvey. ol 22 5 2<4
Concord. CSI Campbell 564 94 4b -0
Donegal .". .John Reitzert 333 40 31 50| 17 Sol
Fairyiew .|D M Thompson 574 Iti 57 03 30 34
Forward Wm Fehl 137 96 105 35 7 66;
Franklin W J Bartley 102 84, 338 559
Jacksou J A Rfiehert 555 04 15 51 29 24
Jefferson William Goephert 184 96 13 04 972 9 4
Lancaster J L Moritz 311 62 11 38 16 57
Marion Joseph Vandyke 415 12 36 47 21 83 7 2
Mercer John Orr 10 4S 23 42 58
Middlesex KO Thompson 238 24 8 ss, 12 54
Muddycteek George Suiugh ton 514 88 2 79, 27 21
Oakland Christy Robb 213 71 36 90 11 31 4 4
Parker Eli Gibson 215 04 44 49 11 49,
Penn William Patterson 1078 46 57 87j 58 48-
Slippery R 'ck.. Paul Keister 338 71 17 69, 17 98,
Summit J AV" Baldaut' 238 96 7 39, 13 27
Venango Frauk McNamee ~j 87 44 33 31; 485
Washington Hertnon Seaton 530 03 11 58; 28 16
Winfield August Freeling 44 68; *IGO 91
worth Joseph oiuelds 116 33 12 30 616
Butler borough 'Samuel walker 4039 02 , 212 56
Fairview boro William Gibson, 70 41 599 375 626 64
Karns City boro Aw Schrcckengost 70 7 2 67' 383
Harmony boro Fred Weigle 188 71 402 10 04
Hc.rrisyille boro Joseph Pew 53 80 2 87
Centreville boro |Joseph Bestler 155 43 403 818 17 9C
Millerstown boro iFred Barohart 151 09 19 52 795
Prospect boro TII Boehm 12 r > 21 7 06: 671
Petroliaboro F M Fritz 57 59 69 37 319
Saxonburg boro U G Muder 142 51 ! 300 752
Sunbury boro H C Pryor 92 10 7 26- 501
Zelienople boro George Beyer 50 24
Totals for '93 ... 15498 78 1022 52 ! 5822 81 1288 11
1894. Adams .*. John Kleine $1055 00; [$ 78 19$ 904 47
Allegheny 'J J Mil lord 310 00 22 97 682 72
Biady Thomas S Beaty 442 50 32 79 466 00
Butler„ George Bauer 1091 70, 80 91 329 42
Buffalo 3 westennan 1444 00 r 89 80 114 75
Ciav iR B Conn 932 00 61 91 325 28
Centre DC Miller 1001 14 64 19 80 71
Cherry Andrew Memurrf 672 00 *9 80 511 33
Clearfield HII Duffy 500 00 -jy 0 5 482 88
Clinton John Halstead 950 00 ' 0 40 470 6
Conrord C M Campbell 848 00 54 23 288 43
Connonuenessing Alex Srewart 1157 00 <7 15 323 28
Cranberry Andrew Kirchler 1401 24 420 103 81
Donegal Jonn Riizert 1121 00 76 3? 66 20
Fairyiew James McGarvey 961 87 68 41 300 53
Forward George J Marberger j 1390 00 103 01 674 04
Franklin Charles Mackey 509 34 37 74, 699 18
Jackson John Eichert 950 00 70 3f)j 421 95
Jefferson w J Cooper 1374 25 92 11 157 03
Lancaster Ephraim Erb 1200 00 88 92' 41 90
Marion A J Gilchrist : 745 00 48 76; 249 35
Mercer William Johnson 437 S8 37
Middlesex Laur Lyon 1532 25 103 70j ljil 34
Muddyereek JR B Kenudy 918 00 j 09 43 62 36
Oakland Peter whitmire ! 1010 00 74 85| 113 84
Parker G J Kepler 550 0O 40 75 586 90
Penn George E Hays ■ 1331 46 84 01 :.96 17
Slippery Rock J L Cooper ! 823 75' 60 99 696 22
Summit J w Bauldauf ; 1150 00 77 16 203 59
