Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 14, 1895, Image 1

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An eye opener—A heart tickler.
The longer you look at it the sweeter
it grows. Popular light weights.
See the Cleveland before you purchase
your mount for 1895.
Never mind what others say, we are
ready to supply the trade.
V cmember every Cleveland is fully
guaranteed to be first class in every
© j
We have a full line for Ladies, and
Gentlemen; Boys and Girls, and All
Strictly made.
J o o
H. A. Lozier Co.
J. E. Forsythe, Ag't.
116 W. Jefferson St. BUTLER, PA.
Owinjr to a contemplated change iD our business April Ist.. it becomes
necewary that we close oat our entire stock on or before that date—We
will therefore place on cale this week ovt-r 2,000 pairs of pants. 1,000 suits
nnderwj»iir, 1,200 Men's, 800 Boy's and <>UO Children's suits; 500 Over
coats; 1000 Hats; 3')o solid troid Rinjrs; 50 Watebec; 200 Chains, 1,000
Collar and Caff button-; 2,000 Scarf pios; 200 Shirt waists.etc.
We here jrive you timely notice of special days ales, and special dis
count, so that, you can prepare to take advantage of these sales and secure
some ol the bargains.
Bargain Days
Wednesday Jan. 30—Pants day—2s per cent off,
Friday, Feb. Ist Ov. rcoat day—2s per cent, off,
• Tuesday Feb sth—Underwear day—2s per cent, off,
Thursday, Feb. 7th—Jewelry day—2s per cent off,
Monday, Feb. 11th—Hat day—2s percent, off.
Special eales on certain lines of goods every day as Ions: as those goods
lapt Tbeeo g.Kids not suf j»-et. to Ppeoial dijcoiint . P>nt« forijiur
to 6 dollars, special price $1 50 'o *3 30—Men's suits former price f4 50 to
sl2 00, special price 250 to 7 50,—Childrens suits, former price 1 to b
dollars special price 75c to $3 50, fine gondola Hats former price $2 00 to
$4 50. special price from 75c to $2 00—Hoy's aud Childrens Caps, former
price 15to 25c. special price Ito 10c—Ufderwear former price 25c, Speciol
price 15c—Muffl-rs former price from 50c »o $2 50 special price 25c to $1 25
Don't miss tM« great ss'e- by borrowing money at. tj per cent you can
save 27 per cent net, now this may seem strange yet it is true, and if you
doobt it Just call around and we will convince you.
D. A. Heck,
Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher,
21 N. Ma in St., Duffy's Etuk, lutHr.Fe
A rifl everything in horse and btiggy fur
nishing goods—Harness, Collars, Whips.
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
trunks and valises.
Repairing done on short notice.
The largest assortment of Horse
blankets in town will be tound at
Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
Office Cor.Main & Cunningham
«KO. KKTTKKKR. Vice Pres. *
L. 6. Br J OKl Ser'j and Vrew>.
AltretWick, Henderson Oliver,
Dr. W. Irvln, James Stephenson,
W. VV. Blackmore. N. Weitzel
F. Bowman, H. J. Kllngler
Geo Ketterer. i has. ReDnun,
Oeo. Renno, John Koer.in.-
Ladies' Muslin Underwear?
Wo have opened the fiuest assortment i
we have ever offered to our customers. |
We have never before shown such bat
gains. Newest rtyies in Corset covers ;
ranging in price, 10, 2a, 35, 50, 75c and
SI.OO. Ladle* and Children* drawer* in nil
the newest designs and makes. both ia :
tucked and embroidered, price -3. 35. 50,
75c and $1 00 Large variety Lado«s kins,
plain, tuoked and embroidered; 50 fi">. 75 •
e's.Tufl'siz™- «rd price
60, 65, 75c SI.OO, $1 25 $1 35 $1 75.
Come and examine quality and prices
before doing yoor spring sewing and *ne
If you cannot buy cheaper than you can
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 8. Main St.. - Butler.
HI § ||Tr n MEH. local or travel
llu AN I P II tag. to sellmy guaran.
■ Salary or Commission
paid weeKly. Outfit fi«>. speoial attention
Iflven to heijliiuers NVor'xers never t*tl to innke
rood weekly wages. Write me at once lor par
E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman
Koch inter N. Y,
? Are Your ?
? Fresh? /
C Everything we have isC
/ fresh. We guarantee every/
p pound we sell to be the}
\ best of its kind there is. \
/ We want regular,all-the \
r year-round, trade. Let us C
V sell you all you can eat. €
i Henry riillei%(
? Opposite P. O. S
Southside Tlestaurarit
No. 211 Centre Avenue, (Whit
mire buildiDg,) convenient to P. &
W. depot. Open all hoars. All
kind of lunches and regular meals.
Tobacco and Cigars, fine confectionß
and everything to he found in a
firnt class R« staurunt Give us a
call and w»- will do our best to ac
commodate yoQ.
C.X, D.
A business that keeps grow
ing through a season oi de
pression, such as the country
has experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize they
save money by trading with
us. We know, and always
have known, the days of large
profits are past. Without
question we are giving more
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year.
Colbert & Dale.
It is unnecessary
to bore vou with the
advertisement of our
largest stock, best
facilities, biowst
7 CO
business, etc. You
know we have that.
The important an
nouncement is,
We will Positively save
yon Money on your
Fall Clothes.
Our stock tables
are resplendent with
the new est patterns.
See them.
Look at This.
T C y//fi
Think of it, a Ladies fine Vici
Kid Shoe, in lace or button, six
different styles to select from,
price $1.25 actual value $2.00.
We are going to spring a sur
prise on our customers and place
on sale a Ladies Kid Button
Shoe, Pat tips at 88cts., also a
Ladies fine grain button shoe at
88cts.,if you want a pair of these
don't delay, they are going fast.
We claim to sell the best shoe
for SI.OO ever made. It is a gents
fine Bufl Shoe in lace or congress
and just as much style to it as
any $3.00 shoe in the market.
