Bickels Great .Sample and Grand Clearance Sale of a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Having purchased two complete sets of Sample Boots and Shoes at a greatly reduced price from leading manufactures together with a big stock of high grade footwear which I have picked out of Stock and placed on our Bargain Counters, to be sold during the next two weeks, at less than half their real value, will place on record one ot the greatest slaughters in Boots and Shoes ever known of in Butler County, and EVERY Man, Woman or Child who attends this great great reduction sale will not only be a regular customer of ours in the future, but will show the shoes to their neighbor—So well pleas ed with the bargain they received at BIC-KEL'S that the neighbor will be a customer also. NOTE THE PRICES. i lot Mens fine Sample Shoes regular price $4 go at $ 2 I lot Mens Working Shoes " " 250 " 125 1 lot Boy's Fine Shoes " " 2 75 " 1 5° I « ii u U " " 200 " 100 I lot Ladies Hand Turns —Sizes 2\ to 4, all widths regular price $3 50 and 4 00 2 00 1 lot Ladies heavy sole dress shoes regular price 300 " 175 1 lot ladies fine shoes at $1 00. Infants shoes I lot Misses and Childrens school shoes, 75 c * s - Misses fine dress shoes $ 1 00. 1 lot mens box-toe boots, sizes broken at $2 5° 1 lot Boys Kid Boots Double-sole and tap at $1 25, sizes 1 to 5 50 pair mens storm king boots (hip boots) all No. 10 and 11 regular price $4 00 go at $2 00. 75 pair mens short Boots (rubber) regular price $2 s°g° a * $ 1 -^5» sizes 10 and 11. 100 pairs ladies gum boots go at $1 25. 500 pairs ladies fine specialties, rubbers in heel and spring, worth 50c go at 35c. Full stock of mens and boys felt boots —ladies and mens arctics and alaskas—also ladies felt and warm lined shoes —Boots and shoes made to order—Repairing neatly done—Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Large and complete stock of rubber goods, at reduced prices. When in need of anything in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL, 128 B- St. Butler- J ewelry-Sil verware- - Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Dutty Block. ign of Electric Bell and Clock. ODD HID-WIKTER SALE HAS OF ,o Boots, Shoes and Rubbers t. .Indicates the possession of ex -1 II ceptionally attractive qualities. 11l Our stock is praised by all be- I cause it is the best and is sold at J I jT~j prices that you pay elsewhere for .j In looking over this stock w . <=rr. jfind many line? in which the sizes arc broken. These we are going to close out at Greatly reduced Men's Good, Solid Boots, tap sole, at $1.40; Men's Working Shoes goat 75c, 90c and $1.00; Men's Fine Shoes at 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. For 85c will sell you a good, solid grain Button Shoe, sizes 3 to 8; Ladies' Fine Button Boot, pat. tip, at 75c; Men's Rubbers 45c; Ladies' Storm Rubbers at 25c. See our Ladies' Solid Oil Grain Button Shoes at 90c. All Slippers now at about hall their value. One lot of Ladies' Fine Dongola Welt Button Shoes reduced from $3 to $2. One lot Ladies' Fine Dongola, New York make, from $3.50 to $2.10. One lot Fine Hand-Turns from $3 to $2 and $175 and many other lines in same proportion. Boys' Shoes 75c snd SI.OO Boys' Boots 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. Try us and see how your DOLLARS will grow. B. C.HUSE^LTON. Opposite Hotel Lowry. JSL A Summer Drive ' oses a measure '* s pl easui ' carriage is less W urious, easy running and h.i '.Jsome than it might be. Fredonia Buggies have nothing but good points. They're the handsomest vehicles you can get—are as strong and secure as they're sightly. Ask and insist that you sec them at your dealer's. Made by FRELONIA MFG- CO., Ymmgstown, Ohio, Robt. Lewin, WBOLBBALB WHISKEY MERCHANT AND IMPORTER OK FINE Wiass LiQUoas, I3C Water St.. (Opposite B. Jt O. Depot.) PittHbnrn, Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, FOR MIDICAL AND FAMILY USE SI.OO per Qt., or (> Qte. for sr>.oo-$ r>.oo - Golden Weddinjr, Dooifherty, Guckenbeimer, Lorge Gibson, Bridgeport, lit. Vernon, Ore.rholt, etc. This is the only house not rectifying in the city,there fore our good* are warranted pure. Goods secure ly packed and boxed wit hout extra charge. 0. 