Venango William Stalker 500 00 37 05 432 02
Washington Herman Seaton ; 1000 0- 67 62 287 90
worth w J Shields I 983 00 72 85 310 44
winfield August Freeling ! 1000 00 74 1 372 47
Butler boro Johu Younkens i 6831 03 506 27 3826 84
Centreville boro FL Foster 392 84 32 37 181 64
Evans City boro John Staff. 680 00 57
Fairyiew boro William Gibson 175 CO 14 97 63 31
Harmony boro Fred weigle .'. j 275 00 23 42 197 79
Harrisyille boro JosephS I'ew 1 678 92 200 49 31 36 27
Karns City boro G E McGill ; 86 5o 73< 26 20
Millerstown boro T II Evans ; 409 49 34 88 170 45
Portersyille boro w H Dann 100 00 8 51 66 40
Prospect boro ;C F Newman 332 63 23 8? 29 20
Petroliaboro F M Fritz I »5 00 724 65 55
Sunbury SS Hunt 125 00 10 6- 103 58
Saxonburg boro 'Clias Raabe ' 295 00 17 01 309 90
Zelienople boro, IS B Zeigler 800 00 68 14 88 06
Totals for 1894 42458 79 $ 6 20 3060 84 516617 28
Gran! total 163274 05 12)5 694167 98 SlBBl2 66
•Refunded. ' ■ 1
Statement Showing Expenses of Butler Co. for •' Inquests 228 9S
lln-Year endin« Jan. <tli ISBO. •' Indexing 103 75
Amt, pakl Allegheny Workhouse $ G76 85 " Insurance 847 50
" lor Assessing lots 00 ' J"" Acct <Ht
lor Bridges 473s 01 '' Jauuoi Acct 6.6 00
•• inspection ysio. Jury commissioner Gra
" •' " Viewers 159 79 h am 148 30
'• '* Boiler House expenses 709 25! " Jury Commissioner—Patter
" •• commonwealth Acct uo»y w , son JJ 33 10
Constable's Keturns . M 4 54 ! ' Jurors Acct 1081123
•• Clerk ol Courts Wt6 89 Luna'-y commissions 258 40
" " Commissioner's counsel 150 00 1 " Llver>" Hire 114 75
" Deeds.. 90 00 I " Military Kol. 22:1 99
" Com Clerk 313 days at 2 50.... 782 50; " Printing Acct 608 99
" County Auditor—Allison 34 rostage j.l
days and milage 104 88 " J-xpressage etc 1X75
" county Auditor—Yonng 33 Prothonotary.
days and milage 110 52 ' KCyLstering Acct.......... ... I > '?'^
" County Auditor—Elliott 34 " Births and Deaths U W
days and milage 104 40 Reform Sehool m 5
" Commissioner McCul- ' Road \ lewers 274 34
lough 309 days 1081 50 ' Damages t '|X) 00
" Comnflss ouerK -1 ly. .:il days lo>b 50 ' Itefuudlng Acct i<« 43
" Commissioner Wilson 311 " Stenorrrapher 1806 25
days 108$ 00 " sheriff 1.88 82
" County i)et"ctive Allen 174 55 " Soldiers Burial 155 00
Thomas . 013 79 " Sewerage 14 30
•• Court House Expense? 2212 24 " Scalps v.V 191-5
•' Court < 'rler 4so 00 " Stationery, Ledgers aud uu
•' Court Auditor »■ Of' pllcates 1229 79,
•• District Atty 454 00 " Traveling Expenses ... ill IS I
" Delivering Ballots 68 97 " TlpstaTs Acct 76s 00 ,
" D-iiyage " TeletraplUni! *On ,
•' Elections Acct 51J0 80 " Western penltenr'.iry........ 229132
•' i inanclal Statement (pub- 1 " Wes r Penn Hospital Dix- _
llshlng) 150 00 j 2207 751
Unseated Land Account for the Year IS'H.