Our mens A Calf Congress and
Lace shoe at 95cts, needs no
mention. We are selling them
about as fast as we can get them.
All winter goods and Rubber
to be sold regardless of cost,
Tie New Sboe Store.
215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance,
Insurance Company of North Aui«-rira,
102 d year. Asset* $9,278,000; Homo of N»-w
York. Assets $9,000,000; llartford of Ha't
ford, Assets $7,378,000; Phoenix ot 8r0..k
tyn. Assets $.">.000,000.
Insurance and *e*l Estate
Hotel Butler
J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and all
other modern conveniences for
guests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
can toun<J in Buller. Pa.
Elegant sample room for use 01
commercial men
Hotel WiUiard.
Reopened and now ready for the
rcommodation of tho traveling pub
Ever} thing in style.
M H BR001&, Clerk,
i ThatTiredFeeling
Is due to an impoverished condition of the
; blood. It should be overcome without de
lay. and the best way to accomplish this
result is to take Uood's which
Hood's Sar'a
-1 JL %%%%%% parilla
will purify and vital- £ "V « «
ize the blood, give A U1 vd
! strength and appe
ti t e and produce fwwwww
sweet and refreshing sleep. Be sure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla. and only Hood's.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, and biliousness.
Regis-ter'a Notices.
The Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts of exeeutors, xdmiu
utrators and tuardian-. hive been ti el in nig
office according to U«. nu d will be- present
ed to Court lor confirmation and allowance
on "-aiurdiiy. ihe !>tli day of March, 1 895, »t
9 o'clock a ui.. of s*id day:
I Firs; ami final account of oor.« E. liofi
man, administratrix of Freder.ck A llo£-
j man, deoased, late of Franklin two.
•I Final ae' ount ot C. B. Irvine, exeruior
of E zaheth McCamlless, deceased, l«!e of
Aiems twp.
3. Final sccouut of George Fox, gtti:rdian
ot George Knecbt »ud Kmina k>ecui. minor
eliilnren ot C. L. Kuecht, deceased, late of
Butler iwp.
-1. First and final account of John H. Mc-
I.urc, guardiau of .lenuie May Btair, minor
child <>t Rebecca Blair, deceased, late o;
Fairv ew bo ! o
5. Final account of John K. Gilchr si,
guardian of John White, minor child •
James M. and Kebecca J. White dtceax d,
laie ot Venango twp.
ti. First and fiual account of Levi Boyer,
administrator oi Elizabeth Uoyer, deeea-co,
ia:e of Jacksou twp.
7. First and final accouut of Thomas R.
HOOD Executor ot George Dawson, decease- 1 ,
laie ot Ceuler twp.
S. Final account ot Walter K. Wick, ao
uiiuistiator oi Nan die J. Wick, dtcea.e-1,
iaie ot Butler boro.
y. Float acc-'Uiit ot Wuj. B Currie, ex<.-
ui«-r »d" Georue C. McCaudJeas, deceased, l«i.
oi Frank 'in twp
10 Final account of J. i". Douiey, &dioi>>
isiraun and trustee ot the estate ot J >tiu N
l'urviance, deceased, late of Butler boro.
II Fiual account, of J. D. McJuukin,
guardian of A. Markle Neymao, minor cniid
ot Euieiine Neymao, deceased, laie oi timid
12. Final account of William .11. Wick
guardian of William H. McGarvey, irnuor
child ol Hubert D. Mctjarvoy, deceased, iau
ol Fairvie*' twp,
13. Final accouut cf William Xi. VV id
guardian oi Sadie li McGarve>, minor child
ol Robert D. McGarvey, deceased, tale o.
Fairview township.
14. Final account ot F. P. Critchlow, ad
ministrator ot the estate oi W. F. HeusUaw,
deceased, late ot Pro-peel b >ro.
15. Fiual acc >uut ol Jouu Reed a imlu
istralor of George W. Forsythe, deceased.
late of Slippery rock towusUip
16. Final accouut ot James H. Moin.-o
Jr.. gdmluisirator ol Daniel Elleby,deceaee'l
late of Harrisville boro.
17. Final account ol 11. J. O'Douuell, ad
ministrator of Chai le* <->'• ouuell. decease ,
late ot Clearfield township.
18. Fiual accouut ol Cnarlea W. G -ehring
admiuirtraior ol Jono Goetiriug. deceased,
tate oi Harmony boro.
19. Final account ot Isaac G Pollard una
Ell Keep, executors ot tleury Keep,decease-.:
iase ol Fairvi. w twp.
20. i-inai acc .'Uut of Margaret Bei„!ilt..
administratrix of John II Beiuhley, •;<
ctased, late ot Eaucaster iwp.
21 Panwl accouut ol L S l.utdiu »
iviKur i WesiurujdU, u iiniuistrnuirn ~| vV i
iiaui llnriutr, «lt-cc-iscil. late ol Citutou twj>
21. I'artiHi account ol Ji.liu hi,,-u
ixtcuior ot K<l*aru W inter, dtc.jutd, i te
oi Oekinbu twj..
*3. first partial account ot J. Wu.i.i
Hartley anil L, .Vic-'ua&iu,executors ol W 1.
Buriley, deceased, late ot hutler boro
24. J-'lrst and tiual account .»!
Veusel, administrator of ihe estate ol Join
\enseJ, deceased, late ot Llouegal t*n.
25. tiual accouut ol Mar
i'.urKl.url, execu rix oi JoUu iiarktiari, ue
ceased, late ot Butler twp.
26. Fiual accouut ot Charles Oesterluit
administrator ol Christian Oesterling. ot
censed, late ot Donegal twp.
2". Final fcccouut oI Alexander Black, ml
uiii.istraior ol Alaigaret Cowan .deceased, i« It
oi Slippery rock iwp.