0. D and uiail orders receive prompt attention. Grandfather's choice 3 year old, $ll.OO per gallon, 'i'ry us. W. L. Douglas S3SHOE a. CORDOVAN, FTOJCM AENAMCU.ED CALT. m2L w4.*3.sp FINE CALF &KAHGAJ«KI JHf 3.50 POLICE.3 SOLES. 1 EXTRA :»2>l 7= BOYSSCHOOLSHOEi FOR CATALOGUE * BROCICTON./ 1 tollotei Lowry BUTLKH. HA. A 1 1 /IM I I M tn j iij ICcMATSJRADE COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For. prompt answer and an bonept opinion, write to MISN «* MSI • it saved Di'- .from a life of untold aeony, and shall! take pleasure in speaking only words) £5 [of praise for the wonderful medieine, ana in recommending it to all. ):S § iTreatise on Blood gj , and Skin Diseases K\j|S BfClmips |i yy| oyg J SWIFT SPECinC COMPANV, g S \m imssimtiMmmmm / Remedy £ J \ W~ Which. J Youngs / " Safety to / )"i Wit Life of I Wives sr 5 "MOTHERS' FRIEND" j < Robs confinement of its Pain, Horror and) ( Risk, as many testify. ( / "My wife used only two bottles. S / She was easily and quickly relieved; \ /is now doing splendidly.— / \ J. S. MORTON, Harlow, N. C. t } Sent bj express or mail, on receipt of price, J V |i y>er bottle. Sob! by all Druggists. Book 1 i " To Mothers" mailed free. V \ BBADFIELI) REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, tia. \ A White Crow Is ■eery rat-, rx> is a perfectly I'U'i' \\ liir-key. How no you to kii 'wwh ii it ] ■ really safe and puie? 'I.L-: dm s i!..t always reveal t! •• hid 'fiie best way is t<> buya I ran ii: .! h reached It" • 11ji :n II v i.. public appro-. I ■ .. p rtWhis ke,\ 1.. • n !ly tried tn tit • . -i i : lc Judg- Illi i in i OMurlnc •II ; u« -..i11y fall t" .. n.. . 10. It is •baolati :>• BUM • .'lit years old, smooth. mid just riKlit for medi cinal, family '>r sticlal us- 1 . Full Quarts, $1.00; Six Quarts, $5 00. Mnil and express orders shipped promptly,and we pay express charges on all orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. Fleming <& Son. 413 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURG, PA Complete Price Lists of Wines and Liquors mailed free. f -\ DOCTORS LAKE W I TCI TE DISPENSARY. •JLV JSJ COR. PEN* AVE. ANL» FOURTH ST.. PI TTSbUiiGH, PA. [ \ A tllorii! sot Delicate and Com !>itc..»tcci l)"e.HrcqiiiilngCoN- Fti'KNTl AL anii St :: NTIHC Med c ic:ttion arc treated at tins I»i:=- .•» ary with a '.iccpk •••rely attained. I>r.B. K I a\o is •• mr ml»er oT the .il ( <»lb of I'hy 4i". ins and Sinv *nd i- 'in <>! U*>t and most >\JKt-icnced M'ECIALIS. .n ihec : ty Spec'alat t'ution i*\ven to N .voi: I). bilit\ ercessivc 1;. ral "MTtion, 'mi. rrotion of jonth,etc Mcaus r. i»h> ica! and mental «!" r.>*,lack «>f energy, I ivon '.ancy, etc.; Old Ffia, 1 '«• . and all R l \ICSLOOR i.N'N A* 1 AND4TIISX .I'iTTßill KGII.J'A « . *■.. » -■ j <;-3 "j *' V * ""trJC irest rye • win - , i Soap Jmiilnr-. I , 1-- '■ i W | V»'.v - .1 -Crt, »;ic. >*. SL i. (i CO* i A+u i; X'uiu., ra» - ! THE CITIZEN. A Strange Tale. The strangest thing that has come to light in Bellevue Hospital New York since the finding a few years ago, of a set of false teeth embedded in the heart of a wo man who had died suddenly, was revealed 011 Monday, December 24th, in an opera tion performed on John Scanlon. Scaulon came to Bellevue the previous Saturday morning, suffering with what every one, including himself, supposed to be a bad dislocation of the left elbow joint. When be was operated upon Monday, however, the doctors pulled from his forearm, in pieces from half an inch to a foot and a half in length, eleven feet ot lead wire one sixteenth of an inch in diameter. Scanlon is a brawny machinist, 30 years old, in the employ of the East River lead company. Until Saturday he had charge of the ma chine that makes the wire found in his The machine is essentially a steel box, from which molten lead is forced through an aperture or die, one sixteenth of an inch in diameter, by hydraulic pressure of six hundred tons. The stream of lead be fore it reaches the air hardens into a long thin wire which is afterwards wound on a wheel. At times the aperature becomes clogged and the stream of lead stops. When this happens the attendant seizes the wire in his hands and sets it going again by a sharp pall. Scanlon was at work Saturday morning