3T>> -
i = 3»£ = 3»2- = 3-
DlatricU. § Z z c ~ ? 3 i *i | I
- 5 SL * i i
| 3 2 f £ | ~ 1 I ■ * ; *. *
AliezhenV . iifv. ;ooi6icoioi 15 *it67 ( *ri oi lai w'f !li ioo
Butler" " .. an •>.« 40 <t« 20'« ili i> <: ' * 50| i *so
Bridy 2 ~ . ts m 3» »«
Butter Boro 4 40 4 40=
Cherry »M 14 is ii 6. 37 7» « » ]«» u»• "«
« lav 601 i *O. 4iv.' 151 I 511 453 151
ohtre .>» «•« »•$»»» **« *« T «
COlißOQ's'DfE 7 7:» •<9 • 1 11 6'»
rilafi-n 144 Ift' 1 ok> 5 7*> 365 5 .31 3 ft'.
Clearfield 1! J63 13' 57 »• 5» « ' ••* *«» 3134 113 tvv 9 ««l 17 62 IS 31; •«»
(VncorJ »* 3T ■ 6- - - J ':•>>• 32 1* *3 1« 6. 16 87
Kurvi v:.::::: . r- 271 ««• »3c «u« «« »#,»»' ««. »
Boro .1 22 ". 13' , 4or 536 3'O 3 » 150 _ 150
Marlon .. 24 97 191 17.9 19 M 97 16 97 97 16 97 | 457 4 ft. 4*
Parser 71 ■57 *>7 57 6' r\"> 1 3» 61 ■ 15 11 i 15 44
ivnn 99 13 Is, 16- 14 ■* 15 2"< 431 17 56 365 265
Prospect 16 74! 4f I' 4 90 Of 9- 45! 45
washtnff'ton3l «' 40 >9 41 * 58 69 23 75 22 96 .1 96 1 41 21 01 22 42;
Worth . ...! 7 60 : 10 s 3 0.! 506 21 150 21 1 1 '»■ 3 ft' 4
Donegal 114 1:1 25 61 25 61 1' 97 i; M 213 SIS 619 831
Oakland 36 ;>j 26 17 3i .v 57 7. 287 -y <>3 ao 12 41 7s g <». i: 31 «/
Wintleld "... 1 45 IV 26 K w36 4: 60 60 16 92 377 10 521 10 52
\>u tneo 73 41 27 0. 94 » 53 55 Ci 37 1> 02 61 .'.I 99 Su 14 33 54 34 13 155
Mercer 855 64. 6 42; 319 2 19, ; 111'- 642
Slippery rock • 374 47- 47S 260 260 I 52 52
Mlllerstown i _ „l ...» ; 6 . C 63
S'imm't 1' *2l 1 E !f
Buffalo 1 1 31 31 i 3 23, 15, 15
Cr*nberrv !M
For^d y .::::::.. «<2 342347 3 s i?
Jefferson 4 " 4. 43 43, to. 43
I Jiuca-.ter l ' Jil J *5
Middlesex > 2 0|
Muddy creek 4 1; 4 12 811 81
Petrolla ! » M 4 50
West Sanliury.... 2 61 2-1
Harrlsvllle i 3 15, 3 1» 1 2.. 1 »•>
Total jsa
* Overpaid,
•• Warren Hosplt.il 1160 -<0
w*mer«ville Hospital 33 0«
liecisier j: Hecorder 68 60
•• Notary Public i"0
' County Expenses 51 '•
Total 55147 30
Warren nd Dixmont Hospital Arrniit,
18 « 2 g
* E S
K _ O
* V ® m
DLstrlcts. : °
Brady,. !!!!!."!'... ioii 91 25 not»
Butler oi 25 91 25
Cherry 211 S0( 22 50
riinron 657 &> 557®
Donegal 6-i OUI 45 M
Jefferson 62 75 45 5o £•
Lancaster 80 75 «8 25 1- 50
Mercer 391 w ill 25 58 so 91 ar.