2». Final accouut ol A. D. Weir, guardta
. i J1 y ————* ' —
tw|>., as staled by Eiuabeiu J. vVeir, adtum
isuatrix oi A. 1). VVeir, deceased.
Ti). Final account ot A, L>. Weir, guardian
ol l.atliariue B. Petsi nger, a minor cund nl
Mary Jane Petsiager, deceased lute oi
butialo twp.. as slated tty Elizabeih J. VVeir,
administratrix ot'A. I). Weir, dece sed.
30 Final accuu.t ol A 1). Weir, guardi n
ot tiudsou W. l'ouabay, miuor cuiid o>
Samanttia Don a bay, deceased, laie ol tJutiai
l»p., as slated oy Elizabeth J Weir, aumn
lotralrix ot A. D. VVeir, deceased.
31. Fiual accouut ol A. D. VVeir, guardian
of F<iuard J. Donahay, tumor cbild oi
Hamaulha Douabay, deceased, late ot Bulla.■>
iwp., as staled by Elizabeth J. Weir, aatutu
isiratrix ol A D. Weir, deceased.
32. Filial account ol A. D. VVeir, guardiai
ol Doily liouabay, tuiuor cbild o; Sauinuiii-
Donabay.decea.-ed, late ot Butl.ilo ncp , as
Stated by Elizabeth J. VVeir, administratrix
ot A . D VV eir, dtceased.
33. Filial account ot Sarah Rodger*, ad
ministratrix ol fuotilaa KoOger s, ueceu.-e ,
■aie ot Fairview iwp.
34. Final account of J. H. Curottiers, a -
ujiniotrator cl Jmnts Armstrong, decent- ,
late ol Cherry iwp.
35. Final aecouut of Win. S. Casbduiiai.
guardian ol Waller 11. Glileiauu, tniuv
child of John C. UitleUnd, aecfeaaed, lale «.
Adams twp.
36. Final account of Jobu W. (iillt-y
atlmistralor of HiWillon Utlleapie, aerea.-iO
late ol CouuoqueDesslug twp,
7. Final account ol Ueorge It. Greeu, ad
n. mutilator ol Ou?e Isabel U>~eeu, decea-eii,
ikle ol Allegheny iwp.
IW Fiuai account ol Jacob Keck, auini..
■strator C I'. A.; U B N ;ol Joseph Aliusit
Sr., deceaaed late ot Oaaiand twp
39. Partial account ot Lewis Nortueiui
executor ol Cti!lstiua tiaoler, deceased, iai.
ot Donegal twp.
J.S WICK Rrfc'
Widows' Appra semenin.
The following widows' appraisements ol
personal property set apart lor the btUetii o
be widows ot decedents tiave been tileo in
the office ot the Clerlt ol Orphans' CVuu ot
Butler county, viz:
Widow ot Th»mas Donaldson $ S K t> •
" Win Lutz 300 IA»
11 John G. Kauss 3UO Ou
W. 11. Hit 300 (XI
" William J. black 90
" Jas. Sellers 30tj o>'
" Jesse Kice, Br 300 0J
'' J.C. shanor 42 5<J
All persons inteiested in the aboye ap
prai->enienU> will take notice mat they will (>e
prnenitd tor continuation to the Orphans'
. Court ot Butier county, Pa., ou the 9th day
of March. 1895, and it no eicepuons be tiled
they will be confirmed absolutely.
Famous New York, tailor-made
For sale by prominent dealers
all over the State. None genuine
without Hammerslough Bro's
label. The swellest and best
wearing clothes in this Country.
Ask your clothier for them.
Save 20
Per Cent,
By bringing your dyeing an cl aui-'U di-
I rect to our place. We have done awav with
j our agents and propose giving our patrons
! the benefit. Come and bring your work and
i we can tell you just what can he done to it,
thus avoiding the mi«under<<tauding and in
competency of ageota. If you canno' couie
seed us a postal and we will call on you.
I R. Fisher.
Dr. Mac Lure did not lead a solemn
procession from the sick bed to th«
dining-room, and give his opinion from
the hearthrug with an air of wisdom
bordering on the supernatural, because
neither the Urumtochty houses nor his
manner were on that large scale. He
was accustomed to deliver himself in
the yard, and to conclude his directions
with one foot in the stirrup; but when
he left the room where the life of Annie
Mitchell was ebbing slowly away, out
doctor said not one word, and at the
sight of his face her husband's heart
was troubled.
He was a dull man, Tammas, who
could not read the meaning of a sign,
and labored under a perpetual disabil
ity of speech; but love was eyes to him
that day, and a mouth.
"Is't as bad as yir lookin', doctor?
Tell the truth; wull Annie no come
through?" and Tammas looked Mac-
Lure straight in the face, who never
flinched his duty or said smooth things.
"A' wud gie onything tae say Annie
hes a chance, but a' daurna; a' doot yir
gaein' to lose her, Tammas'."
Mac Lure was in the saddle, and as
he gave his judgment he laid his hand
on Tammas' shoulder with one of the
rare caresses that pass between men.
"It's a sair business, but ye 'ill play
the man and no vex Annie; she 111 dae
her best, a'll warrant."
"An* a'll dae mine;" and Tammas
gave Mac Lure's hand a grip that would
have crushed the bones of a weakling.
Drumtochty felt in such moments the
brotherlinessof this rough-looking man,
and loved him.
Lammas hid his face in Jess' mane,
who looked round with sorrow in her
beautiful eyes, for she had seen many
tragedies, and in this silent sympathy
the stricken man drank his cup, drop
by drop.
The winter night was falling fast,
the snow lay deep upon the ground,
and the merciless north wind moaned
through the close as Tammas wrestled
with his sorrow dry-eyed, for the tears
were denied Drumtochty men. Neither
the doctor nor Jess moved hand or foot,
but their hearts were with their fellow
creature, and at length the doctor made
a sign to Marget Howe, who had
come out in search of Tammas, and now
stood at his side.