and the machine clogge d, tte reel went on turning ond broke the wire about ten inch es from the die. Scaulon. reached over as usual, caught hold of tho wire and gave it a smart pull. Suddenly there was an ex plosion in the metal receptacle. The whole machine was enveloped in steam, and Scanlon was knocked senseless. When he regained consciousnes he was in ail am bulance on his way to Bellevue. The man's arm, which gave him some pain, was examined by the doctors who said that his elbow was out of joint. There was a little cut about two inches long extending across the arm about three inches above the wrist, but under the cir cumstances no attention was paid to it. The usual practice tor putting the elbow bones back into place was resorted to, but the pain in the arm did not cease. Sun day morning a more thorough examination was made and what was thought to be bits of broken bono could bo felt about the joints. It was decided that Scanlon bad a compound fracture of the upper part of the bones of the forearm, and a time was set for an operation Monday moring. Scanlon was put under the influence of ether. Dr. Kathbone, assisted by the houßi* staff, itarted the operation. The knife with which the surgeon commenced to cut away the flesh that covered the bones had hardly penetrated the skin when it struck against a foreign body that the surgion's delicate touch detected to be metal. L'pon further cutting eleven feet, or more exactly, 134 inches of lead wire was brought out The wire was coiled and tangled together and broken into many pieces. Part of it was lodged between .the two bones of the forearm, but the most was embedded in the big muscle there, and in small bits about the elbow joint Scan lon's arm was evidently bent when the ac cident occurred, and the elbow joint stop ped the wire, which had shot out of the machine under the force of the explosion and penetrated the arm where the little cut was found going on by its own momen tum. Scanlon was much relieved by the removal of the wire, and is now getting along well at the hospital. The muscle ol the forearm was considerably cut up by the wire, but will heal quickly and the arm will be as good as ever. llclitj in Six Hours —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the '.New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness iu relieving pain iu the bladder, kidney, tiack and every part ol the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water anil pain in passing it almost im mediately. If you want quick relief aud cure this is your remedy. Sold by J. C. Kedick druggist Butler Pa —Last Saturday Amos Mingle aud David Ross, of Illair county, with six chilcren, drove to Centre county to attend the funer al ol a relative. On their return home the team became lodged in a snow bauk and could not be extracated. The two men went to a farm house for assistance, aud when they returned they loucd the six children frozen Miff. They were takeu to the nearest house and put in ice water to draw out the frost. The children were all lt\ing that night, but in a bad condition. —All those who have used Bpxter's Mandrake Bitters speak very strongly in their praise. Twenty-live cents per bot tle —This advanced woman's movement is traveling too rapidlyand and there is no telliug where it will end. In an Eastern eourt a husband complained that the wife did not contribute to his support. In an other instance a girl abducted a young man aud is now a defendant in the courts, while in Massachusetts a girl cashier has disappeared with $2,000 of her firm's mon ey. When will it end? —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist Butler Pa. —At Orlanda,|Fla., there is no longer any,question about the powers of endur ance of orauge trees. They have survived the recent severe cold which gave a tem perature of 18 degrees above zero. All doubts of them not having lived through have been dispelled by the warm weather of the past lew days. The dead leaves are falling rapidly, and in some instances new buds are appeared. —ltch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cured in 30 minutes by Wooll'ord's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. C. Redick, drug gist, Butler Pa. —The Japanese