Muidvcreek 114 »>o' 45 25 68 • >
Oaklmd 143 25j 143 2.5
"eon 223 00 154 2j 6*75
Parker 4a) 52l 1 i 423 •>-
Falrview 751 »3 ;5i
Forward 10- 73 i»« »
Washington 85 75 ft' •••
Wlntleld 273 75 137 (X. 91 25 45 .>0
Warns City 3oJ 29
Butler lioro 273 75 -•■> «•»
.•lilerstown 304 oo oo
Sllpperyrock 21 25 21 25
Total 14654 39 1992 75 1172 52 s34*) o9
Do* Tax Aernant for 1894.
| ! 1 :g I | I F
I f I S I la
Districts. : : : £ ' ~ ® % a
I f jII il i i*i
i ii J. _ 1
Adams $157 50 *B2 75 118 25 546 sft 04,»2i 00
Allegheny 71 25 20 !» 975 106 411 19
Bra 'y . 68 25 54 aa 10 50 a 43
B'lllalo . . 132 00 I 36) 11 25 7 15
Bllller .. 126 75 64 00 15 75 191 43 06 SO 50
("ay .... M 75 78 *1; 225 420 800
Centre 85 "0 7s 21 45» 4iD <SO
Cherry . 95 25 25 00 27 00 1854140 11 25
I'learfleid. 85 50 85 50 27 00
Clinton. 11l 01) 96 '9 825 616
conuoq' 113 25 81 55 28 25 545 ! Btt
Cranberry 105 o' l 90 09 82" 660 .00
Donegal.. 133 50 106 28 21 0' b _JI
Falrvle x 120 00 08 33 15 75 5 9.'
Forward . 138 00 112 28 18 75 697
Franklin 85 50 72 78 825 449
TackHOß .. 105 75 88 6'i 11 25 5 81, 16 OC
,1 tr rson. 110 2 . 100 06 375 644 3.' Ofl
Lar.casrer 116 25 101 41 525 7 59, 57 01
Marlon... 10* 00 83 42 13 50 SOU 11 10
Mercer... 42 75 19 50 186 21 59
Middlesex 139 50 116 15 16 75 7Gu
Muddyc'k. 72 00 6t 99 300 4 01; 46 0(1
l) kland.. 1»3 50 90 00 666 681 53 00
Parker 99 on 8i 91 12 75; 4 31,
Penn .... 144 75 125 37 7 3> 12 00 88 50
siipp-rv'k 69 75 13 50 '>•' 55 SSB
summit . 137 25 117 65 12 00' 760 11 00
Venango 88 50 68 05 15 75 470
Wasb'rt'n 75 75 F5 61 16 50 364 6! Ml
Wortb 88 50 23 70 375 121 59 06 16 S5
WlnOi* d . 123 00 975 113 25 955
Butler b>r2 400 94 OJ 30 75 574 73 49
Cen r TlU' 12 00 68J l.w 41 4 27]
Eyans cy 450 150 300
F ilrvlew 825 500 , 42 283
Harmony. 34 50 20 00 17» 12 8o;
llarrlsvre 10 50 75 '9 75 !
Karns C'y 975 9'o 75
Mlllers'.'n. ."4 00 27 79 16 50 1 92 7 79)
Portersv'e 15 00 12 12 225 63
Prospect.. 12 00 11 37 63
P trolla 21 75 1 50 20 25
Sunbury . 12 75 10 53 150 , 72,
Saxonb'rg 30 75 29 00 1 75■
Zehenople 30 00 27 OO 1 150 1 50,
T0ta13876 00 2815 73 398 50 168 40 682 87»iS2 40
.InbuT Martin. Traaiuirar at Huilar t'niint.f.