"Dinna mourn tae the brakin' o' yir
heart, Tammas," she said, "as if Annie
an' you had never loved. Neither death
nor time can pairt them that love;
there's neathin' in a' the warld sae
strong as love. If Anni« gaes frae the
sieht o' yir e'en she'll come the nearer
tae yir hert. She wants tae see ye,
and tae hear ye say that ye 'ill never
forget her nicht nor day till ye meet In
the land where there's nae pairtin'.
Oh, a' ken what a'\a sayin', for it's five
years noo sin George gied awa, an' he's
mair with me noo than when he wes in
Edinboro' and I wes in Drumtochty."
"Thank ye kindly, Marget; thae are
gude words and true, an' ye hev the
richt tae say them; but a' canna dae
without seein' Annie comin' tae
me in the gloamin', an' gaein' in an'
oot the hoose, an' hearln* her ca' me by
ina name, an' a'll no can tell her that a'
luve her when there's nae Annie in the
"Can naethin' be dune, doctor? Ye
savit Flora Cammil and young Burn
brae, an' yon shepherd's wife, Dun
leithwy, an' we were a' sae prood o' ye,
an' pleased tae think that ye hed kepit
deith frae . nither hame. Can ye no
think o' somethin' tae help Annie,
and gie her back tae her man and bair
nies?" and Tammas searched the doc
tor's face in the cold, weird light.
"Ye wi' TT*«v TammaSi
a' kent her lang afore ye ever luved
her; a' brocht her intae the warld, and
a' saw her through the fever when she
was a bit lassikie; a' closed her mith
er's een, and it wes me hed to tell her
she wes an orphan, un uae man wes
better pleased when she pot a gude
husband, and a' helpitherwi' her fower
bairns. A've naither wife nor bsurus
o' ma own, an' a' coont a' the fauk o'
the glen ma family. Div ye think a'
wudna save Annie if I cud? If there
wes a man in Muirtown 'at cud dae
mnir for her, a'd have him this verra
nicht, but a' the doctors in Perthshire
are helpless for this tribble.
"Tammas, ma puir fallow, if it could
avail, a' tell ye a' wud lay down this
auld worn-oot ruckle o' a body o' mine
juist tae see ye baith sittin' at the fire
side, an' the bairns round ye, couthy
an' canty again; but it's nae tae be,
Tammas, it's nae tae be."
"It's God's wull an' maun be borne,
but it's a sair wull for me, an' a'm no
ungTatefu' tae you, doctor, for a' ye've
duen and what ye said the nicht, and
Tammas went back to sit with Annie
for the last time.
Jess picked her way through the deep
snow to the main road, with a skill
that came with long experience, and
the doctor held converse with her.
"Eh, Jess wumman, yon wes the
hardest wark a' hae tae face, and a*
wud raitlier hae ta'en ma chance o'
anither row in a Glen llrtach drift than
tell Tammas Mitchell his wife wes
"A* said she cudn* be cured, and it
wes true, for there's juist ae man in
the land fit for't, and they micht aa
weel try tae get the mune oot o' heaven.
Sae a' said naethin' tae vex Tammas,
for it's eneuch withoot regrets.
"But it's hard, Jess, that money wull
buy life after a', an' if Annie wes a
duchess her man wudna lose her; bul
bein' only a puir cottar's wife, sha
maun dee aforo the week's oot.
"Gin we hed him the morn there's
little doot she wud be saved, for he
hasna lo6t mair than five per cent, d
his cases, and they 'ill be puir toon's
craturs, no strappin' women like An
"It's oot o' the question, Jess, sae
hurry up, lass, for we've hed a heavy
day. But it wud be the grandest thing
that wes ever dune In the glen in 00l
time if it could managed by hook 01
"We 'ill gang and see Drumsheugh,
Jess; he's anither man sin' Oeordl*
HOO'B deith, and he wes aye kinder
than fouk kent;" and the doctor passed 1
at a gallop through the village, whose j
lights shone across the white frost
bound roa4.
"Come in by, doctor, a' heard ye on
the road; ye 'ill hae been at Tammas
Mitchell's; hoo's the gudewife? a' doot
she's sober."
"Annie's deein', Drumsheugh, an'
Tammas is like tae brak his heart."
"That's no lichtsome, doctor, no
lichtsome ava, for a' dinna ken ony ,
man in Drumtochty sae bund up in his ,
wife as Tammas, and there's no a bon- I
nier wumman o' her age crosses oor
kirk door than Annie, nor a cleverer at
her warlt. Man, ye 'ill need tae pit ylr
brains in steep. Is she clean beyond j
"Beyond me and every ither in the
land but ane, and it wud cost a hun
dred guineas tae bring him tae Drum- j
"Cartes, he's no blate; it's a fell
charge for a short day's work; but hun
dred or no hundred we 'ill hae him, an'
no let Annie gang, and her no half her {
"Are ye meanin' it, Drumsheugh?" '
and Mac Lure turned white below the
"William Mac Lure," said Drums
heugh, in one of the few confidences
that ever broke the lJurmtheugh re
serve. "a'm a lonely man, wi' naebody
o' »a »in toe cuxo Jjjr living |
or tae lift me intae ma coffin.
"A' fecht awa at Muirtown market
for an extra pund on a beast, or a fihll
lln' on the quarter o' barley, an' what's
the o't? Burn brae g tea aff tae
g-et a poon for his wife or a buke for
his college laddie, an' Lachlan Camp
bell 'ill no leave the place noo withoot
a ribbon for Flora. Ilka man in the
Kildruuimie train has some bit in bis
pooch for the fauk at home that he's
bocht wi' the siller he won.
"But there's naebody tae be lookin'
oot for me. an' comin' doon the road
tae meet me, an' daffin' (joking) wi' me
aboot their fairing, or feeling ma pock
ets. Ou a' a've seen it a' at ither
booses, though they tried to hide it frae
me for fear a' wud lauch at them.