are fond of bathing. In the city of Tokio there are 900 bath hous es, in which a person can take a bath, hot or cold, for a sum equal to one half penny. ln case of hard cold nothing will re lieve the breathing so quickly as to rub Arniea«& Oil Liniment on the chest. ™ —Mrs. Sarah Peters who lives in Brady's Bend died under peculiarly sad and ter rible circumstances Friday morning, Jan 18th. Uer children went to school as usu al that morning and on returning home «t noon found their mother lying on the ll ior in front of the grate on her back cold aud stitf in death. Dr. Slaugenhaupt was sum moned and an investigation revealed the fact that ilea'h had resulted from her own hand by the most unnatural method which produced, it is thought, paralysis of the j heart through a sympathetic action lor the atleeled organs, from which death resulted by natural laws, almost instantly. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon j the system i.-. remarkable aud mysterious. ( It removes at onee the cause and the dis- ! ease immediately disappears Th« lir.-t 1 d***is iirealty heuetits. <-> ct* !»_• .1 i' ; It.-.iiik, driiggi-t. But er Man* glai-8 ornament* tound in -! c in tomb- contain -mall objects or im.»g«s in the interior. How the ornaments were msde is still a mystery. | Boston Baked Beans. Any one can have nice baked beans if he secures a bean pot and follows these directions; First, get yonr beans. The large red kidney variety is largely used, but the small white pea bean is more gen erally popular. One quart of beans is sufficient, when cooked, for two meais for an average fami ly. They should be soaked in cold water lor an hour or so. Then salt and pepper should be added, together with half a tea spoonful of mustard and hall a teacupful of molasses. The molasses gives the beans adt licious flavor. and, at the same time, it is not too pronounced, nor is it possible to detect the molasses. When the beans are in the pot, half or three-quarters of a pound of salt pork, well streaked with lean, should be placed on top, and then enough warm water poured into the pot to just cover the beans. Beans .should be baked in an oven of even temperature for either a day or night, or, in other words, about twelve hours. It is better to bake them in the daytime, lor then they can receive more attention. As the water gradually evaporates more should be added, so that they wi'l not be so moist as to become mashed or broken. The pot cau remain in the oven, where it will simplj- keep hot. tor an indefinite time without inju r y Beans should be served in a covered dish. Boaus that have been left over are delicious warmed up in a stewpan with a little water added, and many bean epicures think the more times they are war.ned over the better they are In a number of X«w England towns the local baker bakes beans for hall the town. Saturday nights the pots are taken to the bake shop, where the baker marks each one with the initials ol the owner and places them in his big oven. Xext morning the owners call for them and pay the charge of 10 cents, and invest 10 more in brown bread. It is an amusing sight on a Sunday morning to see a lino of citizens going from the bake-shop to their homes, each with a bean pot on one arm and a loaf ot brown bread on the other. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos ively Cured by adrcinstering Dr. Haines "Golden Specfic : . It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ot coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or aa alcoholic wreck. It has been given ia thousands of cases, aud in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with tho Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility tor the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot particulars lree. Addrets, (joldeii Specific Co.. 185 Kaee St.. Cincinnati! O —Paul J ones made a wager in Boston, Mass., last January that he would start from Boston without a stitch of clothing on his back or a cent of money and travel around the world in 12 months, and make $5,000 on his trip. With a suit made out of newspapers he made the start from Bos ton, going to Europe, traveling eastward. On the 12th of January he landed at beat tie, Washington,having $4,700 in cash and a month to make his way across the con tinent and pick up the three huudred in order to win the wager. Jones as he is called is a graduate ol Harvard College, of fine appearance a fluent talker and would attract attention anywhere. He had a very exciting trip tall hrough, blacking shoes, selling papers, lecturing and in fact doing anything to earn money in order to win his wager When he made his start from Boston, six cf his friends placed him in a room, taking all his clothes from him and then going out leaving him to make his preparation s, whey they returned he charged them one cent admission, and thus obtained money enough to purchase newspapers to make a suit, and in this un ique dress, sold papers until he obtained sufficient money to purchase some min'lla paper and make a suit of that, which he has with him yet. —Buens Ayres will soon witness the completion of the largest opera housr Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure, it is a peer less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left | Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. ] One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. —A decapitated snail, kept in a moist place, will in a few weeks grow a new bead, quite as serviceable and good look ing as that which was taken away. t££ E T* MEM, local or travel ' . Ha I k 11 lug, to sellray guaran, WW <4 I L UteeJ NCIISRKY STOCK WW T-» « i " S;llar y (| f Commission paid weekly. Outfit tree. Special attention given to Beginners. Workers never tail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for par tlculars. £ 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman Rochester N. Y. MeCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE 1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any case of heaves in horses in forty days, u*ed according to directions, and if it does not do hat I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid aud no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J MCCANOLBSS, Butler, Pa., 1893 UR. A. J. MCCAKDLKSS: On the 2nd day of April, 1992, I com menced to use your new cure for one ol i:y lorses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I quit givin the med \c\ne and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and I feel stislied that he is properly cured. W. C. CaiswKLL, Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893. A J. MCCANDLKSS: I have used your Heave Cure and found it will do the work if used accordng to di rections Yours truly, J. K. Mi MILLIS. HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, BUPKKKKDES PAINT AND VAKMSH. Can be applied to any smooth surface.on furniture, wood, glass, any kind of metal including kitchen utensils. Makes old articles look new and is much used on bicycles, carriages, stoves, etc. Requires only one coat, is applied cold with brush and dries absolutely hard and glossy in 2 hours- will not crack, chip, blister or rub olf. Sample bottles sent on receipt of pr ce. 2 ounces 15c, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40e. West 038r Pari P.'iatia} 1 nk Co., 4 NKW KKAUK. ST.NEW YOR AGENTS WANTED. AFTER «LL OTHERSFAIL DR.LOBB 339 N, FIFTEENTH ST., PHILA., PA. Thirty years continuous practice In THE cure of aft diseases of turn anil women >"O matter wtm*. «use or ho , ,V.N i standing. I wilt autiranlte A cure nc-Pago Clotb-JUouud liuuk iiwuleU) aud mailed '• AND STILL, jf THEY GO •. * DOWN! Despite the unfriendly elements,the happy throng still crowds our place for '"Bargains." They know—the people do—that our strokes are merciless and our cuts are deep. W hen we say our goods are cheap we do not mean "cheap goods." Some Additional Surprises: 35 cents Fine Black and Colored All wool Henriettas, 38 in. wide, rea value 50c per yard. 4:3 cents Black and Navy only,fine wt Serges, 46 in. wide, real val 60c per yard. Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman SUCCESSOR TO RITTER & RALSTON. DIAMONDS RINGS. KAR RINGS. STUDS. WATCHES yc.ENTS 1 ' KN rs' SI LVER. LADIES' CUATI.AIN. V TT* TT® T C 2 XT I Gold Pins, Ear Kings, Rings, J £j f/a Ha *--■ ir* x / Chains, Bracelets. Etc. YT TTTT» » t*r a K*) Tea Sets. Castors. Butter Dishes and Everythlns ■3 JL KM V J£a JtV w ii XV SiM ( tUat can he found in a first class store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 } PORK9 - spoo T n RW plate. T? TIIE H(. MIVII-yD, JEWELER. No. 139,"ftorth[Main St., B JTLEfi, PA., The?place*tofbuy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is ai W. II ( )" I {rieii & Son's 107 East Jefferson Street. "A FAIR 7ACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO OcOLO r HMD ISi Ely's Cream Balm is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the nostrils it M _ quickly absorbed. It cl auses the head, alUiys injlammation, heals _ _ L|[ A the sitres. Sold by drueiqi*ts or sent by mail on receipt of price. L [jn 3UC EIY BROTHERS. 56 Warn Street NEW YORK. JUU Sarony's Living Pictures, A High-class Monthly Magazine of Reproductive Art. Every number is a portfolio of fascinatingly beautiful pictures; every picture rep resents the work ot some famou-t painter, or is an original composition by the great Sarotiy: in all, the lignres are from livintr models after photographs bv Sarony, repro duced with wonderful tidfiity and effectiveness For sale by all newsdealers at Beginning with the Februarj- number, the title of tho Magazine will bo changed to SAKONT'S SKKTCH-BOOK 25 Cents a Copy. SB.OO a Year A copy ot Bouguereau's masterpiece* "Cupid on the Watch,'' will for the prosent b® sent as a premium to every yearly subscriber. A-E. CHASMAR & CO-. Publishers, 34 Union Square. N. Y. SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, until further notice, i he fo.'lowing goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance ot 20c per gallon tax by the government: AA. pure rye, 2years. $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 years, $2.25; Old Cabinet. 4 years. $2.50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rj e, 5 years, $3.50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallou; Hauni.-ville, Dough erty, Monticello, 12 years, $3.50 per gallon. California wines, dr, and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my own importation. Sherry and Port wine, from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also tha finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A. AXDKIESSEX. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. Ail orders by mail promptly attended. No extra churgo for packing. Telephone 549. tWhat Nerve Berries i have done for others VfCOR OF 15TH DAY. MEN Easily, Quickly \ and Permanently Restored, sothdat. A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and strength to the sex ual organs. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful eriorsorexcessive useof tobacco.opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having I the genuine KERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, £>'.oo per box, six boxes, one full treatment, J55.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send tiiem by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to AMERICAN MEDICAL CO., CINCINNATI, 0. Hotel Williard. Reopened and now ready for the ce'turn odation of the traveling pub lic. Everything ir> firet-?l»8- i-'tie. MPS. MATTiE REIHING, Owner j M H BROOKS, Clerk. ()G cents Black and Navy Serges and Henriettas, 46 in. wiae.Fine qual ity, all-wool; regular price of [these goods $1 per yard. 75 cents For fine Serges, Henriettas,&c, in black and colors. The real value of this lot, $1.25 per yard. VITALIS urS" * Well vTmus* THE GREAT gpth Day.^ FRENCH REMEDY I'roducffi ll»e Abov** K.-suits in .*lO Daja. ll uct3 powerfully ami quickly. Curtis when all others fail. Youns men will rrprain their lost mmr hood, and old m n w ill recover their youthful vipor by usinsr VITALIS. Itq \ ickly and mi rely re* stores Nervousnos.;. Vitality, Itr potency, >.i-htly Kmth i« :ia, L.ost Power, K;vi' mg Mem j ory, Wasting Diseases, and alt eftecis of self I ahuso or excess and indiscretio'i. Wards off 1 insanity and consumption. In> .s # . on having I VSTALIS, no other. Can lv. curried in vest pocket. !>y mail. 91.00 pr p:.el:age, or si* for 1 85.00, with a positlTe wrlUjn guarantee to cure lor refund lis* money. (>;-i'ulai free. Address CALUMET UKIIKItV COiII'ANV. Chicago, 10. For Sule ai City Pharniflcy. WHAT IRON WILL_D°. IIS NATURE'S OWX TONIC Stimulates the appotito and pro duces refreshing sleep. 6IVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSiNQ R MOTHERS. Checks wasting diseases, stops night sweats, cures incipient consumption. Increases stren&ih and flesh. j MAKES KED, RICH BLOOD, i Promotes healthy lung tissue- Will give the palo and puny tbo rosy cheeks of youth. CURES ALL FEMALi COMPLAINTS. -A.™ Mokes strong men aad wouicaof weaklings. GILMORE'S IRON TflffiG PILLS | Care a!'. Wasting Diseases and their sequences, I BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. They ure neither styptic nor caustic, and hnve no coagulating eject on the contents c. liio storimoh or ito litiins:; consequently < .> not hurt tho teeth or enuso constipation or diarrhoea, as do the usual forms of Iron U/ .' iyn treatment 50e. pamphlet free. II x_o. .cpt by your J ( from any injurious substance. Ihla. M Liras isr;«"3 ar:?:iB. We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money. Price *3.00 |>«-r bullta. Send 4c forlMatisa tuljium' ' Clearance Sale AT D. T. PAPES, # GREAT BARGAINS TO BE HAD NOW. 122 S. Main St., BUTLER. DON'T DRINK Any but pure whiskey. A good stimulant is the best medicine to keep in the house, es pecially at this season of the year. The grip has made its appearance and physicians gen erally unite in saying that precautionary measures are necessary. Brace and tone the system with a pure whiskey, such as KLEIN S SILVER AGE RYE. This whiskey has been on the market for over a quarter of a century, It is guaranteed to be tree from all deleterious substances,mel low and old. The leading whiskey of the country. KLEIN'S DUQUESNE RYE Contains 92 per cent rye and 8 per cent bar ley combined in all the essential qualities ne cessary to nourish and build up the enfeebled system. - KLEIN'S BEAR CREEK RYE Is the finest, six year old, Pennsylvania'pure rye on the market, guaranteed free from fusil oil, heavy in body, and palatable to the taste. These whiskies all bear the fac-simile signa ture of Max Klein as a guarantee of purity, and are sold at the uniform prices of $1 50, $1 25 and $1 00 per quart respectively, by all first class dealers and druggists, or they can be had direct from Max Klein, 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa. Send for complete catalogue of all kinds of whiskies, wines and liq uors, mailed free on application. A WINTER'S ENTERTAINMENT! GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NFWS FOR" OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twi ntv-vaBH journal, is the leading Kflpublican Umil\ paper ol the I mlt.i Males ll if a NATIONAL FAMILY TAPER, hlid give's *ll ine geDei»l i•■» - 'he Unit ed States It give* the events of foreign lands in r nutshell Ir* AGRICT7L TUBAL department has no superior in the country, lis MARKET REPORTS arc recognized authority. Separate departments tor THE FAMILY CIRCLE OCR YOUNG FOLKS and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS lis HOME AJ ID SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wives and duMghier*. Its ge>r eral political news, editorial** and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant Hnd t>xi austivo. ■A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and THB i CITIZEN • for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. XThe regular subscription for the two papers is $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BKGIN AT ANY TIME Ad.3rePß all 0 rders to - - N Write votir Tjatne and address on a postal card, send it to Goo. W H Room 2. Tribune B ildinir N<*w Y«»-k Citv and *amole co..v >: r NEW ORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will he mnil»>d to v<>u Hole 1 Ho tier J_ H. FA.vUBEL, Prop'r. Th is house Has been thorough [ly renovated, rt modeled, and re- I fitted vwlth ndw furniture and carpets; has O-JcOTic bells and all other modern conveniences for and is convenient, and desira/ jle a home* to*" strangers as can hie found in 1 iutlo. l' a * El egant sample sww» or use 01 Conr mercial men BUTL£< LUMBER COMPANY Sbipp rs and dealers in Huildin. Materials floutfh anJ dressed Lumber of all kind*, Poors and Windows.J and Mouldings of all kinds. H. E WICK, Manager. Office and Yards, ant I'aunlnitham and MoaroeatreeU.