To tax rec'd of Collectors of ISU3 and
previous {20.815 26
To tax rec'd of collectors ot 1894 79
To am t rec'<l from Co Comm'ers .. 734 57
To ain't rec'd tor recall 11 uor license luii 50
•• Co Detective •• is> oo
1 To am't of fines rec'd from Justices of
Peace 41# 5o
To jury fees rec'd of e\-Sheriff Brown 112 So
from oTk of Courts.. 99 60
To fines rec'd from Clerk of Courts 308 ot
To tax on unseated lands 2.420 2«
To ain't rec'd from twps ami boros.
on acc't ol Warren and Dlxmont
Hospitals 892 75
To ba! remaining In Treas'y Jan. 1, '94 19.212 85
Total $87,434 ss
By am't of warrants redeemed $55,147 9"
" warrants on unseated land SOS 71
By treasurers pt reentage on $50,000 at
3% per cent 1,750 00
By treasurers percentage on §3,147 90
at l ptr rent 51 47
To am't paid for teachers' Institute... 1K«0 oo
To State tax paid 10,428 no
To treasurer's per cent on state tax at
1 per cent 103 33
Bal In treasury Jan. 1, 1895 18,943 «4
Total $87,434 58
Tax due from collectors for 1893 and
previous $*.195 38
Tas Ilue from collectors for 1894 16.0i7 2s
Am't due frpm Mate Treasurer 7.321 uo
Commissloneis. notes 4K> no
Jury fees due from ex-Sheriff Eedlc 52 Oo
Jury tees due from ex-Prothonotarv
Shira 10 t>o
Jury fees due from Sheriff Campbell. l.sn oo
Bal due from twps and boros on acc't
of Warren and Dlxmont Hos
' nltals 3.450 39
Uouse and lot In Butler 200 00
Bal of dog tax In treasury 1.597 21
Dog tax one from collectors of is:> 4 oti2 37
Jury fees due from Proth'y Beaton 52 00
$33,018 63
Voucher No. 3930 to Morrow and Mc-
Brlde 165 00 |
Assets over liabilities $33,453 63 j
We, the undersigned Auditors of Butler !
county, State of Pennsylvania do certify that
In p .rsuauce of law we met at the oflice of the
County Commissioners. In the borough of But
ler. on the 7th day ol 'unuary 1895. and audited
the several accounts 01 John T Martin, Treas
urer of said county, and also the a counts of
County Commissioners. We do certify that the
foregoing Is a correct statement of said ac
counts accordl .g to the best of our knowledge
and belief. In witness thereof, we have hereto
set our h*nds and seals this 12th day of Feb
ruary , 1895.
County Auditors.
We, the undersigned Commissioners of But
ler county. do hereby certify that the foregoing
statements contain a just and true exhibit of
the receipts and expenditures 01 Butler county
tor the ; ear 1894, as we truly believe.
Witness our hands and seals this 12th day of
February, i>-93.
County Commissioners
Attest: ISAAC MEALS, Clers.
A business that keeps grow
ing through a season 01 de
pression, such as the country
has experienced, evi
dence that people realize they
save money by trading with
us. We know, and always
have knOvv n, the days of large
profits are past. Without
■ question we are giving more
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year.
Colbert & Dale.
V r: . ;«B?
» tJM'v-Ti . • . firkin* and
- Ihit. -• . . ■" ! I nig* It WO.' r : jr.crm.hrn*. If
tllou.ihu (<•)!' •*- * ir.: HT»<l protru»l'\
\ h j of «:• \ /
\ • .. . i-i-. t. M»g
Hiul MiTuii.f, u!' • r-t '«f , I'. wUit-u
rcaao> m th»- luaiw. *• - it.
Jury Lists for March Term
List of names, drawn Irom the proper
Jury Wheel, this 2sih ol Jan. A. D. 189.")
to sorve as Graud Jurors at a regular term
of Court, commencing on the lirst Monday
of Mirch A. I) 1803. the same being the
4th day of suia mouth.