"Yir the only man kens. Weelum,
that I amce hived the noblest wutnman
in the plen or onywhere, an" a' luve
her still, but wi' anither luve noo.
"She hed given her heart tae acither,
or a've trocht a' micht hae won her,
though nae man be worthy o' sic a gift.
Ma hert turned tae bitterness, but that
passed awa beside the brier bush whpre
George Hoo lay yon sad simmer time.
Some day a'll tell yer ma story, Weel
um, for you atf' me are auld freonds,
and will be till we dee."
Mac Lure felt beneath the table for
Drumsheugh's hand, but neither man
looked at the other.
"Well, a' we can dae noo, Weelum,
gin we haena mickle brichtness in oor
ain hames. Is tae keep the licht frae
gaein' oot in anither hoose. Write the
telegram, man, and Sandy 'ill send it
aff frae Eildrummie this verra nicht,
and ye 'ill hae yir man this morn."
"Yir the man a' coonted ye, D rums
heugh, but ye 'ill grant me ae favor.
Ye'll lat me pay the half, bit by bit—
a' ken yir wull in' tae dae't a' —but a'
haena monv pleasures, an' a' wud like
tae hae ma ain share in savin' Annie's
Next morning a figure received Sir
George on the Kildrummie platform,
whom that' famous surgeon took for a
gillee, but who introduced himself as
"Mac Lure, of Drumtochty." It seemed
as if the east had come to meet the
west when these stood together, the
one in traveling furs, handsome and
distinguished, with his strong cultured
face and carriage of authority, a char
acteristic type of his profession; and
the other more marvelously dressed
than ever, for Drumsheugh's topcoat
had been forced upon him for the occa
sion, his face and neck cne redness with
the hitter cold; rough and ungainly,
yet not without some signs of power in
his eye and voice, the most heroic type
of his noble profession. Mac Lure com
passed the precious arrival with observ
ances till he was securely seated in
Drumsheugh's dogcart—a vehicle that
lent itself to history—with two full
sized plaids added to his equipment—
Drumsheugh and Hillocks had both
been requisitioned and Mac Lure
wrapped another plaid round a leather
case, which was placed below the seat
with such reverence as might be given
to the queen's regalia. Peter attended
their departure full of interest, and as
soon as they were in the fir woods Mac-
Lure explained that it would be an
eventful journey.
"It's richt in here, for the wind disna
get at the snaw, but the drifts are deep
In the glen, and th'ill be some engineer-
In' afore we get tae oor destination."
"A' seleekt the road this morning,
an' a' ken the depth tae an inch; we 'ill
get through this steadin' here, but oor
worst job 'ill be crossin the Tochty.
"Ye see the bridge hes been shakin'
wi' this winter's flood, and we daurna
venture on it, sae we hev tae ford, and
the snaw's been melting up Urtach
way. There's nae doot the water's gey
big, an' its threatenin' tae rise, but we
'ill win through wi' a warstle.
ye mind haddin' then on yir knee till
we're ower, an' keep firm in yir seat in
case we come on a stane in the bed o'
the river."
By this time they had come to the
edge, and it was not a cheering sight.
The Tochty had spread out over the
meadows, and while they waited they
could see it cover another two inches
on the trunk of a tree. Thjre are sum
mer floods, when the water is blown
and flecked with foam, but this was a
winter flood, which is black and sul
len, and runs in the center with a
strong, fierce, silent current. Cpon
the opposite side Hillocks stood to give
directions by word and hand, as the
ford was on his land, and none knew
the Tochty better.
They passed through the shallow
water without mishap, save when the
wheel struck a hidden stone or fell
suddenly into a rut; but when they
neared the body of the river Mac Lure
halted to give Jess a breathing.
"It 'ill take ye a' yir time, lass, an' a'
wud raither be on yir back; but y«
never failed me yet, an' a wumman's
life is hangin' on the crossin'."
With the first plunge into the bed ol
the stream the water rose to the axles,
and then it crept up to the shafts, sc
that the surgeon could feel it lapping
in about his feet, while the dogcart be
gan to quiver, and it seemed as if it
were to be carried away. Sir George
was as brave as most men, but he had
never forded a Highland river in flood,
and the mass of black water racing
past beneath, before, behin him, af
fected his imagination and shook his
nerves. He rose from his seat and or
dered Mac Lure to turn back, declaring
that he would be condemned utterly
and eternally if be allowed himself to
be drowned for any person.
"Sit doon," thundered Mac Lure;
"condemned ye will be suner or latet
gin ye shirk yir duty, but through the
water ye gang the day."
Both men spoke much more strongly
and shortly, but this is what they in
tended to say. and it was Mac Lure
that prevailed.
Jess trailed her feet along the ground
with canning art, and held her shoul
der against the stream; Mac Lure
leaned forward in his seat, a rein in
each hand, and his eyes fixed on Hil
locks, who was now standing up to the
waist in water, shouting directions and
cheering on horse and driver.
"Hand tae the richt, doctor; there's
a hole yonder. Keep oot o't for ony
sake. That's it; yir daein' fine. Steady,
man, 6teady. Yir at the deepest; sit
heavy in yir seats. Up the channel noo,
an' ye'ill be oot o' the swirl. Weel
dune, Jess, weel dune, auld mare!
Mak straicht for me, doctor, an' a'll gie
ye the road oot. Ma word, ye've dune
yir best, baith o'ye this mornin'," cried
Hillocks, splashing up to the dogcart.
"Sail, it wes titch an* go for a
meenut in the middle; a Hielan' ford is
a kittle (hazardous) road in the snaw
time, but ye're safe noo.
"Gude luck tae ye up at Wcsterton,
sir; nanc but a richt-hearted man wud
hae riskit the Tochty in flood. Ye're
boond tae succeed aifter sic a graund be
ginnin'," for it had spread already that
a famous 6urgeon had come to do his
best for Annie, Tammas Mitchell's
Two hours later Mac Lure came out
from Annie's room and laid hold of
Tammas, a heap of speechless misery
by the kitchen tire, and carried him off
to the barn, and spread some corn on
the threshing floor and thrust a flail
into his hands.
