VOLXXXII The CLEVELAND NEW NOVEL. NOBBY The GREAT, SWELL SPECIAL CLEVELAND. An eye opener—A heart tickler. The longer you look at it the sweeter it grows. Popular light weights. See the Cleveland before you purchase your mount for 1895. Never mind what others say, we are ready to supply the trade. V cmember every Cleveland is fully guaranteed to be first class in every © j particular. We have a full line for Ladies, and Gentlemen; Boys and Girls, and All Strictly made. J o o H. A. Lozier Co. CLEVELAND, Ohio. J. E. Forsythe, Ag't. 116 W. Jefferson St. BUTLER, PA. SPECIAL Owinjr to a contemplated change iD our business April Ist.. it becomes necewary that we close oat our entire stock on or before that date—We will therefore place on cale this week ovt-r 2,000 pairs of pants. 1,000 suits nnderwj»iir, 1,200 Men's, 800 Boy's and <>UO Children's suits; 500 Over coats; 1000 Hats; 3')o solid troid Rinjrs; 50 Watebec; 200 Chains, 1,000 Collar and Caff button-; 2,000 Scarf pios; 200 Shirt waists.etc. We here jrive you timely notice of special days ales, and special dis count, so that, you can prepare to take advantage of these sales and secure some ol the bargains. Bargain Days Wednesday Jan. 30—Pants day—2s per cent off, Friday, Feb. Ist Ov. rcoat day—2s per cent, off, • Tuesday Feb sth—Underwear day—2s per cent, off, Thursday, Feb. 7th—Jewelry day—2s per cent off, Monday, Feb. 11th—Hat day—2s percent, off. Special eales on certain lines of goods every day as Ions: as those goods lapt Tbeeo g.Kids not suf j»-et. to Ppeoial dijcoiint . P>nt« forijiur to 6 dollars, special price $1 50 'o *3 30—Men's suits former price f4 50 to sl2 00, special price 250 to 7 50,—Childrens suits, former price 1 to b dollars special price 75c to $3 50, fine gondola Hats former price $2 00 to $4 50. special price from 75c to $2 00—Hoy's aud Childrens Caps, former price 15to 25c. special price Ito 10c—Ufderwear former price 25c, Speciol price 15c—Muffl-rs former price from 50c »o $2 50 special price 25c to $1 25 Don't miss tM« great ss'e- by borrowing money at. tj per cent you can save 27 per cent net, now this may seem strange yet it is true, and if you doobt it Just call around and we will convince you. D. A. Heck, Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, 21 N. Ma in St., Duffy's Etuk, lutHr.Fe KHANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, A rifl everything in horse and btiggy fur nishing goods—Harness, Collars, Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of Horse blankets in town will be tound at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S MAIN ST, BUTLER, PA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham ALP. WICK Pre* «KO. KKTTKKKR. Vice Pres. * L. 6. Br J OKl Ser'j and Vrew>. DiMECrOKH: AltretWick, Henderson Oliver, Dr. W. Irvln, James Stephenson, W. VV. Blackmore. N. Weitzel F. Bowman, H. J. Kllngler Geo Ketterer. i has. ReDnun, Oeo. Renno, John Koer.in.- LOYAL S. McJUNKIN Agent-j Ladies' Muslin Underwear? Wo have opened the fiuest assortment i we have ever offered to our customers. | We have never before shown such bat gains. Newest rtyies in Corset covers ; ranging in price, 10, 2a, 35, 50, 75c and SI.OO. Ladle* and Children* drawer* in nil the newest designs and makes. both ia : tucked and embroidered, price -3. 35. 50, 75c and $1 00 Large variety Lado«s kins, plain, tuoked and embroidered; 50 fi">. 75 • e's.Tufl'siz™- «rd price 60, 65, 75c SI.OO, $1 25 $1 35 $1 75. Come and examine quality and prices before doing yoor spring sewing and *ne If you cannot buy cheaper than you can make. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 8. Main St.. - Butler. HI § ||Tr n MEH. local or travel llu AN I P II tag. to sellmy guaran. VV H IV I t, U teed NUBSEKV STOCK ■ Salary or Commission paid weeKly. Outfit fi«>. speoial attention Iflven to heijliiuers NVor'xers never t*tl to innke rood weekly wages. Write me at once lor par Uculars. E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman Koch inter N. Y, ? Are Your ? \ ? Fresh? / C Everything we have isC / fresh. We guarantee every/ p pound we sell to be the} \ best of its kind there is. \ / We want regular,all-the \ r year-round, trade. Let us C V sell you all you can eat. € i Henry riillei%( ? Opposite P. O. S IST JEW Southside Tlestaurarit No. 211 Centre Avenue, (Whit mire buildiDg,) convenient to P. & W. depot. Open all hoars. All kind of lunches and regular meals. Tobacco and Cigars, fine confectionß and everything to he found in a firnt class R« staurunt Give us a call and w»- will do our best to ac commodate yoQ. W. J. MATES, Manager. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. C.X, D. A business that keeps grow ing through a season oi de pression, such as the country has experienced, is an evi dence that people realize they save money by trading with us. We know, and always have known, the days of large profits are past. Without question we are giving more for the money than last year. Our stock is larger to select from than last year. CALL AND SEE US. Colbert & Dale. It is unnecessary to bore vou with the advertisement of our largest stock, best facilities, biowst 7 CO business, etc. You know we have that. The important an nouncement is, We will Positively save yon Money on your Fall Clothes. Our stock tables are resplendent with the new est patterns. See them. ALAND, TAILOR. Look at This. mm T C y//fi Think of it, a Ladies fine Vici Kid Shoe, in lace or button, six different styles to select from, price $1.25 actual value $2.00. We are going to spring a sur prise on our customers and place on sale a Ladies Kid Button Shoe, Pat tips at 88cts., also a Ladies fine grain button shoe at 88cts.,if you want a pair of these don't delay, they are going fast. We claim to sell the best shoe for SI.OO ever made. It is a gents fine Bufl Shoe in lace or congress and just as much style to it as any $3.00 shoe in the market. Our mens A Calf Congress and Lace shoe at 95cts, needs no mention. We are selling them about as fast as we can get them. All winter goods and Rubber to be sold regardless of cost, TRY. Tie New Sboe Store. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. JOHN W. BROWN C. A. ABRAM*. ABRAMS & BROWN, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance, HCKHITON BUILDt.NO. NKAR COURT HOUSK. BUTLEK, Pa. Insurance Company of North Aui«-rira, 102 d year. Asset* $9,278,000; Homo of N»-w York. Assets $9,000,000; llartford of Ha't ford, Assets $7,378,000; Phoenix ot 8r0..k tyn. Assets $.">.000,000. L. S. McJUNKtN Insurance and *e*l Estate Agent, 17 EABT JEFFERSON BITTI.KR. PA. Hotel Butler J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can tountli day of March, 1 895, »t 9 o'clock a ui.. of s*id day: I Firs; ami final account of oor.« E. liofi man, administratrix of Freder.ck A llo£- j man, deoased, late of Franklin two. •I Final ae' ount ot C. B. Irvine, exeruior of E zaheth McCamlless, deceased, l«!e of Aiems twp. 3. Final sccouut of George Fox, gtti:rdian ot George Knecbt »ud Kmina k>ecui. minor eliilnren ot C. L. Kuecht, deceased, late of Butler iwp. -1. First and final account of John H. Mc- I.urc, guardiau of .lenuie May Btair, minor child <>t Rebecca Blair, deceased, late o; Fairv ew bo ! o 5. Final account of John K. Gilchr si, guardian of John White, minor child • James M. and Kebecca J. White dtceax d, laie ot Venango twp. ti. First and fiual account of Levi Boyer, administrator oi Elizabeth Uoyer, deeea-co, ia:e of Jacksou twp. 7. First and final accouut of Thomas R. HOOD Executor ot George Dawson, decease- 1 , laie ot Ceuler twp. S. Final account ot Walter K. Wick, ao uiiuistiator oi Nan die J. Wick, dtcea.e-1, iaie ot Butler boro. y. Float acc-'Uiit ot Wuj. B Currie, ex<.- ui«-r »d" Georue C. McCaudJeas, deceased, l«i. oi Frank 'in twp 10 Final account of J. i". Douiey, &dioi>> isiraun and trustee ot the estate ot J >tiu N l'urviance, deceased, late of Butler boro. II Fiual account, of J. D. McJuukin, guardian of A. Markle Neymao, minor cniid ot Euieiine Neymao, deceased, laie oi timid boro. 12. Final account of William .11. Wick guardian of William H. McGarvey, irnuor child ol Hubert D. Mctjarvoy, deceased, iau ol Fairvie*' twp, 13. Final accouut cf William Xi. VV id guardian oi Sadie li McGarve>, minor child ol Robert D. McGarvey, deceased, tale o. Fairview township. 