Beihi George C, Butler Boro Ist ward, tin
Baker Henry, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Black W C, Parker twp, merchant.
I (Jlonse l'hilip, Batler Biro 2ud ward, gent.
Dunn Fred, ilillerstowu Boro, stonemason.
Dale David E, Butler Boro 4th ward, mer
Dunlap Thomas, Butler Boro, sth ward,
Galbreth Joshua, Winfield twp, farmer.
Gilmore WmA. Marion twp, farmer.
Gruff Reuben, Marion twp, tarmer.
Kemper Frank. Butler Boro 2nd ward,
harness maker.
Keister Paul. Slipperyrock twp, farmer.
Larimore John, Concord twp, shoe maker.
M. i.ler Fred. Cranberry twp, farmer.
vlcCliuiock I'bomas, Mercer twp, farmer
Rigcle A J, Jefferson twp, pumper.
Keiber John J, Butler Boro sth ward,
Strohecker Chas, Zeleinople Boro, hotel
Smith John, Allegheny twp, J P.
Sefton Wm, Middlesex twp. farmer.
Thompson J N, Lsrady twp, taric.r.
Vandick Rusiel, Marion twp, larmer.
Wade John. Buffalo twp, farmer.
Young E B, Summit twp, farmer.
List of Petit Jurors drawn this 28th day
of Jan. A. D. 1895 to serve as Petit Jarors
at a regular tdriu of court, commencing on
the second M >nday of March A. !'. 1895
the same being the 11th day ol said month.
Allison Win, Centre, twp, farmer.
Anderson O U. Allegheuy twp, farmer.
Bell Edwin E. Washington twp S, larmer.
Baird K M, Centreville boro, laborer.
Badger 0 D, Muddycreek twp, farmer.
Brown A C, Forward twp, larmer.
Bauer George, Butler twp, farmer.
Cooper S> lvanus, Slippery rock twp, farmer.
Crouse Albert, Winfieid twp, farmer.
Cooper Perry, Adams twp S, driller.
Coulter T E. Concord twp, farmer.
Cox Wm, Adams twu S, larmer.
Daubenspeck Campbell, Washington twp
S, farmer.
Ekas Henry, Clinton twp, farmer.
Frazier A L, Butler boro 2ud ward, oil
Fisher U D, Batler boro 4th ward, carpen
Frazier Robert, Muddy creek twp, farmer.
Frazier John, Butler boro 3ud ward, vet
ernary surgeon
Householder George, Zeleinople boro,
Hemphill S V, Clinton twp, farmer.
Johnson J S, Summit twp, farmer.
Kirchuer Nicblas, Brady twp, farmer.
Kennedy F J, Penn twp X, gent.
Kochner J, Lancaster twp, farmer.
Latshaw H B, Zelienople boro, gent.
Lindsey Warren W, Allegheny twp, oil
Marshall 8 J. Forward twp, farmer.
Milliuien Ueoige, Harmony boro, teamster.
Martin K H, Buffalo twp, farmer.
Miller James. Middlesex twp, farmer.
McElavin Reuben, Butler boro Ist ward,
McDintt J 14, CleailieiJ twp, larmer.
MuCandless Conard, Franklin twp, larmer.
McCune W I), Cherry twp N, M D.
MeGuary W B, Butler boro 3rd ward, mer
Morris John C, Clinton twp, farmer.
Negley Daniel, Jefferson twp, farmer.
Nash Casper, Donegal twp, farmer.
Phorn Perer, Fairview twp, W, wagon
Kipper J A, Evans City, black smith.
Ramsey Richard. Muddycreek twp, farmer.
Redd W E, Millerstown boro, merchant.
Roseltaugn A C, Adams twp X. farmer.
Rowan John, Cranberry twp, farmer.
Stewart Archibald, Cherry twp S, farmer.
Weitzel John W, Brady twp, farmer.
Winter Albert, Zeleinople boro, merchant.
Wilson R C, Venango twp. farmer.