"Noo we've tae begin, an' we 'ill no
be dune for an' oor. and ye've tae lay on
withoot stoppin' till a' come for ye, an'
a'll shut the door tae haud in the noise,
an' keep yir dog beside ye, for there
maunna be a cheep aboot the hoose for
Annie's sake."
"A'U d»e <ujythicjf ye wunt aie, byt
"A'll come for ye, Tammas, gin there
be danger; but what are ye feared for
wi' queen's ain surgeon here?"
Fifty minutes did the llail rise aud
fall, save twice, when Tammas crept to
the door and listened, the dog lifting
his head and whining.
It seemed twelve hours instead of
one when the door swung back, and
Mac Lure filled the doorway, preceded
by a great burst of light, for the sun
had arisen.
His face was as tidings of great joy,
and told me that there was
nothing like it to be seen that after
noon for glory, sa\ . ;'ao sun itself in
the heavens.
"A" never saw the marrow, o't Tim
mas, an' a'll never see the like again;
it's a' over, man, withoot a hitch frae
beginnin' tae end, and she's fa n asleep
as fine as ye like."
"Dis he think Annie ... 'll
"Of coorse he dis, and be aboot the
hoose inside a month; that's the gude
o' b«in' a clean-bludded, weel-Livin' —
"Preserve ye, man, what's wrang wi'
ye? It's a mercy a' keppit ye, or we
wud hev anither job for isir George.
"Ye're a' richt noo; sit doon on the
strae. A'll come back in a while, an'
ye'll see Annie juist for a meenut; but
ye maunna say a word."
Margaret took him in and let him
kneel by Annie's bed.
He said nothing then or afterward,
for speech came only once in a lifetime
to Tammas, but Annie whispered, "Ma
ain dear man."
When the doctor placed the precious
bag beside Sir George in our solitary
first next morning, he laid a check be
side it and was about to leave.
"No, no," said the great man. "Mrs.
Macfadyen and I were on the gossip
last night, and 1 know the whole story
about you and your friend. You have
some right to call me a coward, but
I'll never let you connt me a mean,
miserly rascal," and the check with
Drumsheugh s painful writing fell in
fifty pieces on the floor.
As the train began to move a voice
from the first called so that all in the
station heard:
"Give's another shake of your hand,
Mac Lure; I'm proud to have met you.
sfou are an honor to our profession.
Mind the antiseptic dressings."
It was market-day, but only Jamie
Soutar and Hillocks had ventured
"Did ye hear yon. Hillocks? Hoo dae
ye feel? A'll no deny a'm lifted."
Half way to the junction Hillocks
had recovered and began to grasp the
"Tell's what he said. A' wud like to
hae it exact for Drumsheugh."
"Thae's the eedentical words, an'
they're true; there's no a man in Drum
tochty disna ken that except ane."
"An' wha's that, Jamie?"
"It's Weelum Mac Lure himself. Man,
a've often girned that he sud feeht awa
for us a', and mavbe dee before he keitt
that he had githered 111:1 ir luve than
on 3* man in the glen.
" 'A'm prood tae hae met ye,* says Sir
George, an' him the greatest doctor in
the land. 'Yir an liouor tae oor profes
sion.' ,v
"Hillocks, a' wud:* hae missed it for
twenty notes," r i.;ii -i.-ir.. s Soutur,
cynic-in-ordinary to the parish of
Drumtochty. —From "li- -i )e the Hon
nie Briar Bash."
WUothor Arising from Atlilatlc ExerelM
or Exccu. It IK Kqually Bad.
Dr. Tissie, a well-known French
physician, has been studying- the sub
ject of excessive physical culture. He
points out, in Science Siftings, that
there is a similarity between the nerv
notic States. v ' Xi i' rnrtgtt e "W rd tnd
nerves; the muscles simply lose their
power. In violent and prolonged
physical exercise the waste of the body
is rapid and extreme, and at the end
the victim is in a state of poisoning
from the accumulation of waste prod
ucts in his system not yet thrown off.
He is like a patient recovering from
some disease. The muscular overstrain
In the case is like that which results
from such nervous shocks as are some
times produced by violent emotions or
by dreadful dreams.
Dr. Tissie made a special study of the
case of a runner in a "go-as-you-please"
race which continued twenty-four
hours. The first effect of the nervous
exhaustion was a feeling of great fa
tigue, followed by loss of interest and
disgust. Next came phenomena of il
lusion or hallucination, of double per
sonality, loss of memory and great
need of sleep. The doctor claims that
the real aim of every trainer for the
ring is to produce an automatic state in
the one who is to take part in the con
test of physical strength. His whole
Bcience is to transform the man he
trains into a being that will keep on
automatically. Something of this oc
curs in all overstrain from prolonged
physical exercise. The plodding ac
tion which results is akin to the con
stant repetition of the same word over
and over until it becomes a fixed idea
in tije mind. The doctor's conclusions
are that the abuse of athletic sports is
an evil; that the players lose character
and tend to retrograde from intel
lectual volition to an habitual autom
atism. Just as moderate exercise is
irood, so these intensive exercises are
that Tonne Man Again.
"Did you ever pay any attention to
theosop'ny, Mr. Slogo?" she asked, with
deadly sweetness in her tones.
The young man admitted that ho had
"Oh, it is just lovely!" she continued.
"I have often thought how perfectly
charming it would be to send one's
astral self down into the parlor to en
tertain, while one's real tired self was
sou yd asleep."
The ticking of the little clock b-<*ame
so painfully loud that the youug man
was forced to look at it and suddenly
discover that it was really growing so
awfully late. —Indianapolis Journal-
Th* Glorious Kait
"Out in Oregon," said a man from
that state, "the air is so clear that you
can see the peak of Mount Shasta in
California, from the peak of Mount
Hood in Oregon, a distance of two hun
dred and seventy-six miles."