14. Final account ot F. P. Critchlow, ad ministrator ot the estate oi W. F. HeusUaw, deceased, late ot Pro-peel b >ro. 15. Fiual acc >uut ol Jouu Reed a imlu istralor of George W. Forsythe, deceased. late of Slippery rock towusUip 16. Final accouut ot James H. Moin.-o Jr.. gdmluisirator ol Daniel Elleby,deceaee'l late of Harrisville boro. 17. Final account ol 11. J. O'Douuell, ad ministrator of Chai le* <->'• ouuell. decease , late ot Clearfield township. 18. Fiual accouut ol Cnarlea W. G -ehring admiuirtraior ol Jono Goetiriug. deceased, tate oi Harmony boro. 19. Final account ot Isaac G Pollard una Ell Keep, executors ot tleury Keep,decease-.: iase ol Fairvi. w twp. 20. i-inai acc .'Uut of Margaret Bei„!ilt.. administratrix of John II Beiuhley, •;< ctased, late ot Eaucaster iwp. 21 Panwl accouut ol L S l.utdiu » iviKur i WesiurujdU, u iiniuistrnuirn ~| vV i iiaui llnriutr, «lt-cc-iscil. late ol Citutou twj> 21. I'artiHi account ol Ji.liu hi,,-u ixtcuior ot K., as staled by Eiuabeiu J. vVeir, adtum isuatrix oi A. 1). VVeir, deceased. Ti). Final account ot A, L>. Weir, guardian ol l.atliariue B. Petsi nger, a minor cund nl Mary Jane Petsiager, deceased lute oi butialo twp.. as slated tty Elizabeih J. VVeir, administratrix ot'A. I). Weir, dece sed. 30 Final accuu.t ol A 1). Weir, guardi n ot tiudsou W. l'ouabay, miuor cuiid o> Samanttia Don a bay, deceased, laie ol tJutiai l»p., as slated oy Elizabeth J Weir, aumn lotralrix ot A. D. VVeir, deceased. 31. Fiual accouut ol A. D. VVeir, guardian of F iwp., as staled by Elizabeth J. Weir, aatutu isiratrix ol A D. Weir, deceased. 32. Filial account ol A. D. VVeir, guardiai ol Doily liouabay, tuiuor cbild o; Sauinuiii- Donabay.decea.-ed, late ot Butl.ilo ncp , as Stated by Elizabeth J. VVeir, administratrix ot A . D VV eir, dtceased. 33. Filial account ot Sarah Rodger*, ad ministratrix ol fuotilaa KoOger s, ueceu.-e , ■aie ot Fairview iwp. 34. Final account of J. H. Curottiers, a - ujiniotrator cl Jmnts Armstrong, decent- , late ol Cherry iwp. 35. Final aecouut of Win. S. Casbduiiai. guardian ol Waller 11. Glileiauu, tniuv child of John C. UitleUnd, aecfeaaed, lale «. Adams twp. 36. Final account of Jobu W. (iillt-y atlmistralor of HiWillon Utlleapie, aerea.-iO late ol CouuoqueDesslug twp, 7. Final account ol Ueorge It. Greeu, ad n. mutilator ol Ou?e Isabel U>~eeu, decea-eii, ikle ol Allegheny iwp. IW Fiuai account ol Jacob Keck, auini.. ■strator C I'. A.; U B N ;ol Joseph Aliusit Sr., deceaaed late ot Oaaiand twp 39. Partial account ot Lewis Nortueiui executor ol Cti!lstiua tiaoler, deceased, iai. ot Donegal twp. J.S WICK Rrfc' Widows' Appra semenin. The following widows' appraisements ol personal property set apart lor the btUetii o be widows ot decedents tiave been tileo in the office ot the Clerlt ol Orphans' CVuu ot Butler county, viz: Widow ot Th»mas Donaldson $ S K t> • " Win Lutz 300 IA» 11 John G. Kauss 3UO Ou W. 11. Hit 300 (XI " William J. black 90 " Jas. Sellers 30tj o>' " Jesse Kice, Br 300 0J '' J.C. shanor 42 5enienU> will take notice mat they will (>e prnenitd tor continuation to the Orphans' . Court ot Butier county, Pa., ou the 9th day of March. 1895, and it no eicepuons be tiled they will be confirmed absolutely. JOSEPH CIIISWEU,, Clerk O. C WEAR HAHMERSLOUGH BRO S Famous New York, tailor-made CLOTHING For sale by prominent dealers all over the State. None genuine without Hammerslough Bro's label. The swellest and best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask your clothier for them. Save 20 Per Cent, By bringing your dyeing an cl aui-'U di- I rect to our place. We have done awav with j our agents and propose giving our patrons ! the benefit. Come and bring your work and i we can tell you just what can he done to it, thus avoiding the mi«under<