' 1 Professional Cards.
4 *
Homoeopathic Physician and
Oflice 126 S. Main St., over Bickel's shoe
Residence 315 N. McKean St.
> Dr. N. M. HOOVER,
137 E. Wayne St., oflice hours, 10 to 12 M. and
l 10 3 P. M.
; j office at No. 45, S. Wain etriet, tver city
. \ Pharmacy, Butler, Pa,
Sew Troutwan Building, Butler, Pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
200 West Cunningham St.
Office at 127 E. Jefferson St., Butler Pa.
Oflice hours a to 9. an J 10:30 to 12. A. M., anil
l to 3. ana 7 to 9 P. M.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artlilcial Teeth Inserted on the latest im
proved plan, (iold Killliit; a specialty. Office
over Scnaul's clothing Store.
Gol<i Filling Painless Extraction of Teeth
nd Artificial Teeth without Plates a specialty
ltrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local
Uißatueties used.
Office over Miller's Grocery east of Lowry
ous e.
Office dWedoesdajrs aud Thursdays
Dentist,J f
is now located In n.iw and elegant rooms ad-
Joining ills former ones. All klu fa of clasp
plates and modern gold work.
"Gas Administered.'
Oitlee—Between Postofflce and Duinoiul, But
ler. Pu.
Room P.. Arm jry Building. Butler. Pa ,
What's next? We'll make no secret of it.
Cnla f riUSLINS &
B> special co-operation of the mills we are cnablled to offer you
3240 yds (2 cases) Lonsdale 4-4 Sheetings at 6c
22<j2 " (2 bales) Langtry " unbleached at 5c
2980 " " Malta " ' 3 7-80
We rutm the right of refitting to sell these muslins to store
keepers and ask the indulgence of our customers in requesting them
noi 10 present coupons to be redeemed for purchases of muslins this
Table Linens,
Napkins and Towels will be offered this week at stock taking
prices. Take advantage of it if looking for bargains.
A Grand Offering
I In dress goods. Every piece of fancy dress goods in stock, except
ing indiviual patterns, value from 50c to $1 00 and most of our plain
serges and henriettas will be plaed on our counter and offered, this
week onlv, at 37 i-2c per yard
Dress goods we will offer at 15c per yd. Woolen underwear in
men's, ladies' and children's sizes will be sold at exactly half price.
Blankets go at 1-4 oft.
We are still selling handkerchief*. j»welry, hosiery, laces, etc. at nine cents and can
pive y« n a lovely variety of erobmidery rcniuants at remarkably low prices. No coup
ons will be redeemed aft*r Feb. 28.
c The Butler Citizen. \
Leaders in low prices JT A A VXT'Q BUTLER,
and reliable goods. 1V A U T IVLAIN i\ C 5, PA .
A Gentle
Bickel's Grand Clearance Sale of
To make room for a large Spring Btoi;k which I have purchased
and which will begin to arrive soon, I have placed on sale many
matchless bargains. Now, this means to the clo*e baver "M->n°y in
your pocket." Whv pav big prices when you can get the same goods
at our store for half the money.
A few of tDe many bargains: One lot men's fine Calf, Kanga
roo and Cordovan shoes, sizes broken, regular price, $3 50 to $ J 00
Your choice for $2 50. One lot men's fine shoes at $1 25 One lot
Drillers' sh »es, box to* h**vy sjie p-iei {2 00 23
One lot Lviies' fine h*ni welt shoss regular prici $4 00 now at
50. One lot Ladies fine hand turn shoes, oaanv different styles,
prices ranging from $3 03 to $4 00, vour choica a: *2 00. On los
Ladies' fine shoes Blucher style to be closed at $1 50.