"Here in the east we can see much
farther than that."
"0, come now."
"It's a fact. The moon is two hun
dred and forty thousand miles away,
but we can see it on a clear night."—
He pondered in silence for a moment.
When the ormolu clock had measured
a moment he spoke:
"Darling," he said, "do you think
your father divines my purpose?"
The lovely girl did not ponder at all.
She answered at once.
"Egberthold,"she whispered, "I think
he suspects. For upward of a week
: now he has devoted an hour each after
noon practicing the drop kick with a
bag of sand."—Detroit Tribune.
Moftt Cordial Frtulcnwi.
Mr. Dobbins had been urging a friend
whom he met to come and dine with
him at his home. The gentleman still
hesitated in accepting the invitation,
so Master Thomas concluded he had
best put in a word.
"You better come," Tommic advised
him. "We don't have any great shakes
i of dinners right along, but ma always
i slings herself when we have visitors."—
j JwJffe.
How Farmers on the Plains Can Practice
It to Advantage.
Wherever the irrigation is necessary
to the production of a crop, it will be
j found of great advantage, at the time
| of seeding, to make ditches and fcr
j rows at short intervals, and then to
! so check the water in these ditches
that it may stand in small bodies at a
; level above the general surface of the
! ground to be irrigated. If the water
is held constantly in these small res
ervoirs during the growing season, it
will not be necessary to flood the
ground so often, and if the soil is suf
ficiently porous, it may be possible to
give the crop all the moisture it needs
without surface application. Wherever
this plan Is practicable it has been
found to be of the greatest advantage,
as the ground is kept mellow and fri
able while flooded land becomes so
hardened that plants make but little
growth in it.
If a field has a steep sidehill slope, it
e j/f d c
\ - 'h -
j C <t C 1
j cal ~u r "1
t r '
is best to bring the water into it by a
supply ditch on the highest part, as
6hown at a in the sketch, and conduct
it by a series of dams or drops b, b b b
b, to the lowest part of the field.
Then run ditches c c from above each
drop nearly along a contour or equal
level line of the field, dyking these
ditches up to keep tho water above ac
cidental high places. These ditches
should be permanent They should be
near together at the top of the field,
the intervals widening as they near the
lower edge, as the seepage from the
upper ditches will necessarily make
the ground more and more moist to
ward the lower edge of the field. The
field should be made as* long as possible
along the course of these ditches, and
the ditches shoald be made as near
parallel as the ground will permit, so
as to obtain as large and regular an
area between ditches as possible.
Whenever it is necessary to flood
growing crops an opening can be made
in these permanent ditches at points
where the grade line of the ditch in
tersects a slight knoll. This will pre
rent washing of dykes and the con
sequent digging up of crops to repair
these breaks. From these openings
the water should be conducted in zig
zag oourses, in furrows prepared at the
time of seeding, thus preventing wash
ing. and keeping the water as much as
possible away from the crowns of
plants until it soaks into the soil. A.
headgate d should be placed at the
source of each of these field laterals,
and then it is possible for the fanner
to so regulate the supply in each part
of tho tleld that a sufficient supply
may bo at the roots of every plant,
and very little or no water going to
waste at the ends of the field laterals.
By this method a comparatively small
quantity of water can be made to sup
ply a large area. The system is
simple, and can be applied in many
sections not equipped with regular
Iw rtiivwrww UffduUM.. M
gation.—J. R. Patterson, in Orange
Judd Farmer.
A N't* Industry Now Being Developed by
ProgrAfulTe Farmer#.
The practice of raising food fish for
market has become of late a very prof
itable Industry, and in some parts of
the country is being carried out on an
extensive scale.
The equipment of a fish farm, as It is
called. Is a very simple and Inexpen
sive operation. Land which would be
valueless for ordinary farming may be
used for the purpose, the only require
ment being a plentiful supply of good
running water. The best site for a
farm is a hilly or mountainous district
where the water runs swiftly and is in
terrupted by waterfalls, since this
serves to aerate and refresh the water.
The flsh farms are usually provided
with three ponds, each of which Is re
served for flsh of about the same size.
As the fish grow, they are changed
from one pond to another. The fry la
usually bought at the state or other
hatchery and placed in the first pond.
The food for the fish is the principal
expense. There are a variety of pre
pared flsh foods on the market, bat It
has been found that the flsh fed with
prepared food have a decidedly beefy
flavor. A plan very generally adopted
is that of planting the ponds with an
abundance of fresh* water shrimp.
These grow very quickly and soon pro
vide a plentiful supply of wholeaome
It will be seen that the flsh require
little attention, and the consequent In
come from Buch a crop is almost clear
profit. In the season the product of
flsh farms sells in the market at one dol
lar a pound, and out of season, If the
sale be permitted by law, a much
higher price may be realized. —Scien-
tific American.
The Weight of Hay.
The Country Gentleman says In reply
to a correspondent who a&ks how to
measure a haymow to find the number
of tons of hay: Compact timothy hav
requires about 500 cubic feet to weigh
a ton (considerably more, perhaps 700,
as It is brought from the field), but the
quantity will vary with the pressure
caused by the height of the mow, and
with the age of the grass when cut,
ripe and stiff grass yielding less under
pressure, and requiring more in bulk
to weigh a ton. Stiff, coarse hay will
be found to weigh less than fine and
flexible hay, which will pack solid.
The quantity we have stated is a fair
average for well-settled hay.
THE Russian thistle is said to be very
exhaustive of the very best elements of
the soil.
Husband (with desira to say some
thing pleasant)—Do you know, kitten,
I could recognize you from your style
Kitten —1 should think you oonld,
beeing that vcru have let me wear ttia
g«nxxe tjd rfTylo'fcjr'^'w'^
A Clever French Juggler's
t«t with Cola*.