One lot Ladies' warm lined shoes at 50c One lot Lidi es'
cloth lined slippers at 25c. Men's heavy sole kip boots at $2 00
1 Boys' heavy sole kip boots at $1 00. Youths' heavy sole kip buots
at 75c. Men's rubber boots, Boston, Candee or Woons>cket, at
$2 00 per pair, Men's kip boots at $2 50 per pair. Boys' rubber
boots at $1 50. Ladies' same price.
u nanrmira I.adies'fine SPECIALTY rnbbsrs sizen 2i to 4£
regular price 50c go at 25c. I have many other bargains When
passing my store atop and look at the bargains I am offering wheth
er you need a pair or not. Call anyway, always glad to show
Repairing done. To those who do their own repairing will
say I have just reed 20 dozen iron stands and can sell you one
with four lasts at a bargain. Call and eee me.
John Bickel, 128 5. flain
Office at No. 8. South Diamond, Butler. Fa.
Att'y at Law- omce on South side of Diamond
- Butler. Pa.
Office second floor. Anderson B1 k. MUu 84.
near Court House. Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Law. Office at No. IT, East Jeffer
son St., Butler, Pa.
Office at No. 101 East Diamond St.
Attorney-at-law. Office in Mitdhel! building
Butler Pa.
Office In room 8., .Armory Building. Butler
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. O
nee on Siuth Dlaui >id. Pa.
Office 011 second Uoor Jl the Huselton clock,
lainond. Butler. Pa., Room No. 1.
L. E. Crumbling*
Breeder of Thoro Poaltry
Will sell eggs lor hatchiog from
fine Black Mnorcas, Indian Games, |
Baff Leghorns, Barred and White
Plymouth Rocks, and Houdans at $1
per setting; White Indian Games $5
Old and young stock for gale
a*on able price*.
1? s EVsiS' LYE
fheaf rc»rffentaadpnr««t T-ye ■
t A rzr"'\ ' o u:uer Lya It being
w£»s/i hi powder all parked lr a can
JKSiii \/iu» roinovable li.L tL«* oontenw
•SH': are Hways . .vly f r u«*. Win
% :t ■»; th * 'lni.M I!ardS«iaD
Jtfev iu Jnnii: ' : boiilnj.
SB rlp'-s'a ll.fn.lt.>, Mi.U*. I
If WitoMng bo U lea, l-alnti*. tree*, etc. |<■
B. £ B.
i New 1895
Wash Goods
Most extensive best assortment as
to styles and colorings—we feel confident
iu saj ing—possible to And, Teviots, Chevi
ots, Madras, Dimities, Anders.ms Zephyr
Ginghams and New Novelties, French Sat
ines, Scotch Lawns, Organdies—in fact,
nothing new and desirable in Wash Dress
Goods has escaped us, and you'll find the
most complete collection of charming fa
brics ever submitted—price range 5 cents
to 50c.
Insertings and Laces
legitimately come in for equal praise—but
seeing is believing—come or send for sam
ples aud prove our assertions.
Dress Goods
aad Suitings
items that will pay investigation.
New 50 inch Suitings,
Best we've ever offured iu new, stylish
Suitings at iirice. Xeat Check Effects and
flicked Silk-mixed Diagonal, 50 inches
wide, 50c a yard.
Odd lot 50-inch all-wool Ladies' Cloth
Suiiiugs, huht green, reseda, lignt, medium
and dark drab, tan, two shades in light
grey mixtures—soc qualities, 50 inches
wide, 25c per yard
All-Wool Suiting,
3 styles in 15 color combinations—desirable
medium aud dark all wool, firmly made,
yard wide goods at
25c a yard.
l')s pieces assorted part wool—some %11
w.iul Suit ngs—solid colors and mixtures,
2S to 36 inches wide,
15 Gents a yard.
A mail order from you, either for samples
or goods, will receive prompt and satisfac
tory attention. Write us.
Boggs 6c Bull!,
Consult the Old Reliable" "2™
Thirty venrs continuous practice in the cure of ail
dlseas** ot men and women No mutter from what
titUfte or bow lon* standing. I will guarantee a cure.
ntt-e*so Cloth-Bound ilook te.uleU) uud aualed