A writer on the streets of old Parlf
gives in Blackwood's Magazine the de«
seription of a wonderful juggler, who,
must, however, have performed th®
following trick by skill rather than by
He asked the crowd for pennies, thai
is, pieces worth two sous; he put Are o|
them into his right hand, played witix
them, tossed them a few times in th#
air, and then suddenly flung th<»nn
straight up to a height which seemed
above the housetops.
He watched them intently, as they
rose, and as they turned and began to
fall, he opened, with his left hand, the
left pocket of his waistcoat, and held it
open, perhaps two inches.
Down came the pennies, not loosely
or separated from each other, but
what looked like a compact mass.
gazed at them fixedly, shifting his body
•lightly, so as to keep under them—ha
scarcely had to move his feet at all-«
s«d crash: came the pile into his waist*
coat pocket.
lie repeated the operation with ten
jxsnnies, and finally he did It witjj
twenty. Yes, positively with twenty J
It almost took one s breath away to
hear the thud. Never did he i nnu
never did the penni< s break u".rtor
scatter. They stuck to each OL by
Some strange attraction, as if tf. had
become soldered in air There v„ 3 evil
fiently something In the maimer of
figging that made them hold together.
After wondering each time at tho
(Astonishing skill of the operation, I al
ways went on to wonder what that
waistcoat pocket could be made of, to
support such blows. The force, tho
dexterity and the precision of ths
throwing—some sixty feet high, as wels
M I could guess—and the unfailing ex*
actness of the catch were quite amu>
ing. The pennies went up and down in
an absolutely vertical line.
Animals of the Desert That Have No C|«
for Water.
Persons who have given natural his
tory and the allied sciences but littl*
Study have expressed much surprise
upon reading of the number of animals,'
serpents and insects found by the Dr.
Merriam expedition, In the Death
ley, the rainless and waterless district
in southern California. I cannot
says a writer in the St. Louis
as to whether any of the creatures cajfi
tured or killed by the expedition men*
tloned above can exist wholly without
water, but can cite several
mentioned by authorities of high res
pute of animals which seldom or neve#
Blanohard, in his book on Abyssinia*
■ays that neither the Doreas nor thi
Bennett gazelles were ever known ta
resort to the springs, creeks or riven
for the purpose ol drinking. Through*
out Africa the expression: "As dry at
Sahara or an old gazelle" la very aom
mon. Darwin, in his "Voyage of 4
Naturalist," says that unless the wild
llamas of Patagonia drink salt water
"they must not drink at all" All
writers on natural history subjects are
agreed on the point that the largest
and most interesting ksaaofc of the
sloth family never drink. Hayals says:
"They are one branch of the peculiar
animals which never drink water." C.
B. Tartu, as pip 88, volume IX.,
"American Notes and Queries," men
tions a parrot which lived in the Lon
don zoological gardens fifty-two years
without drinking so much as a drop of
water. Somers, Williams, Christian *"4
others doubt whether wild rabbits ever
drink, but Rev. J. G. Wood questions
the correctness of their suppositions.
Creatures which never drink are
Sometime* E»«o Now an Apparently
Worthle** Book Prove* to Be Rare.
Probably the davs are gone by when
a man could even nope to discover la a
enny box an early quarto of a
Shakspeare's play or a rare tract on
America, but for all that literary
"finds" of more or less interest continue
to be made by keen book hunters. Dr.
Qarnett of the British museum tells
how a tradesman at Oswestry had in
bis possession books to which hie at
tached no importance, but which a lady
Informed him mu6t be very rare. They
were submitted to the authorities at
the British museum, who gave a high
Drice for them. One was Sir Anthony
Sherley's "Wits New Dyall," published
in 1004, of which only one other copy is
known to be in existence.
As a rule, offers ol rare books come
from booksellers, who do not always
say how they become possessed of them.
Among the private people who offer
books to the muqe'um for sale are a,
large proportion who think that a.
book must necessarily be rare • because
it is one hundred years old or more.
Before the great catalogue was made
finds were occasionally made in the
museum itself, and even now a volume
will occasionally be found which has
special interest and value on account of
its binding. In other oases a book will
be found to be in a binding made-up of
leaves of some rare work far more valu
able than the book Itself.
The Sentient Typewriter.
Typewriter girls are said to grow
attached to their machines, and to re
gard them almost as much In the light
of living creatures to be petted aad
managed and judiciously disciplined as
the traditional railroad engineers of
fiction do their locomotives to which
£hey invariably refer with the person
al reminlne pronoun. The typewriting
young women declare that their mar
ohlnes are as sensitive and subject to
caprice, and that they know who is
operating them as well as a dog knows
its master, that they will sulk, or per
haps flare up and refuse to work at all,
under unskilled manipulation, and that
they can be soothed into a complacent
and obliging frame of mind agula
simply by the return of their usual
And Shucked, Too.
He—l love you madly, passionately,
fondly—fly with me from your hus
band, or 1 die in this cornfield!
She—Hush. The corn has ears and
will be shocked.—Truth.
The Very B«*t-
Customer (In the book store)— What
la the best book for Christmas?
Clerk (blandly) Pocketbook. De
troit Free Press.
Drawing the Lib*.
Teacher—What Is an agnostic?
Observing Boy—lt's a man wat to'
lleves in 'most everything except re
ll^ion. —Good News.
IJked Them Well Grown.
The Mamma—At what ago do you
oonsider children most interesting?
The Bachelor Friend—Any time after
thirty.—Judge. ' ;
The Bachelor** Joke.
"This," said the bachelor, as he paid
for sewing on a button, "Is what is
meant by single tax." —Cleveland Plain
A* They Taw.
"He says we are so alike he took us
for sisters."
"Just like him! He owes me a
grudge." —Lift*
Nerer Wu Weit.
Veteran—l presume you never heard
an Indian war-*vhoop
< Civilian—2?-a, bat iVe heard bqj i
.No 7